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Multinational Management

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David P. ~utenberg
Queen's University, Canada

Little, Brown and Company Boston Toronto

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Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data

Rutenberg, David.
Multinational management.
Bibliography: p.
Includes index.
1. International business enterprises - Management.
I. Title
HD62.4.R87 658' .049 81-23641
ISBN 0-316-76365-9 AACR2

Copyright © 1982 by Little, Brown and Company (Inc.)

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any
form or by any electronic or mechanical means including information
storage and retrieval systems without permission in writing from the
publisher, except by a reviewer who may quote brief passages in a
ISBN 0-316-763659
9 8 7 654 3 2 1


Published simultaneously in Canada

by Little, Brown & Company (Canada) Limited
Printed in the United States of America

Jacket and interior design by Jennie Bush/Designworks

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Introduction xi

Acknowledgments xv

ONE: Organizational Structures and Tensions 1

Introductory Note to the Case 1
First National City Bank 2
Multinational Corporate Banking 2
Historical Growth 3
International Organization 3
The Multinational Corporate Client 5
Internal Problems 6
Matrix Resolution 7
Questions 8

Introduction 10
Experience Curves in a Product-Structured Corporation 12
Risk-Spreading in a Geographically Organized Corporation 18
Geocentric Balance in a Matrix Organization 23
Bibliography to Chapter 1 33

Multinational Financial Management 35

TWO: Exchange Management in a Multinational Corporation 37

Introductory Note to the Case 37
Dozier Industries 38

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vi Content.
History of the Company 38
Foreign Exchange Risk and Hedging 41

Introduction 46
Polycentric View of Exchange Management 49
An Ethnocentric View of Exchange Management 56
The Geocentric View of Exchange Management 59
Conclusion 64
Questions from Other Viewpoints 66
Bibliography to Chapter 2 68

T H R E E: Maneuvering Liquid Assets 70

Introductory Note to the Case 70
Paisley S.A. 71
The Organization 73
Financial Policies 74
Outline of the Memo 75

Ethnocentric - Introduction 81
Geocentric Model- A Generalized Network 82
Adjusted Transfer Prices A(pfj} 86
Fees and Royalties A(ffj} 90
Intersubsidiary Loans A (if: J+1} 92
Dividends A(d~} 95
Local Loans 98
The Optimal Capital Structure of a Subsidiary 99
Systems within Systems 100
Implementing the Model in a Polycentric Corporation 102
Conclusion 103
Questions from Other Viewpoints 104
Bibliography to Chapter 3 106

F 0 U R: Multinational Expansion to a New Nation 108

Introductory Note to the Case 108
Michelin Tires Manufacturing Co. of Canada Ltd. 109
The Michelin Organization 109
The Canadian Operation 111
The Agreements 112
Industry Reactions 115
The Canadian Tire Industry 115
Industry-Government Relations 116
Industry-Government Negotiations 117
The U.S. Industry and Its Responses 119
Remedy Sought 120

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Content. vii

Introduction 122
Polycentric Process 122
Ethnocentric Process 125
Geocentric Process 131
Closing Decisions 136
Conclusions 137
Questions from Other Viewpoints 139
Bibliography to Chapter 4 141

Summary of Multinational Financial Management 143

Multinational Manufacturing 145

F I V E: Logistics 147
Introductory Note to the Case 147
Ascendant Electric of England Ltd. 148
Cost Review of Supplying Los Angeles Customer by Sea 148
Thinking about Airfreight 150
Negotiating Strategy 152

Introduction 153
First Phase: Product-Centered View of Logistics (Ethnocentric) 153
Second Phase: Subsidiary-Centered View of Logistics
(Polycentric) 163
Third Phase: Geocentric View of Logistics 164
Conclusions 170
Questions from Other Viewpoints 170
Bibliography to Chapter 5 172

SIX: Production Smoothing 174

Introductory Note to the Case 174
Ford Motor Co. Ltd. 174
A Matter of Economy 176
The Early Stages 176
Five Years, Five Chairmen 178
"General Animosity" 179
Questions 180

Introduction 182
Ethnocentric Production·Focused Production Smoothing 182
Polycentric Nation·Focused Production Smoothing 184
Geocentric Production Smoothing 187

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viii Content.

Conclusions 202
Questions from Other Viewpoints 202
Bibliography to Chapter 6 204

SE V EN: Multinational Plant Location 206

Introductory Note to the Case 206
Bell Schmheitsprodukte GmbH 207
The Company and Its Products 207
Competition and Prices 208
Alternative Courses of Action 210
Questions 219

Introduction 220
How Governments Perceive Factories 220
Plant Location Decisions in a Geographically Decentralized
Corporation 223
Ethnocentric Plant Location to Minimize Cost 228
Geocentric Perspective on Plant Location 231
Questions from Other Viewpoints 236
Bibliography to Chapter 7 237

Summary of Multinational ManufactUring 239

Multinational Marketing 241

El G HT: New Product Launch 243

Introductory Note to the Case 243
Philip Morris International 244
The Canadian Market 244
The Competition 248
Questions 254

Introduction 255
Ethnocentric SimUitude 255
Polycentric Production Smoothing 259
Geocentric Launch 263
Ethnocentric Appendix 267
Geocentric Appendix 270
Questions from Other Viewpoints 273
Bibliography to Chapter 8 275

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Contents ix

NI N E: Pricing 277
Introductory Note to the Case 277
Tyler Abrasives Inc. 278
Background of Genag 279
Tyler's International Operations 280
The Second Meeting with Genag 282
The Selling Process 285
Sales Overseas 286
Further Developments with Genag 286
Summary 290
Questions 291

Introduction 293
Umbrella Pricing 294
Constraints on Price Policy 296
Data Required for Multinational Pricing 298
Three Pricing Schemes 299
Polycentric Pricing Scheme 300
Geocentric Pricing Scheme 302
Ethnocentric Pricing Scheme 303
The Three Pricing Schemes Discussed 305
Appendix 1. A Mathematical Formulation of the Pricing Model 306
Appendix 2. Mathematical Formulation of Geocentric Pricing
Scheme 309
Appendix 3. Mathematical Formulation of Ethnocentric Pricing
Scheme 310
Questions from Other Viewpoints 312
Bibliography to Chapter 9 314

TEN: Product Design 315

Introductory Note to the Case 315
Black and Decker (Canada) Inc. 317
The Birth of the Workwheel 317
Standards Requirements 318
Regulations 318
Technical Considerations 321
The Product Development Cycle 322
The Concept Study 324
Intercompany Business 327

Introduction 331
Polycentric View of Product Design 331
Ethnocentric View of Product Design 333
Geocentric View of Product Design 334
Conclusions 339
Appendix. Two Market Research Techniques 339

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x Content.
Questions from Other Viewpoints 341
Bibliography to Chapter 10 343

Summary of Multinational Marketing 344

Multinational Executive Development 347

E LE V EN: International Executive Development 349

Introductory Note to the Case 349
The Road to Hell ... 350
Questions 356

Introduction 358
Future Management Needs 358
Program Development 363
Bibliography to Chapter 11 372

Summary of the Book 374

Index 379

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This book is designed to help the reader understand the rationale of

multinational corporations. Each of the nine central chapters focuses on
the question of how a centrally directed multinational corporation (called
a geocentric) can earn more profit than an identical corporation which
lacks central direction (called a polycentric). Although some central
direction is usually good, too much can be bad: Other multinationals
(called ethnocentric) straitjacket their subsidiaries into acting in ways
appropriate only in the headquarters' nation.
Throughout the book, the words polycentric, geocentric, and ethno-
centric are used to describe attitudes that are fundamental influences on
organizational structure. A polycentric corporation tolerates many centers
of decision making. This occurs when a geographically organized corpora-
tion is run in a decentralized manner, with independent national subsidi-
aries. The geocentric corporation is one in which the executives consider
the global consequences of each decision; this necessitates good informa-
tion and excellent staff work, which can occur in an effective matrix
structure. Ethnocentrism is a belief in the inherent superiority of one's
own people. In an ethnocentric corporation all corporate executives
are of the same nationality, and the home nation dominates their thinking
to the extent that other countries seem foreign and secondary. A product
manager in the home nation who is assigned international responsibility
without adequate preparation will usually think ethnocentrically.
The words polycentric, geocentric, and ethnocentric were first applied
to multinational corporations in the early 1960s by Howard Perlmutter,
now at the University of Pennsylvania. His background in social psychol-
ogy caused him to think about the power relationship between head-
quarters executives and subsidiary managers, and to perceive these three
consistent patterns of interaction cutting across hundreds of different
multinationals. Several patterns of interaction may be found within one
corporation. For example, the finance function may be run in an ethno-
centric manner, with headquarters keeping tight control, while simultane-


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xii Introduction
ously, the marketing function may be run in a decentralized polycentric
manner. The three typical organizational patterns are described in Chap-
ter 1.
In this book, you will be working to understand the operating decisions
of an executive at the headquarters of a large multinational corporation,
with competent functional managers in each subsidiary. Your challenge is
to identify decisions that are worth centralizing. There is no point in
headquarters making decisions the subsidiary is able to make on its own;
unnecessary duplication is both wasteful and frustrating. Each chapter of
this book deals with a decision that might justify duplicated effort. The
first chapter deals with the organizational problems of making a global en-
terprise cohesive. Plow straight through Chapter 1. Don't linger on details,
but make a note to yourself to reread Chapter 1 when you finish the book.
The body of the text deals with decisions to be made in finance, produc-
tion, and marketing. Each chapter begins with a case. Working in a corpor-
ation you will be faced with caselike problems, but you will have no case
book to support you. As a student, run the risk of feeling befuddled: Read
the case and rough out a solution before continuing with the chapter. In
corporate terms, the information in the chapter corresponds to detailed
staff work that usually follows an executive's rough decision. Such staff
work shows how approximations could be refined and develops the
broader consequences of that rough decision. View each case as an
opportunity for you to practice making a rough decision, then read the
chapter to see how your decision could be extended and refined.

The Scope of This Book

The scope of this book is restricted to just one aspect of multinational
corporations, although the "Questions from Other Viewpoints" at the
end of each chapter broaden its scope. The book concentrates on:

1. The Corporation, Not the Society. The focus of this book is the
corporation. Most governments are concerned about multinational
corporations and have legislated to control their operations. For more
thoughts on this extremely important issue, read Behrman (1970),
Blake and Walters (1976), and Bergsten, Horst and Moran (1978) [see
Bibliography to Chapter 1] .
2. Headquarters, Not Subsidiaries. This book views worldwide corpora-
tions, as personified by their headquarters. Someday researchers will
explore the delicate balance of life in a subsidiary, especially the
aspiration of each subsidiary manager to maximize autonomy, but we
are concerned only with headquarters.

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Introduction xiii

3. Rationalism, Not Emotionalism. We will consider the question of

why one must communicate and interact with people of other nation-
alities, but not the process or the emotions engendered. Many of the
ways in which we perceive and communicate with others are nonverbal.
Even experienced anthropologists suffer culture shock as they grope to
function in an unfamiliar culture. Although we do not cover the psy-
chodynamics of interaction, we shall look at the goals towards which
managers strive.
4. Normative, Not Descriptive Aspects. Multinational corporations have
been described by journalists, historians, and case writers. They have
also been described more quantitatively in the massive statistical
collection of Vaupel and Curham (1969, 1973), part of the decade-
long Multinational Enterprise Project at the Harvard Business School.
In this book we endeavor to clarify the goals toward which some
multinational corporations aspire and develop computer-based models
to achieve these aspirations.
5. Manufacturing, Not Trading or Mining. Most mines are expensive,
and once developed, they are easy targets for nationalization. It is
especially fascinating to study multinational mining because sym-
bolically, depletable resources are a nation's birthright, and so to
understand the risks of multinational mining requires a psychological
interpretation of the meaning of nationhood. We shall not do so.
Although there are some great Japanese and British trading com-
panies whose ability to process information has been compared to
government intelligence agencies, a serious academic study of trading
companies will have to wait for a more completely developed theory of
information as a management resource.
6. Tactical Planning, Not Policy. Corporate policy questions the nature
of the corporation, its degree of vertical integration, its prowess in
research or manufacturing or marketing, whether or not to become
multinational, and all the other questions of identity. In this book we
take the corporate policy as given, and work to implement a stable
and consistent corporate policy. If the policy will be stable long
enough, the tier of short-run decisions can improve the tier of medium-
term decisions, which in turn will improve the long-term decisions.
Corporate policy can be quite modestly described as an articulation
of that which the corporation does well, with an eye to disentangling
inconsistencies. This is appropriate when no significant discontinuities
are foreseen. In this definition of corporate policy, this text provides
a framework for improving the policy of a multinational manufac-
turing corporation.
If the fundamental corporate policy is in serious question, top execu-
tive attention should focus on the long-term decisions of forming al-
liances with stakeholders, deciding on suitable products, and choosing
where to make and where to sell. The emotional agony associated with

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xiv Introduction

these policy decisions is such that it is better not to clutter executives

with short- and medium-term operating decisions, no matter how
rationally they can be formulated. The policy questions of reformu-
lating corporate objectives and fundamental strategies have to be
made in a consciousness that is deeper than rationality. This book can
help you structure management decisions; executive decisions should
be both entrepreneurial and visionary.

A very different book would result from taking alternative approaches

to any of these issues. Even the first four issues allow 24 = 16 possible
permutations of issues, each of which is a distinct way of looking at a
multinational problem. You will have an opportunity to grapple with the
other ways of looking at each problem at the end of the nine central
The purpose of this book is to explain the rationale behind the opera-
tions of multinational corporations. Reality has been greatly simplified;
real shades of gray have been forced into a neat dichotomy of black and
white. This simplification is similar to the highway map that ignores
minor trails, vegetation, and geology. A real multinational corporation,
staffed by real managers and real workers, is immensely more complex.
This road map will help you navigate through the living detail of a real
multinational corporation.

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My wife, Sandra, and sons, Michael and Andrew, have enriched my

life while I wrote this book. I began working on it while at Carnegie-
Mellon University, and am grateful to Richard Cyert, now President but
then my first dean, for encouraging me to teach finance, production,
marketing, human behavior, and policy. At the time, it seemed a rather
daring combination; now, it seems a necessary preparation for multi-
national management.
The research for this book was funded by the internal funds of Carnegie-
Mellon and Queen's Universities. A grant from the Center for International
Studies at Queen's supported a research assistant.
Three student-research assistants have labored to improve the book as a
whole. Daniel Hogue helped to integrate the early concepts, then primar-
ily mathematical. Elizabeth de Merchant pieced together the first draft,
and persuaded me that words are more readable than is mathematics.
Barbara Lee provided continuity, discipline, and polish. The reviewers
James C. Baker of Kent State University and Dennis E. Logue of Dart-
mouth University's Amos Tuck School were very helpful. The copy
editor of Winthrop Publishers has also been surprisingly helpful, and the
continued support from the staff of Little, Brown and Company has
been essential.
Chapter 1 was inspired by the ideas of Howard Perlmutter, University
of Pennsylvania. C. West Churchman and Richard Holton of the Uni-
versity of California (Berkeley) helped me to develop their relevance to
management science and international business. Endel Kolde of the
University of Washington had legitimized for me the thoughtful analysis
of multinational structures. That structure has been enriched by the
comments of many international managers and academic colleagues. My
task has been to keep the chapter short and crisp.
In Chapter 2, my debt is to AIan Shapiro, University of Southern
California; we have written two articles on foreign exchange management
in which we labored to conceptualize the problems. Donald Lessard of


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xvi Acknowledgments

MIT has been a valuable critic, and first gave voice to the distinction
between financial risk and the ability of the multinational to adjust its
physical assets.
Chapter 3 originated in my doctoral dissertation at Berkeley. When I
published some of the raw ideas, Representative Vanek of Ohio denounced
maneuvering liquid assets as "a cruel insult to the taxpayer who does his
share" (Congressional Record, Vol. 116, No. 117, July 13, 1970, pp.
H6640-4). I felt obliged to analyze the concepts more thoroughly.
I was fortunate to be a consultant to the corporate planning group of
Westinghouse Electric Corporation when Patrick Lynch, Ed Uber, and
Lou Greulich were struggling to conceptualize a corporate stance to help
the Westinghouse Nuclear Division negotiate its role with the government
of France. The government of France had other ideas, so the participants
learned a great deal. Ion Amariuta, now at Coopers-Lybrand, taught me
about joint ventures, and John Matthews and Joan Lang of IREX guided
me in Eastern Europe. Executives in many other multidivisional corpora-
tions contributed ideas that are woven into Chapter 4.
Chapter 5 probably originated when I worked on oil refinery planning at
Standard Oil of California. and included tankers in linear programs. I am
grateful to transportation managers at Gulf Oil, National Steel, and U.S.
Steel. Michael Potter of Massey-Ferguson and Donald Bridewesser. now an
independent consultant, sharpened my thinking.
Chapter 6 owes most to Vlf Peter Welam of Boston University's Brussels
campus, with whom I worked to develop many algorithms for production
smoothing. For this book, I wanted a very simple algorithm, and developed
it with Kenneth Fraser, now with the Canadian Department of National
I evolved my understanding of plant location working with Ram Rao,
now at Purdue University. After we had completed one joint paper. we
proudly explained its ideas to Lee O'Nan of Alcoa, who explained the
problem of uncertainty due to rivalry, which led us to model preemptive
rivalry. Chapter 7 shows that heritage.
The theme of Chapter 8 is the coexistence of inadequate information
and rivalry when a new product is launched. I am extremely grateful to
W. W. Cooper. now of the University of Texas, from whom I learned to
model partial information. and to Roger Wets (Kentucky). Stanley Garstka
(Yale), and Morris de Groot (Carnegie-Mellon) with and from whom I
learned stochastic programming with recourse and the nature of optimal
Chapter 9 originated at IBM World Trade when I worked for Emil
Schell. The chapter took form with the help of mathematical ideas from
Erwin Diewert of the University of British Columbia, tractor price data
from Norman McDonald of Corporation House Ltd., and experience curve
concepts from my students who joined the Boston Consulting Group.
Tim Shaftel. University of Arizona, and I wrote two papers which

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Acknowledgments xvii

provided the skeleton for Chapter 10. As Manfred Padberg, now McKinsey
Germany, worked to apply the ideas of product design, the case study on
Black and Decker Canada Inc. took form. We are very grateful to Jack
Beckering for the many hours he spent educating us.
For Chapter 11, my intellectual debt is again to W. W. Cooper, University
of Texas at Austin. The U.S. Navy was forecasting that retirements would
lead to an acute shortage of civilian aircraft mechanics, just as their air-
craft were becoming more complex. Bill Cooper and his colleagues re-
sponded to this ONR challenge by modeling simple jobs as stepping stones
to more complex jobs. Simultaneously, I worked with executives who
were bemoaning their inability to expand abroad for lack of qualified
managers, so I saw the obvious analogy. My work with Richard Fleming of
Pittsburgh has enriched the human qualities of this chapter. Material
about executive development is so extensive yet nebulous as to deserve
an entire volume. Joan Huang, then a Queen's student, helped me prune
it to fit this book.
I sometimes think of this book as a stained glass window. The visions
of the whole have been shared with me by experienced international
executives. The stone structure and lead latticework is the rigorous theory
which I have drawn from my academic colleagues at Berkeley, Camegie-
Mellon, and Queen's. Individual pieces of colored glass have come from
the vivid examples of managers and students.
The richness of these streams of people has encouraged me to become a
good listener, and I am grateful to each in addition to those specifically
acknowledged. Conversely, I am responsible for any errors and misinter-
pretations that remain in my thinking and in this book.

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Multinational Management
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Organizational Structures and


Introductory Note to the Case

First National City Bank

Case studies about the organizational structure of a domestic

business usually focus on the merits of decentralization and
centralization. In a multinational multiproduct corporation
such an evaluation cannot begin until the different ways in
which the corporation could be centralized have been identi-
fied. This evaluation is colored by the technological problems
of the corporation, and so most available case studies provide
a block of details about the technology, and whether the
corporation's skill lies chiefly in manufacturing the product
(centralization by product division) or in helping the society
adopt it (centralization by nation). Usually a bank falls into
the second group, and at the start of the case discussed here
the First National City Bank is organized by nation, with
each national office headed by a senior officer (called a
senof) who appears to view his nation as his fiefdom, a vivid
display of polycentric thinking.
However, some of the bank's customers are multinational
corporations which, it is claimed, would like consistency of
treatment on a global basis, as seen later in the chapters on
finance. Consider the usefulness to a multinational manu-
facturer of banking with many national banks versus banking
with one global bank: Should an American multinational
manufacturer bank with a Japanese, Canadian, or British
global bank?
The questions at the end of the case bring the discussion
(rom conceptualization to action plans.

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2 Multinational Management

Citibank, as First National City Bank has been called since

1976, went ahead with twinning its organization. This reorga-
nization assured easier communication within the bank,
although it did diffuse responsibility. But technical change
was underway. During the 1970s Citibank embraced mini-
computers and distributed data bases.
A loan officer is responsible for his or her client list, and
this computing and text recall ability provides the loan of-
ficer with very flexible analytical capability. Citibank mini-
computers are interconnected as a network, so that a senior
loan officer dealing with a multinational client can access
information on all the bank's global dealings with that client
as well as the names of the Citibank employees responsible
for each deal. Since information now could be centralized
when and where needed, Citibank could undo its formal
organization, thus sharpening individual responsibility. This
reorganization was completed in 1980. Other reorganizations
will surely occur as needs arise.

First National City Bank

Multinational Corporate Banking
In June 1973 senior management at First National City Bank
was close to reaching a decision about its international cor-
porate banking business. At that time, Citibank was the
second largest bank in the world. International activities
accounted for 59 percent of its total revenue and 60 percent
of its net income. The bank's senior officers abroad seemed to
give borrowing preference to local rather than international
corporate clients in their belief that the returns were greater
and that local clients did a greater volume of business in their
country than did the foreign corporations. New data, how-
ever, had shown that the multinational corporate market was
indeed profitable and that the bank was not taking full
advantage of it. Multinational corporations were serviced by
the bank geographically, through account managers located
in the bank's offices in the home country of the client com-
pany. This meant that the domestic business of U .S.-based
multinationals was handled by the Corporate Banking
This case was prepared by Professor Stanley M. Davis of Boston University
School of Management, and ia reproduced by permission. Copyrilht 1975 by the
President and Fellows of Harvard College.

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Organizational Structures and Tensions 8

Group (CBG) while the international business of these same

firms was serviced by the International Banking Group
(IBG). The International Banking Group also managed the
accounts of all European, Japanese, and other multinational
corporate clients. Senior management of Citibank was not
satisfied with the arrangement.

Historical Growth
Citibank opened its first international branch in London in
1902, then opened in five Asian countries that same year. It
moved to Buenos Aires in 1914, and opened six more Latin
American branches the following year. By 1939 it had 100
overseas offices. The branch network contracted sharply
during World War 11 but accelerated rapidly after the mid-
1950s. Between 1956 and 1965 the number of overseas
branches increased from 69 to 125. By 1973 Citibank was
operating in 95 countries. Overseas it had 242 branches, 320
affiliate offices, and 69 banking subsidiary and representative
offices. The Bank of America, its closest rival, was a poor
second with 103 branches in 44 countries.

International Organization
In 1973, the bulk of Citibank's international activities was
organized geographically, under the IBG (see Exhibit 1.1).
The group was led since its creation by G.A. Costanzo,
executive vice president. Five divisions, each headed by a
senior vice president, reported directly to him: (1) Asia and
Pacific, (2) Canada and Caribbean, (3) South America, (4)
Europe, and (5) South Asia, Middle East, and Africa. In each
country where the bank operated there was a senior officer
(commonly referred to as the senof) in charge of all Citibank
activities. Each senof reported to one of the division heads.
Traditionally, the senofs were the main line of Citibank's
international organization and were very strong guardians of
their domains. In some foreign countries, where the bank had
a major share of business, a senof may have controlled as
many as 5000 employees.
Within a country, the various business segments are orga-
nized basically along the same pattern as in the United States.
A corporate Banking Department in each country handled
the banking needs of both local and multinational industrial
corporations in that nation. Depending on the partiCUlar
country, the corporate banking unit might be broken down
further by industry and then by account manager.

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Executive Vice President

1 I I I
Operations Personnel Planning, International
Administration Development and Monetary
and Credit Product Advisor

Asia and Canada and South America Europe South Asia, International Exchange and Corporation
(J) Pacific Caribbean Middle East, Banking International Division
and Africa Canter Money Market
'< Division
( i)
International Banking Group. Note that in Divisions 1 to 5, each country
senof reports directly to a division head. (Source: company records.)
-----.....-..~.- ..:.. ----
Organizational Structures and Tensions 5

The Multinational Corporate Client

During the period between 1968 and 1973 a great deal of
literature appeared about the multinational corporation. In
both popular and scholarly works, in business and in govern-
ment circles, the multinational corporation came into its own
as a genus distinct from the national corporate business
sector. About 25 percent of all U.S. corporate profits (after
taxes) comes from investments abroad. The top 300 industrial
firms and the seven largest banks earn about 40 percent of
their profits outside the United States. Many of the largest
U.S. corporations such as Mobil, IBM, and ITT earn more
than 50 percent of their profits abroad. According to the
International Monetary Fund, multinationals accounted for
an estimated $450 billion a year in goods and services, or
over 10 percent of the gross world product. This represented
more than a doubling of output in a decade, and a 50 percent
increase in the share of the noncommunist world's gross
product between 1950 and 1970. The increasing trends
toward globalization and concentration clearly made the
multinational corporation a distinct business market. While
domestic assets from corporate customers showed a relatively
flat growth curve, Citibank's overseas loans to multinationals
were growing substantially.
Citibank's multinational corporate business, in the earlier
part of the century, was centered on routine banking trans-
actions along the world's trading routes. As multinational
enterprise grew, however, so did the need for indigenously
oriented banking services in other countries on the same
scale as was offered in the United States. The early and
extensive branch network of Citibank put it in the fore-
front of this development in multinational corporate bank-
ing. Although the domestic growth of Citibank and of
global corporations tapered off in the mid-1960s, both never-
theless grew rapidly in their international operations. The
international portion of anyone corporate banking relation-
ship therefore became increasingly significant. Growth and
profitability in the CBG brought it into increasing contact
with the IBG, which, in turn, produced frequent internal
The most common problem between the CBG and the IBG
resulted from the preference shown by the bank's branch in
a foreign country to lend money to a local borrower rather
than to the foreign subsidiary of a global company operating
in that country. The general belief was that the "spreads"-
the difference between cost of funds and percentage interest

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6 MulHnational Management

to be charged - were greater when lending to local borrowers,

partly because there were greater risks involved. The general
consensus was that Citibank's foreign branch managers pre·
ferred local corporate clients to global ones. Besides providing
larger profits from the spreads, local borrowers often required
other financial services that the bank was able to supply.
By contrast, the multinational subsidiary was more likely
to turn to its headquarters staff for the same service. The
local orientation was also helpful in demonstrating to the
host country that Citibank was a good corporate citizen.
Although Citibank was well received by its multinational
corporate clients, this nonpreferential treatment in some of
the bank's overseas offices was occasionally troublesome.
For example, if the foreign subsidiary of a multinational
client was having difficulty securing a loan from the bank's
branch in that country, the firm's financial officer at U .S.
headquarters would be likely to contact the Citibank account
manager in New York to resolve the matter. The client's
position would be, "After all, we are a major customer
worldwide. Just because this Uruguayan matter is not a
major contract we still expect you to service us there with
the same interest and attention you would lavish on our
larger European deals."

Internal Problems
Even when local versus global client preference was not an
issue, problems of internal communication existed between
the two groups in Citibank. If. a U.S. company wanted to
build a plant in Argentina, for example, the fmn's financial
officer might go to the bank's account manager in the CBG
for assurance of the necessary loan. To help his client, the
account manager would then make contact with the IBG.
"Among other grim realities," recounted one CBG manager,
"we didn't know who the bank officer in Argentina was.
We were a big bank there with hundreds of people, and so
you'd write to 'The Manager.' God knows whether he ever
got it." To avoid this, the CBG would present its case to the
IBG in New York and they would filter the request down to
the appropriate party in the field.
This process did not become cumbersome until the 1960s.
The personal network of relationships within the bank had
smoothed the flow; but with increases in the volume of busi·
ness and the number of people involved, the screening process
in New York broke down. In the mid·1960s de facto direct

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Organizational Structures and Tensions 7

communication began between CBG account managers in

New York and the counterpart local account managers in the
IBG branches.
Despite these problems, however, Citibank still continued
to satisfy its global customers. The major dissatisfaction was
internal, between the CBG and the IBG. Neither CBG nor
IBG took maximum advantage of opportunities that pre-
sented themselves, though there was no serious breakdown in
bank performance with corporate clients.

Matrix Resolution
On August 6, 1973, William I. Spencer, President of First
National City Bank, sent a memorandum to all officers and
supervisors. The memo began:

In 1968, we undertook a revolutionary reorganization to better

position ourselves opposite our major markets. Our earnings results
since that time speak for the success of the change.
Last Friday, senior management finalized plans to build on this
success by systematically evolving further organizational changes
over the next five months.
In brief, our blueprint has three major elements. First, our experi-
ence in recent years has identified an important global market: the
delivery of financial services to the major corporations that operate
worldwide. 'The potential of this market is so great that we are
creating opposite it a new major organization unit, the World Cor-
poration Group.
Secondly, in the domestic arena, the Commercial Banking Group
has successfully demonstrated how to build a viable business ap-
proach to the medium-size corporate customer. To capitalize on
this approach we intend to extend it throughout the country. To
accomplish this we will realign what are now our Commercial Bank-
ing Group regional centers into the organizational structures of the
other Groups.
'Thirdly, the building of Citicorp Center is one of the larger risks
to be managed over the next few years. 'This will require additional
senior management expertise and talent, especially in the area of
client and tenant relations.

Another memorandum followed immediately, stating as-

sumptions being made "in order to develop a list of tasks
which must be completed in order to implement these
changes." It read, in part:

1. The Commercial Banking Group. 'The functions in the Com-

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8 MultiMtioMI Management

mercial Banking Group will be transCerred into the organizational

structures oC other Banking Groups as Collows:

E. Selected multinational accounts to World Corporation Group.

2. World Corporation Group. This group will be newly fonned by
transferring selected multinational accounts from the Corporate
Banking Group, the Commercial Banking Group and the Interna·
tional Banking Group in New York. This group will also have re·
sponsibility for services provided to these multinational accounts by
our overseas offices with the earnings from these services being
reported in parallel in the International Banking Group and the
World Corporation Group.
3. Internl.ltio1UJl Banking Group. Selected multinational accounts
will be transferred to the new World Corporation Group and the
unit responsible Cor services to higher net worth individuals will be
transferred to the Investment Banking Group.
4. The Corporate Banking Group. The following changes will be
made in the CBG: lA National Banking Group was created from the
CBG to service large domestic corporate clients.]

E. Responsibility for services to all selected multinational accounts

will be transCerred to the World Corporation Group.

Executive Vice President Thomas C. Theobald assumed re-
sponsibility for the new World Corporation Group. January 1,
1974 was set as the date to officially transfer all accounts and
begin operating the WCG. During the coming months many
decisions would have to be made, including the following:
1. How would the business objectives and strategy of the
new group be articulated?
2. Which corporate customers would be transferred to the
WCG, what criteria would be used to make the selections,
and how many multinationals are headquartered in each
3. How should interactions between WCG and IBG be
structured and managed, with particular regard to (a)
financial, (b) human, and (c) physical resource alloca-
tions in all countries?
4. How many people would be needed, where would they
come from, and where would they be assigned?
5. What were the management information system require-

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Organizational Structures and Tensions 9

6. When and how should clients be informed of the changes?

7. When a client corporation is transferred to WCG, the
political power of its headquarters treasurer in his deal-
ings with his national subsidiaries is enhanced. What
banking consequences should WCG anticipate if the
organizational archetype of the client is: a) Ethnocentric?
b) Polycentric? c) Geocentric?
8. After operating the WCG and IBG in tandem for several
years, what is the next reorganization you predict for

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Many manufacturing corporations became international by a process of

creeping incrementalism rather than strategic choice. Unsolicited export
{Ji:rE",rs required th", of agenh€ establishment
~ili",houses, and of a sales for(:(:~ E{t",hIi:rhed markets in
d(:(:(:loped countri(:{ hnstages as local exerted pren:ru:r{;
(:orporations t,:r Subsidiarie{ finding th(:ili~
subject to IiJi(:(:Jiure to increJiJi(: ili(:nufactures and
train nationals for some managerial positions. Simultaneously, the cor-
poration probably licensed technology and entered into joint ventures.
Very rarely were these moves part of a comprehensive strategy. A patch-
work of ad hoc relationships became established.
In the 1960s corporations of all nationalities expanded beyond their
iliitinnal boundari€€{~ TheIi jo{tied aggressivelIi to become multinational,
€€nIianding and as it nOJi€€ hindsight.
Ii:r,:rpelled them? iliany theories: (:uecutives had
world during II; there were Jiestrictions; int€€Ji~
:nnti,:rnal telephon€€ €€ewly introdwx,d [{dH'?£{,rs made busi'?£{,n{
€€'?£~munication e:r{H, and products sucH
computers and pharmaceuticals (to name only two) became so expen-
sive that no one market (not even the United States) was large enough
to justify the next generation of products; the normal life cycle of a
product could be extended by operations abroad; and internationally
executives perceived low risk of financial and political instability. Govern-
particularlIi World nation{~ industrialize
JisiliJiHed to encou:rst;i{, the tend'?£nJiIi
European out:riders appeared
€€bating, and docome establiJiH~H
Europe while ~ave of Europn€€,?£
mergers and production rationalizations (Vernon, 1974) led some to
predict that international mergers would not cease until there remained
just 300 giant global corporations. To remain static seemed untenable:
Acquire or be acquired! Whatever ignited the process, once some corpora-
tions moved for multinationality, competitors followed in fear of being
dnnsolidation Through €€uecutives struggl€€Ii
uPHanizational Stili€€tUJi'?£ their corporatio'?£{~
this WJi{[ decade in wdi€€H
meaning of a with finite reJi{[ili€€,?£Ji ~uuld be undersk'?£Jid~
The exuberance of the 1960s led many citizens to believe in a conspiracy
theory: The difference between profitable and unprofitable multinational
companies is that the former have used their massive bargaining power
to extract concessions from temporarily weak host governments. During
--------------~------------~ .. ~:...---

Organizational Structures and Tensions 11

the 1970s multinational executives lived with the backlash from that view.
Although the public was awed by the vast resources of multinationals,
the executives knew that only governments can claim sovereignty. Attempts
to change government policy by bribery usually fail.
The problems of the 1970s revolved around the question of how a head-
quarters is organized to relate to its operations abroad. Such relationships
are affected primarily by the nature of the operations. There are technical
licensing agreements with autonomous partners, intimate cross-licensing
in which know-how is exchanged for equity (and the hope for more),
many kinds of joint ventures, and even management service contracts.
In many cases wholly owned subsidiaries are acquired but not fully
assimilated, and even those that the corporation itself has developed vary
in structure, for most grow rapidly and unevenly.
During the 1970s most corporate organizational structures were evolving.
The formal structures may have remained unchanged, but informal
practices evolved in three ways. The first organizational evolution was that
power relationships matured among headquarters, regional centers, and
national subsidiaries, especially in corporations containing merger frag-
ments. Because the most effective power may not be overt, the subsidiary-
headquarters interface may take many possible positions. Suppose, for
example, there has been a trend to centralization. The identical decision
may initially have been made locally, then made locally with a memo
to headquarters, made locally with merely the formality of a review at
headquarters, prepared locally for presentation at headquarters, made
at headquarters then sold to the subsidiary, or perhaps finally made at
headquarters with a memo to the subsidiary. During this evolution (or
an equivalent trend to decentralization), the formal organization chart
may have remained unchanged.
The second organizational evolution is that managers become more
familiar with how decisions should be made in their own corporation.
This is more than a question of familiarity with an office manual, for it
involves an executive's ability to categorize a decision in whichever of
the ways just mentioned is appropriate and to do so with confidence
and without anxiety. As an analogy consider a child playing in a yard;
a parent is nearby. If the yard is fenced, the child can have autonomy
inside that boundary; the parent need not monitor the child contin-
uously. Conversely, if the yard has no fence, the parent must oversee
constantly to assure that the child is safe. This second evolution refers to
establishing, agreeing upon, and testing mental fences.
The third organizational evolution is that managers around the world
now feel more legitimate in their roles. The subtle difference between a
federation and a confederation is that members of a confederation agree
on a goal. A m"ultinational corporation is a confederation with the econo-
mic goal of long-run profit. Managers pursue many other goals, but it is
easy to predict that the capital shortages forecasted for the 1980s will

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12 Multinational Management

result in worldwide profit being the dominant confederation goal, to

which other goals may be sacrificed.
Relationships evolve as people more clearly understand their purposes.
As a multinational corporation evolves, it is vital that headquarters execu-
tives clarify (in their own minds) why they want to be multinational.
The challenge to multinational executives in the 1980s is to articulate
the value that multinational corporations contribute to sovereign
Every corporation elaborates a myth about its birth and early inter-
national experience. This myth gives courage to the fainthearted and gives
consistency to the integration of newly hired executives. The myths can
usually be distilled to two economic reasons that sustain most inter-
national diversification. The first reason is economies of scale as explained
by experience curves; the second is risk~preading. Experience curves,
carried to the extreme, lead to an ethnocentric attitude. Risk~preading,
carried to its extreme, leads to a polycentric attitude. We examine each
separately before uniting them to get the best of each in a geocentric

Experience Curves in a Product-Structured Corporation

Each time an activity is repeated it becomes easier, though at a decreasing
rate. Unit cost usually drops 15 to 25 percent ~th each doubling of
cumulative experience. In industrial practice (Boston Consulting Group,
1970) an experience curve is a graph of unit cost (deflated for inflation)
plotted against cumulative production (the total quantity since the very
first unit was manufactured). The data plotted on log-log paper fit a slop-
ing straight line. In a competitive oligopoly, market share is an important
asset because each competitor moves down the experience curve at a rate
proportional to its market share in a product line. It therefore behooves
corporate executives to exercise self-restraint and allow their corporation
to expand only into market niches in which they can become preeminent
on a worldwide basis. Many corporations have fragmented their attention
on too many product lines: Although their total size may appear vast,
they have failed to become the world's lowest-cost producer in any
particular product market.
Consider a single factory that produces items for export to several
national markets. The factory has its experience curve (based on cumula-
tive production), and each national marketing force has its experience
curve (based on cumulative sales in its nation). Each marketing force
could struggle alone to reduce its unit cost of distribution or, with com-
munication and coordination, each could learn from its sister subsidiaries.
In other words, the corporation can improve its productivity in both

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Organizational Structures and Tensions 13

manufacturing and marketing by pooling the corporation's international

This phenomenon suggests a crucial question for a multinational cor-
poration with several plants manufacturing the same item. Is each plant
progressing along its separate experience curve, or is the corporation
as a whole working down one experience curve several times as fast?
Is each subsidiary confronting and solving the same problem on its own,
or is the corporation organized to s1iare experience? To share cumula-
tive experience is to have product specialists and task forces in manu-
facturing and marketing who jet around the world. Mid-career training
assignments are in sister subsidiaries. The cost accounting system is
designed to highlight those subsidiaries that are not borrowing experi-
ence rapidly enough. Markets are reallocated in order to reward plants
that can reduce costs fastest. The focus is on the product: Productivity
of the current designs must be improved, and the next generation of
products must be developed to keep ahead of competitors.
The competitive advantage of market share is greatest for relatively
young products. For example, iron castings have been manufactured for
thousands of years; there is already substantial cumulative production.
This year's production by one corporation will not add significantly to
cumulative production, and the expected drop in unit cost will be even
smaller. On the other hand, the cumulative production of jet engines or
integrated circuits is low, so that a year's production adds measurably to
experience. For these products there is a clear economic rationale for
viewing the world as one market and computing market shares on global
Organizational structures are commonly described as centralized or
decentralized. Multinational multiproduct corporations can be decen-
tralized in several ways. To view the world as one market for a product,

Product Product Product

division 1 diviSion 2 division 3

Worldwide Worldwide Worldwide

Organization by product can lead to ethnocentrism.

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14 Multinational Management

it is usual to organize the entire corporation into world product groups.

Within one product group, activities around the world are highly cen-
tralized; thus there can be only weak coordination between product
groups either at headquarters or in any of the subsidiary nations, so the
corporation appears decentralized in any nation.
In a multinational corporation global product standardization fully
exploits a separate experience curve of each product; however, standardi-
zation can be carried to excess. The multinational could be too brittle
to counter nimble national competitors. If managed inflexibly, the cost-
cutting virtue of standardization could become a vice.
Product centeredness, when carried to excess, takes on emotional
overtones. Product standards of nations with the greatest cumulative
production tend to become the product standards for the world. In the
first half of the century, dye chemicals were associated with Germany,
and anyone who wanted to keep up in the field found it helpful to read
German. In the second half of this century, computers have U.S. conno-
tations. The emotional overtone inherent in this situation is that domestic
executives may become ethnocentric: They may come to believe in the
inherent superiority of their own nation.

,Ethnocentrism denotes the well-known tendency to make rigid ingroup-outgroup

distinctions. Ethnocentrics make their own groups the normative center of all
their thinking. Unable to love their own kind without expressing antipathy toward
others, they draw sharp lines of exclusion. Insofar as they idolize and remain sub-
missive to and uncritical of their ingroup, they are likely to blame outsiders for
their own ills and regard them as both inferior and hostile. (Olson, 1963, p. 3)

~ Ethnocentrism is dangerous because it leads to the self-assurance of an

old-style missionary. '~Vle (people of country A) are superior, and have
greater resources, facilities and competence than you (people of country
BJ. We will build facilities in your country if you accept our inh~rent
superiority, and our methods and procedures for doing the job" (Perl-
mutter, 1967). If the corporation has been successful domestically, it
will feel especially sure that its standard methods and procedures for
problem solving represent a unique contribution that, as an alien cor-
poration, it can make to the economy of the host country. The head-
quarters therefore requires that these standards and procedures be used by
A product specialist who flies about the world may not take the trouble
to understand the environmental details of each separate national sub-
sidiary, hence he cannot tailor his communications. Leavitt (1972, Chapter
13) would describe the head quarter's behavior toward its subsidiaries
as being direct rather than manipulatively indirect. In a multiproduct
corporation, each product division has worldwide line responsibility.
For expositional purposes, let us consider a caricature. Each subsidiary

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Organizational Structures and Tensions 15

product manager tends to identify with his worldwide product. Loyal

to his product, he may view himself as only temporarily stationed in some
particular subsidiary. Furthermore, his advancement is likely to be in the
form of lateral moves, within the same product division, to larger sub-
sidiaries. As a member of a group of product specialists, he will be affected
by consistent norms of behavior, whether he is in headquarters or in the
An individual whose recommendations transcend group norms is eased
out of the group. If a subsidiary production manager recommends a non-
standard design, tailoring products to a certain nation, he may find him-
self stuck at that plant for the rest of his working life. Perhaps this group
identification is the basis for Martyn's (1964, p. 139) reflection on his
Vnilever experience:

It is a strict rule among the long-established international firms to manufacture the

same products or to deliver the same services on which their home success was
founded in as many countries as possible. If one of these products will not sell in
a country for peculiar national reasons (soap with a carbolic smell was associated
with brothels in France), the international concern prefers to withdraw rather than
modify the product. Accepting variations would leave the company without con-
sistent standards, which could disturb its accounting and its marketing, as well as
its production arrangements.

Corporations organized along product and functional lines (to assure

that the local subsidiaries will be run well) have a problem of coordinating
several divisions in each nation. Until 1980 Westinghouse Electric was
organized by global product divisions. "Not long ago, a company salesman
called on a Saudi Arabian businessman. After the preliminaries, the Saudi
reached into his desk drawer and drew out the business cards of twenty-
four other Westinghouse salesmen. Spreading them out on his desk the
Saudi exasperatedly inquired 'who speaks for Westinghouse?'" (Menzies,
1980). Operationally, each division reports to its global product division
manager. Legally, each reports to the national subsidiary. The role of the
president of that national subsidiary is to make public appearances to
remove the negative impression his host nation has of foreign corporations
in general. For this purpose, a cosmetic solution is to hire a distinguished
and well-connected national as the local president. He may not understand
the language of each product and professional group, and he is likely to
develop a suspicion that their decisions are not in the best interests of his
subsidiary. He can do little about it, however, because though he has
formal authority he lacks professional authority (Etzioni, 1964, Chapter
8). His reaction frequently evolves to xenophobia -distrustful fear of
foreigners and their machinations.
The U.S. group presidents of ReA have worldwide authority over the
manufacture and sale of products within their group. Dundas (1979) relays

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16 Multinational Management

the very serious frustration experienced by Canadian regional managers:

A further source of concern to senior managers in ReA Canada stemmed from a

combination of the organization structure and the changing nature of competition
in the subsidiary's major businesses. Several senior managers stated that the sub-
sidiary was not making maximum use of its resources and that this situation would
get worse rather than better as increasing competition brings about change in the
existing operation. In the opinion of these managers there were profitable oppor-
tunities in Canada which were being missed. The structural side of the problem had
two aspects. One was that the major product groups were preoccupied with their
existing activities and were unprepared to consider new proposals by the subsidiary.
The second aspect lay in the perspective of the divisional vice presidents, which
seemed to be bounded by the conventions of their respective major product groups.

Subsidiary product managers are unequivocally subordinate, organiza-

tionally to the local president and technically to the alien experts. Individ-
uals act out their own patterns of subordinacy in a variety of ways (Zalez-
nick and Kets de Vries 1975, Chapter 7)_ The unequivocal subordinacy
of the local product managers results in the active ones becoming either
impulsive or masochistic, depending on whether they are dominant or
submissive. Similarly, the passive ones become either compulsive or with-
drawn. These extreme characterizations are muted in humane managers,
but behavioral dynamics within subsidiaries retain the potential for in-
stability, which provokes headquarters to send even more help and be-
come even more imperious.
A national company can survive, if competing with multinationals,
only if it adapts to national tastes. It must sense and develop market
niches peculiar to its own nation. If the national company can license
technology from abroad, so much the better, but only if company en-
gineers have the creative flexibility to select and adapt the technology
to manufacturing in the national niche. The national company's unique
advantages are its flexibility and its ability to reposition products as its
niche moves. Both could be compromised by the wrong kind of licensing

Ethnocentric Planning Guidelines

The focus on the product, if carried to an ethnocentric excess, will result
in definite planning guidelines. Let us preview each chapter from an
ethnocentric viewpoint.
Chapter 2. Exchange Management in a Multinational Corporation. The
corporation uses only the spot exchange rates for cost and profitability
analysis, and because its shareholders are American, its bookkeeping will
be in U .S. dollars. Because foreign currencies are viewed as risky, the
treasurer will set up an accounting system to monitor the corporation's
net assets or liabilities in each currency and will act to reduce exposure

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Organizational Structures and Tensions 17

to fluctuating exchange rates, in accordance with the advice of the Finan-

cial Accounting Standards Board.
Chapter 3. Maneuvering Liquid Assets. Headquarters staff evaluates all
expansion plans and cash flow forecasts. To move cash to illiquid sub-
sidiaries, the staff will orchestrate intersubsidiary dividends and sometimes
will waive the usual fee for royalties and headquarters costs. Headquarters
could adjust transfer prices using the excuse that costs fluctuate and new
products are always being introduced but rarely does for fear of distorting
cost comparisons.
Chapter 4. Multidivisional Expansion to a New Nation. Because the
corporation is in business to make a profit, its divisions must compete
with one another for funds. A global product manager who has a unique
relationship with a government may not want to jeopardize his relation-
ship just to help bring in another division. Hence coordination attempts
by headquarters will be resisted.
Chapter 5. Logistics. Each division will manage its own inventory flows
and charter its own space on vessels and aircraft. Headquarters may
facilitate the paperwork.
Chapter 6. Production Smoothing. Each division produces wherever in
the world is cheapest at the time. Sometimes one division will be hiring
workers in a nation while another division would like to layoff in the
same nation. Most production-smoothing problems center on closing out
old products and launching new ones.
Chapter 7. Multinational Plant Location. Return on investment calcula-
tions are made after taxes on repatriated profits to the United States.
Since the company wants the lowest costs in the world and is not afraid
of automation, it will operate a few very large export factories.
Chapter 8. New Product Launch. Because the United States is the home
market, and fortunately the most advanced market in the world, new pro-
ducts are first launched here. After the product has succeeded and been
improved in the U.S. market, the division manager will allow its introduc-
tion in other nations.
Chapter 9. Pricing. The same price is charged worldwide for each item
(except where there are price controls). This policy provides the consistent
data that marketing professionals need to gauge performance in various
markets. Different prices for the same items would encourage customers
to buy from the cheapest market, which would seriously impair the sales
incentive system. Import duty plus freight from the home plant is some-
times added to the price.
Chapter 10. Product Design. The U.S. design will be sold in all nations,
except where law may necessitate minor modifications. Product standard-

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18 Multinational Management

ization will be justified by the high cost of research and development and
thus the fixed cost of introducing another product. Few new products
will be introduced.
Chapter 11. International Executive Development. Planning guidelines
for managerial rotation will be explicit for Americans, who will be moved
among subsidiaries and then back to headquarters. The acute shortage of
local managerial talent will necessitate that nationals stay within their
subsidiaries, where their contribution is greatest.

Risk-Spreading in a Geographically Organized Corporation

The second economic reason for being multinational is to spread risk. Risk
can be reduced by geographic decentralization. Let us consider how risk
can be reduced by geographically decentralized marketing, production,
and finance.
A marketing executive, concerned with units sold, is reassured by the
fact that national business cycles are not synchronized. When sales are
slack in some nations, there are exciting growth prospects in others.
Mathematically, total worldwide sales can be predicted to a lower standard
deviation than sales in a single average nation.
A manufacturing executive also finds reassurance in this predictability
of the total demand, for total plant capacity must be adequate to satisfy
total market demand. Moreover, having plants in many different nations
means that the corporation can maintain production even if it loses some
plants to striking trade unions or to accidents. Whatever the scenario,
having many self-contained plants adds a comfortable measure of ro bustness
to the whole system. .
A finance executive may compare the corporation to a mutual fund in
which each national subsidiary is an asset: The multinational constitutes a
geographically diversified portfolio of net income streams. It is important
then to differentiate between perceived risk and actual risk. A French
executive may perceive higher risk in an investment in the United States
while, simultaneously, an American perceives higher risk in France.
Furthermore, a French and an American executive visiting Casablanca
may perceive quite different risks to the future of Morocco. Therefore, a
team of various nationalities can develop a more objective decision than a
team of executives of anyone nationality. The multinational group
process is time-consuming and difficult, but the quality of the ultimate
decision may justify the effort by virtue of the fact that a group decision
often comes closer to identifying actual risk, not merely perceptions of
Historically, most corporations began international activities with an
export department, which organized its activities geographically. There

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Organizational Structures and Tensions 19

was a tendency, perhaps unconscious, to let "our man in Rio" conduct

business in what he said was "the Brazilian way." In the resulting geo-
graphical organization, each national manager (a senof at Citibank) ran his
own fiefdom. The tendency of the organization is toward greater geo-
graphical decentralization. A national manager generally avoids asking
headquarters to help, for to do so would invite control; conversely,
national managers usually run tight ships to avoid any excuse for inter-
ference. Thus a corporation that appears decentralized at the top may be
tightly centralized within each national subsidiary.
Autonomous national subsidiaries can make deals with sister subsidiaries.
If one subsidiary proposes unacceptable contract terms to another sub-
sidiary, the latter is under no compulsion to continue negotiation. To use
a legal phrase, only arms-length contracts will be signed. The advantages
of dealing within a multinational corporation are that communication is
easier and corporate headquarters can administer justice if a subsidiary
defaults on a deal with a sister subsidiary .
In microeconomics, price theory, and elementary welfare economics,
we learn that the invisible hand of price works to ensure that resources
are allocated optimally. In advanced price theory and advanced welfare
economics, we learn that sometimes it is impossible to write contracts
with adequate contingent clauses, and so a judge who has enforcement
power is needed (Williamson, 1975). For example, negotiated transfer
pricing works well only if the buyer has alternative sources and the seller
alternative outlets. If one buyer can purchase from only one seller, econ-
omists describe the situation as a bilateral monopoly. If either seller or

lCorporation Headquarters l

Headquarters Headquarters Headquarters

Region A Region B Region C

North Latin European

American American Operating
Operating Operating Companies
Companies Companies

Organization by nation can lead to polycentrism.

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buyer takes the advantage during negotiations, the price may be bid so
high or so low that lower total profits are achieved than if an enforcer
insisted on joint profit maximizing (Fouraker and Siegel, 1960).
Multinational manufacturing corporations emphasize the uniqueness of
their products, a uniqueness sustained by both patents and image building
in a milikf,t~ B¥~eeuse the buying may have no
and thu euhsidiary insuffjdf,nt ,:dtn«rmative outlets, like
monopoly by of a headquurtuee uuueufive.
in such difficult; it if h4Iee a
intrmgrator and enfueef'f~
decentralizatiun nn,cftjd a polycentlic the
corporation needs a headquarters with a staff of honest auditors, diligently
snuffing out personal cheating. It also needs a judiciary. Commercial trans-
actions always give rise to misunderstandings, and arms-length deals
between autonomous subsidiaries likewise occasionally go into dispute.
The headquarters executive hears evidence and renders verdicts in the
traditj,)ri t,ffrness and enterprising lenhuc head-
quarteec must inspiru have great ft~ills.
These discussed in ~~'FFft,U""
The the headquartecu b!~fjness
is to anticipate and m¥~binfftf
This calls for a deep and sympathetic understanding of each subsidiary,
joint venture, or licensee. The appropriate measure of whether head-
quarters achieves this is whether it can accurately anticipate how the su b-
sidiary will accept its guidance.
Exxon consists of 13 affiliated companies, most organized on geograph-
ical lffSO Middle Easf, Exxon USrt,
Each But bo± eUhan-
sions moves dfr,mtion of headqumteuf, which is
organief,h staff departmuntc, corporafn law,
and fulctinns. Jerome Ru~uw p. 156) of ertic-
ulated the delicate fabric of decentralization in a geographically decen-
tralized organization.

Decentralization pennits variety, easier adaptability, and less unifonnity in manage-

ment style. Therefore, the multinational requires high tolerance for differences, a
great ,iFk~takiet ,Ability, and subtle e,cthodii fur maintaining withie a
range tendencies. Decent:rnllnnt lnltlntives can allow
ized art of managekmAnk tistribution of peuA',
of rniiidts.
Effnntlnn tncnntralized managemnnt balancing act.
tiOD£Al structure wni"n like a delicate
and its strength depend upon trust at the top and self-sufficiency at the periphery.
Of course some decentralized organizations are more a matter of fonn than of
substance. They are inhibited by man's natural reluctance to share, much less fully
delegate, power. Decentralization depends upon adequate delegations without
inadequate control.

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Organizational Structures and Tensions 21

Geographical decentralization is most viable if the corporation manu-

factures mature products, if the market in the headquarters nation is less
than half the total sales, and if rivalry is stable. Clee and Sachtjen (1964)
described one such corporation.

[In the early 1960's Massey-Ferguson,) Ltd., a huge international farm equipment
manufacturer whose operations had been organized along regional lines, adopted
an organizational structure built around a series of largely self-contained market-
ing and manufacturing operations units ... [These are] centered on important
individual markets (the United Kingdom, France, Germany, the United States,
and Canada). Supplementing these units is an export marketing unit to cover sales
in parts of the world where [Massey-Ferguson] has no manufacturing operations.
Longer-range corporate strategy - determination of the basic world-wide product
line, decisions on major facilities, and changes in the logistic product flow from
production sources to markets - is set at corporate headquarters. But these
decisions are heavily influenced by operations unit judgments and recommenda-
tions. Each unit is responsible for determining the product lines best suited to its
local markets.

If carried to excess, a virtue can become a vice. In 1980 Massey-Ferguson

almost became bankrupt, and had to be recentralized. Geographical
decentralization can slip into poly centrism if the regional officers at
headquarters relate too closely to the subsidiaries they control. The
regional officer occupying the Mexican desk should have had some ex-
perience with Mexican problems if he is to understand and effectively
manipulate the Mexican subsidiary. Nevertheless, constant immersion in a
wide stream of communication from Mexico causes the regional officer to
identify closely with the Mexican subsidiary. He then risks becoming
merely its chief proponent and headquarters becomes a debating society
rather than a unifying center.

Polycentric Planning Guidelines

If a corporation has slipped into the extreme of polycentrism, the pattern
of interaction within the headquarters and the relationships with sub-
sidiaries result in unambiguous planning guidelines within which a problem
should be formulated and optimized. In a polycentric corporation one
might find strong sentiment for the following guidelines.
Chapter 2. Exchange Management in a Multinational Corporation. Now
that the major exchange rates are floating, nobody can expect to gain by
speculating. The administrative rule is no hedging; the sophisticated
rationale is to diversify risk over many currencies.
Chapter 3. Maneuvering Liquid Assets. Headquarters reserves the right
to specify the dividend payout of each subsidiary. The formula for allocat-
ing headquarters overhead will rarely be altered. Intersubsidiary loans may
be facilitated by headquarters, but at a fair market interest. Transfer

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22 Multinational Management

prices will not be mandated, except for an equity rule that all purchasing
subsidiaries be charged the same f.o.b. price for the same item by a
particular manufacturing subsidiary.
Chapter 4. Multidivisional Expansion to a New Nation. The corporation
will rarely expand to a new nation except at the request of a licensee in
trouble or a floundering joint venture. Hence the product line that is
introduced will be the one that is requested, rather than the one best_
suited to the corporation's competitive position on a worldwide basis.
Chapter 5. Logistics. Details of shipping between subsidiaries are to be
arranged by those concerned.
Chapter 6. Production Smoothing. If factories in some nations are
excessively busy while others are not, regional officers in headquarters
may suggest transferring export orders to less busy subsidiaries. Unfor-
tunately, the lack of standard designs will limit this possibility.
Chapter 7. Multinational Plant Location. Marketing subsidiaries will
inform headquarters of every instance of government and customer
pressure for them to manufacture locally and will speak of factory and
market as one organic unit. Headquarters staff analysts, who might argue
for a rationalization of production, tend to find that data are unobtainable.
Chapter 8. New Product Launch. Each national subsidiary will introduce
new products when it wants to. There may be a casual sharing of informa-
tion such as "product XB155 is selling well," but there will be no com-
prehensive market research to clarify the underlying relevance of this
information to other subsidiaries.
Chapter 9. Pricing. No pricing scheme will be imposed on subsidiaries.
Hence national sales managers will constantly bicker about price; those in
high-priced nations will use incidents of product leakage to accuse managers
in low-priced nations of poaching customers.
Chapter 10. Product Design. Products will be designed to suit each
national subsidiary even though this means forgoing the mutual benefit
of experience curves. By tailoring design to its national requirements, the
subsidiary can have its products reclassified by customs inspectors to
lower rates of import duty, to meet local safety and engineering standards,
to use local grades and types of raw materials, and to cater to local cus-
tomer tastes.
Chapter 11. International Executive Development. Nationals will be
employed in each subsidiary to the greatest extent possible, and only a
few bilateral movements of managers will be planned. Nationals will be
sent to headquarters to learn technical skills needed in their homeland.
During their temporary absence, headquarters managers may fill their
positions, but this will be limited by the shortage of qualified head-

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Organizational Structures and Tensions 23

quarters personnel, particularly as the corporation's products become

more complex.

Geocentric Balance in a Matrix Organization

Most people probably feel that decisions should be responsive to national

needs and simultaneously should maximize the efficiency of each prod-
uct, that multinational corporations should satisfy acceptable aspira-
tions for both nationalism and efficiency. A number of multinational
companies already move products, managers, capital, and research around
the world, adjusting the rates of flow to suit local environments. Their
ideal is to be rational on a global basis. Some are organized by product
but avoid ethnocentrism by very strong dotted-line relationships to each
nation. Some are organized nationally but avoid poly centrism by strong
product ties.
_A.~atrix organization_structure is frequently used to facilitate global
ration8iity-:-Kiamer (1981, pp. 80-81) has described the two characteris-
tics of a matrix organization:

Structurally, there is a dual rather than a single chain of command. Some

managers report to two individuals rather than to the traditional single boss....
Behaviorally, there is lateral (dual) decision-making and a chain of command
that fosters conflict management and a balance of power....
Matrix organizations usually contain three key positions, depicted in [Exhibit
1.4]. At the top is the top leadership, the general executive, who plays a role
quite similar to the one he plays in traditional organizations.
The Matrix managers, who share common subordinates, are located on the sides
of the diamond. In an MNC's international operations, one of these is likely to be a
product-oriented manager and the other an international, regional, or country
manager. In a "pure" matrix organization, the two are fairly equal in power and
importance. Jointly, they hammer out business plans and are responsible for meet-
ing the goals set by the top leadership.
The two-boss managers are each responsible for the normal functions of the
business, such as general management, manufacturing, marketing, and finance,
at the regional or country level. Thus, they are at the apex of their own pyramid,
which they manage in traditional ways. Matrix, therefore, does not affect every-
one in an organization; in fact, only a small number are affected. Matrix managers
are usually found in upper or middle management. Two-boss managers also report
to both of the matrix managers, which means they must learn to accommodate
simultaneous - and sometimes competing - demands.

The course structure of a business school provides a helpful way to

begin conceptualizing how a multinational matrix organization functions.
In the classroom, a subtle distinction is drawn between salesmanship and

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24 Multinational Management


Matrix Matrix
manager manager


Matrix roles (from Kramer, 1981).

marketing, between shop floor industrial relations and production plan-

ning, between cost accounting and corporate finance. In small irrms these
activity pairs are blended together, but in a multinational multiproduct
matrix organization these activities can take place in different nations.
The field salesman's task is to know his customer's needs well enough so
that he can quarterback teams of product specialists, knowing the right
moment to call them for help. "In the global product headquarters the task
of the marketing analyst is to understand the competitive position of his
product in each nation and to envision, develop, and implement appro-
priate remedies to outmaneuver rivals. The sales organization is anchored
by national customers; the marketing organization is anchored by global
products. This itself leads to a matrix organization. Between these two
anchored ends lie the product sales support staff; the wielding of power in
the organization depends on whether these are closer to the national sales
forces or to the headquarters product specialists.
The approach to the whole question of labor policy varies among
nations, and therefore must be organized by nation. Similarly, subcon-
tracting and purchasing should be organized by vender, which means by
nation, regardless of where the product is destined. However, as will be
seen in Chapter 6, the multinational ability to rearrange production
globally means that the planners in headquarters, by scheduling the pro-
duction for each plant, ultimately determine the scenario for future lay-
offs and for overtime at each subsidiary. If the political or union con-

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Organizational Structures and Tensions 25

sequences of these layoffs are unacceptable in a nation, the production

planners can change their cost functions for that nation to reflect these
constraints in a quantitative manner. Integrity is maintained because re-
strictive cost functions for a layoff will now make that nation a less
attractive site for future plant investment.
In summary, a matrix organization has the potential to resolve awkward
dilemmas in multinational corporations. Yet the structure itself provides
merely the ground rules within which power will be exercised.
A grid or matrix organization is intended to bring together expertise in
the geographic, product, function, planning, and time areas. There are
both structural and political ways to look at matrix management. From a
structural point of view, decisions are made simultaneously by repre-
sentatives of each national office and each affected function and product
representative from headquarters. This implies both the glamor of task
forces and the petty frustration of not being able to start a meeting until
the last representative arrives. Unfortunately, matrix organizations require
an expensive organizational superstructure. Some corporations have tried
a formal matrix organization but, aghast at seeing the cost, they have then
dismantled part of the matrix. In successful matrix organizations power is
based on expertise rather than position or charisma. Because influence is
widely dispersed, the matrix culture has the advantage of being adaptable,
with groups, project teams, or task forces formed, reformed, continued, or
abandoned. It is not a simple structure yet a matrix organization can be
responsive, flexible, and sensitive to the environment or task. Simulta-
neously it demands of each individual both self-discipline and the ability
to tolerate ambiguity.
In a matrix organization the intent is to push decision making as far
down into the organization as possible and rely on group consensus to
compensate for inexperience. Decision making must be flattened to avoid
swamping the senior executives. The first requirement is that communica-
tion within the corporation be thorough and complete. A risk is attached
to this: Sensitive information often must be distributed well beyond the
executive suite, leading to the ever-present danger that some data will
find their way out of the corporation. The second requirement is that those
in charge of projects be able to understand and to use the available data.

Structural View of a Matrix Organization

Dow Coming has had a formal matrix organization since 1967. At first
it was a two-dimensional matrix organization. Each major product line
was a profit center. The cost centers were the functional activities (market-
ing, manufacturing, finance, etc.), which sold services to the profit
centers. Later two additional dimensions were added. Geographic areas
were incorporated because business development varied widely among
areas. Each geographic area was to be considered both a profit and cost

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26 Multinational Management

center since profit-center products could not be managed everywhere in

the same manner. The fourth dimension, time, attempted to achieve con-
gruence between short- and long-term decisions. The multidimensional
organization is constantly changing, and thus long-term planning is an
inherent part of its operation. Goggin (1974), as chief executive of Dow
Coming, described his matrix management.

In Dow, Coming's matrix management there is a Business Board for each of the
company's ten [product] businesses. The only full time board member is the man·
ager of the business. His position in the organization is at once critical and
tenuous. It is critical because his direct responsibility is the profit yield generated
from the business he is charged with managing. It is tenuous because on paper he
does not have direct control of the resources needed to accomplish his task. His
operative body, his total resource is composed of representatives from the market-
ing, technical service and development, research, manufacturing, and economic
evaluation/control functions [see Exhibit 1.5]. These are the Business Board memo
bers. They report directly to their functional group heads (vice president of
marketing and distribution, director of technical service and development, and
so on).
Organizationally, there is a strong dotted-line relationship running from the board
member to the board manager. More important than organizational lines, however,
is the clear understanding of where the profit responsibility lies. [Exhibit 1.5]
illustrates the structure and communications pattern of a board. Its manager
reports directly to Dow Coming's top management. His primary task -to generate

/ NPN_tall~ ~

representative ----........
1 evaluator


/ \
Manufacturing Technical service and
representative development representative

The business board.

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Organizational Structures and Tensions 27

profits-is accomplished through the total and combined support of his board

For most employees, life proceeds as it always does, regardless of the

matrix. Davis and Lawrence (1977, p. 141) estimate that in a 50,000-
employee corporation only 1 to 3 percent will have the dual reporting
responsibility of a matrix. These few hundred managers work like epoxy
resin that binds delicate glass fibers into tough fiberglass. It is more
important that they function well than that they undertake the ritual
ceremonies that have become associated with matrix management.
The Dow Coming structure has evolved from the original, drafted by Gog-
gin. New product conceptuallzation and development has remained a U .S.
activity, despite the president's hope that it would be global. In the geo-
graphic split of the corporation the United States is bigger than Europe,
Asia, South America, and Canada. Because the regions are not equally
sized, the smaller ones are much less powerful than the larger ones. A
rarely discussed consequence of an open and organic structure is that
there are fewer bureaucratic rules to protect the weaker regions, prod-
ucts, or functions.

Power View of a Matrix Organization

Goggin's view of matrix management presents the structural picture.
Power relationships give clout to the structure. Both multinational and
high-technology worlds require flexibility and dynamic adjustment, with
individuals contributing skill, knowledge, and adaptability.

Periodically, however, basic decisions must be made that inevitably involve hard
choices among competing alternatives. '!be manifest content of planning discus-
sions concerns projects .nd programs; the latent content involves power and posi·
tion .... Planning is not synonymous with forecasting, not by any stretch of the
imagination. Rather it is a dynamic process by which inside and outside interests
arrive at a new balance of power-reflected in a new structure and new policy-
designed to establish the parameters of executive decision making for some period
of years, but not forever. (Sayles and Chandler,1971, p. 42)

Power is a subtle creation. Mutually contradictory organizational

strategies can be balanced against one another, with their coexistence
acting as a means by which top management manages power. Simulta-
neously, and in mutual contradiction, top management of a multinational
corporation should aspire to:
1. Increase the variety of relationships by inducing competition within
and beyond the organization ...
2. Improve cooperation in existing relationships by managing depen-
dency ...

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28 Multinational Management

3. Alter the nature of relationships to keep others involved and simulta-

neously create a self-enforcing "goldfish" system of control (Sayles
and Chandler, 1971, pp. 113-116).
Competition can be created within a multinational corporation to
stimulate the overall structure. For example, as long as there is any
independence between the functions of marketing and production, a
marketing subsidiary can receive products from whichever corporate
factory or vendor offers the best terms. Such autonomy and internal
competition are not compatible with clarity. Sapolsky (1972, p. 141)
describes matrix management of the Polaris submarine development:

Eleven different methods of ejecting a missile from a submerged submarine were

said to have been simultaneously considered .... Similarly ... two teams
approached the problem of developing an inertial guidance system. Having control
over the performance goals, however, provided the Admiral with the alternative of
curtailing goals as well as trying paraDel approaches to build a viable system. There
are pressures to assign clear unambiguous missions to plants, laboratories and other
organizational units, thus making the evaluation of managerial performance
easier.... On the other hand, clarity of function is usually associated with greater
specialization. In practice this means that expertise in a given field will be concen·
trated in a given organizational unit. This makes critical assessment of their plans
and recommendations by upper management very difficult, since there are no
comparably expert units to give testimony.

In his detailed study of corporate resource allocation, Bower (1970)

emphasized that all top management can do with a capital expenditure
proposal is assess the credibility of the managers who recommend it. In
a multinational corporation this is an especially difficult problem. For
example, consider an efficiency and effectiveness audit of how the cor-
poration's Belgian treasury unit maintains its banking connections. Such
an audit seems to call for expert judgment until one realizes that a Belgian
treasury unit is in competition with the cost of getting funds to Belgium
from elsewhere and is only one of many possible sources of funds for
other subsidiaries. The conceptualization and evaluation of such competi-
tive trade-offs can be facilitated by the kind of program outlined in
Chapter 3. Top management power derives partly from the latent com-
petition it can induce. Kramer (1981, p. 93) uses the phrase "non-
concurrence" for "latent competition."

A European organizational consultant [advised] that since a matrix never estab·

Iishes true equality, it is best to take this into account and design a structure
whereby one matrix manager has divisional authority and the other has the power
of advice and nonconcurrence. This means that the latter can go on record with
the fact that he is not happy with the former's decision. In the event of nonconcur-
rence, the other matrix manager must bring the matter to the attention of their
common boss, the top leader. Both matrix managers, therefore, will exercise eau·

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Organizational Structures and Tensions 29

tion regarding escalation to higher levels. While it is important to define the issues
to which the power of nonconcurrence applies, it is likewise important not to
define them too precisely. The more each circumstance is defined, the greater the
temptation to build up staffs to address them -and hence the tendency to create
a bureaucracy. The virtue of this system is that decisions can be made quickly
without dispute or constant referral to higher line or staff authority.

Dependency. The Nestle operations in each nation are each freestanding.

On the other hand, the organizational units of IBM are highly dependent
on one another. A simple example will illustrate dependency. Govern-
ments insist on "local content," yet simultaneously there are economies
of scale in manufacturing. Thus if a product can be designed as two sub-
assemblies, each can be manufactured in a separate nation. The result is
that each subsidiary depends on the other.
Aiken and Hage (1968) developed an index of organizational inter-
dependence. In a multinational corporation, since each unit is dependent
on others for subassemblies, cash flow, and marketing concepts, even
approximate interdependency indexes are alarmingly high. The objective
of dependency management is to keep the participants' indexes in approxi-
mate balance, so that each unit that depends on others has some items on
which others are dependent - as hostages for the bargaining process.
Improving the Interrelationship. Lawrence and Lorsch (1972) recom-
mend highly differen iated subunits connected by "integrators. It The
individual who is an integrator needs sufficient organizational stature,
technical prowess; and personal charisma to gain entry into each sub-
unit, and he must then contribute continuously to maintain that foothold.
So much for the applicant qualifications. What does the integrator do?
Sayles and Chandler (1971, p. 208) compare an integrator to an organi-
zational metronome. "Although it is rarely stated this way the [integrator]
is primarily dealing with rates of time and organizational process, not
technical variables. He cannot easily second guess the technical prowess
of his line support groups .... In the long run he is dependent upon both
the support and the technical judgment of the groups [he is to integrate] . It
The integrator can control a group's technical contributions compara-
tively easily. What he must do is control organizational participation. This
means making sure that the line or functional people do things such as
the following:
1. Give problems their proper weight and context.
2. Tackle problems in the right sequence and at the right time.
3. Shift the decision criteria.
The integrator functions as a giant metronome which enables the diverse
parts of a large organization - parts that would normally be responsive to
their own internal group rhythms - to respond to the same beat. To do
this he forces people to see the consequences of their actions. Using both

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30 Multinational Management

visual and conceptual tools as well as oral and written directives he forces
other managers to make commitments and decisions by affecting their
trade-offs (e.g., schedule versus cost) and priorities. In shaping the re-
sponse of his ''team'' to his centralized beat, he may also seek to change
the resonance characteristics of the system. He can change the character
of the system's response with a shift in organizational relationships. For
example, he can insist that a group now report to Division B instead of
Division A, or consult earlier, or more often, or must now give its consent
before x, y, and z occur.
Textbooks say that managers plan, direct, and control. But Sayles and
Chandler say that integrators bargain, cajole, intervene, coach, confront,
and give orders. These six activities use information - prodigious quantities
of both raw data and adroit studies. Yet the ideal is not to use these six
activities but to have the personal discipline to avoid meddling, letting
subordinates solve problems themselves.
Integrators are searching for impersonal means of achieving visibility for
troubled areas. If a problem can be acknowledged simultaneously by all
those people who are affected, its very visibility creates pressures for its
solution. Sayles and Chandler (1971, p. 115) report that "managers in
other countries have shown a similarly high degree of interest in the use of
visibility-type pressures to pry out vital information. These become
especially appealing to adopt in any society in which the normal desire
to conceal failure is reinforced by heavy cultural stress on the importance
of maintaining one's honor at all costs." Behrman (1970, p. 68) corro-
borates this view that control means thwarting the temptation to hide

Personal communication among officers was reported by one European-based

multinational enterprise to be its most significant technique for central control.
Outward evidences of control are few, but repeated meetings of 70 or 80 man-
agers, functional officers, and technicians at trade fairs, conventions, technical
conferences at the parent, on-the-road visits by its top managers (all five of whom
make the tour annually), and daily phone contact, produce a type of consensus
that avoids the necessity of tight control over operations. These communications
are for persuasion, not dictation, for the company believes in "decentralization of
operations and tactics but centralization of planning and strategy." 'Ibis coordina-
tion is buttressed by probably the tightest budget control of any of the European
companies. In addition to parentally approved annual budgets, affiliates must pre-
pare 3·year, 5-year, IO-year, and 15-year projections, and the parent itself is work-
ing on a 30 to 50 year projection of the future market for its major products.

The product management dimension of a matrix is extremely important,

for it is here that product strategy decisions are analysed. Usually these
involve investments in intangible assets, such as product and process
research, missionary marketing to consumer groups hitherto untouched,

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Organizational Structures and Tensions 31

and decisions to wrestle market share from specific rivals for long-term
Usually the product management teams are suituated in the head-
quarters nation. Sometimes they are situated in other nations. When a
subsidiary has a product management team within it, it is said to have a
global product mandate.
Some global product mandates reflect natural comparative advantage.
For example, Canada generates more hydroelectricity than any other
nation except the Soviet Union, so engineers of Canadian General
Electric have become expert in the design and service of waterwheel
turbines. General Electric salesmen anywhere in the world who receive
inquiries about waterwheel turbines work with the Canadian team that
has the global mandate in waterwheels. As another example, northern
Italy produces excellent and inexpensive appliances, so NV Philips of
Holland moved its appliance management to Italy, from where it now
controls a world network of plants.
Other global product mandates are actually part of world mandates that
arose from government technical specifications. For example, standards
of television transmission in Europe are different from those in North
America. NV Philips turned over to its North American subsidiary the
development, design, and manufacture of television receivers appropriate
for North America.
A final kind of global product mandate is assigned to a subsidiary for
strategic reasons. Black and Decker power hand tools use the same motor
components in drills, sanders, jigsaws, and other tools. Economies of scale
are substantial in manufacturing these products, but the Canadian market
is so small that manufacturing costs exceeded U.S. manufacturing costs
plus Canadian import duty. Instead of shutting down the Canadian plant,
the headquarters executives assigned to Canada the worldwide sander
production. The resulting volume cut unit costs not only of sanders but of
drills and jigsaws also, with the result that all became viable.

Geocentric Planning Guidelines

In a matrix organization more complex planning guidelines for the nine
problems of integration are possible.
Chapter 2. Exchange Management in a Multinational Corporation. No
hedging will be done except for currencies with pegged exchange rates or
to consume excess foreign tax credits that would otherwise expire. Head-
quarters will strive to achieve a balanced global portfolio of long-term
positive and negative cash flows in each major currency.
Chapter 3. Maneuvering Liquid Assets. Dividends, intersubsidiary loans,
transfer prices, and managerial fee payments will be considered to transfer
liquidity to subsidiaries when they need it, in such a way as to minimize

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32 Multinational Management

taxes paid to the world minus interest earned on liquid assets. After
analysis, these options will be implemented only when they are preferable
to normal banking transactions in each nation.
Chapter 4. Multidivisional Expansion to a New Nation. Diligent effort
will be made to identify important stakeholders in each new nation and
gauge their predispositions to the corporation. Product divisions will be
introduced into the nation in a carefully orchestrated sequence. As the
stakeholders' tolerance of the corporation increases, further divisions
which may be more profitable to the corporation can be introduced.
Chapter 5. Logistics. The total product flow on some routes will justify
the corporation's chartering its own vessels. These charters will be
managed in such a way as to pressure rate reductions (or nonescalation)
from liner companies on other routes.
Chapter 6. Production Smoothing. Demand for each item fluctuates in
each market. One attraction of being multinational is the portfolio effect
of a reduced fluctuation of total demand. This means switching markets
from one factory to another and reswitching them as demands change.
Chapter 7. Multinational Plant Location. A multinational corporation
has tremendous bargaining power and flexibility until it builds aplant.
Once built, the plant may be a hostage. This suggests that there will be
innumerable studies about possible plant locations, which therefore
should be computerized.
Chapter 8. New Product Launch. A nation can be used as a test market
for the world. This suggests grouping the nations to launch in stage 1,
stage 2, and so forth. Nations grouped for the first stage must be selected
to yield valuable and timely information. This can be used to cancel or
advance the product's launch in other national markets.
Chapter 9. Pricing. Prices for the line of goods are determined in one
benchmark country (e.g., the United States). Simultaneously an optimal
markup factor is calculated for each nation by which the benchmark
prices are multiplied to obtain local prices. This scheme is simple enough
to permit central coordination, yet it is also responsive to overall market
conditions in each nation.
Chap ter 10. Produc t Design. Marketing considerations other than price
lead to a proliferation of tailored designs as described in the section on
polycentric organization. Production considerations tend toward a single
design to be marketed throughout the world, as described in the ethno-
centric section. The geocentric resolution is to modularize the design by
subassemblies (and styling panels). Some modules should be standard
around the world; others should be tailored.
Chapter 11. International Executive Development. Multilateral moves

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Organizational Structures and Tensions 33

and the use of third country nationals must be analyzed. Because the
number of foreigners a government will allow to hold executive positions
in a subsidiary may be restricted, visas should be allocated with care. The
emphasis on integration implies nurturing personnel who can tolerate the
role ambiguity such a position implies.
Each chapter of this book describes a difficult integration and each out-
lines a computer model. The computer is an impersonal demander of infor-
mation and an impersonal means of detecting exaggerations. The models
are merely tools that can be used by powerful executives as part of their
personal political processes, and thus every prospective executive should
be aware of their existence and their possible uses.

Bibliography to Chapter 1
Aiken, Michael and Gerald Hage, "Organizational Interdependence and Intraorganiza-
tional Structure," American Sociological Review, Vol. 33 (1968), pp. 919-929.
Behnnan, Jack N., Nati01Ul1 Interests and the Multi1Ultional Enterprise: Tensions
Among the North Atlantic Countries (Englewood aiffs, NJ: Prentice-HaII, 1970).
Bergsten, C. Fred, Thomas Horst and Theodore H. Moran, American Multi1Ultionals
and American Interests (WashingtoR: The Brookings Institution, 1978).
Blake, David H. and Robert S. Waiters, The Politics of Global Economic Relations
(Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall, 1976).
Boston Consulting Group, Perspectives on Experience (Boston: Boston Consulting
Group, 1970).
Bower, Joseph L., Managing the Resource Allocation Process: A Study of Corporate
Planning and Investment (Cambridge: Division of Research, Harvard Business
Brooke, Michael Z. and Mark van Beusekom,Intemati01Ul1 Corporate Planning (London:
Pitman, 1979).
Channon, Derek F. and Michael Jalland, Multinati01Ul1 Strategic Planning (London:
Macmillan, 1979) .
./ C1ee, Gilbert H. and Wilbur M. Sachtjen, "Organizing a Worldwide Business," Harvard
Business Review, Vol. 42, No. 6 (1964), pp. 55-67.
Curhan, Joan P., William H. Davidson, and Rajan Suri, Tracing the Multinatio1Ulls: A
Source book on U.S.-based Enterprises (Cambridge, MA: Ballinger,1977).
Davis, Stanley M. and Paul R. Lawrence, Matrix (Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley, 1977).
Dundas, Kenneth, The Management of U.S. Subsidiaries in Canada, doctoral disserta-
tion, University of Western Ontario, 1979.
Etzioni, Amitai, Modem Organizations (Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall, 1964).
Fouraker, Lawrence E. and Sidney Siege), Bargaining and Group Decision-Making:
Experiments in Bilateral Monopoly (New York: McGraw-Hill, 1960).
Galbraith, Jay R., Organization Design (Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley, 1977).
Goggin, William C., "How the Multidimensional Structure Works at Dow Coming,"
Harvard Business Review, Vol. 52, No. 1 (1974), pp. 54-65.

Digitized by Google
34 Multinational Management

/Heenan, David A. and Howard Perlmutter, MultinatioruJI Organization Development

(Reading, MA: Addison.Wesley, 1979).
Knickerbocker, Frederick T., Oligopolistic Reaction and MultinatioruJI Enterprise
(Cambridge: Division of Research, Harvard Business School, 1973).
V Kramer, Robert J., New Directions in MultiruJtional Corporate Organization (New
York: Business International Corporation, 1981).
Lawrence, Paul R. and Jay W. Lorsch, OrganizatioruJI Planning: Cases and Concepts
(Homewood, IL: Irwin, 1972).
Leavitt, Harold J., Managerial Psychology (Chicago: University of Chicago Press,
Martyn, Howe, InternatioruJI Business (New York: Free Press of Glencoe, 1964).
Menzies, Hugh D., "Westinghouse Takes Aim at the World," Fortune, Vol. 101, No. 1
(1980), pp. 48-53.
Olson, Bernhard E., Faith and Prejudice (New Haven: Yale University Press, 1963).
Perlmutter, Howard V., "L'Entreprise International-Trois Conceptions," Review
Economic et Social, May 1965; a translation appeared in Quarterly Journal of
AlSEC InternatioruJI, Vol. 3, No. 3 (August 1967).
Robinson, Richard D., International Management (New York: Holt, Rinehart and
Winston, 1967).
Rosow, Jerome M., "Industrial Relations and the Multinational Corporation: The
Management Approach," in Bargaining Without Boundaries: The Multinational
Corporation and International lAbour Relations, edited by R.J. Flanagan and A.R.
Weber (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1974), pp. 147-162.
V Rutenberg, David P., "Organizational Archetypes of a Multinational Company," Manage-
ment Science, Vol. 16, No. 6 (1970), pp. B337-B349.
Sapolsky, Harvey M., Polaris Systems Development: Bureaucratic and Pragmatic
Success in Government (Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1972).
Sayles, Leonard R. and Margaret K. Chandler, Managing lArge Systems: Organizations
for the Future (New York: Harper and Row,1971).
Stopford, John M. and Louis Wells, Managing the MultinatioruJl Enterprise: Organiz-
ation of the Firm and Ownership of the Subsidiaries (New York: Basic, 1972).
Vaupel, James W. and Joan P. Curham, The Making of MultiruJtional Enterprises: A
Source Book Based on a Study of 187 Major V.S. Manufacturing Corporations
(Cambridge: Division of Research, Harvard Business School, 1969).
Vaupel, James W. and Joan P. Curham. The World's MultiruJtioruJl Enterprise: A
Source book of Tables Based on a Study of the lArgest V.S. and non-V.S. Manu-
facturing Corporations (Cambridge: Division of Research, Harvard Business School,
Vemon, Raymond (ed.), Big Business and the State: Changing Relations in Western
Europe (Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1974).
Williamson, Oliver, Markets and Hierarchies (Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice·HalI,
Zaleznik, Abraham and Manfred F.R. Kets de Vries, Power and the Corporate Mind
(Boston: Houghton MifOin, 1975).

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Multinational Financial Management


Exchange Management in a
Multinational Corporation

Introductory Note to the Case

Dozier Industries

Dozier is a small, high-technology business with no foreign

experience. One might reasonably assume that the company
would be averse to risk, either because of the chief financial
officer's inexperience or because a bad review of this opening
act could thwart Dozier's attempt to achieve multinational
status. Nevertheless, try to predict the cost of "no action,"
even though it's a most unlikely alternative.
The first level of analysis for this case is to work through
the two calculations comparing the use of the forward mar-
ket, with borrowing pounds to repatriate immediately (pound
receivable equals pound borrowing plus British interest). It
is a very simple finance calculation once the correct interest
rates are determined.
The second level of analysis is to outline procedures to fol-
low in pricing future export orders. Currently, Dozier has ex-
cess capacity, so this U.K. order is making a substantial
contribution to overhead.
The third level of analysis is to study Dozier's balance sheet,
and think imaginatively about how to refinance some of its
current and long-term liabilities. Bold international financing
would probably not be appropriate yet for Dozier, but it
should be evaluated to keep in mind later.
Exhibit 2.4 uses the terms Eurodollar and Europound. The
prefix "Euro-" simply means that the currency is outside
its home, and thus outside the direct control of its central
bank. Thus at any moment in time the Eurodollar rate is the


Digitized by Google
38 Multinational Financial Management

same everywhere in the world (outside the United States).

Similarly, the Europound rate is the same everywhere outside
the United Kingdom, and so in Exhibit 2.4 the Paris rate can
be listed as a United States rate.

Dozier Industries
Richard Rothschild, the chief financial officer of Dozier
Industries, returned to his office after the completion of his
meeting with two officers of Southeastern National Bank. He
had requested the meeting in order to discuss financial issues
related to Dozier's first major international sales contract,
which had been confinned that morning, January 13, 1976.
Initially, Rothschild had contacted Robert Leigh, a vice presi-
dent at the bank who had primary responsibilities for Dozier's
business with Southeastern National. Leigh had in turn sug-
gested that John Gunn of the bank's international division be
included in the meeting since Leigh felt that he lacked the
international expertise to answer all the questions Rothschild
might raise.
The meeting had focused on the exchange risk related to
the new sales contract. Dozier's bid of £425,000 for the
installation of an internal security system for a large manu-
facturing finn in the United Kingdom had been accepted. In
accordance with the contract, the British finn had transferred
by cable £42,500 (10 percent of the contract amount) as
deposit on the contract with the balance due at the time the
system was completed. Dozier's production vice president,
Mike Miles, had assured Rothschild that there would be no
difficulty in completing the project within the 90-day period
stipulated in the bid. As a result, Rothschild was planning on
receiving £382,500 on April 13, 1976.

History of the Company

Dozier Inc. was a relatively young finn specializing in elec-
tronic security systems. It had been established in 1963 by
Charles L. Dozier, who was still president and owner of 78
percent of the stock. The remaining 22 percent of the stock
was held by other members of management. Dozier, formerly
Thi. cue was prepared by Professor Mark Eaker of SouUlem MeUlodls' UniversUy
and Is reprinwd with his permission and tha' of the COPYriah' owners., the Board
of Truswes of Ule Leland S'-nlord Junior University.

Digitized by Google

Exchange Management in a Multinational Corporation 39

a design engineer for a large electronics firm, founded his
own company to market security systems for small firms and
households. By 1966 Dozier had begun to concentrate on
military sales and the company's growth paralleled the growth
of V.S. expenditures in Vietnam. As the V.S. involvement
in Vietnam and military expenditures in general began to
decrease, Dozier's military sales slumped and the company
sought increased business in the private sector. During the
period of transition from being primarily a military con-
tractor to relying on private sales, Dozier experienced severe
reductions in revenue and profits (see Exhibit 2.1). In 1975
the company showed a profit for the first time in three years,
and management was confident that the company had turned
the corner.
By early 1976, military sales accounted for only about 20
percent of Dozier's total revenue. The company's manage-
ment believed that the best prospects for future growth lay in
sales to companies in countries that were experiencing terrorist
activity. Therefore, in the spring of 1975 Dozier launched a
marketing effort overseas. The selling effort had not met with
much success until the confirmation of the contract discussed
here. The new sales contract, although large in itself, had the

Dozier, Inc.
Sales and Income Summary
Year Ended Sales Net Income
December 31 ($000) ($000)

1963 314 28
1964 397 34
1965 521 43
1966 918 86
1967 2,127 179
1968 3,858 406
1969 5,726 587
1970 7,143 702
1971 9,068 857
1972 8,646 309
1973 5,471 (108)
1974 5,986 (16)
1975 6,427 82

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Dozier, Inc.
o{DecemSer 1975


Cti00~nt assets
and setiUiititiii m ,286
l,titiounts rp'~~r1L!ti"mti
Inventories 1,113,533
Total current assets $2,120,566
titid equipili0ilit
Less accumulated depreciation 1,316,702
Net plant $2,898,204
Total assets $5,243,770


Current liabilities
Accounts payable $ 467,291
Notes payable - bank 326,400
butal curr4?ut HtiHilities 77:%,691
b,mg-term liaHilities
Notes payable $ 275,000
CZ$mkrkOn equitb
bUilimon st,,,,,,
Retained earnings
Total Equity $4,175,079
liabilW0rrz equity

Exchange Management in a Multinational Corporation 41

Dozier, Inc.
Bid Preparation
Materials $414,250
Direct labor 208,410
Shipping 35,000
Direct overhead* 104,205
Allocation of indirect overhead $ 50,246
Total cost $812,111
Profit factor 48,726
Total $860,836

Spot pound rate on December 3: 2.0255

Pound value of the bid: £ 425,000
The International Monetary Market in Chicago reported on December 3
that March 1976 futures were selling at 1.996 and on December 2 the
June 1976 futures were selling at $1.9710/£.
*Based on 50 percent of direct labor.

potential of being expanded in the future since the company

involved was a large multinational firm with manufacturing
facilities in many countries.

Foreign Exchange Risk and Hedging

During the morning of January 13, the day the bid was ac-
cepted, the value of the pound was $2.0320. However, the
pound had been weak for the past six months (see Exhibit
2.5). Rothschild was concerned that the value of the pound
might depreciate even further during the next 90 days and it
was this worry that prompted his discussion at the bank. He
wanted to find out what techniques were available to Dozier
to reduce the exchange risk created by the outstanding pound
Gunn, the international specialist, had explained that
Rothschild had several options. First, of course, he could do
nothing. This would leave Dozier vulnerable to pound fluc-
tuations, which would entail losses if the pound depreciated
or gains if it appreciated versus the dollar. On the other hand,
Rothschild could choose to hedge his exchange risk.
Gunn explained that a hedge involved taking a position

Digitized by Google
42 Multinational Financial Management

Dozier, Inc.
Interest and Exchange Rate Comparisons
January 14, 1976
United United
States Kingdom

Three-month money* 5.125 10.22

Prime lending rate 7.00 11.50
Three-month deposits (large amounts) 5.00 10.16
Eurodollar three-month 5.375
Europound three-month
(quoted by banks in Paris) 10.50
Other key London rates
91-day treasury bills 10.28
Local authorities three-month fixed deposit 10.50
Finance houses three-month fixed deposit 109/16
The spot rate for the pound: 2.0290
Three-month forward pound: 2.0032
*Prime commercial paper in the United States; interbank rates in the
United Kingdom.
Source: The Economist

opposite to the one that was creating the foreign exchange

exposure. This could be accomplished either by engaging in
a forward contract or through a spot transaction. Since Dozier
had an outstanding pound receivable, the appropriate hedging
options would be to sell pounds forward 90 days or to secure
a 90~ay pound loan. By selling pounds forward Dozier would
incur an obligation to deliver pounds 90 days after the trans-
action at the rate established on the day of the transaction.
This would ensure that Dozier would receive a set dollar
value for its pound receivable, regardless of the spot rate that
existed in the future.
The spot hedge works similarly in that it also creates a
pound obligation 90 days from the transaction. Dozier
would borrow pounds and exchange the proceeds into dollars
at the spot rate. On April 13, Dozier would use its pound re-
ceipts to repay the loan. Any gains or losses on the receivable
due to a change in the value of the pound would be offset by
equivalent losses or gains on the loan payment.
Leigh assured Rothschild that Southeastern National would

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Exchange Management in a Multinational Corporation 43


Historical Spot and Forward Pound Rates

in U.S. Dollars
Date Spot Three·Month Forward Rate

7/9 2.2020 2.1864

7/16 2.1855 2.1682
7/23 2.1800 2.1570
7/30 2.1650 2.1445
8/6 2.1360 2.1137
8/13 2.1075 2.0865
8/20 2.1100 2.0940
8/27 2.1105 2.0948
9/3 2.1120 2.0947
9/10 2.1120 2.0942
9/17 2.0830 2.1665
9/24 2.0550 2.0350
10/1 2.0430 2.0245
10/8 2.0470 2.0242
10/15 2.0560 2.0315
10/22 2.0780 2.0500
10/29 2.0730 2.0470
11/5 2.0660 2.0396
11/12 2.0640 2.0388
11/19 2.0430 2.0184
11/26 2.0330 2.0088
12/3 2.0255 2.0021
12/10 2.0240 2.0008
12/17 2.0240 2.0000
12/23 2.0225 1.9965
12/30 2.0250 1.9918
117/76 2.0350 2.0032
1/14/76 2.0290 2.0032
Source: The Money Manaier

be able to assist Dozier in implementing whatever decision

Rothschild made. Dozier had a $1.5 million line of credit
with Southeastern National. John Gunn indicated that there
would be no difficulty for Southeastern to arrange the pound
loan for Dozier through its correspondent bank in London.
He felt that such a loan would be at 1.5 percent above the
U.K. prime rate. To assist Rothschild in making his decision,

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44 Multinational Financial Management


Sterling. Going, going . ..

The prospects of a major recovery of sterling between now and Christmas
are now so thin that they hardly exist. Since our last currency review
in August, confidence in the pound has continued to decline. That
decline in confidence has been masked to some extent by the renaissance
of the dollar; when these trappings of disguise were whipped away
during the recent reversal in the dollar's strength, the weakness of
sterling stood out stark and clear as the effective rate breached new
lows to nudge the 30% depreciation barrier.
It should decline further. The Labour Government, far from initiating
the £1 billion cuts in public spending that were deemed necessary if
overseas holders' confidence in sterling were to be maintained, have
actually announced that they are not considering any major measures
to cut government spending in the short term; there is a widespread
conviction that they will not cut expenditure in the medium or long·
term either, but it is the immediate future that concerns the foreign
exchange markets.
In the immediate future the Government's policy of allowing the
exchange rate to take the strain of keeping unemployment to a mini-
mum is likely to become more obvious, a policy that is likely to show
an increasing divergence from the views of the Bank of England. The
Bank is displaying increasing signs of alarm over the scale of public
spending and the public sector deficit, and so it shOUld. It is widely
believed that the government's borrowing requirement in the current
financial year has risen by a third over last April's estimate of £9 billion.
The Chancellor of the Exchequer announced the Government's de-
cision not to cut public spending during 1975 at the same dinner at
which Governor of the Bank made it clear that the Bank is becoming
increasingly concerned over public spending.
Sterling will be weaker against some currencies than others in coming
months, but the British may find themselves celebrating Christmas
with a currency worth less than $2 even if the dollar does not regain its
strength. There is not much consolation in that.
Source: Fallon, Padraic, "Sterlinl-Goinl loinl ••. ," Euromoney Nov, 1975,
PP. 47-78.

Gunn provided him with information on interest rates, spot

and forward exchange rates, as well as historical and fore-
casted information on the pound (see Exhibits 2.4, 2.5, and
Rothschild was aware that in preparing the bid Dozier had
allowed for a profit margin of only 6 percent in order to in-

Digitized by Google
Exchange Management in a Multinational Corporation 45

crease the likelihood of winning the bid and hence developing

an important foreign contact. The bid was submitted on
December 3, 1975. In arriving at the bid, the company had
estimated the cost of the project, added an amount as profit,
but kept in mind the highest bid that could conceivably win
the contract. The calculations were made in dollars and then
converted to pounds at the spot rate existing on December 3
(see Exhibit 2.5), since the U.K. company had stipulated
payment in pounds.
Rothschild realized that the amount involved in the contract
was such that an adverse move in the pound exchange rate
could put Dozier in a loss position for 1976 if the transac-
tions were left unhedged. On the other hand, he also became
aware of the fact that hedging had its own costs. Still, a deci-
sion had to be made. He knew that "no action" implied that
an unhedged position was the best alternative for the company.

Digitized by Google
Management by objectives and the evaluation of managerial performance
both require that someone distinguish between outcomes over which a
manager has control and those over which he has not. In evaluating the
performance of a manager in another nation, should the headquarters or
the subsidiary take responsibility for exchange rate changes?
During the 1970s an American would say that the West German deutsche
mark had appreciated, and that the British pound had devalued. Suppose
a German-headquartered multinational kept U.S. $1000 in a bank account.
Because it keeps its balance sheet in deutsche marks, the German corpora-
tion would record a foreign exchange loss on this asset. On the other
hand, a British headquartered multinational, keeping a similar U.s. $1000
in a bank account, would record a foreign exchange gain on this asset. The
German headquarters would take a dim view of the losses incurred by their
American manager. The British headquarters would express delight at the
strong performance of their American asset.
Evaluation is simple as long as the manager of the American subsidiary
deals only in U .S. dollars. In a geographically organized corporation,
managers of autonomous national subsidiaries might deal only in their
local currency; if they did, their evaluation would be simple. Usually,
however, multinational corporations undertake a worldwide flow of sub-
assemblies, finished products, technology, and intersubsidiary loans. This
means that while managers of subsidiaries are evaluated on the basis of
their performance, its measurement usually involves several foreign
Let us see which exchange rate U.S. corporations use to evaluate their
foreign subsidiaries. Pure trading cannot be planned and should be trans-
acted only if today's spot exchange rate is right. Five percent of U.S.
corporations both budget and evaluate performance at the spot rate
(Business International Money Report 1977); presumably these are the
trading corporations.
In 20 percent of U.S. corporations, the budget for foreign operations is
approved at the then current spot rate. At the end of the year, performance
is evaluated at the end of year spot exchange rate, which places the entire
foreign exchange burden on the subsidiary. This type of subsidiary-
management evaluation process is common in ethnocentric corporations.
Polycentric multinationals budget commitments using forecast exchange
rates, then evaluate the performance of subsidiary managers at year-end
spot rates. Business International reports that 50 percent of U.S. corpora-
tions operating abroad evaluate in this way. Although this evaluation pro-
cess still renders the subsidiary manager susceptible to exchange rate risk,
the foreign exchange burden he experiences is less than that of the subsidi-
ary manager of an ethnocentric corporation.
Fifteen percent of U.S. corporations budget commitments at a forecast

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Exchange Management in a Multinational Corporation 47

rate and also evaluate subsidiary managers at this same forecast rate (even
if the forecast turns out to have been incorrect). Geocentric multinationals,
which tend to employ this scheme, view the subsidiary more as a cost
center than a fully autonomous profit center. The activities of the entire
subsidiary network are rationalized, and the subsidiary manager's evalua-
tion is based on pis contribution to the corporation as an aggregate system.
As such, the subsidiary manager is shielded from the effects of unforeseen
foreign exchange rate fluctuations. Nevertheless, the subsidiary manager
should be motivated to adjust his marketing and production decisions to
take advantage of whatever exchange rate occurs.
A forward contract occurs when two individuals agree that on a specified
future date they will exchange a stated amount of one currency for a
stated amount of another. Usually one of the individuals is a bank. A bank
active in forward markets keeps track of its exposure in each currency for
each day of maturity. By the rates it quotes, it attempts to offset its pur-
chases with its sales of each currency so as to control this exposure. As
we saw in the Dozier Industries case, it makes little difference whether the
corporation borrows abroad in order to repatriate now, or whether it
enters the forward market. Either method allows it to avoid the risk of
exchange rate fluctuations. In the commercial market one can obtain
forward rates for I, 2, 3,6, and 12 months for many currencies and even
longer contracts for a few currencies. As the Dozier case suggested, if a
corporation has an exposed asset abroad, it can today borrow in that
nation, in order to repatriate the proceeds immediately. This creates an
exposed liability to offset the exposed asset. In this way the corporation
can hedge for much longer than one year (Neave and Rutenberg,1981).
Evaluation of manager at year

Actual year Today's forecast

end spot of the year
rate -end rate

rate used
for budget Today's
forecasting forecast
year end
spot rate

The subsidiary's budget is set at the beginning of the year; performance
is evaluated at year end.

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48 Multinational Financial Management
As marketing and production managers have to make long-term commit-
ments in several currencies, it seems sensible to insulate their marketing
or production decisions from the risk of exchange rate fluctuations.
Four psychological theories encourage such separation. First, expectancy
theory ( a model of perception) states that if effort leads to outcome, then
the effort will occur if the outcome is desirable. Conversely, a manager
will exert less effort if he perceives little link between his effort in marketing
or production and the outcome that was swamped by an exchange rate
change. Second, operant conditioning theory predicts that good efforts
that are not rewarded will be extinguished; to extrapolate, therefore, a
swing in exchange rates could reward and reinforce wrong production or
marketing decisions. Third, a general performance model states that
blocking path goals leads to frustration and stress, made manifest in pas-
sive withdrawal, active hostility, and depression. The corporation, facing
an unfavorable exchange rate shift, does not want to cause this behavior.
Finally, dissonance theory would be relevant if a conscientious manager
undeservedly gained from a favorable change in exchange rates. If the
manager had a low tolerance for this guilt, he might subconsciously sabo-
tage his own marketing or production efforts the following year to "even
the score."
For internal budget purposes, polycentric and geocentric corporations
need a forecast of exchange rates. They obtain the short-term rates of up
to one year from the data provided by the commercial market, but they
also have the data with which to forecast long-run exchange rates for some
currencies. The simplest conceptual model for forecasting is that of covered
interest arbitrage. Just as Dozier Industries could borrow three-month
Europounds, it could also have borrowed for a longer period, say five
Let us examine a five-year .horizon. An investor has two options. The
first is to invest in a five-year V.S. security at the five-year rate (ru,r)' At
the end of five years, one dollar of investment would become

" (1 + ',)5
Today's I I Future spot
spot rateI Irate
I ,~
start 'us (1 + 'us)5 end
Covered interest arbitrage states that the two routes should be equally

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Exchange Management in a Multinational Corporation 49

The second option is to convert from dollars to foreign currency at today's

spot rate, to invest abroad at the foreign five-year rate (rf)' and to repatri-
ate the earnings at the future spot rate. One dollar of foreign currency
would become

Fundamental to arbitrage is the concept that there is a lot of smart

money on the move, originating from many nations and moving quickly
to the best deals. If the market feels that one route is more profitable,
in the absence of inside information or peculiar tax situations, the re-
sulting transactions will either increase the U.S. interest rate or decrease
the foreign interest rate until the two routes are equally profitable. This
means that the exchange rate five years hence is, in aggregate, forecasted
to become
(1 + r )s
Spot rate in 5 years = spot rate today f 5

Many money markets are efficient and this forecast is adequate. How-
ever, for some currencies other factors must be accounted for by the head-
quarters treasurer when forecasting rates. Most governments have, at some
time in the past, imposed restrictions on the flows of capital out of their
nation. A "blocked" currency is one with tight restrictions. Such restric-
tions allow the internal rates of interest to be lower than they otherwise
would be in a world eqUilibrium. Foreign investors fear that such restric-
tions might be imposed, thus trapping their capital. To compensate for
this perceived risk, the rf must be higher than in the absence of fear,
making the forecast future rate a bound.
The headquarters should forecast not just for a five-year maturity but
for all future years in all currencies. Today's spot rates and the bond yield
curves (Malkiel, 1970) for each national currency are all they need. Un-
fortunately, some countries are too unstable to have a bond market and
an analyst must use his or her best judgment when estimating rates.
This introduction has dealt with the service that the divisions should
expect from the headquarters treasury group: forecasting rates as well as
budgeting and evaluating based on these rates. Marketing and production
managers can get on with their work, with exchange rates taken into ac-
count. We will now study models that underlie the rate-setting process in
polycentric, ethnocentric, and geocentric corporations.

Polycentric View of Exchange Management

A geographically organized multinational can be thought of as a geograph-
ically diversified portfolio of assets. Few American individual investors or

Digitized by Google
50 Multinationol Financial Management
mutual funds are internationally diversified. American investors achieve
their international diversification by buying shares in U.S.-based multi-
national corporations. Errunza and Senbek (1981) calculate the positive
relationship between international involvement and stock market premium.
Chen, Ricks, and Shawky (1977) found that the actual returns on the
stocks of multinational corporations are affected by a world market in-
dex and an exchange risk factor. Investors are compensated for bearing
both volatility and exchange risks. This implies that an investor forming a
portfolio consisting primarily of the stocks of multinationals will gain
from international diversification.
Fundamental to a polycentric view is the concept that many smart
people are trying to profit in exchange rates. If a corporation has no more
inside information than anyone else, it will sometimes gain, sometimes
lose, and on average break even. No abnormal systematic gain can be ex-
pected if the prices move as a random walk. Giddy and Dufey (1975)
showed that a random walk model adequately fits the spot movement of
the currencies of Canada, France, and the United Kingdom for 1972-1974
data. Using a longer data base, Levich (1979) showed that for the cur-
rencies of Switzerland and Italy a random walk model is a good descrip-
tion of the data; for Belgium, France, and Germany the random walk
model is a poor fit; and for Canada, the United Kingdom, the Nether-
lands, and Japan a random walk model does not fit, presumably because
of erratic government intervention. Nevertheless, in none of these cases
is the nonrandom pattern distinct enough or long term enough that
trying to benefit from it will cover the transaction costs.
The polycentric headquarters views each subsidiary as a capital invest-
ment, the value of which is determined by the discounted value of its
future repatriated revenue flows. The corporation lacks the organization
to reallocate its assets once invested, in response to the changing states of
the world economies. Only intermittent executive action will force re-
deployments. Although the headquarters decision to invest may have been
based on a risk-retUrn perception that was appropriate then, each national
subsidiary of a geographically organized corporation pushes its own
interest in new investment. Actually larger subsidiaries sometimes use
their greater political presence within the corporation to block detailed
studies that compare the financial risk of one nation with another.
The headquarters treasurer of a polycentric corporation tends to view
fluctuating exchange rates as random events occurring with shifts in the
world's economic and political structure. Such interest rate movements
can rarely be forecasted or systematically reacted to by the corporation.
Hence the polycentric attitude is to avoid wasting money on hedging
Nevertheless, in two circumstances the headquarters treasurer may
have the incentive to hedge. First, the treasurer could attain a higher
return after taxes if on occasion he hedged to renew a tax credit. Second,

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Exchange Management in a Multinational Corporation 51

he may decide to bet against a government that has chosen to peg its
exchange rates.
If a corporation has paid more taxes abroad than it would pay at home
on its global income, the V.S. government not only receives zero tax but
actually grants the corporation a tax credit. Corporate tax credits in the
United States may be carried forward five years and back two years. A
corporation with unused five-year-old tax credits can either let them ex-
pire or find a way to "renew" them. Hedging provides a legitimate way.
Suppose a U.S. corporation has a five-year-old foreign tax credit of
$480,000. Liechtenstein imposes no tax on income derived as a result of
foreign exchange fluctuations, so the V.S. corporation can have its Liech-
tenstein subsidiary hedge Italian lire by borrowing lire or by a forward
contract, so that the corporation will gain $1 million if the lira rises and
lose $1 million if the lira falls (numbers chosen to keep the arithmetic
Suppose there is 50 percent probability that the lira will rise and that
the corporation will gain $1 million. In that case, the corporation would
have had to pay an additional $480,000 V.S. tax (marginal tax rate of 48
percent). However, by applying its $480,000 excess foreign tax credit,
it can retain the entire $1 million. There is a 50 percent probability that
the lira will fall. In that case the corporation will lose $1 million, and the
unused old tax credit will expire at year end. However, the loss can be
carried forward five years. Though the old tax credit expired, a new one
lives onwards - until used to offset a profit.
The second occasion on which a headquarters treasurer may hedge is
when he can foresee that a pegged exchange rate might be changed. Not
all exchange rates fluctuate in a random fashion. Some governments
intervene in the exchange market to support their currency. This is termed
a "dirty float." The alert treasurer may decide to hedge when systematic
government intervention occurs, even though he can act only within
limits set by exchange restrictions of the foreign government.
"In many countries, even in those with convertible currencies, local
companies are only allowed to enter the forward market to cover specific
receivables and payables" (Chemical Bank, 1972, p. 14). For example,
V.S. dollars can be converted into French francs and vice versa -they are
both convertible. Anyone can easily convert V.S. dollars into Israeli
sheckels, but it requires the permission of the Israeli central bank to con-
vert sheckels to dollars in Israel. Conversion of sheckels in another coun-
try is viewed by Israel as a violation of Israeli law. The sheckel is not
convertible. Freedom of entry into the forward market or the bond mar-
ket for hedging purposes is rare when an exchange rate is pegged. Although
the world's currencies are commonly believed to be operating in a general
floating rate system, only a handful of them (admittedly among the most
important) float individually against all others. Most of the others are tied
to one of the key currencies or to a composite unit. The summary break-

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62 Multinational Financial Management

down below from the International Monetary Fund Survey, February 20,
1978, illustrates the order within the apparently bewildering variety of the
world's currency map. Each year a few governments change the grouping
of their currency but the pattern remains.
Currencies Floating Independently. British pound, Canadian dollar,
Italian lira, Japanese yen, Philippine peso, Mexican peso, Spanish peseta,
Turkish lira, U.S. dollar.
Currencies Pegged on the U.S. Dollar. Bahamas dollar, Barbados dollar,
Bolivian peso, Botswanian pula, Burundian franc, Republic of China's
new Taiwan dollar, Costa Rican colon, Dominican peso, Ecuadoran sucre,
Egyptian pound, El Salvadorian colon, Ethiopian birr, Ghanian cedi,
Grenadan East Caribbean dollar, Guatemalan quetzal, Guyanan dollar,
Haitian gourde, Honduran lempira, Indonesian rupiah, Iraqi dinar, Jamaican
dollar, Korean won, kip of the Laos Peoples' Democratic Republic, Liberian
dollar, Libyan dinar, Maldivian rupee, Nepalese rupee, Nicaraguan cordoba,
Oman rial, Pakistini rupee, Panamanian balboa, Paraguayan guarani,
Romanian leu, Rwandan franc, Somalian shilling, South African rand,
Sudanese pound, Syrian Arabic Republic's pound, Thai baht, Trinidad
and Tobago dollar, United Emirates dirham, Venezuelan bolivar, Yemen
Arab Republic rial, Peoples' Democratic Republic of Yemen dinar.
Currencies Pegged on the British Pound. Bangladesh taka, Gambian dalas,
Irish pound, Seychelles rupee, the leone of Sierra Leone.
Currencies Pegged on the French Franc. The francs of Benin, Cameroon,
Central African Empire, Chad, Comoro, Peoples' Republic of the Congo,
Gabon, Ivory Coast, Madagascar, l\tlali, Niger, Senegal, Togo, Upper
Currencies Pegged on the International Monetary Fund's Special Drawing
Rights (SDR) (historically the U.S. dollar but now a weighted average
currency): Burmese kyat, Guinean syli, Iranian rial, Jordanian dinar,
Kenyan shilling, Malawi kwacha, Mauritius rupee, Qatar riyal, the dobra
of Siio Tome and Pnncipe, Saudi Arabian riyal, Tanzanian shilling, Ugan-
dan shilling, South Vietnamese dong, the zaire of Zaire, the Zambian
Currencies in the European "Snake." Belgian franc, Danish krone, Luxem-
bourg franc, the Netherlands guilder, Norwegian krone, West German
deutsche mark. Each currency can snake between maximum margins
of ±2.25 percent with respect to a weighted basket of the other currencies.
Currency Composite Other Than SDR. Algerian dinar, Australian dollar,
Austrian shilling, Cyprus pound, Fiji dollar, Finnish markka, Indian rupee,
Kuwait dinar, Malaysian ringgit, Maltese pound, Mauritanian ouguiya,

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Exchange Management in a Multinational Corporation 53

Moroccan dirham, New Zealand dollar, Singapore dollar, Swedish krona,

Tunisian dinar. Western Somoan tala.
Currencies Adjusted According to a Set of Indicators. Argentinian peso,
Brazilian cruzeiro, Chilean peso, Colombian peso, Portuguese escudo,
Uruguayan new peso.
When a nation pegs its currency to a key currency, it must keep reserves
of gold or key currencies to have something to sell while supporting the
price of its currency when this is necessary. When the nation runs low in
key currency, it can contact the International Monetary Fund to request
a loan of the key currency to replenish its reserves for future sales. The
nation can also request that the key currency central bank buy its cur-
rency on the open market. Thus economic pressure for a devaluation can
be resisted for some months, and even years.
Folks and Stansell (1975) developed a discriminant analysis model to
tally the factors that on average predict a devaluation. A treasurer must
judge which are most relevant to the nation under consideration. He must
project himself into the shoes of the finance minister of that nation,
gauge the political pressures he is feeling, and determine their effect on his
economic judgment. Sensitivity to inside information helps, and this
information is more likely to come to the subsidiary than to the distant
A central bank may be sustaining an exchange rate for political rather
than economic reasons, and it may be quoting forward rates that are dis-
crepant from those that the treasurer honestly anticipates. The govern-
ment can sustain the pretense because access to the future market is usually
denied to all except those with a "substantiated legitimate need." There-
fore, the treasurer who is sensitive to impending devaluations can expect
to gain. The amount of gain is limited; the exchange authorities allow a
corporation to hedge no more than its exposure. Given that limit, the
following decision rule is sensible. Either do not hedge, or hedge to
the limit. This decision rule was developed by Shapiro and Rutenberg
It is now the beginning of period O. We telex the exchange broker for
the quoted rates of hedging different maturities, and then calculate the
cost of hedging each period independently (cost of hedging to end of
period minus cost of hedging to beginning of period). The hedging problem
decouples into T separate problems, one in each time period. Let us first
analyze period O. Should period 0 be hedged? It depends on what we
judge to be the possible extent of loss due to devaluation. Consider:

Ct = known cost of now hedging each separate period t (from broker's

quotes) [For Dozier, the cost of hedging the three-month period
beginning 1/14/76 was 2.029 - 2.0032 1.27%
(see Exhibit 2.5).] 2.029

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54 Multinational Financial Management
7r 0 = probability of no devaluation during period 0
1- 7r 0 = probability of a devaluation during period 0
dj = one of several estimates for the extent of devaluation [For
Dozier, d 1 , d 2 , d 3 , may be 10, 12, and 15 percent.]
Pj = the probability of devaluation to level dj, conditional on there
being a devaluation, such that Pj =1 (Possibly 75,20, and 5 per-
cent respectively, for Dozier.)
pjdj = the expected extent of devaluation assuming a devaluation will
occur (10.65% for Dozier.)

Pj dj Pj d j
.75 .10 .075
.20 .12 .024
.05 .15 .0075

Therefore, the expected extent of a devaluation in period 0 can be ex-

pressed as

Do =(l- 7r o)pj d j

Should period 0 be hedged? If period 0 is not already hedged select the

cheaper of:
1. Hedge at cost Co
2. Expected loss Do
If period 0 is already hedged, decide which of the following is preferable:
1. Sell the hedge to someone else for Co - s, where s is the spread between
the buying and selling rate (preferable if Co - s - Do > 0).
2. Retain the hedge thereby avoiding devaluation loss (preferable if
Co -s -Do < 0).

Suppose for Dozier 7r 0 =.3

Co = 1.27 percent
Do = (1 - .3) 10.65 = 7.455 percent

Since Do > Co' Dozier should hedge period 0 now. Should period 1 be
hedged now? At the beginning of period 0 a hedge of any future period 1,
... , T can be looked at as a speculation in an option contract. That is,
quite apart from our interest in hedging period 1, we are also interested in

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Exchange Management in a Multinational Corporation 55

the movement in the cost of hedging period 1. Similarly, we are just as

interested in a change in the cost of hedging periods 2, 3, ... , up to T. Let
us call a typical period t. Now, at the beginning of period 0, we have a
quote COt as today's cost of hedging period t. From thinking about who
will intervene in the market, and how and when they will act, we must
anticipate what the cost quote will be at the beginning of the next period
of hedging that same period t.
Decision models have been developed by Shapiro and Rutenberg (1974)
to aid a treasurer with these questions. They have also been derived for
more complicated situations where a multinational faces multiple possible
devaluations or key events (such as an election), or when corporate policy
is to never unhedge. A corporate treasurer should be adaptable as to when
to hedge if he wishes to minimize the cost of devaluations to his firm.
The treasurer of a polycentric corporation may also recognize a profit
by dealing with blocked currencies where the foreign central bank insists
that all foreign exchange transactions take place through it. A corporation
that needed funds to expand in a blocked nation could legally enter them
through the nation's central bank, the usual gatekeeper of foreign ex-
change. However, the corporation might be able to get a better exchange
rate by shopping around for another corporation that would like to re-
patriate funds from that blocked nation.
The deal usually works as follows. The local subsidiary of corporation A
needs local currency now, which it can repay from profits in, say, four
years. Local subsidiary of corporation B loans local subsidiary of corpora-
tion A the capital at whatever rate of interest is reasonable in that nation.
Meanwhile, in the United States or some other nation, A loans B capital
as security (if necessary), plus interest to cover the interest differential
and the likelihood of exchange controls being tightened (the equivalent of
a devaluation). These deals are conceptually similar to forward contracts.
However, the "market" is a network of telephone calls. Within the eyes of
the central bank of the local nation, these machinations violate the spirit
of the law and were used in Peru as evidence against a corporation during
expropriation decisions. So the expected profits from such back-to-back
loans have to be balanced against the increased probability of expropria-
tion multiplied by the assets (their real value in a confiscatorial environ-
ment) that might be lost.
Having established the exchange rate management policy of headquarters,
we might wish to consider the interaction that occurs between the trea-
surer and the subsidiary manager. The subsidiary manager's performance is
evaluated by a comparison of his year-end profits, measured at the spot
rate, with his budget, which was established at the beginning of the period
using forecasted exchange rates. The subsidiary manager may be rewarded
or reprimanded because of a random discrepancy between the forecasted
rates and the year-end spot rate. Thus the subsidiary manager has some
mild incentive to help predict the exchange rate (to get approval for his

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66 Multinatio1llJ1 Financial Ma1llllIement

projects). However, he has great incentive to adapt his marketing and manu-
facturing decisions as the exchange rate changes.
This scheme is appropriate for subsidiaries whose exchange rate floats.
In such circumstances, the discrepancy between forecasted and actual ex-
change rates is likely to be small, and the subsidiary manager is pressured
to adapt rapidly. In some corporations, such as Alcan Aluminium Ltd.,
each subsidiary keeps its accounts in local currency and is allowed to hedge
if the subsidiary treasurer feels excessive risk. In theory, one subsidiary
could be buying and another selling futures in the same currency. In
practice subsidiary treasurers communicate, so they tend to agree as to
which currencies are weak. Note that even if each subsidiary hedged to
neutral in its local currency, commitments in the local currency would not
be hedged, so the corporation as a whole would likely have exposure.
In summary, the headquarters treasurer of a geographically organized
polycentric corporation will rarely hedge. Instead, he will passively absorb
the risks that the subsidiary marketing and production manager contracted.
Only in special circumstances, such as when old tax credits are renewed or
when, for political reasons, governments intervene in the currency market,
may the treasurer become involved with future contracts.

An Ethnocentric View of Exchange Management

Ethnocentric treasurers justify hedging on the grounds that the erratic
appearance of exchange rate losses will depress the stock price of their
corporation. By U.S. accounting rules, exchange rate losses have to be
footnoted in the corporation's annual report, whereas the costs of hedging
are buried in the aggregates ot the profit and loss statement.
Corporate treasurers in the United States follow rules established by the
Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB), which in 1975 eliminated
reserve accounts for foreign exchange fluctuation. To this end, F ASB
No. 8 defined "exposure" by stating which assets and liabilities are to be
translated at current rates. As seen in Exhibit 2.9, a corporation's accounts
receivable are said to be exposed (if denominated in local currency) but
the value of a foreign warehouse is not, for its value is to be translated at
historical rates. F ASB-8 rules will be applied to foreign operations that
represent extensions of the parent company operation (e.g., a marketing
subsidiary abroad) as do most assets of an ethnocentric corporation. The
Standards Board No. 52 states that the exposure of a relatively indepen-
dent polycentric operation be based on the total net assets of this opera-
tion measured in its "functional currency." The functional currency in
which a foreign subsidiary keeps its accounts is to be the currency of the
"prime economic environment in which the entity operates and generates
net cash flows." Where that functional currency has suffered from rapid

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FASB's Statement of Financial Accounting Standards No. 8 and No. 52

Exchange Rate
for Translation
Current Historical

Cash on hand and demand and time deposits x
Marketable equity securities
Carried at cost x
Carried at current market price x
Accounts and notes receivable related
unearned discount x
Allowance for doubtful accounts and
notes receivable x
Carried at cost x
Carried at current replacement price
or current selling price x
Carried at net realizable value X
Carried at contract price (produced
under fIXed price contracts) X
Prepaid insurance, advertising, and rent X
Refundable deposits X
Advances to unconsolidated subsidiaries X
Property, plant, and equipment X
Accumulated depreciation of property,
plant and equipment X
Cash surrender value of life insurance X
Patents, trademarks, licenses, and formulas X
GoodwUl X
Other intangible assets X

Accounts and notes payable and overdrafts X
Accrued expenses payable X
Accrued losses on firm purchase commitments X
Refundable deposits X
Deferred income X
Bonds payable or other long·term debt X
Unamortized premium or discount on bonds
or notes payable X
Convertible bonds payable X
Accrued pension obligations X
Obligations under warranties X
This table illustrates the exchanle rates to be used for translatinl balance sheet accounts under
the F ASB'. statement on translation accountlnl.


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58 Multinational Financial Management

inflation, the net assets will be restated on a price level adjusted basis.
When the functional currency figures are translated into U .S. dollars at
current exchange rates any apparent gain or loss in the exposure in this
latest year will no longer be reported as part of the parent company's
income for this year as required for ethnocentric extensions, but rather
will be treated as a direct adjustment of the parent company's share-
holders equity.
Few treasurers wait until the year's end to determine corporate ex-
posure; they use pro forma balance sheets to forecast exposure, and they
hedge if it appears excessive. A treasurer who is anxious about foreign
exchange, as many in ethnocentric firms are, will do his best to bias the
exchange rate forecast he quotes to divisions. The treasurer adds a spread
between the buying and selling rates quoted for corporate use. He calls
the spread a "risk premium," and treasurers are known to deviously adopt
arguments of modem finance to justify the spread that induces operating
divisions to reduce their exposure. Such treasurers never think that some
foreign exposure might be desirable. (Beedles and Senchak, 1978; Errunza,
Transfer prices, budgets, and exchange rate information are biased by
both headquarters and the subsidiaries, since neither wishes to be burdened
with the risk of exchange rate fluctuations. The corporate atmosphere of
ethnocentric firms is not conducive to the development of a cooperative
and comprehensive exchange rate management policy.
Why do headquarters treasurers continue to hedge so ethnocentrically?
Their reasons are both psychological and bureaucratic. One treasurer told
me that his job is "like standing naked on a windy corner. Were you
covered? If not, why not?" After we had discussed the accuracy of vari-
ous exchange forecasts, another treasurer confided "I use Citibank so that
when we take a loss we can blame them." One rarely meets an interna-
tional treasurer in an ethnocentric corporation who feels that either his
international or his treasury superior understands his work.
Ethnocentric corporate treasurers pay substantial hedging fees to undo
diversification out of the "safety" of the home currency. The accumula-
tion of hedging fees can be surprisingly large. For example, even though
the British government formerly supported sterling futures, an internal
Ford Motor Company study showed that, through the years 1946 to 1969,
a policy of always hedging was appreciably more expensive than one of
never hedging but taking losses when devaluation occurred. The spread
between a buying and selling rate appears very low on a single 30-day
futures quotation, but the accumulation of these monthly fees from 1946
to 1969 was surprisingly large (Kohlhagan, 1975).
Worse than the expense of hedging is the fact that the very definition of
exposure is arbitrary. Exhibit 2.10 shows some of the different bases for
defining exposure. As can be seen, the same foreign subsidiary could be
perceived quite differently if its parent were American, Swedish, or Japan-

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Exchange Management in a Multinational Corporation 59


Different bases for defining exposure

Monetary Items Translated at Current
Rate Non-monetary Items Translated at
Historical Rate All Items at Current Exchange Rate
Argentina Denmark
Australia Ethiopia
Brazil France
Chile Germany
Fiji India
Jamaica Italy
Kenya Japan
Mexico Malaysia
New Zealand Netherlands
Nigeria Norway
USA Peru
Uruguay Singapore
Venezuela Switzerland

Current Accounts at Current Rate

Noncurrent Accounts at Historical Rate Other Translation Rules
Bermuda Bahamas
Bolivia Belgium
Canada Greece
Columbia Panama
Pakistan Paraguay
South Africa Philippines
Sweden Ireland

ese. Even as the U.S. Financial Accounting Standards Board changes its
definition of exposure it will have to change it to another standard for
stewardship reasons. Consistent stewardship demands that there be a basis
for valuing all subsidiaries. However. managerial action to take advantage
of the rate change may not be congruent with the basis for valuation.
Attitudes toward exposure provide a clear test to distinguish between
an ethnocentric and a polycentric (or geocentric) treasurer. Suppose a
corporation has hedged a pegged currency, and there is a possibility of de·
valuation, although its probability is far from certain. Should the treasurer
sell that contract (unhedge) if someone offers more than its expected
worth? This frequently happens during the early stages of a run on a cur-

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60 Multinational Financial Management

rency. The treasurer of some other ethnocentric corporation, desperate

to say he was covered if a devaluation occurs, may be willing to pay up
to the extent of the possible devalution. The ethnocentric treasurer, who
would prefer that all divisions minimize exposure, acts as though the
probability of devaluation were a certainty. From his bureaucratic view-
point, this action may be prudent. In contrast, a polycentric treasurer
views exposure as a constraint on his taking advantage of a market imper-
fection, and as such he can feel "not guilty" when he sells the forward
cover just a few weeks before the devaluation may occur - as long as he
profits from doing so over several crises. A polycentric treasurer would
therefore prefer more exposure than his ethnocentric counterpart. His
willingness to accept some exchange rate risk and the inherent flexibility
of the polycentric exchange package reflect the superior information
flows and the very different risk tolerance of the polycentric corporation.

The Geocentric View of Exchange Management

A truly geocentric multinational may best be described as a dynamic
portfolio of risky assets. By the late 1970s it became conventional aca-
demic wisdom to believe that an individual investor is interested in a mean-
variance efficient portfolio. Individual investors, perhaps operating through
mutual funds, can diversify as they choose. Because individuals can diver-
sify, they view a diversified corporation merely as a mutual fund. A poly-
centric corporation is a mutual fund. Yet a geocentric corporation is dif-
ferent because it has the ability to redeploy assets after shocks have
Stock market theory has been built and tested on single-period models.
Consider the analogy to roulette. The investor lays out the money, the
wheel of chance is spun, and only certain locations pay. The polycentric
corporation has no influence over the odds, nor can it rearrange its chips
after the wheel has stopped. A geocentric firm is different. Consider again
the roulette analogy. After the wheel of chance has stopped, thereby re-
vealing the favored locations, the geocentric firm has the ability to rear-
range some of the chips. The justification for a geocentric headquarters
is to allow the corporation to rearrange the sourcing between its plants,
to alter the denominations in which to float new debt, and to retune its
marketing efforts. And if perchance the wheel of fortune is jostled to a
new position, the geocentric firm again has the flexibility to adapt. This
book is concerned with models to guide coherent adaptation.
Given that the marketing and production managers should not have to
bear the brunt of foreign exchange fluctuations, the treasurer's depart-
ment seems the most appropriate corporate group to assume the risk. It
must establish a transfer price, for exchange risk, to ensure a standard
cost for the functional managers. The treasurer's office mayor may not

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Exchange Management in a Multinational Corporation 61

decide to hedge the overall corporation. If the treasurer's office does

selectively participate in the commercial market, then it may even become
a minor profit center. However, its main function is to absorb the ex-
change risk from operating decisions.

Consider the problem faced by the corporation's marine division that
wants one new vessel and is negotiating to have it constructed in a Japanese,
or a Polish, or a Singapore shipyard. Negotiations are expected to last six
months before the division signs a purchase order with the most suitable
of these yards. If it is signed, there will be progress payments (at specified
dates) and then a final payment, when the vessel passes ocean tests, pay-
able in yen, zloty, or rupees. To chose from among these three shipyards,
the marine division must know what its U.S. dollar commitments will be
and hence should pay the treasurer at headquarters for an option on the
specified number of yen and again for an option on zloty and again on
rupiahs. The marine division can then negotiate with the three shipyards.
When there is an inadequate forward market, the options can flow to
the treasurer's department. One U.S. lumber company was negotiating to
purchase hardwood in Indonesia at a price specified in Indonesian rupiahs
or U.S. dollars, with the U.S. company being able to decide which to pay.
The hardwood buyers turned to their treasurer's department for advice on
how hard to negotiate for this clause. The most credible advice is for the
treasurer to quote a bonus to be paid the buyer to get such an option
(Merton, 1973).

Real Assets
The risky assets and liabilities of the multinational corporation are not
necessarily those that appear on the balance sheet, but are instead the
future streams of different currencies. Accurate exchange rate forecasts
are not possible, but the covariances between long-term exchange rate
changes can be forecast (Shapiro and Rutenberg, 1976; Goodman, 1979).
The marketing plans yield a forecasted stream of revenue. Each estab-
lished factory will require a stream of local currency for wages and domes-
tic purchases; there are interest payments, scheduled debt repayments,
and dividends. These flows must be forecasted on a few scenarios of ex-
change rates. A simulation of the cash flows of the corporation can then
be prepared. Scenarios of possible futures (including exchange rates and
restrictions) have to be written, so that each set of decision alternatives
can be evaluated for robustness.
An example should help make this clear. Consider a multinational cor-
poration, with an established market in Japan, about to develop an ore
body in western Canada. (The mineral will: be smelted in Canada, then
shipped to Japan.) To finance the mine and smelter should the treasurer
prefer to float bonds in Canada or Japan? Some treasurers would take a

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62 Multinational Financial Mantlllement

balance sheet approach and argue that the assets in Canada should be off-
set by Canadian debt. Other treasurers would take a cash flow approach
and borrow in Japan. In their eyes the mine will require a continual flow
of Canadian dollars to pay for wages, maintenance, and local taxes, yet
the corporation has no sources of Canadian dollars. On the other hand, it
will have a continual stream of yen from the sales revenue, part of which
can be used for bond interest and principal repayment. A geocentric
executive would adopt this view and prefer to borrow yen. Specifically,
from a portfolio model a geocentric transfer should be able to calculate
the premium the corporation would be willing to pay to borrow yen.
Despite this premium he might nevertheless borrow Canadian dollars if
the government provided access to subsidized interest rates, or if the
treasurer could foresee a possibility of nationalization in which Canadian
bondholders would act as a local pressure group. Nevertheless, a geocentric
treasurer's basic consideration is future cash flows.
With estimates of the total cash flows, the treasurer can determine the
criteria for composing the corporate portfolio. There are usually hundreds
of different capital investments among which to select. The risk return
balance and the relationships between each investment and the existing
global portfolio must be examined to determine the asset mix whose risk
return level dominates all other combinations. At f"llSt glance it may ap-
pear that there is a bewildering array of possibilities. Most of the work of
a corporate planning group is to screen out the implausible alternatives;
only a few dozen decisions of financial importance are likely to emerge.
For example, many nations stipulate that the proceeds of a local bond is-
sue may be used only to build a factory in that nation. As another ex-
ample, Swiss bankers appear to stipulate (collectively) the maximum debt
they will float for each particular corporation. Even if a corporation
tries to envision global alternatives, it confronts so many constraints on
its viable financial options that their total is readily manageable. One such
constraint is the minimum expected return the corporation expects before
expanding into another market, on an efficient frontier between risk and
return. For a prespecified expected return, the combination of activities
which minimizes risk can be calculated by means of a quadratic program,
rather like a linear program which has a more complicated objective func-
tion to handle the covariance terms (Lietaer, 1971).
The geocentric treasurer utilizes exchange rate information received
from subsidiary managers as well as observation of imperfections in the
currency market - such as those caused by systematic government inter-
ference - to hedge selectively. Employing the decision rules established by
the hedging model mentioned in the section on the polycentric view, the
geocentric treasurer and managers occasionally participate in the futures
market. The treasurer may use information from hedging practices as in-
put into the portfolio of positive and negative cash flows in each currency.
A standard currency is required for operating a multinational accounting
system. If erratic government intervention into a national currency makes

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Exchange Management in a Multinational Corporation 63
it unsuitable as a base currency, then this also means that the currency is
an unsuitable standard for multinational accounting, as appears to be the
case with the Israeli scheckel. This does not necessarily mean that the
physical headquarters has to be moved, but another currency may be
more suitable. For example, the Canadian-headquartered multinationals
Alean, Massey-Ferguson, and Moore now keep their accounts in U.S.
In summary, the geocentric multinational will strive to maintain a bal-
anced portfolio. The concept of the geographically diversified portfolio
of the polycentric corporation is extended in the geocentric corporation
to allow for the redeployment of the corporation's marketing and produc-
tion facilities. The value of a risky asset to the individual subsidiary is
adjusted to match the treasurer's interpretation of the effects of economic
shifts and government policies on future income flows. The treasurer
makes this adjustment by biasing the subsidiary's forecasted exchange
rate. The portfolio's composition will change as the states of nature change.
Such a dynamic management practice as that pursued by the geocentric
corporation is necessary in the sometimes hostile environment in which
the corporation operates. Many nations where subsidiaries are located are
antagonistic toward capitalist corporations, particularly multinationals.
Because of the geocentric's rationalized production and marketing system,
it is particularly susceptible: A breakdown in one nation caused by
government policy or economic uncertainty may affect the entire network.
Simultaneously, the geocentric's ability to redeploy assets means that a
higher expected return and a lower variance of cash flow can be achieved
than that which is possible in a polycentric corporation.
The polycentric corporation fits on the mean-variance frontier. The
precise location may depend on assuming a fair amount of risk. Not 80
the ethnocentric corporation, whose costly financial constraints will also



Standard deviation of
the profit stream
Risk-return space of the three corporate archetypes.

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64 Multinational Financial Management

reduce its profitability below the frontier. The geocentric's ability to re-
deploy assets to adapt to the state of the world may (if it is managed
efficiently) allow it to be above the polycentric frontier of Exhibit 2.11.

The impact of exchange rate fluctuations on the multinational is twofold:
1. Short-term exchange rate fluctuations may be incorporated by head-
quarters into the year-end evaluation of a subsidiary manager's profit
performance. The subsidiary's earnings may be enhanced, or devalued,
according to random currency movements, the rate at which the sub-
sidiary's budget was forecasted, and the rate at which the subsidiary
is evaluated.
2. Many marketing and production decisions involve long-term commit-
ments by the organization, which causes the headquarter's treasury
office to be starkly aware of the effect devaluation may have on the
future income flows of those investments. Therefore, some multina-
tionals use exchange rate forecasts or introduce risk biases into their
decisions to commit resources.
If the morale of the subsidiary manager and the productivity of the
workers are to be sustained, operating managers must be shielded from the
effects of currency fluctuations. The degree to which the headquarters
treasurer insulates the subsidiary manager from the effects of exchange
rate fluctuations in evaluation procedures as well as the degree to which
he offers incentives for the manager to react to current conditions in a
manner that is most beneficial to the organization's total performance
vary with the organizational archetype of the corporation. The exchange
rate forecast and portfolio adjustment techniques employed by the trea-
surer and the cooperation that he receives from managers will greatly in-
fluence the long-term growth and profitability of the multinational.
The assets of the ethnocentric multinational are naively diversified;
capital investments are based on strictly adhered to return on investment
criteria. There is no mechanism by which to perceive assets as a coherent
whole. The ethnocentric treasurer stodgily operates according to world-
wide procedural guidelines. Subsidiary managers are evaluated in a manner
that exposes them to the variable movements of currencies. On the home
front, treasurers deplete corporate funds by hedging all foreign activities
in their attempt to avoid all risk of currency devaluation. Given that
hedging is the purchase of futures to protect against currency devalua-
tions, it is not an activity designed to maximize profits but rather a cost
incurred to avert a possible loss. Ethnocentric executives conduct their
foreign operations in a guarded and pessimistic manner. Income streams

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Exchange Management in a Multinational Corporation 65

are not maximized but merely maintained. The accumulated cost of the
treasurer's hedging activities and the limited and rigid nature of the head-
quarters-subsidiary communication lines contribute to the inefficiencies
of the ethnocentric operating system.
Polycentric headquarters pursue rational and flexible investment policies,
and thus are more efficient than their ethnocentric counterparts. Head-
quarters examines potential portfolio acquisitions using historical data and
relationships. The portfolio is periodically adjusted to reflect the changing
states of various world economies and the evolving profit potential of vari-
ous nations. However, no particular risk-return goal is maintained. The
polycentric's corporate atmosphere breeds a competitiveness that en-
courages the headquarters treasurer to recognize inconsistencies in the
environment. He has the flexibility, drive, and knowledge to grasp profit-
able opportunities. Although the fragmented state of the subsidiaries'
production and marketing activities prohibits totally effective communi-
cation flows, subsidiary managers and headquarters treasurers have a mu-
tual incentive to discuss foreign exchange rate information.
Geocentric headquarters view themselves in a two-stage process, in which
they make long-term commitments with an eye to the flexibility this will
allow in operations. The first-stage decisions involve long-term financing,
nurturing major markets, and building core factories. These first-stage
decisions can be made mindful of many scenarios that the future might
bring (Garstka and Rutenberg, 1973) so that in the second stage the
operating managers have recourse to adapt flexibly to whichever scenario
actually occurs. As the chapters of this book will make clear, the great
advantage of a geocentric corporation is the incredible robustness of its
manufacturing, its marketing, and its short-term financial networks. Con-
versely, the expense of a geocentric headquarters can be justified only if it
manages this robust flexibility to take advantage of (and not be hurt by)
whichever particular circumstances arise. The resulting corporate total
cash flow is more certain. However, the financial analysis of an individual
project has to be performed by analyzing the performance of the global
network with the project, and then reanalyzing it without the project. The
with and without analysis has to be performed under each environmental
scenario. In a geocentric corporation analysts think about the location of
bond issues and new equity placements to make sure that these commit-
ments to annual cash flows can be satisfied without creating local strains,
by diverting currency flows needed for marketing or manufacturing.
Exchange rates and inflation rates are forecast for the 2-5 year medium
term, so that production redeployments and marketing emphases can be
adapted to these forecast changes in real manufacturing costs and real
marketing revenues.
The portfolio adjustment practices of geocentric firms surpass the de-
scription of multiperiod portfolio strategy provided by current f"man-
cial theories. Current portfolio selection theory involves a one-period

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66 Multinational Financial Management

decision process. In contrast, the geocentric multinational's portfolio

selection strategy is essentially a two-stage decision process, where the
corporation has recourse to adapt in the second stage. Current states and
forecasts of future states of nature can be reflected within the covariance
matrix, a crude surrogate for the flexibility to redeploy cash flows. The
geocentric's active subsidiary management procedures are discussed further
in subsequent chapters.

Questions from Other Viewpoints

1. Corporate Rational Normative Global. You just covered this view-
point in the chapter.
2. Corporate Rational Normative Subsidiary. Find a f"mancial news-
paper of 10 years ago. (Try the library.) Look up the 10-year bond
interest rates of two or three nations. Also find the spot exchange
rates that then prevailed, and predict the exchange rates for now.
Contrast your predictions with current spot rates.
3. Corporate Rational Descriptive Global. For a business in your fa-
vorite nation, make up an income statement and start and end of year
balance sheets in local currency. If the headquarters is in Japan or
Canada or Brazil use actual exchange rates and the classifications of
Exhibit 2.10 to translate your business into these three headquarters
4. Corporate Rational Descriptive Subsidiary. One of the consequences
of foreign exchange fluctuations is that purchases and sales abroad
keep changing price. What standard accounting systems are now
used to facilitate rational decision making in environments of chang-
ing prices?
5. Corporate Emotional Normative Global. People often give up and
plead uncertainty when asked to forecast exchange rates. How would
you manage such a work situation?
6. Corporate Emotional Normative Subsidiary. Headquarters account-
ing systems usually monitor their subsidiaries in terms of headquar-
ters currency. Managers are promoted and awarded bonuses on the
basis of performance. The performance of a subsidiary manager de-
pends on his efforts and luck on the exchange rate. Review (from
prior courses and the library) the theories listed on page 48. Select the
most relevant theory and summarize in two pages the emotional con-
sequences of a reward system, one part of which depends on the indi-
vidual's effort, but a major part of which is a random reinforcement.
7. Corporate Emotional Descriptive Global. To manage a corporation's
foreign exchange requires intellectual skills and also a specific kind
of personality. Describe the personal qualities, personal pressures, and
personal satisfactions that this work probably entails.
8. Corporate Emotional Descriptive Subsidiary. What are the long-run

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Exchange Management in a Multinational Corporation 67

emotional pressures on the treasurer of a subsidiary who always

has to think in a foreign currency and who feels that vestiges of
ethnocentrism by headquarters still show in their view of his nation's
currency and predicted money supply and inflation?
9. Societal Rational Normative Global. It is said that fluctuations in
spot rates are bad, so central banks sometimes intervene in the spot
market (this is called a dirty float). Suppose central banks were to
stop intervening in the spot market but always stand ready to write
long-term futures contracts. Would that tend to stabilize spot rates,
or would it have no effect?
10. Societal Rational Normative Subsidiary. Most nations insist that
every foreign exchange transaction involving their currency be done
through their central bank. The governor of the central bank has
many responsibilities, one of which is recruiting and supervising the
bank's manager of foreign transactions. Write a job description for a
bank's manager of foreign transactions that includes the criteria
against which the individual's performance will be measured; as-
suming: (a) only one rate of exchange will prevail at a particular time;
(b) there will be different rates of exchange for different classes of
11. Societal Rational Descriptive Global. In the days of fixed exchange
rates, the International Monetary Fund had a definite role - to help
sustain the rates or to counsel their change in an orderly way. What is
the current role of the IMF? Study the IMF Annual Report and
study its activities for the last two years· as reported in the index of
a major newspaper.
12. Societal Rational Descriptive National. Find the rates of domestic
inflation for four major nations in 1970 and in 1980. Is there any
evidence that before 1970, when exchange rates were generally pegged,
ministers of finance felt pressure to dampen inflation?
13. Societal Emotional Normative Global. You have been assigned by
your government to be part of your nation's delegation at the IMF
Annual Meeting. Respond to a proposal that like nations of the world
unite under one currency. Are you for or against? Outline your
response. With each point create a phrase that will cause the emotions
of the listeners to resound.
14. Societal Emotional Normative Subsidiary. For the benefit of a
narrow-minded foreigner, explain why his profiteeringinyournation's
currency is immoral.
15. Societal Emotional Descriptive Global. Describe the kind of person-
ality that would find most satisfaction in spending a lifetime in a
government body working on international finance.
16. Societal Emotional Descriptive National. Select three instances of a
nation suffering rapid inflation. (Either one nation in three periods or
three nations in the same period.) In the library look up comtem-
poraneous newspaper or magazine accounts of the impact on peoples'
lives. What were the similarities? What were the differences?

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Bibliography to Chapter 2
Adler, Michael and Bernard Dumas, "The Long Tenn Financial Decisions of the
Multinational Corpontion," in InterntJtio1JlJI Capital MtlTkets, edited by E.J. Elton
and M.J. Gruber (Amsterdam: North Holland, 1975), Chapter 9.
Beedles, William L. and Andrew J. Senchak, "Indirect International Diversification
Through U.S. Multinational Firms," Unpublished Working Paper 78-27, The
University of Texas, Austin, 1978.
Black, Fischer, "The Pricing of Commodity Contncts," JounuU of Fi1JlJnciGl Econo-
mics, Vol. 3 (1976), pp. 167-179.
Chemical Bank, Foreign Exc#uJnge ExpofU1'8 MtJ1UIIlf!ment, Multinational Cub Manage-
ment Group, Chemical Bank, New York,1972.
Chen, Andrew H., David A. Ricks, and Hany Shawky, "The Performance of Multi-
national Corpontions' Common Stocks and the Efficiency of International Capital
Markets," Unpublished Working Paper 77-74, CoUege of Administntive Science,
Ohio State University, 1977.
Errunza, Vibang R., "Gains from Portfolio Diversification into Less Developed Coun-
tries' Securities," JourntJl of InterntJtiolJlJl Bruinea Studies, Vol. 8, No. 2 (1977),
pp. 83-99.
Errunza, Vihang R. and Lemma W. Senbet, ''The Effects of International Opentions
on the Market Value of the Finn: Theory and Evidence," Journal of FiMnce,
Vol. 36, No. 2 (1981).
Folks, William R. and Stanley R. StaDaeU, "The Use of Discriminant Analysis in Fore-
casting Exchange Rate Movements," JounuU of InterntJtio1JlJI Bruinea Studies,
Vol. 6, No. 1 (1975), pp. 33-50.
Garstka, Stanley J. and David P. Rutenberg, "Computation in Discrete Stochastic
Programs with Recourse," Operatio".RuellTCh, Vol. 21, No. 1 (1973),pp.112-122.
Giddy, Ian H. and Gunter Dufey, "The Random Behavior of the Flexible Exchange
Rates: Implications for Forecasting," Journal of InterntJtio1JlJI Bruinea Studies,
Vol. 6, No. 1 (1975), pp. 1-32.
Goeltz, Richard K., "Managing Liquid Funds on an International Scope," Unpublished
Working Paper, Joseph E. Seapam and Sons, Inc., New York, 1971.
Goodman, Stephen H., "Foreip Exchange Rate Forecasting Techniques: Implications
for Business and Policy," JounuU of Finance, Vol. 34, No. 2, 1979, pp. 410-427.
Kohlhagan, Steven W., "Evidence on the Cost of Forward ~ver in a Floating System,"
Euromoney, September 1975, pp. 138-141.
Levich, Richard M., "Efficient Markets and International Financial Management,"
The InterntJti01JlJI Money Market: An Asseament of Forecasting Techniques and
Market Efficiency, Chap. 6 (J. A. I. Press, 1979).
Levy, Haim and Marshall Sarnat, "Devaluation Risk and the Portfolio Analysis of
International Investment," in InterntJtiolJlJl Capital Markets, edited by E.J. Elton
and M.J. Gruber (Amsterdam: North Holland, 1975), Chapter 5.2.
Lietaer, Bernard, Fi1JlJncial Manogement of Foreign Exc#uJnge: An OperatiolJlJl Tech-
nique to Reduce Risk (Cambrldle: MIT Press, 1971).
Uoyd, W.P., "International Portfolio Diversification of Real Assets: An Inquiry,"
JourntJl of Bruiness Research, April 1975. Vol. 3, pp. 111-120.
Malkiel, Burton G., The Term Structure of Interest Rates: Theory, Empirical Eui-
dence, and Appliclltio". (Morristown, NJ: General Learning Press, 1970).


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Exchange Management in a Multinational Corporation 69

Merton, Robert C., "The Theory of Rational Option Pricing," Bell JouT1Ull of Econo-
mies and Manogement Scilmce, Vol. 4 (Spring 1973), pp. 141-183.
Mueller, Gerhardt G., International Accounting (New York: Macmlllan,1967).
Neave, Edwin and David P. Rutenberg, "When to Hedge Successively," Unpublished
Working Paper, Queen's University, 1981.
Roll, Richard and Bruno Solnik, "A Pure Foreign Exchange Asset Pricing Model,"
Journal of International Economies, Vol. 7 (1977), pp. 161-179.
Senchack, Andrew J. and Laura T. Starks, "International Diversification Through
Listed Foreign Securities," Unpublished Working Paper 78-28, The University of
Texas, Austin, 1978.
Shapiro, Alan H. and David P. Rutenberg, "Managing Exchange Risks in a Floating
World," FinancitJI Management, Vol. 5, No. 2 (1976), pp. 48-58.
Shapiro, Alan H. and David P. Rutenberg, "When to Hedge Against Devaluation,"
Management Science, Vol. 20, No. 12 (1974), pp. 1514-1630; reprinted in Inter-
national Capital Markets, edited by E.J. Elton and M.J. Gruber (Amsterdam,
North Holland, 1975), Chapter 6.1.

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Maneuvering Liquid Assets

Introductory Note to the Case

Paisley S.A.

"P'4isley S.A." a major

fZuhsidiaries have with their ow?&
holycentric maf¥nf"fZ problemfZ
and finance has been viewed as a support activity. The sales
and processing subsidiaries purchased chemicals from the
French mother company. In the past these subsidiaries took
such a long time to pay that their accounts payable to
Paisley were a significant portion of their liabilities. This
if France werff f&fition in
not. FurthefZu¥nfZfC , puvem-
ffZpen to
governmfZut more
hufZitively to Fref&ch uf payments year.
Like any real problem this case has many layers. First, the
cost (interest, tax, expected exchange rate change) of moving
funds between three nations must be calculated. Second, the
benefits of altering the dividend pipelines by having France
own a holding company in a nation that imposes zero cor-
porate tax, which fr,,zm all the
Uuest be sketcheP, analysis of
cash flow eufZP
liuancial flows fZatisfy
U&eir cash needs at minimum tax cost must he calculated.
Finally, the morality of maneuvering liquid assets must be
In a high-technology business such as Paisley the products
ManeulJering Liquid Assets 71

are unique and changing rapidly. To an accountant this

means that transfer prices and research and design royalties
can be calculated in several different ways (the overhead
expenses can be allocated according to different bases). In
international business every nation calculates corporate
income tax differently, thus allocations have different tax
consequences. Keep an eye on worldwide after-tax income.

Paisley S.A.
Marc Chemenceau, assistant to Vice President of Finance
Jean Lefevres of the Paisley company, was told to analyze
an aspect of the company's financial policies. He was a recent
MBA graduate of INSEAD the distinguished Graduate
School of Business at Fontainebleau, where he had specialized
in finance and international business. His vice president felt
that Paisley's financial resources were no longer being utilized
as effectively as they might be.
Paisley S.A. * was a French company that manufactured
and marketed commercial fragrances, dyes, and chemicals
worldwide. During 1981 foreign subsidiaries had substantially
increased their accounts payable to the parent company; in
1982 they would want additional large increases. These in-
creased demands on the parent company's financial resources
coincided with an increase in its own needs for working
capital and a drop in 1981 profits of the parent company.
These internal pressures promised that 1982 would be a
difficult year. Because of the high inflation rate at the time,
the newly elected Socialist government had limited the
amount of credit available to the economy; short- and long-
term interest rates were increased, and foreign payments
were rationed.
Paisley et Cie. had been established in 1935 by Mr. A. Begin
to commercialize synthetic perfumes he had patented.
Established perfume houses wouldn't touch his ersatz per-
fumes, so he manufactured dyes and then revived his syn-
thetic perfumes as commercial air fresheners. An air freshener
order from the Paris Metro finally launched the company. In
1960 his son, Robert Begin, assumed the presidency. He

ThiII cue was prepared by Lutz Holtield under the IUpervUion of Profeuor David
·S.A. (Societe Anonyme) means a stock corporation slmllar to an incorporated
U.S. corporation.

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72 Multinational Financial Management

reorganized the company into three parts: Paisley S.A .• the

parent operating holding company; French subsidiaries; and
foreign subsidiaries. Paisley had always been research and
development oriented. patents protected its high profit
margins. and technical control was tight with much sharing
of ideas on a global basis. To assure impeccable quality con-
trol, both Begins insisted that the French factory was to be
the only source of raw materials, imported semifinished
products, and imported finished products. No intersubsidi-
ary shipments were permitted.
Subsidiary finances were not carefully monitored. Until
now each Paisley subsidiary had developed its own budget
within very informal guidelines from headquarters. In fact,
once submitted, the subsidiaries' budgets were not discussed
as long as sales and profit showed an increase over the pre-
vious year's performance.
This behavior accorded with A. Begin's view that the core
skill of Paisley was to dominate a niche of the fragrance
and dye market and to try to amortize the continuing cost of
that research over more sales by being international. Inter-
national finance and accounting were viewed as housekeeping
functions. Executives rarely discussed the impact on the sub-
sidiaries of different finance policies and accounting prin-
ciples, of local environmental variables, or exchange rate
changes. Thus top management pursued a consistent strategy
1. Research and Development: Between 6 and 9 percent
of sales had been consistently allocated to R&D, in-
cluding the testing that governments required. Over half
the sales revenue was produced by products less than five
years old.
2. Internationalization: Exporting and the creation of for-
eign subsidiaries were emphasized. The first. Paisley-
Brazil, was created in 1938. By 1981. foreign sales were
60 percent of total sales. This policy of internationaliza-
tion had proved to be extremely reassuring during periods
of French instability as in 1968 and again in 1981. The
contribution of foreign operations had been fundamental
to Paisley's growth and profitability (Exhibit 3.1).
3. Diversification: The firm's R&D capabilities had led it
into related specialty chemicals. In 1972 these chemical
products were 12 percent of total sales; by 1980 they
represented 25 percent.
The results of these three strategies had been a fast and

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Maneuvering Liquid Assets 73

profitable growth, but a disordered organization. Total

sales for the group grew tenfold between 1970 and 1980,
while profits increased nine times and R&D expenses fifteen
times. In 1981 sales were FF 196,000,000, profits were
FF 10,780,000, and R&D expenses were FF 21,570,000. The
financing of the growth had been achieved largely through
retained earnings. In 1980 total debt was less than 28 percent
of total liabilities and equity.
Vice President Jean Lefevres was wondering how to coor-
dinate the financial policies of the foreign subsidiaries and
the parent company to reduce the amount and cost of fi-
nancing required for the group. He was concerned by the fact
that he lacked financial control over these subsidiaries. His
position at Paisley required that he manage the cash position
and short- and medium-term financing of the parent com-
pany in France, but he felt he was merely responding to

The Organization
The operating holding company, or parent company, had
three product divisions: fragrance, dyes, and miscellaneous
chemicals. Each of these divisions was then organized on a
functional basis.
The French subsidiaries reported directly to the top man-
agement of Paisley but also communicated widely with the
corresponding product divisions of the operating holding
company or with the R&D division. Their financial auton-
omy varied; some had an independent borrowing policy and
others depended on the parent holding company.
All the Paisley foreign subsidiaries were owned by Genmarc
holding company, incorporated in France. Direct exports
were channeled through this company. In organizational
terms, the product divisions of Paisley (or exporting French
subsidiaries) had direct contact with the foreign subsidiaries.
To have better access to certain markets Paisley had created
several wholly owned sales subsidiaries. Some, like the
subsidiary in Brazil, had set up limited manufacturing or
packaging operations because of tariff problems, patent
necessity, or governmental pressures. Genmarc had originally
been responsible for these subsidiaries. The changing nature
of the foreign operation from arm's-length export to limited
manufacturing had made it necessary to establish additional
links with the product divisions that sent goods to the foreign
subsidiaries. Thus Paisley product divisions usually bypassed

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74 Multinational Financi41 Mantl6ement
Genmarc in their communications with the individual man-
agers of the foreign subsidiaries. Genmarc received dividends
and royalties from the subsidiaries and also could collect a
markup on export orders.

Financial Policies
The large integrated foreign subsidiaries functioned as if
financially independent of the parent company. Their high
profitability and relatively low dividend to Paisley allowed
them to finance their expansion from retained earnings.
When external financing was necessary they dealt with local
banks with which they had long developed relationships.
This was especially true of the U.K. subsidiary, owned by
Paisley since 1960.
The large subsidiaries reported to the parent company, but
their reports were treated casually. Their forecasts were
accepted as long as profitability and sales were growing.
Clearly, no one at Genmarc or Paisley was particularly com-
petent in international finance and accounting. No one sys-
tematically considered the impact on the subsidiaries of
different financial policies and accounting principles, of local
environmental variables, or of currency fluctuations.
The smaller subsidiaries were much more dependent on
Paisley. They financed their growth by increasing their
Genmarc accounts receivable. When additional financing was
required they asked Paisley for longer credit tenns or for a
fonnal loan. Usually Genmarc and the Paisley product divi-
sions approved their requests.
Conflicts had arisen occasionally about devaluation losses.
Subsidiaries with large accounts payable to Paisley denom-
inated in French francs were severely hit when a devaluation
in the local currency suddenly increased the local currency
value of these accounts. As a result, some subsidiaries had
started to borrow in local currency while others had the
burden of devaluation split on a 50:50 basis with Paisley.
By the end of 1981 both Vice President Lefevres and Marc
Chemenceau felt increasingly uneasy about the financial
needs for the coming year. The foreign subsidiaries' increase
in accounts receivable was imposing a heavy financial strain
on Paisley. The working capital requirements had also in-
creased because of larger inventories as well as an increase
in domestic accounts receivable. This was expected to con-
tinue well into 1982. Furthennore, price increases for

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ManeulJering Liquid Assets 75

finished products in France were viewed with disfavor by

the government, but labor and material costs were increasing
steadily. As a result profit margins in France for 1982 were
expected to be less than in 1981.

Outline of the Memo

Marc Chemenceau felt that financial autonomy of the
subsidiaries was detrimental to the group. He discussed this
with Lefeveres, who was skeptical about disrupting profit-
able growing concerns. Chemenceau believed that some of the
techniques he had learned at Fontainebleau could be utilized
to restructure the relationships between the different sub-
sidiaries and the parent company. For example, increased
centralization opened the door for a more tax-conscious
management of transfer prices. When approached with this
idea, Lefevres authorized Chemenceau to prepare a report
on his findings using two subsidiaries. This pilot study
would give Begin and Lefevres a basis for more realistic
decisions. Any move by Paisley to financial centralization
would clearly have other consequences.
As Chemenceau researched his report he became increas-
ingly aware of the complexity of computing gains from
worldwide financial centralization. He therefore decided to
make several simplifying assumptions.
1. Debt for the parent company and subsidiaries could be
borrowed at the beginning of the year and repaid with
interest at the end of the year.
2. Accounts receivable by the parent from foreign subsid-
iaries were in French francs.
3. Because he could not foresee foreign exchange losses or
gains, he decided to ignore their tax implications, and
consequent cash flows.
Using these assumptions Chemenceau worked to estimate
the optimum financing for 1982 from simple forecasts based
on cost figures for the end of 1981; thus he could calculate
saving that might result from a centralized financial policy.
To emphasize his point with Lefevres, he felt he should pre-
pare actual after-tax calculations of the corporate cost of
moving funds by means of dividends, transfer prices, and
intersubsidiary loans. Specifically, he set out to calculate the
cost of borrowing locally and whether to use dividends,
transfer prices, or intersubsidiary loans to effect a transfer

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a.. EXHIBIT 3.1
Paisley S.ill"
mmmmmmnmmmmmmmmmmmmmm MMMMMMlllllUlmlmmmmmmmmll mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm mmmmmmmmmmmnnMmnmmmmll
FinanCii'::ll Il::il,ill~I::I, ,I'?,)reign subsidial"'iil!l:,!i ;1' ,9,!';I;I' (,11;1,1,;1 thousands)
1!,:I,I,llrchase Royalties
Extent 111,1" Finished Paid to
Country of Dividends Products finished Paisley
of Owner- Profit To From or row for
Incorporation ship (%) Sales (Loss) Paisley Paisley S.A. Materiah R&D

Argentina 55 2,610 45 1,890 180

Belgium 100 1,:iil(11I nlfj,
Ilil,' 5"1, 540 54
Brazil 100
India 40
Italy 100 8 ,111!) 18~;:i 2"1' 405
Japan 49 9 ,!)!:)fl 5,400
Mexico 80 540
Peru 70 4,410 45 40 1,530 315
United Kingdom 95 52,200 3,510 810 2,970 2,070
United States 10 4,500 135 27 15
N· West Germany 10 4,050 225 180 243 162
14';1' 6,930 3,726


Paisley S.A.
Balance Sheets of Selected Subsidiaries (FF Millions)
1981 (foreclUlt)


Fixed assets 27,810 29,520
Accumulated depreciation 8,640 9,090
Net fixed assets 19,170 20,430
Inventory 5,940 6,120
Accounts receivable
Other Paisley subsidiaries 5,040 4,230
Others 6,570 6,750
Cash 1,890 1,080
Total assets 38,610 38,610
Common stock 6,300 6,300
Retained earnings 18,990 21,060
Long-term debt 6,750 6,390
Short-term debt 4,410 2,700
Accounts payable 2,160 2,160
Total liabilities 38,610 38,610


Fixed assets 159 218
Accumulated depreciation 17 22
Net fixed assets 142 196
Inventory 304 493
Accounts receivable 855 1,174
Cash 29 43
Total assets 1,330 1,906
Common stock 72 72
Retained earnings 261 ll6
Long-term debt
Paisley 145 247
Other 72 0
Short-term debt 99 130
Accounts payable
Paisley 638 1,268
Other 43 73
Total liabilities 1,330 1,906


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'78 MultiratJtionai Fi1umcilll MtJMgement

Paisley S.A. Subsidiaries
Sources and Uses of Funds
Anticipated for the year 1982, (FF thousands)

Sources of funds
Accumulated depreciation 450
Accounts receivable from others 810
Casha 810
Retained earnings 2,070
Total sources 4,140
Uses of funds
Fixed assets 1,710
Inventory 180
Accounts receivable subsidiaries 180
Long-tenn debt 360
Short-tenn debt 1,710
Total uses of funds 4,140

Sources of funds
Accumulated depreciation 5
Long-tenn debt from Paisley 102
Short-tenn borrowings 31
Accounts payable to Paisley 630
Accounts payable to others 30
Total sources of funds 798
Uses of funds
Fixed assets 59
Inventory 189
Accounts receivable 319
Cash 14
Retained earnings 145
Repay long-term debt to others 72
Total uses of funds 798
GThe U.K. treumer has sta~d in another conted that the minlmum cub _ t he
could opera~ with Is FF 600 milUon • .o a further FF 880 milUon could be available.

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ManeulJering Liquid Assets 79


Expected Real Cost of Borrowing

One Year BorrowingG Treasurer's Forecast of
as of June 1981 Exchange Rate Change
(in local currency) OlJer Coming Year
Country (percent) (percent)

France 15.9 base for measurement

Germany 14.25 + 5
United Kingdom 13.00 8
Brazil 129.5 -120
Eurodollars 17.3 5
Luxembourg 17.5 0
Italy 21.5 9
tJ A subsidiary that knows It will have excess cash for a year can keep It on deposit
with Its bank and earn almost the borrowlnl rate. Because of differences In com-
petition between bank., spread ts lowest In the United Klnldom and hi&hest in

to the other subsidiary for each of the following three pairs

of countries:
1. United Kingdom - Brazil
2. Brazil- France
3. United Kingdom - France
Lefevres asked Chemenceau to visualize increasing the local
borrowing of one subsidiary by FF 1000, and then transfer
it to the other subsidiary by whichever means were possible
from dividends, transfer price adjustments, or changing
intersubsidiary loans. The cost per FF 1000 of each of the
three flows in each direction was to be calculated separately
for each pair of nations.
In addition, Chemenceau decided to include a one-page
appendix demonstrating the tax savings of establishing a
holding company in Luxembourg, a tax haven. Genmarc
would then be dissolved, for the foreign subsidiaries would be
owned by the hoiding company. According to French law
the profits of such a holding company would not have to
be consolidated with the parent for tax purposes.

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Reductions in Liquidity Caused by Taxes

In Computing
Tax on Income, Is
Corporate Foreign Inter- Interest
Income Tax Company Expense
Tax Credit Dividends Deductible?

France 60 percent For with· 3.76 percent Deductible if in·

holding tax (effective) terest rate .so;; 2%
+ Bank of
France rate
Brazil4 30 percent Foreign in· 0 Deductible
0% for come not
export taxable
U.K. 52 percent For all o within Deductible
foreign United King·
taxes dom, 62 per·
cent if from
Note: Import tariff Is 11 percent into U.K. and 40 percent into Brazil tor Paisley Chemicals.
°Accumulated surplules areater than 200 percent Issued capital la taxable at 15 percent.


Withholding Taxes Imposed by Host Government

GOVERNMENT DESTINATION (percent) (percent)

France Brazil 10 16
United Kingdom 10 6
Nontreaty 25 25
Brazil France 10 16
United Kingdom 25 26
Nontreaty 26 26
United Kingdom Brazil 34 0
France 10 0
Nontreaty 34 0


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Ethnocentric - Introduction
This chapter is concerned with moving funds between subsidiaries. The
purpose of such moves is to get liquidity to each subsidiary when it needs
it, in a way that minimizes total taxes paid by the corporation.
Corporations differ in the guidelines they impose on subsidiaries for
handling liquid assets, but three patterns predominate, each corresponding
to one of the archetypes of headquarters-subsidiary relationships discussed
in Chapter 1. Some headquarters feel uneasy about subsidiary managers
holding liquid assets from year to year and insist on their declaring divi-
dends to headquarters. This assures control of the foreign managers by the
ethnocentric headquarters, although at a high cost in taxes. Geographi-
cally organized corporations tend to view each subsidiary as totally in-
dependent (which it legally is) and have little involvement in the manage-
ment of liquid assets; this policy has the fewest negative behavioral
consequences, although it results in a high level of total short-term assets.
Between these two extremes, the geocentric corporation moves liquidity
to subsidiaries when needed by manipulating transfer prices, managerial
fees and royalties, dividends, and intersubsidiary loans in order to maxi-
mize interest received on liquid assets minus total taxes paid on a world-
wide basis. As Robbins and Stobaugh (1973) noted:

Make no mistake about it-even though these large enterprises seemingly are de·
centralized, their worldwide network of units and intercompany links are in fact
controlled indirectly by their rule books, or "bibles" from headquarters. The "bi·
bles" are in the form of standard procedures, sometimes consisting of several vol·
umes, that specify such items as the limits of local borrowing, standard terms of
payment of intercompany accounts, and standard rules for management fees.

Clearly, such headquarters intervention may weaken incentive systems

built on the profit center concept. Whether maneuvering is worth the
effort can be determined best by building a model; the difference between
current and model after-tax profit provides a benchmark against which to
judge the behavioral costs of headquarters intervention.
If deemed prudent, maneuvering liquid assets can enable a multinational
to react to anticipated changes in exchange rates, currency controls, and
other such risks and opportunities. The forecast exchange rates of Chap-
ter 2 are a necessary input to the model explained in this chapter. Where
several possible scenarios of the future environment have been envisioned,
maneuvers for each can be evaluated.


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Geocentric Model- A Generalized Network
The subject of this chapter is the optimal use of tax havens, bilateral tax
treaties, nonuniform treatments of income received from abroad, and
national differences in income tax rates, import duties, and border taxes.
This is a partial analysis for tactical planning because it takes as given the
planned operations of each national subsidiary, and hence whether the
subsidiary is to be a net source or recipient of funds in each year.
Suppose there are N subsidiaries around the world, and the analysis
will be carried out over T years. A real problem deals with all N sub-
sidiaries; for simplicity, we deal with only three subsidiaries: i, i, and
k. The analysis begins by forecasting the net cash surplus/deficit for each
subsidiary for each period bf, and by setting the safe levels below which
bank deposits Kf·t + 1 and other liquid asset holdings Gf·t + 1 must not
fall. From there, a linear program is developed as a guide to the optimal
maneuvering of liquid assets between the subsidiaries. The linear program
can be solved on a computer.
For each mlijor product line or industry in a nation, a planner can plot
the industry attractiveness (growth rate is the usual proxy) against the
cash generation capability (related to market share) of the product line.
Planners have generally adopted the Boston Consulting Group names for
the four quadrants: cash cows, stars, dogs, and seedlings. In a growing
industry an enormous (but estimable) amount of cash is needed to gain
market share (to transform a seedling into a star). In a low-growth in-
dustry, an enormous cash flow can be generated for a few years by curtail-
ing research, exploiting workers, and raising prices (which transforms a
cash cow into a dog). Exhibit 3.7 is a tool used in many corporations to
conceptualize cash flow over several years. This specific example is taken
from the 1976 annual report of the Black and Decker Manufacturing
Even within the strategic deployment of each product line in each
nation, hard work is required to forecast the cash inflow requirements
or cash outflow. Inflation of input prices must be forecast. Revenue must
be estimated from pricing plans and market expansion intentions. The
most probable rates of taxation must be forecast to yield after-tax income
plus depreciation.
It is far more revealing to forecast pro forma cash flows and interest
income in nominal, rather than what economists call ''real,'' terms.
Deflating these values with anticipated inflation obscures the possible
conduits that can channel required liquidity to where it is needed at the
most advantageous exchange rates. The forecast exchange rates from
Chapter 2 are used in each year of the program. (Some nations employ
different exchange rates for different kinds of transactions, and during
the 1980s more nations will probably impose currency controls.)


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ManeulJering Liquid Asset. 83

Unit Relative
Business Company growth market
unit buslne.. rate share
(%) (%)
1. European Power Tools 38 14-15 3.2-4.0
2. U.S. Consumer Tools 20 7-8 2.0
3. McCulloch 14 10-11 0.6-0.7
4. U.S Professional Tools 10 5-61.25-1.75
5. Pacific International 10 26 0.3-0.4
6. Canada 6 10 4
7. Australia 2 4.5 5

Stars Seedlings


-; 10


3Ox20x 10x 5x 2x 1.5x lx 0.5x 0.2x 0.1x

Market share relative to second largest rival
Product portfolio.

A peculiar feature of U.S. banks must also be considered. If any part of

a corporation has obtained a loan from a U.S. bank, then the corporation
will be required to keep on deposit in branches of that bank no less than
a specified "compensating balance." If each subsidiary maintains a dollar
account at one of the branches of a U .S. bank, then the sum of these
accounts can be used to satisfy the compensating balance requirement.
Thus an aggregated compensating balance functions as an effective way to
make intersubsidiary loans. The compensating balance requirement is
depicted by the bunched parallel K arcs in Exhibit 3.8; the flow through
these arcs must be greater than or equal to the compensating balance
Liquid funds can be held by a subsidiary from one year to the next.
This holding is represented in Exhibit 3.8 as a flow through the arc
connecting a subsidiary in one year to the same in the succeeding year.
For example, GJ' t + 1 funds are held by subsidiary j for the year t to
t + 1. If there is a significant term structure to the best interest rates that
a subsidiary could obtain, then two-year arcs can be added to take advan-

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84 Multinational Financial Marurgement

YEAR t YEAR t + 1 YEAR t + 2

b' + 1 b' + 2
k k

Inflows and outflows for subsidiaries i, i, and k.
b:= capital generated across all product lines-planned expenditures
art + 1 = amount of liquid assets carried by subsidiary i in the one year
period from t to t + 1, employed in the most profitable manner
K:· t + 1 = amount of cash held by subsidiary i (usually in a dollar account
in a U.S. bank) that can satisfy compensating balance requirements

tage of the higher interest rates obtainable on longer term loans. However,
to simplify exposition, we use only one-year arcs.
A feasible solution to the problem of maneuvering liquid assets is one
that gets funds to those subsidiaries that need them. Exhibit 3.9 pre-
sents the problem of maneuvering liquid assets in a multinational com-
pany as a network problem. Our objective is to minimize taxes paid to
the world minus interest received. The problem sounds very complicated.
Fortunately, all of these complexities can be handled within the problem
itself. Along the way from 0 to T we have to meet demands for liquidity.
In year T there will be some excess liquidity (assuming that the problem
is feasible). The more excess liquidity, the better our accomplishment

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Maneuvering Liquid Assets 85

(less was lost to taxes, and more has been gained from interest). Hence
the objective function of this linear program is to maximize the sum
of liquid assets remaining after time T. These liquid assets are the three
arrows flowing off the right-hand side of Exhibit 3.8.
For any given pattern of intersubsidiary ownerships, there are at least
four ways to transmit liquid assets from one national subsidiary to another.
These control variables are:
1. Pj; Adjust transfer prices on shipments between subsidiaries i and j.
2. f;; Charge legal and managerial fees and royalties on technical knowl-
edge supplied to subsidiary j by subsidiary i.
3. lfl + 1 Make new intersubsidiary loans and repay old ones with interest.
Delayed invoicing is a loan.
4. d j; Remit dividends from subsidiary j to its legal stockholder sub-
sidiary i.
A linear program has constraints. Each node of the network represents
a separate constraint. For node i in year t the flows of funds in minus

d' + 1
b' + 1
G'" + 1 /' + 1
J 1I

/' + 1

b' + 1


The complete network.

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86 Multinational Financial Management

the flows out must equal bf. In each year, N compensating balances must
be specified, as must N -1 dividend flows, N(N -1) transfer price flows,
and N(N -1) loan flows. The number of managerial fee flows will be either
N(N -1) or N -1, depending on whether fees and royalties have to follow
the ownership pattern. Thus, at most, T(aN'l - N - 1) flows will have to
be calculated. There are direct and indirect costs associated with each
transfer, which decrease the liquidity of the corporation (even government
irritation must be paid for with legal fees and ''political contributions").
These are referred to as "factors of attenuation." The model aids to
minimize these costs. The problem is a generalized network (also called
weighted distribution, or machine loading problem). Dantzig (1963,
Chapter 21) presents an excellent discussion of the generalized network
problem. Extremely fast computer algorithms have been developed by
Balachandran and Thompson (1975).
Because of the power relationships within a corporation, it is prudent
to begin to implement control over liquid assets by modeling variables
over which headquarters already has control (dividends and fees). Once a
dividend and fee model has been proven in use, headquarters can proceed
to model intersubsidiary loans and adjusted transfer prices and to imple-
ment the models in a prudent and consistent manner. We now consider
each of the four transfer methods in detail. Although the power, control,
and political implications of adjusted transfer prices are onerous, the data
analysis is the most simple, hence we begin with this method. Conversely,
to implement changes in the dividend policy is quite easy, but to analyze
it is difficult; hence we will analyze dividends last.

Adjusted Transfer Prices A (Pf j)

Suppose subsidiary i manufactures certain subassemblies that are shipped
to subsidiary j. Simultaneously, subsidiary j manufactures other sub-
assemblies which it ships to i. From economic theory we know that if
the transfer price is the marginal cost, then decentralized rational de-
cisions will accord with the interests of the overall corporation. In Chapter
6 we calculate the delivered marginal cost of each item in monthly detail;
an annualized figure, however, is adequate for maneuvering. It is on the
basis of these low transfer prices that the bf should be estimated.
To move funds from i to j we could raise the transfer price on items
being shipped from j to i (transfer prices on items shipped from i to j
are already on their floor and cannot be lowered). A change in the liquidity,
A(Pfj), is incurred by raising the transfer price on shipments fromj to i:

A (Pfj) = forecast exchange rate X (any export tariff by j

+ income tax rate in j)
+ import tariff in i-income tax rate in i

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ManeulJering Liquid Assets 87


CD ~
tax Import
tariff tariff
(usually none)

The factor of attenuation on transfer price manipulation A(pjtj ).

Suppose we have been shipping an item from j to i with a transfer price

of $10. The tariff rate on items of this class is 10 percent, so the cost to
subsidiary i is $10 + 0.10($10) = $11. The company now raises the trans-
fer price to $11, which is an increase of 10 percent. The new cost to sub-
sidiary i is the new transfer price plus the new import duty, which is now
$11 + 0.10($11) = $12.10, which is an increase of 10 percent over the
previous cost. Hence in Exhibit 3.11 the cost curve segments are linear.
All items being shipped from j to i should be ranked by their rates of
duty, and their prices should be manipulated in sequence; that is, the
price of the lowest duty item would be raised to its upper bound before
the price of the item with the next highest duty would be raised. The
upper bound has to be set subjectively, with an eye to avoiding investi-
gations. Thus if a company has two items, one with a 10 percent rate of
duty and one with a 20 percent rate, the price of the item with 10 percent
duty would be raised first. Fixed (not ad valorem) tariffs do not change
with the transfer price, so these items should be adjusted first. In Exhibit
3.11(A), each segment of the curve represents the cost of the transfer
price adjustment to a different item - each item has a different tariff
rate. Thus the first segment represents the costs associated with adjust-
ments in transfer price for an item with tariff rate of 10 percent and the
next segment represents items with tariff rate of 20 percent. It can be
seen that the total cost of maneuvering assets is higher for items with
higher tariff rates. (Export tariffs are rare. Where they exist the ranking of
products should be by the total of the tariffs to be paid.)
Exhibit 3.11(C) represents the marginal cost curve corresponding to the
total costs in Exhibit 3.11(A). The marginal cost of adjusting a transfer
price could easily be negative -total costs would be reduced by raising
the price of this item to its upper bound. To illustrate, suppose subsidiary
j is shipping goods to subsidiary i. There is no income tax inj, but i has an
income tax rate of 75 percent. The item being shipped is exempt from all
import and export duties. If the transfer price of the item is raised,

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88 Multinational Financial Manogement

(A) (8) (C)

Maneuvering lI88ets by means of adjusting transfer prices. (A = total cost
of adjusting transfer prices on shipments from j to i; B = cash flows through
the arcs; C = marginal cost of adjusting transfer prices.)

income increases in j (zero tax) but decreases in i (75 percent tax). This
results in lower taxes paid to the world. Therefore the cost of flowing
funds through the Pij arc A(Pfj) is decreased by increasing the transfer
price when the marginal cost is negative.
If each subsidiary is a semiautonomous profit center, there is a possibility
that cooperation among subsidiaries could give way to competition. A
bilateral monopoly relationship is possible between i and j. When one
manufacturing plant (monopolist) is the only source for one marketing
outlet (monopsonist), the dynamics of transfer pricing from the manu-
facturer to the marketer frequently escalate so high that the marketer
ends up charging his customers a price higher than that which a joint
monopolist would charge. In other words, the consumers suffer, and the
manufacturer and marketer divide a profit pie that is unnecessarily small.
An imposed transfer price will work as long as producing-to-demand
remains in the self-interest of subsidiary i. There are two internal indirect
costs to flow through a Pii arc.
One indirect cost lies ID the profit forgone by subsidiary i as it tailors
its promotional efforts to its cost of goods, which is partly the manipulated
transfer price. (There is a temptation to do this in a polycentric corpora-
tion when each subsidiary is an independent entity and when it is eval-
uated on its return on investment.) Clearly the costs of acrimony over
negotiated and imposed transfer prices are greatly reduced if unit sales and
production quotas are set centrally.
The other external indirect costs arise from government inquiries. If the
price is too low, both governments will intervene. The tax authorities of
country j will see tax revenues forgone (in the United States, I.R.S.,
Section 482; see the 1967 Court of Claims case against Eli Lilly and
Company). The import tariff commission of country i will see dumping. If
the transfer price is too high, income tax will be forgone by country i.
These external indirect costs have to be paid in the time and effort at
investigatory hearings, additional advertising to counter ill-will, and actual

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------:::= - _. --.----.--.--.-------------.. -

ManeulJering Liquid Assets 89

Several governments have tried to define a fair transfer price. The U.S.
Treasury Department regulations specify that an arm's-length price be
used. The Treasury Department lists four methods to be used in sequence:
1. Comparable Uncontrolled Price Method. Monitor the prices of sales
between unrelated corporations and use those. Differences in the
quantity sold, quality, terms, use of trademarks or brand names, time
of sale, level of the market, and geography of the market may be
grounds for claiming that the sale is not comparable. Gradation adjust·
ments can easily be made for freight and insurance but cannot accu-
rately be made for trademarks.
2. Resale Price Method. The transfer price equals the resale price minus a
standard markup. There is considerable leeway in determining a
standard markup.
3. Cost Plus Method. No definition of full cost is given, nor is there a
unique formula for prorating shared costs over joint products. The
markup over cost allows room for maneuvering.
4. Another Appropriate Method. The Treasury regulations explicitly
state that while a new market is being established it is legitimate to
charge a lower transfer price: "It is specifically provided in the regula·
tions that goods may be sold, for a period, at a price which is below
the full cost of manufacture in order to establish or maintain a market."
The North American concern with transfer prices, in the corporate
income tax context, implies a concern that foreign companies bear their
"fair share" of the tax. In Europe, revenue is raised by a value added tax,
similar to a North American sales tax but applied on all intermediate
transactions, not just on sales to the final consumer. Mathewson and
Quirin (1978) note that the tax philosophies of the European Economic
Community (EEC) countries differ from those of North America in an
important respect:

The basic thrust of Europe in tax legislation, at least in recent years, has been to
define a tax base which is coextensive with the domestic population. This is most
clearly seen in the application of the value added tax (V AT) in which export sales
are exempt while VAT paid on all domestic purchases may be claimed as a credit
against tax payable on domestic content of export sales from VAT. While the
Europeans are willing to have foreigners contribute to domestic tax revenues via
corporate income taxes on exports, one suspects that faced with a choice between
the tax revenues and the exports, they would expect to find that the constraints
imposed by E.E.C. members on transfer pricing involving exports from the E.E.C.
to be of minimal significance.

One technique used in practice to increase transfer prices without invit-

ing government reaction is to invoice the goods through a chain of sub-
sidiaries, each of which adds its commission. For example, consider a load
of lubricants shipped directly from the U .S. refinery of a large oil corn·

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Location of U.S. U.S. Bahamas Switzerland France

ownership Refinery Disc.

Price 2.50 3.50 4.25 5.75 7.00

ChRining invoices RfLEk€t flows.

pany to the company's marketing subsidiary in Algeria. The chain of

invoices, however, might indicate that ownership flowed from the V.S.
refinery through its Domestic International Sales Corporation to its sub-
sidiaries in the Bahamas, Switzerland, and France, to the marketing
Rmnpany in Cxhibit 3.12. prices
Rnt&tte the transfRt RRch paper tranm&di,tiL
All shipments of one counCy
there is discriminatioii),
ikw,ticed from thR YRlivers the trantfRt ikRemed appropARtL~
Suppose the corporation also has a subsidiary in the Azores that would
actually lose money if the transfer price were $7. The corporation might
decide to avoid an Azores government investigation by allowing its Azores
subsidiary a token profit. If the transfer price must be below $5 for a
profit to be shown, the Azores would have to be invoiced from the
Aiihamas as shOt'm CRYibit 3.12. A may have seRRthi
YtRfnching chains s:,ompanies, historical
ti,S:{Lships, in ordet chains credibility

Fees and Royalties A (/Ji)

Managerial advice, allocated headquarters overhead, and royalties on
"''''~''n·t" and tradR:n~,mYt nebulous and price. Hence
be suitable thn)ugh which For examyln,
t,)yalty, which the use of Yy headquartett,
Ghmged to the as it would 's-length comp,int
Gnuld be determinGh least four diffGnGnt
1. A specified number of cents per pound of output.
2. A specified percentage of the sales price.
Maneuvering Liquid Assets 91

3. A fixed sum per annum (perhaps together with 1 or 2).

4. The ongoing cost of the corporate R & D facility is allocated to all
production units on the basis of their pounds of production.
If these royalties are a tax-deductible business expense in country i, then
a tax saving will occur if the royalty is increased. Hence it may be profit-
able to consider the most suitable of these four bases for computing the roy-
alties. However, fees and royalties may not be tax deductible, and some na-
tions impose a withholding tax. If fees and royalties received from abroad
are taxable as income in country i, then there is a tax cost. For example, in
the Paisley case, the U.K. subsidiary is currently owned by Genmarc in
France. Pursuant to the French-British tax treaty, the U.K. government
would impose no withholding tax on the royalties. If the site of Genmarc
were moved to Luxembourg, the French income tax would be saved but
the tax on royalties would now become 5 percent.
There will likely be an indirect cost to any increase in fees and royalties.
A Minister of Finance struggling to keep capital from flowing out of the
country will be more likely to intervene if the announced formula is
The computational procedure is as follows: For each subsidiary i, pre-
pare a list of every conceivable fee, royalty, or allocatable expense of that
subsidiary. Eliminate those that are not tax deductible in nation i or in
nationi. For each fee, calculate the amount of funds that would flow each
year. Also calculate the percentage tax cost (income and withholding
taxes) and sequence the flows by total tax cost. Then resequence the
flows in terms of the probability that their omission would be noticed by
officials in either nation i or i, given that fees have previously been calcu-
lated on another basis. Where the use of one fee necessitates reporting
another, combine these two and sequence them by their weighted average
tax rate.

of fees

Summation of fees sequenced by their transfer cost.

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92 Multinational Financial MarllJlIement

The costs indicated in Exhibit 3.13 will be incorporated into the linear
programming generalized network model. Once the network problem has
been run, we can study the period-to-period variations in the fee flows. We
can then adjust the fees and find the allocation methods that produce
the flows that best fit those required by the model. We then rerun the
program to fit the defmition.

Intersubsidiary LoansA(lf· J+ 1)
The most prevalent form ofintersubsidiary loan is a speed-up or delay in in-
voicing shipments between a pair of subsidiaries. This may be done
because normal terms of payment differ between the two nations, because
of tax savings in some cases, or to bypass restrictions on remittances. In
addition, actual shipping schedules can be accelerated in one direction and
decelerated in the other so that one subsidiary carries inventory for both.
Most amounts due from affIliates on open account are generally re-
quired to bear interest after six months, unless zero interest can be shown
to be a regular trade practice. Even within such bounds, the leading and
lagging of the invoices on imports and exports can create a substantial
loan. Where desirable, the company can institute a program of netting,
whereby all intercorporate payables and receivables flow only to the net
creditors of the corporate group. By netting, a company can:
1. Reduce its exchange purchases.
2. Provide a more flexible means of controlling its overall liquidity
3. Allow for a more timely analysis of the company's foreign exchange
Exhibit 3.14 prepared by Business International provides a consolidation
of the limits granted by major countries.
Unless there are specific laws to the contrary, one subsidiary has the
right to grant a formal loan to a subsidiary in another nation and to be
repaid with interest. Years ago, some corporations abused this right and
had subsidiaries make zero-interest loans with no specified maturity. Such
loans look so similar to dividends (but are not taxed) that tax authorities
are now on the alert for "deemed dividends." Hence a loan must have a
reasonable interest rate and a reasonable repayment date. Where there is
leeway as to reasonableness of interest rate, the treasurer can select either
the minimum or the maximum to minimize total taxes (we discuss taxes
later in this section).
In determining the actual amount of funds a subsidiary will need to
borrow each year, it is not sufficient to look only at the net cash deficiency
of that year alone.

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Limits on Leads and Lags and Netting in Major Countries·

(Periods Given Are Maximum Possible Terms.)
Country Export Lag Export Lead Import Lag Import Lead Netting

Australia 180 days Not allowed 180 days Not allowed Permission
Belgium 180 days 90 days 180 days 90 days Permission
required but
Brazil Not allowed Allowed· 180 days Not Not permitted
no limit allowed G
Canada Allowed· Allowed· Allowed· Allowed· Permitted
no limit no limit no limit no limit
France 180 daysb Allowed· 90 daysC Not Permission
no limit allowed d required but
Germany Allowed· Allowed· Allowed· Allowed· Permitted
no limit no limit no limit no limit
Italy 90 days 360 days 360 days 30 days Not permittede
Japan 180 days' 180 days' 120 days 120 days Not permitted6
Mexico Allowed· Allowed· Allowed· Allowed· Permitted
no limit no limit no limit no limit
Netherlands Allowed· Allowed· Allowed· Allowed Permitted
no limit no limit no limit no limit
Spain 90 days 180 days 180 daysh Not Permission
allowed' required but
South 180 days Allowed· Allowed· Not allowed Not permitted
Africa no limit no limit except with
special per·
Sweden 180 days Allowed· 180 days Not Permission
no limit allowed} required but
United 180 days Allowed· Allowed· Not allowed Permitted
Kingdom no limit no limit
United Allowed· Allowed· Allowed· Allowed· Permitted
States no limit no limit no limit no limit
-Based on information from local bankinl sources.
tJExcept with special guthorization of exchange department of central bank for a maximum of 25%
of value of imports; but usually depends on ~rms of agreement; cexcept for raw materials, which
have a maximum of 180-360 days' lal time; except for 30% down payment on imported capital
goods; eltalian exchange office of Foreign Trade Ministry can authorize exceptions. Offsetting
debits and credits can be effected by banks only when two different companies are involved,
except for oil companles; 'but exporters can legally make use of 360 days for both leads and lags
J:f exports less than $500,000; 6except for so-called "invisible:' items, such as trade-related expenses;
includes 9o-day grace period and lonler lap are permitted; 'ex<:ept with very special permission or
when 25% down payment is required for placement of order;Jexcept if over Skr50,OOO if prepay·
ment is in accordance with normal commercial practice.


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94 Multinational Financial MantJlfement

An analogy will help clarify this statement. Suppose your parents loan
you money to attend college and charge 10 percent interest. On gradua-
tion, principal plus interest totals $10,000. Intending to study for an
MBA, you estimate that your need for additional liquidity will be $5,000
the first year and $6,000 the second year. Finally, suppose that your
parents insist on one-year loans but grant new loans immediately. How
big will each loan be?
O. Now, at year 0, you need to repay the $10,000 debt and obtain
$5,000 more. So borrow $15,000.
1. At the end of year 1 you will need to repay the capital of $15,000,
interest on it of $1,500, and obtain new liquidity of $6,000. So
borrow $22,500.
2. On graduation at the end of year 2 you will need to repay the capital
of $22,500 and its interest of $2,250. Assuming that you have a job
after graduation you will not need new liquidity, but because you have
not yet accumulated funds to payoff your debt, you need to borrow
In this example your needs for liquidity flows of $5,000 and $6,000 had
to be reconstituted into loans of $15,000, $22,500, and $24,750. After
the maneuvering network is solved, a separate calculation will reconstitute
loans from the liquidity flows calculated in the maneuvering network.
Unfortunately the interest on intersubsidiary loans gives rise to taxes,
which reduce liquidity.
Suppose in year 1 subsidiary j is due to receive interest income from
subsidiary i. Nation i may impose a withholding tax on interest paid
abroad. Nation j may impose a withholding tax on interest received from
abroad. Both withholdings may be reduced by a tax treaty between nations
i and j. If subsidiary j pays taxes (it won't if it experiences a loss or
consumes unused tax credits), its revenue authorities mayor may not tax
interest income from abroad. Usually tax will be charged, but only partial
credit (counting the time value of cash) will be allowed for the withholding
After the loans have been reconstituted from liquidity flows, and the
tax implications detailed, we will have to deduct these taxes from liquidity
and recompUte the optimum. If there are several ways to reconstitute
loans, select the one that minimizes global taxes. The maneuvering liquid
assets problem is intended to be recalculated every quarter, or at least
every year. The patterns of intersubsidiary loans (which determine tax
rates) appear relatively stable, so repeated iterations are rarely needed.
Thus far we have talked about intersubsidiary loans as though the ex-
change rate were forecast to remain unchanged. Suppose A is to receive a
loan and pay TA interest if denominated in A's currency, or TB if in B's
currency. When the loan is made, the exchange rate is one unit of currency
A = e~ currency B. From Chapter 1 we forecast that when the loan is

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-_ _--
........... c:-_-=-_-::":
~"""'_=_ ___:::-:--_--:-_"--'_ _ _ __ _ __ _

ManeuIJering Liquid Asset. 96

repaid the exchange rate will be one unit of currency A = e~r 1 currency
B, with currency A expected to devalue so that etAB > e)J . If the loan
is denominated in the borrowing currency A, then B will show a foreign
exchange loss of e~B - e~+B 1 per dollar loaned to A, and an interest income
of e~; 1 r A rather than e~B r A • Subsidiary B will pay fewer taxes, and
saving will be (e~B - etA; 1) (1 + r A) (tax h+ 1). If the loan is denominated
in currency B, then A will have to pay back the appreciation of both
capital and interest. Subsidiary A's tax savings will be (e iB - elB+ 1)
(1 + rB) (tax i + 1). Thus the choice of denominating the intersubsidiary
loan in currency A or B depends on the tax rates and bounds on the allow-
able rate of interest. The choice does not depend on the extent of devalua-
tion (though it would be reversed if a revaluation were forecast).

Dividends A (d jj )
If there are N wholly owned subsidiaries, the intersubsidiary ownership
pattern is fixed, and N - 1 dividend arcs are known. The problem is to
estimate the cost function A(djl ) for each arc. The cost function (if non-
linear) and the restrictions on dividend flow depend on the tax base. It is
presumed that aspects of the tax base internal to each country have been
optimized so that in this formulation we need consider only intersubsid-
iary allocations.
First, the tax laws on dividends for three nations are discussed, starting
with the uncomplicated tax laws of Liechtenstein. Though they will not
be examined here, local taxes imposed by states, counties, and cantons are
substantial enough that they should be included in the cost functions. Tax
treaties between pairs of nations should also be studied, especially when a
company operates with a foreign corporate charter, a branch, or a more
unusual legal entity.
When planning a base company (a tax haven or financial clearing house)
in the popular tax haven countries of Surinam, Panama, Liechtenstein,
Switzerland, Cayman Islands, and Barbados, usually the most applicable
laws are those of the corporate headquarters, the V.S. Revenue Acts of
1962 and 1976 for a V.S. corporation. The combination of these two
Revenue Acts is so complicated that several chartered accountancy firms
have prepared computer simulations of the tax position of their client
corporations. The complications center around the "tainted income." We
examine one example, Subpart F income.

Foreign Tax on Dividends A(d;j)

In Liechtenstein, corporations pay income tax (Ertragssteuer). Dividends
paid by resident corporations are subject to a 3 percent coupon tax. This

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96 Multinational Financial Management

is never refunded or permitted to be credited as a cost of doing business.

There is no tax on dividends received. No tax treaties that change these
provisions currently are in force.
In Belgium, corporations pay income tax (impot des societes; Venoot-
schapsbeiasting) at the rate of 30 percent, but income entering retained
earnings is taxed at the rate of 35 percent when retained earnings are
above BF5 million (model this as a 5 percent incentive for paying divi-
dends until retained earnings drop to BF5 million. Dividends paid by
a resident corporation are subject to an 18.2 percent withholding tax,
which is never refunded or permitted to be credited as a cost of doing
business (deduct this from the incentive for paying dividends). Of divi-
dends received into Belgium (after any withholding taxes by the govern-
ment of the sending country), the tax imposed by the Belgian government
is 18.7 percent (15 percent Belgian withholding tax plus 30 percent Bel-
gian income tax on 15 percent of the 85 percent that survived Belgian
withholding tax). By tax treaty, dividends received from an Italian corpo-
ration are exempt from Belgian withholding tax.
West Germany imposes an income tax (Korperschaftsteuer) and business
tax (Gewerbesteuer) on corporations doing business there. A 25 percent
withholding tax is placed on dividends paid. Profits not distributed to
shareholders are taxed at 51 percent for income tax and 13.5 percent for
business tax. Profits distributed to shareholders, however, are taxed at
only 15 percent income tax. Dividends received by a German corporation
are given a credit against company business tax, but not income tax. The
effective tax rate depends, as before, on whether these profits from abroad
will be distributed to shareholders.
Let us review dividend taxation with an example. Let the parent com-
pany in Liechtenstein own a subsidiary in Germany, which has a subsidi-
ary of its own in Belgium. Let us work up the ownership tree (Exhibit
3.15). The Belgian subsidiary declares a dividend of 100 units to its Ger-
man parent. The Belgian government has a withholding tax of 18.2 percent,
so that 81.80 units arrive in Germany and are converted from francs to
deutsche marks. The German business tax, based on the entire dividend
of 100, is 13.50 percent, so income net of business tax is 86.50. Company
income tax is 15 percent of income net of business tax, that is, 0.15 X
86.50 = 12.97. (This rate assumes income will be destined for dividends;


. Gennany

i Belgium
Maneuvering assets through dividend payments.

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- - - - - = : . = . -_. ~ -:: ..- .-=-
...".. ..--=--:~--~ .. - - -

Maneuvering Liquid Assets 97

income retained within the flI'm is taxed at 51 percent.) Only at this

point is credit granted for the Belgian withholding tax, so that German
company income tax due is 12.97 - 18.20 = -5.23 units. The Belgian
withholding tax was 18.20 units, the German business tax was 13.50
units, and the German company income tax is -5.23. Their total is 26.47
units on a dividend of 100 units. That is to say, only 73.53 percent of the
dividend gets through from the Belgian subsidiary to its German parent,
and A(d BG ) = 0.2647.
The German subsidiary uses its dividends received from abroad and its
own profits to declare a dividend of 100 units to its parent in Liechten-
stein. But the government of Germany imposes a 25 percent withholding
tax on dividends leaving Germany, so that 75 units arrive at the parent
in Liechtenstein. That nation levies no taxes on dividends received from
abroad, nor does it grant tax credits. Thus A(dGd = 0.25.

U.S. Subpart F Income

The United States taxes a certain kind of income earned abroad, even if
it is retained abroad. Such Subpart F income consists of nonmanufacturing
income (rents, royalties, licensing fees, dividends), and of income from
services performed for subsidiaries outside the nation. Subpart F income is
precisely defined in Internal Revenue Code Sections 951 (a) (1) (A) (i)
and 952.
As long as some of the Subpart F income is repatriated as dividends,
there is no Subpart F tax. The table of minimum dividends is set out in
IRC 963 (b) (3). The lower the foreign tax rate, the higher the dividend
rate must be. If the subsidiary tax rate is 35 percent, the minimum dis-
tribution of earnings and profits will be 63 percent. The U.S. government
grants a tax credit for taxes paid abroad, so that the total tax does not
exceed the U.S. rate of income tax of 48 percent. Unless a minimum
distribution is made, the subsidiary's entire Subpart F income is taxed at
48 percent.
Exhibit 3.16 shows that for dividends in excess of the minimum distri-
bution, the per unit cost is the slope of the total tax line. The figure
applies to each year; if liquidity must be built up in a subsidiary, a sensible
strategy would be to apply minimum distribution to a chain of subsidiaries
so that the sum of dividend flows exceeds a prescribed minimum. Such a
consolidation is permitted by 963 (c) (2).
The United States is not the only nation to impose such rules as Subpart
F. In Canada, for example, rules are specified for Foreign Accrual Property
Income (FAPI).
The tax laws of each nation encourage the incorporation of certain
kinds of corporations. In the United States, there are corporations such as
Domestic International Sales Corporations, Western Hemisphere Trading
Corporations, China Trade Act Corporations, and Section 931 corpora-
tions which operate in Puerto Rico, the V.S. Virgin Islands, Samoa, and

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98 Multinational Financial MantJllement



Foreign tax

o 63 100
Dividend payout rate
Total taxes as a function of dividend payout rate.

other U.S. holdings. Other nations have similar institutions. Such legal
entities of every nation must be analyzed, for they can reduce taxes paid
to the world. A corporation without such entities should consider ere-

Local Loans
In each nation all possible sources of funds should be studied, including
the assets that would have to be pledged as security, the amount that
could be borrowed, the interest rate (augmented by the opportunity cost
of restrictive covenents that bankers impose). Fixed assets such as factories
and inventories in a nation are valuable, primarily to local bankers in that
nation. Movable assets such as ships can be collateral in almost any nation,
so the solution procedure is to guess where they will best be mortgaged
and run the problem.
A local loan can be formulated very neatly within the network (Crum,
1974). In one year the bank makes money available. A year later that
same amount of money plus interest will be siphoned out of the subsid-
iary's liquidity, as seen in Exhibit 3.17.
Foreign banks commonly grant loans on an overdraft basis, so that the
borrowing company pays interest only on the amount of the granted loan
it has in use. In contrast, a U.S. bank grants a line of credit for which it
charges a commitment fee. The corporation can borrow up to the line of
credit; the borrowing company pays interest on the entire amount of the
granted loan (whether or not drawn down from the bank, though often a
lower rate is paid on the amount not withdrawn) and furthermore must
keep specified compensating balances on deposit in the bank. As the com-
pany has to keep transaction and precautionary cash, the compensating
balance requirement is not as onerous as it would be in a deterministic
world, though it should be reflected in a slight upward adjustment in U.S.

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Maneuvering Liquid Assets 99

Interest represented in the

factor of attenuation

Funds arriving Funds required

are loans available to repay loan


Local loan makes liquidity available in year t, but its repayment with
interest reduces liquidity in year t + 1.

interest rates to make them comparable with foreign "overdraft" interest

Accounts in U .S. dollars held in the bank by the many corporate subsi-
diaries around the world are generally considered to count toward the
compensating balance requirement (depicted by the donuts in Exhibit 3.8):

:t Kt. t + 1 ;> compensating balance requirement in year t

The sum of subsidiary balances permits the company to arrange a costless

partial movement of funds between subsidiaries as the composition of
the compensating balance is changed.

The Optimal Capital Structure of a Subsidiary

Accountants know how to consolidate the balance sheets of several sub-
sidiaries into a single corporate consolidated balance sheet. If one subsidi-
ary has borrowed from another subsidiary, the resulting liability of the
first subsidiary and asset of the second cancel out in the process of consol-
idation. Thus the debt/equity ratio usually refers to a consolidated cor-
poration. However, in a multinational corporation each subsidiary is in a
different tax jurisdiction. Hence it becomes sensible to plan the debt/equity
ratio of each subsidiary to reduce the total taxes paid by them all.
Many governments allow interest to be deducted from net income.
Countries impose different withholding taxes on interest and dividends
paid to foreigners. The recipient governments frequently differ in their
taxation of dividends and interest received from abroad. In general, lowest

Digitized by Google
100 Multinational Financial Management
taxes to the world are paid when the subsidiary's capitalization is mostly
debt. Unfortunately, the interest payments on debt are a persistent, non-
discretionary flow of funds. They are difficult to manipulate. Whenever
the tax advantage of debt is low, headquarters will want to fund its subsid-
iary with equity in order to have the maneuverability of dividends. This
theory suggests that it would be inappropriate to survey for average
debt/equity ratios, because an average of a high and a low is not meaning-
ful. Actually, most situations are less clear cut and the sensible approach
is to formulate this maneuvering model and simulate different capitaliza-
tion structures for particular subsidiaries.

Systems within Systems

In the eyes of a treasury official in a nation, one purpose of a corporation

is to pay taxes. If the multinational's subsidiary shows no profits on which
to pay taxes, treasury officials will probably suspect manipulation. For
example, Swedish-owned petroleum companies operating in Sweden
showed healthy profits during the late 1960s and early 1970s. The fact
that British Petroleum, Gulf, and Esso showed minimal profits provoked
the government of Sweden to start investigating these companies. Guilt
was presupposed. Mathewson and Quirin (1978) discuss serious constraints
on the extent of multinational manipulation. The sensible approach would
be to notice such situations in the model's solution and then forcibly
increase the amount of tax that would be reported in a particular nation.
Many other adjustments take place in the model to meet this constraint
optimally. We can then plot the trade-off between the corporate objec-
tive function and the amount of taxes paid to a particular country. The
point at which to operate then becomes a subjective judgment, cognizant
of the various stakeholders and investment decisions that are discussed in
Chapter 4.
Maneuvering liquid assets reallocates revenue from high-tax-rate nations
to the low-tax-rate nations. If this were all this model did, it would repre-
sent a dubious contribution to humankind's knowledge. Fortunately, the
model can be run to evaluate the effects of people's ideas by simulating
parts of a larger reality. Consider five areas of current interest to interna-
tional managers.
Short-Term Loan Negotiations, Both Local and Multinational. The mod-
el presented in this chapter is a linear program and therefore has dual vari-
ables associated with each constraint. The dual variable associated with
bf represents the value at time T of discovering one more unit of liquidity
in subsidiary i in year t. The string of T of these dual variables for a given
subsidiary can be translated into a term structure of interest rates from

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-------=------- -- --- - - ----

Maneuvering Liquid Assets 101

which the year-to-year value of additional money can be calculated. Spe-

cifically, the one-period interest rate rt t + 1 = ut tu t + 1 - 1, where u is

the dual variable. These data provide a very clear guide for making short-
and medium-term loans in that nation, even revealing the term structure
for medium-term loans. This interest rate can be used as the cost of capital
for investment decisions.
Some banks are themselves multinational. In one nation the bank may
ration credit because of a high demand for loans within the permitted
interest rate. In another part of the world the bank may be short of de-
posits as it strives to expand. In exchange for depositing money in one
part of the bank, the multinational company can negotiate loan priority in
another part of the bank. The rationale behind this is that most currencies
are blocked and it may be easier for a company to move money than it
is for a foreign bank. The merit of such induced-swap transactions can be
evaluated with this model.
Raising Long-Term Capital. Long-term capital can be raised in most na-
tions, usually after negotiations with the host government and promises
that local investments will result. To support such negotiations, world-
wide manufacturing models of the type discussed in Chapter 7 must be
supplemented by worldwide financial schemes. Similarly, one can evalu-
ate the effects of mergers and divestments.
Restructuring the Pattern of Legal Ownership. If the company has N
subsidiaries, there are (N - 1)2 different patterns of intersubsidiary own-
ership possible even if each subsidiary is constrained to have just one legal
parent. If one removes the restriction that a subsidiary have one legal
parent the tax data required are forbiddingly more complicated and vague
than for cases of complete ownership. In practice the model presented in
this chapter should stimulate new patterns of intersubsidiary ownership
by eliminating some of the drudgery. A subcalculation, about which tax
lawyers are well informed, is the benefit of operating in nation i with a
corporate charter granted in nation j - operating in Ireland with a Bermu-
da charter is one possibility.
Inserting High-Profit Products. The Swiss pharmaceutical companies
prefer to produce their high-profit products in the nations where they in-
cur their largest cash drains to research and dividends. This practice, a
vivid example of Vernon's (1966) product cycle theory, reduces the need
to flow funds between nations, though at a high production and trans-
portation cost. Ideally, one would like to simulate the effect of inserting
a high-profit product into any subsidiary technically sophisticated enough
to manufacture it.
Competitive Analysis. When one corporation plans to overtake another,
it usually undertakes a thorough competitive analysis. The competitor's
annual report is usually a consolidation of real worldwide operations

Digitized by Google
102 Multinational Financial Management
which the first corporation would like to disaggregate and understand. A
corporation that has already created a maneuvering model of itself may
consider creating a similar model of its competitor. Although most of the
input information is limited to estimates, two kinds of publicly available
information have been commercially compiled.
First, the financial statements of most subsidiaries are available. Many
governments require publication of the financial statements of each
business incorporated and operating in their nation. With diligent work
one can collect the subsidiary financial statements of a competitor, and
with diligence one can assemble these into a financial model. This work
has already been done for almost 100 multinational corporations, in the
Source of Earnings Report of the Buttles Corporation (Plandome, New
York 11030).
Second, the dividend conduits are available from organization charts.
Multinational corporations have frequently evolved numerous subsidiaries
and branches in every nation. Verlag Hoppenstedt (D6100 Darmstadt,
West Germany) provides a compilation of the percentage ownership be-
tween every legal entity, its capitalization, and line of business.. U .S.
Organization Chart Service Inc. (La Jolla, California 92038), provides
organization charts showing not only titles and relationships but also
names in over 575 U.S. high-technology corporations.

Implementing the Model in a Polycentric Corporation

To simplify the exposition, this chapter assumes periods of one year. A

five-year plan would require five one-year periods. Actually it would be
appreciably more useful to model a five-year plan with six periods, made
up of two quarters, a half year, two single years, and a two-year period.
The model remains as before, but interest rates on borrowings and lendings
must be adjusted.
The implementation of a model for maneuvering liquid assets for a
large multinational corporation is time-consuming and relatively expensive.
The first step is to estimate pro forma income statements to determine
bf. The second step is for the tax lawyers to estimate the cost of dividends
and managerial fees. At this point the model can be run, and the dividend
and fee decisions implemented, for they have few organizational ramifica-
tions. The third step is to model intersubsidiary loans and each subsidiary's
access to its local money market. This involves a centralization of the
worldwide treasurer's function and will likely be resisted. Manipulated
transfer prices, which strike at the heart of profit center autonomy,
should be the last to be implemented.
From the very beginning, and continuing through each step, there must

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- - - - - - = = ._-...-----.-._---.---

ManeuIJering Liquid ASBets 103

be a task force to set up the data base. This will be the most time-consuming
aspect of model implementation. This task force will, of necessity, include
tax lawyers, accountants, and financial analysts, as well as ,ystems analysts.
During the early stages of implementation it will be sensible to solve
the problem with a familiar linear programming code. Most corporate
O.R. analysts are familiar with linear programs, but few have used gener-
alized networks (an ordinary network does not include factors of attenua-
tion). Each flow is an activity, and each node is a constraint. Once a
"small" problem has been tested and used month after month, there will
be a push to add more subsidiaries.
Unfortunately, computer costs will become substantial if every legal
entity in every nation is modeled. Only at this point is it sensible to
switch to a generalized network. The power of the Balachandran-Thompson
algorithm is that its systematic parametric programming of the cost co-
efficients allows analysts to impose constraints that bind several flows. A
network formulation is attractive not only because it can be visualized,
but also because it can be solved faster than a general linear program. A
simple maneuvering liquid assets model can be inexpensively developed. A
full model representing 100 subsidiaries may cost $500,000 and require
one to three years of task work.


In a multinational company there are many opportunities for maneuvers

that take advantage of multinational status. Currently, these are used only
rarely, for fear of causing confusion and computational chaos. However,
there is a growing acceptance of the concepts considered in this chapter.
Several corporations have developed models. For example, Mobil Oil Com-
pany in 1970 created a linear programming model called Gnome to handle
intersubsidiary liquid capital flows. Gnome was developed to model just
one year at a time and to focus on dividends, intersubsidiary loans, and
bank loans of all varieties. It was extremely detailed and very useful.
Most of the models now in existence are deterministic and centralized.
The additional accuracy of a stochastic approach might not be worth the
considerable added cost and computational complexity. Decentralized
asset management may be more viable organizationally because the infor-
mation flows may be more efficient than the centralized approach of this
chapter. The existence of differential interest and taxation rates around
the world certainly suggests that a global view be taken in order to minimize
such things as interest expense and taxes paid to the various governments;
however, in a business that is very turbulent, decentralization may be

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Questions from Other Viewpoints

1. Corporate Rational Normative Global. You just covered this view-

point in the chapter.
2. Corporate Rational Normative Subsidiary. A subsidiary really has
trouble predicting its cash flow. If you have run the model with a
best estimate of b:, how would you use the model to advise the sub-
sidiary of the costs of inaccuracy in its forecasts?
3. Corporate Rational Descriptive Global. One of the problems with
manipulating transfer prices is that decision makers in divisions,
striving to maximize their own performance, make decisions as
though the transfer prices were real. A solution is to keep two sep-
arate sets of transfer prices: one set that is official, the other set for
managerial decision making. How would you proceed to investigate
the costs and the benefits of two sets of books?
4. Corporate Rational Descriptive Subsidiary. What evidence, if any,
is there that division managers actually do alter their output decisions
because of small changes in some transfer prices?
5. Corporate Emotional Normative Global. The frequent revisions of
standard operating procedures that are necessary to implement a
system of financial maneuverings present two conflicting problems.
On the one hand, the divisional managers should be informed of the
reasons for the frequent revisions. On the other hand, the more indi-
viduals who have access to this information, the greater the risk that
the company's tax avoidance schemes will be leaked. What steps can
headquarters take to resolve these conflicting problems?
6. Corporate Emotional Normative Subsidiary. Radicals are picketing
your plant with signs denouncing financial maneuvers. Write a memo
to your employees, to be signed by the plant manager. If you deny
activities you actually have engaged in, there is probability that
someone will pass the word to the pickets.
7. Corporate Emotional Descriptive Global. How do you go about
firing a manager for poor performance when he says you manipulated
transfer pricing against him? If the manager is a woman or a member
of a minority and protests the firing to the U .S. Equal Employment
Opportunity Commission, what kind of a case could you present?
8. Corporate Emotional Descriptive Subsidiary. In polycentric cor-
porations each subsidiary plans for and arranges its own liquidity,
coping with all the uncertainty of an underdeveloped banking
system. How are these feelings of uncertainty and anxiety different
(for the subsidiary treasurer) if he is part of continual geocentric
9. Societal Rational Normative Global. The reader may have a sense
that the maneuvers of this chapter are immoral. One societal response
would be to make them illegal, establish large monitoring staffs, and

Digitized by Google
Maneuvering Liquid Asset. 105

be willing to punish offenders. An alternate solution would be to

reduce the incentive to maneuver. List and explain which dishar-
monies between nations would have to be reconciled if the incentives
were to be reduced.
10. Societal Rational Normative Subsidiary. If a nation would like to
increase its tax receipts, usually it would raise the corporate income
tax rate. To show the limitations of this method, create an example
of a corporation with two manufacturing plants (and no bounds on
the transfer price) such that an increase in the tax rate will reduce
the amount of tax revenue that the nation collects. For your exam-
ple, plot tax revenue versus tax rate for the one nation, assuming that
the other nation does not coordinate action. Under what conditions
would there be an incentive for the other nation to coordinate tax
policy with the first?
11. Societal Rational Descriptive Global. Select three nations (your
choice) for which adequate balance of payments data are available.
Make a four-by-four table, the column and row headings being your
three nations and "other." In each cell list the national balance of
payment items that cause funds to flow from each row nation to each
column nation.
12. Societal Rational Descriptive National. Under what criteria would a
nation choose to instigate an investigation and possibly prosecute
multinational corporations suspected of maneuvering liquid assets?
You might compare your measurement criteria with Fowler (1978).
13. Societal Emotional Normative Global. Draw an angry poster of a
corporation maneuvering liquid assets. Alternatively, listen carefully
to radio or television advertising jingles and adopt the tune of one to
mock maneuvering liquid assets.
14. Societal Emotional Normative National. A country's reaction to an
attempt to maneuver liquid assets will depend on the country's eco-
nomic status and the way assets are flowing. What steps could a gov-
ernment treasury minister take to encourage the flow of liquid assets
from his economically rich country to politically friendly developing
nations, while discouraging asset flows to hostile nations? Under
what conditions is it important that these steps either be unnoticed
or appear consistent?
15. Societal Emotional Descriptive Global. Many people believe there is
something vaguely sinister about Eurodollars, EuroYen, and the like.
This feeling may have important repercussions if held by a Foreign
Minister (Secretary of State, Minister of External Affairs). To have
such an individual listen to your rational explanation, you must
first address and satisfy his emotional doubts. Interview two students
who are not majoring in economics or business and with their help
list four sinister feelings about Eurocurrencies, two that you can
answer and two for which you have trouble satisfying your emotional

Digitized by Google
106 Multi1UJtio1UJl Fi1UJ1lcial Mtmagement
16. Societal Emotional Descriptive National. Your nation is identified
as a tax haven in the advisory newsletters written for multinational
treasurers. You are Minister of Finance and your cabinet colleagues
are always pressuring for expansionary programs that will require
more tax revenue. Lately, the Minister of Education suggested ex-
panding the national university. In your past encounters with him, he
has never had any interest in economics. Describe the nonfinancial
benefits your nation gains from being a tax haven. Draft a concise

Bibliography to Chapter 3
Balachandran, Venkataraman and Gerald L. Thompson, "An Operator Theory of Para·
metric Programming for the Generalized Transportation Problem," NaVGl Research
Logistics Quarterly, Vot. 22, No. 1 (1975). pp. 79-125.
Bums, Jane 0., ''Transfer Pricing Decisions in U.S. Multinational Corporations," Jour-
nal of InterntJtioMI Business Studies, Vot. 11, No. 2 (1980), pp. 23-39.
Crum, Roy L., "Cash Allocation in the Multinational Finn: A Constrained Generalized
Network Approach," Doctoral Dissertation, University of Texas at Austin, August
Dantzig, George B., Linear Programming and Extensions (Prince ton : Princeton Univer·
sity Press, 1963).
Eiteman, David K. and Arthur I. Stonehill, Muitinatio1UJ1 BUsiness Fi1UJnce, 2nd ed.
(Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley, 1979), esp. Chapter 11.
Eli LiUy & Company v. The United States, 372 F. 2d 990, 178 Court of Claims
[No. 293-61, Decided February 17,1967], pp. 666-733.
Fowler, D.J., "Transfer Prices and Profit Maximization in Multinational Enterprise
Operations," JourntJI of International Business Studies, Vol. 9, No. 3 (1978),
pp. 9-26.
Mathewson, J. Frank and G. David Quirin, "Economics of Fiscal Transfer Pricing in
Multinational Corporations," A Study Prepared for the Ontario Economic Coun-
cil, Toronto 1978.
Merville, L.J. and J. Petty, "Transfer Pricing for the Multinational Finn," Accounting
Review, Vol. 53, No. 4 (1978), pp. 935-951.
"Multinational Corporations and Income Allocation Under Section 482 of the Internal
Revenue Code," Harvard Law Review, Vol. 89, 1976, pp. 1202-1238.
Reier, Sharon, "IBM's Science of Simplification," Institutional Investor, Vol. 14,
No. 11 (1980) pp. 219-220.
Robbins, Sidney M. and Robert B. Stobaugh, "Multinational Companies: Growth of
the Financial Function," Financial Executive, Vot. 41, July 1973. pp. 24-31.
Rodriguez, Rita M. and E. Eugene Carter,Inter1UJtional Financial Management (Engle-
wood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice-Hall, 1976); esp. Chapter 8.
Rutenberg, David P., "Maneuvering Liquid Assets in a Multinational Company: For-
mUlation and Detenninistic Solution Procedures," Management Science, Vol. 16,
No. 10 (1970). pp. B671-B684.

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ManeulJering Liquid Assets 107

Seghers, Paul D., How to Do Business Abroad at Least Tax Cost, Englewood Cliffs,
N.J.: Prentiee·HalI, 1964.
Sbapiro, Alan C., "Payments Netting in International Cash Management," Journal of
International Business Studies, Vol. 9, No. 2 (1978), pp. 51-58.
Sbulman, James, "Wben the Price is Wrong- By Design," ColumbiIJ Journal of World
Business. Vol. 2 No. 3, May-June 1967, pp. 69-76.
Vemon, Raymond, "International Investment and International Trade in the Product
Cycle," Quarterly Journal of Economics, Vol. 30, May 1966, pp. 24-35.
Wentz, Roy A., "Corporate Transfers of Intangible Abroad," Tax ExecutilJe, April
1967, pp. 142-159.

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Multinational Expansion
to a New Nation

Introductory Note to the Case

Michelin Tires Manufacturing Co. of Canada Ltd.

Many different groups have a stake in the outcome when a

foreign corporation contemplates a significant investment in
a nation. To a corporate planner it is a useful, even necessary,
exercise to stand in the shoes of each stakeholder and evaluate
the impact of the investment. It's the first step to a game
theory understanding of the problem.
In 1968 France was convulsed by riots. Many wealthy
French families felt that France would turn Communist.
Demonstrations opposing the Vietnam war took place daily
in the United States, but in general North America appeared
to be a relative haven for long-term capital, while short-term
money went to Switzerland.
How much could a Michelin planner have known about the
United States and Canada?
1. The U.S. tire companies had been expanding aggressively
in Europe, but to sell nonradial tires they had been forced
to slash prices.
2. B.F. Goodrich had commercialized radial tires in 1963 but
U.S. automakers insisted on having at least two suppliers
for each purchased component and so had refused to buy.
Goodrich had been left with severe overcapacity.
3. The U.S. and Canadian governments had signed an Auto
Pact, allowing General Motors, Ford, Chrysler, and Amer-
ican Motors, the four automakers to treat North America
as one production unit by eliminating import duties. The


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Multinational Expansion to a New Nation 109

pact did not cover automobile components, batteries, or

tires, although this expansion was contemplated by some

Michelin Tires Manufacturing Co. of Canada Ltd.

In July 1969, the Compagnie Generale des Establissements
Michelin of Claremont-Ferrand, France, announced that it
would establish production facilities in Nova Scotia, Canada-
its first such sortie in the Western Hemisphere. Initial output
would be steel tire cord and steel-belted radial truck tires. It
was expected that some 85 percent of the latter would be
exported to the U .S. market while the rest would be slated
for Canada, South America, and the Caribbean. Nova Scotian
government officials and politicians were overjoyed at the
news of the substantial planned investment and the creation
of 1,300 jobs. Their happiness increased when, less than three
years later, the company announced an intended $40 million
expansion. This would add facilities for making passenger
radials and would create another 1,300 jobs.
The Michelin investment in Canada was induced by major
grants and other forms of assistance from federal, local, and
provincial governments. In discussing the details, Nova
Scotia's Finance Minister Peter Nicholson, said there was
"nothing new or strange in this day and age for international
companies such as Michelin to be given incentives of various
types. Countries all over the world were offering incentives
and few eyebrows were raised. "
Nicholson failed to anticipate the reaction of the powerful
American tire and rubber lobby. In February 1972 this
organization initiated a complaint with the U .S. Treasury
Department, which instituted an investigation to determine
whether the Canadian government assistance to Michelin
constituted a "bounty or grant" in violation of U.S. laws,
deserving of tariff retaliation.

The Michelin Organization

Michelin took out its first patent on the pneumatic tire in
1891, regularly introducing innovations thereafter. The two
This case was prepared by Professor Donald Thaln of the University of Westem
Ontario and Is reprinted with his permission. Copyrlpt by the University of
Westem Ontario.

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110 Multinational Financial Management

most recent and most important were the radial tire in 1948
and the assymmetric tire for high-speed driving in 1965.
From the start Michelin had been a family company. One
of its most obvious characteristics was secretiveness. For
example, to maintain security during the erection of its Nova
Scotia plants, Michelin had brought its own construction
crews from France and had paid the Nova Scotian Federation
of Labour a large amount-$250,000 by one report-to
compensate for not hiring local workers.
The secrecy surrounding Michelin had not obscured its
fmancial success, however. Although reported fIgUres were
inadequate for complete analysis, Michelin's operating margin
appeared to be about 13 percent. In addition, the company
had a record of steadily rising profits, unlike the four U.S.
giants - Goodyear, Firestone, Uniroyal, and Goodrich - and
also unlike its chief European rival, Dunlop-Pirelli. By 1969
Michelin's tire sales exceeded U.S.$l billion in value. In
Europe alone, where it ranked first in tire sales, it employed
more than 70,000 persons. The Michelin group of companies
was totally self-financing. In 1969, its intemal sources of
funds, including posttax profits and reserves, amounted to
more than U.S.$120 million. These figures did not include
Michelin holdings in the Citroen automobile and Kleber-
Columbes companies, concems independently managed and
registered on the Paris Stock Exchange.
In its strategy, Michelin was known to stress quality control
and market planning but was believed to give top priority to
technical research, analysis, and development. Thus it was
credited with "radializing" most of the world's tire markets
outside the United States, while U.S. interest, too, was
clearly growing. In August 1971, U.S. market trends were
assessed as follows:

Radial tires, long popular in Europe, are experiencing a wave of

interest that could eventually lead to incorporation on most if not
all U.S. cars. While this is not likely in the near future, some 5% of
replacement tires sold in 1970 were of the radial type, and projec-
tions indicate that by 1975 over 10% of the replacement market
and a somewhat larger percentage of original equipment (OE) will
be of the radial type.

Regardless of the reason, the Michelin radial enjoyed a repu-

tation as the world's premier automobile tire, and in 1971 it
accounted for 80 percent of Michelin's production. Under-
standably, the company's early commitment to radials gave
it an advantage over competitors, who faced the necessity of

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Multinational Expansion to a New Nation 111

using an increasing proportion of their resources for conver-

sion to radial production. In the United States, for example,
tiremakers were said to fear that a change to radials might
cost them as much as $600 million.
Michelin's decision to offer radials in the U.S. market
through plants located in Nova Scotia was to touch off a
series of complex interactions among governments, business,
and labor in Canada and the United States.

The Canadian Operation

The story of Michelin's Canadian venture was one of quiet
political maneuvering on an international scale. A central
figure was Robert Manuge, executive vice president of
Industrial Estates Ltd. (IEL), a Crown Corporation which
was the industrial development agency of the Province of
Nova Scotia. IEL had been organized in 1957 to induce
secondary manufacturing to settle in Nova Scotia. It was
empowered to lend as much as 100 percent of the cost of
land and buildings and at least 60 percent on machinery, all
at current interest rates. Up to 1971, IEL's clients had
numbered 70 companies. Of this total, 17 had either sold
out or ceased operations entirely, but 80 percent had survived.
The biggest blots on IEL's record were investment decisions
that had committed $20 million to a plant for hi-fi equip-
ment and $120 million to a plant for producing heavy water.
(These amounts included large cost overruns.) The disappoint-
ing outcome of these ventures was one factor disposing IEL
to seek ways of recouping its position. As one Canadian
paper later put it, "It was no secret that the Michelin deal
might go some way in getting IEL management off the hook."
Following a chance airplane contact, in December 1967,
Manuge wrote to Michelin setting out the advantages of a
Nova Scotia location to serve both U.S. and Canadian markets.
Michelin's reply stated that the company was interested, but
that negotiations must be secret. In February 1968, Manuge
began "Project Y," a series of negotiations involving over 40
trans-Atlantic flights. Few of his colleagues were aware of the
real nature of this project, and all visits by Michelin officials
to IEL were carefully disguised. At the same time, a New
York lawyer was carrying on an investigation with IEL on
behalf of an undisclosed client about the possibilities of
locating in Nova Scotia. Much later, Manuge discovered that
the lawyer had been retained by Michelin to establish IEL~s
veracity and competence.

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112 Multinational FinanciDI Management

On July 28, 1969, Frank H. Sobey, president of IEL,

announced that the negotiations with Michelin had been
successfully concluded. The company was to establish two
plants in Nova Scotia: a steel cord plant in the town of
Bridgewater and a truck tire factory in the town of Granton.
The first was expected to cost $10 million and to employ
500 workers within three years. It would sell its output to
the second, which was expected to cost $41.4 million and to
employ 800 within a three-year span. (Cost overruns later
brought these plant investment figures to $22.5 million and
$62 million for Bridgewater and Granton, respectively. The
value of the U.S. and Canadian dollars were then almost
By the time the new plants were announced, the story of
Michelin's negotiations had already leaked to the press,
having broken early in 1969, or shortly after Nova Scotia had
approached the Federal Government for assistance. Two
other provincial governments had also made advances to the
company, and these were naturally much disappointed. The
mainly French Province of Quebec had even tried a last-
ditch effort to secure the Michelin plants for itself by appeal-
ing to French President Charles de Gaulle, but this effort had
been without effect. According to a Quebec government
source, Fran~ois Michelin was so bitterly opposed to
de Gaulle's love affair with Quebec that it was almost im-
possible for Michelin even to discuss a plant for Quebec.

The Agreements
Before completing their negotiations, Michelin and Nova
Scotia had arranged for financial support from provincial,
local, and national governments, as seen in Exhibit 4.1.
Besides quantifiable loans and grants totaling about $85
million, Michelin would get three other kinds of assistance,
the value of which could not be precisely measured. These
three would come from the Federal Government and would
be additional to the tabulated Federal grants, which were
payable under the Area Development Incentives Act (ADIA).
Also provided under the ADIA was an accelerated de-
preciation, against income taxes payable, of the capital cost
of land and buildings. The company could write off the
building costs at 20 percent per year and the machinery at
50 percent per year, profits permitting.
Moreover, Michelin also would be allowed to import much
of its manufacturing machinery duty-free, under tariff item

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Multinational Expansion to a New Nation 113


Support for Michelin

Source Type of Auistance ($millions) Terms

Nova Scotia 10-year loan $34.0 6 percent interest

(IEL) 18-y~ar loan 16.0 6 percent interest
Grant (capital costs) 5.0
Grant (employee training) 2.6
Granton 10-year tax reduction from
2.1 percent of assessment
to 1.0 percent 2.47511
Bridgewater 10-year tax reduction from
3.7 percent of assessment
to 1.0 percent 16.79411
Donation of site 0.001
Federal Gov-
ernment Cash grants Payable on
To Granton 5.ft achievement of
To Bridgewater 3.07 b commercial
Total $84.94

GAaumes 100 percent asseament of actual .22.5 mWion cost in Granton and .62.2 mWion in
Brid.ewater. Iporea adjustments for present value and imputed interest on tax saviD...
bFederal cub Irants were payable under the Area Development Incentives Act of 1964. Amounts
depended on the value of investment made and the number of jobs created. Aresa eUlible to re-
ceive the Irants were deailDated on the bula of employment statistics, non-fum-family income,
and income distribution.

427001-1 (the Machinery Program), provided such machinery

fell within the scope of this tariff item and was of a type not
available from production in Canada.
Finally, Michelin would be granted the right to import
certain tires into Canada duty-free for a period of three years.
The imported tires had to be of a type and size not produced
by Michelin in Canada, and the offer was conditional upon
the duty-free privilege not disrupting the operations of exist-
ing tire producers in Canada. In the absence of this provision,
all Michelin tires imported into Canada would have been
charged the normal rate of duty on tires, which was 17.5 per-
cent. (For tires reexported to the United States, a duty-

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114 Multirtlltiortlll Financial Management

drawback was available, although of course such tires would

be charged the U.S. duty, which was 4.0 percent.)
It was believed in some quarters that if Canada had not
agreed to compensate Michelin for the amount of duty pay-
able on imports, the company might have planned a different
and less efficient product mix: It would probably have
produced a lower volume and tires of a greater variety of
types and sizes, which might have reduced the employment
opportunities offered by the project as well as its efficiency.
The government was attracted by the fact that this would
be an industrial development project rationalized to meet
the standards of world competition. Michelin would manu-
facture certain types and sizes of truck tires in Canada,
and other types and sizes of truck, passenger car, and light
commercial vehicle tires would be supplied from other
plants. Michelin's Canadian market was of course not large
enough to warrant manufacture in Canada solely for the
domestic market, but the import provisions would allow
long production runs, thereby assuring that the Nova Scotia
plant would remain competitive on an international basis.
In seeking assistance, Michelin officials made it clear that
they were not asking for special treatment or benefit; they
would have no objection to the same arrangement being
made with other Canadian tire manufacturers and they had
no objection to the tariff on tires being reduced or removed.
This latter course was unacceptable to the Federal Govern-
ment, however, since time was lacking to assess its impact
on the total industry.
As a rule, federal assistance in the form of ADIA grants,
accelerated depreciation, and duty-free imports under the
Machinery Program were available to all qualifying companies.
Assistance in the form of tariff remissions was less common,
but it had been granted for many years in circumstances
where the government considered it appropriate. It was
available, however, only by a special Order in Council.
Michelin had been promised such an Order in a confidential
letter, written by the Federal Government's Minister of
Finance Edgar Benson, with the approval of his Cabinet
colleagues. Although this letter was imprecise as to the
date when the duty-free privilege would begin, it was implied
that the time would be no later than the start of Michelin's
Canadian production.
Production from the steel cord plant began June 30,1971,
and the first steel-belted tire rolled off the Granton line on
October 28, 1971. At the time, the combined plants repre-

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Multinational Expansion to a New Nation 115

sented the largest secondary manufacturing investment ever

made in the Western Hemisphere by a European company.

Industry Reactions
So far as the rest of Canada's tire industry was concerned,
early news about Michelin caused little stir. For one thing,
the company was concentrating on truck tires, a relatively
small segment of the tire market. For another, competition
had heard with pleasure of delays in Michelin deliveries and
start-up troubles at the plants. Thus little serious thought
had been given to the long-term implications of Michelin's
This complacency was to disappear in January 1970, when
a Federal Government official informed the president of the
Rubber Association of Canada (RAC) of everything the
government was doing for Michelin. After listening in
"stunned silence," RAC's President W.V. Turner asked some
questions to ensure that he understood completely and then
reported back to the industry. Company managements were
said to be shocked: They saw the Michelin arrangements not
only as a source of increased competition but also as a betrayal
of the other tire companies by the government.

The Canadian Tire Industry

The Canadian tire industry was almost entirely foreign-owned:
Of six major companies, five had U.S. parents and one had a
European parent. These six foreign-owned subsidiaries were
Goodyear, Goodrich, Firestone and Uniroyal of Canada,
Mansfield-Denman-General Ltd., and Dunlop Canada Ltd.
Among them the six had eleven plants, all but one located in
the populous southeast central provinces of Ontario and
Quebec. The eleventh plant was located in the Western pro-
vince of Alberta.
Neither the government nor the industry reported much
dollar data on tires. Rather, many published statistics lumped
tires with the rest of the rubber industry, including rubber
footwear and miscellaneous rubber products. Taken alto-
gether, in 1972 the rubber industry accounted for about
0.85% of Canada's GDP ($888 million out of $104.8 billion).
It also accounted for roughly 1.5% of Canada's manufacturing
employees, wage and salary payments, gross output and value
Trade statistics available for tires showed that imports were

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116 Multinational Financial Management

larger and growing faster than exports in both Canada and

the United States. In the opinion of industry spokesmen, the
import threat was certain to increase. Canada was bound, as
a signatory to the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade
(GATT), to a gradual lowering of her tariffs on a wide range
of products, including tires and rubber products. This would
create obvious difficulties for the Canadian tire industry,
which had been created and developed behind a high-tariff

Industry-Government Relations
As one company executive put it, by 1970 the Canadian tire
industry was "sick of playing 20 questions with the govern-
ment." Such an attitude grew from historical events. For
example, the government had encouraged the tiremakers to
work together for maximum efficiency during World War 11,
but in 1952, by bringing a successful price-fixing suit against
the companies, it had effectively frightened them away from
any future efforts at cooperation. Similarly, the government
had encouraged the tiremakers to produce a full line of tires
in Canada by setting tariffs at a high 17.5 percent, but during
the 1960s consideration had twice been given to U.S.-
Canadian free trade in tires. That is, two proposals had been
advanced to include tires under the U.S.-Canada Automotive
Trade Agreement, which in effect had brought the U.S.-
Canadian free trade in motor vehicles-provided U.S. makers
would produce an agreed proportion of their output in
Canada. This agreement had permitted longer production runs
on both sides of the border. It had also increased Canadian
output: From under 50,000 in 1964, unit shipments of
passenger cars had risen to 1.13 million in 1971, with Canada
exporting about 428,000 more units to the United States
than vice versa.
Besides the two proposals to put tires under the U.S. - Can-
ada Auto Pact, in 1969 another disturbing proposal emerged
in the course of discussions between the tire companies and
officials in the Ministry of Finance. According to one execu-
tive who was present, officials had formed the opinion that
the Canadian tire industry was poorly managed, lacking in a
sense of direction, and fraught with bickering. The govern-
ment was concerned about industry efficiency, and at one
point the ministry officials had threatened to make the
industry more efficient simply by lowering tariffs on all

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Multinational Expansion to a New Nation 117

Even apart from such threats, Canadian tire industry execu-

tives were themselves concerned about efficiency. In 1969
talk about rationalization resumed under the leadership of
RAC. Companies were fearful, however, lest their discussions
leave them open to further antitrust proceedings. Thus they
decided to take their problem to the newly formed Depart-
ment of Industry, Trade and Commerce (DITC). Here it was
agreed that a cost study should be made for industrial rubber
products and that the companies would provide the necessary
data, with the proviso that DITC would keep each company's
disclosures confidential. After this study got underway,
DITC further agreed to study the more specific topic of tire
industry rationalization. Pursuant to this agreement, appoint-
ments were about to be set up between DITC and the tire
company presidents. But suddenly DITC informed RAC's
president that these discussions would have to be postponed.
No explanation was given at first, but in January 1970
RAC's president was called to Ottawa and informed of the
Michelin deal.
It was now up to the industry to decide on what course of
action to pursue.

Industry-Governmen t Negotiations
From the outset, Canada's tire industry spokesmen maintained
that they had no objection to the government's loans and
grants to Michelin -these being forms of assistance that were
available to any company. Rather, the bone of contention
was the remission-of-duty agreement. To the industry it
seemed that this agreement meant that the government was
not only bankrolling Michelin but was also creating an effec-
tive rationalization for the company-one such as they had
been seeking, but one from which they would not benefit.
Based on this analysis, the industry's first hope was to get
the government to back off from its duty-free concessions. It
soon became apparent, however, that the government was
fully committed.
The tire manufacturers then started meeting together in
RAC to see if they could agree on what the government
could do for them to compensate for the Michelin deal. This
effort, too, soon ran into problems. According to RAC's
President Turner, one reason was that all the companies had
replaced their presidents in 1969 and 1970, and the new men
did not have as good a relationship as the old guard. In addi-
tion, the companies had very different strengths and weak-

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118 Multinational FinanciIJl Management

nesses and very different commitments to the future of their

organizations. As a result, every suggestion that was favorable
to one company met with opposition from another. The only
tactic on which there was unanimity was to return to Ottawa
with a demand that the Michelin agreement be rescinded.
Nevertheless, various proposals were examined, and one was
actually put forward, only to be torpedoed. This proposal
was similar to the U.S.-Canadian Automotive Trade Agree-
ment in that it suggested that the Canadian tire companies
be allowed to import tires duty-free, provided that they main-
tained certain production levels in Canada and that such
production levels would increase proportionately with the
growth of the Canadian tire market. Immediately after the
proposal had been mailed, however, one company promptly
went on record as opposing it. The agreement on a course of
action did not last more than two days.
Discussions with the government and within RAC then con-
tinued for some months at a fairly low level. The issue came
to a head again in late 1971 as Michelin came into production.
At that time, spokesmen for RAC approached the govern-
ment once more, only to discover that one member, Uniroyal,
had made a proposal before they arrived. Uniroyal had asked
the Minister of Finance for duty-free entry on radial steel
tires and equipment when imported by that company into
Canada. This break in ranks left RAC's spokesmen with a bad
taste in their mouths.
Meanwhile, government officials had been meeting with the
companies individually as well as collectively through RAC.
The companies were asked to consider whether the oppor-
tunity to import a percentage of their sales volume duty-free
would be an incentive for them to increase their efficiency by
permitting them to specialize. In late 1971 this suggestion
was expanded into four separate proposals, and the com-
panies were invited to talk about them on an individual
basis. These four proposals were as follows:
1. Duty-free entry of radial tires and equipment, when
imported by manufacturers of radial steel tires in Canada.
2. Duty-free entry of radial steel tires when imported by
manufacturers of tires generally.
3. Duty-free entry of radial steel tires and equipment by any
company doing business in Canada.
4. A reduction of the tariff from 17.5 to 4 percent on a
most-favored-nation basis.
All the Canadian tire companies said no to the third proposal

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Multinational Expansion to a New Nation 119

since it would permit their customers to import directly from

the United States. The fourth proposal was also very up-
setting since it would mean a violent transition in the nature
of Canadian production. If the tariff were to be lowered,
the executives wanted it done on an orderly, long-term basis.
Dunlop favored the second proposal, since it did not foresee
produ~ing its own steel radials in Canada. Firestone, however,
had recently committed itself to an investment in Canadian
steel cord tire production and it opposed any scheme that
would destroy what it saw as a competitive advantage. Good-
year, the industry leader, did not want to settle for anything
less than Michelin had received, although it maintained that a
preferable strategy was to continue to press the government
to drop the Michelin package.
The lack of industry consensus had been clearly demon-
strated. Most of RAC's executive members returned home
convinced that joint action was impossible and that their
problems would have to be solved within their own companies.
By this time, Canadian government officials were beginning
to be deeply worried about another problem -i.e., growing
opposition to the Michelin deal in the United States. Accord-
ing to one tire company president, the Government had
hoped to solve this problem by getting the Canadian com-
panies to accept one of its four proposals, after which it
expected the companies to try to dissuade their U.S. parents
from opposing the Michelin deal. The Michelin threat in the
two countries was, however, different in nature and degree,
and it was unclear how persuasive such a company effort
might have been.

The U.S. Industry and Its Responses

In the words of Mr. H. G. MacNeill, president of Goodyear
Tire and Rubber Co. of Canada Ltd., "The Canadian problems
with Michelin amounted only to a skirmish on the sidelines
of an international economic battle."
For several years the U.S. tire industry had been facing
economic problems that were usually attributed to low pro-
ductivity, high labor costs, and outmoded production facilities.
In addition, the U.S. industry had suffered a major market-
ing disaster when, in the mid-1960s, it had sought to replace
its conventional four-ply tires with two-plies, only to have
the latter rejected by consumers and auto manufacturers.
The growth of imports was still another problem for the
U.S. tiremakers. From 1963 to 1970 imports had pushed

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120 Multi1llltional FinancitJl Management

their penetration from 1.8 to 10.6 percent of the total V.S.

market, and they would have made further gains in 1971
were it not for a temporary 10 percent surcharge imposed on
all imports during that year in defense of the V.S. balance of
For V.S. makers, the tire import threat was three-pronged:
first, imported cars with imported tires were taking some 16
percent of the market; second, Japan and other relatively
low-wage producers were sending in millions of replacement
tires mainly to sell on a price basis; and third, acceptance of
high-priced, high-margin radials was growing. By the end of
1972 radials were capturing some 7 percent of the V.S.
market, compared with 65 percent in Europe.
Although many V.S. tiremakers saw radials as the wave of
the future, conversion to radial production had been slow.
Those who were making them at all were producing only
limited quantities, and no V.S. maker was fully committed
to using the steel wire belting on which Michelin had built
its reputation. Rather than converting to radial tires after
their two-ply difficulties, the V.S. companies had instead
opted for producing the so called bias-belted tire - one that
combined traditional ply construction with a belt under the
thread. Conversion to this type of tire had been relatively
inexpensive compared with the $600 million that a con-
version to radials might cost. Moreover, bias-belted tires had
found good market acceptance: In 1972 they were expected
to account for 85 percent of OE tires and 37 percent of
Vnder these circumstances, the V.S. tire industry raised a
storm of protest about what it considered the unfair ad-
vantages given to Michelin in its Canadian operation. Since
all the Canadian grants and loans were equally available to
V.S. producers through their Canadian subsidiaries, the
target of their charges was the remission of import duty.
They did not, however, restrict themselves to this one point
in their complaints to the V.S. administration, but rather
attacked the whole incentive program of the Canadian

Remedy Sought
The remedy sought by the V.S. companies was a so-called
countervailing duty. Vnder V.S. law, the V.S. Treasury must
grant the industry's request should investigations show that
the foreign government had set up a subsidy program to

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Multinational Expansion to a New Nation 121

promote exports of the product in question. (It was not

required that injury to U.S. producers be found, as in the
case of antidumping actions.) The amount of the counter-
vailing duty would be calculated to offset the foreign bounty
or grant, and the duty would be added to the regular duty,
which was 4.0 percent in the case of tires.
The U.S. industry was successful in getting the U .S. Treasury
to open an investigation into this matter, and hearings were
underway by July 1972. The Canadian position was that the
Countervailing Duty Law was inapplicable since the Canadian
grants were available to new industries whether they pro-
duced for export or not. In contrast, the U.S. industry noted
that Canada's subsidies had gone to a plant that had been
built in the expectation that "most" of its output would be
exported to the United States rather than sold in Canada or
elsewhere. Treasury officials were reported to attach impor-
tance to this latter argument. On the other hand, they con-
ceded that to grant a countervailing duty in this case ''would
represent a new and stiffer interpretation of the U.S. law,"
since the United States had not previously invoked the law
"against imports from countries providing tax incentives and
other assistance to new industries."
Based on this novel but widely significant feature, the
inquiry had attracted "considerable attention abroad."
Even the decision to investigate had been expected to cause
"additional friction" in U.s.-Canadian trade relationships.

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Risks are incurred when a multinational corporation expands to a new
nation. Since most corporations are multidivisional, headquarters must
choose which division to urge to move first into the new nation. Few
headquarters executives are conscious of making such a choice. This
chapter considers the selection of the most suitable division. The chapter
is arranged into polycentric, ethnocentric, and geocentric sections; analyti-
cal models are presented in each.

Polycentric Process
Most polycentric corporations became multinational by a process of
creeping incrementalism. Expansion to a new nation may have begun
with an unsolicited export order. Slowly the export market expanded,
with rarely any attention from headquarters. Headquarters attention was
usually first drawn by a capital appropriation request for a warehouse in
the new nation. Such requests are usually presented as part of ongoing
operations, and are approved on the basis of return on investment (ROI)
calculations, based on the conservative assumption of cost savings. There
will rarely be a political forecast in the capital appropriation. The next
step may occur when the local management wishes to begin manufactur-
ing. In some developing nations, the government threatens to withhold
import permits unless the corporation performs some assembly opera-
tions. The largest, though intangible, asset of the corporation in a nation
is the present value of the expected stream of marketing revenue. Fre-
quently, however, it seems to be the real asset (e.g., the warehouse) that
becomes the hostage in executives' thinking. The weakness of a poly-
centric organization is that once it has expanded to a nation there is
only a weak organizational mechanism available to redeploy its assets
if this becomes necessary. Hence the initial decision must be sound.
Notwithstanding this concern, the essence of a polycentric corpora-
tion is that its executives perceive risk as though the corporation were a
geographically diversified mutual fund. Modem stock market theory sees
risk as having a price; financial risk can be bought and sold. A polycentric
corporation feels that it should diversify broadly and thus pool risk.
In headquarters, the contact officer manning a national desk may
experience ambiguity as to his role, as described in Chapter 1. His impor-
tance increases as corporate involvement within "his" nation is expanded
from importing to systematic sales, to licensing, to a joint venture, and
then to a wholly owned subsidiary. To the extent that self-interest in his
career colors his business judgment, he will favor the subsidiary's incre-
mental expansions and will have little motivation to perform adequate

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Multinational Expansion to a New Nation 123

political intelligence. More specifically, it will be against his personal

bureaucratic interests to pinpoint the stakeholders in the nation who are
capable of impeding significantly the plans of the corporation.
When a national contact officer is pushed to make political prognosti-
cations, his usual inclination is to report "facts." But undigested facts
are not enough.

Ask a busy U.S. international executive how he copes with the world information
explosion. If he is honest, he will point to a wastepaper basket fdled with unread
documents and explain that there just isn't enough time to get through everything,
and besides, most of the material in that wastepaper basket is worthless. (Keegan,

Long-term political analyses should be tailored to the possible strategic

decisions the corporation must make for that nation. This requires rare
managerial consistency, overview, and insight. This is not likely to be
attained in a polycentric corporation. The personal motivations are too
great, and besides,

people abroad [and at home presumably] are reluctant to commit themselves in

writing to highly "iffy" things. They are not cowards or overly cautious; they
simply know that you are bound to be wrong in trying to predict the future, and
they prefer not to have their names associated with documents that will someday
look foolish. (Keegan, 1968)

In the polycentric corporation the most promlsmg manner to bring

some structure to such highly "iffy" perceptions is for all concerned to
acknowledge that there are some underlying patterns in social phenomena.
Even though nobody can predict the future there can be agreement as to
how mature a phenomenon is.
In the business of scanning the environment (AguUar, 1967) the challenge
is to avoid cluttering a decision maker with premature phenomena, which
might die, or with phenomena that have become so entrenched as to be
unstoppable. Hence an implicit agreement must evolve in an organization
as to how developed a phenomenon must be to warrant free-form dis-
cussion at headquarters, and when it has sufficiently matured that it be
assigned to an individual to be monitored.

A Facilitating Methodology
Task forces are used when deciding which divisions should enter which
nation. The attention that a task force leader gives to "getting everyone
on board" is an indication of the importance of establishing enough
familiarity with and attendant knowledge of the alternatives. "N onmetric
scaling" could be used by this leader to bring some structure to vague
perceptions of the decision problem. This methodology helps pinpoint

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124 Multi1UJtional Financial Management
important considerations and steers the company toward wiser investment
Step 1 provides input needed to produce a non metric scaling map of the
perceptual space being used by each participant. From eight divisions
there are 28 feasible pairs of divisions. Twenty-eight cards, each bearing
the names of a pair of divisions, are given to each task force member. He
must sort the cards so that the top ranked card shows those two divi-
sions with the most similar priority for corporate funds in the nation
(they should be closest to tying for the same priority regardless of whether
the actual priority is high or low). Participants find it easy to decide
which divisions were most similar and which were least similar; inter-
mediate comparisons take longer. Each participant's deck of cards is run
through the computer program for nonmetric scaling; the computer prints
a two-dimensional depiction (as in Exhibit 4.2) of how the participant
configures the eight divisions' priority for funds. After the data are
plotted, each paper is trimmed into a circle to emphasize that the dimen-
sions (the meaning of the groupings) are unknown.
In step 2, the leader of the task force studies the pile of paper circles,
one by each participant, and groups them into a few somewhat similar
clusters. (There are mathematical techniques for clustering that could
be used.)
Step 3 is to articulate a rationale for the clusters.
Step 4 is to gather data on the disputed divisions and prepare exhibits
that highlight differences between these divisions in a Delphi-like pro-
cedure (Mason, 1969).
Step 5 is to reconvene the task force and concentrate attention on the
disputed divisions in an effort to clarify the true nature of the corpora-

Division 3
Division 2
Division 1
Division 8
Division 7

One participant's nonmetric scaling of divisions.

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Multinational Expansion to a New Nation 125

tion's strategy for the new nation. Following the spirit of Mason (1969),
disagreements about the priority of various divisions will require the
executives to articulate unique features of this corporation's strategy for
the new nation.
In summary, in a polycentric organization there is no structure in which
to perform rigorous analyses of commitment investments in a new nation.
The methodology outlined in this section was designed to facilitate the
interaction of a task force whose leader lacks definitive power. Once the
task force is in reasonable agreement, it proves relatively easy to select a
division to enter each nation.

Ethnocentric Process
To an ethnocentric executive, risk is to be avoided. Many real capital
budgeting decisions are made de facto when a manager immediately
rejects (screens out) a project as being unworthy of detailed examina-
tion. The ethnocentric top executive is haunted by the fear that once a
nation gets mentioned on the agenda of things to investigate, a task force
will be created. The executive knows from experience that such task
forces are unstoppable. The task force will be beguiled by the natives;
seeing themselves (or their protegees) as managers of the new national
venture, they will usually report favorably. Thus the only way to suppress
such risk-seeking profligacy is to control agenda creation and snuff out
any mention of new nations.
An ethnocentric executive who feels uncomfortable about the foreigness
of wholly owned subsidiaries of which he might lose control will feel even
more anxious about joint ventures abroad in which he must share control
with a foreigner. In order to understand the attitude of U.S. executives
toward joint ventures and co-production agreements, Amariuta, Ruten-
berg, and Staelin (1979) conducted a mail questionnaire survey of the
vice presidents (International) of U.S. corporations. Executives were asked
how many joint venture proposals their corporations had rejected in the
last three years and at what level. It was emphasized that the joint ven-
tures could be anywhere in the world. The astonishing result was that
most proposals were rejected a priori, with no analysis whatsoever.
Working from the right side of Exhibit 4.3 we see that formal capital
appropriation analyses are used to help eliminate only the final 5 percent
of all starting proposals. Yet the evaluation tools of finance deal mainly
with such analysis. The second disturbing result is that so few proposals
are eliminated by creating alternatives against which to compare them.
To verify this, executives were asked to think about their most recent
international joint venture and recall how many alternative host countries
they had considered for this project. Over 77 percent had considered only
the nation chosen. Of the 23 percent who had bothered to compare
alternatives, each considered an average of three nations_ Fewer than a

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126 MultilUltiolUll FilUlncilll Management


Reject after Reject after
7.88 considering formal analysis
Reject a priori alternatives
Severity of screening.

third had a strategy of actively searching for joint ventures. It is interest-

ing to note that in those corporations without an active strategy, most of
the proposals were never seen by the vice president-international. Subordi-
nates had screened most proposals out as unsuitable.
Joint ventures in communist nations represent a special extreme for
American executives who have been historically conditioned to react to
communism. The governments of Yugoslavia, Hungary, Romania, and
Poland allow equity joint ventures between their state enterprises and
capitalist corporations. Usually the foreign corporation contributes
technology and capital; the state enterprise contributes capital. Each
government imposes its own methods of accounting (Brada, 1976; Price-
Waterhouse, 1976) and the capitalist share is (usually) limited to 49 per-
cent. Each year's accounting profits may be reinvested or paid out as
dividends. The critical asset of the foreign corporation is the present value
of the stream of dividends. A co-production agreement is similar except
that one takes dividend payment not in cash but in output. If a joint
venture terminates, its residual value is supposed to be divided between
the two parties like dividends. In practice, one would have a basis for
negotiation only so long as one is not withdrawing.
As shown in Exhibit 4.4, executives who were internationally more
knowledgeable saw less risk in doing business in Eastern Europe and that,
perceiving less risk, required a lower return on investment. This is to be
expected, for lack of knowledge is closely linked to ethnocentrism. How-
ever, less knowledgeable U.S. executives anticipated significantly less
trouble (red tape, endless negotiations) than did experienced executives.
From a purely rational viewpoint one would expect that experienced
executives could thread their way through bureaucracies faster than
unknowledgeable executives. (In their ethnocentric way. less knowledge-

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Multinational Expansion to a New Nation 127

Eastern Europe

Perception of Perception of
riskiness of Inconvenience of
doing business doing business
in Eastern Europe in Eastern Europe

rate of return
before investing
In a jOint venture
in Eastern Europe

Paths between knowledge and threshold rate of return.

able executives saw more risk but were oblivious to the expensive work of
negotiating and sustaining relationships in Eastern Europe.) Thus one
danger of an ethnocentric attitude is that such executives do not realize
that they have an enormous problem in coming to understand each
Some theory will put this survey in perspective. Think of the corpora-
tion exposed to a stream of potential deals. Whereas a domestic executive
can make commitments rather intuitively, theory would lead one to
expect an international executive to be more systematic - the territory is
less familiar, the range of opportunities is greater, and the number of
proposed deals is much greater.
Because time taken to screen is expensive, we would expect executives
to group proposed deals into:
1. Reject immediately.
2. Investigate further.
3. Accept immediately.

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128 Multinational Financial MaruJgement

"Investigate further" means spend money to reach the next milestone

in an investigation so that the project can be grouped once again. From
screening theory, we know that the cutoff criteria ought to depend on
the relative cost of rejecting a proposal that ultimately would have been
shown to be profitable or mistakenly accepting a bad proposal. The same
theory shows that the more one knows about a subject, the fewer pro-
posals one need investigate before accepting a deal. For example, to
accept two out of three proposals suggests either very clear decision
criteria or that the cost of an investigation is very high. It is as though the
surveyed multinationals saw investigation as costly and painful.

The Checklist
Several corporations have more than 100 product divisions, so many that
even the corporate planning group has difficulty keeping track of the
strategy of each. An important corporate planning task is to identify those
divisions that should be encouraged to move faster to a worldwide posi-
tion and those divisions that should be restrained from leaving the United
States. The viewpoint is rather ethnocentric. The planners presuppose that
attractive opportunities exist somewhere abroad and that no foreign
government resistance will be met. In this section we examine a checklist
used in the headquarters of a U.S. corporation to rank divisions as to their
readiness to go abroad.
Checklists are used more extensively in corporations than business
school teaching would indicate. They reduce the cost and pain of an
investigation. Such lists remind subordinates of factors to be considered
and they screen huge problems down to manageable size. The following
checklist gives 15 factors to be considered. The first two factors eliminate
a division. The next three factors limit the division's suitability. Eight
factors positively propel the division. If a division scores in the final two
factors, corporate planning begins an immediate analysis of its expansion
abroad. For each division, each factor could be checked.
1. Current Domestic Divisional Problems Preclude Diluting Management
Attention (Eliminating) Like the boy who ran away to sea to avoid
facing unresolved problems at home, some managers of troubled divisions
may want to escape by going international. If the origin of their problems
lies in their own managerial ineffectiveness, the division should stay
domestic. One possible retort could be that such a constraint is ethno-
centric, that the domestic market for this product is cut-throat, and that if
the corporation thought globally, it would expand abroad while shutting
down the domestic operations. Such conceptual flexibility is viable only
when the corporation has experience in performance evaluation and pre-
diction based on years of experience in many nations. Until then, current
domestic problems eliminate the division from the list of candidates.

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Multinational Expansion to a New Nation 129

2. Division Has a Domestic Orientation with Essentially Nontransferable

Expertise (Eliminating) Some products and services sold to a narrow
segment of one nation - the government, for example - are inappropriate
abroad. Although the managers could conceivably accommodate another
government, they have neither the energy nor the inclination to do so.
Generally these divisions sell not a product but systems management
expertise to facilitate the coordination of agencies of the government.
3. No Unique Technology or Marketing Skills (Limiting) Early in a
product's life cycle, the division has a unique technology and may market
it in a unique way. Later, however, there may be nothing unique to offer
to the market and nothing to offset the cost of the cultural unfamiliarity
of a foreign nation.
4. Domestic Technical Standards Differ Significantly from World Standards
(Limiting) Not only would the corporation have little to contribute,
but corporate control would be weakened.
5. Most Major Worldwide Markets Are Already Dominated by Competitors,
Especially Multinationals (Limiting) When a corporation expands aggres-
sively, its competitors react. From their knowledge of national markets
they can cause the corporation serious losses. Poor performance by the
subsidiary would affect the political position of executives in corporate
headquarters, strengthening those who doubted the expansion any-
way and allowing them to gain influence to squelch further expansion.
6. Divisional Profitability Is Over 10 Percent Real Return on Investment
(Positive) A consistent ROI record of over 10 percent plus inflation
breeds an attitude in divisional managers that makes them hard to stop,
so the corporate executives might as well encourage them.
7. Technology (Positive) In some cases, the division's current technology
is unique. In other cases, headquarters believes that a technological break-
through is near, and that the division should acquire assets abroad cheaply
and develop dealers and personnel to be ready for the new technology.
Furthermore, the corporation should act before the national government
realizes the implications of a seemingly modest initial purchase of assets.
8. Marketing Skills (Positive) The most pertinent aspect of marketing
skill in high-technology industrial marketing is the tradition of communi-
cation and feedback between marketing and engineering design, so that
the customer is helped to clarify his needs and design adaptations are
made to meet these demands.
9. Strong U.S. Market Position (Positive) The larger one's market share,
the greater is the likelihood that a diligent manufacturer can lower its cost
of production. In manufacturing abroad, some of this expertise will be
transferable. This assumes that the United States is a large enough market

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180 MultinationtJl Financial Management

that a strong U.S. market position also means a large share of the world-
wide market.
10. Real Market Growth Greater Than 5 Percent (Positive) For the
division's product, worldwide market growth data can be adjusted for
inflation. The quality of worldwide data is usually terrible, but it is good
enough to determine whether real growth centers around 5 percent or
around 10 percent. Growth is important if entrenched competitors are to
accommodate themselves to a new entrant. A growth rate must be used to
calculate the present value of a stream of future income.
11. Emerging Markets Abroad (Positve) Based on a belief in experience
curves, the corporation desires a large share of the markets it enters. This
is easier to achieve when the market is newly emerging and no competitors
are entrenched.
12. Real U.S. Market Growth Greater Than 10 Percent (Positive) The
industry containing this division is growing very fast in the United States
and presumably it would grow fast abroad. If the corporation injects more
capital into the division now, it can dominate the market worldwide. The
real problem, however, is that managing such growth absorbs so much
executive energy that overseas growth seems superfluous.
13. Accepted U.S. Industry Leadership Position (Positive) There is
usually a leader in an oligopoly. If the division is the leader and wants to
remain the leader, it should expand abroad before its competitors do, or
it may forfeit leadership.
14. U.S. Marketing Position Threatened by Competitor's Sourcing Com-
ponents or Products Abroad (Compelling) Another company can try
to blackmail our corporation into not moving abroad, whenever our cor-
poration is a customer of one division of a company and a supplier to a
second division of the same company. If the second division plans to move
abroad, the company may threaten to find another supplier. When such
blackmail is threatened, headquarters (not the divisions) has a compelling
reason to analyze the costs and benefits of moving abroad.
15. Markets Currently Served from the United States Are Threatened by
Increasing Import Restrictions (Compelling) In a developing nation the
threat of tariffs is familiar. In a developed nation, a national corporation
may be selected by the government planners as the chosen instrument to
supply this particular technology. If our corporation builds a manufacturing
plant, it may be able to negotiate to avoid foreclosure from this national

These 15 criteria emphasize marketing (and, to a lesser extent, tech-

nological) leadership. Nevertheless, the criteria are crafted from an ethno-
centric view that the attributes of the division should dominate the

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Multinational Expansion to a New Nation 131

decision-making process; the criteria never question whether the corpora-

tion will be welcome abroad -this is assumed.

Geocentric Process

The geocentric ideal is to show explicitly how the corporation's choice of

a division affects the various pressure groups in a nation. "Pressure groups"
is perhaps too general a term; the word "stakeholder" emphasizes the
stake these groups have in the corporation's decision. After listing typical
stakeholders (these must be tailored to the particularities of each nation),
we consider a model of the division selection decision. This can be a one-
stage or two-stage decision. (A two-stage decision would begin with the
introduction of one division to build up goodwill with particular stake-
holders who would otherwise block introduction of the second division -
a division more attractive to the corporation.)
In most of the literature on capital budgeting, risk is treated passively.
To a geocentric executive, risk can be influenced. This is compatible with
diversification. But whereas the polycentric view is that the risk exists as a
constant quantity, a geocentric executive works to reduce the risk faced
by his corporation by considering it in combination with other powerful
forces in the societies of each nation and working to make the corporation
The interesting difference between capital budgeting theory and cor-
porate practice is that few top executives spend much time estimating
probabilities. Instead they devote their energies to changing the probabil-
ities. The more senior the executive, the harder he works to manufacture
causal chains that will reduce the risk faced by his significant assets:
physical, marketing, or human. He sees the world as a nonzero sum game,
a view that allows him to think about the craft of coalition making.

At the negative extreme, the xenophobia within certain countries may lead to
either a complete bar to foreign investment or to the expUlsion of foreign com-
panies, with confiscation of assets. At the positive extreme, there exists a real
accommodation so that the foreign company becomes almost indistinguishable
from national companies.
The majority of nation-states are somewhere in the middle range of this spec-
trum. This basic fact colors any consideration of multinational corporate per-
formance. Foreign ownership implies differences in values and objectives as well
as language and customs. These foreign birds have strange and different colors
when they first migrate to new lands. Without any natural camouflage they may
become fair game for the local hunters. Time and experience means a natural adap-
tation or ultimate extinction. (Rosow, 1974, p. 147)

Many articles and checklists measure the business climate of nations - as

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132 MultinatioTUJl Financial Management

though each nation had only one business climate. Actually few societies
are so monolithic as to have only one climate. Societies are pluralistic in
nature, with several stakeholders - individuals or groups with enough
power to block or facilitate a project. It is extremely important that some-
one in the corporation learn to differentiate the several stakeholders,
"the local hunters" in Rosow's quotation, and to rank each stakeholder's
preferences for one division over another. Behnnan (1969, p. 114) presents
a general list of possible stakeholders, to which I have added comments
and examples.
1. Private customers' acceptance of the corporation's product per-
2. Customers' (especially government agencies') perceptions of the
foreignness of the corporation. Most countries support local industry,
particularly if locally owned. However, in Romania, for example, the
novelty of dealing with a foreign corporation may be an assist.
3. National government goodwill. This may be subdivided into the Min-
istry of International Trade and Industry, the Ministry of Finance, and
any other government agency, if there are differences in their views.
4. Municipal government perceptions of the corporation as being either
a good or an unstable employer. In India, it may be necessary to also
consider the state government, because of its power to delay licenses.
5. The current and potential eagerness of local managers to adopt cor-
porate goals as their own. Many U .S. corporations still fear that their
Japanese managers are more loyal to Japan than they are to the cor-
poration. The degree to which this division's products are in the
national interest may ameliorate any conflict of loyalties.
6. Workers' and trade unions' perceptions of the prospect for adequate
wages. This is generally an asset, as multinationals have a reputation for
paying higher than average wages.
7. Other executives' opinions (pro or con) about the corporation.
8. Public opinion. In Hungary, the public is probably eager for contact
with the West. An investment in some supposedly capitalist nations,
however, may be viewed by that country's populace as exploitation by
the multinational company.
9. Corporate headquarter's perception of the likelihood that the division's
operation in this nation will quickly be a net cash producer and will
grow steadily. An investment in Romania might also be seen as a foot-
hold for further expansion in Eastern Europe.
10. The financial community's (including local banks) relationship with
the corporation.
An international executive should prepare a similar list, tailoring it to the
social structure of the particular nation under consideration. The challenge
is to have these stakeholders in mind when deciding which division to
move first.

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Multinational Expansion to a New Nation 133

Current corporate selection practice may best be described as a "con-

finned hunch." A bright and hardworking executive tentatively selects the
division intuitively. His staff works to validate or confirm that decision.
If they uncover unforeseen problems, and if they are honest analysts,
they will explain the problem to him; he can then select another division.
Even under the best of circumstances, it is arduous to communicate about
dimly understood preferences and perceptions. Frustration often leads to
anger, which makes subordinates anxious. The decision then gets delayed.
As other executives interfere, political gamesmanship clogs the process.
The models of this chapter provide a structure to help the analysis pro-
ceed. Strategic decisions will always depend on the most tenuous input.
The challenge to an analyst is to reconcile every bit of this indistinct
input. His output will usually be focused questions for more detailed sub-
sequent analysis. In that different executives provide different insight,
the analyst's task is to separate the points of agreement from points of
disagreement and to present the decision implications of the disagree-
ments. It is in this spirit that the next two models are presented.

One-Stage Selection
One-stage selection implies that a division (or several divisions) will be
selected, moved into the nation, and left there to operate. The one-stage
selection has three steps. They are most conveniently performed on a
computer, with the questions posed on the computer screen (Saaty, 1977).
Step la determines the preferences of each stakeholder and thus de-
termines the direction in which each stakeholder is likely to use its force.
Consider each pair of divisions, and from the vantage point of the stake-
holder express his preference, choosing one of the following categories
for each pair:
Division rating Score in cell ij
Division i is unquestionably superior to division j 5
Division i is superior to division j 4
Division i is much better than division j 3
Division i is somewhat better than division j 2
Division i is equal to division j 1
Division i is somewhat less good than division j %
Division i is much less good than division j %
Division i is inferior to division j %
Division i is unquestionably inferior to division j Ifs
If there are d divisions there are (d -1) d/2 pairs of divisions. The com-
puter can arrange the preference data into a square matrix of divisions
(the diagonal cells are all one) and can calculate the eigenvector of the
matrix. The eigenvector is merely a scale of preference, on a line 1 through
10, as in Exhibit 4.5. This vector is d X 1 where there are d divisions.
Step 1 b brings together the preferences of all the stakeholders. There is

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134 Multinational Financial Management

Matrix Eigenvector
Divisions: g h j k

g 1 5 4 yields 1 10
h 1/5 1 g j k h
1/4 1
j 1
k 1
Depiction of matrix and eigenvector output of the computer.

a separate eigenvector for each of the s stakeholders. Collect these eigen-

vectors together as a (d X s) matrix.
Step 2 compares the stakeholders and determines their relative strength.
Because each stakeholder has some power to block or impair the corpora-
tion's move into this new nation, we must now assay the corporation's
relative vulnerability. The view is that of a parallelogram of forces, with
each stakeholder pushing in its own direction (that was step 1) and a
strong stakeholder pushing harder than a weak stakeholder (step 2).
Input the list of stakeholders into the computer, and have it display
each pair of stakeholders so that the executive can ponder the relative
potential power and predispositions of each.
Stakeholder rating Score in cell ii
Stakeholder i can mercilessly intimidate stakeholder i 5
Stakeholder i can slightly intimidate stakeholder i 4
Stakeholder i can strongly influence stakeholder i 3
Stakeholder i has some influence over stakeholder i 2
Stakeholder i is equally matched by stakeholder i 1
Stakeholder i has somewhat less influence than
stakeholder i %
Stakeholder i cannot influence stakeholder i %
Stakeholder i is intimidated by stakeholder i 1/4
Stakeholder i cowers before stakeholder i Ifs
As before, have the computer calculate the eigenvector of this matrix.
This vector is (s X 1) where s is the number of stakeholders.
Step 3 combines step 1 with step 2. Have the computer multiply the
(d X s) of eigenvectors from step 1b with the (s X 1) vector from step 2 to
get a (d X 1) vector. Each element in this (d X 1) vector indicates the
priority that should be given to that division.
Not only are the divisions ranked by priority, but the program shows
how close the rankings are. This is a valuable indicator of how much
further discussion time should be devoted to the select few divisions.
This procedure is simple enough to highlight the important subjective
inputs. Because computer time is minimal, sensitivity analysis is easy, so

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Multinational Expansion to a New Nation 135

that the analyst can evaluate the implications of differences between

the executives' perceptions.
The weakness of the one-stage procedure is its assumption that "threat"
is continual, not something that is triggered. We will now proceed to a
two-stage selection procedure that allows for a finer differentiation of the
process of threat. Even this procedure is merely a screening device to give
voice to inarticulate feelings and perceptions. The best division may not
promise enough profit to justify the risk.

Two-Stage Selection Procedure

In the preceding single-stage model each stakeholder was passive. The
two-stage model adds three elements:
1. The stakeholder currently has a perception of the corporation (Le., the
corporation has goodwill with each stakeholder).
2. A stakeholder will block the corporation if sufficiently irritated. The
stakeholder will be irritated to a different degree by each possible
division and may move to block the entrance of a division so irritating
as to exceed the stakeholder's goodwill to the corporation.
3. A stakeholder learns from the corporation's activities. The operation in
his nation of each division has a different effect on the stakeholder's
perception of the corporation. Actual operation will usually augment
his goodwill.
For example, suppose the corporation manufacturing industrial products
opens a repair division in a particular country. The irritation levels are
low and the augmenting effect each year is attractive. This can be shown
by estimating the reaction of each of the 10 stakeholders.
1. Customers frequently are frustrated enough to try any new repair
shop and are delighted when it gives fast and reliable service.
2. There is little jingoism in repair work, and each year's operation of a
successful repair network will lessen customer xenophobia.
3. Only a few national governments regulate service industries, and a
repair division requires little import of capital or equipment. Once the
corporation has established these operations in a nation, it is more
likely to get government approval for other divisions.
4. A repair shop may run afoul of municipal government regulations,
and the vagaries of repair work do not permit a very stable work
force, so municipal problems may actually worsen (of course, if the
shop is being used to train workers, municipal problems will be
5. Managers are not likely to be excited by a repair shop, nor will the
operation be likely to capture the attention of potential recruits who
want technicalluster.

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136 Multinational Financial Management

6. Workers and unions are sympathetic to the new entrant because

multinational corporations are known to pay slightly higher wages
than other firms.
7. Executives in other corporations would have little reason to block
entry of a repair shop, and good service would rapidly build goodwill
for the corporation.
8. Public opinion is unlikely to be inflamed when the repair division
begins operation, and well-publicized appliance repair work could be
priced as a loss leader to generate public goodwill if this is desirable
for later divisions.
9. Corporate headquarters does not have to invest much capital; its main
investment is in a cadre of experienced supervisors, who are recover-
able if the venture fails. As the years pass, the repair division can be
used as a staging ground for later divisions.
10. Few banking relations are involved.
The analyst can classify divisions into those that are currently candidates
for expansion and those that are not. The repair division example illus-
trates a feasible division. Rather than starting with the feasible divisions,
it is most productive to work backwards on this problem. List all the
profitable but infeasible divisions. For each such division, find the least
expensive combination of feasible divisions that will adequately prepare
the nation for the desirable division. More than two stages may be re-
quired. Only at this point can the financial analyst begin applying
standard capital budgeting formulas, not to individual divisions, but to
the necessary set as a unit.
There may be constraints on the availability of likely first-stage divi-
sions. Although most governments prefer to have research and develop-
ment done within their .nation, most corporations have such trouble
managing their research and development that they do not want to break
up their laboratories. They fear that if they put a small laboratory abroad,
the precedent will have been set. Similarly, in many product lines, econ-
omies of scale are so great that only one plant can be built. Thus building
in one nation precludes building in another. Another constraint is that of
boycott lists. Constraints necessitate the simultaneous consideration of a
multitude of combinations of states.

Closing Decisions
When a corporation wants to close down one of its product divisions in a
nation, the corporation should expect pressure to be exerted on its other
divisions. Major customers and suppliers of the remaining divisions, fearing
that this closing will be the first of many, will cool their relationships,

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Multinational Expansion to a New Nation 137

investing less in cooperative long-term work such as revising product

standards. The same kind of stakeholder analysis that has been outlined
provides a framework by which to analyze the indirect pressures that
will be brought to bear.
Many multinational corporations set very tight financial controls and
expect that plant and marketing operations will be miniature replicas of
these in the headquarters nation. Nevertheless, they claim to be decen-
tralized to the point of polycentrism. (One might describe them as ethno-
centrics in polycentric clothing.)
With increasing worldwide price competition (aided by tremendous
developments in quality standards) many of the miniature replica opera-
tions will become uneconomical, and many will be closed. In other cases,
the shell of the plant will be maintained but old managers and old equip-
ment will be replaced by new equipment, and the truncated plant will
be operated as a satellite of a plant having responsibility for this product
worldwide. As noted in Chapter 1, a few such miniature replica plants
may themselves become the managerial plant, having a global product
During these transformations there is a disruption in the network of
contacts that the subsidiary kept with its stakeholders. The new cor-
porate operation will give slightly different weight to different stake-
holders, and so it is prudent to manage the transition, rather than
forgetting stakeholders and then trying to reestablish them later.
Bradley (1977) has done one of the remarkably few studies of the
process by which a corporation loses viability in a nation. The extreme
case, nationalization, is so fraught with emotion that the pain of analysis
leads most businessmen to avoid formulating scenarios of how their busi-
ness might slide toward nationalization. One rare example is Goodwin's
(1969) analysis of how Exxon's International Petroleum Company of Peru
came to be nationalized; the process is not as inevitable as a Greek tragedy.

All multinational corporations are inevitably faced with the decision of
whether to enter a new nation. Sometimes the decision will be an easy
one; more often, as in the case of Hungary, that decision will be com-
plicated. A corporation's decision to expand its activities to a new nation
is based on a multitude of factors; some act as constraints while others are
stimulants. The purpose of this chapter is to develop procedures that
will help a firm's management scrutinize its own decisions concerning
international expansion. Attention has been focused on the divisional
managers, because most large corporations - multinational or not;
European, American, or Japanese - are organized by product division

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138 Multinational Financial Management
lines, and the divisional manager should be a key participant in such a
decision; he alone can make it work.
The organization theories of Bamard (1938), March and Simon (1964),
and Cyert and March (1963) emphasize search, especially search in the
vicinity of existing practice. When Aharoni (1966) investigated how
corporations decided to study and evaluate a nation, he found evidence of
the notion that search is engrossing and that members of a task force
appointed to evaluate a particular nation almost always favored that
nation. What Aharoni only hinted at was that a task force usually consists
of all the people in the corporation familiar with the nation, thus preclud-
ing any informed opposition.
Designing corporate policy includes articulating the objectives of the
corporation, assessing its environment, and identifying corporate strengths
and vulnerabilities. Environmental assessment can become a deeply felt
commitment to ride with an environment. Searching a new environment
seems to involve personal risk: "Get your feet wet" and "Get burned a
few times" are common directives.
Strategic moves defmitely arouse strong emotions. In such a situation it
is difficult to find an appropriate problem analysis structure. Further-
more, if too much structure is imposed, interesting opportunities will
surely be excluded. If too little structure is imposed, the magnitude of
their task will engender feelings of anxiety that will overwhelm most
analysts. (Their usual coping behavior is to ignore all but one small corner
of a problem.) This chapter offers a sequence of analytical tools that pro-
vide some structure to the agonizing work of trying to help make strategy.
The models of this chapter are about as complicated as one can com-
fortably manipulate analytically. Reality is appreciably more complex.
For example, the model is for one point in time and yet attitudes change
(and at different rates). As Truitt (1970) noted, "In assessing risk ... it
behooves the foreign investor [and students of international business] to
bear in mind that the host government will be asking, 'Yes, but what have
you done for me lately?'"
Moreover, we've assumed that the stakeholders act in isolation, whereas
in some societies particular coalitions of stakeholders are possible. One
stakeholder without power to block a project may nevertheless work to
become the catalyst around which a blocking coalition will coalesce.
Finally, the company's power to influence such coalitions has not yet
been explored. Clearly, the corporation is bringing benefit to some sectors
of the nation. Hence, with a well-planned program of public and govern-
ment relations, it can become a force in its own right. The most perceptive
model of corporate action may be the early days of the Tennessee Valley
Authority. Actually (and ironically) the TV A was a government-owned
enterprise whose early existence was threatened by private enterprise
stakeholders. The chairman of the TV A, David Lilienthal, mastered a
process of slowly coopting stakeholders, then systematically expanding
TVA activities (Selznick, 19(9).

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Questions from Other Viewpoints

1. Corporate Rational Normative Global. You just covered this view-

point in the chapter.
2. Corporate Rational Normative Subsidiary. What can a subsidiary
manager do to monitor, in a systematic fashion, the attitude of
stakeholders to the corporation and to each division?
3. Corporate Rational Descriptive Global. In an effort to reduce the
probability that some future Brazilian government will nationalize the
mine, the ownership of a vast iron ore complex in Brazil is being
arranged as follows. The mine will be a joint venture, owned mostly
by national steel companies, each in proportion to its consumption of
iron. Since some nations that use iron ore may not want to own
equity in the development, the development hopes to purchase equip-
ment in those nations, financed by a loan from the national export
assistance agency, so that those governments would be drawn in if
nationalization occurs. From your understanding of nationalizations,
will all this make much difference?
4. Corporate Rational Descriptive Subsidiary. This chapter on multi-
divisional expansion deals with the corporation's goodwill with many
stakeholders. Once the corporation has a subsidiary in a nation, it
must nurture its relationships with each stakeholder, which suggests
that the subsidiary manager's performance appraisal (and bonus)
should include an audit of these intangibles. From your prior courses,
review two articles that describe actual managerial evaluation to assess
the kinds of measures that have evolved in other contexts and the
maximum number of items on which an individual can be rewarded if
he is not to get confused.
5. Corporate Emotional Normative Global. One way of looking at this
chapter is that it presents a series of emotional props to help execu-
tives think about highly anxiety-provoking problems. From your
knowledge of psychology, what other means could conceivably be
used as an emotional buttress?
6. Corporate Emotional Normative Subsidiary. The notion that someday
the corporation may want to expand with another division in a nation
seems very long-term and tenuous. Tailor a set of criteria against
which a subsidiary president could evaluate his divisional managers.
How would these criteria be weighted differently in the following
a. Long before a new divisional expansion.
b. During the expansion.
c. After the expansion.
7. Corporate Emotional Descriptive Global. In headquarters you cannot
do all the work yourself but must rely on the judgment of subordi-
nates to identify stakeholders correctly and assess their importance.

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140 Multinational Financial Management

If your subordinate distrusts the world, he will have an excellent

ability to sense possible stakeholders but will tend to exaggerate their
potency. Describe how you would go about calibrating the degree to
which your subordinates exaggerate.
8. Corporate Emotional Descriptive Subsidiary. You manage a national
subsidiary and have high hopes for its expansion. Some stakeholders
in your nation expect a bribe, will be deeply offended if they do not
receive it soon, and do have the ability to block your corporation's
expansion. You have told headquarters of this need, and you have
even used an ROI format because a bribe should rightly be viewed as
a capital appropriation. Headquarters is dogmatic in what they call
their corporate policy against bribes. Describe your feelings.
9. Social Rational Normative Global. One way to measure the efficiency
or inefficiency of corporate capitalism is to contrast it with an
alternative. One theoretical alternative might be centralized world-
wide planning of all industries. Write one page of guidelines for such
planning. Be explicit about the trade-offs you will make between
further industrializing already industrialized nations and furthering
the development of poor nations.
10. Social Rational Normative Subsidiary. This chapter has dealt with
multiple divisions. Traditionally a nation is usually more concerned
with vertical integration. For example, a government will persuade a
corporation to build an assembly plant by threatening to withhold
import permits. Make a list of each stakeholder, the objectives of
the stakeholder, the sanctions it could impose, and whether it could
apply pressure to one division to induce results in another division.
11. Societal Rational Descriptive Global. Think carefully to select an
industry where output decisions are controlled by intergovernmental
coordination agreements, yet the means of production are managed
by corporations in at least some of the nations. Describe the process
of intergovernmental coordination for this industry.
12. Societal Rational Descriptive National. How could an important
stakeholder systematically investigate a corporation, rather than wait
for the corporation to establish itself?
13. Societal Emotional Normative Global. During the 19708 numerous
articles and books were written forecasting a bleak economic future
for this world. Uncontrolled population growth and untrampled
aspirations will cause a depletion of resources and a growth in pollu-
tion. In the mood of these forecasts, what guidelines do you think
should be imposed on the industrialization of the world?
14. Societal Emotional Normative Subsidiary. The first division that
moves into a nation has the deceptive appearance of a Trojan horse.
You are an elected member of a state government (regional assembly,
provincial parliament). Expand on this idea by writing the text of a
five-minute speech opposing approval of a multinational corporation's

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Multinational Expansion to a New Nation 141
15. Societal Emotional Descriptive Global. If there were to be economic
warfare between national governments, in what way would multi-
national corporations be viewed? Specifically, how could a subsidiary
abroad become a hostage, influencing the actions of the headquarters
government? In what way could a subsidiary abroad be a means of
expressing the wishes of the headquarters government?
16. Societal Emotional Descriptive Subsidiary. The problem of this
chapter is only a partial statement. There are many corporations
that may be induced to compete to enter a nation. Select one of the
stakeholders, and from that viewpoint write a one-page briefing
memo on how to play corporations of different nationalities off
against one another.

Bibliography to Chapter 4
Aguilar, Francis J., Scanning the Business Environment (New York: Macmillan, 1967).
Aharoni, Yair, The Foreign Investment Decision Process (Cambridge: Harvard Uni-
versity Press, 1966).
Amariuta, Ion, David Rutenberg, and Richard Staelin, "How American Executives
Disagree about the Risks of Investing in Eastern Europe," Academy of Manage-
ment Journal, Vol. 22, No. 1 (1979), pp. 138-157.
Barnard, Chester I., The Functions of the Executive (Cambridge: Harvard University
Press, 1938).
Behrman, Jack N., "Some Patterns in the Rise of the Multinational Enterprise,"
Research Paper 18, University of North Carolina, 1969.
Bower, Joseph L., Managing the Resource Allocation Process: A Study of Corporate
PlIJnning and Investment (Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1971).
Brada, Joseph C., "Markets, Property Rights, and the Economics of Joint Ventures in
Socialist Countries," Working Paper 76-64, Graduate School of Business Adminis-
tration, New York University, 1976.
Bradley, David G. "Managing against Expropriation," Harvard Business Review, Vol.
55, No. 4 (1977), pp. 75-83.
Charnes, Abraham, Frederick Glover, and Darwin Klingman, "The Lower Bounded and
Partial Upper Bounded Distribution Model," Naval Research Logistics Quarterly,
Vol. 18, No. 2 (1971), pp. 277-281.
Cyert, Richard M. and James G. March, A Behavioral Theory of the Firm (Englewood
Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-HaII, 1963).
Fouraker, Lawrence E. and John M. Stopford, "Organizational Structure and the
Multinational Strategy," Administrative Science Quarterly, June 1968, pp. 47-64.
Goodwin, Richard N., "Letter from Peru," The New Yorker, Vol. 45 (May 17,1969),
pp. 41-109.
Keegan, Warren J., "Global Intelligence: A Framework for Action," Worldwide P and
I Planning, July-August 1968, p. 48.
March, James G. and Herbert A. Simon, Organizations (New York: Wiley, 1964).
Marer, Paul and Joseph Miller, "U.S. Participation in East-West Industrial Coopera-
tion," Journal of International Business Studies, Vol. 8, No. 2 (1977), pp. 17-29.

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142 Multinational Financial Management

Mason, Richard, "A Dialectic Approach to Strategic Planning," MtUUJgement Science,

Vol. 15, No. 8 (1969), pp. 8403-414.
Meyer, Herbert E., "What It's Like to Do Business with the Russians," Fortune, Vol.
85, No. 5 (1972).
Meyer, Herbert E., "Why Business Has a Stake in Keeping Sovietology Alive," Fortune,
Vol. 92, No. 3 (1975).
Meyer, Herbert E., "Why the Outlook Is So Bearish for U.S.-Soviet Trade," Fortune,
Vol. 97, No. 1 (1978).
Molitor, Graham T.T., "The Hatching of Public Opinion," PlIJnning Reuiew, Vol. 5,
No. 4 (1977), pp. 3-7.
Price-Waterbouse, East West Trade, (New York: Price-Waterhouse Infonnation Guide,
November 1976).
Rosow, Jerome M., "Industrial Relations and the Multinational Corporation: The
Management Approach," in Bargaining Without Boundllries: The Multinational
Corporation and International Labor RellJtions, edited by Robert J. Fianagan
and Amold R. Weber (Chicago: University of Chicago Press,1974), pp. 147-162.
Rummel, R.J., and David A. Heenan, "How Multinationals Analyze Political Risk,"
Harvard Business Reuiew, Vol. 56, No. 1,1978, pp. 67-76.
Saaty, Thomas, "An Eigenvalue Method for Prioritization and Planning," Journal of
Mathematical Psycholo/lY, June 1977, pp. 44-51.
Selznick, Philip, TVA and the Grass Roots (Berkeley: University of California Press,
Simon, Herbert A., "On the Concept of Organizational Goal," Administratiue Science
Quarterly, Vol. 9, No. 1 (June 1964), pp. 1-22.
Simon, Herbert A., George Kozmetsky, and Gordon Tyndall, Centralization us. Decen-
tralization in Organizing the ControUer's Department (New York: Controllership
Foundation, 1954).
Thompson, James D., Organizations in Action (New York: McGraw-HilI,1967).
Truitt, J. Frederick, "Expropriation of Foreign Investment: Summary of the Post
World War 11 Experience of American and British Investors in the Less Developed
Countries," Journal of International Business Studies, Vol. 1, No. 2 (1970), pp.
United Nations Industrial Development Organization, Guide to Practical Project
Analysis: Social Benefits -Cost Analysis in DelJeloping Countries (New York:
United Nations, 1978).

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Summary of Multinational Financial Management

The three finance chapters you have just read flow into one another to
build successively. Although the topics were carefully selected ;.0 typify a
short-, medium-, and long-term problem, these are merely a small sample
of the variety of real finance problems in a multinational corporation.
Consider a typical textbook in corporation finance. For each chapter
think how that activity could be done in a multinational corporation. The
guiding rule in most corporations is to decentralize an activity if possible,
subject to two caveats. First, the procedure for performing the activity
is often very centralized (for example, anyone can concoct a capital
budget proposal, but headquarters specifies the format of the write-up,
the mathematics of cash flow summarization, and the review procedure).
The second caveat is that some decisions can be better made centrally. In
essence, the justification for the expensive headquarters of a multinational
company is to identify and make these profit-creating decisions. Chapters
2, 3, and 4 identify three such decisions.
The essence of the foreign exchange chapter is to say that exchange rate
risk should not interfere with sensible business decisions. This does not
mean that the risk is to be ignored; managers must adapt to whatever the
rate is, while simultaneously providing guidelines for long-term planning-
a tricky balancing act.
Maneuvering liquid assets provides liquidity where it is wanted, but the
main motivation is that tax jurisdictions differ. Whereas a domestic firm
is stuck with one tax environment, a multinational manager can exercise
some discretion. This presents an awkward dilemma. Many people take a
lifetime to gain a thorough understanding of the tax system of one nation.
It follows obviously that a multinational executive cannot understand the
tax systems of 50 or 100 nations. Faced with this challenge some managers
give up and leave taxes to the tax specialists. Their decision analyses may
be precise - but they will be precisely wrong. The essence of maneuvering
liquid assets is that it is better to approximate taxes, to decide on the
managerially desired action, and to have the tax specialists check it to
revise the approximation. A normally operating company need take
interest in only a few corners of the tax codes of the world.
Chapter 4 does not take risk as an exogenous given; some of the risk is
what a corporation brings on itself by its actions and inactions. The
essence of the chapter is that any corporation is in coalition with other
powerful forces in a society. When a corporation suddenly grows or con-
tracts or quits, it disturbs the eqUilibrium of these forces, and they may
resist. National executives can manage these balances of force in an
intuitive manner.
Multinational managers might better supplement their political flair
with pedantic checklists and procedures. First, as a foreigner, the multi-


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144 Multinational Financial Management

national executive lacks an intuitive feel for the situation. Second, the
stakeholders lack sympathy for the problems of a foreign corporation.
Third, the multinational's resources mean that its rate of expansion
or withdrawal can be much more sudden than the natural rise or fall of
indigenous companies. Finally, whereas an indigenous company has little
choice but to accept the political reality of its nation, a multinational can
choose where it wants to locate - and to choose well takes hard study.

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Multinational Manufacturing

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Introductory Note to the Case

Ascendant Electric of England, Ltd.

Internal company logistics account for about 15 percent of

the cost of goods sold by a large multinational; import tariffs
add perhaps a further 10 percent. It would be easy to reduce
this 25 percent cost by building, in each nation, a miniature
of the parent factory. To do 80, however, would negate
economies of scale.
The case that follows centers on a Los Angeles customer
of an English company. The Californian company uses a
dozen generators per day, which it now receives by ocean
container once a week. The cost elements are detailed and
provide a basis for comparing air and sea freight.
Fresh-cut flowers, live lobsters, electronic components, and
jet engines are regularly shipped by airfreight, but ordinary
generators don't commonly fly! Nevertheless, the long ship-
ping route through the Panama Canal, combined with the
charge for only backhaul airfreight may make airfreight
viable for Ascendant.
Ascendant's director of physical distribution believes that
there might be grounds for negotiating a rate. He needs to
calculate the rate that would interest him in airfreight. If
the airline cannot better that threshold, there would be no
basis for further discussions.
But if the airline can better that threshold, his main task is
to devise a negotiating strategy with the airline that will
maximize the benefit Ascendant might realize.


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Ascendant Electric of England Ltd.
John Larson, Director of Physical Distribution at Ascendant
Electric of England, felt squeezed between a rock and a hard
place. During the late 1970s the value of the British pound
had risen because of North Sea oil and the government's tight
monetary policy, so the cost of Ascendant's products had
risen in terms of most world currencies. Simultaneously,
from Ascendant's sales manager in America, its most impor-
tant export market after Saudi Arabia, came request after
request that the company lower its prices or it would con-
tinue to lose market share to Japanese competitors. In June
1980 Larson was asked by Ascendant's managing director to
do whatever he could to reduce the logistics costs of shipping
the electrical generators from Ascendant's plant in Rugby,
England, to the V.S. West Coast.
The generators were transported by ship. Larson, while
visiting London, found himself in a conversation about
airfreight and had learned that Boeing 747 airfreighters are
fully laden on their flights from California to Britain, but
have excess space on their way back, for which airlines
charge lower backhaul rates. Larson wondered whether it
would be economical to airfreight Ascendant's generators
to California, and what negotiating strategy he could use.

Cost Review of Supplying Los Angeles Customer by Sea

Ascendant's main California customer was in Los Angeles.
The customer used a standard Ascendant generator in its
diesel generator sets, which it sold as emergency power
sources to hospitals, computer installations, and the like.
This customer was forecast to purchase 3,157 generators in
1982, each weighing 195 kilograms (429 pounds) and occupy-
ing 15 cubic feet when packed on a base.
Sixty-four generators could be packed snugly into an
8 X 8 X 20 foot container (7 ft. 8 in. wide X 7 ft. 2 in. high
X 19 ft. 4 in. long on the inside) and Ascendant shipped one
container approximately every week. Generators were sent
from the Rugby plant to a packing firm who installed a
wooden base to each generator and packed them into an
ocean container. This careful packing was designed to protect
the generators from the shocks of loading, unloading, and
handling. Larson collected the cost data on these shipments.
Sometimes he used accounting standard costs, at other times


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Logistics 149
he had to figure the cost himself:
Packing cost $8.10 per generator
U.K. inland freight $7.03 per generator
U.K. shipping tenninal cost $3.02 per generator
Vessels of the U.K. to U.S. West Coast Conference loaded
containers at the Port of Felixstowe on the English coast, and
passed through the Panama Canal before heading north to
Los Angeles. The conference rate for electrical generators
was $163/1000 kilograms, so the remaining out-of-pocket
costs were:
Ocean freight cost $31.78 per generator
Los Angeles tenninal charges $ 2.87 per generator
Out-of-pocket shipping payment $52.80 per generator
In addition to this out-of-pocket cost, Larson decided to es-
timate the opportunity cost of inventory in transit. Within As-
cendant, this was commonly called the "pipeline inventory."
At the Rugby works generators were being assembled so rapidly
that the once-weekly shipment to Los Angeles was only a
fraction of one day's production. Hence, no additional
inventory was ever accumulated at the Rugby plant, to be
eannarked for Los Angeles.
The conference steamship company was using fast 24-knot
vessels, and on first investigation it appeared that the inven-
tory transit time via the Panama Canal was only four weeks.
Subsequent analysis, however, revealed that the actual transit
time was longer. Palletizing 64 generators and packing a
container is not in itself time-consuming, but each job had
to take its place in the queue of work. Once packed, the con-
tainers were held awaiting transportation to Felixstowe. The
ships usually kept schedule, and in Los Angeles the con-
tainers were offloaded rapidly. But then they sat on the
dock, sometimes for days, until the customer took delivery.
The customer had to schedule the assembly of diesel
generator sets into his other manufacturing work, and had
fallen into the practice of taking delivery only as he needed
the generators, thus deferring the payment of customs duties
until he actually needed the goods.
Ten days after the container is landed portside the cus-
tomer is supposed to be charged demurrage at $40 per day.
However, the shipping companies did not charge demurrage
to Ascendant for fear that they would lose its business.
Nevertheless, there had never in the past been a need to
negotiate the tenns of sale around the question of precisely
when the customer took delivery. Larson wanted to make
sure that if the goods arrived in Los Angeles early, Ascendant

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150 Multinational Manufacturi"ll

would be paid that much earlier. He also was concerned that

once accustomed to accepting shipments by air, the customer
would suddenly specify that the shipments arrive by sea, and
demand a price reduction equal to the difference between the
published rates for airfreight and ocean liners.
Mindful of these points, Larson analyzed the pipeline
inventory from Rugby to Los Angeles. The actual average
transit time from Rugby to the customer's Los Angeles plant
was close to six weeks. Ascendant's standard accounting
costs of manufacture was $1,680 per generator and Ascen-
dant's cost of capital was 25 percent per annum. Therefore,
the pipeline inventory cost was $48.50 per generator.

Thinking about Air{reight

Larson reviewed these costs to determine which ones would
no longer be incurred if Ascendant switched to airfreight.
The British packing firm that did such a thorough job of
installing bases and packing generators into containers at
$8.10 per generator quoted $12 per generator for packing
on specially designed airfreight bases, each weighing 21
kilograms. To Larson this price smacked of gilding the lily.
He felt sure that palleting could be developed that would be
cheaper than ocean packaging.
Inland transportation to Heathrow Airport would cost
$9.88 per generator. The goods would be flown directly
to Los Angeles where they would clear U.S. customs and be
available to the customer two days following shipment from
Airfreight was currently used as a means of transport only
as a backup in case of production delays or when unforeseen
orders had to be filled in a hurry - anything less than the six
weeks' ocean transit time. Larson was therefore uncertain
as to whether Ascendant's American sales manager would be
able to ask for a higher price for generators delivered by air
to Los Angeles. On the one hand, the customer would be able
to reduce working inventory because a daily air shipment
would replace a weekly ocean shipment. On the other hand,
the lack of a backup service would obligate the customer to
carry a larger safety stock of generators. Larson put this
question aside temporarily, as he proceeded to structure his
negotiating position with the airlines.
Boeing 747 freighters are loaded in the belly with many
containers of standard sizes. Among the larger standard
pallets is one 10 ft. 5 in. long by 7 ft. 4 in. wide and 8

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----c=::-=-::::-:-::"_c:-.~_:'.____ . - - - - - - - - - . - - - .--

Logistics 151

Cost Cost per pallet

- - . , . . . - - - - - - Cost per 100 kilograms



Pivot point between volume and weight charges.

feet high. A pallet can be rolled into the aircraft through

its nose, and locked into place. So long as the pallet is packed
with heavy items on the bottom, ordinary strapping is suffi-
cient to hold the load.
The airline pricing system is to charge per pallet up to a
"pivot point" weight, and to charge by weight thereafter.
The pivot point density for wide-body jet aircraft is about
ten pounds per cubic foot.
Through business friends in the freight business, Larson
learned that from Britain to Los Angeles, air cargo density
averaged only 4 pounds per cubic foot. Each Ascendant
generator weighed 195 kilograms (429 pounds) and occupied
15 cubic feet, a cargo density of 28.6 pounds per cubic
foot. Larson realized that Ascendant would have to use a
freight forwarder to consolidate cargo. Ascendant's Los
Angeles customer required approximately ten generators
per day. If these were loaded onto one pallet it would weigh
4,290 pounds, and the engines would occupy 150 cubic
feet. This would leave 560 -150 = 410 cubic feet for general
cargo which the freight forwarder could load on top of the
generators on the pallet. The general cargo would weigh
about 410 X 4 = 1,640 pounds. The weight of the generators
plus the weight of the general cargo would therefore total
5,930 pounds, close enough to the airline's pivot point
density of 10 pounds per cubic foot if the forwarder loaded
lighter items.
Ascendant would negotiate a special deal with an established
freight forwarder for whom this steady business would aug-
ment their existing airfreight flow sufficiently to negotiate
with an airline for a reduction in freight rates.

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152 Multinational Manufacturing

Nego tiating Strategy

Having collected this data, Larson needs to calculate the
threshold airfreight rate that Ascendant could just afford to
pay. Clearly, he wants to negotiate a much lower rate.
Because Boeing 747s usually fly to California with space
available, an airline's threshold rate would be determined by
the marginal cost of fuel consumed by a very slightly heavier
plane, approximately five cents per pound ($21.45 per
generator) according to one unreliable source. The difference
between these two threshold rates would be the benefits to
be divided by Ascendant, the forwarder, and the airline.
Larson sits at his desk, calculating the ceiling rate that
Ascendant could afford to pay. Now he paces his office,
thinking out a strategy that will hold most of the benefits
for Ascendant.

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Ask the manufacturing manager of a subsidiary to identify his most im-
portant problem, and he will likely respond by describing union relations
and worker morale. These are his problems, not the problems of head-
quarters. From a headquarters viewpoint hisjob is to enhance productivity
and meet schedules. He must notify headquarters when he is going to run
the risk of a strike, when he has problems meeting quality, or when any
other phenomena affect the global production network. If a subsidiary
production manager is having trouble coping, the rest of the network
can accommodate his erratic output, but it cannot solve his problems.
The three chapters of this section deal with the global production net-
work as a system. The chapters build on one another, with logistics
coming first. In a multinational corporation, the global logistics depart-
ment is never large and is rarely powerful. The importance of logistics
lies in the fact that if it is poorly managed the interaction between manu-
facturing and marketing will sour. The perfect logistics department is
staffed by unsung heroes.
The three sections of this chapter are sequenced to accord with the
Gruber, Mehta, and Vernon (1967) international product life cycle.
During the first phase the newly developed product is exported from
the home market. During the second phase the rate of product innovation
slows (the product becomes more mature) and a network of plants can be
built around the world. In the third and final phase for a long-established
product, the inefficient plants (usually those where the product was first
built) may be closed to rationalize production.

First Phase: Product·Centered View of Logistics (Ethnocentric)

During the first phase of a product life cycle, when exports are shipped
from a central factory, foreign customers are usually charged for freight
plus import duty. Actually the true cost of logistics between two points is
the algebraic sum of 15 costs. Let us consider a manufacturer shipping by
ocean liner. The logistics costs from factory to sales affiliate abroad is
the sum of:
1. Extra inventory at the factory
2. + Packing
3. + Transport to dock and loading fees
4. + Paperwork
5. + Transportation charge of ocean liner or airline
6. + Inventory en route and waiting to clear customs
7. + Customs broker charge and other paper work


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8. + Import duty
9. + Repackaging if necessary
10. + Inspection at the sales outlet
11. + Delivered inventory
12. - Export incentives
13. - Duty drawbacks
14. + Quotas
15. + Customer uneasiness about products imported from this nation
Between most pairs of ports the flow is so small that a corporation often
signs a contract with a freight forwarder to take care of all the paperwork
and to consolidate the shipments of several corporations into one container.
An ocean container is a large box (8 X 8 X 40 feet or 8 X 8 X 20 feet on
routes with more dense cargo) which provides good protection from both
ocean spray and pilferage. Nevertheless, even if a freight forwarder issues
one bill for all his services, the cost elements still exist. Therefore, the
discussion will proceed as if the corporation handled its own paperwork,
its own consolidation, and as if it is shipping on a regular schedule, say

Extra Inventory Inside Factory

There would be no need for extra factory inventory if this route were a
minor share of factory output, if shipping were daily, and if deviations
from plan never occurred in either the shipping schedule or the quantity
shipped. Often the factory has to carry additional inventory to ensure the
additional shipments and to accumulate enough product to fill a container.
Capital is tied up in this inventory. The inventory carrying cost depends
on cost of liquid assets of the subsidiary (discussed in Chapter 3).

Most cargo is packed into containers to reduce the cost of breakage,
spoilage, or theft; most shipping charges are based on volume, not weight,
unless the shipment is very dense. One of the advantages of standard
container sizes is that it has become worthwhile to analyze how to package
items so that you can squeeze the largest number of units into the con-
tainer. Nevertheless, to pack 2,000 cubic feet of cargo into an 8 X 8 X 40
foot container is considered to be excellent packing.

Inland Transportation and Loading Fees

This cost can frequently be negotiated. As an export incentive, govern-
ments and transportation systems (both ocean liners and railways) fre-
quently subsidize inland export shipments. Nevertheless, one gets the
impression that so much executive time is spent on negotiating and

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Logistics 155

renegotiating these concessions that the cost of executive time should

be added into the inland fees. To reduce inland transportation charges
a corporation can locate adjacent to container ports or airports.
Container port authorities have found that there are few economies
of scale beyond 10,000 containers per month. However, the substantial
economies up to that level result in relatively few container ports around
the globe. If national subsidiaries of a multinational corporation are to
specialize in producing just a few products (importing the balance of the
product line using a large number of containers per month) new factories
should be located at the container ports.

Export Documentation and Insurance

To many corporate export traffic departments, logistics means "almost
four yards of forms simply to get a single export consignment out of the
U.S." (Leach, 1969). In the past there has been resistance to the com-
puterization of export form filling since the forms are constantly changing.
However, now that computer form-setting languages are more flexible,
computerization is increasing. The complication with export documen-
tation is that it has to be done with an eye to maneuvering liquid assets,
both altering transfer prices and making intersubsidiary loans by leading
or lagging shipments and their payments.
The shipment must be insured. This provides a minor opportunity to
maneuver liquid assets because coverage can be placed with an insurer
in the exporting nation, in the importing nation, or in a third nation in-
surance center such as Switzerland or Britain. From Chapter 3 we know
by how much the company's cost of capital will differ in each nation; if
the insurance can be written in a currency other than that in which the
premium is paid, it may be particularly worthwhile to consider where
to place the insurance.

Transportation Charge
Liner conferences are price cartels. They originated when steam replaced
sail and the overabundance of fast tonnage led to drastic price cutting
in efforts to gain or retain customers. In 1875 shipowners on the London-
Calcutta route agreed on rates for certain cargos so that they could all
show a profit. Liner cartel pricing was and is encouraged by governments.
The U.S. Justice Department exempts conferences from antitrust laws,
and in many nations government-owned liners are conference members.
There are now more than 300 conferences. All have rules that provide
for unified action to prevent outside competition, uniform rates for the
various classes of cargo, and limits on internal competition.
In the past, when an outside shipowner challenged a conference with
lower rates, he faced the menace of a "fighting ship." Such a ship, sub-

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156 Multinational Manufacturing

sidized by conference members, would undercut the outsider, forcing him

out of business. (However, when a well-financed outsider threatened to
challenge the conference, the potential loss was so great that the outsider
may have been urged to join the conference.) However, by the U.S.
ShippingActof1916,fightingshipswere barred from U.S. ports. American
conferences now depend on loyalty agreements. In exchange for a 10 to
15 percent discount, the shipper agrees to send all of his goods on a con-
ference ship. Nevertheless, the discount is repaid only after year end and
should therefore be discounted by the cost of capital. During the 19708
the Soviet Union built up its merchant marine and shaved prices to attract
more business. There was very little that the Western conferences could do
to retaliate apart from warning of the dangers of becoming dependent on
the Soviet Union.
Uniform rates per item are charged by each liner within a price cartel.
But every item has a different rate because the conference is a discriminat-
ing monopolist, charging what the market will bear for that item. A cargo
that has never been shipped before will be charged a very high rate because
it is "not otherwise specified" or, in container terminology, it is "freight
of all kinds." The shipper's traffic department must then petition for a
reclassification and is usually expected to divulge what otherwise might
be considered privileged information: the fmn's incremental costs of
manufacture, market forecasts, and the degree of price competition in the
market area from local and imported goods. In other words, conferences
set rates in accordance with marginal elasticitie~ of demand for shipping
space (Officer, 1971).
Cargo classifications proliferate because shippers differ in bargaining
power. All shippers must be charged the same rates for a cargo classifica-
tion. However, a skillfully written classification can exclude items of
most other shippers.

Particular shippers may be given special concessions, which are nonnally secret,
either directly in the fonn of reduced rates or indirectly by classifying particular
cargo items into a lower rate class than that prescribed i~ the tariff; for example,
virtually identical cargoes from different shippelS may be classified differently on
the basis of slight differences in packaging or in technical description. (Liner Con-
ference System, 1968, p. 45)

Attention to cargo classification is vital, as illustrated by Devanney

(1972). "The Atlantic and Gulf/West Coast of South America tariff lists
14 different types of wax, each with a different freight rate, and six
types of water (abrated, corn steep, distilled, mineral, toilet, and 'not
otherwise specified') with rates varying from $51/ton to $186/ton."
"Not otherwise specified" cargo pays the highest rate. To sustain such dis-
crimination each commodity definition has to be precise, legalistic, and
long-one conference's book is 300 pages long. And there are more than
300 conferences.
Internal competition is limited to speed and service. Writing about the

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Logistics 157

West U.S.A.-Japan Conference, Devanney (1972) explained that "the

U.S. owners had fought the then very high speed (21 knots) of the
Mariners on cost grounds, but the U.S. Navy insisted on this capability
for defense purposes [subsidies were involved]. After putting the ships
in operation the U.S. owners found they could attract the greater bulk
of the trade. The Japanese responded with illegal rebates until they could
place still faster ships on the service."
Internal competition in service occurred during the North Atlantic rate
war when some companies gave illegal rebates such as absorbing inland
rail cost in the name of "through service." This additional service was in
response to the threat of competition by speed when Seatrain bought
four huge 27 -knot Euroliners, and Sea-Land ordered eight aa-knot
SL-7s. This is not an example of admirable technological progress because
cost rises as the fourth power of speed. Oil tankers, whose cargo is probably
as valuable as general liner cargo, operate at only about 15 knots.
Because of the rising price of fuel, conferences are raising prices across
the board through a fuel surcharge. A fuel surcharge is applied to all ships
in the conference regardless of their rates of fuel consumption, so the gas
turbine-powered Euroliners and SL-7s were moth balled and then sold as
troop ships.

Inventory En Route and Awaiting Customs

Just as delivery of a surface parcel to another nation takes a surprisingly
long time, so do shipments of goods. Loaded railway boxcars travel an
average of 1 hour per day. At the port the cargo awaits its paperwork
and its ship. As a deliberate nontariff barrier, customs officers may
systematically delay clearance: in the late 1970s Japanese customs officers
were delaying some imports for over a month. Shipments inland are said
to get lost for ridiculous reasons - the address may be inadequate or the
script indecipherable by the locals. During all this time the inventory
holding cost accumulates.

Customs Broker and Other Paperwork

An unloaded cargo accumulates storage fees until all necessary paperwork
is complete. The company hires a customs broker to expedite this paper-
work. The broker's fees are usually charged on a value basis but the fee
is rarely significant, perhaps 0.5 percent with a minimum of $15, to write
documents for one item. Ince~tives for clearing customs more speedily
appear rare.

Import Duty
Each item in the product line has a customs classification in each nation
and hence a rate of import duty. For example, an item entering the

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158 Multinational Manufacturing

United States is classified into one of 45,000 generic classifications. Two

implications follow. First, if the item is not specifically mentioned in one
of the 45,000 classifications, then there is some room for debate as to
the classification under which it should enter. Second, although the items
in a product line are homogeneous in the eyes of a corporate designer,
segments of the product line may be classified differently by a customs
official, and differently again by a customs official in another nation. The
classification has a great effect on the rate of import duty. If a product
designer realized how his choices of materials and dimensions affected
tariff classifications, he might want to alter his design slightly, in function
or in aesthetics, to reduce total duty paid to the world. The difficulty is
that time must be invested to transform the tariff classifications of the
world into a form usable for the designer of even one product line.
For each corporation, each item produced has a unique part number,
as does each subassembly, up to and including the finished product. With
the corporate part number is a description of the part that establishes its
customs classification and hence its rate of import duty. The corporation
may imd it worthwhile to rewrite some of these descriptions. The descrip-
tions of parts do not necessarily have to accord with their final use. For
example, the U .S. tariff schedule specifically classifies "plastic artificial
flowers" and assigns them a 32 percent ad valorum rate. A "snap-on"
flower would seem to be a "plastic artificial flower:' but if the flower
has not yet been snapped onto the stem, both may be classified as "plastic
components:' which enter at a 20 percent rate of duty. Nevertheless, that
12 percent duty difference would have been obviated if the designer
had enlivened his flowers with any non plastic material. The creative
challenge is to develop a thesaurus which deimes the components of
artificial flowers as plastic components.
Of the 140 tariff systems in the world, all but India, Czechoslovakia,
Canada, and the United States use the Brussels Tariff Nomenclature
(BTN). The European Economic Community's common external duty
was to be a simple average of the member nation's duty for each item. To
implement that, each member's tariff system had to be translated into a
single common nomenclature, an effort that required several years and
was performed in Brussels. It is commonly thought that the BTN classifies
items uniformly in all adopting nations. This is true only up to a four-
digit identification number BTN xx.xx For example,
BTN 84.62 Ball, roller, or needle bearings.
BTN 84.63 Transmission shafts, cranks, bearing housings, plain shaft
bearings, gears and gearing (including friction gears and
gear-box and other variable speed gears), flywheels,
pulleys and pulley blocks, clutches and shaft couplings.
BTN 84.65 Machinery parts, not containing electrical connectors,
insulators, coils, contacts, or other electrical features and
not falling within any other headings in this chapter.

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Logistics 159

The four-digit classifications are, in essence, standard worldwide and serve

to prevent gerrymandering of descriptions. Within each four-digit classi-
fication each individual nation creates its own subclassifications to create
its six-digit classification. Duty is imposed at the level of the six-digit
classification. Hence uniformity does not exist and a company part
number usually has a different BTN six-digit classification in each nation.
In addition to the corporate part number, its description, and its six-
digit classification code into each importing nation, a corporation should
also be aware of the exporting nation as there may be special tariff treat-
ments such as:
1. Most favored nation treatment (almost all nations in GATT).
2. Common markets.
3. Common markets with quotas.
4. Duty drawbacks.
5. Local content or common market content requirements.
The multilateral tariff negotiations signed in 1979 resulted in a reduction
in most import duties of most nations. Nevertheless, during the years of
negotiations, government officials of all nations appear to have taught each
other subtle nontariff barriers to trade.

Repackaging and Inland Transportation

This leg of the journey is uninteresting and few corporations bother to
analyze it. Thus there is often a tendency for overcharging to occur.

Inspection at Subsidiary and Shrinkage

A persistent anxiety surrounds the inspection of import containers. In
subsidiary after subsidiary, managers worry about receiving the wrong
item and tell stories of having received spare parts for a different model,
or equipment that had not been tropically treated. Little control can be
exercised when such distances are involved: the subsidiary is dependent
on the accuracy of the factory packers. Because of the delay between
packing and unpacking, it is very difficult to set up an incentive system
that provides meaningful feedback to the packers in the factory.
Shrinkage is a polite term for items stolen, smashed, or spoiled (by salt
spray, for example). Containers have greatly reduced pilferage by dock
workers, which used to be a problem with, among other cargoes, liquor
shipments. Cargo can get smashed within a container just as eggs can
crack in a carton. For example, compared to ocean transport, rail trans-
port imposes more severe shock loads and vibration damage if there is
severe shunting and poor road beds.

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160 Multinational Manufacturing

The appropriate inventory models to use in the subsidiary are those that
depict a stochastic lead time (a probability distribution between order
entry and receipt of the goods). The amount of inventory held on average
can decrease if:
1. The subsidiary sales are predictable and controllable.
2. Replenishment shipments are frequent.
3. The lead time is predictable.
4. Accurate packing is persistently expected.
5. There are several alternate factories producing the item, lest produc-
tion at one be disrupted.
6. Airfreight could be used to expedite emergency shipments.
7. There are several possible suppliers within the nation lest import per-
mits be suspended.
8. The subsidiary has enough managers who can spend time managing
Discretionary inventory is kept at both the factory and the subsidiary.
Most inventory should be kept at the subsidiary. However, three offsetting
factors are the interest cost on paying logistics charges earlier, the possi-
bility that the corporation may suddenly quit this nation, and the possibil-
ity of having to reexport if a sister subsidiary has stocked out.

Export Incentive Programs (A Possible Deduction)

Most governments aid their exporters. Cizaskas (1976) described the
export credit insurance and financing systems of the major trading coun-
tries. The French system provides an interesting example of a diversified
credit program within a complex pattern of state participation and
support. A French exporter may obtain insurance against political and
commercial losses covering 80 to 90 percent of the credit he extends to
foreign buyers of French goods. Unlike most other national export
rmancing programs, the French system also provides for its exporters
protection against specified exchange rate losses, reimbursement of
inflationary price increases, and the availability of public "concessional"
funds for large projects undertaken by French firms in developing countries.
An exporter usually wants total cash now. This cash is provided by the
export development bank. The foreign buyer usually wants to stretch out
payments. This the export development bank allows. For example, the
exporter might receive FF4 million now, and the foreign buyer promises
to make a specified sequence of payments, for example $200,000 per
annum for each of the next 5 years. The exporter and foreign buyer can
both be subsidiaries of the same multinational corporation. The corpora-
tion must focus on the sequence of cash flows received by the exporting
subsidiary and paid by the importing subsidiary. The difference between

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the present values of these two cash flows (discounted using dual variables
as discussed in Chapter 3) is the dollar export incentive to be deducted
from this logistics cost calculation.

Drawbacks lJiiduction)
foreign submi23kiffibliki23 may be built kiXport order.
think of that wzz:ve l1beZ23ad for assembly
United States. ixclude electronic
in Taiwnx lJffierican Motoxz: hiwing its enginz123
assembled in Mexico.) The government charges duty only on the value
that was added abroad. The U.S. Customs Service interpretation of Item
807.00 states:

1. Item 807.00 applies if no operation is performed on the exported U.S. compo-

x23nts except for othercomponenvz completed articln'
ffxample, by (z:znne«nsers attached to by solderizih
horm radios), by ey sewing to fozfff
hzcffizents), or by gluing, or

There is no using some components anh

materials together with the U.S. components in the assembly process. However,
only those U.S. components meeting all requirements of Item 807.00 are eligible
for deduction under Item 807.00.

Each nation makes and administers its own rules on duty drawbacks. Such
drawback bnducted from cost (after
nnYffi:ed by the conh f'neordkeeping and and discoun tieg
duty drawbacb the time lag duty was paid
hime the drawbeed

Quotas and Local Content Laws (Use the Cost Equivalent)

Many nations select certain industries on which to impose import quotas,
local content requirements, industrial benefits to offset military purchases
from abroad, and the like. A quota is usually imposed to protect a declin-
industry. Local ee:zquirements stirmdete hmwing industry
eeyniring that a hYe value added 230ld in the countey
be local. value added nhen there is
each that nation mU23i
dfset by expolJe: the import. WYen
a government makes a large purchase of sophisticated equipment (e.g.,
weapons) it frequently attempts to have some subassemblies made locally;
items of an equivalent skill category which are exported may also be
considered offsets.

Digitized e
162 Multinational Manufacturing

Customer Uneasiness over Products Imported

(rom This Nation (Add Cost)
There are prejudices against (and occasionally for) imports from specific
nations. Market research should be conducted in each nation to determine
the price discount an item commands for each possible nation of origin.

The sum of these 15 costs divided by the quantity shipped equals the
logistics cost from the factory to the sales subsidiary.
If the cost of capital is high, and if the corporation is comparing ship-
ment from a nearby factory with shipment from a cheaper factory on
the other side of the world, it may be worthwhile to compute the costs
more precisely by including the time value of money. Thus there are two
more considerations: the flow of actual cash outflows incurred in making
the shipment and how long the journey lasts. With large, infrequent
shipments, the interest accumulates on the inventory on the ill"St day
that it is sold. We would like to compute the total unit cost of the
First, on a time line as in Exhibit 5.2, mark all the actual expenditures
incurred for this shipment. This pinpoints the costs relating to each ship-
ment of inventory. Assume that the sales subsidiary keeps its inventory
on a first-in, first-out basis. Work backwards through time to when the
shipment cleared customs (mark on the time line when the duty actually
had to be paid), and back to the time this shipment was manufactured. All
those cash outflows on the time line, future valued to the day of first
use, constitute the delivered cost of this shipment. Present value these
costs to one datum point; the day of first use is most convenient.
In the geocentric section it will be seen that a company might consider
chartering its own ships. If it does, a ship is so huge and the route between
subsidiaries will have so many legs that the time value of money should be

Ocean Inland
Pack freight freight Usage period
Store Duty store IIIIIIII
f~:':~ I'"' "'' '
i i" " " " " , • Time

Cash outlays to present value.

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Second Phase: Subsidiary.Centered View of Logistics (Polycentric)

During the second phase of a product life cycle, plants are constructed
abroad. The marketing manager of each nation vies for a plant. In his
striving, he is motivated to underplay logistics.
Let us stand in the shoes of a marketing manager who has spent the best
part of his life building a loyal market he and his company can be proud
of. Wholesalers and retailers know the company sales force and the
standards it represents. Both company and customer resist temptations to
cheat since they know the company is committed to stay. Let us pursue
a medical image. A sales organization depends on products for its life
support system. Only if the supply is adequate can the sales organization
live. If the product supply fails, there is no way in which the company
can avoid a depletion of goodwill through its entire channel of distribu·
tion. Furthermore, interruption of supply gives hostile competitors the
opportunity to increase market share by signing up distributors.
One may reasonably predict that the sales manager abroad would prefer
to have a factory in the safety of his territory. To this end he will con-
vince himself and attempt to convince headquarters that his customers
feel vulnerable without a local source of supply. All governments encourage
local manufacture (import substitution), although the apparent serious-
ness of their urgings must be gauged with care. We might expect the sales
manager to pass on to headquarters full reports of such urging. We might
even suspect him of dropping involuntary clues to the government agency
to state their requirements in the strongest diplomatic language. We might
further expect the sales manager to magnify the significance of corporate
errors. Of the thousands of containers he may receive in a year there will
inevitably be errors in packing and in the delivery schedule. Instead of
coping with these, we may expect him to exaggerate some of the difficulties.
It is said that every senior manager at one time or another has had to
put his job on the line and threaten to resign unless his request is met. We
may expect that the sales manager will time his threats to coincide with
occasions when the corporation depends on his profit contribution. In
the face of such pressures and in the absence of a strong analytical
staff to assert cost analyses to the contrary, a polycentric corporation
will have a proliferation of small local plants and hence international
logistics will not be a major corporate concern. Those few items that are
shipped between nations will be those on which no major sales commit-
ment has been established and for which even a sales manager cannot
deny the economies of centralized manufacture.
In a polycentric corporation, the logistics manager is under constant
scrutiny. His every mistake is enlarged out of proportion by those who wish
he did not exist. New plants are being constructed and so logistics flow
patterns are being changed continuously. Worse yet, any delay in the


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164 Multinational Manufacturing

scheduled start-up of a new plant means that logistics contracts have to be

revised. In all this confusion some shipments get lost and hence it is
essential that the logistics manager maintain personal contact with freight
forwarders, shipping companies, customs brokers, and so on.
To cope with this detail it is common for a corporation to hire rate
clerks from the carriers. A former clerk, hired for this expertise, tends
to see his job as monitoring freight rates and tracking lost shipments
rather than planning a logistics network. One might also predict that
such individuals would use the mystique of detail as a protective shield
for their jobs. Many export traffic departments are overwhelmed by
paperwork, and their managers burden themselves by measuring their out-
put in meters of forms. In order to cope it may be sensible to study how
banks and stock brokers process paperwork, using ideas developed by
industrial engineers to organize factory work flow.

Third Phase: Geocentric View of Logistics

In the final phase of the product life cycle, inefficient plants may be
closed. Production will be rationalized. If several product divisions are
shipping between two ports, it is advantageous to coordinate their ship-
ments to keep a steady flow of full containers. Specifically, the corpora-
tion may be able to bargain with the carriers for a price cut or justify a
staff study of cheaper means of shipping.
Planners in geocentric corporations foresee a substantial increase in
intercorporate shipments of subassemblies and products. For decades
governments of developing nations have required that multinationals
build a local factory to produce part of their product line as the price
of admission to their national market. Miniature plants still abound, but
cost pressure is forcing corporations to build for economies of scale. The
emerging outcome is a network of single-product plants, one per nation,
each exporting most of its production while importing the rest of the
product line from the network members. More intercorporate shipments
imply a busier and more important corporate traffic department. Are
traffic departments ready for the task ahead? Unfortunately not: Some
tend to see logistics not as decision making but as paperwork.
Most corporations draw a sharp distinction between sales and market-
ing. Some salesmen have the wrong personalities for marketing. A similar
distinction should be drawn between freight specialists such as the fonner
rate clerks and logistics planners. A geocentric corporation needs a logis-
tics planning staff. The staff has two tasks: to reduce costs between each
pair of ports and to record these costs (current and projected) as a set of
computer-based transportation tableaux (one per major product category)
that link all plants to all markets.

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Logistics 165

First Task: Reduce Logistics Cost Between Each Pair of Ports

Corporate analysts are disturbed by the disparity between the traffic
department's opaqueness as to why costs are so high and a consultant's
claim that "a modem bulk carrier can transport one ton of cargo around
the world at costs no greater than non bulk transport costs from New
York to Philadelphia" (Jones, 1971). Perhaps the liners should be replaced
and the corporation should charter its own general cargo vessels. A design
engineer's viewpoint may be needed to cost estimate all the routes from a
factory to a market. The first and most creative step is to envision all the
possible routes from a factory to a market. Replace rail by truck or barge.
Use a different port to evade a grasping carrier. Realize that the trans-
Siberian railroad charges 40 percent less than ocean shipment (via the
Suez Canal) between Europe and Japan. Consider daily airfreight to
eliminate inventory. Consider a slight redesign of the product to better
fit the classification categories of customs, ocean liners, or ground trans-
portation. A corporation also needs a tough bargainer who can bluff his
way to rate concessions.
Freight rates per ton mile vary so widely that imaginative planning may
be highly rewarded. The rising cost of fuel will continue to raise the rates
cited by Jones, but their relative magnitudes (and certainly their ranking)
are persisting.
Mode Cost per ton mile
Modem heavy trucks 0.80-2.00 cents U.S.
Railroad hopper cars 1.00-1.20
Unit trains 0.50-0.80
Inland tugs and barges 0.20-3.00
Liner conference vessels 0.10-1.20
Chartered bulk vessels 0.03-0.06
If the corporation is now using liner conference vessels, the logistics
planning staff should consider other means. The first step is to consider
a contract of affreightment.
A contract of affreightment is for a specified quantity of cargo to be
carried, not on a named vessel, but on any vessel the carrier chooses. A
corporation with adequate production plans (see Chapter 6) may be willing
to commit itself to a certain flow of cargo, usually an annual flow with
monthly maxima and minima. It then can shop among shipowners to find
one or more who will contract to carry its shipments. Usually the minor
shipowners who operate slow ships will be most interested. There are
possible legal constraints (Manca, 1971), but there are also hundreds of
variants to a contract of affreightment (Hill, 1974).
Fundamental to every analysis of ocean logistics is the need to translate
risks and uncertainties into higher average inventory levels so that an
analyst can estimate the cost of providing the same effective service. By
signing a contract of affreightment the corporation receives a 15 to 30
percent discount from liner rates. On the other hand the less frequent

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166 Multir&4ti0r&41 Manufacturing

affreightment service necessistates larger corporate inventories. Even

safety stock inventory must be higher because makeup shipments sent by
liners will not receive the customary 10 to 15 percent loyalty discount.
The cost oflower flexibility, which is long term for a contract of affreight-
ment, may be lower than it appears. By locating plants and assigning
products, the corporation has implicitly committed itself to a predictable
need for tonnage. Step 1 of the solution procedure is to analyze the liner/
affreightment service decision for every transportation route the corpora-
tion uses. For every pair of ports i and j make the liner/affreightment
decision to calculate the total monthly cost of inventories, makeup ship-
ments, and payments to the carrier.
If all divisions of a corporation combined have enough cargo on certain
routes, the corporation can save money by chartering its own vessels.
Several multinational manufacturers have taken this step. "The export
orientation is dramatically underlined by Volkswagen's standing as a
naval power: the company runs an armada of seventy ships with a
capacity of over one million tons; the biggest private oceangoing charter
fleet in existence" (Ball, 1972). Let us distinguish among the different
kinds of charters (Chorley and Giles, 1980):
Bareboat Charters. In the case of a bareboat charter, a vessel is leased
without a crew. The corporation bears all the risk of ownership but can
subcharter if its demand estimates prove wrong. The corporation gets off-
balance-sheet financing, and the bareboat hire is a current expense.
Furthermore, there may be tax angles to consider.
Time Charters. These are the most frequently used method for chartering.
The corporation leases the ship with full crew, and as with bareboat hire,
it pays regardless of bad weather, port delays, or unavailability of cargo.
The shipowner bears only the risk of keeping the ship running; it is "off
hire" only when it cannot perform. Time charters, with durations of 3 to
20 years, are negotiated through brokers directly with the owners of the
"Spot" or Voyage Charter. Vessels are constantly becoming available in
almost every port, ready for instant employment. The shipowner supplies
crew and fuel and takes the risk of the weather; the company provides
the cargo and guarantees that loading and unloading will take no longer
than the contracted "laydays." Voyage charter agreements are usually
standard forms, but clauses can be added and deleted.
Charters of less than a year are commonly arranged through a market
such as the Baltic Shipping Exchange in London. Both time and spot
markets have been remarkably free of government interference, and
worldwide communication is excellent.

The telephone is always-literally always at hand. In the car, the bathtub, at the
exclusive restaurant with the permanently reserved table, the phone is the ship-

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Logistics 167

owner's lifeline .... "All I want is five minutes advance notice the first time the
Japanese steel industry falls 5% short of its goal. Just so I can fix my fleet long
term before the bottom drops out of the market." ... This is a world in which a
telephone commitment is a bond, a different, hard, calculating world. (Forbes,
August 1970, p. 20.)

Charters, contracts of affreightment, or airfreight each might reduce

logistics costs between two ports, but before this improvement can be
implemented, two conceptual changes are necessary. First, as traffic
departments receive larger capital appropriations they will have to be
penalized for the cost of delays and errors in shipments. It is little wonder
that subsidiary managers feel such anxiety at being dependent on im-
ported subassemblies. Though vessels hit storms, and manufacturing
plants are careless in what they pack, traffic departments should be
motivated to exercise ingenuity and vigilance; real penalties may en-
courage them.
Second, vessels are designed with an eye to conference carriers who
want maximum speed, subject to cost constraints. A corporate container
ship may cruise as slowly as an oil tanker, but the vessel must keep on
schedule in even the worst weather; this implies a hull designed for low
drag in high waves, a propulsion system with reserve power, and a reliability
analysis of optimal maintenance.
For purposes of production smoothing (Chapter 6) and plant location
(Chapter 7), analysts need forecasts of logistics costs. Whether the corpor-
ation owns or has long-term charters on its vessels, the logistics depart-
ment always has the option of spot chartering. Hence the price it quotes
should be this month's spot price, and an estimate of what the spot price
will be in each future period. Like a term structure of bond interest
rates, one can estimate the spot rate five years from now by comparing
five-year with four-year charter quotations for equivalent vessels.
Airfreight. Some flows may justify the chartering of vessels; other flows
may be better handled by airfreight. However, airfreight costs per mile
vary widely. The highest cost comes from the cost of an airfreight com-
pany operating jet freighters on this route and returning empty. The low
cost occurs on routes with a large passenger volume. Wide-body passenger
aircraft carry airfreight containers if their revenue exceeds the incremental
cost of fuel (the additional fuel caused by the heavier load). Both these
bounds are easy for an experienced analyst to estimate. Furthermore, the
bounds can be forecast to vary as the cost of jet fuel varies.
Actual airfreight rates vary between these bounds, occasionally rising
above what is considered the upper bound when a world crisis prompts
the utilization of all airfreighter capacity available, and the price is bid
higher temporarily.
If all cargo on a route went airfreight all the time it would be easy to
estimate the total of the 15 costs, and the service would also be relatively

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168 Multinational Manufacturing

easy to manage. It is much more usual to reserve airfreight for emergencies.

To have an airfreight backup allows a reduction in safety stock inven-
tories. Unfortunately, most human beings find it much more difficult to
manage with contingency plans of this kind. They demand resolution.

Second Task: Transportation Tableaux

The second task of the logistics group is to maintain computer-based
transportation tableaux. These will be used in Chapter 6 and Chapter 7.
Whenever two or more factories can produce an item, the logistics plan-
ning group has the problem of deciding which markets should be supplied
from which factories. The objective is to meet demands at the lowest
total logistics and production costs. The decisions to be made are the
output of each factory and the choice of factories to supply each market.
On a sheet of paper, layout a tableau with factories listed down the
side of the page, and markets across the top of the page. From each
factory (call it i), to each market (call it j), the 15 logistics costs have
been analyzed. The total logistics cost is Cij per unit (using Chapter 3
dual variables, expenditures in each currency have been converted to one
standard). List at the bottom of each column the latest demand estimates
dj for each market, for this item.
Each factory has a normal production rate for this item, Pi. The cost
of production is usually analyzed with fixed and variable components.
If the factory must produce faster than normal, the variable cost per unit
will usually be a little higher than it would be if production were below
normal. Only a certain rate of production above normal may be possible.
The transportation problem is a classic of operations research sketched
in Exhibit 5.3 as a reminder. Huge problems involving 10,000 markets and
500 factories can be solved in a minute of computer time. The solution is
a list of the amount to be shipped from each factory to each market
which minimizes the global production costs plus the logistics cost. In
other words, the computation cost is negligible compared with the cost of
thinking and establishing the logistics costs. Systematic data management
is needed because there is a separate transportation tableau for each major
item, solved using a separate forecast for each period into the planning
future. Keeping these updated with the latest estimates of costs and
demands allows the headquarters logistics group to give quick responses to
the daily problems and emergencies that arise, and to have a consistent
basis for planning.
The transportation tableau is a tool that will be used over and over again
throughout the rest of this book. In Chapter 6 the transportation tableau
will reallocate markets to plants as demands fluctuate. In Chapter 7 cost
minimizing reallocations will cost out each possible new plant site. In
Chapter 9 a needed input is the incremental landed cost at each market.
This comes from the transportation problem, where it is the dual variable
associated with that market demand (averaged over the time periods).

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, S;,;
Supplie;,; J MaiFz;,;?
.,.".bIOls. requir;,;m;,;;,;z;,;

Network for Transportation Problem.

• • •
• • •
• • •
m Xm1 Xm2 Xmn Sm

Demand: D1 D2 D3 ••• Dn

Global Transpurtutiun Tableau

Each F'zutwork can be uomputer as a

The logistics function in a multinational corporation is rarely large, nor is
transportation cost more than a small percentage of product cost. Neverthe-
less, neither of these observations should beguile one into underestimating
the usefulness of a well-managed logistics department. The profitability
of some multinationals depends on their ability to separate marketing
from manufacturing. To do so with calm assurance necessitates a reliable
and responsive logistics system.
It is more common to see the logistics function scattered over several
rival jUrisdictions within the corporation, staffed by former rate clerks
who have never been motivated to see the whole logistics cost. The
unfortunate consequences are that too many small plants are built,
sensible export markets are never launched, and periodic stock-outs
allow rivals to gain a larger market share. The payoffs in logistics manage-
ment are as asymmetric as they are in ambulance care. Improve a good
ambulance service, and the gain is hardly noticeable. But many ambulance
services are poor, and what a damnable waste that is.

Questions from Other Viewpoints

1. Corporate Rational Normative Global. You just covered this viewpoint
in the chapter.
2. Corporate Rational Normative Subsidiary. If a corporation managed its
own vessels rather than using liners, what adjustments would be required
in a subsidiary's inventory policy?
3. Corporate Rational Descriptive Global. Find the names of some manu-
facturing corporations that charter vessels to transport their own
4. Corporate Rational Descriptive Subsidiary. It appears to be common
practice for a subsidiary inventory manager to hold a high "safety
stock" inventory. Suppose a headquarters team is on its way to audit
your subsidiary's inventory practices. What information will they
probably request? Think of a way to present your analysis of the
information to highlight the unreliability of supply.
5. Corporate Emotional Normative Global. The impression one gets is
that shipowners engage in a high-risk business and are compensated by
a high return. What emotional problems arise in a corporation in
which different divisions face very different kinds of risks?
6. Corporate Emotional Normative Subsidiary. Shipping experts are
specialists in a difficult art, the mathematics of which would be
formidable if rational analysis were attempted. Shipping experts can
be emotionally committed to their subsidiary or can withdraw

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Logistics 171

(passive resistance) into their esoteric language and customs. Describe

how you would work to assure a climate of supervision so that these
vital specialists would not feel the need to withdraw.
7. Corporate Emotional Descriptive Global. Viewed as an investment, a
logistics department may yield an attractive long-run return but the
variance is high. Shipping has an esoteric language, its own traditions,
even its own legal system. So if corporate executives suspect that
something is being mismanaged within their shipping subsidiary they
cannot easily move in a new executive to straighten it out. Give two
examples of other such investments, and discuss how the corporate
executives manage them.
8. Corporate Emotional Descriptive Subsidiary. You are the ocean
traffic manager in a subsidiary of a polycentric corporation. From
headquarters comes word that the corporation may charter a few
ships, and will certainly start pressuring the steamship conferences.
Describe your feelings.
9. Societal Rational Normative Global. What social good comes from
there being both liners and chartered vessels? Develop your argument
tightly enough to be able to predict whether the system could exist
(wouldn't come unraveled) if one nation refused to enforce the
requisite commercial law . How about two nations?
10. Societal Rational Normative Subsidiary. Sometimes a government
feels that the liner conferences are overcharging to the point of
affecting its export trade. A commonly proposed remedy is that the
government buy ships and become a member of the conference so as
to share in its profits. Assume that the profits of the government
conference ships are devoted totally to subsidizing the exporters.
Under what conditions might the exporters gain more than they
would if the rates were reduced until the conference ships ran at
11. Societal Rational Descriptive Global. In your nation, when was the
most recent major government investigation into shipping conferences?
To find out, use the index of a major newspaper such as The New
York Times. Read about the conduct of the investigation. Write a
summary of the negotiating points on such topics as the supply of
vessel space, rate stability, import duties, and national security.
12. Societal Rational Descriptive National. A container port is a very
expensive investment, usually paid by a government or government
agency. Is there any evidence that any container ports are built as
a result of rational analysis?
13. Societal Emotional Normative Global. The motto of IBM World
Trade is "World Peace through World Trade." Under what world
conditions would this happen? Are there any conditions under which
war might be made more likely by trade?
14. Societal Emotional Normative Subsidiary. Your nation exports raw

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172 Multinational Manufacturing

materials and imports finished manufactures. Per ton freight rates on

raw materials are low and on manufactures are high. Denounce this
exploitation. (Be emotional with pinpoint focus by anticipating the
responses from shipping conferences and rebutting each with scorn.)
15. Societal Emotional Descriptive Global. Why do some people find
romance in ships and shipping?
16. Societal Emotional Descriptive National. Many nations have an air-
line as a "flag carrier." Imagine you are chairman of such an airline.
Select four problems whose solution is confounded by your being
a flag carrier. Select those that would cause you most apguish, and
describe the emotional content of each. (Do not go out and interview
anyone.) Feel free to use your powers of empathy and imagination.

Bibliography to Chapter 5

Ball, Robert, "Volkswagen Gets a Much Needed Tune Up," Fortune, March 1972.
Chorley, Lord and O.C. Giles, Shipping Law, 7th ed. (London: Pitman, 1980).
Cizaskas, Albert C., "French Exporters Are Backed by Diversified Credit Program,"
IMF Survey, June 7, 1976, p. 162.
CufOey, C.F.H., Ocean Freights and Chartering (London: Staples Press, 1962).
Devanney, John W., Ill, V.M. Livanos and R.J. Stewart, Conference RIlte-Making and
the West Coast of South America, Technical Report 72-1, Commodity Trans-
portation and Economic Development Laboratory, Massachusetts Institute of
Technology, 1972.
Goss, Richard, "Shipping Conferences," Journal of Transport Economics and Policy,
Vol. 5 (May 1971), pp. 173-183.
Gruber, William H., Dileep Mehta and Raymond Vernon, "The R & D Factor in Inter-
national Trade and International Investment of United States Industries," Joul7UJl
of Political Economy, Vol. 74,No.l (1967),pp. 207-215.
Hill, C.J.S., An Introduction to the Law of Carriage of Goods by Sea (London: Stan-
ford Marine Press, 1974).
Jones, Roger M., "Imagination in Bulk for the Seventies," Jones, Bardelmeir, Clements
and Co. Ltd., Nassau, Bahamas, 1971.
Leach, Rodney, "International Freight Transport Enters a New Era," McKinsey
Quarterly. Vol. 14 (Winter 1969), pp. 3-47.
Manca, Plinio, International Maritime Law, European Transport Law, 19,Justikiestraat,
Antwerp, Belgium, 1971 (especially "Affreightment" in Volume 11).
Metaxas, Bas N., The Economics of Tramp Shipping (New York: Oxford University
Press, 1971).
Officer, Lawrence H., "Monopoly and Monopolistic Competition in the International
Transportation Industry," Western Economic Journal, Vol. 9, No. 2 (1971),
pp. 134-156.

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Logistics 173

Terpstra, Vem,lntemational Marketing (New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, Inc.,
"The Billionaire Sealords," Forbes, Vot. 116, August 1, 1970, pp. 20-23.
The Liner Conference System, Report by the Secretariat of the Conference on Trade
and Development (UNCTAD), United Nations, New York, TD/B/C.4/38 (1968).
The Liner Conference System, Report by the Secretariat of the Conference on Trade
and Development (UNCTAD), United Nations, New York TD/B/C.4/62 Rev. 1
(1970) (Sales No. E70.70IID.9).
Williamson, OUver, Markets and Hierarchies (Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall,

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Production Smoothing

Introductory Note to the Case

Ford Motor Co. Ltd.

For years business schools and consultants have been analyz-

ing inventories to reduce the amount of unnecessary invest-
ment. Perhaps inventories now are too low. Certainly one
gets the impression that they were maintained at too Iowa
level during the merger of Ford's operations in West Germany
and the United Kingdom.
This case clearly poses a warning. A polycentric production
process will find ways to resist central coordination. The
lesson of the case is to expect this difficulty, plan for it, and
move deliberately but with carefully anticipated contin-
gency plans. A reorganization can be perceived as a capital
This case describes Ford's European car. Ford now markets
a world car, with many subassemblies identical even though
made at different factories around the world. The kinds of
problems described in the case will always exist. How they
are anticipated and managed determines the benefit that can
flow from global production smoothing.

Ford Motor Co. Ltd.

To hear officials of some multinational companies talk, there
is a surefire success formula for any large corporation with
By WWiam M. Carley. The Wall Street Journal, Febnaary 20.1974. Reprinted by
permt.ion of The Wall Street Journal, © Dow Jone. and Co •• Inc •• 1974. All
rilbu reterved.


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Production Smoothing 175

global facilities. First of all, they say, the multinational

should unify its product lines around the world to obtain
mass production efficiency. Second, it should make its parts
wherever such manufacturing is most economical. Third, it
should focus its sales efforts on countries where markets
are growing fastest. The result, say the formula's proponents,
is a maximization of profits.
If all this sounds reasonable, not to say obvious, one might
consider the fact that Ford Motor Co. has been following just
that formula in recent years and is finding that the scheme
isn't as surefire as it seems. This by no means implies that the
giant automaker is thinking of abandoning its integrated ap-
proach; however, it does mean that Ford is rmding some
major flaws in the approach - a finding that is emphasized by
talking to Gerd Maletz, an owner of one of the biggest Ford
dealerships in Germany.
''Take spare parts," Mr. Maletz says. "An engine for one
Ford model now must come from Britain, and we may wait
months for it. And if the British workers are on strike - and
they're always on strike-we wait and wait and wait. We
could get a German engine in a couple of days. "
Nor does Mr. Maletz think much of the quality of the cars
produced by Ford's integrated manufacturing plants in Eu-
rope. "If you buy a new Granada (the top of Ford's Euro-
pean line), for the first 10,000 kilometers it seems very quiet,
smooth and solid," he says. "But then there's a rattle here,
and something goes wrong there, and you begin to run into
all kinds of problems. We're having trouble selling the car."
In short, the integration of international operations can
bring a host of problems along with the benefits. For Ford,
integration in Europe has meant some huge cost savings. At
the same time, however, the move has meant snarled produc-
tion lines, soured labor relations, quality and delivery prob-
lems and, in some countries (especially Germany), a major
decline in market share.
And the experience has had a major impact on the totality
of Ford Motor Co. Last year, Ford's European operations
accounted for about 25 percent of the company's world-
wide production of 5.7 million cars and trucks. Ford's two
principal European subsidiaries, Ford of Britain and Ford
of Germany, together accounted for 20 percent of their
parent's 1972 revenues of $20.2 billion and about 14 percent
of the company's profit of $870 million. If it weren't for all
the problems in Europe, these percentages, especially the
contribution to profit, would have been much larger.

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176 Multinational Manufacturing

Be that as it may, many multinational companies around

the world still favor integrating their far-flung operations, and
this is particularly true of those American multinationals that
went on a shopping spree for foreign companies in the 1960s.
"We have no choice," says a vice president of one American
company that plans to follow Ford's footsteps in integrating
European operations. ''We have to have common products
so we can go for cheap mass production. It's too expensive
to manufacture on a country-by-country basis-you can't
do that much longer without going broke."

A Matter of Economy
This vice president, as well as other officials connected with
American multinationals, would do well to take a close look
at the experience of Ford, which decided on integration in
1967. At the time, the company's rationale for so doing
seemed sound indeed: Integration would avoid unnecessarily
duplicating the amount-some $100 million -that it costs to
engineer and produce a new auto model. "There's no sense
spending that a dozen times or more for each country in
Europe, when you need spend it only once," explains Gordon
Guthrie, general sales manager of Ford's German subsidiary.
So Ford decided to produce just one European line in place
of the completely different cars that used to be turned out
by its British and German plants. And the single line began
to reduce costs in another way, since the company began to
buy parts in bigger volumes - meaning lower prices - from
its outside suppliers.
Along with its integration of production, Ford also moved
to shift its marketing emphases from countries like Britain,
where auto sales were languishing in the 1960s due to govern-
ment credit controls, to countries like France and Italy,
where sales were growing. "In countries where markets were
static, we had some of our strongest and most imaginative
management teams; in other countries where the opportunities
for expansion were greater, we had much smaller resources,"
Stanley Gillen, then chairman of the integrated operation
(called Ford of Europe), told a company management meet-
ing in 1971.

The Early Stages

To achieve integration, Ford began to weave a complex
manufacturing web that stretched from its big plants in

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Production Smoothing 177

Britain and Germany to its smaller units in Belgium, France,

Ireland, the Netherlands, and Portugal. It was planned that
some units would make parts, some would assemble finished
autos, and some would do both, with the entire operation
being directed from Ford of Europe's headquarters in Warley,
outside of London.
But even in the very early stages, there were problems. One
Ford executive, an American who moved from Detroit to
Britain to help set up Ford of Europe, says he quickly ran
into nationality differences. "It was easy to get our British
people to agree (to a plan), but five minutes later they were
always back questioning it," the American recalls. "It seemed
almost impossible to get the German Ford people to agree
to anything; but once they did they just kept marching
even if they were marching right off the end of the earth."
The first all-new auto launched by Ford of Europe was a
medium-sized car called the Cortina Mark III in Britain and
the Taunus in Germany. The launch, which began in 1970,
was a disaster, and the after effects are still plaguing Ford.
"There's no question who screwed that one up," Mr. Guthrie
The fiasco stemmed partly from British experience with
the metric system. For British workers had just converted
to that system, long used by Germany and other continental
countries; but, says one of the British workers, "we were still
thinking in inches." As a result, the British and German parts
often didn't mesh. "The doors didn't fit, the bonnet (hood)
didn't fit, nothing fit," says Arthur Nestlor, a metal finisher
in Ford's Dagenham, England, body plant.
It has been argued by British workers that some of the
German-designed parts were too precise. "Our men often
work with a one-sixteenth-inch tolerance, but on the German
engine-suspension system, we had to work down to two- or
three-thousandths of a bloody inch," contends Joe Macrae, a
union shop steward at Dagenham. "The Germans wanted an
engineering job done on the production line, and that's
impossible. "
Because of all the snafus, the Cortina-Taunus assembly line
in Dagenham barely moved along. By January 1971, when
some kinks had been ironed out, the line was speeded up-
much to the displeasure of some workers, Mr. Macrae says.
Coincidentally, Ford's wage contract was expiring at the
time; and on January 29, 1971, unions struck Ford in Britain,
halting production for nine weeks. It wasn't until September,
nearly a year after initial production of the new car began,

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178 Multinational Manufacturi1l/l

that Dagenham hit peak production. Ford says the peak

should have been reached in two months.
But the problems attendant to the Cortina-Taunuslaunch
have had an even longer-lasting impact in Germany. First of
all, of course, there were the immediate effects of the British
strike. "Britain struck, our plants went down and we fell flat
on our tails," says a former executive of Ford's German
operation. ' 'Our dealers were crying for cars and they couldn't
get them." But even after the strike was over, production
problems led to quality problems, and consumer tests in
Germany showed that the public thought the Taunus rated
low on quality.
To avoid a second fiasco, especially in quality-conscious
Germany, the launch of Ford's next new car was delayed
until April 1972, six months later than had been planned.
This car was the top-of-the-line Granada (a less luxurious and
somewhat less powerful version of the same car is called the
Consul), and the delay, if necessary, was nonetheless costly.
For one thing, four months prior to the Granada's debut,
General Motors Corp. 's German subsidiary, Opel, came out
with its new Rekord line, which quickly snatched sales from
Ford. But another damaging factor was that by delaying mass
production until April, Ford of Germany missed the peak
springtime selling season.
As a result of these problems, a Ford official concedes,
"the Consul-Granada never has picked up sales momentum. "
Underscoring his words is the fact that the Consul-Granada
production line in Germany was closed for a week last
December due to slow sales.

Five Years, Five Chairmen

Ford of Europe has also been entangled in organizational
problems, one being leadership. There have been five chair-
men of Ford of Europe in five years, making continuity of
policy difficult. (The current chairman, William Burke,
previously headed Ford's Asian and Pacific operations.)
Creation of Ford of Europe has also meant that some British
executives have had to move to Germany and vice versa,
which sometimes hasn't pleased all the executives. "They
called me the 'slave trader,'" says a former Ford man who
ordered some transfers.
The new layer of bureaucracy, which was felt by some
Ford executives in Britain and Germany to have reduced
their access to corporate decision makers in Detroit, has also

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Production Smoothing 179

created ill-will. And there have been bitter fights over pricing,
with Ford of Europe pushing higher prices to maximize
profits at the same time that some operating companies were
trying to price their cars lower to be more competitive in
the market.
In fact, Ford of Europe, which was supposed to improve
communications, has instead created some bottlenecks of its
own. "Everything, including hiring a single worker, has to go
to Warley (Ford of Europe headquarters) for approval, and
it can take forever," says Heinz Allrup, who represents
workers at Ford of Germany plants. He cites the case of a
foreman who died six months ago. "We just got permission
to fill his job," Mr. Allrup says.
Another example: One day last year a Ford of Europe man
walked into a German plant and announced that a department
employing over 100 men would be closed. A worker's repre-
sentative got on the phone to Hans-Adolf Barthelmeh, then
chairman of Ford of Germany, and asked what was going
on. It was the first time Mr. Barthelmeh had heard of the
closing. (The shutdown was later rescinded.)

"General Animosity"
Hans-Adolf Barthelmeh is no longer with Ford of Europe,
nor are several other executives who chafed at the integrated
operation's various communications gaps and arbitrary trans-
fers. But integration has also caused disaffection at nonexecu-
tive levels. "There is a general animosity toward Ford of
Europe," says Mr. Allrup, the German workers'representative.
The reasons for this animosity are multifaceted. German
workers, for example, are angry over layoffs stemming from
British strikes. (Ford's Cologne plant recently said it would
layoff 4,450 workers in the weeks ahead, with one of the
cited reasons being the British three-day workweek.) British
workers, on the other hand, are fearful of losing jobs to
But Ford of Europe's problems go beyond its work force.
Take, for example, the case of its marketing plans. The
German subsidiary was to have fed cars into France and
Italy; however, Ford officials say they have found it diffi-
cult to sell in France, since they are competing against
government-owned Renault, which doesn't need to make
any profit and can thus cut prices to the bone. And Ford
says it's also difficult to sell in Italy, where Fiat, which
specializes in the tiny cars preferred by Italians, holds a

Digitized by Google
180 Multinational Manufacturing

massive 60 percent of the market. Another hurdle: The

German mark has gained in value against both the franc and
the lira, making the German-made Fords more expensive in
both France and Italy. In any case, Ford's share of the
European market has declined since integration - from 14.5
percent in 1965 to 11.7 percent in 1972.
Ford's integration in Europe hasn't had any clear-cut impact
so far. More than anything else, profits seem to react to such
factors as strikes and the presence or absence of credit con-
trols. Earnings of both Ford of Britain and Ford of Germany
have shown wide fluctuations; and Ford of Germany's profits
since integration have never equaled its preintegration peak
year of 1966, when the company earned $70.9 million (in
1972, it earned $58.5 million).
With all these problems, does Ford still feel that integration
was the right choice? The answer seems to be a resounding
yes - if only because of the cost savings attained by integrat-
ing. "We're still one of the most profitable auto operations in
Europe," says Walter Hayes, vice president of Ford of Europe,
"and we're still No. 2 in auto sales (behind Fiat), so we must
be doing something right." And he adds that a lot of Ford of
Europe's problems-such as communications and labor
strikes-would have existed even without integration.
In the end, Mr. Hayes believes, the prime value of Ford of
Europe's integration may prove to be more flexibility in
management and operations. "We aren"t thinking like Texans
in Texas anymore," he says. "We're thinking like Americans
who consider all the states as their market, and this will help
us do better in the future."

1. It would appear that the launch of the Taunus in Germany
should have been delayed one year. What explicit business
plan might have been followed to launch it in 1972?
2. One gets the impression that Ford bit off more than it
could digest in 1969 with this single-stage integration.
Layout a two-stage integration; state the activities you
would put in stage one and how long it would last.
3. In the years since this article was written, Ford has sys-
tematically resolved most of these problems and is now
accruing the benefits of European rationalization. Assume
that the confusion of reorganization would take three

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--- - - ---=---------_. . . . . . .

Production Smoothing 181

years, followed by two years of breakeven, followed by

higher annual profit. Visualize the benefits as an annuity
starting in year 6. What operating losses caused by turmoil
and changes could Ford sustain in these first three years
to counterbalance (present value) the stream of benefits?
Specifically, for every dollar of benefit from year 6, how
many dollars loss could Ford sustain in years 1 to 3? Plot
dollars of loss against discount rate for i = 2, 10, and 25
4. Certain components manufactured in England are also
manufactured in the United States. Explicitly how would
the continental European inventory safety stock of Ford
U.K. parts be set, given this option to bring in U.8. parts?
5. You're negotiating with Mr. Hansen, the English worker's
representative, and he hurls at you the accusation that
elsewhere in the Ford network one of the flexible plants is
gearing up to produce critical Ford U.K. parts. Under
what circumstances will thi~ fact increase or decrease the
probability of his calling a wildcat strike today?
6. The text of this chapter identifies four kinds of plants.
Rank their suitability for the United Kingdom and justify
your ranking. Do the same for Germany.

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The buffer that stands between marketing decisions and production deci-
sions is a good logistics network and well-positioned inventories. Marketing
and production executives depend on one another; only the logistics/in-
ventory system separates them. Not only must their interface function
efficiently, but it also must have the resiliency to absorb market mistakes
and factory errors.
In a multinational corporation the logistics/inventory system is complex.
A factory does not know with certainty where its products are destined
to be used. A national marketing manager cannot be sure where his next
shipment will come from. A telex from a marketing manager may be
understood by him but incomprehensible when received at a factory in
another nation. And worst of all are the messages that the recipient
thinks he understands when he doesn't. Given the infrequency of ship-
ments, a marketing manager may wait more than a month before his
orders arrive, the containel'l are opened, and the error is realized. If
factories transship subassemblies, then a strike in one factory will strain,
and can impair, the worldwide system.
In each nation, production-smoothing problems and opportunities
are different. A unique feature of a multinational corporation is that
headquarters can alter the flows of products between nations to smooth
production. The subject of this chapter is the reallocation of markets
to factories to achieve optimal production smoothing for a multiproduct,
multifactory corporation. We will follow the three stages of an international
product life cycle. In the first phase, perception of the problem is dom-
inated by technical considerations so that a product focus should be
expected even if carried to ethnocentric extremes. Later the corporation
will build plants in many nations, each of which will be operated some-
what independently. Finally there will be enough confidence and cost
pressure to encourage geocentric rationalization.

Ethnocentric Production-Focused Production Smoothing

To a typical production manager, a well-designed factory is one with
machines to replace simple laboring tasks. If the production rate is cut
back, only a slight reduction can be achieved in total factory cost. Because
domestic demand fluctuates, any excess production can be exported,
although these export sales will be erratic. Exports are best handled
through independent wholesalers, who handle many vendors and hence
would not be hurt if the corporation could no longer supply them. In
general, it is best to segregate nations into those to which the corporation


Digitized by Google
Production Smoothing 183

will commit a pennanent sales force and well-nurtured brand name and
those to which it considers export not a pennanent commitment.
Some products are extremely difficult to manufacture. New petro-
chemicals, phannaceuticals, and integrated circuits pose incredible produc-
tion engineering problems. After the production process has been explored
in a pilot plant, the design engineers scale up to a commercial plant.
Unfortunately the first plant rarely works as designed. A carefully de-
signed sequence of test runs is needed to identify all problems, and
subsequent debottlenecking takes anywhere from a few months to several
years. After systematic test runs have been perfonned, the results can be
analyzed to give the design engineers more accurate parameters for their
next plant design. This means that the design of the early plants will
unavoidably become obsolete. In most plants there are substantial
economies of scale. Hence the planning dilemma is how large to dare
design the early plants, knowing that obsolescence will cut short their
economic life. In tenns of a trajectory of total plant capacity through
time, there is a critical rate of capacity growth. A multinational that
builds faster than the critical rate will accumulate obsolete large plants.
A diffusion of new and innovative products - products that customers
are learning to use-is underway. Nobody should expect new product
diffusion to be predictable: Any demand forecast is little better than a
guess. If the product is good, sales will rise, but erratically. If sales rise so
rapidly they exceed plant capacity, stockouts will occur. Stockouts during
the launch of a product have two consequences. First, stockouts will slow
the subsequent diffusion by raising in the minds .of potential customers
doubts about whether to take the trouble to adapt. Second, stockouts dur-
ing the launch phase of a product invite competitors who can get a free ride
atop the accumulated goodwill of the innovator's advertising and mis-
sionary sales effort. In summary, capacity should not be built faster than
the critical rate of growth. Actual demand should be built up more slowly
because sales forecasts are inaccurate and stockouts are expensive.
In this situation, the great advantage of a multinational corporation is
that it maintains a reserve of markets in which it has not yet launched the
product. When a giant new plant proves itself on stream, the corporation
can utilize any excess capacity by selecting appropriately sized nations
in which to launch the product. To tailor demand to fit the capacity avail-
able, the most suitable national markets are small but well developed,
and hence the product can rapidly achieve its sales potential. After each
major plant proves itself, the corporation can select a few more markets in
which to use whatever capacity is available. One suitable decision display
is a graph showing the ultimate sales potential of the product on one axis
and the percentage penetration of the market within one year on the
other (Exhibit 6.1). Each nation is a point on this graph. Confidence
bands drawn around the estimates of sales and penetration transfonn the
point estimate into a rectangle of plus and minus one standard deviation.

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184 Multinational Manufacturing

market U.S.
penetration West Coast
In one •


o Sales potential
Sales potential versus market penetration indicates which markets are
small and predictable enough to fill a plant.

In this product-centered view, demand has to adapt to available produc-

tion. Because this is a new product, nobody yet has data on which to
estimate the market responsiveness to management variables such as price,
advertising, and sales force. By delaying exports until domestic demand
fails to grow as fast as forecast, the multinational corporation has a great
advantage over a domestic rival. Ethnocentric production smoothing
means adapting demand to capacity.

Polycentric Nation-Focused Production Smoothing

Each region has its own factory; how its factory is operated is of concern
only to the management of the region. The corporation has the ability
to adapt to its environment. This means meeting demands with few
stockouts, avoiding worker layoffs, and modulating overtime. Harmoniz-
ing these actions in the face of fluctuating demand is the generic
production-smoothing problem. A polycentric attitude is most viable
for a line of established products (for example, the stochastic coordina-
tion of a product launch just described in the ethnocentric section of this
chapter requires headquarters power that the polycentric corporation does
not have).
This section draws from and supposes familiarity with standard texts
on production planning. Rather than redeveloping the mathematics of
those models, we instead augment the variety of policy options and (pre-
paring for the section on geocentric production smoothing) stress that one

Digitized by Google
Production Smoothing 185

of the is the ineremenh"?,l in earh period, ','ach

being mriii.Eff;;ctured.
essencf' prodw:~·fimi~fmoothb?h hfoblem becauE'-e demand
is both cyclical and erratic through time. If plant capacity were equal to
the highest peak demand, the last increment of capacity would be sitting
most of time. It to sma1leE' and part
capital in "'\'.""~".~""'7
model d;;;;velopeb hb;;;;nugh an ineeemental by
that one more unit of demand occurs in a particular period. If there is
excess capacity in that period, demand for an additional unit can be
E'~;;;;tiEfied by immooiate prndndion, so inrremenfrl %X'ft will be
'X%st of in period.

Now consider an extra unit of demand arising during the peak period. The
is alreadd pmducing r;;;;bacity, unit will to be '~."'~"·"U'I:l.n
a time (:arried in iF:m4:,ntoryF:?eeded.
incremental cosf will be fhe inventory carrying cost hach to the produc-
tion period, plus what then was the cost of manufacture. If an earlier
period has a lower cost of manufacture, it may be economical to produce
the carryinh eost is Invenbfhh r'arry-

Inventory cnrts nlay be hldr]r4"d by overtime~ A miniInmn rost
oveihin~,r is with wages k%wer .. ~ ..•.~•.~.,.~.
caused by worker fatigue. The cost and capacity of overtime also depends
on the plant's relationship with its union. If the wage level of workers is
already high, workers may be unwilling to work much overtime. If the
nnmhany labor and could On c%ther
some maintfbn hnod relationchip which can
ask the employees to work longer hours at peak demand, repaying the
workers with favors such as extra time off during slack periods. Overtime
is usually less of a problem if there is local unemployment, wages are
un:WCl~ece:C1alil~enlrrlC nnlations based on problen:l
of confmntation.

IthDugh are an lklI1LtlIl*"diate to pmPndion sm%x%thing,
dtendant p:mhlems it is r"~"',,,,,,h
nn;ait worh;;;;rc retirinh, fireh, puittinh rnduce the c'cmk-
force. Retirement need not be automatic at 65; workers over the formal
186 Multinational Manufacturing

retirement age often continue at the pleasure of the corporation. These

workers are generally more receptive to layoffs.
Layoffs are legal in the United States and a few other nations. In most
nations, however, government constraints are such that workers may be
laid off only in cases of dire emergency. Since any layoff has potential
political significance, it is prudent to consider the stakeholders discussed
in Chapter 4.
Unions also play a large role in the cost of a layoff. Unions will push for
tight controls written into contracts to prevent layoffs, and they usually
insist that workers with the least seniority be laid off first, regardless of
their productivity. Sometimes there are several branches in the "bumping"
chain. Team-work relationships that have painstakingly developed can be
destroyed by a layoff. Unions will often push for higher wages after a
layoff to enable workers to better endure a future one. Layoffs therefore
should be avoided if possible.
Once a probationary period has passed, a newly hired employee becomes
an employee for life. He or she represents a huge asset: the capitalized
present value of the worker's earnings until the worker quits or retires.
Thus, in the face of demand uncertainty, it is prudent to use overtime
and other means of production smoothing to minimize predicted peaks
in employment. In the United States, high turnover is viewed as undesirable
because of the cost of training replacements. Yet in a government- and
union-constrained environment, systematic turnover reduces the risk that
the corporation will be left with excess workers. This suggests setting
higher target rates of planned turnover in nations with tighter regulations
against layoffs.

Subcontracting to Family Vendors

The essence of the production-smoothing problem is the trade-off between
the cost of carrying inventory and the time-varying cost of manufacturing
one more unit. Although large corporations may be tightly constrained
about layoffs, small family businesses are non unionized and receive more
exemptions from government regulations. "Small" usually means below
10 employees. During a boom these subcontractors get rich; at other times
they layoff.
The production-smoothing challenge is to search the product line for
items and subassemblies whose engineering tolerances are so sloppy that
they can be manufactured on simple machinery. The administrative
challenge is to maintain information on all possible subcontractors, build
an organization that can keep contact with them even when there is little
business, and have the compassion to help family subcontractors selectively
in hard times. The advantage of an explicit study of production smooth-
ing is that one can estimate the benefits of the fixed cost of maintaining
contact with each potential subcontractor.

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Production Smoothing 187

Operating managers tend to underinvest in maintenance; thus common
corporate practice is to set up a maintenance fund for each machine.
Every unit of output pays a bounty to the fund. The maintenance fund
must be spent by the end of the fiscal year or else the budget authorization
expires. This practice assures that maintenance is accomplished, yet the
practice is highly dysfunctional from a production-smoothing viewpoint.
During a boom year it makes little sense to shut down the plant for an
overhaul simply to prevent the money from reverting to headquarters.
Conversely, during a slack year the fund is too small for a major over-
haul, even though production will not be missed and the quality and
alacrity of contracted help is superior. It is therefore imperative to lengthen
the cycle of each maintenance fund from one year to a full business cycle,
so that maintenance is scheduled for slack periods. To do this requires
study of the cost of delaying maintenance, in essence an analysis of how
near to flat the cost curve is in the region of the optimum maintenance

Usually sales departments receive goods at the standard accounting cost.
However, the current actual cost of each item fluctuates through time.
Were sales to receive goods at their fluctuating actual cost or its forecast,
the sales department would have an incentive to delay or advance the pro-
motion of sales. This would ease production-smoothing peaks, even
though it complicates the analysis.

Mathematical Techniques
Most real production planning models are large linear programs that embody
the cost of having workers switch from one manufactured item to another.
A mathematical model of production smoothing requires as input a forecast
of each month's required shipment of each item. The model computes
the lowest cost of achieving this output. Furthermore, its calculations
generate the incremental cost of producing each item in each period. This
incremental cost is the cost of augmenting the quantity demanded of one
item in one month leaving all other demands unchanged; all inventories,
overtime, maintenance schedules, and so on, are adjusted. The incremental
costs will be needed in geocentric production smoothing.

Geocentric Production Smoothing

As a corporation enters new markets and builds production facilities, it
will expand its product line. This will satisfy other needs of the new

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188 Multinational Manufacturing

markets and use recently built excess production capacity. Product divi-
sions existing within the corporation ensure organizational control and
coordination. The blend of product and national management provides
the matrix framework in which geocentric production smoothing can
occur. If several nations have at least one product in common (Exhibit
6.2), geocentric smoothing can allow for flexibility in both marketing.
and production of all products. For common products, markets can be
reallocated from busy to slack plants. This reallocation in turn eases the
multi-item production-smoothing problem within each plant.
Some sales territories are on a border between plants. If a marketing
manager's sales territory is between two or more plants, the marketing
manager may be able to act entrepreneurially. Assuming the item is
identical from each factory, he can buy from the factory that will deliver
more cheaply. Since production planning cannot begin until demand has
been estimated, it might appear that the border marketing manager's
entrepreneurship would complicate production smoothing. However, the
border marketing manager and the headquarters production planner have
a strong basis for agreement. From a corporate viewpoint, plants that are
busy should withdraw from border territories, leaving those sales to plants
with excess capacity. If a plant is operating near capacity, overtime will
be required for incremental production, raising the per unit real cost. Each
plant can deliver to the border at its incremental production cost plus the
logistics cost analyzed in Chapter 5. This sum of logistics plus incremental
production cost provides a clear guide for redistributing markets to plants.
Requiring that some items be of standard design to allow smoothing
does not mean that production methods and plant layouts must be
standardized. Quite the contrary. In sports, different positions on the

Nation Nation Nation Nation


Item 62 X X X geocentric smooth

Item 101 X
Item 102 X
Item 117 X X geocentric smooth
Item 120 X

An item produced in two or more plants can be smoothed simultaneously.

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Production Smoothi1llJ 189

same team all share the same "goal"; it is their methods of accomplishing
that goal that differ. Similarly, the corporate ability to smooth production
is enhanced if there are four distinct types of factories: lowest unit cost,
flexible multi-item, seasonal, and stockpile sites. Producing an item in
several of these factories simultaneously allows great flexibility. The bulk
of worldwide demand for a long-life cycle product can be produced by
the lowest unit cost factory, while the peaks and valleys of the demand
curve are satisfied by seasonal plants (Exhibit 6.3).
National labor forces differ significantly and it may be sensible to match
the labor force to the type of factory. The four types of factories are
operated in very different styles. The selection of plant managers, the
design of incentive systems, and the production process itself all depend
on the type of plant necessary and the workers available.

Lowest Unit Cost Factory

Set up as a pure assembly line, a lowest unit cost plant is designed to pro-
duce at full capacity, with all attention focused on reducing product
costs per unit. Engineers and labor management are continuously stream-
lining operations and improving productivity by overcoming production
bottlenecks and training the workforce to greater efficiency. Experience
curves can be used to predict the decrease in standard unit costs.
The use of a lowest unit cost factory precludes flexibility. A new item
will frequently go through several design changes before it can be stan-
dardized. Only after an item has gone through this process should it be
assigned to a cost-focused factory. Once demand for the item, whether it
be a subassembly or a finished product, has been predicted through the
long run, its production can be moved to a lowest unit cost factory.

Low unit cost
cost factory

Flexible factory

Design output Plant output

A comparison of low unit cost factory and flexible factory.

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190 Multinational Manufacturing

Lowest unit cost plants generally take one of two extreme forms:
1. Highly automated, perhaps with government subsidized capital.
2. Labor intensive, where wages are very low.
The design of a capital-intensive plant is primarily an engineering job.
The equipment must be correctly situated, installed, and adjusted to run
at a coordinated speed, usually at full capacity. A cut in production would
raise the unit cost of overhead and capitalization. Highly automated plants
are located near their primary market, usually in an industrial nation.
Since the investment is long term, political and economic stability must be
considered. Surprisingly, local wages and union practices do not play a
vital role in plant location because the amount of labor required is small;
however, the availability of trained mechanics and craftsmen is crucial. A
well-established source of materials and manufacturing infrastructure is
also important.
The United States is perhaps the most popular country in which to
locate a capital-intensive factory. The domestic market is large yet easily
accessible through a sophisticated distribution network. Although unions
are powerful and wages are high, highly skilled mechanics and engineers
are readily available. Labor relations are improving, with the number of in-
dustrial disputes leveling off and the number of lost working days drop-
ping. The United States is politically and economically stable, with the
risk of nationalization minimal. Many multinational corporations' head-
quarters are in the United States, shortening lines of communications
between them and their large production facilities, thereby ensuring ade-
quate supervision of major investments.
For a labor-intensive low unit cost factory, the level of wages is a crucial
determinant of plant location. High labor intensity normally dictates a
location in an underdeveloped nation with very low daily wages. The
levels of industrialization and employment as well as the trend of social
reform within the country are important, because historically, wage level
rises as a country becomes more developed. The relatively low capital
investment required is at risk only if the payback period is long; usually
it is short.
Once the criterion of low wages is met, other characteristics of the labor
force must be examined. The strengths and practices of local unions are
important. For example, a low unit cost factory could work well within
a stable, well-defined relationship with a trade union. On the other hand,
if a union were too powerful, wages and productivity might be managed
to the detriment of the company.
A labor-intensive lowest unit cost factory poses different challenges
in design and management. Labor management in a labor-intensive
assembly line factory places a great emphasis on worker productivity.
Incentive systems and steady employment reward those who produce.
Hence, for motivational reasons, it is not prudent to carry a large inven-

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Production Smoothing 191

tory of finished items at the plant. Because most jobs will be long term
and routine, the company has to invest in worker training. To minimize
the risk of losing a trained employee, turnover and layoffs must be avoided.
A normal production load of one shift allows flexibility to work systematic
overtime when extra output is needed for production smoothing.
As one example among many, the Philippines appears to be an attractive
location for a labor-intensive low unit cost factory. Although nearly 50
percent of the working population is employed in primary industries, the
manufacturing sector accounts for over 11 percent of workers and is grow-
ing. Philippine workers are mostly literate and so can adapt to manu-
facturing work. Productivity per employee has been rising rapidly. Wages
in the Philippines averaged $50 per month in 1975 and are rising
moderately. Unions exist and have the right to collective bargaining, but
recent changes in the government have made both strikes and lockouts
illegal. Compulsory arbitration is provided for, if no agreement can be
reached. Layoffs require severance pay and permission of the government
but are not impossible. Overtime is not difficult to arrange. These factors
combine to create a favorable situation for a labor-intensive low unit cost
factory that is a stable employer. In the Philippines martial law was
declared in 1972. The political situation within the country and through-
out the area has worsened since. A large capital investment in this area
might be unwise, but a low capital cost factory that would take advantage
of the low wages would have a short enough payback period that the
corporation could ignore long-run uncertainties.
To build a low-cost factory, the corporation has to make a substantial
investment - whether in automated machinery or in worker training.
When the factory is asked to phase out a declining product and phase in
a new one, the investment becomes vulnerable because managers and
workers of a low-cost factory have had little need to develop transitional
skills. Headquarters may have to send patient and sensitive experts to help
each transition.

Flexible Factory
Visualize a job shop. A flexible factory is a multi-item operation, with
flexibility of material flow, general purpose equipment (perhaps numer-
ically controlled), and a completely literate work force managed with an
emphasis on job enrichment. The challenge of managing a flexible factory
is that there cannot be a tight cost control system. For example, a standard
costing system provides a very reasonable ceiling above which cost should
not rise. But the attempt to minimize accounting cost is incompatible
with the need to change schedules and even interrupt production runs-
after all, the flexible factory was built to ensure tight time control.
Labor management in a flexible factory also has to be run without tight
control. Each worker has to be creative and imaginative in developing

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192 Multinational Manufacturi1llJ

transitional skills. Cultural values and social status in many nations accom-
pany the individual's creative pride in knowledge of a craft. Participative
management can flourish in this type of atmosphere. Since a great deal of
autonomy must be granted, it is essential that each worker know his own
and his fellow group members' productivity. Worker selection and pro-
bationary review are crucial to keep slackers from contaminating the work
atmosphere. This requires that the foremen and superintendents have the
integrity and self-discipline to dismiss workers for poor performance. The
corollary is that although there may be dismissal for cause, there should
be no layoffs once workers have passed probation, except under the most
adverse circumstances.
All new items are produced in a flexible factory. All unforeseen diffi-
culties or problems are referred here. Although not all items would be
produced in a flexible factory, the factory has the capability to begin
production of any item within a short start-up time. Such standby capability
has its cost. The benefit is that the corporation can then dare to build low
unit cost factories in some of the impoverished and unstable nations of
the world. Then if a risky plant is lost anywhere in the world the com-
bination of the output from the flexible factory, stockpiles, and global
overtime can meet customer needs until a replacement plant can be rushed
into production.
A flexible factory requires a variety of skills and high degree of training;
thus one can best operate in a country with an established manufacturing
base and a well-educated labor force. The manufacturing base can provide
purchased components and material, and the educated labor force will
ensure adaptable and competent workers. For example, Ireland and
Japan both provide ideal environments for flexible factories, but for
different reasons.
The Republic of Ireland has a moderate but rapidly expanding manu-
facturing base, and it is within the European Economic Community
tariff barrier. Although the Irish domestic market is small, bulk transpor-
tation is readily available to the United States and Europe. Irish workers
have been ready to learn, and pockets of skilled labor throughout the
country have been developed through apprenticeship and training pro-
grams. Over 20 percent of the labor force is in the manufacturing sector,
with the rest scattered between primary and service industries. The
Irish government provides capital grants and loans for the building of
factories and the training of employees. The government imposes a
system of levy grants whereby a company receives a refund for training
workers. Since training is a major expense in setting up a flexible factory,
Ireland provides an attractive opportunity.
Union membership is entirely voluntary, and over 50 percent of the
Irish workforce is unionized. In turn, 95 percent of Irish unions belong
to the Irish Congress of Trade Unions (ICTU). In the early 1970s, unions

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Production Smoothing 193

began to push for protective legislation and a more formalized approach

to collective bargaining. The ICTU was the main proponent of this change,
and it now actively negotiates its members' contracts and policies. For
example, the ICTU has differentiated between an "all out" strike, which
calls for other unions' support, and a "particular" strike, which is con-
f'med to the unions directly involved. In 1975 a surprising 30 percent of
industrial disputes were caused by dismissal for cause or layoff as demand
fell, and another 25 percent were caused by transfers and reorganization.
These figures illustrate the critical nature of job security. Unemployment
exceeds 12 percent, which encourages a low turnover of employees. Wages
are equivalent to those in most industrialized countries and below those of
the United States.
Japan has a highly developed manufacturing base suitable for flexible
factories. Japanese labor is ideal because the level of vocational training
and education is high, and the Japanese philosophy of hard work and
company loyalty creates a good atmosphere. Japanese industry operates
on a tenure system of lifetime employment so layoffs are not allowed.
Hardly any workers quit to work for a competitor, so corporations can
dare to train their workers. Promotion is based primarily on seniority.
Because status and salary are not directly tied to job assignment, labor
mobility within the plant is enhanced. Hence Japanese workers have no
reason to object to new machinery, innovations, or retraining. Unions are
organized on an enterprise basis, which also allows for labor flexibility.
Overtime is worked as needed, but total Japanese wages (including bene-
fits) are extremely high.

Seasonal Factory
Because it hurts to layoff workers, managers are tempted to delay action
by biasing upward the sales forecast. Since such delay results in an even
deeper layoff, it seems psychologically sensible that the layoff decision
should not be made in the factory itself. The scapegoat has to come from
outside - from a foreign headquarters, for example.
When several factories produce the same item, some can avoid a layoff
if others layoff more frequently and/or cut deeper. Can there be a
layoff factory designed for intermittent production? It would be socially
more acceptable if this were a seasonal factory. Whenever the corporation
has some items with a seasonal demand, it is worth evaluating a seasonal
plant. Such a plant is designed to be operated only a few months of
the year, frequently using rented equipment and old tools, dies, and
assembly jigs. The location criterion is to find a community accustomed
to seasonal work, whose pattern would be complemented by this plant.
In poor years the plant can be operated for only a month or so (though
to maintain a work force it is crucial to open the plant annually). In

Digitized by Google

good years the plant can be run with large overtime for several months or
up until the community's next season. The personnel policies must accord
with this pattern, with overtime and layoffs commonplace.
Communities such as fishing villages, which are accustomed to seasonal
work, are easy to find. Finding a country in which seasonal labor is a
nntinnal phenomennn more difficult~ (::)untry is Finlnnd:
))h):re both men participate force, with
IInwever, due to and the produd
strong seasonll in the demn:nh
labor, especinUU r:(:rtdrrn Finland. rnpply also fluntn~
ates, dropping on average 10 percent during the winter. Labor disputes
are on par with other European countries, but workers, especially in the
north, are in a weak bargaining position. Because seasonal work is both
socially and economically accepted, unions are less likely to press inflexible
The Finnish an'I1:~~r::::1:::~~:: like many other tries to repln(:n
t::~:T:1:1: horary or seasm::ni n:ith more nnni::pations. Seasnnll
however, opportunity to i:rzl00:i:n out the peaks
of I1n,"1YI,n::::::::::::~::f is in the inte)ertr the governmoHt
nOi:n:o:rili work when is at its
IIherefore, although Hi:ork may not by a

manpower policy, it could complement it.

Stockpile Factory
A careful study of the income tax and property tax laws of every nation
reveal that SOilie subsidize that a subsidieilih
have a low holding cost. in Denmark
rOl)1:~1Ll component iT:wentory carryjnh percent of
(:orporation's cost This pleasant zili~T:'£:::es about beCH:1Hl
tax authoritie'£:: deduction of Ud of the
inventory value in computing taxable income for any year. Given a Danish
tax rate of 37 percent, the savings is 11.1 percent of the inventory value.
The allowance deducted in one year must be added back to current
taxable income in the following year. In other words, part of the corporate
tax is deferred one year. In Sweden the incentives are even greater. With a
,£:::,:nitu-down of 60 ::Hnwed and a hO percent, the
carrying to only 64 the corporatioH
of capital. Othnr tHH01rnments provido n:ili=ohousing and suh'£::i~
loans againrt Negotiation:r possible oecn1:1:r:r;:
governments employment:
Tax incentives are only one part of the cost of carrying inventory. The
multinational has some of its own capital tied up in inventory. As dis-
cussed in Chapter 3, a corporation's cost of capital may be different in
-----------..............======~.- =,--"----

Production Smoothing 195

different nations but tax costs restrain the corporation from moving the
funds. These funds are nevertheless available for inventory. Exhibit 6.4
shows that if inventory is to be held longer than the break-even time,
it would be preferable to accumulate the stockpile where holding costs
are lowest.
A stockpile factory may be very small. Consider a factory that produces
one-tenth of the corporation's worldwide demand for an item. Suppose
that on average the corporation keeps two months of inventory. The
factory would spend almost two years stockpiling its production before
the corporation would double its normal world inventory. Hence, like a
lowest unit cost factory, a stockpile factory should be assigned no near-
obsolete or faddish items.

It is unfortunate that the world view of most corporations is dominated
by the export orientation of sales managers and that most purchasing is
done domestically. A very different evaluation of national risk and oppor-
tunity for the corporation would emerge from a global purchasing per-
Great savings are possible by the systematic and skillful use of inter-
national purchasing. For example, most centrally planned economies
require an inordinate amount of red tape before goods of a capitalist
corporation can be imported. Exports are quite different. In centrally
planned economies there are sporadic national shortages of key currencies,
at which times a capitalist corporate purchasing manager could negotiate
a very attractive deal.

Ordinary factory

Stockpile factory


o Age of inventory
Production cost plus inventory holding cost.

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196 Multinational Manufacturing

The relationship of a corporation to its vendolB is similar to its relation-

ship with its factories. Just as there are four factory types, so there can be
four vendor types.
Low Unit Cost. When it finds the right vendor, the corporation may be
willing to negotiate long-term purchase agreements, with high penalty
costs for default of the contract by either party. Furthermore, the cor-
poration may support the vendor's acquiring specialized equipment,
perhaps guaranteeing bank loans with the equipment mortgage as collateral.
Nevertheless, mutual trust is necessary because even the most thoughtful
cost escalation clauses sometimes fail to foresee all contingencies. Such
long-term contracts should be written only for items whose design will be
Inventory Source. If government stockpile programs are limited to
domestically owned firms, it may be sensible to negotiate purchase agree-
ments in those nations. The difficulty is assuring the vendor that the
multinational corporation will honor its purchase contract. The vendor
may fear that the contract will prove difficult to enforce, particularly in
nations whose legal system is based on the Napoleonic Code wherein
force majeure clauses allow a contract to become void if fundamental
conditions change, a far more frequent occurrence than the analogous
"Acts of God" clauses of Common Law.
No Vendor Dependency. A large vendor will take small orders to keep
his shop busy. He has the men and equipment to deliver on short notice
and will if the price is right. The multinational corporation may well
decide to maintain relationships with a list of such vendolB by system-
atically awarding each at least one small order a year. (Systematically
nurturing small family vendolB, as considered in ''Nation-Focused Produc-
tion Smoothing," should be continued, though such vendolB are usually
so small they can supply only their own nation and hence would rarely
come to the attention of the headquartelB purchasing department.)
Seasonal Orders. Instead of the multinational corporation owning plant
and equipment that sits idle most of the year, it may be preferable to
search for vendors who experience seasonal fluctuations. The multi-
national can receive a good price and service if it systematically orders
during the seasonal low. The size of the multinational's order may vary
widely from year to year, but even a small order should be placed each

Integrating Sources and Markets

This great variety of possible sources of an item provides a great oppor-
tunity to orchestrate production smoothing on a global basis. But by what
mechanism might such orchestration occur? One might fantasize a monthly

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market, held at a medieval market town near a modern airport. Marketing
managers from around the world would fly in to deal with production
schedulers from factories around the world. They would haggle over
price and quantity. Such an open market would encourage initiative
and autonomy.
IJnfortunately, with such markets would
hi~tivel expense~ problem is the of deals that
nptimal to th(: unless a forced to
ELame price to (f.o.b. the le:(tory would tenh
tiharge higher markets distant factonh
competition by their higher logistics costs). This would upset comparative
accounting systems and could lead to a harmful split between marketing
and production managers. Furthermore, if only one factory supplied
a particular product, the pricing relationship would be similar to bilateral
monopoly. To avoid these problems, it is prudent to computerize the
2L2L:0ELket and thus to ELtandardize policies hn)h)~ction~moothhnh
hntie,am that alloceln) to plants manner (withjxl

Headquarters is interested in two cost components: the worldwide logistics
cost (developed in Chapter 5) and the production costs totaled over all
the factories. For any given production allocation, the sum of these two
costs gives the total cost of output.
Let us first look at just two factories. Given a worldwide demand in 100
each with logistics cost how should
,§Uf"e(,te productio:n plants? Exhihif how total c:)hi
he minimized hELoduces 60 B produces
f£:iI[~:0tillt of producJinn~ IDllowing paragrahhEL DDplain how th'::D(
are estimated Jhe smoothing by computer
many plants.
TC rc

'-EL:- 2L2L----~
~-J optimal
of markets

t 4 - 0 - - - - - - - - - - 100%
100% · · - - - -....
Plant B " • Plant A

Production smoothing for two plants.

Digitized e
198 Multinational Manufacturing

Logistics Costs. At headquarters, the planners use the logistics model

that was developed in Chapter 5 for each group of products and for each
month. At each iteration the factory availability will be set to the last
iteration's proposed factory shipments. To allow flexibility, we will allow
the program to increase or decrease total shipments from any factory
up to an upper bound (say 10 percent). In later iterations the bound
will be reduced.
Production Costs. In the transportation tableau of Chapter 5 we modeled
factory flexibility as a positive slack (producing below current levels) and
a negative slack (producing above current levels), each constrained within
certain limits. The cost coefficient attached to each of the two slack
variables depicts the value of flexibility for that factory or vendor. From
each factory's individual production4moothing model, the marginal
cost of producing an incremental unit of the item in any month can be
determined. In general, in a month the marginal cost of an item rises with
the amount to be shipped. Each of the four kinds of vendors has its own
ability to respond to changes in ordered shipments.
For each factory's marginal cost curve, assume the following:
1. We know the marginal cost at the last iteration.
2. We know the shape of the curve is convex (from theory).
3. For each of the four different kinds of factories we can estimate the
percentage drop in marginal cost if shipments dropped by, say, 10
percent, and the percentage cost increase if shipments rose by 10 per-
cent. Suppose these are 3 percent and 4 percent.
This information is fed into the transportation tableau at headquarters.
The negative slack on factory flexibility is assigned a cost of 104 percent
of the marginal cost. The positive slack on factory flexibility is assigned
97 percent of the same marginal cost. The quantity available for shipment
is entered into the right hand side of the transportation tableau (Exhibit
6.6). If there are F factories, I groups of items, and T time periods, then
there will be FIT marginal costs known from the production4moothing
In French, a sequence of tentative bids and acceptances is called a
tatonnement process. The computational scheme outlined in Exhibit
6.7 similarly requires several iterations of tentative bids and acceptances
that converge toward a corporate optimum. It is easier to have each
factory's production-smoothing program at its site, polling it for informa-
tion only as needed, rather than trying to manage a huge centralized
model. Nevertheless, the shipment quotas remain a headquarters's
Step 1: Headquarters Logistics Program. A separate logistics problem has
to be run for each production allocation in each time period to determine
the optimal logistics route. Use the known marginal costs to estimate the
cost coefficients for the positive and negative slacks, solve each of the IT

Digitized by Google
Production Smoothing 199

/----- , .........

, ---- "\

~:;>/' ,
production '\
Stow Sr., old

Slow I
+ pos. - neg. shipment
slack slack 4
I /
L..-_ _L...-~'----I~_ q ...... ...- / '
-10% t +10%
old--- - - - -

Production smoothing Global logistics model in
model in subsidiary headquarters
Marginal costs are transmitted from each manufacturing subsidiary to
transportation tableaus, and for each factory
new shipment =old shipment + negative slack - positive slack
Enter the FIT new shipments into the right-hand side of the transporta-
tion tableau and begin a new iteration.
Step 2: Back to Each Factory. Telex the IT new shipments to each
factory, and ask that each run its local production-smoothing model. A
factory can use a linear program, a linear decision rule, a quadratic pro-
gram, or an intelligent cost accountant-as long as the solution to the
model yields marginal costs (the change in total cost if all other ship-
ments remained unchanged except the incremental change in the one
shipment under review).
The factory then telexes its IT marginal costs to headquarters. It supple-
ments this telex with possible warnings about limits on the extent to
which shipments could be increased, buttressing its argument with data
on what the marginal costs would become.
Step 3: Back at Headquarters. In each transportation tableau, update the
availability figure (to the tentative shipment schedule that emerged from
Step 1) and the costs on the positive and negative slacks (to the marginal
costs from the factories, add and subtract a little, as in Figure 6.6). Solve
the IT transportation problems.
After a few iterations as described here, the tatonnement process
stabilizes. Specifically, both slacks will be zero for all items, signifying
that no changes in shipments appear indicated. At this point reduce the
tolerances on the slacks (say from 10 percent, as in Figure 6.6, to 5
percent) and correspondingly reduce the estimated alteration to the
marginal cost.

Digitized by Google
200 Multinational Manufacturing

tentative shipment
Step 1
Step 2
marginal cost
Step 3
over all
plants revised shipment
marginal cost

from 10%
to 5%
slightly revised
shipment schedule
Computational scheme.

The Stopping Criterion

The medieval market closed at sunset. In computerized models there is
always a temptation to iterate too long. Yet each telex to a factory is
expensive because of the disruption it causes. Hence headquarters should
try to achieve a monthly plan with as few as two iterations to each
marketing manager and factory. Unless there is something immutable
about a monthly update, it may be preferable to lengthen or shorten the
period for analysis as conditions become more or less stable.
The solution to a transportation problem yields dual variables on the
demands, which gives the marginal cost of one more unit produced. Each
marketing manager needs this estimate of the unit cost of the item landed
in his territory. So for each item in each territory, telex the marketing
manager a forecast of landed cost month by month (lagged for transit
time from each factory). The marketing manager can then revise his sales
forecasts and so telex headquarters with this revision.

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----=-~-,=_c_:=_~ __ .....

Production Smoothing 201

Human Problems
Massey-Ferguson had a problem with integrated logistics because market-
ing managers persistently inflated their forecasts of demand in the
interval from two to six months in the future. Their long-run forecasts
were unbiased. Their one-month forecasts were very accurate, But their
intermediate forecasts were persistently optimistic. At Massey-Ferguson
this became known as a "bow wave" forecast. The bureaucratic rem-
edy would be that headquarters scale down the received forecast. The
economic remedy would be that the marketing manager be charged
a penalty for changes he makes to his forecast, the charge being greatest
for the near term (the appropriate charges can be found by rerunning
the production-smoothing problem).
Some markets are appreciably less predictable than others. To accom-
modate that randomneBB the marketing manager is encouraged to keep a
local inventory (and bear its carrying costs) so that shipments are first in,
first out (FIFO) for that inventory. To compute the target size of that
inventory, an analyst needs, as input, the penalty for changes to the fore-
cast. Thus the penalty charge intended to avoid "bow wave" forecasts
also gives the value of more accurate marketing research, and of market-
ing methods to stabilize demand.
The final adjustment may be required in logistics. From each factory
to each market, sum all items of all the product divisions to be shipped
in each month. Add needed flows of subassemblies. With these total
logistics flows, estimate the logistics costs on each route. If a chartered
vessel now has an uneven carrying pattern, it may be neceBBary to revise
the logistics costs in certain transportation tableaus and reiterate the
At this time let us mention problems of administration.
First, if some subsidiaries are late in responding with their marginal costs,
the headquarters can nevertheleBB proceed to rerun logistics with what-
ever partial information is on hand.
Second, some subsidiaries, curious to learn how to game the system,
may report back false marginal costs in an effort to get the shipments they
want. To thwart this, the headquarters computer can store for each
factory its past history of IT shipments and IT marginal costs. The statis-
tical analysis of these data can give headquarters estimates of changes in
marginal cost if shipments are higher or lower, a basis for conducting
exploratory staff analyses without disturbing the factory, as well as a
means to detect possible errors in the cost feedback from the factories.
Finally, if one factory's marginal costs become very high because of
high wage settlements and currency revaluation, the factory will be asked
to make fewer shipments. UnleBB headquarters is planning to phase out the
factory, local management must improve productivity. To this end, they

Digitized by Google
202 Multinational Manufacturing

need an explicit target of unit costs toward which they must aim. This
analysis provides a basis for setting explicit targets.

In summary, certain markets will be flip-flopped between factories to ease
production smoothing. Rather than identify them ahead of time, we
allowed them to be identified on economic grounds. Think of the border
that divides the districts of each plant. In each period we may move the
border because it is defined as the point at which it is equally expensive
to deliver from either adjacent plant. The purpose of production smooth-
ing is to respond to fluctuating demands for items. The advantage of being
explicit about the cost of absorbing demand fluctuations is that it makes
explicit the advantage to adjust other parts of the global system.
Governments are concerned with employment stability and are aware of
all layoffs. The foreignness of a multinational means that its layoffs will
attract all the more attention. Thus any multinational must administer
layoffs with an eye to the long-run stakeholder concerns discussed in
Chapter 4. Offsetting this vulnerability is the fact that a multinational can
choose where to make the layoff. Demand fluctuations mean that
production-smoothing activities will be done somewhere. The essence of
geocentric production smoothing is to orchestrate where to do which
activities. In some nations the corporation will disquiet some stakeholders,
but in no nations should it cross their irritation threshold.

Questions from Other Viewpoints

1. Corporate Rational Normative Global. You just covered this view-
point in the chapter.
2. Corporate Rational Normative Subsidiary. Assuming that corporate
headquarters uses geocentric production smoothing as a form of
control, illustrate how headquarters could induce cost-cutting com-
petitiveness in a subsidiary whose costs are forecast to become
excessive. Make use of the neutral persuasion of an algorithmic
3. Corporate Rational Descriptive Global. Try to think of a product
which a multinational corporation supplies your nation from more
than one foreign factory.
4. Corporate Rational Descriptive Subsidiary. Report on government
constraints altering each production-smoothing cost for one nation.
5. Corporate Emotional Normative Global. The individuals in head-

Digitized by Google
Production Smoothing 203
quarters who are assembling and computing the production plans
have a frightening responsibility. Their calculations determine who
will feel the grip of layoff and which divisional managers will have
their relationship with their community damaged by a layoff. Is it
better that the headquarters production planners be cool technocrats
or that they blister in the emotional ravages of their acts?
6. Corporate Emotional Normative Subsidiary. You are the production
manager in one of the subsidiaries where costs are such that employ-
ment levels vary widely. You have only a few products, so there is no
hope of transferring workers between products. For these products
the corporation builds a new plant somewhere in the world about
every two years, and so you have been experiencing a two-year
sawtooth cycle to your shipments in addition to the random fluctu-
ations of the world markets. Individuals who were foremen have been
demoted to workers and individuals who were workers have been
laid off. Write a one-page letter that job applicants can take home
with them, explaining these facts of life. Be aware that a strong union
could end your practice, and that although there is currently no
government legislation giving workers tenure after six months, there
is a national sentiment that workers have a loyalty to their employers
and employers should have a reciprocal loyalty to their employees.
7. Corporate Emotional Descriptive Global. Describe the kind of team
managerial policies you would expect to see if the production planning
team appears competent, engrossed in their work, and seemingly
8. Corporate Emotional Descriptive Subsidiary. You are a production
manager in a developing nation, struggling with all the problems this
entails. Someone at headquarters sends you this chapter, with the
implication that you will be included in the grand production smooth.
Identify accomplishments that may be undermined by such inclusion.
For each, how would you feel?
9. Social Rational Normative Global. As long as there is fluctuating
demand there will have to be some forms of production smoothing
(including rationing). List each of the cost coefficients for the one-
nation problem. Beside each coefficient indicate whether the social
cost coefficient is greater or lower than the corporate cost coefficient.
If there is fluctuating demand, from a social point of view which
kinds of nations would be least harmed by the fluctuations in
10. Societal Rational Normative Global. Suppose a national government
reduced the corporation's cost of carrying inventory in that nation
(for example, under the motivation of an oil stockpile, the govern-
ment loans money at low interest against warehouse receipts of all
kinds of energy-using product, broadly interpreted). Would the
indirect effect be to stabilize or destabilize employment?

Digitized by Google
204 MultiMtioMl Manufacturing

11. Societal Rational Descriptive Global. Select a pair of close trading

partners (two nations, A and B). On one sheet of paper plot 10
years of unemployment rates of A and of B, and plot exports from
A to B and B to A. Is there any apparent serial correlation such that
one of the four graphs is a leading indicator and another a lagging
12. Societal Rational Descriptive National. Compare and contrast the
unemployment benefits of two different nations.
13. Societal Emotional Normative Global. Write a political tract about
the wrongs of capricious layoffs, and the need for an intergovern-
mental "layoff fund" so that the work week can be cut when there is
a glut, but workers' take home wages will remain unchanged-so as
not to reduce demand.
14. Societal Emotional Normative Subsidiary. Why should your citizens
be laid off merely because some imperial power 10,000 kilometers
away has such a debauched society that it is in economic recession?
Your forefathers died to fight off political imperialism; rally again to
fight off economic serfdom. As head. of trade unions of your nation,
call a strike.
15. Societal Emotional Descriptive Global. Describe some actual bilateral
agreements and consultative procedures that are intended to dampen
international oscillations of unemployment.
16. Societal Emotional Descriptive Subsidiary. In a society where the
government requires lifetime employment for those who have passed
a probationary period, corporations tend to work their employees
overtime until they are very certain that they can afford to create
another position. Though most workers enjoy some overtime some-
times, one might expect an employee's relationships with his family,
friends, and community to suffer. Outline different methodological
approaches a sociologist would take to detect and describe these
overtime-induced sufferings.

Bibliography to Chapter 6
Bergstrom, Guy L. and Bamard E. Smith, "Multi-Item Production P1anning- An
Extension of the HMMS Rules," Manogement Science, Vol. 16, No. 10 (1970),
pp. B614-629.
Comanor, William S. and Thomas A. Wiison, "The Effect of Advertising on Competi-
tion: A Survey," Journal of Economic Literature, Vol. 17 (June,1979), pp. 453-
Crowston, Wallace B., Warren H. Hausman, and William R. Kampe 11, "Multistage
Production for Stochastic Seasonal Demand," Manogement Science, Vol. 19,
No. 8 (1973), pp. 924-935.

Digitized by Google
Production Smoothing 205

Holt, Charles, Franco Modigliani, James Muth, and Herbert Simon, PltJnning Production
Inventories and Work Force (Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice·HalI, 1960).
I.L.O., Yearbook of Labour Statistics (Geneva: International Labour Organization,
O.E.C.D., Reviews of Manpower and Social Policies, Manpower Policy in Japan, Vol.
11, 1973; ManpowerPolicy in IreltJnd, Vol. 15, 1974; Manpower Policy in FinltJnd,
Vol. 17,1977.
Topkis, Donald M., "Optimal Ordering and Rationing Policies in 8 Non Stationary
Dynamic Inventory Model with n Demand Classes," Manogement Science, Vot.
15, No. 3 (1968), pp. 160-176.
Welam, Utf Peter, "Multi·Item Production Smoothing Models," Management Science,
Vot. 21, No. 9 (1975), pp. 1021-1028.
Yuan, John S.C., Jeffrey H. Horen, and Harvey M. Wagner, "Optimal Multi-Product
Production Schedulingand Employment Smoothing with Deterministic Demands,"
Manogement Science, Vol. 21, No. 11 (1975), pp. 1250-1262.

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Multinational Plant Location

Introductory Note to the Case

Bell GmbH

A t the time of this case Europe was still divided into a Euro-
pean Economic Community (EEC) and a European Free
Trade Area (EFTA), but merger negotiations were well along,
so that the 9.6 percent tariff from the United Kingdom to
the EEC was about to be eliminated. Bell's products, plastic
boxes for the cosmetic industry, cost about one-tenth of a
deutsche mark each. Empty plastic boxes are bulky, so the
cost of transporting them to the filling plants of the cosmetic
companies is not insignificant.
The sales growth of 20 percent per year in countries such
as Greece, Portugal, and Spain was occu"ing partly because
citizens there were purchasing more cosmetics. but also
because the cosmetics companies were starting to moue their
filiing operations to these countries. Nevertheless, at that
time, Greece, Portugal, and Spain were not members of the
EEC and so faced the EEC tariff. Currently, Bell is not
dependent on anyone cosmetic company, because even the
largest takes only 10 percent of its output.
Plastic boxes are made of petrochemicals. As the cost of
their raw material increases all manufacturers, including Bell,
will charge higher prices; the boxes are only a small element
in the cost of a finished cosmetic item, there is no conven-
ient substitute, so industry demand will hardly be affected.
Different students emphasize different aspects of this case.
Some focus on the engineering costs; others focus on indus-
try rivalry. Yet others study the cosmetics industry so as


Digitized by Google
Multinational Plant Location 207

to forecast when particular products will likely be moved to

low labor cost areas. Finally, there's usually someone who
wonders whether Bell shouldn't stay in Germany but change
its corporate strategy to "hard to manufacture" plastic pro-
ducts, and quit making cheap cosmetic boxes. All except the
last viewpoint will be analyzed in the text of this chapter.

Bell SchBnheitsprodukte GmbH

The management of Bell SchBnheitsprodukte GmbH decided

in January 1972 to give serious consideration to undertaking
a major plant expansion outside of Germany. The year 1971
had seen the formal revaluation of the once-floating German
mark to a parity of V.S. $0.3106. This revaluation repre-
sented an increase of 13.6 percent in the value of the deutsche
mark (DM) over the DM/dollar rate of May 1971. The year
1971 had also seen an increase in the wage bill (including
social benefits) at Bell GmbH of nearly 15 percent. As
Bell exported over 60 percent of its rather labor-intensive
German production, these events threatened to greatly re-
duce the firm's profitability.
Internationalizing Bell's sources of production appeared to
be the most interesting route out of this predicament. A
V.S.-owned competitor which had previously been producing
most of its output in Germany had just opened a plant in
France and had proceeded to start a price war. Wages in
France were on the order of FF5-6 per .hour. Wages in
Germany were DM6 per hour. The unanswered question,
however. was "Where should Bell put the new plant?"

The Company and Its Products

Bell SchBnheitsprodukte GmbH was a German, family-
owned company with a total Europe-wide turnover of DM22
million in 1971. The product line consisted entirely of special
opening, closing, sliding, and spring packagings for the cos-
metic industry. Among Bell's over 200 customers were several
very large multinational companies such as Vnilever, Colgate-
Palmolive, and L 'Oreal. The single largest customer purchased
10 percent of Bell's sales.

Thla case wu prepared by Profe8BOr Lawrence G. Franko of Centre d'Etudes

Industrielle8. Geneva. and la reproduced with hla permlasion.

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208 Multi1UJtional Manufacturing

Bell's American name derived from the fact that its prod-
uct line was produced under an exclusive license of an
American company, Bell Industries, Inc. The American
licensor, however, had no ownership position in Bell GmbH.
Although Bell GmbH was a relatively small firm, it had
already opened a plant in Great Britain in the mid-1960s.
The United Kingdom plant had a capacity of 25 million
units as compared to the 200 million unit capacity of
the main German plant, located in Hanover. Both plants
ordinarily produced at 90 to 95 percent of capacity. About
DM18.8 million of sales came from the German plant's pro-
duction; the remaining DM2.3 million was accounted for by
U.K. production. Because of the 9.6 percent EEC common
tariff, U.K. production went only to the United Kingdom.
All other European markets (including other EFTA markets)
were supplied by Germany. Indeed, the U.K. plant had been
set up only because of the 9.6 percent ad valorem EFTA
tariff facing German output. The U.K. plant employed 30
people, compared to 120 in Germany. Of the German person-
nel, 90 were women workers who assembled and decorated
packages. The remainder consisted of administrative person-
nel plus technicians who designed and built much of Bell
GmbH's machinery and who handled the very important
(indeed critical) quality-control aspects of the business. None
of Bell's employees were union members. According to
management, "We are too small to have attracted the atten-
tion of the unions."
Sales were made in all countries of western Europe and in
Yugoslavia. Under the terms of its American license, the com-
pany was restricted to selling in Europe and the socialist
countries. Exhibit 7.1 shows the total 1971 European and
U.S. markets for the kind of special cosmetics-packaging
products produced by Bell. Given normal economic condi-
tions, that is 4 to 5 percent yearly growth in GNP, manage-
ment expected 20 percent per year sales growth in countries
such as Greece, Portugal, and Spain.

Competition and Prices

Bell GmbH's competitors have the characteristics shown in
Exhibit 7.2. Bell's management suspected that the two small
Italian firms, 0 and E, were secretly backed by their govern-
ment - all the more so since the Italian price level was
10 to 15 percent lower than that elsewhere in the EEC.
Firms 0 and E had tried to export part of their produc-

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Multinational PlIlnt Location 209


Market Size for Closable Cosmetic Packaging, 1971


United Kingdom 150

Gennany 360
France 200
Benelux 90
Greece 5
Italy 150
Scandinavia 60
Spain 25
Portugal 5
Switzerland 40
Austria 10
Yugoslavia 5
Total Europe 1,100
United States 2,400

tion, but their quality standards were apparently not as

high as those of Bell, A, and B. Moreover, their plants were
unionized and subject to occasional strikes. Thus they
had a poor reputation for meeting delivery dates out-
side of Italy. Still, they totally dominated the local mar-
ket. Bell had once had 30 percent of the Italian market
and was well known there. With practically nonexistent
margins, however, Bell found it increasingly difficult to com-
pete in Italy. Nevertheless, in late 1971, just as the Italian
situation began to look really hopeless, the president of Bell,
Herr Kahler, had received a letter from two former managers
of Italian competitor E suggesting that Bell start up a plant
in Italy - under their direction, of course.
With the exception of the Italian situation, prices elsewhere
in Europe were relatively uniform: Bell charged all customers
in the EEC the same price - DM100 per thousand at its fac-
tory. Competitor B, which had started the price war that had
recently pushed prices down to DM95 from a previous higher
level, also billed in deutsche marks. Competitor A, which
billed in francs because of its dominant French position, by
and large charged a similar price once value added tax ad-
justments were made. According to one Bell manager, "We
tend to react immediately to what A and B do, and vice

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210 MultinatiollGl Manufacturing


Output of Plants by Country, 1971

Competitor Ownership Output ('fo)

A (large) U.K. group France 80

United Kingdom 15
Italy 5
B (large) U.S. company Gennany 65
England 30
France 5
C (small) U.S. (recently
acquired) Gennany 100
D (small) Italian Italy 100
E (small) Italian Italy 100

versa. Everyone tries to differentiate their product other than

by price, but finally, one packaging is like another."
Exhibit 7.3 summarizes estimates for the market share of
Bell and its competitors in France, Germany, England, and
the whole of Europe.

Alternative Courses of Action

In the face of competition, unfavorable exchange rate move-
ments, wage increases in Germany, and the Italian proposal,
management felt that action would be needed soon. Herr
Kahler had received a· phone call from Competitor A sug-
gesting that they try to counter B's price cutting by an "ar-
rangement." The virtues of such an arrangement from Bell's
point of view, however, seemed questionable. Competitor A,
after all, was sitting with 80 percent of its production in
France, where wages were favorable and devaluation more
often the rule than not.
Putting up a new plant in France, of course, seemed a most
tempting possibility - all the more so since the French govern-
ment offered very interesting incentives in certain parts of
the country. In addition, some technical and design tasks
could eventually be performed in France since indigenous
skills were available. Ninety percent of the components
needed would be supplied initially from Bell's usual outside
suppliers in Germany. However, by the second year of opera-
tions, perhaps 30 percent could be obtained locally, and, if
necessary, all materials could be obtained locally after the

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Multinational Plant Location 211


Comparative Market Shares (in percentr

Compet- Compet-
Bell itorA itorB Others Total

Europe total 19 35 25 21 100

France 7 70 20 3 100
Kingdom 15 30 45 10 100
Germany 22 30 30 18 100
GRoullh estimates. No one In &be Industry pubUshes wes ftaurel.

third year. Finally, in regions such as Alsace, French techni-

cians and workers generally were fluent in German. Thus
there would be few language difficulties during the plant
start-up. But management could not help wondering whether
the French wage and exchange rate situations would remain
as favorable to exports in the future as they had been in the
past. Moreover, the investment incentives picture had recently
been altered by the EEC agreement to limit incentive grants
to 20 percent of project costs as of January 1972. And what
if France were to suffer another social upheaval like that of
May 1968?
In some ways, adding 25 or 50 million units of capacity to
the U.K. plant seemed about the easiest thing to do. A plant and
trained people were already in existence. Incentives might
be available. The pound might be devalued again. And per-
haps wages would not increase as fast as elsewhere in the now
expanding EEC. As in France, local components could
eventually be substituted for German-made goods. Still, the
United Kingdom might be less attractive for the time being
because it would probably take five years before tariff
barriers would finally disappear between the United Kingdom
and the EEC.
The request from the Italians reminded Bell management
that a local plant might well help it to capture back its once
30 percent market share. Technical skills and components
would be as easily available as in the United Kingdom and
France. Moreover, Italy could conceivably provide a relative-
ly low wage base for exports. And the lira had depreciated
against the mark in recent times. But could any country that
had taken 23 ballots to elect a president in 1971 be a stable
place in which to invest?

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212 MultirllJtional Manufacturing

One final alternative that appeared interesting to Herr

Kahler and other members of Bell's management was that of
setting up a plant in Spain. Perhaps such a move might give
the company a much greater and longer lasting competitive
advantage than would the other possibilities. Whether or not
components could ever be obtained locally was simply un-
known. Still, wage rates were thought to be low enough to
easily compensate for the EEC common tariff. Although a
10 percent duty might have to be paid on components im-
ported from Germany, it seemed probable that a rebate
arrangement for reexported components could be negotiated
with the Spanish authorities.
The plant sizes that appeared most interesting for Italian,
Spanish, United Kingdom, or French operations were either
25 million or 50 million units per year. Factory buildings
could be leased for very similar yearly rentals throughout
Europe. Details of the capacity and cost alternatives con-
sidered are given in Exhibit 7.4. The necessary machinery
would either be made at Bell's main plant or purchased in
Germany. Tentatively, it was thought best to finance a for-
Bell GmbH
Capacity and Cost Alternatives
Alternatiue 1 AlterrllJtiue 2

Annual plant capacity

(million units) 25 50
Space requirements 600m 2 1000 m 2
Approximate yearly rental cost
for leased plant;G 28,000 OM 48,000 OM
Cost of machinery (to be
purchased in Germany) 300,000 OM 500,OOOOM b
Working capital requirements 100,000 OM 220,000 OM
Components cost (per
million units) 46,000 OM 46,000 OM
Direct labor (per million
units produced in Germany) 7,000 OM 7,000 OM
General administration and
overhead (per year) 100,000 OM 150,OOOOMb
Transport costs 2% sales price 2% sales price
an countries.
GaimlJar in
bFor planu above 50 million UDitl, machinery Dd overhead coN are roulhly
proportional to capacity.

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Exchange Rates, Money Supply, and Prices, Selected European Countries 1965-1971 0
1966 1968 70 1971

Rate of IIH1r dollar) 624.45 1::123.50 62i'i :;!: ::::.00 581.5
Money supply (1963 = 100) 125 142 164 184 213 273
Cost-of-living index (1963 = 100) 109 112 115 117 121 128
Rate of exchange (francs per dollar) 4.902 4.952 4.908 4.948 5.558 5.520 5.116 b
Money supply (1963 = 100) 118 127 133 145 146 157
Cost-of-livJ:i:lmi:l:dl!:K 1.1963 = 100) 105 108 112 118 124 131
Rate of e:,::ch,IUl:ii)I" f,:H:HUld per dollar) 0.358 .419 0.4 0.383
!'oO) 118 140 144
!:11I113 = 100) 114 123 12'1:1'
Rate of exchange (marks per dollar) 4.006 3.977 3.999 4.000 3.690 3.648 3.223
Money supply (1963 = 100) 117 119 131 142 150 165
Cost-of-living index (1963 = 100) 107 109 110 113 116 120
Rate of exchange (peseta per dollar) 59.99 60.00 69.70 69.82 70.06 69.72 64.47
Money SUPIP']:II!,OO) 155 198 22'1:1'
!:::1113 = 100) 130 142 14';'
°Year end.
Source: IMF, l'll':lonciol Stoti.tic.,
IT ~
'< ~

c; CO

......:I EXHIBIT 7.6
• International Financial Data, Selected European Countries (in $ millionsr
1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 (Nov.)

Official reserves 4,800 4,911 5,463 5,341 5,045 5,352 6,431
Balance on goods and services b 1.883 1,779 1,273 2,336 2,013 679
Trade (goods) balance only 646 331 -21 1,048 542 -340
Official reserves 6,343 6,733 6,994 4,201 3,833 4,960 7,494
Balance on goods and services b 732 -238 -971 1,148
Trade (goods) balance only 356 -158 -1,223 726
United Kingdom
Official reserves 3,004 3,099 2,695 2,422 2,527 2,827 5,572
Balance on goods and services b 378 801 -115 -118 1,613 1,911
Trade (goods) balance only -664 -204 -1,446 -1,543 -338 7
Official reserves 7,430 8,029 8,153 9,948 7,129 13,610 17,371
cO" Balance on goods and services b -86 1,593 3,970 4,554 3,780 3,225
Trade (goods) balance only 248 1,878 4,116 4,485 3,902 4,024
IT Spain

c; Official reserves
Balance on goods and services b
1,817 3,104
( i)
Trade (goods) balance only
aEnd of year.
bNot includinl uanafer payment••

Source: IMF,lntematlonol Financial•.

-1,992 -1,781 -1,574 -1,871

Wage Increases Related to Output Increases in Industry, Selected European Countrie~

1967 1 ::169 1970 rO";fl
"lJ 1), 1972 b

Percent incl~'II'lm,:11111 i,1':I IrUiihtlili,l:ial output 8.5 :::!.9 4.0 «m,,:;!: ,!l:ll 8.0
Percent increase in wagesd 5.2 3.6 7.5 21.4 14.5 15.0
Ratio of output to wage increases (1.64) (1.75) (0.36) (0.14) (0.19) (0.53)
Percent increase in industrial output 4.3 2.6 4.1 12.7 5.6 2.5 5.0
Percent increase in wagesd 5.9 6.0 12.4 11.3 10.5 11.1 10.0
Ratio of OUli,!P'tiili: to '11I1I111,1i!1I i rllcreases (0.43) 1.13) (0.5::::1 ~;!: :;;!) (0.50)
United Kingdoli:n
Percent inclI'IIi'IIt:'IIII' -0.9 :1.4 1.6 11),111, 3.5
Percent incJ:'II'II'I,:!I,II!' 4.0 !:1I.2 9.6 1:1:, 1 12.0
Ratio of OUII,!P'lllli: to '1111':III!;l1II iJllcreases (-0.22) (0.37) (O.U'I ((:1,(]17) (0.29)
Percent increase in industrial output 1.8 -1.7 12.3 12.5 6.3 3.2 0
Percent increase in wagesC 7.3 3.9 4.3 9.1 12.8 13.3 6.5
Ratio of output to wage increases (0.25) (-0.44) (2.9) (1.4) (0.49) (0.24) (0)
Percent inCII"!'IiII:!lIII' 6.2 14.5 7.9 6.6
Percent inc!~'II!IIIt:II'III' 15.0 !:I.O 17.0 12.0
Ratio of OU!;IP'llllii (0.42) (1.61) (O.4';r} (0.55)
aCalculated frollllll i"iconomic Indlcatorll',
bEurofinance·'!,i 1,11111 0 1'1, Vision. January :1,1:;1'11
~ CHourly earninllllll"
'< ... dHourly rates.
c; C1I


Wages in Manufacturing (All Industries) in Local Cu"encies, Selected European Countries

Austria Belgium Denmark W. Germany U.K.
per per day per hour France per hour Italy Spain Switzerland per hour
month Male (M& F)a per hour (M& F)a per hour per hour per hour Male
Schillingb B. Franc b Ore b Francs c D. Mark b Lira b Pesetas b Sw. Fr.b s.d. b

1965 3,141 359.0 923 3.00 4.12 386 21.57 5.20 8/9
1966 3,514 389.7 1,040 3.18 4.42 401 25.13 5.58 9/3
1967 3,781 414.2 1,128 3.37 4.60 426 28.81 5.94 9/8
1968 4,018 438.7 1,283 3.79 4.79 445 31.16 6.24 10/4
1969 4,263 474.1 1,407 4.21 5.28 489 34.69 6.64 11/2
1970 5,074 4.56 5.77
~Male and female.
Source: lLO Yearboolr o( Lobor Stat/dtc_. 1970.


( i)

Multinational Plant Location 217


Indices of Industrial Capacity Utilization. Selected European Countries

Nether· United
Yea,.a Belgium France Germany Italy lands Kingdom

1965 95.3% 91.7% 92.1% 86.8% 89.7%

1966 90.6 90.0 85.8 88.5 87.6 93.6%
1967 90.2 87.0 86.7 89.4 86.7
1968 90.6 96.8 93.0 80.0 91.2 96.9
1969 94.2 94.7 97.3 79.1 93.2 95.8
1970 92.8 95.6 94.0 87.3 94.0 94.5
1971 (1) 94.7 96.1 97.1 86.1 96.5 93.6
(2) 92.2 93.2 95.4 82.1 94.8 94.2
(3) 92.9 95.5 93.1 79.4 93.6 93.4
aYear end 1965-70, and first three quarters 1971.
Source: "Wharton Indices of Industrial Capacity Utilization In Europe," Wharton Quarterly, various
iasuel. (Avallable from The Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania, PhUadelphia, Pa.)

eign plant by an equity stake equal to the cost of machinery.

Working capital requirements could be met either by local
borrowing or by the extension of account payable terms
(for components) to the foreign plant.
As Bell management was preparing to draw up pro forma
economic forecasts and cash flow projections for the French,
United Kingdom, Spanish, and Italian alternatives, Herr
Kahler reminded his colleagues of a letter he had received in
November 1971. He suggested that this letter should stimu-
late Bell to examine the German economy a bit more care-
fully, too. The letter was from a Yugoslavian company that
was soliciting Bell's participation in a joint venture whose
aim would be to export back to Europe. Herr Kahler re-
jected serious consideration of such an alternative for the
time being on the grounds that Bell was too small to enter
into protracted negotiations with a prospective partner in
a venture that might end up competing with already existing
wholly owned facilities. Still, he felt it might be useful to
look at the medium-term outlook for Germany and the
competitiveness of the headquarters plant. If a firm in a
country like Yugoslavia were to enter into the packaging
business, perhaps continued German revaluations and steep
wage increases could make the position of the main 200 mil-
lion unit capacity plant less and less tenable over the years.

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218 Multinational Manufacturing

Sample Cash-Flow Projection for an Italian Investment O
Projected Cash Flow.: Italian InlJutment in 50 Million-unit Plant


Machinery 500,000 OM
Working capital 220,000
Total 720,000
Less: 70% debt (504,000)
Net investment 216,000 OM

Before After 10%

ANNUAL CASH FLOWS DelJQluation DelJQluation

Sale. reuenue
(95 X 50,000 OM) 4,750,000 OM 4,750,000 OM

E%peme. b
Building rental 48,000 43,000
Components 2,300,000 1,970,000
Direct labor 170,000 153,000
General overhead 150,000 135,000
Transport costs 75,000 68,000
Interest (5%) 25,000 23,000
Net cash flow 1,982,000 OM 2,358,000 OM
OShowln1 results _mini: (1) no devaluation and (2) a 10'.11. devaluation.
bMajor UBIlmptions:
1. All components SIlppUed locally.
2. Income tax hoUday provided by ItaUan lovemment
3. All production Is for export.
4. Depreciation not Included In overhead charles.

Up to this point, it had been assumed that German produc-

tion would still account for most of Bell's sales, even after
the new plant was added. It was true that the German stock-
holders might not want to shift a lot of Bell's current produc-
tion to a foreign country, but efforts at automation could
only go so far. Bell had reduced the number of its women
workers from 150 to 90 between 1970 and 1971 while in-
creasing output. However, productivity increases could not

Digitized by Google
Multinational Plant Location 219
be obtained at this rate in the future. Would some existing
German plant capacity eventually have to be transferred

la. "The product line consisted entirely of special opening,
closing, sliding, and spring packagings for the cosmetic
industry" sold to over 200 customers of which the
largest purchased 10 percent of Bell's sales. Based on
your understanding of the manufacturing technology
and the cost of transportation approximately how many
plants would it be rational for Bell to have?
lb. Given the total market size for the cosmetic packaging
industry as a whole in Europe, estimate approximately
how many plants would minimize the sum of logistics
and operating costs.
2. From the viewpoint of Firms A and B, in which nations
would Bell's next plant least threaten them, and how
might they react to the Bell move that you are recom-
3. Layout the skeleton of the cost/benefit analysis that
would be done by the Spanish or Italian government.
4. It is mentioned that "Kahler had received a phone call
from Company A suggesting that they try to counter
B's price cutting by an arrangement." What ulterior
motives might A have had and from what actions would
it want to restrain Bell?
5. Compared to the German norm, how many additional
months of inventory would it be prudent to carry in
customer nations to compensate for the probabilities
of supply interruptions if the new plant were to be
built in (a) Yugoslavia, (b) Italy, and (c) Spain?
6. Analyze Exhibit 7.4 to calculate the economies of scale
in the cost of (a) constructing and (b) operating a pack-
aging plant.
7. Extrapolate the data in Exhibits 7.5-7.10 to predict the
equivalent of Exhibit 7.4 in 1980 in each of the nations.
8. Based on your analysis of the case in the preceding
questions which models of the chapter would you rec-
ommend to Bell's management? What budget should they
authorize for an analysis and what deadline should be
established before committing the next plant?

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Until it builds a factory in a nation, a corporation has the flexibility to
consider supplying the market from anyone of a dozen different nations,
playing governments off against one another for incentives. Once built,
however, the factory becomes a hostage by which the national govern-
ment can and does influence the corporation. Anticipating this reversal of
the relationship means that the political forecasts needed by a multina-
tional corporation should be more detailed than those needed by a domes-
tic corporation in the same nation. After all, the domestic corporation
must build a factory in the nation if it is to supply its growing market-
there may be questions of capacity, timing, layout, and unionization, but
the location decision is a foregone conclusion. Because a multinational
corporation has more options, its executives need to be able to choose
among them; political information is a vital input.

How Governments Perceive Factories

The fact that nations measure gross national product rather than gross
national consump tion suggests that they perceive the wealth of their
nation as being its productive capability. Most politicians have the view
that a nation of industrial workers is better than a nation of glad-handed
salesmen. A ranking of work by worth might be:
1.. Manufacturing.
2. Repair of plant equipment.
3. Agriculture.
4. Sales.
5. Consumer service.
This ranking suggests a mercantilist concept: Exports are good and im-
ports are an undesirable necessity. National development plans are invari-
ably written in terms of manufacturing plants rather than well-employed
sales forces. There is a sense that a factory from abroad brings worker
training and a diffusion of technology, whereas a sales manager from a-
broad brings glibness tailored to the pampered rich.
National prestige used to play a role in justifying steel mills and national
airlines. Today, the ultimate symbol of achievement seems to be the
manufacture of equipment in the commanding heights of technology-
computer peripherals, solar cells, and the like. The statement "it all boils
down to jobs" is too gross a simplification for the diverse goals and con-
straints under which most governments operate. As a general rule, it is
prudent for a corporation to prepare a cost/benefit analysis of how the


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- -- -~--~------------

Multinational Plant Location 221

plant will contribute to the national well-being, expressed in terms of the

national development plan, and weighted for the kinds of jobs created,
whether for laborers or research scientists, using weights appropriate to
that nation.

Social Cost/Benefit Analysis

Social cost/benefit analysis (Wells, 1975) is simply an attempt on the part
of the host government to ensure that the multinational acts in the host
nation's interest by putting resources to their proper use. In a classical
economic world, the "invisible hand" would ensure that what is good for
the multinational is good for the country. Input prices would reflect the
value of the inputs ~ the economy, product prices would reflect value to
the user, and competition would be such that excess returns would not
exist. In many developing countries, however, weak competition and/or
government intervention in the marketplace may have distorted price
signals; projects profitable to the corporation may squander resources for
which there is a greater social use elsewhere; and socially desirable projects
may be unattractive to the investor.
Social cost/benefit analysis attempts to set the prices "right." The
government official evaluating the project will estimate the cost to the
economy of obtaining the same kind of benefits from the best alternative
source that might be used. This then becomes the social price of the pro-
ject's output. Similarly, prices of the inputs purchased by the corporation
will be adjusted to reflect what they would yield in their next best use.
For example, if the host country has a persistently high level of unem-
ployment, an economist would say that the next best use of the worker's
time is unemployment and therefore the "shadow wage rate" is near zero.
Of particular interest to multinationals is how the inflow of capital is
evaluated in such analyses. Actual payments to foreigners of dividends and
interest are real costs to the host country and become cost items in their
calculations. If the exchange rate is managed, the government would not
use the legal exchange rate in these calculations but would use the "shadow
exchange rate," a government economist estimate of the black market
In addition to using social prices in calculating the effects of a project,
most analysts will try to include "externalities" - costs and benefits to
the economy that are not reflected in the company's income statement.
For example, if a proposed plant holds promise of attracting other bene-
ficial factories to a region in need of investment, some credit will be
given to reflect these subsequent additional benefits. If the corporation
knows its plant will be subject to a cost/benefit analysis, prudence would
suggest that the corporation track the government analysis with its own

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222 Multinational Manufacturing

Most national governments would prefer indigenous industrialization,

both to achieve self-sufficiency of the managerial process and to avoid
being dependent on the world. As a bridge between now and the advent of
managerial self-sufficiency, some governments give incentives to attract
selected foreign corporations, while other governments impose require-
ments that manipulate the corporation into conforming. In other words,
governments influence corporations with both incentives and penalties.

The Carrots of Government Incentives

Incentives are given by each level of government- national, state, county,
and city. Examples include the following:
1. The right to establish a 100 percent subsidiary, rather than a minority
joint venture.
2. Free rail, road, sewer, water, and power connections. Low-cost elec-
tric power, and guaranteed priority when excessive demand leads to
localized brownouts.
3. A government will build the factory and lease it to the corporation at
minimal rent for 99 years.
4. The corporation has the right to raise capital from the national devel-
opment bank at subsidized rates of interest.
5. Factory equipment may be imported duty free.
6. Grants will be given for factory equipment.
7. A special school will be established to train workers, and their first
month's wages will be paid by the government.
8. The anti-layoff laws will be waived for a certain period.
9. The county and city governments will grant a property tax holiday
for, say, 10 years.
10. The national government will grant an income tax holiday for, say,
five years.
These and other incentives are subject to negotiations. To aid those
negotiations it is important that the corporation clearly evaluate the after-
tax present value of each. Such a present value calculation is possible only
if the corporate analyst understands how this plant will fit into the world-
wide manufacturing network. For example, a five-year income tax holiday
is meaningful only if the corporation can anticipate that by the fifth year,
income will exceed losses carried forward. To take advantage of a tax
holiday, the corporation can reduce production elsewhere so as to fully
load this plant, and can set transfer prices and fees (Chapter 3) to show a
profit on which to escape tax.

The Stick of Requirements

Some governments prefer the direct action of requiring that a corporation
act in ways it prefers. These requirements are always specific by industry

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Multinational Plant Location 228

and frequently discriminate among corporations. In other words, not all

corporations stand equal before national development boards.
A local content law sets a minimum requirement on the percentage
value of an item that must be manufactured locally. There is frequently
room for negotiation of the percentage and how value is to be calculated.
The corporation can also negotiate how broad a product line can be de-
fined as one item. The corporate negotiator can couch this discussion in
terms of gaining credits by exporting part of the line to offset imports.
Governments and government agencies are major purchasers in most
nations. They can discriminate by giving selective preference to certain
corporations (or by excluding others from a list of approved vendors),
thereby "suggesting" that a corporation manufacture locally.
Governments frequently impose price controls. A corporation usually
has to take the initiative to request a price increase. The price commission
considers the request for a time and then issues its ruling. The govern-
ment may pressure a corporation to build a factory by stalling the im-
porting corporation's price increase request for months or years and then
rejecting it.
Most governments control imports. They impose tariffs and may require
import permits. Sometimes a government will play competitors off against
one another by promising that whoever builds a plant first will suffer less
import competition while the others will face reduced quotas and/or
higher tariffs.

Plant Location Decisions in a Geographically Decentralized Corporation

The manager of each national subsidiary aspires to have a separate plant in
each nation. In an extreme form of poly centrism, the multinational cor-
poration would locate its plants just as though it were a group of domestic
companies. In essence, a polycentric executive has made the political
assessment that each national government will insist that the market and
factory are inseparably united. Frequently the symbolic value of a factory
cannot be ignored, hence it should be analyzed.
That a factory can have symbolic value is attested to in several ways:
1. When a market is served by imports, the first corporation to build a
plant usually gains market share. A local plant is perceived as a com-
mitment of permanence by customers, especially dealers, and even by
the corporation's own sales force.
2. To spur industrialization, some governments have encouraged import
substitution plants by promising to raise import tariffs, restrict quotas,
or delay the permit of a second entrant for a specified number of
3. In the struggle for worldwide market share, oligopolistic rivals fear

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224 Multinational Manufacturing

being foreclosed from a market, and thus build a small factory. A small
nation may become the site of too many plants, none of world scale.
In Canada this phenomenon is called the "miniature replica effect."
Let us work through the situation of two rival corporations exporting to
a market. With increased market demand and/or a rise in unit cost of im-
porting, a corporation could justify the fixed cost of a local plant. How-
ever, suppose the market is still too small for either rival to warrant incurring
the cost of a plant. Nevertheless, each firm knows that its market share
will suffer as soon as its rival builds. Many executives, experienced in such
situations, know that a firm with a local plant has a competitive edge over
one that does not. By building first, a firm can hope to increase its market
share, especially its share of new customers. Only by building a catch-up
plant can the preempted rival stop the erosion of its market share. The
longer it waits, the greater the permanent erosion of market share. Of
course, if both firms build too early, the resulting capacity glut will reduce
industry profits. Scherer et al. (1975) provide an excellent discussion of
the complex issues of competitive capacity expansion. From the date of
construction of the first plant until the catch-up plant comes on stream,
the firm that builds second loses market share to the leader, as shown in
Exhibit 7.11.
Some corporations keep thorough and systematic track of each of their
rivals. Most find it more prudent to conduct ad hoc analyses. In the United
States, the first legal means of competitor analysis is the reports a cor-
poration must file with various government agencies. Pursuant to the
Freedom of Information Act, several Washington firms specialize in ob-
taining these reports for clients. Similar intelligence is available in other
The second legal means is to interview the rival's managers and engineers.
The usual practice is to contract with a medium level executive search


Market share
---,.....-- of second firm

__--+---Market share
II of first firm

Date of Date of Time

first plant catch-Up plant

Market share and sequence of construction.

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Multinational Plant Location 225

firm to prepare a slate of candidates. The more an interviewer knows,

the more sense he can make of the interviewee's indiscretions. Some cor-
porations counter this by sending trusted employees on interviews, not
only to willfully mislead, but especially to sense issues from the inter-
viewer's questions.
Knowledgeable competitive analysts describe their task as fitting to-
gether a jigsaw puzzle for which the most productive start is to attempt to
stand in the competitor's shoes and see what would seem rational to him.
A thoughtful competitive analyst can duplicate the staff work being pre-
pared in the rival firm. Let us assume an active role in this process.
If we intend to build a plant in a certain period, we must anticipate
when our rival will respond with a catch-up plant of his own. His effect
on our market share means that only after anticipating his reaction can
we calculate our cash flow from our plant. The first step is to draw our
version on Exhibit 7.11 and estimate the attrition of market shares.
The second step is to stand in the rival's shoes and anticipate his reac-
tions to our every move. One might visualize a conflict between the sales
manager and the comptroller. If we build prematurely, the rival's comp-
troller will delay construction of their plant until the market has grown
enough, even though this means sacrificing market share in the interim.
We can stand in the shoes of the rival and estimate his monthly cash flows
from now until he builds, his cost of construction, and his cash flows
afterward. Use a computer to calculate the present value of this sequence
of cash flows, thus simulating the rival's reaction timing, and find the
reaction best to him. Usually we would have other information about
the process by which the rival makes decisions, so we could predict more
accurately when he would react to our initiative.
Our monthly cash flow, depicted in Exhibit 7.12, critically depends
on when the rival reacts. Assuming that we can manage to be the first to
build, our profitability is the present value of the Exhibit 7.12 cash flows.
For every month in which we could conceivably build the first plant, we
must predict the rival's reaction so we .can calculate our cash flows. For

A's cash flow S's cash flow

B builds A builds Time Time

Best cash flow to A for given date of B's building.

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226 Multinatio1llJl Manufacturing

each date of our building the first plant, we can calculate the present
value of our future cash flows and those of our rival.
Half the problem' has been solved. Now, standing in the shoes of the
rival, and for each date at which the rival builds the first plant in the
nation, calculate when we would respond. For each date of the rival's
building the first plant, calculate the present value of cash flows to the
rival and the present value of our cash flow.
The important date is when the first plant is built. Call the two corpora-
tions A and B. In Exhibit 7.13 the first graph shows the present value of
cash flow to corporation A, one line if it builds first, the other line if it
builds second. Note that after a certain date the market has grown so large
and market share counts so much that the corporation will build a plant
as soon as its rival does; after this date it shows the same cash flow
whether it builds first or second.
The posture of each firm toward the other varies through time (Rao and
Rutenberg, 1979). We can delineate five zones or intervals that characterize
the growth of demand in the new market (Exhibit 7.13). The first is a
premature zone when both firms find it profitable to import rather than
Sum of A's
profits, $ A preempts or
responds optimally

A responds optimally

Sum of B's I ~. Date of first plant

profits, $ lo... ~ B preempts
I' 'I B preempts or
responds optimally
, I

Date of first plant

The dynamics of rivalry.

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Multinational Plant Location 227

build a new plant. In the next interval, one firm has an opportunity to
preempt its rival and thereby gain a stronger market position in terms of
higher market share. This is the opportunity zone. Subsequent to this is
the anxiety zone, an interval when each firm can preempt the other
"advantageously," but only if the other does not build simultaneously.
This is the prisoner's dilemma. It is followed by an interval of mutual for-
bearance, where neither firm finds advantage in preempting; each is de-
terred by knowing that the other will respond by building simultaneously
because the market has grown large enough and market shares have be-
come more valuable. This we call the zone of mutual deterrence. Finally,
at some time one firm will find it so expensive to continue to import that
it will build a local plant. The other firm will respond by building simul-
taneously to protect market share. This is the safe zone. As can be seen, in
each zone the value for competitive information is quite different.
Everything else being equal, we would expect a large firm to build a
plant first. However, the firm that has the higher import cost may be pre-
sented with an opportunity. In a competitively adverse situation it pays
not to catch up but to initiate; intelligent leapfrogging can actually result
in gains. But such opportunities occur only occasionally for a small firm.
In practice, the delineation between the opportunity zone and the
anxiety zone is crucial, whether it is delineated by argument or calcula-
tions. Most executives have felt extremely anxious about the real possibil-
ity of excess industry capacity. "Some damn fool is going to trigger a
round of capacity expansions" is frequently repeated. The first reason for
clear delineation is that, in the anxiety zone, rivals can cope by choosing
two nations, both ripe for a plant, and each rival can build a plant in one
of the nations, sized adequately to supply the marketing needs of both
corporations. If the product is homogeneous (gasoline or liquid oxygen,
for example) this twinning of transactions is called a swap. However, there
is no reason that the products must be identical (factories commonly
produce private label brands). The twinning is essential so that each com-
pany holds the other hostage. Thus each of the two firms may build in a
different market first and then exchange their outputs locally rather than
incur shipping costs. In this way, not only is excess capacity avoided but
efficient production networks are achieved. Scherer et al. (1975) discuss
the prevalence of such practices. In the anxiety zone, both parties will
welcome government intervention to prevent both from building a plant.
The second reason for clear delineation is that corporate planners must
make an argument for new plants early enough to arrange capital appro-
priations. It is vital to forecast the opportunity zone correctly, and to
communicate the opportunities to superiors and subordinates. An inability
to seize opportunity might lead managers to swapping arrangements, or
worse, capacity expansions that result in excess industry capacity.
In summary, governments pressure corporations to build factories to
replace imports. In each nation competitive dynamics also lead to early
plants. In a polycentric corporation there will be many small plants.

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Ethnocentric Plant Location to Minimize Cost

A global product manager displays his ethnocentrism by the assumptions

he makes. He assumes that his task is to satisfy market demands of all
i§g~AUIJ", doing so total cost. The on the economielfr
eOlfrt minimizatioo~
hix kinds of lfrequired:
A time horizon years) over
A demand fOlfree&lfrt tzhe time horizon i"K&arket:
(a) Demand might depend on the presence of one's plant. For now,
assume plant locations are given, estimate the demands, and proceed
to calculate the plant capacity and operations.
(b) The quantity demanded depends on the price, which in turn de-
pends on the delivered cost. Output from this calculation gives the
time trace of cost in each studying the
forecast, each manager matz revise his salelfr
timates. The model can ]cemn. If the marketint
enough to el£:&lfrtic demand
Erlenkotter how to calee letn sizes aC.[!Ol~deegj
3. The logistics costs discussed in Chapter 5 extrapolated as far into the
future as the planning horizon.
4. A thorough understanding of why there are economies of scale in each
plant. Design engineers commonly assume a "0.7 rule," which de-
scribes cost function:

e~ef double capaeittz 20.7 , or 1.6,

as much. show that the£: is usually betezg:e:n
0.6 and 0.8 (:ost curves sheped ttz:~:se in Exhibit .
Nevertheless, after government incentives and local particularities have

p:esent value

Economies of scale.
Multinational Plant Location 229

been incorporated into the cost function a wider range of exponents is

5. Discount rate. One-time capital expenditures are to be balanced
against streams of operating and logistics costs. For valid comparisons, all
future expenditures must be discounted to the present. A discount
rate is therefore needed (see Chapter 3).
6. Constraints on plant sequences and/or dates. Decisions to build plants
are rife with political jockeying, both between power factions within
the corporation and within governments. The ambiguity of such con-
siderations may drive an ethnocentric manager to demand that some-
one state definite constraints as to plant sequences and deadlines.
Within these constraints he will optimize. The model to be explained
can be run several times to cost out each different set of sequence
constraints and deadlines. These cost differences will be valuable feed-
back for the geocentric executive, as will be discussed in the next
These six inputs will be processed to minimize the discounted present
value of cash flows over the time horizon. The solution of the plant
location problem yields the plant capacities, construction dates, and
operating load. The fact that these have cash flow consequences implies
rerunning the Maneuvering Liquid Assets model of Chapter 3. That model
yields precise discount rates. The plant capacity and timing decisions may
then be improved by recalculation.

Improving Timing
Solve the logistics problem at time zero (using the market demands,
logistics costs, and the plant's capacities available at time zero). The solu-
tion gives one point in Exhibit 7.15. In the transportation tableau allow
the demands to grow with time (use Srinivasan and Thompson [1972]
operators to keep the transportation tableau optimized). The total of 10-


o Time

Logistics cost on all routes at each point through time.

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230 Multinational Manufacturing

gistics plus plant operating costs will rise as demands increase as shown in
curve A of Exhibit 7.15. The upper end of line A occurs at t} when de-
mand has risen to fill all available plants.
As soon as a new plant is built, it will supply local markets, so the sum
of the logistics costs drops from Lt to L~ dollars per month in Exhibit
7.15. This desirable drop is offset by the interest on the plant investment.
If the interest charge is less than the drop in logistics and operating costs,
then it will be profitable to build the new plant earlier. How much earlier
to build depends on the logistics cost, so with the new plant available, run
the transportation tableau backward in time to calculate the lower logis-
tics curve B. Stop working backward in time as soon as the difference
between the logistics curves equals the interest cost on the plant. In Ex-
hibit 7.15 this time occurs at t2 , when the logistics savings is L~ - L~ .
Timing reoptimizations can be done one at a time, starting with the
first new plant. The calculations of Rao and Rutenberg (1977) show that
this simple retiming can be very profitable. Constructing a plant earlier
than needed has two side benefits. The excess capacity is available in case
demand picks up or some other plant fails. Furthermore, as analyzed in
the polycentric section, having the plant means that capacity overhangs
the market, thereby preempting rivals.

The Optimal Plant Size

To decide to change the capacity of one of the intended plants we need to
compare the cost of the increment of capacity with the benefits from that
increment. The slope of Exhibit 7.14 provides the cost. The dual variables
on the logistics problem through time provide the benefits.
In a transportation tableau, the dual variable associated with a plant
measures the value of an additional increment of plant capacity. As the
demand and logistics costs increase through time, keep an eye on the dual
variable. For one plant, plot how the value of the dual variable alters
through time. In Exhibit 7.16 the periods of zero value occur when this
plant has excess capacity. Whenever a new plant is built, production will



Time trace of the benefit of expanding the plant by one unit of capacity.

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Multinational Plant Location 231

be reallocated, and some established plants will have excess capacity. The
exhibit is plotted in terms of dollars per month. Using the discount rate
for this nation, compute the present value of this stream of benefits.
Compare the cost of an increment of capacity with the present value of
the benefit, and make a small adjustment to the capacity to bring the
values toward equality.
Recall that the polycentric corporation was pressured to build a factory
in each strong national market. Healthy economies generally have natural
resources and/or high labor productivity. Their exports usually exceed im-
ports such that their exchange rate need not fall as fast as domestic in-
flation rises. It is difficult to export from such nations, because plant
productivity improvements tend to be offset by the rising exchange rate.
In contrast, the hardheaded production approach of an ethnocentric
corporation is to convert national balance of payments analyses into U.S.
dollars. In nations whose currencies are forecast to devalue faster than
domestic inflation will rise, a multinational will face a falling real cost of
wages and local supplies. To this end the corporation should select nations
that lack natural resources and have an adequate but fragmented
manufacturing base. Often these are the nations who give the largest in-
centives to get world-scale manufacturing plants.

Geocentric Perspective on Plant Location

Many governments perceive a multidivisional corporation as a single entity.
List the divisions of a corporation down the side of the page and various
nations across the top. If the division has a plant in a nation, mark the ap-
propriate cell. During the next decade, some national governments are
going to insist that the corporation open a plant, below the column of
each such nation mark a 1 for one plant. During the same decade the
world growth expected by certain products will necessitate new plants
for some of the product divisions. For each such division, mark the num-
ber of new plants in the far right of its row.
The question to be explored by the geocentric headquarters is which
product plants to assign to which nations. Involved is a delicate trade-
off. The product division has probably done a global network analysis
to calculate exactly which one or two national plant locations will result
in the lowest global cost to the product division. Unfortunately, in a mul-
tidivisional organization it is likely that all the product divisions will
be attracted to only a few nations. Staff in headquarters generally pre-
pare lists of nations suitable for investment. This information is then
used by the product division managers, who interpret the lists as revealing
the preferences of the headquarters capital appropriations committee,
and hence they tend not to consider other nations. Yet the real challenge
of creative plant location is to search for nations that match the idio-
syncratic needs of the particular product divisions.

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232 Multinational Manufacturing

Refer back to the table of nations and product divisions. For each pro-
duct division determine the best location for the new plant. Then evaluate
locating the new plant in each of the other nations. Optimize logistics,
timing, and plant size so as to determine the additional cost that would be
incurred if political pressures necessitated this location. The table of
nations and product divisions, with each cell completed with the "addi-
tional cost," becomes the "payoff matrix" to the corporation. If each
nation insists on a plant (without specifying which product), then the
corporate staff can compute the least cost assignment of plants to nations
as an orthodox assignment problem from operations research.
If governments prefer certain divisions to others (as they will if they
perform cost/benefit analyses), then the government's payoff matrix
will be different from the corporation's. It turns out that this problem
can be formulated as a weighted distribution (machine loading) problem
where each government has a goal of benefits that must be satisfied. With
computers doing the drudgery of calculations, the analysts can work to
refine what these solutions really are in the eyes of the corporation and
in the eyes of each government.

The first and most important step is to stand in the shoes of the national
planning agency and, as recommended earlier in this chapter, perform a
cost/benefit analysis of the plant. Despite the aura of precision implied
by a cost/benefit analysis, much of the input data are necessarily subjec-
tive. Part of the company's negotiating strategy can be to discuss with this
government reasonable ranges for the input data that are particularly
The second step is for the marketing manager to work through the exer-
cise of withdrawing from the nation and estimate the recoverable value.
Even though the probability of disinvestment may be low, the exercise
sets a bound beyond which corporate negotiators will not be pushed.
Furthermore, the executives gain an awareness of clauses in supply con-
tracts (both local and within the corporation) that may need to be
The third step of preparation is to rehearse. Rehearsal requires that two
people spar with one another, then reverse roles and spar again to test
their negotiating arguments. The vital thing to realize is that the cor-
poration has the upper hand only until it builds a factory, and thereafter
the factory is a hostage. Hence most of the rehearsal should consider in-
cidents that might arise after the factory begins operation. Qualitative
aspects of emotional differences and bad strategies will be exposed.

Robustness in the Face of Risk

Many impoverished nations in the world are so desperate to industrialize
that they will negotiate substantial capital, training, tax, and wage conces-

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Multinational Plant Location 233

sions. But such nations usually present risks, and corporate headquarters fre-
quently eliminates risky nations without serious evaluation. Thus it is
common for an ethnocentric headquarters to create for its product divi-
sion managers a list of approved nations. Product division managers are
encouraged to build in the approved nations; by strong implication,
factories proposed in other nations would be rejected and hence are
rarely proposed.
One approach to evaluating national risk is to try to express probabilities
of disaster. The other approach is to calculate the threshold of risk within
which a factory could be justified in this nation. Those who fathom politi-
cal risk are then forced to gauge whether forecast risk is within this
Before proceeding further, it will be helpful to differentiate between
balance sheet risk and supply risk. Many balance sheet items can be
insured. Governments of exporting nations compete in granting long-
term low-interest loans for factory equipment to be exported to under-
developed nations. With the loan the corporation can usually obtain
insurance against both expropriation and damage caused by civil distur-
bance. The corporation's entire balance sheet risk could be protected by
insurance. In that case, from the viewpoint of risk analysis (though not
equity appreciation possibilities) the factory might as well be totally
owned by the local government but run by the corporation under a man-
agement service contract. But even if balance sheet risk is zero, supply
risk remains.
The risk of interrupting the supply of goods to customers is most
worrisome. Many multinational corporations have built their marketing
strategy around a consistent supply of consistent products. Their brand
carries the implication of an assured supply. The potential penalty in the
face of the risk of supply interruptions must be analyzed within the cor-
poration, because this penalty cannot be transferred to a government
insurance agency. The corporation needs contingency plans. If a plant is
lost, or if a transportation route is closed (the Suez Canal, for example),
how can the corporation adapt? There may be several combinations of
disasters and opportunities to consider. Each combination is usually called
a scenario. For the purposes of developing a plan it is sensible to select
just a few scenarios. Once the plan has been developed, it can be validated
(checked for robustness) against many less likely scenarios.
The analysis has three stages. The first stage occurs as soon as supply is
interrupted and production stops at one plant; all other plants producing
these items must step up production (by increasing shifts, delaying main-
tenance, and so on). The second stage may involve starting to produce the
items in one of the large, flexible factories. The third stage is to expedite
the next plant opening, perhaps moving its site to a different nation to
rebalance the production network.

Stage 1 In the immediate aftermath of a supply interruption the cor-

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234 Multinational Manufacturing

poration faces a production-smoothing problem of working overtime,

adding shifts, and delaying maintenance until the replacement plant is
brought on stream. This increased production by other plants plus the
amount of initial inventory will determine whether it is possible to satisfy
demands until the replacement plant comes on stream. List a matrix of
scenarios down the side of a piece of paper, and list possible production
shut-down dates across the top. The starting inventory stockpile is that
inventory on hand in the global system as of the loss day. Analyze opera-
tions until replacement day. For each scenario and loss day determine the
value of just one more unit of stockpile. For each loss date, average these
unit values with the probability of the scenario occuring (in the scenario
that nothing bad happens, the unit value of another item held in stockpile
until the scheduled next plant will be negative). Adjust the stockpile levels
in each period until the weighted cost is zero of one more unit of stockpile.
The stockpile does not have to be kept at factories. Actually the system
would be less vulnerable to strikes if a large part of the stockpile were
kept with marketing affiliates.
Just after a new plant comes on stream, the stockpile level is low - there
is sufficient plant capacity available at all factories to handle the shortage
until the replacement plant is built. At an intermediate date the rising
demands of the global markets require that the stockpile of inventory
should be larger because if the system loses a plant now, it may take two
years, or longer, to design and erect a replacement plant, even if the
process is expedited. Later on, the imminence of the next scheduled
plant coming into production means that less stockpile need be carried.
If the corporation expects some warning before losing a plant, then it can
proceed with lower stockpiles, planning to step up production and exports
whenever the alarm sounds.
Stage 2. If the plant loss occurs at an intermediate date (when the stock-
pile would be highest), it may be economical to start temporary produc-
tion in one of the corporation's flexible factories. Temporary production
can be started only after a time lag. This lag could be reduced if tooling
were available. Perhaps critical tooling for the next scheduled plant could
be purchased and stored. The holding cost (adjusted for inflation) of
tooling should be compared with the holding cost of the stockpile.
In summary, the markets need an assured supply of product. As long as
this can be arranged from inventory, overtime, and from an expedited next
plant, the corporation can dare to build in risky nations that are desperate
to industrialize. Contingency plans are necessary. (In actually performing
the calculations for Stage 2, one must first calculate Stage 3.)
Stage 3. We need analyze only the time interval between now and the
scheduled on-stream date of the next plant. Obviously we will expedite the
construction of the new plant. The only question is whether we should
move the site.

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Multinational Plant Location 235

At some sites a plant could be erected more quickly than at others,

and some sites better rebalance the production network. Several sites
should be analyzed. For certain scenarios one site will appear best, but
for others another site will be preferable. At selected sites it may be
worthwhile to begin site preparation -especially obtaining permits-
early. Awkward problems arise if one plant is lost just before a scheduled
construction of a new plant, and the scheduled plant would no longer fit
suitably into the global production network. In summary, for each loss
scenario, occurring in each time period, decide where the replacement
plant would be built. Also estimate the expediting cost of opening the
plant a day earlier.

Reducing the Probability of Nationalization

The text of this chapter began with a discussion of cost/benefit analyses
that national governments make. Unfortunately cost/benefit analyses
are static. A politician will ask what benefits the corporation has provided
lately and can be expected to provide while he is still in power. Each of
the stakeholders discussed in Chapter 4 must be considered in the cor-
porate efforts to reduce the probability of nationalization. Currently,
executives work mostly by intuition and judgment.
Plan t location analysts get involved in at least three ways, which are
helpful but not major.
First, plants are generally designed to be expanded, and there are rules
of thumb and economic analyses (an inventory model of excess capacity)
that suggest how large (and infrequent) the expansions should be. In na-
tions where the corporation must make political statements frequently, it
may be sensible to design for many small expansion phases. An analyst
can calculate the additional cost (present valued) of such a strategy.
Second, in some circumstances it may be sensible to purchase equip-
ment in nations whose governments grant long-term export incentive
loans and also are significant in the eyes of the local government. If the
local government nationalizes this plant, it automatically entangles itself
with other governments. Fear of this entanglement may deter nationaliza-
tion slightly.
Third, there are two extremes in plant specialization. If the plant
supplies only the national market with all its broad range of products,
then the plant may be a more tempting plum to nationalize, but it does
not affect the global manufacturing network. On the other hand, if the
plant specializes in only one component of the corporation's product
line, the corporation as a whole is vulnerable to this nationalization;
however, nationalization is less likely to occur because an overspecialized
factory is worthless to the government (Bradley, 1977).

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Questions from Other Viewpoints
1. Corporate Rational Normative Global. You just covered this view-
point in the chapter.
2. Corporate Rational Normative Subsidiary. From an analytical
model, a headquarters planner could compute the threshold cost
curve of a plant in your particular nation. If a plant could be built
below that cost, it would pass the headquarters ROI threshold. Ex-
plicitly how would your knowing the headquarters' guideline help
you search for a plant site in your nation?
3. Corporate Rational Descriptive Global. Find checklists used by cor-
porations to evaluate plant sites. Try Business International, Carl
Heye!'s The Encyclopedia of Management, or any other source.
What emphasis do you see in these checklists? What factors do you
see as ignored?
4. Corporate Rational Descriptive Subsidiary. Some national govern-
ments offer tax incentives to entice foreign-owned factories. Other
national governments threaten to withhold import permits unless
the corporation builds a factory or expands its factory to meet local
content laws. Please generalize by describing the characteristics of
each of these two groups of nations.
5. Corporate Emotional Normative Global. Whenever a task force gets
involved in investigating a factory site, they have a tendency to get
so involved in their work that they hate to say no. How would you
manage such a group so that their inevitable identification with the
site is used to the corporate advantage?
6. Corporate Emotional Normative Subsidiary. Think about the town
or city that you are now in, paying attention to the style and climate
of work. Suppose a foreign multinational corporation has selected
your town or city as a possible plant site, because the economics look
right. As an employee of your national subsidiary, you have been
sent to your town to do an on-the-spot assessment to complement
all the data that headquarters has on the town. Select an industry
that is economically viable for your town, but whose style would not
suit it at all. Write a tightly argued two-page memo to headquarters
explaining the lack of fit.
7. Corporate Emotional Descriptive Global. Describe the emotional
problems of a team of factory location analysts who make endless
studies, none of which are implemented because the corporation
successfully resists pressures that it build more plants.
8. Corporate Emotional Descriptive Subsidiary. Describe some of the
nonquantitative, rather emotional factors, that actually affect factory
9. Societal Rational Normative Global. If an industry were ruled world-
wide by one monopolist (or one planning commission), would there

Digitized by Google
Multinational Plant Location 237

be fewer or more factories than would rationally emerge from com-

petition between several corporations? Would fewer or more nations
have factories?
10. Societal Rational Normative National. Most nations have under-
developed regions. Frequently incentives are provided to corpora-
tions to locate in the underdeveloped regions. The incentives often
are expensive economically and embarrassing politically to the
governments concerned both if the venture fails and if it succeeds
magnificently. Suppose a government has operated such an incentive
for 20 years. To calculate the benefits, it needs an estimate of the
plants that would have been built in the region had there been no
incentives. What approaches might you take to providing this estimate?
11. Societal Rational Descriptive Global. Find a source of automobile
production data, such as Ward's Auto World or the UN Statistical
Yearbook. List the top 10 nations in automobile production. Rank the
10 nations by their rate of growth in automobile production. When
do you predict that each of the existing top 10 will change rank?
12. Societal Rational Descriptive National. What evidence is there of
the extent to which tax incentives actually affect and alter plant
13. Societal Emotional Normative Global. There are economies of scale
in infrastructure, particularly of highly trained workers. This means
that the advanced industrialized nations get the factories for advanced
industrialized products, because only they have enough skilled and
adaptable workers. Carried to the extreme this would lead to a world
consisting of just a few pinnacles of prowess in electronics, or in
chemistry, or any field wherein experts can excite one another to
even greater heights of accomplishment. Write a brief essay either
praising this process or damning it.
14. Societal Emotional Normative National. In many nations there are
regional disparities, and industry is spread very unevenly. Why is this
so in your nation?
15. Societal Emotional Descriptive Global. Why are there worldwide
fashions in the laws regulating the operations of factories? For ex-
ample, by the mid-1970s pollution control laws appeared on the
books of most nations. Have "pollution havens" appeared?
16. Societal Emotional Descriptive Subsidiary. When the first foreign
factory moves into a medium-sized town, what effect will it have on
the social structure of the town?

Bibliography to Chapter 7
Bradley, David G., "Managing Against Expropriation," Harvard Business Review, Vol.
55, No. 4 (1977). pp. 75-83.

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238 Multinational Manufacturing

Doz, Yves L. and C.K. Prahalad, "How MNCs Cope with Host Government Inter-
vention," Harvard Business Review, Vol. 58, No. 2 (1980), pp. 149-157.
ErIenkotter, Donald, "Plant Location: Where Demand Is Sensitive to Delivered Cost,"
Ma1ll16ement Science, Vol. 24, No. 4 (1978), pp. 378-386.
Gaeteno, Lombardo and Richard C. Norris, "Facility Location - Some Practical
Applications," paper presented at the 45th Joint National Meeting of ORSA/TIMS,
Arthur D. Little, Inc., Cambridge, MA., 1974.
Knickerbocker, Frederick T., Oligopol;.tic Reaction and MultinlJtional Enterprise
(Boston: Division of Research, Harvard Business School, 1973).
Lent, George E., "Tax Incentives for Investment in Developing Countries," IMF Staff
Papers, Vol. 14, No. 2 (1967), pp. 249-321.
Rao, Ram and David P. Rutenberg, "Multilocation Plant Sizing and Timing," Ma1ll16e-
ment Science, Vol. 23, No. 11 (1977), pp. 1187-1198.
Rao, Ram and David P. Rutenberg, "Pre-empting an Alert Rival," Bell Journal of
Economics, Vol. 10, No. 2 (1979), pp. 412-428.
Rummel, R.J. and David A. Heenan, "How Multinationals Analyze Political Risk,"
Harvard Business Review, Vol. 56, No. 1 (1978), pp. 67-76.
Scherer, Frederick M. et al., The Economics of Multi-Plant Operations: An Interna-
tional Compar;'on Study (Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1975).
Srinivasan, Venkataraman and Gerald Thompson, "An Operator Theory of Parametric
Programming for the Transportation Problem I and 11," Naval Research Logistics
Quarterly, Vol. 19, June 1972, pp. 227-252.
Wells, Louis T., Jr., "Don't Overautomate Your Foreign Plant," Harvard Business
Review, Vol. 52, No. 1 (1974), pp. 111-118.
Wells, Louis T., Jr., "Social Cost/Benefit Analysis for MNC's," Harvard Business
Review, Vol. 53, No. 2 (1975), pp. 40-50.

Digitized by Google
Summary of Multinational Manufacturing

International trade theory builds on the concept of gains from trade. For
a variety of reasons such as raw material availability, climate, and attitude
z}f "ZZwrkers, the rel}tiv"ZZ of producing products dift"ZZ}
dttferent countri"ZZb~ the case, it for each countbtt
which it has zJzdvantage, tradi"ZZg
in which g"ZZve a comparati"ZZb

adzieved within maltiaatianal corporation,

because dealing with a sister subsidiary within the multinational is more
sure than dealing with a foreign stranger. Furthermore, each marketing
affiliate of a multinational corporation can provide the manufacturing
network with its market forecasts and market research in a way not pos-
sible under arm's-length conditions.
Chz}pter 7 show} gains to tradzb
aa"ZZ"ZZamies of scala aonstruction Economies
that some it most efficiaat
to have just oaa b"ZZpplying the whola
Economies but at an rate, as
are designed larger. The essence of the problem lies in the trade-off be-
tween economies of scale in plant and logistics costs. Logistics costs is a
phrase that includes tariffs and quotas as well as shipping costs.
When an item (a finished product or a subassembly) is manufactured in
two or more plants, the logistics and plants can be viewed as a network.
easier to manbha network by goes not exist,
a£.HGnllnfY permanent of marketo But it is mz}}z:z
pb(ztitable to allow border marhz:ztb their product frnm
mhdhever factory Production from month
zTznnth as demands zbnd strain avail(hlz:z , as breakdownb
occur, as production lines are reconfigured, and for hundreds of other
reasons. If a factory can accommodate to these changes by shedding or
taking on customers from a sister factory in the network, then it makes
sense for headquarters to allow the two factories to be designed different-
ly. If one is designed for steady output, its network sister can be designed
PiPe sinews that hody to flex, ;zdlnws the manutan~
network to 'hhabatore an entire PnToted to logistk},
z:hapter explninb can usually all relevant
aonsidered The essence however,
in putting these costs togetPer as entries in a transportation tableau which
can be solved for production smoothing and plant location decisions. For
such purposes, forecasts of future logistics costs are required.

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Multblation8l _.".-...,~
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New Product Launch

Introductory Note to the Case

Philip Morris International

Good brand management is not allowed on the balance sheet

of a corporation. We know how significant it is, yet we can
measure and describe brand management only in indirect
ways. So the best way to learn is to work as an assistant
deputy brand manager, and slowly work up. Nevertheless,
the intuitive flair of an energetic brand manager brings with
it the potential ethnocentricity of believing that customers
in all nations ought to be alike, and thereby underestimating
market risks.
Multinational brand management is particularly challenging,
because there is a desire for coherence so that the brand
means about the same thing around the world. It is usually
helpful to think of a brand as a person, with its own per-
sonality. Parliament Cigarettes have a personality in the
United States, and one difficult question was whether Parlia-
ment would have the same personality in Canada, particularly
in the province of Quebec, where French is the predominant
language. These personality questions are a poetic way of
speaking about market segmentation and niches in anticipa-
tion of competitors' responses.
The questions at the end of this case focus on the economics
of the launch - it is a large, speculative investment, even if
the competitors do nothing. Its being a speculative invest-
ment means that the data are vague and subjective.
Postscript: Parliament actually was launched across Canada
as an American cigarette. Sales started slowly and were un-


Digitized by Google
244 Multinational Marketing

responsive to increased advertising. Parliament was withdrawn

When the medical effects of smoking became a cause for
public alarm, Canadian cigarette producers agreed on a code
of conduct that required a warning on each pack, no tele-
vision advertising, and restrictions on
prin t advertising. Fines
concerning the latter are imposed as a reduction in the
offending brand manager's advertising budget.

Philip Morris International

In late 1961, executives of Philip Morris International were
considering the introduction of a new cigarette brand into
the Canadian market through their Canadian affiliate, Benson
and Hedges (Canada) Ltd.. Philip Morris had purchased
virtually all of the outstanding common stock of Benson and
Hedges (Canada) Ltd. in 1958 and were anxious to increase
the business of Benson and Hedges in Canada. The company
was successfully selling Trump cigars, but did not have an
effective entry in Canada's cigarette market. Philip Morris
executives were contemplating employing their second most
popular U .S. brand, Parliament, using identical blend and
packaging. They reasoned that changes were unnecessary
because "awareness" studies had indicated that Canadians
were cognizant of the brand name, Parliament, through the
overlap, through U .S. inedia, of Parliament advertising into

The Canadian Market

Canada is the second largest country in the world (next to
the Soviet Union) but is greatly underpopulated relative to
other countries. Population as of June 1960 was 18 million
with approximately 80 percent of this stretched in a thin
line within 100 miles of the Canada-United States border.
Officially, the country is bilingual and bicultural, but most of
the French-speaking population is concentrated within the
province of Quebec where they constitute about 85 percent
of the province's approximately 5 million persons.
Canada is usually ranked either second, third, or fourth
Copyriaht © 1974. by Profel8Or Warren J. Keeaan. The Georle Wubinlton Uni-
versity. Wubinlton. D.C. 20052. Reprinted with pennisaion.

Digitized by Google
New Product Launch 245

behind the United States in terms of income per capita,

vying with Sweden and Switzerland (all have approximately
$U.S.2100 per capita GNP figures). Average hourly wages
in Canada usually run about 15 to 20 percent behind those
for comparable jobs in the United States except for certain
industries such as automobiles where wage parity is only a
few years away.
Canadians are often characterized as a cross between people
from the States and the British, and indeed many institu-
tional forms, such as government, exhibit characteristics of
both countries. While Canadians display many traits similar
to U.S. citizens and Britishers, they consider themselves
unique, being more reserved and more conservative than
people of the United States yet less cautious than the British
and possessing a much more socially mobile society, in the
U.S. manner. French-Canadians exhibit many of the charac-
teristics of their European forefathers, being more volatile
than English-speaking Canadians, yet in many ways quite
different from their European counterparts. Both main groups
in Canada seek to retain and foster a peculiar identity-the
English-speaking against the culturally and economically
dominant neighbor to the south; the French against the
superior numbers and economic strength of English Canadians
within the country.
The cigarette market in Canada has exhibited rapid growth
since 1920 (see Exhibits 8.1 to 8.3). Sales of cigarettes in-
·u 44
'0 40

.§ 36
~ 32
-;;; 28
~ 24
!!! 20
-= 16
·i 12
.iij 8
X 4
1920 1930 1940 1950 1960
Tax-paid withdrawals of cigarettes for consumption in
Canada, 1920-1960 (billions of cigarettes)

Digitized by Google
246 Multinational Marketing

~ _24
111 ..
a; 20
:!: :118
~ ~ 16
.. 0
G) III 14
iii ! 12
~ -g 10
c: ~
111 :5. 8
II 6

1920 1930 1940 1950 1960

Average annual per capita Canadian consumption of
cigarettes, 1920-1960 (hundreds of cigarettes)

creased from about 3 billion in 1920 to over 34 billion in

1960. Consumption per capita rose from 250 cigarettes to
just under 2,000 cigarettes over the same period. The most
pronounced growth in recent years has been exhibited by
the filter and king-size varieties. In the 1957-1961 period
filter cigarettes' share of the total market increased from 29
percent to over 50 percent. After the introduction of king-
size cigarettes into Canada in 1957, the market share for this
type of cigarette soared from zero to 15 percent by the end
of 1960. The rapid acceptance of the filter and king-size
cigarettes (see Exhibits 8.4 and 8.5) was one of the most
significant developments to occur in the Canadian cigarette
market in this period.
All advertising and sales promotion was provided by the
manufacturers themselves. National advertising campaigns
were implemented via a full range of print newspapers.
Segmented campaigns were implemented via magazines,
many of which were American. Electronic media (radio, tele-
vision, via two national networks) and various specialized
media such as billboards were also available. In addition, the
manufacturers' selling organizations promoted distribution
by systematically visiting wholesalers and retailers and en-
couraged sales by point of sale displays.

Digitized by Google

Average Annual Canadian Per Capita Usage ofCtgarettes,

Per Capita Usage Per Capita Usage
Year of Cigarettes Year of Cigarettes

1929 507 1949 1252
1930 493 1950 1252
1931 437 1951 1118
1932 353 1952 1234
1933 404 1953 1415
1939 630 1959 1939
1940 663 1960 1925
1941 746 1961 2012
1942 879 1962 2083
1943 953 1963 2110


Filter cigarettes as a percentage of the total Canadian cigarette
market, 1957-1960
248 Multinational Marketing

~... 25
:: 15
~ 10
~ 5

1957 1958 1959 1960

King-size cigarettes as a percentage of the total
Canadian cigarette market, 1957-1960

The Competition
The cigarette industry in Canada was a classic case of an
oligopoly market. As of 1960, there were only five major
firms in the marketplace, with two of them holding a com-
bined 80 percent share. These two firms, Imperial Tobacco
Company of Canada, Limited, and MacDonald Tobacco
Company, never held less than 70 percent of the market
since Imperial was incorporated in 1912. In 1960, Imperial
held a 54 percent share and was the acknowledged market
leader. MacDonald, with a 27 percent share, seemed to be
content with a defeniive strategy and spent relatively little
on advertising and promotion. (MacDonald's was established
in 1857.) The Philip Morris affiliated company, Benson
and Hedges (Canada) Ltd. had a negligible market share.
Rothmans of Canada Ltd. was considered an up-and-comer.
Since entering the market in 1957, the firm quickly got the
reputation as a company in a hurry. Rothman engaged in
marketing practices, according to some observers of the
Canadian industry, that the old-time companies considered
quite rough, tough, and even nasty. They were spending
heavily on advertising and promotion and had introduced
the first king-size cigarette, Rothman's King Size, to the
Canadian market-it was doing extremely well.
Imperial Tobacco was recognized as being the price leader
much as R.J. Reynolds was in the United States. Competi-
tion, as in the U.S. market, was not waged on price grounds,
but was instead concentrated on advertising, promotion, and

Digitized by Google
New Product Launch 249

packaging. Interestingly, however, it was generally agreed

that as late as 1957 the Canadian cigarette market was very
badly "underadvertised" by U.S. standards. Canadian manu-
facturers were spending between trt and 154 per 1000
cigarettes in 1956 while by 1959 this level had jumped to
254 to 454 per 1000 cigarettes. * Much of this spending
change was due to the entry of Rothmans into the market.
The new entrant had managed to usurp some of Imperial's
leadership functions.
Although the rapid growth of filter and king-size cigarettes
underlined the dynamic nature of the Canadian cigarette
market, executives within the Canadian cigarette industry


Cigarettes, Cigar, and Tobacco Sales

by Type and Number of Outlets, 1960
No. in
Type of Outlet Canada Sales Percent

Confectionary stores na na
Fruit & vegetable stores na na
Grocery stores (no fresh meat) 21,683 $ 25.4 3.8%
Grocery stores (fresh meat), beer na na
Variety stores 1,081 18.6 2.8%
Combination stores
(groceries & meat) 9,340 109.1 16.8%
Combination stores (with beer) na na
Eating places na na
Eating places (with alcoholic
beverages) na na
Eating places (other merchandise) na na
Department stores 74 21.7 3.4%
General stores 7,739 23.0 3.5%
General merchandise stores 702 25.6 3.9%
Drug stores (no soda fountain) 4,630 44.6 6.8%
Drug stores (soda fountain) 154 2.5 0.4%
Tobacco stores & stands 2,702 92.0 14.2%
News dealers na na
44,175 $654.71 100%

*According to Adllertisinll Alle, September 16.1968. Philip Morris spent 70_per

thousand on Parliament advertising in 1959. In 1959 most U.S. brands were be-
tween the Canadian figure of 1541 per thousand and Parliament's high figure of
7041 per thousand.

Digitized by Google
250 Multinational Marketing

could also point to the high brand loyalty displayed by

Canadian smokers as evidence of the stability of the market.
Of 29 new brands introduced from 1957 to 1960, only four
survived. For example, in spite of the relatively low advertis-
ing and promotion budgets employed by the MacDonald
Tobacco Company, its two "Export" brands maintained a
sustained combined 23 to 28 percent market share.
The president of Philip Morris International and the presi-
dent of Benson and Hedges (Canada) thoughtfully reflected
as they considered the Canadian market that it was typical of
markets around the world in that it exhibited in some areas
rapid change and, in other areas, considerable stability. How
would Canadian smokers react to the Parliament cigarettes?
Clearly, they were different from the standard Canadian
cigarette. Canadian cigarette tobacco was a straight Virginia-
type flue cured by Burley tobacco without added flavorings
to affect taste. The standard Canadian cigarette package
was a slide-and-shell box. This package, which was popular
in Canada, was a cardboard box shell which contained a slid-
ing box that packed two rows of 10 cigarettes one on top of
the other with a foil paper between the two 1 O~igarette
layers. Parliament with a recessed filter was an American-
type cigarette made from Virginia-type tobacco blended with
darker colored Burley tobacco and packaged in a soft package
or flip-top box. The distinguishing characteristic of the
tobacco in the American-type cigarette, including Parliament,
were the sugars, humectants (moistening agents), and flavor-
ings (licorice, sugars, and alcohol) added to the tobacco,
giving the cigarette a characteristic flavor and taste. Another
distinguishing characteristic of Parliament and other Ameri-
can cigarettes was that they were less tightly packed than
Canadian cigarettes. The American soft package was crush-
able, and the flip-top box a cardboard container with a top
that flipped open exposing 20 cigarettes packed in two rows
of seven and one row of six cigarettes.
On the other hand, Parliament was Philip Morris's number
two brand in the United States and was doing quite well in
the extremely competitive U.S. market (see Exhibit 8.7).
Awareness studies had shown that Canadians were cognizant
of the brand name, Parliament, as a result of the overlap of
U.S. media into Canada. Advertising Age estimated that in
1960 Philip Morris was spending almost $40 million per
annum on advertising, and it was estimated by one Philip
Morris International executive that perhaps 5 percent of this
expenditure was exposed to Canadians, not to mention any

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New Product Launch 251


Philip Morris U.S. Sales by Brand (billions of cigarettes)

1961 est. 1960 1959 1958

Marlboro (filter) 24.10 22.0 20.40 20.70

Parliament (filter) 9.40 8.90 9.00 6.50
Alpine (filter) 2.50 2.60 1.00
Philip Morris (king) 3.80 3.80 3.80 4.40
Philip Morris (regular) 4.60 5.50 6.60 7.80

Philip Morris International
Final Report - Canadian Copy Claim Report
A test of two copy claims was devised for Philip Morris International.
The procedure was to have each smoker "test" a cigarette from a plain
white package, and to react to the cigarette with various attitudinal
words or phrases. Three groups of 800 people each were used in these
tests. The first group, which we call the control or base group, smoked
unmarked Parliament cigarettes from completely blank white packages
and expressed their attitudes toward the cigarette. The second group
smoked identical unmarked cigarettes from packages which had the
phrase "American Type Cigarettes" printed on the package, while the
third group smoked cigarettes from packages labeled "Cigarettes
Blended with the Darker Colored Burley Tobacco for Better Filter
Smoking and Lower Tar Delivery." The phrases were written in English
on one side of the package and in Canadian French on the other side.

1. The claim "Cigarettes blended with the darker colored burley tobacco
for better filter smoking and lower tar delivery" was an ineffective
2. The cultural difference between French· and English-speaking Cana·
dians seems more significant than difference in sex, age, income, or
type of cigarette usually smoked.

The purpose of these tests was to determine what change would occur
in smokers' attitudes toward cigarettes which were designated as
"American Type Cigarettes" as opposed to "Cigarettes blended with
the darker colored burley for better filter smoking and lower tar
delivery." After smoking one cigarette the people were asked to select
one word or another from each pair of words to describe their attitude
toward the cigarette. For example, "mild" or "strong," "cool" or "hot."
Since one group of people smoked unmarked cigarettes in a blank
package, we have a base point against which we can measure any incre-
ments or decrements of the number of people associating a particular
attitude with cigarettes smoked from the "test" packages which bore

Digitized by Google
252 Multinational Marketing

the claims. We then concern ourselves with responses to the test cigarettes
which received either a statistically significant higher or lower percentage
of responses than were given to the blank package or control cigarettes.
In other words, when an association is classified as significant, it means
that in 95 out of 100 repetitions of the study the results would not be
While there were 14 such associations made toward each cigarette, the
strongest pair of attitudes on the Ilst is for a person to say "For me" as
opposed to "Not for me." The following table shows two things. First,

Percent of Total Favorable Responses

Cigarette. Blended
LangruJge American-Type with the Darker
Spoken Blank Cigarette. Colored Burley Tobacco
English 67 63 69
French 64 76 68

the French-spealdng people were not more favorably disposed toward

the cigarettes used than were the English-speaking smokers when there
was no claim attached to the cigarettes. Second, the claim "American-
type cigarettes" significantly reduced the "For me" responses among
the English-speaking people and significantly increased the number of
responses of "For me" among the French-speaking sample. The "blended
. . . burley ... low tar" clailJl failed to increase the associations with
"For me" among either the French or the English sample.

Percent Responding with "For Me"

As Opposed to "Not for Me"
Cigarette. Blended
Language American-Type with the Darker
Spoken Blank Cigarette. Colored Burley Tobacco
English 46 38 49
French 57 66 55

No other breakdown of the sample, such as men vs. women, young vs.
old, showed significant differences on the "For me" item.
A second method of looking at the association data is to analyze the
total number of favorable associations as opposed to the total number of
unfavorable associations expressed as a percentage. In other words, if
every smoker selected each favorable association from each of the 14
pairs, we would have 100 percent favorable associations. In a sense, the
total favorable percentage is a rough average of the percentage of people
associating anyone favorable word with the cigarette.
The following table shows that the overall reaction to the American-
type cigarette claim was more favorable among the French-Canadians
than among the English-speaking people and that the claim was also
more effective than the "blended ... burley ... low tar" claim.

Digitized by Google
New Product Launch 253

We could caution the reader that the individual items taken singularly
can often be misleading since there is a tendency for consumers to
generalize their liking for a product over a series of items. As we have
already stated, we feel that the critical item is whether people say "For
me" or "Not for me" about the cigarette. Thus the French-Canadians
liked the "American-type cigarettes" and attributed significantly higher
associations on rich tobacco navor, good, slow burning, effective filtra-
tion and nonirritation, high~uality tobacco, well made, and desirable.
The "blended ... burley ... low tar" claim was ineffective among the
French-Canadians. There were increases in associations with high-
quality tobacco, effective filtration, and slow burning, but the taste and
flavor connotations were not increased. One other item which did
show a significant increase over the blank package cigarettes was costly
as opposed to cheap.
In summary, then, to the French4peaking people the "American-type
cigarettes" had navor, fdtration, and quality without being costly.
The "blended ... burley ... low tar" cigarettes had filtration, quality,
and expense but lacked an increase in navor associations.
To the English4peaking smokers, the "American-type cigarettes"
were associated with significant decreases in association with clean,
desirable, and for me. It appears that the English4peaking Canadians
rejected the "American-type cigarettes" purely on an emotional basis.
While the English4peaking smokers rejected an "American-type
cigarette" even though it was given most of the same qualities as was
the blank package, the "blended ... burley ... low tar" cigarettes
were given some increases in qualities but no increase in preference
over the blank pack cigarettes. Associations with good navor, high-
quality tobacco, slow burning, desirable, and well made were all in-
creased for the "blended ... burley ... low tar" cigarettes; but even
with these quality increases, the copy claim failed to draw an increase
in the critical "For me" association.
To summarize the results of the English4peaking Canadian sample,
they appear to have simply rejected the idea of an "American-type
cigarette," and although the "blended ... burley ... low tar" cigarettes
showed increased associations in taste, quality, and desirability, the
concept was not sufficiently enticing to have an increase in acceptance
of the cigarette.

exposure resulting from Canadian travel in the United States.

It was felt that the great similarities between the American
and Canadian people in terms of culture, language, personality,
and so on, would assure acceptance of a brand that was a
major factor in the United States if it were made available to
Canadians. Moreover, U.S. brands had been introduced in
Australia and had done very well, and it was felt by Philip
Morris executives that there was considerable comparability
between Australia and Canada.
There was some reason for caution, however. A "Copy
Claim Study" in Canada (see Exhibit 8.8) raised some que8-

Digitized by Google
254 Multinational Marketing

tions about the appeal of U.s.-type cigarettes in Canada. In

addition, similar research showed a preference for a hard,
slide-and-shell package rather than the American soft cup
variety. Further, it was known by Philip Morris executives
that Canadians often exhibited a strong sense of nationalism
in their consumer goods buying regardless of the product.
Yet, as the president of Philip Morris International, Mr.
Weissman, stated: "I can' believe that Parliament will sell
well right up to the border and not within Canada. I've
travelled in Canada since I was a boy, and those people are
just like us. "

1. Estimate the fixed cost of launching Parliament in
(a) Quebec, (b) Ontario, and (c) all of Canada.
2. How should Philip Morris evaluate the spillover in Canada
of Parliament advertising from border television and radio
3. What competitive reactions should Philip Morris anticipate
from Imperial, MacDonald, and Rothmans? Is there any
sense that the competitors could preclude Philip Morris if
it does not act precipitously?
4. What changes would you recommend to the product and
packaging in response to the "American-type cigarette"
5. "I can' believe that Parliament will sell right up to the
border and not within Canada. I've travelled in Canada
since I was a boy, and those people are just like us."
Express this belief as a covariance between 0.0 and 1.0 of
American and Canadian sales.
6. In view of Mr. Weissman's position what risks to his career
is he exposing himself to by launching Parliament in
Canada? Once Parliament is launched how low would its
market share have to be for Philip Morris to order it
withdrawn? What organizational moves would you expect
Mr. Weissman to make to shift the blame?
7. In dollars, how valuable is the Claim Report at this time?

Digitized by Google

Most of the marketing and sales functions of a corporation should be done

near the consumer. In a multinational corporation, this means that the
first priority is to build competent marketing and sales forces in each
H""'~£U". Once heen achieved, eentrzdization may

become globel
one advertisinb
ibe world. eountries are
ferent, and the attempts of ethnocentric corporations to impose a strait-
jacket on their operations caused them to offend national stakeholders
and to fail to adapt to many opportunities.
The following three chapters deal with central coordination of market-
ing to increase profits. Chapter 8 focuses on the decision to sink cash into
lemlehing a new markets of th,:;
It,~,grettably, mo;:;1 leunched producte the launch inve:;t~
is squandernst" other hand, it succeeds, one
n~'~""~'LL not having ,;:;arlier, therebh deofits sooner
d;:;uempting competi:;m:;" anguish is :;(£;:;ult of an unsh;:;~
tematic decision-making process that precedes the launch decision. Execu-
tives rely on will-o'-the-wisp rumors, a few data, hope, and the belief that
this product will succeed if only everyone will work. Emotions run high.
It is not the purpose of this chapter to squelch the emotions that attend a
product launch but rather to provide analytical boundaries within which
intuitive power ekT,(?tions can be
Philip Morris mualyzed repre;:;-ente product with
support datn" the produd e;:;tablished in
States, frorki ebvertising spill;:; Canada. Finallh
Torporation WLL that it
stHbies in Canada, the ethnocentrism ot the executives caused
them to misinterpret the results they obtained. The launch of Parliament
cigarettes failed in Canada.

:;=thn,:;centric b;:;?enlop, test, anh new product

e(;:;£nnce, they are bHme market as
(and only if) is successful
home, it is released to the international division for sales worldwide, and
plants are constructed abroad. In the long run this leads to the closing
of the home plant and the domestic market is supplied by the lower cost

Digitized e
M ultinationa£

foreign plants, the familiar international life cycle of (a) export from the
home nation, (b) foreign production starts, (c) foreign production be-
comes competitive in export markets, and (d) import competition begins.
To introduce a new product abroad, whether it be aimed at consumers
or industrial customers, requires a major expenditure. The promotional
theme and advertieiey must be The dealers sh,)uld
eetivities require) eostly wages,
secretarial which we
k, is the fix,)d
It is this entire k (usually se)(:)gg} thousand
per nation) that is at stake when the product is launched. The variable
cost of the product may be low enough to allow a comfortable profit
margin, but a break-even analysis shows the unit sales necessary to recoup
the prelaunch expenditures.
This familiar break-even analysis of Exhibit 8.9 gives the unfortunate
illusion of certainty eould be furthee truth in the '''£liAA~H
new products; ~uLd this will be
the United percent of
dmwn from £lCaeny of the rem,)ynYee
ueriable cost of but never reeneennLY fixed cost of
launch. Sales cannot be forecast with certainty, but only to a probability
distribution. The distribution is skewed, with a slight probability of excep-
tionally high sales. As in Exhibit 8.10, we will assume that the skew dis-
tribution is log normal; that is, if Exhibit 8.10 plotted the logarithm of
sales it would be shaped as a normal distribution.
Given the task sales of a neAr, an alien nation,
ethnocentric 'lTAenager feels l1'Cl'ps:*"", master his feelinh)
mey turn to me,UAures such as "~~"'~UAAV"'AA per 1,000

Revenue inflow

Cost outflow


Break-even analysis may appear certain, but forecast unit sales are stochastic.
Prnduct Launch


,,",EEiFIT 8.10
distribETtiP?E is log normal

or "automobile registration per capita," trying to discern patterns of

similarity. The usual methodology is regression analysis. In interpreting
the results of regressions, he focuses attention on the mean estimated
sales, and onlti he analyze th" within whieh
are being predidpd 0

digh more avna,,!!,Oo,'o!! rnarketing manehee hmuP nations.

(1972, pp. 183, tier"tibes the procedure, now can be duue
given modem dackages:

A large American electronics company was doing correlation studies on foreign

markets, comparing company product sales with various data on the countries.
What emerged very distinctly was a threefold grouping of all the firm's foreign
markets. (In terms of a scatter diagram, there was not a single line to fit the data
but three roughly parallel lines.) Further analysis corroborated the validity of the
thr0oFdold grouping. firm revised it'! h1anning marketing
FFFreFegy in foreign of preparing guidance on alA
i!!hieidual-country ,'umpany began for the thrtFlA
dtUlAps of countries, appendix for cover whatevtr
ptFFFeliarities it had. needs to be takelA hut it seems bettlAt
than the alternatives of doing no research at all or carrying out high-cost research
in all 77 countries. The arguments for and against such an approach would apply
to any use of stratified sampling techniques.
A further justification of country groupings and comparative analysis in inter-
national marketing lies in the current practices of multinational companies. In
interviews with international executives, a recurring theme was the emphasis on
importance of hersonnel over fOlFlZmle'! F!!dmiques for problem
Of course, ths s!!perience is that person is carry,
uver to a new ;;itustion something hrevious market
that is, ths person is making emnparative analysi;;o
suggest that sucri can be made mGKT IGrmal, and expliciL
is in line with tGliGrd more scientifit irtGking which is reo
ceiving such emphasis in domestic business management.

Consumer goods can also be analyzed in the same way. The 1979
Annual Report of The Seagram Co. Ltd. discusses predictable similarities

Digitized e
258 Multinational Marketing

and unique differences in customer tastes for Seagram liquors:

With increased earnings comes more disposable income, and the more frequent
enjoyment of spirits and wines is traditionally an integral part of a higher living
standard. In some countries - Brazil is a prime example - fostering a growing middle
class is an avowed government policy. In other areas - Africa, for example-
Seagram stin is the only major company in the industry to have established a
modem marketing organization. In both areas sales have multiplied over the de·
cade past and are virtually certain to do so again in the 1980&.
But capitalizing on such opportunities is easier said than done. Perhaps the pri·
mary prerequisite of major success is true appreciation of the very real differences
in any given area.
"Marketing programs in Africa have to start with the realization that each country
here has different characteristics and therefore presents a separate challenge," says
Jacob R. Scott, Seagram's top marketing man in Africa since 1971.
The same point holds for vast Latin America, where there are at least as many
differences as similarities. Brazilians react quickly to trends. F1avourful vodka·
based drinks are currently a stylish destination for consumers who have left the
local spirit, cachaca, and moved on from rum. Brandy has never been much of a
factor in Brazil but is a mainstay in Mexico. Locally made champagne is a familiar
aperitif in Argentina, virtually alone among the Latin American countries. And
Argentinians, who prize old ties with Europe, have long been fond of Scotch, as
have consumers in Venezuela.

Nevertheless, in an ethnocentric corporation "risky" countries are rarely

analyzed, and are usually eliminated. When individuals confront un-
certainty for which they lack cognitive models, they withdraw to more
familiar problems. To control launch costs, the manager prefers to intro-
duce the product in those nations most resembling his own. In an effort
to avoid uncertainty he will cautiously "stage" their entry by grouping
the nations in the order of familiarity .
Stage 1 - The Home Market. Even the most comprehensive market
research (Green and Tull, 1978) can present only fragmentary glimpses of
reality. Most market research is little better than in the Philip Morris
case. An executive born into the culture is a better choice to integrate
market research into a decision than an executive born elsewhere. After
all, a product is the artful combination of design, price, promotion, and
Stage 2 - Familiar Nations. Because the product is a whole package, the
cost of a thorough reconfiguration would be excessive. Fortunately there
are familiar nations where the corporation has launched similar products
in the past and knows which elements definitely need to be reconfigured.
Stage 3 - Similar Nations. Ethnocentric managers may have no reason to
reconfigure the product, believing that certain nations are similar to their
own. Hence they launch the product as is. After the locals collect actual

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New Product Launch 259

sales data and present an adequate case, the corporation could consider
limited remodeling of the product.
Stage 4 - Alien Nations. Perhaps the easiest way to deal with alien nations
is to export the product, allowing indigenous channels of distribution
to assume the risks. No corporate decisions should be altered by these
Stage 4 sales; they are a free bonus - not cash to be depended on.
Once a corporation has tentatively staged the nations, analytical execu-
tives may wish to be more explicit in their analysis of the risks of each
national market, thus broadening their chances for success.
Four elements are required for each nation:
1. The estimation of the launch cost k.
2. The profit contribution per unit 7r.
3. The probability of breaking even -that sufficient sales will occur
by a set date T, such that the total profit contribution will cover the
launch cost.
4. The expected sales E and standard deviation 0 of the sales rate d units
per time period T. Because only a few products usually succeed and
the majority limp along, when running regression analyses of sales data
it is customary to use the logarithm of the sales rate d, and to fit a log
normal distribution to it.
Launching the product in this market is a business decision so the E
and 0 of sales must be translated into a probability distribution of net
cash position at the end of T. For the product to break even on evaluation
day, the total profit contribution Td7r must exceed k. The price of the
product is fixed, so cash inflow varies directly with total sales. Although
expected sales may be way beyond break-even sales, there is concern for
the probability of .failing to break even. From the probability density
function of total sales one can read the area of the probability of breaking
even. The ethnocentric appendix at the end of the chapter continues the
analysis in more mathematical detail.

Polycentric Production Smoothing

Polycentric corporations may launch a new product in all nations simulta-
neously. This simultaneity means that the fIXed costs of all the nations
must be incurred before any revenue is generated and the burden of
production is heavy. If the product is successful in one market, it is more
likely to sell well in several of the other nations also (positive covariance),
thus overtaxing the company's limited resources. On the other hand, if
the product fails, the corporate financial condition may be impaired.
Actually, sales managers will adopt a new product with varying degrees
of alacrity. Those eager for a product like this one will adopt it immediately

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260 Multinational Marketing

(they may well have been the driving force behind its development).
Others decide to wait and see. And other national managers view the prod-
uct as unsuitable in its present form. These laggards save the corporation
from the cash drain that would arise if all subsidiaries launched the
product simultaneously. The task of production smoothing (Chapter 6) is
also simplified. Unfortunately some new products look so good while
still under development that, long before the public announcement date,
most subsidiaries have committed themselves to a launch.

An Example
In 1963 the Eastman Kodak Co. launched its Instamatic camera simulta-
neously in 28 nations. Business Abroad (1967) commented:

The Instamatic system of photography has clicked internationally beyond the

wildest expectations of marketing executives at Rochester. Overseas sales of the
Instamatic topped domestic sales during the first year fonowing its global introduc·
tion, the first time in Kodak's history that one of its cameras sold more inter·
nationally than in the domestic market. After two years, almost five million Insta·
matic cameras had been sold outside the United States. Four million were sold in
Europe, including about a million in Germany and 750,000 in the United Kingdom.
How did Kodak achieve this marketing coup abroad? Preparations for a world·
wide market introduction began about 18 months before Instamatic finally
rocketed onto the photographic horizon. Kodak officials had deliberated at length
on making such a move. One point in Kodak's favor was the fact that the company
had a unique saleable package (film, cartridge and camera). Kodak also was ideally
set up to pull off the feat. It has associate companies, including whony owned
subsidiaries, in 46 countries. Six of the companies (United Kingdom, Canada,
France, Germany, Australia, and Brazil) are major manufacturing facilities, while
the other 40 provide marketing and technical services. In addition, Kodak has
distributors in virtually every country and territory in the Free World.
After deciding to make the Instamatic a global project, Kodak organized an
informal ad hoc committee to coordinate introduction of the system abroad. The
10-man group Included two representatives from each of the key manufacturing
companies in England, France, and Germany; a representative of Kodak's general
management; a member of the international sales division; another from the inter-
national advertising division; and the amateur camera sales manager. In the early
spring of 1962, the newly formed international committee, whose members had
been selected as the logical, interested parties in the launching of a new product
overseas, went into action. For the next six months, it was to meet in London,
Paris, Stuttgart, Rochester, and other cities around the world for discussions of
anticipated marketing problems. Charles Fitter, amateur products coordinator in
the international markets division, and a member of the ad hoc committee, re-
called some of the ticklish decisions that had to be made.
"We had to determine how much inventory was needed before the actual intro-
duction of the Instamatic," said Fitter. "We even had to consider the needs of
Kodak's photo-finishing customers. For example, they would need equipment to
break open the film cartridges. Another consideration was the type and timing of
the dealer presentations. "

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New Product Launch 261

Initially, all Instantatics and Kodapak film cartridges were manufactured in

Rochester. By 1964, Instamatic cameras were being manufactured in Kodak's
associate companies in England, Germany, and Australia, and the Canadian com·
pany was assembling the cameras. Film cartridge production began in the United
Kingdom, France, and Canada in early 1965 and in Australia a year later.
"The mass market abroad likes simplicity," said William P. Lane, assistant vice
president and general manager of Kodak's international markets division.
Despite market research, previous sales history, consumer patterns, and other
market estimating tools, demand exceeded supply during the first year. "Our sales
estimating department, which has been doing this sort of work for 50 years, came
up with what it thought was the most realistic estimate," said Lane. "In a sense,
it's kind of a guessing game. This was a unique situation, and each market has its
own peculiarities that have to be handled individually. It takes a tremendous effort
to launch a product world wide from a standing start in terms of inventories."
The Instamatic system has helped change camera customs abroad. European
women are using the Instantatic because of its operational ease. Historically, photo·
graphy has been the domain of the European male, who prides himself in his
camera ownership and in his ability to master its complexities.
The gadget-conscious Japanese market presents different problems. ''The Japanese
have a tradition of buying a camera as a camera and not as a picture·taking
device," said Fitter. "Cartridged film is also much lighter because of import
restrictions. "
"Sales of Instantatic cameras abroad at the end of 1963 exceeded our original
estimates fairly substantially ,"said Lane. "When we called in our overseas managers,
their first estimates had doubled ours. Yet, that first year even exceeded their
forecasts. In some overseas areas, particularly Europe, we had to cut down on our
advertising until the camera supply caught up with the demand."

Some Mathematics
Sales are forecast before a product is launched in a market. After the
launch the actual sales can be compared to the forecast, and the dif-
ference plotted. As in Exhibit 8.11 the majority (the mode) of products
are slightly disappointing. On the other hand, offsetting these are those

- - - - - - ' - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forecasted
(-) o (+) sales
Disappointing Surprisingly
results good results

Distribution of forecast error.

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262 Multinational Marketing
few products whose sales greatly exceed expectations. The distribution is
In this chapter we will assume that the data fit a log normal form. Re-
plotted on log paper, this distribution would appear to be a normal
distribution. Hence, later in the chapter, the mean and standard devia-
tions of the sales forecast will refer to the logarithms of sales.
The difficulty faced by Kodak was that sales exceeded expectations in
almost all markets simultaneously. If one nation yields surprising results,
what is the probability that each other nation will? For example, if
actual sales are 20 percent higher than forecast in one nation, by what
percentage do you raise forecasts in other nations?
An important distinction must be highlighted. In "Ethnocentric Simil-
itude" the similarity between markets focused on similarity of per capita
sales. The focus was on the mean, not the standard deviation, and certainly
not the covariance.
Here we are assuming that the sales managers in each nation have made
reasonable sales forecasts, which the headquarters analysts have improved
upon by their regression analyses, similar to the ethnocentric executives.
But, in addition to estimating the means, the polycentric analysts are
vitally concerned with covariances, consistent patterns in the forecast
error. If a product takes off in one country and sales exceed expectations,
then the forecast error will be positive. If two countries are alike, the
forecast error in the other country is likely to be positive also. (In this
context, "likely" implies a positive covariance that is usually less than 1.)
An established multinational corporation has launched many items
worldwide. On a worldwide basis some exceeded expectations; others fell
short. These data are valuable when transformed into covariances (Staelin
and Turner, 1973). Consider nations B and C. In nation B item i was
forecast to a mean whose logarithm was E~ , whereas the actual sales were
d~. In nation C the same item i was forecast to a mean whose logarithm
was E~, whereas actual sales were d~ .
The new item seems more similar to some past items than it does to
others. Comparing the new item with each item i, express the
similarity by subjective weightings W; such that 1: W' = 1.
In other words, each of these similarity weightings will be used in place
of a probability measure, in the formulas for variance and covariance as
explained in any statistics text.


Cov (log dB) (log de) = };; Wi (log d~ - E~) (log d~ - E~)

This example is of two nations, but to prepare for the problems of real

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corporations, important formulas will be stated in terms of M markets.


Cov (log dB ) (log de)

elements BC in the correlation matrix = [Var (log dB ) Var (log de)] 1/2

In the Kodak example, total worldwide sales exceeded plant capacity.

To plot a probability -distribution of worldwide sales use the covariance
matrix plus the sales manager's latest estimates of expected sales in each
nation. The methodology is identical to portfolio theory in imance where
attention is on the dollar return of a diversified portfolio. Here attention
is on the total sales from simultaneous sales campaigns in many nations.
If all the covariances were low, the corporate product management
could relax in the expectation that forecast errors would cancel out.
Optimistic forecasts for some nations would, on average, balance against
pessimistic forecasts in other nations. -If sales forecasts are done locally,
each variance is higher because of inconsistencies in the forecasting pro-
cedure, but lower covariances result. The danger of centralized forecasting
is that all nations are perceived optimistically (or pessimistically). In
essence the covariance is a measure of consistent biases in the way the
corporation's marketing team perceives the national markets.
If there was a reorganization in the way market forecasts were made,
early forecasts should be given lower subjective Wi weights. Similarly,
old data for one nation should be given much less weight if a nation is
undergoing social change. The change may be subtle. Consider this state-
ment by Geoffery Noyes of Oneida Silver Ltd., manufacturers of fine
cutlery (Personal letter, 1976).

In Australia we surveyed 120 stainless steel flatware patterns with a thousand

women and we picked the designs to range from American style to Scandinavian
modern style to British traditional style to Spanish Mediterranean style. There
were about 8 to 10 patterns in each of these design clusters. Every one of the British
traditional style patterns was at the bottom of the choice list. At the top were
usually the American style or rather avant garde Mediterranean Spanish style pat-
terns. When we researched the cause of this British rejection further, we found out
that that is just what it was: the Australians were actively rejecting anything that
had a cultural connotation of the old country. What a disaster it would have been
if we had taken the advice of some of our older executives and simply shipped pat-
terns from our U.K. factory into Australia.

Geocentric Launch
Geocentric corporations launch new products in an adaptive sequence.
For years, Unilever has used Belgium as a detergent test market for the

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264 Multinational Marketing

world. The detergent product manager uses the repurchase behavior of

Belgian consumers to convince other national subsidiaries to launch the
product. If the detergent is successful in several nations, remaining sub-
sidiary managers Cmd it harder to resist. Each manager knows from hard
experience how to interpret sales data from sister subsidiaries. In a similar
manner, when United Brewing of Copenhagen decided to market Carls-
berg in North America in 1974, they contracted with Canadian Brewing
to test market the beer in Alberta. Actual sales in Alberta were so positive
that Canadian Brewing went national with Carlsberg as a premium prod-
uct. Pharmaceutical corporations also launch their new products adaptively:
Their sequencing decisions are imposed by the testing requirements of
government drug agencies of each nation. Kemp (1980) describes how
Japanese computer makers such as Fujitsu launch first in Japan and
second in Australia:

Australia has indeed been a good target for Japanese products. The country, with a
sparse population of 14 million, has accepted technology more readily than some
larger and more advanced nations. The Japanese, too, have learned, through keep-
ing in close touch with this market,' that the Australian arena is a comprehensive
microcosm of outside world requirements.
The full story on how and why the Australian axis is enabling Japanese makers
to pry their electronic consumer goods out of their own cloistered region to com-
pete in foreign-dominated territories may never be told. The Japanese themselves
tend to be inscrutable and coy on the subject, never revealing why Australia has
consistently been one of the first countries to receive their new products.
One Australian computer distributor, Gary Blom, is more forthcoming. Blom
says this about the Japanese junction: "In effect what the Japanese do is develop
a machine for their own markets, and then we modify it for an individual or
possibly an international reqUirement. The Japanese respond quickly in giving us
anything we want, whether it is in operating systems or in some structural detail,
such as larger keyboards."
"There are many more [types of computers] than the Japanese can see at home,"
Matts [another AUstralian dealer] says. "They may send technicians out here to
study them, or we can take machines like Digital Equipment or Data General to
pieces and ask them to build revisions into their operating systems." They can
then, he points out, "come back very quickly with these revisions to make their
products more powerful and competitive."
The brash and entrepreneurial approach of medium-sized companies such as Tee
has benefited Japanese suppliers of small- to medium-6ize business equipment. But
in the past, there were too many uncomfortable failures of individual operators
and small systems houses which exploited the market and could not support the
hardware or software they sold.
Today the ground rules are tougher. The Japanese appreciate and work well with
Australian inventiveness, particularly in software.
The Australian supplier, however, has to play with a full hand, which may in-
clude such things as paying in advance for goods or showing proof of a substantial
customer support service.
Fujitsu's shrewd assessments and predictions of the Australian market have made

Digitized by Google
New Product Launch 265
it the bane of IBM Australia. The clever company has filched about a dozen instal-
lation sites away from the mighty mainframer, and it continues to present a
strong challenge.
Facom [another Australian distributer] sends about 20 engineers each year to
Fujitsu for training in advanced technology, so that the local company retains its
high degree of autonomy and independence toward users. Support services are
backed up by MART (Maintenance Assistance by Remote Telecommunications).
Throughout the industry there is little doubt that, especially in the formative
years, the close working partnership between Australian entrepreneurial marketers
and the patient and skillful Japanese adaptation of technology contributed signif-
icantly to the incursion of Japan's electronics goods into expanding world markets.
While today Japan clearly does not depend on the support of any particular coun-
try, its computer makers may still pay homage to the adage that it pays to have a
little bit of help from friends.

The important idea of the ethnocentric section was that the fixed cost
of a launch should not be undertaken unless the risk is low enough. From
the polycentric section the important idea was that of a covariance matrix.
Before launching the product in a market, a marketing manager has
estimates of expected sales and of the variance about that mean. As soon
as the product has been launched in a first market, and actual sales data
are gathered, the manager can update the sales estimate of each of the
other markets (only if the covariance between markets was zero would
there be no value in this information). Nations in which the product is
launched serve as test markets for the remaining nations.
It is desirable to preempt competitors by being first to launch a prod-
uct in a nation. Thus, the decision rule of when to launch in a market
should incorporate p:n, the expected profitability of market m if it is
launched at time t. To calculate p:n the reaction of each significant com-
petitor has to be anticipated. First, some competitors monitor globally
while others have surprisingly parochial headquarters. Represent this
assessment as a matrix of markets and competitors, in which each cell
entry is the subjective probability that launching in that market will alert
a competitor to prepare a rival product. Second, use this relationship to
estimate market shares expected after the introduction of rival products.
The market shares usually decrease with launch sequence, one reason·
able assumption being a linear relationship between log market share and
log sequence; the slope of the linear relationship varies between markets.
Third, from competitive intelligence assess each corporation's current
state of product development and the resources it is likely to devote
to competition on this product. From this, gauge how quickly the com·
petitor will respond once he learns of a launch, and how vigorously he
will buy market share despite being eclipsed by the initial launch. All of
this is required to estimate p:n .
Once the product has been launched in one market, the longer the
corporation waits to launch it elsewhere, the more likely a competitor

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266 Multinational Marketin,

will be to preempt the next market. Therefore, the longer the innovator
waits, the lower are its expected profits. The rate of drop-off in expected
profits depends on the nation since nations differ in the speed at which
the structure of a new industry is established.
Advertising spills over national borders. Direct spillover is exemplified
by U .S. television commercials seen in Canada, Radio Luxembourg heard
in Holland, and British magazines read in Bermuda. Indirect spillover
occurs when tourists abroad request familiar products or return home
wanting products they sampled abroad. This spillover is apparent when an
advertising agency quotes its costs for two nations at less than the price of
two; whichever is launched second should be charged only the incremental
cost. Advertising spillover from earlier launches reduces the fixed cost of
later launches.
Some characteristics of those nations suitable for the first stage of the
launch are:
1. The international product managers stationed in the ''first-stage''
nations should be familiar with these countries so that they might
better interpret and use the emerging sales figures (or market researchers
should be accessible).
2. The nations should have well-established channels of distribution.
3. The nations should be small enough that the sum of their launch costs
k remains within the budget.
4. Sales within these countries should have high correlations with other
markets so that a given plant capacity yields the most information.
5. For first introductions, the launching corporation should look for
markets to which competitors are blind so that few will get excited.
6. Customers vary by nation in their loyalty to "first launched" brands.
It would be an advantage to enter those nations that form quick brand
loyalties; however, these are frequently those customers who are slow
to try a new product. Hence there is a tradeoff between competitive
and informational objectives.
7. It is desirable to avoid those nations with a high advertising spillover.
Customers affected by the spillover may be annoyed at their disadvan-
tage of not being able to purchase the product. The advertising theme
would no longer be new or as effective once these customers were ap-
proached and the spillover could give competition a head start.
A "real-sized" problem concerns perhaps 25 nations, of which the larger
ones, such as the United States, might be subdivided into regions, to a
total of say 30 markets, with several million different combinations of
launches possible. To find a good solution, we will use a linear program.
(Details are in the Geocentric Appendix.) The advantage of a linear pro-
gram is that most of the pertinent considerations can be considered
simultaneously. Furthermore, the opportunity cost of adopting a politically
more acceptable solution can be calculated explicitly.

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Finally, the solution to a linear program yields a dual variable to each

constraint. There is a separate constraint for the initial variance of the
sales estimate in each market. Hence the dual variable to each of these
shows the value of incremental information about the market. Borrowing
information from neighbor nations is only one way to reduce the variance
of a sales estimate. More conventional means of market research are to
create consumer panels, to interview dealers, and to test market in selected
cities. These methods are costly. The dual variables provide an upper
bound on how much to pay.

Ethnocentric Appendix

Instead of fixating on breaking even, let G be the net cash position (at the
end of T). If G is negative, think of a line G units below "cost outflow"
in Exhibit 8.9. We can calculate the probability of achieving at least a net
cash position of G.
A product manager has a certain amount of discretion. Specifically, he
can lose a certain amount of money on a product failure without serious
reprimand. Rarely is it an explicit statement, but a person aware enough
to be a product manager may sense that he can lose, say, a million dollars
(G* = -$1 million) but a greater loss will seriously endanger his job. This
threshold implies that he will launch the market only if:

Probability (net cash at end of T ~ G*) ~ Q *

and where Q* is a subjectively set safe probability such as 0.9. In other
words, he is willing to launch the product if there is a 10 percent chance
of its failure costing him his job.
In Exhibit 8.12 main attention.should be given to the chance constraint.
Probability (net cash at end of T ~ G*) ~ Q*
which is
Probability (T7rd - k ~ G*) ~ Q*
The axes of Exhibit 8.12 are net cash G and probability Q, so the chance
constraint is depicted as a rectangle.
With 100 percent probability sales are going to be 0 or greater, so there
is a 100 percent probability that the net cash position will not be worse
than -k, the fixed cost of the launch. The point -k anchors an end point
for a family of possible net cash lines.
The net cash at the end of T is T7rd - k, of which d is the only stochastic
variable, and is known to expected sales E and standard deviation 0 of a

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268 Multinational Marketing

log nonnal distribution. Hence there is a different net cash line for each
(E, a). In Exhibit 8.12 the solid net cash line is for the (E, a) of this
market. This market fails to satisfy the chance constraint set by G* and
Q *. There are two ways to express the fact that this market fails to satisfy
the chance constraint:
1. At the threshold probability Q* the net cash flow is G* - G~ap.
2. Sales d are forecast. For the same expected sales E. there IS a standard
deviation agoal that would just satisfy the chance constraint. The net
cash line (E, agoal) is shown as a dashed line.
Both of these expressions are depicted in Exhibit 8.12. Let us develop
the mathematics for Exhibit 8.12 by following part of Charnes et al.
(1968) DEMON, but with a final net cash position of G instead of O.
The constraint from Exhibit 8.12

Probability (T1rd - k > G) ;;;, Q

can be rewritten as
Probability (T1rd <; k + G) <; 1 - Q

Focus on the inequality in parentheses. Divide both sides of the inequality

by T1r, take logarithms, subtract E. then divide by a to get

Chance (E. a) this market


Probability [Trd - k ~ G*) s a*

~~~----+- __ a*

-k G* o Net cash G

Market forecast (E. 0) transformed into probability (l * of achieving
net cash position G.

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New Product Launch 269

If the distribution of d is log normal, In d is normal. Hence (In d - E)/a

is normal with mean 0 and variance 1. Let PI _ Q be the (1 - Q) percentile
of this N(O, 1) normal distribution so that

In (k + G/7rT) - E .,;;:: P
-------...... I - ac

where PI _ ac is negative, for it depicts downside risk. After cross-


E + PI _ ac a ~ In (k + G) -In 7r -In T

This equation is presented in Exhibit 8.13

The product manager has a certain aversion to risk, which sets ac*; hence
the slope PI _ ac *. If he launches prematurely, while the market forecast
is known only to an excessive standard deviation, he can warrant that
ac* probability of only the G read from Exhibit 8.13. .

All the current information about the market is contained in (E, a).
Market research or launches in similar nations could add information that
will revise both E and a. But now, before the information comes, our
preposterior estimates of the revisions owing to market research (or
launches in similar nations) will be a reduction in standard deviation to
a'. No change in the mean E can be forecast (we guess it will rise or fall
but do not know which). The difference between the G contour through
(E, a) and the G contour through (E, a') is the value of this market
research information. For example, in Exhibit 8.12 the value of market

G=2 Launch market if
G = 1 G* its (E, u) is above
Expectation G = -1 = G*
of In sales G =-2

Standard deviation of In sales
Parameterizing on net cash position G with threshold probability ac*
held constant.

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270 Multinational Marketing

research to reduce the standard deviation from a to agoal can be read as

The probability that the market will ever be launched is usually less
than 1. The expression [E -In (k + G*) -In 1l'] la is N(O, 1) a normal
distribution with mean °
and variance 1. Because E is the best current
estimate of expected sales, the expression [E -In (k + G*) -In 1l'] la
percentile of N(O, 1) is the probability that sales will ever cover the fixed
cost k and achieve G *. This expression approximates the probability that
the market will be launched, so as a first heuristic, we could rank m
markets by their value on this expression to get a preliminary sequence
for the launches. The geocentric appendix gives a superior procedure,
for instead of considering national markets in isolation it shows how
to take advantage of the interconnection that actual sales data improve
the forecasts in other markets.

Geocentric Appendix

Because we are dealing directly with the covariance matrix ~, we will

calculate using variances rather than standard deviations. Exhibit 8.13
is transformed into Exhibit 8.14.
Each time period of delay reduces the months remaining to T, and
hence raises the target. We will include the lateral movement of the target
into a constraint in a linear program. Other launches in each time period
yield information that reduces the variance of all markets including this
one. The vector of launches x and covariance matrix ~ results in

Reduction of variance = x' ~

Sales E
Target for period 2
Target for period 1

- - - - - .. - - - - - - _ u2 initial
u 2 after
period 1
~ _ _ _ _ g1 _______

Target Target Variance ul

2 1
G contours showing the cost of excessive variance.

Digitized by Google
New Product Launch 271

Actually, this presupposes that all the information for a market becomes
instantly available. Realistically only the fraction fJn of the information
could be collected in market m and processed by market research within
one period of the launch, a further (f" within the second period from the
launch, ... , subject to 1: t fI = 1. Thus

Actual reduction in variance = x' (fi")

Our concern is with the variance "gap." Thus the first period's equations
are simply

gap during initial target variance

period 1 = variance - for period 1

gl = 0fnitial - target

The second period equations include both the insight from fIrst period
launches and the movement of the target:

gap during = gap during _ immediate + displacement

period 2 period 1 insight from of the target
first period

In other words,

g2 = gl _ xl I fl~ + target 1 - target 2

which will be rearranged to

xl I fl~ _ gl + g2 =target 1 - target 2

Similarly, the third period equations appear as

xl I f2~ + x2 fl~ _ g2 + g3
I =target 2 - target 3
In Exhibit 8.15 the group of equations whose right-hand side is 1, con-
strains to 1 the probability that a market gets launched. The group of
equations whose right-hand side is 0 assures that a market pays a G cost
if it launches in that period, but not otherwise.
The inequalities should not be necessary but are merely a prudent cau-
tion that would flag attention and simultaneously avoid preventing earlier
launches in case some error in ~ should accumulate to a negative variance.
Production limitations are frequently important, as they were in the
Instamatic example mentioned previously. The capacity of each plant

Digitized by Google
272 Multi1UJtional Marketing

scheduled to come on stream establishes a constraint against which to

model the buildup of market demand through time since the product was
first launched. Note that in these equations we should use a high estimate
of demand, for this is what an operations researcher classifies as a news-
boy problem in which the cost of being short has been balanced against
the opportunity cost of holding excess capacity. In a like manner, a capital
constraint on the net expenditures for plants and national launches could
be added if necessary .
The objective function contains a trade-off between return and risk.
Tangent approximations may be taken to the summation of nonlinear
terms xf G; (gf). If market i is launched prematurely, gf depicts the units
of variance it is expected to be short of the target when launched.
These equations can be put together as a mathematical program with
linear constraints (Exhibit 8.15.) Let xt be the vector of markets launched
in period t. The linear program will compute the optimal launch dates.
For example, x; = 0.6 means 0.6 probability that market i is to be launched
in period t. In period 1 we need definite answers as to which markets to
launch and thus must fmd the best integer solution for the period 1


Subject to
Xl X2 X3 X4 gl g2 g3 g4 r.h.s.
Initial Target
- 1

-I I Target Target
fIe 1 - 2
Target Target
f2 e fIe -I I 2 - 3
Target Target
f3 e f2 e fIe -I I
3 - 4

I I I I 1

I -I 0

I -I 0

I -I 0

I -I 0

Sequencing as a mathematical program.

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Questions from Other Viewpoints
1. Corporate Rational Normative Global. You just covered this view-
point in the chapter.
2. Corporate Rational Normative Subsidiary. Evaluate the suggestion
that a corporation should test market in a few cities of a nation as
part of staging nations for a new product.
3. Corporate Rational Descriptive Global. Read and summarize the
analyses of a product life cycle contained in Louis T. Wells, ed.,
The Product Life Cycle and International Trade (Boston: Division
of Research, Harvard Business School, 1972) or Louis T. Wells, "Test
of a Product Cycle Model of International Trade: U.S. Exports of
Consumer Durables" (Quarterly Journal of Economics, February
1969) or William H. Gruber, Dileep Mehta, and Raymond Vernon,
"The R&D Factor in International Trade and International Investment
of United States Industries" (Journal of Political Economy, February
4. Corporate Rational Descriptive Subsidiary. What methods can be
changed to speed the flow of accurate reports on actual customer
sales which are needed for market staging?
5. Corporate Emotional Normative Global. Most of the "data" for this
problem are subjective impressions. What mathematical and organiza-
tional weight would you give to these subjective impressions, in that
each "expert" knows only some nations and some products, and that
experts differ in their expertise?
6. Corporate Emotional Normative Subsidiary. All the discussion of
adaptive sequences, or keeping the sequence the same but advancing
or delaying launch dates, has implications for a subsidiary. Specifically,
the subsidiary sales managers do not know when or whether they will
have to launch the product - predictions are constantly being redated.
Hence when called on to act they will have to do so with little notice.
Suppose you are the subsidiary marketing executive. Layout a specific
program of preparing your sales managers. Be specific about the state
of psychological readiness in which they should hold themselves.
7. Corporate Emotional Descriptive Global. Many historians of World
War I have commented that declarations of war became irrever-
sible once mobilization had been ordered. Railroads had been
scheduled to converge troop trains, weapons, ammunition, food,
horses, and feed, all from different origins, and these schedules were
too intricately interconnected to change. Suppose someone "solved"
the launch problem for you. Describe the rules you would enforce
that would modify the schedule to make it more ready for the
unexpected and simpler to manage.
8. Corporate Emotional Descriptive Subsidiary. Describe the emotional


Digitized by Google
274 Multinational Marketing

problems of maintaining a high state of readiness to launch a new

product when you have no control over the launch date and you fear
that competitors will move first.
9. Societal Rational Normative Global. The early adopters of a product
are guinea pigs for mankind - they incur certain risks and frustrations
in using unproven products. If you believe that the rate of intro-
duction of new products is excessive (due to oligopolistic competitors
striving to eclipse one another), devise an "insurance" system by
which a government could slow the rate of introduction. If you
believe that research ideas are stifled in laboratories, and that the rate
of introduction is socially inadequate, devise an incentive scheme
that would research the early adopters without distorting their pur-
chase decision (and therefore distorting the information content of
their decision).
10. Societal Rational Normative National. You are Minister oflndustrial
Development in a nation that is committed to improving the environ-
ment and opposed to heavy industry. You have read this chapter
and see the opportunity to expand employment in the market re-
search service sector of your nation. Layout a five-year plan whose
end result would increase the number of products tested first in your
nation. Comment specifically on (a) needed infrastructure; (b)
changes in competition and other legislation; and (c) total employ-
ment that would result.
11. Societal Rational Descriptive Global. In the library Cmd back issues of
magazines (that carry advertisements) from as many nations as
possible. Think of a new item that was introduced commercially
during the period for which you have back copies of the magazines.
Rank the nations by the date of the first advertisement of the item.
Does your sequence correspond to the sequence of Vernon and Wells
described in the chapter?
12. Societal Rational Descriptive Global. Review the criteria for a nation
to be ranked first and a nation to be last for the launch of a product.
What could a government of a low-ranked nation do to be ranked
higher, assuming it desired this?
13. Societal Emotional Normative Global. When a new pharmaceutical
has been developed it is tested for harmful effects on animals. Assum-
ing no negative results on first-tested animals it is then tested on chim-
panzees, whose physiology is similar but not identical to humans.
Then human subjects must be tested and monitored for years. What
are the different bases for conceptualizing the problem of which
nationality should be the experimental subjects for mankind?
14. Societal Emotional Normative National. The problem with being
guinea pig for new manufactured products is that they frequently
are designed for another culture, they don't work as promised, and

Digitized by Google
New Product Launch 275

spare parts are frequently unavailable unless the design sells well.
Draft legislation to compensate your citizens.
15. Societal Emotional Descriptive Global. You are a theoretician for a
particular kind of "ism" (for example, communism or capitalism)
with global aspirations. How does your problem differ - or does it -
from the one described in this chapter?
16. Societal Emotional Descriptive Subsidiary. List the qualities needed
for a nation to be first to receive a new product. Launching new prod-
ucts brings to the nation the products themselves (with their con-
sequences) and the scouting and pressure of determined executives.
Will the long-run effect of these be a slight enhancement or a slight
diminution of the qualities that made that nation first?

Bibliography to Chapter 8
Ayal, Igal, "Simple Models for Monitoring New Product Performance," Decision
Sciences, Vol. 6, No. 2 (1975), pp. 221-236.
Boston Consulting Group, Perspective on Experience (Boston, Boston Consulting
Group, 1970).
Charnes, Abraham, William W. Cooper, James K. DeVoe, and David B. Leamer,"DE-
MON Mark 11: An Extremal Equation Approach to New Product Marketing,"
Ma1Ul(lement Science, Vol. 14, No. 9 (1968), pp. 513-524.
Cyert, Richard M., Morris H. DeGroot and Charles A. Holt, "Sequential Investment
Decisions With Bayesian Learning," Management Science, Vol. 24, No. 7 (1978)
pp. 712-718.
De Groot, Morris H., Optimal Statistical Decisions (New York: McGraw-Hill, 1970).
Dillon, William R., RogerCalantone, and Worthing Parker, "The New Product Problem:
An Approach for Investigating Product Failures," Management Science, Vol. 25,
No. 12 (1979), pp. 1184-1196.
Ehrenberg, A.S.C. and G.J. Goodhardt, "A Comparison of American and British
Repeat Buying Habits," Journal of Marketing Research, Vol. 5 (February 1968),
pp. 29-33.
Green, Paul E. and Donald S. Tull, Research for Marketing Decisions (Englewood
Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall, 1978).
Heeler, Roger M. and Thomas P. Hustad, "Problems in Predicting New Product Growth
For Consumer Durables," Management Science, Vol. 26, No. 10 (1980), pp. 1007-
"How Kodak Clicked Worldwide on the Marketing Plan of its Famous Instamatic,"
Business Abroad, Vol. 31, No. 11, June 12, 1967, pp. 31-34.
Keegan, Warren, "Multinational Marketing: The Headquarters Role," Columbi4
Journal of World Business, Vol. 6, No. 1 (1971), pp. 1-6.
Kemp, Norman, "Japan's Amicable Alliance," Datamation, Vol. 26, No. 2, September
1980, pp. 74-82.

Digitized by Google
276 Multinational Marketin,

Martin, Warren S. and AI Barcus, "A Multiattribute Model for Evaluating Industrial
Customer's Potential," Interfaces, Vol. 10, No. 3 (1980), pp. 40-44.
McConnell, J. Douglas, Behaviorol Factors in World Consumer Markets (Palo Alto,
CA: Long Range Planning Service, Stanford Research Institute, 1970).
Moyer, Reed, "International Market Analysis," Journal of Marketing Research, Vol. 5
(November 1968), pp. 353-360.
Raiffa, Howard and Robert Schlaifer, Applied Statistical Decision Theory (Cambridge:
Harvard University Press, 1961).
Robertson, Thomas S., D.J. Dalrymple, and M.Y. Yoshino, "Cultural Compatibility
in New Product Adaptation," Journal of Marketing, Vol. 34, No. 1, January 1970,
pp. 70-75.
Sethi, S. Prakash, "Comparative Cluster Analysis for World Markets," Journal of
Marketing Research, Vol. 8 (August 1971), pp. 348-354.
Sommers, Montrose and Jerome Kernan, "Why Products Flourish Here, Fizzle There,"
ColumbillJournal of World Business, Vol. 2, No. 2, March-April 1967, pp. 89-97.
Staelin, Richard and Ronald E. Turner, "Errors in Judgemental Sales Forecasts: Theory
and Results," Journal of Marketing Research, Vol. 10 (February 1973), pp. 10-16.
Terpstra, Vemon, International Marketing (New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston,
Urban, Glen L. and John R. Hauser, Design and Marketing of New Products, (Engie-
wood Cliffs, NJ, 1980).
Wells, Louis T.,Jr., "A Product Life Cycle for International Trade," Journal of Market-
ing, Vol. 32 (July 1968), pp. 1-6.

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Introductory Note to the Case

Tyler Abrasives Inc.

This case is reminiscent of the First National City Bank case

(Chapter 1) as it describes polycentric Tyler trying to do
business with a multinational customer whose executives are
irritated by Tyler's disarray. The case can be analyzed at a
strategic and an operating level.
Genag is a half-million-dollar account that Tyler could
sacrifice if inimical to its fundamental strategy. Yet Tyler
seems to be starting to change its corporate strategy without
realizing it. In its old form, Tyler was organized to take
advantage of local situations. If Tyler's vision of its future in
abrasives is to seek unique niches, then its present organiza-
tion is appropriate, and its executives should resist and undo
the ponderous coordination that the Genag deal foretells.
On the other hand, the Tyler executives may view the
fu ture of grinding as increasingly standardized for the fol-
lowing reasons:
1. There is a shakeout in the number of grinding machine
manufacturers, and each is becoming multinational.
2. Metallurgical specifications are becoming more standard
as concordances are being developed.
3. Many of the grinding machines are being sold to com-
panies that hope to become subcontractors to multina-
tional manufacturers and thus need to standardize.
If this is their vision of the future, then Tyler executives
will have to reorganize the entire company, centralize product


Digitized by Google
278 Multinational Marketing

development, and bring coherence to distribution. Their

strategic reorganization would necessitate the process of
centralization we explored with Ford Motor Co. Ltd. of
Chapter 3; Genag would be merely an experiment or pilot

Tyler Abrasives Inc.

"Now, Mr. Spencer, what we want to know is why you charge
us one price for a grinding wheel in France, another price for
the same wheel in Argentina, and a third price, which is al-
most two and one half times higher than the French price,
for the same product in Australia? As you probably know,
we have operations in Australia, Canada, Central and South
America, and certain European countries, and we find that
your prices vary in each country. Why can't we settle on one
base price, let's say the prices current in France, for all these
countries? Surely it would make things a lot easier in your
organization and it would certainly be an advantage to us."
The speaker was Mr. G.F. Middleton, president of General
Agricultural Equipment Company, Inc. (Genag), who to-
gether with Mr. F.J. Home, Jr., corporate vice president in
charge of Genag's overseas operations, was receiving a visit
from Mr. Robert Spencer, vice president and general manager,
Grinding Wheel Division of Tyler Abrasives, Inc., of Cleve-
land, Ohio.
"We scheduled that meeting for July 31, 1981, and as soon
as I walked in they nailed me to the wall on prices in the
international market," Spencer recounted later to the case
"We had been in regular contact with Genag over the pre-
vious 10 years. Our local salesman called weekly and occa-
sionally management people also visited Genag. I expected
to make a courtesy call to discuss their business, our standing
as a supplier, and so on, so I checked through Standard &
Poors, Genag's balance sheet, field reports, and current out-
standing orders before going to see them. "
During and after his return from the meeting with Genag's
management, Spencer gave much thought to the problems
that had been raised by Tyler's customer. The price varia-

This cue, by Kenneth E. Roberts under the supervision of Ralph Z. Sorenson,

was prepared as a basis for class disc:uaton rather than an illustration of either
effective or ineffective hancWna of an administrative situation. This is a con-
densation of the cue copyriahted by the President and Fellows of Harvard

Digitized by Google
Pricing 279

tions he had been given were in some cases too large to be

passed off as due to differences in local operating, transpor-
tation, and distribution costs. Additionally, since he was, at
that time, general manager of Tyler's V.S. Grinding Wheel
Division (GWD), he knew little of Tyler's current worldwide
pricing procedures and could do no more than promise that
the matter would receive immediate attention when he got
back to Cleveland. A few days after the meeting, Spencer
talked to Mr. Ed Pacifico, vice president of marketing for
Tyler's International Division, about the questions raised at
the meeting and asked for some information to shape a reply
to satisfy Genag's misgivings.
In the following weeks, Tyler's management grappled with
the problem to determine what the company's international
pricing policy should be with respect to Genag and other
multinational customers. By the fall, a tentative proposal
had been worked out by Tyler's marketing staff. In October
1981, Spencer, together with Mr. John Stinson, group vice
president of Tyler's International Division, was trying to de-
cide whether to approve the proposal so that it could be sub-
mitted to Genag.

Background of Genag
Although slightly larger financially than Tyler, the sales of
Genag were more concentrated both geographically and by
Genag was one of a number of full-line farm equipment
manufacturers in the world. Although the company mar-
keted and/or produced farm equipment throughout the
world, most of its production, sales, and profits were derived
from the Vnited States and Canada, although the contribu-
tion from foreign sales had been growing recently, from 8
percent in 1976 to 35 percent in 1980.
In addition to its V.S. operations, Genag owned and operated
plants in Australia, Argentina, Canada, France, Germany,
Mexico, and South Africa.
A highly centralized organization itself, Genag believed
there were many benefits to this form of organization on a
worldwide basis and often extolled the merits of this approach.
In the late 1960s and early 1970s, Tyler enjoyed the major
share of Genag's grinding wheel business, having an estimated
40 to 50 percent share. By 1980, Tyler's share was down to
about 20 percent. The factors that affected this decline in-
cluded a realization by Genag that it was too heavily com-
mitted to one supplier. Also during this time, Genag, while

Digitized by Google
280 Multinational Marketing

reequipping some production facilities, developed a relation-

ship with one of the industry's major machinery suppliers.
This company also manufactured and distributed its own line
of centerless and horizontal grinding machines, as well as
producing and selling grinding wheels. Exhibit 9.1 provides
a breakdown of Tyler's worldwide sales to Genag.
In 1981, Tyler Inc. was one of the largest manufacturers
of abrasives, posting sales of $243 million with after-tax
profits of $8 million.
Starting with production of grinding wheels (bonded
abrasives) in 1905, the company developed its facilities so
that by 1981 it employed almost 10,000 people with 10 divi-
sions operating in the United States and international activities
in 21 countries outside the United States. The company was
successful in its plans to diversify into products that comple-
mented abrasives.
Abrasives had a variety of users in numerous markets.
Very few manufactured products existed that had not been
touched, either directly or indirectly, by abrasives. In 1981,
abrasives accounted for $179 million or 73 percent of the
total sales of Tyler Inc.
Abrasives were basically used in one of three forms: coated,
bonded, and loose abrasive materials. Each had its own spe-
cific characteristics designed to meet the type and quality of
fmish required and the nature of the surface or product to
be finished.
Bonded abrasives (mainly grinding wheels) were Tyler's
major abrasive product line with total sales of $96 million in
1981, $56 million in the United States and $40 million out-
side the United States. Tyler produced over 200,000 different
sizes of grinding wheels ranging from over 5 feet in diameter
to 0.050 inch.
Coated abrasiues were the second largest of Tyler's abra-
sives product categories with worldwide sales in 1981
amounting to $58 million.
A brasiue materials, or loose abrasives, accounted for $21
million of Tyler's total sales in 1981.

Tyler's International Operations

In the past, the company had always considered it a strategic
strength to have its plants located near its customers' opera-
tions. This provided speedy access to the complete range of
Tyler products, either through local manufacturing or by
direct export from Tyler International Inc. (TII), a subsidiary

Digitized by Google
Pricing 281

Tyler Abrasives Inc.
Actual and Potential Sales to Genag ($000)

Actual sales
to Genag 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981
Vitrified $228 $200 $258 $212 $190
Organic 154 144 180 115 102
Diamond 103 89 171 171 128
Total $485 $433 $609 $499 $420
Total potential
sales to Genag $1,680 $1,800 $2,150 $2,500 $2,550
Actual as per-
centage of
potential 29% 24% 28% 20% 17%


Actual sales
to Genag 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981
Canada $39 $ 67 $ 73 $ 35 $ 4
Germany n.a. 67 74 66 61
France 22 35 47 51 57
South Africa 1 1 2
Argentina 12
Australia 19 29 23 29 25
Total $80 $198 $218 $182 $161
Potential sales
to Genag 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981
Canada $84 $112 $154 $162 $105
Germany n.a. n.a. 305 325 350
France 48 77 69 105 119
South Africa n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. 20
Argentina n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. 20
Australia 28 37 32 39 35
Total n.a. n.a. $562 $633 $673

Digitized by Google
282 Multinational Marketing

that also provided technical and managerial assistance and ad-

vice to foreign plants. Tyler management recognized that this
strategy could lead to certain diseconomies in the manu-
facture and supply of abrasives. For instance, Tyler had not
pursued a policy of product uniformity, which meant some
lack of interchangeability of products between foreign plants.
In some cases the basic raw materials differed from plant to
plant according to availability and the manner in which
"abrasive technology" had developed in each country. Dif-
ferences in production processes and the varying age of for-
eign plants (e.g., the French plant dated from the 1930s
while plants in Argentina and South Africa dated from 1975
and 1976) led to differing degrees of manufacturing indepen-
dence and some variations in operating styles and costs.
Tyler wished to retain its philosophy of decentralized
authority and responsibility but also wanted to get the bene-
fits that a unified policy or approach might provide in
certain opportunity areas. Management stated that the most
important aspect in satisfying any given market was the
ability to provide an overseas manufacturing and marketing
capability having a competitive advantage in terms of manu-
facturing process, technology, and cost. Tyler's management
felt that as time went on, changes in the world environment
might in the future necessitate a move toward greater world
integration in their international organization.
Tyler in 1980 had operations at 41 different locations in
21 countries around the world. International sales accounted
for 40 percent of total sales in 1981.

The Second Meeting with Genag

During the weeks after Spencer's first meeting with Genag
management, Spencer and Pacifico worked closely together
building a complete picture of Tyler's worldwide trade with
Genag. Figures available for the V.S. in late June 1981
showed potential sales of $2,500,000, 1980 sales of $499,000,
and a 20 percent share of the market. In addition, the Market
Research Department estimated that two other competitors
had a similar share of Genag's bonded abrasives business and
that the remaining 40 percent was divided between four
other suppliers.
The figures for the international market took a little more
time to collate as the information had to be obtained from
Tyler's subsidiaries in each appropriate country. However, by

Digitized by Google
Pricing 283

August 1981 the pattern for the position outside the United
States could be estimated as follows:

1981 1981 Full Cost Expected

Potential Actual Profitability Annual
Country Sales ($) Sales ($) Before Tax (%) Growth (%)
Total 675,000+ 161,000 5

Canada 105,000 4,000 15 5

Germany 350,000 61,000 7 5-7
France 119,000 57,000 5 5-7
Argentina 20,000 12,000 2 10
Australia 35,000 25,000 12 3-5

From the information that came back from the subsidi-

aries it was also found that most of the international business
was conducted directly between Genag's and Tyler's local
plants. The exception was Australia where Genag's orders
came through a local distributor. Only Genag's Canadian
plant had any dealings with Tyler's Grinding Wheel Division
at Cleveland. In addition, management was able to compile
the cost/price information shown in Exhibit 9.2.

Tyler Abrasives Inc.
Relative Cost/Price Position
Index (per unit price sold United
direct to Genag) States France Germany Australia
Price indices
Vitrified bore wheels
It X X t Qty. 25 100 79 90 n.a.
19A70-N6VBE Qty.150 100 76 105 104
2X 1 X t Qty. 25 100 76 101 n.a.
19A70·N6VBD Qty.150 100 65 115 113
Vitrified centerless wheels
20 X 6 X 12 Qty. 1 100 43 61 49
A80-06V Qty. 10 100 48 61 57
Cost indices
Alundum grain,landed cost/wheel 100 60 77 80
Direct labor cost per wheel Spec lA 100 54 258 269
1B 100 106 198 190
2 100 47 294 192

Digitized by Google
284 MultiMtional Marketin,

On September 1, 1981, Spencer returned to Genag's of-

fices together with Pacifico and Mr. C. W. Johnson, sales vice
president of the Grinding Wheel Division. The proceedings
were opened by Pacifico attempting to explain that the price
differentials Genag complained of at the first meeting were
mainly a function of differing manufacturing costs from
country to country and Tyler's decentralized operating
philosophy. Mr. Gavin, Genag's purchasing director, replied
"If your costs do indicate such wide variances, then we sus-
pect the validity of your costs or of your method of com-
puting them. Your explanation of the revised bid for our
Canadian business is not really satisfactory. We feel that as
you were able to drop your prices on the second bid, you
must have been overcharging us previously. " The reference to
Canada pertained to a recent situation in which the U .S.
Grinding Wheel Division had resubmitted a lower bid on a
particular grinding wheel order in an effort to arrest eroding
Canadian sales to Genag.
Gavin went on to point out that service on nonstandard
items through the Australian local distributor was very poor
and that there was a lack of liaison on technical and R&D
service. He further said that no reply had been received to a
recent letter of his querying price increases. In reply to a
suggestion that Tyler and Genag establish worldwide prices
based on increased volume order quantities, Genag felt there
was little point in discussing worldwide prices based on in-
creased volume when current conditions were so bad and
Tyler obviously considered Genag an "unimportant cus-
tomer." Genag's position, stated by President Middleton, was:

We should not have to tell you what your supply problems are
or what kind of proposals you should make. This is your job as
a supplier. You must do a better and more consistent job of pricing
your products and you must also improve your standing in tenns
of service and interest before we can discuss any possibility of giv-
ing you an increased share of our business.

The session concluded with a promise by Spencer to arrange

a further meeting before November 1, 1981.
Commenting later on the session, Johnson said he really
wasn't sure what Genag's objectives were. He went on to sug-
gest that industrial customers often were interested in ob-
taining better prices from one supplier in order to have a
lever for gaining selective price concessions from other sup-
pliers. This was especially true, he said, in industries such as

Digitized by Google
Pricing 285

abrasives where particular companies were viewed as price

Ed Pacifico, marketing vice president for Tyler's Interna-
tional Division, believed the issue involved more than simple
pricing concessions:

Genag not only seemed to want improved prices, but closer multi-
national coordination on R&D and technical problems as well. Mr.
Home kept stressing that some of our multinational competitors
are already beginning to offer such coordination. He suggested that
a company such as ours can't really be multinational and still afford
to have decentralized decision making on the major points of pro-
duct and marketing policy. In my opinion, however, the critical
issue is how far to centralize and what parts of the operation to
centralize for maximum flexibility.

The Selling Process

Tyler Inc. distributed its products in the United States both
direct from its plant at Cleveland and through some 300
industrial distributors in major cities through the country.
The company considered its distributors a major strength in
its marketing effort.
Robert Spencer, general manager of the Grinding Wheel
Division, thought that price, friendship, and availability were
particularly important in selling Tyler's products in the
United States. He said:

Service and quality can be negative factors, but it's difficult to

make them positive factors. We use an analogy of the water bar-
rel. Service and quality problems represent leaks in the barrel that
can cause you to lose business. When you repair them you stop the
leaks but you aren't raising the water level.

Spencer also explained what he meant by friendship in selling

Tyler products:

You see there are still a lot of customers where the buying choice
is technologically oriented. Over the years, our salesmen have built
a strong bond with the people in manufacturing in their companies.
It's more than good customer relations and it's stronger than is
needed for technical liaison, it's friendship - these people really
are good friends.

On advertising, he felt that since abrasives were in the mature

phase of their product life cycle, it was only necessary to
advertise new products as they came along.

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286 Multinational Marketintl

On pricing, management estimated that only a few com-

panies sold at a higher price than Tyler; most competitors
were about the same or very slightly lower with just one or
two companies as much as 10 to 15 percent lower. What
Tyler did on pricing therefore had a strong effect not only
on the company's own cash flow position but also on that of
its competitors who would be forced to match any price
concessions. This was an important strategic consideration
for Tyler's management.

Sales Overseas
John Stinson, group vice president of the International
Division, felt that it was necessary for a multinational com-
pany to recognize the sensitivity of operating in an inter-
national climate. Too many multinationals, he said, knew too
little about their subsidiaries or the markets in which they
operated; Tyler intended to make sure they did not fall into
that category.

We have a big job ahead of us to establish a structure which will

allow for the monitoring of price, quality, and service. The logic
of centralizing is overwhelming but rushing headlong into it leads
to trOUble. We must convince our own managers. There are still
strong nationalistic feelings in Europe and you can't send a German
salesman into France.

Stinson felt that this would break down if Tyler confronted

its manufacturing costs in each nation, but this move would
take time to accomplish. Pacifico agreed with Stinson's com-
ments and added:

I've been abroad recently and begun to realize the depth of emo-
tions in this area. Originally the subsidiaries were completely auto-
nomous. Consequently, the more we try to achieve international
coordination the more they begin to kick about what they con-
sider "crazy American ideas." When a buyer in a foreign country
talks to one of our salesmen they both talk about "U.S. Imper-
ialism." We have to realize that the French and Germans still look
on themselves as French and German companies. However, we
can get them to see that it's the customer who calls the shots. It's
all a question of good communications.

Further Developments with Genag

By early October 1981, Johnson and his assistant, Mr.
U.J. Adler, together with Mr. P.R. Schafer, manager of mar-

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Pricing 287

ket services in the International Division, had prepared a plan

which they suggested should be presented to Genag manage-
ment and, if accepted by Genag, should also be offered to
other farm equipment industry customers. Basically, the
plan proposed to establish the U.S. prices of November 1,
1979, as the ceiling price for a given minimum quantity of
a given size and specification of grinding wheel for all Genag's
foreign plants. The minimum price would apply particularly
to large-volume items that could be made in economic lot
sizes. If Genag were able to increase its orders to Tyler, it
might then be able to obtain a further price reduction. Where
local prices were already lower than those in the United
States, local price would operate. The plan further proposed
that a worldwide agreement be negotiated for Tyler Abrasives
to supply grinding wheels to all Genag plants throughout
the world. The effect of those proposals on Tyler's sales
revenue from Genag's overseas plants is shown in Exhibit
9.3 together with a price index for prices in each country
before and after the proposal. In addition to Genag, it was
estimated that the decrease in revenue from Genag's rival
might amount to approximately $10,500, assuming, as was
expected, that this customer negotiated for the same con-
ditions as Genag. No calculations were available for the effect
on revenue from other farm equipment industry customers
but this was expected to be minimal.
The three Tyler executives were also concerned about the
validity of the cost information used to establish the effect
of their proposals on revenue. Management had estimated
a typical breakdown of U .S. bonded abrasive prices as
Selling price 100%
Total cost 90%
Selling and administration 30%
Manufacturing cost 60%
Direct labor 30%
Direct material 20%
Other factory costs 10%
However, the three executives knew that there was some
variation in cost over differing sizes of grinding wheels and
that the average quantity ordered could affect costs. They
also knew that although the industry was currently a one-
shift industry running at 40 percent to capacity, costs would
only be marginally affected if the industry moved to a three-
shift system. Finally, they knew that costs for grinding
wheels manufactured overseas would exhibit characteristics

Digitized by Google
00 EXHIBIT 9.8
Tyler Abrasives Inc.
Financial Effect of Revised Farm Equipment Industry Prices
on Sales to Genag
Sale. Income (FiacaI1981; $000)
Before RelJiaion After RelJiaiona
Up to OlJer Up to OlJer
2 in. 2-14 in. 14 in. 2 in. 2-14 in. 14 in. Gain/
Diameter Diameter Diameter Total Diameter Diameter Diameter Total (Lo,,)

Germany 12 28 21 61 6 28 21 55 (6)
Canada 0 0
France 20 15 22 57 20 15 22 57
Australia 17 3 5 25 9 3 6 17 (8)
Argentina 10 2 12 10 2 12
Total 59 46 60 155 45 46 60 141 (14)


( i)
Comparative Price Indices (United States" 100)
Before Revision After Revision
Up to Over Up to Over
2 in. 2-14 in. 14 in. 2 in. 2-14 in. 14 in.
Diameter Diameter Diameter Diameter Diameter Diameter
Germany 190 55 55 100 55 55
Canada 100 90 90 100 90 90
France 60 60 60 60 60 60
Australia 190 70 60 100 70 60
Argentina 60 75 75 60 75 75
Ratio of
Lowestb 3.2/1 1.8/1 1.8/1 1.7/1 1.8/1 1.8/1
°Tbese estimates assume no cbange in tbe unit volume of businea with Genag.
bTbis ratio is tbe world price spread from bighest Tyler price to lowest Tyler price for any given size and specification of grinding wbeel.

cr ~

c; 00

( i)
290 Multinational Marketing

Tyler Abrasives Inc.
Indices of Popular Genag Prices
Product States Canada Argentina Germany France Australia
No. 1 100 118 197 74 109 117
No. 2 100 108 197 140 107 92
No. 3 100 123 n.a. 27 115 95
No. 4 100 156 n.•. 26 95 156
No. 5 100 120 n.a. 66 102 44
No. 6 100 119 n.•. 70 95 111
No. 7 100 120 n.•. 110 108 113
No. 8 100 120 n.•. 66 108 91
No. 9 100 111 n.•. 86 107 110
No. 10 100 109 n.•. 72 111 111

somewhat different from those for wheels manufactured in

the United States.
The comparison of Genag's worldwide prices for certain
farm equipment and attachments that was also prepared is
seen in Exhibit 9.4.

With the foregoing information in hand, Spencer and Stinson
were trying to decide whether to approve the plan proposed
by their staff or, if not, what alternative policy to adopt.
In reaching a decision, Spencer and Stinson felt they ought
to consider the potential impact on Tyler's relationships with
other multinational customers. If a worldwide price were
offered to Genag, they believed that once the word got
around Tyler would have little choice but to offer similar
terms to other customers that bought from Tyler in several
different countries and that individually accounted for at
least $400,000 in annual sales. There were approximately
50 customers, collectively accounting for about $25 million
in sales that fell in this category. Although Spencer and
Stinson had no way of knowing the exact sales breakdown
of these companies by country and product category, they
believed that the overall sales configuration might be fairly
similar to the pattern found at Genag.
One factor that complicated the information-gathering
and decision-making process in this situation was Tyler's

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Pricing 291
current organizational structure. Becuase Tyler's interna-
tional operations were contained in a separate division and
because foreign subsidiaries had traditionally been run on a
relatively decentralized basis, it was difficult to coordinate
internally any analysis on a worldwide basis.
Moreover, Spencer was aware that not all subsidiary man-
agers would be enthusiastic about the idea of quoting world-
wide prices to Genag. In fact several managers had already
expressed concern. For example, the manager of Genag's
Australian distributor had indicated that he was against
the proposal inasmuch as Australia "runs a strong operation
and already has 70 percent of Genag's local business despite
relatively high prices. Consequently, any move toward world-
wide prices would probably only serve to reduce the profit-
ability of the Australian distributor operation."
The manager of the French subsidiary on the other hand
was against any worldwide move that would tend to increase
French prices since he felt Tyler's present low level of prices
in France was absolutely necessary to maintain market share
in a highly competitive market. Finally, the manager of the
German subsidiary said he could understand the reason for
a worldwide pricing agreement insofar as it applied to Genag,
but he was very concerned about the possible impact should
the agreement become public knowledge within the industry.
Consequently, he had written to headquarters as follows:
"We feel that it is of the utmost importance that knowledge
of any agreement be regarded as a highly confidential matter
and restricted to the smallest number of people within Tyler
and Genag. I would personally appreciate it if you would is-
sue very strong instructions to this effect."

1. Would you describe the Tyler organization as polycentric,
ethnocentric, or geocentric? Explain.
2. Would you describe the Genag organization as polycentric,
ethnocentric, or geocentric? Explain.
3. Do you think that Tyler is currently setting prices and
sales efforts optimally?
4. For small changes in the quantity to be manufactured,
would you expect the marginal cost to be altered substan-
5. Elasticity of demand is defined as the percentage change

Digitized by Google
292 Multinational Marketing
of quantity demanded per percentage change of price.
What is your estimate of demand elasticities in Germany,
France, and Australia?
6. Genag buys only a few of the many products produced
by Tyler. If the price of the items purchased by Genag is
changed, sales of neigh boring products would be affected
as customers switched to or from the changed prices. How
could Tyler predict the switch quantity?
7. How much money should the Tyler management be willing
to invest to study the rationalized pricing scheme so as to
intelligently respond to Genag's initiative?

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This chapter is addressed directly to corporations dominant enough to
be the price setters for certain products. The price takers who exist under
the price umbrella of the dominant competitor should clearly understand
those forces that hold up the umbrella so they can realistically assess the
risks of their environment.
In this chapter, we investigate pricing considerations from the view-
points of oligopolistic competition, legal constraints in various nations
that affect sales price, and the relationship between administrative co-
herence and the taking advantage of market opportunities. We are not
concerned with transfer prices, for they may be adjusted to maneuver
liquid assets as described in Chapter 3. Nor are we concerned with raw
material commodity prices, though some of the concepts from Chapter
2 may be useful guides.
Most of today's worldwide manufacturers were once domestic companies,
vying with their home competitors for a share of a market that seemed
too small. When one of the competitors expanded abroad, it changed the
basis for competition. As was described in Chapter 1, the remaining com-
petitors had to choose between specializing in narrow market niches or
also expanding abroad. Knickerbocker (1973) has shown that a powerful
motivation to become multinational is competition - that is, the com-
petitors have become multinational.
Oligopoly theorists would say that market share is valuable. But the
share of which market? Mason (1969) presents a case study of an abrasive
manufacturer trying to decide whether abrasives were becoming a com-
modity (in which case its strategy should be to go multinational so as to
increase its share of the worldwide market) or whether abrasives were be-
coming individually tailored for particular applications (in which case its
strategy should be to stress R&D and upgrade its sales force by hiring
technical specialists who would be able to translate peculiar cutting prob-
lems into particular chemical compositions). Either strategy can be viable;
both can coexist. Multinational corporations are those that have adopted
the former: there are benefits to standardizing their product around the
world. In the case you have just read Genag certainly adopted that strategy
and is attempting to force it onto its suppliers such as Tyler.
In most nations one sees multinational corporations in competition with
local businesses. The locals do not wither away (unless they foolhardily
pit themselves in head-on competition with the multinationals). Rather,
the two groups compete on different bases, with the local firms special-
izing in niches that require individually tailored responses to the market
so that the multinationals cannot compete. Expressed differently, each
may strive to maximize market share, but they are really working within
different markets.


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294 Multinational Marketing

Experience curves portray the importance of market share. The manu-

facturing and marketing cost of an item, adjusted for inflation, decreases
15 to 25 percent with every doubling of cumulative production experience.
For a multinational corporation the relevant market is the entire world;
market share is the share of the world market. This means that cost-
saving ideas in production, distribution, and marketing should be quickly
shared worldwide within the corporation if unit costs are to be reduced by
the target 15 to 25 percent per doubling of cumulative experience. Ac-
counting controls must be targeted to achieve this. Manufacturers move
down the experience curve at a rate proportional to their market share -
the one with the largest market share moves down faster and hence has
lower costs. In fact, when the price leader sets an umbrella price, its
height determines just which of the marginal firms will cover their costs
and hence survive. In Britain, the price leader in tractors set a low umbrella
price. According to Schwartzman (1969, p. 131), "Harry Ferguson, like
Henry Ford, apparently sought a large volume of sales by means of low
prices, and British tractor prices consequently were low. Prices in other
countries were fixed at higher levels. Low prices discouraged entry in
Britain; high prices elsewhere encouraged entry. The small scale of en-
trants led to high costs, which discouraged them from reducing prices.
Collusion may also have been an element. "

Umbrella Pricing
The price leader sets a price umbrella for the industry. Should it hold
this umbrella price high enough to let the marginal competitor survive? In
the U.S. automobile industry, Chrysler is the marginal competitor. In ad-
dition to obvious antitrust reasons, General Motors may perceive an eco-
nomic rationale for not pricing Chrysler out of existence. In contrast,
Texas Instruments chose to reduce prices of digital watches, steadily
squeezing out marginal competitors until there were only three effective
companies left in the business. Texas Instruments may also perceive an
economic rationale. How many competitors does a market leader prefer?
The price leader, Firm 1, knows that its market share will decrease with an
increasing number of competitors in the industry (Ijiri and Simon, 1977).
By umbrella pricing, the leader influences this number.
To develop an economic (not antitrust) rationale for umbrella pricing
we will make two assumptions. First, if the price umbrella is lowered be-
low the unit cost of the marginal producer, he will quit and the remaining
rivals will grab his customers in proportion to their preexisting market
shares. Second, because of the experience curve effect, the inflation-
adjusted unit cost experienced by a firm decreases over time (and decreases
faster with a larger market share). Learning by doing and economies of

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Pricing 295


share of
firm 1
" ...............
n The number of
2 3 4 5 6 firms in the
Market share of Firm 1 decreases with number of firms in the industry.


Unit cost
of firm 3
Unit cost
of firm 2 Industry demand
Market rate of

Demand curve seen by Firm 1 depends on its market share of the
industry demand.

scale mean that tightly managed larger firms can usually produce at a
lower unit cost than their smaller rivals.
Industry demand increases when the umbrella price is lowered. Because
the marginal competitors will drop out if the price is set below their unit
costs, an insight into these unit costs allows the lead firm to calculate how
much its market share would increase with a given decrease in price. Thus
it may calculate its demand curve. The managers of Firm 1 can analyze
each segment of this demand curve and, knowing their own unit cost
cl' they can calculate a price that maximizes Firm 1 's profit. (Each
sloped segment of the Exhibit 9.6 demand curve of Firm 1 should be
analyzed separately.) To draw Exhibit 9.6, Firm 1 requires excellent
knowledge of the cost structures of its rivals. In corporate practice, the
leader gathers extensive intelligence about the financial health of marginal

Digitized by Google
296 Multinational Marketing

fmns, whereas the marginals focus their intelligence gathering on keeping

up with the leader's new product development.
As a new product emerges there is a "shake-out" as rivals scramble to
improve their technology and compete for the market. The dynamics of
this process is poorly understood and thus unpredictable, but eventually
one firm will emerge as the price leader. Once leadership is established,
the interesting question is whether the price leader tends, through time, to
want fewer or more competitors. Will the leader continuously lower the
(inflation-adjusted) price umbrella to squeeze out the marginal producer,
or will it tend not to decrease the price umbrella quite as fast as the mar-
ginal producer cuts costs? It can be shown that it is in the leader's econo-
mic self-interest to gradually allow the entrance of a few more rivals.
Each national market is growing at a different rate. In a stagnant market
for this product, competitors will guard their market shares with vigilance.
Nevertheless, the multinational, accumulating experience in faster growing
markets, can stream ideas to its subsidiary in the stagnant nation and cut
the subsidiary's costs correspondingly faster than can domestic competitors.

Constraints on Price Policy

Well-managed costs not only yield better current profits but allow the
price leader flexibility in coping with rivals, both potential and existing.
The way to deal with rivals differs among national markets. It depends on
a corporation's rank in this industry, the number of competitors, and the
legal, commercial, and social means in which existing competitors vie with
one another. The government and other stakeholders in each nation set
many constraints on pricing policy.
In the United States, the Justice Department is especially watchful for
monopoly power. The Aluminum Company of America was cited in a
1945 Supreme Court decision that is one of the landmarks in U .S. anti-
trust law. Alcoa sold aluminum ingots as well as sheet aluminum, but it
set its prices for ingots - of which it was by far the lugest supplier - high
enough so that other firms could barely afford to buy the ingots, convert
them into sheet, and compete with Alcoa in the sheet metal market. This
"Price Squeeze" was held to be an "unlawful exercise of Alcoa's power."
In some other nations it is common practice.
Although U.S. law is by far the most restrictive in the world, other
nations do have similar provisions. In West Germany, retail price main-
tenance was forbidden as of January 1, 1974, and a ban on concerted
practices is left open to wide interpretation by the courts, including re-
strictions on parallel pricing. Previously, in 1972, Germany's Federal
Cartel Office had fined nine synthetic fiber companies more than $15
million for domestic and export price fixing, among other charges.

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Pricing 297

The European Economic Community has also been strengthening its

antitrust powers. Article 85(1) of the Rome Treaty bans "concerted
practices," and Article 86 prohibits "the direct or indirect imposition of
any inequitable purchase or selling prices" (Bellamy and Morris, 1978)
and attempts to prevent "abuse by one or more undertakings of a dom-
inant position within the common market." For example, in 1976 United
Brands was charged with "systematically setting prices at the highest
possible level, resulting in wide price differences" for fruit among member
states. This price discrimination was possible because United Brands had
prohibited its distributors and ripeners in Belgium, Luxembourg, Denmark,
West Germany, the Republic of Ireland, and the Netherlands from reselling
green bananas. The Commission's concern is also illustrated by its 1972
$108,000 fine imposed on Pittsburgh Coming Europe SA (PCE), the
Belgian-based subsidiary of a U.S. joint venture between PPG Industries
and Coming Glass Works Co. PCE's pricing policy gave discriminatory dis-
counts to Dutch and Belgian customers who limited use of the products to
their own nations. Their purpose was to shield PCE's German marketing
subsidiary, whose prices were up to 40 percent higher and which was
threatened by parallel imports from the Netherlands and Belgium. On the
other hand, the commission ruled that a market-sharing agreement be-
tween Christiani and Nielsen -a Danish civil engineering firm -and its
wholly owned subsidiary in the Netherlands was legal because a company
could not compete against itself.
Governments have to be careful in effecting remedies for antitrust
violations. The United Kingdom's Monopolies Commission ruled that
Kodak had "acted against the public interest" and forced Kodak to reduce
its prices. As a result, Kodak's chief competitor was driven out of the
British market exactly as just analysed in "Umbrella Pricing".
Antitrust laws are just one constraint on pricing. The effects of price
changes on customer relations must also be considered. Even in inflation-
ary times a manufacturer of industrial goods must not change prices as
frequently as a retailer might. Such a company's customers, manufacturers
too, have to plan their capital expenditures considerably fl!!" in advance so
as to get approval of each of several layers of management. When the sup-
plier raises the price of equipment, the echelons of executives supporting
the purchase are embarrassed by the need to prepare supplemental capital
appropriation requests. If such changes occur too frequently, a buyer will
probably decide that the prices are too uncertain and will turn to a sup-
plier willing to quote stable prices.

Any price changes incur a fixed cost. All salesmen and other persons
who deal with sales figures must be infonned of any price change as rapid-
ly as possible. The cost of this worldwide education skyrockets with fre-
quent changes, not only because they have to keep memorizing new figures
but also because the assurance of a salesman is undermined if he cannot
remember the latest price.

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Data Required for Multinational Pricing

Marginal Cost
Let us develop pricing theory for one nation. For each item in the line,
the most likely price and marketing budget is chosen and with these the
life cycle curve is estimated for each of the products. The areas under
these curves represent the expected total sales. After modeling the produc-
tion process, we can approximate the marginal cost of the product.
In this chapter, the first step is to calculate c, the landed direct cost of
each item in each nation (recall Chapters 6 and 7). This vector of costs is
the only source of interconnectedness in the polycentric pricing scheme.
Then for each nation separately, calculate optimal price adjustments for
items in the line following the steps of Appendix 1. The base case profit-
ability equals the revenue minus production and marketing costs. The
intent is to adjust the prices and marketing budgets to increase profit-
ability. To do this, we must consider price elasticities of demand among
the products as well as their responses to the marketing expenses.

Effect of Price on Sales

The price leader has an estimate of industry demand as a function of in-
dustry price, which becomes less elastic with product maturity. By careful
competitive analysis the leader estimates the costs of each marginal pro-
ducer and the percentage market share he would get if a marginal producer
was forced out. In each national market we need an analysis of these price
effects, summarized as linear demand curves and cross-elasticities between
items. (See Appendix 1.) Statistical methodologies for estimating sales
elasticities of price and advertising, mostly developed in the 1970s, are
surveyed by Comanor and Wilson (1979).

Effect of Marketing on Sales

Marketing consumer goods calls mostly for advertising. Marketing indus-
trial goods, on the other hand, calls mostly for personal sales representa-
tives and sales engineers. Within reason, a particular increase in sales can
be achieved by either a price cut or a marketing increase. Governments
(and competitors' salesmen) monitor prices because they are simple to
monitor. Marketing expenditures are intricately detailed (whether adver-
tisements or salesmen) and therefore are messy to monitor. When a multi-
national corporation constrains its pricing, it can compensate with mar-
keting. Marketing budgets will differ between nations, and the relative
emphasis on different items also should differ, to compete with partial
line rivals.
Throughout this chapter we will assume that the product has already

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Pricing 299


/ I

Demand responses to marketing budget.

been launched and has a budget for sustained advertising. Usually such
budgets are sufficiently large to be in the region of decreasing marginal
effectiveness seen in Exhibit 9.7. An estimate of the shape is required
for Appendix 1.

Three Pricing Schemes

Multinational price leaders generally use one of three worldwide pricing
schemes. Polycentric pricing gives pricing autonomy to each national
subsidiary, so there is no systematic relationship among national prices.
Following a geocentric scheme, prices of the items are set in a benchmark
nation and the prices in any other nation are a national percentage mark-
up of, or weighting factor times, the benchmark prices. For example, if
the United States is the benchmark, then prices in India might be 80
percent of U.S. prices and those in Saudi Arabia might be 115 percent
of U.S. prices for all items in the line. The ethnocentric practice is to con-
strain all national prices of an item to be identical (perhaps with a fixed
increment for freight plus import duties from the "home" factory).
The more a price is "tailored" to a particular market, the greater profits
can be expected. Hence we can assume that the greater the constraints
placed on a subsidiary or foreign branch, the lower will be the profits con-
tributed by its markets. Thus the model profits are ranked: 'lrp > 'lrg > 'Ire
where model profit 1f means worldwide revenue minus total variable cost
of global production, and the subscripts refer to polycentric, geocentric,
and ethnocentric pricing schemes.
Unfortunately, the administrative costs are similarly ranked. Suppose

Digitized by Google
300 Multinational Marketing

the corporation currently enforces an ethnocentric price standardization

around the world (perhaps because it supplies other multinationals whose
centralized purchasing departments flag discrepancies in national prices
just as Genag's did) and it is considering the adoption of geocentric na-
tional weighting factors.
The administrative cost will rise, but by how much? The market analysis
staff must ensure that the added administrative cost would be less than
the added profit ('Ir, - 'Ire) before the geocentric scheme is adopted.
The remainder of this chapter demonstrates how to calculate the three
model profits. The mathematical formulations are found in the appendices.
We will use linear approximations to demand curves and marketing re-
sponse surfaces, so that profit will be quadratic in terms of prices and mar-
keting budgets. In this way, we can more easily calculate optimal prices
and marketing budgets. Our input data are subjective, so there is little
justification for more elaborate computational schemes. On the other
hand, the computational ease of this method makes sensitivity analysis
feasible. We will follow industrial practice by setting a base case and then
making incremental adjustments to maximize the added profit.

Polycentric Pricing Scheme

In a polycentric organization, prices and marketing budgets in each nation
are set optimally with no constraint that prices be coordinated. Thus the
price of one product may vary widely between different countries. In his
study for the Canadian Royal Commission on Farm Machinery, David
Schwartzman (1969, p. 132) showed national price differences between
items of each manufacturer. The lack of relationship between the national
price data can be seen vividly when the prices are plotted in Exhibit 9.8.
These are net wholesale prices, set by the manufacturer.
There are limits to the price discrimination a multinational can effectu-
ate. Tractor manufacturers sell through dealers. It would appear that a
Canadian dealer could profit by buying from dealers in Britain. However,
the British dealers were prohibited from reselling new tractors for export
under the threat of terminating the franchise and/or canceling the dealers'
quantity discounts. In 1969, according to Schwartzman (1969, p. 143),
manufacturers were investigating and rejecting dealer orders that were un-
usually large or called for specifications unusual in Britain. Although the
export prohibitions had dubious legal validity, "understandably no indi-
vidual dealer was willing to risk offending his supplier by testing his con-
tract in court." The company's enforcement procedures were adequate
even though legally uncertain.
Canada imposes no import duty on agricultural equipment imports, so
the only economic constraint would be the freight cost of shipping trac-
tors. From Britain to Canada in 1969, this was estimated by Schwartzman

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Pricing 301





Germany Britain


Italy ~:...-~,,---
Britain E~===~~~~~3..l...._ ________

~~ ~~ ~~ ~~
2000 3000 4000 5000

Wholesale prices for Ford tractors with eight-speed transmissions,

to be only $110 for each Ford 2000 or 3000, and $144 for each Ford
4000 or 5000 (because Britain at that time was not a member of the EEC,
the cost of shipping a Ford 2000 across the channel to France would have
been $421).
Arbitrage opportunities like this sour dealer relations and invite govern-
ment attention. An analyst should be able to calculate the reduction in
model profits that would result from raising British and lowering Canadian
prices to eliminate the arbitrage "opportunity."
By raising the British price, Ford would forgo the profits shown by the
lower left to upper right curve in Exhibit 9.9. By lowering its Canadian
price, Ford would forgo profits shown by the lower right to upper left
curve. The temptation to arbitrage could be eliminated by raising the
British price and lowering the Canadian price so that the adjustments
eliminate the price gap. The combination giving the lowest total forgone
profits is at the minimum of the line called "sum of costs. "

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302 Multinational Marketing

Profit foregone
by lowering
Canadian prices
Profit foregone by
raising British

f - - - - - . British price rise I
Canadian price cut ...- - - - - - - l l

Model of profits forgone if arbitrage is eliminated.

Geocentric Pricing Scheme

"Firms can and do ... make proper use of markup pricing by first em-
ploying economic analysis to formulate pricing policy and then translating
the results of their analysis into appropriate markup formulas .... The
pricing formulas can be tailored for individual markets by adjusting the
markup percentages.... Large markups can be assigned to markets with
high demand and small markups to markets with small demand" (Kolde,
1968, p. 395).
One nation is designated as the base, and benchmark prices are estab-
lished (Appendix 2). Prices for the line in any other nation are these
benchmark prices multiplied by a markup weight, the scalar w. This
weight is an across-the-board markup or markdown on prices of all items
in the line (in the United States, too, prices west of the Rockies are some-
times 15 percent higher on all items in a line).
This geocentric pricing scheme allows flexibility in dealing with foreign
economic changes such as inflation and exchange rates. The different
rates of inflation can be compensated for by adjusting each nation's
weight wg + ~ Wn • If Saudi prices are 120 percent of U.S. prices, perhaps
they should be adjusted to 130 percent to account for Saudi's recent
high inflation rate. The fluctuations in exchange rates discussed in Chapter
2 can be handled similarly.
This model also allows flexible accommodation to full line competitors
although it is less flexible in responding to a local competitor entrenched
in only part of the product line. For example, IBM markets a full line of
computers worldwide. The Amdahl Corporation produces only large com-
puters and sells mostly in the United States, Germany, and Japan. IBM

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Pricing 303

considered reducing worldwide prices of its largest computers to compete

with Amdahl, but this would have underpriced its line in the rest of the
world. Instead, IBM increased U.S. marketing support for its large com-
puters. As another example, in Britain, IBM faced intense competition in
its medium-sized computers but less competition in its low end and high
end. IBM preserved interval pricing coherence by using competition tech-
niques other than pricing, detailed marketing support in this case, for its
medium-sized machines.
In some nations goods are purchased by a government agency. For ex-
ample, a national health scheme purchases pharmaceuticals for its citizens.
The purchasing committee will usually check prices in the nation of the
multinational headquarters and negotiate for parity. It may be more
profitable to raise home country prices than to lower prices abroad, as
can be determined by the model of Appendix 2.
Geocentric pricing may be preferable to polycentric pricing because it
reduces administrative costs and confusion. But if the difference in model
profits is excessive, perhaps an intermediate formulation would be better.
The computer examples suggest dealing separately with small, medium,
and large computers. But there are cross-elasticities of demand and mar-
keting spillovers in the data input. It would be possible to accommodate
three sets of national weighting factors, all to be determined optimally.
The predetermined model profit gives a measure of incentive to tolerate
the resulting administrative problems.

Ethnocentric Pricing Scheme

The ethnocentric pricing scheme has been criticized by Robinson (1978,


The standard worldwide base price is most likely to be looked upon by manage·
ment as full·cost pricing, including an allowance for manufacturing overhead, gen-
eral overhead, and selling expenses. Often ignored are (1) the necessarily arbitrary
nature of these cost allocations, (2) differences in costs from market to market
(in labor, capital, materials, and management in the case of overseas manufacture;
in shipping, crating, insurance, tariffs, taxes, internal transport, distribution, and
promotion in the case of exporting), (3) possibly lower marginal cost of goods
moving into foreign markets (particularly in reference to domestically oriented
research and development), (4) differences in competitive position within the
foreign markets, (5) differing degrees of optimum penetration for different foreign
markets, (6) price controls enforced by a government or by a dominant supplier.

However, a domestic corporation that does a small amount of exporting

will usually price abroad at the home price plus freight and duty. This is
the easiest way to price and the most sensible as long as the number of

Digitized by Google
304 Multinational Marketing

exports remains small. This pricing scheme may also be necessary for ex-
pensive, compact products that have unequivocal specifications and are
sold to multinational customers, whether corporations, trading companies,
or individuals. It may be a necessary pricing scheme if the product be-
comes embroiled in issues of equity.
Ethnocentric pricing helps avoid some of the problems associated with
differential pricing. For example, an intemational computer company
might sell to an intemational oil company. The latter may accept higher
prices in Bahrein, reflecting the higher cost of doing business there, but
will object if prices are disproportionately higher on some items than on
others. (The company will hardly be mollified by a lecture on the econo-
mics of a discriminating monopoly.)
For another example, a large V.S. steel corporation sustained its entry in
the European market by absorbing freight and duty on its export ship-
ments. One customer was the German subsidiary of a V.S. auto manu-
facturer. The Detroit plant of the automaker demanded the same treatment
from the steel company. The firm abandoned the European market.
A further problem with polycentric pricing is the cost of oversight. An
electronics firm, for example, might sell 10,000 products in 75 nations
(the model analysis would not be done on so large a problem). If head-
quarters is to maintain any degree of control, keeping price books be-
comes a huge data processing job as national subsidiaries experience varying
degrees of inflation. Some system is needed to preserve control and to
give guidelines for evaluating subsidiary performance.
In nation n, the initial vector of prices is P~. In nation m, the initial
prices may be different, say P9,. The difference in the prices (Pn - Pm) is,
however, fixed and predetermined (such as freight plus import duty). This
difference in prices could be set equal to zero. When the line of prices is
changed by Il.p in one nation, the Il.p change in prices has to be made in
all other markets. Appendix 3 shows how to calculate the Il.p optimal for
global profitability. With an ethnocentric corporation, the natural tempta-
tion is to optimize the home prices using home data; these home prices
then become the export prices. Sometimes a higher or lower export price
would be preferable. Appendix 3 raises or lowers the home price because
of price considerations in all the markets. It is therefore susceptible to
the accusation that "the tail is wagging the dog." This will hardly occur
if the foreign markets are tiny. If it does occur, and is significant, it may
be better to convert to the geocentric pricing scheme. Nevertheless, as
Kolde (1968, p. 403) wrote:

The conversion from rigid fUll-cost export pricing [ethnocentric] to demand based
pricing [geocentric] has been generally much slower than can be justified in the
light of prevailing market conditions. Too many executives are (self) righteously
resisting any changes in their unilateral "right" to prescribe the price for all their
markets .... They have, literally, priced themselves out of the market, not be-
cause the market price was too low, but because their pricing policies and strat-
egies were based on the wrong premise.

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The Three Pricing Schemes Discussed
All three pricing schemes require identical input information - derived
from judgment, competitive insight, test marketing, and regression analysis
on similar products. Regardless of the input data precision, the three
schemes are ranked in order of their model profits, 'Ir > 'Irg > 'Ire. The
polycentric scheme has the fewest constraints. It may be that its optimal
prices will fall into line so that there is a constant percentage markup for
all goods in each nation, but this is unlikely. Imposing the geocentric
constraint of a constant percentage markup for goods sold in each nation
will reduce model profits, hence 'lrp > 'lrg • Similarly, with geocentric pric-
ing all nations might have identical percentage markups over cost, but this
too is unlikely. Imposing this ethnocentric constraint will reduce model
profits. Hence 'lrg > 'Ire. Reflecting on the differences between the profita-
bilities ('IrP - 'Irg) and ('Irg - 'Ire) may help corporate executives select a
better pricing scheme.
Collecting data for a multinational marketing model is very expensive.
The first runs should incorporate data for only part of the product line,
and only some of the nations; even so, the available data generally are sub-
jective modifications of Comanor and Wilson (1979) statistical estimates.
Once the model has run, it can be used to "bootstrap" its way toward
better data by means of sensitivity analysis. One input coefficient is con-
sidered, say a price elasticity between items i and j (that is, Pjj ). Being un-
sure of the number Pij we vary it and determine the change in profit.
Ideally, while an analyst is estimating Pjj , he should also guess at the
percentage change in Pjj that might come from another, say, $250
further investigation. Then the computer can do a sensitivity analysis
over this coefficient range, so as to rank all the input coefficients as
to the cost-benefit trade-off of further investigation. This should be
repeated after each round of investigation, because the new coefficients
alter the slope and position of the sensitivity lines, and the work of inves-
tigation alters the analyst's cost estimates.

BehaIJioral Aspects
Once a pricing scheme has been chosen, each national subsidiary should
set its own marketing budget. These will probably be set subjectively, if
only because of the complexity of advertising carry over from one period
to the next. For purposes of headquarters control, marketing goodwill is
a crucial (though difficult to measure) gauge of managerial performance.
In the administration of polycentric pricing, headquarters has no direct
involvement, except for setting the landed cost c. To administer geocen-
tric pricing, headquarters must set the base prices but can leave the sub-
sidiaries to decide on their markup weights and marketing budgets. With
ethnocentric pricing headquarters issues detailed prices to each national
subsidiary .

Digitized by Google
306 Multinational Marketing

When measuring costs of a parti<;ular scheme the emotional commit-

ments of headquarters executives as well as customer and competitor rela-
tions must be considered. The tenacity with which some headquarters
executives cling to ethnocentric pricing deserves thought. A headquarters
executive, setting prices worldwide, has a firm sense of his direct authority.
He will enjoy the responsiveness of subsidiaries, for they know that if they
retaliate with passive resistance, he will lose confidence in their managerial
capabilities. Any sloppiness by the subsidiaries will validate xenophobia in
the executive's perceptions, and lock the subsidiaries tighter into an eth-
nocentric pricing policy. Furthermore, headquarters marketing executives
have usually come up from field sales management. Strategic planning
may be psychologically painful to these aggressive line executives not only
because of its vexing nature but also because it lacks immediate feedback.
Line executives are eager to stay abreast of current market events, and
ethnocentric pricing offers legitimacy by keeping them involved in de-
tailed subsidiary operations. If these men have spent their lives involved in
operations, it is not surprising that they are reluctant to relinquish such
involvement merely because they have been promoted to headquarters.
These emotional considerations are real; how expensive they are to the
corporation can be gauged by comparing model profits.

Input from Other Chapters

This model is interconnected with the others in this text. In this exposi-
tion, it has been assumed that profit is equally attractive, regardless of
where it is generated. Chapter 3 provides weighting coefficients for pro-
fit (the dual variable at each year-nation node) with which to weigh each
element of Il:". Chapter 6 devoted much attention to the dual variables
in the transportation problems, both the duals at each factory and those
at each market. In this chapter the cost c for item i in market m is a time-
weighted average of vim from Chapter 6. These will be the same as the
transfer prices from Chapter 3, unless that analysis raised the reported
Chapter 7 may also have to be iterated with this chapter. If the product
is manufactured in a few huge plants, each new plant will significantly
vary the landed costs c, and a change in pricing should be evaluated. Con-
versely, the quantity sold determined by this chapter provides market
demands for plant location studies.

Appendix 1. A Mathematical Formulation of the Pricing Model

Necessary Input
I: the number of items sold i = 1, ... ,I
Vector pO: the list of initial prices

Digitized by Google
Pricing 307

Vector mO: the list of initial marketing budgets

Vector dO: a list of expected total sales derived from the area under the life cycle
curve for each of the products
Vector c: a list of the marginal costs (each element of the vector is an item)
Matrix P: matrix of price cross-elasticities
Matrix M: matrix of responses to marketing budgets
Vector q: an estimate of the decreasing marginal effectiveness of the marketing

base case profit = revenue - production cost - marketing cost

fro = pO'do -c(dO) - l' (m)

where demand dO = t(p° ,m0), l' = [1,1,1, ... , 1), and the superscript prime means
Incremental adjustments can now be made to the vector of prices and marketing
budgets so that these become p = pO + f¥J and m = mO + ~, respectively. The
intent is to optimize f¥J and ~m.
After adjustments f¥J and ~ the profitability becomes
fr = (po + f¥J)(~ + ~) -l'(mO + ~) - c(do + ~)
where dO + ~ = t(p° + f¥J, mO + ~m).
The inOuence of price or sales is summarized as linear demand curves and cross-
elasticity effects in the I X I matrix P in Exhibit 9.10 so that

= P


The demand response to the marketing budget is represented mathematically by a

quadratic approXimation, Exhibit 9.11:

~ = M +


Digitized by Google
308 Multinational Marketin,
where q is an estimate of the decreasing marginal effectiveness of the marketing
expenditures portrayed in Exhibit 9.7.

The vectors of changes /:lp and am will cause a change in daily profits tJ.:rr.


dO + ~d dO Quantity demanded
(where ~d is a negative quantity)

Change in profits excluding marketing.


I::t.rr= /:lp'(dO + &I) + (P°-c)'&I-1'am

Substitute in the expression &I = P&l + M am + I::t.m'q I::t.m so that

I::t.rr = /:lp'(dO + P /:lp + M I::t.m + am'q I::t.m)

+ (p°-c)'(Pl::t.p +M I::t.m + I::t.m'ql::t.m)

Some of these tenns are linear (such as /:lpdO), others are quadratic (such as /:lp'P/:lp)
and a few such as /:lp' am' q I::t.m are so small we discard them. Let us separate the tenns
of I::t.rr into two groups so that, Exhibit 9.13:

---1--- +
o I (p°-c)'q
/:lp' I::t.m'


This Is a lot to keep writing, so rename variables and matrices as

Digitized by Google
Pricing 309

!::J,:rr = x'Gx + h'x

Profit has a maximum because of the decreasing marginal effectiveness of advertising.
To maximize the increment of profit, set the derivative equal to zero then compute
the value of x = x* at which the maximum occurs.

x* = -[G + G'] -I h
On resubstituting for x, G, and h we get the computational scheme of Exhibit 9.14:

I -1
p+p' I M (p°-c)p
!::J.p* +do
~--- = 1----, ---- I
I (p°-c)'q
!::J.m* M' I -1'

The superscript -1 means calculate the inverse of the matrix, for which there are
standard computer programs. (A sophisticated analyst could reduce computation time
by finding the inverse by parts since the off-diagonal matrices [M and M] are almost

Appendix 2. Mathematical Formulation of Geocentric Pricing Scheme

In nation n the starting price is P: = [w: ]po. Adjustments !::J.p are made to the base
prices pO ,and!::J.w to the weights WO. The vector of prices thereby becomesp: + !::J.Pn =
[w: + !::J.w n ] (p + /lp). Thus

/lpn = w:!::J.p + !::J.wnpo + !::J.wn/lp

In this scheme nation 1 is the base, so w~ 1 and !::J.w l = =
O. In nation n, !::J.dn =
Pn/lpn + Mn!::J.m n - !::J.m~qn!· Because of the interdependencies between prices
we must maximize the sum of profits simultaneously. Thus for all N nations together

l; !::J.rr = l; /lpn (d: + !::J.dn) + l; (P: - c)' !::J.dn - l; l' !
n=l n=l n=l n=l
= l; (w:!::J.p + !::J.wnpo + !::J.wn !::J.p)[d: + Pn(w:!::J.p + !::J.wnpo + !::J.wn !::J.p)

Digitized by Google
310 Multinational Marketing
+ Mnt:.m n -] + l; (w:po - cn>'[Pn(w:Ap + Ilwnpo
+ .£lwn.£lp) + Mnt:.m n - t:.m~qn t:.m n ] - l; 1'

As in Appendix 1 we will collect tenns to create .£l1r ="'G,, + hx, discarding the few
tenns that are higher multiples of various .£l. If there are two nations, ,,' = [Ap,Ilw,
.£lml, .£lm 2 ]' a vector of length 1+ (n -1) +I +I. The profit maximizing adjustment is

(.£lp*, .!lw*,, t:.m:)' = -[G + G'] -I h

This [G + G'] matrix is large butefficient computer programs can calculate the inverse
of such a matrix quite cheaply.
In some markets government purchasing agents check prices in the headquarter's na-
tion. It becomes necessary to constrain these weighting factors to be less than or equal
to one.
Maximize "'G,, + h'"
Subject to Wg <; 1
This program will calculate the change in worldwide profits if the headquarters prices
are raised and the monitoring nations' weighting factors are lowered to equal one.

Appendix 3. Mathematical Fonnulation of Ethnocentric Pricing Scheme

We follow the same mathematical development as in the earlier schemes. That is, we
analyze a base case with vectors of prices pr ... P~ and marketing budgets mr ...
m~. Then we optimize profits by altering prices and marketing budgets. Because price
adjustments in aD nations are to be identical, the control vector is

,,' = [.£lp, t:.m 1 , ••• , .£lmN ]

Change in profits:
.£l1r = l; (p: - cn)&in +.£lp l; (d: + &in) - l; l' .£lmn
n=l n=l n=l
= l; (P:-cn)(Pn.££lmn)+.£lp l; (d:+Pn.£lp
n=l n=l
+ Mn + .£ - l; 1'.£lm n
As before, we collect the tenns into an expression for the change in profit.£l1r = "'G,,
+ h'", the maximum of which occurs at [.£lp*,, ... , t:.mZ] = -lG + G'r l h.

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2 I I I 2

I (w!I'P. I 2 I I I
I I w!p·p. I WfM, I w~M,
where w~ = 1 I
I I +I w:d!
I I I n=1

~~-----~------~------T------- f-- - - - - - - - -
I pOw:p. I I I
.=2 1 I I I I
I 2 I I n=1
+I q! I ==lPOP.PO I POM, I POM,
+I POd:
2 I I I n=1
G= + I (w:PO -c.)p. I I I
~-~~---+------+------+------- h= 1-- ---
o II 0
II °°
-(w,p -c, Iq,
II if no advertising (wfpo-c,)M, -1
spill over
~---- --+- - -- -- +---- -- -l---- - --- 1-----------
o I I I -(w~p· -c,lq, (w~po-c, IM, - 1
0 I 0 I 0 I
N" I I I
'< ......
c; EXHIBIT 9.1&
( i)
Arrangement of input data for geocentric pricing scheme (illustrated for two nations).
312 MultintJtional Marketing

l: Pn I Ml I M2
n = 1 I N
: I
-- ---1---- + ----- n=1
G= : (pr-cd •• i
I :
-----i-----,- ---,-
I I (p~ -C2 )q2
: I
Arrangement of input data for ethnocentric pricing scheme 3.

Questions from Other Viewpoints

1. Corporate Rational Normative Global. You just covered this view-
point in the chapter.
2. Corporate Rational Normative Subsidiary. Instead of having the cal-
culation of Appendix 2 or Appendix 3 done centrally, devise an itera-
tive scheme to arrive at the same results by means of bids and side
3. Corporate Rational Descriptive Global. In any marketing textbook
there is a concept called a "product life cycle," with four phases:
introduction, growth, maturity, and decline. What pricing considera-
tions are most important at each phase? During which phases would
the model presented here most usefully exceed the data-gathering
4. Corporate Rational Descriptive Subsidiary. Describe the standard
marketing research methods used to estimate the cross (and direct)
elasticities of price and marketing.
5. Corporate Emotional Normative Global. As actual sales data come
in, actual sales will rarely be what you predicted. How do you disen-
tangle explanations to analyze whether prices should be changed?
6. Corporate Emotional Normative Subsidiary. In an ethnocentric

Digitized by Google
Pricing 313

corporation, what can be done to create the impression in subsidiaries

that nothing can be done to alter prices? In a geocentric corporation,
as inflation rates vary, how can one manage to get energetic input in-
to the decision about the scale factor without opening up discussion
about base prices?
7. Corporate Emotional Descriptive Global. When each nation sets its
own prices there are certain problems that have been mentioned in
the chapter. But putting a geocentric or ethnocentric straitjacket on
prices seems like an expensive and artificial way to resolve conflicts
between individual national product managers. What other means of
conflict resolution could headquarters support?
8. Corporate Emotional Descriptive Subsidiary. Make up an incident in
which the geocentric pricing scheme allows a competitor to out-
maneuver your subsidiary. Imagine that you are a subsidiary sales-
man. Write a one-page "Lost Sale Report."
9. Societal Rational Normative Global. A pharmaceutical product
usually has a very high fixed (sunk) cost of research, development,
and testing, but a comparatively low marginal cost of manufacture.
At present corporations charge different prices in different nations.
Assuming you want to keep competition in the research and develop-
ment of pharmaceuticals devise different schemes for rewarding
R&D success and for pricing the products.
10. Societal Rational Normative National. Your nation is instituting
price controls to slow inflation. Among the vociferous opponents are
the foreign multinationals. The Minister of Finance has asked you to
prepare a prototype or sample letter of response to be sent out over
his signature, with appropriate phrases tailored to each company.
Draft such a one-page single-spaced letter. Indicate which sentences
should be individually tailored. On a separate sheet write substitute
paragraphs which may be necessary, keying each clearly to a specific
class of company objection.
11. Societal Rational Descriptive Global. Which major national markets
operate under price controls? Group the nations by the manner in
which price controls appear to be administered.
12. Societal Rational Descriptive Global. Based on the pricing models in
the Appendices, list government actions that would result in lower
prices within a nation.
13. Societal Emotional Normative Global. Issues of equity arouse
powerful emotions. Is it fair that citizens of a poor nation should be
charged as much for an item as citizens of a rich nation? Write a
strong emotional pitch for the following scheme. Price in any nation
should equal marginal cost plus a markup to cover overhead. Over-
head should be assigned to national prices in proportion to national
disposal personal income.
14. Societal Emotional Normative National. Price controls not only
contain inflation and prevent exploitation by rapacious multination-

Digitized by Google
314 Multinational Marketin,

als, they also are an affirmation of national identity that can thwart
the monolithic multinational. These three ideas can be sequenced in
several ways. For which national stakeholder (see Chapter 4) would
each sequence get the greatest response?
15. Societal Emotional Descriptive Global. Please review the tractor
pricing data. What configuration of data would excite the antitrust
interest of (a) the United States, (b) Canada, (c) the EEC Commission
in Brussels?
16. Societal Emotional Descriptive National. A particular nation has
administered price controls for five years. Now prices are to be decon-
trolled. Identify each affected party and predict their actions from
now to decontrol day and in the months immediately following

Bibliography to Chapter 9

BeUamy, Christopher W., Graham D. Child, and Anthony L Morris, Common Market
lAw of Competition 2 ed. (London: Sweet & MaxweU, 1978).
Boston Consulting Group, Perspectives on Experience (Boston: Boston Consulting
Group, 1970).
Cleland, David and William King, "Competitive Business Intelligence Systems," Bus-
inessHorizons, Vol. 18 (December 1975), pp. 19-28.
Daniels, John D., Emest Ogram, and Lee Radebaugh, International Business: Environ-
ments and Operations, 2 ed. (Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley, 1979), Chapter 19.
"Flexible Pricing: Industry's New Strategy to Hold Market Share Changes the Rules
for Economic Decision Making," Business Week, Vol. 25, December 12, 1977,
pp. 78-88.
Ijiri, Yuji and Herbert Simon, Skew Distributions and the Sizes of Business Firms,
(Amsterdam: North Holland Publishing, 1977).
Knickerbocker, Frederick T., Oligopolistic Reaction and Multinational Enterprise,
(Boston: Division of Research, Harvard Business School, 1973).
Kolde, Endel J., International Business Enterprise (Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-
Hall, 1968), Chapter 26.
Kotler, Philip, Marketing Decision Making- A Model Building Approach (Toronto:
Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1971).
Mason, Richard 0., "A Dialectical Approach to Strategic Planning," Management
Science, Vol. 15, No. 8 (1969), pp. 403-414.
Mesak, Hani I. and Richard C. CleUand, "A Competitive Pricing Model," Management
Science, Vol. 25, No. 11 (1979), pp. 1057-1068.
Monroe, Kent B. and Albert J. DellaBita, "Models for Pricing Decisions," Journal of
Marketing Research, Vol. 15, No. 3 (1978), pp. 413-428.
Robinson, Richard 0., International Business Management, 2 ed. (New York: Holt,
Rinehart and Winston, 1978).
Schwartzman, Harry, Special Report on Prices of Tractors and Combines in CanadD
and Other Countries, Royal Commission on Farm Machinery (Ottawa: Queen's
Printer, 1969).

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Product Design

Introductory Note to the Case

Black and Decker (Canada) Inc.

The idea of this case is simple. A product is designed in sub-

assemblies. Some subassemblies will be common to the world
so that economies of scale can be achieved. Others will be
tailored to national needs to satisfy technical and marketing
Black and Decker follows the belief that the long-run
demand curve is elastic, so if the price of a product is reduced
(by taking a smaller profit margin, or by increased productiv-
ity, or both) sufficiently more of the product can be sold to
result in an overall increase in profits despite the smaller
margin. This in tum allows economies of scale to be realized
from volume production. B & D Canada ~ vice-president of
In tercompany Business and New Business Developmen t, Ralph
Butt, describes this as "banking profits, not percentages. "
The adoption of this aggressive pricing strategy by B & D in
the mid-1960s (coinciding with rapid growth in the do-it-
yourself market) resulted in greater sales, increased market
share, and higher profits.
Although B & D knows that lowering the price of its prod-
ucts can expand the size of the market, the company is also
aware that the price-volume profit relationship has a relevant
range in any year. In the long run B & D assumes that 85
percen t saturation is the most it can achieve - that is, 15 per-
cent of householders would not want their products even if
B & D were to give them away. Well before the 85 percent
level, there is a point at which additional reductions in price


Digitized by Google
316 Multinational Marketing

will not increase profits. Also, there are limits to productivity

increases that must be anticipated. Therefore determining the
price trajectory which maximizes the present value of profit-
ability over the product's life cycle is by no means an easy
To avoid dependence on the economy of a single nation,
B & D's marketing strategy is global. Expansions abroad in
less-developed countries mean that global sales will continue
to grow. Management considers a dominant market share of
prime importance, so as a long-term strategic move it expands
into new markets in which no competitor has become strongly
A very important aspect of its global marketing strategy is
B & D's firm belief in decentralization and subsidiary auton-
omy. Each local company knows its market best and is there-
fore given the authority to develop the opportunities within
its particular market. B & D Canada, faced with the chal-
lenge of growing in a rather saturated market, of which it
already holds a substantial share, realizes that the solution
lies in new products and in expanding exports to other B & D
subsidiaries. B & D Canada exports 50 percent of its produc-
tion. This places it in the paradoxical position of wanting
more export business but at the same time trying to avoid
overdependence on any single customer- in this case the
U.S.A. Because it has no control over other subsidiaries'
marketing services, B & D Canada in effect becomes their
B & D firmly believes in the experience curve; that with
each doubling of cumulative experience it can reduce the cost
of a unit by almost 30 percent (after adjusting for inflation).
Cost accounting, manufacturing planning, and managerial
evaluation are used together to sustain this goal. A corporate
movement to rationalize selective products into certain plants
around the world began in ! 966 and two years later led to
B & D Canada's being awarded the global product mandate
for orbital sanders. As was explained in Chapter 1 there is no
reason why the management of every product has to be in
the headquarter's nation. Canadian management convinced
corporate headquarters that not only would savings be realized
from economies of scale and accumulated experience, but the
cost of sander subassemblies common to other products
(drill, jig-saws, and hedge trimmers) would be lower, providing

Digitized by Google
Product Design 317

an opportunity to reduce prices and expand the domestic

market. Also in the Canadian subsidiary ~ favor was its
proximity to the large American market, the demonstrated
quality of the Canadian plant output, and the country ~
status as a respected and stable nation.
Having a global mandate for a product, in this case sanders,
means taking the responsibility to keep up to date on every
technical/legal change in the world that might relate to
sanders. B & D Canada had technical aspects well in hand.
Study Exhibits 10.2-10.5 to understand how they were able
to reduce the number of models that they envisioned would
be needed to meet the international demand.
B & D Canada executives wondered whether more market
research could have been incorporated into the sequence of
decisions to reduce model numbers, when the research might
have been scheduled, and, specifically, which results would
have been helpful to the Work wheel design team.

Black and Decker (Canada) Inc.

The Birth of the Workwheel

On January 7, 1977, Colin Overy, a project engineer with
Black and Decker Canada, was sitting in the Alpine Inn
restaurant in Media, Pennsylvania. He was in the Philadelphia
area conducting market research on a completely different
B & D product and had just paid a visit to a local hardware
store. There, he had seen a competitor's product designed to
make the sanding of curved objects easier. The Industrial
Sand-O-Flex flap wheel was to be used on a small electric
drill, a tool Overy felt lacked the power and was too fast to
drive the accessory adequately.
He remembered a few months earlier when he and two
colleagues from B & D Canada had visited three furniture
manufacturing companies in Southern Ontario to see how
professionals sanded wooden shapes such as chair arms. They
had been shown a large pedestal on which was mounted a
powered flapwheel (about 40 centimeters in diameter) some-

This case was written by Detlev Hoch and Janet Hendry under the supervision of
Professor David Rutenbera of Queen's University, KlnlSton. and with financial
support from the National Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada.
"Workwheel"is a Black and Decker registered trademark.

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318 Multinational Marketing
what resembling the paddlewheel of a boat where each paddle
is a flap of sandpaper supported by brushes.
As manufacturers of power tools for the consumer, B & D
Canada was aware that rising labor costs and increased leisure
time were largely responsible for growing interest in their
products. Furniture refinishing was a firmly established
hobby. Thousands of do-it-yourselfers were tediously strip-
ping and sanding antiques by hand, since no power tool
readily available to the public had yet been developed to
make the job less laborious. Overy decided that the need
would best be met by a hand tool rather than one on a fixed
base and proceeded to sketch a first draft of what would
later become the Workwheel power stripper and sander.
On that day, many questions remained to be formulated,
let alone answered. Aside from financial and marketing con-
siderations, technical problems (such as how power from a
high-speed motor would be transmitted to a low-speed
flap wheel) had to be solved. No one could foresee the
multiple applications of the Workwheel. Nevertheless, the
Workwheel had been born.

Standards Requirements
Black and Decker Canada, wholly owned subsidiary of the
Black and Decker Manufacturing Company of Towson,
Maryland, exports approximately 50 percent of its produc-
tion to B & D marketing subsidiaries in 45 countries. To do
so, it designs products to meet a great many differing national
standards which constitute effective nontariff barriers to
trade. As will be explained, not all importing nations have the
same electric current or receptacle configuration; thus a
single design is impossible from a technical as well as a legal

Although many sets of standards exist, some nations have
regulations common to others' (as is frequently the case with
countries and their former colonies). Recognizing that com-
monality is mutually beneficial, international consultations
have been taking place almost from the beginning of the
century. The International Electrotechnical Commission
(IEC) was established early in the century for the purpose of
developing world standards. In the early 1930s, the CEE, a
Commission on Rules for the Approval of Electrical Equip-

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Product Design 319

ment, was formed with the objective of hannonizing European

standards. With the formation of the European Common
Market, CEE's work continued with renewed impetus.
Progress toward the adoption of common standards is slow,
however, and meanwhile, a manufacturer wishing to export
is left with the task of satisfying existing requirements while
keeping costs sufficiently low to remain competitive.
Radiosuppression is an issue which illustrates how a manu-
facturer handles these requirements. The operation of most
electric power tools creates electromagnetic interference,
which disrupts radio and television reception. As cosmic rays
are a pervasive source of interference, the North American
solution has been to partially shield televisions; therefore,
suppression of power tools is not legally required in the
United States and Canada. Other countries demand a
specific level of suppression, often with different standards
for the radio band (0.15-30 megahertz) and the television
band (30-300 megahertz). The suppression parts require
space, which must be designed into the housing of the power
tool. Black and Decker could manufacture two different
housings: a bulky version with space for suppression parts,
and a trim version, attractive to consumers who cite com-
pactness as a desirable product attribute. However, there are
substantial economies of scale in manufacturing a single
housing. At the expected production volume for Workwheel,
economies of scale dominated, so B & D decided to manu-
facture only the bulky housing design, though they naturally
omit suppression parts from tools to be sold in North America.
Besides radiosuppression, other features of power tools are
regulated. Detachable power cords mayor may not be per-
mitted. Push-in terminals mayor may not be allowed in place
of screw terminals. The type of switch may be prescribed.
Minimum clearances may be set for the distance between
open contacts (e.g., 3 millimeters is required in Germany) as
well as minimum creepage distances (that between a live part
and accessible metal measured over a surface, 8 millimeters
in Germany).
Differing standards present problems, not only by virtue of
the fact that they exist, but also because the same characteris-
tics can be measured in different ways and because standards
frequently are changed. The Japanese measure electro-
magnetic interference in a manner uniquely theirs - with a
highly sophisticated piece of equipment costing $50,000.
Black and Decker Canada has not purchased this equipment,
reasoning that Japan will "soon" adopt the international
standard measuring practice.

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320 Multinational Marketing

The additional cost of meeting a nation's standards must be

weighted against the profit expected from its market. In the
past, German regulatory authorities have allowed plastic
housings to be made of ABS, a universally accepted plastic.
Now it appears that ABS fails to satisfy CEE standard 20,
which describes the permissible deformation a plastic may
sustain at high temperature. The test involves heating the part
to 85° C above its normal operating temperature and subject-
ing it to a specified pressure for a stated period using a
4-millimeter ball bearing. (The resulting impression must be
less than 2 millimeters in diameter.) Alternative housing
materials would be nylon-reinforced glass fiber or a poly-
carbonate resin such as General Electric's Lexan, both of
which are more expensive and have other undesirable charac-
teristics. The additional cost incurred from retooling for
nylon or Lexan would have to be carefully weighted against
the expected loss in profit from withdrawing from the
German market.
Differences in standards often constitute a less formidable
problem for product design than does determining precisely
what the standards are. Most nations have special Test Boards
that carry out prescribed procedures to determine whether
a potential import meets its requirements. Usually a Test
Board publishes its procedures so methodically that an
engineer abroad not only can replicate their measurements
but can actually determine a minimum cost design that can
be reliably predicted to just satisfy the national standards.
In other nations the procedures are so vaguely described that
the design engineer crafts in the dark.
In the past, the Japanese Test Board has released so little
information about its test results that B & D often had
trouble inferring why its product had passed. In 1979, the
first unofficial English translation of Japanese standards
was published. If a product meets these standards, the manu-
facturer is allowed to mark it with a "T-Mark." But after
paying the $400 price tag, B & D Canada concluded that
the book was decidedly inadequate. Power tool approval is
described in two pages of generalities-compared to 100
pages in the equivalent U.S. publication. That testing methods
are not described presents a real problem for a manufacturer;
for example, there are innumerable ways to measure the
temperature of a power tool. Moreover, not only are Canadian
manufacturers aiming at a target they cannot see clearly, but
the target moves. Japanese product approval is granted for
five years only. Japanese standards appear to be moving but

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- ............ ~ ".~.~.--

Product Design 321

specifically which ones and by how much are often extremely

difficult for a B & D Canada engineer to determine.

Technical Considerations
The voltage and frequency of power supply is not the same
everywhere. Hence electric motors require different winding
patterns, different commutators, and so on. The standard
in most nations is 220 volts/50 cycles; some use 220 volts/60
cycles; Canada and the United States use 115 volts/60 cycles.
Japan is the only country using 100 volts/60 cycles.
Receptacle configuration differs from country to country.
The four common configurations are shown in Exhibit 10.1.
Within some nations, different regions use different recep-
tacle configurations. In Britain it is not uncommon to find
variations within one house. Black and Decker U.K. responds
to this by selling power tools to the British retailer without a
plug. It is then the retailer's responsibility to attach the plug
of the customer's choice.
The manufacturer of power tools for export faces a chal-
lenging task: manufacturing a product which meets the
technical and legal requirements of the importing country
while satisfying consumer preferences and, at the same time,
standardizing components to realize economies of scale from
long production runs. To achieve these economies of scale

Africa, Great Britain,

Ireland, Hong Kong

Europe- East &

West, Great Britain,
(shavers), Middle
East, Parts of
(: :)
Africa, Asia & South

Australia, New
Zealand, Argentina, ( ; ' ..... )
Mainland China, Fiji

Chile, Peru, Tahiti

Philippines ( I )

The shapes of plugs.

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co EXHIBIT 10.1
Firet Draft of Model Numbe,., Ba.d on TechnicGl and Lqal Requirement. of Each Notional Morltet
Mod.I Teet lIoord Loc.I ea.,.: _t.rlaI, eolor,
,..1,., lA..,,;, Supprealon COlor
NUIfIHr CountrJI ....lfIlthll NqUired' 1101"... -t."'l
,....,/t (ill StroJn ",..,1,," "",. SUlI"'/t ,..quired, Pre(...wd

.00 U.S.A. UL 120 DetaeII 1'uIb-ia No 0ruI&e

.ol s;;n;;d No
PVC,O.75_2 , SepuMewltb CEE7XVD
220 I'uIb-iD No llue
·26 HoUud-SpecIaJ Blue/Brown. 2M eonIcWnp &mm
AJlenUna, Gnew.
220/220/ PVC. 18-2 sn. Separate wltb
.o2 11aII.1Ine!. No Nopluc I'uIb-iD No llue
240240 Blue/Brown. 2M coMcWnP
PVC. 0.75 _ 2 . SepuMewltb
.o3 Ja.- T·Muk 100
T·Mark I'uIb-iD Y. 0rIII..
Bl8ck/WIIlte. 2M
.o4 eu.da CSA 120 DetaeII 1'uIb-ia No 0rIII..
Fruce PVC. 0.75 mm2 • Sepuate wltb CEE7XVI
.o5 No 220 PIIIb-ia No Blue
~ llue/Brown. 2M eonIcl_p VeniOD 1
PVC. 23/.0076. SepuMewltb Senw
.()6 AIIItnIIa Y.. 240
eonIcl_p SAAC112 No ana..
Blue/Brown. 2M tellll .....
y .. -cIl_k wltb PVC. 18-25 sn. IIepuUe wltb
.o7 U.K.
MD. U.It.
llue/Brown. 2M eonI~p
Nopluc l'uIb-ia Y. Blue
PVC. 0.75 _ 2 . S....... wltb CEE7VXI Senw
.o8 Y.. 220 No Blue
llue/Brown. 2M COMC"'P DlQApp'd tellll .....
PVC. 0.75 _ 2 . CEE7XVI
.()9 IInzII No 120
llue/Brown. 2M
VeniOD 1
PIIIb-ia No ar.a,.
NewZ..tand. PVC. 23/.0071. SepuMewltb
Soutb Africa
Y.. 220 SAAC112 1'uIb-ia Y. llue
_/Brown.2M eonIcWn,
cO" Norway. DeIlDlUk. Rubller 1.0 _ 2 . &e,uate wltb Se_
·11 Y.. 220/230 CEE7XVD Y. llue
Sweden. HD_d. lIue/Brown. 2M coMcWnP tena .....
Q. PVC. 0.75 mm2• 8epuate wltb CEE7XVI Senw
·12 Swl_dud Y.. 220
Y. llue
'< Blue/Brown. 2M Venloa2 tena .....

c; ·13
Austria, BelIiWD.
PVC. 1.0_2•
llue/Brown. 2M
tellll .....
Y. llue

0 PVC. 0.75 _ 2 . Sepuate wltb CEE7XVI

( i)
.o5 BrazI1 No 220
Blue/Brown. 2M COM~P Venloa 1
I'uIb-iD No 0rIII..
FFoduct Design

Black and Decker (Canada) Inc.
Model Numbers Proposed on March 23, 1979
-00 United States (120 V)
-01 ETI4JfHand (220/240

-04 V, bilingual nA"iliir"iliirmiliirfu
-05 France, Spain
-06 Australia
-07 United Kingdom (220/240 V suppressed)
-08 Italy
-09 Brazil (120 V)
-10 South Africa fufuhfuppressed)
-11 (220/240 V SUPI;FfufuII§fuII!PI
-12 (220/240 V ~lInThfu"~~'~:0~hfu
-13 'II!ppressed)

Construction feature. have been opilmized for each country with regard to teat
board approval In order to minimize cost.

B & D supplies models with features in excess of those legally

requir4JfP the market fOIIZ~II4JfIIt IIdticiently large
This has no radiIIZ~
suppre4JfIIk'n eharacteristics
the Unitnh which dO(fuII elfuppression. BlaeP
and Decker's Israeli sales are too small to justify a separate
model, so Israel receives aradiosuppressed product. (Compare
Exhibit 10.3 with Exhibit 10.4.)

The Product Development Cycle

The of a product ;Fo an establisheP
intern4JftiGGHi eGeeess involves the and cOordin~fu~
tion ot mdi4Jfiduals and fundimlhi and it invol4Jf4Jfe
risk. part, as do tGehnical know-ho'~i
and klthough a number of new
product ideas originate from outside Black and Decker
Canada, their Product Development Group is the source of
most product extensions. For example, the Workwheel is in
the sander family within Black and Decker, and B & D
Canada has the global product mandate for orbital sanders.

Digitized e
324 Multinational Marketing

Black and Decker (Canada) Inc.
Workwheel Model Reduction of March 29, 197~
Recomme~ed penalty of Annual
Model conce..ion ltJie.
number Country Conce..ionB (I/unit) forecast

~o United States 66,000

~3 Japan ?
~4 Canada 60,000
~6 France Capacitor, .80 7,000
screw terminal
Spain Capacitor, .80 ?
screw terminal
Brazil (220) Capacitor, .80 2,600
screw terminal
Switzerland ?
~6 Australia Capacitor, .46 ?
blue unit
New Zealand Screw terminal .36 ?
South Africa Screw terminal .36 600
~7 United Kingdom 30,000
Argentina Capacitor
Greece, Iran Capacitor .46 1,000
Israel, etc. Capacitor
~8 Italy 6,000
~9 Brazil (120) ?
·11 Norway
Denmark 6,600
·13 Belgium Screw terminal .36 1,000
Holland Capacitor, .80 4,000
screw terminal
Austria 1,000
Germany 10,000
GMlnimum number of variations pollible wblle malnWDiDa appropriate cord set &Dd plua for eacb
10 uDlts iDftead of 11;. If SC&DdinaviaD count:ftes accept vinyl cord sets tbey wID be arouped iD
wltb ·13, result.iDa iD 9 models.

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Product Design 325

It was for this reason that Colin Overy had little difficulty
convincing his boss, Jack Beckering, to commit an initial
$1,000 to further develop his idea.
New product development within B & D Canada takes
place in an informal but not unstructured environment. The
potential for omitting a crucial step is too great for develop-
ment to proceed without a plan, and a 560-item checklist is
followed. In the case of the Workwheel, bimonthly meetings
were held of the Product Management Advisory Committee,
consisting of the president and representatives from Market-
ing, Manufacturing, Product Development, Quality Control,
and Engineering. Product costing and ROI calculations were
performed on a continual basis and weighted decisions were
made in light of these figures. Although they overlap, five
main steps in the development of the Workwheel may be
11977 1 1978 1 19791
1. Concept study
2. Design and building of
3. Testing
4. Redesign for manufacturing
and engineering release
5. Production tool-up

The Concept Study

The concept study, which extended over a period of approx-
imately a year and a half, was completed just before the
engineering release. Three almost parallel concept studies
were required for the Workwheel.
The first began with some detailed illustrations and product
descriptions which were used for patent disclosure. Urethane
foam models were constructed to help decide the location of
the motor and shape of the handle. Next, colored foam
models were produced so that the designers could evaluate
alternative conftgurations with an eye to aesthetics. Finally,
a technician meticulously carved a wooden model which,
when painted and fitted with a flapwheel, appeared indistin-
guishable from the anticipated final Workwheel. Ten en-
visioned uses for the Workwheel were simulated using the
wooden model fitted with appropriate accessories. A large
colored photograph of each use was prepared for focused
group interviews, part of the market research program.
The second parallel study was to build a crude working
model of a flapwheel, belt driven by a motor. In appearance,

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326 Multinational Marketing

this working model was not very elegant for it was con-
structed from off-the-shelf items and a simple welded frame,
but it allowed engineers to try using the Workwheel and to
improve its operating design. They measured actual belt loads
in a working Workwheel for the third parallel study.
The purpose of the third study was to improve mechanical
design and development. Both the transmission system and
motor size had to be selected. No one had ever used a very
small belt to transmit as large a power load as was necessary,
so an extensive program of belt transmission development
and testing, lasting nine months, was carried out. When it
was finished, the appropriate belt width, pulley diameter,
and transmission speed had been determined. For example,
Colin Overy knew that twin belts would do the job but
twin belts are relatively bulky and expensive. After much
testing, both Goodyear and Uniroyal rubber companies
were able to design a single belt that worked.
Black and Decker is a multinational corporation; therefore,
from the very beginning, a new product is designed with
international markets in mind. Additional design criteria
include maintainability, reliability, safety, economy, ease of
operation, aesthetics, and modularity of subassemblies.
Testing, carried on throughout product development, has two
objectives: improvement and justification. Equipment is used
to measure electromagnetic interference, noise, vibration,
and resonance. Performance is evaluated under both normal
and extreme conditions. The results provide project engineers
with information necessary to ensure that components fit
exactly and operate within tolerance limits.
Product improvement may result from the suggestions of
the marketing, manufacturing, and quality contl"ol depart-
ments as well as from within the development group itself.
Technical knowledge enables B & D to build a better product.
Experience makes the designers aware of every feature a con-
sumer could want. But the product could easily become too
expensive to market successfully. Judgment is a critical
element in issues such as how long a product should last.
Black and Decker Canada designed the Workwheel to pass a
150-hour accelerated life test with no cooldown period. The
challenge is to achieve the right balance of features, quality,
and cost.
It was a low-risk venture for Jack Beckering to commit
funds for the construction of wooden prototypes, a working
model, and belt drive for the Workwheel, because of the size
of the budget involved. The next stage, however, was dif-

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Product Design 327

ferent. Approximately $200,000 was needed to design and

build the 100 working prototypes needed for broad-range
market survey and test purposes. The actual bill for product
development rose to $300,000 by the time the Engineering
Release was completed in July 1978.
Since the ABS plastic housing and handle accounted for
$50,000 of this sum, it is little wonder that B & D viewed
with concern the German pressure to reengineer the housing
material. In addition to the development 'costs, it was es-
timated that retooling for Lexan or nylon would cost $40,000.
The annual profits from sales of Workwheel in Germany were
expected to be only $30,000.

Intercompany BusineSB
Black and Decker Canada starts to design "internationality"
into its products as soon as the concept proves itself. Sales in
each nation are handled by the B & D subsidiary located
there, which is under no obligation to accept the product.
Hence it was essential that B & D Canada convince sister sub-
sidiaries to buy Workwheel. Black and Decker has standard
procedures for the intercompany introduction of new prod-
ucts such as Workwheel.
The international sales pitch began with product demon-
strations held at regional meetings, using working prototypes
approximating the requirements of the importing country. A
brochure was distributed with photographs and information
regarding the date of market introduction, estimated inter-
company price, minimum volume requirements (economic
order quantities), shipping container volume, product and
accessory descriptions, as well as a request for feedback
regarding special requirements and sales forecasts. Final
production tooling and capacity had not been established
at this stage, so design adjustments could still be made. If
importing countries had underestimated forecasts, no prod-
uct would be available and they would have lost sales.
The next step was for each importing country to test a
sample Workwheel from a marketing as well as an engineer-
ing standpoint. It was for this reason that 100 working
prototypes had to be constructed. Although this appears
expensive initially, B & D believes it pays off in the long
run. The more accurate the marketing information, and the
more complete the standards requirements, the better able
B & D Canada will be to meet and take advantage of each
sales opportunity. Standards requirements were reported

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328 Multi1lQtional Marketing

on an exception basis only, as they had already been detailed

in feedback to the product demonstration. The importing
country's marketing division prepared to issue a Product
Development Request to commit their intentions.
Although working prototypes of the new product had been
tested in the importing country's B & D laboratory, the
product had yet to obtain that country's test board approval.
Prototypes do not suffice; samples from production tooling,
incorporating all details of final production, must be used.
A translated Owner's Manual is usually required. The number
of samples needed for testing varies from country to country
as does the time required for approval to be granted-
anywhere from three months to one year. Black and Decker
expedited the process by designating the responsibility for
handling the approval to one individual in the importing
country's B & D subsidiary.
Final product samples were also required for the importer's
marketing purposes and again, following common practice,
a marketing contact person was designated for the product.
Canada, as the exporting country, launched the product
on its domestic market six months before exports began so
that advertising and merchandising material could be de-
veloped and tested. Although lower overall advertising costs
could result from a cooperative effort between countries,
such cooperation is by no means required, a fact which B & D
Canada had cause to regret. Exports of Workwheel to the
United States were begun in January 1980, and because of
the 1980 recession B & D U.S. allocated only a limited
budget for advertising. As a result, few retailers decided to
stock it, so Workwheel did not sell well. The only recourse
for B & D Canada was to encourage sales in Canada and hope
that the results would be successful enough that the Amer-
icans would relaunch the product with greater enthusiasm.
Within B & D it is considered the responsibility of the
importing country to prepare the necessary artwork and
wording in their language for instruction manuals and
accessory information. In Europe literature and guarantee
cards are inserted at national warehouses through a "postal
slot" in the specially designed carton. For other nations the
carton has to be uniquely printed for each nation, which
results in higher overall inventories.
Overseas shipment is an additional consideration in the
design of export packaging. Air freight is prohibitive and
ocean shipments to Europe, Japan, and Australia can take up
to six weeks, during which the merchandise (even though
packed in containers) can be exposed to harsh climate and

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Product Design 329

rough handling. Good unit carton design and pallet shrink-

wrapping prevent much shipping damage.
Armed with product information, price, scheduled intro-
duction time, and production rates, each interested importing
subsidiary issued an official Sales Inventory Report. The sub-
sidiary's forecast for the next six months is considered to be
a firm order. Nine-month forecasts can be changed, and a
twelve-month forecast is updated on a quarterly basis.
When customers require maintenance on their purchase,
they bring the tool back to B & D in their nation. There the
service department is instructed not only to repair the
problem but also to report in detail to B & D Canada so that
the product might be redesigned, and so that service parts
can be inventoried.
To the Workwheel engineers it is clear that quality control
is even more important in products for export than it is for
the domestic market. Recalling for repair a product that is
6,000 miles away would be very expensive. Each marketing
subsidiary has to stock spare parts, so a good audit system on
export products and careful study of spare parts usage rates
were deemed to be essential.
By late 1980 it was becoming apparent that Workwheel
sales were substantially above forecast in Canada, but that it
had not succeeded in the U.S.A. Part of the failure could be
attributed to the recession, but the question was also raised
as to whether anything could be learned from and improved
upon in the decision-making process. Sales and market infor-
mation are presented in Exhibits 10.6 and 10.7.

Black and Decker (Canada) Inc.
Model Numbers Available April 3D, 1980G
-00 U.S.A.
-03 Japan
-04 Canada, Brazil (120 V, bilingual packaging)
-05 France, Spain, Brazil (240 V)
-06 Australia, New Zealand, South Africa (220/240 V suppressed)
-07 U.K. (220/240 V suppressed)
-OS Italy
·12 Switzerland (220/240 V suppressed)
·13 Austria, Gennany, Belgium, Holland, Scandinavia
(220/240 V suppressed)
GAvailable mid· to late 1981. subject to test board approval (where applicable).

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330 Multinatiorud Marketing

Black and Deeker (Canada) Inc.
Actual Sales Information as of March, 1981
Canada Workwheellaunched In June 1979. Sales In 1980
were 55% above the forecast of 50,000 units/yr
(Exhibit 10.3) and still rising
United States Workwheel was launched In January 1980. Sales
in 1980 were substantially below the forecast of
65,000 units/yr.
Possible explanation of such low sales:
"Not invented here" syndrome
Workwheel was lost amonpt the numerous
other new B &: D products launched In U.S. at
that time
Many retailers (facing 20 percent prime interest)
refused to start stocking
United Kingdom, Workwheel was launched, in this sequence,during
France, Germany, the spring of 1981.

Black and Decker (Canada) Inc.
Marketing Questionnaire Results
In December 1980, 18 months after the launch of Workwheel in Canada,
users were mailed a questionnaire. Results included:
83% of those answering stated that they were either "satisfied" or
"very satisfied" with their Workwheel.
87% would recommend it to a friend.
Television appears very inftuentlal in the purchase decision, with 64%
stating that T.V. was how they learned about the Workwheel.
Workwheel owners tend to own many other tools:
44% own Radial or Table saw
62% own Workmate bench
78% own a Sander.
Type of store where Workwheel was purchased:
39% Canadian Tire (a Canada wide discount chain that began as an
automotive supply house, and has since expanded.)
26% Department Stores
15% Hardware Stores
11% BuDding Supply
9% Other

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The scope of this book is limited to tactical planning, so we will take
the corporate product strategy as given. In General Electric the strategic
business units include jet engines, nuclear reactors, light bulbs, small
appliances, and about 100 others. This chapter is limited to analyzing
the depth of anyone product line of one business unit. Kotler (1967,
p. 298) calls this the product mix problem. "The company's current
product mix is said to be optimal if no adjustment would enhance the
company's chances of achieving its objectives. If the company's objective
is primarily profit maximization, then the product mix is optimal if
profits could not be improved by deleting, modifying, or adding prod-
ucts." For example, the decision problem for this chapter is how many
different toasters to sell and how to design each.
A polycentric attitude to product design is that it is most profitable to
understand the subtle intricacies of the consumer purchase decision in
each nation and to design products to satisfy the consumers' specific
preferences. Hence no standardization should be imposed. An ethno-
centric attitude about product design follows from a belief that people of
all nations basically want a serviceable and inexpensive product; this can
best be achieved by standardizing design worldwide and optimizing
production to achieve the lowest cost worldwide manufacturing network.
This chapter proposes that it is possible to reconcile these two views. In
a geocentric corporation, the product is designed in modules, most of
which are standard worldwide in order to cut costs, but some of which are
tailored to particular desires. The optimal balance depends on both the
national markets and the particular product. Let us begin with the poly-
centric view that national differences do affect sales.

Polycentric View of Product Design

Why did the tea bag, a popular product in America, meet with little
success when first introduced in England? Most English housewives believe
that good tea is made in a pot, not in a cup. Had the product designer
been aware of this cultural difference, he would have designed a four-
spoon teabag, without a string, intended for an English teapot. In England,
a piece of cake must be strong enough to be held in one hand or to rest
on the side of a saucer. A light fancy cake lacks structural integrity. Hence
rather than attempting to sell the English a mix for a light fancy cake,
the astute marketer would design a mix for a cake with body.
These stereotyped examples illustrate cultural and social factors that
might affect a new product's success in England. Scotland is slightly
different; Thailand is very different. Unless the product designer is a sensi-

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332 Multinational Marketing

tive person who has experienced a rich multinational life, his own intui-
tion will not provide sufficient input for a design strategy. He will have to
plod consciously through many factors which he would have handled
intuitively in his home nation. Isn tt this too much to ask of one central
design team? Shouldntt each nation design its own products?
Climate is a factor that should be considered when designing some prod-
ucts. For example, an automobile in Singapore or Hong Kong must have
protection from tropical humidity, whereas a car in Australia or South
Africa would require dustproofing. Both features are required in Ghana,
where the climate ranges from desert heat to rain forest humidity.
Where there are considerable differences in economic well-being and
standards of living, consumers have different needs and different means of
satisfying these needs. Motor scooters in Thailand satisfy a need for
reliable, affordable transportation; in America, they satisfy a desire for
fun and pleasure. To a polycentric corporation this implies two different
scooters. A geocentric designer would want to start out designing a basic
motor scooter body, with options to be added, depending on the target
market: for the American model, flashy chrome, white-walled tires, and
an electric start, for the Thai market, a kick start and no frills. These
tangible geographic and economic factors are easy to visualize and to
consider when designing a product.
Cultural factors are more subtle. They include the values and attitudes
of a society and thus, in part, they determine behavior. The preferred
cycles of a washing machine vary with culture. In the United States several
rinses are desired. The English require a heater capable of boiling the load
at the end of the wash cycle. In France and Italy several wash cycle
options are called for since the number of options has become a measure
of the quality of the machine.
Tradition is another cultural variable that affects a consumer's needs
and wants. Even within one nation, a more industrial segment of culture
may value novelty, while the less industrial segment may cherish con-
sistency. In Australia, the traditional sign of a good homemaker is the
ability to bake a sponge cake from scratch. No seller of sponge cake mixes
has yet succeeded in Australia. The norms of tradition prevent the prod-
uct's acceptance by the consumer.
Consumer tastes vary. The Nestle Corporation has chosen to make over
40 varieties of instant coffee to satisfy international tastes. Heinz ketchup
is manufactured to a different recipe in each nation.
Attitudes concerning nationality are important to product design. In
some market segments of some countries, the label "Made in U.S.A."
or "Made in Switzerland" symbolizes a way of life to which the consumer
aspires, and therefore its presence will aid the sales of the particular
product. Usually, however, these attitudes prevent a foreign product's
successful introduction in a country no matter how excellent the design.
Most tourists shopping for souvenirs prefer those made locally rather than
a superior product made in Japan.

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Product Design 333

Government pressure for local manufacturing is felt in those industries

whose principal customer is the government or a quasi-government agency.
Governments use moral suasion or the threat of tariffs to encourage local
production. Having succumbed to this pressure some companies may feel
that they should also tailor the product design to local requirements.
A polycentric design policy results.

Ethnocentric View of Product Design

Managers who believe that all customers are basically alike also seem to
believe that the long-run demand curve for their product is elastic. "If
only the price were lower, all those poor people out there could afford
our product. The corporation requires its return on investment so we can
cut our price only if we cut our costs. Let's standardize,"
An ethnocentric market researcher emphasizes that market research
panelists must be informed. Consumers become informed only through
years of trying different products. Therefore, it follows that consumer
panel tests performed in advanced nations are more reliable predictors of
the purchase behavior of a less developed nation than are consumer panel
tests performed in that nation, particularly when the product is unfamiliar
to the people of the less developed nation. Hence for some products an
ethnocentric U .S. corporation would use the United States as a test
market for the world.
There are substantial managerial advantages to worldwide product
standardization. As has been mentioned in earlier chapters, there would
be savings of time and money since marketing and administrative tasks
would be simplified. Economies of scale would be realized through
standardized production and tooling equipment and standardized main-
tenance and repairs. Standardization would allow a redirection of flows
of goods between countries such that if there was excess demand in one
market, it could be met using the excess capacity in distant plants. This
also implies that safety stocks could be reduced. Furthermore, if strikes,
fire, or other crises prevented production in one plant, its market could be
satisfied by other plants. A reliability analysis of the worldwide factory
network is meaningful only if there is design standardization. In Chapter 3
we saw that it is sometimes desirable to alter transfer prices - how much
easier to do if there is a rich flow of subassemblies and finished products.
However, there are physical limits to standardization, such as differences
in electric voltages or test standards as described in the Black and Decker
case. Physical measurements also limit standardization.
Consider the problem of turning steel on a lathe. The lathe can be set
to turn to a constant diameter, but only to a certain number of fIXed
settings. On U.S. lathes, these fixed settings are in inches. On metric
lathes used in other countries these fixed settings are in millimeters. To

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334 Multinational Marketing

overcome this limit to the export of standardized products, approxi-

mate equivalent measures must be used depending on the tolerance and
sensitivity of the product. For example, 23A inches = 7 centimeters (just
over 6.985 centimeters, actually). This search for feasible equivalence
typifies geocentric thinking.

Geocentric View of Product Design

The idea of a product may seem intuitively obvious until one analyzes the
consumer's motivation to buy. Kotler (1967, p. 288) illustrates the dif-
ference with the example of a camera.

Viewed physically, it is an air filled assembly of metal or plastic parts surrounding

a lens. It may come with a case, accessories, and instruction, all packaged in an
attractive box bearing a bright brand trade mark .... The buyer sees the camen
as a means of satisfying certain needs and desires. The camera promises him
pleasure, nostalgia, a form of immortality. It may be a means of expressing artistic
or craftmanship instincts. It can be a symbol of status and means of relating to
other people.

In each market segment of each nation people have different motiva-

tions to buy. The challenge to a multinational marketing manager is to
capitalize on, and to cater to, different motivations but, at the same
time, to keep the manufacturing costs down by producing as much as
possible: "an air filled assembly of metal or plastic surrounding a lens."
In Geneva, Switzerland, many cultures coexist and the optimum cycles
of a washing machine vary with each culture. To satisfy the varied require-
ments in Geneva, a geocentric washing machine is sold. The six control
variables (fill cold, fill hot, electric heat, agitate, drain, spin) are sequenced
and controlled by a clock moved template. When a customer buys a
washing machine, the salesman's job includes helping her select the appro-
priate control templates from a wide selection. Thus a geocentric manager
tries to find that point between the marketing and manufacturing extremes
of sales maximization and cost minimization which will maximize profits.
Certain subassemblies or modules of a product can be standard worldwide,
others can be designed for groups of markets having similar behavioral and
environmental characteristics, and yet other subassemblies or modules can
be tailored to particular segments. When assembled, the product satisfies
specific consumer needs, while simultaneously realizing the many benefits
of standardization.
The principle of modular design is ancient. Drucker (1974, p. 208)

The enormous number of Japanese Buddhist temples built between AD 700 and
1600 were built by flexible mass production methods. Each of the temples looks

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l'roduct De,ign

qyite different. And yet each is put to«ether out of essentially standardized parts,
such as beams standardized as to width and length; standardized roofing and roof
tiles; standHdized intervals between the various levels of a pagoda, and so on. The
individually distinctive features such as the doors, iron grills, or the ornamentation
of the tiles on the roof's edge, were added only at the very end, thus creating
brilliant diversity based, however, on true mass production, that is, on standard·
parts assembled drearranged nattr;r;,,,,

Market Rert'ftrftE
multinational n,ay be dealing as 50 nationr,
the larger of which are subdivided, to yield a total of perhaps 100 market
aegments. Each segment should be researched separately. Care must be
taken to avoid problems of translations and to avoid erroneous conclu-
sions due to different national perceptions of the research questions being
posed. This market research is focused on designing the most suitable
mml'ules for many
1 (at D;:,cide N, the """"'"'''''' zmmber of item;:
mmEeting region Dlnwed to sell.
2 (by the mmEeting managem), the chance to
N items, deciEft would design l'hftm. IntzospectiG?"1,
unstructured group interviews, and an analysis of complaints are called
for. Step 2 identifies attributes desired in each region.
Step 3 (at headquarters). Cluster the regional designs into like groups. A
particular design may be wanted in many nations leading to a lower cost
of production. Create one design typical of each group, and estimate a
and upper bZ'znnl' unit cost.
4 (in each Dnrftmble a small l'Gtential custom,,;:;:
panel. Each the panel is u;:der, in terms
EGftdftrence, a serie;: Ezzch card shoulE product samh1ft,
indnding products and from Step
Dhese data are anz;:lyzeE in terms of rationD/physicD and irrationftl/
emotional preferences that would affect purchasing behavior. The regional
marketing manager should also interview in depth a few panelists, so that
his report to headquarters will clearly articulate the attributes perceived as
important. He must also estimate the sales forecast of each of the designs
from Step 3.
5 (at DEgregate the for each desihn
Step 4 and "'"'''''''''''' nnrts for this volm'filie Again consiEilifr
e;:ilin;:Glidating the seem similar nfnnomies of
"stimate the ne,';: for each of tEn fGnfnHHGted sales voluny,,;:
Exhibit 10.8).
Step 6 (in each region). The consolidated design incorporates design
compromises which reduce the product's utility to consumers of each
nation. Conduct market research on the attributes each region views as
compromised to determine how much the price would have to be lowered
to maintain sales volume.

Digitized e
336 lIultintJtiomJi Marketing

Typical designs (from Step 3)

Regions IP=====I=t=+

..... /

Consolidating typical designs for modular design determination.

Step 7 (at headquarters). Consolidation provides cost savings (Step 5)

and disutility, which necessitates lower prices (Step 6). These are the data
required to determine the product mix -the number of different models
and the design attributes of each. (For computer models see Rutenberg
and Shaftel, 1971.) Some items will be standardized worldwide, so their
design should be refined and then frozen. That having been done, the
design of the other subassemblies can proceed in those regions where they
will be used and produced.
Step 8 (in each region). Convene a representative panel (larger than
Step 4 but smaller than Step 6) and conduct tests of the items and their
substitutes so as to evaluate advertising themes; perform a final check
on the product attributes. If the variances about the sales estimates remain
excessively large, consider staging the launches (Chapter 8). Note that
staging would imply rerunning the design program on the restricted
demand, which would tend to reduce the number of items marketed,
temporarily at least.
The regional managers, aided by market research, have unique knowledge
about the desires of their customers, but their only cost estimate is that
of local manufacture. A consolidation of designs is prudent only if it
results in a lower unit cost. There is an exchange of information between
headquarters and the marketing regions because market research is so ex-
pensive that it must be focused. The narrower the focus, the less expensive
it becomes, but the greater the chances are of misdefining the problem
and choosing an inappropriate mix.
One aspect of the product mix problem is the choice of a series of
standard sizes. Logarithmic series are used in a systematic and elegant way
in the Deutsche Industrie Normen, the famous German DIN standard
sizes (Kienzle, 1950). Bongers (1980) describes how DIN and other
standards have evolved, and focuses on the economic rationale for stan-
dardization. In this chapter the decision on the series of sizes is viewed as
an economic reconciliation between economies of scale and the dis-
utility of not providing the customer with his ideal product.
Demands for products are forecast to grow through time and therefore
only a few models will be built for product introduction. However, these

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Product Design 337

early models should be designed with an eye to satisfying both present

and future needs. Mathematically the problem is analagous to that of
plant location; a tentative product is analagous to a tentative plant site,
and customer disutility is analagous to transportation cost. Thus the
computer models of Chapter 7 can be used for product design.

Module Production Costs

The product is to be designed in modules or subassemblies. A product may
have as few as three or four levels - parts preparation, component subassem-
blies, major subassemblies, and final assembly. More complicated products
have more levels. At each level the economies of scale must be analyzed. For
example, if complex production methods are used for parts preparation, it
would be most economical to produce them centrally and export them to
the various plants, thus taking advantage of economies of scale. On the
other hand, component subassembly may show few economies of scale; it
would be economical to position many such assembly plants around the
globe because the transportation costs of components is lower than of
finished products. Chapter 7 suggested that a company should evaluate and
probably discard innumerable possible plant sites. The focus of this chapter
is on using the existing (and seriously contemplated) factories to decide how
these facilities affect subassembly design.
Data collection begins with a survey of all plants, to estimate their
standard capacities for each of the assembly levels. Many plants will lack
the equipment needed for certain levels of production (such as heavy
castings) and thus have zero capacity at that level. Other plants may have
some flexibility to substitute between levels of production.
As more items are manufactured in a plant, worker and manager con-
fusion increases and the effective capacity of a plant drops. Corporations
manufacturing thousands of items use computer controls with items,
pallets, and floor locations, each uniquely indexed. The lost capacity arises
from an increased number of inventories of work in process, which take
up valuable floor space. It also arises from a loss of production time as
machines are retooled between items, and from an increased chance of
errors and spoilage. Tolerance for the confusion of variety appears to vary
by nation, hence we need a separate Exhibit 10.9 for each department in
each nation.
From Chapter 6 and from the concepts of reliability introducing Chap-
ter 7, it is clear that a global manufacturing manager can risk holding less
inventory if he has several sources of supply for a particular subassembly,
as depicted in Exhibit 10.10. While achieving a stated level of assurance of
supply a corporation can cut its total· safety stock of this item as more of
its plants produce an item. Additional inventory savings may also be ex-
pected from reduced inventory in transit. A more sophisticated analysis
to determine actual inventory safety stocks should consider the capacities

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338 Multinatio1UJI Marlteti,..

loss of

Number of items in production

Tolerance for the confusion of variety.


Number of
alternate sources
Inventory savings.

of the plants, their excess capabilities, probabilities of supply interruption,

the location of inventories, and the lead time to activate potential sub-
contractors as was covered in Chapter 6.

Designing to Avoid Tariffs

Chapter 5 presented the rudimentary structure of 120 national tariff
classification schemes, in particular the Brussels Tariff Nomenclature
(BTN). As the Black and Decker case showed, there is also a structure
for nontariff barriers to trade such as national safety and health standards.
For each importing nation study the tariff code. For each design, find
the relevent BTN six-digit descriptions of the product and each of its
components. Think creatively of alternate ways to describe each item to
identify material or dimension constraints that might alter the item's
tariff classification. Calculate tariff costs before and after redesigning.

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If products are designed for the home nation, and then adapted for export,
the adaptation itself may be expensive and customers abroad will perceive
a disutility. This disutility of a product which is far from the customers'
ideal point, presents a ready-made market for a competitor who is sensi-
tive to local desires.
The geocentric theme of this chapter is that a product can be designed
in modules, some standard to achieve economies of scale, and others
tailored to local desires to reduce customer disutility. The concept of
modular design is commonplace, but extending it to multinational market-
ing requires many years of diligent work.
The case study of Black and Decker Canada's Workwheel describes
engineers surmounting diverse technical standards and market preferences.
During the 1980s and 1990s a great deal of work will have to be done
developing market research procedures that will yield comparable infor-
mation from peoples of many nationalities, and then learning how to
present the information in a form that design engineers can use.

Appendix. Two Market Research Techniques

If we alter a design to standardize a module worldwide, will the customer be perturbed?
It depends on the customer's perception of the product. Market research is used to
measure customers' perceptions. Two excellent books are Green and Tull's Research
for Marketing Decisions (1978) and Urban and Hauser's Design and Marketing of New
Products (1980).
A worldwide marketing research program can be an unwieldy undertaking unless
managed with a tight focus. For product design the data needed are the trade-offs
between price and several design features and the disutility of not providing a product
at the customer's ideal point.
The first market research technique, conjoint analysis, focuses on this trade-off by
asking people to rank their preferences. For example, in conducting research about
automobiles, ask a person to make a trade-off between two attributes, say speed versus
price (see Exhibit 10.11).
By filling in a table a respondent merely has to say that he prefers a 100-rnile per
hour car that costs $8,500 (his rank 2) to a 130·mile per hour car that costs $14,000
(his rank 3). From this ranking a computer program can calculate the respondent's
utility for speed. The computer calculates indifference contours all of the same mathe·
matical shape and noncrossing (Exhibit 10.12.)
A product has many possible attributes, and each becomes a dimension in the space
that characterizes the product, over which the respondent has to state preferences.
Beyond four dimensions, respondents often become fatigued, which reduces the
quality of their responses.
Rather than trying to visualize indifference curves in four dimensions it is more
convenient to assign utility levels to each indifference curve. Cross checks within the
data give robustness to the conclusions. For example, the trade·offs among price,


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340 MultinatiollGl Marketing
Miles per hour

Input the rankings.
Cost 0

L - _........_ - - " ' - -_ _- ' -......._ _ _ _ _- - - - 'Miles per hour

70 100 130
Indifference curves through the rankings.

fuel economy, and speed give additional support to the Exhibit 10.12 price versus
speed trade-off.
This analysis has to be repeated for each individual respondent, from the sample of
respondents chosen to represent the society. Usually there are competing products
already on the market, each with its own characteristics. We have to assume that each
respondent will select the product that maximizes his utility. For each of the possible
designs, we can count the number of respondents who prefer that design. Our designs
differ in cost, so we should produce the one that would maximize our profits.
The second market research technique, nonmetric scaling, can measure products
with emotive attributes. The method of conjoint measurement presupposes the prod-
uct attributes were concrete enough to be described (100 miles per hour, six seats,
etc.) or that a sample could be displayed (the color of lemon chartreuse). With non-
metric scaling, the attributes of different brands of beer could be as disparate as taste
and social acceptance. (Urban and Hauser, 1980). For example, "Dow" had a strong
taste and an old fashioned image, "Labatt" had an intermediate taste and was modem
and young, while "Molson" was very strong in taste and evoked an image of average
sociability. In Chapter 4 we used nonmetric scaling without even naming dimensions.
For nonmetric scaling there must be at least nine items if the results are to have
statistical significance, but rarely should there be more than 15 items if the panelist
is to remain alert. Fifteen items means 105 pairs of items. Each pair of products

Digitized by Google
Product Design 341

is portrayed on a separate care!. The panelists sequence these pairs, ranging from the
pair most similar to the pair least similar. AB before, a separate map is made for each
respondent. The challenge then is to design a product and an advertising campaign
such that the product is perceived to have preferred attributes of a particular product
space. The several design attempts can be verified only by repeated panel testing.
Products have both physical and emotional appeals. So it seems wise to use both con·
joint measurement and nonmetric scaling, their strengths and weaknesses being com·
plementary. Conjoint measurement is easier to administer and less expensive than
nonmetric scaling. It can easily handle noncontinuous characteristics such as two,
four, or six car seats, and it can handle a large number of attributes, limited only by
the respondents' becoming tired. Nonmetric scaling begins with preferences between
product pairs, and It is the computer program that calculates the attributes (which
still remain to be named). It can depict an ambiance and guide the way to attributes
never thought of before (but only two or three). Finally, nonmetric scaling is less
dependent on language and the authenticity of translation because it could use physical
objects or pictures.

Questions from Other Viewpoints

1. Corporate Rational Normative Global. You just covered this view-

point in the chapter.
2. Corporate Rational Normative Subsidiary. Suppose that the initial
product design configuration was made by sampling 10 different
national subsidiaries. Your subsidiary was not included. Given that
headquarters has established a tentative design, what information
do you and other subsidiaries have to submit to achieve a global
3. Corporate Rational Descriptive Global. Consider a simple electric
typewriter. The proposal of this chapter is the processing of informa-
tion pertinent to a typewriter designer. Systematically prepare an
estimate of how many variables would have to be collected to achieve
this goal. Give a numerical estimate.
4. Corporate Rational Descriptive Subsidiary. A most necessary input
to product design decisions is the market research done by each
subsidiary. Which techniques would be most accurate in an illiterate
market where no similar products have yet to be marketed? (Remem-
ber that illiterate people may be very intelligent.)
5. Corporate Emotional Normative Global. Why is it important to keep
one common logo, one consistent set of trademarks, one design style
that represents the corporation worldwide?
6. Corporate Emotional Normative Subsidiary. Even though head-
quarters executives make speeches worldwide about how geocentric
they are, to you in your subsidiary they seem thoroughly ethno-
centric. A headquarters design team will be visiting you soon for two
days. What can you do to make them very aware of the design
peculiarities of your nation? Prepare a specific agenda for their visit.

Digitized by Google
342 Multinational Marketin,

7. Corporate Emotional Descriptive Global. The chapter has implicitly

described a product designer as being rather mechanical. Describe the
kinds of characteristics needed to appreciate the variety of impres-
sions around the world of the use of one product. Describe the travel
and continuous practice a designer must sustain.
S. Corporate Emotional Descriptive Subsidiary. Give some examples of
foreign products in your nation whose designs are inappropriate. Be
very specific as to what should be learned from each.
9. Societal Rational Normative Global. Select two major religions that
span many nations. Compare and contrast how they adapt to local
myths and images while simultaneously having an international
integrity, a brotherhood of all believers.
10. Societal Rational Normative National. You work in the Ministry of
Culture of a nation with a long and rich heritage of artistic handi-
crafts, such that patterns of symbols, textures, and form are all
identifiable with your nation. The bland, cheap, standardized
designs of the multinationals, homogenized to the lowest common
denominator of global mediocrity, are slowly undercutting the
livelihood of your artists, guardians of your cultural heritage. Your
Minister has complained to the Minister of Industry, an economist
by training, who told your Minister about cost/benefit analysis. Your
Minister feels badly outgunned by the language of Industry, but also
deeply feels his conviction. Please prepare a one-page outline that
your Minister can use to undercut the Minister of Industry.
11. Societal Rational Descriptive Global. Almost every nation has govern-
ment regulations about the environment that affect product design
concerning, for example, noise, pollution, and safety. These regula-
tions change frequently, both by statute and interpretation, and
monitoring the laws requires systematic organization. Describe other
monitoring organizations that face similar challenges. Clarify how
their organization may provide templates for corporations attempting
to keep up to date with developments in product design legislation.
12. Societal Rational Descriptive National. Describe examples of dif-
ferences in the extent of coverage allowed by patent law in two or
more nations.
13. Societal Emotional Normative Global. One virtue of ethnocentric
design is that it is blatantly foreign. This contrasts with modular
design, which is really a subversion of national taste, convincing a
nation to adopt a product that has been adapted to its tastes in an
artificial way. It could be seen as a pernicious form of neocolonialism.
Prepare a one-page manifesto expounding on the idea that all prod-
ucts be labeled "Design conceived by Americans" (or Germans, or
14. Societal Emotional Normative National. The artistic soul of your
nation cries out for articulation. Yet your poets, artists, musicians,

Digitized by Google
Product DeBign 343

and dancen can no longer live on their talent. Meanwhile cheap,

bland designs encroach upon your citizens' sensibilities. As Minister
of Culture, a poet by training, what can you do?
15. Societal Emotional Descriptive Global. Is it possible for people to feel
the disorientation of withdrawal symptoms if a product that they
were long familiar with is suddenly no longer available (declared
obsolete, and replaced by a new, improved version)? For which kinds
of societies might this be a problem?
16. Societal Emotional Descriptive National. You work for a market
research and public opinion polling organization that combines
imaginative flair with statistical rigor. A major charitable foundation
has decided, for reasons known best to themselves, to fund a "census"
every 10 years for the next 100 years to measure the aesthetic sense
of the people. Your boss, knowing your powers of imagination, has
turned this possible client over to you to evaluate whether your
organization could contribute information about likely movements
in aesthetic values during the next 100 years. Prepare two pages of
conceivable ideas about: (a) Questions to put directly to an individual;
(b) Indirect and unobtrusive measures of aesthetics.

Bibliography to Chapter 10
Bongers, C., SttmdIJrdization (Boston/The Hague: Martinus Nijhoff, 1980).
C1aycamp, Henry J. and William F. Massey, "A Theory of Market Segmentation,"
Marketing Research, Vot. 5 (1968), pp. 388-394.
Drucker, Peter, Manogement (New York: Harper and Row, 1974).
Green, Paul E. and Donald S. Tull, Research for Marketing Decision. (Englewood
Cliffs, NJ: Prentice·Hall, 1978).
Keegan, Warren J., "Multinational Product Planning: Strategic Alternatives," Joumal
of Marketing, Vol. 33 (1969), pp. 58-62.
Kienzle, Otto, Normungzahlen (Berlin: Springerverlag, 1950).
Kolde, Endel J., Intemational Business Enterprise (Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice·
Hall, 1968}, pp. 317-321.
Kotier, Philip, Marketing Manogement (Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice·Hall, 1967).
Rutenberg, David P. and Timothy Shaftel, "Product Design: Subassemblies for Multiple
Markets," Manogement Science, Vol. 18, No. 4 (1971), pp. 220-231.
Sadowski, Wieslaw, "A Few Remarks on the Assortment Problem," Manogement
Science, Vol. 6 (1959), pp. 13-24.
Stan, Martin K., "Modular Production - A New Concept," Harvard Business Review,
Vol. 43, No. 6, November-December 1965, pp. 131-142.
Wolfson, M.L., "Selecting the Best Lengths to Stock," Operations Research, Vol. 13,
No. 2 (1965), pp. 570-585.
Urban, Glen L. and John R. Hauser, Design tmd Marketing of New Products (Engle·
wood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice·Hall, 1980).

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Summary of Multinational Marketing

To a multinational corporation only markets are anchored to nations.

Factories, sources of capital, and executives can move, but they move in
relation to the markets of the nations. This is the familiar marketing con-
cept, extended on a global scale.
National markets are more than anchors in a floating world. Each
market constitutes a real asset. Although this asset does not appear on a
corporate balance sheet, the corporate name with both consumers and
distribution channels is an asset to be invested in, maintained, and cared
for. This is the basis for polycentric thinking, for the surest way to deflate
the intangible asset of a name is to impose foreign standards in marketing.
It is safest to let each nation market in its own way.
Nevertheless, there is a chance to increase expected profit-though at
some risk, however slight - by headquarters coordinating some marketing
decisions. The decisions of marketing managers are traditionally sum-
marized as price, promotion, product, and place.
"Place" was the central theme of Chapter 8, "New Product Launch."
In a multinational corporation it makes sense to think carefully about
where in the world to begin launching a new product. The advantage to
being multinational derives from the fact that the early markets (where
the product was first launched) can be viewed as massive sources of market
research information, of quite a different nature, and a useful complement
to consumer panel tests.
"Price" is covered in Chapter 9, ''Pricing.'' In inflationary times it is
particularly difficult to set incentive schemes so that salesmen, those
closest to the customer, have an incentive to increase prices fast enough.
Because inflation rates differ in different nations, it is difficult to sustain
pricing harmony on a global basis. Customers with intemational intelligence
will want to buy where the product is cheapest, and ship it themselves.
This possibility pressures the multinational to keep some harmony in its
prices for an item. As a rule of thumb, a competitor with a large market
share finds it more profitable to pursue a new market segment with a
specific marketing campaign rather than an across the board price cut.
In general, multinationals have large market shares, and so tend to be
careful about adjusting price.
"Product" is covered in Chapter 10, "Product Design." A product has
both physical and psychological attributes. In a multinational corporation
a substantial cost reduction can be achieved if much of the product design
can be standardized. The psychological attributes of the product, specific
to a particular nation, can best be accommodated by tailoring the advertis-
ing of the product and some few physical attributes.
"Promotion" used to be centralized in some multinational corporations.


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Product Design 345
The high fixed cost of developing advertising compaigns could then be
spread over wider markets. During the 1970s the disadvantages of com-
mon promotion became apparent as the significance of nationalism
became apparent. During the 1980s common promotion is used for only
a few products.

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Multinational Executive Development


International Executive

Introductory Note to the Case

The Road to Hell ...

A government foreign service officer, after reading this case,

commented that it was simplistic and that no experienced
diplomat would ever commit a series of blunders such as
John Baker 's. Young diplomats occasionally do silly things,
and are removed from the foreign service if they fail to learn
how to undo minor errors. "Of course, .. he continued, "inter-
national businessmen can't afford such lUxury of selection,
supervision and coaching. "
Most students find this case a release from the analysis of
the earlier chapters. All readers use the case as a mirror in
which they see aspects of themselves in both John Baker and
Matt Rennalls. Each of us is a little ethnocentric.
One sad part of the case is Baker, who seems to have learned
so little from his opportunities in the Far East, several coun-
tries of Africa, and Germany, a string of assignments far
richer than most people have the opportunity to experience.
Clearly, although foreign assignments are necessary they are
not sufficient to becoming a competent international execu-
tive. For this reason the text of the chapter deals both with
the quantitative and the qualitative aspects of executive


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The Road to Hell ...

John Baker, chief engineer of the Caribbean Bauxite Com-

pany of Barracania in the West Indies, was making his final
preparations to leave the island. His promotion to production
manager of Keso Mining Corporation near Winnipeg - one
of Continental Ore's fast-expanding Canadian enterprises-
had been announced a month earlier and now everything had
been tidied up except the last vital interview with his succes-
sor-an able young Barracanian, Matthew Rennalls. It was
vital that this interview be a success and that Rennalls should
leave the office uplifted and encouraged to face the challenge
of his new job. A touch on the bell would have brought
Rennalls walking into the room but Baker delayed a moment
and gazed thoughtfully through the window considering just
exactly what he was going to say and, more particularly, how
he was going to say it.
John Baker, an English expatriate, was 45 years old and
had served his 23 years with Continental Ore in many dif-
ferent places: the Far East; several countries of Africa;
Europe; and, for the last two years, in the West Indies. He
hadn't cared much for his previous assignment in Hamburg
and was delighted when the West Indian appointment came
through. Climate was not the only attraction. Baker had al-
ways preferred working overseas (in what were termed the
developing countries) because he felt he had an innate knack
- better than most other expatriates working for Continental
Ore-of knowing just how to get on with regional staff.
Twenty-four hours in Barracania, however, made him realize
that he would need all of this "innate knack" if he was to
deal effectively with the problems in this field that now
awaited him.
At his first interview with Hutchins, the production manager,
the whole problem of Rennalls and his future wall; discussed.
There and then it was made quite clear to Baker that one of
his most important tasks would be the "grooming" of Rennalls
as his successor. Hutchins had pointed out that not only was
Rennalls one of the brightest Barracanian prospects on the
staff of Caribbean Bauxite - at London University he had
taken first-class honors in the B.Sc. Engineering Degree - but,
being the son of the Minister of Finance and Economic Plan-
ning, he also had no small political pull.

This case was prepared by Mr. Gareth Evans and Is reproduced with bls permission.


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International ExecutilJe DelJelopment 351

The company had been particularly pleased when Rennalls

decided to work for them rather than for the government in
which his father had such a prominent post. They ascribed
his action to the effect of their vigorous and liberal regionali-
zation program which, since World War 11, had produced 18
Barracanians at mid-management level and given Caribbean
Bauxite a good lead in this respect over all other international
concerns operating in Barracania. The success of this timely
regionalization policy has led to excellent relations with the
government - a relationship which had been given an added
importance when Barracania, three years later, became in-
dependent, an occasion that encouraged a critical and chal-
lenging attitude toward the role foreign interests would have
to play in the new Barracania. Hutchins therefore had little
difficulty in convincing Baker that the successful career
development of Rennalls was of the first importance.
The interview with Hutchins had been held two years
earlier, and Baker, leaning back in his office chair, reviewed
just how successful he had been in the "grooming" of Ren-
nalls. Which aspects of Rennalls' character had helped and
which had hindered? The first item to go on the credit side
would, without question, be the ability of Rennalls to master
the technical aspects of his job. From the start he had shown
keenness and enthusiasm and had often impressed Baker with
his ability in tackling new assignments and the constructive
comments he invariably made in departmental discussions.
He was popular with all ranks of Barracanian staff and had
an ease of manner which stood him in good stead when
dealing with his expatriate seniors. These were all assets,
but what about the debit side?
First and foremost, there was his racial consciousness. His
four years at London University had accentuated this feeling
and made him sensitive to any sign of condescension on the
part of expatriates. It may have been to give expression to
this sentiment that, as soon as he returned home from Lon-
don, he threw himself into politics on behalf of the United
Action Party, which was later to win the preindependence
elections and provide the country with its first Prime Minister.
The ambitions of Rennalls-and he certainly was ambitious
-did not, however, lie in politics for, staunch nationalist as
he was, he saw that he could serve himself and his country
best by putting his engineering talent to the best use possible,
for was not bauxite responsible for nearly half the value of
Barracania's export trade? On this account, Hutchins found
that he had an unexpectedly easy task in persuading Rennalls

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352 Multinational Executive Development

to give up his political work before entering the production

department as an assistant engineer.
It was, Baker knew, Rennalls' well-repressed sense of race
consciousness that had prevented their relationship from
being as close as it should have been. On the surface, nothing
could have seemed more agreeable. Formality between the
two men was at a minimum; Baker was delighted to find that
his assistant shared his own peculiar "shaggy dog" sense of
humor so that jokes were continually being exchanged; they
entertained each other at their houses and often played
tennis together - and yet the barrier remained invisible, in-
definable, but ever present. The existence of this "screen"
between them was a constant source of frustration to Baker
since it indicated a weakness he was loath to accept. If suc-
cessful with all other nationalities, why not with Rennalls?
But at least he had managed to "break through" to Rennalls
more successfully than any other expatriate. In fact, it was
the young Barracanian's attitude-sometimes overbearing,
sometimes cynical- toward other company expatriates that
had been one of the subjects Baker had raised last year when
he discussed Rennalls' staff report with him. He knew, too,
that he would have to raise the same subject again in the
forthcoming interview because Jackson, the senior draftsman,
had complained only yesterday about the rudeness of Rennalls.
With this thought in mind, Baker leaned forward and spoke
into the intercom. "Would you come in Matt, please? I'd like
a word with you:' and later, "Do sit down:' proffering the
box, "Have a cigarette." He paused while he held out his
lighter and then went on.
"As you know, Matt, I'll be off to Canada in a few days'
time, and before I go, I thought it would be useful if we could
have a final chat together. It is indeed with some deference
that I suggest I can be of help. You will shortly be sitting in
this chair doing the job I am now doing, but I, on the other
hand, am 10 years older, so perhaps you can accept the idea
that I may be able to give you the benefit of my longer
experience. "
Baker saw Rennalls stiffen slightly in his chair as he made
this point so added in explanation, "You and I have attended
enough company courses to remember those repeated requests
by the personnel manager to tell people how they are getting
on as often as the convenient moment arises and not just the
automatic 'once a year' when, by regulation, staff reports
have to be discussed."
Rennalls nodded his agreement so Baker went on. "I shall

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International Executiue Deuelopment 353

always remember the last job performance discussion I had

with my previous boss back in Germany. He used what he
called the "plus and minus" technique. His firm belief was
that when a senior, by discussion, seeks to improve the work
performance of his staff, his prime objective should be to
make sure that the latter leaves the interview encouraged and
inspired to improve. Any criticism must, therefore, be con-
structive and helpful. He said that one very good way to en-
courage a man - and I fully agree with him - is to tell him
about his good points - the plus factors - as well as his weak
ones - the minus factors - so I thought, Matt, it would be a
good idea to run our discussion along these lines."
Rennalls offered no comment, so Baker continued. "Let
me say, therefore, right away, that, as far as your own work
performance is concerned, the plus far outweighs the minus.
I have, for instance, been most impressed with the way you
have adapted your considerable theoretical knowledge to
master the practical techniques of your job-that ingenious
method you used to get air down to the fifth-shaft level is
a sufficient case in point - and at departmental meetings I
have invariably found your comments well taken and help-
ful. In fact, you will be interested to know that only last
week I reported to Mr. Hutchins that, from the technical
point of view, he could not wish for a more able man to suc-
ceed to the position of chief engineer."
''That's very good indeed of you, John." cut in Rennalls
with a smile of thanks, "My only worry now is how to live
up to such a high recommendation."
"Of that I am quite sure," returned Baker, "especially if
you can overcome the minus factor which I would like now
to discuss with you. It is one which I have talked about be-
fore so I'll come straight to the point. I have noticed that you
are more friendly and get on better with your fellow Barra-
canians than you do with Europeans. In point of fact, I had
a complaint only yesterday from Mr. Jackson, who said you
had been rude to him - and not for the first time either.
"There is, Matt, I am sure, no need to tell you how neces-
sary it will be for you to get on well with expatriates because
until the company has trained sufficient men of your calibre,
Europeans are bound to occupy senior positions here in
Barracania. All this is vital to your future interests, so can
I help you in any way?"
While Baker was speaking on this theme, Rennalls had sat
tensed in his chair and it was some seconds before he replied.
"It is quite extraordinary, isn't it, how one can convey an

Digitized by Google
354 Multinational Executive Development
impression to others so at variance with what one intends? I
can only assure you once again that my disputes with Jackson
- and you may remember also Godson - have had nothing at
all to do with the color of their skins. I promise you that if a
Barracanian had behaved in an equally peremptory manner
I would have reacted in precisely the same way. And again, if
I may say it within these four walls, I am sure I am not the
only one who has found Jackson and Godson difficult. I
could mention the names of several expatriates who have felt
the same. However, I am really sorry to have created this
impression of not being able to get on with Europeans - it
is an entirely false one - and I quite realize that I must do all
I can to correct it as quickly as possible. On your last point,
regarding Europeans holding senior positions in the company
for some time to come, I quite accept the situation. I know
that Caribbean Bauxite-as they have been doing for many
years now-will promote Barracanians as soon as their ex-
perience warrants it. And, finally, I would like to assure you,
John - and my father thinks the same too - that I am very
happy in my work here and hope to stay with the company
for many years to come."
Rennalls had spoken earnestly and, although not convinced
by what he had heard, Baker did not think he could pursue
the matter further except to say, "All right, Matt, my impres-
sion may be wrong, but I would like to remind you about the
truth of that old saying, 'What is important is not what is
true but what is believed.' Let it rest at that."
But suddenly Baker knew that he didn't want to "let it
rest at that." He was disappointed once again at not being
able to "break through" to Rennalls and having yet again
to listen to his bland denial that there was any racial pre-
judice in his makeup. Baker, who had intended ending the
interview at this point, decided to try another tack.
"To return for a moment to the 'plus and minus technique'
I was telling you about just now, there is another plus factor
I forgot to mention. I would like to congratulate you not
only on the calibre of your work but also on the ability you
have shown in overcoming a challenge which I, as a European,
have never had to meet.
"Continental Ore is, as you know, a typical commercial
enterprise - admittedly a big one - which is a product of the
economic and social environment of the United States and
Western Europe. My ancestors have all been brought up in
this environment for the past 200 or 300 years and I have,
therefore, been able to live in a world in which commerce

Digitized by Google
International Executive Development 355

(as we know it today) has been part and parcel of my being.

It has not been something revolutionary and new which has
suddenly entered my life. In your case," went on Baker, "the
situation is different because you and your forebears have
only had some 50 or 60 years' experience of this commercial
environment. You have had to face the challenge of bridging
the gap between 50 and 300 years. Again, Matt, let me con-
gratulate you - and people like you - on having so success-
fully overcome this particular hurdle. It is for this very reason
that I think the outlook for Barracania - and particularly
Caribbean Bauxite-is so bright."
Rennalls had listened intently and when Baker finished,
replied, "Well, once again, John, I have to thank you for
what you have said, and, for my part, I can only say that it is
gratifying to know that my own personal effort has been so
much appreciated. I hope that more people will soon come to
think as you do."
There was a pause and, for a moment, Baker thought
hopefully that he was about to achieve his long-awaited
"breakthrough," but Rennalls merely smiled back. The
barrier remained un breached. There remained some five
minutes' cheerful conversation about the contrast between
the Caribbean and Canadian climate and whether the West
Indies cricket team had any hope of beating England in the
Fifth Test March before Baker drew the interview to a close.
Although he was as far as ever from knowing the real Rennalls,
he was nevertheless glad that the interview had run along in
this friendly manner and, particularly, that it had ended on
such a cheerful note.
This feeling, however, lasted only until the following morn-
ing. Baker had some farewells to make, so he arrived at the
office considerably later than usual. He had no sooner sat
down at his desk than his secretary walked into the room
with a worried frown on her face. Her words came fast.
"When I arrived this morning I found Mr. Rennalls already
waiting at my door. He seemed very angry and told me in
quite a peremptory manner that he had a vital letter to dic-
tate which must be sent off without any delay. He was so
worked up that he couldn't keep still and kept pacing the
room, which is most unlike him. He wouldn't even wait to
read what he had dictated. Just signed the page where he
thought the letter would end. It has been distributed and
your copy is in your in-basket."
Puzzled and feeling vaguely uneasy, Baker opened the
"Confidential" envelope and read the following letter:

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356 Multinational Executive Development

14 August 19xx
From: Assistant Engineer
To: The Chief Engineer, Caribbean Bauxite Limited
Assessment of Interview Between Messrs. Baker and Rennalls
It has always been my practice to respect the advice given me by
seniors, so after our interview, I decided to give careful thought
once again to its main points and so make sure that I had under-
stood all that had been said. As I promised you at the time, I had
every intention of putting your advice to the best effect.
It was not, therefore, until I had sat down quietly in my home
yesterday evening to consider the interview objectively that its main
purport became clear. Only then did the full enormity of what you
said dawn on me. The more I thought about it, the more convinced
I was that I had hit upon the real truth - and the more furious I
became. With a facUity in the English language which I-a poor
Barracanian -cannot hope to match, you had the audacity to insult
me (and through me every Barracanian worth his salt) by claiming
that our knowledge of modem living is only a paltry 50 years old
whilst yours goes back 200-300 years. As if your materialistic com-
mercial environment could possibly be compared with the spiritual
values of our culture. I'll have you know that if much of what I saw
in London is representative of your most boasted culture, I hope
fervently that it will never come to Barracania. By what right do
you have the effrontery to condescend to us? At heart, all you
Europeans think us barbarians, or, as you say amongst yourselves,
we are "just down from the trees."
Far into the night I discussed this matter with my father, and he
is as disgusted as I. He agrees with me that any company whose
senior staff think as you do is no place for any Barracanian proud
of his culture and race - so much for all the company "clap-trap"
and specious propaganda about regionalization and Barracania for
the Barracanians.
I feel ashamed and betrayed. Please accept this letter as my resig-
nation which I wish to become effective immediately.
c.c. Production Manager
Managing Director

1. Evaluate John Baker with respect to each of IBM's six
psychological dimensions of a good international execu-
tive as outlined in this chapter.
2. Which of Erikson's eight stages of man's development best
describes the behavior of Matthew Rennalls? Of John

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International EzecutiIJe DeIJelopment 857

3. Cross-cultural work attracts some individuals who want a

change from a blocked career. Others are discontented
with their own society. Still others are overly idealistic.
What is John Baker's motivation for cross-cultural work?
4. Given Rennall's sense of racial consciousness, what might
have motivated his decision to work for the foreign-
owned Continental Ore Company rather than for the
Barracanian government or the United Action Party?
5. Many U .S. corporations still fear that their Japanese
managers are more loyal to Japan than they are to their
corporation. Is there any evidence that Continental Ore
need be concerned with divided loyalties in Barracania?
6. Drawing from your knowledge of management psycholo-
gy evaluate the pluses and minuses of John Baker's "plus
and minus" technique.
7. You are Baker's boss; Baker's salary is substantial. Identi-
fy the executive positions in Continental Ore where he
can function and contribute more than his salary costs.
(Are these positions more valuable as steppingstone train-
ing experience for the training of other upcoming man-
agers?) Baker has 20 years to retirement. If you fail to
forsee an adequate set of jobs to offer him, prepare notes
to help you during your interview with Baker when you
fire him.
8. John Baker has applied for a job with Brunswick Mining
and Smelting Company. As part of a letter of recommen-
dation for him draft one paragraph evaluating his "innate
knack" and another explaining the Barracanian incident.
9. Given the task that faced John Baker when he came to
Barracania and given your reconstruction of his person-
ality when he joined Continental Ore at age 22, what
sequence of jobs in Continental might have better pre-
pared him?

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As has been shown in Chapters 2 to 10, the functional activities offinance,
production, and marketing require agenda to mesh them smoothly into a
global network. For a matrix organization, the geocentric archetype of
this book, the agendas become particularly complex. Yet, as pointed out
in Chapter 1, the intricate coordination of a geocentric organization de-
pends on effective and capable international executives. The personal
contacts necessary to make a matrix organization work take years to nur-
ture. Therefore, the corporation must develop international executives
adequate for its overall long-term objectives.
Newly recruited employees rarely move directly into the grooming pro-
cess because the risk of their leaving the company is too great. If systematic
development begins at age 25, with the hope of producing a capable inter-
national executive at age 55, the process of development can be only 30
years in duration. If assignments average three years in duration, there is
room for only 10 major assignments in the grooming of an international
executive. In this chapter, the series of assignments an individual uses
will be likened to steppingstones across a river.
This chapter sketches the future management needs of the corporation
and describes a model for an executive development program. The chapter
begins with a consideration of how the future management needs of the
corporation are projected and continues with a discussion of program
development - the selection and assignment of chosen individuals to the
steppingstones of their careers. Compensation and assessment of per-
formance are also discussed.

Future Management Needs

The future management needs of the corporation must be forecast quanti-
tatively and qualitatively. Considering the heavy investment in human
capital, it is better that a forecast of need be approximately right rather
than precisely wrong.

Quantitative Forecast
Few corporations, particularly young multinationals, have conceptualized
their need for executives 30 years hence. Actually, most personnel man-
agers are more aware of their pension fund liabilities in 2010 than they are
of their need for executives then. To implement a program of executive
development, the initial step is to forecast the needs.
From the corporate planning group of your corporation or the corpora-


Digitized by Google
InterntJtional Executive Development 359
tion you are considering, get an estimate of the rate of growth of the
corporation as a constant percentage over the next 30 years. Because
productivity can be forecast to increase, let g be the growth in sales minus
productivity growth.
To calculate future management needs assume, for simplification, that
the organization will remain hierarchical in structure, with one chief exec-
utive officer and a constant span of control. His span of control is e, and
each of these people in turn controls e people in the level below, and so
on. From the top to the bottom, each level is ranked 1, 2, 3, ... , where
n + 1 is the bottom level (n + 1 levels are used for simplicity in calculations).
Since there is 1 person in level 1 and e people in level 2, at the bottom
level n + 1 there should be en workers. Call this number of workers
W = en. The growth factor g is applied to these W workers. The need for
future managers for all the levels above can be calculated.

g= growth rate (for example, 5 percent growth is written a,s g = 1.05).

no = number of levels within the organization now at time t = O.
Wo = number of bottom level workers now at time t = O.

Spans of control of various groups differ within the organization. Now at

time t = 0, the average span of control e can be calculated because

log e = log Wo
Thus to find the span of control
e = antilog log Wo

Positions in each of the original levels of the organization will grow. Be-
cause this is compound interest, the number of years to double size, mul-
tiplied by the growth rate, will equal 70. For example, if the number of
workers is forecast to grow at 5 percent per year, the number of positions
in each existing management level will double every 14 years (70/5 = 14).
Thus in addition to the expansion of existing positions, new levels will
have to be created: As the organization grows, the number of levels will
have to increase. The manager of key personnel has the immediate task of
forecasting steppingstones over the next year as well as the long-run task
of envisioning steppingstones 10, 20, and 30 years hence. In the long run,
newly created layers of the organization will increase the rate of growth
of executive positions. The number of levels in the organization at time
t can be projected using the forecast number of workers (W t = gfW o ).

Digitized by Google
360 MultinatiolUll ExecutilJe DelJelopment

At time t, the number of levels becomes

n (t) = tlogg + n (0)



number of = number of X log (growth rate) + original number

levels years log (span of control) of levels

At the present (t = 0), there are Wo bottom-level employees [Wo = c" (0)].
The number of managers needed for the organization is the sum of a geo-
metric series approximated as follows:
Current number of managers:

Mo = [c" (0 ) - 1] = original number of bottom level workers

(e - 1) span of control- 1

So at time t, the number of managers will be

M, = [c" (I) - 1] = forecast number of bottom level worker.

(e - 1) span of control- 1

The new positions evolved would be the difference of this value and the
value at time 0_

M, - Mo = new positions over the time period 0 to t.

forecast number of original number
[c" (t) - en (0)] = bottom-level workers - of bottom-level workers
(e -1) span of control- 1

The manager of key personnel originally had Mo steppingstones on

which to place aspiring executives for their individual career development.
As the organization grows, the number of steppingstone positions also
grows. The foregoing calculation of M, shows the placement challenge the
manager of key personnel can anticipate.
The manager of key personnel also has data on turnover and topping-
out, although frequently they are buried in old personnel records. Suppose
that for 2010 the corporation is forecast to need 50 executives at the vice-
presidential level and above. How many individuals born after 1950, who
now seem capable of ultimately working at that level, should it now be
guiding upward? Some will withdraw for medical reasons, others will
decide that it's not worth the effort, and others will be judged not capable.
On the other hand, a few will have been overlooked and will appear from

Digitized by Google
International Ezecutille Dellelopment 361

within the corporation, and a few positions will exist into which capable
outsiders can be recruited and still have time to master the corporation.
The manager of key personnel needs to forecast flows on these five tribu-
taries to his mainstream goal of developing 50 vice presidents. A variety
of analytic techniques have been used - from guesses to Markov chains
(Vroom and MacCrimmon, 1968) which transform masses of data into
the five tributaries.
After the number of positions has been forecast and the turnover esti-
mated, the next step is to census the corporation's available cadre of po-
tential executives of each age group. Most corporations have peculiar
voids in the demographic age distributions of their managers, often
quite different in each major national subsidiary. This data analysis can
be performed quietly from existing personnel records.
The manager of key personnel can thereby assess the severity of the
corporation's problem, and can forecast years of particular strain. This
information may be valuable feedback to the corporate planning group,
which provided the original growth forecasts g.
Certain age cohorts of future executives have been identified as being
in short supply. One remedy is to hire outsiders now and acculturate them.
The second remedy is to search harder for people of the right age within
the corporation who could conceivably function as executives. The third
remedy is to work systematically to reduce the turnover of this cohort.
Once current executives agree that these steps are necessary, one can
justify thinking explicitly about investing in human capital, articulating
the attributes of executives and jobs, and ascertaining how particular
positions help people develop.

Qualitative Forecast
The -qualities that a good international executive might need in 2010 must
be forecast for this corporation. In general, he or she must possess certain
levels of interpersonal skills, technical or functional skills, and personal
skills. Acquiring these skills depends on the individual's own initiative in
becoming involved in necessary experiences and in developing appropriate
attitudes and aptitudes. The corporation can remove impediments from
the individual's growth path and provide the appropriate opportunities or
steppingstones. Even this corporate work requires incredibly hard thinking
because of the number of executive candidates. Nevertheless, the essential
work has to be done within the individual's mind.
The technical and functional skills come from experience. The precise
qualities vary by corporation, so let me create an example of an experienced
cosmopolitan executive for the year 2010. She or he must have managed
at least four different types of product (one competitively dominant and
one competitively weak each in a high-growth industry and in a stagnant
industry). She or he must have assimilated the pressures of different

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Multinational Deedopment

managerial positions (line manager, project integrator, and staff analyst)

and experienced different types of business relationship (mergers, joint
ventures, divestments). She or he must be competent in accounting and
treasury operations, manufacturing and labor relations, marketing and
negotiating. She or he must have lived in at least five nations: exposure to
dDlellent types of behavior, each affeeted bd economic wealth,
,'"'",e,,,,,,. sympathie!, eeltural attitudes, Attitudes
eGilimunist countD,F' If['eatly from tho£ee
el(l,U(JY dominate,F' and a COISlll'0,F'ieD1LiiDl
eederienced each. with this iixperiences by
year 2010 would useful to mo(l mtdb'k:l~%tl,~nal corporatiz::!!n~,
though each will have its unique requirements in addition.
As was mentioned earlier, this variety of experience has to be fitted into
10 steppingstone positions. The corporation needs executives who have
not only lived in these different environments but have internalized and
It' integrated this variety of experience to enable them to adapt to any new
unfamiliar the face of eeiiertainty, executiiiii
ededtability assure~ Z:,eez:,utive may not
,,,',,,',',,.f" but at least ettitude determiGe(
iixtent to whiii,F' his or her per~,)n,
. Attitude is many factor(, family and cultm({
background are primary. Sometimes a person who superficially appean to
have the multinational attitude may be a completely inappropriate nomad:

The person who runs away from his family of origin is as emotionally dependent
as the one who never leaves home. They both need emotional closeness, but they
allergic to it. nms away geograp)iiieET) inclined to imp,,!,
behavior. He problem as ETiin"nts and runnint
as being a methn) independence fro:m The more intenshY)
cutoff, the mnl,' "'1i!iilrable to duplicatunt with the parenn,
the first availnhln )lmon. He can get marriage. Whit'"
)"yblems develop in he tends also trmm those. Exaggnz:'
ated versions ... occur in relationship nomads, vagabonds, and hermits who either
have superficial relationships or give up and live alone. (Bowen, 1978,pp. 382-383)

Most psychological theory claims that a person's ambitions and motiva-

tions stem from background pressures. With each foreign assignment, both
nxecutive and nGniiehiee's family mm7t the culture shGiib
alien envirO:fu1t:fu1t1f7i!t, )xecutive can (:f,nscious of how
biases affect the case thah chapter, for
John Baken nttitude that G!ere inferior.
t)i({edy, his attitiDI) hhe loss of two
executives at a crucial time. Tolerance for the ambiguity of multiple
viewpoints is a necessary asset of international executives; it is even better
if executives desire and enjoy multiple viewpoints. Motivation and initia-
tive are vital to the success of their work and self-development. An indivi-
International Executive Development 363

dual must want to become an international manager to relish the rigors of

the development process. To this end, individuals should be consulted in a
straightforward manner concerning decisions about their future career.
They need counseling while setting achievable goals.
Aptitude is closely linked to attitude. Nobody should plunge into the
30-year development process without feeling sure that he or she has the
necessary aptitude. Objectivity requires independence of thought, which
is not possible without a certain level of intelligence. Sensitivity to emo-
tional and physical changes is crucial to interpersonal contact. One must
possess empathy to work with people of another culture. Decisiveness
may also be thought of as an aptitude. Managers must be able to initiate
and implement plans. They must be able to make intelligent guesses and
be willing to change a course of action should the need arise. In essence,
managers need the prowess to manage a changing environment.
The preceding description of an international manager stresses the need
for a multiskilled individual who is not only technically competent but
also possesses self-descipline through self-knowledge. Self-knowledge
accompanied by self-discipline permits executives to retain a sense of in-
tegrity in the face of a totally foreign environment, allowing them to gain
understanding from the tensions of their position rather than feeling so
vulnerable that they need to shut tensions out.
In addition to personal skills, a cosmopolitan executive must have well-
honed interpersonal skills. He or she must possess the ability to communi-
cate: powers of suasion are vital for a manager, especially when there is
cultural and organizational conflict. The executive must have the sensitivity
to realize the underlying motives of human reactions.
An IBM World Trade study summarized these necessary qualities:
1. Self-confidence to manage change.
2. Organization to think clearly.
3. Activity or energy level.
4. Influence or persuasion.
5. Communication abilities.
6. Interpersonal sensitivity, ability to develop the confidence of subordi-
nates while exercising authority.
This section has sketched the qualities of an international executive for
the year 2010. With this goal in mind, the series of 10 steppingstones can
now be designed. The challenge lies in the number of executive candidates
to be considered simultaneously.

Program Development

In the headquarters of a corporation there is usually a manager of key

personnel, not with line power to decide promotions but with the staff

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assignment of keeping files on executive candidates. The task of the man-

ager of key personnel is to monitor all stages of growth of each executive
candidate toward a level within the organization where the candidate's
potential is fully realized.
For every executive, the manager of key personnel usually keeps a re-
plaaament list of individuals who <:oa[~h position if
oe[:;upant were to death, puitting (Lee,
Replacement tablea nacnssary but not Pacause a positinn
is given to SOolCofa
another position~
each possibh:o of individuals to quite diffeaant
implications for the next round of jobs, and the round after that, and so
on, for the next 30 years. In short, replacement tables tend to be myopic.
They are an invaluable start but do not, in themselves, provide a structure
within which to envision developing multinational managers for the de-
cades to come.
Personnel an official cmployee; file<:
<:onc{outive candidatn{ uaually kept in In addition,
manager of key ~la'4ally keeps system, --~~~J
'X'flltigured to aid His file ofteu a reverse repl~ra(o~
table, of whS:oce cnacutive could to and a subjaa~
tive forecast of how high in the organization this executive might rise.
Most managers of key personnel have good memories as to individual rates
of development and growth needs (usually expressed as anecdotes). In
the metaphor of steppingstones across a river, the manager of key person-
nel knows who else could hop onto each stone, and how far across the
each individual anergy to reach are availaPln~
the assignment anaarrtiaes to steppingatrCk&<:oa trkO bold, some
down on the such the probabdRp
others will renaP adore. If the consistently
the corporatk,n liquidating ita aapital, improuing
short-term profitability at the expense of long run gain. In reality, most
corporations pay sequential attention to the goals of current performance
and long-term executive growth; such oscillations impair both.
A computer model can be developed as an aide to the manager of key
personnel. Such computer models were developed for the U.S. Navy and
been used sin{oc 1970s (NiePnua, They provid,~o
to reduce between currerd performance
lr{r~&Ir~term executinn by II&trtching of ex,xou~
to positions~ intention of as steppPIIg~
to the futma~ the data the computnoc
molrel itself is relaiively simple (Charnes, , Klingman, 1p7i
and can be used to explore the trade-off between current performance and
long-run development.
The information needed has to be arranged more systematically for
International Executive Development 365

computer data input than it has to be for human use. Thus it makes sense
to begin with a pilot study of perhaps 10 high-potential executive candi-
dates who could work through perhaps 60 positions.
A position usually has a job description. Analyze the 60 positions to
develop a list of attributes (both skills and attitudes) necessary. For each
position, summarize as a set of scores how much of each attribute is neces-
sary. In other words, express each job description as a vector of require-
ments rj. When thinking in terms of a replacement table, usually some
candidates cannot yet meet all the required attributes of the position.
Associated with the vector of requirements is another vector Cj of the an-
nual cost to the corporation if the occupant falls one unit short of meeting
the requirements. It is a measure of the corporate vulnerability to incom-
petence for this position.
Individual executive candidates have to be scored on the same attributes.
For each of the 10 candidates, summarize their present state of readiness
(skills and attitudes) in the vector Si using the same list of attributes.
In the static world of a replacement table, we would match individuals
to jobs in order to minimize the sum of total incompetence, where incom-
petence is the gap between the job requirement r and the individual's state
of competence s. We should weight different forms of incompetence to
reflect the corporate vulnerability to a gap in each attribute, using the cost
vectors Cj.
A dynamic model is needed to depict the growth of an individual as he
learns from experience. At the start of period t, individual i has attributes
that are summarized by the vector s~i. Work on jobj will transform him to
s~t 1 , a different result for each job. A particular job adds to some of his
attributes and subtracts from others. A few moments of introspection will
convince any reader that he will learn less from a job if he is grossly over-
qualified. Similarly, if he is grossly underqualified, he will find the job
overwhelming and will not be able to cope, let alone master the experience
and make it part of himself. An individual who is competent in most
attributes required for the position will be able to proceed to remedy any
weaknesses and master the job. This movement toward adequacy depends
on the individual's starting state and on the job. For a dynamic model, the
simplest approximation of this process is to use a transition matrix Tj
which describes how the particular job j affects its incumbents. The indivi-
dual's interaction with the job is depicted as a multiplication of the job
transition matrix Ti and the individual's previous state:

1 = Ti st.

If the individual is strong at the start, he has reserve energy to focus on

his weaknesses. If he is uniformly weak, however, he cannot develop as
quickly. This is represented through a transition matrix.
A real job may involve 100 attributes, but let us work through an ex-

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366 Multinotional Executive Development

ample problem of only three attributes. First we show how the transition
matrix T works, and then we discuss patterns in the coefficients of T.
For some particular job suppose the transition matrix T were

0.9 0.3 0.5

T= 0.2 0.8 0.5
0.3 0.4 1.1

Let us work through how this job would affect three different individuals
A, B, and C. Each comes to the job with different attributes, and so would
develop differently by working in the position.

The executive A has only one strong component in his starting attri-
butes, which is weakened by the attempts to remedy the other weaknesses.

Individual A before job j Individual A after jobj

s~i Ti ~; sft 1
9 8.1 + 0.3 + 0 = 8.4 8.4
1 1.8 + 0.8 + 0 = 2.6 = 2.6
o 2.7 + 0.4 + 0 = 3.1 3.1

The uniformly endowed executive B shows some improvement, but

change is not very large because of the composition of this particular
T matrix.
Individual B before job j Individual B after job j
3 2.7 + 1.2 + 1.0 4.9
4 0.6 + 3.2+ 1.0 = 4.8
2 0.9 + 1.6 + 2.2 4.7

Executive C shows the greatest improvement because he has more

strong components and the job strengthens his one lagging attribute.

Individual C before job j Individual C after job j

1 0.9 + 2.1 + 4.0 7.0
7 0.2 + 5.6 + 4.0 = 9.8
8 0.3 + 2.8 + 8.8 11.9

The manager of key personnel has to create a T matrix to represent

each job. If the job would leave any individual unchanged, the transi-

Digitized by Google
International ExecutilJe DelJelopment 367

tion matrix would be an identity matrix (diagonal elements = 1; other

elements = 0).
If the position would augment each attribute (say, 10 percent growth
across the board) regardless of the individual's particular mix of attributes,
the T matrix would again be diagonal (0 everywhere else) but this time the
diagonal elements would be greater than 1 (1.1 for 10 percent growth).
The off-diagonal elements of T depict the effect of one attribute on
the development of another. These effects need not be symmetrical; an
executive's strength in one attribute can greatly facilitate development in
another but need not be reciprocal to the same extent. In this case, the
off-diagonal coefficients would not be symmetrical.
To develop a T matrix, the manager of key personnel should study the
job by thinking about the people who have held the position. Focus on
one attribute at a time, pick a particular level of outcome in that attri-
bute, and consider which executives coming into the job could attain
that outcome. This means building up the T matrix one row at a time, for
each row of coefficients delineates the job's effect on one attribute of an
Executive development programs at universities constitute just another
job. They can be expected to help the executives develop some attributes.
Nevertheless, if there is too great a gap between the individual's attributes
on entering and the requirements of the program, the experience will not
transform this individual because he or she will not be able to learn.
Several very experienced multinational corporations have programs
called "deputization" or "secondment." When an executive is to be absent
from his position for several weeks (for vacation, training, etc.) the tem-
porary vacancy creates an opportunity for a promising manager to deputize
for him.
The deputized manager, and his entire family, are moved to where the
executive is. After a two-week overlap, the executive goes away, leaving
the deputized manager in charge. Deputization provides a dress rehearsal
to the manager, and broadens the experience and outlook of his entire
family. Clearly the cost of applying for visas, travel, and living makes
deputization expensive. The executive development benefit is obvious be-
cause the deputized manager has a powerful incentive to learn (ahead of
time and in the nation) about the culture, geography, politics, language,
and business practices of the nation. The corporation benefits because the
deputized manager does not sit passively. He introduces new ideas and
techniques, and has some time to implement the ideas. Furthermore, he
evaluates his temporary subordinates with an impartial and unbiased eye,
in the hope of uncovering hoarded talent. The familiarity with the opera-
tion allows him later to provide more pertinent judgment appropriate to
the unique opportunities and problems of this nation.
Each person attempts to achieve a balance between work life and per-
sonal life. This balance will vary through one's lifetime. There may be a

Digitized by Google
368 Multinational Executive Development
quick trajectory to reach the top, but most people have personal reasons
for preferring a slightly longer route. To aid their decision, they would
like to be able to forecast the lifetime career consequences of their per-
sonal decisions. These consequences may be insignificant or serious. In
some corporations an aspiring executive is allowed to refuse one transfer;
refusing a second transfer is deemed a statement that the individual wants
no further promotion. What unnecessary nonsensical anxiety this causes!
How much better if the aspiring executive could plot sequences of stepping-
stones and in private see their likely outcome.
For example, professionals often marry professionals, so each has to
consider a move's effect on a spouse's career. Many women executives
wonder when and for how long they can take time to have and start
raising children without imperiling their long-term career prospects.
Personal life may impose constraints on the executive aspirant's willing-
ness to transfer. There are four major periods of family life:
1. Before children - no restrictions on transfers.
2. Preadolescent children - restricted by the need of the children for
proper schooling, but family can still move frequently.
3. Adolescent to college age - it is best that the family home not be
moved, but the executive is able to change functional responsibility
or product line in the same city. During this period, he can still depu-
tize or second in other nations to stay current.
4. All children college age or older-no restrictions on transfers, though
the executive now has less desire to move.
A computer model of executive development can include these constraints
on feasible steppingstones.

Compensation and Quitting

A cruel dilemma can rot the core of an executive development program.
Suppose the corporation invests heavily in the development of a person. A
competitor, not needing to invest in training, can afford to pay higher
wages than could the original corporation. So the person quits, or stays
and feels exploited. One remedy is to design the pension plan so that
only those who stay until retirement receive a pension - commonly called
the golden handcuffs. A second remedy is to nurture group loyalty so
that an individual who merely considers an outside offer experiences acute
dissonance. A third remedy is to design each executive candidate's career
steps for steady growth in the combination of pay, power, and status to
parallel that of likely job offers from other corporations.
The person's authority (power of position) should be on par with ability
and perception of the importance of the job role. The composition of
monetary and nonmonetary rewards in the compensation "package" must
depend on an individual's perceptions and personal needs. These will

Digitized by Google
International ExecutilJe DelJelopment 369

change as the individual changes and grows. A well-managed system of

compensation would be instrumental in the production of confident, loyal,
and effective managers.
The familiar idea that a manager should be rewarded and promoted on
the basis of performance in the current job does not make sense for the
cadre of multinational managers. A corporation needs better predictors of
success. If success in one's current job is necessary for promotion, then
none but the boldest managers will stray from "normal lines of progres-
sion." Such normal lines of progression assure current productivity at the
expense of long-run executive development. They also shield an individual
from the sense of disorientation and incipient failure that comes from
switching to unfamiliar work. Yet this disorientation is the essence of cul-
ture shock, the self-management of which a multinational manager must
learn. Individuals differ in the amount of change they can master in one
move. If the corporation would like multinational managers to nurture
this ability in themselves then the kind of change should be tailored to the
character and maturity of the individual. Furthermore, after a particularly
large move, an individual will probably want to take the time to evolve a
sense of mastery. So long as a manager's promotion depends on perfor-
mance in the current job, he or she risks failure when crossing normal lines
of progression. Who should bear that risk and what actions will be taken
if the manager fails need to be made explicit by both the individual and
The familiar idea of equal pay for equal work does not make sense for
the cadre of multinational managers. If perceived equity is a problem, the
best solution is to pay the multinational manager the going local rate in
local currency and pay a supplement into an individual trust fund in
Switzerland or the Bahamas. The reason for this splitting is that some
governments tax their citizens on the basis of worldwide income, while
others do not. Furthermore, an individual who moves in the same job
from a low- to a high-tax nation will take a cut in after-tax pay. In light of
the problems of individual tax planning, it seems prudent to sever the
direct connection between job and pay for the multinational managers
and allow an individual the job sequence flexibility of sometimes moving
down in job level.
Nevertheless, managers will sometimes consider quitting. The manager's
cues will cause co-workers to start to disengage from bonds of friendship
so the manager will start to feel lonely. His superior, concerned that he
might not see it through to completion will be less likely to assign him large
new projects, so the manager will feel a sudden plateau in his career. These
unstable dynamics occur in all organizations. In a multinational corpora-
tion, this unstable dynamic is exaggerated because interpersonal cues of
respect differ between cultures, and in a multinational an individual is
typically receiving a babel of discordant cues from different nationalities
of co-workers and supervisors. Where perceptions are fluctuating, it is

Digitized by Google
370 MultiMtional Executive Development
especially important that there be stable growth in the underlying reality
of the executive's position. Hence the importance of a steady sequence
of steppingstones.

An individual's performance must be evaluated in both its technical and
its psychological dimensions. Technical proficiency measured against
sales, production, and accounting data is important, is fairly well under-
stood, and can be fairly explicit. This explicitness tends to overshadow
the more subjective aspects of the executive's psychological development.
Yet the more senior the international executive, the more important is
his personality. (Expressed another way, the more destructive are his
frailties of personality.) Psychoanalyst Erik Erikson (1964) classified eight
stages in the adult development. As condensed in Exhibit 11.1, they pro-
vide a basis for fathoming the current stage and a diagram for articulating
the future development of an individual.
The attributes of an executive (and the attributes necessary for success
in a position) include personality descriptions such as these eight stages of
development. Occupying a position affects not only the executive's tech-
nical skill, but also his self-perceptions of his personality. If the distance
between steppingstones is too great, the attributes that will diminish most
will be those pertaining to his personality. Individuals find that regression
of self is both painful and disconcerting unless they have robust self-
knowledge and the counseling support of an insightful superior.
The concept of a multinational executive failing to perform a job needs
to be clearly thought through. Inevitably, the environment will change in
unforeseen ways from what had been envisioned for this position. Execu-
tive talent is insight into determining which changes are important to the
global system, how to redeploy assets under control, and how to inform
relevant parts of the global system that their interface agreements are
undergoing change. An executive whose subsidiary has severe internal
problems may foresee a need to have the subsidiary temporarily opt out
of the global networks in manufacturing, marketing, or finance. On the
other hand, such interface changes are very expensive to the corporation
as a whole, and the executive has responsibility to redeploy assets to strive
to maintain commitments. Usually this entails sacrificing the long run for
current performance. Thus an executive has quite a choice of how to fail
technically and how to manage the failure psychologically.

As tension mounts there is an increasing incidence of emotional issues between

people; people tend to withdraw from the group or become silent, to form cliques
or alliances between members, or talk or gossip about an absent member. The goal
(of my management) is to listen to the incidence of these phenomena, rather than
focusing on the content of what is said. My effort is always to avoid an unwitting

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Depressed and morose about
life, emphasizing failures; Happy and content with life,
would change life or career if work, accomplishments; ac-
had another chance; fears get- cepts responsibility for life;
ting older and death. 8 maximizes success.
Despair vs. Integrity

Plans for future with sustained

Seems to be vegetating; does application of skills and
nothing more than routines abilities; invests energy and
of work and necessary daily ideas in exploring new ideas;
activities; is preoccupied with senses continuity with future
self. 7 generations.
Stagnation vs. Generativity

Lives relatively isolated from Has close intimate relationship

spouse, children; avoids inti- with spouse and friends. En-
mate contact with others. joys sharing thoughts, spend-
Either absorbed in self or in- ing time with them and
discriminately sociable, in a expressing warm feelings for
stereotyped manner. 6 them.
Isolation vs. Intimacy

Dl at ease and lacking convic-

tion in roles; lost in groups Is definite about self and en-
and affiliations; may abruptly joys role in work, family, and
switch work, residence or affiliations; has sense of be-
marriage without meaning or longing; feels continuity with
purpose. 5 past and present.
Role diffusion vs. Ego identity

Is passive; leaves things un-

done; feels inadequate about Likes to make things and
ability to do things. Feels carry them to completion;
that his product is unsatis- strives to master skills. Feels
factory. 4 proud of his product.
Inferiority vs. Industry

Takes pleasure in planning

Lets others initiate action; and initiating action; plans
plays down success or accom- ahead and designs own
plishment. 3 schedule.
Guilt vs. Initiative

Awkwardly selfconscious of
own ideas. Stays within Confident to hold own opin-
familiar ways; needs the ions and to do what he or
approval of others and avoids she feels is best. Owns his
asserting self against group. 2 own attitudes.
Shame and doubt vs. Autonomy

Distrusts self and doubts the

world. Believes that co- Confident in self and in the
workers "get you into world. Trusts work associates.
trouble". Uneasy about con- Feels optimistic about peo·
fiding in anyone. I pie's motives.
Basic mistrust vs. Basic trust

Erikson's eight stages of adult development.

Digitized by Google
Multinational Deuelopment

focus on the content of the issues, and to focus on the process. One of the biggest
hazards in the principle that says "be responsible for yourself and the emotional
issue will resolve itself' has to do with the inner orientation of self. It is easy for
a person in such a position to say the situation is his "fault" and to accept the
"blame" without being responsible. There is a fine line between accepting the
responsibility for the part self plays in a situation and accepting the "blame" for

Geographically exist and

€ee€Hfortably with executiee€L
mtanized on the tlobal product require
headquarters executives. Any serious attempts to synthesize both into a
matrix organization will fail unless the corporation has enough experi-
enced executives. The nine central chapters of this book identify com-
plex maneuvers that promise profits if implemented well, they promise
only snarled confusion if implemented poorly. The first necessary invest-
is in years of development.

Bidliography to

Argyris, Chris, Management and Organizati01llJI Development (New York: McGraw-

Hill, 19.71).
Bass, Bernard M. and James A. Vaughan, Training in Industry: The Management of
L~ming (Belmont, CA: Wadsworth, 1966).
Bowen, Murray, Family Therapy in Clinical Practice (New York: Jason Aronson,
D. and RktDt Organization
(New York: P1enem,
dtemes, Abraham, {~RGeer, and Darwin '1f€'He'HH€' "The Lower BOUGtLt
end Partial Uppei:' Distribution ModLR, l£€€€€€'arch Logistics
terly, Vol.18, No. 2 (1971), pp. 277-281.
Daniels, John D., Inter1llJti01llJl Mobility of People. Essays in International Business
No. 1, March 1980, The University of South Carolina.
Edstrom, Anders and Jay Galbraith, "Transfer of Managers as a Coordination and
Control Strategy in Multinational Organizations," Administrative Science Quar-
terly, Vol. 22 (June 1977), pp. 248-263.
&Sirit;;on, Erik, ChildtmJ€i tGJ:iLty (New York:
Charles D. ant Rohrer, Hibler
LOW, (New York: LE&grary,1967).
Uriel G. and MJ'JR "The SignificanJ:e E&Lkiavior Differentieti;;n
for Cross-CulturLI Training," IntemLlz,:m:1 ,L:€€r1llJ1 of PsycholeE&D
Vol. 2, No. 1 (1967), pp. 45-57.
GlidewelI, John C., Choice Points: Essays about the Emoti01llJI Problems of Living
with People (Cambridge, MIT Press, 1970).
International Executive Development 373

Grinold, Richard C. and Kneale T. Marshall, Manpower PlIJnning Models (New York:
North-Holland, 1977).
Gullotta, Thomas P. and Kevin C. Donahue, ''The Corporate Family: Theory and
Treatment," The Journal of Marital and Family Therapy, Vol. 7, No. 2 (1981),
pp. 151-158.
Harari, Ehud and Yoram Zeira, "Genuine Multinational Staffing Policy: Expectations
and Realities," Academy of ManogementJourool, Vol. 20, No. 2 (1977).
Harrison, Roger and Richard Hopkins, "The Design of Cross Culture Training: An
Alternative to the University Model," Journal of Applied Behavioral Science,
Vol. 3, No. 4 (1967), pp. 431-460.
Kaufman, Herbert, The Forest Ranger: A Study in Administrative Behavior (Baltimore:
Johns Hopkins Press, 1960).
Lee, Fred E., "Planning the Pecking Order for the Company Totem Pole," PlIJnning
Review, Vol. 5, No. 1 (1977), p. 14.
Levinson, Harry, The Exceptioool Executive: A Psychological Conception (Cambridge,
Harvard University Press, 1968).
Levinson, Harry, The Great Jackass F,dllJcy (Cambridge: Harvard University Press,
Niehaus, Richard J., Computer-Assisted Human Resources PlIJnning (New York:
Wiley-Interscience, 1979).
Roberts, Karlene H., "On Looking at an Elephant: An Evaluation of Cross Cultural
Research Related to Organizations," Psychological Bulletin, Vol. 74, No. 5 (1970),
pp. 327-350.
Sofer, Cyril, Men in Mid Career: A Study of British Manogers and Technical Specialists
(Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1970).
Vroom, Victor and Kenneth MacCrimmon, "Toward a Stochastic Model oC Managerial
Careers," Administratwe Science Quarterly, March 1968.
Wilson, A. Thomas M., "Recruitment and Selection for Work in Foreign Cultures,"
Human RellJtions, Vol. 14, No. 1 (1965), pp. 3-21.
Wilson, Godfrey and Monica Wilson, The Aoolysis of Social Change: Based on Observa-
tions in Central Africa (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1968).
Zaleznik, Abraham and Manfred F. R. Kets de Vries, Power and the Corporate Mind
(Boston, Houghton Miffiin, 1975).

Digitized by Google
Summary of the Book

When you first work for a corporation you will probably work in one
function, perhaps financial accounting, manufacturing, or sales. Nobody
will encourage you to ponder how your tasks interconnect with other
functions and the pressure of work will mean that any pondering will
have to be done on your own time.
And then, like an aircraft pulling up above the cloud cover, you will
suddenly find yourself expected to maintain liaison among the functions.
Project management, however small the project, requires interconnected
functions. This summary will therefore be more useful if it connects the
We will first examine short-term decisions which pull together the first
finance chapter (exchange risk), the first production chapter (logistics),
and the first marketing chapter (product launch). After we have looked
at this tier of short-term decisions we will turn to the tier of medium-
term and finally the tier of long-term decisions. The three tiers can be
visualized as layers of an elegant wedding cake. Before proceeding to inter-
connect the nine central chapters you will find it helpful to review
Chapter 1.

Short-Term Decisions
Short-term finance, marketing, and production plans have to be made
with an eye to flexibility. For example, the corporation's ability to re-
spond to exchange rate variation and its ability to stage the launch of a
new product are critically dependent on logistics.
As exchange rates vary, so do the costs of manufacturing an identical
item at each factory in the global production network. As explained in
Chapter 2, it is unfair to penalize or reward a manager for variables over
which he has no control-such as exchange rates. Rather, an effective
evaluation should center on how adroitly the manager responds to the
new exchange rates. The manager needs an immediate understanding of
logistics costs and feasibility in order to reassign products to the new
lower cost plants, lower cost in terms of the headquarter's numeraire
Exchange rates vary for a reason and when they do the corporate mar-
keting managers must often re-evaluate the value of the national market.
In theory this is the discounted present value of the stream of net revenue.
Like changes on a barometer, unanticipated changes in an exchange rate
are a symptom of the need to assess implications.
The final short-term decision to be considered is new product launch.
Confusion abounds during the launch of a new product. Chapter 8 recom-
mended that the new product be launched in a sequence of nations. First


Digitized by Google
Summary of the Book 375

launches provide test market data for the rest of the world, and the sub-
sequent sequence can be adapted to whatever new information is revealed.
The logistics implications are staggering. Firstly, the early markets are in-
tended for market research so must never run dry of product even though
the demand forecast was quite hazy. If sales exceed expectations there is
a furious scramble for the product. Secondly, the sequence is adaptive.
This means that nobody will know, for sure, which markets will be launched
in the second phase until data from the first launch has been analyzed.
One key input to the sequencing in a staged launch is whether to pre-empt
competitors in each nation. The value of this depends on the value of
greater market share, which depends on what the managers expect govern-
ment policies will be. Thus the logistics problem is that a lot of inventory
has to be accumulated and prepared for shipment to not-yet-known desti-
nations by a not-yet-known deadline.

Connections Between Short- and Medium-Term Chapters

In an elegant wedding cake there are supports between each of the tiers;
so it is in this book.
Medium-term decisions on maneuvering liquid assets require information
on exchange rates. Exchange rates were analyzed in Chapter 2. Nobody
knows how to forecast exchange rates precisely, and Chapter 3 merely
requires that forecasts be consistent.
Production smoothing in a multinational corporation, a medium-term
decision, allows markets to be switched among factories. Such switching
redirects the streams of logistics, so to undertake multinational produc-
tion smoothing the corporation must exhibit flexibility in its logistics.
Medium-term marketing decisions critically depend on the corpora-
tion's competitive position. A market leader has price flexibility; a smaller
rival has to follow the prices of the leader. The launch of a new product
(Chapter 8) determines the corporation's competitive position in each
national market. If the corporation was first to launch a new product in
the nation, it can likely maintain that lead after rivals launch their
competitive products. The value of launching first (an input for Chapter
8) can be analyzed in terms of price flexibility by the models of Chapter 9.

Medium-Term Decisions
Maneuvering liquid assets, production smoothing, and pricing policies are
a tier of connected medium-term decisions. A solution to each one can
sharpen the solution to the other decisions.
Maneuvering liquid assets is an attempt to get needed liquidity to each
subsidiary, mindful of taxes and interest to be paid. Because this problem
was formulated as a linear program, the solution will produce dual vari-
ables which give the value of an increment more cash in each subsidiary.
This is vital input to production smoothing.

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Summary of

In production smooIhing each plant serves a cluster of markets. Mart:et:e

at the interface between two plants are switched as economies dictate.
This requires the comparison of the value of an increment more profit in
one producing nation and less in another. The dual variables of man-
euvering liquid assets provide these values for each year.
In Chapter 9 three pricing models were presented. In the polycentric
the objective ffiffiuenize profitabilith nation conshteeet:
eeparately. More t:etter than less the currency
polycentric across natinffiL
t:lGwever, the ethnocentric eehemes establish
4kj:Hong national ffiHre profit in will mean leeL
another. To compare the value of altered profit levels in the two nations
the dual variables from maneuvering liquid assets are needed.
To calculate prices requires the marginal cost of items in the product
line. As explained in Chapter 6, these marginal costs derive from analysis
of production smoothing. Conversely, pricing and marketing calculations
sales estimatHL nGGGLsary input to Lmoothing.
The maneuverinh meets calculation an input the
LGt:uirement (or H,",tflOW) for eaeh each subsidiary~
j:Ltimate this dahl~ and plant t:GGiE?ions must first
Gt:t:roximated. transfer priceL only if
flow between two subsidiaries. Product flow is calculated in production
smoothing; if the flow is zero, one consequence will be to close a route
for maneuvering funds.
Note that just because decisions are interconnected does not mean that
they have to be solved simultaneously. Prudent business practice is to
ffiHLk first on th{: jHt:gment about
whose valuee

and Long-TGr?n
ht~hheholders of a hivision in a nation may fEttectnd either visibly or,
sometimes, invisibly by some of the liquid asset maneuvers presented in
Chapter 3. If a critical stakeholder has difficulty with one maneuver, it
would certainly be prudent to evaluate the next cheapest maneuver.
Decisions of some stakeholders are affected by financial statements, yet
subsidiary financial statements are the artificial result of the maneuvers,
t:lHnversely, if hostility meanL L:orporation i>H:JsU~s:
,"sLithdraw from HHe such method to
investment, so as to witht:LG'SG
appear ....

The plant 10catiHH a long-term LGt:uires both 'VJ:s::ss~::

and production smoothing analyses. The rough cut analysis of plant loca-
tion ignores risk and makes direct use of Chapter 5 logistics. Once a few
sites have been selected, the role each would play in the global production
smoothing network can be evaluated.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _iiiiiiiiiiiiiii~~~_:_:_-____:_:__. - .-- - -- -- --

Summary of the Book 377

Long-Term Decisions
The analysis of stake holders in each nation as part of multidivisional ex-
pansion, the decision to close down or open plants, and the design of
one's products are strategic decisions on which all else depends.
The analysis of stakeholders articulates the risk facing the corporation's
activities, and identifies the strategic alternatives necessary to contain that
risk. One alternative might be to build a plant for one of the corporation's
product divisions in that nation, keeping in mind that each plant opening
or closing makes a political statement of long-run significance.
A plant opening can also be used as a competitive weapon in the battle
for market share (Chapter 7), it can mollify stakeholders, and intimidate
competitors. Political and competitive statements can be made in many
combinations but most such statements cause a slight increase in the cor-
poration's cost of goods. Therefore, it is vital to model the global produc-
tion network so as to calculate the cost of manufacturing and logistics.
A global production network is a meaningful concept only if the same
product (or the same subassemblies) is manufactured at several locations.
Hence, the long-term importance of designing products with an eye to
both cost and the special needs of target market segments in each nation.
An artful standardization of subassemblies makes possible both produc-
tion smoothing, and maneuvering liquid assets. Only if the product is
somewhat standardized in design is it possible for actual sales data in one
nation to be useful in revising sales forecasts in other nations. And only if
a subassembly is so standardized that the total world demand is great
enough to justify more than two plants, do corporate executives dare
build a plant in the world's impoverished nations.
This summary has emphasized interconnections between decision mod-
ules. Whereas a manager is to do something, an executive is to care for the
interfaces between managers, and adapt these interfaces as he or she fore-
sees needs. From what one can now foresee for multinational corpora-
tions, they will need to nurture many multinational executives, viewing
positions now as stepping stones to yet more demanding positions in the

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Adler, Michael, 68 Belgium exchange rate, 50

Ad valorem import duty, 87 tax, 96
Adve:rtising egenclet3~ 298 BeHtmy, Cd,illtophet~ 297 ~ ;314
Aguilar, Francis, 123, 141 Bergsten, Fred, 33
Aharoni, Yair, 138~ 141 Bergstrom, Gary, 204
Aig¥??, Mi:rdeel, d3 Blaed~ FiscOe,~ 68
Alcan Aluminium Ltd., 56, 62 Black~and Decker, 31,82,315-31
Alcoa,296 Blake, David~ 33
Am;n~iuta, 12d, 141 Bloeded CU?~l?eocy,
Amdahl Corporation, 302 Bongers, C., 336, 343
American Motors, in auto-pact, 108 Booth, LaWTence,59
Anti trust~ d94 Boston Cou:??¥Kting i.iti£Up, 33,
Arbitrage, 50 275,314
Argyris, Chris, 372 Bowen, Murray, 362, 372
Am??? lengt9 transfer priClFld~ 86, Bome, Josedd, 28, 141
298 Bra9a, Joseph, 126, hI
Ascendant Electric of England Ltd. Bradley, David, 137, 141, 235, 237
case~ H~7-59 Brooh:r, Mieheel, 3h
Auto pact, Id8 Bru??,¥3s Tariff Nomenclatu,e (BT.N), 338
Ayal, Igal, 275 Bryant, D., 372
Burhe, Williem (of
Burn??, Jane, 06
Business board of a matrix, 26
Baed~to-bee9 loak1t3~ d5 Busie:rss 34, 92-hh
V., 10d,106 Butt, Ralph of Bla,:;1 &
Ball, Robert, 166, 172 Butties Corporation, 102
Bt3nd of America,
Bat¥¥s, Al~ 996
Barnard, Chester, 138, 141
n,~???~tariff ;118-d9 Cale7ltone, ROher,
??"'"""''', £Ians~A90If Ford)~ 79 Caned:r,exehenge 50
Bass, Bernard, 372 Canadian Brewing, 264
Beedering, 9¥ck (nf lilack Decke?~), CanlldZan Geueral
325,d96 Carl??h WiHi:rm, 17 h
Beedles, William, 58, 68 Carter, E. Eugene, 106
Be9in, Rob,~"t of PehTley Sk 71-72~ 75 Cash flow pmtfolio, 61-64
Beg,i£,an, getk, 30~ ;33, 1;1;3, 141 Chainiog ine'Jlliees, h9-90

880 Index

Chandler, Margaret, 27, 30, 34 DeUabita, Albert, 314

Channels of distribution, 266, 267, 271 Dependency, 29
Channon, Derek, 33 Deputization, 367-68
Charnes, Abraham, 141, 268, 275, 364, Devaluation, 44
373 Devanney, John, 156-67,172
Checklist De Voe, James, 275
to remind, 143 Digital Equipment, 264
to sort divisions, 128-31 Dillon, William, 275
Chemenceau, Marc (of Paisley S.A.), 71, Dirty float, 51
74-75 Dissonance theory, 48
Chemers, M. M., 373 Diversification, geographical, 18-22
Chemical Bank, 51 Domestic International Sales Corporation
Chen, Andrew, 50, 68 (DlSC),90
Child, Graham, 314 Donahue, Kevin, 373
Chorley, Lord, 166, 172 Dow Coming matrix organization, 25-27
Chrysler Corp., 108, 294 Doz, Yves, 238
Citibank, 58. See alBo First National Dozier case study, 37-45,47,53-54
City Bank Dozier, Charles (of Dozier Inc.), 38
Cizaskas, Albert, 160, 172 Drawback of import duty, 161
Claycamp, Henry, 343 Drucker, Peter, 334-35, 343
Clee, Gilbert, 21, 33 Dufey, Gunter, 50,68
Cleland, David, 314 Dumas, Bernard, 68
Clelland, Richard, 314 Dumping, 88
Colgate-Palmolive, 207 Dundas, Kenneth, 15-16, 33
Comanor, William, 204, 298, 305 Dunlop-Pirelli, 110, 115
Comparability of markets, 255-65 Duty classification systems, 157-59
Compensating balances, 83 maneuvering liquid assets, 86-90
Conjoint analysis, for market research,
Containers, 148, 154
Cooper, William, 275, 268, 364 Eaker, Mark, 38
Costanzo, G. A. (of Citibank), 3, 4 Eastman Kodak, 260-61, 297
Cost-benefit analysis, 131-38, 221-23, Economies of scale in plant size, 228
232,235 Edstrom, Anders, 373
Covariance between sales, 18, 183-84, Ehrenberg, A. S. C., 275
259 Eigenvector, 133-35
Crowson, Wallace, 204 Eiteman, David, 106
Crum, Roy, 98,106 Eli Lilly and Company, 88
Cuffley, C. F. H., 172 Elton, Edwin, 68
Cultural bias, 18, 122-25, 361-63, Erikson, Erik, 370-72, 373
370-72 Erlenkotter, Donald, 228, 238
Curham, Joan, 33, 34 Errunza, Vihang, 50, 58, 68
Cyert, Richard, 138, 141, 275 Ethnocentric view explained, 12-18
defined, 14
exchange management, 56-59
logistics, 153-62
Dalyrymple, D. J., 276 maneuvering liquid assets, 81
Daniels, John, 314, 373 multidivisional expansion, 125-31
Dantzig, George, 86, 106 plant location, 228-31
Data General, 264 pricing, 303-305, 310-12
Davidson, William, 33 product design, 333-34
Davis, Stanley M., 2, 27, 33 production smoothing, 182-84
Debt, locating, 61, 101, 132, 222, 228-29 productlaunch,255-59,267-70
De Groot, Morris, 275 Etzioni, Amitai, 15,33

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Index 381

EurodoUar, 37,42,105 Generations of products, 101, 183

Evans, Gareth, 350 Geocentric view explained, 23-33
Evolution of an organization, 11 exchange management, 60-66
Exchange Management ethnocentric logistics, 164-69
guideline, 16,37-69 maneuvering liquid assets, 82-102
geocentric, 31 multidivisional expansion, 131-41
polycentric guideline, 21 plant location, 231
Expectancy theory, 48 pricing, 302-3, 309-310
Experience curve, 82, 294, 333 product design, 334-41
defined,12 production smoothing, 187-202
Export incentives as a cheap loan, 160- productlaunch,263-67,270-72
61,233 Geographical diversification, 18-22
Exposure, illustrated in Dozier case, Giddy, lan, 50, 68
41-45 Giles, O. C., 166, 172
U.S. definition ofFASB-8, 57 Gillen, Stanley (of Ford), 176
definitions of other nations, 59 Glidewell, John, 373
balance sheet v. cash now, 61 Global product mandate, 31, 137
Exxon, 20, 137 Glover, Frederick, 141, 364, 373
Gnome, a computer program, 103
Goeltz, Richard, 68
Goggin, William, 26, 33
FaUon, Padraic, 44 Goodhardt, G. J., 275
Felixstowe, port of, 149 Goodman, Stephen, 60, 68
Financial Accounting Standards Board Goodrich, B. F. Inc., 108, 110, 115
(FASB) of U.S.A., 56-67,59 Goodwin, Richard, 137
Firestone, 110, 115 Goodyear, 110, 115, 326
First National City Bank case, 1-9 G088, Richard, 172
currency forecasts, 58 Green, Paul, 258, 275, 339, 343
Flexible factory,191-93 Grinold, Richard, 373
Flory, Charles, 373 Gruber, Martin, 68
Foa, Uriel, 373 Gruber, William, 153, 172,273
Folks, William R., 53,68 GuUotta, Thomas, 373
Ford Motor Company hedging, 58 Gunn, John (of Southeastern National
in auto-pact 108 Bank),38
Ford of Europe case, 174-81 Guthrie, Gordon (of Ford), 176-77
Foreign Accrual Property Income, 97
Forward contract, defined, 47
Fouraker, Lawrence, 20, 33, 141
Fowler, D.J., 105, 106
Hage, Gerald, 29, 33
Franko, Lawrence G., 207
Harari, Ehud, 373
Freedom of Information Act in U .S.A.,
Harrison, Roger, 373
HauRr, John, 276,339,343
Fujitsu, 264
Futures, exchange rate, 41-43 Hausman, Warren, 204
Hayes, Walter (of Ford), 180
Hedging decision calculations, 53-55
Heeler, Roger, 275
Gaeteno, Lombardo, 238 Heenan, David, 34, 142, 238
Galbraith, Jay, 33, 373 Hill, C. J. S., 165, 172
Garstka, Stanley, 65, 68 Holt, Charles, 205, 275
General Electric, 320, 331 Hopkins, Richard 373
Generalized network, 82-86, 232 Horen Jeffrey, 205
General Motors Corporation, 108, 294 Horst, Thomas, 33
Opel subsidiary, 178 Hostage, plant perceived as, 220
Generations of plant designs, 183 Hustad, Thomas, 275

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882 Index

IB~,5,29, 171,265,302-3,363 Leach,Rodney,155,172

Ijiri, Yuji, 294,314 Leading and lagging of accounts re-
IDiteracy, 191,341 ceivable, 92-93
Imperial Tobacco Co. of Canada Ltd., Learner, David, 275
248 Leavitt, Harold, 14, 34
Incentives, paid by governments to lure Lee, Fred, 373
factories, 222, 228-29 Lefevres, Jean (of Paisley S. A.), 33-75
Industrial structure, 119-20, 131-37, Leigh, Robert (of Southeastern National
294-97 Bank),38
Infiation,49,82,297 Lent, George, 238
Inflexibility as to production rate, 182 Levich, Richard, 50, 68
Insurance of balance sheet assets, 233 Levinson, Harry, 373
Integrators, 29 Levy, Haim, 68
Interest arbitrage, 48-49 Licensing technology and know-how, 85,
International executive development, 90-92
349-77 Liechtenstein, 51, 95
ethnocentr.ic guideline, 17 Lietaer, Bernard, 62, 68
geocentric guideline, 32 Lilienthal, David (of TV A), 138
polycentric guideline, 22 Liner conferences
International ~onetary Fund, 5, 52, 53, explained,155-57
~7 illustrated, 149
Inventory for production smoothing, 185 Lwanos, V. M., 172
Item produced at two or more plants, Lloyd, W. P., 68
production smoothing, 188-202 Local content requirements, 29
1TT,5 Local loans, 98-99
Logistics, 174- 205
ethocentric guideline, 107
Jalland, ~ichael, 33 geocentric guideline, 32
Join t ventures, 125-27 polycentric guideline, 22
Jones, Roger, 165, 172 L 'Oreal, 207
Lorsch, Jay, 29,84
Lowest unit cost factory, 189-91
Kampe, William, 204
Kauftnan, Herbert, 373
Keegan,Warren,123,141,244,275,343 McConnell, J. Douglas, 276
Kemp, Norman, 275 MacCrimmon, Kenneth, 361
Kernan, Jerome, 276 MacDonald Tobacco Co., 248
Kets de Vries, ~anfred, 16,34,373 MacNeill, H. G. (of Goodyear), 119
Kienzle, Otto, 336,343 Maintenance, delay or advance for
King, William, 314 production smoothing, 187
Klingman, Darwin, 141, 364, 373 Malkiel, Burton, 49,68
Knickerbocker, Frederick, 34, 238, 298, Manca, Plinio, 165, 172
314 ~aneuvering liquid assets, 70-107
Kodak,260-61,297 ethnocentric guideline, 17
Kohlhagan, Steven, 58, 68 geocentric guidelines, 31
Kolde, Endel, 302, 304, 314, 843 polycentric guidelines, 21
Kotler, Philip, 314, 331, 834, 343 Manuge, Robert (ofIEL), 111
Kozmetsky, George, 142 March, James, 138, 141
Kramer, Robert, 23, 28, 34 Marer, Paul, 141
Market share, 82,130,182-84,223-27,
Larson, John (of Ascendant), 148-52 Marshall, Kneale, 873
Lawrence, Paul, 27, 29, 33, 84 ~artin, Warren, 276

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Index 883

Martyn, Howe, 15,34 New products

Mason, Richard, 124, 142, 293, 314 cash flow effects, 82
Massey, William, 343 design, 335-38
Massey·Ferguson Ltd., 21,62, 201 forecasting, 201, 261, 265, 323
Mathewson, J. Frank, 89, lOO, 106 production problems, 182-84
Matrix organization Nicholson, Peter (of Nova Scotia), 109
in Citibank, 7-9 Niehaus, Richard, 364,372,373
defined, 23 Nonmetric scaling, 123-24,340-41
structural view, 25-27 Norris, Richard, 238
power view, 27-31 Noyes, Geoffrey, 263
Mehta, Dileep, 153, 172, 273
Menzies, Hugb, 15, 34
Menon, Robert, 60,69
Merville, L. J., 106 Officer, Lawrence, 156, 172
Mem, Hani, 314 Ogram, Ernest, 314
Metaxas, Bas, 172 Oben, Bernhard, 14,34
Meyer, Herbert, 142 Oneida Silver Ltd., 263
Michelin Tires case, 108-21 Operant conditioning theory, 48
Miller, Joseph, 141 Options, 60
Miniature replica plant, 224 Overtime for production smoothing, 185
Mining, 61 Overy, Colin (of Black & Decker), 317
Modigiiani, Franco, 205
Molitor, Grabam, 142
Monroe, Kent, 314
Moore Corp. Ltd., 62 Paisley S. A., case study, 70-80
Moran, Theodore, 33 Panama Canal, 147,149
Morris, Anthony, 297, 314 Parker, Worthing, 275
Moyer, Reed, 276 Pegged exchange rate, 52
MueUer, Gerhard, 69 Performance of subsidiary, 102-3,104,
Multidivisional expansion to new nation, 190-95,370
108-42 Perlmutter, Howard, 14, 34
ethnocentric guideline, 17 Personnel transfer, 14,368
geocentric guideline, 32 Petty, J., 106
polycentric guideline, 22 Philip Morris, 243-54
Multinational plant location, 206-38 Philips,31
ethnocentric guideline, 17 Political forecasting, 162
geocentric guideline, 32 Polycentric view
polycentric guideline, 22 exchange management, 49-56
Muth, James, 205 explained,18-22
Mutual fund, 50 logistics, 163-64
maneuvering liquid assets, 102-3
multidivisional expansion, 122-25
plant location, 223-27
pricing, 300-302, 306-9
Nationalization, 235 product design, 331-33
Neave, Edwin, 47, 69 production smoothing, 184-87
Negotiating, 100-102, 131, 138, 197- productlaunch,259-63
200,232 Prabalad, C. K., 238
Nestle, 29, 332 Preempting a rival, 223-27, 265
New product launch, 243-76 Pricing, 277-314
ethnocentric guideline, 17 ethnocentric guideline, 17
geocentric guideline, 32 geocentric guideline, 32
polycentric guideline, 22 polycentric guideline, 22

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884 Index
Product design, 315-43 ScblaiCer, Robert, 276
ethnocentric guideline, 17 Schwartzman, Hany, 294,300,314
geocentric guideline, 32 Screening, 126-27
polycentric guideline, 22 Seagrun Co. Ltd., 257-58
Production smoothing, 174-205 Seasonal factory, 193-94
ethnocentric guideline, 17 Section 482 of U. S. Internal Revenue
geocentric guideline, 32 Code, 88-89
polycentric guideline, 22 Seghers, Paul, 107
Product life cycle, 10, 298 Selznick, Philip, 138,142
Purchasing, 195-96 Senbek, Lemma, 50, 68
Senchak, Andrew, 58,68,69
Sethi, S. Prakash, 276
Quirin, David, 89, lOO, 106 ShaCtel, Timothy, 343
Quotas, 161, 224 Shapiro, AJan, 53,60,69,107
Shawky, Hany, 50, 68
Shubnan, Junes, 107
Siegel, Sidney, 20, 33
Radebaugh,Lee,314 Simon, Herbert, 138,142,205,294,314
RaiCCa, Howard, 276 Smith, Bamard, 204
Rao, Run, 226,230, 238 Snake of European currencies, 52
RCA,16 Sobey, Frank (oCIEL), 112
Reier, Sharon, 106 Sofer, Cyril, 373
Replacement tables of managers, 364 Solnik, Bruno, 69
Requirements, demanded by govern- Sommers, Montrose, 276
ments, 222-23 Span of control, 359-60
Ricks, David, 50, 68 Special drawing rights (SDR), 52
Risk spreading, 18-22 Spencer, Williun I. (President of Citi-
Robbins, Sidney, 81,106 bank),7
Roberts, Karlene, 373 Spot exchange rate, 41-44
Robertson, Thomas, 276 Spread in banking, 5
Robinson, Richard, 34, 303, 314 Srinivasan, V. 229,238
Robustness, of plant location, 232-35 Staelin, Richard, 125, 141, 262, 276
Rodriguez, Rita, 106 Stakeholder, 131-38
Roll, Richard, 69 Stansell, Stanley, 53, 68
Rosow, Jerome, 20,34,131-32,142 Starks, Laura, 69
Rothschild, Richard (of Dozier), 38 Starr, Martin, 343
Royalties and fees, 90-92 Stewart, R. J., 172
Rubber Association of Canada, 115-19 Stobaugh, Robert, 81, 106
Rummel, R. J., 142, 238 Stockpile
Rutenberg, David, 34,47,53,60,65,68, factory where stockpiling inventory is
69,106,125,141,226,230,238, cheap,194
343 purchasing, 196
Stonehill, Arthur, 106
Stopford,John, 34,141
Strategic business units, 331
Saaty, Thomas, 133-35, 142 Subcontracting for production smooth·
Sachtjen, Wilbur, 21,33 ing, 186
Sadowski, Wieslaw, 343 Subsidy, 58, 135-36, 194, 228, 368
Sapolsky, Harvey, 28,34 Suri, Rajan, 33
Sarnat, Marshall, 68 Swap, 55
Saudi Arabia, 15, 148
Sayles, Leonard, 27, 30, 34
Scanning the environment, 122-24 Tatonnement computational scheme of
Scherer, Frederick, 224, 227, 238 tentative bids and acceptances

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Index 385

product desilll 335-36 Van Beusekom, Mark, 33

production smoothing, 198-200 Vaughan, James, 372
Tax credit, 50-51, 222 Vaupel, James, 34
Tennessee, Valley Authority, 138 Verlag Hoppenstadt, 102
Terpstra, Vem, 173, 257, 276 Vemon, Raymond, 10, 34,101,107,
Texas Instruments, 294 153,172,273
Thain, Donald, 109 Vroom Victor, 361, 373
Theobald, Thomas C. (of Citibank), 8
Thompson, Gerald, 86, 103, 106, 229,
Thompson, James, 142 Wagner, Harvey, 205
T·Mark, Japanese test board approval, Walters, Robert, 33
320-22 Weighted distribution problem, 86, 232
Topkis, Donald, 205 Welam, Ulf Peter, 205
Transfer prices, 19, 76, 79, 81,87-90, Wells, Louis,34,221, 238, 273,276
102,222 Wentz, Roy, 107
Transition matrix, of ajob, 365-67 Westinghouse Electric Corporation, 15
Translation in market research, 339-40 Williamson,Oliver, 19,34,173
Truitt, J. Frederick, 138, 142 Wilson, A. Thomas M., 373
Tull,Donald,258,275,339,343 Wilson, Godfrey and Monica, 373
Turner, Ronald, 262, 276 Wilson, Thomas, 204, 298, 305
Turner, W. V. (of RAC), 115-19 Woifson, M. L., 343
Two-boss managers (in matrix), 23
Tyler Abrasives Inc. case, 277-92
Tyndall, Gordon, 142
Xenophobia, 15

Unilever, 15, 207, 263

Un~oyal,110,115,326 Yoshino, M. Y., 276
United Brewing of Copenhagen, 264 Yuan, John, 205
Urban, Glen, 276,339,343 Yugoslavia, 126
U. S. Organization Chart Service Inc., 102

Zaleznick, Abraham, 16, 34, 373

Value added tax, 89 Zeira, Yoram, 373

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