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Parasite Ova Other name Disease Infective MOT Diagnosis Treatment Prevention

Trichuris trichiura  Whipworm  Trichuriasis Embryonated Ingesting eggs Principal host: man, but has been found in hogs,  DFS  Mebendazole  Sanitary
 Trichocephal  Trichucephaliasis ova monkeys, cattle, dogs, mice  KTS (500mg) disposal of
us trichiurus  Whipworm infection Main habitat: cecum & appendix  Concentration  Albendazole (400 mg) feces
 Trichocephal Slight infection Life span: 5-10 years techniques  Oxantel-pyrantel  Thorough
us dispar (asymptomatic) washing of
Heavy infection Adult hands
(surface of  flesh – colored  Thorough
 Barrel/football- colon matted  anterior three-fifths is attenuated (whiplike) washing and
shaped with worms)  stichosoma type of esophagus cooking of food
 Japanese lantern a) male  Avoid using
3 layers: - 30-45 mm human feces as
- posterior portion: coiled (360°) fertilizer
 Undeveloped,
unicellular embryo - lanceolate spicule protruding through a refractile
 Outermost layer – pineal sheath
smooth, bile- b) female:
stained - 35-50 mm
- bluntly rounded posterior end
 Hyaline/Mucus
- 3,000-10,000 eggs per day

Capillaria Pudoc worm Capillariasis or Mystery 3rd stage larva Eating infected Intermediate host: glassfish, “bagsit”, “bagsang”,  DFS  Albendazole  Thorough
philippinensis Disease fish “ipon”  Concentration - drug of choice cooking of fish
DH: Man and birds techniques - 400 mg/day for 10 days
Predominant Main Habitat: Large & small intestine - destroys larvae readily
symptoms: Distribution: Philippines & Thailand  Mebendazole
 Borborygmi FEMALE - 200mg twice a day for 20
 Color: Pale yellow  Abdominal pain Size: 2.4 – 4.3 mm days or 400 mg/day for 20
 Size: 42x20 µ  Diarrhea (chronic) Divisions: days
 Similar to that of T. Untreated:  Anterior – esophagus and esophageal glands  Electrolyte
trichiura  Weight loss  Posterior – intestine and reproductive organs replacement therapy
 Smaller & more  Malaise ❖ Atypical female & high protein diet
striated shells - uterus lined with 2-3 rows of eggs
 Vomiting
 Flattened plugs - Larviparous
 Dehydration
 Peanut shape - causes internal auto-reinfection
 Anorexia
 Pneumonia ❖ Typical female
- uterus lined with 1 row of egg
 Heart failure
- oviparous
 Cerebral edema
Size: 2.3 – 3.17mm
Death: 2 – 8 weeks after  Caudal alae; long, non-spiny sheath
these are seen
Enterobius vermicularis  Pin worm  Enterobiasis Embryonated  By anus to Main habitat: cecum and appendix  Graham Scotch N/A Extremely difficult
 Seat worm  Oxyuriasis egg mouth via Definitive host: man Tape Technique once infection sets
 Oxyuris contaminat Reservoir host: dogs and cats / Cellulose in the household
vermicularis Pathology & ed fingers Acetate
Symptomatology: and fomites ADULT Technique  Home and
Some are asymptomatic;  Through  Small, spindle-shaped, relatively stout with  NIH Swab community
 Double lined
rarely causes serious contaminat dorsoventral bladder-like expansions of cuticle Technique sanitation
chorionic shell
lesions ed food and called the “cephalic alae”/”lateral wings”  Schuffner and  Better personal
 Transparent and
drinks  Have an oral end and three lips, hour glass- Swelling Rebel hygiene;
especially if shaped esophagus Method fingernails
 Elongated and Other symptoms:
the food should be cut
ovoidal with one  Nocturnal perianal
handler is short
side flattened itching a) MALE: 2-5 mm long, strongly curved pointed tail
the carrier
 With inner  Vulva irritation; which is used for copulation, spicule is conspicuous  Use showers
 Via b) FEMALE: 8-13 mm in length by 0.4 mm; posterior rather than bath
embryonated layer vulvovaginitis,
inhalation- end is sharply pointed; vulva found in the middle tubs
and outer salpingitis
viable ova third; paired genital organs
albuminous shell  Cardinal feature:  Infected
can float in
 Embryonated hypersensitivity persons should
the air
when laid at the  Mild nausea or sleep alone
 Retro
perianal area vomiting infection:
 Remain viable up  Loss of sleep, gravid
to 13 days, rarely irritability female after
seen in the stool  Slight irritation to laying their
intestinal mucosa eggs in the
area goes
through the
anus to the
 The larvae
back to the
Strongyloides stercoralis Ova: Threadworm  Cochin-china Filariform Skin penetration Definitive host: man  DFS  Thiabendazole same as
 Ovoidal thin diarrhea larvae Habitat: Upper small intestines (duodenum)  stool culture – ovicidal & larvicidal hookworms
Filariform shelled,  Strongyloidiasis Autoinfection 2 species: S. stercoralis, S. fuellerborni (Harada mori  Albendazole
transparent,  Strongyloidosis ADULT filter paper – 400 mg/day for 3
resembles a  well – developed buccal capsule technique) days
Chinese lantern Pathology &  no teeth, no cutting plates
 Not found in feces Symptoms:  but bears a crown of chitinous, leaf-like Rhabditiform larvae ❖ Strongyloidiasis is
except in diarrhea 1. Skin: allergic, raised processes in feces: difficult to treat
and hyperistalsis red blotches at the site of 2 PHASES of development  Enterotest ❖ Internal infection can
 Contains a fully larval penetration 1. Parasitic  Baermann continue for years
developed embryo 2. Migration of larvae:  inhabits the intestine of host  ELISA because of autoinfection
Rhabditiform larvae: bronchial verminous  female is a delicate filiform worm
 Flask-shaped & pneumonia  L: 2.2 mm
stout esophagus 3. Intestine: abdominal  esophagus: occupies 1/3 of the anterior part
 Short buccal cavity pain, diarrhea and (longer)
 Conspicuous constipation, vomiting,  Parthenogenetic
genital primordium weight loss, variable 2. Free-living
Filariform larvae: anemia, eosinophilia,  Exists in the environment
 Non-feeding stage protein losing  buccal cavity: slightly larger that that of the
with a long and enteropathy parasitic male worm
delicate  adult female: shorter, smaller, shorter esophagus
esophagus Asymptomatic in light
 Forked or notched infection
4. Death in immuno-
compromised patients
due to heavy
autoinfection or larval
migration throughout the
Hookworm filariform


Ascaris lumbricoides Giant Intestinal Ascariasis, Dooryard or Embryonated Ingestion of Definitive host: man (no intermediate host needed)  DFS  Mebendazole  Sanitary
roundworm Backyard Infection ova embryonated Main habitat: Lumen of the small intestine  KTS (500mg) disposal of
eggs Life span: 12-17 months  Concentration  Pyrantel pamoate (10 human excreta
PATHOLOGY Techniques mg/kg (maximum of 1  Personal
a) Due to larval Adult: white, creamy or pinkish yellow when freshly  ELISA g)) hygiene
migration: expelled and resembles earthworm (lumbricus)  Albendazole (400 mg)  Avoid the use
Ascaris pneumonitis: - Head is provided with three conspicuous lips Stool examination of night soil
Damage to the which are finely denticulated; each lip has may give negative fertilizer
TYPES OF EGGS pulmonary tissue minute twinned sensory papillae. results due to the  Thorough
a) Unfertilized: longer (petechial hemorrhage) following: cooking of food
and narrower when larvae break out of a) Male particularly
the lung capillaries into vegetables and
 10-31 cm  During the early
the air sacs washing of
2 layers of the egg Symptoms manifested:  Usually shorter and slender stage of fruits
shell:  Asthmatic type of  Ventrically curved posterior end with 2 infection (worms  Washing
 Albuminoid layer respiration spicules are still solution:
(absent in old  Cough  Genitalia: composed of a single, long immature) aqueous iodine
specimens)  Bronchial rales tortuous tubule  During larval solution (200
 Chorionic layer or (abnormal b) Female migration parts/million)
true shell respiratory sound)  35 cm long x 3-6 mm through the - Kills
- filled with  Urticarial rash  Straight posterior end blood stream infective
amorphous (hives, vascular  Paired reproductive organs located in the  When only male egg and
mass reaction of the upper 2/3 of the body worms are larva in 15
- lack the dermis; eosinophilia  Oviparous present in the minutes
cresentric in the Circulatory  Gravid uterus: 200,000 eggs intestines
clear area blood)
b) Fertilized: broadly
avoidal and thick b) Due to adult worms:
 Diarrhea
3 layers:  Vague abdominal
- Chorionic/true pain
shell:  Nausea and loss of
chitinous appetite
secretory Due to its erratic
product of the behavior:
egg  Vomiting
- Vitelline layer:  Suffocation
fertilization  Intestinal obstruction
membrane; appendicitis
highly  Acute pancreatitis
 Peritonitis
(perforation of the
that protects
the inner
- Protein
us layer:
layer with a
tanning action
➢ Embryonated:
same as fertilized but
contains the larva of
the embryo
➢ Decorticated: lacks
the albuminous
mamillated shell;
usually seen in old
specimens; it may be
fertilized or unfertilized

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