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Auxiliary Antics

Additional flavor for your Star Trek Adventures game!

{ }
standard tea cup

saucer section

standard brew

Bos taurus content:


sucrose content:

Tea Camellia sinensis

earl grey Citrus bergamia
hot 366°K

Tempe O’Kun
Auxiliary Antics
A Star Trek Adventures Supplement

All the Universe’s a holodeck,

And all the beings merely characters.

This book is designed to help storytellers add a sense of realism to

their games by offering an array of background events. It is divided
into three sections to allow for additional Command, Operations, or
Science content for a particular session of play.

All eighteen ideas are color-coded and numbered, so as to limit the

chances of a player guessing what’s happening by seeing the title.

May you glimpse countries undiscovered,

And may all your voyages lead home.

ThinkTank Games

Tempe O’Kun
Stardate 99093.59
Auxilary Antics
A Star Trek Adventures Supplement

Writer: Tempe O’Kun of

Publisher: ThinkTank Games, 2021.

Special Thanks
Editors: Megan Shufelt, Slate
ThinkTank Games logo designer: John O’Brien Schroeder

Also available from ThinkTank Games:

Nordguard: The Card Game
Nordguard: Tribes of the White Land
Lackadaisy: The Card Game
Sinister Six-Pack (Pathfinder / Dungeons and Dragons 3.5 edition)
The Book of Monsters (Ironclaw Role-Playing Game)
Gadgets & Refits (Starfinder Role-Playing Game)

Other books by Tempe O’Kun:

Sixes Wild
Sixes Wild: Echoes
Windfall: An Otter-Body Experience
Sleep for Gamers

Compatibility with the Star Trek Adventures role-playing game requires the Star Trek
Adventures core rulebook from Modiphius Entertainment. See
star-trek-adventures for more information on Star Trek Adventures. CBS Studios and
Modiphius Entertainment do not guarantee compatibility with the game and did not
endorse this work.

Outline of Product Identy

Star Trek is a registered trademark of CBS Studios, and Star Trek Adventures is a
registered trademark of of Modiphius Entertainment. All associated imagery, narrative,
fictional species, characters, spaceships, organizations, and other such elements
associated with Star Trek in this work are the property of CBS Studios. All Star Trek
Adventures game rules and mechanics are the property of Modiphius Entertainment.
The author has produced this project as transformative “fan work” under the fair use
doctrine of United States copyright law. As such, it is distributed on a nonprofit basis
and neither the author nor any other party and receives any compensation for its
writing and distrubution. This work provides storytelling ideas for players of Star Trek
Adventures and does not represent any claim to the aforementioned properties.
Command Division Mission Ideas
These plot and background ideas are Red Three
designed to engage command characters.
The Waverider Club
Red One
Several crew members have been
Cloud of Suspicion renovating the ship’s Waverider-class
auxiliary atmospheric craft in their off
hours, adopting it as their private lounge.
A dust cloud is detected on sensors. If not
While mostly ergonomic and aesthetic in
avoided, it turns out to be a vaporized
nature, some of the upgrades are more
Borg scout ship. A dust of half-functioning
practical, such as upgrading the stowaway
nano-probes begin turning the outer hull
biobed to function as a stasis pod.
of the ship into that of a Borg vessel of
the same shape, but cannot perform other
functions. Other ships are likely to panic ••••
upon detecting the vessel.
Red Four
Red Two
The newest bridge ensign keeps suggesting
Pip Off the Old Block drills the ship could run (such as actually
ejecting the warp core) whenever
conversation there lulls.
An enterprising engineer has secretly
developed rank insignia pips that have
additional functionality, such as emergency ••••
transponder beacons or explosives capable
of blowing a door off its frame. She has
Red Five
taken to wearing them at all times. If
confronted, she complains that it was The Logic of Fun
“under-utilized design space.” Once this
secret is discovered, other crew may not
trust that tapping “shave and a haircut” is After a mind-meld, a Vulcan and Dolphin
enough of a failsafe for explosives worn on crew member begin to take on aspects of
the neck. each other’s personalities.

•••• ••••

Red Six


A crew member formerly assigned to

Starfleet Intelligence makes an oblique
reference to a “Tribble Cannon.” No one can
tell if she is joking. She explains that she
has “Already said too much” and refuses to


Operations Division Mission Ideas
These plot and background ideas are Gold Three
designed to engage engineering and
security characters. House Call

Gold One An outdated multitronic computer module

is discovered in a bulkhead on Deck 4,
A Stitch Out of Time accessible from the forward end of the
shuttle bay. It is disconnected. It appears
to have never been powered on since the
A error in the ship’s chronometer results
ship’s construction. If reconnected, to
in the replicator sub-system thinking
the ship’s otherwise-isolinear computer
the year is a variable time in the past.
system, an Emergency Medical Hologram
LCARS dutifully keeps updating the dress
will activate in Sick Bay. If the EMH or
protocols, sometimes changing from one
someone else attempts to switch him
second to the next. All the day’s uniforms
off, he will reappear in another location
are replicated in various vintage styles,
with a holographic projector tied into the
though they still fit and are otherwise
computer system, such as an astrometric
normal. This malfunction continues until
station, a holo-booth, or a tricorder. He will
be increasingly annoyed at being left on, at
least until the crew befriends him.
Gold Two

Hyperspanner in the Works Gold Four

One’s Mildest Dreams

Rattling is occasionally noticed on various
decks. Attempts to track it down fail.
The custom-made waterbed installed in one
A hyperspanner was lost between the
of the crew bunks is actually a large bio-
bulkheads during its last refit and is
neural gel pack. The engineer who installed
slowly working its way down the ship
it is using it to simulate the minds of
whenever something shakes the ship. The
various crew members to predict how they
artificial gravity sometimes propels it
might next break the ship. It glows faintly
back up a turbo-lift shaft or an air vent,
blue. Her Betazed neighbor begins to dream
starting the process over.
vividly of the simulated clumsiness of the

Gold Five

The Opera Virus

All the classics of Klingon opera have

been encoded into a computer virus, which
transmits itself between ships via hails.
A message from the creator explains that
this is to ensure that the art form persists
forever. To introduce newcomers to the
genre, it examines the crew’s entertainment
profiles and occasionally “shuffles in” some
Klingon opera. The default volume setting
is quite loud. It proves unfortunately very
well-coded and difficult to remove with
certainty. It has incorrectly identified the
sonic showers as an audio device.


Gold Six

The Joy Ride

The Starfleet Corps of Engineers sends

out an emergency bulletin. The mothballed
holoship, previously hidden at the bottom
of a lake on a remote colony, has been
hijacked by a rag-tag crew of Cetacean
adolescents. They are using its holodeck
interior to fabricate improvised ship
systems on the fly, including a new
and fully-functional cloaking device. The
Starfleet vessels in that sector, the USS
Hathaway (NCC-2593) and USS Stargazer
(NCC-2893), are hand-me-down SCE
technical transports and have been unable
to catch the holoship.


Science Division Mission Ideas
These plot and background ideas are Blue Three
designed to engage science and medical
characters. Celerior, Non Callidior

Blue One The bio-neural gel packs have caught

a virus that slowly increases their
Drink and Be Merry computational speed, but worsens the
quality of the “best guesses” they make for
course planning and so on.
A dusty bottle of liquor is found in the
back of a storage compartment in the crew
lounge, a gift from a dignitary. If studied ••••
carefully, the markings in the glass appear
to be of the ancient language of the planet
Blue Four
Altamid. It is a mead, made from honey,
and very pleasant to drink. Scans show Save the Wormholes
it to be safe and well over one thousand
years old. However, about half an hour
after drinking, it will compel the drinkers A Bajorian crew member is crafting
to act out an elaborate bee-dance to a proposal to outlaw future use of
commutate some long-lost tale. transwarp conduits or Romulan cloaking
devices near wormholes, lest the
chroniton radiation harm beings such as
•••• the Prophets. He plans to pitch it to all
known spacefaring species and wishes to
Blue Two discuss it in great detail. He often speaks
of his “arch-rival” in chroniton particle
Speed Bumps physics, a science officer aboard the USS
Bozeman (NCC-1941-A), who often publishes
critiques of his academic papers (utilizing
During a stop at port, an unknown number
“unfair” personal connections within the
of invisible “chameleon armadillos” invade
Department of Temporal Investigations)
the ship. Each is the size of a loaf of bread
suspiciously soon after they come out.
and they are approximately as intelligent
as Earth monkeys. They discover that
it is funny to play minor pranks on the ••••
crew, such as tripping them when they’re
carrying drinks. It proves variously
bothersome and entertaining to collect
them. Their snickering is quiet, but audible.
They struggle if picked up.


Blue Five

Replacement Parts

A cheery human medical officer was

previously rescued from the Borg. Unable
to survive without implants, he has
undertaken a “personal improvement
project” to slowly replace all his Borg
implants with custom-made ones composed
of Federation technology. This results in
a constant array of new implants, such
as hyposprays, dermal regenerators,
communicators, holo-projectors, food and
drink replicators, and other devices he
needs in his day.


Blue Six

Nip in the Bud

Any Caitian crew members exhibit

increasingly strange behavior—playfulness,
flirtation, lethargy, euphoria, and so on. A
scan of the air reveals nothing toxic, but
a close look shows that nepetalactone is
present. It turns out the botanical lab has
inadvertently grown “hyper catnip” in the
form of a purple-and-white flowering plant.
The air supply has contaminated all the
carpeting and furniture of the ship. If put in
spacesuits, the Caitians return to normal in
a matter of minutes.


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