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COMPLICATIONS visual changes

Hypertensive Disorders in Pregnancy hyperreflexia
Gestational Hypertension epigastric pain
Pregnancy Induced Hypertension flu like symptoms
generalized edema
Pregnancy Induced Hypertension nausea and vomiting
severe elevated BP
• Incidence proteinuria
– 8% of all pregnant woman
– Appears before 20th week of pregnancy PIH Severe Preeclampsia - Management
– Proteinuria, HPN-increased BP, convulsion,
disappears 2 weeks after delivery • Dependent on severity of disease &
gestational age of fetus
• Etiology • Focus of Care
– Unknown, hormones:PGE prostaglandin, – Activity restriction / quiet environment/Seizure
estrogen, progesterone, renin angiotensin Precaution
– Preeclampsia is due to generalized – Suction Machine at Bedside
vasospasm – Pharmacologic therapy -anticonvulsive &
antihypertensive therapy: Magnesium Sulfate
• MILD PREECLAMPSIA Cardinal signs – Acts as a CNS depressant
1) hypertension 140/90 or increase of – Vasodilator
30mmHg in systolic, increase of 15 – Diuretic
2) proteinuria albuminuria 24 hr urine Severe Pre-eclampsia
collection is 300mg/L
3) weight gain of 2 lbs in one week • Dosage of MgSO4:bolus dose
10gm is equivalent to 40ml
Pregnancy Induced Hypertension given per IM. This is not given
Mild Preeclampsia on one muscle site.
• NOT given per IV because it
• Nursing Responsibilities could depress the fetus
– Rest • AFTER birth it is ok to give per
– Increase protein in the diet, low fat, low IV
sodium, high carbo
– Visit MD 2x a week 5 signs of MgSO4 Toxicity

Severe Pre-eclampsia • Depressed DTR’s

• Depressed RR-14 breathes per minute is the
• Signs and Symptoms: lowest acceptable. If 12 you have to give the
– BP 160/110 or higher, antidote.
– generalized edema, oliguria, • BP-check for pulse pressure. Greater than 40
– Headache-frontal and occipital, means circulatory collapse.
– cerebral edema, vomiting, • Urine Output of less than 30cc/hr
– pulmonary congestion, • Decreased FHR- if the fetal heart rate falls below
– epigastric pain-an Impending sign of normal range, give the antidote
– Albumin in 24 urine collection is 5g/L Calcium Gluconate
(Antidote for MgSO4)
• Reverses respiratory paralysis
– Criteria of diagnosis and heart block.
hemolysis • Dosage: 10mg of 10% solution per
elevated liver enzymes IV every hour for 10 doses.
AST(SGOT)>72U/L • Other drugs given:valium, apresoline
ALT(SGPT)>50U/L NOT GIVEN: diuretics
serum LDH>600IU/L
low platelet Pregnancy induced Hypertension
• Post-Partally-the 1st 48 hours is CRITICAL.
PIH - HELLP syndrome Possible convulsion.
reflects severity of disease • GRAND MAL CONVULSION: Aura, Tonic,
– Signs and Symptoms Clonic, Coma
• Nursing Responsibility: • No vaginal exams, restrict
– Turn patient to side, activity
– prevent injury, bed rails well padded,
– give O2 via face mask at 7-8LPM, suction Premature rupture of
secretions, membranes (PROM)
– Prepare for OR.
• Diagnosis is made when there is
Vena caval syndrome. cramping and vaginal discharge on
20 and 37 weeks gestation
PIH – eclampsia nursing • Nursing Care – monitor FHT &
contractions, provide emotional
interventions support, manage side effects of
• Reduce risk of aspiration tocolytics, teach what to do if occur
• Prevent maternal injury at home
• Ensure maternal oxygenation after seizure
• Ensure fetal oxygenation after seizure ABRUPTIO PLACENTA
• Establish seizure control with MgSO4
• Treat severe hypertension • Premature separation of a normally
• Correct maternal acidemia implanted placenta.
• Initiate process of delivery • Caused by: trauma, PIH, ischemia, too
much oxytocin, water intoxication, fetal
THIRD TRIMESTER distress, identical twins, polyhydramnios,
COMPLICATIONS short umbilical cord.


Placenta Previa
Abruptio Placenta • S & Sx:
Hydramnios – sudden sharp pain at fundus,Bleeding dark
Prolapse Cord red
– Couvallaire uterus-board like rigidity
Premature rupture of

• Diagnose – Nitrazine or fern test • Concealed-center is

• Gestational age - more than 36 wks deliver separated first.
if: Shultz mechanism
– ripe cervix, leading to internal
– abnormal FHT, bleeding. Presence
– meconium stained fluid, of couvalaire uterus.
– possible infection, • Nursing Action:
– abnormal presentation Perform IE’s to
• Management – walking, Prostaglandin rupture the amnion
and the blood.
Premature rupture of

• Gestational age between 32-35 weeks • Overt/Marginal-

deliver if Duncan Mechanism,
– mature fetal pulmonary status,
– abnormal FHT, there is overt
– possible infection bleeding.
• Management – tocolytics, steroids,
– Tocolytics (Ritodrine, Bricanyl) act by
depressing smooth muscle, • Low lying placenta
– glucocorticoids accelerate fetal lung maturity • Caused by: tumor in the upper segment,
advancing age, multiparity, unfavorable
Nursing Care for PROM decidua.
• Sx/Sx: bright red bleeding, soft uterus,
• Stay hospitalized until birth painless vaginal bleeding
• Frequent VS & FHT q 4 hours • Possible pregnancy outcome is Preterm
• Frequent CBCs , records “kick
• Check vaginal bleeding
Placenta Previa – Front Prolapse
– Vaginal Cord Prolapse
• Nursing Management
– Monitor amount of blood loss by pad PROLAPSE CORD
– Monitoring vital signs:check for signs and • S/sx: decreased FHT
symptoms • Nursing Focus:
of shock. – CBR w/o BRP
– Assess for LOC-irritability is the first sign of – Monitor fetal heart rate
oxygen – Prevent pressure on the CORD! Brain damage
deprivation. can
– Assess for skin color and temperature. occur if pressure persists greater than 5 minutes.
– Measure urine output – Position-trendelenburg, knee chest
– Position the client in trendelenburg, left side lying – If vaginal cord prolapse, place sterile OS soaked
Placenta Previa NSS to prevent atrophy of blood vessels.


– Provide warmth-blanket
– Start IV line-use big needle to anticipate BT. AMNIOTIC FLUID
– Monitor I&O EMBOLISM
– Prepare 2 units of whole blood TWINS
– Monitor VS, FHT, Uterine contractions
– Provide emotional & psychological support DYSTOCIA

HYDRAMNIOS • Difficult labor

• Causes of dystocia
• Diagnosed thru pelvic ultrasound/Amniotic – Injudicious use of analgesics
Fluid Index – Minor degrees of pelvic contraction
• Oligohydramnios-below 300 less than – malposition
2cm;less than 5 at AFI
• Polyhydramnios-above 2000 greater than Stages of Labor
8cm; greater than 24 at AFI
– Stage 1: from onset of labor until full
HYDRAMNIOS dilation of cervix
• Latent phase: from 0-4 cm
• Causes • Active phase: 4-8 cm
– Post maturity • Transition: 8-10 cm
– Renal function – Stage 2: from full dilation of cervix to birth
– IUGR of baby
– Obstructive Uropathy – Stage 3: from birth of baby to expulsion of
– Rupture of membranes placenta
– DM – Stage 4: time after birth (usually 1-2 hours)
– Anemia of immediately recovery

HYDRAMNIOS Duration of Labor

• Effects of OLIGO • A.Depends on

– Cord compression – Regular, progressive uterine contractions
– Fetal distress – Progressive effacement and dilation of cervix
– Fetal pulmonary hypoplasia – Progressive descent of presenting part
• Effects of
POLYHYDRAMNIOS Duration of Labor
– Preterm labor
– PROM • B. Average length
– Perinatal death 1. Primipara
• Stage 1: 12-13 hours
PROLAPSE CORD • Stage 2: 1 hour
• Stage 3: 3-4 minutes
• Cord collapsed first before • Stage 4: 1-2 hours
the delivery 2. Multipara
• Types • Stage 1: 8 hours
– Occult Prolapse • Stage 2: 20 minutes
• Stage 3: 4-5 minutes • distress
• Stage 4: 1-2 hours
• Labor takes place 3 hours or less
• Primary Power • Causes: Opposite of P’s
– Involuntary uterine contraction should be • Management: at the second stage of
present during labor labor, perform modified Ritgen’s maneuver
• Secondary Power by supporting the lower perinuem with
– Abdominal contraction which is voluntary towel to prevent laceration.
and should be present after labor is

POWER • Effects of precipitate labor on

– Mother
• Hypotonic Uterus- late contraction, • Laceration
slowed contraction • Bleeding
– Management: oxytocin, pitocin to induce • Infection
labor – Fetus
• Head injury
• Hypertonic Uterus- tetanic contraction • Infection
that is continuous and fast • Fetal asphyxia
– Management: bricanyl and sedative
• Amniotic Fluid enters the maternal
• Head is big circulation & enters the pulmonary
• Heavy or big baby capillaries.
• Breech presentation • It is a rare condition but the patient can die
The most favorable position for child • S&Sx: dyspnea
birth is ROA/LOA • Sites of entry: endocervical, uteroplacental
• Small contracted pelvis
• The distance between the ischial spines is • Identical-monozygotic
equal to or less than 9cms. – 2 amnion-2 cord
– 1 chorion-1 placenta
• Fraternal-dizygotic
• Cardinal Mechanism of Labor is: – 2 amnion – 2 cord
– Engagement/descent – 2 chorion-2 placenta
– Flexion
– Internal Rotation TWINS
– Extension
– External Rotation • Complications:
• If not able to rotate fully- Consistent – Prematurity
Occiput Posterior (COP) – Uterine atony
– Hydramnios
Nursing Care – Anemia
– Dystocia
Rub the clients back as this would manifest severe – Prone to infection
backpain – Hemorrhage
PERSON-PSYCHE – Abnormal Presentation

• Preparation of the mother is essential

• Prolonged labor can cause
– Mother
• Exhaustion
• Dehydration
• Infection
– Fetus

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