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Name: ______________________________________ Grade & Section: ____________

Subject: Music 9 Teacher: ________________________________Score: ________________

Lesson: Summative Test Quarter 3
Activity Title: (MUSIC) Music of Romantic Period (ARTS) (PE) Festival Dances (Health) Fist Aid
Procedures for Unintentional Injuries
Reference(s): SLM MUSIC 9, MELCs, Learning Activity Sheets in MAPEH
Writers: Ailyn L. Pascua, Lily Sol C. Alis, Gina T. Escalante, Ruina Immaculada

DIRECTIONS: Read the questions carefully and choose the best answer from the options below.

_____1. What does the term “Nationalism “means?
a. being patriotic c. having a strong feeling for one’s nation
b. pride in one’s own composition d. pride for another country or culture.
_____2. Which of the following is the composition of Hector Berlioz?
a. La Campanella c. Symphonie Fantastique
b. Swan lake d. Romeo and Juliet
_____3. What is the famous musical poem of Peter llyich Tchaikovsky?
a. Swan Lake c. La Campanella
b. Romeo and Juliet d. Symphonie Fantastique
_____4. Who was known as the virtuoso pianist, a composer and the busiest musician during the
Romantic Era. He wrote La Campanella?
a. Camile Saint- Saens c. Hector Berlioz
b. Niccolo Paganini d. Franz Liszt
_____5. What form music that portrays an idea or relays a story to the audience.
a. Program Music c. Piano Music
b. Strings Music d. Romantic Music
_____6. Which one is not included among the compositions of Tchaikovsky?
a. Carnival of the Animals c. Swan Lake
b. Sleeping Beauty d. The Nutcracker
______7. Which of the following was one of the main feature of the Romantic Period?
a. Religious c. Nationalism
b. Spiritual d. Festive
_____8. What year did music of the romantic period started?
a. 1960-1980 c. 1870-1890
b. 1920-1930 d. 1820-1910
_____9. Which of these is not a characteristic of the Romantic Period?
a. A freedom in writing and designing an intense personal expression of self-emotion.
b. Has a rich variety of piece types.
c. Nationalism is reflected in most of the music.
d. The textures are not expressive.
______10. What period that described as a cultural movement that stressed emotion, imagination,
individualism, and freedom of expression?
a. Romantic c. Renaissance
b. Baroque d. Western Classical
_____11. Which one of the following is an example of composition that shows nationalism?
a. Carnival of the Animals c. Swan Lake
b. Polonaise d. La Campanella
______12. Which of the following does not portrays musical compositions of romantic?
a. History c. Literature
b. Emotions d. War
______13. Who bridged the music from Classical to Romantic Era by expressing his passions and
emotions through music?
a. Camiile Saint- Saens c. Hector Berlioz
b. Ludwig Van Beethoven d. Niccolo Paganini
______14. How are we going to identify the program music?
a. Lyrics are easy to remember c. It entices the imagination of the listener.
b. Melodies are very easy to sing d. Free form such fantasy, ballad, rhapsody,
and nocturne
______15. What period were great composer of these time were Frederick Chopin and Franz Liszt?
a. Baroque c. Renaissance
b. Medieval d. Romantic
______16. Which of these is not a characteristic of the Romantic Period?
a. a freedom in writing and designing an intense personal expression of self- emotion.
b. has a rich variety of piece types
c. the textures are more expressive
d. none of the above
______17. Which of the following is the composition of Frederic Chopin?
a. Polonaise c. Sleeping Beauty
b. Swan lake d. Romeo and Juliet
______18. How are we going to describe piano music of the Romantic Period?
a. Expressed in the tone poems such as Symphony Fantastique.
b. Free form such as fantasy, rhapsody, ballade, and nocturne.
c. Textures are not expressive.
d. Portrays an idea or relays a story to the audience.


______ 1. Which period that described as a cultural movement that stressed emotion,
imagination, individualism and freedom of expression?
a. Western Classical c. Baroque
b. Renaissance d. Romantic
______ 2. Who was the composer who bridged the classical period to the romantic period?
a. Bach b. Bruckner c. Berlioz d. Beethoven
______ 3. Chopin is famous of the following EXCEPT.
a. Ballade b. Piano c. Nocture d. Waltz
______ 4. Which of the following instrument used in writing the music of Frederick Chopin?
a. Violin b. Flute c. Piano d. Orchestra
______ 5. What year did music of the romantic period started?
a. 1960-1980 b. 1820-1910 c. 1920-1930 d. 1880-1890
______ 6. The word neoclassic comes from the Greek word ____________ which means new.
a. New b. neos c. eco d. ecos
______ 7. Who composed the polonaise and had performed his first concert at the young age?
a. Charles-Camille Saint-Saens c. Franz Liszt
b. Peter Tchaikovsky d. Frederic Chopin
______ 8. Who was was considered as a composer who creates elegant music, neat, clean,
polished and never excessive?
a. Frederic Chopin c. Peter Tchaicovsky
b. b. Fran Liszt d. Charles-Camille Saint-Saens
______ 9. What Latin word with has similar in meaning to the English phrase first class?
a. Neos b. classicus c. new d. claasic
______ 10. What does Age of Reason is also known as ?
a. Classicus b. neo c. Age of Enlightenment d. New Era
______ 11. Portrayal of Roman history is one of the characteristic of neoclassicism.
a. True b. false c. maybe d. none of the above
______ 12. What year thus Neoclassicism falls?
a. 2000-2020 b. 1780-1840 c. 1990-2000 d. 1600-1700
______ 13. What movement where the artists of neoclassical period sought to break new ground in
the expression of emotion, both subtle and stormy?
a. Romanticism b. classicism c. neopaleantolic d. racism
______ 14. What distinctive theme under romanticism which became more popular due the peoples’
romantic adoration of nature?
a. Landscape painting c. supernatural elements
b. b. longing for history d. social injustice
______ 15. What western movement in decorative and visual arts was called?
a. Romanticism b. Racism c. Neoclassicism d. Age of Enlightenment
______ 16. Which of the following is not a characteristic of Romanticism?
a. Shows the height of action c. celebrated natures as out of control
b. Emotional extremes d. portrayal of human history
______ 17. . Which of the following is not characteristic of Neoclassicism?
a. Portrayal of human history c. emotional extremes
b. Formal composition d. use of diagonals to show the peak of an emotion.

______1. What dances are performed in celebration of festivals?

b. Cultural Dances c. folk dances
c. Festival dances d. social dances
______2. Which of the following where Sinulog Festival offered?
a. Virgin Mary c. John the Baptist
b. Sto. Niño d. St. Paul
______3. Which of the following is the famous festival of Davao City?
a. Kadayawan c. Ati-atihan
b. Sinulog d. Dinagyang
______4. Which of the following is not religious festival?
a. Sinulog Festival c. Dinagyang Festival
b. Masskara Festival d. Ati-atihan Festival
______5. What do you call the gathering and battle of all festivals within the country?
a. Aliwan Fiesta c. T’nalak Festival
b. Dinagayang Festival d. Kadayawan Festival
______6. Which of the following is not a non-religious festival?
a. T’nalak Festival c. Ati-atihan festival
b. Masskara d. Bambanti Festival
______7. Aliwan Fiesta is our country’s festival of festivals. What month is being celebrated?
a. January c. March
b. February d. April
______8. Which of the following warm-up exercises that needs to run t a low, steady pace?
a. Jog c. Squat
b. March d. Walk
______9. What do you call to a physical activity that you do to keep fit and healthy?
a. Warp-up c. Exercise
b. Aerobics d. Zumba
______10. Which of the following warm-up exercise that needs move with measured, regular steps?
a. Jog c. Squat
b. March d. Walk
______11. Jose could hardly catch his breath while performing the festival dance. What is the
intensity of his activity?
a. Heavy c. moderate
b. Light d. moderately light
______12. Sinulog of Cebu has two basic steps. It is popularly known two steps forward one step
backward. What do you call to this type of steppings?
a. Natural step c. Bleking step
b. Kinampilan step d. close step
______13. Which of the following exercises wherein a person sits on his heels or with the legs near?
the body?
a. Jog c. Stretching
b. March d. Squat
______14. What do you call to series of walks executed quickly in any direction wherein only one foot
stays on the ground while the other is off the ground?
a. Step c. run
b. Walk d. jump
______15. What folkdance step has a step pattern of step, close, step and counting of 1 and 2?
a. Bleking c. Hop step
b. Close step D. Touch step
______16. How will warm-up exercises be can benefit our body?
a. It conditions our muscle from any strenuous activities,
b. It is not really important to have warm-up exercises,
c. It makes us healthy and fit


______1. Which of the following is not necessary to do when a first aider is transporting an injured
a. Weight and height of the victim c. Permanent status of the victim
b. Environment d. Special need consideration
______2. What is easiest way to transport a light and smaller victim?
a. Piggy back c. tied-hands crawl
b. Fireman’s carry d. seat carry
______3. Which of the following should use when the first aider and victim crawled underneath a
low structure?
a. Shoulder drag c. pack strap carry
b. Tied-hands crawl d. blanket drag
______4. Which of the following is used when there are three first aiders?
a. Seat carry c. hammock carry
b. Pack strap carry d. fireman’s carry
______5. What do you call when the first aider carries will stay on the uninjured side of the victim?
a. Bearer alongside carry c. seat carry
b. Blanket drag d. pack strap carry
______6. Which of the following is used when the victim is smaller than the first aider?
a. Fireman’s carry c. shoulder drag
b. Blanket drag d. pack straps carry
______7. Which is used to transport an unconscious victim who should not be lifted due to serious
a. Blanket grag c. hammock carry
b. Chair drag d. lover’s carry
______60. Which of the following are the first aid of sprain.
a. Rest the injured part b. apply ice
b. Compress and elevate the injured part d. all of these
______61. What will happen when air cannot get into the lungs because of water and it can cause
immediate death when taken for granted?
a. Drowning b. heat exhaustion
b. Choking d. food poisoning
______62. What do you call to a sudden destruction of blood supply to the part of the heart muscles?
a. Stroke c. heart attack
b. Heat stroke d. heat exhaustion
______63. What do you mean when there is a break or crack in a bone?
a. Laceration c. sprain
b. Fracture d. strain
______64. Which is cause by loss of salt and water due to excessively high temperature.
a. Heat exhaustion c. choking
b. Heart attack d. drowning
______65. What will happen when electricity passes through the body?
a. Chemical burn c. food poisoning
b. Burn d. stroke
______66. Which is an injury to the ligaments of a bone due to accidental tearing or overstretching?
a. Fracture c. strain
b. Sprain d. dislocation

54. B
1. C 20. 37. B 55. B
2. C
21. 38. B 56. B
3. B
22. 39. A 57. C
4. D
5. A 23. 40. B 58. A

6. A 24. 41. A 59. D

7. C 60. A
25. 42. C
8. D
43. D 61. D
9. D 26.
44. A 62. A
10. A 27.
11. B 45. C 63. C
12. D 64. B
29. 46. B
13. B 65. A
30. 47. A
14. C
66. A
15. D 31. 48. D
67. B
16. D 32. 49. D
17. A 68. A
33. 50. C.
18. B 69. B
34. 51. B
35. 52.

36. 53.

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