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Metric Torque Values

Metric Torque Values

It is important to tighten fasteners to the correct torque
value. This section shows the standard torque values
for the screws and bolts used in Crown lift trucks and
vehicles. Special torque values in the maintenance and
parts sections of this manual override the standard
torque values in this section.


Grade Identification Bolt and Screw

(on Head) Size (mm)

5.8 Class 5.8 M5 through M36

8.8 Class 8.8 M5 through M36

10.9 Class 10.9 M5 through M36

12.9 Class 12.9 M5 through M36

NOTE: Even though a bolt head is unmarked, Crown uses nothing less than class 8.8
in all its bolted assemblies. Instances do occur when class 8.8 bolts are manufactured
unmarked. When a fastener is replaced that is unmarked, replace the fastener with a
class 8.8.

Fig. 1 (15048-01)

Crown 1989 PF8514 Rev. 2/16 M1.9-06.6-001

05 Rev. 2/16
Metric Torque Values

Torque Chart–Metric Hex Head Cap Screws and Nuts

Thread Diameter Torque Nm (ft lb)

and Pitch
Class 8.8 Class 10.9 Class 12.9

M5 x 0.80 5–8 (4–6) 7–8 (5–6) 8–10 (6–7)

M6 x 1.00 8–10 (6–7) 12–14 (9–10) 15–16 (11–12)
M8 x 1.25 20–25 (15–18) 28–31 (21–23) 34–37 (25–27)
M10 x 1.50 39–43 (29–32) 56–61 (41–45) 68–75 (50–54)
M12 x 1.75 71–76 (52–56) 100–107 (73–79) 119–127 (88–94)
M14 x 2.00 113–122 (83–90) 159–171 (117–126) 190–205 (140–151)
M16 x 2.00 175–190 (129–140) 247–267 (182–197) 296–320 (218–236)
M20 x 2.50 340 357 (251–271) 479–518 (353–382) 574–621 (423–458)
M24 x 3.00 587–635 (433–468) 824–892 (608–658) 990–1071 (730–790)
M30 x 3.50 1175–1274 (867–940) 1654–1792 (1220–1322) 1985–2150 (1464–1586)
Note: Special torque values in the maintenance and parts sections of this manual override the standard
torque values in this section.

Torque Chart–Metric Hex Socket Countersink Head Screws

Thread Diameter Torque Nm (ft lb)

and Pitch
Class 8.8 Class 10.9 Class 12.9

M5 x 0.80 4–7 (3–5) 5–8 (4–6) 7–10 (5–7)

M6 x 1.00 7–10 (5–7) 9–12 (7–9) 11–14 (8–10)
M8 x 1.25 16–19 (12–14) 23–26 (17–19) 27–30 (20–22)
M10 x 1.50 31–34 (23–25) 45–49 (33–36) 54–58 (40–43)
M12 x 1.75 56–60 (41–44) 79–84 (58–62) 94–102 (69–75)
M14 x 2.00
M16 x 2.00 124–146 (99–108) 190–206 (140–152) 228–247 (168–182)
M20 x 2.50 259–281 (191–207) 363–395 (268–291) 437–473 (322–349)
M24 x 3.00 416–451 (307–333) 586–635 (432–468) 702–762 (518–562)
M30 x 3.50
Note: Special torque values in the maintenance and parts sections of this manual override the standard
torque values in this section.

M1.9-06.6-002 Crown 1989 PF8514 Rev. 2/16

05 Rev. 2/16
Metric Torque Values

Torque Chart–Metric Socket Head Cap Screws

Thread Diameter Torque Nm (ft lb)

and Pitch
Class 8.8 Class 10.9 Class 12.9

M5 x 0.80 5–8 (4–6) 7–9 (5–7) 8–11 (6–8)

M6 x 1.00 9–12 (7–9) 12–15 (9–11) 15–18 (11–13)
M8 x 1.25 22–24 (16–18) 30–33 (22–24) 35–38 (26–28)
M10 x 1.50 42–45 (31–33) 58–64 (43–47) 71–76 (52–56)
M12 x 1.75 72–77 (53–57) 102–110 (75–81) 122–132 (90–97)
M14 x 2.00 115–125 (85–92) 161–175 (119–129) 194–210 (143–155)
M16 x 2.00 179–194 (132–143) 251–273 (185–201) 301–327 (222–241)
M20 x 2.50 348–377 (257–278) 489–530 (361–391) 588–637 (434–470)
M24 x 3.00 601–651 (443–480) 846–915 (624–675) 1014–1098 (748–810)
M30 x 3.50 1196–1296 (882–956) 1681–1822 (1240–1344) 2017–2187 (1488–1613)
Note: Special torque values in the maintenance and parts sections of this manual override the standard
torque values in this section.

Torque Chart–Metric Flanged Hex Head Cap Screws and Nuts

Thread Diameter Torque Nm (ft lb)

and Pitch
Class 8.8 Class 10.9 Class 12.9

M5 x 0.80 5–8 (4–6) 8–11 (6–8) 9–12 (7–9)

M6 x 1.00 9–12 (7–9) 14–16 (10–12) 16–19 (12–14)
M8 x 1.25 22–24 (16–18) 31–34 (23–25) 38–41 (28–30)
M10 x 1.50 44–48 (33–35) 62–68 (46–50) 75–81 (55–60)
M12 x 1.75 77–83 (57–61) 108–117 (80–86) 130–141 (96–104)
M14 x 2.00 123–134 (91–98) 174–187 (128–138) 209–225 (154–166)
M16 x 2.00 193–210 (143–155) 273–294 (201–217) 327–354 (241–2610)
Note: Special torque values in the maintenance and parts sections of this manual override the standard
torque values in this section.

Crown 1989 PF8514 Rev. 2/16 M1.9-06.6-003

05 Rev. 2/16


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