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Program Keahlian : Seluruh Program Keahlian Hari, Tanggal : …..

Kompetensi Keahlian : Seluruh Kompetensi Keahlian Waktu : 07.30 – 09.30 WIB

1. Tulislah dahulu nama dan nomor peserta ujian pada kolom yang tersedia di dalam sudut kanan atas
pada lembar jawaban yang disediakan.
2. Jumlah soal sebanyak 45 butir, semuanya harus dijawab
I. Pilihan Ganda = 40 soal
II. Uraian = 5 soal
3. Laporkan kepada pengawas ujian kalau ada tulisan yang kurang jelas atau rusak.
4. Apabila ada jawaban yang anda anggap salah dan ingin memperbaikinya, caranya adalah
A B C D E diperbaiki menjadi A B C D E
5. Perbaikan jawaban hanya diperbolehkan paling banyak 2 (dua) kali setiap soal.

I. Untuk soal no. 1 sampai dengan 40, pilih salah satu jawaban yang paling tepat dengan memberi
tanda (X) pada huruf A, B, C, D atau E pada lembar jawaban yang disediakan !


In this section of the test, you will have the chance to show how well you understand Spoken English.
There are four parts to this section, with special directions for each part.

Part 1. Pictures
Questions 1 to 3
For each item, there is a picture in your test book and five short statements about it on the tape. They are
spoken two times, and are not written out on your test book, so you must listen carefully. You must
choose one statement – (A), (B), (C), (D) or (E) – that best describe the picture. Then on you answer
sheet, mark your choice.
Look at the picture and listen to the four statements.

Sample answer:

Now listen to the following statements

A. The boy is playing with a remote-controlled car.

B. The man is repairing a car.

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Choice (C) – “The man is mowing the lawn.” – best describes what is seen in the picture. Therefore, you
should mark (C) on your answer sheet.

Now let’s begin with question number one.




Part II. Questions/Statements and Responses

Questions 4 to 7
In this part of the test, you will hear several questions spoken in English, followed by five responses,
also spoken in English. The questions and responses will be spoken two times. They will not be printed
in your test book, so you must listen carefully to understand what the speakers say. You have to choose
the best response to each question.
Now listen to a sample question:
You will hear:
Woman: Excuse me, could you tell me where the bank is?

You will also hear:

Man: A. You can take bus number 57
B. It’s over there, across from the post office
C. Yes, I want to save my money in the bank
D. Pick me up at the nearest bank from your office
E. No, I don’t know how far the bank is
Sample answer:
Choice (B) – “It’s over there, across from the post office” – is the best response to the question, “Excuse
me, could you tell me where the bank is?” Therefore, you should mark (B) on your answer sheet.

Now let’s begin with question number 4.

1. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.
2. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.
3. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.
4. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

Part III. Short Conversation

Questions 8 to 11
In this part of the test you will hear several short conversations. The conversations will not be printed in
your test book. You will hear the conversations two times, so you must listen carefully to understand
what the speakers say.

In your test book, you will read a question about the each conversation. The question will be followed by
five answers. You have to choose the best answer to each question and mark it on your test book.
Now listen to a sample question.
You will hear:
Woman : I ordered a pair of shoes last week. They should have arrived by now.
Man : Maybe there’s a problem with the shipment. Have you checked with the
Woman : Not yet. I’ll phone them this afternoon.

You will read: What will the woman probably do?

A. Get the shoes herself
B. Call the company
C. Cancel the order
D. Check the store
E. Check the email

Sample answer:

Choice (B) – “Call the company.” – is the best answer to the question “What will the woman probably
do?” Therefore, you should mark (B) on your answer sheet.

Now let’s begin with question number eight.

5. What did the man do?
A. Looked for his cousin in Hawaii
B. Had a vacation in Hawai
C. Joined his friends for vacation
D. Asked the woman to search his cousin
E. Went to the woman’s house

6. What will the woman do to help the man?

A. She will submit the documents tomorrow
B. She will revise the documents
C. She will type the documents
D. She will accompany the man
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E. She will print the documents

7. Where will the man be tomorrow morning?

A. At the woman’s house
B. At his own house
C. At the cinema
D. At a meeting
E. At the restaurant

8. What does the woman do?

A. Reserve a suit room
B. Need a reservation code
C. Arrive at night
D. Check in at a hotel
E. Check out from a hotel

PART IV – Short Monologues

Questions 12 to 15

In this part of the test, you will hear two short monologues. Each will be spoken TWICE. They will not
be PRINTED in your test paper, so you must listen carefully to understand and remember what is said.
On your answer sheet, you will read some questions followed by five answers. You have to choose the
best answer to each question and mark it on your answer sheet.

Questions 12 and 13 refer to the following announcement

12. What is informed on the announcement ?
A. a request to return library books
B. the subjects of the library books
C. a compulsory to replace lost books
D. the library administration officer
E. the price list of the books

13. What will happen if the book you borrowed is lost?

A. you will get receipts
B. it should be replaced with a similar book
C. it should be covered by non-colourful plastic
D. the librarian will be fined with a certain amount of money
E. you will get a fine according to the book’s price

Questions 14 and 15 refer to the folowing procedure.

14. What is the purpose of the text?
A. to show the display of vending machine
B. to tell about how to use vending machine
C. to inform the history of vending machine
D. to describe about the shape of vending machine
E. to inform the price of the drinks in vending machine

15. What should we do to choose the drink that we want?

A. inserts some money
B. press “Push” button
C. check the delivery port
D. look at the machine’s display
E. press the price list

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Questions 16 and 17 refer to the following text.

Labuan Bajo, a beautiful town on the westernmost tip of the island of Flores, has attracted
many travelers from around the world to come and see the Komodo Dragon. In addition to that,
Labuan Bajo also has a peaceful, small but comprehensive fishing area and a splendid national
park which covers about 80 islands.
Labuan Bajo is favorably located as the entry port to the Komodo islands. It is easily
accessed by air, land, and sea.
Labuan Bajo is somehow enchantingly romantic for most travelers. The panoramic view
of an island strewn harbour makes an unforgettable experience. The diving experience promises
the travelers the sight of reef sharks, manta rays, school of barracuda, octopi, and a wonderful
array of soft and hard coral. All of these make Labuan Bajo a perfect get-away.

16. What we can conclude from the text?

A. Reaching Labuan Bajo is extremely challenging.
B. Labuan Bajo is also popular far its romantic stories.
C. Only a small number of tourists visit Labuan Bajo.
D. Komodo Dragons are not the only attraction in Labuan Bajo.
E. Labuan Bajo has no attraction to attract many travelers.

17. “Labuan Bajo also has a peaceful, small but comprehensive fishing area and a splendid national park
which covers about 80 islands.” (Paragraph 1)
The underlined word can be replaced by....
A. marvelous
B. cool
C. shabby
D. good
E. dirty

Questions 18 and 19 refer to the following text.

On Wednesday, our school had a study tour to Yogyakarta. We stayed at Dirgahayu Hotel which
is not far from Malioboro.
On Thursday, we visited Prambanan temple. There are three big temples, the Brahmana, Syiwa
and Wisnu temples. They are really amazing. We visited only Brahmana and Syiwa temples,
because Wisnu temple is being renovated.
On Friday morning we went to Yogya Kraton. We spent about two hours there. We were lucky
because we were led by a smart and friendly guide.
In the evening we left for Cilacap by wisata bus.

18. The text above mainly discussed about ....

A. the writer’s trip to Yogyakarta
B. the writer’s first visit to Prambanan
C. the writer’s impression about the guide
D. the writer’s impression about Malioboro
E. the writer’s experience at Yogya Kraton

19. When did they go home?

A. on Wednesday evening
B. on Thursday morning
C. on Friday morning
D. on Friday evening
E. on Thursday

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Questions 20 and 22 refer to the following text.
Mark Elliot Zuckerberg (born May 14, 1984) is an American computer programmer
and entrepreneur. He is best known as one of five co-founders of the social networking
website Facebook. Zuckerberg is the chairman and chief executive of Facebook, Inc. His
personal wealth, as of July 2015, is estimated to be $38.6 billion. Zuckerberg receives a
one dollar salary as CEO of Facebook.
Together with his college roommates and fellow Harvard University students Eduardo
Saverin, Andrew McCollum, Dustin Moskovitz, and Chris Hughes, he launched
Facebook from Harvard University’s dormitory rooms. The group then introduced
Facebook onto other campuses nationwide and moved to Palo Alto, California shortly
afterwards. In 2007, at the age of 23, Zuckerberg became a billionaire as a result of
Facebook’s success. The number of Facebook users worldwide reached a total of one
billion in 2012. Zuckerberg was involved in various legal disputes that were initiated by
others in the group, who claimed a share of the company based upon their involvement
during the development phase of Facebook.

20. Why does the writer compose the text?

A. to introduce a social media networking.
B. to tell the success story of an IT specialist.
C. to launch a famous program on the internet.
D. to inform about American computer programmer.
E. to claim a share of the company based on their involvement.
21. How did Facebook affect Zuckerberg’s life after 2006?
A. he got involved in legal disputes in his company
B. he became a billionaire at a very young age
C. he had developed Facebook by himself
D. he decided to move to Palo, California
E. he became computer programmer
22. “… in various legal disputes …” (Paragraph 2)
Which of the following words is closest in meaning to the underlined word?
A. conflictss
B. provisions
C. agreements
D. preparations
E. reconcilliation

Question 23 refer to the following text.

The Bear and the Two Friends

Once, two friends were walking through the forest. They knew that anything dangerous can
happen to them at any time in the forest. So they promised each other that they would remain
united in case of danger.
Suddenly, they saw a large bear approaching tern. One of the friends at once climbed a
nearby tree. But the other one did not know how to climb. So being led by his common sense, he
lay down on the ground breathless, pretending to be a dead man.
The bear came near the man lying on the ground. It smelt his ears and slowly left the
place. Because the bear did not touch him, the friend on the tree came down and asked his friend
on the ground, "Friend, what did the bear tell you into your ears?" The other friend replied, "He
advised me not to believe a false friend.”

23. “He advised me not to believe a false friend.” (Paragraph 3)

The underlined word refers to....
A. the bear
B. a nearby tree
C. the dead man
D. the friend who cannot climb
E. the friend who climb the tree

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Questions 24 and 25 refer to the following text.
Mr. William Chan
Personenel Manager
Wong and Lim Consulting
PO Box 583, Kwai Chung

Dear Mr. Chan,

I am writing to apply for the post of Management Trainee, which was advertised on the
Student Affairs Office notice board of the Hongkong Polytechnic University on 1 March
My working experience at Lucky Star Garment Manufactory Limited improved my
leadership skills, communication skills and ability to work in a team environment. I have
fluent spoken and written English. I also have fluent spoken and written Mandarin, and can
therefore work in mainland China.
Working for Wong and Lim Consulting appeals to me because it has a good reputation
and it provides excellent training. Your organization produces a high -quality service, and
I can contribute to this with my leadership skills and my ability to work under pressure.
I am available for interview at any time. I look forward to meeting you.

Yours sincerely,
Wong Wai Man Wilfred

24. What skills and personal qualities are required?

A. leadership skills, communication skills and ability to work in a team environment
B. fluent spoken and written Mandarin
C. have known about environment
D. willing to work overtime
E. hard worker

25. “ has a good reputation and it provides excellent training.” (Paragraph 3)
The synonim of the underlined word is...
A. plain
B. regular C.
common D.
incredible E.

26. Jon : Oh, the cat has made a mess in my room again.
Ben : Hmm, ... why did you leave your door open?
A. it’s no problem
B. it’s your own fault
C. are you accusing me?
D. all right. Take it easy
E. what did you expect?

27. Widya : “What do you think about the new rules of school’s hours? I really don’t like the ideas that I
should wake up earlier than before?
Erna : “I don’t know what to think about it. I’m still confused with the announcement.
From the dialogue, we know that ....
A. Erna is against the rules
B. Erna makes the new rules
C. Widya likes the new rules
D. Erna has no opinion on the new rules
E. Widya does not understand the announcement

28. Sophie : Would you like to go to the zoo tomorrow?

Sansa : …
What should Sansa say to refuse the invitation?
A. I’d love to but I’m afraid I can’t.
B. that's very kind of you, thanks.
C. sure. When should I be there?
D. what a great idea, thank you.
E. sure. What time?
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29. Mila : “Hello I need to book a flight to Bali for next week”
Dian : “When would you like to travel?”
Mila : “I have to reach Bali by February 24 ”
Dian : “Is this a round trip? Will you need a return ticket too?”
Mila : “Check that for 28 in the evening”
Dian :”Ok, What would you like to book the ticket then?”
Mila : “What’s the cost?”
Dian : “It’ll be Rp 100.000,-.”
Mila : “Do you accept cards?”
Dian : “Yes, We Do.”
How many days will Dian stay in Bali?
A. seven days
B. eight days
C. five days
D. six days
E. a week

30. Lucy : Many of the participants were disappointed because they expected to have a serious talk
with the minister of women's affairs
Secretary : I know I'm sure that the minister would have attended the meeting if she had returned
from Middle East.
From the dialogue we can conclude that the minister ....
A. is still on tour
B. did not attend the meeting
C. had a serious talk with the participants
D. went to the middle east because of the meeting
E. had been back from her tour before the meeting

Questions 31 to 33 are based on the following text.

US Ambassador to Indonesia Robert Blake celebrated for the first time Thanksgiving Day with
members of the Osing ethnic group in Banyuwangi, East Java, as part of a visit in November. The
visit also marked the International Day for Tolerance, which reaffirms human rights.
Apart from being entertained by traditional dances and typical Osing cuisine, Blake also released
young turtles on Boom Beach. “I’m happy to be able to celebrate Thanksgiving in Banyuwangi. This
will hopefully strengthen international and interfaith harmony, as well as a mutual appreciation of
differences,” he said.
Decades ago, Banyuwangi was only minor regency at the eastern tip of Java serving as a transit point
for tourist going to Bali. In the 1990s, Banyuwangi was notorious for its black magic practices and
protests against the regent. At present, however, Banyuwangi is the only city in Indonesia that has
received the Charter for Compassion from the Compassion Action International for its appreciation of
the values of compassion, humanism and pluralism. With the charter, Banyuwangi is one of 40 “cities
of compassion”, according to the organization.
“The appreciation of pluralism in Indonesia is perpetuated in the Constitution of the state, and this
clearly noticed in Banyuwangi, where Osing culture and traditions are preserved, recognized and
observed,” Blake said, as conveyed by US Consul General Joaquin F. Monseratte.

31. What is the text about?

A. the history of Banyuwangi.
B. the transit point for tourists.
C. the visit of US Ambassador.
D. the entertainment for visitors.
E. the Charter for Comparison from Compassion Action International

32. Why did Blake go to Banyuwangi?

A. to lecture in human rights issues.
B. to entertain people by traditional dances.
C. to mark his appointment as an ambassador.
D. to celebrate Thanksgiving Day with an ethnic group.
E. to appreciate the pluralism in Indonesia and Banyuwangi in specific.

33. “… which reaffirms human rights …” (paragraph 1)

The underlined word refers to ….
A. the visit
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B. Thanksgiving Day
C. the Osing ethnic group
D. the International Day for Tolerance
E. He is fine

34. Steve : Would you like to go camping with us next holiday?

Rodger: … but I have to take care of my mom. She has been hospitalized for a week.
A. I am sorry to hear that
B. It sounds interesting
C. I am afraid not
D. Sorry, I cannot
E. It is bad idea

35. Tim : What do you think about the film?

Amy : ... The ending is too obvious.
A. It's disappointing
B. It's surprising
C. It's amazing
D. It's relaxing
E. It’s great

36. Jon : What would you like to eat?

Dany : … a piece of cheesecake, please.
A. I like
B. I’d like
C. I don’t want
D. I am planning
E. I wouldn’t like

Questions 37 to 39 are based on the following text.

Using facial masks is very helpful to improve your skin. Sheet masks are popular nowadays because
of their easy application. Here are some tips before using the masks:
1. Check the ingredient list on the package. Natural ingredients are beneficial for your skin. Make
sure that the mask contains humectants to help you get rid of flaky skin.
2. Read the product label to choose the most suitable mask for your skin type. A yoghurt mask is
good for oily skin and a mask with snail extract helps those who struggle with acne.
3. After choosing the right mask, use it while it’s wet. Do not leave it in the open air because it
cannot work well if it’s already dry.
4. Don’t forget to wash your face after using it.

37. What is the text mainly talking about?

A. What to check on a mask’s label.
B. How to make natural sheet masks.
C. How to apply sheet masks correctly.
D. What to do before using sheet mask.
E. How to check the ingredient of mask.

38. What is the best time to use the sheet mask?

A. After choosing it.
B. While it is still wet.
C. When It is already dry.
D. After washing our face.
E. After checking the ingredient.

39. “Don’t forget to wash your face after using it”.

The underlined word refers to ….
A. flaky skin B.
humectants C.
facial mask D.
snail extract E.
product label

40. Fill in the incomplete sentence with suitable words!

As a close friend, I would like to take this opportunity ... you to my wedding tomorrow.
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A. for encouraging
B. by accepting
C. to pursuade
D. to invite
E. to give

II. Untuk soal no. 41 sampai dengan 45 kerjakan dengan benar pada lembar jawaban yang disediakan.
This text is for question 41.
To all students of Merdeka Vocational School, Art Contest and Exhibition will be started
on Monday, 22 August 2016.
The students must register themselves in student council room by Friday, 19 August 2016
at 2 p.m.

41. What does the announcement mainly deal with?

42. Change the following sentences with the words in the brackets correctly!
A. Anggi did not … (get) what she expected from seminar two days ago.
B. My mother … (create) a song for my birthday last month.

43. Change the sentences below into passive voice.

A. Beny eats some banana every morning.
B. Giyan wears Pramuka uniform on Friday and Saturday.

44. Complete the sentences below!

A. If Okti … ( be) a headmaster, she would give an air conditioner in every room in this school.
B. If you … (go) to bed earlier, you wouldn’t be so tired.

45. Arrange the following sentences into good order.

- All students should study hard to get best score on examination.
- National Examination will be held on the fourth week of March this year.
- Besides that they should minimize their activities or hobbies which have nothing to do with the important
- In addition, they can answer all the questions on the examination for sure.
- If all preparations have done they will be confident in facing the exam.

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