Capstone Project Updatedv21

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Official Website for NJC Marketing

A Capstone Project Presented to the Faculty of the

College of Computer College
AMA Computer College - Cavite

In partial Fulfillment for the Requirements of the Degree of

Bachelor of Science in Information Technology (BSIT)

Sesbreno, Avery Milo B.

Castro, Gil Anthony B.
Lunas, John Wilfred H.

July 2022


First of all, thank you to the almighty God for leading us to the right path and giving

us the strength to finish this project.

The researchers would like to acknowledge the invaluable assistance of our

Capstone Project adviser, Mrs. Gaynesty L. Molino, who made this work possible with her

guidance and advice that carried us through all the stages of writing our research project.

The researchers would also like to give utmost gratitude to the owner and staff

members of NJC Marketing for giving us the opportunity to conduct this research study

and for giving their support and assistance to make this research project possible.

And lastly, to our family and friends, thank you for the continued support, love, and

understanding while undertaking the research project.


E-commerce is an activity where transactions are conducted electronically on the

internet. Businesses all over the world use it because it is so simple to buy, sell, and

advertise products and services via the internet. One of the businesses that doesn’t utilize

the usefulness of this is NJC Marketing. The said company sells herbal products like rubs,

coffees, food supplements, and drops that can be used to relieve symptoms, boost energy,

relax, and lose weight. The company only has a Facebook page, which keeps them from

tracking all their orders and using them to advertise their products and keep their

customers updated. Since the pandemic began, their sales have dropped, and they don’t

get as many orders as before. Some people are still unaware of the location of NJC

Marketing, which makes these products, and lack information and advertisements, which

makes the business struggle to get customers. Moreover, the staff of the company only

use ballpens and notebooks to record all the upcoming and outgoing orders and manage

all their products, which makes it very inefficient and tedious to do. Therefore, the

researchers decided to conduct this study to help businesses improve their sales and

advertise their products throughout the country. This study will also enable the owners of

the company to easily operate the website, track all their orders, and manage all their

products in one place very efficiently and effectively.

Table of Contents

Title page …………………………………………………… i

Approval Sheet …………………………………………………… ii

Acknowledgements …………………………………………………… iii

Abstract …………………………………………………… iv

Table of Contents …………………………………………………… v

List of Table …………………………………………………… vi

List of Figure …………………………………………………… vi

List of Appendices …………………………………………………… vii

Definition of terms …………………………………………………… ix

ll. Chapter 1 - Project and its Background

Project Context …………………………………………………… 1

Purpose and Description …………………………………………………… 2

Objective of the Study …………………………………………………… 3

Significance of the Study …………………………………………………… 4

Scope and Limitation …………………………………………………… 5

ll. Chapter 2 - Related Literature

Local Study …………………………………………………… 6

Local Literature …………………………………………………… 7

Foreign Study …………………………………………………… 8

Foreign Literature …………………………………………………… 9

Synthesis …………………………………………………… 10

Technical Background …………………………………………………… 11

lll. Chapter 3 - Methodology Result and Discussion

Software Design, Products and Process .….…………………………….. 12

System Architecture …………………………………………………… 13

Conceptual Design …………………………………………………… 14

Cost Benefit Analysis …………………………………………………… 15

Requirements Analysis …………………………………………………… 16

System Architecture/System Flow..................................................................17

Block Diagrams...............................................................................................18

Development and Testing...............................................................................19

Input Output Reports and Analysis.................................................................20

Description of the Prototype............................................................................21

Implementation Plan.......................................................................................22

IV. Chapter 4 - Recommendation......................................................................23

Presentation of Data.......................................................................................24

Analysis of Data..............................................................................................25

Interpretation of Data......................................................................................26
Summary of Findings...........................................................................27





Biographical Sketch.............................................................................32

List of Tables

Table 1 ……………………………………………………………….. 1

Table 2 ……………………………………………………………….. 2

Table 2.1 ……………………………………………………………….. 3

Table 3 ……………………………………………………………….. 4

Table 4 ……………………………………………………………….. 5

List of Figures

Figure 1 ……………………………………………………………….. 1

Figure 2 ……………………………………………………………….. 2

Figure 3 ……………………………………………………………….. 3

Figure 4 ……………………………………………………………….. 4

Figure 5 ……………………………………………………………….. 5

Figure 6 ……………………………………………………………….. 6

Figure 7 ……………………………………………………………….. 7

Figure 8 ……………………………………………………………….. 8

List of Appendices

Figure 1 ……………………………………………………………….. 9

Figure 1 ……………………………………………………………….. 10

Definition of Terms

Cash on Delivery (COD) - is a type of transaction where the recipient pays for a

good at the time of delivery rather than using credit. Cash on delivery is also referred to as

"collect on delivery" since delivery may allow for cash, check, or electronic payment.

G-Cash - is a Philippine mobile wallet, mobile payments, and branchless banking


Inventory system - is a process by which you track your goods throughout your

entire supply chain, from purchasing to production to end sales.

Marketing - refers to activities a company undertakes to promote the buying or

selling of a product or service. Marketing includes advertising, selling, and delivering

products to consumers or other businesses.

Website - is a collection of publicly accessible, interlinked Web pages that share a

single domain name. Websites can be created and maintained by an individual, group,

business, or organization to serve a variety of purposes. Together, all publicly accessible

websites constitute the World Wide Web.

Chapter 1

Project and its background

Project Context

Small businesses or micro, small, and medium enterprises (MSMEs) is defined as

any commercial activity or enterprise involved in industry, agribusiness, or services with

an asset size of up to PhP100 million, and an employment size of less than 200 people.

MSMEs have a very important role in developing the Philippine economy, as they help

reduce poverty by creating jobs for the country's growing labor force. Therefore, it is

considered the backbone of the economy in the Philippines. However, many MSMEs

remain susceptible to external shocks like financial crises, natural disasters, and forced

changes in the business environment, such as the COVID-19 pandemic.

Many MSMEs have faced tremendous losses as a result of the coronavirus

outbreak. According to a recent study, "60% of Yelp data shows that the closure of

businesses as a result of the coronavirus pandemic is now irreversible." (Sundaram,

2020). MSMEs are companies that have limited financial resources and to stay alive,

these tiny businesses rely mostly on foot traffic from in-person customers. Not being able

to open their doors to the public completely shuts off their financial resource, leading

them to close operations temporarily or permanently.

Digital marketing is a type of marketing that is commonly used to promote products

or services and reach out to customers via digital channels. All forms of social media
allow a company to present itself or its products to dynamic communities and individuals

who may be interested (Roberts and Kraynak, 2008). The online marketing environment

gives an opportunity to MSMEs to present their products in the digital platform and

somehow alleviate the external problems brought by the pandemic by allowing them to

continue their flow of business in a cost-effective, time-efficient, and easy manner.

Numerous Filipinos' growing digital awareness has prompted a transition in

marketing and advertising strategies. Hence, the goal of this study is to create an online-

based website for MSMEs in the Philippines as an alternative that means of doing

business. The target of this project is specifically NJC marketing, a small business

company in Cavite, Philippines. The researchers propose the creation of a website that

will enable NJC marketing company to continue their business in terms of selling,

retailing, and introducing their products despite the aftermath of the pandemic in a more

efficient platform via digital means.

Purpose and Description

Online marketing and websites have made a significant impact on the business

industry and many businesses are taking advantage of this to promote their products and

services and also boost their sales by targeting more people online. Establishing your

own business in this way made small businesses get through the ever-changing industry.

The purpose of this paper is to develop an official website for NJC Marketing. This

website allows customers to login/register and manage their orders personally by having

the ability to choose products from NJC Marketing. This is made possible through the

use of an electronic payment system. The payment can be made through the customer’s

Gcash account. And for the employees, this website has an admin account that will

handle orders from the customers. There will also be an inventory management system

to ensure there are enough goods and to track the acquisition, storing, and selling of your

products. The advantage of this website is that customers are always able to find you

anytime, anywhere, even outside of business hours. It will benefit the user as they can

access the information they need even in the comfort of their own home.

Objectives of the Study

The general objective of the study is to construct a website for NJC Marketing that

will help the business owners to promote their business to the consumers and increase

their sales. It also helps consumers obtain information and have a general idea of the

products that are being produced by the business.

Specifically, this study is aimed to:

1. To provide an inventory system that will make tracking products easier.

2. To provide a system interface for the administrators to create, edit, and delete product

categories from the homepage.

3. To ensure the security of the information included by the users.

4. To provide an ordering system for the users that will make a purchase.

5.  To determine the sales and income the business made.

6. To determine the benefits of an online website for a business.

Significance of the Study

This study will be conducted to determine the effectiveness of a promotional

website to serve as a platform for small-scale retail businesses such as NJC Marketing

for the continuation, promotion, and extension of their field of industry during the

pandemic. It ensures a major contribution to the business sector as it would suggest a

digital alternative for promotional marketing.

This research would be highly significant and beneficial to the following:

• To the company. Using the developed software, the company will be able to

promote and introduce their products online, monitor their product inventory,

and manage online transactions in a cost-effective and timely manner.

• To the customers. the study will be beneficial for consumers to gain

information with ease in reference to the products being retailed by small-

scale businesses using the website.

• To the researcher. the study will be valuable for researchers in creating an

effective promotional website to help alleviate problems in marketing with the

use of technology.

• To future researchers. the study will help future researchers by providing

references for their studies relative to this research. Moreover, this will help

them uncover critical areas to improve on.

Scope and Limitation

This study will mainly focus on the development of an official website system for

NJC Marketing that will serve as a platform for the company and help promote and

increase the sales of the said company.

The scope of the study includes the Administrator Page, Inventory System, Billing

System, Login/Logout, Account Registration, and Security. Before the user makes a

purchase, they need to log in first to make a purchase and proceed to the billing. The

user needs to input their e-mail and password if they already have an existing account. If

the users do not have an account yet, they must register an account first on the register

page, and the system will ask them to input their full name, mobile number, e-mail

address, and password. After this process, the users will need to agree with the

website’s terms and conditions and do the CAPTCHA (Completely Automated Public

Turing Test to Tell Computers and Humans Apart) verification to verify if the user is a

human or a robot. CAPTCHA is very beneficial for a website since it helps protect users

from spam and password decryption. After the account creation, they will be sent back to

the homepage where they can now purchase products, view their profile, and access the

shopping cart, which displays all the products the users chose. After the user is done

choosing the products they like, they can now proceed to billing, where the users can

pick what mode of payment they want: through Gcash, Cash on Delivery (COD).

The proposed study also has its limitations, which are the following: Users can only

choose the Cash on Delivery (COD) option for mode of payment if they are only near

Pasay City; the system will not monitor employees' or staff's salaries and transactions


the system would only monitor product management through the inventory system,

business income, add/update/remove categories from the main website, and manage

orders and transactions from the administrator side; The proposed system is only available

nationwide and it will not be able to handle orders internationally. The billing system only

supports Gcash, and users will not be able to perform transactions on other platforms.

Since the proposed system is a web-based platform, it can only be accessed online with

an internet connection. The employees will guarantee and ensure that the packaging is

secure and safe before it is handed over to the delivery system; any problems with the

courier will not be held accountable to the system.

Chapter 2


Foreign Literature

The transition of the world towards the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic has

introduced a lot of difficulties for both the economy and many businesses as well. While

there is no way to predict precisely how much economic damage the pandemic has

caused, economists agree that it has had a severe negative impact on the global

economy (Szmigiera, 2022).

Moreover, COVID-19's social distancing restrictions and demand shifts that are

driven by health and economic factors are expected to shutter a large number of small

businesses and entrepreneurial ventures (Fairlie, 2020). According to the data gathered

from a Current Population Survey (CPS) in the United States, the initial estimates of

COVID19's impact on small businesses from April 2020 indicate that losses occurred

across demographic groups and business types—no group was immune to the negative

effects of socially disadvantaging policy mandates and demand shifts. However, they

also indicate a partial recovery for all groups.

During the pandemic, many strategies have been proposed to further boost the

economy and help different types of businesses continue. One approach that has been

introduced is digital marketing. This refers to the process of reaching consumers using

the Internet, mobile devices, social media, search engines, and other platforms

According to some marketing professionals, digital marketing is a totally new activity

that necessitates a fresh approach to clients and a new understanding of how customers

behave in comparison to traditional marketing (Barone, 2021). Effective digital marketing

enables small businesses to better understand their clients' online behaviors in order to

better target ideal customers. Its next course of action is determined by thorough market

research. Assumptions are not made by knowledgeable small businesses. They employ

digital techniques to ascertain what their target clients desire and require (Sambol, 2019).

Moreover, according to the Digital Marketing Institute (2021), online marketing

offers many benefits for small businesses. Some of which are: the ability to communicate

with prospects and ascertain their particular needs; getting to know your consumers

better; the ability to communicate with anybody and anywhere, as digital has no

geographical limitations; target the right target at the right moment-with digital marketing,

personalization is simplified; maintain communication with your prospects throughout the

purchasing process; save money and reach more clients on a shoestring budget;

develop an understanding of your audience and increase interaction to foster brand

loyalty; take a cue from the strength of consumer loyalty programs; and lastly, to easily

and rapidly track and measure responses to marketing initiatives. Based on the stated

cost-effective and easily manageable setup of digital marketing, the themes of its use

show a promising substitute to boost the economic productivity of small-scale businesses

during this time of pandemic.

Local Literature

With the rising popularity of digital marketing, many changes can be made. Digital

media can be advantageous or disadvantageous. It could highly affect the business or

company’s image, branding, and reputation towards the masses, and it could also attract

more consumers (Brioso & Borbon, 2022).

Moreover, according to APEX Global (2017), businesses and companies are more

likely to do online marketing due to its many advantages than traditional marketing.

Online marketers can just as easily put their own advertisements and promotions on the

web to reach more consumers.

Additionally, in the last five years, the Philippines has risen exponentially in digital

performance (San Juan, 2021). According to the report, with the internet penetration in

the Philippines, it will slowly increase in the upcoming years, from 48% in 2016 to 74% in

2020. And due to the high number of daily users on the web, it has been said that the

Philippines is one of the largest consumers of the internet.

Moreover, with the growing number of internet users and the high average

activity per user on the web, it has inspired more business owners to reach more

Filipino users through the use of online marketing (Jazbec, 2020). As seen in the article,

online marketing and digital advertising are said to be very effective in reaching more

Filipino consumers.

Furthermore, the COVID-19 outbreak also affected not only the local health

systems but also the local economy. Workers or employees have been the most affected
by the COVID-19 outbreak, and as seen in the article, the labor or workforce has been

greatly reduced, affecting their ability to participate in the labor market, affecting their

household income, production of supply of goods and services in the market,

government revenues, and their ability to provide public services (Michael R.M. Abrigo et

al., 2020).

Foreign Studies

Social media use has expanded dramatically in recent years (Thota, 2018), and

the COVID-19 epidemic has accelerated social media use among US adults (Samet,

2020). Additionally, the proliferation of social media platforms has altered the dynamics

of the electronic marketplace by fostering the formation of social networks comprised of

customers, opinion leaders, and subject matter experts. To remain competitive in

today's economic environment, organizations must increase customer satisfaction,

exceed shareholder expectations, and integrate and harmonize the interests of all

stakeholders. With the increase in internet users and applications over the last three

decades, businesses have been moving their focus from offline to online marketing in

order to reach out to more clients. Thus, many scholars view online marketing as a

powerful medium for implementing various marketing tactics online in order to reach a

more targeted local and worldwide audience.

A small business is described as "a privately held corporation, partnership, or sole

proprietorship with fewer employees and lower yearly income than a corporation or a

medium-sized business" (ASQ, 2020). According to a study entitled "Online Strategies

for Small Businesses affected by COVID-19: A Social Media and Social Commerce
Approach" by Itliong (2020), in comparison to large corporations, SMEs lack the capital

necessary to make significant investments in new information technologies, systems, and

infrastructure expansion. SMEs, particularly those still reeling from the COVID-19 issue,

must make an effort to invest in readily available tools. One instrument that can provide

significant value to an SME's business is the use of social media. By 2020, social media

usage and influence on consumers will have risen considerably, as will business

adoption of social commerce tactics. According to a more recent survey published on the

business data platform, social commerce in the United States reached $22

billion in 2019, resulting in the prediction that "US social commerce is projected to reach

$84.2 billion in 2024, accounting for 7.8 percent of US retail e-commerce sales" (Statista

Research Department, 2019).

As mentioned in a study entitled "Study of the Effectiveness of Online Marketing

on Integrated Marketing Communication" by Dharmappa (2018), there are numerous

ways in which information technology, or the internet, enables more effective marketing

communication between organizations. It may sponsor events to raise awareness of its

existence through internet marketing, or it could use e-mail to react to inquiries or

complaints, among other things. With online marketing, websites can serve as a

platform for registration or application for promotional offers from the organization or

even as a medium for providing information about the organization's products and

services to customers, prospective customers, and stakeholders.

Moreover, in order to ensure that the business will thrive within the online setup,

several factors must be considered. A study entitled "Digital Marketing for Small

Businesses During COVID-19 and Beyond" by Guyer (2021) mentioned that small
businesses must first, employ marketing's four P's: product, pricing, promotion, and

place. This is a necessary component of marketing, as it will provide small businesses

with a more holistic perspective. Second, remain "connected to clients' safety and

security worries," and reassure them. Third, provide non-medical face masks in response

to current customer demands. Fourth, make contactless services available. Sixth,

customers should be contacted by phone; appointments are required, and curbside

pickup is available. Lastly, utilize keywords that people will use to find things.

In addition, a study conducted by Mason and Narcum (2020) entitled "Social

media marketing gains importance after COVID-19" suggests that as customers spend

less time in stores as a result of the COVID-19 epidemic, the influence of in-store

advertising materials on consumers' shopping and buying behaviors will decline.

Consumers' use of social media appears to be increasing, according to the research.

The findings of the study indicated that consumers are increasingly relying on social

media to exert social influence while shopping and evaluating product alternatives.

On the other hand, a Nielsen Vietnam (2020) survey shows that 95% of consumers

are fearful of the COVID-19 virus, which has resulted in a 25% increase in online buying

transactions. As consumers increasingly rely on online tools to prepare for an

emergency, businesses must ensure that their e-commerce platforms provide seamless,

frictionless, and rapid experiences that satisfy customer demands and expectations, as

discussed in a study entitled "Managing the effectiveness of e-commerce platforms in a

pandemic" by Tran (2020). Thus, a study of online customer behavior in a pandemic

environment can offer corporations valuable knowledge about how to operate their

businesses. To maintain a competitive edge and boost income and communication, small

retail business owners must plan ahead to meet client needs and apply creative

technological techniques (Cheng & Liu, 2017). In an era of stay-at-home orders, social

distancing, and the emergence of virtual platforms, digital marketing is likely to be critical

to small business survival.

Local Studies

According to Zarsuelo, M.-A.M., Zordilla, Z.D., and Anacio, D.B. (2018), the

production of herbal products in the Philippines is mainly overseen by the collaboration of

the DTI and the Chamber of Herbal Industries of the Philippines, Inc. (CHIPI).

Additionally, CHIPI engages in the research and development of the herbal products

industry together with the Department of Science and Technology (DOST). Herbal

products span not only the plant-based materials from which they are derived, but also

the wide range of herbal supplements, medicines, and other pertinent products used in

alternative health care.

According to Mac Ardy J. Gloria*, Lea Claire O. Te Roa, Sabrina Grace T.

Aguinaldo, and Jason Albert S. Payba (2021), there was a high prevalence of herbal

product use in the three municipalities of Cavite, Philippines, which could be attributed to

a variety of perceived benefits. Significant predictors for herbal product use were sex,

type of municipality, perceived health status, and perceived benefits. Notably, the

majority of the herbal products used still require further clinical evidence for efficacy and

safety. The common sources of information regarding herbal products are mostly

unreliable. Alarmingly, there might be potential risks to the population’s health due to the

underreported, unmonitored, and concomitant use of herbal products with conventional

medicines. Hence, interventions promoting the rational use of herbal products should be

developed and implemented to prevent adverse events and optimize health outcomes for


According to Cecilia C. Maramba-Lazarte (2020), Filipino traditional medicine, of

which herbal medicine plays a large role, has been around for centuries and is well

accepted in the rural areas. Validating the use of these traditional medicinal plants

through research is essential in order to have an evidence-based practice of herbal

medicine. The main areas of research can be defined as (1) herbal medicine quality and

standardization, (2) preclinical pharmacological assessments and action mechanisms,

and (3) clinical efficacy and safety assessments. This type of research aimed at

developing safe and efficacious, as well as low-cost Philippine herbal medicines, may

well be a long-term solution to the obstacles to a healthy population cited above. Our

Philippine medicinal plants are a valuable but often underappreciated resource with

innumerable applications for non-communicable and communicable disease indications.

Limited research in this field has long been ongoing in the Philippines. Support for this

movement came with the passage of the Traditional and Alternative Medicine Act, which

affirmed the commitment of the government towards the support and development of

traditional medicine, including herbal medicine. Another boost was the endorsement by

the Department of Health of the Sampung Halamang Gamot The World Health

Organization has advocated the integration of traditional medicine within national health

care systems and has urged governments to develop and implement national traditional

medicine policies and programs, especially with Universal Health Coverage.

According to De Vera, Joan S.; Quirit, Leni B.; and Rodriguez, Irene B. (2017), the

growing popularity of herbal products in the Philippines makes it imperative to monitor

and ensure the safety of consumers from metal contaminants. In this study, trace

concentrations of Cr, Cd, Sn, and Pb in herbal products were simultaneously measured

using microwave assisted digestion as sample pre-treatment and inductively coupled

plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) for elemental detection. Using the optimized

method, recoveries of ERM CD281, the primary certified reference material (CRM) used,

were found to be between 80 and 89%, and the method detection limits (MDL) for Cr, Cd,

Sn, and Pb were 0.15, 0.07, 0.3, and 0.14 g/L, respectively. The linear ranges for Cr and

other elements (Cd, Sn, and Pb) were 0.01-500 and 0.01-50 g/L, respectively. All

correlation coefficients were 0.9999 or better. Most of the products tested had

measurable trace metal concentrations, which were below the suggested maximum limits

in herbal products. However, one product derived from mangosteen exceeded the limit

for Cd (0.42 mg/kg). Subsequent analysis of metal content in tea infusions showed that

only a small fraction of metals may leach out, suggesting that consumption of tea

infusions poses fewer risks. The order of abundance of metals found in herbal products

was Cr; Pb; Cd; Sn. The variability of metal concentrations in herbal products underlines

the fact that many plant ingredients are susceptible to contamination, and quality control

during processing must be improved to minimize the possibility of contamination. The

results of this study suggest that vigilant monitoring of herbal products is imperative to

avoid exposure to trace metal contamination.

According to Mikaela Aishel J. Flores and Kenneth A. Tucay (2021), e-commerce is

the trend today. As a result of lockdown policies and store closings, customers are

attracted to online and mobile platforms to buy groceries, daily necessities, and other

goods. According to a specialized investigation that was presented in an article, a

double-digit percentage of internet shoppers were making more digital purchases since

COVID-19. The majority of them used the technique for the initiative throughout the

lockdown. The proportion of world retail sales based on web business led to

development. The coronavirus crisis is changing how and where consumers buy and

make payments for their transactions. The term "e-commerce," sometimes known as

"electronic commerce" or "internet commerce," refers to the economic activity of

consumers, retailers, and businesses buying or selling goods online. E-commerce

includes a wide range of profitable activities, including retail shops, online banking

services, booking services for transportation and accommodations, transfers of money,

online payments, digital content, and more.


Since the beginning of the pandemic, most businesses have seen a decline in

marketing and sales (Szmigiera,2022). The most affected in this situation, which had a

very negative impact, are those who own minor and small businesses. (Fairlie, 2020).

The Digital Marketing process is reaching out to customers via the Internet, mobile

devices, social media, search engines, and other platforms (Barone, 2021). To

understand the digital marketing process to organize the products that the clients require

and need (Sambol, 2019). As a response to the situation, many strategies have been

proposed to further increase marketing sales and lessen the damage that has been done

to help the business owners make it back up. Online marketing offers many benefits to

small businesses. One of which is being able to save a lot of money, reach more

consumers through the internet very effectively, easily personalize your content and

reach the target consumers very easily, maintain communication with your customers,

and easily manage and track your marketing sales and initiatives. By using this strategy,

it will surely help small business owners achieve their goals and make it back to the

economy. This study has proved that the pandemic greatly affected most small business

owners, but adapting to the situation and taking preemptive measures can reduce the

impact of the pandemic to further boost marketing sales (Digital Marketing Institute,


Digital media could have a significant impact on a business's or company's image,

advertising, and public image among the overall population, and others could gain more

customers (Brioso & Borbon,2022). Companies can effectively place their own

advertisements and promotions on the website (APEX Global, 2017). The Philippines is

one of the top internet users (San Juan, 2021). The growing number of internet users

creates a good opportunity for business owners to start their own online marketing

business. (Jazbec,2020). The unemployed have a negative influence on consumers'

capacity to respond to the market (Michael R.M. 2020). The businesses must expand

and improve customer satisfaction and exceed shareholder expectations (Itliong 2020).

The websites can be used for online marketing to serve as a platform for customers,

clients, and sponsors to register or apply for sales promotions from the business

(Dharmappa, 2018). Small businesses must choose marketing products, pricing,

promotion, and location. (Guyer, 2021). Consumers are increasingly using social media

to exercise social influence while buying and measuring their options for products.

(Mason and Narcum 2020). It provides small businesses with valuable information about

how to sell their products. (Tran, 2020). Numerous herbal remedies, vitamins, and other

necessary components are included in the medicinal product (Zarsuelo 2018). Some of

the information that was obtainable about herbal products was bogus. Gloria 2021) (Mac

Ardy J. Theoretically, a healthy population may be created with the aid of some types of

research aimed at developing affordable and reliable (Cecilia C. Maramba-Lazarte 2020).

It's crucial to monitor herbal goods carefully to avoid exposure to pollution from chemical

contaminants (De Vera 2017). products When it comes to the internet and mobile

platforms, the customer can shop for both essential and non-essential goods. (Mikaela

Aishel J. Flores, Kenneth A. Tucay, 2021).

Technical Background

In this chapter, the proponents discuss the technology that is going to be used for the

development of the proposed system.

One of the technologies that the proponents will use is XAMPP, which is an

application that allows programmers to write and test their code on a local web server.

XAMPP is widely known and used by many programmers today because of its multiple

features. The features that the proponents commonly use are the following: Apache,

which is one of the most popular HTTP servers and it is widely used in web server

software, PHP, which stands for Hypertext Preprocessor, is a backend programming

language that is mostly used in web development, and MySQL, which stands for

Structured Query Language for the SQL part of MySQL. It is also one of the most

common standardized languages used to access databases and used in web

applications. Visual Studio Code has also been used to develop the system. It is a

source code editor that also holds many features, and it is also one of the most widely

used source code editors by programmers all over the world. The proponents find it easy

to write code because it’s easy to use and navigate because of its very smooth and

simple interface and because of its intelli-sense method feature, which makes coding

much easier.

For developing the website, the proponents used a combination of HTML,

Javascript, and CSS for the frontend. The frontend, or the client side, is the side where

the users see and interact with the website. It contains all the visual elements the users

normally see on a website. HTML, or HyperText Markup Language, is a computer

language that makes up the structure of a webpage and it’s the building blocks of every

website. It’s the standard markup language to create webpages. CSS, or Cascading

Style Sheets, allows developers to create designs and styles like setting up colors, fonts,

and backgrounds, which make the website appealing to the users. And lastly, Javascript

is another programming language that enables developers to control multimedia, animate

images, and make the site more interactive. The backend, also called the server-side of

the website, is the side where the users cannot directly see or interact with. This is where

all the information that is being stored is, and this makes the front-end function and work

properly. The proponents utilized the use of PHP (Hypertext Preprocessor) and MySQL

(Structured Query Language) for the database.

Chapter 3


Materials and Methods is the chronological listing of steps and procedures used by

the proponent/s. Methods used for the gathering of data, laboratory and field

experiments, theoretical and/or conceptual frameworks, as well as techniques

employed in the analysis of data must be specifically listed.

Software Design, Products, and/or Processes

Figure 3.1 Hierarchical Input-Process-Output (HIPO) of Official Website for NJC


Figure 3.2 Home

Figure 3.3 Products

Figure 3.4 Contacts

Figure 3.5 About Us

3.6 My Account

Figure 3.7 Login/Register

Figure 3.8 My Cart

Figure 3.9 Admin

Figure 3.1 illustrates that the proponents used Hierarchical Input-Process-Output

(HIPO) for the NJC Marketing Official Website, which has seven sectors: Home,

Products, Contacts, About Us, My Account, Login/Register, and My Cart. The first step is

to access the website from home, where users can browse the product categories, new

products, and best sellers. Products is the second process in which users can view all

the products, including all their details, each with its own sales price, buy button, and add

to cart option. The third process is contacts, which contains all the company's location,
email addresses, phone numbers, and operating hours. The fourth process is the About

Us, where users can see all the background information about the company and its

employees. The fifth process is My Account, where users can see their profile, which

contains their name, changed password, shipping/billing address, order history, and

payment pending orders. The sixth process is the Login/Register, where the users will

login using their account. If the user does not have an account, they will have to create

an account first in the Sign Up page where they will need to enter information in the

required fields. The users will have to enter their Full Name, Contact Number, Password,

and Confirm Password, and the system will prompt a CAPTCHA for the users to verify if

they are human or a robot. The seventh process is My Cart, where users can see the

summary of their order details, shipping and billing method, and proceed to Checkout.

Users can select what mode of payment they want: through Gcash payment or Cash on

Delivery (COD).

In Figure 3.9 (Admin Side), the primary source is the administrator, who has full

access to all seven methods: Change Password, Order Management, Manage Users,

Create Category, Subcategory, Insert Products, and Manage Products. The first process

is the Change Password, where the administrator can change the account password at

anytime. The second process is order management, which has three categories: today’s

orders, pending orders, and delivered orders. In Today’s Orders, the administrators can

see all the orders they got on the current day. In Pending Orders, the administrators can

see all the pending orders on all dates, and in Delivered Orders, the administrators can

see all the delivered products to the users. The third process is the Users Management,

where the administrators can see all the users' profiles. The fourth process is the Create

Category, where the administrators can create categories that will show on the

homepage, and it’s the same as the Subcategory in the fifth process and Insert Products

for the sixth process. And the last process is Manage Products, where administrators can

update or remove existing products.

System Architecture

Figure 3.10 System Architecture

This section represents the Web Hosting Provider connecting to the Server to

access the database on the Website so that the consumer can easily search the

Website. The consumer can use the products, services, and log-in to the website, and

the administrator has the authority to check and view the inventory system. And as soon

as the consumer creates an account, they will be able to purchase any of the products in

NJC marketing that they desire. The payment process is done online through Gcash and

Cash on Delivery (COD), and once the payment is made, the products that the consumer

purchased will be delivered to their own designated area.

Conceptual Design

This section represents the application as a conceptual entity-relationship model.

Verification of the conceptual design is required to ensure that all needed data has been

acquired and that it supports all processes identified in the requirement specifications.

Figure 3.11 IPO Model

Figure 3.4: Conceptual Design used by the IPO Model. The study proposes the

Input Model, where the customer personal information, Customer orders, Customers

Payments, Shipped orders, Purchase orders and inventory stocks where the problems

are identified and written, while the Process Model oversees the Database as well as the

prototype design and development (Agile Method), and the Output Model will be the

result Finish products, orders details and inventory status.

Agile Model

Figure 3.12 Agile Model

The following are the phases of the agile model:

Requirement - The researchers looked for potential beneficiaries and discovered NJC

Marketing, where they conducted an interview and discussed the issues raised by

the company encounters and gathered as many details as they could. The researchers

decided to make an official website for NJC Marketing.

Design - In this phase, the researchers identified and gathered the requirements to

create the following: registration, login, online ordering, and a web-based inventory

system for the company.

Development - In this phase, the researchers will use HTML, CSS, and JavaScript for

the front-end of the system and PHP for the back-end.

Testing - The programmers test the system prototype and check if the system is

working and to discover any errors or defects that may occur to guarantee the quality of

the system..

Deployment - After the programmers test the system and make a lot of adjustments,

the researchers may now deploy the system for the beneficiary to use.

Review - Once all the previous phases are completed, the programmers gather all the

information and review the project itself, to discuss and evaluate the progress towards

completing the requirements.

Cost-Benefit Analysis

In this section, it reviews and estimates the cost of the creation of the system. It

includes the total cost of the hardware, software, and labor required for the development

of the system.

I. Hardware Cost

The proponents decided to use the following hardware because they meet the

requirements for the Official Website for NJC Marketing.

System Specifications Quantity Cost


Processor Intel Core i3- 1 6,290

7130U (7th Gen)

RAM 8GB DDR4 - 1 1,869


Hard Drive 1 TB HDD 1 3,671

Graphics Card Nvidia GeForce 1 2,000

MX130 Integrated

Graphic card

Total: ₱13,830.00

Table 3.1 Hardware Cost

II. Operational Cost

A. System Software Development Cost

These are the system requirements for the software specification for the development

of the system.

System Specifications Cost


Operating System Windows 10 Home 6,000


Front End Visual Studio Code Free

Microsoft Edge Free

Photoshop 12,137.00

Back End PHP, MySQL Free

Server Web Hosting Bluehost 153.90


Total: ₱18,290.90

Table 3.2 System Software Development Cost

III. Summary Cost

Costs Amount

Hardware Cost 13,830.00

System Software Development Cost 18,290.90

Total: ₱32,120.90

Table 3.3 Summary Cost

Estimated Benefits:

Accuracy and efficiency of the software at approximately 80%

Total estimated Benefits = ₱33,248.90*80%

Total = ₱ 28,462.72

Requirements Analysis

In this phase, the researchers conducted an interview to gather the information needed

and to discuss the problems that they encountered to determine what kind of system they

needed. The researchers came up with some ideas, and two projects were decided to be

made: an online ordering system for the consumers and a web-based inventory system

for the beneficiary.

Flow Chart

Figure 3.13 Flow Chart

(Users side)

Figure 3.14 Flow Chart

The figures above (figure 3.13 and figure 3.14) are visual diagrams that the

researchers used to develop the proposed system and to understand how the process is

done. The client version is where they can browse the products and click order.

Meanwhile, the admin side can view all the orders in order management, manage

products, manage categories, create categories, create subcategories, and change the

password of the administrator account.

Block Diagram

Figure 3.15 Block diagram

A block diagram (figure 3.15) is a diagram of a system in which the principal parts

or functions are represented by blocks connected by lines that show the relationships

between the blocks. The figure above represents how the data flows and connected from

one to another. First the owner/employees can add/edit products, including managing

orders, and it will be displayed on the main website. The main website will serve as

presentation to the customers to order products to the company.

Development and Testing

The proponents decided to make a web-based application that the beneficiary

needs for the front-end. It is developed and created using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.

Both CSS and JavaScript are used on Web pages with HTML but for different roles.

CSS is used to design the webpage so that it has better layouts for the user so that the

user can feel comfortable with the webpage. JavaScript is used to create interaction

between webpages and the user. (Simmytarika, 2022).

For the back end, the proponents chose PHP, since PHP is mainly used for web

development and is open-source and free. MySQL is the database of choice among

supporters because it aids in automating data retrieval and provides excellent support in


The Official Website for NJC Marketing's main aim is to serve as the essential

building blocks that support the growth of this business. It is developed with online

ordering, login/register, admin-side, and payment online.

Input and Output Reports and Analysis

Module Name: Home


Click Home Retrieves Data from Direct to Homepage


Module Name: Products


Click Shop Retrieves product data Shows all products

from server

Module Name: Contact


Click Contact Retrieves Data from Shows business

server contact information

Module Name: About Us


Shows information
about the company
Click About Us Retrieves data from
and the employees

Module Name: My Account


Click My Account Retrieves data from Shows Account Profile


Module Name: Login


Email and Password Verifies information Direct to Homepage

and submit to server and can proceed to
buy products

Module Name: My Cart


Clicks My Cart Retrieves data from Show added products


Description of the Prototype

The prototype of the system has been developed with the use of HTML, CSS,

and JavaScript in the front-end. For the back end, PHP is open source and free of

charge. For the database, MySQL was used because it is more secure, provides

comprehensive support for businesses, and provides 24/7 uptime.

The proposed system that will implement the Official Website for NJC Marketing

consists of two sides, which are the administrator side and the main website. The main

website contains the description and category of the products, new products, and best

sellers, and the users can click the add to cart button. But if the user is not yet logged in,

they will be directed to the log in page and put in their information. The users need to

input their email and password in order to purchase the product. But if the user doesn’t

have an account, the user can register. The user needs to input their full name, email,

mobile number, address, password, and confirm password, and the system will prompt a

CAPTCHA to verify if the user is human or a robot, to create an account. Then proceed

to the log in page again to log in their account. If the user clicks the order button, the

product will be added to the My Cart button and they can see all their ordered products


The user can then proceed to the checkout and choose what payment method they

prefer, through Gcash or Cash on Delivery (COD). After the user picks a payment

method, they can now proceed to order confirmation and here the users can see the

status of their ordered products. And for the administrator side, the admins will first see

the overview of the site, which contains the Change Password, Order Management,

Manage Users, Create Category, Subcategory, Insert Products, and Manage Products


Implementation plan

The implementation plan is essentially a detailed, step-by-step method for

completing this proposed system. Following the revision, the developed system will be

forwarded to NJC Marketing for marketing. The researchers will conduct a presentation

together with the said company on whether they want to use the developed system or

not. If the company decides to use the system, the researchers will pass it over along

with the documentation. It will act as a guide for the company or the administrator on how

to use the proposed system. The letter of agreement will be sent to the company and the

researcher will no longer be responsible for the system once it is signed.

Strategy Activities Persons Involved Duration

Approval for NJC Sent the letters to Researchers and 1 day

Marketing the owners the owners

System Installation Installing the Researchers and 8 hours

system administrator

Distribution of Documentation and Researchers and 1 day

Information send user’s manual the owners

Training Training and Researchers and 3 days

Lectures Employees

Table 4: Implementation Plan of Official Website for NJC Marketing


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