Tc1 - Reflection Paper - Engracial

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TC 1


I came across the real meaning of learner-centered ideas. As it offers sufficient designs
that emphasize the requirements, aptitudes, views, skills, and backgrounds of individual
learners. It aids students in building their professional knowledge and abilities. These guidelines
will help teachers effectively relate to the needs of their students. Additionally, the teacher and
pupils should get along well; they can become friends or playmates, which improves the
learning environment and makes it more enjoyable. Students are also inspired to pay attention
and take part in the activities. The 14 learner-centered psychological principles are divided into
four categories, according to the video showed: (1) cognitive and metacognitive (2) motivational
and affective (3) developmental and social (4) individual differences.

Each principle offers teachers opportunity to successfully convey the lesson and
encourage learning and motivation in students. The nature and purpose of the learning process
reveal the teacher's objective, which is to impart knowledge and develop the students' abilities.
As a result, the students are expected to fulfill the teacher's intention. Additionally, teachers
assist students in setting and achieving their goals. Teachers can use a variety of tactics to
make the lesson simple for the pupils to understand. I discovered that as a future educator, we
have various approaches to promote the learner-centered psychological principles. We should
always take into account the variables affecting the students' learning process, as well as their
variations and uniqueness. I must first apply the ideas to myself in order to become an effective
teacher. Through this, I can support them in developing their skills. To quickly grasp my lecture.
To ensure that students apply teachings to real-world circumstances, we must teach children to
think critically and to develop or use higher order thinking skills. so that they will be ready for
their next professional careers. In addition, everyone is aware that the learning environment has
a big impact on students' learning. We should open the door for them to view the outside world
and be aware of the difficulties they may face. We should assist them in coping with it. teach
kids to appreciate one another and to respect one another's differences.

Therefore, by putting these concepts into practice, we go above and beyond what is
required of us as teachers. We are more than just teachers; we are the true center of education,
and it is our responsibility to develop good students and guide them toward successful futures.
This reflection will be concluded with the following words from the legendary philosopher
Aristotle: "Education is not education at all if the heart is not also educated." Without passion,
education alone is insufficient.

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