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Agreement Remarks

[1] Date of Agreement

[2] Company Name-Transferor of Technology
(this "Agreement") is entered into on [1], by and [3] State or Country of incorporation of
between the following parties: Transferor
[2] (hereinafter referred to as the "Transferor"), a
company duly incorporated and existing under the [4] Name of Company that is obtaining the rights-
laws of [3] and [4] (hereinafter referred to as transferee of technology
"Transferee"), a company duly incorporated and
existing under the laws of [5]. [5] State or Country of incorporation of
WHEREAS, Transferor desires to transfer and assign
to Transferee, and Transferee desires to obtain from
Transferor, certain know-how relating to [6] upon the [6] General description of the technology being
terms and conditions set forth herein. transferred

NOW, THEREFORE, Transferor and Transferee

(hereinafter referred to as "Parties" collectively and
as a "Party" individually) hereby agree as follows:

Unless otherwise provided, the following terms and
expressions shall have the meanings as set forth

1. "Know-How" refers to the proprietary and

1 confidential technology relating to [6], which is [7] Intended application of know-how, as drafted
owned by Transferor, including knowledge, the focus is on technical information and not
experience and all skills required for [7] and business information, the parties could modify to
known to Transferor, including all Technical Data include relevant business information.
and information related to [7].

1. "Technical Data" means all written information

2 including, but not limited to research report and all
technical data and information on design,
calculation, drawings, manufacturing process,
quality control, experiment, installation,
measurement and test, operation, maintenance
related to [7].
ARTICLE 2 Technology Transfer [8] Can clarify if the grant is exclusive or non-
exclusive license
2. Transferor agrees to transfer and license to
1 Transferee [8] the right to use the Know How on a
confidential basis to use for manufacturing [6]
during the term of this Agreement. [10] Lump sum or periodic payments over term.
The agreement could alternatively refer to net
2. Transferee agrees to pay [10] for transfer and use profits, or royalties on sales. If royalty on sales, an
2 of the Know-How. audit clause will need to be added.

ARTICLE 3 Technical Instructions, Modification

and Improvement on
Technical Data [11] Number of days. The point of this provision
is to include a few days of training with the
3.1 Transferor agrees to provide to Transferee transfer so the Transferee can use the know-how,
necessary technical instructions with respect to it is not to offer significant training for the entire
Know-How under the Section 1.1 to assist term of the contract.
Transferee in using the Know-How to use for [7]
for a period of [11] days at the beginning of the

3.2 Transferor shall provide to Transferee any

modified and improved Technical Data with
respect to the Know-How after the initial transfer
of the Know How for a period of [12] years after [12] As negotiated by the parties.
the Agreement comes into effect. Transferee shall
provide to Transferor any modified and improved
Technical Data by the Transferee with respect to
the Know-How during the term of the Agreement.

ARTICLE 4 Termination

4.1 This Agreement shall be terminated based upon

the occurrence of one of the following conditions
[13]: [13] As negotiated by the parties.
 Expiration of the term of the Agreement
unless mutually extended.
 Bankruptcy or insolvency of the Transferee
 Change of control of the Transferee
 Failure to pay a periodic payment which is not
cured in 30 days.
 Mutual Agreement of the parties.

4.2 Upon termination of this Agreement Transferee

shall return or destroy all Technical Data to [14] Without this requirement Transferee could
Transferor. Additionally, Transferee will refrain potentially (pending patent licensing issues)
from using the Know How [14] continue manufacturing products based on the
Know-how post termination, which would create
an incentive to terminate early.
ARTICLE 5 Representations and Warranties of

5. Transferor is a company duly registered, validly

1 existing and in good standing under the laws of [3],
and has full legal capacity, power and authority to
enter into and execute this Agreement [13].

5.. Transferor has exclusive property rights in the

2 Know-How and Technical Data, and Transferee, [14] Knowledge based rep.
and represents to the knowledge of Transferor [14]
that such Know-How will not infringe any third
party's rights and interest. Transferor further
represents, that to Transferor’s knowledge, there is
no litigation or dispute that resulted from or
relating to the Know-How

5.3 Transferor has not granted and will not grant to

any third party any license with respect to the [15] Depends on whether Exclusive or non-
Know-How. [15] exclusive license has been granted.
[16] May include indemnity clause and obligation
5.4 Transferor agrees to defend, indemnify [16] and to defend and pay for any lawsuit
hold harmless, Transferee, and Transferees
directors, officers, personnel, and successors, from
any and all expenses, damages, awards, claims,
actions, demands, losses, liabilities and causes of
action (including but not limited to, attorney’s fees
and expenses) arising out of or related to
infringement or an alleged infringement of any
patent, copyright, trade secret, or trademark for or
on account of using and or commercializing Know
how to manufacture [6]. Transferor, at its sole
expense, will control defense and settlement of all
suits or proceedings as described in this section.
Transferee will give Transferor prompt written
notice of any such claim of which it is formally
notified. Failure of Transferee to provide prompt
notice does not relieve Transferor of its obligations
under this Section unless such failure causes
irreparable harm. Regardless, Transferor, has the
right to participate in the defense of any such suit
or proceeding through counsel of its own choosing
and at its own expense.
ARTICLE 6 Representations and Warranties of
[17] Transferee warrants that it has authority to
6. Transferee is a company duly registered, validly act.
1 existing and in good standing under the laws of the
[5] and has full legal capacity, power and authority
to enter into and execute this Agreement.

[18] Transferee warrants that Know How and

Technical Data will be maintained as confidential
6. Transferee warrants that all Know How and
2 Technical Data will be treated as confidential and
an proprietary and agrees to maintain the Know How
and Technical Data with the same degree of care that
Transferee treats its own confidential and
and proprietary information and not to disclose the
Know How and Technical Data to a third
party without the express written consent of the [19] Transferee must warrant access to Know
Transferor. How and Technical Data will not be provided to
any person in violation of the US export laws.

Transferee acknowledges that Know How and

6. Technical Data covered by this Agreement may be
3 subject to U.S. export controls, which are set out in
the Export Administration Regulations. As such
transferee warrants that no access to such
technology shall be provided to any person located
outside the United States or to a foreign national [21] Choice of state or country law is negotiated
inside the United States.
by parties. Some states, such as New York have
certain limitations that must be satisfied before
New York law is applied.

ARTICLE7 Governing Law and Dispute

Resolution [21] Parties can agree to negotiate disputes. The
result of the arbitration can be either binding or
7. This Agreement is governed by the laws of the [20]

7. In the event a dispute arises in connection with

2 performance of this Agreement, the Parties shall
attempt to solve such dispute through friendly
consultations. [21] If no mutually acceptable
settlement of such dispute is reached, such dispute [22] Dispute is defined
shall be submitted to the American Arbitration
Association (AAA). Arbitration shall take place in
Delaware and shall be conducted in accordance
with the arbitration rules of the AAA. The parties
agree that arbitral award is final and binding upon
the Parties.

7. For the purpose of this Clause 7, "Dispute" means

3 a dispute arises in connection with validity,
effective date, interpretation, performance, default
liability of and under this Agreement, and that with
[23] Rep and warranty that both signatories are
modification, transfer, dissolution and termination
of this Agreement.[22] authorized to sign

[24] Covers amendments to the Agreement

ARTICLE 8 Miscellaneous

8. Both parties represent and warrant that this

1 Agreement has been signed by authorized
representatives of the Parties, and shall enter into
force upon signature by the Parties. [23]

8. The Parties may amend this Agreement with

2 respect of any unsolved matter. Any amendment
and supplemental agreement to this Agreement
shall be made in written. Annexes to this [25] Signatures and Titles
Agreement constitute an integral part of this
Agreement, and have equal legal effect as this
Agreement. [24]

Transferor: Transferee:

[25] [25]

By: By:

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