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Name: __________________ C. You can add more color b.

Muffin method
Grade______Date_________ but cannot take it away c. Creaming method

10. A balanced bread formula is critical 17. For a richer, tender cake-like
BREAD AND PASTRY PRODUCTION for what reason? product, softened fat may be
PRE-TEST a. To keep the boss happy combined with sugar and beaten
b. To ensure we make a until light and fluffy before other
1. The technique of prolonged cooking quality product on a ingredients are added. What is this
of food by dry heat acting by consistent basis mixing method called?
convection, and not by radiation, c. That’s what my mate does a. Biscuit method
normally in an oven, but also in hot d. I like to use all the b. Muffin method
ashes, or on hot stones. ingredients c. Creaming method
a. baking
b. roasting 11. What does "emulsify" mean? 18. The freshly baked muffins are a
c. grilling a. Mixing ingredients in a disaster: They taste soapy and bitter.
d. broiling blender.  They also appear to have
b. To combine fat and a 19. brown spots and an unexpected
2. A basic food made from flour and liquid into a homogeneous yellow coloring. What is the most
water to form dough, it has been a mixture by properly likely cause?
staple food of human nutrition for blending ingredients. a. They were over
thousands of years. c. To incorporate air into a mixed
a. biscuit mixture, which can be b. Too much baking
b. bread done by sifting and mixing powder
c. cake or by beating egg whites c. Too much baking
d. pie to a foam. soda

3. They are often referred to as small 12. What are the stages of baking? 20. Baking soda needs an acidic
flat cakes, originated in France and a. Mixing ingredient in order to release carbon
because have a low moisture b. Gases form dioxide gas. Which of these
content which improves their c. Gases are trapped ingredients will induce this reaction?
keeping qualities. d. Starches harden a. Cocoa
e. Starches gelatinize b. Lemon juice
a. pie
f. Proteins coagulate c. Milk
b. Biscuit/cookie d. Buttermilk
g. Fats melt
c. tart h. Water evaporates e. Vinegar
d. pita i. Sugars caramelize f. Cream of tartar
j. Carryover baking g. Yogurt
4. Used to scrape dough from the sides k. Staling
of the bowl without scratching it. 21. What causes tunneling?
13. Which of the following leavening a. Over mixing
a. whisk
agents are used to make quick b. Under mixing
b. spatula
breads? c. Too much baking
c. wooden spoon a. Yeast soda
d. mixer b. Baking soda
c. Baking powder 22. The banana bread is extremely
5. Comes from cocoa beans, which are d. Baking ammonia dense and didn't rise. What are the
the bean-shaped seed of the cacao possible reasons for this?
tree. 14. Which leavening agent would be a. Oven temperature
most appropriate to use in a low too high
a. vanilla
moisture product with a large b. Oven temperature
b. lemon
surface area, such as crackers or too low
c. Chocolate/cocoa biscotti? c. Old batter
d. vanilla bean a. Baking soda d. Damaged leavening
b. Baking ammonia agents
6. Making Bread is as easy as adding c. Baking powder e. Over mixing
flour, water and yeast and mixing.
a. True a. Baking ammonia releases a strong 23. When using a biscuit or cookie
b. False odor. What temperature must be cutter, you shouldn't twist the cutter
reached for the odor to dissipate? but instead cut straight down.
7. Before we can produce any bread a. 140 degrees F a. True
products b. 130 degrees F b. False
a. We need to have a coffee c. 150 degrees F
b. We must first know how 24. Cake ingredients can be classified as
much is required which of the following?
15. For a flaky quick bread product, you a. Tougheners
c. We must have a cigarette
would cut in solid or chilled fat into b. Tenderizers
the flour. What is this method c. Moisteners
8. The average proofing time will be
called? d. Driers
around 50 minutes
a. Creaming method e. Leaveners
a. True
b. Muffin method f. Flavorings
b. False
c. Biscuit method
9. The golden rule for baking bread is 25. Which of the following ingredients
that 16. For a soft, tender, cake-like product, provide proteins and act as
A. The color should be pale a liquid fat such as oil or melted "tougheners" in cakes?
and under baked butter is often combined with dry a. Sugar
B. Burnt bread looks good ingredients. What is this mixing b. Flour
method called? c. Water
a. Biscuit method d. Milk
e. Egg 35. Which cake is made with whole 47. A pie crust should be rolled ____
eggs? inches larger in diameter than the
26. Which cake ingredients act as a. Genoise baking pan.
tenderizers and interfere with gluten b. Sponge cake a. 1 inch
formation? c. Angel food cake b. 2 inches
a. Sugar c. 3 inches
b. Fats 36. ______ are tall, light cakes made d. 4 inches
c. Starch without fat and leavened with a 48. This starch thickener is preferred for
d. Egg large quantity of whipped egg custard and fruit fillings because it
e. Juice whites. sets up into a somewhat firm, clear
a. Genoise cakes gel.
27. Which ingredients can serve as b. Sponge cakes a. Flour
moisteners? c. Angel food cakes b. Cornstarch
a. Water c. Tapioca
b. Egg 37. Tall cakes, such as Bundt or tube
c. Juice cakes, should be baked at a slightly 49. Cornstarch should not be used as a
lower temperature than thin layer or thickener in pies that are to be
28. What is a genoise cake? sheet cakes. frozen.
a. A classic European- a. True a. True
style cake that uses b. False b. False
whole eggs for
leavening; chemical 38. When baking a cake, the larger the 50. Which starch thickener should be
leavening agents are surface area, the higher the used in fruit pies that are to be
not used. temperature can usually be. frozen?
b. A high-fat cake that a. True a. Flour
uses chemical b. False b. Cornstarch
leavening agents. c. Tapioca
c. A tall, light cake 39. What is another name for flaky pie
made without fat and dough? 51. A prebaked or crumb crust is needed
leavened with a. Pate brisee if you are using a cream filling.
whipped egg whites. b. Pate sucree a. True
c. Pate sable b. False
29. What is a chiffon cake?
a. A cake leavened 40. Which fat should you use for
strictly with whipped maximum flakiness in your pie
eggs, never chemical dough?
leavening agents. a. Butter
b. Similar to angel food b. Shortening
cakes, only more rich c. Lard
and moist thanks to
the addition of 41. Oil is an appropriate substitute for
vegetable oil and egg butter, shortening, or lard in a pie
yolks. crust.
c. A creamed fat cake a. True
that uses one pound b. False
each of butter, eggs,
flour and sugar. 42. What is another name for sweet tart
30. The French word biscuit (bisk-wee) a. Pate brisee
is another word for spongecake. b. Pate sucree
a. True c. Pate sable
b. False
43. You should chill a pie dough before
31. Angel food and chiffon cakes should rolling it out, as it keeps the fat firm
always be baked in greased pans. and prevents stickiness.
a. True a. True
b. False b. False

32. Pans should be filled no more than 44. This starch is somewhat unreliable
one-half to two-thirds full. to use as a thickener, but can be
a. True used in traditional baked fruit pies
b. False where fruit is not especially juicy.
a. Cornstarch
33. When making a high-ratio cake, b. Flour
emulsified shortening can be
substituted with all-purpose 45. What is the French name for
shortening or butter. shortbread tart dough?
a. True a. Pate brisee
b. False b. Pate sucree
c. Patee sable
34. When we're talking about cakes, the
French word "biscuit" refers to 46. A typical pie crust or tart shell
______. should be rolled to _____ thickness.
a. High-ratio cake a. 1/2 inch
b. Sponge cakes b. 1/4 inch
c. Genoise c. 1/8 inch

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