336ng Hex Intro en Sld-Nocallouts

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336GC / 336 Next Generation Hydraulic Excavator



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SERV2126 - 08/18 -4- Introduction

• Emergency Phone Numbers
• First Aid Responders
• Location of Exits
• Location of Fire Extinguisher
• Room Alerts or Hazards
• Designated Location for Evacuation
• Storm Shelter
• Hazardous Material

Safely Home. Everyone. Every Day.™


Before beginning this module, the following topics will be reviewed:

• Emergency Phone Numbers
• First Aid Responders
• Location of Exits
• Location of Fire Extinguisher
• Room Alerts or Hazards
• Designated Location for Evacuation
• Storm Shelter
• Hazardous Material

Safely Home. Everyone. Every Day.™

NOTE: Any system or component specifications stated in this training

module are used only for training purposes. Components and specifications
may change as the product evolves. Always refer to Caterpillar Service
information to obtain the most current specifications when servicing Cat

Caterpillar: Confidential Yellow

SERV2126 - 08/18 -5- Introduction


This module is designed to provide an overview of the

336GC and 336 Next Generation Hydraulic Excavators,
as well as prepare you to locate and identify the
differing components and service points.

• Course purpose PURPOSE

Caterpillar: Confidential Yellow

SERV2126 - 08/18 -6- Introduction


This training is necessary for you to quickly gain

knowledge of the new and different components and
systems of the 336GC/336 Next Generation Hydraulic
Excavator in order to provide effective customer
service, which enhances customer satisfaction.

• Course reason REASON

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SERV2126 - 08/18 -7- Introduction


At the completion of this course, you will be able to

locate and identify machine components and service
points during lab exercises. You will also be able
to demonstrate knowledge of the 336GC/336 Next
Generation Hydraulic new and different systems
during a classroom knowledge check with at least 80%

• Course competency statement COMPETENCY STATEMENT

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SERV2126 - 08/18 -8- Introduction


You will meet the following learning outcomes during

this 336GC/336 Next Generation Hydraulic Excavator
• Locate and identify the components and service points.
• Identify the basic operation of the systems.

• Learning outcomes LEARNING OUTCOMES

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SERV2126 - 08/18 -9- Introduction


• Explain the purpose of the This course will provide an overview of the Next Generation 336GC and 336
course. machines, which meet either Tier 4 Final or Tier III emission standards, based on
the market. The course will focus on operator station, electrical, and hydraulic
system components and service points that differ from the Next Generation
320/323 Hydraulic Excavators on the following machines:
• 336GC Serial number prefixes
-- JFW
-- EBJ
• 336 Standard serial number prefixes
-- FEL
-- GDY
-- SP9
-- YBN
-- DKS
-- ZBS
-- JHD

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SERV2126 - 08/18 -11- Introduction


• Identify the similarities and The 336 Next Gen HEX are similar to the 320/323 Next Gen HEX, with the
differences between the 336 and following differences:
320/323 machines. • The hydraulic pumps and pump regulators have been updated.
• A pilot supply line has been added to the electronically-controlled hydraulic
pump solenoids for displacement control. Pilot supply is sent to the pump
regulators from the lower left side of the main control valve.
• A new hydraulic fan provides greater efficiency than the previous viscous
fan, and is a more economical option than the electric fan used on the 320
machines. The hydraulic fan does have a reverse function.

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SERV2126 - 08/18 -12- Introduction

Sales Model 336GC Standard 336

Source Facility Akashi Akashi Akashi Akashi
Engine • C7.1 Unity6 • C7.1 TTA • C9.3B • C9.3B
• Same as 330D2 • Same as 330F • Same base engine
with different rating as HRC without
Engine ECM A4:E2 A5:E2 A6:E2 A6:E2
Emissions Standard Tier III/Stage III Tier 4 Final/Stage IV Tier III/Stage III Stage V
Rated Speed 2000 rpm 2200 rpm 1800 rpm 1800 rpm
Rated Power 195 kW (262 hp) 205 kW (275 hp) 234 kW (314 hp) 234 kW (314 hp)


• Identify the engine used on the The chart defines the engines used in the 336 machines. Each engine is equipped
machines. with a high pressure common rail fuel system, a high pressure fuel pump and fuel
injectors, and an Air to Air AfterCooler (ATAAC) intake air system. A New
Generation A6:E2 Engine ECM has been introduced on the Standard 336

Caterpillar: Confidential Yellow

SERV2126 - 08/18 -13- Introduction


As with the 320/323 machines, the 336 machines are equipped with Next
Generation Electronic Architecture (NGEA), which is the next generation of
components, system development tools, and system architecture that provide
the foundation for Technology Enabled Solutions (TES). NGEA enables improved
product performance while reducing costs and down time.

Components of NGEA enable Ease of Use (EOU) and include:

• New Ethernet ECMs
• Displays
• Digital cameras
• Bluetooth™ capabilities
• Pushbutton start

Ethernet has 200 times more bandwidth than CAN (J1939). Datalogging 10
parameters at a rate of 10 ms would load a CAN bus to 100%. Using the new
Ethernet architecture, datalogging 560 channels would represent a load of less
than 10%.

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SERV2126 - 08/18 -15- Introduction


• Explain the differences between The top illustration shows Ethernet communication on a Standard 336 machine
machines with CGC versus equipped with Advanced Cat Grade Control (Advanced CGC). The new generation
machines without CGC. A6:E2 Engine ECM follows the A6:N2 Network Manager in the Ethernet topology.
The A6:N2 also supports connectivity to the R2 (EC520) module.

The bottom illustration shows an A6:N1 Network Manager, an economical version

of the A6:N2, is used on the Standard 336 when the machine is not configured
with Advanced CGC. The A6:N1 has fewer ports than the A6:N2 and does not
support connectivity with the R2 (EC520) module; however, other specifications are

Caterpillar: Confidential Yellow

SERV2126 - 08/18 -16- Introduction


• Explain the ECM communication The 336GC is not equipped with a Network Manager device of any kind; therefore,
used in the 336GC machines. the A6:E2 Engine ECM is not included in the Ethernet topology of the machine. The
Engine ECM communicates with other machine ECMs strictly via CAN bus. For
336GC machines equipped with Advanced 2D or 3D CGC, communication with the
R2 (EC520) is also relegated to CAN bus connectivity.

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SERV2126 - 08/18 -17- Introduction


• Identify the components of The 336GC is a limited-technology machine equipped with Product Link (1), an 8”
the 336GC limited-technology monitor (2), a swing sensor (3), and a rear camera (4).
NOTE: Limited technologies means that the machine is not equipped with
the Ease of Use components; however, the 336GC is still equipped with the
Electro-Hydraulic (EH) components such as the main control valve and the
main pumps.

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SERV2126 - 08/18 -18- Introduction


• Identify the technology options Several technology options are available on the Standard 336, as shown above.
available on the Standard 336

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SERV2126 - 08/18 -19- Introduction


• Identify the Basic 2D Basic 2D is standard on the Standard 336 and includes sensors for the boom (1),
components. stick (2), bucket (3), body (4), and swing (5), and an 8” or 10” display monitor (6).
While not directly part of the Basic 2D system, the Standard 336 machines are also
equipped with a Product Link Elite device and A6:Nx Network Manager (7) and a
rear camera (8). These components, together with the Machine ECM, enable Basic
2D functionality; for example, an integrated Depth and Slope System.

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SERV2126 - 08/18 -20- Introduction


• Identify the AMR bucket sensor. A new AMR (Anisotropic-Magneto-Resistive) bucket sensor is an integrated
two-piece design - a sensor and magnet - and provides bucket position information
via a PWM signal to the ECM, replacing the positioning sensing cylinder. A
protective guard on the stick keeps the sensor safe from damage.

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SERV2126 - 08/18 -21- Introduction


• Explain the use of the IMU New Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU) body, boom, and stick sensors provide incline
sensors. calculations from 3-axis acceleration and gyro (angular rate) sensor data on a
dedicated CAN bus. Installation is easy as compared with the previous rotation
sensor, and the use of alignment dowels eliminates the need for sensor angle
calibration after sensor replacement. A simple IMU Identification calibration is all
that would be required.

Caterpillar: Confidential Yellow

SERV2126 - 08/18 -22- Introduction


• Explain 2D E-Fence. 2D E-Fence, which automatically constrains machine motion within set boundaries
by stopping the hydraulic system, features programmable E-Ceiling, E-Floor,
E-Wall (forward), E-Wall (swing), and cab avoidance dimensions.

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SERV2126 - 08/18 -23- Introduction


• Identify the swing angle sensor. The swing angle sensor is an Ease of Use component used in Swing Assist and
E-Fence functionality. The swing angle sensor is located in the center of the swivel
and measures the angular rate of the upper structure as the machine swings.
Sensor information is used as an input to the main control valve algorithm.

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SERV2126 - 08/18 -24- Introduction


• Identify the laser catcher. An optional laser catcher is available. The linear laser receiver with strobe rejection
feature is an elevation position sensor, providing the ECM with reference elevation
information when contacted by the laser beam. The wedge design provides an
optimized view angle of the laser beam.

Caterpillar: Confidential Yellow

SERV2126 - 08/18 -25- Introduction


• Identify the tilt bucket. The Basic 2D system also supports the use of a tilt bucket. The addition of a
GS520 IMU on the tilt bucket is required, and can be connected to the same CAN
bus used by the implement IMUs previously mentioned.

Caterpillar: Confidential Yellow

SERV2126 - 08/18 -26- Introduction


• Explain the differences between Advanced 2D

Advanced 2D and 3D.
Advanced 2D is optional on the Standard 336 machines and includes the Basic
2D features as well as a dedicated Grade EC520 Module, a dedicated Grade 10”
monitor (TD520), and a Depth and Slope System with the capability to create in-
field designs (multiple slopes).


3D is optional on the Standard 336 machines and includes the Advanced 2D

features as well as two Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) receivers and
two antennas mounted at the rear of the machine, and either a Sitenet Radio or an
SNM94x Modem to increase the precision of the GNSS receivers. The Depth and
Slope System with In-field Design is replaced with the 3D Cat Grade System with
In-field Design.

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SERV2126 - 08/18 -27- Introduction


• Explain the operation of Cat Basic 2D, Advanced 2D, and 3D are also equipped with CGA software. The CGA
Grade with Assist. system offers several features that enhance productivity, efficiency, and accuracy of
grade and slope. The system allows the operator to automate boom and bucket
angle while manually controlling stick movement. The operator can set e-floor and
e-ceiling elevations, and the system can be set to automatically restrict the linkage
from moving outside the selected elevations. The CGA system can be operated in
an AUTO/MANUAL mode that allows the operator manual control of boom, stick,
and bucket functions, but provides visible and audible prompts through the monitor
to maintain grade and slope.

Assist bundles are standard for the Standard 336 and do not require a separate
CGA ECM, as was the case with the F Series machines.

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SERV2126 - 08/18 -28- Introduction


• Explain the Payload system. Basic 2D, Advanced 2D, and 3D are also equipped with Payload software. Payload
is an integrated onboard payload monitoring system which precisely measures the
weight of material being loaded by the excavator. The system is an updated version
of the previous Cat Production Management system combined with Static Weigh
and Auto Calibration. The Payload system automatically weighs each bucket load
during the boom up and swing functions and does not require the machine to stop
working in order to weigh the material.

The Payload system also monitors the amount of material being loaded into each
truck. As the truck payload accumulates, the system uses a truck target weight
indicator to alert the operator when the last cycle has been reached, the target
payload has been reached, or the truck has been overloaded.

The Payload system analyzes number of passes and payload data, which can
be used in conjunction with the Product Link Advanced Productivity feature, to
optimize efficiency and profitability for the customer.

The software is integrated into the Machine ECM, and the monitor displays
information such as, but not limited to, truck payload, remaining payload, weight
status, and bucket count.

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SERV2126 - 08/18 -29- Introduction

• Identify the major components The machine walkaround will identify some of the major components and service
and service points of the points.
machine. Shown are the:
• Fan motor (1)
• Engine (2)
• Main control valve (3)
• Swing drive assembly (4)
• Fuel tank (5)
• Diesel Exhaust Fluid (DEF) tank (6) (Tier 4 Final only)
• Hydraulic oil tank (7)
• Hydraulic fan pump (8)
• Main hydraulic pumps (9)
• Aftertreatment system (10) (Tier 4 only). LRC models are equipped with a
NOTE: Component locations are shown on an HRC model. Component
locations are the same or similar for the LRC model, unless otherwise

Caterpillar: Confidential Yellow

SERV2126 - 08/18 -30- Introduction


• Identify the cab fresh air filter. The cab fresh air filter (arrow) is located on the left side of the machine, at the rear
of the cab.

Caterpillar: Confidential Yellow

SERV2126 - 08/18 -31- Introduction


• Identify the components located Components located in the left service compartment include the:
in the left service compartment. • Primary ECM (1)
• Secondary ECM (2)
• Product Link Network Manager (3), located below the ECMs
• Washer fluid reservoir (4)
• Batteries (5)
• Intake air filter (6)

A power fuse module is installed in the battery compartment to protect the following
electrical circuits:
• 100 amp main fuse (7)
• 125 amp alternator fuse (8)

Caterpillar: Confidential Yellow

SERV2126 - 08/18 -32- Introduction


• Identify the components located The cooling compartment houses the following components:
in the cooling compartment. • Coolant shunt tank (1)
• ATAAC (2)
• Hydraulic oil cooler (3)
• Radiator (4)
• Air conditioning (A/C) condenser (5)
• A/C dryer bottle (6)
• Battery disconnect switch (7)
• DEF purge lamp (8) (Tier 4 Final only)
• Engine coolant S•O•SSM tap (9)

Caterpillar: Confidential Yellow

SERV2126 - 08/18 -33- Introduction


• Identify the components and The right side platform provides access to the locking fuel fill cap (1), located above
service points of the right side the fuel tank.
The new hydraulic oil tank fill cap (2) contains an integrated breather. This design
reduces the risk of opening the tank without the pressure being released first. The
main hydraulic filter (not visible) is located below this plate, next to the fill cap.

The main control valve (3), shown with cover in place, is identical to the 320/323
and can be accessed from the top of the platform.

The swing motor/drive assembly (4), swing drive oil level dipstick (5), and hydraulic
swivel (6) are located in the center of the machine.

The optional medium pressure control valve (7) and pressure tap (8) are left of the
swing drive.

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SERV2126 - 08/18 -34- Introduction


• Identify the engine oil fill cap and The engine oil fill cap (1) and dipstick (2) are located rearward of the main control
dipstick. valve.

Caterpillar: Confidential Yellow

SERV2126 - 08/18 -35- Introduction


• Identify the key features of the An A6:E2 Engine ECM has been introduced to the C9.3B engines on the Standard
C9.3B engine. 336 machines. The Engine ECM communicates with other ECMs via CAN bus and
2-wire Ethernet connections, and supplies power to NOX sensors, DEF line heaters,
and the DEF dosing pump. The new Engine ECM eliminates the need for the
Dosing Control Unit (DCU) ECM and the Aftertreatment ECM.

The engine is equipped with a high pressure common rail fuel system with a
serviceable pump actuator. A 10-digit trim code and 2-digit inter-lock code are
printed on each injector solenoid and are programmable via Cat ET.

Camshaft and crankshaft speed/timing sensors replace the two camshaft speed/
timing sensors, which allows auto-calibration without the use of a probe.

The Voltage Load Protection Module (VLPM) and power relay and the NRS/EGR
have been eliminated, and the presence of an ARD is not required.

NOTE: To learn more about the engine, watch the C9.3B Engine Update on
Caterpillar Channel1.

Caterpillar: Confidential Yellow

SERV2126 - 08/18 -36- Introduction


• Identify the components and Components and service points located in the pump compartment include the:
service points located in the • Secondary engine oil level gauge (dipstick) (1)
pump compartment.
• Engine oil filter (2)
• Engine oil S•O•S tap (3)
• Hydraulic oil S•O•S tap (4)
• Medium pressure gear pump (5), if equipped
• Piston-type EH fan pump (6)
• Main hydraulic pumps (7) (two piston-type EH pumps mounted in tandem)
• Primary fuel filter (8) with water separator (9)
• Secondary fuel filter (10)

If equipped with a fast fill system, ports for hydraulic oil (11) and engine oil (12)
will be located in the pump compartment. Oil can be drained and filled using these

Also shown is the hydraulic oil level gauge (13).

Caterpillar: Confidential Yellow

SERV2126 - 08/18 -37- Introduction


• Identify the hydraulic oil tank. The hydraulic oil level gauge (1) is located on the hydraulic oil tank (2), forward of
the pump compartment. The case drain oil filter has been replaced by a magnetic
screen (3) located inside the tank. Case drain oil from the main hydraulic pumps,
travel motors, and swing motor flows through the case drain screen.

Caterpillar: Confidential Yellow

SERV2126 - 08/18 -38- Introduction


• Identify the hydraulic pumps and The 336 machines are equipped with new variable displacement piston-type
main pump regulators. hydraulic pumps and main pump regulators (2). Pump 1 (4) and Pump 2 (3) are
connected in tandem. The engine directly powers Pump 1 through a mechanical
connection to the engine flywheel. A splined shaft inside the pump housing
transfers the rotational power from Pump 1 to Pump 2. The pumps are identical in
construction and operation.

Because the main hydraulic pumps differ from those on the 320/323, an
additional pilot supply line (10) has been added to the hydraulic system. The line
supplies pilot oil from the left underside of the main control valve (11) through
the accumulator (12) to the pump solenoids (1) on the pump regulators (2) for
displacement control.

Supply oil from the hydraulic tank enters suction port (6). The single inlet port is
common to both pumps. Pump 1 delivers oil flow through outlet port (7). Pump 2
delivers oil flow through outlet port (8).

Case drain oil from the pump housing flows from port (5) to the case drain screen
located inside the hydraulic tank.

Caterpillar: Confidential Yellow

SERV2126 - 08/18 -40- Introduction


• Identify the hydraulic fan pump A new hydraulic fan provides greater efficiency than the previous viscous fan, and
and fan motor. is a more economical option than the electric fan used on the 320 machines. When
the fan draws in outside air, the engine compartment temperature is kept low.
When the fan is reversed and outputs air, debris buildup is cleared from the fan
guard and the cooling group.

The fan system is powered by the variable piston-type hydraulic fan pump (1),
mounted in tandem on the back of the main hydraulic pumps. When the engine
is running, the fan pump is creating oil flow. Various components in the system
determine how much oil flow to send for controlling fan speed at the fan motor (2).

The hydraulic cooling fan and motor are part of the hydraulic system, but are
controlled in part by the Engine ECM. The charge air temperature sensor and
coolant temperature sensor are inputs to the Engine ECM. The hydraulic oil
temperature sensor is an input to the Machine ECM. The Engine ECM shares
the charge air and coolant temperature data with the Machine ECM via the CAN
(J1939) Data Link.

The Machine ECM software monitors these three temperature sensor inputs to
control fan speed. A target speed for the cooling fan is assigned for engine speed
based on the output of the various temperature sensors. The target values for the
maximum fan speeds are assigned by the ECM software.

Caterpillar: Confidential Yellow

SERV2126 - 08/18 -41- Introduction


• Identify the fan reversing valve. If equipped with the reverse fan option, pilot oil pressure from the main control
valve is used by the fan reversing valve (arrow) to control the direction of rotation of
the fan. Reversing fan operation is controlled by the monitor in the cab.

The monitor contains several cooling maps, or strategies, for controlling the fan
pump. The cooling maps are dependent upon ambient temperature conditions
and/or sound regulations at the machine site. These settings are available in the
monitor’s fan configurations screen and through Cat® Electronic Technician (Cat
ET). The monitor and Cat ET can be used to calibrate the fan speed.

Caterpillar: Confidential Yellow

SERV2126 - 08/18 -42- Introduction


• Identify the DEF tank. If equipped, a fuel fast fill coupler (1) will be located in the right front storage

The DEF tank and filler cap (2) are also located in the right front storage
compartment on the HRC machines. A DEF level gauge (3) is located on the front
of the tank.

Caterpillar: Confidential Yellow

SERV2126 - 08/18 -43- Introduction


• Identify the control panel and The operator’s station is the same as the 320/323 Next Generation Excavators and
monitor in the operator's station. includes a simplified control panel (1) and a standard high resolution touch screen
monitor (2).

Caterpillar: Confidential Yellow

SERV2126 - 08/18 -44- Introduction


• Identify the controls located on The engine speed control dial (1), located on the right console switch panel, is used
the right console. to select one of seven available engine rpm settings. Rotating the dial clockwise
increases engine rpm. Pressing the top of the dial toggles through three engine
modes: Economy, Power, and SMART.

The jog dial (2) is used to select items displayed on the monitor screen. The dial
can be rotated 360 degrees, and can be moved left, right, forward, and rearward.
Depress the dial to make a screen selection.

The keyless engine start switch (3) is located rearward of the right joystick. The
switch is comprised of an engine start ring (4), which is rotated to the OFF (5) and
ON (6) positions, and a start button (7). To activate the electrical circuits in the cab
and enable engine starting, turn the engine start ring clockwise to the ON position.
To start the engine, the operator must provide the proper passcode on the monitor
or have an authorized Bluetooth key.

NOTE: Authorized passcodes and keys are programmed in the Machine

ECM via Cat ET or the monitor.

If the operator is authorized to start the engine, the icon on the start button will
illuminate green and the operator will be able to start the engine by pressing the
start button.

Caterpillar: Confidential Yellow

SERV2126 - 08/18 -46- Introduction


• Identify the hydraulic lockout Some optional seats are equipped with a tip-up console, which can be tipped
control lever and quick coupler upward for easier cab exit and entry. The console is unlocked by pulling the
control. hydraulic lockout control lever (1) to its rearmost position. The console will then tip
upward. Push the console downward until it locks into place when ready for use.

A quick coupler control (2), if equipped, is located on the console.

Caterpillar: Confidential Yellow

SERV2126 - 08/18 -47- Introduction


• Identify the information available A larger, high resolution touch screen monitor is available in 8” and 10” formats.
from the monitor Home screen. The monitor features an anti-glare film and access to an E-OMM and up to five
coaching videos. The monitor can be controlled by touch or by using the jog dial
and switch panel located on the right console.

The Home screen (shown) displays the following information areas:

• Action lamps (1): Illuminate to show that a problem has occurred with the
machine. The left action lamp flashes amber when a Level 2 warning is active.
The right action lamp flashes red when a Level 3 warning is active.
• Machine status (2): Displays machine parameters such as power mode,
clock, roll angle, and pitch angle.
• Event indicator (3): Displays pop-up warnings, messages, and diagnostic
codes related to machine conditions.
• Camera view (4): A standard rear view camera is mounted on top of the
counterweight. An optional side view camera may be mounted in the side
panel next to the hydraulic tank. If equipped with multiple cameras, the camera
view can be toggled to show:
-- Rear only
-- Side only
-- Split vertically
-- Split horizontally

Caterpillar: Confidential Yellow

SERV2126 - 08/18 -49- Introduction


• Explain how to navigate through The monitor’s menu structure is arranged in a stair-step, or hierarchical list format.
the monitoring system menus. When the operator or technician selects an option from a menu or a list, the
resulting screen is one level down from that selection. Further selections or options
may be available from the selected screen. There may be more than one page of
information or options to be displayed from any level. This is indicated by the More
Options arrow (3).

The Clock Adjust menu (9), for example, is accessed by selecting the Application
(Apps) key (1) on the Home screen, the Setting application (2) from the Apps
menu, and the Display Setting menu option (7) from the Setting menu.

The Home screen can be displayed by pressing the Home button (5) from any
screen or by pressing the Home key on the switch panel. Press the Back button (6)
to move back through the menu hierarchy. Press the Close button (4) on the Apps
menu screen to close the menu and return to the previous screen.

The title (8) of the menu being displayed is listed at the top of each menu screen.

Caterpillar: Confidential Yellow

SERV2126 - 08/18 -50- Introduction


This course has provided an overview of the 336GC and 336 Next Generation
Hydraulic Excavators.

When used with the Operation and Maintenance Manuals (OMM) and other service
information, the service technician will be able to locate and identify the major
components of both the 336GC and 336 Next Generation Hydraulic Excavators.

Caterpillar: Confidential Yellow

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