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Whole-Scale Change Toolkit

Tools for Unleashing the Magic in Organizations

Dannemiller Tyson Associates

Whole-Scale is a registered international trademark of Dannemiller Tyson Associates
Copyright ©2000 by Dannemiller Tyson Associates
Whole-Scale is a registered trademark by Dannemiller Tyson Associates.
Graphic illustrations copyright ©2000 by Christine Valenza, Art for Change.

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L ibrary of Congress C ataloging-in-Publication Data

Whole-scale change toolkit: tools for unleashing the magic In organizations / by

Dannemiller Tyson Associates
p. cm.
ISBN l-57675-089-2
1.Organizational change.I.Dannemiller Tyson Associates
II. Whole-scale change. III. Title.
HD58.8 .W4962000

F ifth Printing 2012

The authors of this book are fifteen consultants,
all partners of Dannemiller Tyson Associates in 1999
when we wrote this book together.
Using our own Whole-Scale processes,
we worked as a community,
one-brain and one-heart,
to bring our best wisdom to the content of this book.

Kathleen D. Dannemiller, Paul D. Tolchinsky, Ronald Loup, Sylvia James,

Jeff Belanger, Albert B. Blixt, Kathryn Church, Mary Eggers, Allen B. Gates,
Leigh M. Hennen, Henry Johnson, Lorri E. Johnson,
Stas Kazmierski, Ron Koller, Jim McNeil

Special thanks to Christine Valenza for her creative graphic contributions.



PREFACE ...................................................................................................................... vi

OVERVIEW: WHAT IS WHOLE-SCALE?..................................................................... 1

Chapter 1........................................................................................................................ 3

Discovering the Magic of Whole-Scale........................................................................ 3

Chapter 2...................................................................................................................... 13

Designing a Whole-Scale Meeting ............................................................................. 13

Choosing Individual Design Elements ...................................................................... 31

Day 1 –– Generic Event Planning Team Meeting........................................................ 34

Chapter 3...................................................................................................................... 48

Facilitating –– Whole-Scale Style................................................................................. 48

(Before, During, and After the Meeting) .................................................................... 48

Chapter 4...................................................................................................................... 60

Logistics: Freeing Participants to be Creative ........................................................ 60

Chapter 5...................................................................................................................... 89

A Generic Whole-Scale Three-Day Event Meeting ................................................... 89

Chapter 6.................................................................................................................... 166

Whole-Scale Applications ........................................................................................ 166

Chapter 7.................................................................................................................... 292

The Real Secrets of Whole-Scale............................................................................. 292

To register for free updates on Whole-Scale® Change, see back page.

A number of years ago I was in the change business at Ford Motor Company, and I was in
trouble. I had been working for two years at the manufacturing plant level--all 80 of them, in
fact--as part of the team that had helped bring the turnaround in the company's approach to
building a quality car once more. I was in trouble because I had been handed a big challenge by
a very far-seeing Executive Vice President: what was the breakthrough in managing whole
businesses which would match the breakthrough in managing the quality efforts?

The executive, Tom Page, and I had agreed that his ten businesses--good size businesses, with
revenues (in 1981 dollars) of between $1 and $3 billion, would take part in a very large change
effort over the next year. One business at a time would be challenged with changing the way it
was managed. Despite the staggering losses still being registered in the car industry, Tom agreed
to the (then) audacious notion that one to two hundred managers at a time would turn over their
headquarters and field operations to third level subordinates, so that the entire intact management
structure of the business could go off-site for a week and re-think their world.

He had given me, as a change agent, an incredible opportunity. And I had blown it.

I was in trouble for two reasons. First, although I had seen with my own eyes the fact that
managing people differently lay at the heart of the quality story (by then a story told over and
over in the national press), I wasn't seeing the simple parallel with managing executives
differently if you wanted a better business outcome.

Second, although I knew that nobody had TRAINED quality into anyone at Ford, I was just
dumb enough to have spent a fair amount of time and money with a group of well-meaning but
patronizing college professors whose aim and approach it was to TRAIN fully adult executives
into being better business managers. Oh, they could talk about business cases, and ROI, and the
elements of strategy, but what it boiled down to was that the professors had the answers and the
"students" were going to be taught them.

I knew I was in trouble when, halfway through the second day of a pilot of this business seminar,
the room (made up of change agent colleagues from all over Ford) was awash in pity--pity for
me, pity for the professors, and most of all, pity for any poor fool who might actually have to sit
through a whole week of this approach. (By then, of course, the grapevine at Ford being what it
was at all companies, the word was out: this seminar STUNK.)

What all of us (except the professors) in that room were suddenly seeing was that Ford had been
taught on the plant floor--by its employees--what the zestful pursuit of new learning looked like.
And it certainly wasn't done this way. We were used to a far messier, but more potent, way. We
were used to debate, and challenge, identifying what we could improve first, and what would
have the highest leverage and pay-off. We were used to teams calling for specialists if they
thought their expertise was needed. Nobody thought they were being trained; they thought they
were calling for briefings as they pursued a significant competitive advantage.
Why had I thought that executives had lower standards?

My insight about what I should have done, or at least what I should have looked for when it
came to the right approach for these ten business teams, arrived before the second day of the
pilot was over. But it was a little late. I had a calendar that said we were to go live in 4 weeks
with the first 130 person management team, with the nine other businesses following in a brisk
line-up. I hadn't endured Day 3 of my own pilot, but I already knew I had no program.

I also realized that I didn't have a model for what I was doing with these executives, as I had on
the plant level. And I didn't have the right professors. In fact, I now knew I didn't want
professors. In my Ford network, I knew a few people who had worked with groups larger than
20, but they were used to working on the plant floor and they thought I was crazy to be working
with an intact power structure. I knew consultants who had helped in the Quality movement, but
they only operated with small groups.

I didn't know who I needed-- I just knew they needed to help me design something for a whole
business at a time, something that would startle and delight and compel executives the way the
manufacturing world of Ford had come to embrace the pursuit of quality. I needed lion tamers
with a sense of humor. And heart.

Enter the team who got me out of trouble: Kathie Dannemiller, Chuck Tyson, Alan Davenport,
and Bruce Gibb. They hadn’’t worked together as a group before, but they came together as if in
answer to a prayer……(actually, in answer to me describing to a friend my need for lion tamers as
opposed to professors!)

Over the next three weeks, they designed an event which went on to become memorable in the
lives of the participating executives, and ultimately changed the Ford Motor Company. Business
after business went through the five day session-, and whether it was the Plastics group, or
Electronics, or Casting, or Land Development, or Aerospace, the executives came to understand
each other, the competition, and the market for the first time as a coherent, energized, focused
and aligned whole. They created strategic plans that they all owned, and they amended
management structures and decision-making practices to support their goals.

This is not the place to recount the next twenty years of Ford Motor Company history; nor mine,
even though we had a glorious time improving ourselves. But I will say that the seminar became
famous internally; the President of Ford, Donald Petersen, decided to use its principles
extensively when the company embarked on its global strategy. He continued doing so after
becoming Chairman of Ford, as did his successors. Much of the publicity given to Ford's
turnaround centered on the people issues which began to be understood and practiced in these

The book that you are reading contains the principles and practices which those marvelous
consultants designed for Ford, and then took so successfully to many other companies, I
continued to use them throughout my career at Ford, and now find them invaluable wherever I
consult. What I like about Dannemiller-Tyson as a firm is their passion to pass on what has been
discovered to work; sharing breakthroughs generously has always been their hallmark. May
your experience with these methods bring you the success and satisfaction that it has brought me.

Nancy Lloyd Badore

Executive Director, Ford Motor Company (ret.), Dearborn, Michigan
November, 1999


For the last two decades, we at Dannemiller Tyson Associates (DTA) have dedicated our lives to
““thinking globally and acting locally”” in an organizational sense. We have based our work with
both public and private organizations——large and small——on our beliefs about thinking ““whole
system”” as we help organizations change.

What our clients and we have learned in the last two decades is that no single person can know
the answers that will lead an organization to success. The best answer comes when all the people
speak and thus develop their own wisdom about what they need to do together. When an
organization is able to combine its multiple voices, it discovers THE answer and ensures that its
people will unite around a lasting system-wide commitment. It unleashes the magic within.

One of the best descriptions of whole system change in action is a story taken from The Renewal
Factor by Robert Waterman (Bantam Books, 1987), where Waterman illustrates the process
through a change story of Sanwa Bank:

……In 1969, I was part of a team working with the Sanwa Bank in Japan, now one of
the largest banks in the world. It's unusual for anyone from the outside, let alone a
foreign consulting firm, to be working with a Japanese company. Fortunately, the
problem––a substantial market share loss––was fairly easy to solve intellectually.
After a few months we were ready to go to the board to present our analysis and

But a couple of strange things were going on at Sanwa. At the beginning of the
project we had asked for a full-time Sanwa team to complement our own team.
Joint consultant and client task forces are more effective than solo consultant
teams. The client members know their way around the organization and where the
facts are buried; and, too, they are there after the outside consultants have left.
After a long negotiation in which we thought Sanwa management had agreed with
us, we figured that two or three of their people would join forces with us the next
day. Twenty showed up.

"What's this?" we wanted to know. "Your study team," they explained. We

protested that what we had meant by a team was smaller––certainly not twenty
people. They said we had done such a good job of explaining the need for a client
team that they thought they would do it right. We couldn't understand why this
otherwise bright group of executives insisted on such a large team when it was
obvious that the problem-solving would have been more efficient with a smaller
one. But they were paying the bills, so we lurched forward with our unwieldy gang
of twenty.

After two months we presented our results. The team of twenty reacted with
horror. They explained that before we talked to the jomus, we should discuss our
findings with a fairly large group of people around the bank. They started a list
that grew to several hundred people. We told them that would take a few months,
reminded them of the project's cost, and suggested again that we simply report our
solution to the board and get on with restoring market share. They reminded us
that they were paying the bills and suggested we do it their way.


Several months later we finally made the presentation to the jomu-kai. It lasted
only an hour and was mainly ceremonial. By then all of the jomus were well
acquainted with what we were going to say.

Then something amazing happened. About two days after the presentation their
market share started to rise! We had never seen results that fast. (In fact, as
anyone who has consulted will tell you, getting results at all is sometimes a

Involving twenty people on the team had nothing to do with problem-solving

"efficiency." Our talking to hundreds more after we had the "answer" to the market
share problem had nothing to do with crisp decision-making. Both processes had
everything to do with getting something done.

By the time we made the final presentation to the jomus, a significant part of the
entire Sanwa organization had already been involved in the project. All those
study-team members, all their friends in the bank, and all the people we talked to
subsequently understood that market share was of prime concern to top
management. They knew what the study team thought was the root of the problem.
But most important, they had the chance to engage in the problem themselves.
They could, and did, vigorously express their own views on the cause of the
problem and solutions to it. They could, and did, contribute to the team's thinking.
There was deep wisdom in Sanwa's insistence that we conduct the project in a way
that at the time appeared to me to be inefficient, burdensome, and more than a little

When Andy Pearson was still president of Pepsi Co, he said, "We have 120,000
employees stashed in various places around the world, and I frankly have no idea
what the hell they're doing." Throughout the Sanwa project, with hundreds of
people involved, we had no idea what they were all doing. In any sense of the
word control, the project seemed out of control. But in a broader sense the thing
was under control. The market share went up. Give up control, in the narrow
sense, to get control, in a broader sense.

Later, one of the members of the team of twenty commented about presenting the
results to the board early. "Good show business, bad consulting," he said. It says a
lot about why "implementation is a bitch" for so many American and European
managers. We are so busy grandstanding with "crisp decision" that we don't take
time to involve those who have to make the decisions work.

In this book, we at Dannemiller Tyson Associates--as practitioners of this type

of change described by Waterman--want to share with you the tools, theories
and underlying principles we have used in this type of system-wide work over
the years. We hope that our ideas and learnings can enable you to do truly
amazing work with your own clients.

We want to share with you because we believe that many of us are on the same
path……And we believe it is an important one for the future of the human race:
to help people and the organizations they live within to be as good as they can
be as they proceed into the chaotic future.


Chapter 1
Discovering the Magic of Whole-Scale


Large group approaches to organizational change have become increasingly popular in the last
few years because many leaders have learned that the style of management often referred to as
““command and control”” no longer works. Leaders are learning that they need to get real buy-in
on strategy from their people. They need to find new ways to align and engage large numbers
of people around a common, effective strategic focus. And they have come to realize that top
management may not have all of the answers.

The organizations we at Dannemiller Tyson Associates (DTA) work with are typically being
challenged by a quickly changing environment and experiencing a sense of urgency about
operating in that environment. It is our goal to help leaders and organizations understand and
believe in the change processes we call Whole-Scale as a viable way of responding to that

Living in a New World

In this first stage of the new millennium, organizations find themselves looking for ways to
survive and thrive in a new age. Our world now engages us in a truly global community.
Governments, corporations, institutions and organizations of all sizes and forms must redefine
who they are, the functions they serve and the new roles they must fill. The problems
organizations now face no longer respond to solutions rooted in older 20th century——or even l9th
century——problem-solving models.

Most astonishing in this ““information age”” is the speed at which the activities in our world
ƒ We transmit information in a millisecond from one corner of the world to the other
ƒ We observe nations fighting a war ““live”” on television
ƒ Civic groups demand ““time delays”” in reporting news as it happens to protect children from
the harsher realities of life and death
ƒ We broadcast new technologies and processes in an instant across the entire planet

Our world——smaller than ever——seems upside down. People in China, Great Britain, Brazil and
Romania build parts for an automobile designed in Japan; people in Mexico assemble the
vehicle; and someone in Detroit or another American city sells it to a customer.

Organizations slow to accept and adopt these changes and new technological marvels seem to
fall farther and farther behind.

Why Use Whole-Scale?

This new and ever changing environment moving at the speed of light has placed unparalleled
demands and expectations on today’’s organizations. Leaders must help their organizations


harness the tumult, speed, and complexity of the new environment. Whole-Scale enables an
organization to quickly and effectively assess its environment, map a system-wide strategy to be
successful within it, implement that strategy and achieve the success they desire. For these
reasons, we believe that Whole-Scale methodology makes important sense today.

We at Dannemiller Tyson Associates (DTA) believe that organizations overwhelmingly need to

change from old structural organizational methods to new, dynamic methods. We believe they
can best determine such methods by tapping into and unleashing the wisdom of the entire
workforce. We have found that Whole-Scale processes work well to release and combine the
organization’’s inherent knowledge. Thus, we want to ““open our hands”” and pass on ideas,
designs, and processes that we have used and found to be robust in creating change. When you
finish this book, we want you to be excited to try these processes and truly able to be successful.

What Is Whole-Scale?

Whole-Scale consists of several key processes to help an organization change in order to meet
the challenges of its environment: taking an action-learning journey, unleashing the power of the
microcosm, uniting multiple realities, and creating a paradigm shift……a change in the way the
organization sees its future actions…… that enables it to change real-time. As you help clients do
these things using Whole-Scale methods, two models and a formula will guide you: the
Converge/Diverge Model, the Action Learning Model, and the DVF formula.

Whole-Scale processes also consist of a series of events, typically alternating small and large
group interactions, that enable the organization to undergo the necessary paradigm shift. The
whole process is an action-learning approach that uses Whole-Scale events as accelerators and
works with microcosms of the organization.

Unleashing the Power of the Microcosm

If you want to shift the whole system at one time, you must be able to think the way the whole
system thinks. Using microcosms——real subsets of the larger group that represent all the
““voices”” of the organization——in the overall change process is one of the features of the Whole-
Scale approach that allows you——and the organization——to think and see ““whole system.”” The
microcosm contains the essential ““DNA”” of the whole organization. Working with groups that
mirror the ““whole”” allows you to work with the ““whole system”” at a different level. The best
way to change a system is to engage the whole system. Microcosms are the best windows
through which to view the whole system in real time. They provide access to the whole system
quickly and effectively. Having a critical mass of microcosms experiencing a paradigm shift
helps the whole organization shift.


The underlying assumption in the use of microcosms is that the wisdom necessary for success is
in all the people of the organization. The most effective change efforts include the voices of all
key stakeholders, not just the voices of the top or the bottom or the middle. All of the people in
the organization——plus those who are counting on the organization like customers, owners or
suppliers——must be able to speak and be heard.


Why is this so important?

The traditional consulting approach has been to pull together the ““experts”” on a particular
issue——often people who thought alike or had the same background or had the ““right”” status in
the organization. This view is necessarily limited, often focusing on data of high- ranking,
influential views. It’’s necessary to include those views, but by themselves, they are not
sufficient. Using the holistic view from a microcosm (or many microcosms) will illuminate the
fact that people can contribute powerfully when they have enough information and when they are
invited to do so.

In Whole-Scale, using microcosms means tapping into the wisdom of every area and every level
of the organization——all the way throughout the process, not just the night before
implementation. In Whole-Scale, involving people means engaging each person in a deep and
meaningful way.

Whole-Scale processes evoke the system’’s wisdom without needing to direct or control the
results. Thus, when the system is ready, the answers come. Your job as a consultant is to help
the system get ready. The microcosm will have all of the knowledge it needs, once the
organization has uncovered and combined the knowledge. Through the power of the microcosm,
it is possible to create identity in the moment and to form new identities, without having to
define every aspect of the system or get inside each person’’s head.

Some examples of microcosms that make the difference in Whole-Scale are research teams,
cross-functional task teams, work design teams and event-planning teams. In Whole-Scale
events, you can use microcosms in several ways. One of the most useful techniques is to use
““max-mix”” seating, which is simply a group of eight people at a table, representing basically the
same mix of knowledge and yearnings that will be in the larger group. Each table in a Whole-
Scale event is thus a microcosm of the room, and all those in the room together are a microcosm
of the system.

Uniting Multiple Realities

You must keep a continual focus on the simultaneous and sometimes conflicting realities that
exist in the internal and external environments of the organization. During events the real needs
of participants in their back-home work shape the content. Do not use simulations or role-plays.
Rather, encourage participants to discuss real issues in real face-to-face dialogue.

Many organizations base their improvement efforts on the assumptions of problem solving. In
fact, assuming that there is one ““right”” answer dis-empowers employees. If there is a ““right””
solution, it follows that there must also be a ““wrong”” solution. The right/wrong paradigm is a
limiting and ineffective way to help organizations change.

You will have greater success if you operate under the belief that there is no ““ right”” or ““wrong””
answer. An individual’’s answer is his or her ““truth.”” ““Each person’’s truth is truth”” is the phrase
you can use to help individuals listen to each other’’s perspectives. Helping people realize that all
of the truths matter is equally important.


The following formula helps us think about multiple realities:

Every Person’’s + All Truths = The Whole Truth

Truth Is Truth Matter

Going Whole

The Converge-Diverge Model

An important model to use is the Converge/Diverge Model, depicted in Figure 1 below. The
model shows a process in which an organization moves, over time, through a series of activities 
What create and sustain change in the organization. It represents a connected flow that integrates 
the individual, small group, and large group work that key stakeholders go through to expand
their database (diverge), combine their multiple realities (converge), explore possibilities
(diverge), and make system-wide decisions (converge). The large ovals depict opportunities for
a critical mass to ““get whole”” (converge). In the flow of convergence/divergence, large group
events accelerate the change journey. They bring together a critical mass who combine
everything people have been learning from their individual and small group efforts into a whole
picture. In the larger group, they will make the decisions that will move them forward faster
and deeper. The wisdom for the consultant is knowing when to ““go whole”” and when to go
smaller and deeper.

Figure 1: Converge-Diverge Model

Small Small Small

Group Group Group

Large Large
Small Group Small Group Small
Group Group
Work Work Group

Small Small
Group Group Small

Dannemiller Tyson’’s process for thinking about when to ““go whole”” comes from the work of
Lawrence & Lorsch, in their book Organization and Environment (Organization and
Environment: Managing Differentiation and Integration by Paul R. Lawrence and J. W. Lorsch).
In this book the authors talk about the need for an organization to have both differentiation and
integration. They define differentiation as ““differences in attitudes and behaviors among
functional organizations resulting from organizational segmentation with consequent
development of specialized knowledge and mental processes.”” They see integration as ““the
quality of the state of collaboration that exists among departments that are required to achieve


unity of effort by the demands of the environment.”” They also use the term integration as a
process of achieving a state of integration.

In the Whole-Scale approach, the Converge-Diverge diagram depicts how you can seek to help
an organization unleash and combine its wisdom and magic by ensuring that productive
differentiation is brought ““whole”” by productive integration.

Taking an Action-Learning Journey

Another model that describes Whole-Scale processes is the Action Learning Model found in
Figure 2 at the end of this chapter. The Action Learning model is a picture of wholeness
emerging——generating, releasing and focusing individual and organizational energy. It provides
a continual ““plan-do-check-act ““set of action learning processes. Following the Action Learning
path can facilitate a systems approach to engage all of the key stakeholders in the change
journey. Based on Kurt Lewin’’s Action Research Model and Ron Lippit’’s Roadmap for Change,
the model is an application of systems thinking and action learning, aimed at keeping the system
whole at every step of the way.

The Action Learning model is a common sense way to look at how organizations get on the path
to change. The Action Learning model describes a powerful way to help a client system stay
““whole”” throughout the learning cycle. Organizations must continually reexamine the results
they achieve at different points throughout a change process in order to inform the next step.
This axiom is true for the next agenda items in a meeting, the next day of an event, and for the
next step in the whole organization’’s journey.

Whether you are focusing on an event as an accelerator or the change journey as a whole, as a
process consultant your best approach is to help the client get the right people (a few or
thousands) to have the right conversations that will enable them to achieve their purpose. Your
interventions must be intentional at each step in the cycle. Design your work to engage the
organization to provide its own answers to the questions noted beside each step in the model.

Throughout the flow of change, each oval carries a different set of tasks and outcomes on the
journey. The questions between the ovals ensure that the right people have the right
conversations and thus ensure the wholeness of the system in the subsequent oval:
ƒ What’’s next and who needs to be involved?
ƒ What conversations need to take place?
ƒ What will be different because these conversations take place?

The answers to these three questions will tell the team whether or not you need a large group or
small group to achieve your purpose: do you need to converge or diverge?

A key design issue at each oval and throughout the learning cycle is when the organization is
answering the question ““Who needs to be involved?”” Is this the moment when the organization
needs to engage a critical mass of the system to reunite around head and heart——to get a critical
mass of the system whole again around its own collective wisdom? Or is it time to get small,
focused and deep?


Within each oval, the ““who”” is a microcosm or multiple microcosms (i.e., 20 people or 500
people). One of the initial activities of the microcosm is to build its own common database to
inform its conversation and its work. Then, within each oval, the common database that the
microcosm builds helps the organization uncover the right issues to address at that point. Once
the issues are visible, the microcosm can address those issues and move the system towards the
next level of the change process.

Shared information is the common thread that connects all the ovals in the learning cycle. The
content of the information shifts as the system moves through that cycle. The focus is to create
““wholeness”” every step of the way.

In different parts of this model, different microcosms are involved. When a critical mass of the
microcosms has gone through the action learning model on the right issues, the whole system
will change because it has in fact become an organization with a new paradigm……an organization
that has a whole new picture of what it wants to be. Dannemiller Tyson Associates refer to this
magical moment when the paradigm shift occurs as becoming ““one-brain and one-heart.””
Everyone in the organization sees the same things and cares passionately about creating this new

The Action Learning model serves as a general architecture for an overall Whole-Scale change
process. Within a change process, the organization may go through many iterations of the
learning cycle. For example, when designing and conducting a critical mass/Whole-Scale
meeting and follow-up, the organization goes through the whole action-learning cycle. Each
cycle takes the organizational learning deeper and helps the organization re-energize itself to
sustain the change process and embed the new paradigm in its day-to-day workings.

Creating Paradigm Shifts With DVF

The DVF formula depicted in Figure 3 is a cornerstone of Whole-Scale work. Dannemiller

Tyson Associates first developed this concept from the work of Richard Beckhard
(Organizational Transitions: Managing Complex Change, Richard Beckhard and Reuben T.
Harris, Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, 1987) at the National Training Laboratories.
DTA’’s version of the model explains what it takes to bring about real change, in an organization
or in an individual.

The first step in lasting organizational change is for each individual and the organization as a
whole to share a common database of dissatisfaction (D) with things as they are right now.
Everyone must be able to see and understand the view that others hold, and to understand, as
described above, that ””each person’’s truth is truth.”” Everyone needs to see and value others’’
views and combine those views with their own perspective to create a common database from
which the entire organization can move forward. They need a common vision (V) of what they
all yearn to be in the future; and they also need agreement on significant system-wide first steps
(F) to take that they believe will begin to move them toward the vision.

If any of these three elements is zero, the drive for change cannot overcome the natural forces of
resistance (R) that exist within any individual or organization.


Figure 3: D x V x F >R


D = Dissatisfaction with the current situation

V = Vision describes our combined yearnings;

must be ennobling, empowering and worthy;
more than the absence of pain of the present situation

F = First steps in the direction of the vision

R = Resistance to change

Change will occur and sustain itself when there is a common database of D, V, and F in an
individual and/or the microcosm of the system. If any of these bases is zero, change will
not occur. The product will be 0 which will not be greater than R. It is appropriate for
members of an organization to resist when they can’’t see the larger picture.

The D x V x F > R model is a great deal more than simply a model for change. It is, in fact, an
important model that enables the necessary paradigm shift to occur. When you help an
organization to combine D, V, and F, each member of the organization sees the multiple realities
that connect them. When this happens, the system as a whole shifts, and so do they as
individuals. When the shift occurs, you can feel it in terms of higher level of excitement and
energy in the room. The paradigm shift lasts beyond the initial euphoria. It is literally
impossible, once an organization has made a real shift, for it to go back to seeing the world in the
old ways.

Now people (individually and as a whole) are seeing the world differently, seeing their
organization differently, and seeing themselves differently. They have connected with each
other around a common picture of their future and the actions they will take to get there. After
the paradigm shift experience, participants are clamoring to use their newly uncovered wisdom
to build toward the yearnings they have uncovered together.

In Conclusion

Pulling together a microcosm and/or a series of microcosms creates a critical mass of an

organization——““one-brain and one-heart””——capable of building and living a new culture in the
moment. As this same critical mass proceeds to model what the organization can be and how it
will work, it becomes the vehicle by which powerful change occurs in the whole system.


Whole-Scale includes robust processes capable of quickly changing client systems and preparing
them for further substantive change by:

ƒ Clarifying and connecting multiple current realities

ƒ Uniting multiple yearnings around a common picture of the future
ƒ Reaching agreement on the action plans that move them toward that future
ƒ Building the processes, structures and relationships that keep the organization moving
ƒ Aligning the organization leaders and employees so that they can implement the changes

When the microcosm has gone through this series of processes, it will produce a paradigm
shift——a new way of seeing the world. Once the organization experiences the paradigm shift,
people see the world differently. They are ready to take the actions that will begin to transform
their shared vision into their shared reality. Probably the most exciting thing we at DTA have
learned through the years is that processes we have used with a client, that have led to a
paradigm shift, become new ““common sense”” ways of holding meetings and leading change.
They believe……as we……that those processes are simply good organizational change processes.

Equation for Change


Figure 2: The Action Learning Model pictures how we see incremental emergence of wholeness, generating, releasing and
ÍÏÐÑÒÓÔÒÍÏÐÑÒÓÔÒ focusing individual and organizational energy using the Whole-Scale approach:
Who needs to be involved?
What data needs to be Ô 1-A Î2 2-A
heard? shared?
For what purpose? What Creating a Common Data Base Implications for Us
WHAT’’S NEXT and who
will be different? ƒ Multiple realities ƒ How does this data impact us?
needs to be involved?
Divergent or convergent ƒ Shared understanding ƒ Where are we right now?
What work needs to be
process? ƒ Strategic focus done? What conversations ƒ What are possibilities?
Ò7 need to
take place? What will be WHAT’’S NEXT and who needs to be
WHAT’’S NEXT and who needs to be different? Divergent or involved? What work needs to be done?
involved? What work needs to be done? What convergent process? Ô3 What conversations need to take place?
conversations need to take place? What will What will need to be different as a result?
be different? Divergent or convergent Divergent or convergent process?
Whole-Scale• Action Learning 3-A
6-A Creating the Future We See
Reality Checking
Dannemiller Tyson Associates ƒ Uncovering and combining our
ƒ What did we say we’’d do? educated yearnings
Being whole means achieving group cohesion because we combined
ƒ What did we actually do? ƒ Picturing what we need to be
ƒ What did we learn? multiple realities, achieving collective, shared reality. ƒ Creating the shared image of where we
ƒ What’’s new? need to be (e.g., a new strategy, new
culture, a new structure)

WHAT’’S NEXT and WHAT’’S NEXT and Who needs to be

Who needs to be involved? involved? What work needs to be done?
6Ñ What conversations need to be kept WHAT’’S NEXT and What conversations need to happen?
going? What work needs to be kept Who needs to be involved? 4Ó What will need to be different? Divergent or
going? What will be different? What work needs to be done? convergent process?
Divergent or convergent process? What conversations need to
happen? What will be 4-A
5-A different? Divergent or Agreeing on Change Strategy
Connecting Around Specific Actions convergent process? ƒ Bigger picture goals, based on the gap
ƒ What will ““move the needle””? of where we are and our shared future
ƒ Who will be responsible? ƒ Looking at possibilities for action
ƒ By When? 5Í
1 This is a point where you might be beginning a system-wide change process and you would (as an event planning team) be asking and acting on the issues.
2-7 The event planning team, or some other group, needs to be asking these questions and acting on the answers to plant the next step.
Chapter 2
Designing a Whole-Scale Meeting
Planning an Event as an Accelerator of System-wide Change

Event Planning Teams: Overview

This chapter describes the planning and designing process leading up to Whole-Scale events that
accelerate total system change. The term "event" describes a meeting of any size, whether it is
for a purpose that involves a small group (e.g., leadership alignment), a larger group (e.g.,
multiple task teams coming together to integrate their work), or a critical mass of the system (if
not the entire system). It is, of course, important to keep in mind that each client is unique, and
therefore you should adjust this planning and designing process to meet specific client

Use a microcosm of the whole organization to form an Event Planning Team (EPT). The EPT
thus brings together the levels, functions, viewpoints, cultures and diversities of the whole
organization. The size of an EPT can vary from six to 25, as long as it’’s a good microcosm. The
makeup of each EPT is different because it is a microcosm of the whole group that will
participate in the event itself. The use of the microcosm and how you engage it is a
distinguishing characteristic of the Whole-Scale change methodology.

In the EPT meeting, you take on the role of process consultants. The ““One of the
wisdom about the purpose and content of any organizational event lies disadvantages of
in the participants. You will want to combine the microcosm's multiple being an outsider
is lacking the
realities to create an image of the organization’’s reality. context and history
of the particular
"It is a key assumption In your blending of the EPT’’s content system and its
underlying process wisdom and your process wisdom, you operational
consultation that the problems”” The
client must learn to see create a ““joint diagnosis”” that helps the
Consulting Process
the problem for himself team determine the purpose, outcomes and in Action, Gordon
(sic), to share in the agenda for an event that will move the & Ronald Lippitt
diagnosis, and to be organization forward in significant and (p.13) 1978.
actively involved in meaningful ways.
generating a remedy.
Another assumption
underlying process The dynamics in the EPT are a pretty good indicator of the
consultation: problems dynamics that will occur during an event. If you have a true
will stay solved longer microcosm of the organization on the EPT, their collective voice
and be solved more will represent the voice of the whole organization. They will
effectively if the
organization solves its provide a window into the larger culture. The thoughts and
own problems." Schein feelings that arise during the EPT meeting are the same thoughts
pp 6-7 and feelings that will emerge in the larger event for the whole
organization to address. Being connected in this microcosm,
individual EPT members begin to see the world though
perspectives other than their own, and thus they begin to see a
larger picture of the organization. At the end of one EPT meeting
a member, reflecting on the two days shared, said, "I came in


thinking it should be a certain way because I'd seen it done a certain way. As the group
began to make changes, I thought, µThey're doing it wrong¶...As I listened to hear their
views, I realized I was the one who was wrong by seeing only my own perspective."


E vent
T eam


STRATEGY DEVELOPMENT/IMPLEMENTATION ROADMAP (Whole-Scale¥ Change for Strategy Development)


Contract Relationship with Leadership Small Group Work
Identify Desired Business Results Alignment On Relationships,
Identify Current Change Efforts, Research of Possibilities
Roles and Responsibilities Site Visits
Î Teams and Structures Event Alignment and Consensus on
Develop Project Plan for Change Begin Communication with
Planning Mission/Vision/Values/Goals
Effort Organization
Team Prepare Draft Strategy Î
Identify Leadership Team Select Event Planning
Continuation Thinking Team

Small Group Work
Critical Mass Logistics Planning
One or more special purpose Í DxVxF>R Facility
large scale events and (If needed) MCG Invitations Purpose
associated small group work Input on Strategy Speakers Agenda
may be required for specific Logistics Team
needs such as work design Action Planning
Finalize Design
(See Work Design Roadmap) Í Í
Review Commitments
Small Group Work Leadership Work Assess Progress
Document Event Create new structures E. Learn from What Has Happened
Small Group and
Feedback to System Monitor Progress P. Celebrate Success Leadership Work
Continuation Activities Provide Resources T. Decide What Needs to Happen Continuous Monitoring,
Monitor/Report Progress Model New Behaviors Next Communication and
Communicate with each Metrics (Team/Org.) Improvement
other and system
Î Skill-based Pay
Supervisory Issues

Roadmap for Whole-Scale£ applied to Work Design

Small Group Work

Getting Started LAUNCH EVENT
Scoping the Change Effort Process Mapping (as is)
Organization Alignment and
Building a Project Plan Process Models for New and
Leadership Alignment Consensus on Strategy
Event Existing Processes Developed
Vision/Mission/Values Mission/Vision/Values &
Planning Design Principles Communication to Rest of System
Core Team Selection
Team Identify Customer Plan Pre-work for
Process Maps Requirements Organization Design
Plan Pre-work Tasks for Critical Process Identification
Process Design

Small Group Work Event
Org. Models &Options Planning
Identify Process Owner Candidates EVENT
Work Unit Boundaries and Scope Team
Roles and Responsibilities Begin to Identify Transition Team
Options and Choices Customer Requirements
Members & Leaders
Rules Event Revisited Design Principles
Complete Detailing of New
Planning Process Understanding
Process Solutions
Team To-Be Process Models
Communication to rest of
Small Group Work
Transition Leadership Gaps
Process Owners Named WORK
NEVENT P. GROUPS ON E. Checkpoints
Skill/Training Gaps Defined
Implementation Plan Goals Established
Agree on Transition Plan T. Stabilize
Developed Implementation Risks Team TOPICS
E. Rewards/Recog.
Barriers Role/Responsibilities
P. Plan Implementation & Mechanics E. Metrics Improve
T. Resources Allocated to Micro Design P. (Team/Org.)
Support Moving Forward T. Skill-based Pay
Supervisory Issues


Event Planning Teams: The Whole-Scale Approach

Typically it’’s best if two consultants work together as external consultants to an EPT. Working
in pairs brings your own multiple realities to the intervention and thus models your beliefs for the
client. You can then engage internal consultants because combining their realities with your own
and building infrastructure reduces dependency on you.

The organization selects members of an Event Planning Team to foreshadow the group that will
be at a Whole-Scale event. This microcosm needs to be a snip of the DNA of the larger group:
they need to represent diversities, different cultures, different roles, different locations and
organizational levels, different attitudes (especially the cynics and skeptics), and different
experiences. Clients typically they seem to understand this kind of group without much

Sometimes internal consultants struggle with getting the

Edgar Schein in his book authorization for, or time for, a good, representative Event
Process Consultation: Its Planning Team meeting. Because there can be so many
Role in Organization significant people involved in the larger meeting –– and that makes
Development defines the stakes especially high –– you do not want to miss the mark.
process consultation as
““……a set of activities on the Therefore, you will need to explain the vital importance of having
part of the consultant which the wisdom of a microcosm planning team. Real time in the EPT
help the client to perceive, meeting, ask members whether the present group is a true
understand, and act upon microcosm. If not, ask, ““What voices are missing and what can
process events which occur we do to get those voices into the conversation?”” If you cannot
in order to improve the
situation as defined by the get a true microcosm team, it is not the end of the world, but it
client.”” means you will have to work especially hard to gather additional
data and continuously check out your purpose and design with
various other members of the client organization.

During the EPT meeting, work hard to engage all voices——especially the quiet voices and the
voices of the fringe. Frequently they make the most valuable contributions because they espouse
views that are controversial and help break paradigms. They help discuss the undiscussable.
When they believe the agenda for the event will really work, there’’s a high probability that it will
work! The work the EPT does serves as a pilot for the Whole-Scale event, because the EPT will
take the same journey that the larger group will take. Design and facilitate the EPT meeting
using similar processes and the same underlying principles you use during any Whole-Scale¥
event. The EPT’’s reactions help determine what will and will not work. Their experience will
be an accurate foretelling of the larger group’’s learning and developing experiences.

The EPT’’s job is to figure out both what the organization needs to accomplish during the Whole-
Scale™™ event and how to develop it. Build an agreement with the EPT that the group will make
all decisions in the two days of the planning session by true consensus. The team needs to
understand that there can be no agreement on the "right" agenda until everybody agrees. The
wisdom about what needs to happen next flows from these discussions, even though some
members of the team grow impatient and are uncomfortable with the dissenters. Nevertheless,
each person’’s voice needs to be heard and integrated, even when you find yourself wishing the


dissenting person(s) would just agree with everyone else! Each person on the planning team will
be a representative of a wider group in the organization, and therefore you have to consider his or
her truth seriously, as it has more ““visceral weight”” than just ““one-voice.”” Changes you reach
through this kind of acceptance and discussion will be the right ones for the larger group.

It is particularly important to Some organizations are so resource constrained that they will not
be clear about your role and the give up people for two whole days. Keep to the concept of using
roles of the EPT members at the the microcosm to plan, and take whatever time is available. Work
beginning of the work. It is with the system to find creative ways for the organization to
uncover and own its own data and design ideas, while staying
important for you, as external whole.
consultants, to be the "process"
experts, and it is important for the
internal team members to be the "content" experts. If you can keep your roles clear, the EPT will
produce an effective design, by linking and combining what the process experts know about how
to do this kind of session with what the internal content experts know about where this
company is right now and what it needs to deal with in order to move ahead.

Event Planning Teams: Why they play a critical role

EPTs play a critical role in accelerating whole system change because they do the following

ƒ Create Empowerment and Participation - By using an EPT, you inform and empower a
microcosm within the organization. This microcosm makes meaningful decisions about their
future and the future of the organization. The EPT process builds ownership and commitment
not only for the event but also for the actions that come out of the event.

ƒ Create Community - When you foster an environment where employees can come together,
they can create and believe in something larger than themselves. The use of an EPT brings
voices from across the organization into conversation in a way that builds a sense of

ƒ Create a Shared Preferred Future - When a group connects around creating a collective
"image of potential" for the future, that image will form the basis for action today. People
will truly support what they have been part of creating for the present and for the future.


Combining and uniting around common yearnings is the basis for incredible power in any
group. The EPT creates an image of how the world will be different as a result of a Whole-
Scale event, and they translate that image into the event purpose. They begin to see how all
their actions need to support the purpose in order to bring about meaningful change.


The EPT Meeting: Underlying process models

Three models work simultaneously to guide your work with the EPT. The first model is MCG
(Membership ––Control –– Goals) because it helps you build a team. Second is D-P-P-E (Data -
Purpose - Plan - Evaluate) because it evokes the data and provides the framework for designing
the event. Third is D x V x F > R because it guides the flow and content of the conversations
that need to take place.

MCG - Membership, Control and Goals

In your work with microcosms of all sizes, you

need to focus continuously on helping the
microcosm, in this case an EPT, become a real
team. The MCG model for team development is an
adaptation of Jack Gibb's Continuous Concerns
Model. (Gibb, Jack: The Basic Reader: Reading
in Laboratory Training. Detroit, MI: Province V,
The Episcopal Church, 1970.) The model depicts
Membership issues, Control issues and Goal issues
that you need to address continuously in
forming an effective group of any kind or size.
MCG will help you both to build an effective EPT
and to guide the flow of the event agenda.


Entry/Initial Reason for Coming Together



Some Questions That Team Members Ask In Each Phase

Data Flow What’’s new?

What do we need to share to have a ““level playing field””?
Different data has to flow at each stage (membership, control, goals, and
the Eurphoria stage)

Membership Do I belong in this group?

Do I want to belong in this group?
Who else is here?

Control Who’’s in charge?

What style of leadership are they using?
How much control will I have/want?

Goal Formation What do we want to accomplish?

What do I want to see happen?
How will we know we’’ve been successful?

Euphoric Interface Boy, aren’’t we a good team?

Followed by a need to restart MCG again on a deeper level.

Adapted from Jack Gibb’’s ““4 Continuing Concerns in a Group”” in The Basic Reader: Reading
in Laboratory Training. Detroit, MI: Province V, The Episcopal Church, 1970.


The concept of membership addresses questions such as: Do I belong in this group? Do I want to
belong in this group? Who else is here?

In the EPT during the personal introductions and throughout the process of building a common
database, team members have an opportunity to share why they are there, what they bring and
their hopes for the future——as well as listen to thoughts from the other members around these
same issues. In this process, people are checking out whether the other people in the EPT share
their values. They may ask themselves, ““Is this a group that I'd be proud to be part of? Will they
be glad to have been connected with me?”” When people feel comfortable about the answers to
these questions, they are ready to move on to the next concern area: control.

The concept of Control addresses such questions as: ““Who's in charge? What style of leadership
are they using? Do they care about other's opinions? Will I have too much control? Too little?””

The EPT has a significant say in the design of the Whole-Scale event. They tell you what you
need to include and who needs to attend. They identify the key stakeholder voices that the
organization needs to hear. During the actual event, the EPT continues to play a critical role in
reviewing daily evaluations and making decisions regarding the design for the next day. If they
do good work as a team, the impact they will have on the leadership team will surprise them. If
the group gets a ““livable”” answer to the control concerns, they will then be ready to move to the
final area of concern: goal agreement.

The concept of Goals addresses such questions as: ““What do we want to accomplish? What do I
want to see happen? How will we know we've been successful?””

The EPT develops the purpose statement for the event, which drives everything else, and
identifies the outcomes to achieve during the event. At the event itself, max-mix tables and the
room as a whole will have the opportunity to add their own yearnings to the community pot.

When you feel the EPT has addressed its goal concerns, help them move into a "holding area"——
a "Euphoric Interface," a time when they are saying to each other, "We do good work. We're a
good team." From this phase, a healthy group will move ahead to deepen the relationships and
commonalties they have developed.

The organization must continue to focus on continuing concerns. One team building event is
never enough. Teams must nurture themselves. Ways to do this include on-going max-mix
teamwork, reunions of a launch group or any work team, or continuous removal of old barriers to
communication. The minute you have ceased building the team, people will begin to revert and
go backwards: they will question common goals, the distribution of power and finally, whether
they even want to be connected to this organization. This team process holds true with
marriages, as well as teams and communities, and it speaks to the importance of keeping open
communication toward a common database.


D-P-P-E - Data-Purpose-Plan-Evaluate

We use D-P-P-E as a fail-safe way of planning a meeting, large or small. What we learned at the
National Training Labs in Bethel, Maine, in the 1960s that caused many of us to change how we
did process consulting was the absolutely powerful nature of consensus on Purpose--““If you
don’’t know where you’’re going, any road can take you there!”” This D-P-P-E model helped
many of us get there. ““If you’’re having trouble agreeing on a Purpose go back and get more data
and you’’ll find it to be much easier.”” There is often a point in an EPT meeting when the
consensus seems to be ““stuck””, when we will ask the question: ““Do we have the right people in
the room? Maybe we need more data from a different viewpoint.”” Probably the most important
thing we learned in those early NTL days was that most of our energy and time was put into the
Data-Purpose part of the model. It turned out to be astonishingly easy to come up with a Plan
when we had done the first two steps well. Within the EPT meeting, the model provides a
framework for actually designing the event. Within the event itself, you will use the model to
facilitate the event. Like Plan-Do-Check-Act, D-P-P-E is an excellent process model for
working any phase of a change effort.

The first element, data, is about "getting your finger
on the pulse" of the organization. The table below
illustrates the various purposes for which you may
use data with the EPT.


Consultants need data to The EPT needs data to During the Event
plan the EPT Meeting ƒ Build itself as a team everyone uses data to
(MCG) evaluate whether the
ƒ Design the Event organization is meeting
its purpose & to tweak the
ƒ What does the ƒ What data needs to inform ƒ What’’s the energy
leadership yearn for? the event? level?
ƒ What outcomes do ƒ Who does the organization ƒ Is it the appropriate
they desire? need to hear it from? kind of energy for the
ƒ What’’s the scope of ƒ Who needs to attend? activity?
the change? ƒ What’’s our own data about ƒ Are people actively
ƒ What’’s in bounds? how we see the involved at their
ƒ What’’s out of bounds? organization now and in tables?
ƒ What kind of the future? ƒ What do written
microcosms are ƒ What outcomes are our evaluations from all
available to work leaders looking for? participants,
with? ƒ What outcomes do we customized to each
need to make the event day, reveal?
worthwhile? ƒ Where would
participants typically
be in a successful
change journey?
ƒ Are people there?
ƒ Are people coming
back from the breaks?
ƒ What is the EPT
seeing and hearing at
their tables, at breaks?

NOTE: If you cannot sit down with a true microcosm event planning team and have them
teach you (and each other) about the organization, you can simply pull together whomever
you can get, and treat them as if they were a real Event Planning Team. This will work if you
keep constantly aware, and keep the team constantly aware, that the team is not a true
microcosm and might not have the right data. Keep asking the group questions like, "If the
people from ‘‘such & such’’ were here, what would they be saying?" The group usually does
a pretty good job of role playing in that fashion. Sometimes, though, you will become
aware that you really have a lack of data, and it becomes necessary to send a "pick-up team"
out to get more data from folks who can't be there……or in some cases to go out and get them
to come to the EPT meeting, if needed. In any case, you as external consultants need to work
very carefully to stay free of making your own judgments or interpretations. In other words,
work hard to remember that "Each person's truth is truth" and to make sure
the EPT remembers as well.



Purpose drives everything in the event. Continually ask, ““What

has to be different in the world?”” when you are scoping a project
to see it through the eyes of the leadership and the organization,
when you are working with leadership teams, preparing for EPT
meetings, and designing and facilitating events.

Always ground the purpose in data. As consultants, use data

from the leadership to understand their overarching purpose for
the change effort and to construct the purpose for the EPT
meeting. The EPT, supported by you, uses data to construct the purpose for the event they are
planning. Both the EPT purpose and the event purpose support the overarching purpose of the
change effort.

In the planning meeting, once the EPT has a basic feel for the organization and has "their fingers
on the pulse," help the team to define, in words, the underlying reason for convening a critical
mass of the organization. Continually ask the question, "What has to be different in the world
because these people came together?" When you discern compelling results (rather than simply
a list of activities), this succinct purpose statement serves as a beacon (or North Star) for the
team to follow as it creates the event design. Without a clear, compelling purpose that the team
has come to by true consensus, it isn't possible to make accurate decisions about what
conversations need to take place in the meeting. If the EPT is on target with the statement of
purpose, people in the organization will read it and say, "Yes——that is a good reason to pull all of
us together for three days!" They will be excited by the proposed results, even if skeptical that
they are possible.


There’’s a plan for the project (driven by the overarching purpose), a plan (agenda) for the
meeting with the EPT (see Figure 5, page 27), and a plan for the event itself. Purpose drives
each plan——What will be different because the organization does this?

In the planning team meeting, with the event purpose clearly defined, the EPT will do the
detailed planning. As you help them plan, constantly check the activities you design into the
meeting against the purpose to see if you are still on track. Also, you can ask the EPT to put on a
participant's "hat" to ask questions like, "Is this what I would want to be doing now? Am I
interested in what is happening? Do I need a break?" The EPT will determine what is
appropriate based on their knowledge of the organization, its history, its culture and what the
participants will be thinking at that time in the event. Listen to see the world through their eyes,
and you will hear the wisdom you need to hear, as an ““outsider.”” Each design will follow the D
x V x F > R model for change flow, but the activities in each event will be unique because, of
course, the purpose is unique and driven by the realities of the client system.



Evaluation occurs throughout the event planning process, the event itself, and indeed, the entire
change effort. You can evaluate at various times using a variety of techniques:
ƒ Evaluate the event purpose by "road-testing" it outside the EPT, especially with the
leadership group.
ƒ Evaluate your design ideas by using the EPT to truly agree on that design to achieve that
purpose, and sometimes by checking it out with other key stakeholders in the organization.
ƒ Evaluate how the group is working together as an EPT after each day of meetings.
ƒ Finally, gather written evaluations from participants after each day of a Whole-Scale event.

Members of the EPT, as well as members of the leadership group, play an important role in
reviewing participant feedback at the end of each day during a larger event and help to formulate
changes, if necessary, in the event design for the following day.

Lippitt & Lippitt (pp. 23-24) are very clear in their thoughts about evaluation and feedback:
"Feedback is only helpful if it is utilized rapidly to re-examine goals, to revise action strategies,
and, perhaps, to activate decisions concerning the mobilization of additional resources and
changes of assignments and roles. Collecting evaluation data is really a waste of time unless
some planning and energy are put into processing and using the findings, rewarding those who
have made relevant efforts, and revising and improving plans for the next stages of action."

As the Lippitts suggest, it’’s effective to use evaluation in the intervening evening at each event,
summarizing it and reporting it back to the whole group the next morning, along with any
changes you’’ve made overnight based on the feedback. Be committed to having the right people
hear the feedback in order to get the right voices into the plan for any changes. The feedback
belongs to the whole group, in order to help them build toward ““one-brain and one-heart”” as they
go along.


D x V x F > R –– A Model for Change

This formula for change from Chapter One is also relevant for the EPT because it guides the
design and flow of conversations and activities in the event.

The two days of an Event Planning Team are a journey of discovery. The discovery is around the
elements of the change model: Dissatisfaction with the way things are right now (D) x Vision of
what things could be that inspires and unites the group (V) x First steps that all can see as worth
doing (F) > Resistance to change (R). The change formula suggests that when you can get the
EPT to see themselves and their organization in terms of a common understanding of
Dissatisfaction, Vision and First Steps, they will be able to design an event that will, by
definition, overcome their organization's resistance to change. All people resist change when
any one of the three elements is missing, or is not articulated.

The Event Planning Team Meeting

A Whole-Scale event is very important in the life of an organization. It is vital to ensure that the
time people spend is valuable. What will be different in the world because these people came
together? Your job is to help the EPT to make sure the results are worthwhile.

The EPT meeting——a journey of discovery as well as a planning process——has a movement

similar to the movement of an accordion. The meeting opens to gather as much data as possible
to allow the team to create a common database that reflects the richness of all their perspectives.
Then the meeting narrows to a specific purpose, expands to identify all of the possible
appropriate "chunks of the agenda", and then narrows again to specify next steps needed to pull
off a successful event.

For most events, an EPT optimally needs to meet for two successive days. If this is possible, the
results are almost always an event design that is appropriate to the larger organization’’s needs
and culture. Having a generic EPT meeting agenda ensures that you take full advantage of the
available time, energy and resources during the event.


A typical EPT meeting agenda flow might be as follows in Figure 5. (Note: a detailed step-by-
step design for the EPT Meeting can be found pages 33-46.)

Figure 5: Generic EPT Meeting Agenda

Day Agenda D-P-P-E At Work

Day 1
8:00 a.m. Welcome & Purpose——Leadership Kickoff
Purpose——Agenda——Norms Data
View from EPT team members
Overview of the Whole-Scale approach

Desired Outcomes Purpose

Event Purpose

5:00 p.m. Evaluations and Close

Day 2
8:00 a.m. Feedback on Evaluations & Review of Work from Day 1
Refining Participants List
Elements Brainstorm (Given the Purpose, what questions
need to be answered?) Plan
Laying out a ““Chunked”” Agenda (flow of elements)
Developing a Detailed Design (content, process and

Leadership Team Review

Next Steps / Loose Ends

5:00 p.m. Evaluation / Debrief / Close Evaluate

Developing a Detailed Design - An event design is a sequence of activities that lead the group
to achieve their event purpose. Each activity (““chunk””) must meet certain quality criteria that
ensure the integrity of the whole design. Keep these criteria constantly in your thinking as you
work with the EPT to develop the "chunked”” agenda. Also keep them in your thinking as you
facilitate an event. They are your way of staying client-focused. The quality criteria are:

ƒ Purpose - Everything you do leads to this, the organization’’s "North Star." Purpose helps
define the shift the organization is seeking. From the point where the EPT agrees upon the
purpose statement, they make every decision——from deciding what customers the
organization needs to hear from up to how long lunch will be——with the purpose in mind.


ƒ Shared Common Database - Every activity should add to this database, build community and
systems thinking, give the group a shared picture of the organization’’s business situation and
therefore enable the whole to move forward.

ƒ Risk –– Keep risk to an acceptable level that builds as the event builds, as in the practice of
yoga, where there is a difference between a healthy stretch and a painful stretch. At the
beginning of an event, ask questions of one level of risk and build on these. At the end of an
event, you’’ll be asking folks to commit to specific actions.

ƒ Empowering - As one of DTA’’s colleagues, Barry Camson, put it, "The work is about a
sincere, deep, abiding, unwavering, and non-faddish view of empowerment." Constantly
look for ways to increase participation, to ensure that people feel listened to, to help them see
that they have choices and feel wise enough to make those choices. All of these lead to an
individual’’s increased capacity to act.

ƒ Adult Learning –– Adhere to good adult learning process. Work hard to create an
environment where folks feel——and are——smart. Rational people with good information
make good decisions.

ƒ Teambuilding - Continually look for ways to make the team stronger in both their shared
view of the organization and their ability to self-manage. Everything you do is an
opportunity to build teams——both the functional and work teams as well as the cross-
functional team. Staying in the same table configuration allows participants to go deeper
with each other as they learn different perspectives from each other. Schein (p. 98) says,
"Every act on the part of the process consultant constitutes an intervention."

ƒ Theory –– The models such as DVF and D-P-P-E shape the design and the ways you will
work with the EPT participants in the larger event.

ƒ A Positive Atmosphere –– Additionally, you will want to create an environment where there
are no negative learnings. As Lippitt and Lippitt (p. 49) put it: "One should not intervene to
influence an individual member of the group unless the effect is at least neutral, if not
positive, for the total group, and one should not intervene to influence the total group unless
the impact will be at least neutral, if not positive, for each individual in the group.”” In your
decision making, therefore, think about both the appropriate level of intervention and the
potential side effects."



““In 1982, when we first invented the concepts of Whole-Scale, Bruce Gibb, Al Davenport,
Chuck Tyson, and I were the external consultants who worked with internal Ford
consultants, Nancy Badore and Cynthia Holm. We came together to design a seminar that
could help Ford move to a new way of working, connected around knowledge and passion
for the future. We designed, with all six of us, and we agreed to design by real
consensus: if anyone disagreed, the discussion would go back to its roots and start over

None of us remembers why we decided on that process, which certainly seemed

cumbersome at the time. Consensus was usually reached after a fierce, confronting
battle……and we always hung in and did it. After we began having startling success with
these seminars, we began to wonder why. One of the answers, which emerged, was that it
was the way we designed events built on a consensed purpose with modules, each
representing a part of one of our own passions.

In order for a module to be included, each of us had to agree that it was the right thing to do
at that moment and a good way to do it. What we created were design modules that
included every principle and belief that any and all of us had……it was a struggle that fully
paid off, and we even still cared about each other. I remember when Bruce would come up
with an elegant theory that he thought would educate and develop people appropriately and
I would say, ““Boring! We want them to be empowered, not asleep.”” And all the color
would fade from Bruce’’s face. And thus, the design struggle continued.

Here is our ““umbrella”” concept of design principles. It contains a checklist of

characteristics to check against each proposed module in an event design. The importance
of the umbrella is that everything is driven to accomplish the Purpose (the tip of the
Umbrella in our model) and the various interactions are following the path of our Model for
Change (the paradigm shift model) called DxVxF>R which is the handle of the Umbrella.
The third, and critical, concept is that every module of an event must respond to all the
beliefs expressed in the points of the umbrella……

x Each module has to be focused and contributing to the purpose;

x Each module has to contribute to empowerment, meaning that people feel more
powerful, more important, more knowledgeable than before;
x Each module has to have some risk embodied in it, enough risk to keep people alive
but not so much risk that they’’d hit the bushes to hide;
x Each module has to be designed around adult education principles: treating people
like adults and getting them working on issues they knew so that they wouldn’’t feel
x Each module has to be based upon good solid tested theory, not focused on today’’s
x Each module needs to add to the common database, so we end up with everyone
knowing what each one of us knows;


x Each module needs to contribute in some way to building teamwork: either at a
microcosm table, in a functional team, or at the very least, strengthening the team
defined by the boundaries of the people in the room.

Working with an Event Planning Team, we can create an event that combines the right
activities in the right order to create a genuine paradigm shift. Any one of us can design a
module of an event that wll work on one point or even two. It takes a team to combine all
of their passions in the best learning experience possible.””

Kathie Dannemiller







Purpose Everything we do leads to this, our ““true north””……the reason for doing
all of this

Common Shared Database Builds community/builds systems thinking; is what enables the whole
to move forward; gives us a shared picture of our business situation.
There are no throwaway lines. Everything must add to the common
Example: Telling our Stories

Risk An expectable level that builds as the event builds, e.g., yoga and the
difference between a healthy strength and a painful stretch. Tie this to
building the team and why we stay in max-mix seating: the longer we
are together, the more open we are, the more we speak up, and the more
we are willing to confront.
Example: Telling our Stories is the foundation level of taking risk and
throughout an event it builds to the point of being able/willing to
commit to action plans.

Empowering Increased participation

Sense of wisdom
Being listened to
Having choice
Increasing our capacity to act
NO negative learnings
Example: Open Forum gives them voice and control

Adult Learning Good adult education. We work hard to create an environment where
folks feel and are smart. Rational people with good information make
good decisions.
Example: Panels and Open Forums before we get down to doing work
give us different views so we begin to think as system not just

Team Building Continually making the team stronger and everything we do is an

opportunity to build the team, both the work team and the table cross-
functional team. This is why we stay in max-mix here and in a real
event it allows us to go deeper with each other as we learn more about
each other.
Example: Rotating roles at table (facilitator, recorder, etc……)

Theory Intellectual integrity, the models we believe in

Examples: DVF, DPPE, and MCG


Event Planning Team Meeting: Getting Started

Purpose for the EPT meeting –– To work together to ensure that the results the organization
achieves at the Whole-Scale event are the ones it needs to achieve.

Logistics for the EPT meeting –– The EPT meeting typically occurs at the client’’s facilities. A
hotel meeting room is also an option to consider, as is your own office if its size is adequate.
Depending upon the size of the group, you will sit around one table or create "max-mix" tables
similar to the ones you will use in the Whole-Scale event itself. (Max-mix is simply a maximum
mix of participants at each table so that each table is a microcosm of the whole room.) The only
supplies the EPT team needs are a flipchart for each table, markers, and tape to hang flipchart
sheets as team members fill them up (if you don’’t have the kind that stick to the wall). Post-it
notes are handy for brainstorming and moving around ideas.

What follows is a generic design for an Event Planning Team meeting.

In spite of the detail, our generic EPT meeting design is simply a model –– a
starting place. The design is not an "off-the-shelf" training manual design. It
will not work effectively if you try to run it exactly as it is written. You must
tailor——or in some cases even radically change——it to make it relevant for your
particular organization and circumstances.

Max-Mix Used to describe an actual microcosm of the real organization: all of the
levels, experience, attitudes, locations that will be represented in the larger
group meeting. We think of the max-mix group as having the same DNA
as the total room will have.
Arthritic Theory Referring to a theory written by Kathleen Dannemiller years ago, which
compares a hierarchical organization to the human body……as it ages,
calcium tends to build up at the joints. It gets difficult to flow energy and
blood around that build up. Kathie’’s theory suggests that the same happen
in old-line organizations, where people have existed in ““chimneys”” or
““silos”” for a number of years. It gets difficult to see what’’s happening in
other parts of the company because of the calcium blocks……just as it does
in the physical body.
Valentines Describes a module we invented to get communication flowing past the
arthritic blockages. It encourages people in one organization (““arthritic
box””) to ask for particular support from other boxes, and sets up a process
to make commitments to change. The processes are based on Kathie’’s
theory for dealing with conflict: Most conflict occurs because we are
unable to unwilling to listen to (and honor) each other’’s needs. If we can


get people to listen to see the world through the other group’’s eyes, a
““win-win”” solution is very possible.
Glad-Sad-Mad Describes a module we invented that allows the whole group (and
individuals within that group) to get a system-wide picture of how each of
us and all of us sees the organizational processes. It’’s the quickest way we
know to get that kind of system view

Day 1 –– Generic Event Planning Team Meeting

Time Activity Logistics Tips

7:30 Continental Breakfast Post the EPT Meeting

Purpose & Agenda If the group size is over 16,
consider creating ““max-mix””
Depending on the size of the tables (a maximum mix of
group, provide: participants at each table so
ƒ One or more tables that each table is a microcosm
ƒ Markers, tape, 3x5 post-it of the whole room). Sit at a
notes table with the group.
ƒ Video player/monitor

8:00 Welcome/Purpose –– ƒ Decide who the EPT If not the organization’’s

(30) Leadership Kickoff needs to hear from in leaders, what key
order to legitimize the stakeholder(s) might convene
Have organization leaders, both process the EPT meeting?
management and union, if ƒ Coach the speaker(s) to
appropriate, informally talk talk about the outcomes Coach leaders on their role to
about: they need from the larger set the tone for the EPT
ƒ What they think are the event. (For instance, if meeting:
important outcomes (for union members are ƒ Don’’t use viewgraphs
them personally and the involved, union leadership ƒ Keep it informal
organization as a whole) of will need to articulate ƒ Speak from the heart
the larger event this group their outcomes even if ƒ Emphasize that the two
will be planning management is putting on days are about joining
ƒ Why they want it to happen the event.) together to design a good
ƒ Who’’s here today and why meeting for everyone.
they asked them to help
plan ƒ The leadership’’s outcomes
What they need to see will not necessarily be the


Time Activity Logistics Tips

ƒ accomplished by the event answer to the event's

ƒ What, if any, are the purpose——but it is important
boundaries/conditions for to include the leaders'
the meeting yearnings in the purpose.

This half-hour might also If the leaders are able to be

involve some question and members of the EPT, which is
answer, if it feels appropriate. rare, have them share their
role during the meeting.
Before they leave, leaders need
to close their remarks by saying Coach the leader(s) regarding
they are looking forward to their role on the EPT:
returning and seeing what the ƒ They are a participants
group produces for the with a specific view of the
organization and to hear what organization
the group needs from them. ƒ They should avoid as
Then they need to introduce the much as possible giving
consultants. "the answer"
Rather, they should engage
Leaders can then leave until the in the exploration to find an
next day. Occasionally they answer
want to stay, and if they are
willing to be there the whole
time, it is very helpful.

8:30 Agenda/Logistics/Norms Participants will have

(15) Present a loose agenda for the two varying degrees of
days and describe how the group will understanding and
work together: knowledge about an EPT.
ƒ Be purposeful in describing This is the opportunity to get
agenda activities——bring the all of them on the same sheet
agenda to life! of music……a time to take the
ƒ Describe the role of the EPT mystery out of these two
before, during, and after the days. Explain why you are
event here, how you were chosen,
x Design decisions by consensus how the group needs to work
(they have the content; you bring together to plan a good event
experience with the process) and what the outcomes from
x Explain that this is an informal these two days will be.
meeting; break as needed, use
restrooms when needed, etc.


Time Activity Logistics Tips

Emphasize that each person's

truth is truth. The more open
people can be with each other,
while really listening to
understand all the different
perspectives, the better the
Whole-Scale event will turn out
to be……and the better this two
days will be, as well.

8:45 View from Event Planning The purpose is to build a Purpose: an opportunity for
(until Team Members (Telling composite picture of multiple team members to connect, to
done) Our Stories) realities from the diverse begin to build themselves as a
ƒ Go around the table individual perspectives team, to hear perspectives
having each person speak represented in the room. other than their own and to
about what is working and begin to build a common
what is not working in the database. (MCG)
organization, and what You know you are truly done
needs to come out of the with this process when you The questions that you ask
Whole-Scale event. have your "finger on the individuals to use to introduce
ƒ Allow for questions of pulse" of the organization: themselves are designed to
understanding from other when discussions become uncover their yearnings for
team members, and feel somewhat predictable and the organization and their
free to ask them yourself, there are no gaps in what you participation in the
based on getting to the have heard you feel need to be organization and to get at their
point where you can see filled. frustrations as well as what
the world through each they are proud of. Craft these
person’’s eyes. questions ahead of time.
Once everyone is heard, end
with a summary by listing (See framing tips in Chapter
"What We Think We Know" 5, Day 1)
about the organization.
““What did we hear as Each Person’’s Truth is Truth
common themes? What were
some significant differences? Be careful to ask questions that
What are we saying we want will tap each person's
to accomplish in a knowledge and yearnings (This
makes the person feel "wise"


Time Activity Logistics Tips

ƒ larger event?”” instead of feeling "inadequate"

ƒ If you have more than ——and helps people to feel
one table, get them to wiser about each other and the
report out to each other organization instead of feeling
around common themes, ““diagnosed””)
differences and desired
outcomes. Tip: If your event planning
team is over 16 members, you
This activity can easily take two might consider organizing it
or three hours. into tables of eight and
following the process in Ch 5,
Sample questions could be: Day 1.
ƒ Your name, how long
you've been here, what roles Consultants might want to
you've held and what role join a table——you’’ll learn a
you hold right now lot!
ƒ What you've been able to
accomplish in the
organization the past year
that makes you proud
ƒ What has happened in the
past year that has frustrated
you, kept you from being as
effective as you wanted to
ƒ If you had a magic wand
that gave you the power to
make it happen, what you
would change about the way
things are going right now
in the organization
ƒ Based on all of that, what
would you like to see as
outcomes of the event you
are planning, things that
would make it worthwhile
to pull that important group


Time Activity Logistics Tips

This is a time to listen, not

debate, to see the world that the
speaker sees. It’’s not that the
speaker is right or wrong; rather
it's his or her unique view and
therefore important in creating
the whole picture.

10:35 Break Depending on how long the ““Telling our Stories””

(15) goes, build in a break.

11:35 Overview of Whole-Scale Any handouts? What you say depends

(25) When the last person has told (You might have handouts of entirely upon the make-up of
his or her story, ground the models available for those the Event Planning Team and
whole group in some basics of who like to take notes –– what they know about the
Whole-Scale. Showing a remember, the purpose is not processes ahead of time. Use
video tape of an event may that they be ““good students””) your judgment about what to
help the group to visualize present here without driving
what they can design. Walk them into passivity……don’’t
through some of the basic talk too long. You may want
models over the two days to send out some pre-reading
together——when it’’s the to help them be ready.
““teachable moment.”” At this
point, it’’s a good idea to walk
through D x V x F > R to give
them a flow of the change
journey. Link the model to
their story, which you’’ve just
unfolded together. You might
also walk through any other
models that are appropriate to
this kind of change effort——
the Whole-Scale Strategic
Planning Model is sometimes
helpful here.


Time Activity Logistics Tips

““Wild Card”” What other kind of grounding

might the team need? E.g.,
ƒ an update on what task
teams have been doing

12:00 Lunch

12:45 Desired Outcomes for the Help the design team push After everyone has shared his
(60) Whole-Scale Event their boundaries by looking at or her story (the answers to the
the opportunities created by questions the consultants
A room-wide brainstorm the large group being posed) and listened to see the
based upon the common together, by stating outcomes world through each person's
database the group built as results rather than eyes, the EPT as a whole will
before lunch works well here. activities, and by checking on be able to look at the yearnings
whether the outcomes are and desired outcomes for a
You might ask participants: realistic and achievable, yet Whole-Scale event from a
"What will be different at 5 still stretching. systems perspective.
p.m. on Day 3 of our larger
event because we had the Tips: Remind them of the rules
event?" of brainstorming; both
consultants record to go fast.
This room-wide callout will Feel free to try different
need a couple of people to techniques for this brainstorm,
write on newsprint and will be depending on group size and
a brainstormed one……each disposition, learning styles:
person’’s truth is truth. You ƒ room-wide
will find that the outcomes ƒ introverted brainstorm using
feel different (though related) post-it notes
from the ones individuals ƒ small group (table)
have identified earlier, brainstorm
because they have listened to ƒ affinity diagramming
each other and have already
expanded their database of
expectations and needs for the


Time Activity Logistics Tips

1:45 Event Purpose Statement Developing the purpose Depending on the number of
statement can take quite a people on the team, do this
You might begin by having a while. Ideas may need to activity as a whole group or in
brainstorm of phrases or soak overnight and be subgroups. Either way this
words that need to be in the revisited the next morning. It activity can take a bit of time.
purpose, or having individuals is worth taking enough time to It's time very well spent as it
or groups draft possibilities. get the ““right answer”” is this purpose statement that
will drive everything else that
The result needs to be true Break as needed. the EPT will do to plan and
consensus on a statement of execute the event.
why the organization is
having the Whole-Scale It is critical that the EPT reach
event……what has to be true consensus on the
different in the world in order statement of purpose for the
to make the event a true event.
““accelerator of change.””
A purpose will generally start
Have the whole group test the with a ““To…….”” And end with
purpose by having someone ““in order to……””
read the purpose ““with
passion!”” Examples sometimes help, but
it is important not to give
Ask, ““Does this describe the them the answer. The
meeting you really want to struggle to agree on the
come to?”” purpose is vital to the success
of the planning. Usually you
will be able to get
agreement……and even
excitement……on a purpose
statement by the end of the
first day. Sometimes it helps
to send the group home
thinking about it, and revisit
the purpose the next morning.
Overnight insights are often


Time Activity Logistics Tips

4:45 Evaluation/Close Have each person say

Do a Gestalt-type closure, going
around the room to ask: "How
is this going for you so far?
What’’s one word that describes
how you’’re feeling as we
leave?”” When you have heard
from each person then ask for
any advice for tomorrow……and
go home.


Day 2 –– Generic Event Planning Team Meeting

Time Activity Logistics Tips

8:00 Revisiting the Even if you have finished the

(15) Agenda/Logistics/Purpose purpose, it is worth reviewing
Statement for Whole-Scale and reaffirming it after a
Event night’’s sleep.

If the group did not complete

the purpose on Day 1, you
will need to finish it now ––
and it might take longer than
15 minutes!

8:15 Refining Participants List

Now that the event purpose is
clear, take another look at
who will be attending the
Whole-Scale event. Identify
any additions, changes.

Lippitt and Lippitt (p. 21) say

it best: "One of the more
critical and neglected phases
of planning is an anticipatory
rehearsal. It helps to answer
the question of who (from
inside or from outside the
system) should be involved in
order for a plan of action to
have the best probability of
success. Once you have
identified these targets for
involvement in planning, a
second question becomes how
to involve them. This sets up a
new planning sequence and


Time Activity Logistics Tips

new goals that are

concentrated on an
involvement strategy."

8:25 Design Elements Post-it notes can be handy The purpose of this activity is
(30) here. to build a common database of
Brainstorm activity ideas for possible options. You as
the Whole-Scale event. What process consultant usually take
are all the ideas the EPT the lead based upon experience.
(consultants and
representatives) might have This is not a time to worry
for people the group needs to about details such as
hear, conversations people sequencing of activities; here
need to have with each other you want to encourage lots of
in the room, things people creativity in thinking.
need to learn from their
leaders, their customers, etc.,
strategy the organization
might need to unite around,
system-wide action planning
and back-home team activity
plans it need to develop and
share, etc., etc.

You might ask:

ƒ What questions need to be
answered during the event
to help us reach our
purpose? Who can answer
ƒ What work needs to
ƒ What activities could lead
us to our purpose?
ƒ What conversations need
to take place?


Time Activity Logistics Tips

8:45 Laying out a "Chunked" Do not worry about detail at Remember: you need to help
(105) Agenda this point. Break as needed. the organization build a
common database during the
Starting with the first day and first two days of the Whole-
the Scale event. Keep in mind
Welcome/Purpose/Agenda/Lo key issues the EPT identifies,
gistics, ask: "What would you as well as key models you
want to do next?" may have given to the team,
such as the DVF change
model, the Arthritic Theory,
and the Strategic Planning

If you have a suggestion,

frame it with ““How about……?””

10:30 Detailed Designing Since you will often not have

enough time to complete the
Go back over "chunked detailed design during the two
agenda" and add detail. (Who, day EPT meeting, focus on
what, how) the issues that only the
internal members of the team
You can keep the group whole can answer, such as pre-work
and work through the details. assignment (if any) and
questions that panelists and
Planning Team members speakers would address.
could self-select to work on
specific chunks. Provide You can finish the detailed
structure, guidelines to help design and get it back to the
them contribute where they Event Planning Team
feel wise and you need their members in the days after the
specifics. meeting, so the team doesn’’t
need to sweat all the detailed
Break out groups might work logistics stuff.
ƒ Specific questions for Talk in terms of possibilities!
Telling our Stories
ƒ Topics for ““Organization


Time Activity Logistics Tips

ƒ Key messages to include

in invitation letter –– other
communication ideas
ƒ Special considerations ––
e.g., how to accommodate
language differences in
the meeting
ƒ Prework assignment –– if
prework makes sense
ƒ Who should speak and
what they need to speak
about (list specific topics
for each speaker)
ƒ Groupings for

12:00 Lunch

12:45 Detailed Designing


3:15 Reviewing the Design with Keep the setting informal and If leadership has problems
(45) Leadership inclusive so leadership with some of the team’’s work,
integrates with the planning do not take it personally. It is
To ensure that leadership team. a signal that you simply
"owns" the design, the EPT missed some important data.
walks them through the Usually their response is,
purpose and agenda, ““Wow that’’s great! Now,
explaining rationales and what do you want me/us to
making adjustments as do?"
necessary with leadership a
part of the consensus. To the extent possible, make
adjustments by consensus
Give the planning team time right then with leadership and
to get ready. They could the EPT. Otherwise, it will be
break into four teams: one your job to find win-win
team to walk through the solutions and get approval
process the EPT used and the from the key stakeholders.
outcomes & purpose they


Time Activity Logistics Tips

created; the other teams each Coach leadership ahead of

walking through the flow of time; coach EPT members on
one day, explaining along the presentation purpose &
way the rationale behind the process.
EPT’’s decisions and link to
purpose. They include any
coaching tips for the
leadership as participants and
presenters during the event.

4:00 Next Steps/Loose Ends Get agreement on who will

(45) accomplish the ““to-do’’s”” the
Review the role of the EPT EPT agrees on, as well as how
and the consulting team and when.
before, during and after the

This is the time to do

whatever needs doing for the
Whole-Scale meeting. Things
to consider might include:
1. Do we need to meet
again? When? Where?
2. What are the
arrangements for staging
day?……primarily for
logistics folks and
3. Who will get the logistics
team leader? Workers?
4. Should the external
consulting group supply a
logistics leader who has
done it before?
5. Who will create max-mix
and other seating?


Time Activity Logistics Tips

6. Who will invite and brief

7. What are the issues
regarding the venue?
8. How will participants be
invited? Who will write
the letter? Etc.

4:45 Evaluation/Debrief/Close There should be a lot of warm

(15) feelings about how the team
Get each person to speak to a meeting went –– and hope and
couple of questions: confidence about the larger
ƒ How did we do? event. Expect to hear some
ƒ How confident are you frustration with the design
that the Whole-Scale process itself (it is not
event will be a success?”” straightforward and easy) and
ƒ How will you talk about some skepticism about
these two days and the whether the Whole-Scale
upcoming event? What event will really result in
will you say when you get anything different. Most
back to work tomorrow? employees of organizations
have a long history of
This last question gets folks disappointments, so their
thinking about how each skepticism is understandable
individual can help generate and appropriate.
excitement and enthusiasm for
the event.


Chapter 3
Facilitating –– Whole-Scale Style

(Before, During, and After the Meeting)

Process consultants facilitate all the time. However, this chapter focuses specifically on
facilitation you will do (before, during, and after the event) in direct support of a large-
group meeting. We realized over the years that there’’s no difference between large and
small group in terms of how we facilitate. The principles we use in large groups are for
the most part the same principles that we apply to small groups. Ron Lippitt, who taught
many of us small group process, clearly articulated one of the disadvantages of being an
outsider as lacking the context and history of the particular system and its operational
problems. We learned how to utilize internal planning teams in order to counteract that
dilemma. The wisdom about the purpose and content of any organizational event lies in
the participants of the event. Edgar Schein in his book Process Consultation: Its Role in
Organization Development (p.9, Addison-Wesley 1969) defines process consultation as:
““a set of activities on the part of the consultant which help the client to perceive,
understand, and act upon process events which occur in the client’’s environment.”” With
these thoughts providing the context for the Whole-Scale consulting approach, let’’s now
focus on large-group meeting facilitation.

The first and foremost rule of Whole-Scale consulting and facilitation is that you NEVER
work alone. During a large-group meeting the consultant has many roles to balance:
relationship building, designing ahead, gathering and interpretation data, coordinating
with logistics, teaming with other consultants, balancing stakeholder needs, facilitating
small groups, coaching leaders and presenters and leading from in front of the room (See
Figure 6). It would be impossible for one individual to give each of these roles adequate
attention to ensure the success of the meeting.

Coaching Is Important

Coaching is one of the most important roles of the consultant. You will coach event
planning teams, leaders, presenters, the logistics team and each other or other consultants
working with you. What follows are the important coaching considerations to think
about as you approach an event. The coaching tips cover the times before, during and
after the event itself. The lists are not intended to be complete. You will certainly think
of others things you might do as well.



¾ For Presenters/Leaders:
ƒ Contract for time keeping (cued or on his or her own, etc.)
ƒ Emphasize the importance of good time keeping (short presentations and lots of
ƒ Q & A)
ƒ Contact ahead of time, at least by phone, to coach /understand the purpose and
outcomes, roles, and content guidelines for any presentation suggested by the Event
Planning Team (EPT)
ƒ Paint the picture of what to expect during the meeting
ƒ Describe the kind and style of presentation that works:
o no slides, no overheads
o from the heart –– ““Honesty is the best charisma””
o Open Forum process
ƒ Help people who are presenting rehearse beforehand, if necessary, or if the group
wants it (A staging day to get ready is very helpful)

¾ For the Event Planning Team (EPT):

ƒ Instruct them to come a few minutes early to help greet attendees
ƒ Paint the picture of what to expect during the meeting
ƒ Make sure they understand what their role in the larger meeting is

¾ For the Logistics Team/Czar:

ƒ Paint the picture of what to expect during the meeting
ƒ Make sure they understand their role in the meeting
ƒ Walk through the meeting design with the czar/czarina and/or whole logistics team


¾ In the morning, provide coaching for:

ƒ Czar/czarina of logistics
ƒ Leader
ƒ Other consultants on the team

¾ Be clear and precise in your communications——use direct language

¾ Coach everyone to be a good listener ("see the world others see")

¾ As panels of presenters show up, consultants should meet them and do final preparation.
(helpful tip: assign a specific consultant to be the liaison to each panel)
ƒ Explain how the process will work when they begin
ƒ Arrange for time signals –– contract or re-contract


¾ Discuss each of the presentations with the panels beforehand: Did they get at the points
the Event Planning Team had hoped for?

¾ Coach people (presenters and the logistics team) on how to use microphones

¾ Coach the logistics team and the presenters on how to handle questions from an Open

¾ Keep the panel together during first part of Open Forum (table discussion)
ƒ Say "The more questions you answer in Open Forum, the more satisfied participants
will be””

¾ Throughout the day, provide coaching for:

ƒ Participants
ƒ Presenters

¾ Coach the participants in the meeting to make sure they get their questions answered
(Always check back to the table to make sure the question has been adequately
answered, before moving on)

¾ During table preparation for the Open Forum:

ƒ Roam the room to hear the questions participants are likely to ask (you can also
coach presenters to do this)
ƒ Think about how the Q & A process will take shape

¾ Coach presenters on how to answer questions during the Open Forum:

ƒ Speak from the heart
ƒ Admit it if you do not know the answer
ƒ Give short and simple answers


¾ While reading evaluations:
ƒ Show people how to read for themes in the evaluations
ƒ Remind readers not to focus on the negative
ƒ Let them know that the purpose is to learn, not to critique

¾ Discuss next steps/continuation with leaders and event planning team

¾ Give tips on summarizing the last day evaluations and preparing to give everyone the

¾ Discuss with Event Planning Teams and others what their post-session roles will be

¾ Offer suggestions on how to synthesize the data from the meeting and put it into some
kind of usable fashion


Large Group Vs. Small Group Facilitation
Most consultants are well grounded in the skills for small group facilitation and training.
When you go from a group of 16-24 to a group of 160-2600, however, important
differences in methods and approach emerge.

Focus on People and Process

One thing that stands out about Whole-Scale facilitation is that you, the facilitator, are not
the center of attention. The process and the people are the center——the action is not up-
front with the facilitator. In small group facilitation it is possible to have direct contact
and conversation with each person. In large group facilitation you just can’’t do this——you
may be talking to 300-400 people in the room.

If you ““grew up”” in the world of small group facilitation, you may feel lonely with this
style——another good reason never to work alone. As a facilitator of large group events, the
payoff and rewards come from watching real empowerment come to life in the room.
People see and understand the issues, create the future possibilities, decide on the actions
and commitments they need to take and experience ways to conduct effective meetings
with their max-mix table group.

The facilitator of a large group event has to trust the design for the event——a relatively
easy task in the Whole-Scale approach because you, the facilitator, didn’’t design the
meeting alone. You designed it with an Event Planning Team (EPT) that knows bet what
needs to happen and what will work in their culture. Remember that anguish and chaos,
when they appear, are not negative; they are part of the Whole-Scale process and indeed
part of any large group meeting. Trust the process and rely on the daily evaluations, the
work with your partner and the EPT to know if the design is working and what to change
if it’’s not.

The rest of this chapter focuses on bringing to life the differences between the two. Some
of those differences are listed below:

Small Group Facilitation

The consultant /facilitator can:
ƒ Check with the group for understanding of instructions
ƒ Make the working of assignments informal
ƒ More easily use visual aides
¾ Overheads
¾ Computer modules
¾ GroupWare brainstorms
ƒ Adjust timing for small groups
ƒ Give instructions orally or put them on flipcharts
ƒ Control the logistics
ƒ Get feedback from interaction with individual participants
ƒ Handle the facilitation from the front of the room
ƒ Work alone


Large Group Facilitation

The consultants /facilitators should:

ƒ Give instructions only one time
¾ No throw-away lines are possible
ƒ Use precise verbal framing and appropriate written language
¾ The wording of instructions can make a huge difference
ƒ Give assignment instructions in verbal and written form most of the time
ƒ Use visuals only rarely
¾ Overheads sap energy
¾ They are ““Group ware on 70' screens””
ƒ Never allow one table to hold up the entire room
¾ Quick recovery is not possible
ƒ Use a logistics plan and team
ƒ Constantly get——and use——feedback from the design team, the leaders, the
participants, and the whole group energy
ƒ Encourage facilitation to occur mostly within the table group
ƒ Never work alone

Now let’’s walk through each of the bullets under large group facilitation above.

Give instructions only one time. In small group facilitation you are close enough to the
participants that if something isn’’t clear you can take questions and probably not lose
more than two to three minutes. It is easy to call a ““Stop Action”” in a room of 15-30
people. They can hear you and see you, and you can quickly get their attention. In a
group of 300-400 people, however, calling a stop to their work is a little like trying to
stop a herd of elephants. If your instructions are not clear, you might never know it in a
room of 300-400 people. Or as a Dannemiller Tyson Associate experienced –– it is
possible to give instructions, watch folks go to work assuming they are on track, only to
walk around the room as flip charts begin to fill up and find that half the table groups are
doing one thing while the other half are doing another. This is definitely an experience to
learn from, not to repeat! Make sure that everything you say in front of the room has
meaning and relevance to the assignment you are about to give, and spend significant
time and energy getting it "just right" before you stand up to give the instructions.
Everything you say counts: there can be no ““throw-away lines.””


Use precise verbal framing and appropriate written language. Providing good
written instructions is closely tied to giving oral instructions, as assignments are both
written and verbal. It is critical to frame the assignment appropriately. Framing means
creating the context and the energy for people to do the work you are asking them to do.
There are several components of framing and introducing the assignment:

ƒ Tie the assignment to the event purpose –– how does what the group is about to do
move them closer to achieving the purpose of the meeting/event?
ƒ Tie the assignment to what has come before –– how does what the group is about to
do support the work they have been doing to this point in this meeting/event?
ƒ Tie the assignment to what will be done later –– how will the group use the products
of this activity as the it moves forward?
ƒ Give specifics of how the activity will be done –– this includes giving directions,
providing clear expectations for work output and establishing an environment for this
ƒ Spell out the time frame, the location of the assignment and roles for the groups
–– how long will participants have to complete this activity, where will they do their
work and what process roles will be helpful to them as they work?

An example of good framing can be found in the Open Forum Model, depicted in Figure
7. Open Forum provides a good example because of its importance in almost every
Whole-scale meeting.

To frame, read aloud through the written assignment, which participants will find in their
in-box, placed there by the logistics team ““just in time”” for the work to be done. If
participants have the assignment in hand, you might ask, why read it from the front of the
room? As you know, different learning styles take in information in different ways. The
more senses that are involved in understanding the assignment, the better the chances are
that people will understand it. Plus, you cannot count on everyone in the room being able
to read.

The EPT has designed the assignments prior to the event to make sure the language is
clear and fits with their culture. In contrast, you will need to develop framing during the
event as it pulls from relevant information coming out of the event to that point.
Meaningful framing and clearly worded assignments contribute significantly to the
success of the event. Five minutes of talk may require as much as 60 minutes to write——
to get it right.

Good framing is an ““art.”” Some of the components of this art are:

ƒ It’’s an invitation
ƒ It enables the audience’’s diversity
ƒ It opens rather than closes possibilities
ƒ It offers flexibility and inclusiveness (critical)
ƒ It’’s empowering
ƒ It builds relationships


The consultant doing the framing needs to keep the following principles in mind:
ƒ Be authentic
ƒ Be very clear about what the Event Planning Team or Leadership Group needs to do
up front –– pre-work is key
ƒ Know and understand your audience
ƒ Know the emotional tone of the group

Finally, this is another point at which not working alone comes into play. Write out your
framing and then bounce it off your co-consultant for refinements –– take very seriously
the phase ““no throw-away lines.””

Use Visuals Only Rarely. Be leery of using visual aide equipment in a large group
meeting. From your own experience think about what happens to your energy when the
lights go down in a meeting. Multiply that by 300-400 people, and you have a room full
of low-energy folks. On very rare occasions it may be appropriate to use visuals. We
once worked with a VP for Finance who was scheduled to present. Two days before the
event, his mother died. He took the time to make a 10-minute video of his presentation.
Given the circumstances, that video went a very long way to creating credibility.

Another reason for not using overheads is that rarely does the person speaking create his
or her own slides. When you have the whole organization in the room, people need to
see their leaders and perceive them as sincere and speaking from the heart. The leader’’s
sincerity rarely shines through when he or she is speaking from overheads someone else
has prepared. Participants see though this and say, ““Same old, same old.”” In addition,
presenters often buy into the myth that people will be able to see the slides from a large
room. Handouts work much better.

Never allow one table to hold up the entire room. Never sacrifice the room for an
individual or a small group……an axiom that applies in both large group and small group
work. It is much easier in the small group setting to adjust time, stop for questions, even
process an activity. In large group meetings, be concerned far more with the critical mass
of participants. Where are they in the process? If 20 tables are working diligently to
complete the assignment and two are struggling, trust that the 20 will come up with
answers that the two will be able to live with. In a meeting of 300-400, one individual or
table of eight cannot hold up the entire room.

Encourage facilitation to occur mostly within the table groups. Set up tables from the
start of a large group meeting to be self-managing. Everything you are doing is based on
the underlying purpose of building capacity in the client system to carry on when you are
gone. Thus, do not have professional facilitators at the tables. Starting with the first
activity, ask table groups to choose process roles such as facilitator, time-keeper, recorder
and spokesperson. Rely on the table groups. Most participants will understand the
assignment and work with those that don’’t to ensure clarity. In the rare instance where
the table group remains unclear, people can seek out one of the consultants for


Give assignment instructions in verbal and written form most of the time. Using flip
chart paper to give instructions works great for small groups where everyone can see the
chart. In a room of even 100 participants the folks in the back or sides of the room can’’t
read instructions on a chart in the front of the room. If participants have their own
handout of the assignment they have a place for notes and can follow along with
instructions from the front of the room. If they choose, they have the assignment to take
back to work. Getting handouts to participants is the work of the logistics team. They do
it on a ““just in time”” basis, so that when the work is to be done, the instructions are
available. For copies of handouts for an event, encourage the client to use different
colored paper for different assignments. The facilitator from the front of the room will
then be able to say, ““In your inbox you will find a blue handout –– pull it out.”” Do
everything possible to make it easy for participants to focus on the work and not the

Use a logistics plan and team. If you think back to the roles identified at the beginning
of this chapter, you will realize that it would be impossible to also worry about the
logistics in a room of 300-400 people. The logistics team (See Chapter Six for more
detailed information about logistics teams) are like stage-hands in a play. They are there
to ensure that participants have what they need when they need it. If the team has done
its job, logistics people will be inconspicuous during the event except for a ““thank you”” at
the end. The structure of the consultant team and the logistics team is hierarchical in that
the consultants get information to the team through the Logistics Team Czar/Czarina. It
is then the czar/czarina’’s responsibility to delegate the work to the logistics team.
Consider making the logistics czar/czarina part of the consulting team during the Event
Planning Team meeting. As the design of the meeting unfolds, he or she will have good
ideas on the logistics of how to do the work. It is critical that the consulting team and the
logistics czar/czarina constantly share the same image of the process, activities and
timing for the meeting.

Constantly get——and use——feedback from the design team, the leaders, the
participants, and the whole group energy. Remember that as an external consultant, if
you are, causes you to be ““lacking the cont4ext and history of the particular system and
its operational problems,”” as Ron Lippitt would remind us. Do not make decisions about
the event design, or make changes during an event to the design on your own. Our DTA
way of making sure that we are keeping the voice of the organization paramount in our
decisions is through the following method: At the end of each day of an event, we will
hand out a one-page, three-question (generally) evaluation that we ask each individual to
complete anonymously. The logistics team collects these evaluations as folks leave the
room. The EPT, consultants (internal and external) and logistics czar then sit in a circle
and pass the sheets around the circle, read all the evaluations——all of them. After you’’ve
read them, ask yourselves two questions: ““What are they saying about today?”” and
““What, if anything, do we need to change for tomorrow to allow us to achieve our
purpose?”” Facilitate that group, of course, and you will get the answers to anything that
needs to change for the next day. Consensus will be required, as usual, and it can take an
hour or so to get there. It’’s worth it. Sometimes when the group has made a decision, the
consultants may have to stay around longer to create new handouts and new design flow.


The other type of changes that you will face during an event are changes to the
environment i.e., ““It’’s too hot /cold in here.”” You will hear these complaints either
directly or through the logistics team. Do not act on one lone comment. Follow a rule
that says ““Don’’t do anything for an individual that takes away from the learning of the
whole, and don’’t do anything for the whole that takes away from the learning of an
individual.”” As you might guess, following this guideline is at times not easy. An
isolated comment may be just that –– one person’’s experience. Hold off until you hear the
same comments from other locations in the room and then act. Your job is to make the
meeting work and be meaningful for everyone——and genuine physical discomfort can be
very distracting.

In summary, all the partners at Dannemiller Tyson Associates came out of small group
facilitation and all would now say that large group facilitation is much more rewarding.
The principles outlined in this chapter work –– for small groups and large! They honor the
individuals and the organization by building their strength to carry on without outside
help. DTA hopes you find the same fulfillment in using them as we have.


Figure 6. The Roles Consultants Balance






Figure 7: Open Forum: Tips and Advice

The Open Forum is an adaptable method for having participants integrate information. It
is especially effective when a speaker or a panel makes a presentation. Its basic format is
as follows:


Introduction of Speaker Let participants know that they will have an Facilitator
opportunity to discuss and question what they
hear. This interactive process is part of building
shared understanding.

Also ask them to listen for understanding.

Talk by leader / Encourage speakers to keep remarks to about 20 Leader / Stakeholder

stakeholder minutes or less, and to speak to other participants.
It’’s best if there are no slides, viewgraphs, etc.
Work to have this talk as part of a dialogue rather
than a presentation or speech.

Table discussions Table discussions work best if each table appoints Participants
a facilitator, recorder, and question asker. Give
them about 15 minutes to discuss:

ƒ What did we hear?

ƒ What are our reactions?
ƒ What questions of understanding do we
want to ask?

Question /Answer Each table’’s ““Question Asker”” poses the table’’s All
Session questions to the speaker. This process works best
if the facilitator moderates, by identifying tables
that have questions, being sure that the questions
are for understanding - not debate or
speechmaking by the question asker, keeping
time, etc. If the facilitator senses that an
incomplete response is given, he or she can also
ask the questioner if that was a full response.
(Note: This does not necessarily mean that the
response pleased the questioner.)



Some of the advantages of Open Forum are:

ƒ It promotes a ““message”” being sent and received.

ƒ It inhibits interruption during a talk.
ƒ It ensures that the speaker will get well thought out questions.
ƒ It encourages participants to process what they hear. Different people will hear and
key in on different things, have different ““hot buttons””, etc. The table discussion acts
as a leveling tool and enables participants to help each other with things they may
have missed or misconstrued.
ƒ It reduces the likelihood of disruption by ““difficult”” participants. Most questions
people at the various tables ask or the comments they make become those of greatest
importance to the most people.
ƒ It helps build community. In addition to listening for understanding, participants get
to hear the questions and concerns of others and can gauge how similar those are to
their own.
ƒ It enables the speaker and other participants to assess how clearly participants
received the intended message, or where misunderstandings occurred.

Other Tips:

ƒ The Open Forum format is an excellent way of having people integrate complex
ƒ Participants can rearrange themselves to allow for cross-discussion, e.g., discussion
with people who have different points of view within a ““community””
ƒ The consultant can redirect the Open Forum process by asking different questions,
e.g.: ““What common themes did you hear?”” ““What new insights/understandings did
you get?”” ““Which issues stand out as most important your group now?””

Three important things happen in the communication process of an open forum:

ƒ Everyone hears the same brief presentation

ƒ 15 minutes of discussion help people synthesize the data they have heard
ƒ Everyone in the room hears and understands the answers to the questions people ask


Chapter 4
Logistics: Freeing Participants to be Creative

Logistics that work are critical to the success of any Whole-Scale event——large or small. In
successful "Whole-Scale change" meetings, activities must flow like clockwork. All the meeting
components——participants , speakers, consultants, and materials——must be where people need
them when people need them. Participants will experience anything less as chaos. They will
either feel "herded around," or they will feel that no one is in charge and thus infer that the
meeting is not important. You need to have a well-organized, well-briefed logistics team to
carry out the behind-the-scenes activities that ensure a ““seamless”” event for the participants.
(The work of the logistics team includes administrative matters before the session as well.)

The number of people you will need on your logistics team depends upon the complexity of your
meeting design, but a rule-of-thumb to use is one logistics person for about every 40 participants.
Additionally, it is important to have a designated logistics czar/czarina to manage the logistics
team, serve as liaison to the consulting team and coordinate arrangements with the meeting

This chapter includes generic checklists of logistics issues you will typically need to address
prior to the session, immediately before the session, and during the session. Some of the
checklist items show a bold-faced number which refers to more detailed notes following the
checklists. Also in this chapter you will find samples of handouts to use in registration packets
and for the more complex assignments. Note: As this is generic information, the actual logistics
and handouts you develop for the event you are leading must respond to your specific design.

Some of the things suggested here will not make sense unless you have an overall feel for the
flow of the meeting. We recommend that you peruse the other parts of the Toolkit if you have
not already done so before you read any further.


The bold-faced numbers following some of the items below refer to the more detailed notes
following the checklists.

Logistics Personnel
__ Have you identified a logistics ““czar/czarina””? 1
__ If you have a czar/czarina who is external to the organization, have you identified an
internal counterpart to coordinate arrangements? 2
__ Have you identified and briefed a logistics team? 3

Facility Arrangements
__ Have you booked a facility?

Space Requirements
__ Is your main room big enough? 4


__ Do you have enough breakout space? 5
__ Is there enough space for meals? Refreshments? 10
__ Will you be able to keep the meeting room overnight (or will you need to store materials?)
__ Do you have space for a ““logistics headquarters””?
__ Have you arranged for a meeting room for the Event Planning Team on the staging day?
__ Have you arranged for work space for the leadership team for the evening of Day 2?
__ Does the facility management know you will be taping flipchart sheets to their walls? 6
__ Are there adequate phone and bathroom facilities?

Equipment Requirements
__ Will the lighting be bright enough to help keep up the participants' energy level?
__ Will the sound system be adequate? 7
__ Have you arranged for other equipment as needed? 8
__ Audio/Visual (main room and breakouts)
__ Computer/Printer
__ Copier
__ Will there be adequate coat racks for all participants?
__ Will you need risers or platforms? If so, how many?

Set-Up Requirements
__ Have you arranged the room set-up? 9
__ The right number of round tables for eight, with numbers on table stands
__ Podium/panel table for front of room on the long wall
__ The right number of registration tables outside the room
__ Have you arranged for tables to be set and refreshed as needed?
__ Numbers on stands
__ Water
__ Pads and felt-tip pens
__ In-boxes
__ Have you arranged a mechanism to get messages to participants?
__ Can you get into your space with enough time to set up?

Food Requirements
__ Have you arranged for meals and refreshments? 10 and 11

Participant Needs
__ Has the organization identified the participants?

__ Have invitations gone out to participants far enough in advance (including start and end
times, dress code)?
__ Has pre-work (if any) gone out to participants at the appropriate time?
__ Do participants have all the pre-meeting information they might need?
__ Travel information, map to facility
__ Parking information


Seating Assignments for the Meeting
__ Are your seating assignment lists prepared for all configurations? 12
__ Are all the participants included?
__ Are the lists up-to-date, given substitutions or late additions?

Materials 13
__ Have you ordered all the materials you will need, or do you have a plan to get them?

___ In-Boxes: One for each table in the room and

___ Flipcharts and easels: One for each table in the room and
breakouts; two in front of the main
___ Extra flipchart pads
___ Markers (Mr. Sketch
watercolor, not permanent: 2-3 for each table, + extras
___ Masking tape: 1 roll for each table + extras
___ Myers-Briggs books: One for each participant + extras
___ ¼ inch red dots and gold stars: For voting as needed
___ Crayons: One dark color for each participant for
___ 3 X 5 inch ““Post-It”” notes: ½ pad for each participant
___ ““Flair”” type felt-tip pens: One for each participant + extras
___ Scratch pads: One for each participant + extras
___ Name tags: One for each participant + extras
___ Banners for posting results: As needed depending on design

Presenter Needs
__ Do you know what speakers will want for their presentations?
__ Podium
__ Style of microphone: lavaliere, cordless, etc.
__ A/V equipment
__ Handouts/materials they will want to distribute


__ Are you working from the final (or most recent) version of the design?

Facility Arrangements and Room Set-Up

__ Have you finalized your plans with the facility?
__ Audio/Visual (main room and breakouts)
__ Meals and refreshments
__ Room set-up (main and breakouts)


__Table set-up and refreshments
__ Have you checked the lights and sound system (and other equipment as needed)?
__ Have you posted the purpose, agenda, and planning model up front if they are not on a
__ Do you know where the breakout rooms are?
__ Do you have a plan for extra people?

Meeting Plans
__ Do you have a plan for participant registration? 14
__ Do you have a plan for how people get to their first assigned seat?
__ Do you have a floor plan that shows how the tables are set up?
__ Have you divided it into sections for open forums? 15
__ Do you have a plan for how people find their breakout rooms?

M aterials and E quipment

__ Are name tags ready at the registration table? Do you have extras?
__ Do you have all your registration packets stuffed?
__ Do you have all the assignments that need to be there either on handouts or on flipcharts?
__ Telling Our Stories
__ Valentine packets
__ Nightly evaluations
__ Others
__ Do you have all the materials and equipment you will need?
__ From list above
__ Computer/printer/extra disk __ Trash cans
__ Extra copies of design __ Copier paper
__ Extra copies of breakout room maps __ Staplers and staples
__ Extra copies of handouts __ Pen knife
__ Scissors __ Rubber bands

ST A G I N G D A Y ± D A T E ± L O C A T I O N

The purpose of Staging Day is to get everything set up and ready to go. On this day, the logistics
team will become absolutely clear on its roles and goals and the agenda flow for the upcoming
days of the event. The Planning Team, the Leadership Team, the presenters and the facilitators
will connect with each other and make sure everyone has a common understanding of what will
happen and has done everything he or she is supposed to do to ensure that the event will go
smoothly and will achieve its purposes.

It may be a good idea to develop a pre-reading package for the members of the logistics team to
help orient them to the facility. This is also the time to move supplies and materials to the

T he generic schedule below describes the typical things that happen on Staging Day.


Time Content/Process Logistics

9:00 a.m. General Meeting of Logistics Team, ƒ Make general announcements

Leadership Team, presenters and ƒ Make sure everyone
consultants understands the purpose of the
day and what his or her role is
ƒ Give pre-reading packets to
logistics team members
Logistics Team Meets with ƒ Plan continental breakfast,,
Consulting Team and Logistics breaks and lunch (Note: It’’s
Czar/Czarina easier to order food brought in)
ƒ Build yourselves as a team: ƒ Provide a copy of the agenda
¾ Introduce everyone design for each logistics team
¾ Get clear on Logistics Role and member
expectations of each other ƒ Have a list of Logistics Team
¾ Describe how you expect to members for all on the team
communicate as a consulting team
and a logistics team——e.g., the
Logistics Czar/Czarina is the key
link to the consulting team
ƒ Walk through the meeting agenda
design so logistics team members
will understand the flow and
identify key logistics actions. (It’’s
the Czar/Czarina’’s option to ask
consultants to stay for the walk-
Then Czar/Czarina & Logistics ƒ Logistics Roles could be:
Team begin to work to: ¾ Audio
ƒ Identify specific roles ¾ Handouts
ƒ Inventory supplies and handouts ¾ Mike People (three to four)
ƒ Sort and label handouts for each day ¾ Recorders (three to four)
¾ Laptops
¾ Climate
¾ Food
¾ Documentation


Time Content/Process Logistics

While the facility sets up the room, ƒ Set up the Logistics ““command
ƒ Check the room layout and tweak as center””
necessary ƒ Provide laptops, printer, copier
ƒ Set up a logistics ““command center”” and other supplies:
ƒ Do anything else you can think of to ¾ Two to three rolls of 1””
get a head start masking tape
¾ 3 x 5 post-it notes——1/2 pad
per person
¾ Crayons for voting
¾ Dots for voting (15 red & 15
green per person)
¾ Flair-type pen for each person
to write on post-it notes
¾ 10 pair of scissors for
¾ Scotch tape
ƒ A Logistics supply kit is
handy, with things like:
¾ Stapler and staples
¾ Paper clips
¾ Rubber bands
¾ Approximately 20 business-
size envelopes
ƒ Two step ladders make
hanging headers easier
After the facility sets up the table and Check Table Seating:
chairs, logistics team members can ƒ You may need up to 48 tables
do the following things: ƒ for eight
ƒ Put handouts on tables ƒ Provide an extra table for last-
ƒ Place an In-Basket at each table minute shows
ƒ Station flipchart easels around the ƒ Also provide a table for the
periphery of the room facilitators and one for the
logistics team


Time Content/Process Logistics

Logistics team continues to work to: Provide Participant Lists for

ƒ Set up and test microphones Czar/Czarina:
ƒ Train microphone people on the ƒ Alphabetical list of participants
Open Forum process and make sure ƒ Table list of participants
they know how to operate cordless, ƒ List of participants by
handheld microphones Dept/Division
ƒ Train one person overall to work the
audio/visual system with an a/v Make Nametags:
technician ƒ Place on registration tables
ƒ Make a drawing of the room layout ƒ Put the appropriate table
ƒ Make copies to refer to for planning number on each name tag
breakouts, quadrants for Open
Forum, etc. Get microphones ready:
ƒ Make the Open Forum grid. Post ƒ Set up four cordless, hand-held
the grid on the podium mikes
ƒ Set up the registration table outside ƒ Put a mike at the podium
the room. Lay name tags out in ƒ Provide two to three mikes for
alpha order the panel table
ƒ Make and post headers (““banners””)
for the External View 1 stations Have a full-time AV technician
ƒ Make headers for Glads/Sads/Mads
(G/S/M) Set up VCR and Monitors, if
ƒ Have a game plan to quickly take needed
down the headers from External
View 1 and put up the G/S/M Prepare the front of the room:
headers ƒ Provide a riser with the podium
(Note: for Day 1, do not put the
panel table or chairs on the
x Place Open Forum Grid on the

Set up Flipchart Easels:

ƒ Have one available for each
ƒ Set charts up around the
periphery of the room to start
the day
ƒ Provide three additional
flipchart easels up front


Time Content/Process Logistics

Meanwhile, you as the Consultant Prepare the tables:

may do the following: x Put an in-basket, table number
ƒ Check in with the Logistics and marker pens at each table
Czar/Czarina to hear what’’s ƒ At each place setting, place a
happening in the organization folder with handouts:
(Members of the Planning Team? 1. List of Planning Team
The Leadership Team?) members; list of Operating
ƒ Tweak anything you need to Committee & Staff Group
ƒ Review everything and be ready on reverse
ƒ Touch base with anybody you need 2. One-page handout of
to (presenters, Operating Purpose/Agenda for the
Committee, etc.) days of the event with
Roadmap on reverse
3. ““Case for Change””
4. Roles of table facilitator,
recorder, spokesperson and
rules of brainstorming
5. D x V x F > R
6. Strategic Planning Model
7. Map of the facility


Final Check: Set-Up

__ Are the tables spaced adequately in the main room? In breakouts?
__ Are the tables set as desired in the main room? In breakouts?
__ Are the flipcharts in position in main room? In breakouts?
__ Is the front of the room set up as desired?
__ Do participants have access to the perimeter of the room to hang flipchart sheets?
__ Are all the mikes working? Do you have extra batteries?

Ongoing Needs 16 and 17

__ Do you have a plan for moving flipcharts in and out of the table area?
__ Have you identified team members to hand out/reveal assignments?
__ Do you have an adequate number of copies of all handouts?
__ Are your handouts and materials counted out into table-size sets for fast distribution?
__ Have you identified team members to carry microphones?
__ Do you have a plan for collecting, labeling, saving, typing & distributing work participants do
during session? 18


__ Are you keeping the flipcharts clear of "old" work?
__ Are you minimizing your movement and noise so you do not distract the participants?
__ Are you freshly supplying all materials both in the main room and breakout areas as they are
used up or lost?
__ Flipchart paper
__ Markers
__ Tape
__ Are you keeping aisle ways and perimeter of room clear so participants can move around
__ Do you have a plan for spreading out voting assignments as much as possible?
__ Are you giving breakout groups time warnings & getting them back to main room as needed?



1. Logistics Leadership
To streamline communication and minimize conflicting instructions between the logistics team
and the consultants, designate one person as logistics team ““czar/czarina" to coordinate all
communication, work, and assignments and serve as liaison to the consulting team and facility
staff. The logistics czar/czarina is like a stage manager in the theater. Professional trainers or
meeting planners need to be particularly open to new ideas if one of them happens to be the
czar/czarina because they usually have a different paradigm about how to run a meeting. You
will JHWregular feedback about how unusual the kind of meeting describe here really is.

1. Internal Logistics Resource

The client may handle many of the logistics arrangements directly. These include such items as
contracting for the facility and food, sending invitations and arranging for presenters. It is
essential, therefore, to establish a single internal point of contact for coordinating logistics with
the logistics czar/czarina. It is important to be in frequent contact with the internal contact
between the event planning team meeting and the event.

There are two major benefits from having an internal logistics coordinator:
ƒ The internal coordinator is familiar with the system and can get things done easily and
ƒ Working with an internal coordinator makes it possible to begin transferring skills to the
client system as they do the practical leg work needed to prepare for an event.

Make sure that the internal logistics coordinator has enough help. There is nothing worse than
getting to the day of an event and finding out that a task has not been done because the internal
coordinator, overwhelmed by other organizational demands, did not see it as important.
Examples are arranging for max-mix seating, preparing name tags and making sure that meals
can be served very quickly.

2. Logistics Team Members and Responsibilities

It is helpful to a company-wide change effort to select as logistics team members people who
will not be participants but who will benefit from being part of the session. Team members
should understand that logistics work is demanding and fast-paced!

As soon as possible after the organization has identified the logistics team, brief them on the
nature of a Whole-Scale session (what you are trying to accomplish, what kind of environment
you are trying to create, what you believe are some of the critical success factors as related to
logistics activities) and the logistics team's role in the process.

In general, the logistics team is responsible for:

ƒ Providing all materials and handouts
ƒ Preparing and posting assignments on flipchart paper as required
ƒ Preparing and distributing assignments on handouts as required


ƒ Helping to direct participants during lunch and breaks
ƒ Relaying phone messages for participants and consultants
ƒ Responding to minor catastrophes as they arise (e.g., room arrangement)
ƒ Handling registration
ƒ Distributing name tags
ƒ Leading groups to breakout rooms
ƒ Moving flipcharts to and away from the participant tables
ƒ Organizing the feedback on the draft strategy at the end of Day 2 for the leadership
ƒ Typing, copying, and distributing the final goals and objectives before the session resumes
on Day 3. (It is important to contract with some team members in advance to cover the
““evening”” shift.)
ƒ Making copies of the Action Plans on Day 3 to distribute to the participants
ƒ Walking cordless microphones to participant speakers during open forums and report outs
ƒ Periodically checking flip charts for paper supply and replenishing as needed
ƒ Collecting, labeling, and storing participants' output
ƒ Giving breakout groups time warnings and shepherding them back to the main room
ƒ Performing other tasks as they arise

3. Main Meeting Room Size

The room must be large enough to accommodate the number of participants seated at round
tables of eight. Furthermore, there must be sufficient aisle and perimeter space to allow people
to easily move around and to accommodate flipcharts. This usually means that you need more
space than the hotel thinks you do because they only give enough space for waiters and
waitresses to get through, which can lead to fairly tight quarters. Multiplying the number of
participants by 25 square feet per person will give you the approximate capacity for your
purposes. You will need extra space if you plan to use video screens, cameras, etc. Be careful
that the facility doesn’’t switch meeting rooms on you without your knowledge! Try to avoid
rooms that are too long and narrow (the ““bowling alley”” effect). The ““front”” of the room should
be on the longest wall.

4. Size, Number, and Location of Breakout Rooms

In the main room, given enough ““elbow room”” between tables, groups will be able to stand the
noise level for short assignments, but for many activities, relatively private meeting space works
better (for groups of various sizes) so participants can hear each other well enough to accomplish
complex or delicate assignments.

Make sure that "breakout rooms" are adjacent to the main room so that traveling between them is
quick and easy. If they are not close by, you may not want to use them much because you cannot
afford to build the travel time into the meeting schedule.

Although the number of breakout rooms you will need is driven by the actual meeting design, the
number of participants, and the availability of facilities, these rules-of-thumb will help you
maintain flexibility in the face of uncertainty:


A. Try to have space available to send about two-thirds of the largest subgroups to breakouts
where they will have plenty of elbow room. (Some groups can stay in the main room.)
Groups larger than eight people have a particularly hard time hearing each other if they are in
a loud environment.
B. If your meeting is not planned before you need to book a facility, maximize your design
flexibility by holding two to four big, open spaces that will each comfortably hold one-third
to one-half of the participants at round tables. This is in addition to the main room and lunch
C. Avoid trying to give breakout groups privacy by dividing open spaces with curtains or
screens: they make the noise issue worse because groups do not get the visual reminder of
their impact on each other.

At the meeting itself, it is important to help participants find their breakout rooms quickly and
easily. Include a map of the facility in their registration packet and hand out lists of breakout
assignments as they are needed. Also, members of the logistics team often act as guides.

5. Taping to Walls

Many facilities have rules about taping to their walls. You can usually get permission from the
facility to tape things up since they want your business. For the most difficult situations, 3M
makes some special tapes guaranteed not to take off paint or leave a residue. (One option is
Scotch Brand drafting tape which is pretty easy to find.)

6. Sound System

Use hard-wired mikes for the front of the room and cordless mikes for the audience. You will
need one mike for the podium, one for every two people who will be sitting at a panel table, and
three to five cordless mikes depending on the size of your meeting. Be sure to check the
requirements for mikes in breakout rooms also.

Since the meeting depends upon people being able to hear each other, it is critical to have a full-
time audio technician to run the sound system. Many in-house systems are inadequate for one
reason or another. You may want to use an independent system with dedicated technicians. Be
sure to train one member of your logistics team to understand the system so he or she can
function as a back-up to the technician.

7. Equipment

You may need some audio/visual equipment at the last minute. Usually a facility can handle
this. Also, you may change a design in mid-stream if it is not working. A redesign may call for
new or altered instructions on handouts for each participant. To be prepared for changes and to
turn around the new strategy before Day 3, have a computer, printer, and copier at the disposal of
the logistics team.

Video taping the event is often useful for sharing the work of the day with others and for
orienting new employees later on. If you do decide to create a video, make the camera work as


unobtrusive as possible. Be sure to tell your camera operator to cover more than just what
happens up front. Close-ups of table conversations, brainstorming sessions, report outs and
voting will help bring the event to life for those who did not experience it. On the day of the
event, mention that a video record is being made and why.

8. Meeting Room Set-Up

Participant Tables
To promote easier discussions and work, use round tables, each seating eight people. Number
the tables and ask the facility to display the numbers on table stands so that you can see them
easily from a distance.

To enable the largest number of participants to easily see the speakers and the speakers to make
eye contact with the largest number of participants (which keeps everyone more involved), place
the "front" of the room on the long wall in a rectangular room

(Note: Facilities often have trouble comprehending this type of arrangement –– their tendency is
to place the front on the short wall (classroom style) or at the end opposite the entry doors no
matter where they are.)

Have the facility fax a drawing of the room faxed to you. Using that map, draw how you want
the facility to arrange the stage, refreshments and tables. Provide the facility staff with the
drawing of the room arrangement you desire, but also be prepared to rearrange the room when
you arrive the night before or early the day of the session. The most frequent problems you will
encounter are tables too close together and tables too close to the wall.

Leave space for

movement around
room perimeter

9. Meals

Have meals served in a room other than the meeting room (but still close by - see
““Breakout Rooms””) to avoid delays caused by meal set-up and clean-up. The goal is to serve
people as quickly as possible (in fewer than 10 minutes, preferably in 5 or 6!) regardless of the
group size. Meals served buffet style are the quickest, but only if there is a sufficient number of
lines and a sufficient amount of room. (At a Ford session, 350 people were all eating within 10
minutes. They had eight buffet lines.) If you decide to have meals served, have as much as
possible of the food preset (e.g.: salads, desserts, and rolls).


If it is impossible to serve meals in a separate room, use box lunches——clearly labeled and easily
accessible. These lunches greatly simplify the process of serving and cleaning up. Make sure
lots of trash cans are available!

Find out if the leadership and others will want meals on the evening of Day 2 during the

Remember to include vegetarian and other special diet requirements in your planning.

11. Refreshments
If there is enough space, place the refreshment table right in the main room. During the session,
encourage people to do whatever they need to do to stay alert, so it helps if they can get some
refreshments quickly and easily. At the very least, have coffee be available throughout the day
and make sure that pitchers of water are regularly replenished at each participant table and at the
speakers' (panel) table. If you decide to provide snacks, participants really appreciate some low-
fat options.

10. Seating Configuration

Some combination of the following five types of seating configurations work well during Whole-
Scale sessions:

Individuals who perform the same or a similar function across divisions such as industrial
relations, finance, engineering, and manufacturing.

A maximum mix of participants, each table like a microcosm of the whole organization. Make
up tables of eight individuals who are as representative as possible of functions, organizations,
and levels. In order to encourage free-flowing discussion and exchange of ideas, do not put
anyone at a table with their immediate boss.

Intact work teams with a boss and subordinates. When it is not possible to bring together such a
group, the key criterion for forming a work team is its members' interdependence. (Sometimes
this is the same as functional.)

““Program”” or ““Project””
Usually a cross-functional team responsible for accomplishing or carrying out a specific project
or program.

Groups formed by participants at the session based on each choosing a particular topic on which
to work.

13. Materials May Include:


People cannot read flipcharts written with red or green markers from a distance. Use dark
colored markers (Mr. Sketch water color markers, not permanent!), especially when making

An ““in-box”” on each table provides a consistent place for groups to find handouts and supplies.
Use plastic trays, or box tops.

Two booklets, The Sixteen Types and Leadership, Temperament, and Talent, allows you to do
Myers-Briggs work simply. Order them from:
Prometheus Nemesis Book Company
Post Office Box 2748
Del Mar, California 92014

Post-It Notes
There are a number of uses for sticky notes. 3M Post-It Notes are the most popular brand. The
3x5 size works best. In most cases one-half pad per participant for each activity requiring Post-
Its is a good rule of thumb. Remember that in high humidity these notes may not stick well.

Dots and Stars

You will typically use about 20 stars and 10 dots per person. The quality of commercially
available stars and dots vary. Some do not peel off easily and others do not stick well. Pre-test
your supplies before the day of the event.

Name Tags
There are two tasks connected to name tags: making the seating assignments and actually
creating the tags. Creating max-mix table assignments requires familiarity with the participants
so they can be grouped to maximize diversity of function, length of service, level, race, gender,
etc. No one should be seated with his or her direct supervisor. The Event Planning Team or
someone else internal to the organization may do the seating assignments.

When participants arrive at the event, they should find a pre-printed name tag showing their
name and their table number. In some cases there will be two table numbers for different seating
at different points in the event. Be sure to assign these two tasks well in advance. Don’’t ever
wait until staging day to start doing this for a 500-person event! Also, have extra name tags and
be ready to print them out for unexpected participants.

An alternative is to have name tags on the tables and have the participants fill them out.

14. Registration Packet


You will want to give the participants any information they might need in a folder they receive
at registration or at their tables when they first sit down. In addition to company-specific
information such as strategy statements, consider including:

ƒ The meeting purpose and agenda

ƒ The role of facilitator, recorder, spokesperson and rules of brainstorming
ƒ The strategic planning model

See pages X X X for examples of these documents.

15. O pen Forum Process

A process that works well to get questions from the floor in a structured way when you are
working with a very large group is the ³grid´ method: On the floor plan of your room, divide
the tables into four or five relatively equal, contiguous sections:


1 2 3 4 5

6 7 8 9

Next, list each section's table numbers in columns in a random order:

9 2 5 6
3 1 7 8
4 10

Give a copy of this ³grid´ to each mike handler and tape one to the podium. (Try to keep extra
copies around, too.)

Then, during a question and answer session, call on tables from each section of the room ± two
at a time: the first table number and the next table number to be ³on deck.´ In the example
above it would go: ³Table 3 is first, with table 8 on deck.´ Then, ³Table 8, with table 14 on
deck,´ and so on. As a table asks a question, check it off the grid so you can keep track of who
has not had a chance to ask a question. This process enables you to give all the tables a chance
to ask a question sometime during the three days and enables the logistics people to be ready at
the next table with a microphone so you can keep moving quickly.

You will find it particularly important when you use this approach to leave ten minutes or so for
““burning”” questions when you open up the process to any table. Logistics should have a clear
contract with the consultant at the podium about how this will work. By increasing the "hype" as
each question gets asked (““You will not be able to go on if you do not ask this?””) you still make
room for participants to ask the important questions and end up with a feeling of closure. Abrupt
endings (““OK, that is all the time we have.””) seem to leave people feeling cheated.

Whenever you have more than one question and answer session, you can pick up where you left
off on the grid, and you can start again from the top of the grid after you have made it all the way

16. Participant Materials During the Meeting

Work hard to make sure participants have what they need exactly when they need it for two
reasons: you want them to be able to concentrate on the task at hand (content) rather than on how
to do that task (process), and you want the logistics to facilitate their success rather than get in
their way.

Although each table of participants will get a flipchart for themselves, charts tend to end up in
odd concentrations around the room. The logistics team needs to provide assistance to get the
flipcharts to tables quickly –– and out of the way when people are not using them.

Another task involving the flipcharts is to keep the aisles, perimeter of the room, and any voting
areas clear during ““post and read”” and voting activities. The charts tend to be in the way, so a
quick sweep of the room can make a real difference in participants' ability to move around.

The logistics team and the consultant giving an assignment need to have an agreement about
when to hand out written instructions or new seating lists. The issues that come into play when
deciding when to hand things out include making sure participants will not misplace things if
they are handed out too soon, making sure that participants are not reading when they should be
listening to a speaker, and having a system to distribute the materials as quickly as possible.

(Note to Logistics Team: It is often helpful if the handouts are copied in different colors for easy
reference, but check with the consulting team first.)

17. Pacing
Lags in the proceedings of a large meeting are amplified: picture 600 people all waiting for
something to happen. Therefore, you will want to work hard to keep your pacing crisp and
quick. You can do this a number of ways:

Before you need them, count out the appropriate number of handouts for each table and
crosshatch these "packets." Assign specific logistics team members to distribute packets to


specific tables and shoot them out when agreed——either on cue or during an appropriate break in
the action.

Make sure the next table to ask a question or the next group to report out already has a mike in
the spokesperson’’s hand, ready to go.

Make sure whoever is speaking next is right up by the podium. Avoid the long walks up from
the back of the room.

18. Preserving the Work and Documenting the Meeting

You will want to save and publish some of the work participants do. Usually this includes the
Glads and Sads, the Valentine Responses, the System-Wide Action Plans, and the Back-Home
Plans. Find out from the design team what they want to keep in your situation. (If you cannot get
an answer, save everything! You can always throw things away later.)

Although you will ask the participants to label their work, it will be enormously helpful to you to
devise a labeling scheme of your own so that you are sure of where things came from (activity,
page, group) after the meeting. When you have collected all the work that needs to be saved
from a given activity, roll it up, rubber band it (tape makes a mess when you unroll it), and label
the outside of the roll with the activity name.

The sooner someone types this material and distributes it back to the meeting participants, the
better. If it is back soon enough, they will use it to explain what happened at the event to people
in the organization who were not able to attend the meeting, thereby adding "leverage" to the
changes the participants are trying to bring about.

Important! Before leaving the event, contract with someone inside the client organization to take
custody of all the work products (flip charts, post-its, etc.). Have a very clear understanding of
who will be responsible for typing up the content and by when. People are both exhausted and
euphoric after many of these events, and there is a high risk that this material will be gathering
dust in someone’’s office two months later if you don’’t ensure that it won’’t. Part of the
responsibility of the leaders to the participants is to make sure that they do something with their

Note: You and the client should consider arranging for documentation of the event in real time.
Having computer ““scribes”” in the room makes it possible to have results compiled at the end of
each day. Participants see a new model of communication feedback when they are able to have
data from one day typed and ready for them at the beginning of the next day. It also jump starts
the follow-up process.


Example of Participants' Agenda

To work together as leaders of this organization to:
ƒ Build a picture of where the organization is right now,
ƒ Explore and agree on where it must be in the future if it is to be successful, and
ƒ Make commitments to each other on what people in the organization need to do differently,
individually and collectively, to get there.

Day 1
7:30 am Continental Breakfast
8:00 am Welcome/Purpose
Telling our Stories
Environmental View
View from our Customers
Organization Diagnosis
Celebrating Diversity
5:00 pm Evaluation –– Day 1

Day 2
7:30 am Continental Breakfast
8:00 am Feedback of Evaluations/Agenda for the Day
Stakeholder "Wild Card" Module
Strategic Planning Model
View from the Leadership
Organization Strategy: Revisit
Feedback on Strategy by Participants
5:00 pm Evaluation –– Day 2

Day 3
7:30 am Continental Breakfast
8:00 am Feedback of Evaluations/Agenda –– Day 3
Response from Leadership Group: "Finalized" Strategy
Panel of Possibilities
Preferred Futuring
System-Wide Action Planning
Valentines: Inter-Group Requests
Back-Home Planning
5:00 pm Wrap-Up/Evaluation/Close


Example of Roles of Facilitator, Recorder and Spokesperson
Rules of Brainstorming

ƒ Help keep the group on task
ƒ Watch the time to assure that the group completes its task
ƒ Assure that everyone is able to participate-no one dominating, no one excluded
ƒ Remind people to listen as others are talking
ƒ Encourage people to respect and use their different perspectives and views

ƒ Listen for key words; do not edit-use exact words
ƒ Capture the basic ideas, essence
ƒ Write rapidly
ƒ Write legibly, 1 to 1-1/2 inches high
ƒ Number each sheet; reference topic, group
ƒ Do not worry about spelling

ƒ Be sure you understand what you are expected to report
ƒ Listen carefully to the discussion
ƒ Report out key points as requested at the end of the session

Rules of Brainstorming
ƒ Do not discuss ideas
ƒ Do not judge ideas (good or bad)
ƒ Repeat ideas are fine
ƒ "Piggybacking" off someone else's idea is fine
ƒ Wait for the silences to end: the greatest creativity follows
ƒ The more ideas, the better


Example of Strategic Planning Model

Wh a t bu sin ess a r e we in ?
STAKE H OLDE R Wh a t va lu e do we cr ea t e?
(Now a n d F u t u r e) MISSION
Wh a t ’’s t h e focu s of a ct ion ?
Cu st om er s Wh a t do we st a n d for ?
Top Ma n a gem en t
Su pplier s H ow t o m ea su r e su ccess?
Com pet it or s VISION OF Wh a t ’’s ou r pr efer r ed
E m ployees SUCCE SS fu t u r e?
Un ion Lea der s (n ext 3-5 yea r goa ls)

STRATE GIC Br oa d t h r u st s
E va lu a t e–– TH RU ST Ba sis of com pet it ion
Did we r espon d (n ext 3-5 yea r s)
a ppr opr ia t ely
t o st a keh older s? Ach ieva ble, m ea su r a ble
Resu lt s
E va lu a t e–– (1-2 yea r s)
Did it
a ch ieve t h e Wh a t will we do?
r esu lt s Wh o will do it ? Wh en ?
ACTION P LANS H ow is it t o be don e? Wh a t
r esou r ces a r e n eeded?
E va lu a t e––
Did we do it Do it !


Example of a ‘‘Strawman’’ Strategy

ƒ PEOPLE are our key resource
ƒ INTEGRITY is our way of life
ƒ QUALITY of product and of customer support is fundamental
ƒ TECHNICAL EXCELLENCE must guide design

To be recognized by our customers and competitors as a world class provider of quality
computing and telecommunications services.

Company's mission is to satisfy our customers' requirements by providing computing and
telecommunications services of superior quality. Quality includes meeting or exceeding the
customers' requirements for cost, schedule, and technical performance.

Strategic Goals
1. Continuous improvement in the quality of our services, products, and processes will be our
way of life.
2. We will create an environment where each individual can make important contributions and
achieve his or her full potential as part of the Company team.
3. We will take a proactive leadership role in developing and implementing information system
4. We will achieve a leadership position in selected external markets with financial returns and
growth rates better than our competitors.
5. We will make timely, innovative use of available technology, emphasizing responsive, user
friendly solutions and systems integration of off-the-shelf products.
6. Our management systems, policies, procedures, and organization structure will be simple,
effective, and consistent.



(Specific Group Name)

These are the things you do as a normal part of doing your job (or as a by-product of it) that
make it more difficult for us to do our job:

(Specific Group Name)


SAMPLE ASSIGNMENT: Preferred Futuring

It is ______ –– ______ years from now. We are pleased and proud of how effectively we have
achieved this objective. What do we see happening? What are people doing that lets us know
we've reached our objective?

ƒ Use one ““Post-it”” note for each idea –– but write as many ideas for each objective as you can
think of. There are more ““Post-it”” if you run out. Write the objective numbers at the top of
the ““Post-its””.

ƒ Stick your "Post-its" on the newsprint sheets hanging on the walls under the respective
objective headers. Your ideas will be used to develop action plans for each objective.

ƒ Finally, sign up for an objective group in which to do more specific planning. There is a
sign-up sheet posted under the objective header where you have hung your ““Post-its””. Please
note that there are only a certain number of slots for each action planning group: we want to
spread the wealth and insure all objectives are worked on. Please do not sign up for an
objective if all the slots are filled: large groups are not as effective at this stage of the work.
The sign-up sheet will also tell you the breakout room where your group will be working.

ƒ As you write your ideas on the ““Post-its””, be as clear and specific as you can.


SAMPLE ASSIGNMENT: System-Wide Action Planning

1. Take your "Post-its" to your breakout room.

2. Choose a facilitator and recorder.

3. Sort and analyze your "Post-its".

4. Develop a preferred future statement based on your own beliefs and the input you have
received on the ““Post-its””.

5. Focusing on the preferred future you just developed:

A. Brainstorm all of the things happening right now in the organization as a whole that will
help you move toward your preferred future.
B. Brainstorm all of the things happening right now that are going to make it more difficult
to achieve your preferred future.

6. Brainstorm all of the ideas you have about what we could do differently as an organization in
order to really "move the needle" on this objective in the next six months.

7. Using your last brainstorm of ideas, agree on a specific, detailed plan for this objective
(including what actions, who is responsible, by when) that you recommend for the whole
group’’s' consideration.

8. Create a self-explanatory flipchart report of your preferred future statement (step 4) and your
recommendations (step 7) for the Leave a four-inch margin on the left side of your sheets for



How did today go for you:

What were the Highs?

What were the Lows?

What advice do you have for us for tomorrow?



What were your most important learnings today?

What still feels unfinished for you?

What advice do you have for us for tomorrow?



What were the most significant outcomes of these three days:

For you?

For the organization as a whole?

On a scale of 1 to 10, how confident are you that we will carry out our commitments to each

Not a
snowball's Watch
chance... our dust!

Why did you mark it where you did?

What do we need to do from here to sustain our momentum?




D = Dissatisfaction with the current situation

V = Vision of possibilities that is positive.

Vision describes our combined yearnings; must be ennobling, empowering and worthy;
more than the absence of pain of the present situation

F = First Steps in direction of vision

R = Resistance to change

Change will occur only when the product of D, V, F is greater than the amount of resistance.

Change will occur and sustain itself when there is a common database of D, V, and F in an
individual and/or the microcosm of the system. If any of these bases is zero, change will not

Change = Movement away from present state, in a "positive" direction.

Further Readings

Beckhard, Richard and Harris, Reuben. Organizational Transitions. Managing Complex Change
2nd edition: Addison-Wesley Publishing Co. (Addison-Wesley Organizational Development
series.) Reading, MA. 1987.

Loup, Roland. "A Model that Describes Conditions Necessary for Change." Dannemiller Tyson
Associates, Inc. Ann Arbor, MI, 1993. (This article is based on a slightly different version
which appeared in the April, 1993, issue of the Detroit OD Network Newsletter.)


Chapter 5
A Generic Whole-Scale Three-Day Event Meeting
In order to create an agenda you will need to describe a purpose and flow of work (which the EPT has
created). This example provides ideas about how activities might flow. You will always, of course,
design based on your particular purpose. Notice that each module has a purpose and an underlying
philosophy. Each module is described in four columns: Time, Content, Process, and Tips.

To work together as leaders of this organization to:
ƒ Build a picture of where the organization is right now
ƒ Explore and agree on where it must be in the future if it is to be successful
ƒ Make commitments as to what people in the organization need to do
differently, individually and collectively, to get there

Day 1 Expanding the organization’’s world view –– building a common data base about
each other, the organization, its stakeholders and its environment
ƒ Welcome/Purpose………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… p. 91
ƒ Agenda/Logistics…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. p. 93
ƒ Telling Our Stories…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. p. 96
ƒ Industry Trends……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… p.101
ƒ View From Our Customers……………………………………………………………………………………………………. p.107
ƒ Organization Diagnosis……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… p.110
ƒ Celebrating Diversity…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… p.116
ƒ Evaluation –– Day 1………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… p.123
ƒ Read/Act on Evaluations –– Day 1…………………………………………………………………………………………. p.124

Day 2 Ensure the organization is connected as ““one brain and one heart”” and able to
develop a new direction together built on that connection and expanded world view.
ƒ Feedback of Evaluations/Agenda for the Day………………………………………………………………. p.127
ƒ Stakeholder "Wild Card" Module (suppliers, union, program managers, et al)
View from ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… p.129
ƒ Strategic Planning Model…………………………………………………………………………………………………………. p.135
ƒ View from the Leadership………………………………………………………………………………………………………… p.141
ƒ ““I Have a Dream”” speech from the leader………………………………………………………………………… p.142
ƒ Organization Strategy: Revisit………………………………………………………………………………………………. p.142
ƒ Feedback on Strategy by Participants……………………………………………………………………………….. p.143
ƒ Evaluation –– Day 2…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. p.145
ƒ Read/Act on Evaluations –– Day 2………………………………………………………………………………………… p.145
ƒ Leadership Work on Response to Input…………………………………………………………………………... p.145


Day 3 Become whole about the strategic direction of the organization, shift its paradigm
and create a full system commitment to change.
ƒ Feedback of Evaluations/Agenda –– Day 3……………………………………………………………………. p.147
ƒ Response from Leadership Group: "Finalized" Strategy…………………………………….. p.149
ƒ Panel of Possibilities…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… p.151
ƒ Preferred Futuring………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… p.153
ƒ System-Wide Action Planning………………………………………………………………………………………………. p.156
ƒ Valentines: Inter-Group Requests………………………………………………………………………………………… p.159
ƒ Back-Home Planning…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… p.161
ƒ Wrap-Up/Evaluation/Close…………………………………………………………………………………………………….. p.163


(total time = 10 minutes)

To signal the importance of this meeting and why the group is together. The change champion will have an opportunity to
communicate his/her commitment and need for support from everyone in the change process.

Underlying Philosophy
This module sets the tone for the remainder of the event. Because you will often work with hierarchical organizations, the group
almost expects the leader to welcome participants and legitimize what they are going to do. You can, however, use this module as an
opportunity to signal that things will be different by changing who presents and/or adjusting the tone, style, and content from whatever
is typical for that organization. In addition, participants will usually be at max-mix tables, which also sets a different tone.

Time Content Materials/Logistics Tips

7:30 Registration/Coffee, etc. Registration table with name tags
Participants receive their ““max-mix”” seating Have a sign at doors with "max- If participants will switch
assignments. mix" seating assignments by name tables at any time during the
or include assigned table numbers event, you may want to
on individual name tags include the other table
number (e.g., back home
group) on the back of the
name tag.
The EPT will have identified the packet contents Put a packet at each person’’s place Talk to A/V technicians and
ahead of time. Packets might include: ask that they remain at least
ƒ Purpose and Multi-day agenda (headlines) Place table numbers, in-boxes, and through the first activity that
ƒ Telling Our Stories assignment Open Forum questions on tables requires mikes to ensure that
ƒ Table Roles (facilitator, recorder, along with individual packets. the equipment is working
spokesperson) properly.
ƒ Rules of Brainstorming Put pens, pads, markers, and
ƒ Relevant models, e.g. DVF, Strategic masking tape on tables.
Planning, etc.
ƒ Any other data needed for the kick-off


Time Content Materials/Logistics Tips

Set up the podium with microphone

and a table grid. Also, set up the
panel table with mikes if needed.

8:00 Welcome/Purpose The speaker is a sponsor of the ƒ It’’s helpful if the speaker
(15) The speaker does the following things: three-day session, a real or a uses ““I”” messages and speaks
ƒ Explains why the organization is having this virtual leader of the change to the purpose as if it were
launch meeting and what everyone has done process. He or she could be: his or her own.
to get ready. He or she describes how the ƒ A hierarchical leader ƒ Prior to the welcome, make
organization chose the EPT, and the purpose ƒ A union leader an agreement with the
the team developed for these three days. ƒ An EPT member speaker about timing and a
ƒ Describes what the purpose means to him or ƒ A program director process to indicate when
her, and why it’’s important. x Etc. time is up. You cannot stop
ƒ Describes how he or she hopes the group will people while they’’re talking
work together during these three days. if you haven’’t contracted
ƒ Tells what he or she personally hopes to walk with them in advance.
away with at the end of the third day. ƒ Stand near the front of the
ƒ Introduces the members of the EPT by name room because trying to signal
and function and have them stand up one at a from the back of the room is
time. fraught with danger!
ƒ Describes his or her participation. For ƒ Make sure that participants
example, he or she might say, ““I will be at a understand that the event has
max-mix table myself, and I will be here for been planned by members of
the whole session. Let’’s make this session a their own group.
great one!”” x It is important that leadership
ƒ Introduces the lead consultant. stay throughout the whole
meeting, assigned to a max-
mix table


(total time = 35 minutes)

To provide participants with an overview of the meeting so that:
ƒ You reduce the mystery about what will happen in terms of process and content
ƒ You identify what they will be doing during this meeting that will be different from the passive role they may have played in other

Underlying Philosophy
To identify norms that describe how the group is going to be working together. These norms include the awareness that participants
will be able to be responsible for their own learning. Participants will hopefully begin to understand that they can shape and influence
the outcomes of the meeting.

Time Content Materials/Logistics Tips

8:15 Agenda Lead consultant walks through ƒ Give enough information
(15) Introduce yourself and other consultants. the three-day agenda, guiding about yourself to reduce
participants through a map of the the mystery of who you
journey that the whole group are before you walk
will be taking together during through the agenda.
the next three days. ƒ Include beginning and
ending times for each
day. You need flexibility
during the actual meeting
so do not include times
for the activities
including breaks and
lunches as you may not
always be precisely on
schedule and that would
disturb some people.
ƒ Reassure participants


Time Content Materials/Logistics Tips
there will be breaks and lunch
they don’’t panic.
8:30 How the Group is Going to Work Together:
(10) You might say, ““Let me tell you why you’’re seated
the way you are: You are in a max-mix seating
arrangement, which means your table represents the
maximum mix——a microcosm——of the whole
organization. With any luck at all, you are seated
with people you normally do not see very often and
you are not seated with your direct boss/employee.
The purpose for sitting this way is to enable each of
you to get a broader database by seeing the world
through the window presented by other people from
different parts of the organization. We want you to
be able to begin to see the organization as a whole
system rather than merely from your own

At various points during the three days, you may

change the table where you sit to enable you to have
different perspectives as needed. Certainly at some
point in the session you will return to your ‘‘back
home’’ groups.

Let’’s take a five-minute break now and give people If your internal resources tell
an opportunity to move to their assigned tables if you that everyone is seated
they’’re not already there. You will be far more where they are supposed to be,
successful if there is a microcosm at each table.”” consider skipping this part.


(10) Logistical Tips:
Be sure you give the participants the following
ƒ ““Here is how you can check for messages……
ƒ If you have to smoke (assuming it’’s permitted),
take three puffs and come back quickly because
your table group needs your point of view.
ƒ If you need to make a phone call, likewise, come
back quickly or your table will not have a full
ƒ The restrooms are…….””
Then you can continue:
““The most important thing we will be doing together
is building a common database by ‘‘listening to each
other in a way that will enable you to see the world
through each other’’s eyes.’’ ””

““Do whatever you need to do to stay focused. If you

need to use the restroom, get up and go. Don’’t wait
for a break. If you are falling asleep, stand up and
stretch, go to the back of the room so you can still
listen. Come immediately back; your table mates
need your input.””


(total time = 70 minutes)

To begin to build a real learning community as a team at each table and in the whole room by:
ƒ Beginning to build a common database
ƒ Connecting at each table across organizational lines
ƒ Enabling participants to think whole system by giving them a broader base of understanding
ƒ Ensuring each person has the opportunity to clarify and express his or her own views and needs

Underlying Philosophy
This module addresses several key points:
ƒ Building the cross-functional table groups into a team that functions well and is increasingly open with each other over the three
days: a safe place to try out ideas and reactions with people from diverse parts of the organization.
ƒ Broadening the picture that each person sees of the whole, so that, as the module unfolds, everyone sees a bigger picture of the
ƒ Signaling to the participants that this is their meeting. The message is: "If it is to be, it is up to me.””

Time Content Materials/Logistics Tips

8:40 Assignment & Table Work Use max-mix seating. You may want to change the
(30) questions based on what the
The lead consultant then introduces the first Put handouts of assignment in EPT is yearning to know
assignment. He or she might say: each packet. about people in the
organization. The questions
"Take two minutes to prepare to introduce yourself to can be a little risky but with
the rest of your table group: enough room to choose how
ƒ Give your name, job, and background much you want to reveal.
ƒ Tell how long you have worked at the Try for questions that will
organization speak to what each
ƒ Look back over the past year, and tell what you participant knows so that
have accomplished that makes you proud they will feel smart when
Likewise, tell what has been frustrating for you they answer. Think about


Time Content Materials/Logistics Tips
ƒ this past year questions that add to the
ƒ Imagine you have a magic wand, and tell what common database of the
you would change to help this organization be Ask people to listen carefully to organization as a whole.
more successful in the future see the world through the eyes of
ƒ Given all that, tell what you need to see the other people as they talk. It is Give participants a five-
accomplished during the next three days to make important that they empower a minute warning.
this meeting worthwhile facilitator to keep people on time
so that each person has a full three
Now, each person take three minutes to share your minutes. Note: If there are ten
answers with your table group. Choose a facilitator to people at a table, each person will
keep time and ensure that everyone has three minutes." have only two minutes to present.

9:10 Summary Process

(10) Ask participants to remove the
"Now take 10 minutes as a group to record common handout from their packet that
themes, significant differences you heard from each describes the roles of table
other and what your table needs to make this meeting facilitator, recorder, and
worthwhile. spokesperson and the process of
Choose a recorder and a spokesperson. The recorder
gets a flipchart to write on and sets it up at the table.
Choose a spokesperson to shout out the table’’s
answers to the three questions.””


Time Content Materials/Logistics Tips
9:20 Room-wide Database Building ƒ Move flipcharts to perimeter A large group may need
(20) of room. mikes, but it works better not
Work the crowd to get the answers to each of the ƒ Have three flipcharts/markers to use them in order to
three questions. Call on people who have raised their and writers (from the discourage people from
hands until people have articulated the whole story. logistics team) up front on giving long speeches. In any
the risers ready to go. event, you will need to repeat
Then you can pose the following questions: ƒ That trio will need to callouts into the microphone
ƒ "What did you hear in common?”” orchestrate their writing so and make sure the writers are
ƒ What did you hear differently?”” that they’’re taking turns and getting everything down. If
ƒ ““What does your table need to get out of this moving as fast as possible. they miss one, repeat it.
session?”” ƒ As the consultant doing the Your goal here is to have
callout, keep an eye on the everyone feel heard and
At the end of the callouts, thank the writers and tell writers to make sure they’’re affirmed by everyone else in
the group they’’ll be getting copies of the data keeping up and speak into the the room. At the end of the
captured on the sheets later in the day. microphone every time you callouts, you can expect to
get an input so the writers feel an energy shift in the
can hear it clearly. room——people are more
ƒ You will end up with data alive, they feel supported,
that can be typed and handed and they are beginning to
out later. understand that this meeting
is different from the passive
ones they’’ve attended in the


Time Content Materials/Logistics Tips
9:40 Change Model
Finish up the expectations with: "I'd like to share a Have formula on a handout for
formula for change that the Event Planning Team each person or write it clearly
used to plan this session. It is an adaptation of work and large up front as you talk:
from Dick Beckhard at MIT.
If you want to bring about change, you must have
'D', a multi-faceted picture of dissatisfaction with the
way things are right now; multiplied by 'V', a
combined vision of the way we yearn to be in the
future; multiplied by 'F', which stands for first steps
that we all believe we can take in order to get to that
combined vision. The product of those three
elements has to be greater that 'R’’ which stands for
resistance to change. The key to the formula is that if
any of the three elements, D, V, or F, is zero, the
product will also be zero and will not be greater than
'R', because we all resist change.

This is an individual change model as well as an

organizational one. In order for me to change, I need
to be dissatisfied with what I'm doing right now, have
a vision of what I could be doing that would be
rewarding for me, and know some first steps that I
believe will get me moving in that direction. If all of
these things are in place, I will change. If any of
them is missing, no change will take place. [Note:
Helpful to give a personal example.]
ƒ If you have D but no V or F, people will be angry


Time Content Materials/Logistics Tips
and frustrated, but will not act
ƒ If you have D and F but no V, then you'll get busy
going nowhere!
x If you have V and F but no D, people will just sit
around talking philosophy.

If the change needed is organizational, a critical mass

of the organization needs to agree on the
dissatisfaction with things as they are now; see a
common vision of their preferred future; and agree on
some first steps that will begin to move the
organization in the right direction. When these three
needs are met, change will take place. That is the
purpose of your journey together. Let's see if we can
help you build that critical mass together in these
three days.””

9:50 Break


(total time: Option I = 65 minutes, Option II = 90 minutes)

To build a common database of what’’s happening in the environment now and in the future that will allow the group to make more
informed choices regarding strategy

Underlying Philosophy
This module defines trends in the organization's industry as part of the environmental scan in its strategic plan so that the organization
can see further into the industry and the future. If the Whole-Scale event is taking place in a subsidiary, it is critical that this module
focus on the subsidiary's industry, not the parent company's. What participants need to hear in order to open up their thinking that
would not be sufficiently covered elsewhere has determined the content of this module (e.g., in the view from the leader's bridge, view
from the customer's bridge, etc.). Appropriate topics could include global, economic, or political issues; technological trends specific
to the industry; competitors’’ data; etc.

Design Choice Points

The who: You need to decide who is the best source for this information. Note: ““Best”” is defined by credibility, knowledge, and
breadth of "view."
ƒ Do the participants themselves possess the necessary data and does the data need to be made explicit?
ƒ Would an "industry expert" be a most appropriate choice? If so, should this person be from outside the company, or from
corporate; from the marketing department, or another internal source?
The how: You need to decide what is the best method to facilitate sharing the information. Note: ““Best”” is defined by the ease and
depth with which participants understand the material and the extent to which everybody sees the "big picture."
ƒ Would a pre-reading get the participants' "juices flowing" on the topic?
ƒ Would handouts make the presentation easier to follow?

Time Content Materials/Logistics Tips

10:00 Option 1: Speaker(s) as Expert Use max-mix seating Brief speakers ahead of time
(5) Introduction regarding the content and
"As you hear from an industry expert(s), please begin Make sure speakers have what process for their presentation
practicing a different kind of listening. We are all they need, e.g. podium, mike, and their part in the overall
trained to evaluate what people are saying as they etc. Logistics should coordinate three-day design. Coordinate


Time Content Materials/Logistics Tips
talk: to decide whether we agree or disagree, whether distribution of handouts with ask only what they need to
they are right or wrong. Throughout our session we speakers. know more about during the
will ask you to listen instead for understanding –– not Q&A.
to judge but to try to see the world through the eyes Don't forget to make a deal with
of the speaker. We will give you plenty of time later the speaker to give him/her a Advise speakers that
to add your own opinions as well. But first, listen to warning (e.g. five minutes, then handouts are far more
see if you can let other perspectives in –– not to sway one minute), and then let them effective than slides or
your thinking, but simply to understand how others know when time has expired. overheads––turning down the
see the world. lights on a big group is a
Distribute handouts if the speaker hguarantee for passivity!
We will help you listen by using an 'open forum' provided them.
process throughout the meeting. For each open Make sure speakers
forum, you will have fifteen minutes to talk about understand the open forum
what you have heard, your reactions, and to prepare process and how the Q & A
questions of understanding for the speaker. Then we session will work.
will put the speaker back up front and you will get a
chance to ask those questions and push for Since this is the first time the
clarification of the things you do not understand. participants will be listening to
OK, with that, let me introduce our speaker. presentation and doing an open
Remember to see the world through his/ her eyes……" forum, it is helpful to really hy
listening for understanding: to
the world through the speaker's


Time Content Materials/Logistics Tips
(15) Presentation
““These are trends that I see in the industry……””
ƒ Demographic shifts
ƒ Competition
ƒ Government/regulatory
ƒ Labor
ƒ Technology
ƒ Any other meaningful areas Since everyone picks up
(15) Open Forum Place open forum questions on slightly different information
Table Discussion: table tent cards. from a speaker, this activity
““Now take 15 minutes to talk about: gives participants a chance to
ƒ What did we hear? integrate what they've heard
ƒ What are our reactions? and to prepare to ask better
ƒ What are our questions of understanding? And questions. It also energizes
for whom? the group.

Select a new facilitator, recorder, and spokesperson. Participants need to know

The facilitator’’s role this time is to move the group that roles will rotate with
through the three questions and to make sure one each new activity and
outspoken person does not dominate the discussion therefore they will not be
and take up the entire 15 minutes. "stuck" in these roles for the
entire event. Knowing this
The recorder's role is to capture the table's questions Move easels to tables. will encourage greater
and the spokesperson’’s role is to ask the tough participation at the table.
questions, given the anonymity of representing a
whole table group." Asking questions posed by a
table group creates a safe
environment for participants
to ask tough questions.


Time Content Materials/Logistics Tips
(30) Q & A with Speaker(s) Provide table and chairs for Give as many tables as
speakers. possible a chance to ask one
"What questions of understanding do you have? This question. It is important to
is not a time to slip in an editorial!”” Provide wireless microphones help every table feel that
for logistics. they are involved. Spreading
questions around will lead to
It helps the pace to create a most tables getting all their
"grid" which divides the room questions asked.
into quadrants and lists table
numbers within each quadrant. Check with the table that has
Moderate the Q/A process by the floor to ensure the
calling on a table within the first question was satisfactorily
quadrant and then moving to answered before moving on.
another table in the next
quadrant, etc. following the grid. Announcing that time is
The grid stays on the podium running out and opening up
throughout the three days. the process for burning
Check off tables as they ask questions leads to a feeling
questions. Don't call on a table of closure better than an
again until all others have had a abrupt announcement.
chance. This gives all tables an Emphasize that "burning
opportunity by the end of the question" means just that.
session. It's not a time for just any
question. Try to end on time
Logistics team delivers wireless but use your judgment about
microphones to tables in the slipping a little. It is better to
sequence they will be called on be late and have a common
using the grid. database than to be on time
and miss something.
When only about 10 minutes are
left, open the rotation for


Time Content Materials/Logistics Tips
"burning questions," i.e., allow The open forum process
any table to ask a question that helps create a sense of
must be answered now or they closure and of being heard
won't be able to go on. for the participants.

(See "Open Forum Process" in

Logistics Chapter 4.)
10:00 Option II: Participation Post list of topics on flipcharts Instead of speakers, this
(5) Instructions up front. (Use handouts if module taps the wisdom of
"It’’s time to consider other things that are going on participants cannot easily read the participants to address
in your environment, i.e. organizations and situations the list up front.) events, trends, and
that affecty our industry. We call these 'other things' developments (ETDs) that
events, trends, and developments –– ETDs. Sample: are, or have potential for,
ƒ Demographics affecting their organization.
To get as broad a perspective as possible of the ƒ Competition It is not crucial that the
various ETDs that affect your organization, we would ƒ Government /Regulatory participants distinguish
like each table to pick a different topic from this list topics accurately or agree whether a
and identify its impact on you and the issues ƒ Labor specific topic is an event,
surrounding it that you must consider as you develop ƒ Technology trend, or development. For
your strategy. ƒ Etc. (including subdivisions example, merger among
of the above) competitors might be an
We would like each table to do the following: "internal" event; a change in
U.S. defense policy is a
ƒ Brainstorm the events, trends, or developments development; an expanding
that are happening in the topic area or are market segment is an
resulting from actions being taken within the example of a trend. Create a
topic area. Record these. brief table-group assignment
ƒ Once you have your list, pick the most important which will allow participants
ones to discuss (without recording) what you to share and pool their
know about these items. collective wisdom. It is
ƒ After the discussion, identify and record critical that it fit for the
implications of these events, trends, or organization culturally and


Time Content Materials/Logistics Tips
developments for this organization. that it stimulate the people to
ƒ What do you think this will mean for your unleash their brains. For
business or organization? example, what are all the
ƒ Prepare a three-minute report of your ETDs and leading-edge trends in our
implications. industry? What's new and
Select a new facilitator and recorder.”” exciting?

The Event Planning Team

may compile the initial list of
topics with review by the
"Now take a minute at your tables to decide what
topic you'd like to work on. Keep a second choice in
mind in case you don't get your first choice."
(10) Groups Select Topics Move easels to tables. With a very large group,
Call out topics and ask for tables that want to work there may be more than one
on them –– or have them send someone up to put their Tables choose a new facilitator, table per topic. Letting
table number on the list as soon as they have made a recorder, and spokesperson. tables choose, even if you
decision. have to force the distribution
by limiting the number who
(40) Groups Work may sign up for each topic,
gives the participants a
greater sense of ownership
then if you randomly assign
the topics.
(35) Table Presentations After each topic report, ask for Alternatives to reports would
Call on one table from the first topic. significant differences from be a post and read process or
other tables that worked on the a post/read/vote process.
same topic (only value-added

11:30 LUNCH


VIEW FROM OUR CUSTOMERS (total time = 110 minutes)
To hear from a key stakeholder –– customers –– about what is happening in their environment and what they will need from the
organization in order to help them face their challenges in the future.

Underlying Philosophy
To do good strategic planning, the participants need to hear directly from their customers and engage in a dialogue of understanding.
In order to be more effective in supporting the customer, the participants need to see the customers' world and the challenges they
face. Ordinarily, dialogue with customers is problem-focused. In this session the key is in having "live" customers so that the
participants get a visceral connection with these key stakeholders.

Design Choice Points

Decide on which and how many customers you need, who should invite them, and what to include in their invitation letter. Be clear
that they know what to expect and what you expect from them: a large group, a short presentation and a long Q&A session. Make a
decision as to who is the right person in the organization to introduce the customer, who will clearly signal that they are valued

Three customers is a good number. If you decide you need four, limit their presentations to 10 minutes each. You will need to get a
cross-section to connect with the diversity of the audience (products, geography, etc.). You want customers who will offer new and/or
important data. The EPT members should ask themselves, ““What do the participants need to hear? Should there be internal and/or
external customers? Which businesses have the most urgent need for data?”” What you want to do is give them three different voices
for the broadest customer picture possible.

Time Content Materials/Logistics Tips

12:00 Introduction Seat customers at panel table Customers should receive the
(5) ““These are key stakeholders. Please listen carefully with mikes. specific questions you want
to see the world through their eyes. You will have them to address and be
an opportunity to discuss what you hear, share advised of how much time
reactions at your table, and generate questions of they’’ll have well in advance
understanding at the end of the panel presentation.”” of the session.


Time Content Materials/Logistics Tips
Introduction of Customer Panel: The leader or a member of the Make sure someone from the
Plan on three or four presentations in response to leadership team introduces the organization is prepared to
the following questions: customer panel. greet the customers upon their
ƒ What are the challenges and opportunities your arrival, show them to their
organization is facing in the next few years? Each of the customers has 15 seats, etc.
ƒ What will you need to do differently as a result minutes to present (or 10
of these challenges and opportunities? minutes each if you have four Coach the customers on the
x What will we, as suppliers, need to do customers). Contract with them importance of telling their
differently to be more helpful to you? in advance regarding timing and own stories. Participants need
warnings. to understand what their
customers are facing. The
main focus is ““What can we,
the suppliers, do differently in
the future?”” rather than ““What
have we done poorly in the

Describe the open forum

process so speakers will know
what to expect from the Q &
A session.

Repeat the name of each

customer just before he or she
begins to speak so participants
are certain of whom they’’re
listening to. Name placards
on the panel table are
generally too small to see.


Time Content Materials/Logistics Tips

12:50 Open Forum

(15) Table Discussion:
““Now take 15 minutes at your tables to talk about: Put open forum questions on
ƒ What did we hear? table tent cards.
ƒ What are our reactions?
ƒ What are our questions of understanding? And
for whom?

Select a new facilitator, recorder, and Bring easels to tables.


(30) Q & A with Speaker(s) Logistics team is ready with

wireless mikes.

Begin the open forum with the

next table according to the grid.
Save the last ten minutes for
burning questions.

1:35 Break


ORGANIZATION DIAGNOSIS (total time =70 minutes)
To begin building a common database around management processes that link the participants across the organization. To allow
participants to identify what they see the same and what they see differently about these processes. To open discussion around
management issues that participants normally don't talk about and to begin building a critical mass of participants who agree on
changes that the organization needs to make to help them become more successful.

Underlying Philosophy
Participants begin to feel "I am not alone––others agree with me on these issues." Specifying this common dissatisfaction early in the
session can focus the motivation for change (DVF model.) Using "glads, sads and mads" language is helpful in the venting process
because it targets participants' child ego state. In some organizations using "prouds and sorrys" or "successes and frustrations" might
be a better fit culturally. This module also validates the wisdom of the participants by permitting them to act as their own experts.
They are diagnosing themselves rather than having an outsider tell them what is right and wrong in their organization. This process
generally leads to less resistance from participants in owning the assessment.

Design Choice Points

Topics assigned to the tables for this activity need to be ongoing processes that link all parts of the organization and impact all
participants. If you do not choose processes, participants will have trouble brainstorming because their answers will tend to be single
judgments: "Pay is too low" or "Didn't hear anything back from the employee survey." Your interviews and input from the Event
Planning Team will give you the hot topics, although don't work the list to death. Overlapping processes are fine, and participants will
find a way to say what they want to say no matter which topic you have assigned to them!

Time Content Materials/Logistics Tips

1:45 Instructions Arrange max-mix seating.

(5) "This activity will greatly add to your common Post headers for topics.
database about the current state of this organization.
Each max-mix table represents a microcosm of the Possible topics:
organization and the perceptions and experiences ƒ Communication
represented are quite diverse. This will give you a ƒ Planning
more complete picture of how things really are ƒ Problem solving
system-wide. ƒ Quality
ƒ Decision making


Time Content Materials/Logistics Tips
You are going to tap into your collective experience ƒ Training
by analyzing some of the basic management ƒ Resource allocation
processes that each of you encounters every day as ƒ Leadership
you go about doing your work. We are going to ƒ Performance management
ask you to agree on a working definition of your ƒ Participative management
topic in order to ensure everyone at your table is ƒ Rewards/recognition
talking about the same thing. Then we will ask you ƒ Career development
to brainstorm all the things you are glad about, sad ƒ Rewards/Recognition
about, and downright mad about as you think about Teamwork
your topic over the last year. And don't hold
anything back! If you want to be better, you have
to make an honest and complete assessment of

"In your in-boxes you will find an assignment sheet Place handouts in in-boxes In very large meetings, many
with the list of processes you will be analyzing and with topic list and assignment tables will work the same
a card assigning one of them to your table. Please for each person. topic. When this is the case,
pass them around and make sure everyone knows randomly assign the topics
which topic your table has been assigned. (If your Put Card in in-box with topic evenly across the tables, and
card has an 'R' on it, your table will need to select for table to work. (Put an "R" within each topic designate
two spokespersons to ““report”” the results of this on the back of the card one table to summarize all the
activity. I'll say more about their assignment later.) assigning a reporting table if voting.
the total group is so large that
"Everyone find your topic? Good. Let's quickly you need to limit the number If the number of tables is close
review the rules for brainstorming: of reporters.) to the number of topics, you
ƒ Piggybacking is OK may let them choose a topic
ƒ Add to the list whatever anyone says, no based on interest: put the
evaluating topics on a flipchart sheet with
ƒ It's OK to repeat sign up slots, and ask each
ƒ No discussion table to send up a runner to put
ƒ Silence is OK their table number by their


Time Content Materials/Logistics Tips
"So part of good brainstorming means that if one of
you is glad about something and someone else is
mad about the same thing, it gets recorded in both
"Here's the assignment:

1. Select a facilitator, recorder, & spokesperson.

Facilitator: your job is to ensure you are

brainstorming –– be tough about it, encourage your
table to simply call out everything they can think of
and fill up a bunch of pages.

Recorder: your job is to write your topic and

working definition on the top of your flipchart sheet Show the following format, Ask recorders to put each item
and then quickly record what you and your and make it OK that items they write into a box since
tablemates brainstorm using the three column might appear in more than one everyone will be voting on
format on your assignment sheet. After each item, column. Remind recorders to these sheets. Leave about
make sure you leave three to four inches of blank label every flipchart sheet with three inches of white space in
space for voting and then draw a line so that it will the topic on which they are each box so that there is room
be clear on which item you are voting. working for people to put their votes.

Spokespersons: I'll talk about your job after you

complete your brainstorms.


Time Content Materials/Logistics Tips

2. Agree on a quick working definition of your This need not be a textbook

topic to ensure you are all talking about the definition, just a working
same thing. (Don't get hung up and spend a definition for the table group.
long time on this!)
3. Brainstorm: As you think about your topic over
the last year:
ƒ What are you glad about?
ƒ What are you sad about? It's helpful to hype the mads a
ƒ What are you downright mad about?" little so participants don't hold
back: this is a time you really
want participants to vent and
put everything on the table.

1:50 Groups Work Move flipcharts to tables. Using the logistics team in this
(30) "OK. You have 30 minutes to work: Agree on a way helps the process move
working definition and then brainstorm glads, sads, Logistics team spreads out to more quickly than having the
and mads as you think about your topic over the take sheets as they are filled up tables responsible for hanging
last year. Grab a flipchart and go for it! As you fill and post under the appropriate their own sheets. Also, you
up sheets, a member of the logistics team will come process header. can ensure you are maximizing
around to place them under the appropriate header the spread of the sheets by
on the wall." using all the wall space while
not hanging sheets on more
than one level. This greatly
facilitates the voting process.


Time Content Materials/Logistics Tips

2:20 Post/Read/Vote Provide a dark crayon (IVI) for

(20) "Make sure all of your sheets are up on the wall. each person.
Now, each person take an 'IVI' –– individual voting
implement –– and, for each topic in which you have
an interest, vote on your two 'gladdest glads,'
'saddest sads,' and 'maddest mads.' In other words,
as an individual, you have six votes total for each
topic. Look over all of the flipchart sheets under
'communication,' for example, and then vote for
your two 'gladdest glads,' 'saddest sads,' and
'maddest mads,' –– six votes total –– and then move
on to the next topic.

Spokespersons: before you begin voting, please One table from each group that Spokespersons need not count
meet me here at the podium for the next few got the same topic assignment votes. Simply look for
minutes so I can give you your assignment." should have been designated as clusters, remembering that the
a reporter table. Each reporter same item may have gotten
table sends up two people who votes on more than one sheet
will work together to circle the
top two-to-three vote-getting
glads, sads, and mads across
all the flipchart sheets for their
topic and prepare to report
them out.


Time Content Materials/Logistics Tips

2:50 Wrap Up Many participants will feel

(5) "We are purposely not going to let you solve the unfinished after this activity
sads and mads. After all of the stakeholder because, once they have
analyses, you will work together on ways to do identified so many problems,
things differently. What you have just done will be they want to go to work on
used as data as you continue to work through the solving them. It is helpful to
strategic planning process. We will collect these remind them that this
sheets and incorporate them into the permanent information is an important
documentation of this session. part of the common database
they are in the process of
building –– but it is only a part.
Like putting together a jigsaw
puzzle, the group needs to add
a few more pieces before they
start solving problems.


(total time = 105 minutes)

To better understand different ways of looking at the world and to learn to celebrate those differences for the positive things they bring
to the organization.

Underlying Philosophy
Participants will get insights about themselves and an appreciation of the value of different approaches applied to the same
problem/situation. This is a fun, fairly light activity which participants enjoy. It's a major paradigm shift for most of them: beginning
to see that diversity among people is actually a strength. Because it is fun, this learning "sneaks up on them." This module also
provides a consistent message regarding the stakeholder concept: people must listen to each other –– see the world through the eyes of
each other –– to make the best decisions and set the best strategy.

Time Content Materials/Logistics Tips

2:55 Introduction Use max-mix seating Participants may be a little

(5) "We are going to use a personality questionnaire uneasy about taking a
that will help you start to see yourselves and each Place an easel and markers up "personality questionnaire."
other in a different light. MBTI teaches you about front. Keep the introduction light and
different personality styles, e.g. how different upbeat. Katherine Briggs
people interact differently with other people, Provide handout booklets for developed this questionnaire
process information differently, respond differently each participant. back in the 1920s. She based
to their environment, make decisions differently, it on the work of Carl Jung.
etc. By gaining a better understanding of
differences, you can learn to use them in ways that
will help you work with others more productively. Refer to two booklets: Participants should answer "as
Leadershp,Temperament, and they really are" at work –– not
You will score the questionnaire yourself and keep Talent, and The Sixteen Types. as they wish to be or as others
the score. After you have done the scoring, we will The questionnaire is in the wish them to be.
explain the letters. back of each booklet.
(Ordering information for
Here are the instructions: these books is in Chapter 4,


Time Content Materials/Logistics Tips
ƒ Answer as frankly as possible. Logistics, page 73).
ƒ Answer as you see yourself in your work
environment –– not how you think you should Ask participants to tear out the
be, but how you think you really are. answer page and record their
ƒ When you have finished, score the answers directly onto it as they
questionnaire according to the directions in the go. Ask them to be sure to
book. record answers across the
x Read the four-letter description in the book. If page, not up and down.
the description doesn't fit for you, don't worry
about it.
3:00 Participants Work Circulate among tables, If any participants don't
(30) ƒ Answer questionnaire helping with scoring as "recognize" them- selves, it
ƒ Score questionnaire necessary may be because they are very
ƒ Read about your four-letter type close on one or more of the
scales. In that situation, you
can recommend reading about
the types the close letters
suggest to see if the person
likes better what those
alternatives describe.

3:30 Explain the Dimensions: Describe each dimension You are giving participants a
(20) "Each dimension is a scale –– you will have some of drawing on flipchart paper, and framework for understanding
both, but favor or prefer the side on which you give examples. You can the types. You are adding to
scored highest. Like right or left handedness –– you explain each dimension, but it what they have already read
prefer or favor one hand, but you can still use the is often better to do a little and are giving them new data
other. "skit" type presentation with about the opposite letter. The
two people, each with opposite purpose is to help them see the
letters, explaining themselves interdependence people have
and having interaction with on each other, how groups are
each other about the stronger because they have the


Time Content Materials/Logistics Tips
dimension. For each view and perspective of both
dimension, put emphasis on types. That's why the "why we
"why we need each other" as need each other" discussion for
you explain the differences. each dimension is so

E -------------------------------- I For each dimension ask for a Keep presentation light and
Extravert Introvert show of hands about how upbeat. This is about
"Measures where you get energy: many have each letter and how celebrating differences, not
ƒ Extravert: from outside world/through many "x" or even scores. judging each other. People
interaction with others will often laugh and nod in
ƒ Introvert: by going inside/by thinking/by Describe why different types agreement as they recognize
introspection are so important to each other. themselves or others in the
Examples: descriptions.
ƒ Going to parties.
ƒ Speaking up in meetings. It's best not to invite
ƒ Dealing with conflict. participant questions and/ or
input at this point. It’’s better
In general population: to cover the basic data quickly.
ƒ 75% are extrovert Interruptions could delay this
ƒ 25% are introvert Ask for show of hands for each part much too long.
S -------------------------------- N
Sensing Intuitive

Measures how you gather data:

ƒ Sensing: like a camera, taking a
series of pictures of the horizon and
examining each carefully.
ƒ Intuitive: like a radar screen,
scanning the horizon and looking
closely only at an occasional blip.
Examples: Describe why different types


ƒ Like seeing trees or forest. are so important to each other.
ƒ Reading a book or long report.
In general population:
ƒ 75% are sensing
ƒ 25% are intuitive Ask for show of hands.
F -------------------------------- T
Feeling Thinking
Measures which kind of data is going to influence
your decision the most.
ƒ Feeling: "fairness," what's right, ruled Describe why different types
by the heart. are so important to each other.
ƒ Thinking: "logical," pragmatic, ruled
by the head.
Examples: Ask for show of hands.
ƒ Coaching a sports team.
ƒ Giving feedback on a presentation.
ƒ Buying a new home.
In general population
ƒ 50% are feeling
ƒ 50% are thinking
P -------------------------------- J Emphasize again that the
Perceiving Judging letters (types) represent simply
a preference. This will allow
Measures how you decide and your need for participants who fear being
closure. stereotyped to let go of their
ƒ Perceiving: open, always looking for new input, nervousness a bit. The goal is
low need for closure. to see the value of all the
ƒ Judging: wants things wrapped up, finished, different types so that
wants to move on, high need for closure. Describe why different types participants can gain deeper
Examples: are so important to each other. appreciation of their
ƒ Planning a vacation. differences and learn to build
ƒ Being on time for an airplane. on them.
ƒ Following a meeting agenda.
ƒ Reopening an already decided point. Working with the four types in


In general population: front of the group for the
ƒ 50% are perceiving Ask for show of hands. remainder of the event will
ƒ 50% are judging help them all practice.

““Now please write your four-letter type on your

name tag as a reminder to practice listening for
understanding: if someone at your table is not
making sense to you it may be that they simply
have a different perspective to which you might
need to pay more attention.

3:50 Leadership Styles Post breakout room This activity deepens the
(5) "In addition to the 16 types, there are four assignments up front. participants' under- standing of
subgroups that describe leadership styles: themselves and, during the
““NF, NT, SJ, and SP." Write assignment on a report- outs, of others.
flipchart in main room and in
Assign each type to a breakout room each breakout room.

"Here is your assignment: Provide an easel and markers

"Read your two-letter type description in the for each table.
Temperament in Leading booklet and prepare a
group report answering these questions: These are arrived at by linking
ƒ What are your strengths? N to F or T
ƒ What are your weaknesses (things to watch out and S to J or P. Have
for)? participants show
ƒ Why does this organization need your type? hands for which of the four
ƒ "Don't forget to select a facilitator, recorder, types they are.
and spokesperson, and, although we want to
hear about your strengths and weaknesses, It is helpful to further segment
choose a spokesperson who can come back and the SJs into SFJ and STJ. The Hype the "sales pitch"
really sell the rest of us on why this SFJs should read the ISFJ or approach. This makes the
organization needs your type." ESFJ description in the Sixteen report outs lots of fun.
Types booklet because the SJ
description in Temperament in


Leading mostly describes
STJs. You may also want to
split the STJs into ISTJ and
ESTJ to keep groups down to a
more manageable size. Even
with those subdivisons, you
may have multiple tables of
ESTJs and ISTJs. See below
for the methodology to use to
keep the report-outs down to a
reasonable number.
3:55 Groups Work Groups move to breakout
(25) rooms. While groups are
working, select one table from
those working on same types
(e.g., ESTJ, ISTJ) that appears
to be working especially well.
Ask this table to be the
reporter for their type. Tell the
other tables of that type that
another table will be reporting
out and they are welcome to
make additions if there is
something significant missing,
but they need not prepare a full
4:20 Groups Report Out Encourage applause after each
(25) report.
Encourage groups to really
hear and understand what the
others say. You have asked
them to present competitively
but they must listen non- When groups fail to list
competitively. weaknesses, you may need to


give some examples.
Each report takes about four
minutes. When there are
multiple groups for the same
type, ask for additions if there
are any.
4:45 Summary Caution participants to offer Urge participants to celebrate
(5) "I hope this helps you see the positive power of this activity tospouses, and appreciate their diversity
your differences –– that you need each other –– that subordinates, and/or colleagues Encourage them to use their
you are stronger because of your diversity. It ina caring way –– not a "Here! learnings about preferences
would be a very strong team indeed that Take this!"approach. Better to and conflict as they proceed
represented and really listened to all of the different let a spouse, forexample, read through the next two days.
types." the participant’’s four letter
description first. Then they Expect a high-energy, positive
likely will be interested in group atmosphere after this
finding out their own type. activity.


(total time = 10 minutes)

To get 'a finger on the pulse' of the participants as they are leaving and to use the information as a common database shared by you
and the Event Planning Team as you plan for tomorrow and shared by the participants when they hear the data tomorrow.

Underlying Philosophy
To get a reading on where the participants are. The purpose of the evaluation is not to critique the design. Instead, use the
participants' data to plan for tomorrow. Use the information to adjust tomorrow's agendas to help the group achieve the purpose of the
event. The evaluation also provides an opportunity for participants to vent if they need to do so. The use of written evaluations
further empowers the group since their feedback serves to guide changes to the next two days' agendas.

Time Content Materials/Logistics Tips

4:50 "One more thing before we break for the day Logistics team hands out Recommended questions:
(10) ƒ The logistics team is coming around with a evaluation forms to each table.
form for you to use to tell us how today went Before handing out, count out How did today go for you:
for you. the appropriate number of ƒ Highs?
ƒ The leadership and Event Planning Teams will forms per table and crosshatch ƒ Lows?
read your answers tonight and use the data to the stack for easy distribution.
agree on any changes needed for tomorrow's What advice do you have for us
design for tomorrow?
ƒ We will also summarize the themes we hear and
tell you first thing tomorrow what you said. In Logistics team puts boxes or If you change these questions,
that way, each of us will have a better 'fix' on stands at doors to collect it's important that you use open-
how you are reacting. Your reactions become evaluation forms. Team ended questions so that you can
another important part of the common database. should also check tables in get your "finger on the pulse" of
So, be sure to ““tell your truth.”” case some participants have the group.
ƒ Thanks. See you at breakfast at 7:30. left evaluations there and take
Tomorrow’’s session will start promptly at 8:00. evaluations to the EPT and Inform the leaders and Event
ƒ Leadership and Event Planning Teams: please leadership teams as quickly as Planning Team beforehand that
join us at a table to read the evaluations." possible wherever they’’re you would like them to stay to
sitting. read the evaluations with you.


(total time depends upon how the session is going)

To enable the EPT and leaders to understand where participants are as they leave today and to be sure all are on track for tomorrow.

Underlying Philosophy
By getting the leaders to read with you, you involve and engage them in the heart of the process. This helps them own the process and
heightens their awareness of their role on Day 2 and how important that role is.

Design Choice Points

The design the EPT originally developed may not be "perfect" to achieve the session purpose. The data from participants enables the
EPT to determine whether the purpose is being met and to revise the agenda if necessary.

The leaders may ask you how long they need to stay. A response is, "As long as you can. It shouldn't take more than an hour. Will
you just sit down and read the evaluations for about 15 minutes?" Say whatever you think you need to say to keep them there to read
the evaluations. Tell them that tomorrow night they will need to be here all evening. "Give us what you can," is the message to

Time Content Materials/Logistics Tips

5:00 Read Evaluations and Vent Logistics team clears off a table What you are looking for in
and makes room for about 20 the evaluations to show that
people. EPT and leadership team you are on track:
members sit in a large circle to Highs:
read the evaluations and pass them ƒ Opportunity to hear and
around. Encourage everyone to ask questions of the
vent about evaluations they don't leader
like. ƒ Celebrating diversity.
ƒ Being part of a team.
Consultants: look for implications Lows:
for the designs on Day 2 and Day These are usually varied


Time Content Materials/Logistics Tips
3. Keep control by only raising (unless there was a
issues that concern you. Don't particularly bad presentation
ask "are there any changes for by a leader or about industry
tomorrow?" trends).
x May tend to have
negative comments about
not being able to solve
problems identified in
"mads & sads."
Walk Through Chunked Agendas for Next Two Emphasize to leadership the
Days importance of bringing the
strategy to life for the
Emphasize ““revisit strategy”” module on Day 2. participants tomorrow.

Answer questions honestly

and concisely.

Summarize evaluations Summarize the main themes

Consultant who will feed back evaluations the next for each question and give a
morning should prepare the evaluation summary. few examples of answers
using the authors' exact

When you report back the

evaluations, do not explicitly
or implicitly make
judgments: give only the

Give a colorful commentary

that is not judgmental. There
are always three or four


miscellaneous comments that
the group needs to hear--in
particular, negative
comments. Give quotes,
even if there is not a theme,
to signal that you are
listening to the negative
comments too.


(Total time = 10 minutes)

To expand from an individual view of yesterday to a whole system view of where the organization is and be able to move to the next
stage of change based on that wider picture.

Underlying Philosophy
Building to one brain and one heart requires moving constantly from the individual view to a whole system view and back again. In
that process, people need to stay connected as they move ahead if the organization expects everyone to support the change.
Participants need to understand that action research is not academic exercise. Individuals will be able to build on the whole group’’s
feedback as they interact with each other. That’’s the principle of action research –– the organization moves forward, it moves deeper, it
stays whole. This process is the first stage of unleashing participants’’ desires to be empowered. Participants see that their input is
valued and used. Such a participant might say, ““I can influence as far as I can see.””

Time Content Materials/Logistics Tips

8:00 Feedback of Evaluations Use the same max-mix seating Make it clear as you describe
(08) Describe summary of feedback and give specific as the day before. the summary what proportion
quotes from representative responses referred to each theme.
(““About a third of you thought
The purposes of this activity are: the day went fast.””)
1. To let participants know they have been heard Do not make implicit or
2. To add to the common data base explicit judgments. Just the
3. To model making feedback public - whether facts. (e.g. ““Here were the
positive or negative most frequent responses””- not:
4. To show their feedback is being acted on - ““Here were the big winners.””)
showing what changes are being made in
today’’s agenda for instance. The consultant who actually
read and compiled the
feedback should deliver this
information. Be energetic and
use an element of humor, if


Time Content Materials/Logistics Tips
appropriate. Delivery matters.
8:08 Agenda Review the agenda ““chunks”” You are taking them on a
(02) noting any changes in the design preview of a journey. Make it
based on participant feedback. an interesting one. Be
purposeful yet brief.


(Total time = 90 minutes)

To broaden the participants’’ world, individually and as a group, to include the views through their remaining key stakeholders’’ eyes.

Underlying Philosophy
Before participants hear feedback on strategy, they need to have a full picture of what their stakeholders are experiencing and what
they are expecting from the organization now and in the future.

Time Content Materials/Logistics Tips

8:10 Introduce the module and the panel. Describe the Logistics should provide: The EPT will have decided
(05) organizations the panelists represent. ƒ Chairs for presenters who the key stakeholders are
ƒ Table for presenters and will have invited a panel
Suggested framing: (optional) from those groups.
““These are key stakeholders. Prepare yourself to ƒ Mikes for presenters
listen to see the world through their eyes. You will ƒ Name placards for presenters Identify panelists as they come
have an opportunity to discuss what you have ƒ Open forum tent cards at in and make sure you confirm
heard, share reactions at your table and generate tables that they understand what the
questions of understanding.”” ƒ Handouts on cue expectations are.

““Listen to see the world through their eyes,”” should It is helpful, if possible, to have Presentations are to ““tee up””
be the last thing they hear from you. an A/V person there at all times the questions.
(mikes usually crackle at these
moments when you need them) Have the presenters stand and
speak from the podium.
Contract with presenters to agree
that they will use handouts rather
than overheads (which are
deadly on energy in the room)


Time Content Materials/Logistics Tips
8:15 Panel Presentations Seat stakeholders at panel table Contract with the stakeholders
(30) Three or four presenters (total presenting time of with mikes. to tell them when their time is
20, no more than 30 minutes); no overheads up (include some signal for a
two-minute warning)
Ask them (ahead of time) to address the following
questions: Well in advance of the session,
ƒ What are the challenges and opportunities your give stakeholders the specific
organization is facing in the next few years? questions the Event Planning
ƒ What does your organization need to do Team wants them to address.
differently as a result of these challenges and
opportunities? Coach the stakeholders to tell
ƒ What will we, as a stakeholder, need to do their own stories. Participants
differently to be more helpful to you? need to hear and see the world
the stakeholder is facing. The
main focus needs to be ““What
can the organization in the
room do differently in the
future if it is to most
effectively meet its
stakeholders’’ needs? Shaping
the future is more important
than punishing the past, though
the past will provide good
action research wisdom.


Time Content Materials/Logistics Tips
8:45 Open Forum: Table Discussion Place assignment on table Remind participants of the
(15) Choose a new Facilitator, Reporter and Recorder. stands. importance of the three
Now take 15 minutes at your table to discuss: questions to be sure that
ƒ What did we hear? Tell the recorder to get the flip everyone’’s views get
ƒ What are our reactions? charts. articulated. You might say:
ƒ What questions of understanding do we need to
ask? of whom? Give a two-minute warning to ““What did you hear?——you
tear off the question sheets and each will hear it differently——
move the easels back to the sides celebrate that and listen to each
of the room. other!

What were your reactions?---

you each will have reacted
differently depending on your
position in the organization---
celebrate that!

Now, based on all of that, what

questions of understanding
does your table have, that will
allow you to see the world
through the speaker’’s eyes?””


Time Content Materials/Logistics Tips
9:00 Open Forum: Table Questions and Stakeholder Attempt to get at most of the See p. 104, for a more detailed
(30) Answers tables, but you do not necessarily description of the method to
““The purpose of this activity is for you to see the need to get to them all. Since use for generating table
world that your stakeholder sees. If I call on your participants are in max-mix questions.
table, you will get a chance to ask questions of seating arrangement, you should
understanding.”” get to most of the questions.
Save the last five minutes to
““Please have the reporter identify who the question address burning, unanswered Make sure you and logistics
is for.”” table questions to ensure that mike teams are in synch about
you have covered everything you which tables you are going to
need to.”” identify this round.

After the panelist answers, ask,

for example, ““Table 15, did that
answer your question?””

9:30 Break Logistics: Make sure the coffee

(15) is refilled before the break

9:45 Learning More About Our Organization

Purpose: To build a common understanding of what
the organization has been up to, how it’’s been
working, what other departments/functions really
do,. etc., to ensure that the organization is truly
““one-brain, one-heart””

Design Issue:

During the planning the EPT has identified areas

where people in the organization do not know


everything about what is going on, across
functions, within certain function areas, etc. The
question was: ““ What do people need to know to
ensure a consistent and common data base that will
help all participants have a system-wide picture of
the whole organization?”” Based on the answers to
these questions, you have the 90 minutes here to
address those questions. Possibilities could
include, but not be limited to:

ƒ Arrange a competitive role play. If you have Get someone from marketing to
decided that knowledge of the competition is put together information on the
the missing piece of the common data base, one key competitors and then get
of the ways to fill this gap is with short role someone on the EPT, or
plays of key competitors. someone else in the
organization, to ““be”” that
competitor for five minutes,
ƒ What we see as changing
customer needs or base.
ƒ What we see as our strengths
ƒ What we see as your
weaknesses or vulnerabilities
ƒ How we are going to sink
you/eat your lunch as a

Assign each function a work

area, e.g., a table or a breakout
Functional teams meet for one-half hour to identify room to become one brain about
all of the things that the teams are doing that they what they want others to know.
want the organization to know about followed by Each functional group chooses a
report outs. reporter to educate the whole


Time Content Materials/Logistics Tips
group. Each function gives a three-
ƒ Functional groups prepare presentations minute passionate report out to the
ahead of time covering areas such as: whole room.
ƒ Our major responsibilities
ƒ Our challenges over the next six months Each function gets a ””station”” to make
ƒ What help we think we will need to meet their presentation. At each station is a
our challenges representative of that function to be
the expert on the function.
Use your creativity to figure out what needs
to happen here. The presentation could be written,
verbal or both and may have
additional visuals, such as posters,
samples of products, etc. Each max-
mix table sends an ““envoy”” to each
function station to learn about that
function and to return to the max-mix
table to teach everyone at the table
about the function. The representative
of a given function becomes the envoy
to that function for his or her table.
11:15 Wild Card Stakeholder Module
(65) The EPT has decided who else needs to be
heard from before the organization hears from
the leadership. You can do this with a 20-
minute panel followed by 15 minutes of table
discussion (What did we hear, etc.) and 30
minutes of question and answer

Time Content Materials/Logistics Tips

12:20 LUNCH


12:50 Strategic Planning Model Put a strategic planning model and a Ground the Strategic Planning
(15) Purpose of this activity: Star of Success in each participant’’s Model on the Star of Success.
To create a common language about purpose, folder. Have extra copies available so The Star is a graphic of whole
process and the importance of strategic that logistics can replace them if system framing questions that
thinking, the purpose of organizational necessary. What business are we in?
underpin strategy. Walk them
What value do we create?
URPOSE What’’s the focus of action?
strategy is to get all members of the (Now and Future) through a very basic roadmap
What do we stand for?
organization pointing in the same direction; in Top Management of strategic planning which
How to measure success?
order to be effective competitors in the Competitors What’’s our preferred future? Peter Drucker espoused back
future. Union Leaders in the 70’’s.
Broad thrusts
Basis of competition
TRATEGIC (next 3-5 years)

Ask participants to get the Star of Success and It doesn’’t matter what you call
Achievable, measurable
Strategic Planning Models out of their packets OBJECTIVES (1-2 years) these various strategic
Did it achieve the
and begin a walk through to make sense out results?
elements——it only matters that
What will we do?
ACTION PLANS Who will do it? When?
of the model. How is it to be done?
you think strategically at each
Evaluate–– What resources are needed?
Did we do it? step on the roadmap. It’’s
Suggested words: STAR OF SUCCESS
helpful for participants to
Framing the key questions critical
to a successful whole system journey use/understand the same
Strategic Direction——True North
““Step one: Sound strategy is based on whole x What’’s going on in our environment——now and in the future? language. Change the
x What business are we in?
x Who are our stakeholders?
system understanding. The questions the Star x What value do we choose to create for our stakeholders?
language as needed to fit the
x How do we intend to create and deliver our value?
of Success raises provide a strong x What does success look like and how do we measure our performance? words the leaders use in their
Do we have the right strategic Do we have
underpinning for sound strategy. direction? the right draft strategy.

Shared Information——Bringing
forth a common world Do we have Processes & Systems——
x What is the common context? the right Ways and Means
x What common data and Pattern of
Good strategic planning begins with an x What work is needed?
information do we need? Success? x How will we do the
x How are we going to create
accurate picture of what the organization’’s the data and information?

Do we have the right information? Do we have the right

stakeholders need from it right now and what form?

Do we have
they will need from it in the future. You will Resources——Capabilities Needed the right Resource Relationships—— Human,
x People? resources? Spatial, Hierarchical and
Committed to True North? Functional
be hearing from one more key stakeholder Committed to each other? x Reporting relationships?
Right skills and knowledge? x Functional relationships?
x Facilities/Equipment/Software? x Distribution of power——the
shortly——the view from the executive ability to make and keep
x External relationships?
leadership of the organization. x Internal relationships?

Step Two: Based on stakeholder needs, the

organization identifies and agrees on a Purpose answers the question,


description of : ““Why does this organization
ƒ Purpose-The organization’’s Fundamental exist? Who’’s needs to do we
Reason For Being. This is a statement of The handout in the folder will have a care about and serve?””
key stakeholders’’ hopes, aspirations, list of the key stakeholders of this
yearnings, and longings that describe the organization at this time and
organization’’s fundamental purpose and participants will have heard these Mission answers the question,
states what business it needs to be in order voices in the meeting itself. ““What business are we in?”” It
to serve its stakeholders’’ wants and defines the scope of the
desires. organization’’s activities - what
we do and what we don’’t do.

The story of the railroads in

America in the 1960s and the
1970s clearly shows the
importance of mission.. What
ƒ Mission——Using Purpose as context, the Include this same model in the folder a difference it would have
mission will describe the focus of all people get when they arrive. made if the leaders of the
actions the organization needs to take in railroads had decided during
order to create extraordinary value for all their environmental crisis that
its stakeholders. the mission of railroads for the
future was ““transportation.””
They could have gotten into
airplanes as that industry
began to take over in the
transportation industry. The
railroad leaders apparently still
thought of themselves as being
in the ““train track””
industry……and that industry
was shrinking.

Values are the ““ How we want

to work’’”” foundation upon


which the organization’’s vision
and mission rest. For an
ƒ Guiding Principles/Values --- What are organization’’s values to have
the principles and beliefs that the maximum impact, they need to
organization wants to stand for? The represent the heart of the
principles that will guide every member of organization. Success depends
the organization on its journey into the on consistently living these
future…… values as a whole organization.
If values have become a true
statement of how people in the
organization live, then
everyone can take pride in how
the organization makes

Step Three---
Vision of Success: Consider giving an example of
If the organization is living out its purpose, a compelling vision from one
mission, and values effectively, how do its of your own clients.
members define success? What is the future
they prefer for the organization in the next Vision is the higher purpose
three to five years? What do they yearn to towards which people work
become three to five years from now based on that provides meaning and
their stakeholders needs and their inspiration for their
competitors’’ challenges? collaborative work. The
critical importance is to build a
common vision of the future
that will inspire and motivate
everyone in the organization.
““Yes! I would be proud to be
part of this envisioned
organization in the future!””


Many clients refer to these
Step Four: Now that you are grounded in the strategic thrusts as strategic
Mission, Vision, and Values, the next step is goals. Whatever they are
to identify and agree upon strategic thrusts. called, they answer the
The broad thrusts——products/services, question, ““What does the
relationships, processes/systems, the organization need to focus on
organization needs as its broad focus for the improving in order to move
next three to five years. What does the toward the future its members
organization need to change/improve? want to create?””

You can also view these

thrusts as ““points on the
compass”” of system-wide
wholeness, unified around its
purpose and needed to help the
organization realize its vision.

The language used in these

strategic thrusts must allow
each person to see how they
can contribute towards
success, no matter where they
are in the organization.

Step Five: Strategic Objectives---Describes Strategic Objectives are the

achievable, measurable results in a one- to deliverables the organization
two-year time frame. can achieve that show it is
moving toward the future state.
They are milestones on the
journey. Without measurable
objectives the change effort
will lose direction and energy.


Action plans can be in
Step Six: Action Plans---With all of the functional areas or involve
above steps in mind, identify, agree, and cross-functional activities.
commit to action plans: System-wide action planning is
ƒ What will the organization do? usually what is missing in the
ƒ Who will do it? organization because everyone
ƒ When? has been living in a
ƒ How will they do it? departmental chimney. That is
ƒ What resources do they need to do it? why you need to emphasize
ƒ When must it be finished? system-wide action planning in
Whole-Scale events. Ad hoc
teams or task forces can
accomplish action plans
through new kinds of cross-
functional communication and

It is very important that leaders

Step Seven: Implementation——Do it! publicly support the
Do what the organization committed to do! implementation of the plans
the organization makes in this
process. That means sending
clear messages, especially to
middle managers, that the
activities related to
implementation are not a
distraction from work, they are
the work.


Step Eight: A multifaceted Evaluation What gets measured, gets
Process—— done. Unless there is a
ƒ Did we actually do what we said we consistent effort to document
would do? effort and results, momentum
ƒ If we did what we said we’’d do, were the will decline.
results the ones we wanted to achieve?
ƒ If not, it’’s possible we had the wrong It is unrealistic to expect
activities---Let’’s rethink it! everything to go as planned.
ƒ What progress have we made in meeting Unexpected results are not
our stakeholders needs? Have we failure, but a learning
responded appropriately to each of the opportunity. Implementation
stakeholders? How do we know? How of the plan follows the action
do we get appropriate feedback? learning model of
Plan --Do--Check--Act.
Step Nine: Based on that feedback, you will Leaders and others in the
be able to start another round of strategic organization should think of
planning, building on new needs you will themselves as being in a
have identified from the stakeholders.”” continuous improvement
mode, learning and changing
as they go.



To ensure that each participant sees and is able to hear about the world that the hierarchical leader or leadership team sees……not
because it’’s the right answer, but because the leader(s) will see things from their positions that others may not see. The idea is to
continue working to build ““one-brain”” with each person knowing what all people know.

Underlying Philosophy
It is important to have worked with the leader(s) in advance, to ensure that they have a well-thought out sense of strategic direction for
the organization. People in organizations nowadays are yearning for leaders they can believe in; leaders with vision, credibility and
integrity; leaders with a demonstrated commitment to transform the organization to allow its people to achieve success. Traditional
““Command and control,”” the old style of leading, is no longer ““socially acceptable.”” People yearn for authentic, wise and competent
leaders, not old-time dictators.

Time Content Materials/Logistics Tips

1:05 View from the Leadership Logistics: Have table and chairs, Urge leaders to speak honestly,
(30) one for each speaker, with from their own heart, telling
Leader or leaders speak for a maximum of 30 several mikes……and a traditional the truth as they know it. A
minutes, about: podium with mike. leader who speaks like that is
ƒ Challenges and opportunities facing the compelling and will be truly
organization in the next few years If leaders have handouts to respected and followed……and
ƒ Challenges that the organization must address distribute, have copies put in in- confronted appropriately if
in order to be successful in the future. boxes before they speak. they are open to being
ƒ The organization’’s strengths……areas where it confronted. Ask the leader(s)
definitely need to improve/change Also provide copies of a draft to speak without slides or
ƒ The help the leader needs from the members of strategic plan, if they’’re going to overheads, using handouts for
the organization enrich it overnight. each person if they have data
they want to share.

Coach the leader, as needed, to

ensure a heartfelt, honest


““dream”” speech. At the end of
the speech, he or she describes
the strategy document and asks
for help in enriching it.
1:35 Open Forum Remind participants that this 
(60) 15 min. table discussion around the three questions: 4&AZLWKtKe leDGersLV to As in previous Open Forums,
ƒ What did we hear? understand whatWKH\VHHDQG it is important to make sure
ƒ What are our reactions? what theybHlieve. :hat you JHW participants are asking
ƒ What are our questions of understanding? Ls have acomplete Sicture of thH questions of understanding, not
organization’’s world so that making a speech. You may
Q & A 45 minutes with last five minutes for peoplewell EHiQformed when need to ask, ““What is your
burning questions theygive theirfeedbackon the question?’’
strategy in a fewPinutes.
And, it is just as important to
make sure the leaders are being
responsive. ““Table 4, does that
answer your question or do
you need to hear more?””
2:35 Break
2:50 ““I Have a Dream”” speech from the leader and Often the leader and his or her Leaders will have decided
(15) Organizational Strategy Revisit direct reports present the which parts of their draft
The leader speaks from the heart in describing what strategy. When union leadership strategy are open to input. If
the organization would look like two to three years is willing to participate, they can they believe the purpose is fine
from now –– ““If we are really successful, I will see be a powerful advocate for the the way it is, just tell
………….”” importance of the strategy on the people……they’’ll all be fine with
The leader ends with a walk through of the actual future of employees. it. Most leaders are open to
draft strategy and a request for help to enrich the change on all parts of the draft
strategy. strategy, but make sure they
are truly open before you get
the feedback Do not raise
people’’s expectations when
there is nothing to expect.


3:05 Feedback on Strategy by Participants This is the moment where the
(75) Strategy Enrichment: Feedback from Participants participants can add their own
insights and wisdom to the
(10) Introduction: strategy. As a microcosm, they
““You are embarking on a process James McGregor will see things that the leaders
Burns of Harvard calls ““transformational can not see. In the process they
leadership””. will also struggle with the issues
the leaders have been struggling
Under the traditional ““command and control”” style with. The result will be a better
of leaders, the leader gives direction for actions strategy and participants who
required and the follower asks for what they need understand and can support it.
to do the work. The leader agrees and the
““transaction”” has been closed.

Burns felt, in his writings in the l970s, that the

turbulence facing organizations in these times
would require a new form of leadership, which he
called ““transformational.”” The leader studies the
environmental trends, stakeholder needs (internal
and external), and the competitive challenges, and
decides on the strategic direction that will lead to
success in the future. The leader then gives
members of the organization that data, including
the first view of what the strategy needs to be for
the future to be successful. Then having ensured
that everyone sees what the leaders see, he or she
asks the people to respond. The leaders listen to
the response and integrate the new data into their
beliefs. At that point, the organization has
identified a whole system strategy and built
commitment. The organization will respond


The leaders need your ideas and recommendations
to create that whole system strategic plan.””

(20) Assignment:
At your table, brainstorm everything you believe
should be changed, stay the same, or be added for
each category.

Choose a new facilitator to make sure you truly

brainstorm and choose a recorder who will get an
easel and document every idea as it’’s called
out……leaving a 3”” margin on the left hand side for
room ––wide voting

Voting Assignment: Post feedback, under headers

Walk around the room and read the input on the like ““Purpose”” ““Mission””
different portions of the strategy. Put a check mark ““Values”” ““ Vision of Success””
by everything that you agree with. Your votes will and ““Strategic Thrusts””
tell the leaders which of these suggestions is most
strongly supported so it will be clear what the Logistics helps hang input under
people’’s priorities are. appropriate headers as the tables
complete their work.

Participants are saying ““Yes!”” to

the suggestions that speak most
strongly to them.


Time Content Materials/Logistics Tips

4:20 Evaluation –– Day 2 After 15 minutes of voting time,

pm Evaluation logistics has placed the Day 2
ƒ What were your most important learnings evaluation forms in the in-boxes.
today? Invite people to go back to their
ƒ What still feels unfinished for you as you leave? table when they’’re done voting
ƒ What advice do you have for us for tomorrow? and fill out the evaluations.

4:30 Read/Act on Evaluations –– Day 2 Logistics team arranges for

Get the EPT and the Leadership team to read the dinner for the Leadership Team.
evaluations around a couple of tables. Pass the
evaluations around until everyone is comfortable
that they know where people are. Walk through the
design for the next day to make sure that it is okay
or change it as needed.

Leadership Work on Response to Input

Discuss how the leadership team wants to do the
strategy rework that night. Suggest that after
dinner the Leadership Team divide into subgroups
according to the strategic categories, i.e., purpose,
mission, etc. to do the initial analysis. Each
subgroup works for an hour to be sure that they
hear everything that people are saying in the
feedback. Each subgroup then prepares a
presentation for the whole group to include:
ƒ Here is what they said
ƒ Here is what we recommend ought to be
ƒ Here is what we heard but did not change


ƒ Here is what the rewrite could look like.
Each subgroup presents to the whole leadership
team and helps work the team through to consensus
–– true consensus. The logistics team takes the
version everyone agrees to and gets it typed.
The logistics team leaves
someone behind to get the final
version (arrived at by consensus)
typed and copied so that each
participant has a copy at their
place when they return in the


(Total time = 10 minutes)

To continue building our common database.

Underlying Philosophy
Participants need to hear total group feedback on Day 2 in their own words (summary of Day 2 evaluations with direct quotes). ““If I
hear my own words, I trust the feedback more,”” a listener might say. Also, reviewing the agenda takes the mystery out of what the
group will accomplish today and how the consultants will bring about appropriate group closure.

Time Content Materials/Logistics Tips

8:00 Feedback on Evaluations Logistics has a lot of work to do to Make it clear as you describe
(5) prepare for this day: the summary what proportion
ƒ Place a copy of the revised referred to each theme.
strategy at each place. (““About a third of you thought
ƒ Post big headers around the the day went fast.””)
room, one for each strategic
8:05 Day 3 Agenda thrust. Do not make implicit or
(5) ƒ Around the room hang a flip explicit judgments. Just the
chart sheet for each max-mix facts. (e.g. ““Here were the
table in the room. The sheet is most frequent responses””- not:
blank except for the number of ““Here were the big winners.””)
the table in the lower right-
hand corner.(Divide the This information could be
number of tables by the delivered by the consultant or
number of strategic thrusts to by a member of the EPT.
know how many sheets to put Whoever delivers the feedback
under each strategic thrust would actually have read and
header.) compiled it.


Time Content Materials/Logistics Tips

ƒ Place a typed numbered list of

the strategic thrusts at each Be energetic and use an
place. element of humor, if
ƒ Place post-it notes and black appropriate. Delivery matters.
Flair brand felt tip markers for
each person in the in-box. Use
3””x5”” post-it notes. About
one-third of a pack per person
usually works.

Seat participants at max-mix


Describe the journey the group is

going to take today and the work
products that it will develop.


(Total time=50 minutes)

ƒ For the leadership to demonstrate how effectively they have listened and to show how they have honored what they have heard
ƒ For the entire organization to become aligned around the strategy.

Underlying Philosophy
This is the opportunity to create ““one brain, one heart”” around the strategy. Participants are willing and generally happy to let
leadership ““lead”” provided they can see themselves in the strategy and understand the rationale for what leadership did and did not
change in response to their input.

Time Content Materials/Logistics Tips

8:10 Introduction Explain the process that the Contract with leaders about
(5) Leadership Team used last night timing for this presentation,
to incorporate participant input but use your own judgment if
and feedback from Day 2. they run over and you believe
it is in the best interest of the
8:15 Leaders Present Strategy Member(s) of leadership team participants to hear what they
(30) present finalized strategy and are saying. You and
their rationale. leadership must also agree on
how to handle feedback during
At the end of the presentation, a this piece, e.g. ““Did we get it?””
leader asks the participants, ““Did
we get it?”” Stand by the leaders
and join the leaders in deciding
if they did ““get it.””


Time Content Materials/Logistics Tips

If the eyes of the participants tell

you that the Leadership Team Don’’t let the leaders have to
did not get it, take over and work respond to the group if it
with the whole group to find out appears that the Leadership did
what they need. Usually not hear the feedback. The
discussions in the max-mix leaders will most likely get
tables will produce the necessary defensive, which serves neither
data. Report outs from tables them nor the group.
will inform the changes needed
and move you ahead. Use your
judgment to know when to move


(Total time=80 minutes)

To open up new ways of thinking about change: anything is possible for this organization. (““I can influence as far as I can see and I
need new ideas to release that creative energy from my brain,”” a participant might say.)

Design Issues
With the EPT, identify organizations that are doing innovative things that will speak to this organization. They do not have to be
exactly the same kind of organization or function to release new ideas in this organization. The EPT generally knows who the
innovators are and whom to invite.

Time Content Materials/Logistics Tips

8:45 Panel of Possibilities Get someone who knows the Tips:

(80) (05)Introduce the panel. members of the panel to ƒ Invite speakers to bring
Each speaks from his or her own change experiences, introduce them. The entire panel handouts and you can
as follows: presentation needs to be no more make copies for everyone.
ƒ What was going on in the organization that caused than 30 minutes, so divide the ƒ Don t let the speakers use
you to contemplate change? time equally among the speakers slides or overheads.
ƒ How did people respond to the idea of this and carefully control their time. ƒ Brief the speakers before
change? the session on the Open
ƒ What did you do to help people bring about the Forum process so that they
changes? know what to expect.
ƒ What did you learn from the experience? What ƒ Remind speakers as they
would you do differently? go up on the podium about
ƒ What advice would you give this organization as timing and table questions.
they face their change?

(30) Panel Presentations It will be important for an

organization that has both


Time Content Materials/Logistics Tips

(15) Open Forum Table Work See p. 104. management and labor to
include both in the panel of
(30) Q&A with the panel. Save the last 5 minutes for possibilities.
burning unasked questions.

10:05 Break Be sure refreshments are in place

(15) before the break


(Total time=80 minutes)

To combine the yearnings of the participants to build a common database around a vision for the future –– one that will motivate each
individual and the entire organization.

Underlying Philosophy
Preferred futuring enables a paradigm shift when it comes at the right moment in time——after the participants have built a common
data base and are able to combine their yearnings to create an inspiring future. At this point they are working together to create the
organization of their own choosing.

Time Content Materials/Logistics Tips

10:20 Preferred Futuring See:

(30) Ron Lippitt, a behavioral scientist who helped Lippitt, Lawrence L. (1998).
found the Institute for Social Research at the Preferred Futuring: Envision
University of Michigan, did research on group the Future You Want Unleash
dynamics. He recruited two different sets of the Energy to Get There.
leadership groups to test his theories on what it Berrett-Koehler: San
would take to sustain change. Francisco.

He gave the first set the assignment to identify all

of the things that hindered them from being what
they wanted to be and felt they should be. Then he
asked them to identify the key hindrances and come
up with solutions to those problems. The results in
these groups were:
ƒ The longer these groups worked, the less energy
they had to continue their work. (Their energy
drained out their feet.)


Time Content Materials/Logistics Tips
ƒ The longer they worked, the more they blamed
others for the problems (not my fault).
ƒ The results these groups tended to come up with
were pain reduction solutions (stop the
ƒ Over time it turned out that the groups did not
feel personal ownership for the solutions and
therefore did not lead the charge for change.

Lippitt gave the second set of leadership teams the

assignment to identify and agree on an image of
what they wanted to become in the future. Then he
asked them to agree on what they needed to start
doing right now in order to help the organization
move to that future.

The results in these groups were:

ƒ The longer they worked together on this project,
the more energy they had as a group.
ƒ The longer they worked together on the project,
the more responsibility and ownership they felt
for the outcomes. (I know what I can do
ƒ Their solutions tended to be innovative, ideas
they had not had before.
ƒ Over time, these groups led the changes needed
to realize the future they had chosen. They no
longer waited for ““somebody else.””


Time Content Materials/Logistics Tips
Assignment: You can make a handout for this
““Now, it’’s time for all of you to join together assignment or you can give it verbally.
in creating the image of the future you prefer. It’’s your choice. Above all else deliver
Get your sheet of the numbered strategic the assignment passionately in the
thrusts, your package of post-it notes and your moment of the future. ““You are there.
felt tip pens. Open up your brain and let all of What do you see?”” If you do that
your ideas out. successfully, the answers will be
innovation instead of problem solving.
It is ________, two years from today. This
group is back together again. You are pleased
and proud about how effective you have been
in achieving each of the strategic thrusts.
What do you see happening, what do you hear
people saying that tells you the world is

(30) Post-It note writing and collecting at the ““Put one idea on each post-it. Be sure to Tip: When people have finished writing,
tables include the number of the strategic thrust for if logistics is having trouble finishing
your idea in the upper left-hand corner of the thesortLng, it sometimes helps to ask
post-it so that logistics will know how to sort for voOunteers to help get the post-its up
them. As you write your post-its, place them on thH sheets.
in front of you so that logistics can collect

Logistics will circulate and collect all of the

post-its, sort them into the appropriate
strategic thrusts and then spread them evenly
across the tables assigned to that thrust.


(Total time=90 minutes)

To unleash and combine the creativity and ideas of everyone in the room in a way that will enable participants to develop action plans
for the organization as a whole.

Underlying Philosophy
The microcosm max-mix tables are now being asked to engage in transformational thinking in much the same way the leaders did last
night. Their job is to take the ideas of everyone in the room that focus on a particular strategic thrust, develop a combined preferred
future for that thrust based upon everyone’’s input. They will then be able to uncover and prioritize key system actions that will begin
to move the organization toward that future. The key here is that they are listening to everyone as the whole organization speaking out
of their own beliefs as they are shaped by everyone’’s input.
Time Content Materials/Logistics Tips

10:50 System-Wide Action Planning

(90) Instruct tables to go and get the sheet of post-its
with their table number on it.

““Choose a facilitator and a recorder
1. Work together to sort the post-its into themes
2. Using those themes as well as your own beliefs,
develop a preferred future statement for your
thrust –– What would success look like if the
organization achieved it?
3. Focusing on that preferred future, brainstorm all
the things you see happening right now Remind participants of the rules
anywhere in the organization that will help you of brainstorming.
move toward that preferred future?


Time Content Materials/Logistics Tips
4. Focusing on that preferred future, now also
brainstorm all the things you see happening
anywhere in the organization that could make it
more difficult to achieve that future.
5. Now, brainstorm all of the ideas any of you
have in your own mind or on your post-it notes
about what the organization needs to do to
really move the needle on this strategic thrust.
6. Finally, using your brainstorm of ideas, discuss
and agree on specific realistic actions that you
recommend to the whole group. For each
action, identify who needs to be primarily
responsible and by when the action needs to be
7. Create a self-explanatory flip chart report of Logistics can assist in posting
your future statement and your action the reports.
recommendations. Leave a six-inch margin on
the left side for voting by the whole group.”” As the groups are completing
their final report, ask the tables
Ask tables to post their report under the appropriate to roll up the sheet containing
headers for the various thrusts. the post-it notes, label it with the
number of the strategic thrust
and give it to a member of the
logistics team.

As the groups are completing

their report, logistics distributes
envelopes containing stars and


Time Content Materials/Logistics Tips
dots for voting. Each person
gets two to five gold stars
(depending on the number of
tables) per thrust meaning
““These are the actions I believe
will move the organization
forward most effectively on this
thrust in the next six months.””
Each person also gets two to five
red dots to indicate, ““You are not
listening, this is not the way to

12:20 LUNCH, Post, Read & Vote Explain the voting procedure Someone always asks ““Can
(60) Assignment: (what the stars and dots mean). we put all our stars or dots
““Either go get your food first and then vote or vote Tell the group that the leadership on one item?”” Suggest that
and then get your food. Either way, you have an team will compile the results and they probably wouldn’’t want
hour to eat and let your voice be heard on these report out the results after lunch. others doing it, so it’’s
proposed actions.”” probably not a good idea.
Get leadership team members
prepared to report on the voting
after lunch.

1:20 Leaders Report

(20) Leaders form into teams to report on voting for
each thrust. Leaders report out from headers on
their favorite preferred future statement and the
biggest hitters, positive, negative and mixed.



For actual work teams to receive feedback on their actions from the organization as a whole and for the work teams to be able to use
that information in preparing action plans that will help the whole organization be successful.

Underlying Philosophy
Conflict is best described as when people don’’t live up to each others’’ expectations. Generally the breakthrough into collaboration
can occur if people can open up lines of feedback to each other. Often people are not living up to someone’’s expectations because
that person has not clearly articulated the expectations and the reasons why they matter. Feedback is most effective when people give
it in terms of behavior: ““We need you to do more of …………, less of…….”” is a good format for giving feedback. Developing the feedback
messages in the microcosm max-mix groups allows the messages of feedback to be multi-faceted, system-wide, and therefore more
powerful to the recipients. Recipients need to truly listen to the requests, allow what people are saying to ““get in””, not because it’’s
necessarily true, but because it is indeed the senders’’ truth. When people can listen in that way, they are able to see ways that they can
respond in a ““win-win”” fashion……defensiveness grows out of not being able to see the statement as that person’’s truth.

It is a rare and wonderful opportunity a group to hear from all parts of the organization at the same moment in time. You will help
groups use this data to make their departmental/office/program commitments for ““next steps”” toward the future they all yearn to

Design Choice Points

The EPT will need to identify, ahead of time, the specific groups who will receive the feedback. Look at the invitee list and choose
groups according to the following organizing principles:
ƒ They have an identity recognizable by others in the organization (e. g., Human Resources, Leadership Team, et al.)
ƒ They have at least two and perhaps no more than l00 in the group who will be in the event together
x The event typically work best when a total of 10-15 groups are going to report out

Get consensus from the EPT about who needs to get feedback. This is never feedback for one person. It is for one function, one key
part of the organization, one key part that can contribute to the organization’’s preferred future.


Time Content Materials/Logistics Tips

1:40 Assignment to tables: In the in-boxes place one During the course of the EPT
(45) ƒ ““Look in your in-box . you will find a handout for valentine for each function, and work, you will have decided
each person at the table listing each of the groups one list of valentine groups for on the message that needs to
that will open to feedback from your table. Hand each person at the table. be part of the valentine form.
those around. For instance, one possibility
ƒ In the Inbox you will also find one valentine sheet Around the room logistics will could be:
for each function to whom you will be writing. place headers for each recipient
Do not hand these around. Give the entire batch group, with flipchart sheets and ƒ These are the things we
to someone who is willing to be the recorder for tape under each header. need to see you do
this experience. differently in the future in
ƒ Choose a facilitator who will make sure that order to ensure that all of
everyone’’s voice will be heard and that you will us are able to succeed.…… or
really brainstorm instead of discussing with each
other. ƒ These are the things we
VALENTINE need you to start doing that
8 x 11 sheet To: (function) would help us be more
From: Table successful……or
ƒ Any other version that
comes to their minds. The
These are the things concept is to give
we need……. behavioral requests that are
specific and clear. The
EPT can determine what
Brainstorm every idea any one at your table wants to those requests need to be.
give to this function. List them all on a sheet as fast
as you can. You have forty-five minutes to write Another possibility for
them. When the table is done, post valentines under Valentines is having actual


the appropriate header using the tape provided work teams both write as well
While participants are working, as read them.
Participants circulate and read the ones that interest logistics can be handing out
them. This gives them an idea of what people are assignments to tell functional
saying to each other. groups where to meet to
understand their valentines and
Back at their tables, participants get the back home make plans for change.
table assignments out of the inbox. It’’s time for them
to say goodbye to their max-mix table for now, take a
break and re-form at their functional group table in
fifteen minutes

2:25 Back home planning assignment:

(10) ƒ ““Go pick up the valentines addressed to your
group and pass them around for everyone to read.
ƒ Choose a facilitator to help the group work
through the four stages of responses necessary to
make this work.

2:35 1. Read and Ventilate.

(15) Talk about your astonishment that people could
ask you about these ““dumb”” things.
‘‘Don’’t they know anything about what we do?’’

2:50 2. Read and Listen

(60) Pass the sheets around the table again and allow
yourselves to ““hear”” what people are really
saying. Remember these valentines represent
people’’s ““truths.”” They cared enough to tell you
the truth. Don’’t deny their truth! You don’’t have
to obey but it is important to allow it to get in.


Facilitator——if people at your table are arguing
with the ““truth”” still, send them back to Step I and
ventilate some more. Then you can return to Step
II. By then, they should be able to listen.

3:50 3. Identify Common Themes

(5) There will be similar messages across many of the
valentine forms. Notice that and be prepared to
tell the community that you heard them. Sometimes a consultant will
need to facilitate a functional
3:55 4. Say What You Will Do Differently group because of its size. Use
(30) Based on these common themes, the system wide your small group facilitating
action plans that the community developed, and skills to figure out how to help
your own knowledge and beliefs, identify things them hear the feedback,
that your function will do differently (““You can respond to the feedback, and
count on us!””) in the next six months to begin to make commitments they will
move the organization towards its preferred future. all agree to and carry out.

4:25 5. Communicate
(15) Decide how you are going to communicate the
results of these three days to people in the
organization who were not here.

Choose a reporter, who will be prepared to give both

a written and oral (three-minute) presentation of what
your group heard and what you will do in the future.
Have the reporter stand underneath your header to
give the report.
Logistics must make sure there
Reports of commitments from representatives of are mikes available for
functional groups. spokespersons to use.


Logistics will also be responsible
for picking up the written
versions of the commitments in
order to have them typed. Make
sure the name of the group is on
the sheet they wrote.

4:40 Wrap up from leadership

(20) Leadership needs to close the event by saying:
ƒ How he or she is feeling about the work the group
has done together.
ƒ What he or she thinks should be the
organization’’s next steps and what people in the
organization can count on the leader(s) for.

Do a call out of thanks to the logistics team and the

event planning team.

5:00 Evaluation and Close Logistics will have placed the

evaluation forms in the In-boxes
Have the group fill out evaluation forms. Some on each table.
recommended evaluation questions are:

ƒ What were the most significant outcomes of these

three days for you?
ƒ On a scale of 1 to 10, how confident are you that


you will carry out your commitments to each

Not a chance Watch our Dust!
ƒ Why did you mark it where you did?
ƒ What does the organization need to do to
maintain momentum?
Logistics will stand at the door
Adjourn and receive evaluations as
people leave.
Invite the EPT and the leadership team to join you in
reading the final evaluations and talking about next

Get someone to summarize the evaluations and get

the summary out to the participants along with the
final back home commitments.


Chapter 6
Whole-Scale Applications

Over the years of its work, Dannemiller Tyson Associates have used Whole-Scale methodology
in industries large and small, with community groups, with smaller groups such as Boards of
Directors, and in not-for-profit organizations. The company has also worked in numerous other
countries. Whole-Scale® philosophy and methodology is robust and works equally well for any
of these situations——indeed for any organization-wide change process you may have the
opportunity to facilitate.

Included in this chapter are designs the company actually used with clients that represent the
broad variety of organizational situations for which the methodology is appropriate. Included are
the following:

ƒ A Community Seeking a Different Approach to Escalating Violence………………………………. p.16

ƒ A Bank Needing to Redesign a Process……………………………………………………………………………………………… p.1
ƒ A Non-Profit Board of Directors…………………………………………………………………………………………………………... p.2
ƒ A High-Tech Company in the United Kingdom Needing Alignment
and Strategic Planning……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. p.21
ƒ A Fast-Growing Supplier for the Auto Industry Seeking to Develop New Strategy
and Align New Acquisitions Around that Strategy……………………………………………………………………. p.23
x A Training and Education Organization in the U.S. Government Designing the
New Organization………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… p.2
ƒ A Metropolitan Police Department Needing to Build a Common Picture of Its New
Strategic Direction…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. p.27
ƒ A Strategic Reunion…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… p.28

While each of the plans is similar, each will also have minor differences in style and formatting,
reflecting the fact that different Dannemiller Tyson Associates created them.

Use these designs to deepen your understanding of how to apply Whole-Scale methods in
different situations. While you cannot of course copy the designs verbatim, the one most like the
situation in which you are working will guide you as you make design decisions for your own


A Community Seeking a Different Approach to Escalating Violence

Situation and Convening Issue:

In the City of X, government officials, community organizations, and citizens had
identified the need for a community driven plan to deal with the issue of escalating violence.
Based on per capita numbers, the City of X was listed as one of the top five cities in the United
States for violent crime. Initially the Mayor’’s Office asked a number of interested individuals
and organizations (neighborhood associations, civic associations, advocacy groups, and
professions) to work together to generate a common purpose, outcomes, and roadmap for
creating involvement and ownership of all citizens in the community in whatever it took to
reduce the rate of violent crime. Aligning the various community constituents proved to be a
long and difficult process. Several high-profile murders finally pushed everyone towards
alignment around the need to involve everyone in creating a community of which they could be

Roadmap: Event Purpose and Its Role in the Overall Process

The meeting that is detailed next was identified as the launch event in a proposed process
where citizens, law enforcement, and government would come together to clearly identify the
problem and together create the alternatives. The whole community was invited to a launch
event meeting to identify a vision and goals for a safe community and the actions and framework
needed to achieve that vision. The purpose of the meeting in City X was ““to come together as
City Xers to plan and create a safe community of which we could all be proud.””
Approximately 350 people attended the launch event (75 teenagers from the community
attended). The local news media captured the outputs from that meeting and broadcast the
results (goals and action plans) to the whole city on the evening news. During the meeting in a
continuation plan was proposed, tweaked, and agreed upon.

Interim Results:
Volunteers (who came forward and signed up during the October, 1998 event) met
throughout 1999 and moved forward with the actions agreed upon in the launch event. A local
grassroots organization stepped up to sponsor the continuation efforts and help move the steering
committee forward. They (along with the Mayor’’s Office) identified the need for a reunion
meeting to take some of the lessons learned through the efforts of the volunteer action groups
and use them to generate plans, which would impact neighborhoods and districts.

Reunion Event and Continuation Plans:

A reunion event (not listed here) was conducted in November, 1999. Approximately 150
people attended the reunion event, which was again open to the entire community. Action plans
for specific districts and neighborhoods were detailed and shared with the whole community.
The grassroots organization will continue to oversee all follow-up activities along with a local
non-profit organization, which obtained a grant to connect all of the continuation activities.
Throughout 1999, law enforcement and state epidemiologists have been capturing and measuring
progress toward identified goals. Violent crime rates are lower in 1999. Another reunion event
is planned for January, 2001.


STRATEGY DEVELOPMENT IMPLEMENTATION ROADMAP (Whole-Scale® Change for Strategy Development)

Contract Relationship with LEADERSHIP TEAM Small Group Work
Leadership ALIGNMENT EVENT Gather Data
Identify Desired Business Results Align Relationships, Roles and
Research Possibilities
Identify Current Change Efforts,
Event Get alignment and consensus on For Site Visits
Teams and Structures
Î Develop Project Plan for Change Planning Mission/Vision/Values/Goals Begin Communication with
Effort Team Prepare Draft Strategy Organization
Identify Leadership Team Do Continuation Thinking
Î Select Event Planning
Î Team

ORGANIZATION Small Group Work Event
WORK Planning
(Optional) (if needed) ALIGNMENT EVENT Do Logistics Planning
One or more special purpose Critical Mass Reserve Facility
large scale events and DxVxF>R Send out Invitations
associated small group work
Í MCG Get Speakers
may be required for specific Input on Strategy Choose Logistics team
needs such as work design Action Planning Finalize Design
(See Work Design Roadmap)
Ð Ó Review Commitments
Assess Progress Small Group and
Leadership Work
Small Group Work Learn from What Has Happened Leadership Work
Create new structures
Document Event Celebrate Success Continuously Monitor,
Monitor Progress Event
Give Feedback to System Decide What Needs to Happen Communicate and
Provide Resources Planning
Do Continuation Next Improve
Model New Behaviors Team .
Activities Choose Metrics (Team/Org.)
Communicate with each
Monitor/Report Progress Skill-based Pay
Î other and system
Address Supervisory Issues ÎÎÎÎ
A Conference to Plan and Create a Safe Community …… Together

Wednesday, October 21, 1998

8:00 AM –– 3:30 PM

Purpose: To come together as City Xers to plan and work together in order to create a
safe community of which all city residents can be proud.

Expected Outcomes:
ƒ Increase awareness of the full spectrum of violence in this community and how it affects
ƒ Create a common vision of what a less violent City X would look like
ƒ Devise and commit to specific actions that promote positive alternatives to violent behavior
ƒ Identify next steps to take so that everyone leaves the meeting with a clear idea of ““What I
can do.””

Security Notes:
ƒ Because this meeting specifically deals with violence and is advertised as such –– security at
the meeting is important. We need to deal with security issues early on (no one attends
without being pre-registered, etc.)
ƒ Security will be available on staging day to talk about security issues

Membership –– Control - Goals


October 20, 1998

Staging Day

9:00 AM Consultants meet with Logistics team to set up the room.

Noon Consultants meet –– go over agenda and define roles

3:00 PM Additional logistics arrive and are briefed

October 21

Time Content/Process Logistics

6:30 a.m. Start coffee pot and help exhibitors to set up The Logistics Team will have
already prepared the items and
will use this time to make sure
all is ready to go
ƒ Handouts (on different
colored paper if possible)
ƒ Post-it notes (large size),
masking tape, pencils,
ƒ Start-up handouts for the
tables: Table Roles and
Rules of Brainstorming,
One Page Agenda, and
““Telling My Story”” ( in
the In-Box.)
ƒ Flipcharts/easels around
the room (one per table
and three on podium).
ƒ Markers, tape, and first
assignment (in the In-Box)
ƒ Max-mix seating plans
with directions on a
flipchart outside the door.
Registration packets
include table assignment
(write table # on nametag)
ƒ A grid of tables + random
table list.
ƒ Sound system.
x List of phone and restroom
locations. ““Message
board”” or other means of
Time Content/Process Logistics


ƒ getting emergency
messages to participants.

x Number the tables

x Include the table # at
which each participant is
to sit in the registration

x Have something people

can walk around with for
breakfast——so they can
visit the exhibits (in order
to learn more about
current City X

7:30 a.m. Coffee and Registration

ƒ Provide registration tables (one for pre-
registrants; one for on-site registsration)
ƒ Invite exhibitors of current
programs/organizations that deal with violence
or violence prevention around the room

ƒ Planned Exhibitors
ƒ Grass root groups
ƒ 100 Black Men
ƒ Police (Community Policing and
Neighborhood Watch
ƒ YWCA/Battered Women/Stop Rape

8:15 a.m. Welcome and Opening Remarks President of the YWCA will :
(10) (Advertise 8:00 start but plan on starting at 8:15 to ƒ Welcome everyone
allow for late arrival) ƒ Note sponsors
ƒ Introduce Mayor’’s office
Mayor’’s office speaker should do the following: speaker
ƒ Say what this meeting means to her
ƒ Say how she hopes everyone will work Consider having a prepared
together today bulleted reminder list for the
ƒ Say what she hopes this meeting will Mayor’’s office speaker
ƒ Note that this meeting is just the start of a
process that the group will talk about later in
the meeting
ƒ Let the group know that she can support the
work only if there is follow-up and follow-


Time Content/Process Logistics

ƒ Introduce the facilitators (Kathy Church, Jim

McNeil, Don Dressler, and Ron Koller)

8:35 a.m. Purpose, Outcomes, Agenda KATHY

(10) ƒ Note that the EPT developed the agenda over a
year ago and based it on data gathered by
telephone interviews
ƒ Describe the purpose and anticipated
ƒ Explain why people are seated at max-mix Refer the group to the one-
tables page handout——with agenda
ƒ Walk through the agenda and explain the on one side, norms on the
reason for each portion of it other
ƒ Note bathroom locations, where messages will
be, etc.

Talk about norms for the meeting:

ƒ Listen to understand
ƒ Share air time
ƒ Respect differences
ƒ Be part of the solution

8:35 AM Telling Our Stories: Getting connected JIM

(55) around our diverse experiences with
(5) Framing: Handout on Cue –– Roles of
(25) ““Each person take one minute to prepare to Facilitator, Recorder,
introduce yourself to the rest of your table group Reporter on tables
by thinking quietly about the answers to the
following questions:
1. Who are you? What do you feel is important
for everyone at your table to know about you?
2. What do you believe that violence has cost
you personally?
3. What do you need to get out of today that will
make you feel that the time has been well
Now, using the questions above as a framework
take three minutes to introduce yourself to the rest
of your table group.

(10) At your table:

Choose a recorder to write on the flip chart and


Time Content/Process Logistics
ƒ What was common at your tables?
ƒ In your conversation, what were the
significant differences (if there were any)?
ƒ A summary of what your table needs to get out
of today (outcomes).”” Logistics records for the
callout up front.
(15) Call outs around the room. ““I’’m going to go by Post around the room during
quadrants of the room.”” the break
9:30 AM Break

9:45 AM Perspectives on the Current State of Violence DON introduces Moderator

(45) in City X:

Framing for the Moderator:

Plan to meet Moderator prior
A community perspective to event to talk about the
Speakers each have no longer then three minutes panel presentation (panel
to make their point. (45 minutes for this knows that time is limited
panel) –– coach the panel the the
ƒ Security officer with Local Bank day of event on how the
ƒ Social Psychologist with State Department panel will operate and
of Health what the important points
ƒ Teenager with history of armed violence to make are)
ƒ Parent of murdered child
ƒ Grassroots organizer
ƒ Neighborhood organizer

An enforcement perspective
Speakers each have no longer than three minutes
to make their point.
ƒ Police Captain
ƒ Sheriff
ƒ District Attorney
ƒ School System –– Security officer

10:30 AM Table Discussion: DON

(25) ““Now turn back to your table and have a
discussion answering the following three
(15) questions:
1. What did I hear?
2. What’’s my reaction?
3. How does what I heard change my
perception of violence in our community?””
Value Added Callouts (answers to last question)
–– may not need callouts –– can ask two tables to Logistics records up front


combine and share insights with each other
Time Content/Process Logistics

10:55 PM What’’s Working In City X: Strategies for JIM

(25) Success:
(Moving success stories to this position provides
examples and inspiration of what actions
people in the community can take ––
participants will hear this now to set the
stage for action brainstorming in the next
agenda item)

1. Reverend with Grassroots organization

2. Mr. S - Neighborhood Security Dads
3. Mr. R –– Federation of Civic Associations
4. Probation Officer

11:20 AM Straw Community Goals Presentation YWCA PUBLIC POLICY

Framing: Now that we have heard about our
current state of violence in our community Read with passion
and some success stories, we would like to
offer three goals or themes that we heard
you can all identify with. The way we
identified these is …………
1. Everyone takes a personal responsibility to
promote a safe City X
2. Our institutions are actively committed to Write Straw Goals on
non-violence. flipcharts or banners to put
3. Neighborhoods are safe. up at this time
11:30 AM Creating OUR Preferred Future: RON
(30) Framing:
““We would now like you to tell us what it would Handout on cue
look like if you were successful in this
community in …….. (each of the goals listed Logistics:
above). Individually –– writing on the post-it Hang three sheets of flipchart
notes –– respond to the following statement: paper (banners) one for each
Assignment: goal. Take post-it notes when
It is October of 1999. You are pleased and they are completed and evenly
proud of how effectively you have achieved distribute on flipchart paper.
the goals you identified. What do you
specifically see happening that tells you that Distribute post-its such that
you have been successful? What are people there is at least one flip
saying and doing that lets you know you chart for each table to
have reached these goals? Use one post-it work on later in the
note for each activity or action you would session.
expect to see. Please label the post-its with


Time Content/Process Logistics

the goal number. Logistics will be coming by Output: flip charts with post-it
your tables to collect your post-its.”” notes affixed describing
preferred future activities,
““An example of what you might write would be actions, behaviors

12:00 Noon Lunch BUFFET PLANNED. Value

(40) is that no one stands in
Participants have 40 minutes to take a break, go line longer than five
through buffet line and return to their seats minutes waiting for food.
Need to have six lines for

12:40 PM Creating Our Preferred Future Continued: RON

(60) 1. Each table takes one or more sheets of
flipchart paper with post-it notes attached Distribute flip charts with
and sorts them by similar themes post-its affixed such that
2. Each table will write a brief phrase or each table has an equal
sentence that captures the preferred future number of flip charts
that theme is identifying. (EXAMPLE ––
there are after school activities or care Logistics collects flip charts
available to every child who needs it; from each table (they can
everyone polices the neighborhood, ETC.) be turned into Expected
3. Recorder puts each theme at the top of a flip Results statements by the
chart and the people at the table brainstorm continuation group) and
recommended steps or actions to take in the posts on walls
next six months to achieve that theme or
preferred future. Output: flip charts from each
4. The group picks the top four at their table to table with themes at the
post for everyone to see. top and brainstormed
action items below

1:40 PM Choosing What We Will Do KATHY

(15) (Vote on action items))
““Everyone gets three green dots –– Use them to Output: flip charts with
vote for any of the actions identified under themes at top and dots on
the themes. Your vote means ““we must take action items
this action or step to achieve this theme””

Everyone gets three red dots which mean ““No

way should we do this. Logistics works with
volunteers during the
You don’’t have to use all of your dots!”” break to compile votes!


Time Content/Process Logistics

1:55 PM Break

2:10 PM Reporting Out on Choices Process: compile highest vote

(20) getters for both ““we must””
and ““no way””. Capture
the ““we must”” items on
flip charts so they can be
distributed to the tables in
next agenda item

Logistics output:
Flip charts with ““we must””
action items
2:30 PM Ensuring Success: KATHY
(25) (5) Framing:
““In order to ensure that everyone understands Handout on cue
what you must expect of each other as you work
toward creating a community which everyone is Output: flip charts from each
proud of, we would like you to turn back to your table with the role each
(10) table and stakeholder group plays in
performing the action items.
Assignment: Each individual places an
1. Choose a facilitator, recorder and reporter asterisk (*) next to the item he
2. Take 10 minutes to brainstorm at your table: or she is willing to personally
““From our perspective, what part do we commit to
believe each of the stakeholder groups
represented at our table (activist, retiree,
police officer, preacher, etc.) needs to do to
ensure that the actions we have suggested
are successful?
After 10 minutes give the next instruction:
3. Individually (not aloud), look at the list your
table created from the perspective of where
you fit. You may fit in several categories.
Which of the items listed can you personally
commit to?””

(10) After a couple of minutes give the last

4. ““As a table, take at least 10 minutes to share
your commitments with each other.””


Time Content/Process Logistics
2:55 PM Next Steps- Our Continuation Process Speaker
Discuss continuation strategy and present draft Note:
charter for the continuation committee. ““A major role of the
steering group is to
““Right now we are saying that you are going to charter the action
form a virtual steering (volunteers) to groups –– these charters
provide oversight and continue the work you help the steering group
have done today on goals, themes and get clear about the
actions/steps. This group will also plan the results needed and also
next whole community meeting –– next gets the action group off
year’’s follow-up meeting. to a fast start.

One possible next step is chartering at a first

steering committee meeting (which you
should hold within the next month).

Ongoing communication ideas. How are you

going to publicize what you have done?
How are you going to spread the word to the
rest of City X who did not attend this
meeting? How will you make best use of the

3:05 PM Next Steps- Our Continuation Process KATHY

(15) Continued (Nominations/Volunteers For
The Steering Committee): Flipcharts with ““we must””
high votes up front with
Each of the groups/functions identified on the space for names and phone
draft continuation piece (hopefully they will numbers.
map with the ““we must”” action items) need Flipchart for steering
volunteers who would be willing to meet and committee members up
decide together how action item(s) can front also.
happen. You also need one person to agree Handout of charter draft for
to host the first meeting of that action group first meeting with draft
–– not be the chairperson! agenda and volunteer


Time Content/Process Logistics

3:20 PM Evaluations and Close KATHY

ƒ How did today go for you? Evaluation sheet in the In-Box
¾ Highs?
¾ Lows?
ƒ On a scale of one to ten, how confident are
you that we will carry out our commitments
to each other, and create a community which
we can all be proud of?
ƒ No Way –– No How ……Just Watch Us Do it! YWCA will close the meeting
ƒ Why did you mark it where you did? and thank everyone for
ƒ What do you need to do from here to sustain coming
your momentum?


A Bank
Redesigning a Major Global Process &
Restructuring the Associated Organizations

Situation and Convening Issue:

The Bank commissioned the Business Process Reengineering Team (BPE Team) to
redesign the commercial lending process. This process in its original form involved 22
different departments in seven different cities. They described it as, at best, slow and
difficult to service, inefficient, and costly to manage. With the introduction of a new
information system (LSII), the bank was able to take advantage of the new software
capabilities and information technology infrastructure to recreate the business process
and overlay a new organization design.

The BPE Team began work approximately four months before it decided to call in
Dannemiller Tyson Associates to support their efforts. During these four months the
BPE Team had mapped the old process; talked to staff and customers about their wants,
needs and ideas; benchmarked other successful information technology introductions;
and met frequently with the Steering Committee (made up of senior leaders from across
the bank).

As they moved from collecting data to creating a process, they became concerned about
the following things:

ƒ Creating the best design

ƒ Gaining commitment and support from the 700 or so impacted staff
ƒ Overcoming the fact that each city and function might only understand and see the
process from their limited view
ƒ ““Selling”” the eventual solution to the Steering Committee and staff

To address these concerns, the BPE Team decided they needed a high-involvement
strategy for process and organization design. This strategy would enable them to involve
a critical mass of employees and managers from across the system in some aspect of the
redesign process. Each of the events they designed in collaboration with DTA facilitators
consisted approximately 20% of those impacted. Each event had some overlapping
participation. Each session involved 175-200 staff and in each approximately 1/3 of the
participants had attended a previous meeting.

The event described here was the first of the three DTA supported. The Bank of America
called these large group sessions Facilitated Design Sessions (FDS). Between these
meetings, the DTA facilitators conducted small group interactive sessions to keep the
broader population informed and involved.


Roadmap: Event Purpose And Its Role In The Overall Process

The purpose is of this first FDS was "to develop a viable new business process which
delivers efficient, effective client-focused service for the continually changing
environment: and together be committed to gaining organizational consensus to
implement the new design." This meeting served as both the launch of involvement and
the meeting that created the new business process for loan servicing.

The meeting began the first evening with dinner and a simulation. The simulation was
intended to (1) teach people the high-level current situation; (2) ground everyone in the
need to change (make the case for a new process); and (3) begin to implement changes
consistent with the new process.

Brief Results and Continuation Plan

This session resulted in a new business process that consolidated the work of several
organizations in different cities. Specifically, these were:

ƒ Twenty-two departments consolidated to three

ƒ Seven cities consolidated to two
ƒ Process cycle time reduced by 50%
ƒ Span of control for managers reduced from 1:10 to 1:80 personnel

The continuation plan for this particular effort consisted of a series of Town hall
meetings at each of the sites and through communications letters and bulletin boards
across the organization. Town hall meetings communicated the work from Facilitated
Design Sessions and tapped all employees’’ ideas as input to each next step. Follow-ups
occurred during the Organization Design session (FDS II) and the Implementation
meeting (FDS III), each of which included a different microcosm of staff.


A Bank
Redesigning a Major Global Process &
Restructuring the Associated Organizations

Day 1

Time Content/Process Logistics

7:30 am. Coffee, Rolls, etc. ƒ One flipchart per
table & two up front
ƒ Blank name tags and
markers on tables
ƒ Max mix seating
chart at door
ƒ Open Forum
questions on tent
cards on tables
ƒ Handouts in order:
x Agenda/purpo
x Role of
recorder, reporter
x Rules of
x First

8:00 Welcome/Purpose Assign seating assigned

(10 Project Manager does the following: in max-mix tables.
min.) ƒ Presents expectations for the two days Leadership participants
ƒ Shares the ODS/LS2/BPE Umbrella Overview are also in max-mix.
ƒ Asks people to be candid
ƒ Explains the importance of the meeting to Z
ƒ Tells how they bank got to this point: ““Why we are sitting in
this room””
ƒ Tells what has happened over the past year
ƒ Sets a positive and enthusiastic tone
ƒ Again, reiterates newness, difference, and cutting edge of
this meeting
ƒ Introduces consultants/facilitators


Time Content/Process Logistics

(15 Purpose and Agenda for the 2 days TONI

““Before I go over the agenda for these two days, I’’d like to share
how this forum came together.

Like Larry McNabb said in his address last night, most

reengineering efforts fail. They don’’t fail because of bad
designs; they fail because their organizations never accept
them. They never accept them because an isolated
reengineering team can’’t engage the hearts and minds of a
critical mass of the system.””

ƒ ““This project’’s reengineering team, and the project managers

and coaches that support it were determined that this project
would not be conceived in isolation.

ƒ Instead, they brought together a microcosm of people from

the system that’’s being redesigned. A microcosm of people
that you see in this room today.

ƒ This microcosm, the FDS Planning Team, came together for

two days to listen, to connect, and to imagine. Together they
mapped out the steps you will take to create a new process.

ƒ If you open your folders they prepared for you to the top
page, you’’ll see the purpose and agenda they created. Look
at it as your invitation to go on a journey.--a journey in
which you transform your own system. You make this
transformation happen by opening yourselves to becoming
‘‘one heart and one brain’’ during this two days.

ƒ The Planning and Design Teams for this first Facilitated

Design Session established the Purpose Statement:

To develop a viable new business process which delivers

efficient, effective client-focused service for the continually
changing environment: and together be committed to gaining
organizational consensus to implement our new design.

ƒ Agenda for the session:


Time Content/Process Logistics

Day 1
x Introductions and getting connected -- discover collective
experience and wisdom at your table
x Force field: What drives and restrains change?-- Build a
common data base about the critical factors that can make or
break this change
x Origination, Distribution, & Servicing update, followed by
Q&A -- What the LS2 and BPE teams have learned; where
the projects stand
x Lunch
x Preferred future for Servicing your vision --To create
breakthrough change we need the pull of our own compelling
vision; the push of problem-solving just won’’t get us there.
x Process requirements: criteria for designing the new process
x Evaluation: How are we doing?

Day 2
x Continental Breakfast at 7:30
x 8:00 Reports on:
o Evaluation results
o Your choices of process requirements
x Process Models
o BPE Team Options
o Your ideas
x 1st Process Model Fishbowl Exercise to pull together your
x Lunch
x 2nd Process Model Fishbowl Exercise to pull together your
x Quick Hits and Next Steps: How to move ahead starting
x Conclusion and Evaluations: How did we do?


Time Content/Process Logistics

Introduction/Logistics Notes
x ““This is your meeting. To give it your best efforts: Fill in restroom and
x Take care of yourself –– First break will occur at about smoking directions
10:15. If you need to use the restroom or stretch
before then, do it -- (Provide restroom and smoking

x Remember when you leave that your table loses a

unique perspective. Your absence diminishes your

x Avoid getting your attention diverted. When you get

up to stretch or use the facilities, don’’t get into voice
mail. It has a way of sucking your attention out of
here. Your table needs you here in body and mind,
not worried about issues on the home front.

x We’’ll have box lunches here both today and

tomorrow. Don’’t plan on leaving during lunch
because you’’ll have only 30 to 45 minutes to spend
on lunch.

ƒ We’’ll end today between 4:00 and 5:00, tomorrow at around


ƒ Now I am going to introduce the people who brought us to

this point and planned this Facilitated Design Session. Will Check out names and
each contributor please stand as I mention your name so areas from which
others can get to know you? contributors have come.
¾ Business Process Engineering Team Make sure you know how
¾ Facilitated Design Session Planning Team to pronounce peoples’’
¾ Alice Z. from Agency Management Services names.

ƒ Finally I’’d like to introduce one of my co-facilitators:

ƒ Colleagues with extensive experience in using large
stakeholders meetings, such as this, to redesign work and
organizations: Paul T. from the consulting firm of
Dannemiller, Tyson, & Associates and Craig M. from Flynn,
x Paul will explain how these sessions work and guide you in
getting connected within your table groups.””


Time Content/Process Logistics

8:25 Meeting Processes and Team Building PAUL

Framing: First you’’ll hear about the makeup of your table group
and processes we’’ll use at this meeting. Next you’’ll do an
assignment that will help your table group to get connected. And
become a more-effective team. To do this assignment, we need
to really listen to each other.

Paul explains:
ƒ Max-mix seating
ƒ Meeting processes:
x Voting
x Brainstorming
x Question & Answer
x Ground Rules for observers.
x Purpose of FDS and our expectations of them as
(5 min.) Assignment Assignments in packets

(25 1. ““Take two minutes to think about your responses to the

min.) following. ƒ Review handout with
ƒ What’’s your name; what do you do at the bank? roles of facilitator,
ƒ What one movie or TV show reminds you most of working recorder, and reporter
at the bank? Why? ƒ Pick someone who is
ƒ As you think about your work at the bank, describe the best wearing a watch with
day you ever had and why? a secondhand
ƒ Describe the worst day you have ever had and why? ƒ Remind participants
ƒ If you could change one thing at the bank, what would it be to listen for
and why? understanding
ƒ Based upon all of the above, what do you think this group
needs to accomplish in these two days to make them
worthwhile for you?
ƒ What are the two or three most important discussion ground
rules we need to follow in order to work effectively

2. Choose a facilitator, someone who will keep you on time.

3. Take three minutes maximum per person to share answers

within your table group.””


Time Content/Process Logistics

8:55 ““After sharing answers:

(10 1. At your table agree on and record: Two recorders up front
min.) ƒ Common themes with flip charts and
ƒ Significant Differences markers. Don’’t call on
ƒ Expectations duplicates.
ƒ Ground Rules:
Identify 2 to 3 norms that group must observe to have a (We had this group
successful meeting. identify table norms,
Select a reporter to call out your outcomes.”” something we do not
always do. The planning
2. Reassemble the whole group. Take and record call outs. team told us that this
9:05 1. Common Themes group was not good at
(15 2. Significant Differences meetings and certainly
min.) 3. Expectations not good at staying on
4. Ground Rules track during them)

9:20 Structure of Content/Advance Organizer

(10 (DVF provided a
min.) Paul explains the conceptual framework and sequence of FDS. backdrop for the call
ƒ DxVxF>R outs. Many fit into one
Dissatisfaction of the three elements, a
Vision fact predicted by the
First steps event planning team)
After Paul’’s explanation
Hand out some kind of
advance organizer
graphic for D x V x F >


Time Content/Process Logistics

9:30 Force Field Analysis TONI

A Force Field Analysis is a snapshot of what drives change and (We talked about using
what gets in the way of it. The purpose for doing it is to discover some other diagnostic
the forces that impact the ODS Servicing Process. This activity framework and the force
will give you a common data base from which to form a new field seemed to be the
process. You’’ll also use this information when you design new most acceptable
process models tomorrow. culturally for identirying
the dissatisfaction)

1. ““Choose a facilitator (someone who will help the group truly

brainstorm) and a recorder.”” Cue logistics to distribute
Walk through:

Rules of Brainstorming
ƒ Do not discuss ideas (generate, don’’t evaluate)
ƒ Do not judge ideas (good or bad)
ƒ It is okay to repeat ideas
ƒ Piggybacking off someone else’’s ideas is fine.
ƒ Wait for silence to end; the greatest creativity follows.
ƒ The more ideas the better.

2. ““Think about all of the forces at work in the Bank with your
Clients and brainstorm:
A. What are all of the things that are going on in the Bank
right now that are really driving us to change the ODS
Servicing Process?
B. What are all of the things that are going on right now that
could hold us back from achieving this goal?

3. Now, go back and agree on the forces (both driving and

restraining) your table believes are the key ones -- key means
really significant and impactful. Circle the two to three key
driving forces and the two to three key restraining forces

Create a flipchart that highlights your table’’s view of the

driving and restraining forces. The line that separates the
driving and restraining forces represents the ODS Servicing
Process. Remind reporters to
huddle up. Agree upon
4. Post your table’’s summary on the wall. cues.
When you’’re finished you may take a break. We’’ll reconvene at


Time Content/Process Logistics

10:15 Break Design and Planning

(20 Team pairs huddle over
min.) break and summarize
common themes from
tables. Get mikes to
people at the wall.
10:35 Report out TONI
min.) Toni introduces report outs: (team members at wall displays will
give these)

ƒ Driving forces: Gabriella Rinaldi and Alan Kobritz

ƒ Restraining forces: Don Moses and Shannon Collins

Toni transitions to Paul to facilitate ODS project updates.

10:45 ODS Project Update Presentations PAUL
min) The purpose of these presentations is to give you an overview of

ƒ Technology that will enable a new servicing process (from

LS2 Team)
ƒ Groundwork and where the organization is now in
reengineering the new process (from the BPE Team)
ƒ Current process (from the BPE Team)

These presentations will give a high level overview; they will not
go into details.””

(20) Introduce Karen explain what’’s happening with LS2 KAREN P.

LS2 Presentation
Karen explains:
ƒ The kinds of things the bank will be able to do.
ƒ The enormous challenges, costs and complexity that will be
impacting all of us over the next X years.
ƒ What the LS2 Team sees happening in customer service and
how it could influence both client and providers as they do
their work.
ƒ Overview of what LS2 is.
Karen relays to Chris R. and Nancy M. CHRIS R. & NANCY


Time Content/Process Logistics

(20) BPE Team’’s Presentation Handouts at break

They explain:

ƒ The expectations of the design effort

ƒ Their charter, givens, and constraints
ƒ The BPE Process
x What will happen over the next few months?
x What has happened to date?
They relay to Alice G. and Gordy H. who walk through an ALICE G & GORDY H
overview of the current process.
11:45 Open Forum: PAUL
(45 Paul introduces the task and moderates the Q&A session
min.) Let the audience know
““The purpose of this forum is to become clear on the BPE Team’’s who will be on the panel.
perspectives and direction, not to give feedback or edit.”” (LS2 Speaker, BPE
1. Have table groups read role descriptions and select:
ƒ Facilitator: To keep discussion on time and on track
ƒ Recorder: To capture key points in participants’’ own words
ƒ Reporter/question asker: To call out table questions.
Have the table grid on
(15) 2. Have tables take 15 min. to discuss the following questions: the podium
ƒ What did we hear?
ƒ What are our reactions?
ƒ What questions of understanding do want to ask (of whom)?

(30) 3. Have each table take turns asking one question. Continue to
take questions from alternating tables until time is up (20
min.) or all questions have been asked.

4. Save last 10 min. for ““burning questions.””

12:30 Lunch Handout assignment
(45) during lunch

1:15 Preferred Future TONI

Introduce Bob G. with advice on how to approach coming up
(10) with a preferred future. BOB G (Group vice-
““The purpose of this section is to create our own vision of our
preferred future. To create breakthrough change we need to do (We had Bob do the intro
more than simply patch up the current system. This is your here because the
chance to imagine how a whole new way of working would look planning team thought it


and feel. Some examples we’’ve heard include: would be more
empowering to hear this
Time Content/Process Logistics
ƒ One process or system for everyone assignment from him,
ƒ Problems resolved at their source in five minutes or less more than from any other
ƒ People work at home ““in their jammies.”” person.)
ƒ No duplicate data entry””

(30 Assignment:
““It’’s October, 1998, three years from now. We have been
incredibly successful at having recreated our ODS Servicing
Process. We are pleased and proud that we have achieved our
goals and have positioned ourselves as exceptional servicing
providers for Origination and Distribution. As a result all of all Show two-column
our efforts, our clients love us and our employees are happy! flipchart page with the
word ““Vote”” as a
1. Close your eyes and imagine yourself, three years from now. heading for the left, 4””-
What do you see happening that tells you that we have truly wide column; and the
changed? words ““Vision #,
ƒ How is the process operating? Recommendation”” as a
ƒ What are people doing? heading for the right
ƒ How about client experiences? What are they doing? column.

2. As a table, brainstorm round robin (go around the table in one Provide crayons or dots
direction until everyone has passed) listing on a flipchart what for people to use to vote.
really important things you see that we have achieved.

3. Record recommended ideas on flip charts, leaving a 4””

margin on the left for voting as shown.

4. Post each piece of flipchart on the wall.

As you finish a page of flipchart, logistics will hang it.

Think about:
ƒ What do you tell your peers and colleagues?.
ƒ What’’s making the Bank of America truly unique and high

After most sheets are posted say:

ƒ ““Make sure all of your sheets are posted.
ƒ Now you’’ll get a chance to indicate your preferences
ƒ Over the next break, read through the preferred futures you’’ve
posted, and put a checkmark (or dot) by the ones that you
believe are essential. Indicate the voting tool (crayons or
ƒ Vote for as many as you think are essential and critical.
We’’ll meet back here in 20 min. at (____).


Time Content/Process Logistics

1:55 Vote and break Design /Planning Team

(20 Pair selects big vote-
min.) getters.
2:15 Report out of top vote-getters
min.) Introduce Design /Planning Team Pair to report top vote getters: SCOTT; MITCH
ƒ Kim Litwicki and Al Scott HANNER & ONCHITA
ƒ Mitch Hanner and Conchita Vergara VERGANA

Transition to Craig Mc Gee who will guide you in thinking

through process requirements——the design criteria the process
must meet.
2:25 Process Requirements CRAIG McgEE
min.) To design a new process, we need to figure out the criteria that Handout Process
this new process must meet. The purpose of this section is to Requirements
identify those criteria, or process requirements. Assignment. Give each
table two to three index
BPE Team’’s View cards, each with a
different design principle
2:25 Craig shares the team’’s Process Requirements. He points out: on it.
(10 ƒ What they are
min.) ƒ Why they are important
ƒ How they will be used tomorrow

Participants’’ Views

2:35 Assignment:
(45 1. ““Choose a facilitator and a recorder.
2. As a table, discuss the requirement examples provided.

3. Decide, from your table’’s perspective, if they are important

and need to be a part of the final redesign criteria.

4. Recommend five to seven key, critical additions to the list the

Design Team has proposed.

5. Post them. Provide different colored

dots for ““must haves””
and ““no ways.””


Time Content/Process Logistics

After most tables have posted their sheets, say:

ƒ ““Make sure all of your sheets are posted.
ƒ Now you’’ll get a chance to indicate which of the posted
process requirements you like, and which you can’’t live with.
ƒ Over the next break, read through the posted process
requirements and vote for your five favorites or ““must haves””
and five that you can’’t live with or ““no ways””. Indicate the
voting tool (crayons or dots).
ƒ .We’’ll meet back here in 25 min. at (____).””

Craig then explains what will be done overnight.

3:20 Vote and break
3:45 Evaluation PAUL
min.) The purpose of this segment is to find out whether the group is on
course. The facilitators and the EPT will make necessary mid-
course corrections based on your feedback.

Assignment: Handout on cue. Give

people any reading
““Take a few minutes to write: (““Straw Dog”” models).
1. Highs for the day?
2. Lows for the day?
3. What, if anything, was critically missing from the day for
4. Recommendations to the Planning Team for tomorrow, to
ensure that these two days have been worthwhile for you.
3:55 Close
(5 min.) Make sure to relay final
ƒ Straw Dogs group reviews any assignment for tonight Process Requirements to
logistics and graphic
ƒ Adjourn artists.

ƒ Planning and Design Team meet with consultants to read

evaluations and review the plan for tomorrow.
ƒ Design Team Members (Irene Minge and Mitch Hanner)
summarize the evaluations and prepare feedback for
ƒ Design Team compares priority Process Requirements,
reconciles them and prepares final Process Requirements list
of 10 to 12 items.


A Bank
Redesigning a Major Global Process &
Restructuring the Associated Organizations

Day 2
Time Content/Process Logistics
7:30 am. Coffee, Rolls, etc. ƒ Provide name Tags
with table numbers on
ƒ Extra copies of Day 2
FDS Agenda (for
those who misplaced
the agenda we passed
out yesterday)
ƒ Max-mix seating chart
at the door
8:00 Evaluation feedback and agenda review Seating is the same as
(15 yesterday.
min.) The purpose of this section is to get an understanding of what
the group has accomplished so far, how the group thinks it is
doing, and overview what the group has to accomplish today
before 5pm.
Irene and Mitch present evaluation feedback
1. Present common evaluations themes and read representative
comments from Day 1.
2. Explain how those comments will or will not be addressed in
day 2.

Gabriella presents Agenda and Purpose for day 2. GABRIELLA

(Note: Should a BPE
She reviews the FDS Purpose: Team Member do the
Develop a viable new business process which delivers efficient, Purpose and Agenda for
effective client-focused service for the continually changing Day 2 or do facilitators do
environment: and together be committed to gaining this?)
organizational consensus to implement our new design.

””Today we’’ll focus on putting together our Process Models and

planning next steps.


Time Content/Process Logistics

Here is the agenda for Day 2.

1.) Report out: What you told us about Process
2.) Process models:
ƒ The BPE team’’s view
ƒ Your view
3.) Lunch and incorporating models (your models will be
brought together in two rounds of fishbowl exercises Note: How does a
with a lunch in between, at approximately 12:45) fishbowl work?
4.) Moving forward:
ƒ Quick Hits
ƒ Next Steps and Communications Plan
5.) Summary conclusions and evaluation””

Introduce Gordy and Kim to do Process Requirements Report

8:15 Process Requirements Report Out
min.) The purpose of this section is for you to hear the Process GORDY & KIM
Requirements you’’ll use today to develop a new process model. REPORT
Last night the BPE Team worked long and hard to incorporate
your input into this finalized set of Process Requirements.

(10 Gordy and Kim share turnaround:

min.) ƒ This is what we heard Handout Process
ƒ This is how we redrafted your inputs and votes Requirements (results of
turnaround) on cue
Tables huddle: Graphic display of
(15 ƒ Did they get it? Process Requirements
min.) ƒ Are we 70% comfortable, and 100% committed that for now
these are the Process Requirements we hope to design to?
ƒ If not, what must be added or changed?

(20 Facilitator facilitates discussion to reach consensus.



Time Content/Process Logistics

9:00 Models and Options for Process Redesign: BPE Team TONI
(90 Drafts
Purpose of this section is to provide you with options and ideas Handouts and displays of
about how you might redesign this process. For the next 90 ““Straw Dog”” New
minutes, you’’ll study these choices. After that you’’ll have the Process Models and Ideas
rest of the morning to build on them, pick out favorite from Process
components, or create models of your own. Understanding Feedback
Meetings (sessions held
Assignment: by the BPE Team to get
1. ““You’’ll notice that the back and sides of the room are set up inputs from the entire
in four display areas. organization, prior to this
ƒ Three of these areas have radical new process models meeting).
that the BPE Team has come up with.
¾ One model focuses on maximizing speed.
Nancy Maloney and Alice Gaynor will Make sure BPE Team
explain this one. (Ask BPE Team Representatives are
Representatives to raise their hands.) stationed at the models
they’’re representing
¾ One model focuses on eliminating before starting
redundancy and waste. explanations.
Gabriella Rinaldi and Irene Minge will
explain this one. (Ask BPE Team
Representatives to raise their hands.)

¾ One model focuses on ““doing only that which

the client sees”” and maximizing client
Don Moses and Denise Christie will explain
this one

ƒ The fourth area has ideas:

¾ From inputs provided during the Process
Understanding Feedback Meetings
Chris Rusniak, and Kim Litwicki will explain CHRIS RUSNIAK &
¾ From the reengineering literature
BPE Coach Corny Foster will explain these CONNY FOSTER
(Ask BPE Team Representatives and Coach to
raise their hands.)


Time Content/Process Logistics

2. When I tell you to Tables:

ƒ 1, 2 and 8, go to Display #1
ƒ 3,4, and 5 go to Display #2
ƒ 6, 7, and 11 go to Display #3
ƒ 9,10 go to Display #4
ƒ Then you’’ll have 20 minutes at each station:
ƒ For each of the process-model stations you’’ll spend the:
¾ 1st 10 minutes listening to explanations
¾ 2nd 10 minutes asking questions for clarification.

ƒ For the ideas station:

ƒ At the Process Understanding Feedback Ideas Section you’’ll
hear some pointers on how to scan all the ideas displayed.
¾ At the Reengineering Literature Ideas Station you’’ll hear
quick explanations of recommendations from experts in
Guides: Make sure to leave enough time for questions at all

3. At each station, take notes about what you like and don’’t like
and why.

4. Don’’t move from station to station until I cue you to do so.

Note from Toni to Paul:
ƒ Direct tables to stations so that there’’s a relatively even Paul, how do I direct
distribution of participants around the room. them to stations so they
ƒ Notify participants at 17 and 20 minute intervals are distributed relatively
10:30 Break Assignment out during
(15 break:
min.) Models and Options:
Table View

10:45 Models and Options: Table View TONI

min.) The purpose of this section is to reach agreement within your
table groups about the ideas or model components that you want
to incorporate into a process model. After you reach agreement,
you will either adapt an existing model, or design one of your
own, or simply pick the components that you think the process
needs to have!


Time Content/Process Logistics


““Choose a facilitator and a recorder.

1. Utilizing the Process Requirements, our Preferred Futures

and your own beliefs:
ƒ Discuss what you like and/or don’’t like about each of the
model options presented by the Design Team.
ƒ What aspects/elements of each model meet the criteria?

3. Based upon that conversation, select the options or elements

that you believe most closely fit the Process Requirements
that we have agreed to.

4. Recommend:
A. An option (with you table’’s enhancements) that best
meets the Process Requirements.
B. The aspects/elements of the models that best meet the
Process Requirements
C. If none of these seems right, draft a completely new
option. Identify the elements and Process Requirements
that show why this model may be better.

5. Prepare a flipchart with your table recommendations and be

prepared to post them on the wall.

6. Finally, select two representatives from your table (two

people with passion about your table’’s work) to sit in a
fishbowl with representatives from other tables.

Note: A fishbowl is a forum that consists of an inner and

outer circle of participants. The inner circle works together
to do a task, while the outer circle observes and, in this
assignment, tries to influence the inner circle to make sure
critical stakeholder concerns and interests are addressed.

They will reconcile and create one process model.

You’’ll hand off your recommendations to your


Time Content/Process Logistics

Give tables a 15 min. warning.

Transition to Craig who will guide groups in pulling together the

models created by table groups.
11:45 Process Models: Fishbowl I CRAIG
min.) The purpose of this fishbowl is to do a 1st iteration of pulling (Some members of the
together into one the Process Models created by your table tables become the
groups. employees, representing
their interests in the new
The representatives you’’ve selected will go to a representatives’’ process; others become
table and work on pulling together the models. the customer, assuring
their needs were met;
The rest of you will be assigned stakeholder roles to play and finally, another
(interests to represent). You will agree upon the things that need group of people from the
to be in the Process Model that emerge from the representatives’’ table become the
table. You exercise your influence to make sure those ideas and company, representing
interests are built into the Process Model. the business interests of
the organization. Two
Assignment for representatives: people from each table
became table
1. ““Choose a facilitator and recorder. representatives, sharing
their model with the
2. Share your table’’s options and elements with the other table and
representatives from the other tables. Compare notes: representing the table’’s
ƒ Highlight commonalities views.
ƒ Note differences
This arrangement
3. Based upon your sharing and comparing: ensures that everyone
x Create one model option that captures as many of the remains engaged and to
components and elements of each table’’s ideas as ensure that the solution
possible. Be as inclusive as possible without has the broadest possible
jeopardizing the Process Requirements and your view. view.)

Remember to be radical and think about the Purpose Statement

for these two days!


Time Content/Process Logistics

Purpose Statement:

Develop a viable new business process which delivers efficient,

effective client-focused service for the continually changing
environment: and together be committed to gaining
organizational consensus to implement our new design.

4. Flipchart the model and key elements.

5. Select three representatives from your fishbowl (again,

people with passion about your table’’s work) to share your
table’’s ideas with representatives from the other three

Assignment for stakeholders:

Again, there are three
1. ““Choose a facilitator and a ““communicator”” (this person will
stakeholder groups, each
represent your table at the open chair of the fishbowl if with a Role Description
necessary). that highlights the issues
and concerns of that
2. Your table has been assigned one of three Stakeholder Views group. The data for the
for this exercise. (See the ““Role Description”” for your role sheets comes from
assignment.) the BPE team’’s
interviews with each of
3. Using the Process Requirements and your own beliefs, these groups.
discuss what is really important to the Stakeholder Group
you now represent. i Customers
i Employees
4. Based upon that conversation, be prepared to provide inputs i The Company
to your table’’s representatives to fishbowl group. You may (representing the
do this in any of three ways. You may: issues and
ƒ Sit in at the open chair concerns of
ƒ Send memos on the cards you’’ve been provided Senior Leaders in
ƒ Ask one of your table’’s representatives to come back to the organization)
your table for a ““meeting.””

5. Your job is to make sure that whatever model the fishbowl

develops is in the best interests of the stakeholder group you
represent: Tell representative group
ƒ If they are doing good work, just encourage them. and advocacy groups to
ƒ If they are in need of help, offer it through one of the huddle together so they
three means listed above.”” can compare notes and
Give tables a 15 min. warning. be a good advocacy
Let participants know when we’’ll reconvene after lunch. group


Time Content/Process Logistics

12:45 Lunch

1:30 Process Models: Fishbowl II CRAIG

min.) The purpose of this fishbowl is to do a final iteration that pulls We call this a double
together the Process Models created by the Representative feature. Approximately
Tables. 30 people will leave the
ƒ The ““inner circle”” group will WORK on pulling together the room and complete the
models they represent. assignment below for
ƒ The ““middle circle”” group will be assigned stakeholder representatives and
roles to play (the same stakeholder roles described in the stakeholders. The rest of
last round). They will agree upon the things that need to be the participants will
in the Final Process Model. remain in the main room
ƒ The remaining tables will work on generating ideas for and work on the next
““Quick Hits,”” that is, things we can do right away to move steps, in this case called
closer to our new process and new way of working. ““quick hits.”” You will
find that assignment
below with the 1:30 start
time as well.
Assignment for representatives: This assignment is
1. ““Choose a facilitator and recorder. essentially the same as the
previous one. This is
2. Share your table’’s options and elements with the intentional to ensure that
representatives from the other tables. Compare notes: each iteration is the same
ƒ Highlight commonalities and that people are
ƒ Note differences always being asked to do
the same thing as they
3. Based upon your sharing and comparing: build to a consensus.
ƒ Create one model option that captures as many of the
components and elements of each table’’s ideas as
possible. Be as inclusive as possible without
jeopardizing the Process Requirements and your view.
ƒ Remember, be radical and think about the Purpose
Statement for these 2 days!

Purpose Statement:
Develop a viable new business process which delivers
efficient, effective client-focused service for the
continually changing environment: and together be
committed to gaining organizational consensus to
implement our new design.

4. Flipchart the model and key elements.


Time Content/Process Logistics

5. Identify the key issues (real hot potatoes that must be

addressed in order to implement your proposal).

6. Prepare a 5 to 10 minute presentation for the rest of the

room. Walk them through the new model and how it meets
the requirements we have agreed to.

Select a spokesperson(s) to share the final model.””

Assignment for stakeholders:
1. Choose a facilitator and a ““communicator”” (this person will
represent your table at the open chair of the fishbowl if

2. Your table has been assigned one of three Stakeholder Views

for this exercise. (See the ““Role Description”” for your

3. Utilizing the Process Requirements and your own beliefs

discuss what is really important to the Stakeholder Group
you now represent.

4. Based upon that conversation, be prepared to provide inputs

to your table’’s representatives to fishbowl group. You may
do this in any of three ways. You may:
ƒ Sit in at the open chair
ƒ Send memos on the cards you’’ve been provided
ƒ Ask one of your table’’s representatives to come back to
your table for a ““meeting.””

5. Your job is to make sure that whatever model the fishbowl

develops is in the best interests of the stakeholder group you
ƒ If they are doing good work, just encourage them.
ƒ If they are in need of help, offer it through one of the
three means listed above.””


Time Content/Process Logistics

1:30 Assignment for ““Quick Hits”” Tables

(60) 1. ““Choose a facilitator, recorder and spokesperson.

2. Brainstorm/discuss priority actions that we can take

(individually and/or collectively) based on the following
ƒ They are doable within 30 days
ƒ They are within our control
ƒ They impose minimum disruption and cost
ƒ They add maximum value to customers

3. Pick from the brainstormed list three to five actions we can

take in the next 30-40 days to ensure that change takes place
in the bank.

4. Flipchart the quick hit recommendations, identifying what

the organization needs to do and which function needs to do

Be prepared at ____ to give a headline (two-minute report) to the

whole group describing the key quick hits that your table arrived

Give tables a 15 min. warning.

Let participants know when to reconvene after break.

2:30 Break Next Steps assignment
(15) out
2:45 Report Outs PAUL
min.) 1st Fishbowl group. Cue up Steering
2nd Each ““Quick Hit”” Table gets two minutes to report the top Committee to listen and
two to three quick hit opportunities they identified. think of how they will


Time Content/Process Logistics

3:15 Next Steps

min.) The purpose of this section is to see where the organization is in
the overall design process, see what comes next, and plan how to
carry the message forward.

Introduce Gordy Hoff and Alice Gaynor to explain where the GORDY HOFF &
organization is and what comes next. They share: ALICE GAYNOR
ƒ Where the organization is in the Design Process
(10 ƒ What happens within the next month Distribute handouts that
min.) ƒ What the rest of the design is for creating the new list FDS I Feedback
process Sessions.
ƒ How participants will be selected for the next Post sign-up sheets for
conferences. Quick Hits in the back of
the room.

Note: When do
participants actually sign
up? I don’’t see this in
(35 the current agenda?
min.) Shouldn’’t they sign up
for next steps as well as
quick hits?

Transition to Toni who introduces ““Next Steps Assignment””

1. ““Choose a facilitator and a recorder.

2. Discuss the following questions:

ƒ What should we communicate out to people to keep them
ƒ How should we communicate the results of this meeting
and how could the people here help?

3. Create an agenda and speaking points that you can use to

report the results of this FDS to your home areas.””

Give table groups a 10 minute warning.

Transition to Steering Committee response.


Time Content/Process Logistics

4:00 Closing Comments by Steering Committee

(10 Toni provides an introduction.
The purpose of this section is to get feedback from the Steering
Committee, the leaders who are charged with overseeing the
ODS Projects.

Introduce Steering Committee, point out SC Members who will

be responding to report-outs

Steering Committee Members named at this moment

Steering Committee Representatives: COMMITTEE
ƒ Tell how they are feeling about these two days. MEMBERS
ƒ Thank everyone for participating.

4:10 Evaluation and Close PAUL

(10 The purpose of this segment is to find out how well our first
min.) Facilitated Design Session has worked. The consultants and the
Planning Team will use your feedback in planning the next one.
The items to which you’’re responding are based on the things on
which the Planning Team wanted your input.

1. On a scale of 1 to 10, how committed are you to making the
new high-level design a reality? Cue logistics to pass out
Why did you circle the number you circled? the evaluation sheets
2. On a scale of 1 to 10, how important do you believe it is to
change the current process?
Why did you circle the number you circled?
3. In your opinion, what are the two or three most important
things we’’ve accomplished in this First Facilitated Design

4:20 Adjourn
(05) ƒ Planning and Design Team meet with consultants to read
ƒ Paul provides ““heads up”” to Design Team (and Steering
Committee???) about what’’s important to keep in mind
going forward.
x Consultants and Design Team agree on time to meet
tomorrow to debrief, give feedback, and plan ““to do”” items
for feedback to the system and to prepare for next FDS
Planning Meeting.


Non-Profit Board of Directors

Situation And Convening Issue

A non-profit organization was established to serve as a catalyst and strategic advisor of business,
education, health, philanthropy and government to make the state a world leader in using information
technology in ways that better its citizens’’ lives. The Board seeks to become aligned with the
organization’’s vision, strategy and forward movement.

Event Purpose
To align the Board around the organization’’s vision, strategy and forward movement.

Role Of This Event In The Overall Process

This was the second retreat of the Board and the first for many of the 16 board members. Board members
come from across the spectrum of the state and include education, business, health and government. This
was the first opportunity for all of them to come together and set strategy and directions for the

Brief Results And Continuation Plan

ƒ Higher commitment and more active board participation
ƒ Greater communication within the team
ƒ Clearly understood strategy and direction for the team
ƒ Continuation plan is to begin to work on a financial model that will sustain the work of the
organization and to set priorities that support the organization’’s mission and strategic plan.


STRATEGY DEVELOPMENT/IMPLEMENTATION ROADMAP (Whole-Scale¥ Change for Strategy Development)

Scoping You are

Contract Relationship with Leadership Here! Small Group Work
Identify Desired Business Results Alignment On Relationships,
Identify Current Change Efforts, Research of Possibilities
Roles and Responsibilities Site Visits
Î Teams and Structures Event Alignment and Consensus on
Develop Project Plan for Change Begin Communication with
Planning Mission/Vision/Values/Goals
Effort Organization
Team Prepare Draft Strategy
Identify Leadership Team
Î Select Event Planning
Continuation Thinking Team
WORK ALIGNMENT EVENT Small Group Work Planning
(Optional) Critical Mass Team
(if needed) Logistics Planning
One or more special purpose DxVxF>R
large scale events and MCG
associated small group work Invitations Purpose
Input on Strategy Agenda
may be required for specific Í Speakers
Action Planning
needs such as work design Logistics Team
(See Work Design Roadmap)
Í Finalize Design Í
Ð Ó Review Commitments
Leadership Work E. Assess Progress
Create new structures Small Group and
Small Group Work P. Learn from What Has Happened
Monitor Progress Celebrate Success Leadership Work
Document Event T. Continuous Monitoring,
Provide Resources Decide What Needs to Happen
Feedback to System Model New Behaviors Communication and
Continuation Activities Communicate with each Improvement
Metrics (Team/Org.)
Monitor/Report Progress other and system Skill-based Pay
Î Supervisory Issues

Board Meeting
Final design

Purpose: To get the board aligned around the organization’’s vision, strategy and forward

Day 1

Time Content/Process Logistics

Provide nametags, three
flipcharts/stands, markers, and
masking tape.

Chart agenda (note documents)

8:30am Welcome
Chairman of the Board and President of the Purpose –– to welcome folks and set
organization the tone for the day
Five minutes each
ƒ Tell what he or she hopes to get out of the day
ƒ Set an open and relaxed tone for the day
ƒ Introduce facilitators

8:40 Agenda, logistics and norms Agenda on chart paper

Bring the agenda to life Purpose –– to take the mystery out of
the day and agree on norms for
working together

8:50 Getting Connected Handout of questions with

(45) table roles and rules of brainstorming
(25) Have two max-mix groups of eight. on the back
Pose the following questions:

1. How is IT impacting your business? Purpose –– to begin to build the team,

2. What do you hope this organization will to get folks connected around the
accomplish? work and their curiosity about each
3. What excites, frustrates, and intrigues you other
about the organization?
4. What do you need to get out of this meeting
5. How comfortable are you with IT?
6. What outcomes do you need from today?


Time Content/Process Logistics
Give participants two minutes of ““I”” time.
Choose a facilitator to keep time
Then have them take three minutes each to
introduce themselves to others at the table

(15) Have them identify Refer to table roles

ƒ Common themes
ƒ Significant differences
ƒ Outcomes for the day.

(10) Report out

9:45 BREAK

9:55 View from the Chair & President

(65) (15) Purpose –– to give Chairman and the
Chairman of the Board & the President have President a chance to hit
seven7 minutes each. the highlights and then
give board members the
Talking Points opportunity to probe
deeper for greater
ƒ What have you been up to? understanding.
ƒ What’’s the role you want the board to play?
ƒ Given the mission what is your vision for Talking point questions on flipchart.
(10) ƒ From your view what are the key priorities for
the organization?

Open Forum

ƒ What did we hear?

(30) ƒ What were our reactions?
ƒ What questions of understanding do you have?
For whom?


11:00 Strategy –– What’’s our Common Vision and

(180) What are the Key Priorities and LUNCH
Refer them to the documents on
1. Decide at your table if you need to take ““Setting the Course”” and
individual time to read through the document. ““Recommendations of the State
Information Technology


Time Content/Process Logistics
2. Given the mission, does the vision statement
work for you, i.e., what do you like about it or Bring extra copies of the FedEx
what needs to change in order for it to capture
your commitment and energy? Put mission and vision statements on
chart paper
Report out of the highlights of each table’’s
conversation and its recommended vision Purpose –– to build consensus and
statement. commitment to our vision of success,
which builds the foundation for
Work the room to consensus. action.

1:55 BREAK

2:10 Revisiting Priorities

(70) (30) Purpose –– to build consensus and
Assignment: commitment to the action the board
““At your tables discuss and agree on the and organization will pursue.
1. In light of our mission and vision statements
are these the right priorities or are there others
that need to be added in order for us to fulfill
(10) the mission and achieve our vision?””

(20) Report out and consensus

Return to your table to work and agree on

2. What are the things that need to be done in the
next year?
3. Are these the right measures of success? If
(10) not, what are your recommendations?

Report out and consensus

3:20 Board Governance

ƒ Using a Digital Board Room
ƒ Approving the Consent Agenda
ƒ Electing new Board member


Time Content/Process Logistics
3:35 Sustainability
On going communications:
ƒ With each other
ƒ From the President
ƒ Next steps, i.e., next board meeting is
September 15th

3:50 Closing Remarks

Chairman of the Board and President
ƒ What happens after today?
ƒ How are you feeling about the day?

3:55 Evaluations and Close Handout

1. What did you want from the day? Purpose –– to give participants an
2. What did you get? opportunity to reflect and comment
3. How confident are you that the work we did on the process and outcomes of the
today will move forward in day’’s work.
meaningful ways?

not confident extremely
4. Why did you mark it where you did?

4:00 PM Stay to Read Evaluations Purpose –– to review the day from the
perspective of the participants
Chairman, President and facilitators stay and read


““High Tech Company””
United Kingdom Meeting: Global Conference
First Annual Senior Leadership Meeting
July, 1999

The Situation And Convening Issue:

Over the course of the past year HT organization had been struggling in a very competitive environment.
Its global business had slowed and margins were eroding at about a 25% rate, per quarter. The business
had been restructured and the new leadership team had been struggling to develop a strategic plan for a
worldwide amalgamation of businesses, none of which seemed to have much in common historically.

The leadership team, aided by an outside Strategic Planning organization, had finally come together to
develop the strategic intent of this partnership between groups and had begun to formulate a business
proposition that would require much greater integration and coordination across the groups in the
division. As the plan began to take shape, the consequences across the business and the implications for
how the leaders and their organizations would have to behave became clear. This new clarity caused the
leaders to look for a way to engage their top managers across the world in their work.

With the help on the Internal Human Resources VP and an internal OD consultant, the leadership team
had the idea of a large group meeting that would engage the top three levels of the organization. The
decision to hold the meeting outside the United States was intentional. The leadership team recognized


that to be more global as leaders and as an organization, they were going to have to overcome their US-
centric focus. The team invited leaders from around the world to England in July of 1999.

The convening business issue was to align the plans and the behaviors of the top of the organization, in
order to move quickly in implementing the new strategy. The underlying issue was: how do you get
people from different cultures and different businesses within the organization to put aside these
differences and pull together to create and deploy a world-beater plan?

Event Purpose And Role In The Overall Process Within The Organization

A Planning Team, comprised of eight managers from all components and three countries, and two non-
management employees, created the following purpose for this two-day meeting.

"To catapult ourselves into a cohesive leadership team, committed to a common strategy in
order to mobilize all of HT to dominate the data storage and information market
opportunity. (Just do it.)"

The intention behind this meeting was to bring together traditionally disparate, highly independent,
groups within the Division, in order to achieve the new synergies concerted effort makes possible. The
leaders had completed what they thought was a good first draft of the high-level strategy. They believed
that in order to create energy and momentum they needed to involve the rest of the top leaders in
translating that strategy into implications and initial actions.

As a result of the meeting (1) the leadership from around the world would agree on the high-level strategy
(or Strategic Intent); (2) everyone would understand and accept the implications for all concerned; and (3)
the group would approve plans to complete the strategy and implement it.

Results and Continuation Plan

Within one month several teams of managers and staff began translating the agreed upon Strategic Intent
into a real Strategic Plan. Other teams began to work on the implications (for technology, structure,
communications, etc.). The session mobilized people across the globe to work together and develop
integrated approaches to markets and customers.

Communication (““In order to mobilize all……””) was an important part of the meeting purpose created by
the planning team, spirited by the two non-management participants. At the leadership meeting,
managers identified communication strategies and key messages for key stakeholders. Immediately
following the leadership meeting, managers conducted interactive employee communication sessions,
utilizing video clips from the leadership meeting, to convey the energy, commitment, and key messages
about strategic direction. In addition, managers communicated key messages about their strategic
direction to customers, other company groups and outside partners.

The organization held a follow-up meeting approximately six months later to review progress resulting
from the plans and agreements people had made at the previous session. They had made significant
progress in positioning the organization for the future. As we go to print, tangible business results are not
yet available.


STRATEGY DEVELOPMENT IMPLEMENTATION ROADMAP (Whole-Scale¥ Change for Strategy Development)

Contract Relationship with ALIGNMENT EVENT
HERE Small Group Work
Leadership Alignment On
Identify Desired Business Results
Gather Data
Relationships, Roles and Î Research Possibilities
Identify Current Change Efforts, Responsibilities Alignment
Î Teams and Structures Event for Site Visits
and Consensus on Begin Communication with
Develop Project Plan for Change Planning
Mission/Vision/Values/ Organization
Effort Team
Identify Leadership Team Goals Select Event Planning
Î Prepare Draft Strategy Team

WORK ALIGNMENT EVENT Logistics Planning Event
(Optional) Í Critical Mass Facility Planning
One or more special purpose DxVxF>R Invitations Team
(if needed) Í
large scale events and
MCG Speakers
associated small group work
may be required for specific
Input on Strategy Logistics Team
needs such as work design Action Planning Finalize Design Í
(See Work Design

Leadership Work Review Commitments Small Group and
Small Group Work Create new structures E.
P. Assess Progress Leadership Work
Document Event Monitor Progress
T. Learn from What Has Happened Continuous Monitoring,
Feedback to System Provide Resources
Model New Behaviors
Celebrate Success Communication and
Continuation Activities
Communicate with each Decide What Needs to Happen Improvement
Monitor/Report Progress Î Next
other and system
Metrics (Team/Org.)
kill b d
““A High Tech Company””
First Annual Senior Leadership Meeting
July, 1999

STAGING DAY –– Tuesday, July 1999

Time Content/Process Logistics

Purpose of Staging Day: Logistics Team is clear on roles &

ƒ To get everything set up and ready to go! goals, agenda flow, for the two
ƒ To make sure presenters are ready days
ƒ To ensure that the Planning Team & Leadership
Team & Facilitators are connected and ready to

Consulting team and internal
9:00 am Logistics Team Meets resources huddle
ƒ Have a list of logistics team
Paul, Sylvia, Nancy, Debbie, Kathy meet with members for everyone on the
Logistics Team to: team
ƒ Build the group as a team: Introduce people, ƒ Have a copy of agenda design
get clear on Logistics role and people’’s for each logistics team member
expectations of each other & HT Staff
ƒ Walk through the meeting agenda design to
understand the flow and identify key logistics


About Kathy, Nancy & Debbie & Logistics Team begin to
10:00am work to: Possible Logistics Roles:
ƒ Identify specific roles ƒ Audio system
ƒ Set up a Logistics ““command center”” ƒ Handouts
ƒ Make handouts for each place setting ƒ Microphone people (4)
ƒ Put in-basket on each table ƒ Laptop computer,
ƒ Set flipchart easels around periphery documentation
ƒ Set up ““registration table”” set up with name ƒ Climate Control
ƒ Lay out tags ƒ Breaks & Lunches
ƒ Set up and test microphones ƒ Speaker Assistant
ƒ Sort and label Day 1 and 2 handouts ƒ Flip Chart Notes Scribe
ƒ Make headers
ƒ Train microphone people on Open Forum
process and how to operate cordless, handheld
ƒ Train one person overall on working a/v system
Make the Open Forum Grid and post on podium


Time Content/Process Logistics

Check supplies
ƒ Two to three rolls of 1””
masking tape
ƒ 3x5 post-it notes: 1/2 pad for
each person
ƒ Crayons for voting
ƒ Dots for voting
ƒ Flair-type pen, if available, for
each person to write on post-it
notes –– otherwise, a pen or
pencil for each person

2:00 PM Paul and Sylvia Huddle with the HT Staff

ƒ Get acquainted
ƒ Review any presentations that they will do
ƒ Review any handouts, etc they will use.
ƒ Coach them and any others for the meeting

Meet as a Planning Team to:

ƒ Hear what’’s happening in the organization
ƒ Tweak anything we need to
ƒ Review everything and be ready

4:00 PM ƒ Tag up with anybody we need to (presenters, A Logistics supply kit is handy,
leadership team……) with things like
ƒ Three pairs of scissors,
ƒ Stapler & staples,
ƒ Paper clips,
ƒ Rubber bands,
ƒ Approximately 20 business-
size envelopes,
ƒ Scotch tape……

5:30 PM Adjourn & Get a Good Night’’s Sleep!!


““High Tech Company””
First Annual Senior Managers Meeting
July, 1999

Purpose: To catapult ourselves into a cohesive leadership team, committed to a common

strategy in order to mobilize all of ISG to dominate the data storage and information
market opportunity. (Just do it.)

Pre-meeting Reception and Dinner

Time Content/Process Logistics

3:30 PM Transportation from St. Pierre Hotel to Reception

4:00 PM Reception at Plant Site –– HT Room, Bldg. 2 ƒ Luggage Storage for

(90) those arriving late
from European cities

5:45 Transportation from Reception to Hotel

7:00 Drinks available at Hotel ––

Arrange dinner seating to
7:30 Dinner at Hotel encourage mixing:
Each table is a different
Before Dinner: number; each person
(10) Welcome by Division General Manger draws a number from a
ƒ Says thanks for coming bowl as they walk into
ƒ Looks forward to a very successful meeting the room
ƒ Hopes to look back at this meeting as the beginning of
a breakthrough era for HT Logistics, distribute a
ƒ Introduces HT Staff (call up to front) handout of morning pre-
ƒ Introduces new faces: Paul, Sylvia, and Kathy T. meeting activities and
from DTA and Mark L., from other consulting sign up sheets
company we are working with
ƒ Acknowledges business accomplishments –– great


Time Content/Process Logistics

(10) Welcome by Site General Manager, who:

ƒ Appreciates people being here
ƒ Appreciates the various cultures and
acknowledges that it’’s the first time meeting
here……for the purpose of truly putting
participants in a more global mindset!
ƒ Reminds people about Dave 's retirement
presentation by Robert during dinner

Logistics for tomorrow –– by Paul or Sylvia

ƒ Sign up for fun activities during dinner
ƒ Have Debby discuss activities

8:00 PM Adjourn to dinner and rest of the evening


““High Tech Company””
First Annual Senior Leadership Meeting
July, 1999

Purpose: To catapult ourselves into a cohesive leadership team, committed to a common

strategy in order to mobilize all of HT to dominate the data storage and information
market opportunity. (Just do it.)

Wednesday, July 1999

Time Content/Process Logistics

7:00––9:00 am Breakfast available at Hotel ƒ Pre-reading

ƒ Catapult toys
ƒ Logo, T-shirts

8:00 am Beverages Available & General Milling Around Logistics:

ƒ Name tags with table
number on each for
max-mix seating
ƒ Handouts at each
place setting:
ƒ One-page Purpose &
ƒ Role of Facilitator,
Recorder, Reporter &
Rules of
ƒ Table Introductions
ƒ DVF model


Time Content/Process Logistics

9:00 am Welcome –– Division General Manager SWAT TEAM

ƒ Mike describes his hopes for this meeting Read out and
ƒ He shares his personal vision of this leadership group acknowledge list of
(FMT group) names
ƒ He explains the importance of being present and
participating fully in the meeting DESIGN TEAM
ƒ He also emphasizes the importance of commitment
and support of this leadership group to successfully Read out and
implement HT strategy acknowledge list of
ƒ He reframes the Group as an Information Storage and names
Management company
ƒ He points out that HT must be more than the sum of LOGISTICS TEAM
its divisions if it achieves the growth it is capable of
ƒ He introduce SWAT and Design teams and the Consists of six people
Logistics team from the US and UK.
ƒ He introduce the next speaker to provide the purpose Read out and
of this meeting acknowledge list of

9:10 am Purpose- HT Staff Member : Don Handout(s) with Purpose

(10) & Agenda
To catapult us into a cohesive leadership team, committed
to a common strategy in order to mobilize all of ISG to
dominate the data storage and information management
ƒ Catapult: we are not operating as a cohesive
leadership team now, and we will have to move very
quickly to re-conceive ourselves in this way if we are
going to meet the challenge –– the meeting is intended
to generate the thrust required to overcome the
traditional division-focused perspective that has
characterized HT's efforts in the past.
ƒ Cohesive leadership team: we work together across
divisions to create a force in the marketplace that is
greater than the sum of our individual divisional
efforts and that is based on a sense of shared purpose
and accountability


Time Content/Process Logistics

ƒ Committed: we are not looking for compliance here

ƒ but rather to a high level of belief in and focus on
a collective strategy that we all believe will allow
us to win in the marketplace
ƒ Mobilize all: we own the responsibility of getting
everyone in HT committed to and aligned with the
ƒ Dominate: we want to be the market leader in the
segments in which we choose to play
x Data storage and information management
opportunity: the whole enchilada

9:20 am Agenda & Logistics –– DTA Consultant

(10) ƒ Give background on DTA
ƒ Walk through agenda
ƒ Describe purpose of max-mix table seating (microcosm)
ƒ Talk about logistics –– facility, telephone norms, regular
breaks (manage your own needs), what else?

9:30 am Personal Introductions Note: They did not

(55) like the idea of
Activity Purpose: "Telling Our
Get to know each other; get data out (flip charts, handouts?) Stories"
where people are regarding the meeting, the meeting
purpose, strategy, group structure Vs division; Breaking the
ice; beginning to get out the ““D”” Logistics:
Assignment on
Remind people to ““Listen to see the world”” handout and in
(25) Table Assignment:
““Choose a Facilitator at your table to keep time.
Take two minutes to think about your answers to the
following questions and then each person take three minutes
to share your answers at your table:

ƒ Name, background, what you do

ƒ What’’s the word on the street about the strategy work?
Where are you personally?
ƒ What are your hopes, your fears about this meeting?
ƒ What’’s your reaction to the purpose of the meeting?
ƒ What are the outcomes of this meeting that would make
it worthwhile for you?


Time Content/Process Logistics

(10) Discuss and record on a flip chart what you heard at your
ƒ Common Themes Have four recorders up
ƒ Significant Differences front, each with an easel
ƒ Your table’’s outcomes for these two days”” to capture the call outs

(15) Do a room-wide call out of common themes, significant

differences and each table’’s desired outcomes Handout of DVF is in
(5) Walk through D x V x F > R model as a framework for two

10:25 am Break Call out outcomes typed

(15) and ready to give back at

10:40 am Building a Strategic Database Logistics: VIDEO

Activity Purpose: To determine what tells the
organization to think bigger and to create the
compelling future opportunity the organization needs——
what the competition is doing, where storage is going:
Framing: Link to purpose and overview process of first
presenter who will ““hit key points”” and then allow time
for tables to generate questions to probe deeper.
Caution participants to listen to see the world this
presenter sees.
Introduce Speaker: ““Gill R.”” Gill R. needs bio of the
Presentation presenter
One Presenter @ 30 minutes
ƒ Noted International Author (““The Digital Estate”” &
““Net Future””)

(25) Questions from tables Two hand-held mikes

(Last five minutes for burning unasked questions.)


Time Content/Process Logistics

11:55 AM Lunch

Outside Activity: Choose from a variety Handout that tells where

For example: people should go to
-Swimming -Golf -Chepstow Town participate in what they
Shopping signed up for.
-Tinturn Abbey - Tethered Balloon Ride -

1:55 PM Building a Strategic Database II Logistics, Need a

(90) breakout area for
Activity Purpose: To continue to see what tells the each station.
organization to think bigger. To go on a learning journey
to listen to the thinking underlying the strategy.
Framing: Link to purpose to continue to build database and Internal
describe whole process of stations and then table Consultants work
(55) discussions. with presenters for
““Expanding our Views”” Assignment: presentations, wall
displays, and
HT Staff: ““L, G, and R”” handouts
ƒ Provide three ““stations," with two people as ““station
master”” at each station to present data.
ƒ Pair SWAT Team member and HT Staff member at One-page handout
each station. (Coach presenters: don’’t soft-pedal; hit of data from each
them in the head with the data) station, stapled
ƒ Post one staff member at each station to discuss and together. Cover
answer questions on how the data affected him or her. page lists each
SWAT team member will provide the data; Staff person station & its
should focus on the impact on his or her thinking. location
ƒ Allow 16 minutes at each station——10 minutes to
present; six minutes for Q&A
ƒ Run three rounds so each person visits each station (two
minutes between rounds to move)
ƒ Provide handout of data from each station

After visiting each station, return to original table seating

for discussion.””
A. Marketing size / Customer needs
- Mark W., Mark W. and Larry M.
B. Competitive Landscape
- Chin-Teik S., Tracey S., and Gil M.
C. Trends in Industry


- Rich E., Rick W., and Robert
Time Content/Process Logistics

Table Discussions (back in Max-Mix Seating) Handout of

Activity Purpose: assignment in in-
To relate all you’’ve heard this morning and just now to basket when
what it could mean for you as individuals, as divisions, and participants return
as a group; opportunity to translate what you’’ve heard into from the gallery
implications for you, for us; still working on ““D”” –– walk
dissatisfaction with status quo; be ready to listen to the

(25) Table Assignment:

ƒ ““Select a facilitator, and recorder.
ƒ What did you hear this morning and just now that really
struck you? What did you learn?
ƒ What opportunities/threats do you see for HT?
ƒ What do you think we have to do to take advantage of
the opportunities? to address the threats?
ƒ Select a reporter for room wide call outs.
Have hand-held
(5) Call outs: ““Who has something in, something unique, microphones
important point?”” available

3:25 Break VIDEO Ready


3:40 The ISG Strategy: Presentation, Questions & Answers Handouts.

(5) Framing: Listening to understand their thinking and the
content. (On barstools towards the audience in this order:
Gil, Jack, Robert, Mike, Jerry, Larry and Mark. The rest of Time keeping is
staff will be up front in chairs) key!

(15) HT Staff personal statements: Two Staff members

@ three to four minutes each) Each will say:
ƒ How he or she personally got to this point of Logistics:
believing the organization needs an overall strategy: Mike has two
¾ Where he or she was at the beginning of the strategy handouts and two
process (Monterey) slides
¾ Key insights and realizations in the process and how
these have affected his or her thinking about what
an HT strategy could be
¾ Where he or she is now and why an HT strategy is
critical (burning platform)


Time Content/Process Logistics

Presentations by HT Staff (No slides):

(40) ƒ Describe the process the organization has used, perhaps
going as far back as Monterey. Describe the Monitor
process in more detail. (R.)
(5) ƒ Describe the strategy that was agreed on, its connection
to the data presented at the ““stations,”” and the thinking
that led to the strategy choice. (M.M.)
(30) ƒ What does the strategy mean in terms of what we will
do and what we would not do? (M.)
(5) ƒ What is compelling/exciting about this strategy? (J.)

(15) Table Discussion: Handout

ƒ ““What did we hear? Tell them that the
ƒ What are our reactions? entire HT Staff will be
ƒ What questions of understanding do we want to on panel to receive
ask?……of whom? questions
Choose a facilitator, recorder, and question-asker””.

(40) Q&A with Panel of ISG Staff: ““Mike, 4 Div GM’’s, Microphones
Robert and Mark”” available
Put the rest of staff up front in chairs
(Last five minutes for burning unasked questions.) Seven Barstools
Six Chairs up front -
(10) T-shirt presentation (Tara & Ben) facing front

5:45 First Impressions Max-mix tables

Activity Purpose: To help participants process the strategy in
order to move forward. To begin to see the opportunities. To Road to
build commitment to this strategy, that it makes sense and Commitment
gets the organization headed in the right direction. Model
Framing: The road to commitment begins with
understanding. As you look at the road to commitment, where
are you? Handout of the
(35) assignment on cue
Table Discussion:
““Each person take a few minutes to think about:
ƒ What’’s exciting about this strategy?
ƒ What scares me about it?
ƒ What opportunities, possibilities does it give us?
Then discuss as a table.””
Room-wide call-outs, where are we?


6:40 PM Evaluation Handout of Evaluation
ƒ How did today go for you? on cue
ƒ Given what you’’ve heard today, how strong is your belief
that ISG can win with this strategy? (mark the scale)
Not a chance Still need We can
convincing do it !

ƒ Why did you mark it the way you did?

ƒ Advice for tomorrow?

6:30 Adjourn

6:45-7:45 Design Team and Staff stay to read evaluations and tweak
tomorrow’’s agenda as indicated.

7:30 PM Bus leaves for Dinner

8:00-11:00 Dinner/Evening Activity

PM Medieval feast/castle.
No jeans


Thursday July, 1999


8:30 AM Feedback on Evaluations/Agenda Sit at original Max

(15) Mix Tables
Activity Purpose: Everyone owning the meeting purpose and
process and results of the agenda

ƒ Give brief recap of evaluation results

ƒ Review agenda for Day 2 including any changes made
over night

8:45 Implications of the ISG Strategy for the ISG Group Bins:
(50) A. Critical HT
(05) Activity Purpose: To demonstrate commitment by thinking relationships
through implications to make this strategy happen. within the
Present and explain bin topics. -Nine max-mix tables B. Capabilities and
volunteer for topics. organizational
(45) alternatives:
Assignment: organization’’s
““For the topic that your table is assigned ability to do
1. Brainstorm and record on a flip chart certain things and
What do we need to possible
Keep? structures to
Drop? realize these
Create? things
2. Clarify the meaning of each brainstorm item C. What does
3. Choose recommendations on each category: keep, drop, leadership look
create like?
4. Prepare a self- explanatory flipchart of these (Leadership team ––
recommendations of what to keep, drop and create those in this room.)
5. Choose a reporter who will describe your table’’s work to D. Beliefs - norms,
the breakout group when we return from Break. This values, attitudes,
person will also stay and work with the breakout. assumptions,
6. Post your work.”” operating
E. Business models
(How we earn
F. Partnerships/
G. Go to market
strategies –– How
we reach
H. Key business and


business support
processes ––
(defined set)
I. Metrics, Rewards,

Logistics: Handout of
bins with table
After they do the
work, collect the
work of the
Leadership Team
Type their work and
make copies to hand
out to everyone over

9:35 Break Assignment: –– ““Roam and read the work on all

(25) ‘‘bins’’ to decide which bin topic you want to work on after
Break. (Do not sign up for leadership bin)””

10:00 Group-Wide Planning

(135) Logistics: Hand out
(05) Activity Purpose: ““Activity Maps”” and
To bring together people with an interest in each topic to assignment with
identify and plan the actions needed to move the strategy breakout locations on
forward, addressing the key issues in each topic area. reverse.

Added framing: Decide how to handle the three boxes in the

strategy. In the end, pick the two or three key actions that
your group believes must be taken quickly, coming out of this

(10) Individuals decide which Bin-group they will work in.
Move to Bin breakout areas.
At the Bin breakout area, Bin representative briefs everyone
on the recommendations. (Do not do ““Leadership”” bin)

Breakout work Logistics: Put post-

(75) ””Assignment it note pads in in-
ƒ Pick a facilitator, recorder, reporter boxes——One half
ƒ Agree what the organization needs to drop, and what it pad per person.
needs to create Put clean flip chart
ƒ For each ““Dropped”” item, list the major actions that need page next under Bin


to happen to drop the item headers.
ƒ Separate these actions into those that need to happen over
the next six months and those that need to happen longer
ƒ For those that need to happen over the next six months
develop a plan using the following format:

Name of

““Dropped”” Who takes Who needs to Action By

the lead be involved Item when

For each ““Create”” item, list the major actions that need to
happen to create the item.
ƒ Separate these actions into those that need to happen
over the next six months and those that need to happen
longer term.
ƒ For those that need to happen over the next six months
develop a plan using the following format:
““Create”” Who takes Who needs Action By
the lead to be Item when

ƒ Post your work under the appropriate Bin header

ƒ Identify someone in your group to stay and answer

(30) After all groups have posted their work, grab a post-it note
pad and circulates. Read the work and give ideas and
acknowledgments. Focus on the two or three other
implications that you are most concerned about. Stick post-
it notes on the black flip chart page next to the group’’s

(15) ““Sub groups now re-huddle and look at the feedback and
then decide what are the two three key next steps your
group recommends the organization take coming out of this



12:15 Lunch Logistics:

(60) Put handout of the
Leadership Team
work form the
morning into the In
1:15 PM Leadership Team Role
(105) Return to max-mix
(10) Report from the table that worked on the Leadership Team Seating
Bin in the morning. Activity Purpose:
Clear about role and
(40) Assignment: ready to lead
““Each max mix table discuss and answer: implementation
ƒ What does this organization need to start doing, stop
doing, and keep doing as a team to effectively lead the
implementation of the HT Strategy?
ƒ What is our role as individuals leading the
implementation of the HT Strategy?
ƒ What do we need the HT Staff to do to help lead the Handout assignment
implementation of the HT Strategy?””

(10) Each table identifies three key points that they think are
most important for strategic leadership. Collect and
combine where appropriate

(20) ““Post, read and vote on the answers. Use three green and
three red dots max for each question.
Green dot –– We have to do this
Red dot –– I cannot support this idea”” .

Tabulate votes; report the items that got the most green Give each person
dots. Use these as a starting point to work to consensus of nine green dots
the whole. and nine red dots
Ask for any disagreement with items receiving most votes.
Work to consensus of the whole on each question.
(20) Consensus means people can at least say, ““I 70% agree
with the intention and am 100% committed to supporting

End with closing comments from Mike on what the

(5) organization has agreed to. He should:
ƒ Summarize the agreements
ƒ Hold the group——and himself--accountable for
following through on them


3:00 PM Break Handout –– put in box
(15) at break

3:15 PM Next Steps –– HT Staff Member

Activity Purpose: To sustain people’’s commitment to the
strategy and belief that this meeting will result in action;
and to demonstrate HT Staff’’s commitment to implementing
this strategy.

ƒ Clear set of next steps to move this strategy forward;
and what’’s the structure to implement this strategy
(content / process).
ƒ HT's thinking to move fast. Commit to when the
organization is going to have a transition plan

Larry –– Describe next steps with handout

Mike –– Make a brief comment about the organization’’s
commitment to the effort

3:30 PM Communications Recorders up-front.

Activity Purpose: Plan consistent communication; ensure Handout
stakeholders get the information they need (from a high
level, cross cutting standpoint).

(20) Table Discussion:

““What are the key messages that the organization needs to
communicate to each of the following groups about the HT
Strategy and the work this group has done here:
ƒ HT employees?
ƒ Customers?
ƒ Other company x groups / or outside partners?””

(25) Call out: Choose one table for each group and ask if there
is any additional input?

Make sure everyone agrees who from the room will

communicate these key messages company-wide and back
home in Divisions.


4:15 PM Wrap-up: Mike
ƒ Offer thank you’’s to everyone: Logistics Team,
Event Planning Team, SWAT Team, participants

4:25 PM Evaluation Hand out evaluations

ƒ ““What were the most significant outcomes of this on cue
meeting for you?

ƒ On a scale from 1-10, what are the chances that HT will

successfully implement its strategy? (Mark the scale)

Not a Snowball’’s Nothing can

chance anything stop us!!!!! Logistics team
will change collect the
1 —— 2 ——3 -- 4 —— 5 —— 6 —— 7 —— 8 ——-9 —— 10 evaluations as people
leave the room
ƒ Why did you mark it where you did?

ƒ Any other comments?””

4:35 PM Adjourn Late Tea (box food)

Design Team and HT Staff stay to read evaluations available for
people as they


Manufacturing Company A, Inc.
Growing a Culture while Growing a Company

Situation and Convening Issue

Manufacturing Company A came into existence in early 1994 after investors purchased the Original
Corporation in mid-1993. In late 1994, the CEO became the formal leader of the ““foundation””
company of two locations——at which 400 colleagues produced S83 million of structural metal
stampings for the automotive industry.

Manufacturing Company A’’s strategy was to grow by balancing internal and external growth.
Management expected new programs awards to provide a growth rate of between 10-15% per year.
They expected a similar growth to occur as they acquired other companies, thus bringing new
products, processes, and customers to the organization. By mid 1998, after Manufacturing
Company A had acquired six additional companies, sales were in excess of $ 1.75 billion. Almost
9000 colleagues worked at 32 locations. The stock, priced at $11.50 per share in the initial IPO in
1995, was over $52.00 per share in early June 1999. Fortune Magazine cited the company as one
of that year’’s 50 fastest growing companies in the United States.

The overall approach to integrating new acquisitions into Manufacturing Company A was as
quickly as possible to bring as many people as possible in the ““new”” organization into alignment
with its strategic plan and culture. The company president used the Whole-Scale process to help
develop the company’’s strategy and values and to align the new acquisitions around that strategy
and those values. In 1994, the organization held four large-group events, the first, two days long
and the others each one day. The purpose of the first event was to begin to develop the company
strategy and culture. At the end of those four events, about sixty leaders in the company had come
to consensus on the company Mission, Vision, Values, and three-year Goals and had developed and
implemented a short-term transition plan.

Beginning in 1995 and ending in 1998, the company held one-day ““reunions”” about every six
months. Each reunion included up to 300 salaried and hourly colleagues from across the company.
The purpose of these was to strengthen the culture and to align more colleagues around the strategy.
In each year these sessions were used to deepen the knowledge, understanding and practice of a key
part of the culture, for example, in 1995 Empowerment; in 1996 Leadership; and in 1997

In 1997, the leaders realized that the company had grown too big for the reunions to have the
impact needed to continue the fast track of culture building and strategy alignment. They needed a
different approach. Management believed that a key to the organization’’s success was the fact that
it was a values-based company. Thus, in the fall of 1997 all business unit leaders, mentors and the
leadership team met to begin a whole-system change effort to build commitment throughout the
organization to being a values-based company. Another session followed in February 1998,that
brought together 225 participants——including the same leadership group plus all of the business unit
leadership teams. The purpose of this session was to speed the move to values-based leadership


throughout the organization. Each business unit leadership team, mentor and the leadership team
left the session with immediate action steps and a process for implementing values-based leadership
at a faster pace.

A great part of the success of these sessions has been the work of design teams. Each design team
session includes both hourly and salaried representatives from each location. The design team met
for two one-day sessions: the first about two weeks prior to the actual Whole-Scale event, and then
another one week before the event. The result has been lively, Whole-Scale sessions with creative
designs in which the design team has ownership.

In late May 1998, the design team from the February event met and discussed the progress that they
had seen in the business units since the February session. Energy and enthusiasm for the continued
implementation of values-based leadership was very high, and each business unit represented on the
design team was actively working to affect the culture in the unit.

Another important ingredient of the fast-track change seen by Manufacturing Company A has been
the continued development of the leadership team, the executive level leaders of the corporation. In
addition to monthly meetings and weekly telephone conferences, the team has held at least two
retreats each year in which team members take a candid look at their performance, especially as
leaders of the culture in the organization.

Many of the business units have used Whole-Scale events as part of their leadership processes. In
1995-96, one business unit held several Whole-Scale meetings to develop its strategy and use that
strategy to drive the annual budget. Throughout 1997 business units held one-day strategic
planning sessions to set direction for their unit. Beginning in 1998, business units began using
large-group events as part of their approach to implementing values-based leadership.

In addition, the company has used large-group meetings for a variety of issues that require
organization-wide thinking or action; for example, launching new organization-wide processes,
such as the Manufacturing Company’’s production system. Through a series of large-group
meetings, all colleagues in the organization were able to gain working knowledge and
understanding of the Manufacturing Company’’s Vision, Mission, Values and Goals within one

As the organization grew, the number of leaders grew as well, and it became clear that many of
them needed to expand their thinking outside their business units. In 1998, the Manufacturing
Company began to hold quarterly ““Strategic Thinking”” sessions for all of the approximately 80 top
leaders in the organization. These sessions formed a forum for members of this group to get a
better understanding of issues that affect the strategy of the organization, hear each other’’s thinking
on short and long term strategic plans and get to know one another better. The thinking and ideas
discussed in these sessions have helped strengthen and broaden the business plans of the individual

The large-group approach worked well as the format of strategic planning meetings of the Board of
Trustees in 1998 and 1999. A typical comment of the Board members about this approach was


““This was a much more interactive type of meeting than we are used to having, and we got a lot

In summary, the Whole-Scale approach has been a key component of the processes Manufacturing
Company A has used to keep the company on a fast track of growth and prosperity.


The three event designs included cover the Leadership Team alignment and an initial launch event for the new organization.


Scoping LEADERSHIP TEAM Small Group

Analyze stakeholder needs
(customers, community, Event
stockholders) Select criteria for leadership team Chartering Teams
Create relations with leadership Create shared mission, vision, Data Gathering and Analysis
team(s) values (honoring each others’’ Crafting Draft of Implementation
Identify infrastructures needed to strengths) initiatives
Î sustain effort (transition team, Define relationships, roles and Capacity Building, Customer Focus
etc.)--support responsibilities of leaders Communications, Process
Plan Architecture for Change Begin to define behaviors that Understanding
Develop the project plan define new culture Technology, HR Assessment
First draft communication plan
Î Ask, ““How will we behave in ways Financial, Info Systems
that reflect the new culture?”” Select Event PlanningTeam
Continuation Thinking
Small Group Work
(if needed) LAUNCH EVENT Event
(Optional) Arrange Facility
Craft and implement short-term
Hold one or more special Prepare Invitations
purpose whole-scale™™ initiatives Invite Speakers Team
events and associated small
Í Craft long-term strategy Choose Logistics Team
group work if required for Begin to define the new culture Finalize Design
specific needs such as work
and organizational design. Í Í
Review Commitments
Leadership Work Event Assess Progress Leadership Work
Small Group Work Create new structures Planning Continuously Monitor,
Learn from What Has Happened
Document Event Monitor Progress Team Communicate and
Celebrate Success
Give Feedback to System Provide Resources Improve
Decide What Needs to Happen
Plan Continuation Activities Model New Behaviors Next
Monitor/Report Progress Communicate with each Metrics (Team/Org.)
other and system Î Skill-based Pay
Supervisory Issues ÎÎÎÎ


Event Purpose

The event outlined here was the first of four held in the first year of the company’’s
existence. This first session was a two-day event made up of the leaders of the first two
companies coming together to form Manufacturing Company A. The meeting had the
following purpose:

To build relationships and start developing our long-term business strategy.

The main work products of this session were a draft of the company’’s Mission, Vision,
Values and Goals and four topics that the group believed were key to the transition of the
two companies. Between the first and second sessions, small groups continued to develop
the drafts of these parts of the company’’s strategy. The purpose of the second session was

To continue the strategic planning process by assessing our progress

and completing our Mission, Vision, Values and Goals.

Between the second and third meeting, Manufacturing Company had acquired a third
company. Members of the leadership of the third company quickly became involved in
working on transition topics and company strategy. About 60 participants attended the third
session, which had the following purpose

To continue to integrate our three companies and to launch business planning at the
business units that complements the strategy that we have developed together

At the conclusion of these three events. the Manufacturing Company was ready to launch its
new strategy with organizational alignment sessions.


Manufacturing Organization
Setting Strategy: Session 1
April 21-22, 1994

Purpose: To build relationships and start developing our long-term business



8:00 AM Room Setup/Staging ƒ Four Max-mix tables of

ƒ Easels at each table with
masking tape and markers.
ƒ Name tags with table
ƒ Coffee and continental
breakfast set up.

8:15 AM Continental Breakfast

9:00 AM Welcome CEO

The CEO explains the following:
(10) ƒ Why this organization is having this meeting
ƒ That this is the continuation of a process
ƒ The work that has led up to this meeting
ƒ How participants were chosen to be in this
ƒ What he hopes the organization can get out of
this meeting

The CEO introduces Roland ROLAND

9:10 Purpose, Agenda, Logistics Handout Purpose, Agenda




9:20 Table Introductions

(55) (25) ““Each person take three minutes to think about Assignment on handout
answers to these questions:
ƒ Name, location, major responsibilities Explain max-mix seating
ƒ How long with Initial Organization 1 or
Organization 2? ““Listen to see the world
ƒ What excites me about the future of through each others’’ eyes””
Manufacturing Organization?
ƒ What scares me about the future of
Manufacturing Organization?
ƒ What do I need to get from this meeting to
(10) make it worthwhile?

Select a facilitator to keep time

Each person gets a maximum of three minutes to
‘‘tell your story’’ using these questions.””

Have each table summarize:

A. Common Themes DQG6LJQLILFDQW'ifferences
B. Specific outcomes from this meeting
Report outs from tables

10:15 Break



10:30 Stakeholder Analysis I CHAIRMAN

(80) (35)
Ask the Chairman to take 30 minutes maximum to
address the following questions:

ƒ What is the main reason that you wanted to

establish the "Platform" for Manufacturing
ƒ What are your long-term goals for
Manufacturing Organization?
ƒ What do you expect from Manufacturing
Organization over the next two years?
ƒ What do you believe are the key challenges
and opportunities for Manufacturing

Open Forum
(15) Tables take 15 minutes to discuss the following

ƒ What did we hear?

(30) ƒ What are our reactions?
ƒ What are our questions of understanding?


11:40 Lunch



12:25 Stakeholder Analysis : CUSTOMERS 1, 2, & 3

(80) (35)
Ask each speaker to give at most a 10-minute Manufacturing
presentation, using the following questions as a Organization wants this
guide: process of integrating
Organization 2 into
ƒ What are the major challenges facing your Manufacturing
company over the next two-three years? Organization to be
ƒ How is your company planning to meet those ““seamless”” to the
challenges? customer.
ƒ What do you expect from Manufacturing
Organization as one of your suppliers? Note that the customers
ƒ What do you need from Manufacturing are speaking at separate
Organization in this transition of integrating times because the
Organization 2? Manufacturing
Organization was afraid
Open Forum that if the customers were
(15) Tables discuss the following questions: together they would not
tell the truth.
ƒ What did we hear?
ƒ What are our reactions? The tables have an open
ƒ What are our questions of understanding? forum after each speaker; and
(30) one Q & A session after all
Q&A the speakers have finished.



4:05 View from CEO's Bridge CEO

(85) (20)
Have the CEO use 20 minutes maximum to address
the following questions:

ƒ Why did you take this job?

ƒ What excites you and what scares you about
ƒ What are your long-term goals for
Manufacturing Organization?
ƒ What do you expect from Manufacturing
Organization over the next two years?
ƒ What do you believe are the key challenges
and opportunities for Manufacturing

Open Forum
(15) Tables take 15 minutes to discuss the following

ƒ What did we hear?

(40) ƒ What are our reactions?
ƒ What are our questions of understanding?


5:25 PM Evaluation

5:30 PM Dinner

6:30 PM Celebrating Diversity –– Myers Briggs

Personality Types

8:00 PM Adjourn



7:30 AM Continental Breakfast

8:00 AM Feedback On Evaluations, Agenda


8:10 Looking at Where We Are: Part I

(15) Framing: Combining the Mission,
Strategic Planning Model Vision and Values from the
Working definition of Mission, Vision and Values. two organizations
Handout at the break.
(55) Have each table read the Mission, Vision, and
Values for the two organizations. For each, list : ƒ Original company’’s
Mission, Vision, Values
ƒ Similarities ƒ Organization 2’’s Mission,
ƒ Differences Vision, Values
ƒ Strategic Planning Model
Post and Read Assignment
(45) ““Using the data that you have generated and what
you believe, draft the Mission, Vision, Values for
the Manufacturing Organization. Post these, and
then spend some time reading what others have

Working as a whole group, develop a draft, if

possible, for each of the Mission, Vision, Values.
Identify issues in each that a subgroup made up of
representatives from each of the two organizations
can address. This group will meet outside this
meeting and address the issues and prepare a draft
for review at the first ““Reunion.””

10:15 Break


10:30 Looking at Where We Are: Part II
(5) Framing: You need to identify the key transition
issues that the organization needs to address over
the next three to six months. A key issue is an
opportunity that you have or an issue that you
must address to make this a smooth transition.

(20) Assignment

(20) ƒ ““Each table brainstorm all of the key issues

(20) that you can think of.
ƒ Choose the five most important from that list.
ƒ Post your five for everyone to read
ƒ Each table leave one person behind to answer
questions about any of the issues on the list.
ƒ Everyone gets five votes –– two * - ““if we don’’t
do this we will fail””; - and three 3’’s –– ““these
are very important as well.””
ƒ Tabulate the votes
ƒ The CEO and his key staff will make the final
decisions over lunch.””

11:45 Lunch

12:45 PM Drafting Strategic Goals Everyone gets one-half packet

(45) (5) of 3x5 inch post-it notes and a
ƒ Revisit the Strategic Planning Model. black felt tip pen.
Emphasize the definition of goals.
ƒ Describe ““preferred futuring,”” where it
(20) originated and why it is useful to develop

It is two years from today and you are pleased and
proud of how well Manufacturing Organization is
performing. What do you see that makes this so?

ƒ Each person write one idea per post-it note.

ƒ Write as many ideas as you can –– be specific.
‘‘Satisfied customers’’ is too vague.


ƒ ‘‘Customers tell us that we are easier to do
business with than ever,’’ is more specific and
ƒ Post these on a flip chart sheet. Logistics walk around and
ƒ Each table take a page of flip chart paper with pick up the post-its and stick
the post-its on it. them on flip chart sheets.
ƒ Sort the notes into three to five themes.
ƒ For each theme write a draft goal statement.
ƒ Each table read their draft goal statements.
ƒ Identify those that are common themes.
A subgroup will work on these after this
3:00 Break Post sign-up sheets, one for
(15) each work group area.
On the way to the break, participants need to sign
up for one of the work groups for the following:
ƒ Mission, Vision, Values
ƒ Transition topics:
ƒ Goals

3:15 Back Home Planning Handout assignment

““Re-form into working groups.
In your group discuss:

ƒ What have we learned here that impacts our

ƒ What are we going to do differently to take
advantage of what we have learned?
ƒ What do we need to communicate to whom
about what we have done here?


3:40 Next Steps CEO
The CEO leads the group to determine next steps,
helping them discuss the following question:
““What are we going to do to continue the work
that we have started on the Strategy and the
Transition Issues””

Participants and CEO decide that:

ƒ Teams will meet

ƒ The organization will have a "Reunion of this
group" on June 3 to continue the work the
group has started here.

3:55 Evaluation Evaluation Handout


4:00 PM Adjourn


A Training and Education Organization in the U.S. Government
Designing the New Organization

Situation and Convening Issue:

In 1997, an agency of the U.S. Government asked its Office of Training and Education
(OTE) to move to a Working Capital Fund operation. This meant that essentially the
Office would become a for-profit business, operating with the CIA as its primary
customer and the intelligence community as a secondary set of customers. The move to
this new form of organization required new budgets, marketing plans, a real
understanding of the customer's needs and a complete business plan to be submitted to
and approved by the appropriate Agency staff.

The internal change team made up of the senior leaders of OTE and an internal
consulting team charged with developing the business plan realized that the key to
success in this shift was the staff. Moving to a Working Capital Fund not only required a
different way of doing business, but demanded a transformation in the culture of this
office as well.

To be successful OTE had to (1) redesign many of its business processes; (2) engage with
and understand the customers' requirements (now and two to three years out); (3) change
the organization structure, many of the managerial jobs and most of the support
organization’’s roles and responsibilities; and (4) involve everyone in the decisions that
would transform the culture.

During October 1997 the internal change team devised their plan. The critical issues
were (1) getting middle management commitment; (2) engaging the entire staff; (3)
transitioning a new leader for the organization; and (4) making it all happen and be ready
to implement by the start of the new fiscal year.

The plan called for:

ƒ Concurrent work being done for the management system and the Working Capital
Fund Project Team
ƒ A series of Whole-Scale events (called WOW's for "Whole Office Workshops") and
small scale events
ƒ Task teams engaged in everything from interviewing customers to designing
processes developing marketing plans


The roadmap on page 254 depicts the activities DTA engaged in with the client. You
will see a series of Management Off-Sites (prior to each Whole Office Workshop), the
four WOW's themselves and the interim task teamwork that contributed to the larger
events. This chapter describes the WOW #3, the meeting in which the whole office


chose the new organization design to take into the Working Capital system. WOW #3
followed WOW #2 in which the entire office determined the qualities and attributes they
would like to see in the new organization, and the Management system off-site, where all
of the managers (approximately 60) met to develop the structural options the whole
system would choose from.

Immediately following this session, the next level of organization design (what we called
Mezzo Design) began. Mezzo Design took the high level template agreed to in WOW #3
and determined the next levels of specificity (e.g., roles and responsibilities, hierarchy;
integrating and coordinating mechanisms across the new groups, etc.).

Event Purpose and its role in the overall process

WOW #3's purpose was to " embrace a new organizational model with a shared
commitment to make it happen!" This two-day meeting involved the entire workforce in
selecting, from the three options created by managers, the new organization framework.
The work force also incorporated ideas from the other two models into the final. Over
the course of two days 350 people from across the organization reached consensus on the
new model and put in place plans to make it happen in the next four months!

This meeting was pivotal in several respects. First, those who wished to maintain the old
way of doing things lobbied for the model most like today. Second, customers and
leaders were concerned that the model chosen would not meet the longer-term needs of
the Agency. Finally, many believed that the Director really had the answer
predetermined and that in the end, he would not accept their choice. Ultimately 350
people choose the most forward thinking, customer aligned and creative solution from
among the three choices available to them. People were able, with a common database
about personal needs, customer needs and the longer term direction of the Agency, to
select the least selfish and most enlightened solution.

Being apart of this, and seeing everyone come together for the greater good of the Office,
provided the fuel to really propel everyone forward.

Brief Results and Continuation Plans

The most significant results were the following:

ƒ Significantly reduced levels of management and manager to staffing ratio.

ƒ The creation of two new organizations, positioned to better align with customers
ƒ Increased freedom on the part of staff to band together to market and provide services
to the customer
ƒ The introduction of a sophisticated knowledge management system to provide real-
time customer, business and office information to every staff member


The organization continues to use Whole-Scale processes as a way of working together.
They engage microcosms to continue to refine roles and tasks. The organization has
designed and facilitated its own reunion involving the whole office.


Whole-Scale™™ Work Design: Designing an Organization to Align with Customers’’ Missions……

Site Visits:
Nov 97 Nov 97
x HP
Corp Board Meets Mgt Offsite x PG&E
x Case for Change 50 Managers x Buckman
x Charter to Lead x Alignment Labs
Change x Prep for WOW

Task Teams
x Customer
x Process
x Marketing
x Metrics/Benchmarki

Mgt Offsite –– Design Micro
Apr 14 –– Teams
Draft Check
Creating: Design
Division- points &
-New Jul/Aug Reunions
organization level -Team Micro Design
Design: Kick-off
f k Roles
-Launch new org All


WOW #3
Designing the New Office
April 23 & 24

WOW #3 Purpose:

To embrace a new organizational model with a shared commitment to make it happen!


Day 1 –– April 23

8:00 AM Coffee Shop Open

8:30 AM Purpose & Agenda
Connecting at our Tables
Getting grounded in the Macro Design: Presentations & Open Forum
Possibility Panel: Presentations & Open Forum
Exploring 3 Models from the Macro Design
Pros & Cons
4:30 PM Close

Day 2 –– April 24

8:00 AM Coffee Shop Open

8:30 AM Feedback on Evaluations and Agenda for Today
Assessing & Enriching the Models
Agreeing on Our New Organizational Model
Taking Next Steps: Understanding the Work
Contributing to Next Steps
4:30 PM Close


WOW #3


Designing the New Office
April 23 & 24, 1998

STAGING DAY –– April 22


April 22 Staging Room in General

9:30AM 'til
finished Everything set up and ready to go! ƒ Max-mix seating--tables
of eight
Presenters ready ƒ Nametags on registration
table, each name tag with
Logistics Team - clear on roles & goals, agenda table # on it.
flow, for the day ƒ Microphones set up: four
cordless, hand-helds; one
at podium, two on panel
ƒ Up-front: Riser with
podium & panel table.
Open Forum Grid --on
ƒ One Flipchart easel
available for each table,
set up around periphery of
room to start the day.

On each table:

ƒ In-Basket
ƒ Open Forum Tent Cards
ƒ Marker pens



At each place setting:

ƒ One-page handout of
ƒ Summary of WOW #2
ƒ Customer Story with
graphic on cover
ƒ Characteristics of new
Office (WOW #1)

Other supplies:
ƒ masking tape 1””
4x6 post-it notes


WOW #3
Designing the New Office
April, 1998

WOW#3 Purpose:

To embrace a new organizational model with a shared commitment to make it happen!



8:00 AM Coffee Available Name tags with seating on

(30) table outside room.
Schmooze, have coffee
Participants pick up name tag with table number Seating mixture at each table:
on it ƒ Someone from macro
design meeting
ƒ Whole office
ƒ Rotationals out and in
sprinkled around
ƒ Communications Group
ƒ Champion Group

8:30 AM Opening Remarks: ERIC

Eric will give the purpose & expectations for these At each place setting:
two days. He will touch on the following
ideas: ƒ One-page handout of
ƒ Designing a new office is hard work purpose/agenda
ƒ The group is here to select the best choice & ƒ Summary of WOW #2
enhance it to make it work evaluations
ƒ Who’’s here? The voice of the customer; plus ƒ Customer Story with
one to two managers from the macro design graphic on cover
team at each table (they bring gifts, but nee to ƒ Characteristics of new
watch out——no lobbying, no control!) Office from December
ƒ There will be a Town Hall Monday morning WOW (WOW #1)
for those who can’’t attend to hear about the
work this group will do these two days.



Feedback summary of evaluations from WOW#2 –– JAN

Agenda & Logistics: FACILITATOR

x Describe the planning process for this meeting
and who was involved.
x Give the purpose & walk through the agenda
for today
x Describe logistics for the day (e.g., smoking,
restrooms, telephones, security……anything else
people need to know)

8:45AM Connecting at your Tables FACILITATOR

This group had done so many
At your table, each person take two minutes to getting connected and ““telling
introduce yourself and tell anything you want your our stories”” assignments that
table to know about you.”” the planning team told us to
leave it very loose this time

9:00 AM Getting Grounded: Presentation On tables, Twila’’s handouts:

(30) (05) ƒ One-page agenda from
Framing: Our assignment was to bring it down to macro-design
three alternatives and we made no decisions until ƒ Summary of advice to
we had the whole office managers

(10) Presentations:

Overview of Macro-Design work by management : TWILA

ƒ Big picture of five days
ƒ Process/some of the tasks
ƒ Key lessons about design the group took away
(20) ƒ 70% comfortable-100% committed/ decision

Products we ““produced””: ERIC & MANNY

Other handouts on cue when

Eric gets up to speak:
ƒ -What business we are in –– Eric ƒ What business are we in
ƒ -Values we share –– Eric (10 minutes) ƒ OTE Statements of Values

ƒ -Lines of Business - Manny ƒ Lines of Business



ƒ Criteria by which we judge the structure: how ƒ Criteria for Judging

we got them, how we used them Design Alternatives

Key messages: (Note: these handouts were

We don’’t want you to lock in on these - Manny put on Lotus Notes this week,
1. These do not presume that we will do these in- prior to workshop and
house provided as pre-reading for
2. We can’’t decide until we know what the people)
customer wants
3. These are fluid
4. Business drivers will cause change

Criteria we used

9:30 AM Open Forum

(45) Tables discuss the following questions: Three Open Forum Questions
(15) on Table-Tent on each table
ƒ What did you hear?
ƒ What are your reactions?
ƒ What questions of understanding & Open Forum Grid --on
clarification do you have? For whom? podium

Have each table choose a new facilitator, recorder

and reporter/question asker

Tell them all the presenters will be on the panel

for Q&A

(30) Q&A with presenters Three to four microphone

Save last 10-15 minutes, move to ““burning
questions”” Ask tables to put table #’’s
upright, visible for
microphone people

10:15 AM Break ƒ John greets presenters and

(15) brings them to
consultants’’ table to
ƒ Huddle w/model
presenters on who, where,


10:30 AM Panel of Possibilities: Presentations & Open Handout:
(30) Forum Perhaps a mini agenda for
ƒ Purpose: to get ideas, Handout of Site Visits
ƒ Process: Listen to all, then Q&A
ƒ Who: (timekeeping agreement) Summary story w/handout
ƒ The three models you’’re going to hear after
lunch incorporated many of the good ideas For each company:
you’’re going to hear right now. ƒ Background of company
ƒ Why changed
Presentations @ 6-10 minutes each: ƒ New model highlights
ƒ Outside Speaker: Dept of the Interior ƒ What they’’d do differently
ƒ Managerial Visits: ƒ Lessons for our
¾ Bruce K. (PG&E/HP) transformation, ideas
¾ Carol (Buckman Labs) applicable to us.
¾ Mike D. –– Procurement, Department of
Interior, heads a power unit that
essentially went out and found new
business w/50% market outside Dept of

11:00 AM Open Forum

(15) Tables discuss the following questions:

ƒ What did you hear?

ƒ What are your reactions?
ƒ What questions of understanding &
clarification do you have? ...For whom?

Tell them all the presenters will be on the panel

for Q&A

(45) Q&A with presenters Three to four microphone

Save last 10-15 minutes, move to ““burning ƒ Ask tables to put table #’’s
questions”” upright, visible for
microphone people;
ƒ Ask spokespersons to
stand to ask table’’s

NOON Lunch On your own




1:00 PM Exploring 3 Models from Macro Design Four tables go to model 1,

Station A; four tables go to
(5) Framing: model 1, Station B.
ƒ Stick to the big picture Participants get 35 minutes at
ƒ If you get stuck in the weeds, put your that station to hear the
questions on post-its highlights. (20 to hear the
ƒ The details are not a part of this; microdesign highlights, 15 to ask
comes next questions, document for
themselves their own pros &
(10) General Presentation to Whole Room: cons, and capture down-
““Before you go off to hear about each of the stream questions.)
models, to see how they are different and to learn
about the unique features of each, there is some JOAN & LISA
general information we want you to hear about
what they have in common.
ƒ Common Assumptions
ƒ Common Features
ƒ Process we’’re going to use now to hear about
the three

1:15 PM Walk-throughs of Three Models 3x5 card on each table listing

(10) Rounds
Walk-through the Process:
Header above each station,
ƒ Six stations around room for approximately 35 with model name
people at each each station (e.g., two stations
for each model). Pros & Cons Handout: One
¾ Customized Solutions Model sheet for each of the three
¾ Entrepreneurial Franchise Model models, titled for that model
¾ Knowledge Network Model
ƒ Four huddles of four tables; two huddles of Post-it notes at each station
three tables. for people to write
downstream questions on.



(130) At each model:

(20) Presentation on that model
(15) Participants ask questions of understanding;
note on sheet what they see as the pros &
cons of this model, put post-its on questions
for future implementation.

2:30 PM Build in a Break

Once completed, everyone
2:45 PM Round III goes back to their assigned
(35) table

3:25 PM Pros & Cons: On tables: complete packets

(60) of all three models
Table Assignment:
ƒ ““For each model, discuss your individual
reactions to the three models, pros and cons.
ƒ Then flipchart your tables’’ summary of the
pros and cons to each model.
ƒ Note that there are two people at each table
who were at the macro-design who can help
others to speak.
ƒ Roll & save their pro/con flipchart sheets
when they are finished.
ƒ Think about the models and what you wrote



4:25 PM Evaluation Handout on cue

ƒ With some enhancements from our table, I WOW 2 design team &
could be 70% comfortable and 100% Integration Team stay to read
committed to one of these options. Circle one evaluations

1 = Nothing could get me from here to there

3 = If the right one gets picked, I’’d still be okay
5 = With some changes I could live with any one
of these

Why did you mark it the way you did?

ƒ Given how the group worked together today,

what are the ground-rules that I think are
critical for our success tomorrow?

ƒ What needs to happen tomorrow in order for

you to leave feeling you accomplished your
Game Plan over Dinner.
4:30 PM Close




8:30 AM Summary of Evaluations & Agenda for Today

8:40 AM Assessing & Enriching the Models:

Purpose: Building acceptance for all three
(15) options

Eric roams among the tables with a microphone
(Donahue-style) and asks people what they
ƒ What about each model do you find attractive?
And why?
ƒ For each of you, which model represents
¾ Comfort?
¾ Challenge?

9:00 AM Table Assignment:

““Given your criteria and your assessment
yesterday afternoon, look at each model. Assume
that each of these models has been chosen as the
preferred model. Your job as a table is now to
look at each model and answer the following

What improvements would need to be

incorporated into this model to get everyone at our
table 70% comfortable, 100% committed to it?””



10:10 AM Agreeing on Our Organizational Model

Framing: Using the metaphor of ““platform”” for Put multiple voting sheets for
building a car), we are converging on the each model, spread them apart
““platform””--a platform on which to build the so people are not crowded,
chassis. and can get to the voting.

Framing Points:
ƒ There’’s been a lot of talk about ““voting””
(proxies, etc……) I want to disengage you from
voting and have you think about choosing –– a
platform to build on.
ƒ Both/and –– You can choose one platform and
add features from others
ƒ Think about it as the future. You can
transition; be where the hockey puck will be.
ƒ Go back to the criteria and look at the models.
(20) ¾ Takes you to future
¾ Meets criteria
¾ Is the most versatile to enhance

Voting Assignment

Break/Vote on One Model:

ƒ ““Now pick the model that in this moment is
the closest to the right answer with the least
amount of work.
ƒ Each person gets one green dot.
ƒ Put your green dot on the blank sheet of paper
next to the model you say is the right answer
in the moment.
ƒ Which in this moment is the closest to what
the right answer needs to be? This is the
model that is closest to a score. This is the
model about which you are thinking, ‘‘It may
take a little work, but I could see us doing
this.’’ "



10:30 AM Coming to Consensus:

(10) A number of people who
Is there a clear choice? Convergence? Tell the could not be there the second
room how the dots counted (including last night’’s day completed their voting
choosing) prior to leaving the night
ƒ Knowledge Network (Actual votes 77/7) before.
ƒ Customized Solutions (39/14)
ƒ Entrepreneurial (45/1)

Ask, Is there anyone who can’’t move forward?””

10:45 AM Enriching the Model: 4x6 Post-it notes for each

(30) table
““Now, at your table, go back to the model you’’ve
just chosen and look at all the improvements you
nominated earlier. Nominate the two to three key
improvements that you believe are essential to
your success in this new organizational model.
Write each nominated improvement on a separate

Note: we didn’’t do the following assignment since

we already had convergence, but it was an option
we planned for:
Tables pair-up to discuss and nominate two to
three improvements. Write each nominated
improvement on a separate post-it. Pick a
spokesperson for your table pair.

11:15 AM Affinity Diagram Improvements: Flipcharts up-front labeled

(30) ““Key Improvements”” with
Call outs eight inch left-hand margin for
ƒ Have one table calls out one improvement. voting
ƒ Ask, ““How many other tables had a similar
one?”” Logistics picks up all related
ƒ Repeat callout process until participants have post-its and puts on flipchart.
no more improvements to suggest.

Lunch & Voting on Improvements:

11:50 AM
(60) Each person gets one blue dot. Put the blue dot on
the improvement that is essential to incorporate
into our chosen framework.



1:00 PM Report out Big Vote Getters

1:10 PM Describe Next Steps to Finalize Model:
Six-member team (Three from original team who Self-select; then recruit
worked on this model, and three others) will work
this afternoon to incorporate recommended
improvements and report out to you at end of
today for your 70-100 check
1:20 PM Taking Next Steps: Understanding the Work ERIC AND BARRY
Eric: Says thank you to everyone who has been Teams
on teams to date. Brings closure to and thanks the ƒ Unit Design (three to four
old teams. teams)
ƒ HR
Barry: Describes the work that needs to happen ƒ Cost/Finance
between now and Memorial Day. Explains ƒ Internal Communications
mezzo-level work, micro, and implementation. ƒ External Communications
ƒ Marketing
Asks what the buckets of work are and how will ƒ Technology/ Knowledge
they coordinate and integrate? Mgt
ƒ Curriculum Development
Tell people that today they will self-select to work Process
on one of those teams to get them started. ƒ Product Development
Process (and that may be
Forming Work/teams: Eric (handout) a role in one of the
ƒ Select team leadership (why new and who) models)
ƒ Self-select into teams ƒ Integration Group (chair
ƒ Take team charters (given drafts) of each team) to resolve
cross-group issues,
Tells everyone, ““Be at all-hands Monday
morning.”” And do the Business Plan!

Handout of Team Charters



1:40 PM Contributing to Next Steps Identify Breakout areas/tables

(90) Team Headers posted at
Tell participants, ““Self-select to spend time today breakouts.
with the team you are most interested in.””

Describe the assignment. Be clear about signup Sign-up process for Teams
for team membership. Be clear about the fact that Date of first meeting for each
when people link up with a group today, that does team.
not assume automatic ““membership”” on the team.
Membership is scoped, today’’s work is short term
and tactical.
Team Assignment: Double Feature:
ƒ Review the charter The Model Finalization Team
ƒ Think the next 30 days. What’’s doable? meets to incorporate
ƒ Is the purpose clear? improvements and prepare
ƒ Are the deliverables understandable? Are they report out at end of day.
(30) ƒ What advice does this team need to help them
work better?

Report outs: Three minutes per team

Includes Finalization Team

3:10 PM Finalization Team Reports-Out

70/100 check point (get applause on)



3:25 PM Wrap-up Points: ERIC

(15) ƒ Uplifting
ƒ Nobody taking it lightly; everyone serious Thank you’’s:
ƒ Benevolence Give Eric list of logistics
ƒ Anxiety provoking people, including their
ƒ Thank them (good work these two days) organization
ƒ Nobody died in Lewis/Clark

3:45 PM Evaluation Handout on cue

(5) (same as at Macro design meeting)

Design Team, Change ManagementTeam, New
3:50 PM Integration Team members stay to read
evaluations and discuss next steps.



Situation/Convening Issue for Metro Police Department

The recently appointed Chief of the Metro Police Department brought together the
Command staff to build a common picture of the strategic direction of the department.
The new Chief was anxious to hear from his leadership team about the issues and
challenges they faced on a daily basis that impacted their ability to provide optimal
service to their community. It was important that each person felt safe enough to speak
his or her individual truth and give honest feedback without fear of retribution. The
Chief (who came up through the ranks of this same organization) was committed to
developing a new culture of openness and trust to help move the department forward.

Event Purpose
The event planning team (EPT) believed the purpose of their first event was to combine
their wisdom and experience as leaders and work as a team to create a Metro Police
Department that they and the community could be proud of. In addition to their own
departmental goals, the department needed to continually integrate the over-arching, city-
wide goals (as defined by the Mayor) into their own strategy. For one and one-half days,
they worked closely together to:

ƒ help the Chief see the world in which they lived daily,
ƒ better understand the pressures and challenges that the Chief was facing,
ƒ identify their most pressing operational issues and concerns, and
ƒ agree on what needed to happen to enable them to serve their community better.

Results/Sustaining the Momentum

The response to this first meeting was tremendously positive as participants expressed
their appreciation for the opportunity to speak freely and openly, some for the first time
in their many years of service with the department. Task teams took on the responsibility
to continue working on the issues that event participants identified as priorities.
Participants agreed on key messages and ways to report the results/outputs of this event
and ways to stay connected as they moved forward. The Chief committed to periodic
reunion meetings to keep the dialogue open with the command staff, monitor progress,
and continue to involve his leadership team in shaping the future of their department.


Metro Police Department
Leadership Conference
Fall 1998


To combine our wisdom and experience as leaders and work as a team to create a Metro
Police Department that we and the community can be proud of.

Desired Outcomes:

ƒ Create a climate of openness and trust that facilitates on-going communication

amongst the Command Staff.

ƒ Develop a common definition of police service and community relations, and the
implications for our work.

ƒ Gain deeper understanding of our needs and our role in supporting this department.




Breakfast ƒ Names tags in alpha order

7:30am on registration table.
(30) ƒ Eighty participants seated
in max-mix; rounds of
ƒ One page agenda/purpose
(table roles on reverse side)
at each place.
ƒ First assignment in in-
ƒ Table numbers; tent card
with open forum questions
on each table.
ƒ Mike grid taped to podium.
ƒ Security check for Mayor’’s

8:00 Welcome CHIEF OF POLICE

Chief of Police welcomes his Command staff and Purpose: To communicate
turns mike over to Police Commander/EPT what the Chief expects from
member. the event and set the tone for
the two days.

8:10 Purpose/Agenda/Logistics/Norms COMMANDER/EPT

(10) ƒ Commander/EPT member introduces rest of MEMBER
EPT members; presents purpose statement
and describes process for developing purpose, Purpose: To clarify what the
outcomes and agenda for the event. Turns participants can expect in the
mike over to facilitator. next two days.
ƒ Facilitator reviews agenda/logistics/ norms
(cell phones, responding to calls) and explain
the purpose of max-mix seating.
Emphasize meeting purpose



8:20 Table Introductions: Building a Common Purpose: To enable the

(40) Database participants to learn from each
other and build a shared
Assignment: picture of the current state of
(20) ““Take two minutes to prepare to introduce the MPD by combining their
yourself to the rest of your table group by diverse perspectives.
responding to the following:
ƒ Name, assignment, background, how long Handouts in in-boxes.
have you worked for MPD?
ƒ What has MPD accomplished in the past year
that made you feel especially proud?
ƒ What you have found to be most frustrating
for MPD in the past year?
ƒ What you need to get out of the next two

Each person has two minutes to share answers

with the table group. Choose a facilitator to keep

(10) Table Summary

Summarize on flip chart paper:
ƒ Common Themes
ƒ Significant Differences
ƒ Desired Outcomes Assignment on flipchart.

Choose a recorder and spokesperson.””

(10) Call Outs

Logistics captures call outs on

flipcharts in front of room.
Post during Break.



9:00 Stakeholder View: The Mayor’’s Vision for THE MAYOR

(15) Metro
The mayor presents his vision for a ““world class”” Purpose: To demonstrate his
city, role of MPD. support for the MPD and this
event and commit to partnering
with MPD to create a safer
Metro that everyone can be
proud of.

[Note: Must be flexible here in

case Mayor’’s arrival is delayed,
9:15 Break Check panel set-up for
(15) leadership’’s presentation. Keep
as informal as possible.
9:30 View From the MPD Leadership’’s Bridge CHIEF, ASST. CHIEF,
Presentation –– Chief, Assistant Chief, Deputy
(30) Chiefs (5-7 mins. each) Purpose: To hear the
perspectives of top leadership
Frank discussion focused on: and their vision for the
ƒ What we will build on from the past department focusing on the
ƒ What we need to do differently upcoming calendar year.
ƒ Creating a climate of openness and trust.
(This is the new Leadership’’s
first opportunity to address the
department in this type of forum.)

Chief to provide a macro

perspective; Asst. Chief to
discuss operational matters;
Deputy Chief to represent the
(15) Open Forum precincts; a different Deputy
Table Debrief: Chief to present bureau
ƒ What did we hear? perspective.
ƒ What are our reactions?
ƒ What questions of understanding do we have Refer participants to table tent
and of whom? cards for Open Forum questions.
Mike grid taped to podium;
(30) Facilitated Q&A logistics also has grids, and is
(Save last 10 mins. for ““burning”” questions.) ready with cordless mikes.



10:45 Organizational Diagnosis: What Does the Purpose: Internal perspective -

(45) Survey Tell Us? begin to look at how we presently
operate and opportunities for
(15) Presentation of Survey Results improvement.

(20) Choose a facilitator, recorder, and spokesperson. Handout of survey results on cue.
Tables discuss the following questions: (Survey results presented by
ƒ What was surprising to you regarding the public affairs firm as one data
survey results? point for understanding how the
ƒ What insights did you gain from the survey organization presently operates.)
Record responses on flipchart paper and prioritize Assignment on flipcharts.
for call outs.

(10) Call Outs (Value-Added)

Logistics captures call outs up
front. Post during lunch.
11:30 Lunch

12:30 What’’s Working/Not Working Purpose: Organizational

(75) diagnosis; prelude to identifying
Topics: opportunities for ““quick hits””, i.e.
ƒ Empowerment (Decision Making) what can we do in the short term
ƒ Internal Processes to have immediate impact on our
ƒ Quality of Work Life daily operations .
ƒ Resource Allocation
ƒ Career Development/Rewards and Recognition Handouts:
ƒ Paperwork Assignment (everyone);
List of Topics (highlight one
Assignment: topic on each sheet in advance so
(15) (Part I) that topics are evenly divided
1. ““Choose a facilitator, recorder, and among the number of tables;
spokesperson. randomly distribute one sheet to
2. Agree on a working definition of your topic. each table now).

3. Brainstorm everything you can think of that’’s Sample template on flipchart up

working/not working for your topic. front.
(Remember this is a brainstorm, not a debate!) Refer to rules of brainstorming.


(20) Roam/Read/Vote Logistics posts sheets under topic
Each person gets three checkmarks per topic for headers for voting.
those items you strongly agree are working; three
checkmarks per topic for those items you strongly Huddle with all the table
agree are not working! spokespersons to give
instructions on counting and
reporting out the top vote-getters
(10) Report Outs to whole group.

(20) Verbal Assignment:

(Part II) Purpose: To identify some
1. Reflecting on the top vote-getters for your ““quick hitters”” that would have
topic, what ideas/recommendations can you an immediate impact on our
propose to leadership to make a difference in daily operations and begin to
this particular topic area (start/stop/continue)? boost morale throughout MPD.
Identify at least one opportunity for a ““quick
hit””, i.e. achievable and doable within the next Revisit table roles.
30-60 days. Be as specific as possible.

2. Record your responses on flipchart paper. Logistics to collect data during

Please include your table number in case Break. Have on hand for the
clarification is needed. Be prepared to report evening turnaround session with
out your table’’s headlines including ““quick hit”” leadership.

(10) Report Outs

(Headlines only!)

1:45 Break Check video for next

(15) presentation.



2:00 What is Goal-Based Governance System Purpose: To build understanding

(115) (GBGS) and What Does It Mean To Us? of the city’’s GBGS vision,
mission, goals, measures, and
targets, the specific implications
for the police department, and
(30) Presentation on GBGS (including 15 min. tape how we must integrate MPD’’s
from the Mayor on GBGS). goals with the overall goals of
the city.
Table Debrief (save questions for later):
ƒ What did we hear? DEPUTY CHIEF
ƒ What are our reactions? Deputy Chief to focus on the
ƒ What questions of understanding do we have plan for the next calendar year.
and for whom?
Handouts on cue.

(15) Break Advise participants that Q&A

will be held after next
(15) Presentation on MPD Reorganization Strategy

Open Forum
Table Debrief:
(15) ƒ What did we hear?
ƒ What are our reactions? ASSISTANT CHIEF
ƒ What questions of understanding do we have
and for whom? Handouts on cue.

Facilitated Q&A with the entire Leadership Logistics ready with cordless
(40) Team––Chief, Asst. Chief, Deputy Chiefs) mikes.
(Save last 10 mins. for ““burning questions.)



3:55 Feedback on Strategy Purpose: To provide leadership

(30) with honest feedback on the
Assignment strategic direction of the
““Choose a facilitator, recorder, and spokesperson. department.
In your table groups, discuss the following:

ƒ As we reflect on the GBGS and the

reorganization strategy, what did we learn
about our strategic direction? Assignment on flipcharts.
ƒ What remains unclear to us? What’’s missing?
ƒ What would help us to move forward?
ƒ What is our advice to leadership?

Record your responses on flipchart paper. Please

include your table number in case clarification is
Data will be collected by
logistics for use in turnaround
session with leadership.


(15) Final thoughts from the Chief letting participants
know he will participate in tonight’’s turnaround Purpose: To express his on-
but will be unable to attend tomorrow. Assistant going commitment to this open
Chief and Deputy Chiefs will communicate the communication process and
results of the turnaround session tomorrow. reiterate his support for
implementing actions agreed
upon during this event.

4:40 Evaluations Handout on cue. Logistics to

(5) ƒ Highs collect at the door.
ƒ Lows
ƒ Advice for tomorrow?

4:45 Adjourn Invite the EPT to review

pm evaluations and discuss next
day’’s agenda. Leadership team
convenes to prepare for the Day
2 ““Response from Leadership.””




7:30 Breakfast

8:00 Evaluation Feedback/Agenda Review


8:05 Response From Leadership Purpose: Demonstrate that

(85) yesterday’’s input was

(40) Presentation: ASSISTANT CHIEF, DEPUTY
Reaction(s) to input from yesterday: CHIEFS
ƒ Survey results; What’’s working/not working;
feedback on strategy Important: Remind participants
ƒ Here’’s what we changed in the strategy and that the Chief did participate in
why. the turnaround and was directly
ƒ Next steps for continuing the work, moving involved in developing
forward. leadership’’s response.

Open Forum
(15) ƒ Table Debrief (questions on tent card)
(20) ƒ Q&A
(Save five mins. for ““burning”” questions.)
Mike grids. Logistics ready with
(10) Formation of Action Teams
Recruit volunteers ““real time”” and create action
teams to continue working with leadership after this
meeting to implement agreements.

Leadership proposes framework

for action teams taking into
Break consideration existing task
9:30 forces and standing committees.
Ask volunteers to report to the
front of the room for coaching
on next steps.



9:45 Sustaining the Momentum Purpose: To sustain our

(45) momentum by agreeing on key
messages from this event and
Assignment: ways to bring the rest of MPD
(15) ““Choose a facilitator, recorder, and spokesperson. on board.
In your table groups, discuss the following:
ƒ What are the key messages that we will take Assignment on flipcharts.
away from this event. (What will you tell
someone that wasn’’t here?)
Prepare a 1-min. headline report.

Report Outs (Value-Added)

Communication Processes Logistics ready with mikes.
(15) Room-wide brainstorm on processes for Logistics to collect data after
communicating meeting results/outputs (including report outs.
existing forums).

Wrap-Up Logistics to capture on

Plans for transcribing and distributing outputs from flipcharts.
(5) this meeting.

10:30 What is Ideal Police Service? Purpose: To give participants

(60) an opportunity to explore
Assignment: different views regarding
(40) ƒ ““Choose a facilitator, recorder and ““police service”” and community
spokesperson. relations and establish a
ƒ At your table, brainstorm all of the elements of common definition (what it is
ideal police service and community relations. and what it isn’’t).
ƒ Review the data and agree on the top two or
three elements that are most critical. Bridge to afternoon’’s guest
ƒ Write a definition that includes these critical speaker.
elements. Record on flipchart paper.””
Handout on cue.



(10) Report Outs Logistics ready with mikes.

(10) Assignment: Assignment on flipcharts.

ƒ In your table groups, discuss your reactions to
the various definitions.
ƒ Determine recurring themes.
ƒ What did you hear that surprised you?
ƒ Based on what you’’ve heard, what changes (if
any) would you make to your earlier definition?
ƒ Record final version on flipchart paper; keep
your sheet at your table. Logistics will collect flipchart
papers at the end of the day.


12:30 Polishing Brass: Mastering Police Service and Afternoon facilitated by GUEST
Securing Community Support SPEAKER

(75) Part I.
How to Stay Motivated Through the Difficult
Purpose: To stimulate thinking
about ways to optimize police
service by seeking more
opportunities to demonstrate
(15) Break leadership in our daily work.

2:00 Part II.

(120) Leadership’’s Challenge: Getting the Best From Purpose: Optimizing police
Detroit’’s Finest service by getting the most from
(Personality Type Indicators) our team.

4:00 Closing Remarks ASSISTANT CHIEF




4:10 Evaluations Handout on cue. Logistics to

(5) ƒ What were the most significant outcomes of collect at the door.
these two days for you?
ƒ On a scale of 1-10, how confident are you that
we’’ll keep the commitments to action that
we’’ve made here today?
ƒ (Not a snowball’’s chance……watch our dust)
ƒ Why did you mark where you did?

4:15 Adjourn Invite the Leadership and EPT to

pm stay and read evaluations.




To check on the progress we’’ve made in implementing the Action Plans from our Strategy
Development Event.


Our intended outcomes are:

ƒ To assess progress against our Action Plans.

ƒ To understand what we’’ve learned from our Action Plan Implementation activities
and results.
ƒ To update our Action Plans as needed.



ƒ Registration table set up

with welcome chart made
ƒ 20 tables of eight set up
with tables numbers on
each table.
ƒ Max-mix seating done and
charts made and by each
ƒ In-baskets on each table,
with one-page agenda
ƒ Purpose and chunked
ƒ Easels w/chart paper and
markers for each table
along walls.

7:30 AM Continental Breakfast, Registration

8:00 AM Welcome, Purpose, Agenda, Logistics
ƒ Newco President convenes meeting, NEWCO PRESIDENT AND
welcoming participants and reading Purpose INTERNAL HR
and Outcomes with passion. CONSULTANT.
ƒ HR internal consultant covers agenda and
logistics of meeting.



9:20 AM Getting Reconnected INTERNAL HR

(70) (05) CONSULTANT
Framing: Getting reconnected so we continue to
build our common data base on how we’’re
progressing on our Action Plans.

““Choose a facilitator, recorder, and reporter. Take
two minutes of ““I”” time to think about answers to
the following questions:
ƒ What is your name and current role? If your
role has changed, how?
ƒ What have you done in your work since the
last reunion to make the Action Plan come to
ƒ What has frustrated you in your effort to
make the Action Plan come to life since we
developed it?
ƒ What did you learn from your activities in
making the Action Plan come to life?
ƒ What are the particular challenges you are
facing right now?
ƒ What do you need to get out of the morning
in order to feel confident in your ability to
help make the Action Plan come to life?
Now, each person take five minutes to share your
responses with your tablemates.

(10) Choose a facilitator to keep time and a recorder

and reporter.

After you have shared responses, recorders take

flip charts from easels and move easels out of the
way. At your table, summarize common themes,
(15) differences and key outcomes.

Reporters be prepared to call out your common

themes, differences, and key outcomes.””

Table Report Outs. Two logistics team members s

with flip charts up front to
record callouts.



9:25 AM Action Plan Progress——Station Presentations INTERNAL HR

(05) Framing: Now we are going to take a deeper look
at how we’’re doing as a basis for updating our Set up eight Stations for the
Action Plans. eight Action Plans:
ƒ Engineering
Assignment: ƒ Operations
ƒ Finance
(30) ““Divide your table to cover all eight Stations. ƒ Contracts
Send a representative to each Station. Each ƒ Marketing
representative’’s mission is to be a scout for the ƒ Information Systems
table to learn about: ƒ HR
ƒ Progress ƒ Supplier Management
ƒ Activities
ƒ Issues Each station has a Station
ƒ Help needed Master who gives a 15 minute
presentation (based on one
Tables divide and conquer to cover all eight page——front and back side
Stations. Collect info and come back prepared to sheet) covering the Action
report on Action Plan progress and issues.”” Plan:
ƒ Objectives.
ƒ Key activities.
ƒ Results compared to
ƒ Issues and help needed to
resolve them.

Each person gets a handout of

the one-page (front and back)
presentation from each
Station, but only goes to the
Station assigned.

Each station has a 15 minute

Q&A session for
understanding and

10:00 AM Break



10:15 AM Lessons Learned——How We’’re Doing INTERNAL HR

(05) Framing: With the data collected, assess progress
and lessons learned.

(30) Assignment:
““Choose a new facilitator, recorder, and reporter.
At your tables, share what you each learned:
ƒ Progress
ƒ Issues
ƒ Help needed
Prepare a flip chart that describes the most
significant progress made, the most important
issues, and the most critical help needed.

Reporter prepare to call out.””

(15) Table Call Outs.

11:05 AM Updating Our Action Plans. INTERNAL HR

(05) Framing: With the data we’’ve shared on progress
and issues, let’’s update the Action Plans as part of Move to functional seating.
action learning. Need breakout area handout
for functional seating.
(65) Assignment:
ƒ Move to your functional breakout areas.
ƒ Take your one-page sheet from each Station
with you.
ƒ Based on all you know and have learned,
make any necessary revisions to your Action
Plans you need.
ƒ If you need help from another functional area,
send a negotiator to that area and negotiate the
help you need.
ƒ Prepare a three minute report out on any
changes you make to your Action Plan.
including Objectives, Activities, and Help
(25) Needed

Functional Report Out.



12:30 Evaluation and Adjourn INTERNAL HR

Evaluation questions:
ƒ What was the most important progress for
ƒ What are the most significant issues for you?
ƒ Based on the new Action Plans, how confident
are you that the Strategy will work?
ƒ 1——No way
ƒ 10——it’’s in the bag
ƒ Why did you answer the way you did?


Chapter 7
The Real Secrets of Whole-Scale
Those of you who have tried to follow someone’’s excellent recipe and then have had the
product turn out to be something less than the chef produced, will know that the missing
element is usually something that is so much part of what the chef believes, that he or she
doesn’’t even think of it. We at Dannemiller Tyson Associates want to add some
important pieces before you head out to actually utilize the very good tools of Whole-
Scale. The real secret, that we do not want to forget to tell you, is in underlying
principles and beliefs——about people, about empowerment, about integrity and
trustworthiness——that shape everything we do. They are so important that the client will
know, on some level, if you don’’t have them……and the recipe will produce a mediocre
product. In our experience, our tools never truly fail……but mediocre is a failure we can’’t
live with……and if you don’’t want to live with it either, compare your beliefs to the

We don’’t assume that we have a unique ““corner”” on good principles. You have plenty of
your own. But we do know that the theories, processes and tools of Whole-Scale will
only truly work if you believe these principles……truly believe them.

First, let us describe what the outcomes of this work need to be. Barry Camson, a senior
consultant trained and experienced in Gestalt Therapy, process consultation and work
design (STS) processes, describes it best. Barry visited us when we were working with a
Ford Motor Company Plastics Plant some years ago. We had been dong the work for
several months when he arrived, and the day of his arrival was the first day of a 250-
person three-day launch event. Three DTA partners were facilitating the launch. Barry
watched and noted what we did and wrote up a paragraph describing the outcomes, as

““This is a generative, transformative action. It is facilitated when people

are fulfilling the need they have to have their voices heard and to belong to
a community or society in which they believe. It starts with the existing
perspectives and the individual truth that each person brings with them. It
moves beyond that to a collective knowing –– to a new ordering of old and
new wisdom that comes from within and from outside the community. It
expands what people know as individuals into a common database of what
people know collectively. This knowing becomes the basis for their
collective wisdom. What people know as a whole becomes their new
truth. Generativity starts with each person’’s yearning and moves toward
an image, an idea, a concept that serves to unite the yearnings of many
diverse people and which has a universal appeal to it. Such an image
appeals to the hearts as well as the minds of people. It is out of this
generativity that new paths are forged which serve to integrate planning
and action, policy and implementation.””


Profound thoughts Barry uncovered——the real explanation, we believe, of the ““magic”” we
keep uncovering in organizations. If you truly believe in the power and integrity
described in that paragraph, take another step to look at another of Barry Camson’’s gifts
to us.

Barry took notes during the three-day launch event he observed and sent them to us when
he returned to Boston. His notes profoundly described everything we believed, and had
worked out in our processes. Since that time, we have been using this brainstorm of
principles as we teach people to do Whole-Scale work. They are true statements of the
work we do with clients and why we do it.……in a large meeting, in a small meeting, in
any part of the relationships we build and honor with our clients. \\

As you read these principle statements, look for one or two that are vitally important to
you in your work with clients. These are so critical that you could never forget to live
them. Then watch for statements that speak to what you truly believe, but you sometimes
have a little trouble living. Get a colleague to read them also and identify the two types
of statements. Take 20-30 minutes to share with each other what you have chosen and
identify implications for the future:


Bar ry C amson, O bserver and Documenter

Whole-Scale Principles
By Barry Camson

This work is about moving people from passivity to activity ± the activity of mind, of
action, of faith, of trust, of engagement of people with each other and their work.

e.g. Representative participants are engaged in the planning and logistics

process so as to move them from passivity to activity.

Create a contactful environment. Contactfulness is built into the heart of the event.
Enable people to make contact with each other. Facilitate points of contact among
different views. Enable each person ± leader, member, management, union to
not arguing with it.

± From the very beginning a different kind of listening is stressed. A neutral,

non-judgmental kind of listening.

± Support people in taking in and reflecting on what others have said.

e.g. the open forum format of:

- what we heard others say

- what is our reaction to it
- what questions of understanding do we have

e.g. keep easels out of the way except when people are working on them so
that nothing blocks contact, interaction.

e.g. when asking questions of people up front in the open forum, put their
name first.

±A different kind of speaking is also supported as an alternative in which

people take time to listen to themselves before speaking.


%ULQJLQJWKHVSHDNHU¶VYRLce out into the room is also stressed.



Focus on the details of empowerment.

± Help create an environment where people are willing to push-back and have
comfort around that.

e.g. Participants are asked if they got the answer they were looking for from the


This also fosters willingness, skills and a feeling of safety to speak out.

Create mini moments of truth.

± Ask people to speak out if their questions were not answered.

± Intervene to push leaders to answer tough questions.


± Intervene to facilitate people getting to and speaking out of their courageous parts.


facilitate clean interactions.

± Intervene to paraphrase to help make points clear where there may be some
confusion or to show where people agree.

Create interaction based on a perspective of multiple realities. Help create an

environment where each person realizes that they bring their own truth; that when

± Help people become aware of how each hears the message differently. This
reinforces awareness of multiple realities. It also enables people to begin to become
aware of how their own filters, perspectives or need to be defensive impacts the


e.g. Leaders set out their truth, participants set out theirs


x Operate with a maximum mix of viewpoints. Utilize microcosms of the whole –– a
holographic approach in design team work, logistics team work and in some
subgroupings used in the workshop.

x Create in the workshop a community operating from one brain and one heart. The
community builds a common, interactive picture of their future arising from a
common data base which is composed of the individual pictures of each member of
the community. This leads to a common sense of caring amongst the members of the

x Everything in the workshop, in the change work of the organization, as well as its
future operation derives from the vision and values. This is the major value and core
of this process. The organization and consultant always tune into that and keep going
back to it as the core of all current and future work.

x Vision and values are powerful because they arise from full input of all members of
the organization, the certainty of being heard, full opportunity for clarification, and
consensus among everyone. The possibility of coercion is checked out.

x Having a common picture in the organization of where the organization wants to be

and uniting around some strategic direction becomes an important guide to the
organization around choices.

x Data is brought into the workshop forum from a variety of different sources and in a
variety of different modes.

x This work is about the assumption of responsibility by all. Participants operate in

roles of facilitator, recorder, reporter. Everyone is asked to take responsibility for
creative thinking.

x Competencies are built along the way, e.g. in listening, speaking, scribing, recording
and in more subtle skills such as identifying themes.

x Use of the dynamic huddle. ““Stand, pull-up a few chairs.”” People end up standing,
talking, huddling around their work. This results in keeping the room in motion, in
ongoing momentum, activity. Instead of having groups sitting and working around
tables all the time, a flow in the room is maintained by having people stay active.

x Enable the organization to diagnose itself and make meaning out of it.

e.g. Sads, Mads and Glads look at what has worked, not worked in the


Hearing from competitors and best practices from site visits enables
participants to diagnose what their own organization needs and could apply
in moving to a desired future state.

x This work helps to build the organizational field. Input is continually provided from
different sources. The group field continues to be enhanced through discussions in
different groups. Out of each of these groups emerges key questions which have the
virtue of having the support or awareness of that group behind them. These questions
are asked of people up front and perhaps of each other. The answers as well as the
questions then move into the organization field from which new key questions, ideas,
awareness arise on a large organizational level.

e.g. Input is brought in from a variety of outside sources using a variety of

modes, e.g. customers, views of competitors, benchmarking ideas from
other redesign sites through the research team.

e.g. Creating a larger and collective group field is facilitated through the ““Open
Forum”” which expressly looks at what people heard, what reactions and
what questions of understanding they have.

x Create contact with outside information –– from customers, from competitors, from
benchmarked organizations. Activities in the workshop help facilitate this contact.

e.g. Presentations by customers followed by an open forum. Role play

presentations of competitors followed by an open forum. Presentation by
design team after site visits followed by an open forum. Panel of
Possibilities setting out what has worked, been problematic in other sites.

–– The implicit question is continually asked: ““what is the most

important thing that has stood out for us that the organization could
learn from?””

x Create the design team/research team as a facilitating and catalyzing force for larger
organizational involvement. Bring new people into this configuration from the
organization and enable it to be used in different ways and in different configurations.

Imagine a constantly changing, self-organizing entity moving through the heart of the
larger organization, responding to different situations with different modes of self-
organization as a model of the future and as a way of bringing light to and releasing
energy in all different parts of the organization.

x The importance of bringing yourself fully into the process as:

–– Management leader


e.g. leader shares a very personal vision. ““I walk in and I see…….””

e.g. leader shares personal anecdotes of how she got where she was at the
start of the work and how she moved to new places during the work.

–– Union leader

e.g. union leader sets out his high level of commitment and what the union is willing
to do in the context of personal stories about himself. ““My daddy once told me…….””

–– Members

e.g. members are asked to tell their stories at an early part of the workshop.

e.g. volunteerism to the extent used, asks the members to take an

affirmative action to bring themselves more fully into the process ––
their volition married with their actions.

–– Consultants

e.g. the consultants constantly demonstrate and model that they are willing to be
themselves and help the community gain some insight about this way of being.

x Value of transformational leadership. This is the process of speaking out, of allowing

others the space for taking in what was said, the process of each enriching what the
other has contributed. The act of taking in and enriching in return transforms the

e.g. the leader sets out his/her vision for the organization, the members take that
in and enhance it with their own.

x End the work with specific, realistic and supported action plans with commitments
made to take action on them. This enables moving from the desired future and
supporting values –– to intentionality and volition –– and then to concrete behaviors.
This is crucial in order to dispel the memories of past failures, to build credibility and
to enable this work to have full operational value.

x As the consultant, be open to live your commitment to your client. Be open to that
commitment engaging your heart, gut, intellect, and spirit and your values, personal
vision, and enthusiasm. Be willing to be expressive about that commitment.

At the same time recognize that the client must decide to take responsibility for their
individual change and for leading the organizational change. Consultant commitment
to the client does not mean doing for the client.


Be prepared to live out of that commitment.

e.g. ““We’’ll come in that day for free if it will make the difference in bringing
about the changes needed.””

x The commitment of consultant to the client at its ideal is based on unilateral love by
the consultant for the client in which the consultant affirms the client for who he/she
is. This results in pulling forth the essence of the client and a working relationship
based on trust.

x Create a large group, total system dialogue.

–– Create conversations among small groups

–– Create conversations with sources bringing information into the room.

–– Create conversations among teams, sub-groups.

–– Create conversations between consultants and the client.

–– Create conversations among and within the large group.

x Have groups speak their commitment.

x Build teams at different levels of the organization.

e.g. design team/research team
logistics team
individual, max-mix working groups
the overall organization

x There is an undeniable power in having the whole organization in the room. It

enables the organization to change in real time, both incrementally and in major
paradigm shifts. It creates a common shared experience that the organization and all
of its components can reference and operate out of in the future which will in time as
it is enhanced take precedence over the old ways.

The workshop becomes a river in which the many strands of the organization are
immersed, risking a complex flow of chaotic elements until the threads of the new
organization begin to emerge.

x This work is about a sincere, deep, abiding, unwavering, and non-faddish view of
empowerment that runs to the core of one’’s being and is reflected in behaviors with
other consultants, with the client and in how one works with the client. It is totally
encompassing and pervasive.


x This work is about the personal commitment to contactfulness in any personal
interaction, of expressing feelings and expectations, and a willingness to do so in as
close to real time as the realities of the work allows. This results in an ability and
willingness to facilitate and support the client in being similarly contactful with each
other. Not doing the work as a consultant can result in blind spots with the client
around the same issues.

x This work is about tradition –– a knowing, deep and abiding commitment to the roots
of organization development as a democratic practice, which support the
empowerment of people to achieve their full potential as individuals and as groups
and to live in a humane way.

x This work is about using the different technologies to carry out the intentionalities of
democratic and empowering values rather than using the technologies in a detached
or value-independent mode. It is about using the technologies in ways that
continually track and respect where the organization is at any given moment in their
path toward their desired future.

x This work is about freeing up the flow of valid information within a client group and
supporting that flow and helping people to develop and fully use the skills that will
enable them to fully make use of the information.

x This work is about living out of your heart.

x This work is about sharing the wealth with the abiding faith that those who receive
will do the same thus creating an ongoing, positive force for change.

There is an undeniable power in having the whole organization in the room. It enables
the organization to change in real time, both incrementally and in major paradigm shifts.
It creates a common shared experience that the organization and all of its components can
reference and operate out of in the future which will in time as it is enhanced take
precedence over the old ways.

So friendly Reader, there you have it –– just about everything we think we kow at this
moment. Let us know what you learn from what we’’ve given you. We want to learn
more! Good luck and thanks for hanging in with us……
The Dannemiller Tyson Associates partners.



For twenty years, Dannemiller Tyson Associates has pioneered large group processes that
unleash true empowerment within organizations and communities, resulting in rapid,
significant and lasting organizational change. We are passionate advocates for whole
system. We, ourselves, are a virtual company, operating around the globe with one brain
and one heart to help our clients be successful in their environment. Together with our
clients, we focus on expanding the boundaries of whole-system approaches to change.

Our passion is to share with others the work we have created and what we continue to
learn in our journey. In this book, we look at the way we make the change journey
happen, to give you our tips on how to design Whole-Scale events as accelerators in that
journey. In its companion book, Whole-Scale Change: Unleashing the Magic in
Organizations, we cover the underlying theory, foundations, and history, taking you on
the adventures which we have taken with organizations and communities around the

You can reach us, Dannemiller Tyson Associates, at


JEFF BELANGER is an organization development practitioner. At the core of his work

is attention to the system as a whole while focusing on specific organizational challenges.
He specializes in coaching leadership teams for alignment and large-scale event design and

ALBERT B. BLIXT came to whole system change work in the mid-1990’’s after multiple
careers as a professor, attorney, art gallery owner and co-founder of a successful
advertising agency. His practice focuses primarily on leadership development, strategic
planning, culture change and team-based work redesign for business, government and non-
profit clients. He enjoys the challenge of pushing the boundaries of the Whole-Scale™™
approach to find new ways of engaging people in the change process. Al is the author of
numerous articles on organizational change and other business subjects. He is the co-
author of the 1996 book Navigating In A Sea of Change and a frequent public speaker. He
holds a Juris Doctor degree from the University of Michigan.

KATHRYN CHURCH designs and facilitates group process including real time
strategic change, strategic planning, team building, multiple party disputes, and
workplace conflict. Kathy is particularly interested in dispute systems design, and is
currently working with an organization of 850,000 employees, facilitating their dispute
system design. Also she conducts on-site interventions to assist management, employees,
and dislocated employees deal with the trauma of involuntary reduction-in-force (RIF),
reorganizations, and workplace conflict. Ms. Church is qualified in the Myers-Briggs


Type Indicator, and often uses ““type”” to enhance team performance or resolve workgroup

KATHLEEN D. DANNEMILLER (1929-2003) was the founding partner in

Dannemiller Tyson Associates and co-inventor of the Real Time Strategic Change and
Real-Time Work Design (now called Whole-Scale). Kathie was a passionate advocate of
empowerment, systems theory and whole system change for more than 30 years. Kathie
served as a consultant, coach and mentor to countless leaders, consultants and
organizations as they build a better future. Kathie was recognized worldwide for her
ability to move entire organizations forward with speed, depth and spirit. She believed
there is no conversation that is above or beneath anyone and that everyone needs to have
a voice, a real voice in shaping their future. She was, in earlier years, a political organizer
at the national, state and local levels as well as a community organizer. She was a
member of the National Training Laboratory and National Organization Development

MARY EGGERS is a designer/facilitator of the Whole-Scale change process and of

Developing Whole-Scale™™ Change Competencies workshops. What excites her most is
the opportunity to work in partnership to tap the spirit of individuals and organizations.
This happens by involving everyone, empowering them to participate in meaningful ways
and giving them a voice in creating and implementing the organizations preferred future.
Mary has been in the field of organization development since 1985 and has experience in
healthcare, education, government, information technology, not for profits and
manufacturing. She has an MS in Organization Development from the American
University/National Training Laboratories. She is a member of the National
Organization Development Network, the Chesapeake Bay Organization Development
Network, Women in Technology and the Strategic Leadership Forum Washington DC

ALLEN B. GATES has extensive history as an executive leading and managing

organizations using Whole-Scale change. Allen was a Ford Aerospace executive in the
early 1980’’s when large scale, interactive change, the progenitor of Whole-Scale was
invented by DTA. During the next 15 years, he led various change efforts,
accomplishing dramatic and rapid results. He spent part of 1995 and 1996 as a DTA
partner before returning to an executive role and returned as a DTA partner in late 1998.
He worked for the US Navy at China Lake, CA as an engineer, line manager and program
manager. After leaving China Lake, he worked in senior executive positions at Ford
Aerospace, Computing Devices International, General Dynamics Information Systems,
and was President, Kaiser Electronics. He holds BSME and MSME degrees from the
University of Nevada, Reno, a PhD degree in Systems Engineering from Case-Western
Reserve University (Navy Fellow) and and a SM in Mgt degree from MIT (Sloan

LEIGH M. HENNEN is a seasoned professional with 28 years of broad experience in all

aspects of Human Resource Management and Leadership, Organization Development,
Strategic Planning, Whole Systems Change, and Employee and Marketing


Communications. The first 26 years of Leigh’’s experience included management and
executive roles in the Disk Drive Design and Manufacturing industry; the Aerospace
Electronics Design, Manufacturing, and Systems Integration industry, and the
Information Services industry. Leigh also had two years of experience as an independent
Organization Development and Change Management Consultant prior to joining DTA as
a partner. International experience includes a three-year expatriate assignment in the
United Kingdom and a one-year assignment in Canada. Leigh’’s practice has primarily
involved integration of Mergers and Acquisitions, Strategic Planning, Organizational
Alignment, and Culture Change. Leigh is a member of the National Organization
Development Network, the Society for Human Resource Management, the International
Society for Human Resource Management, and the American Compensation Association.

SYLVIA JAMES has worked as an internal and external consultant for twenty-five
years, pioneering Whole-Scale processes in aerospace in the early 80’’s. She works with
communities and organizations to bring about a variety of whole system change efforts in
high tech, service, manufacturing, government and education systems in North America
and globally. She has extensive experience designing/facilitating large group interactive
meetings involving over 1,000 participants for strategy, mergers, culture change, and
organizational design. She has presented at conferences and led workshops on Whole-
Scale processes in North America, Europe, the United Kingdom, and Australia. The past
seven years she has specialized her practice in applying the Whole-Scale approach to
organizational and work design, helping organizations to make rapid, sustained change in
up to eleven core processes simultaneously, while creating a culture and structure to that
enables results and agility. Sylvia’’s recent focus is creating one-brain, one-heart in
virtual environments.

LORRI E. JOHNSON. Lorri’’s experience in the application of Whole-Scale

methodology includes strategic planning, work redesign, and culture change. She has
consulted in a wide range of industries such as automotive, manufacturing, health care, and
information technology. Her interests include the use of Whole-Scale in government,
community transformation, and the not-for-profit sector. In addition to the
design/facilitation of large-scale interactive processes, her practice includes all phases of
Whole-Scale ranging from leadership alignment through implementation. She is a faculty
member of the Association for Quality and Participation/School for Managing and Leading
Change. Lorri’’s background includes 14 years experience with Xerox Corporation and
Bell & Howell in the areas of human resources, sales and marketing.

HENRY JOHNSON has been involved with OD technology, directly and indirectly for
over twenty-five years, most recently focusing primarily on Whole-Scale™™ change. He
has spent the majority of his adult life in organizations that make a difference and sees his
work with DTA as an extension of those efforts. His strengths are in Whole-Scale
change technology related to organizational alignment, strategic planning, diversity
training and culture change. He has a special interest in working with educational
systems and transformation initiatives in urban areas. He is retired from the University of
Michigan as Vice President Emeritus for Student Affairs and Community Relations, and
has served as Trustee of the Ann Arbor Public Schools. Henry is a graduate of


Morehouse College and Atlanta University. He holds certificates of postgraduate study
from the Menninger Clinic, Topeka, Kansas, and from the Institute for Educational
Management, Harvard University.

STAS' KAZMIERSKI spent 15 years as an internal consultant at Ford Motor Company

creating high-performing teams, training/coaching team leaders and engineering program
managers and redesigning Ford's product engineering process. He led the design of
cross-functional, co-located vehicle platform teams for vehicle engineering and
development. In the past nine years as an external consultant he has consulted in health
care, manufacturing, mining and petroleum, energy, scientific research, universities, retail
food, government and not-for-profit organizations. He holds a BS and MA in Education,
and graduate work in chemistry and physics. His current interest is in creating
strategically based, rapid, sustainable change in large organizations and helping to create
organization and process designs that support humane workplaces.

RON KOLLER is an organization consultant, trainer and coach working unlock human
potential at work. He specializes in working with front-line employees up to middle
managers as they participate in whole system change. Ron consults with clients ranging
from small business, construction companies, high tech, organized labor, aerospace,
chemical, and automotive. Sports and entertainment are industries where his future work
will take him.

ROLAND LOUP has been a consultant since 1986 using Whole-Scale change in high
tech companies, healthcare, manufacturing, the service industry, government and
academia. Roland also designs and leads courses in Whole-Scale change. Through his
efforts in international training, consultation and coaching, he is working to ensure that
the Whole-Scale approach is being used throughout the world. His consulting and
courses have benefited organizations in the U.S., Canada, Europe, India and Australia. As
a Whole-Scale practitioner he specializes in the architecture of system-wide change
efforts, coaching individual leaders and leadership teams, and design and facilitation of
large-group events. Over the past few years, he has begun applying the Whole-Scale
approach to mergers and acquisitions. Roland is co-author of Real Time Strategic
Change: A Consultant Guide to Large-Scale Meetings.

JIM McNEIL is a nationally recognized labor leader who brings a unique perspective
and passion to the work of developing and improving labor/management relations. As a
consultant and trainer, he specializes in organizational change. His background and
hands-on experience with workplace change efforts and study of Organizational
Development theory and practice provide a unique grasp of the issues that confront
today’’s workers and employers. Jim is a retired three-term president of one of America’’s
largest local unions. He has successfully negotiated numerous collective bargaining
agreements with dozens of employers and was chairman of United Auto Worker’’s
national negotiating committee at Ford in 1993 and 1996, where industry-wide patterns
were developed.


PAUL D. TOLCHINSKY has been consulting to major companies in North America for
the past twenty-five years. He has extensive experience in managing and facilitating
large system change efforts; new plant design and start-ups; redesigning existing
manufacturing facilities, particularly where unions are involved and has led numerous
study missions to Japan. Paul's particular expertise is in the design of organizations,
applying socio-technical principles and Whole-Scale Approaches to the process. He is
internationally known as a pioneer in the development of Whole-Scale (Whole System)
Approaches to change. The author of numerous articles, his work is featured in Large
Group Interventions (Bunker and Alban, 1997) and Fusion Leadership, Daft and Lengel
(1998). Dr. Tolchinsky is listed in Who's Who in Science and Technology and Who's
Who in the Midwest. Dr. Tolchinsky received a BA in Business Administration from
Bowling Green State University (1971 and a Ph.D. in Organization Behavior and Design
from Purdue University (1978).


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Whole-Scale® Change.

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as well as providing information on workshops and other learning opportunities.

You can register on line by going to our website at

&OLFNRQ³&RQWDFW8V´DQGsend us your: name, title, organization, e-mail address,
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We hope to hear from you soon.


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