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o w - p r e s s u r e

KAESER Blowers
Rotary Lobe and Rotary Screw Blowers
Flow rate 0.6 to 160 m³/min
Pressure differential: Gauge pressure up to 1100 mbar, Vacuum up to 550 mbar
Magnetic Bearing Turbo Blowers
Flow rate up to 267 m³/min, Pressure differential 0.3 to 1.3 bar
KAESER blowers
The world-renowned compressor and blower manufacturer
Established by Carl Kaeser Sr as a machine workshop in 1919, KAESER started on the road to becoming one of the world’s
leading compressed air systems providers when the first reciprocating compressor left the Coburg production line in 1948.
The final breakthrough came in the early 1970s with the development of the rotary screw compressor featuring the energy-

Gera plant
In 1991, KAESER acquired the “Geraer Kompressoren- corner of the globe. Covering an area of over 60,000 m²,
werke”, a company with a proud heritage forged over more the Gera facility currently employs approximately 300
than 100 years of compressor and blower manufacture. people producing KAESER’s extensive range of rotary
Production of KAESER’s newly developed OMEGA rotary lobe blowers, rotary screw blowers and compressed air
lobe blowers began at the plant in Thuringia in 1993 and refrigeration dryers. All companies in the international
today these highly efficient systems are exported, together KAESER group are linked by the very latest information
with all necessary accessories and equipment, to every and network technology.

How a KAESER rotary lobe blower works...................................................................................................................... 04

How a KAESER rotary screw blower works................................................................................................................... 05

Rotary screw blowers with the SIGMA PROFILE........................................................................................................... 06-07

CBS – HBS series, SFC/STC version – Dependable and efficient................................................................................. 08-09

Rotary lobe blowers with the OMEGA PROFILE............................................................................................................ 10-11

BBC – FBC series, OFC/STC version: Optimised complete blower systems................................................................. 12-13

SIGMA CONTROL 2 blower controller........................................................................................................................... 14-15

Rotary lobe blower packages: BBC – HBC series........................................................................................................... 16-17

Premium blowers: HB – PI series................................................................................................................................... 18-19

Magnetic bearing turbo blowers..................................................................................................................................... 20-21

Complete solutions from a renowned systems provider................................................................................................. 22-23

Accessories.................................................................................................................................................................... 24-25

Special versions............................................................................................................................................................. 26-27

Advanced manufacture................................................................................................................................................... 28-29

Technical specifications.................................................................................................................................................. 30-31

Fields of application

Food processing General industry Beverages industry Chemicals industry Mining

Water management Transportation Burner air supply Bulk materials conveying Marine applications

Efficient and oil-free gas transportation, pneumatic conveying of bulk materials, drinking and wastewater treatment (filter
cleaning and clarification tank aeration), liquid homogenisation and forced air systems for combustion equipment; the
possibilities are almost endless – KAESER blowers are as versatile and varied as the applications for which they are used.

How a KAESER rotary lobe blower works
The pressure build-up process – the images show a cross-sectional view through the flow chamber of the KAESER OMEGA
rotary lobe blower block.

Intake Pressure build-up Air expelled Flow chamber completely evacuated

Oil-free, isochoric compression process The numbers correspond to the points in the pressure-
volume diagram.
As the intake air passes through the flow chamber inside
the rotary lobe blower, its volume remains constant (iso- 1) Intake and capture of atmospheric air (left rotor).
choric process). 2) Air is conveyed towards the pressure side; pressure
Actual compression takes place outside the blower block, increase commences at the 120° angle of rotation
with the accumulation of the air mass taking place during due to the prior influx of air that has already been
the subsequent process. compressed.
This “adaptive” compression always produces only as
much pressure as is needed by the process in question. 3) Compression in the flow chamber ceases; discharge
This makes rotary lobe blowers particularly well suited to commences.
applications where they spend a relatively high proportion 4) Conveyed air mass is discharged into the process.
of their time at Idle (such as pneumatic conveying) and/or
applications with heavily fluctuating pressure.

Pressure (p)

Volume (V)

■ Thermodynamic energy consumption

The pressure-volume diagram (PV

diagram) illustrates the compression
work / energy expended for compression
by means of the area depicted in blue
between points 1 to 4.

Image: OMEGA block

How a KAESER rotary screw blower works
The pressure build-up process – the images show cross-sectional views of the enclosed air volume within the KAESER
SIGMA-B rotary screw blower airend, seen from the pressure side of the rotor pair.

Intake air is captured Volume is reduced Expelled to pressure side Flow chamber completely evacuated

Oil-free, isentropic compression process ments, such as clarification tank aeration at wastewater
treatment plants, flotation, etc.
As the intake air passes through the flow chamber inside
the rotary screw blower, its entropy remains largely con- The numbers correspond to the points in the pressure-
stant (isentropic process). volume diagram.
Actual compression takes place inside the airend: the 1) Intake and capture of atmospheric air.
volume of air is continuously reduced until the moment of
discharge and is pushed out under pressure – since less 2) Air conveyed towards the pressure side for discharge.
effort is required for compression of the same air volume, 3) Pressure increases due to volume reduction.
energy consumption is reduced. Rotary screw blowers
are the ideal solution for applications with more or less 4) Compressed air is expelled.
constant pressure and high running performance require-

Pressure (p)

Volume (V)

■ Thermodynamic energy consumption

■ Energy savings

The pressure-volume diagram (PV

diagram) illustrates the compression
work / energy expended for compression
by means of the area depicted in blue
between points 1 to 4.

The orange area depicts the potential

energy savings when a rotary screw blower
is used in comparison to a conventional
rotary lobe blower (roots blower), provided
Image: SIGMA blower airend no over-compression occurs.

CBS, DBS and EBS drive concept FBS belt drive – refined to perfection
In CBS, DBS and EBS series rotary screw blowers, power The pivoting motor base with tensioning spring ensures
is transferred from the motor to the blower airend via inte- precision belt tensioning, irrespective of motor weight,
grated gearing. This has proven to be the best solution for thereby providing optimum levels of transmission effi-
the prevailing speeds in this performance and size class ciency at all times. As a result of the company’s decades
when it comes to efficiency, reliability and durability. of experience in compressor design and engineering,
this approach to power transmission has been refined to

Rotary screw blowers –
with the efficient SIGMA PROFILE
Developed at the company’s in-house Research and Development Centre, KAESER
rotary screw blower airends with their world-renowned SIGMA PROFILE rotors are up
to 35% more efficient than conventional compressor designs.

They also benefit from a particularly broad control range and virtually constant specific
package input power.

In addition to efficiency, durability was also an essential development objective. The

use of high-tech bearings and the fact that no ancillary equipment is required serves to
minimise energy consumption whilst also enhancing reliability.

Technical specifications:
CBS, DBS, EBS, FBS, HBS series Pressure differential:
Usable flow rate: - Gauge pressure up to 1100 mbar
4.5 to 160 m³/min - Vacuum up to 550 mbar

Guaranteed performance specifications

To ensure that the projected savings are actually achieved
during operation, KAESER quotes effective overall power
consumption figures, as well as the usable flow rate, in
accordance with the stringent tolerances of ISO 1217,
1217:2009 Annexe C or E (as applicable).

Dependable seals Durable bearings

Field-proven in KAESER rotary screw compressors, the Four heavy-duty roller bearings absorb 100% of the radial
sliding ring seal for the rotary transmission drive shaft forces exerted on the cylinders, guaranteeing a long ser-
lead-through on the blower airend is maintenance-free vice life for the rotary screw airend. The rolling elements
and provides a dependable sealing, even in hot and dusty are encased in high-tech cages for optimum lubrication
environments. at all speeds. No additional oil pressure lubrication is

Rotary screw blowers
KAESER rotary screw blowers are user-friendly turnkey
systems, delivered ready for immediate operation. All that
is needed is to connect them to a power supply and the
air network; the laborious processes of oil-filling, drive belt
installation, motor adjustment, procurement of a suitable
frequency converter, programming, cabling in accordance
with EMC regulations, drawing wiring diagrams, arranging
CE and EMC-certification, etc. are thankfully consigned to
the past.

Procuring complete, certified machines from systems

manufacturers ultimately saves you both time and money,
whilst guaranteeing many years of reliable operation.

SFC version: Variable speed with frequency converter

STC version: With Y-Δ-Starter

0.014bar 66% 0.482bar

107.8m /min 15 C 3003rpm 68 C
Run: 2h Maintenance in: 2997h

SIGMA CONTROL 2 controller Seamless system monitoring

The SIGMA CONTROL 2 ensures efficient blower control Sensors for oil level and temperature monitoring are inte-
and system monitoring at all times. Numerous interfaces grated into the blower airend. The oil chamber is designed
enable rapid communication with control centres via data to ensure dependable oil level measurement in all operat-
bus, whilst the SD card slot ensures data storage and ing phases.
updates are a breeze. Various operating modes are
selectable on SFC/OFC machines.

Specific pack
age input powe
r (kW/m³/min)

Conventional sp
eed control

Efficient KAES
ER variable speed

Delivery volum
e (m³/min)

Cool inlet air Optimised specific package input power

Process air and cooling air for the motor are drawn in The moderate maximum speed, an extra-dense screw
separately from outside the housing. This boosts efficien- profile and near constant specific package input power
cy and leads to a higher usable air mass flow rate for the across a broad, variable-speed control range all combine
same power consumption. The blowers can operate at full to achieve significant energy savings across the entire
capacity in ambient temperatures up to +45 °C. operating curve.

Durable OMEGA blower block Durable bearings
The OMEGA blower block delivers pressures up to 1000 Heavy-duty cylinder roller bearings absorb 100% of the
mbar(g), block discharge temperatures up to 160 °C, a continuously changing radial gas forces. As a result, they
broad control range with speed-controlled operation, Q 2.5 avoid the springing effect of self-aligning bearings and last
rotor balancing for quieter operation, extended service life up to ten times longer with the same load.
and minimal maintenance requirements.

Rotary lobe blowers –
Air at the touch of a
The special OMEGA Profile featured on KAESER’s
three-lobe rotary lobe blowers makes these machines true
masters of energy efficiency. The long-term dependability
and durability of these units are legendary.

These qualities can be attributed to design features such

as the use of straight-cut timing gears, heavy-duty cylinder
roller bearings and precisely balanced rotors.

Technical specifications for the full,

connection-ready version:
Usable flow rate:
1.5 to 72 m³/min

Pressure differential:
- Gauge pressure up to 1000 mbar
- Vacuum up to 500 mbar

Precision manufacture/synchronisation Stable rotors

KAESER blower blocks feature high-precision, 5f 21 An extremely high rotor balancing quality of Q 2.5, com-
quality straight-cut timing gears with minimal flank clear- bined with the rotors’ single-piece design including the
ance, which play a major role in contributing to the block’s shaft ends, ensures a vibration-free, low-noise operation.
outstanding volumetric efficiency. Since the straight-cut Rotor tips with integrated sealing strips make the blow-
gearing is not subjected to continuously changing axial gas er block more resistant to dust particulates and thermal
forces, heavy-duty cylinder roller bearings can be used. stress.

Complete, turnkey rotary lobe blowers
BBC-FBC series, OFC/STC version
KAESER’s turnkey COMPACT series blowers with OMEGA PROFILE rotors provide more than just a dependable and energy-
efficient performance.
Delivered ready for connection, complete with all sensors, star-delta starter (or frequency converter) and CE/EMC labelling,
they significantly reduce the work and costs required for planning, installation, certification, documentation and commissioning.

START CONTROL (STC) Variable speed control

The version with integrated Y-Δ-starter operates at a With OMEGA FREQUENCY CONTROL (OFC), the
constant speed and is equipped with a premium contactor, frequency converter uses speed control in order to adjust
overcurrent relay and phase sequence monitoring. A SIG- the delivery volume of the blower to match the required
MA CONTROL 2 controller and dependable emergency air demand. Everything is delivered ready for immediate
stop system complete the package. operation, since all programming and parametrisation is
carried out at the factory.

Plug-and-play EMC-tested and certified complete system

Turnkey blowers not only come complete with all nec- To ensure seamless integration into any operating envi-
essary sensors, STC/OFC, SIGMA CONTROL 2 and ronment, the electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) of all
emergency stop switch, but are also ready-filled with oil components and of the complete machine has been tested
and fully certified. This significantly reduces the work and and certified in accordance with all applicable regulations.
costs required for planning, installation, documentation
and commissioning.

SAM 4.0 / 4 Automatic 7.18 bar 30.10.2020
09:12:47 EN 5
1 2 3 4

Compressors Status
Pressure curve Pressure curve Current values History

C1 - ASD 60 SFC Network pressure Pressure performance Required pressure Pressure range limit Volumetric flow rate
7.18 bar 99.56 bar 7.00 bar 8.40 bar 11.06 bar
C2 - ASK 40 8.5 12.0 Monitoring

C3 - BSD 75 8.0
Energy & Costs

C4 - BSD 75 Maintenance

7.5 9.0


Time Control
6.5 6.0

Initial Start-up




08:45 08:55 08:55 09:00 09:05 09:10 Time

Status - Overview Contact i

Digital output device, e.g. laptop Control centre

Control centre


SAM 4.0 / 4 Automatic 7.18 bar 30.10.2020

09:12:47 EN 5
1 2 3 4

Compressors Status
Pressure curve Pressure curve Current values History

C1 - ASD 60 SFC Network pressure Pressure performance Required pressure Pressure range limit Volumetric flow rate
7.18 bar 99.56 bar 7.00 bar 8.40 bar 11.06 bar
C2 - ASK 40 8.5 12.0 Monitoring

C3 - BSD 75 8.0
Energy & Costs

C4 - BSD 75 Maintenance
Communications module (e.g. Modbus TCP)

7.5 9.0


Time Control
6.5 6.0

Initial Start-up




08:45 08:55 08:55 09:00 09:05 09:10 Time

Status - Overview Contact i



Blower station


Industrie 4.0 – Join the network

With the SIGMA CONTROL 2 blower controller and SIGMA AIR MANAGER 4.0 master controller,
all blower stations can be integrated seamlessly into Industrie 4.0 environments, thereby allowing
continuous system optimisation through analysis of operating data and providing demand-oriented
preventative maintenance and servicing (Predictive Maintenance) via remote diagnostics (Condition

Intelligence inside:
SIGMA CONTROL 2 blower controller

Based on industrial PC technology, the SIGMA CONTROL 2 internal blower controller uses a range of sensors to monitor
and control all relevant machine and process parameters for a reliable and economical operation. The availability of remote
monitoring and control serves to optimise blower availability and efficiency even further.
A variety of communications modules enable blower systems equipped with SIGMA CONTROL 2 to connect to master con-
trol systems such as the SIGMA AIR MANAGER 4.0 and/or other centralised control systems via data bus.

0.014bar 66% 0.482bar

107.8m /min 15 C 3003rpm 68 C
Run: 2h Maintenance in: 2997h

The control centre Stay connected

The control unit features an easy-to-read display and du- The Ethernet interface (10/100 Mbit/sec) allows users
rable input keys, whilst a clear menu structure with 30 se- to call up operating parameters on any Internet browser
lectable languages enables universal operation. A variety via the integrated web server. Optional communication
of operating modes are selectable on SFC/OFC machines. modules: Profibus DP, Modbus RTU and /TCP, Profinet
IO and EtherNet/IP.

SIGMA CONTROL 2 1-default read => write Logout Contact/Service

Time: 02/10/2014 04:11:40 pm

p1 / bar t1 / °C
1.0 28 p1: 0.00 bar
t1: 23.3 °C
System status
0.5 26

0.0 24

-0.5 22
IO display
-1.0 20
User Management 3:50 pm 4:00 pm 4:10 pm
p2 / bar t2 / °C
1.0 90
Settings p2: 0.40 bar
85 t2: 75.4 °C
Backup 80

0.4 70


0.0 55
3:50 pm 4:00 pm 4:10 pm
f / Hz
Load 60
Operating state: Load

50 f: 59 Hz
3:50 pm 4:00 pm 4:10 pm

|< < <> > >| Start: 02/10/2014 03:41:58 pm End: 02/10/2014 04:17:28 pm

KAESER CONNECT Updates and data storage

Simply connect a PC and the SIGMA CONTROL 2 with Software updates and operating parameters can quickly
the LAN, then enter the SC2 address and password in be uploaded and transferred via the convenient SD card
the browser. Now you can view machine status, operating slot, thereby keeping service costs to an absolute mini-
data, warning messages and graphical representations of mum. Key operating data can also be stored on the SD
pressure, temperature and speed in real time. card.

BBC–HBC series
Usable flow rate:
0.59 to 93 m³/min

Differential pressure:
- Gauge pressure up to 1000 mbar
- Vacuum up to 500 mbar

Rotary lobe blower packages for integration into
existing systems
Efficient, quiet, durable and versatile – whether used to convey bulk materials or as anti-heeling dampers on a container
ship, KAESER blower packages are renowned worldwide for their dependable performance, no matter what the application
may be. Small wonder, then, that they are so highly regarded by operators in every industry across the globe.

IE3 energy-saving motors Sensors

All KAESER blower packages are equipped with dependa- A wide range of sensors and switches for monitoring
ble, Premium Efficiency IE3 drive motors (IP55 protection, pressure, temperature, speed, oil level and filters ensures
Insulation Class F). Their exceptional efficiency boosts the dependable operation of the blower, whilst allowing remote
energy performance of the whole system. monitoring and visualisation of the operating status.

Minimal pulsations and quiet operation Automatic belt tensioning

As pulsations from the conveying air can cause noise The pivoting motor base with tensioning spring ensures
in the connected pipework in addition to noise from the precision belt tensioning irrespective of motor weight,
machine itself, the targeted soundproofing measures on thereby providing optimum levels of transmission efficiency
KAESER blowers are designed to minimise both types at all times. Consequently, this system reduces both main-
of sound emissions. Highly effective discharge silencers tenance and energy costs.
cover a wide frequency range so as to mitigate noise from
pulsations in the conveying air.

Premium blowers:
HB-PI series – large and versatile
KAESER’s HB-PI series rotary lobe blowers are the perfect choice for applications that
require large air delivery volumes and maximum availability, such as in large water
treatment plants or power stations.

Flexible, durable and dependable, in combination with the rapid-response KAESER

Service they guarantee uninterrupted operation at all times.

Technical specifications:
HB-PI series

Usable flow rate:

55 to 160 m³/min

Pressure differential:
- Gauge pressure up to 1000 mbar
- Vacuum up to 500 mbar

IE3 energy-saving motors Flexible connection to external switching

All KAESER blower packages are equipped with depend-
able, Premium Efficiency IE3 drive motors (IP55 protec- HB-PI series packages are available prepared for connec-
tion, Insulation Class F). Medium-voltage motors can also tion to user-end switching technology on a project-specific
be specified optionally. basis, whether it be for operation at a fixed speed or via
frequency converter. Medium-voltage versions are avail-
able upon request.

Dependable belt drive Clever cooling air flow
The pivoting motor base with tensioning spring ensures Outstanding cooling performance is assured by the fact
precision belt tensioning, thereby providing optimum levels that the drive motor is equipped with a dedicated cooling
of transmission efficiency at all times. This reduces wear air intake and ambient air from outside the sound en-
whilst boosting reliability. closure is used as process air. This results in maximum
efficiency, even under heavy load.

Impeller Magnetic bearings
The impeller is constructed from a single piece of aircraft- For best possible levels of unit availability, the magnetic
grade aluminium. Its low mass enables swift acceleration bearings are oil-free and completely maintenance-free.
and deceleration, resulting in highly dynamic control char- The smart controller, with its integrated power failure pro-
acteristics. This, in combination with a patented housing tection system, recognises imbalances and sudden load
design, provides a broad control range at extremely high shocks and compensates for them – rendering additional
levels of efficiency. components such as buffer batteries and UPS devices

Magnetic bearing turbo blowers
– the undisputed masters of
process air
Efficient, reliable and flexible – PillAerator turbo blowers from KAESER are compact
units developed specifically with aeration applications in mind. Equipped with con-
tact-free magnetic bearings that require no lubrication, they guarantee a completely
wear-free operation which renders oil and bearing changes unnecessary.

Turbo blowers are used wherever process air is required in the low pressure range
– such as wastewater treatment, aerobic fermentation and flue gas desulphurisation

Technical specifications:
Flow rate: up to 267 m³/min
Pressure differential: 0.3 to 1.3 bar

Canned motor Cooling

In a canned motor, rotor and stator are separated by a Cooling takes place via an internal water circuit, so as to
cylindrical tube. This allows an absolute hermetic sealing, ensure operating conditions are consistently optimised. In
which means that contaminants are reliably prevented addition to achieving constant temperatures for the motor
from reaching the most sensitive parts of the machine. and frequency converter, this allows the control cabinet
to remain hermetically sealed. By conveying away all
accumulated exhaust heat via the cooling water, expensive
exhaust air ducting is rendered unnecessary.

One-stop shop:
Complete solutions from a
renowned systems provider
An operation’s blower air supply represents far more than the sum of the nec-
essary equipment and components. By the same token, as a comprehensive
compressed air and blower air systems provider, KAESER KOMPRESSOREN
offers far more than just machines:

From detailed demand analysis to the seamless integration of a blower station

into an existing operation and life-long availability assurance through the rapid-

Precision demand analysis (ADA 2) Fast, worldwide service

Once your exact blower air demand has been determined Since even the highest quality machines require regular
by means of KAESER’s precision Air Demand Analysis maintenance, KAESER AIR SERVICE, with its specially
(ADA), our experts use the KAESER Energy Saving trained Service Technicians and advanced spare parts
System (KESS) to plan and design a solution that is spe- logistics, ensures continuous blower air availability across
cifically tailored to meet all your individual requirements, the globe.
whilst providing the highest possible levels of efficiency
and availability.

Detailed and expert planning Optimal climate control
KAESER’s experts meticulously design every blower sys- KAESER’s expertise and components in relation to climate
tem to meet the specific needs of the customer. Needless control are also essential elements in a holistic approach
to say, this includes planning the machine room ventilation to blower station design: The availability of cool intake air
and pipework, thereby ensuring peace of mind for users increases efficiency levels and therefore saves energy.
and project planners.

KAESER blower accessories:
For a wide range of applications
Different applications often require a very specific air quality. For example, some
bulk materials are sensitive to heat, whilst others may clump together if humidity
levels become too high. Another potential problem is contamination of the pro-
cess air by particles contained within the ambient air.

For challenges such as these, KAESER is able to offer not only a wide range of
cooler, dryer and filter models, but also the extensive experience of one of the
world’s leading systems providers, in order to ensure a perfect match of all air
production and treatment components.

Furthermore, the SIGMA AIR MANAGER 4.0 enables the delivery volume of
each blower station to be specifically tailored to meet actual air demand, thereby
ensuring maximum energy efficiency.

Coordination Heat recovery

Depending on the versions in question, the SIGMA AIR MANAGER 4.0 com- The heat exchanger can be integrat-
pressed air management system can coordinate operation of 4, 8 or 16 blowers ed into the process lines to enable
within a blower station so as to ensure an even load distribution between the exceptional cooling of the process
units and thereby maximise energy efficiency. air, even at high ambient temper-
atures. The hot water produced in
this way can be used for numerous
heating purposes.

Cooling Climate control Outdoor installation
At an ambient temperature of +20 °C, Carefully matched components, such At wastewater treatment plants,
the efficient ACA aftercooler is able as weather protection screens, fans, COMPACT blowers are often
to reduce the temperature of the inlet/discharge silencers and suita- installed outdoors. Stainless steel
compressed air to +30 °C without ble air ducting, help to ensure and rainproof covers and premium-quali-
incurring any additional costs. maintain optimum climatic conditions ty, powder-coated enclosures ensure
in the machine room at all times. effective protection against the

Versions for specialist applications
Whether used on a silo vehicle as a mobile unloading station, for compression and/or for the conveying of media ranging
from nitrogen to steam, KAESER blowers are ever-reliable and efficient OEM components.

OMEGA B/PB – Corrosion resistant WVC series – Fine vacuum

Blowers are available with rotors and block housings cast WVC series blocks with an intake capacity of up to 6,800
from chromium-nickel alloy and with special internal block m³/h are ideal for fine-vacuum applications such as in
sealing for processes such as the mechanical compres- pumping stations with a backing pump to boost their
sion of water vapour in vacuum distillation of aqueous pumping speed.

OMEGA PV – Rough vacuum OMEGA PN: Nitrogen conveying

With an intake capacity of up to 120 m³/min for low- For pneumatic conveying of bulk materials in a nitrogen
vacuum applications and a maximum of 900 mbar differen- atmosphere, leakages of any kind – including from the
tial pressure, the OMEGA PV blower block is exceptionally rotary lobe blower – must be kept to an absolute minimum.
robust and, with its ability to alternate between gauge PN series blocks are available with a wear-free sliding ring
pressure and vacuum by selective switching of the process seal on the drive shaft rotary transmission lead-through.
lines, is perfectly suited for use with silo vehicles. Block Complete packages with OMEGA PN blocks are also
cooling is provided by ambient air via pre-inlet ducts. available for nitrogen conveying applications.

Rotor and block machining Measurement and inspection Powder coating
All rotors and blocks are precision In order to maintain consistent The housings receive their
machined to micron accuracy, so product quality, we meticulously high-quality scratch and corrosion-
that the resulting surface quality inspect every single block housing resistant surface finish in an
renders wear-prone sealing coatings and rotor using precision measuring environmentally friendly, 180 °C
unnecessary. equipment, so as to ensure that it is powder-coating process.
manufactured to within permissible

Advanced manufacture:
Quality and performance
A high level of vertical integration guarantees consistently high quality of both
mechanical and electrical components and ensures seamless interplay between
each individual part. All components are precisely matched to one another and
meticulously documented.

This enables traceability and guarantees a trouble-free supply of spare parts at

all times.

Block manufacture Final inspection Flexible production

As with the rotors, the housing for All necessary adjustments, such as The very latest production techniques
every single KAESER rotary lobe belt tensioning and alignment, are and processes at KAESER’s Gera
blower block is manufactured in an carried out ex-works prior to delivery. plant ensure exceptional product
advanced, climate-controlled CNC Moreover, every blower block is quality and enable customer-specific
machining centre to ensure consist- delivered ready-filled with oil and requirements to be met with minimal
ently high product quality. with all valves adjusted. All data are lead time.

Technical specifications
Rotary screw blowers (EBS to HBS series, STC/SFC) – up to 250 kW, connection-ready with integrated electronics
Model Gauge pressure Vacuum Pipe connection Dimensions Max. mass

Max. Max. Max. Max. Max. Max. With control cabinet

pressure flow rate *) rated motor pressure flow rate *) rated motor and sound enclosure
differential power differential power WxDxH

mbar m³/min kW mbar m³/min kW DN mm kg

CBS 121 L SFC 12.6 730

700 18.5 – – –
CBS 121 L STC 10.3 720
80 1110 x 1370 x 1670
CBS 121 M SFC 12.5 550 10 11 750
1100 22
CBS 121 M STC 10.2 – – – 740

DBS 221 L SFC 23 30 820

700 – – –
DBS 221 L STC 19 22 800
100 1110 x 1480 x 1670
DBS 221 M SFC 22 550 22 30
1100 37 850
DBS 221 M STC 18 – – –

EBS 410 CL SFC 41

700 37 – – –
EBS 410 CL STC 34
1280 x 1760 x 1820 1400
EBS 410 CM SFC 550 41 37
1000 30 37
700 41 55 – –
EBS 410 L STC –
1460 x 1760 x 1970 1520
1100 40 75

FBS 660 L SFC 67

650 75 – – – 1850
200 2250 x 1950 x 1900
FBS 660 M SFC 66 550 63 75
1100 110 2200
FBS 660 M STC – – –

HBS 1600 L SFC 650 200 5900

160 – – – 300 2065 x 3715 x 2225
HBS 1600 M SFC 1100 250 6000

*) Performance specifications as per ISO 1217 Annexe C for STC version, Annexe E for SFC version

Turbo blowers – 150 kW and 300 kW

Model Pressure Flow rate range *) Drive motor Maximum Pipe Dimensions Mass
differential rated power sound pressure connection ***) WxDxH
range level **)

mbar m³/min m³/h kW dB(A) DN mm kg

HP 4000 400 – 1300 16 – 83 950 – 5000 74

MP 6000 300 – 1100 25 – 108 1500 – 6500 150 75 200 1800 x 1525 x 2125 1815

LP 8000 300 – 900 25 – 133 1500 – 8000 76

HP 9000 400 – 1300 42 – 183 2500 – 11,000

MP 12000 300 – 1100 50 – 233 3000 – 14,000 300 75 400 2930 x 2125 x 2155 3785

LP 14000 300 – 900 75 – 267 4500 – 16,000

*) Flow rate, complete system as per ISO 5389:2005: absolute inlet pressure 1 bar(a), cooling and air inlet temperature +20 °C
**) Sound pressure level as per ISO 2151 and basic standard ISO 9614-2, tolerance: ± 3 dB (A) – dependent upon operating point
***) Compressed air connection (with add-on diffuser)

Compact blowers (BBC to FBC series, STC/OFC) – up to 132 kW, connection-ready with integrated electronics
Model Gauge pressure Vacuum Max. Pipe connection Dimensions Max. mass
rated motor
Max Max Max. Max. power With control cabinet
pressure flow rate *) pressure flow rate *) and sound enclosure
differential differential WxDxH

mbar m³/min mbar m³/min kW DN mm kg

BB 69 C 5.9 5.9 15 455

1000 500 65 1210 x 960 x 1200
BB 89 C 8.2 5.9 15 461

CB 111 C 800 8.8 400 8.9 18.5 583

80 1530 x 1150 x 1290
CB 131 C 1000 12.3 500 12.4 30 642

DB 166 C 15.6 15.7 37 802

1000 500 100 1530 x 1150 x 1290
DB 236 C 22.1 22.3 45 822

EB 291 C 28.6 28.8 75 1561

1000 500 150 1935 x 1600 x 1700
EB 421 C 40.1 40.4 75 1606

FB 441 C 41.3 41.6 90 2326

1000 200 2230 x 1920 x 1910
FB 621 C 58.5 500 58.9 132 2839

FB 791 C 800 71.3 71.8 110 250 2230 x 1920 x 2090 2541

*) Performance specifications as per ISO 1217 Annexe C for STC version, Annexe E for OFC version

Blower packages (BBC to HBPI series) – up to 250 kW

Model Gauge pressure Vacuum Max. Pipe Dimensions Max. mass Dimensions Max. mass
rated motor connection
Max. Max. Max. Max. power Without With sound
pressure flow rate *) pressure flow rate *) sound enclosure enclosure
differential differential WxDxH WxDxH

mbar m³/min mbar m³/min kW DN mm kg mm kg

BB 52 C 4.7 4.7 7.5 50 785 x 635 x 940 140 210

BB 69 C 1000 5.9 500 5.9 11 800 x 660 x 960 195 800 x 790 x 1120 325

BB 89 C 8.2 8.3 15 890 x 660 x 960 201 331

CB 111 C 800 8.8 400 8.9 18 263 443

80 855 x 1010 x 1290 990 x 1160 x 1290
CB 131 C 1000 12.3 500 12.4 30 302 482

DB 166 C 15.6 15.7 37 432 632

1000 500 100 990 x 1070 x 1120 1110 x 1160 x 1290
DB 236 C 21.1 22.3 45 482 682

EB 291 C 28.6 28.8 75 921 1261

1000 500 150 1240 x 1370 x 1510 1420 x 1600 x 1659
EB 421 C 40.1 40.4 75 966 1306

FB 441 C 41.3 41.6 90 1450 1960

1000 500 200 1790 x 1450 x 1750
FB 621 C 58.5 58.9 132 1865 1920 x 1620 x 1910 2375

FB 791 C 800 71.3 450 71.8 110 250 1870 x 1450 x 1900 1717 2247

HB 950 C 93.1 91.65 200 250 1700 x 1700 x 1950 3005 2170 x 1864 x 2110 3805
1000 500
HB 1300 PI 125 122.93 3465 4285
250 300 2710 x 1600 x 2350 3205 x 2150 x 2610
HB 1600 PI 800 156 450 153.27 3625 4445

*) Performance specifications as per ISO 1217 Annexe C

The world is our home
As one of the world’s largest manufacturers of
compressors, blowers and compressed air systems,
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By offering innovative, efficient and reliable products and

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consultants and engineers work in close partnership with
customers to enhance their competitive edge and to develop
progressive system concepts that continuously push the
boundaries of performance and technology. Moreover,
decades of knowledge and expertise from this industry-
leading systems provider are made available to each and
every customer via the KAESER group’s advanced global IT

These advantages, coupled with KAESER’s worldwide

service organisation, ensure that every product operates at
peak performance at all times, whilst providing maximum

P-900ED Specifications subject to change without notice .21/21

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E-mail: [email protected] –


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