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Learn the fundamentals of Asset Integrity Management and how to structure and
efficiently implement its key elements using the latest risk based techniques.

AIE’s asset integrity training course can make a WHO SHOULD ATTEND
significant and lasting difference to your asset
The course is intended for Managers, Engineers,
integrity capabilities.
Inspectors and Technicians in the fields of:
 ANALYSE the essential components of a  Integrity & Inspection
functioning IM system  Engineering
 REVIEW major incidents and target learning  Maintenance
to real-life scenarios  Process & Operations
 LEARN key asset threats and how to identify  HSE
and mitigate them
 IMPLEMENT key Integrity services such as From heavy industry but especially:
risk based inspection and pipeline Integrity
 Oil & Gas
 UNDERSTAND the latest risk based
 Petrochemical & Chemical
IM methodologies & techniques  Refineries
 COMPLETE a series of Integrity case studies  Power & Utilities
and gain hands on experience  Engineering
 NETWORK with a variety of influential personnel  Nuclear

Our 3-day Integrity course provides both
Introduction and Major Incident Review
theoretical and practical exposure to the An introduction to the course, its contents and the
foundations of asset integrity management and trainer, followed by an Integrity threat brainstorming
explains how it should be implemented to session and a review of a major incident.
safeguard assets, people and the environment.
Module 1 – Asset Integrity Elements
The course focuses on modern risk based An overview and explanation of the 10 elements
methodologies to manage asset integrity in both making up a functioning Integrity management
newly constructed and aged facilities. It explains system. We explore the importance of each element
and then addresses key threats facing the Oil and how they are interrelated and used to ensure a
and Gas industry and provides both established robust and effective asset-wide IM system.
and innovative practices to safely mitigate them.
• Integrity elements and their dependency on each
Our literature and course content is • History of Integrity elements and their role
completely code compliant and follows the • Importance of integrity elements
latest industry-wide best engineering • Integrity element definition and implementation
practices. We create an interactive learning
environment which analyses asset specific Module 2 – Asset Integrity Life Cycle
threats and previous major incidents from a Targeted at addressing how Integrity should be
variety of locations and operating considered and implemented at different stages of an
environments around the world. asset’s lifecycle. Providing a clear understanding on
how the decisions or actions made at one stage affect
the next.
The course is delivered in 11 intensive modules
which are interrelated and written to create • The Integrity lifecycle
a structured and comprehensive learning • Concept selection and definition
environment. Each module is followed by a • Detailed engineering and design
practical case study where delegates are given • Construction and commissioning
the chance to implement aspects of the training • Operation, modification and maintenance
• Acquisition and decommissioning
with guidance from our expert trainers.

Module 3 – Asset Integrity Barriers

PROGRAM SCHEDULE Introduction to Asset Integrity Barriers and how they are
designed, structured, and maintained to prevent major
(Day 1, Day 2 & Day 3) accident hazards.

09:00 - 10:30 Morning Session 1 • Integrity barrier definition and introduction

• Hard and soft barriers
• The Swiss Cheese and Bow Tie models
• Barrier threats and mitigation measures
12:30 - 13:30 Lunch
13:30 - 15:00 Afternoon Session 1

15:30 - 17:00 Afternoon Session 2

Module 4 – Safety Critical Elements and Module 8 – Pipeline Integrity Management
Equipment An overview of the structure and necessary components
Explanation of safety critical elements, equipment and of a functioning pipeline integrity management system.
the vital role they play in asset integrity. We explore Explanation of key threats, mitigation actions and how to
the methodology to identify SCE and the standards and implement pipeline integrity using a modern risk based
assurance process used to manage their condition and approach.
• Pipeline integrity process and elements
• SCE and operational Integrity management • Pipeline threats and anomalies
• Safety critical element vs safety critical equipment • Pipeline mitigation techniques and overview
• Major accident hazards • Risk based pipeline integrity methodology
• Identifying SCE & performance standards
• Verification, assurance and ICP Module 9 – Key Performance Indicators
An explanation of KPIs and the strategic role they
Module 5 – Asset Degradation and Damage play in communicating integrity performance. A
Definition and analysis of the key degradation and variety of KPI structures are explored in order to
damage threats found in the Oil and Gas industry, and understand how they can be used to maximum effect.
the design concepts, identification techniques and
mitigation actions used to manage them. • KPIs and their function
• Lagging and leading KPI’s
• Degradation, damage and its impact • KPI tiers and setup
• The Bath Tub Curve • Using KPIs to drive Integrity
• Time independent vs. time dependent failures
• Key degradation and damage threats Module 10 – Integrity and Maintenance Build
• Design concepts, identification and Illustrates the key principles involved in developing
mitigation measures and implementing a market leading asset integrity
management system and maintenance solution.
Module 6 – Operational Corrosion Management • Introduction
Explanation of how to establish an operational corrosion • Establishing Approach
management system • Integrity Strategy
• Planning and Data Acquisition/CMMS
• Introduction
• Standards and Recommended Practices for
• Risk Management
Corrosion Management
• Assessment and Performance
• Corrosion Management System Document
• Operational Requirements of a Corrosion
• Monitor and Audit
Management System
Module 11 – Asset Integrity Review Process
Learn how to complete an independent review of an
Module 7 – Risk Based Inspection asset’s integrity management status and how the results
An introduction to risk based inspection, its should be analyzed and presented to demonstrate the
components, benefits limitations and a step-by-step
risk profile of the asset.
methodology on how to implement it.
• The asset integrity review team
• Introduction and the history of RBI • The review process
• Benefits and limitations • Integrity review strategy and preparation
• RBI methodology and implementation • Implementing a review
• Written schemes of examination • Reporting and evaluation of results
• Inspection scheduling
PAYMENT Our Integrity training course is delivered by one of our
Payment must be made in full at time of
Integrity trainers who each have a significant amount
registration. Registration will only be
confirmed once payment is received in of expertise in asset Integrity setup, implementation
full and notification is received back from and management. Our trainers have many years of
AIE. All bank charges to be borne by the practical IM experience and are considered to be
payer. All early bird booking’s must be integrity management experts within the industry;
paid in full before the offer date closes, they have also published a variety of related papers.
otherwise course fees will be charged in
Their skills and experience are fully harnessed to
full and discount will be lost. It is the
responsibility of the attendee to ensure make a lasting impact on our delegates.
that they have an adequate internet
connection as well as audio and
microphone facilities. PRE-COURSE PREPARATION
We target our training to the work environment of the delegates. A
questionnaire is forwarded to each delegate before the course starts and the
Payments are non-refundable in the results are analyzed by the training team prior to the event. This allows us to
event of a cancellation. However, focus on familiar integrity threats and challenges which helps to reinforce
substitute delegates are permitted at any learning and provide practical solutions to real threats.
time by providing advance notice to AIE.
In the event that AIE postpones the
course and the delegate is unable or REGISTRATION
unwilling to attend on the rescheduled Please complete the below form in full using BLOCK CAPITALS.
date, a full refund of monies will be
One completed form is required per delegate. Booking forms and any enquiries
should be emailed to [email protected].
AIE shall assume no liability in the event
of this conference being cancelled due to DELEGATE DETAILS
any unforeseen or uncontrollable
circumstances. Title: Mr Mrs Ms Dr Other _______________________
Company Name
Payment must be made by direct bank First Name
transfer. An invoice will be submitted Surname
within 5 days of making the booking
which will include all bank account and Email
transaction details. Job Title _________________________ Department

Postcode ___________________________ Country

Telephone __________________________ Fax
Name of Department Head
Name of Training Manager

I hereby agree to AIE’s terms and conditions for this training course 󠄀

Signature ______________________________________ Date

Course Title Early Bird Price Normal Price

Asset Integrity Management 1,800 USD* 2,400 USD

Prices quoted are per delegate attending. Team discounts are available on request.

*The Early Bird Price expiry date is as per the training schedule shown on our Online
Training Courses webpage (

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