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Aluno (a):________________________________________________________
Série/Ano: _____ ano Data: ____/_____/______

1 - Which of the alternatives below completes the sentence correctly?

Juliet and Romeo in the balcony scene:

"Oh, Romeo, if my brother ______ (1) us together, certainly he _________ (2)

you. Please, go away now.”

a)  will see - will kill

b)  sees - will kill
c)  see - kil
d)  will see - kill
e)  will see - will kill

2 - In the sentence “Everything that is passed on from our ancestors has a

feeling value for us.”, the word us is:

a - a personal subject pronoun.

b - a personal object pronoun.
c - a possessive adjective pronoun.
d - a indefinita articles.
e - none of the above.

3 - Indicate the option where the defined article (THE) is used correctly:

a) the Gulf of Mexico, the North America, the Philippines, the Alasca,
b) the Amazon River, the Andes, the the North America, the Seine
c) the Mississippi River, the South America, the Andes, the Seine
d) the Amazon River, the Hague, the Hymalayas, the Seine

Pay Attention!

4 - Check the alternative that correctly fills each gap in the sentence

I __________ to the Podcast every day, but I __________ listening to it

a - listened – had d - was listening – not
b - listen – am not e - not listen – was
c - listening – was not

5 - Read the sentences and try to find the mistakes.

a) My cat are very cute and beautiful, I love it!

b) They are a really big and lovely family.
c) She is just like her mother are.
d) We's very proud of our brother!
e) Let's saw the game now!

6 - Complete the sentence with the appropriate option:

I _________for the test at the moment.

a - am study.
b - am to studying.
c - am studing.
d - am studying.
e - am studied


What is the main verb tense used in the dialogue above?

a)  Simple Past d)  Past Continuous
b)  Simple Present e) Immediate Future
c) Simple Future

Pay Attention!

8 - Which alternative is incorrect?

   a) I am being evil with my son.

   b) Do I being evil with your son?
   c) Am I being evil with my son?
   d) I am not being evil with my son


What happened at Pearl Harbor?

On the morning of 7 December 1941, at 7.55am local time, 183 aircraft of the
Imperial Japanese Navy attacked the United States Naval base at Pearl
Harbor on the island of Oahu, Hawaii.

The first attack wave __________ bombing the hangars and parked aircraft
of the island’s airfields while at the same time launching torpedoes against the
US warships moored in the harbour.

This devastating attack was followed an hour and a half later by a second
wave of 170 Japanese aircraft. Within two hours, 18 US warships had been
sunk or damaged, 188 aircraft destroyed and 2,403 American servicemen and
women killed.

Adapted from

Choose the appropriate word to ll in the blank.

a) began
b) begun
c) begins
d) begin
e) begined

10 - Na frase “ Ellen lost her little Cat at age 5. " é correto afirmar que:

a) O pronome pessoal é age.

b) O nome Ellen por ser substituído por She sem causar prejuízos ao sentido
geral da frase frase.
c) O nome Ellen por ser substituído por Her.
d) O nome Ellen por ser substituído por it.

Pay Attention!


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