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Date: March 5, 2023

[Name of Recipient]
[Company Name]
[Street Address]
[City, State ZIP Code]

Subject: Application for the position of [title] at [company].

Dear Mr, Mrs, [Name of Recipient],

I am writing to you because I saw on a job vacancy advert [Job news source] that you are looking for
someone to hire at one of your filling stations.

I am a fresh out of college and I need to have a part time job to keep me going. I just need you to give
me the chance to get a job so that I can get started in my life. [Describe in your words]. I would like to
apply for this. I can learn very quickly I’m good at listening and taking orders. [Explain your
confidence and dedication].

I am a good hard worker and meeting deadlines. I live close to the filling station so travel will not be a
problem for me as I can walk. [Show experience, if you have]. I have been [Job position] in a few
pumps already and I think that I understand the methodology of the work and can blend in the
working environment quiet fast.

I would really like this job as I have a family to support and times are very hard nowadays.
[Cordially describe your needed].

I hope you will find my skill set quite useful and you will give me a chance to discuss further in a
personal interview. I can be contacted through email at [email] or phone at [Phone number]. I am
looking forward to hearing from you soon.

Thank you very much for your consideration.



Date: March 5, 2023

[Name of Recipient]
[Company Name]
[Street Address]
[City, State ZIP Code]

Subject: Application for the position of [title] at [company].

Dear Mr, Mrs, [Name of Recipient],

I saw your job advertisement and I am interested in this [Position], which I found through the

I would like to work at your petrol station as a manager. I have been a manager on a pump and I
think that I understand the methodology of the work and can blend in the working environment
quiet fast. My enthusiasm for community building along with my recent [Study], prompted me to
forward my resume to you immediately with the hope of further discussing my qualifications for this

In addition to my strong background, I have had valuable team building and customer relation/sales
Experiences and in my volunteer work as a Service Scholar. I am attaching my experience letters with
this job application. I hope you will find my skill set quiet useful.

I look forward to meeting with you to further discuss how I can make a positive contribution to
Company/organization] as a [Position].

Thank you very much for your consideration.



[Formal Name + Title]


Date: March 5, 2023

[Name of Recipient]
[Company Name]
[Street Address]
[City, State ZIP Code]

Subject: Application for the position of [title] at [company].

Dear Mr, Mrs, [Name of Recipient],

I am very interested in your posting for a [Position] advert for hiring at one of your filling stations,
which I found through the [website].

I have two years working experience at filling station with safety training course. I live close to the
filling station so travel will reach here by walking. I really like this job as I have a family to support.

The posting for [Position] states that self-motivation and customer service skills are key qualities
in a successful candidate. I believe my background and dedication to quality service can be useful.

I look forward to meeting with you to further discuss how I can make a positive contribution to
Company/organization] as a [Position]. I can be contacted through email at [email] or phone at
[Phone number].

Thank you very much for your consideration.




Your formal cover letters will be longer than those that are the body of an email where you
attach your resume. For email, you will still introduce yourself and provide an overview of why
you believe you are a qualified candidate, however, there will not be as much detail included as
in a full-page cover letter. Email cover letters can be beneficial for applications that request a
resume to be submitted via email but are not explicitly required.


The first paragraph is an introduction of yourself and how you learned of the opening, as well as your
interest in the position/organization. This requires you to relate yourself to the organization or to the
position in order to demonstrate your interest.

The middle paragraph(s) is a profile of how your skills and experience match the qualifications
sought. In order to do this, consider the following points:

 Read the job description carefully to get a clear idea of what the company is looking for. This
goes beyond just the “qualifications” section of a job description- make sure to discuss your
ability to do the job.
 Review the company website to learn what type of person the company might value.
 Match your background, whether it is work experience, academics, volunteer experience,
etc; and
 describe why you believe those experiences make you a qualified candidate for the position.

The last paragraph wraps up the cover letter. You should reiterate your interest in the position, and
desire to hear from them regarding the opportunity. You also want to thank the reader for their time
in considering your application and provide information for how you can be reached. If you would
like, and are able to, you can state that you will follow-up with them directly. Be positive and
confident (without being arrogant).
The information in this document is designed to provide an outline that you can follow when formulating business or personal plans.
Due to the variances of many local, city, county and state laws, we recommend to consider professional legal counseling before entering into any
contract or agreement. herewith expressly rejects any liability incurred due to the use of any documents provided on
its website.

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