Star Comprehensive Prospectus New 1

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Regd. & Corporate Office: 1, New Tank Street, Valluvar Kottam High Road, Nungambakkam,
Chennai - 600 034. « Phone : 044 - 28288800 « Email : [email protected]
Website : « CIN : L66010TN2005PLC056649 « IRDAI Regn. No. : 129


Unique Identification No.: SHAHLIP22028V072122

The Specific Feature of this policy is it offers Health Cover, Delivery and New born cover, Out-Patient Consultation Section 1-H
Dental and Ophthalmological Treatment, Hospital cash Benefit-all under a single roof. Also
Limit for Out Patient consultation per
cover is extended for Bariatric surgery where it is performed for medical reasons
Sum Insured Rs. policy period for other than Dental and
µ Eligibility Ophthalmic Treatments (up to Rs.)
Ø For Adults – 18yrs – 65 yrs 5,00,000/- 1,200/-
Ø For Dependent Child - 91 days – 25 yrs 7,50,000/- 1,500/-
µ Midterm inclusion of newly married / wedded spouse and New Born Baby is 10,00,000/- 2,100/-
permissible on paying additional premium. The intimation about the marriage / new 15,00,000/- 2,400/-
born should be given within 60 days from the date of marriage or new born. The cover
will be from the date of payment of premium. 20,00,000/- 3,000/-
25,00,000/- 3,300/-
µ Policy Term: 1 Year / 2 Years / 3 Years. For policies more than one year, the Basic
Sum Insured is for each year, without any carry over benefit thereof 50,00,000/-, 75,00,000/- and 1,00,00,000/- 5,000/-
Limit of per consultation is Rs. 300/-
µ Instalment Facility available: Premium can be paid Quarterly and Half-yearly.
Premium can also be paid Annually, Biennial (Once in 2 years) and Triennial (Once Note: Payment of any claim under this section shall not be construed as a waiver of
in 3 years) Company's right to repudiate any claim on grounds of nondisclosure of material fact or
preexisting disease for hospitalization expenses under hospitalization provisions of
µ Sum Insured Options the policy contract.
Rs.5,00,000; Rs.7,50,000; Rs.10,00,000; Rs.15,00,000; Rs.20,00,000;
I. Domiciliary hospitalization: Coverage for medical treatment (including
Rs.25,00,000; Rs.50,00,000; Rs.75,00,000 ; Rs.1,00,00,000
AYUSH) for a period exceeding three days, for an illness/disease/injury, which in
µ What are the benefits available? the normal course, would require care and treatment at a Hospital but, on the
Section 1 Hospitalization advice of the attending Medical Practitioner, is taken whilst confined at home
A. Room (Private Single A/C room), Boarding and Nursing Expenses as provided under any of the following circumstances
by the Hospital / Nursing Home The condition of the patient is such that he/she is not in a condition to be removed
B. Surgeon, Anesthetist, Medical Practitioner, Consultants, Specialist Fees. to a Hospital, or
C. Anesthesia, Blood, Oxygen, Operation Theatre charges, ICU charges, Surgical The patient takes treatment at home on account of non-availability of room in a
Appliances, Medicines and Drugs, Diagnostic Materials and X-ray, diagnostic hospital.
imaging modalities, Dialysis, Chemotherapy, Radiotherapy, cost of Pacemaker, However, this benefit shall not cover Asthma, Bronchitis, Chronic Nephritis and
stent and such other similar expenses. With regard to coronary stenting, the Nephritic Syndrome, Diarrhoea and all types of Dysenteries including
Company will pay such amount up to the extent of cost of bare metal stent/drug Gastro-enteritis, Diabetes Mellitus and Insipidus, Epilepsy, Hypertension,
eluting cobalt-chromium stent/drug eluting stainless steel stent. Influenza, Cough and Cold, all Psychiatric or Psychosomatic Disorders, Pyrexia
D. Road ambulance expenses: Subject to an admissible hospitalization claim, of unknown origin for less than 10 days, Tonsillitis and Upper Respiratory Tract
infection including Laryngitis and Pharingitis, Arthritis, Gout and Rheumatism.
road ambulance expenses incurred for the following are payable :-
i. for transportation of the insured person by private ambulance service to go Section 2 Delivery and New Born
to hospital when this is needed for medical reasons A. Expenses for a Delivery including Delivery by Caesarean section (including pre-natal
or and post natal expenses) up-to the limits mentioned in the table below per Delivery,
ii. for transportation of the insured person by private ambulance service from subject to a maximum of 2 deliveries in the entire life time of the insured person are
one hospital to another hospital for better medical treatment payable while the policy is in force.
or B. Expenses up-to the limits mentioned in the table below, incurred in a hospital/ nursing
iii. for transportation of the insured person from the hospital where treatment is home on treatment of the New-born for any disease, illness (including any congenital
taken to their place of residence provided the requirement of an ambulance disorders) or accidental injuries are payable provided there is an admissible claim
to the residence is certified by the medical practitioner. under A of Section-2 above and while the policy is in force.
E. Air Ambulance expenses Subject to an admissible hospitalization claim, the Section 2 Delivery and New Born
Insured Person(s) is/are eligible for reimbursement of expenses incurred
Limit for Delivery Limit of Company's
towards the cost of air ambulance service up to Rs.2,50,000/- per
Delivery by liability for
hospitalization, not exceeding Rs.5,00,000/- per policy period, if the said service Sum Insured Rs. Normal
Caesarean New Born
was availed on the advice of the treating Medical Practitioner / Delivery Rs. Section Rs. Cover Rs.
Hospital..Expenses towards Air ambulance service is payable for only from the
place of first occurrence of the illness / accident to the nearest hospital. Such Air 5,00,000/- 15,000/- 20,000/- 1,00,000/-
ambulance should have been duly licensed to operate as such by Competent 7,50,000/- 25,000/- 40,000/- 1,00,000/-
Authorities of the Government/s. 10,00,000/- to 25,00,000/- 30,000/- 50,000/- 1,00,000/-
F. Relevant Pre-Hospitalization medical expenses incurred for a period not 50,00,000/- to 1,00,00,000/- 50,000/- 1,00,000/- 2,00,000/-
exceeding 60 days prior to the date of hospitalization are payable subject to an
admissible hospitalization claim C) Vaccination expenses for the new born baby are payable up to the limits mentioned in
the table below, until the new born baby completes one year of age and is added in the
G. Post Hospitalization: Medical expenses incurred for a period up to 90 days
policy on renewal. Claim under this is admissible only if claim under A of Section-2
from the date of discharge from the hospital wherever recommended by the
above has been admitted and while the policy is in force.
Medical Practitioner / Hospital, where the treatment was taken are payable,
provided Limits of Vaccination
i. such expenses so incurred are following an admissible claim for Sum Insured Rs. Limit per policy period (Rs.)
and 5,00,000/- to 25,00,000/- 5,000/-
ii. such expenses so incurred are in respect of ailment for which the insured Above 25,00,000/- 10,000/-
person was hospitalized. Special Conditions applicable for this Section
H. Expenses of Medical Consultations as an Out Patient incurred in a Networked 1. Benefit under this section is subject to a waiting period of 24months from the date of
Facility for other than Dental and Ophthalmic treatments, up to the limits first commencement of Star Comprehensive Insurance Policy and its continuous
mentioned in the table below are payable. Payment under this benefit H does not renewal thereof with the Company. A waiting period of 24 months will apply afresh
form part of Sum Insured, and is payable while the policy is in force. following a claim under “A” of Section-2 above.
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2. Pre-hospitalisation and Post Hospitalization expenses and Hospital Cash Benefit are sum insured basis a claim made by one insured person will not affect the Health Check-up
not applicable for this section. benefit to other insured persons.
3. This cover is available only when Note: Payment of expenses towards cost of health check up will not prejudice the
i. both Self and Spouse are covered under this policy either on floater basis or on company's right to deal with a claim in case of non disclosure of material fact and / or
individual basis and both Self and Spouse should have been covered for a Pre-Existing Diseases in terms of the policy
continuous period of 24 months under Star Comprehensive Insurance Policy, Section 7 Bariatric Surgery
ii. the policy covering the self and spouse are in force when the benefit under this Expenses incurred on hospitalization for bariatric surgical procedure and its complications
Section becomes payable. thereof are payable subject to limits mentioned in the table given below, during the policy
4. Claims under this section will not reduce the Sum Insured and will not impact the period. This maximum limit of Rs.2,50,000/- and Rs.5,00,000/- are inclusive of
benefit under Section 6. pre-hospitalization and post hospitalization expenses.
Section 3 Out-patient Dental and Ophthalmic Treatment Sum Insured Rs. Limit per policy period (Rs.)
Expenses incurred on acute treatment to a natural tooth or teeth or the services and 5,00,000/- to 15,00,000/- 2,50,000/-
supplies provided by a licensed dentist, up to limits mentioned in the table below are
payable. Above 15,00,000/- 5,00,000/-
Expenses incurred for the treatment of the eye or the services or supplies provided by a Special conditions:
licensed ophthalmologist, hospital or other provider that are medically necessary to treat 1. This benefit is subject to a waiting period of 36 months from the date of first
eye problem including cost of spectacles / contact lenses, not exceeding the limit commencement of this policy and continuous renewal thereof with the Company.
mentioned in the table below are payable. 2. The minimum age of the insured at the time of surgery should be above 18 years.
The insured persons become eligible for this benefit after continuous coverage under Star 3. This benefit shall not apply where the surgery is performed for
Comprehensive Insurance Policy with the Company, after every block of 3 years and a) Reversible endocrine or other disorders that can cause obesity
payable while the policy is in force. b) Current drug or alcohol abuse
Claims under this section will not reduce the Sum Insured and will not impact the benefit c) Uncontrolled, severe psychiatric illness
under Section 6. d) Lack of comprehension of risks, benefits, expected outcome, alternatives and
Section 3 Out-patient Dental and Ophthalmic Treatment lifestyle changes required with bariatric surgery.
e) Bariatric surgery performed for Cosmetic reasons
Limit for Out Patient Dental and
Sum Insured Rs. Ophthalmic Treatments for each block 4. The indication for the procedure should be found appropriate by two qualified
of 3 continuous years (up to Rs.) surgeons and the insured person shall obtain prior approval for cashless treatment
from the Company.
5,00,000/- and 7,50,000/- 5,000/-
5. To make a claim, the insured person should satisfy the following criteria as devised by
10,00,000/- to 25,00,000/- 10,000/- NIH (National Institute of Health)
Above 25,00,000/- 15,000/- a) The BMI should be greater than 40 or greater than 35 with co-morbidities (like
Note: Payment of any claim under this section shall not be construed as a waiver of Diabetes, High Blood Pressure etc.)
Company's right to repudiate any claim on grounds of nondisclosure of material fact or b) The Insured Person Is unable to lose weight through traditional methods like diet
preexisting disease for hospitalization expenses under hospitalization provisions of the and exercise.
policy contract. Note: Claims under this section shall be processed only on cashless basis. The limit of cover
provided under this section forms part of the sum insured and will impact Cumulative Bonus
Section 4 Organ Donor Expenses In patient hospitalization expenses incurred for organ
transplantation from the Donor to the Recipient Insured Person are payable provided the Section 8 Option for Second Medical Opinion
claim for transplantation is payable. In addition, the expenses incurred by the Donor, (if any) The Insured Person is given the facility of obtaining a Medical Second Opinion from a
Doctor in the Company's network of Medical Practitioners. All the medical records
for the complications that necessitate a Redo Surgery / ICU admission will be covered.
provided by the Insured Person will be submitted to the Doctor chosen by him/her either
The coverage limit under this section is over and above the Limit of Coverage and upto the online or through post/courier and the medical opinion will be made available directly to the
Basic Sum Insured. This additional Sum Insured can be utilized by the Donor and not Insured by the Doctor.
by the Insured.
Subject to the following conditions :-
Section 5 Hospital Cash Benefit: Subject to an admissible Hospitalization claim, Cash · This should be specifically requested for by the Insured Person
Benefit up to the limits mentioned in the table below for each completed day of · This opinion is given without examining the patient, based only on the medical records
Hospitalization for a maximum of 7 days per occurrence is payable. submitted.
This Benefit is available for a maximum of 120 days during the entire policy period. · The second opinion should be only for medical reasons and not for medico-legal
This benefit is subject to an excess of first 24 hours of Hospitalization for each and every purposes.
claim. Claims under this section will not reduce the Sum Insured. · Any liability due to any errors or omission or consequences of any action taken in
Section 5 Hospital Cash reliance of the second opinion provided by the Medical Practitioner is outside the
scope of this policy.
Hospital Cash Benefit - Limit of · Utilizing this facility alone will not amount to making a claim.
Sum Insured Rs.
Company's liability per day (Rs.)
Section 9 AYUSH Treatment: In patient Hospitalizations Expenses incurred on
5,00,000/- 500/-
treatment under Ayurveda, Unani, Sidha and Homeopathy systems of medicines in a
7,50,000/- and 10,00,000/- 750/- Government Hospital or in any institute recognized by the government and/or accredited
15,00,000/- and 20,00,000/- 1,000/- by the Quality Council of India/National Accreditation Board on Health as in patient is
25,00,000/- 1,500/- payable up to the limits given below:
50,00,000/-, 75,00,000/-, and 1,00,00,000/- 2,500/- Sum Insured Rs. Limit per policy period (Rs.)
Section 6 Health Check Up Expenses incurred towards cost of health check-up up to the 5,00,000/- to 15,00,000/- 15,000/-
limits mentioned in the table given below for every claim free year are payable provided 20,00,000/- and 25,00,000/- 20,000/-
i. the health checkup is done at networked facility
and 50,00,000/-, 75,00,000/- and 1,00,00,000/- 30,000/-
ii. the policy is in force. Note:
Payment under this benefit does not form part of the sum insured and will not impact the Bonus. 1) Payment under this benefit forms part of the sum insured and also will impact the
Sum Insured Rs. Limit (Up to Rs) 2) Yoga and Naturopathy systems of treatment are excluded from the scope of coverage
5,00,000/- 2,000/- under AYUSH treatment
7,50,000/- 2,500/- Important Note: Applicable for Section 1 (A) to Section 1©, Section 2 (B), Section 4,
10,00,000/- 3,000/- Section 7. Section 9, Section 12 and Section 13
1. All Day Care Procedures are covered.
15,00,000/- 4,000/-
2. Expenses on Hospitalization are payable provided the hospitalization is for minimum
20,00,000/- 4,500/-
period of 24 hours. However this time limit will not apply for treatments / Day Care
25,00,000/- 4,500/- procedures where taken in the Hospital / Nursing Home and the Insured are
50,00,000/-, 75,00,000/- and 1,00,00,000/- 5,000/- discharged on the same day.
Where the policy is on a floater sum insured basis, if a claim is made either under Section 1 3. Hospitalization Expenses which vary based on the room rent occupied by the insured
(other than Section 1H) or under Section 4 by any of the insured persons, the health check person will be considered in proportion to the room rent limit / room category stated in
up benefits will not be available under the policy. However where the policy is on individual the policy schedule or actuals whichever is less
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Section 10 Accidental Death and Permanent Total Disablement Table - B2
If at any time during the Period of Insurance, the Insured Person shall sustain any bodily
injury resulting solely and directly from Accident caused by external, violent and visible
means then the Company will pay as under: Percentage of Sum
Physical function already impaired prior to accident
1. Accidental Death of Insured Person: If following an Accident that causes death of Insured Deducted
the Insured Person within 12 Calendar months from the date of Accident, then the
Company will pay an amount as compensation the Sum Insured mentioned in the 1 Loss of toes all All 20
Schedule Loss of Great toe both phalanges 5
2. Permanent Total Disablement of the Insured Person: If following an Accident which Loss of Great toe one phalanx 2
caused permanent impairment of the Insured's mental or physical capabilities, then
the Company will pay the benefits as provided in the “Table of Benefits - B1”, Other than Great, if more
depending upon the degree of disablement provided that: than
a) The disablement occurs within 12 Calendar months from the date of the One toe lost, for each toe For each toe 1
2 Loss of hearing both ears Both ears 75
b) The disablement is confirmed and claimed for, prior to the expiry of a period of
60 days since occurrence of the disablement. Loss of hearing one ear One ear 30
Special Conditions: Loss of four fingers and
1. If the Accident affects any physical function, which was already impaired prior to the 3 40
thumbs of One hand
accident, a deduction as per “Table – B2” will be made in respect of this prior
disablement. 4 Loss of four fingers 35
2. In the event of Permanent Total Disablement, the Insured Person will be under
obligation: Loss of thumb both
Both phalanges 25
a) To have himself/herself examined by doctors appointed by the Company / and phalanges
the Company will pay the costs involved thereof.
b) To authorize doctors providing treatments or giving expert opinion and any other One phalanx 10
authority to supply the Company any information that may be required. If the Loss of index finger three
obligations are not met with due to whatsoever reason, the Company may be 5 Three phalanges 10
relieved of its liability to pay.
Two phalanges Two phalanges 8
3. This Section is applicable for the person specifically mentioned in the Schedule.
One phalanx One phalanx 4
4. The sum insured for this Section is equal to the sum insured opted for Health Section
5. Where a claim has been paid during the policy period the cover under this Section 6 Loss of middle finger Three phalanges 6
ceases until the expiry of the policy. Upon renewal the cover applies to the person Two phalanges 4
specifically chosen again. However even if the sum insured under this section is One phalanx 2
exhausted by way of claim, the coverage under health section will continue until expiry
of the policy period. 7 Loss of ring finger Three phalanges 5
6. At any point of time only one person will be eligible to be covered under this Section. Two phalanges 4
Dependent Children and persons above 70 years can be covered under this One phalanx 2
section up to the Sum insured of Rs.10,00,000/-. 8 Loss of little finger Three phalanges 4
7. Any claim under health portion will not affect the Sum Insured under this section.
Two phalanges 3
8. Where there is an admissible claim for Accidental Death during the policy period, the
health cover will continue for the remaining insured persons. One phalanx 2
9. Where there is an admissible claim for Permanent Total Disability during the policy 9 Loss of metacarpals First or second 3
period, the health cover would continue until the expiry of the policy for all the insured Additional (third fourth or fifth) 2
persons covered including the person who has made a claim for Permanent Total
Percentage as
Disability and renewal thereof.
assessed by the
10. Where there is an admissible claim for Permanent Total Disability or Death during the Any other Permanent
10 Medical Board or by
policy period, the personal accident cover will be applicable for another person partial disablement
the government
chosen at the time of renewal. doctor
11. Geographical Scope : The cover under this section applies World Wide
Section 11: Star Wellness Program: This program intends to promote, incentivize and to
Table of Benefits - B1 reward the Insured Persons' healthy life style through various wellness activities. The
wellness activities as mentioned below are designed to help the Insured person to earn
Percentage of the wellness reward points which will be tracked and monitored by the Company. The wellness
Benefits points earned by the Insured Person(s) under the wellness program, can be utilized to get
Basic Sum Insured
discount in premium.
1. Death 100% This Wellness Program is enabled and administered online through Star Wellness
Platform (digital platform)
2. Permanent Total Disablement 100%
Note: The Wellness Activities mentioned in the table below (from Serial Number 1 to 5) are
Total and irrevocable loss* of applicable for the Insured person(s) aged 18 years and above only.
The following table shows the discount on premium available under the Wellness Program:
(i) Sight of both eyes 100%
Wellness Points Earned Discount in Premium
(ii) Physical separation of two entire hands 100%
200 to 350 2%
(iii) Physical separation of two entire foot 100% 351 to 600 5%
(iv) One entire hand and one entire foot 100% 601 to 750 7%
(v) Sight of one eye and loss of one hand 100% 751 to 1000 10%

(vi) Sight of one eye and loss of one *In case of floater policy the weightage is given as per the following table :
entire foot Family Size Weightage
(vii) Use of two hands 100% Self, Spouse 1:1

(viii) Use of two foot 100% Self, Spouse and Dependent Children
(up to 18 years)
(ix) Use of one hand and one foot 100% Self, Spouse and Dependent Children
(x) Sight of one eye and use of one hand 100% (aged above 18 years)

(xi) Sight of one eye and use of one foot 100% Note: In case of two year policy, total number of wellness points earned in two year period
will be divided by two.
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Each Insured Person will be given an Individual log-in facility, which will be linked to his/ her 2. Affinity towards wellness: Insured earns wellness points for undertaking any of the
policy. fitness and health related activities as given below. List of Fitness Initiatives and
*Please refer the Illustrations to understand the calculation of discount in premium, Wellness points:
weightage and the calculation in case of two year policy.
The wellness services and activities are categorized as below: Initiative
Maximum number
of Wellness Points Participating in Walkathon, Marathon, Cyclothon and similar activities
Activity that can be earned
No. a. 100
under each policy On submission of BIB Number along with the details of the entry ticket
in a policy year taken to participate in the event.
Manage and Track Health
Membership in a health club (for 1 year or more) - In a Gym / Yoga Centre /
1. a) Online Health Risk Assessment (HRA) 50 b. Zumba Classes / Aerobic Exercise/ Sports Club/ Pilates Classes/ 100
b) Preventive Risk Assessment 200 Swimming / Tai Chi/ Martial Arts / Gymnastics/ Dance Classes

Affinity to Wellness Note: In case if Insured is not a member of any health club, he/she should join into club
a) Participating in Walkathon, Marathon, Cyclothon and within 3 months from the date of the policy risk commencement date. Insured person
2. 100 should submit the health club membership.
similar activities
b) Membership in a health club (for 1 year or more) 100 3. Stay Active: Insured earns wellness points on achieving the step count target on star
Stay Active – If the Insured member achieves the step mobile application as mentioned below:
3. 200
count target on mobile app
Average number of steps per day in a policy year Wellness Points
a) Weight Management Program (for the Insured who is
100 · If the average number of steps per day in a policy year are
Overweight / Obese) 100
4. between - 5000 and 7999
b) Sharing Insured Fitness Success Story through
adoption of Star Wellness Program (for the Insured who 50 · If the average number of steps per day in a policy year are
is not Overweight / Obese) 150
between - 8000 and 9999
a) Chronic Condition Management Program (for the
Insured who is suffering from Chronic Condition/s - · If the average number of steps per day in a policy year are
250 200
Diabetes, Hypertension, Cardiovascular Disease or - 10000 and above
5. Note:
b) On Completion of De-Stress & Mind Body Healing · First month and last month in each policy year will not be taken into consideration for
Program (for the Insured who is not suffering from
125 calculation of average number of steps per day under Stay Active.
Chronic Condition/s - Diabetes, Hypertension,
Cardiovascular Disease or Asthma) · The mobile app must be downloaded within 30 days of the policy risk start date to
avail this benefit.
Additional Wellness Services · The average step count completed by an Insured member would be tracked on star
wellness mobile application.
6. Online Chat with Doctor
4. Weight Management Program:
7. Medical Concierge Services
a) This Program will help the Insured persons with Over Weight and Obesity to
8. Period & Fertility Tracker manage their Body Mass Index (BMI) through the empanelled wellness experts
who will guide the Insured in losing excess weight and maintain their BMI.
9. Digital Health Vault - On acceptance of the Weight Management Program, Insured earns 50
10. Wellness Content wellness points.
- An additional 50 wellness points will be awarded in case if the results are
11. Health Quiz & Gamification
achieved and maintained as mentioned below;
12. Post-Operative Care
Sr. Name of the Values to Criteria to get the Wellness
13. Discounts from Network Providers No. Ailment submitted points
1. Manage and Track Health:
a) Completion of Health Risk Assessment (HRA): The Health Risk Assessment Obesity (If BMI is Height & Weight (to Achieving and maintaining the BMI
(HRA) questionnaire is an online tool for evaluation of health and quality of life of above 29) calculate BMI) between 18 and 29
the Insured. It helps the Insured to introspect his/ her personal lifestyle. The Insured
can log into his/her account on the website and complete the Reducing BMI by two points and
Overweight (If BMI is Height & Weight (to
HRA questionnaire. The Insured can undertake this once per policy year. 2. maintaining the same BMI in the
between 25 and 29) calculate BMI)
On Completion of online HRA questionnaire, the Insured earns 50 wellness points. policy year
Note: To get the wellness points mentioned under HRA, the Insured has to complete
- Values (for BMI) shall be submitted for every 2 months (up to 5 times in each policy
the entire HRA within one month from the time he/she started HRA Activity.
b) Preventive Risk Assessment: The Insured can also earn wellness points by
undergoing diagnostic / preventive tests during the policy year. These tests b) Incase if the Insured is not Overweight / Obese, the Insured can submit his/her
should include the five mandatory tests mentioned below. Insured can take these Fitness Success Story through adoption of Star Wellness Activities with us. On
tests at any diagnostic centre at Insured's own expenses. submission of the Fitness Success Story through adoption of Star Wellness
- If all the results of the submitted test reports are within the normal range, Activities, Insured earns 50 wellness points.
Insured earns 200 wellness points. 5. Chronic Condition Management Program:
- If the result of any one test is not within the normal range as specified in the a) This Program will help the Insured suffering from Diabetes, Hypertension,
lab report, Insured earns 150 wellness points. Cardiovascular Disease or Asthma to track their health through the empanelled
wellness experts who will guide the insured in maintaining/ improving the health
- If two or more test results are not within the normal range, Insured earns
100 wellness points only.
- On acceptance of the Chronic Condition Management Program, Insured
Note: These tests reports should be submitted together and within 30 days from the earns 100 wellness points.
date of undergoing such Health Check-Up.
- The Insured has to submit the test result values for every 3 months
List of mandatory tests under Preventive Risk Assessment maximum up to 3 times in a policy year.
1. Complete Haemogram Test - If the test result values are within +/- 10% range of the values given below,
2. Blood Sugar (Fasting Blood Sugar (FBS) + Postprandial (PP) [or] HbA1c) for at least 2 times in a policy year, an additional 150 wellness points will be
3. Lipid profile (Total cholesterol, HDL, LDL, Triglycerides, Total Cholesterol / HDL awarded.
Cholesterol Ratio) - These tests reports to be submitted within 1 month from the date of
4. Serum Creatinine undergoing the Health Check-Up.
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· We reserve the right to remove the wellness reward points if found to be achieved
Sr. Test to be Values Criteria to get the
Name of the Ailment in unfair manner.
No. submitted additional Wellness points
· Star Health, its group entities, or affiliates, their respective directors, officers,
Diabetes(Insured can HbA1c ≤ 6.5 employees, agents, vendors, are not responsible or liable for, any actions,
submit either HbA1c claims, demands, losses, damages, costs, charges and expenses which a
test value (or) Fasting Blood Member claims to have suffered, sustained or incurred, by way of and / or on
1. Fasting Blood Sugar Sugar (FBS) account of the Wellness Program.
(FBS) Range and Range and 100 to 125 mg/dl · Services offered are subject to guidelines issued by IRDA from time to time.
Postprandial test Postprandial test
· In case of newly wedded / married spouse or new born baby included in
value) value below 160 mg/dl midterm, the wellness benefit will be available only after completion of 1 year of
Measured with - Systolic Range - 110 to 140 mmHg insurance cover.
2. Hypertension
BP apparatus Diastolic Range - 70 to 90 mmHg
LDL Cholesterol Lets look how the Insured can avail discount on premium through the
Cardiovascular and Total 100 to 159 mg/dl “Star Wellness Program”
Disease Cholesterol / HDL
Cholesterol Ratio ≤ 4.0
Scenario – 1
PFT (Pulmonary FEV1 (PFC) is 75% or more A 40 year old Individual Ramesh buys Star Comprehensive Insurance Policy (Individual
4. Asthma
Function Test) FEV1/ FVC is 70% or more Sum Insured) on 15th March, 2019 on payment of Rs.17,615/- per year (excluding taxes),
with Sum Insured 25 Lacs, let's understand how he can earn Wellness Points by doing
b) In case if the Insured is not suffering from Chronic Condition/s (Diabetes, different wellness activities. Ramesh has declared that his Body Mass Index (BMI) as
Hypertension, Cardiovascular Disease or Asthma) he/she can opt for “De-Stress 24 and he is a Diabetic. Ramesh enrolled under the Star Wellness Program and
& Mind Body Healing Program”. This program helps the Insured to reduce stress completed the following wellness activities
caused due to internal (self-generated) & external factors and increases the
ability to handle stress.
- On acceptance of De-stress & Mind Body Healing Program Insured earns Sr. Name of the wellness activity taken up during
Wellness Points Earned
50 wellness points. No the policy year
- On completion of De-stress & Mind Body Healing Program Insured earns an 1. Completed Online Health Risk Assessment (HRA) 50
additional 75 wellness points.
Submitted Health Check-Up Report (two test
Note: This is a 10 weeks program which insured needs to complete without any break. 2. 100
results are not within normal values)
6. Online Chat with Doctor: Insured can consult qualified healthcare professionals at 3. Participated in Walkathon 100
their convenience. The Doctor Chat feature allows Insured to “Chat” with qualified 4. Attended to Gym 100
Doctors, available from Monday to Friday between 9.00 AM and 6.00 PM to help
Achieved 10,000 average number of steps per
Insured with advice and quick consultations including on Diet & Nutrition and Second 5. 200
day during the policy year
Medical Opinion. They do not prescribe any medications or diagnose any health
issues. 6. Shared his fitness success story 50
Managed Diabetes through Chronic Condition
7. Medical Concierge Services: The Insured can also contact Star Health to avail the 7. 250
Management Program
following services: - Emergency assistance information such as nearest ambulance /
hospital / blood bank etc. Total Number of Wellness Points earned 850

8. Period & Fertility Tracker: The online easy tracking program helps every woman Based on the number of Wellness Points earned Ramesh is eligible to get
with their period health and fertility care. The program gives access to trackers for 10% discount on renewal premium.
period and ovulation which maps out cycles for months. This helps in planning for
conception prevention and tracks peak ovulation if planning pregnancy. Lets look how the Insured can avail discount on premium through the
9. Digital Health Vault: A secured Personal Health records system for Insured to “Star Wellness Program”
store/access and share health data with trusted recipients. Using this portal, Insured Scenario – 2
can store their health documents (prescriptions, lab reports, discharge summaries A 42 year old Individual Suresh and his wife Lakshmi along with their two dependent children
etc.), track health data add family members. (aged below 18 yrs) buy a Star Comprehensive Insurance Policy (Floater Sum Insured) on
10. Wellness Content: The wellness portal provides rich collection of health articles, 20th, March, 2019 on payment of Rs.34,220/- per year (excluding taxes), with Sum Insured
blogs, tips and other health and wellness content. The contents have been written by 25 Lacs, let's understand how they can earn Wellness Points under the Floater Policy.
experts drawn from various fields. Insured will benefit from having one single and Suresh has declared that he is suffering from Diabetes & Hypertension. Suresh has
reliable source for learning about various health aspects and incorporating positive declared his Body Mass Index (BMI) as 30 & Lakshmi has declared her BMI as 25
health changes. Suresh and Lakshmi enrolled under the Star wellness program and completed the
following wellness activities.
11. Health Quiz & Gamification:
Wellness Wellness
- The wellness portal provides a host of Health & Wellness Quizzes. The wellness Sr. Name of the wellness activity taken up
Points Earned Points Earned
quizzes are geared towards helping the Insured to be more aware of various No during the policy year
by Suresh by Lakshmi
health choices.
- Gamification helps in creating fun and engaging health & wellness experiences. 1. Completed Online Health Risk Assessment (HRA) 50 50
It helps to create a sense of achievement in users and increases motivation 2. Submitted Health Check-Up Report 200 200
3. Participated in Marathon 100 0
12. Post Operative Care: It is done through follow up phone calls (primarily for surgical
4. Attended to Gym 100 100
cases) for resolving their medical queries.
Achieved 10,000 average number of steps per
13. Discounts from Network Providers: The Insured can avail discounts on the 5. 200 200
day during the policy year
services offered by our network providers which will be displayed in our website.
Suresh accepted the Weight management
Terms and conditions under wellness activity
program and reached 27 BMI
· Any information provided by the Insured in this regard shall be kept confidential. 6. 100 100
Lakshmi accepted the Weight management
· There will not be any cash redemption against the wellness reward points. program and reached 23 BMI
· Insured should notify and submit relevant documents, reports, receipts etc for Suresh Managed Diabetes & Hypertension
various wellness activities within 1 month of undertaking such activity/test. through Chronic Condition Management
· No activity, report, document, receipt can be submitted in the last month of each 7. Program; 250 125
policy year. Lakshmi has completed De-stress & Mind Body
· For services that are provided through empaneled service provider, Star Health Healing Program
is only acting as a facilitator; hence would not be liable for any incremental costs Total Number of Wellness Points earned 1000 775
or the services.
No of wellness points based upon 500 388
· All medical services are being provided by empaneled health care service
weightage - 1:1 (1000x1/2) (775x1/2)
provider. We ensure full due diligence before empanelment. However Insured
should consult his/her doctor before availing/taking the medical Total Number of Wellness Points earned by Suresh and Lakshmi = 888 (500+388)
advices/services. The decision to utilize these advices/services is solely at Based on the no of Wellness Points earned, Suresh & Lakshmi are eligible to get
Insured person's discretion. 10% discount on renewal premium
Star Comprehensive Insurance Policy Unique Identification No.: SHAHLIP22028V072122 PROS / COMP / V.11 / 2022 5 of 27
Lets look how the Insured can avail discount on premium through the µ Exclusions
“Star Wellness Program”Scenario – 3 A. The Company shall not be liable to make any payments under this policy in respect of
any expenses what so ever incurred by the insured person in connection with or in
Scenario – 3 respect of;
A 27 year old Individual Umesh buys Star Comprehensive Insurance Policy (Individual Sum
Insured) for two year period, with Sum Insured 25 Lacs, let's understand how he can earn 1. Pre-Existing Diseases - Code Excl 01
Wellness Points by doing different wellness activities. Umesh has declared that his Body A. Expenses related to the treatment of a pre-existing Disease (PED) and its direct
Mass Index (BMI) is 24 and he is not suffering with any Chronic Condition. Umesh enrolled complications shall be excluded until the expiry of 36 months of continuous
under the Star Wellness Program and completed the following wellness activities. coverage after the date of inception of the first policy with insurer
Wellness Points Wellness Points B. In case of enhancement of sum insured the exclusion shall apply afresh to the
Sr. Name of the wellness activity taken extent of sum insured increase
Earned in the Earned in the
No up during the policy year C. If the Insured Person is continuously covered without any break as defined under
First Year Second Year
the portability norms of the extant IRDAI (Health Insurance) Regulations, then
1. Completed Online Health Risk Assessment (HRA) 50 50 waiting period for the same would be reduced to the extent of prior coverage
2. Submitted Health Check-Up Report 200 200 D. Coverage under the policy after the expiry of 36 months for any pre-existing
3. Participated in Walkathon 100 100 disease is subject to the same being declared at the time of application and
accepted by Insurer
4. Attended to Yoga Classes 100 100
2. Specified disease / procedure waiting period - Code Excl 02
Achieved 10,000 average number of steps per
5. 200 200 A. Expenses related to the treatment of the following listed Conditions,
day during the policy year surgeries/treatments shall be excluded until the expiry of 24 months of continuous
6. Submitted his fitness success story 50 50 coverage after the date of inception of the first policy with us. This exclusion shall not
Completed De-stress & Mind Body Healing be applicable for claims arising due to an accident
7. 125 125
Program B. In case of enhancement of sum insured the exclusion shall apply afresh to the
Total Number of Wellness Points earned 825 825 extent of sum insured increase
Total Number of Wellness Points earned by Umesh = 1650 (825+825) C. If any of the specified disease/procedure falls under the waiting period specified
for pre-existing diseases, then the longer of the two waiting periods shall apply
Calculation of Wellness Points as per two year policy condition = 825 (1650/2)
D. The waiting period for listed conditions shall apply even if contracted after the
Based on the number of Wellness Points earned, Umesh is eligible to get policy or declared and accepted without a specific exclusion
10% discount on renewal premium. E. If the Insured Person is continuously covered without any break as defined under
µ Coverage for Modern Treatments: The expenses payable during the entire policy period the applicable norms on portability stipulated by IRDAI, then waiting period for
for the following treatment/procedure (either as a day care or as an in-patient exceeding the same would be reduced to the extent of prior coverage
24hrs of admission in the hospital) is limited to the amount mentioned in table below; F. List of specific diseases/procedures;
i. Treatment of Cataract and diseases of the anterior and posterior chamber

of the Eye, Diseases of ENT, Diseases related to Thyroid, Benign diseases

and Post Hospitalisation)
(Sublimits including Pre

Antibody to be given as
Deep Brain Stimulation
Embolization and HIFU

Intra Vitreal injections

of the breast
Oral Chemotherapy*

ii. Subcutaneous Benign Lumps, Sebaceous cyst, Dermoid cyst, Mucous cyst
Uterine artery


lip / cheek, Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, Trigger Finger, Lipoma,


Neurofibroma, Fibroadenoma, Ganglion and similar pathology

Sum Insured in Rs.

iii. All treatments (Conservative, Operative treatment) and all types of

intervention for Diseases related to Tendon, Ligament, Fascia, Bones and
Joint Including Arthroscopy and Arthroplasty / Joint Replacement [other
than caused by accident]
iv. All types of treatment for Degenerative disc and Vertebral diseases
Sum Insured on Individual Basis: Limit per person, including Replacement of bones and joints and Degenerative diseases of
per policy period for each treatment / procedure the Musculo-skeletal system, Prolapse of Intervertebral Disc (other than
Sum Insured on Floater Basis: Limit per policy period caused by accident)
for each treatment / procedure Rs. v. All treatments (conservative, interventional, laparoscopic and open) related
5,00,000/- 1,25,000/- 50,000/- 2,50,000/- 1,25,000/- 2,50,000/- 50,000/- to Hepato-pancreato-biliary diseases including Gall bladder and Pancreatic
calculi. All types of management for Kidney and Genitourinary tract calculi
7,50,000/- 1,25,000/- 50,000/- 2,50,000/- 1,25,000/- 2,75,000/- 60,000/-
vi. All types of Hernia
10,00,000/- 1,50,000/- 1,00,000/- 3,00,000/- 2,00,000/- 4,00,000/- 75,000/- vii. Desmoid Tumor, Umbilical Granuloma, Umbilical Sinus, Umbilical Fistula
15,00,000/- 1,75,000/- 1,25,000/- 4,00,000/- 2,50,000/- 5,00,000/- 1,00,000/- viii. All treatments (conservative, interventional, laparoscopic and open) related
20,00,000/- 2,00,000/- 1,50,000/- 4,50,000/- 2,75,000/- 5,50,000/- 1,25,000/- to all Diseases of Cervix, Uterus, Fallopian tubes, Ovaries, Uterine
25,00,000/- 2,00,000/- 1,50,000/- 5,00,000/- 3,00,000/- 6,00,000/- 1,50,000/- Bleeding, Pelvic Inflammatory Diseases
50,00,000/- 2,25,000/- 1,75,000/- 6,00,000/- 4,00,000/- 7,50,000/- 1,75,000/- ix. All Diseases of Prostate, Stricture Urethra, all Obstructive Uropathies
75,00,000/- 2,50,000/- 2,00,000/- 7,00,000/- 5,00,000/- 9,00,000/- 2,00,000/- x. Benign Tumours of Epididymis, Spermatocele, Varicocele, Hydrocele
1,00,00,000/- 3,00,000/- 2,00,000/- 7,50,000/- 6,00,000/- 10,00,000/- 2,00,000/- xi. Fistula, Fissure in Ano, Hemorrhoids, Pilonidal Sinus and Fistula, Rectal
Prolapse, Stress Incontinence
Vaporisation of the prostate

Hematopoietic stem cells for

bone marrow transplant for

xii. Varicose veins and Varicose ulcers

haematological conditions
(Green laser treatment or
holmium laser treatment)

IONM-(Intra Operative

xiii. All types of transplant and related surgeries (Other than Bone Marrow
Neuro Monitoring)
Robotic surgeries

Stem cell therapy:

radio surgeries

Transplant for acute hematological malignancies and acute medical



emergencies when indicated)

Sum Insured in Rs.

xiv. Congenital Internal disease / defect

3. 30-day waiting period - Code Excl 03
A. Expenses related to the treatment of any illness within 30 days from the first
policy commencement date shall be excluded except claims arising due to an
accident, provided the same are covered
B. This exclusion shall not, however, apply if the Insured Person has continuous
Sum Insured on Individual Basis: Limit per person,
coverage for more than twelve months
per policy period for each treatment / procedure
C. The within referred waiting period is made applicable to the enhanced sum
Sum Insured on Floater Basis: Limit per policy period
insured in the event of granting higher sum insured subsequently
for each treatment / procedure Rs.
4. Investigation & Evaluation - Code- Excl 04
5,00,000/- 2,50,000/- 2,00,000/- 2,50,000/-
A. Expenses related to any admission primarily for diagnostics and evaluation
7,50,000/- 2,75,000/- 2,75,000/- 2,75,000/- purposes only are excluded
10,00,000/- 3,00,000/- 2,25,000/- 4,00,000/- B. Any diagnostic expenses which are not related or not incidental to the current
15,00,000/- 4,00,000/- 2,50,000/- 5,00,000/- diagnosis and treatment are excluded
20,00,000/- 4,50,000/- 2,75,000/- Up to Sum Insured 5,50,000/- 5. Rest Cure, rehabilitation and respite care - Code Excl 05: Expenses related to any
25,00,000/- 5,00,000/- 3,00,000/- 6,00,000/- admission primarily for enforced bed rest and not for receiving treatment. This also
50,00,000/- 6,00,000/- 3,50,000/- 7,50,000/- includes;
1. Custodial care either at home or in a nursing facility for personal care such as
75,00,000/- 7,00,000/- 3,75,000/- 9,00,000/-
help with activities of daily living such as bathing, dressing, moving around either
1,00,00,000/- 7,50,000/- 4,00,000/- 10,00,000/- by skilled nurses or assistant or non-skilled persons
*Sublimit all inclusive with or without hospitalization where ever hospitalization includes 2. Any services for people who are terminally ill to address physical, social,
pre and post hospitalization. emotional and spiritual needs
Star Comprehensive Insurance Policy Unique Identification No.: SHAHLIP22028V072122 PROS / COMP / V.11 / 2022 6 of 27
6. Obesity / Weight Control - Code Excl 06: Expenses related to the surgical treatment 28. Autologous derived Stromal vascular fraction, Chondrocyte Implantation, Procedures
of obesity that does not fulfill all the below conditions; using Platelet Rich plasma and Intra articular injection therapy - Code Excl 28
A. Surgery to be conducted is upon the advice of the Doctor 29. Biologicals, except when administered as an in-patient, when clinically indicated and
B. The surgery/Procedure conducted should be supported by clinical protocols hospitalization warranted - Code Excl 29
C. The member has to be 18 years of age or older and 30. All treatment for Priapism and erectile dysfunctions - Code Excl 30
D. Body Mass Index (BMI); 31. Inoculation or Vaccination (except for post–bite treatment and for medical treatment
1. greater than or equal to 40 or for therapeutic reasons) - Code Excl 31
2. greater than or equal to 35 in conjunction with any of the following severe 32. Dental treatment or surgery (in excess of what is specifically provided) unless
co-morbidities following failure of less invasive methods of weight loss: necessitated due to accidental injuries and requiring hospitalization - Code Excl 32
a. Obesity-related cardiomyopathy
33. Medical and / or surgical treatment of Sleep apnea, treatment for endocrine disorders
b. Coronary heart disease
- Code Excl 33
c. Severe Sleep Apnea
34. Hospital registration charges, admission charges, record charges, telephone charges
d. Uncontrolled Type2 Diabetes
and such other charges - Code Excl 34
7. Change-of-Gender treatments - Code Excl 07: Expenses related to any treatment,
35. Cochlear implants and procedure related hospitalization expenses. Cost of
including surgical management, to change characteristics of the body to those of the
spectacles and contact lens(in excess of what is specifically provided), hearing aids,
opposite sex.
walkers and crutches, wheel chairs, CPAP, BIPAP, Continuous Ambulatory Peritoneal
8. Cosmetic or plastic Surgery - Code Excl 08: Expenses for cosmetic or plastic Dialysis, infusion pump and such other similar aids - Code Excl 35
surgery or any treatment to change appearance unless for reconstruction following an
36. Any hospitalizations which are not Medically Necessary / does not warrant
Accident, Burn(s) or Cancer or as part of medically necessary treatment to remove a
Hospitalization - Code Excl 36
direct and immediate health risk to the insured. For this to be considered a medical
necessity, it must be certified by the attending Medical Practitioner. 37. Other Excluded Expenses as detailed in the website - Code Excl 37
9. Hazardous or Adventure sports - Code Excl 09: Expenses related to any treatment 38. Existing disease/s, disclosed by the insured and mentioned in the policy schedule
necessitated due to participation as a professional in hazardous or adventure sports, (based on insured's consent), for specified ICD codes - Code Excl 38
including but not limited to, para-jumping, rock climbing, mountaineering, rafting, B. Applicable for Section 10
motor racing, horse racing or scuba diving, hand gliding, sky diving, deep-sea diving. 1. Any claim relating to events occurring before the commencement of the cover or
10. Breach of law - Code Excl 10: Expenses for treatment directly arising from or otherwise outside the Period of Insurance - Code Sec10 Excl 01
consequent upon any Insured Person committing or attempting to commit a breach of 2. Any injuries/conditions which are Pre-existing conditions - Code Sec10 Excl 02
law with criminal intent. 3. Any claim arising out of Accidents that the Insured Person has caused -
11. Excluded Providers - Code Excl 11: Expenses incurred towards treatment in any Code Sec10 Excl 03
hospital or by any Medical Practitioner or any other provider specifically excluded by i. intentionally or
the Insurer and disclosed in its website / notified to the policyholders are not ii. by committing a crime / involved in it or
admissible. However, in case of life threatening situations or following an accident, iii. as a result of / in a state of drunkenness or addiction (drugs, alcohol)
expenses up to the stage of stabilization are payable but not the complete claim.
4. Insured Person engaging in Air Travel unless he/she flies as a fare-paying passenger
12. Treatment for Alcoholism, drug or substance abuse or any addictive condition and on an aircraft properly licensed to carry passengers. For the purpose of this exclusion
consequences thereof - Code Excl 12 Air Travel means being in or on or boarding an aircraft for the purpose of flying therein
13. Treatments received in health hydros, nature cure clinics, spas or similar or alighting there from - Code Sec10 Excl 04
establishments or private beds registered as a nursing home attached to such 5. Accidents that are results of war and warlike occurrence or invasion, acts of foreign
establishments or where admission is arranged wholly or partly for domestic reasons - enemies, hostilities, civil war, rebellion, insurrection, civil commotion assuming the
Code Excl 13 proportions of or amounting to an uprising, military or usurped power, seizure capture
14. Dietary supplements and substances that can be purchased without prescription, arrest restraints detainments of all kings princes and people of whatever nation,
including but not limited to Vitamins, minerals and organic substances unless condition or quality whatsoever - Code Sec10 Excl 05
prescribed by a medical practitioner as part of hospitalization claim or day care 6. Participation in riots, confiscation or nationalization or requisition of or destruction of
procedure - Code Excl 14 or damage to property by or under the order of any government or local authority -
15. Refractive Error - Code Excl 15: Expenses related to the treatment for correction of Code Sec10 Excl 06
eye sight due to refractive error less than 7. 5 dioptres. 7. Any claim resulting or arising from or any consequential loss directly or indirectly
16. Unproven Treatments - Code Excl 16: Expenses related to any unproven caused by or contributed to or arising from - Code Sec10 Excl 07
treatment, services and supplies for or in connection with any treatment. Unproven a) Ionizing radiation or contamination by radioactivity from any nuclear fuel or from
treatments are treatments, procedures or supplies that lack significant medical any nuclear waste from the combustion of nuclear fuel or from any nuclear waste
documentation to support their effectiveness. from combustion (including any self sustaining process of nuclear fission) of
nuclear fuel
17. Sterility and Infertility - Code Excl 17: Expenses related to sterility and infertility.
This includes; b) Nuclear weapons material
a. Any type of contraception, sterilization c) The radioactive, toxic, explosive or other hazardous properties of any explosive
b. Assisted Reproduction services including artificial insemination and advanced nuclear assembly or nuclear component thereof
reproductive technologies such as IVF, ZIFT, GIFT, ICSI d) Nuclear, chemical and biological terrorism
c. Gestational Surrogacy 8. Any claim arising out of sporting activities in so far as they involve the training or
d. Reversal of sterilization participation in competitions of professional or semi-professional sports persons -
Code Sec10 Excl 08
18. Maternity - Code Excl 18
a. Medical treatment expenses traceable to childbirth (including complicated 9. Participation in Hazardous Sport / Hazardous Activities - Code Sec10 Excl 09
deliveries and caesarean sections incurred during hospitalization) except 10. Persons who are physically challenge unless specifically agreed and endorsed in the
ectopic pregnancy and to the extent covered under Section 2 policy - Code Sec10 Excl 10
b. Expenses towards miscarriage (unless due to an accident) and lawful medical 11. Any loss arising out of the Insured Person's actual or attempted commission of or
termination of pregnancy during the policy period willful participation in an illegal act or any violation or attempted violation of the law -
19. Circumcision (unless necessary for treatment of a disease not excluded under this Code Sec10 Excl 11
policy or necessitated due to an accident), Preputioplasty, Frenuloplasty, Preputial 12. Any payment in case of more than one claim under the policy during the period of
Dilatation and Removal of SMEGMA - Code Excl 19 insurance by which the maximum liability of the Company in that period would exceed
20. Congenital External Condition / Defects / Anomalies (except to the extent provided the amount specified in the Schedule - Code Sec10 Excl 12
under Section 2 for New Born) - Code Excl 20 13. Any other claim after a claim has been admitted by the Company and becomes
21. Convalescence, general debility, run-down condition, Nutritional deficiency states - payable for Death or Permanent Total Disablement, as mentioned In Table -
Code Excl 21 Code Sec10 Excl 13
22. Intentional self injury - Code Excl 22 14. Any claim arising out of an accident related to pregnancy or childbirth, infirmity,
whether directly or indirectly - Code Sec10 Excl 14
23. Venereal Disease and Sexually Transmitted Diseases(Other than HIV) - Code Excl 23
15. Any claim for Death or Permanent Total Disablement of the Insured Person from
24. Injury/disease directly or indirectly caused by or arising from or attributable to war, self-endangerment unless in self-defense or to save human life - Code Sec10 Excl 15
invasion, act of foreign enemy, warlike operations (whether war be declared or not) -
Code Excl 24 µ Moratorium Period: After completion of eight continuous years under the policy no
25. Injury or disease directly or indirectly caused by or contributed to by nuclear look back to be applied. This period of eight years is called as moratorium period. The
weapons/materials - Code Excl 25 moratorium would be applicable for the sums insured of the first policy and
subsequently completion of 8 continuous years would be applicable from date of
26. Expenses incurred on Enhanced External Counter Pulsation Therapy and related enhancement of sums insured only on the enhanced limits. After the expiry of
therapies, Chelation therapy, Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy, Rotational Field Quantum Moratorium Period no health insurance claim shall be contestable except for proven
Magnetic Resonance Therapy, VAX-D, Low level laser therapy, Photodynamic fraud and permanent exclusions specified in the policy contract. The policies would
therapy - Code Excl 26 however be subject to all limits, sub limits, co-payments, deductibles as per the policy
27. Unconventional, Untested, Experimental therapies - Code Excl 27 contract.
Star Comprehensive Insurance Policy Unique Identification No.: SHAHLIP22028V072122 PROS / COMP / V.11 / 2022 7 of 27
µ Claim Procedure 2. If the insured opts to reduce the Basic Sum Insured at the subsequent renewal,
Claiming process and documents to be submitted in support of claim: the limit of indemnity by way of such Cumulative Bonus shall not exceed such
A. For Cashless Treatment reduced basic sum insured.
a. Call the 24 hour help-line for assistance - 1800 425 2255/1800 104 2277 3. In the event of a claim resulting In
b. Inform the ID number for easy reference a. Partial utilization of Basic Sum Insured, such cumulative bonus so granted
c. On admission in the hospital, produce the customer ID Card issued by the will be reduced at the same rate at which it has accrued.
Company at the Hospital Helpdesk b. Full utilization of Basic Sum Insured and nil utilization of cumulative bonus
d. Obtain the Pre-authorisation Form from the Hospital Help Desk, complete the accrued, such cumulative bonus so granted will be reduced at the same
Patient Information and resubmit to the Hospital Help Desk. rate at which it has accrued.
e. The Treating Doctor will complete the hospitalisation/ treatment information and c. Full utilization of Basic Sum Insured and partial utilization of cumulative
the hospital will fill up expected cost of treatment. This form is submitted to the bonus accrued, the cumulative bonus granted on renewal will be the
Company balance cumulative bonus available and will be reduced at the same rate at
which it has accrued
f. The Company will process the request and call for additional documents /
clarifications if the information furnished is inadequate. d. Full utilization of Basic Sum Insured and full utilization of cumulative bonus
accrued, the cumulative bonus granted on renewal will be “nil” or “zero
g. Once all the details are furnished, the Company will process the request as per
the terms and conditions as well as the exclusions therein and either approve or µ Automatic Restoration of Sum Insured (Applicable for Section 1 Only): There
reject the request based on the merits. shall be automatic restoration of the Basic Sum Insured by 100% immediately upon
h. In case of emergency hospitalization information to be given within 24 hours after exhaustion of the Basic Sum Insured and accrued Cumulative Bonus if any, once
hospitalization during the policy period
i. Cashless facility can be availed only in networked Hospitals. For details of It is made clear that such restored Sum Insured can be utilized for the subsequent
Networked Hospitals, the insured may visit or contact the hospitalization even for the illness /disease for which claim/s was / were already made.
nearest branch. Such restoration will be available for section 1 other than Section 1H. This benefit is
In non-network hospitals payment must be made up-front and then reimbursement not available for Modern Treatments.
will be effected on submission of documents
µ Co-Payment: This policy is subject to co-payment of 10% of each and every claim
Note: The Company reserves the right to call for additional documents wherever amount for fresh as well as renewal policies for insured persons whose age at the time
required. of entry is 61 years and above. This co-payment will not apply for those insured
Denial of a Pre-authorization request is in no way to be construed as denial of persons who have entered the policy before attaining 61 years of age and renew the
treatment or denial of coverage. The Insured Person can go ahead with the treatment, policy continuously without any break. This co-payment is applicable for Section 1 A to
settle the hospital bills and submit the claim for a possible reimbursement. 1 G, 1 I, Section 4, Section 7, Section 9, Section 12 and Section 13
B. Documents to be submitted : µ What is the renewal procedure?
a. Duly completed claim form, and
Renewal: The policy shall ordinarily be renewable except on grounds of fraud,
b. Pre Admission investigations and treatment papers. misrepresentation by the Insured Person.
c. Discharge Summary from the hospital 1. The Company shall endeavor to give notice for renewal. However, the Company
d. Cash receipts from hospital, chemists is not under obligation to give any notice for renewal.
e. Cash receipts and reports for tests done 2. Renewal shall not be denied on the ground that the insured person had made a
f. Receipts from doctors, surgeons, anesthetist claim or claims in the preceding policy years.
g. Certificate from the attending doctor regarding the diagnosis. 3. Request for renewal along with requisite premium shall be received by the
h. Copy of PAN card Company before the end of the policy period.
Claims of Out Patient Consultations / treatments will be settled on a reimbursement 4. At the end of the policy period, the policy shall terminate and can be renewed
basis on production of cash receipts within the Grace Period of 30 days to maintain continuity of benefits without
For Accidental Death Claims:- Claim Form break in policy.
a. Death Certificate 5. Coverage is not available during the grace period.
b. Post-mortem Certificate, if conducted 6. No loading shall apply on renewals based on individual claims experience
c. FIR (wherever required) Following an admissible claim under Section-10 the coverage under Personal
d. Police Investigation report (wherever required) Accident insurance upon renewal will be applicable for the person to be chosen by the
Proposer at the time of renewal, subject to other terms, conditions contained herein
e. Viscera Sample Report (wherever required)
f. Forensic Science Laboratory report (wherever required) µ Instalment Premium Options: lf the insured person has opted for Payment of
g. Legal Heir Certificate Premium on an instalment basis i.e. Half Yearly or Quarterly, as mentioned in the
h. Succession Certificate (wherever required) policy Schedule/Certificate of Insurance, the following Conditions shall apply
(notwithstanding any terms contrary elsewhere in the policy)
For Permanent Total Disablement Claims i. Grace Period of 7 days would be given to pay the instalment premium due for the
Certificate from Government doctor confirming the disability and its percentage Note: policy.
1. The Company authorized doctor may examine the insured if required ii. During such grace period, coverage will not be available from the due date of
2. The Company reserves the right to call for additional documents wherever required instalment premium till the date of receipt of premium by Company.
Provision of Penal Interest iii. The insured person will get the accrued continuity benefit in respect of the
a) The Company shall settle or reject a claim, as the case may be, within 30 days "Waiting Periods", "Specific Waiting Periods" in the event of payment of premium
from the date of receipt of last necessary document. within the stipulated grace Period.
b) ln the case of delay in the payment of a claim, the Company shall be liable to pay iv. No interest will be charged lf the instalment premium is not paid on due date
interest to the policyholder from the date of receipt of last necessary document to v. ln case of instalment premium due not received within the grace period, the
the date of payment of claim at a rate 2o/o above the bank rate. policy will get cancelled.
c) However, where the circumstances of a claim warrant an investigation in the vi. ln the event of a claim, all subsequent premium instalments shall immediately
opinion of the Company, it shall initiate and complete such investigation at the become due and payable.
earliest, in any case not later than 30 days from the date of receipt of last vii. The company has the right to recover and deduct all the pending installments
necessary document- ln such cases, the Company shall settle or reject the claim from the claim amount due under the policy.
within 45 days from the date of receipt of last necessary document.
d) ln case of delay beyond stipulated 45 days, the Company shall be liable to pay µ Revision of Sum Insured: Reduction or enhancement of Basic Sum Insured is
interest to the policyholder at a rate 2% above the bank rate from the date of permissible only at the time of renewal. The acceptance for enhancement and the
receipt of last necessary document to the date of payment of claim. amount of enhancement will be at the discretion of the Company. Where the basic
e) "Bank rate" shall mean the rate fixed by the Reserve Bank of lndia. sum insured is enhanced, the amount of such additional basic sum insured including
the respective sublimits shall be subject to the following terms. Exclusions as under
µ Cumulative Bonus (Applicable for Section 1 other than 1H, Section 4 , Section 7, shall apply afresh from the date of such enhancement for theincrease in the Basic
Section 9 Section 12 and Section 13) Sum Insured, that is, the difference between the expiring policy Basic Sum Insured
Where the sum insured under the policy is Rs.5,00,000/-, the insured person would be and the increased current Basic Sum Insured.
entitled to the benefit of Cumulative Bonus calculated at 50% of the basic sum insured i) First 30 days as stated under exclusion Excl Code 03
under this policy following after every claim free year up to a maximum of 100%. ii) 24 months with continuous coverage without break (with grace period) in respect
Where the sum insured under the policy is Rs.7,50,000/- or above, the insured person of diseases / treatments as stated under exclusion Excl Code 02
would be entitled to the benefit of Cumulative Bonus calculated at 100% of the basic iii) 36 months of continuous coverage without break (with grace period) in respect of
sum insured under this policy following a claim free year. The maximum benefit of Pre-Existing diseases as stated under exclusion Excl Code 01
bonus is 100% of the basic sum insured. iv) 36 months of continuous coverage without break (with grace period) for diseases
Special Conditions / conditions diagnosed / treated irrespective of whether any claim is made or not
1. The Cumulative Bonus will be calculated on the expiring Basic Sum Insured or in the immediately preceding three policy periods The above applies to each
on the renewed Basic Sum Insured whichever is less. relevant insured person
Star Comprehensive Insurance Policy Unique Identification No.: SHAHLIP22028V072122 PROS / COMP / V.11 / 2022 8 of 27
µ What are the optional covers available on payment of additional premium under lf the insured has not made any claim during the Free Look Period, the insured shall be
the policy?(Section 12) entitled to
The prospect has the option to opt for reduction of waiting period in respect of Pre- i. a refund of the premium paid less any expenses incurred by the Company on
Existing Diseases from 36 months to 12 months on payment of additional premium. medical examination of the insured person and the stamp duty charges or
This option is available only for the first purchase of Star Comprehensive Insurance ii. where the risk has already commenced and the option of return of the policy is
Policy and also only upto Sum Insured chosen at that time.This option is not available exercised by the insured person, a deduction towards the proportionate risk
for renewal or policies ported from other Insurance Companies. The prospect has to premium for period of cover or
undergo pre-acceptance medical screening at Company's nominated centre. At iii. Where only a part of the insurance coverage has commenced, such
present 100% of cost of the pre-acceptance medical screening will be borne by the proportionate premium commensurate with the insurance coverage during such
Company. The Company may require the prospect to share this cost (maximum 50%). period;
Where the Insured person has opted for this benefit the exclusions shall read as
follows :- µ Migration: The insured person will have the option to migrate the policy to other
health insurance products/plans offered by the company by applying for migration of
1. Pre-Existing Diseases : Code- Excl01 the Policy atleast 30 days before the policy renewal date as per IRDAI guidelines on
A. Expenses related to the treatment of a pre-existing Disease (PED) and its direct Migration. lf such person is presently covered and has been continuously covered
complications shall be excluded until the expiry of 12 months of continuous without any lapses under any health insurance product/plan offered by the company,
coverage after the date of inception of the first policy with insurer. the insured person will get the accrued continuity benefits in waiting periods as per
B. In case of enhancement of sum insured the exclusion shall apply afresh to the IRDAI guidelines on migration.
extent of sum insured increase.
For Detailed Guidelines on migration, kindly refer the link
C. Coverage under the policy after the expiry of 12 months for any pre-existing
disease is subject to the same being declared at the time of application and
accepted by Insurer. µ Portability: The insured person will have the option to port the policy to other
2. Specified disease / procedure – Code- Excl02 insurers by applying to such insurer to port the entire policy along with all the
A. Expenses related to the treatment of the following listed Conditions, members of the family, if any, at least 45 days before, but not earlier than 60 days
surgeries/treatments shall be excluded until the expiry of 24 months of continuous from the policy renewal date as per IRDAI guidelines related to portability. lf such
coverage after the date of inception of the first policy with us. This exclusion shall not person is presently covered and has been continuously covered without any lapses
be applicable for claims arising due to an accident. under any health insurance policy with an lndian General/Health insurer, the
B. In case of enhancement of sum insured the exclusion shall apply afresh to the proposed insured person will get the accrued continuity benefits in waiting periods as
extent of sum insured increase. per IRDAI guidelines on portability. For details contact “[email protected]” or
call Telephone No +91-044-28288869
C. If any of the specified disease/procedure falls under the waiting period specified
for pre- existing diseases, then the longer of the two waiting periods shall apply. For Detailed Guidelines on portability, kindly refer the link
D. The waiting period for listed conditions shall apply even if contracted after the
policy or declared and accepted without a specific exclusion. µ Disclosure to information norms: The policy shall become void and all premium
E. List of specific diseases/procedures paid thereon shall be forfeited to the Company, in the event of mis-representation, mis
i. Treatment of Cataract and diseases of the anterior and posterior chamber description or non-disclosure of any material fact by the policy holder
of the Eye, Diseases of ENT, Diseases related to Thyroid, Benign diseases
of the breast. µ Cancellation
i. The policyholder may cancel this policy by giving 15 days written notice and in
ii. Subcutaneous Benign Lumps, Sebaceous cyst, Dermoid cyst, Mucous cyst
such an event, the Company shall refund premium for the unexpired policy
lip / cheek, Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, Trigger Finger, Lipoma,
period as detailed below;
Neurofibroma, Fibroadenoma, Ganglion and similar pathology
iii. All treatments (Conservative, Operative treatment) and all types of Cancellation table applicable for Policy Term
intervention for Diseases related to Tendon, Ligament, Fascia, Bones and 1 Year without instalment option
Joint Including Arthroscopy and Arthroplasty / Joint Replacement [other
than caused by accident]. Period on risk Rate of premium to be retained
iv. All types of treatment for Degenerative disc and Vertebral diseases
including Replacement of bones and joints and Degenerative diseases of Up to one month 22.5% of the policy premium
the Musculo-skeletal system, Prolapse of Intervertebral Disc (other than Exceeding one month up to 3 months 37.5% of the policy premium
caused by accident),
v. All treatments (conservative, interventional, laparoscopic and open) related Exceeding 3 months up to 6 months 57.5% of the policy premium
to Hepato- pancreato-biliary diseases including Gall bladder and
Exceeding 6 months up to 9 months 80% of the policy premium
Pancreatic calculi. All types of management for Kidney and Genitourinary
tract calculi. Exceeding 9 months Full of the policy premium
vi. All types of Hernia,
vii. Desmoid Tumor, Umbilical Granuloma, Umbilical Sinus, Umbilical Fistula, Cancellation table applicable for Policy Term 1 Year with instalment option of
Half-yearly premium payment frequency
viii. All treatments (conservative, interventional, laparoscopic and open) related
to all Diseases of Cervix, Uterus, Fallopian tubes, Ovaries, Uterine Period on risk Rate of premium to be retained
Bleeding, Pelvic Inflammatory Diseases
ix. All Diseases of Prostate, Stricture Urethra, all Obstructive Uropathies, Up to one month 45% of the total premium received
x. Benign Tumours of Epididymis, Spermatocele, Varicocele, Hydrocele,
Exceeding one month up to 4 months 87.5% of the total premium received
xi. Fistula, Fissure in Ano, Hemorrhoids, Pilonidal Sinus and Fistula, Rectal
Prolapse, Stress Incontinence Exceeding 4 months up to 6 months 100% of the total premium received
xii. Varicose veins and Varicose ulcers
Exceeding 6 months up to 7 months 65% of the total premium received
xiii. All types of transplant and related surgeries(Other than Bone Marrow
Transplant for acute hematological malignancies and acute medical Exceeding 7 months up to 10 months 85% of the total premium received
emergencies when indicated)
xiv. Congenital Internal disease / defect Exceeding 10 months 100% of the total premium received
µ Possibility of Revision of Terms of the Policy lncluding the Premium Rates: The Cancellation table applicable for Policy Term 1 Year with instalment option of
Company, with prior approval of lRDAl, may revise or modify the terms of the policy Quarterly premium payment frequency
including the premium rates. The insured person shall be notified three months before
the changes are effected. Period on risk Rate of premium to be retained

µ Withdrawal of the policy Up to one month 87.5% of the total premium received
i. In the likelihood of this product being withdrawn in future, the Company will
intimate the insured person about the same 90 days prior to expiry of the policy. Exceeding one month up to 3 months 100% of the total premium received
ii. lnsured Person will have the option to migrate to similar health insurance product Exceeding 3 months up to 4 months 87.5% of the total premium received
available with the Company at the time of renewal with all the accrued continuity
benefits such as cumulative bonus, waiver of waiting period as per IRDAI Exceeding 4 months up to 6 months 100% of the total premium received
guidelines, provided the policy has been maintained without a break. Exceeding 6 months up to 7 months 85% of the total premium received
µ Free Look Period: The Free Look Period shall be applicable on new individual health
Exceeding 7 months up to 9 months 100% of the total premium received
insurance policies and not on renewals or at the time of porting/migrating the policy.
The insured person shall be allowed free look period of fifteen days from date of Exceeding 9 months up to 10 months 85% of the total premium received
receipt of the policy document to review the terms and conditions of the policy, and to
return the same if not acceptable. Exceeding 10 months 100% of the total premium received

Star Comprehensive Insurance Policy Unique Identification No.: SHAHLIP22028V072122 PROS / COMP / V.11 / 2022 9 of 27
Cancellation table applicable for Policy Term Cancellation table applicable for Policy Term 3 Years with instalment option of
2 Years without instalment option Half-yearly premium payment frequency
Period on risk Rate of premium to be retained Period on risk Rate of premium to be retained
Up to one month 45% of the total premium received
Up to one month 17.5% of the policy premium
Exceeding one month up to 4 months 87.5% of the total premium received
Exceeding one month up to 3 months 25% of the policy premium Exceeding 4 months up to 6 months 100% of the total premium received
Exceeding 3 months up to 6 months 37.5% of the policy premium Exceeding 6 months up to 7 months 65% of the total premium received
Exceeding 6 months up to 9 months 47.5% of the policy premium Exceeding 7 months up to 10 months 85% of the total premium received
Exceeding 9 months up to 12 months 57.5% of the policy premium Exceeding 10 months up to 12 months 100% of the total premium received
Exceeding 12 months up to 15 months 90% of the total premium received
Exceeding 12 months up to 15 months 67.5% of the policy premium
Exceeding 15 months up to 18 months 100% of the total premium received
Exceeding 15 months up to 18 months 80% of the policy premium Exceeding 18 months up to 21 months 90% of the total premium received
Exceeding 18 months up to 21 months 90% of the policy premium Exceeding 21 months up to 24 months 100% of the total premium received
Exceeding 21 months Full of the policy premium Exceeding 24 months up to 27 months 95% of the total premium received
Exceeding 27 months up to 30 months 100% of the total premium received
Cancellation table applicable for Policy Term 2 Years with instalment option of
Half-yearly premium payment frequency Exceeding 30 months up to 33 months 92.5% of the total premium received
Exceeding 33 months 100% of the total premium received
Period on risk Rate of premium to be retained
Cancellation table applicable for Policy Term 3 Years with instalment option of
Up to one month 45% of the total premium received Quarterly premium payment frequency
Exceeding one month up to 4 months 87.5% of the total premium received Period on risk Rate of premium to be retained
Exceeding 4 months up to 6 months 100% of the total premium received Up to one month 87.5% of the total premium received
Exceeding one month up to 3 months 100% of the total premium received
Exceeding 6 months up to 7 months 65% of the total premium received
Exceeding 3 months up to 4 months 87.5% of the total premium received
Exceeding 7 months up to 10 months 85% of the total premium received
Exceeding 4 months up to 6 months 100% of the total premium received
Exceeding 10 months up to 12 months 100% of the total premium received Exceeding 6 months up to 7 months 85% of the total premium received
Exceeding 12 months up to 15 months 90% of the total premium received Exceeding 7 months up to 9 months 100% of the total premium received
Exceeding 15 months up to 18 months 100% of the total premium received Exceeding 9 months up to 10 months 85% of the total premium received
Exceeding 10 months up to 12 months 100% of the total premium received
Exceeding 18 months up to 21 months 90% of the total premium received
Exceeding 12 months up to 13 months 97.5% of the total premium received
Exceeding 21 months 100% of the total premium received Exceeding 13 months up to 15 months 100% of the total premium received
Cancellation table applicable for Policy Term 2 Years with instalment option of Exceeding 15 months up to 16 months 95% of the total premium received
Quarterly premium payment frequency Exceeding 16 months up to 18 months 100% of the total premium received
Period on risk Rate of premium to be retained Exceeding 18 months up to 19 months 95% of the total premium received
Exceeding 19 months up to 21 months 100% of the total premium received
Up to one month 87.5% of the total premium received
Exceeding 21 months up to 22 months 92.5% of the total premium received
Exceeding one month up to 3 months 100% of the total premium received Exceeding 22 months up to 24 months 100% of the total premium received
Exceeding 3 months up to 4 months 87.5% of the total premium received Exceeding 24 months up to 25 months 97.5% of the total premium received
Exceeding 4 months up to 6 months 100% of the total premium received Exceeding 25 months up to 27 months 100% of the total premium received
Exceeding 6 months up to 7 months 85% of the total premium received Exceeding 27 months up to 28 months 97.5% of the total premium received
Exceeding 28 months up to 30 months 100% of the total premium received
Exceeding 7 months up to 9 months 100% of the total premium received
Exceeding 30 months up to 31 months 95% of the total premium received
Exceeding 9 months up to 10 months 85% of the total premium received Exceeding 31 months up to 33 months 100% of the total premium received
Exceeding 10 months up to 12 months 100% of the total premium received Exceeding 33 months up to 34 months 95% of the total premium received
Exceeding 12 months up to 13 months 97.5% of the total premium received Exceeding 34 months 100% of the total premium received
Exceeding 13 months up to 15 months 100% of the total premium received Notwithstanding anything contained herein or otherwise, no refunds of premium shall
be made in respect of Cancellation where, any claim has been admitted or has been
Exceeding 15 months up to 16 months 95% of the total premium received lodged or any benefit has been availed by the insured person under the policy.
Exceeding 16 months up to 18 months 100% of the total premium received ii. The Company may cancel the policy at any time on grounds of misrepresentation,
Exceeding 18 months up to 19 months 95% of the total premium received non-disclosure of material facts, fraud by the insured person by giving 15 days
written notice. There would be no refund of premium on cancellation on grounds
Exceeding 19 months up to 21 months 100% of the total premium received of misrepresentation, non-disclosure of material facts or fraud
Exceeding 21 months up to 22 months 92.5% of the total premium received µ Automatic Expiry: The insurance under this policy with respect to each relevant
Exceeding 22 months 100% of the total premium received Insured Person shall expire immediately on the earlier of the following events:
ü Upon the death of the Insured Person. This also means that in case of family
Cancellation table applicable for Policy Term
floater policy, cover for the other surviving members of the family will continue,
3 Years without instalment option
subject to other terms of the policy.
Period on risk Rate of premium to be retained ü Upon exhaustion of the Limit of Coverage
Up to one month 17.5% of the policy premium µ How to buy this insurance?
Exceeding one month up to 3 months 22.5% of the policy premium Please contact our nearest Branch Office /our Agent or visit our website for online purchase and avail discount of 5%.
Exceeding 3 months up to 6 months 30% of the policy premium
µ Relief under Sec 80D of Income Tax Act: Insured Person is eligible for relief under
Exceeding 6 months up to 9 months 37.5% of the policy premium Section 80-D of the IT Act in respect of the premium paid by any mode other than cash.
Exceeding 9 months up to 12 months 42.5% of the policy premium
µ Important Note: IRDAI is not involved in activities like selling insurance policies,
Exceeding 12 months up to 15 months 50% of the policy premium announcing bonus or investment of premiums. Public receiving such phone calls are
Exceeding 15 months up to 18 months 57.5% of the policy premium requested to lodge a police complaint.

Exceeding 18 months up to 21 months 65% of the policy premium µ Prohibition of Rebates: Section 41 of Insurance Act 1938 (Prohibition of rebates):
No person shall allow or offer to allow, either directly or indirectly, as an inducement to
Exceeding 21 months up to 24 months 72.5% of the policy premium any person to take out or renew or continue an insurance inrespect of any kind of risk
Exceeding 24 months up to 27 months 80% of the policy premium relating to lives or property in India, any rebate of the whole or part of the commission
payable or any rebate of the premium shown on the policy, nor shall any person taking
Exceeding 27 months up to 30 months 85% of the policy premium out or renewing or continuing a policy accept any rebate, except such rebate as may
Exceeding 30 months up to 33 months 92.5% of the policy premium be allowed in accordance with the published prospectuses or tables of the insurer.
Any person making default in complying with the provisions of this section shall be
Exceeding 33 months Full of the policy premium liable for a penalty which may extend to ten lakh rupees.
Star Comprehensive Insurance Policy Unique Identification No.: SHAHLIP22028V072122 PROS / COMP / V.11 / 2022 10 of 27
PREMIUM CHART (Excluding Tax)
Premium Chart for 1 year (Excluding Tax) (in Rs.)
Plan type Age band 5,00,000 7,50,000 10,00,000 15,00,000 20,00,000 25,00,000 50,00,000 75,00,000 1,00,00,000
3m-35 7,015 8,540 9,725 12,225 14,100 15,265 16,795 18,225 19,505
36-45 8,075 10,125 11,775 14,275 16,150 17,615 19,380 21,030 22,505
46-50 13,200 16,865 19,865 22,365 24,435 26,215 28,840 31,295 33,490
51-55 16,100 19,635 22,395 26,410 29,875 32,140 35,355 38,365 41,055
1A 56-60 18,700 22,885 26,170 30,985 34,920 37,665 41,435 44,960 48,110
61-65 25,750 30,625 34,295 40,610 44,780 47,555 52,315 56,765 60,740
66-70 35,315 40,830 44,745 49,335 51,730 53,885 59,275 64,315 68,820
71-75 41,410 49,255 55,170 61,935 64,940 67,655 74,425 80,755 86,410
>75 54,235 64,190 71,625 79,810 83,680 87,180 95,900 1,04,055 1,11,340
3m-35 9,180 11,340 13,250 16,230 18,730 21,130 23,245 25,225 26,995
36-45 10,120 12,340 14,670 18,400 20,900 23,900 26,290 28,525 30,525
46-50 14,240 17,170 20,710 25,710 28,210 31,210 34,335 37,255 39,865
51-55 16,190 20,600 24,590 29,590 32,590 35,590 39,150 42,480 45,455
1A+1C 56-60 19,700 26,880 32,300 37,300 40,300 43,300 47,630 51,680 55,300
61-65 31,420 37,660 44,972 51,472 58,431 73,931 81,325 88,240 94,420
66-70 39,280 47,080 56,220 61,770 70,120 88,720 97,595 1,05,895 1,13,310
71-75 51,070 61,210 73,090 80,310 91,160 1,15,340 1,26,875 1,37,660 1,47,300
>75 66,400 79,580 95,020 1,04,410 1,18,510 1,49,950 1,64,945 1,78,970 1,91,500
3m-35 10,950 13,330 15,000 19,000 21,630 24,130 26,545 28,805 30,825
36-45 12,020 14,490 16,540 21,540 24,810 27,810 30,595 33,200 35,525
46-50 19,480 23,330 26,920 31,920 34,920 37,920 41,715 45,265 48,435
51-55 20,510 24,600 29,040 34,040 37,040 40,040 44,045 47,790 51,140
1A+2C 56-60 23,580 29,470 35,060 42,060 45,560 49,560 54,520 59,155 63,300
61-65 36,990 44,059 47,226 53,726 76,588 94,088 1,03,500 1,12,300 1,20,165
66-70 46,240 55,080 59,040 64,480 91,910 1,12,910 1,24,205 1,34,765 1,44,200
71-75 60,120 71,610 76,760 83,830 1,19,490 1,46,790 1,61,470 1,75,195 1,87,460
>75 78,160 93,100 99,790 1,08,980 1,55,340 1,90,830 2,09,915 2,27,760 2,43,705
3m-35 15,590 18,990 20,950 26,450 29,810 33,310 36,645 39,760 42,545
36-45 17,060 20,620 23,030 29,530 33,640 37,340 41,075 44,570 47,690
46-50 23,460 28,840 33,250 43,250 48,250 52,250 57,475 62,365 66,735
51-55 26,900 33,550 39,250 50,250 55,250 59,250 65,175 70,715 75,670
1A+3C 56-60 30,270 38,010 44,900 58,900 64,400 69,400 76,340 82,830 88,630
61-65 41,360 49,066 60,670 73,170 94,745 1,12,245 1,23,470 1,33,965 1,43,345
66-70 51,700 61,340 75,840 87,810 1,13,700 1,34,700 1,48,170 1,60,765 1,72,020
71-75 67,210 79,750 98,600 1,14,160 1,47,810 1,75,110 1,92,625 2,09,000 2,23,630
>75 87,380 1,03,680 1,28,180 1,48,410 1,92,160 2,27,650 2,50,415 2,71,705 2,90,725
3m-35 10,420 13,310 15,560 19,560 22,560 25,060 27,570 29,915 32,010
36-45 12,120 16,330 18,840 22,840 25,840 28,340 31,175 33,825 36,195
46-50 22,400 28,020 33,860 37,860 40,860 43,360 47,700 51,755 55,380
51-55 23,640 29,520 35,830 40,330 43,330 46,030 50,635 54,940 58,790
2A 56-60 28,560 35,670 43,470 47,970 50,970 53,670 59,040 64,060 68,545
61-65 38,800 47,030 57,270 61,770 64,770 67,470 74,220 80,530 86,170
66-70 48,500 58,790 71,590 74,130 77,730 80,970 89,070 96,645 1,03,415
71-75 63,050 76,430 93,070 96,370 1,01,050 1,05,270 1,15,800 1,25,645 1,34,445
>75 81,970 99,360 1,21,000 1,25,290 1,31,370 1,36,860 1,50,550 1,63,350 1,74,785
3m-35 13,170 16,660 19,110 23,760 26,760 29,260 32,190 34,930 37,380
36-45 14,340 18,450 21,510 26,510 29,510 32,010 35,215 38,210 40,885
46-50 23,540 29,320 34,910 39,910 42,910 45,410 49,955 54,205 58,000
51-55 25,810 32,280 38,750 44,250 47,450 50,150 55,165 59,855 64,045
2A+1C 56-60 31,070 38,310 45,540 51,040 54,540 57,240 62,965 68,320 73,105
61-65 49,800 59,235 72,987 81,737 97,237 1,14,737 1,26,215 1,36,945 1,46,535
66-70 62,250 74,050 91,240 98,090 1,16,690 1,37,690 1,51,460 1,64,335 1,75,840
71-75 80,930 96,270 1,18,620 1,27,520 1,51,700 1,79,000 1,96,900 2,13,640 2,28,595
>75 1,05,210 1,25,160 1,54,210 1,65,780 1,97,210 2,32,700 2,55,970 2,77,730 2,97,175

Star Comprehensive Insurance Policy Unique Identification No.: SHAHLIP22028V072122 PROS / COMP / V.11 / 2022 11 of 27
Premium Chart for 1 year (Excluding Tax) (in Rs.)
Plan type Age band 5,00,000 7,50,000 10,00,000 15,00,000 20,00,000 25,00,000 50,00,000 75,00,000 1,00,00,000
3m-35 14,800 18,480 20,920 25,560 28,560 31,260 34,390 37,315 39,930
36-45 16,410 20,260 23,520 28,520 31,520 34,220 37,645 40,845 43,705
46-50 25,390 31,500 37,090 42,090 45,090 47,790 52,570 57,040 61,035
51-55 28,170 34,950 41,610 46,610 50,110 53,110 58,425 63,395 67,835
2A+2C 56-60 33,330 41,350 49,570 55,070 58,570 61,570 67,730 73,490 78,635
61-65 53,400 64,384 77,414 86,164 1,01,664 1,19,164 1,31,085 1,42,230 1,52,190
66-70 66,750 80,480 96,770 1,03,400 1,22,000 1,43,000 1,57,300 1,70,675 1,82,625
71-75 86,780 1,04,630 1,25,810 1,34,420 1,58,600 1,85,900 2,04,490 2,21,875 2,37,410
>75 1,12,820 1,36,020 1,63,560 1,74,750 2,06,180 2,41,670 2,65,840 2,88,440 3,08,635
3m-35 17,000 21,020 23,630 30,630 35,090 39,110 43,025 46,685 49,955
36-45 19,150 22,980 26,210 33,210 37,710 41,710 45,885 49,790 53,280
46-50 28,510 34,470 39,480 46,480 50,980 54,980 60,480 65,625 70,220
51-55 31,200 38,380 44,000 51,500 56,000 60,500 66,550 72,210 77,265
2A+3C 56-60 36,430 45,430 54,150 65,150 70,650 76,150 83,765 90,890 97,255
61-65 56,000 66,731 81,103 93,603 1,09,103 1,26,603 1,39,265 1,51,105 1,61,685
66-70 70,000 83,420 1,01,380 1,12,330 1,30,930 1,51,930 1,67,125 1,81,335 1,94,030
71-75 91,000 1,08,450 1,31,800 1,46,030 1,70,210 1,97,510 2,17,265 2,35,735 2,52,240
>75 1,18,300 1,40,990 1,71,340 1,89,840 2,21,280 2,56,770 2,82,450 3,06,460 3,27,915

Premium Chart for 2 years (Excluding Tax) (In Rs.)

Plan type Age band 5,00,000 7,50,000 10,00,000 15,00,000 20,00,000 25,00,000 50,00,000 75,00,000 1,00,00,000
3m-34 13,539 16,482 18,769 23,594 27,213 29,461 32,414 35,174 37,645
35 14,562 18,012 20,748 25,573 29,191 31,729 34,909 37,881 40,540
36-44 15,585 19,541 22,726 27,551 31,170 33,997 37,403 40,588 43,435
45 20,530 26,045 30,533 35,358 39,165 42,296 46,532 50,494 54,035
46-49 25,476 32,549 38,339 43,164 47,160 50,595 55,661 60,399 64,636
50 28,275 35,223 40,781 47,068 52,409 56,313 61,948 67,222 71,936
51-54 31,073 37,896 43,222 50,971 57,659 62,030 68,235 74,044 79,236
55 33,582 41,032 46,865 55,386 62,527 67,362 74,102 80,409 86,044
1A 56-59 36,091 44,168 50,508 59,801 67,396 72,693 79,970 86,773 92,852
60 42,894 51,637 58,349 69,089 76,911 82,237 90,469 98,165 1,05,040
61-64 49,698 59,106 66,189 78,377 86,425 91,781 1,00,968 1,09,556 1,17,228
65 58,928 68,954 76,274 86,797 93,132 97,890 1,07,684 1,16,842 1,25,025
66-69 68,158 78,802 86,358 95,217 99,839 1,03,998 1,14,401 1,24,128 1,32,823
70 74,040 86,932 96,418 1,07,376 1,12,587 1,17,286 1,29,021 1,39,993 1,49,797
71-74 79,921 95,062 1,06,478 1,19,535 1,25,334 1,30,574 1,43,640 1,55,857 1,66,771
75 92,297 1,09,474 1,22,357 1,36,784 1,43,418 1,49,416 1,64,364 1,78,342 1,90,829
>75 1,04,674 1,23,887 1,38,236 1,54,033 1,61,502 1,68,257 1,85,087 2,00,826 2,14,886
3m-34 17,717 21,886 25,573 31,324 36,149 40,781 44,863 48,684 52,100
35 18,625 22,851 26,943 33,418 38,243 43,454 47,801 51,869 55,507
36-44 19,532 23,816 28,313 35,512 40,337 46,127 50,740 55,053 58,913
45 23,507 28,477 34,142 42,566 47,391 53,181 58,503 63,478 67,926
46-49 27,483 33,138 39,970 49,620 54,445 60,235 66,267 71,902 76,939
50 29,365 36,448 43,715 53,365 58,672 64,462 70,913 76,944 82,334
51-54 31,247 39,758 47,459 57,109 62,899 68,689 75,560 81,986 87,728
55 34,634 45,818 54,899 64,549 70,339 76,129 83,743 90,864 97,229
1A +1C 56-59 38,021 51,878 62,339 71,989 77,779 83,569 91,926 99,742 1,06,729
60 49,331 62,281 74,567 85,665 95,275 1,13,128 1,24,442 1,35,023 1,44,480
61-64 60,641 72,684 86,796 99,341 1,12,772 1,42,687 1,56,957 1,70,303 1,82,231
65 68,226 81,774 97,650 1,09,279 1,24,052 1,56,958 1,72,658 1,87,340 2,00,459
66-69 75,810 90,864 1,08,505 1,19,216 1,35,332 1,71,230 1,88,358 2,04,377 2,18,688
70 87,188 1,04,500 1,24,784 1,37,107 1,55,635 1,96,918 2,16,614 2,35,031 2,51,489
71-74 98,565 1,18,135 1,41,064 1,54,998 1,75,939 2,22,606 2,44,869 2,65,684 2,84,289
75 1,13,359 1,35,862 1,62,226 1,78,255 2,02,332 2,56,005 2,81,606 3,05,548 3,26,942
>75 1,28,152 1,53,589 1,83,389 2,01,511 2,28,724 2,89,404 3,18,344 3,45,412 3,69,595

Star Comprehensive Insurance Policy Unique Identification No.: SHAHLIP22028V072122 PROS / COMP / V.11 / 2022 12 of 27
Premium Chart for 2 years (Excluding Tax) (In Rs.)
Plan type Age band 5,00,000 7,50,000 10,00,000 15,00,000 20,00,000 25,00,000 50,00,000 75,00,000 1,00,00,000
3m-34 21,134 25,727 28,950 36,670 41,746 46,571 51,232 55,594 59,492
35 22,166 26,846 30,436 39,121 44,815 50,122 55,140 59,835 64,028
36-44 23,199 27,966 31,922 41,572 47,883 53,673 59,048 64,076 68,563
45 30,398 36,496 41,939 51,589 57,639 63,429 69,779 75,719 81,021
46-49 37,596 45,027 51,956 61,606 67,396 73,186 80,510 87,361 93,480
50 38,590 46,252 54,001 63,651 69,441 75,231 82,758 89,798 96,090
51-54 39,584 47,478 56,047 65,697 71,487 77,277 85,007 92,235 98,700
55 42,547 52,178 61,857 73,437 79,709 86,464 95,115 1,03,202 1,10,435
1A +2C 56-59 45,509 56,877 67,666 81,176 87,931 95,651 1,05,224 1,14,169 1,22,169
60 58,450 70,955 79,406 92,433 1,17,873 1,38,620 1,52,489 1,65,454 1,77,044
61-64 71,391 85,034 91,146 1,03,691 1,47,815 1,81,590 1,99,755 2,16,739 2,31,918
65 80,317 95,669 1,02,547 1,14,069 1,62,601 1,99,753 2,19,735 2,38,418 2,55,112
66-69 89,243 1,06,304 1,13,947 1,24,446 1,77,386 2,17,916 2,39,716 2,60,096 2,78,306
70 1,02,637 1,22,256 1,31,047 1,43,119 2,04,001 2,50,611 2,75,676 2,99,111 3,20,052
71-74 1,16,032 1,38,207 1,48,147 1,61,792 2,30,616 2,83,305 3,11,637 3,38,126 3,61,798
75 1,33,440 1,58,945 1,70,371 1,86,062 2,65,211 3,25,803 3,58,387 3,88,852 4,16,074
>75 1,50,849 1,79,683 1,92,595 2,10,331 2,99,806 3,68,302 4,05,136 4,39,577 4,70,351
3m-34 30,089 36,651 40,434 51,049 57,533 64,288 70,725 76,737 82,112
35 31,507 38,224 42,441 54,021 61,229 68,177 75,000 81,378 87,077
36-44 32,926 39,797 44,448 56,993 64,925 72,066 79,275 86,020 92,042
45 39,102 47,729 54,310 70,233 79,024 86,454 95,101 1,03,192 1,10,420
46-49 45,278 55,661 64,173 83,473 93,123 1,00,843 1,10,927 1,20,364 1,28,799
50 48,597 60,206 69,963 90,228 99,878 1,07,598 1,18,357 1,28,422 1,37,421
51-54 51,917 64,752 75,753 96,983 1,06,633 1,14,353 1,25,788 1,36,480 1,46,043
55 55,169 69,055 81,205 1,05,330 1,15,462 1,24,147 1,36,562 1,48,171 1,58,550
1A+3C 56-59 58,421 73,359 86,657 1,13,677 1,24,292 1,33,942 1,47,336 1,59,862 1,71,056
60 69,123 84,028 1,01,875 1,27,448 1,53,575 1,75,287 1,92,817 2,09,207 2,23,856
61-64 79,825 94,697 1,17,093 1,41,218 1,82,858 2,16,633 2,38,297 2,58,552 2,76,656
65 89,803 1,06,542 1,31,732 1,55,346 2,01,149 2,38,302 2,62,133 2,84,414 3,04,327
66-69 99,781 1,18,386 1,46,371 1,69,473 2,19,441 2,59,971 2,85,968 3,10,276 3,31,999
70 1,14,748 1,36,152 1,68,335 1,94,901 2,52,357 2,98,967 3,28,867 3,56,823 3,81,802
71-74 1,29,715 1,53,918 1,90,298 2,20,329 2,85,273 3,37,962 3,71,766 4,03,370 4,31,606
75 1,49,179 1,77,010 2,18,843 2,53,380 3,28,071 3,88,663 4,27,534 4,63,880 4,96,353
>75 1,68,643 2,00,102 2,47,387 2,86,431 3,70,869 4,39,365 4,83,301 5,24,391 5,61,099
3m-34 20,111 25,688 30,031 37,751 43,541 48,366 53,210 57,736 61,779
35 21,751 28,603 33,196 40,916 46,706 51,531 56,689 61,509 65,818
36-44 23,392 31,517 36,361 44,081 49,871 54,696 60,168 65,282 69,856
45 33,312 42,798 50,856 58,576 64,366 69,191 76,114 82,585 88,370
46-49 43,232 54,079 65,350 73,070 78,860 83,685 92,061 99,887 1,06,883
50 44,429 55,526 67,251 75,453 81,243 86,261 94,893 1,02,961 1,10,174
51-54 45,625 56,974 69,152 77,837 83,627 88,838 97,726 1,06,034 1,13,465
55 50,373 62,908 76,525 85,210 91,000 96,211 1,05,836 1,14,835 1,22,878
2A 56-59 55,121 68,843 83,897 92,582 98,372 1,03,583 1,13,947 1,23,636 1,32,292
60 65,002 79,806 97,214 1,05,899 1,11,689 1,16,900 1,28,596 1,39,529 1,49,300
61-64 74,884 90,768 1,10,531 1,19,216 1,25,006 1,30,217 1,43,245 1,55,423 1,66,308
65 84,245 1,02,116 1,24,350 1,31,144 1,37,513 1,43,245 1,57,575 1,70,974 1,82,950
66-69 93,605 1,13,465 1,38,169 1,43,071 1,50,019 1,56,272 1,71,905 1,86,525 1,99,591
70 1,07,646 1,30,487 1,58,897 1,64,533 1,72,523 1,79,722 1,97,700 2,14,510 2,29,535
71-74 1,21,687 1,47,510 1,79,625 1,85,994 1,95,027 2,03,171 2,23,494 2,42,495 2,59,479
75 1,39,944 1,69,637 2,06,578 2,13,902 2,24,285 2,33,655 2,57,028 2,78,880 2,98,407
>75 1,58,202 1,91,765 2,33,530 2,41,810 2,53,544 2,64,140 2,90,562 3,15,266 3,37,335

Star Comprehensive Insurance Policy Unique Identification No.: SHAHLIP22028V072122 PROS / COMP / V.11 / 2022 13 of 27
Premium Chart for 2 years (Excluding Tax) (In Rs.)
Plan type Age band 5,00,000 7,50,000 10,00,000 15,00,000 20,00,000 25,00,000 50,00,000 75,00,000 1,00,00,000
3m-34 25,418 32,154 36,882 45,857 51,647 56,472 62,127 67,415 72,143
35 26,547 33,881 39,198 48,511 54,301 59,126 65,046 70,580 75,526
36-44 27,676 35,609 41,514 51,164 56,954 61,779 67,965 73,745 78,908
45 36,554 46,098 54,445 64,095 69,885 74,710 82,189 89,180 95,424
46-49 45,432 56,588 67,376 77,026 82,816 87,641 96,413 1,04,616 1,11,940
50 47,623 59,444 71,082 81,214 87,197 92,215 1,01,441 1,10,068 1,17,773
51-54 49,813 62,300 74,788 85,403 91,579 96,790 1,06,468 1,15,520 1,23,607
55 54,889 68,119 81,340 91,955 98,420 1,03,631 1,13,995 1,23,689 1,32,350
2A+1C 56-59 59,965 73,938 87,892 98,507 1,05,262 1,10,473 1,21,522 1,31,858 1,41,093
60 78,040 94,131 1,14,379 1,28,130 1,46,465 1,65,958 1,82,559 1,98,081 2,11,953
61-64 96,114 1,14,324 1,40,865 1,57,752 1,87,667 2,21,442 2,43,595 2,64,304 2,82,813
65 1,08,128 1,28,620 1,58,479 1,73,533 2,06,440 2,43,592 2,67,956 2,90,735 3,11,092
66-69 1,20,143 1,42,917 1,76,093 1,89,314 2,25,212 2,65,742 2,92,318 3,17,167 3,39,371
70 1,38,169 1,64,359 2,02,515 2,17,714 2,58,996 3,05,606 3,36,167 3,64,746 3,90,280
71-74 1,56,195 1,85,801 2,28,937 2,46,114 2,92,781 3,45,470 3,80,017 4,12,325 4,41,188
75 1,79,625 2,13,680 2,63,281 2,83,035 3,36,698 3,97,291 4,37,020 4,74,172 5,07,368
>75 2,03,055 2,41,559 2,97,625 3,19,955 3,80,615 4,49,111 4,94,022 5,36,019 5,73,548
3m-34 28,564 35,666 40,376 49,331 55,121 60,332 66,373 72,018 77,065
35 30,118 37,384 42,885 52,187 57,977 63,188 69,514 75,424 80,708
36-44 31,671 39,102 45,394 55,044 60,834 66,045 72,655 78,831 84,351
45 40,337 49,948 58,489 68,139 73,929 79,140 87,057 94,459 1,01,074
46-49 49,003 60,795 71,584 81,234 87,024 92,235 1,01,460 1,10,087 1,17,798
50 51,685 64,124 75,946 85,596 91,868 97,369 1,07,110 1,16,220 1,24,360
51-54 54,368 67,454 80,307 89,957 96,712 1,02,502 1,12,760 1,22,352 1,30,922
55 59,348 73,630 87,989 98,121 1,04,876 1,10,666 1,21,740 1,32,094 1,41,344
2A+2C 56-59 64,327 79,806 95,670 1,06,285 1,13,040 1,18,830 1,30,719 1,41,836 1,51,766
60 83,694 1,02,033 1,22,540 1,36,291 1,54,626 1,74,408 1,91,856 2,08,170 2,22,746
61-64 1,03,062 1,24,261 1,49,409 1,66,297 1,96,212 2,29,987 2,52,994 2,74,504 2,93,727
65 1,15,945 1,39,794 1,68,088 1,82,929 2,15,836 2,52,988 2,78,292 3,01,953 3,23,096
66-69 1,28,828 1,55,326 1,86,766 1,99,562 2,35,460 2,75,990 3,03,589 3,29,403 3,52,466
70 1,48,156 1,78,631 2,14,790 2,29,496 2,70,779 3,17,389 3,49,127 3,78,811 4,05,334
71-74 1,67,485 2,01,936 2,42,813 2,59,431 3,06,098 3,58,787 3,94,666 4,28,219 4,58,201
75 1,92,614 2,32,227 2,79,242 2,98,349 3,52,013 4,12,605 4,53,868 4,92,454 5,26,933
>75 2,17,743 2,62,519 3,15,671 3,37,268 3,97,927 4,66,423 5,13,071 5,56,689 5,95,666
3m-34 32,810 40,569 45,606 59,116 67,724 75,482 83,038 90,102 96,413
35 34,885 42,460 48,096 61,606 70,252 77,991 85,798 93,098 99,622
36-44 36,960 44,351 50,585 64,095 72,780 80,500 88,558 96,095 1,02,830
45 45,992 55,439 63,391 76,901 85,586 93,306 1,02,642 1,11,375 1,19,178
46-49 55,024 66,527 76,196 89,706 98,391 1,06,111 1,16,726 1,26,656 1,35,525
50 57,620 70,300 80,558 94,551 1,03,236 1,11,438 1,22,584 1,33,011 1,42,323
51-54 60,216 74,073 84,920 99,395 1,08,080 1,16,765 1,28,442 1,39,365 1,49,121
55 65,263 80,877 94,715 1,12,567 1,22,217 1,31,867 1,45,054 1,57,392 1,68,412
2A+3C 56-59 70,310 87,680 1,04,510 1,25,740 1,36,355 1,46,970 1,61,666 1,75,418 1,87,702
60 89,195 1,08,235 1,30,519 1,53,197 1,73,462 1,95,657 2,15,224 2,33,525 2,49,877
61-64 1,08,080 1,28,791 1,56,529 1,80,654 2,10,569 2,44,344 2,68,781 2,91,633 3,12,052
65 1,21,590 1,44,896 1,76,096 1,98,725 2,31,632 2,68,784 2,95,666 3,20,805 3,43,265
66-69 1,35,100 1,61,001 1,95,663 2,16,797 2,52,695 2,93,225 3,22,551 3,49,977 3,74,478
70 1,55,365 1,85,155 2,25,019 2,49,317 2,90,600 3,37,210 3,70,936 4,02,473 4,30,651
71-74 1,75,630 2,09,309 2,54,374 2,81,838 3,28,505 3,81,194 4,19,321 4,54,969 4,86,823
75 2,01,975 2,40,710 2,92,530 3,24,115 3,77,788 4,38,380 4,82,225 5,23,218 5,59,850
>75 2,28,319 2,72,111 3,30,686 3,66,391 4,27,070 4,95,566 5,45,129 5,91,468 6,32,876

Star Comprehensive Insurance Policy Unique Identification No.: SHAHLIP22028V072122 PROS / COMP / V.11 / 2022 14 of 27
Premium Chart for 3 years (Excluding Tax) (In Rs.)
Plan type Age band 5,00,000 7,50,000 10,00,000 15,00,000 20,00,000 25,00,000 50,00,000 75,00,000 1,00,00,000
3m-33 19,677 23,955 27,279 34,291 39,551 42,818 47,110 51,121 54,712
34 20,668 25,437 29,195 36,208 41,467 45,016 49,527 53,744 57,517
35 21,659 26,919 31,112 38,125 43,384 47,213 51,944 56,366 60,322
36-43 22,650 28,401 33,029 40,041 45,301 49,410 54,361 58,989 63,127
44 27,442 34,703 40,593 47,606 53,047 57,451 63,206 68,587 73,398
45 32,234 41,004 48,157 55,170 60,794 65,492 72,051 78,185 83,668
46-48 37,026 47,306 55,721 62,734 68,540 73,533 80,896 87,782 93,939
49 39,738 49,896 58,087 66,516 73,627 79,073 86,988 94,393 1,01,013
50 42,449 52,486 60,452 70,298 78,713 84,613 93,079 1,01,003 1,08,086
51-53 45,161 55,076 62,818 74,080 83,799 90,153 99,171 1,07,614 1,15,159
54 47,592 58,115 66,348 78,358 88,516 95,319 1,04,856 1,13,780 1,21,756
55 50,023 61,154 69,877 82,635 93,234 1,00,484 1,10,540 1,19,946 1,28,352
1A 56-58 52,454 64,192 73,407 86,913 97,951 1,05,650 1,16,225 1,26,113 1,34,949
59 59,045 71,429 81,004 95,912 1,07,170 1,14,897 1,26,398 1,37,150 1,46,758
60 65,637 78,666 88,601 1,04,912 1,16,389 1,24,145 1,36,571 1,48,188 1,58,567
61-63 72,229 85,903 96,197 1,13,911 1,25,608 1,33,392 1,46,744 1,59,226 1,70,376
64 81,172 95,445 1,05,968 1,22,069 1,32,106 1,39,310 1,53,251 1,66,285 1,77,931
65 90,115 1,04,986 1,15,739 1,30,227 1,38,604 1,45,229 1,59,759 1,73,344 1,85,485
66-68 99,059 1,14,528 1,25,510 1,38,385 1,45,103 1,51,147 1,66,266 1,80,404 1,93,040
69 1,04,757 1,22,406 1,35,257 1,50,166 1,57,454 1,64,022 1,80,432 1,95,775 2,09,487
70 1,10,456 1,30,283 1,45,004 1,61,947 1,69,805 1,76,897 1,94,597 2,11,146 2,25,933
71-73 1,16,155 1,38,160 1,54,752 1,73,728 1,82,157 1,89,772 2,08,762 2,26,518 2,42,380
74 1,28,146 1,52,125 1,70,137 1,90,441 1,99,679 2,08,028 2,28,841 2,48,303 2,65,690
75 1,40,138 1,66,089 1,85,523 2,07,154 2,17,201 2,26,284 2,48,920 2,70,089 2,88,999
>75 1,52,129 1,80,053 2,00,908 2,23,867 2,34,722 2,44,540 2,69,000 2,91,874 3,12,309
3m-33 25,750 31,809 37,166 45,525 52,538 59,270 65,202 70,756 75,721
34 26,629 32,744 38,494 47,554 54,567 61,860 68,049 73,842 79,022
35 27,508 33,679 39,822 49,583 56,596 64,450 70,896 76,927 82,322
36-43 28,387 34,614 41,149 51,612 58,625 67,040 73,743 80,013 85,623
44 32,239 39,130 46,797 58,447 65,459 73,874 81,266 88,175 94,356
45 36,091 43,646 52,444 65,282 72,294 80,709 88,788 96,338 1,03,088
46-48 39,943 48,162 58,092 72,117 79,129 87,544 96,310 1,04,500 1,11,821
49 41,766 51,369 61,719 75,744 83,224 91,639 1,00,812 1,09,386 1,17,048
50 43,590 54,576 65,347 79,372 87,320 95,735 1,05,314 1,14,271 1,22,275
51-53 45,413 57,783 68,975 83,000 91,415 99,830 1,09,816 1,19,156 1,27,501
54 48,695 63,655 76,184 90,209 98,624 1,07,039 1,17,745 1,27,758 1,36,706
55 51,977 69,527 83,393 97,418 1,05,833 1,14,248 1,25,673 1,36,360 1,45,911
1A+1C 56-58 55,259 75,398 90,602 1,04,627 1,13,042 1,21,457 1,33,602 1,44,962 1,55,117
59 66,217 85,478 102,450 1,17,877 1,29,994 1,50,096 1,65,107 1,79,146 1,91,694
60 77,175 95,557 1,14,298 1,31,128 1,46,946 1,78,736 1,96,612 2,13,330 2,28,271
61-63 88,133 1,05,636 1,26,146 1,44,379 1,63,899 2,07,376 2,28,117 2,47,513 2,64,848
64 95,482 1,14,444 1,36,663 1,54,008 1,74,828 2,21,204 2,43,329 2,64,021 2,82,510
65 1,02,831 1,23,252 1,47,180 1,63,636 1,85,757 2,35,032 2,58,542 2,80,528 3,00,172
66-68 1,10,180 1,32,059 1,57,697 1,73,265 1,96,687 2,48,860 2,73,754 2,97,035 3,17,835
69 1,21,204 1,45,271 1,73,471 1,90,600 2,16,359 2,73,749 3,01,131 3,26,736 3,49,615
70 1,32,228 1,58,483 1,89,244 2,07,935 2,36,031 2,98,639 3,28,508 3,56,436 3,81,396
71-73 1,43,251 1,71,694 2,05,017 2,25,270 2,55,704 3,23,529 3,55,884 3,86,136 4,13,177
74 1,57,585 1,88,870 2,25,522 2,47,803 2,81,276 3,55,889 3,91,480 4,24,761 4,54,504
75 1,71,918 2,06,046 2,46,027 2,70,337 3,06,848 3,88,249 4,27,075 4,63,386 4,95,831
>75 1,86,252 2,23,222 2,66,531 2,92,870 3,32,421 4,20,610 4,62,671 5,02,011 5,37,158

Star Comprehensive Insurance Policy Unique Identification No.: SHAHLIP22028V072122 PROS / COMP / V.11 / 2022 15 of 27
Premium Chart for 3 years (Excluding Tax) (In Rs.)
Plan type Age band 5,00,000 7,50,000 10,00,000 15,00,000 20,00,000 25,00,000 50,00,000 75,00,000 1,00,00,000
3m-33 30,715 37,391 42,075 53,295 60,672 67,685 74,459 80,798 86,464
34 31,715 38,475 43,515 55,670 63,645 71,125 78,245 84,907 90,859
35 32,716 39,560 44,955 58,045 66,619 74,566 82,032 89,017 95,253
36-43 33,716 40,644 46,395 60,420 69,592 78,007 85,819 93,126 99,648
44 40,691 48,910 56,100 70,125 79,045 87,460 96,216 1,04,407 1,11,718
45 47,666 57,175 65,805 79,830 88,498 96,913 1,06,613 1,15,688 1,23,789
46-48 54,641 65,441 75,511 89,536 97,951 1,06,366 1,17,011 1,26,968 1,35,860
49 55,604 66,628 77,493 91,518 99,933 1,08,348 1,19,189 1,29,329 1,38,389
50 56,568 67,816 79,475 93,500 1,01,915 1,10,330 1,21,368 1,31,690 1,40,919
51-53 57,531 69,003 81,457 95,482 1,03,897 1,12,312 1,23,546 1,34,051 1,43,448
54 60,401 73,556 87,086 1,02,981 1,11,863 1,21,213 1,33,340 1,44,677 1,54,817
55 63,271 78,110 92,715 1,10,480 1,19,830 1,30,115 1,43,134 1,55,304 1,66,187
1A+2C 56-58 66,142 82,663 98,343 1,17,978 1,27,796 1,39,016 1,52,929 1,65,930 1,77,557
59 78,680 96,304 1,09,719 1,28,886 1,56,807 1,80,649 1,98,725 2,15,620 2,30,725
60 91,219 1,09,945 1,21,094 1,39,794 1,85,818 2,22,283 2,44,521 2,65,311 2,83,894
61-63 1,03,757 1,23,585 1,32,469 1,50,701 2,14,829 2,63,917 2,90,318 3,15,002 3,37,063
64 1,12,406 1,33,890 1,43,515 1,60,756 2,29,155 2,81,515 3,09,677 3,36,006 3,59,536
65 1,21,054 1,44,195 1,54,561 1,70,811 2,43,481 2,99,114 3,29,036 3,57,011 3,82,008
66-68 1,29,703 1,54,499 1,65,607 1,80,866 2,57,808 3,16,713 3,48,395 3,78,016 4,04,481
69 1,42,681 1,69,955 1,82,175 1,98,959 2,83,595 3,48,390 3,83,238 4,15,818 4,44,929
70 1,55,659 1,85,411 1,98,744 2,17,051 3,09,382 3,80,068 4,18,081 4,53,620 4,85,377
71-73 1,68,637 2,00,866 2,15,312 2,35,143 3,35,169 4,11,746 4,52,923 4,91,422 5,25,825
74 1,85,504 2,20,959 2,36,845 2,58,658 3,68,689 4,52,923 4,98,219 5,40,570 5,78,414
75 2,02,371 2,41,052 2,58,378 2,82,174 4,02,209 4,94,101 5,43,516 5,89,719 6,31,003
>75 2,19,239 2,61,146 2,79,911 3,05,689 4,35,729 5,35,278 5,88,812 6,38,867 6,83,593
3m-33 43,730 53,267 58,765 74,192 83,617 93,435 1,02,789 1,11,527 1,19,339
34 45,104 54,791 60,710 77,072 87,198 97,203 1,06,931 1,16,024 1,24,149
35 46,479 56,315 62,654 79,952 90,779 1,00,971 1,11,073 1,20,522 1,28,960
36-43 47,853 57,839 64,599 82,832 94,360 1,04,739 1,15,215 1,25,019 1,33,770
44 53,837 65,525 74,155 95,660 1,08,021 1,18,680 1,30,549 1,41,657 1,51,578
45 59,821 73,211 83,711 1,08,488 1,21,681 1,32,620 1,45,883 1,58,296 1,69,385
46-48 65,805 80,896 93,266 1,21,316 1,35,341 1,46,561 1,61,217 1,74,934 1,87,192
49 69,022 85,300 98,876 1,27,861 1,41,886 1,53,106 1,68,417 1,82,741 1,95,546
50 72,238 89,704 1,04,486 1,34,406 1,48,431 1,59,651 1,75,616 1,90,548 2,03,900
51-53 75,455 94,108 1,10,096 1,40,951 1,54,976 1,66,196 1,82,816 1,98,356 2,12,254
54 78,605 98,278 1,15,379 1,49,039 1,63,532 1,75,687 1,93,255 2,09,683 2,24,372
55 81,756 1,02,448 1,20,662 1,57,127 1,72,087 1,85,177 2,03,694 2,21,011 2,36,490
1A+3C 56-58 84,907 1,06,618 1,25,945 1,65,215 1,80,642 1,94,667 2,14,134 2,32,338 2,48,607
59 95,277 1,16,955 1,40,689 1,78,557 2,09,015 2,34,727 2,58,200 2,80,149 2,99,766
60 1,05,646 1,27,293 1,55,434 1,91,899 2,37,387 2,74,787 3,02,267 3,27,961 3,50,924
61-63 1,16,015 1,37,630 1,70,179 2,05,242 2,65,760 3,14,847 3,46,333 3,75,772 4,02,083
64 1,25,683 1,49,106 1,84,363 2,18,930 2,83,483 3,35,843 3,69,428 4,00,830 4,28,894
65 1,35,351 1,60,583 1,98,547 2,32,619 3,01,206 3,56,838 3,92,522 4,25,888 4,55,705
66-68 1,45,019 1,72,059 2,12,731 2,46,307 3,18,929 3,77,834 4,15,617 4,50,946 4,82,516
69 1,59,520 1,89,272 2,34,012 2,70,944 3,50,821 4,15,617 4,57,182 4,96,046 5,30,771
70 1,74,022 2,06,485 2,55,292 2,95,582 3,82,714 4,53,400 4,98,748 5,41,145 5,79,027
71-73 1,88,524 2,23,699 2,76,573 3,20,219 4,14,607 4,91,184 5,40,313 5,86,245 6,27,282
74 2,07,383 2,46,073 3,04,230 3,52,243 4,56,074 5,40,308 5,94,347 6,44,874 6,90,016
75 2,26,242 2,68,448 3,31,888 3,84,266 4,97,542 5,89,433 6,48,380 7,03,503 7,52,750
>75 2,45,101 2,90,822 3,59,545 4,16,290 5,39,009 6,38,558 7,02,414 7,62,133 8,15,484

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Premium Chart for 3 years (Excluding Tax) (In Rs.)
Plan type Age band 5,00,000 7,50,000 10,00,000 15,00,000 20,00,000 25,00,000 50,00,000 75,00,000 1,00,00,000
3m-33 29,228 37,335 43,646 54,866 63,281 70,293 77,334 83,912 89,788
34 30,818 40,158 46,713 57,933 66,348 73,360 80,705 87,567 93,701
35 32,407 42,982 49,779 60,999 69,414 76,427 84,075 91,223 97,614
36-43 33,997 45,806 52,846 64,066 72,481 79,494 87,446 94,879 1,01,527
44 43,608 56,736 66,890 78,110 86,525 93,537 1,02,897 1,11,644 1,19,465
45 53,220 67,666 80,934 92,154 1,00,569 1,07,581 1,18,348 1,28,408 1,37,403
46-48 62,832 78,596 94,977 1,06,197 1,14,612 1,21,625 1,33,799 1,45,173 1,55,341
49 63,991 79,999 96,819 1,08,507 1,16,922 1,24,121 1,36,543 1,48,151 1,58,529
50 65,151 81,401 98,661 1,10,816 1,19,231 1,26,618 1,39,287 1,51,129 1,61,718
51-53 66,310 82,804 1,00,503 1,13,126 1,21,541 1,29,114 1,42,031 1,54,107 1,64,906
54 70,910 88,554 1,07,647 1,20,269 1,28,684 1,36,258 1,49,890 1,62,634 1,74,027
55 75,511 94,304 1,14,790 1,27,412 1,35,827 1,43,401 1,57,749 1,71,161 1,83,148
2A 56-58 80,111 1,00,054 1,21,933 1,34,556 1,42,971 1,50,544 1,65,607 1,79,688 1,92,269
59 89,685 1,10,676 1,34,836 1,47,459 1,55,874 1,63,447 1,79,801 1,95,088 2,08,748
60 99,260 1,21,298 1,47,739 1,60,362 1,68,777 1,76,350 1,93,994 2,10,487 2,25,227
61-63 1,08,834 1,31,919 1,60,642 1,73,265 1,81,680 1,89,253 2,08,187 2,25,887 2,41,707
64 1,17,904 1,42,915 1,74,032 1,84,821 1,93,797 2,01,876 2,22,072 2,40,954 2,57,831
65 1,26,973 1,53,910 1,87,421 1,96,378 2,05,915 2,14,498 2,35,957 2,56,022 2,73,955
66-68 1,36,043 1,64,906 2,00,810 2,07,935 2,18,033 2,27,121 2,49,841 2,71,089 2,90,079
69 1,49,647 1,81,399 2,20,894 2,28,729 2,39,837 2,49,841 2,74,834 2,98,204 3,19,092
70 1,63,251 1,97,893 2,40,978 2,49,523 2,61,641 2,72,562 2,99,826 3,25,319 3,48,105
71-73 1,76,855 2,14,386 2,61,061 2,70,318 2,83,445 2,95,282 3,24,819 3,52,434 3,77,118
74 1,94,545 2,35,826 2,87,176 2,97,358 3 11,794 3 24,819 3,57,310 3,87,688 4,14,836
75 2,12,236 2,57,265 3,13,290 3,24,398 3,40,144 3,54,356 3,89,802 4,22,943 4,52,554
>75 2,29,926 2,78,705 3,39,405 3,51,438 3,68,493 3,83,892 4,22,293 4,58,197 4,90,272
3m-33 36,942 46,731 53,604 66,647 75,062 82,074 90,293 97,979 1,04,851
34 38,036 48,405 55,848 69,218 77,633 84,646 93,121 1,01,045 1,08,128
35 39,130 50,079 58,092 71,789 80,204 87,217 95,950 1,04,112 1,11,405
36-43 40,224 51,752 60,336 74,361 82,776 89,788 98,778 1,07,179 1,14,682
44 48,826 61,916 72,865 86,890 95,305 1,02,317 1,12,560 1,22,134 1,30,685
45 57,428 72,079 85,394 99,419 1,07,834 1,14,846 1,26,342 1,37,090 1,46,687
46-48 66,030 82,243 97,923 1,11,948 1,20,363 1,27,375 1,40,124 1,52,045 1,62,690
49 68,152 85,010 1,01,513 1,16,005 1,24,607 1,31,807 1,44,995 1,57,328 1,68,342
50 70,275 87,778 1,05,103 1,20,063 1,28,852 1,36,239 1,49,866 1,62,611 1,73,994
51-53 72,397 90,545 1,08,694 1,24,121 1,33,097 1,40,671 1,54,738 1,67,893 1,79,646
54 77,315 96,183 1,15,042 1,30,470 1,39,726 1,47,300 1,62,031 1,75,808 1,88,117
55 82,233 1,01,822 1,21,391 1,36,819 1,46,356 1,53,929 1,69,324 1,83,723 1,96,588
2A+1C 56-58 87,151 1,07,460 1,27,740 1,43,167 1,52,985 1,60,558 1,76,617 1,91,638 2,05,060
59 1,04,664 1,27,024 1,53,403 1,71,869 1,92,906 2,14,318 2,35,756 2,55,802 2,73,717
60 1,22,176 1,46,589 1,79,066 2,00,571 2,32,828 2,68,078 2,94,894 3,19,966 3,42,374
61-63 1,39,689 1,66,154 2,04,729 2,29,272 2,72,750 3,21,837 3,54,033 3,84,131 4,11,031
64 1,51,330 1,80,006 2,21,795 2,44,562 2,90,938 3,43,298 3,77,637 4,09,740 4,38,431
65 1,62,971 1,93,858 2,38,862 2,59,852 3,09,127 3,64,759 4,01,241 4,35,350 4,65,831
66-68 1,74,611 2,07,710 2,55,928 2,75,142 3,27,315 3,86,220 4,24,845 4,60,960 4,93,231
69 1,92,077 2,28,486 2,81,529 3,02,660 3,60,050 4,24,845 4,67,332 5,07,060 5,42,557
70 2,09,543 2,49,262 3,07,129 3,30,177 3,92,784 4,63,470 5,09,818 5,53,160 5,91,883
71-73 2,27,009 2,70,037 3,32,729 3,57,694 4,25,519 5,02,095 5,52,305 5,99,260 6,41,209
74 2,49,710 2,97,050 3,66,006 3,93,467 4,68,070 5,52,305 6,07,535 6,59,184 7,05,331
75 2,72,412 3,24,062 3,99,282 4,29,240 5,10,622 6,02,514 6,62,765 7,19,109 7,69,454
>75 2,95,114 3,51,074 4,32,559 4,65,013 5,53,174 6,52,724 7,17,996 7,79,033 8,33,576

Star Comprehensive Insurance Policy Unique Identification No.: SHAHLIP22028V072122 PROS / COMP / V.11 / 2022 17 of 27
Premium Chart for 3 years (Excluding Tax) (In Rs.)
Plan type Age band 5,00,000 7,50,000 10,00,000 15,00,000 20,00,000 25,00,000 50,00,000 75,00,000 1,00,00,000
3m-33 41,514 51,836 58,681 71,696 80,111 87,684 96,464 1,04,669 1,12,004
34 43,019 53,501 61,112 74,463 82,878 90,452 99,507 1,07,969 1,15,533
35 44,525 55,165 63,543 77,231 85,646 93,220 1,02,551 1,11,270 1,19,063
36-43 46,030 56,829 65,974 79,999 88,414 95,987 1,05,594 1,14,570 1,22,593
44 54,426 67,339 78,662 92,687 1,01,102 1,08,675 1,19,549 1,29,713 1,38,796
45 62,823 77,848 91,350 1,05,375 1,13,790 1,21,363 1,33,504 1,44,855 1,55,000
46-48 71,219 88,358 1,04,037 1,18,062 1,26,477 1,34,051 1,47,459 1,59,997 1,71,203
49 73,818 91,583 1,08,264 1,22,289 1,31,171 1,39,025 1,52,933 1,65,939 1,77,561
50 76,418 94,809 1,12,490 1,26,515 1,35,865 1,43,999 1,58,408 1,71,881 1,83,919
51-53 79,017 98,035 1,16,716 1,30,741 1,40,559 1,48,974 1,63,882 1,77,823 1,90,277
54 83,841 1,04,019 1,24,159 1,38,651 1,48,469 1,56,884 1,72,582 1,87,262 2,00,375
55 88,666 1,10,003 1,31,601 1,46,561 1,56,379 1,64,794 1,81,282 1,96,701 2,10,473
2A+2C 56-58 93,491 1,15,987 1,39,044 1,54,471 1,64,289 1,72,704 1,89,983 2,06,139 2,20,571
59 1,12,256 1,37,524 1,65,078 1,83,544 2,04,582 2,26,554 2,49,220 2,70,411 2,89,345
60 1,31,022 1,59,060 1,91,112 2,12,617 2,44,875 2,80,405 3,08,457 3,34,683 3,58,119
61-63 1,49,787 1,80,597 2,17,146 2,41,690 2,85,168 3,34,255 3,67,693 3,98,955 4,26,893
64 1,62,269 1,95,647 2,35,244 2,57,806 3,04,182 3,56,542 3,92,204 4,25,551 4,55,350
65 1,74,752 2,10,697 2,53,342 2,73,921 3,23,196 3,78,828 4,16,715 4,52,147 4,83,806
66-68 1,87,234 2,25,746 2,71,440 2,90,037 3,42,210 4,01,115 4,41,227 4,78,743 5,12,263
69 2,05,962 2,48,327 2,98,592 3,19,041 3,76,431 4,41,227 4,85,349 5,26,615 5,63,487
70 2,24,690 2,70,907 3,25,745 3,48,044 4,10,652 4,81,338 5,29,472 5,74,487 6,14,711
71-73 2,43,418 2,93,487 3,52,897 3,77,048 4,44,873 5,21,450 5,73,594 6,22,359 6,65,935
74 2,67,765 3,22,837 3,88,193 4,14,757 4,89,360 5,73,594 6,30,957 6,84,598 7,32,530
75 2,92,113 3,52,186 4,23,490 4,52,465 5,33,848 6,25,739 6,88,319 7,46,836 7,99,126
>75 3,16,460 3,81,536 4,58,786 4,90,174 5,78,335 6,77,884 7,45,681 8,09,074 8,65,721
3m-33 47,685 58,961 66,282 85,917 98,427 1,09,704 1,20,685 1,30,951 1,40,124
34 49,695 60,794 68,694 88,329 1,00,877 1,12,135 1,23,359 1,33,855 1,43,233
35 51,706 62,626 71,107 90,742 1,03,327 1,14,566 1,26,033 1,36,758 1,46,342
36-43 53,716 64,459 73,519 93,154 1,05,777 1,16,997 1,28,707 1,39,661 1,49,450
44 62,467 75,202 85,927 1,05,562 1,18,184 1,29,404 1,42,354 1,54,467 1,65,289
45 71,219 85,945 98,334 1,17,969 1,30,591 1,41,811 1,56,000 1,69,272 1,81,128
46-48 79,971 96,688 1,10,741 1,30,376 1,42,999 1,54,219 1,69,646 1,84,078 1,96,967
49 82,486 1,00,344 1,14,968 1,35,070 1,47,693 1,59,380 1,75,322 1,90,235 2,03,554
50 85,001 1,04,000 1,19,194 1,39,764 1,52,386 1,64,541 1,80,997 1,96,392 2,10,141
51-53 87,516 1,07,656 1,23,420 1,44,458 1,57,080 1,69,703 1,86,673 2,02,549 2,16,728
54 92,406 1,14,248 1,32,910 1,57,220 1,70,778 1,84,335 2,02,769 2,20,015 2,35,419
55 97,296 1,20,839 1,42,401 1,69,983 1,84,476 1,98,968 2,18,865 2,37,481 2,54,110
2A+3C 56-58 1,02,186 1,27,431 1,51,891 1,82,746 1,98,173 2,13,601 2,34,961 2,54,946 2,72,800
59 1,20,484 1,47,348 1,77,092 2,09,349 2,34,127 2,60,774 2,86,853 3,11,247 3,33,042
60 1,38,782 1,67,264 2,02,293 2,35,953 2,70,080 3,07,948 3,38,746 3,67,549 3,93,284
61-63 1,57,080 1,87,180 2,27,494 2,62,556 3,06,034 3,55,121 3,90,638 4,23,850 4,53,526
64 1,70,170 2,02,785 2,46,453 2,80,066 3,26,442 3,78,802 4,16,687 4,52,115 4,83,769
65 1,83,260 2,18,389 2,65,412 2,97,576 3,46,850 4,02,483 4,42,737 4,80,380 5,14,012
66-68 1,96,350 2,33,993 2,84,371 3,15,086 3,67,259 4,26,164 4,68,786 5,08,645 5,44,254
69 2,15,985 2,57,396 3,12,814 3,46,595 4,03,985 4,68,781 5,15,667 5,59,509 5,98,681
70 2,35,620 2,80,799 3,41,256 3,78,105 4,40,712 5,11,398 5,62,547 6,10,373 6,53,107
71-73 2,55,255 3,04,202 3,69,699 4,09,614 4,77,439 5,54,016 6,09,428 6,61,237 7,07,533
74 2,80,781 3,34,627 4,06,669 4,50,577 5,25,190 6,09,424 6,70,376 7,27,365 7,78,289
75 3,06,306 3,65,052 4,43,639 4,91,539 5,72,940 6,64,832 7,31,324 7,93,492 8,49,045
>75 3,31,832 3,95,477 4,80,609 5,32,501 6,20,690 7,20,240 7,92,272 8,59,620 9,19,802

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PREMIUM CHART with BUY BACK (Excluding Tax)
Premium Chart with Buy Back for 1 year (Excluding Tax) (in Rs.)
Plan type Age band 5,00,000 7,50,000 10,00,000 15,00,000 20,00,000 25,00,000 50,00,000 75,00,000 1,00,00,000
3m-35 8,418 10,248 11,670 14,670 16,920 18,318 20,154 21,870 23,406
36-45 10,498 13,163 15,308 18,558 20,995 22,900 25,194 27,339 29,257
46-50 17,820 22,768 26,818 30,193 32,987 35,390 38,934 42,248 45,212
51-55 24,150 29,453 33,593 39,615 44,813 48,210 53,033 57,548 61,583
1A 56-60 28,050 34,328 39,255 46,478 52,380 56,498 62,153 67,440 72,165
61-65 38,625 45,938 51,443 60,915 67,170 71,333 78,473 85,148 91,110
66-70 52,973 61,245 67,118 74,003 77,595 80,828 88,913 96,473 1,03,230
71-75 62,115 73,883 82,755 92,903 97,410 1,01,483 1,11,638 1,21,133 1,29,615
>75 81,353 96,285 1,07,438 1,19,715 1,25,520 1,30,770 1,43,850 1,56,083 1,67,010
3m-35 11,016 13,608 15,900 19,476 22,476 25,356 27,894 30,270 32,394
36-45 13,156 16,042 19,071 23,920 27,170 31,070 34,177 37,083 39,683
46-50 19,224 23,180 27,959 34,709 38,084 42,134 46,352 50,294 53,818
51-55 24,285 30,900 36,885 44,385 48,885 53,385 58,725 63,720 68,183
1A+1C 56-60 29,550 40,320 48,450 55,950 60,450 64,950 71,445 77,520 82,950
61-65 47,130 56,490 67,458 77,208 87,647 1,10,897 1,21,988 1,32,360 1,41,630
66-70 58,920 70,620 84,330 92,655 1,05,180 1,33,080 1,46,393 1,58,843 1,69,965
71-75 76,605 91,815 1,09,635 1,20,465 1,36,740 1,73,010 1,90,313 2,06,490 2,20,950
>75 99,600 1,19,370 1,42,530 1,56,615 1,77,765 2,24,925 2,47,418 2,68,455 2,87,250
3m-35 13,140 15,996 18,000 22,800 25,956 28,956 31,854 34,566 36,990
36-45 15,626 18,837 21,502 28,002 32,253 36,153 39,774 43,160 46,183
46-50 26,298 31,496 36,342 43,092 47,142 51,192 56,315 61,108 65,387
51-55 30,765 36,900 43,560 51,060 55,560 60,060 66,068 71,685 76,710
1A+2C 56-60 35,370 44,205 52,590 63,090 68,340 74,340 81,780 88,733 94,950
61-65 55,485 66,089 70,839 80,589 1,14,882 1,41,132 1,55,250 1,68,450 1,80,248
66-70 69,360 82,620 88,560 96,720 1,37,865 1,69,365 1,86,308 2,02,148 2,16,300
71-75 90,180 1,07,415 1,15,140 1,25,745 1,79,235 2,20,185 2,42,205 2,62,793 2,81,190
>75 1,17,240 1,39,650 1,49,685 1,63,470 2,33,010 2,86,245 3,14,873 3,41,640 3,65,558
3m-35 18,708 22,788 25,140 31,740 35,772 39,972 43,974 47,712 51,054
36-45 22,178 26,806 29,939 38,389 43,732 48,542 53,398 57,941 61,997
46-50 31,671 38,934 44,888 58,388 65,138 70,538 77,591 84,193 90,092
51-55 40,350 50,325 58,875 75,375 82,875 88,875 97,763 1,06,073 1,13,505
1A+3C 56-60 45,405 57,015 67,350 88,350 96,600 1,04,100 1,14,510 1,24,245 1,32,945
61-65 62,040 73,599 91,005 1,09,755 1,42,118 1,68,368 1,85,205 2,00,948 2,15,018
66-70 77,550 92,010 1,13,760 1,31,715 1,70,550 2,02,050 2,22,255 2,41,148 2,58,030
71-75 1,00,815 1,19,625 1,47,900 1,71,240 2,21,715 2,62,665 2,88,938 3,13,500 3,35,445
>75 1,31,070 1,55,520 1,92,270 2,22,615 2,88,240 3,41,475 3,75,623 4,07,558 4,36,088
3m-35 12,504 15,972 18,672 23,472 27,072 30,072 33,084 35,898 38,412
36-45 15,756 21,229 24,492 29,692 33,592 36,842 40,528 43,973 47,054
46-50 30,240 37,827 45,711 51,111 55,161 58,536 64,395 69,869 74,763
51-55 35,460 44,280 53,745 60,495 64,995 69,045 75,953 82,410 88,185
2A 56-60 42,840 53,505 65,205 71,955 76,455 80,505 88,560 96,090 1,02,818
61-65 58,200 70,545 85,905 92,655 97,155 1,01,205 1,11,330 1,20,795 1,29,255
66-70 72,750 88,185 1,07,385 1,11,195 1,16,595 1,21,455 1,33,605 1,44,968 1,55,123
71-75 94,575 1,14,645 1,39,605 1,44,555 1,51,575 1,57,905 1,73,700 1,88,468 2,01,668
>75 1,22,955 1,49,040 1,81,500 1,87,935 1,97,055 2,05,290 2,25,825 2,45,025 2,62,178
3m-35 15,804 19,992 22,932 28,512 32,112 35,112 38,628 41,916 44,856
36-45 18,642 23,985 27,963 34,463 38,363 41,613 45,780 49,673 53,151
46-50 31,779 39,582 47,129 53,879 57,929 61,304 67,439 73,177 78,300
51-55 38,715 48,420 58,125 66,375 71,175 75,225 82,748 89,783 96,068
2A+1C 56-60 46,605 57,465 68,310 76,560 81,810 85,860 94,448 1,02,480 1,09,658
61-65 74,700 88,853 1,09,481 1,22,606 1,45,856 1,72,106 1,89,323 2,05,418 2,19,803
66-70 93,375 1,11,075 1,36,860 1,47,135 1,75,035 2,06,535 2,27,190 2,46,503 2,63,760
71-75 1,21,395 1,44,405 1,77,930 1,91,280 2,27,550 2,68,500 2,95,350 3,20,460 3,42,893
>75 1,57,815 1,87,740 2,31,315 2,48,670 2,95,815 3,49,050 3,83,955 4,16,595 4,45,763

Star Comprehensive Insurance Policy Unique Identification No.: SHAHLIP22028V072122 PROS / COMP / V.11 / 2022 19 of 27
Premium Chart with Buy Back for 1 year (Excluding Tax) (in Rs.)
Plan type Age band 5,00,000 7,50,000 10,00,000 15,00,000 20,00,000 25,00,000 50,00,000 75,00,000 1,00,00,000
3m-35 17,760 22,176 25,104 30,672 34,272 37,512 41,268 44,778 47,916
36-45 21,333 26,338 30,576 37,076 40,976 44,486 48,939 53,099 56,817
46-50 34,277 42,525 50,072 56,822 60,872 64,517 70,970 77,004 82,397
51-55 42,255 52,425 62,415 69,915 75,165 79,665 87,638 95,093 1,01,753
2A+2C 56-60 49,995 62,025 74,355 82,605 87,855 92,355 1,01,595 1,10,235 1,17,953
61-65 80,100 96,576 1,16,121 1,29,246 1,52,496 1,78,746 1,96,628 2,13,345 2,28,285
66-70 1,00,125 1,20,720 1,45,155 1,55,100 1,83,000 2,14,500 2,35,950 2,56,013 2,73,938
71-75 1,30,170 1,56,945 1,88,715 2,01,630 2,37,900 2,78,850 3,06,735 3,32,813 3,56,115
>75 1,69,230 2,04,030 2,45,340 2,62,125 3,09,270 3,62,505 3,98,760 4,32,660 4,62,953
3m-35 20,400 25,224 28,356 36,756 42,108 46,932 51,630 56,022 59,946
36-45 24,895 29,874 34,073 43,173 49,023 54,223 59,651 64,727 69,264
46-50 38,489 46,535 53,298 62,748 68,823 74,223 81,648 88,594 94,797
51-55 46,800 57,570 66,000 77,250 84,000 90,750 99,825 1,08,315 1,15,898
2A+3C 56-60 54,645 68,145 81,225 97,725 1,05,975 1,14,225 1,25,648 1,36,335 1,45,883
61-65 84,000 1,00,097 1,21,655 1,40,405 1,63,655 1,89,905 2,08,898 2,26,658 2,42,528
66-70 1,05,000 1,25,130 1,52,070 1,68,495 1,96,395 2,27,895 2,50,688 2,72,003 2,91,045
71-75 1,36,500 1,62,675 1,97,700 2,19,045 2,55,315 2,96,265 3,25,898 3,53,603 3,78,360
>75 1,77,450 2,11,485 2,57,010 2,84,760 3,31,920 3,85,155 4,23,675 4,59,690 4,91,873

Premium Chart with Buy Back for 2 years (Excluding Tax) (In Rs.)
Plan type Age band 5,00,000 7,50,000 10,00,000 15,00,000 20,00,000 25,00,000 50,00,000 75,00,000 1,00,00,000
3m-34 14,893 18,130 20,646 25,954 29,934 32,408 35,656 38,692 41,409
35 15,916 19,660 22,624 27,932 31,913 34,675 38,150 41,399 44,304
36-44 17,922 22,472 26,135 31,683 35,845 39,096 43,014 46,676 49,950
45 22,868 28,977 33,941 39,490 43,840 47,395 52,143 56,582 60,550
46-49 29,934 38,246 45,049 50,718 55,412 59,449 65,402 70,969 75,947
50 32,733 40,919 47,490 54,622 60,662 65,167 71,689 77,792 83,247
51-54 38,841 47,369 54,028 63,714 72,073 77,538 85,294 92,556 99,045
55 41,350 50,506 57,671 68,129 76,942 82,869 91,161 98,920 1,05,853
1A 56-59 45,114 55,210 63,135 74,751 84,245 90,867 99,962 1,08,466 1,16,065
60 51,917 62,679 70,976 84,039 93,759 1,00,411 1,10,461 1,19,858 1,28,253
61-64 62,122 73,883 82,737 97,972 1,08,032 1,14,726 1,26,210 1,36,946 1,46,535
65 71,352 83,731 92,821 1,06,391 1,14,739 1,20,835 1,32,926 1,44,231 1,54,332
66-69 85,197 98,502 1,07,947 1,19,021 1,24,799 1,29,998 1,43,001 1,55,160 1,66,028
70 91,079 1,06,633 1,18,007 1,31,180 1,37,546 1,43,286 1,57,621 1,71,025 1,83,003
71-74 99,902 1,18,828 1,33,098 1,49,418 1,56,668 1,63,218 1,79,550 1,94,821 2,08,464
75 1,12,278 1,33,240 1,48,977 1,66,668 1,74,752 1,82,059 2,00,274 2,17,306 2,32,522
>75 1,30,842 1,54,858 1,72,795 1,92,542 2,01,878 2,10,322 2,31,359 2,51,033 2,68,608
3m-34 19,489 24,075 28,130 34,456 39,764 44,859 49,349 53,553 57,310
35 20,396 25,040 29,500 36,550 41,858 47,532 52,288 56,737 60,717
36-44 22,461 27,389 32,560 40,839 46,388 53,046 58,351 63,311 67,750
45 26,437 32,050 38,389 47,893 53,442 60,100 66,114 71,736 76,763
46-49 32,293 38,937 46,965 58,304 63,973 70,776 77,863 84,485 90,404
50 34,175 42,247 50,709 62,048 68,200 75,003 82,510 89,527 95,798
51-54 39,058 49,698 59,323 71,386 78,623 85,861 94,449 1,02,483 1,09,660
55 42,446 55,758 66,764 78,826 86,064 93,301 1,02,633 1,11,361 1,19,161
1A +1C 56-59 47,526 64,848 77,924 89,986 97,224 1,04,461 1,14,907 1,24,678 1,33,411
60 58,836 75,251 90,152 1,03,662 1,14,720 1,34,020 1,47,423 1,59,958 1,71,162
61-64 75,801 90,855 1,08,495 1,24,176 1,40,965 1,78,359 1,96,197 2,12,879 2,27,788
65 83,386 99,945 1,19,349 1,34,114 1,52,245 1,92,630 2,11,897 2,29,916 2,46,017
66-69 94,763 1,13,581 1,35,631 1,49,020 1,69,165 2,14,037 2,35,448 2,55,472 2,73,360
70 1,06,140 1,27,216 1,51,910 1,66,911 1,89,468 2,39,725 2,63,703 2,86,125 3,06,161
71-74 1,23,206 1,47,669 1,76,330 1,93,748 2,19,924 2,78,258 3,06,086 3,32,105 3,55,361
75 1,38,000 1,65,396 1,97,492 2,17,004 2,46,316 3,11,656 3,42,823 3,71,969 3,98,014
>75 1,60,190 1,91,987 2,29,236 2,51,889 2,85,905 3,61,754 3,97,930 4,31,765 4,61,994

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Premium Chart with Buy Back for 2 years (Excluding Tax) (In Rs.)
Plan type Age band 5,00,000 7,50,000 10,00,000 15,00,000 20,00,000 25,00,000 50,00,000 75,00,000 1,00,00,000
3m-34 23,247 28,300 31,845 40,337 45,920 51,228 56,355 61,153 65,441
35 24,279 29,419 33,331 42,788 48,989 54,779 60,263 65,394 69,977
36-44 26,678 32,161 36,711 47,808 55,066 61,724 67,906 73,687 78,848
45 33,877 40,691 46,727 57,825 64,822 71,480 78,636 85,330 91,306
46-49 44,176 52,907 61,048 72,387 79,190 85,993 94,599 1,02,650 1,09,838
50 45,170 54,132 63,094 74,432 81,236 88,039 96,848 1,05,086 1,12,449
51-54 49,480 59,348 70,059 82,122 89,359 96,597 1,06,259 1,15,293 1,23,375
55 52,443 64,047 75,868 89,861 97,581 1,05,783 1,16,367 1,26,261 1,35,110
1A+2C 56-59 56,887 71,096 84,582 1,01,470 1,09,914 1,19,564 1,31,530 1,42,711 1,52,711
60 69,827 85,175 96,322 1,12,727 1,39,856 1,62,533 1,78,795 1,93,996 2,07,586
61-64 89,238 1,06,292 1,13,933 1,29,614 1,84,769 2,26,987 2,49,694 2,70,924 2,89,898
65 98,165 1,16,928 1,25,333 1,39,992 1,99,554 2,45,151 2,69,674 2,92,602 3,13,092
66-69 1,11,554 1,32,881 1,42,434 1,55,558 2,21,733 2,72,395 2,99,645 3,25,121 3,47,883
70 1,24,948 1,48,832 1,59,534 1,74,231 2,48,348 3,05,090 3,35,605 3,64,136 3,89,628
71-74 1,45,040 1,72,759 1,85,184 2,02,240 2,88,270 3,54,131 3,89,546 4,22,658 4,52,247
75 1,62,448 1,93,497 2,07,407 2,26,510 3,22,865 3,96,629 4,36,296 4,73,383 5,06,524
>75 1,88,561 2,24,604 2,40,743 2,62,914 3,74,758 4,60,377 5,06,420 5,49,471 5,87,938
3m-34 33,098 40,316 44,477 56,153 63,287 70,717 77,797 84,410 90,323
35 34,516 41,889 46,484 59,126 66,983 74,606 82,072 89,052 95,288
36-44 37,865 45,766 51,115 65,542 74,664 82,876 91,166 98,923 1,05,848
45 44,041 53,698 60,977 78,782 88,763 97,264 1,06,992 1,16,095 1,24,226
46-49 53,201 65,402 75,403 98,080 1,09,419 1,18,490 1,30,339 1,41,428 1,51,338
50 56,521 69,947 81,193 1,04,835 1,16,174 1,25,245 1,37,769 1,49,486 1,59,961
51-54 64,896 80,939 94,691 1,21,228 1,33,291 1,42,941 1,57,235 1,70,600 1,82,554
55 68,148 85,243 1,00,143 1,29,575 1,42,120 1,52,735 1,68,009 1,82,291 1,95,060
1A+3C 56-59 73,026 91,699 1,08,321 1,42,096 1,55,365 1,67,428 1,84,170 1,99,827 2,13,820
60 83,728 1,02,368 1,23,539 1,55,867 1,84,648 2,08,773 2,29,651 2,49,173 2,66,620
61-64 99,781 1,18,372 1,46,366 1,76,523 2,28,572 2,70,791 2,97,871 3,23,191 3,45,820
65 1,09,759 1,30,216 1,61,005 1,90,650 2,46,864 2,92,460 3,21,707 3,49,053 3,73,491
66-69 1,24,726 1,47,983 1,82,964 2,11,842 2,74,301 3,24,964 3,57,460 3,87,846 4,14,998
70 1,39,693 1,65,748 2,04,927 2,37,269 3,07,217 3,63,959 4,00,359 4,34,392 4,64,802
71-74 1,62,144 1,92,397 2,37,873 2,75,411 3,56,592 4,22,453 4,64,708 5,04,213 5,39,507
75 1,81,608 2,15,489 2,66,417 3,08,462 3,99,389 4,73,154 5,20,475 5,64,723 6,04,254
>75 2,10,804 2,50,128 3,09,234 3,58,039 4,63,586 5,49,206 6,04,126 6,55,488 7,01,374
3m-34 22,122 28,257 33,034 41,526 47,895 53,202 58,531 63,510 67,957
35 23,762 31,171 36,199 44,691 51,060 56,368 62,010 67,283 71,996
36-44 26,900 36,244 41,815 50,693 57,352 62,901 69,193 75,075 80,335
45 36,821 47,525 56,310 65,188 71,846 77,395 85,140 92,377 98,848
46-49 50,798 63,542 76,786 85,857 92,660 98,330 1,08,172 1,17,367 1,25,588
50 51,994 64,990 78,687 88,241 95,044 1,00,906 1,11,004 1,20,441 1,28,879
51-54 57,032 71,217 86,440 97,296 1,04,534 1,11,047 1,22,157 1,32,543 1,41,831
55 61,779 77,152 93,812 1,04,669 1,11,906 1,18,420 1,30,268 1,41,344 1,51,244
2A 56-59 68,901 86,054 1,04,871 1,15,728 1,22,965 1,29,479 1,42,434 1,54,545 1,65,365
60 78,783 97,016 1,18,188 1,29,045 1,36,282 1,42,796 1,57,083 1,70,438 1,82,373
61-64 93,605 1,13,460 1,38,164 1,49,020 1,56,258 1,62,771 1,79,056 1,94,279 2,07,885
65 1,02,966 1,24,808 1,51,983 1,60,948 1,68,764 1,75,799 1,93,386 2,09,830 2,24,527
66-69 1,17,006 1,41,831 1,72,711 1,78,839 1,87,524 1,95,340 2,14,881 2,33,156 2,49,489
70 1,31,047 1,58,853 1,93,439 2,00,300 2,10,027 2,18,790 2,40,676 2,61,141 2,79,433
71-74 1,52,108 1,84,387 2,24,531 2,32,493 2,43,783 2,53,964 2,79,368 3,03,119 3,24,349
75 1,70,366 2,06,515 2,51,484 2,60,400 2,73,042 2,84,448 3,12,901 3,39,504 3,63,277
>75 1,97,753 2,39,706 2,91,913 3,02,262 3,16,930 3,30,175 3,63,202 3,94,082 4,21,669

Star Comprehensive Insurance Policy Unique Identification No.: SHAHLIP22028V072122 PROS / COMP / V.11 / 2022 21 of 27
Premium Chart with Buy Back for 2 years (Excluding Tax) (In Rs.)
Plan type Age band 5,00,000 7,50,000 10,00,000 15,00,000 20,00,000 25,00,000 50,00,000 75,00,000 1,00,00,000
3m-34 27,960 35,369 40,571 50,442 56,811 62,119 68,339 74,156 79,358
35 29,089 37,097 42,887 53,096 59,465 64,773 71,258 77,322 82,740
36-44 31,828 40,950 47,741 58,839 65,497 71,046 78,160 84,807 90,744
45 40,706 51,439 60,672 71,770 78,428 83,977 92,384 1,00,242 1,07,260
46-49 53,383 66,490 79,167 90,506 97,309 1,02,979 1,13,285 1,22,923 1,31,530
50 55,573 69,347 82,873 94,694 1,01,690 1,07,553 1,18,313 1,28,376 1,37,363
51-54 62,267 77,876 93,484 1,06,753 1,14,473 1,20,987 1,33,086 1,44,400 1,54,509
55 67,343 83,694 1,00,037 1,13,305 1,21,315 1,27,829 1,40,613 1,52,569 1,63,251
2A+1C 56-59 74,956 92,423 1,09,865 1,23,134 1,31,578 1,38,092 1,51,903 1,64,822 1,76,366
60 93,031 1,12,616 1,36,352 1,52,757 1,72,780 1,93,576 2,12,939 2,31,045 2,47,226
61-64 1,20,143 1,42,904 1,76,081 1,97,191 2,34,584 2,76,803 3,04,494 3,30,380 3,53,516
65 1,32,157 1,57,201 1,93,695 2,12,971 2,53,356 2,98,953 3,28,855 3,56,811 3,81,795
66-69 1,50,178 1,78,646 2,20,117 2,36,642 2,81,515 3,32,177 3,65,397 3,96,458 4,24,214
70 1,68,204 2,00,088 2,46,538 2,65,042 3,15,299 3,72,041 4,09,247 4,44,038 4,75,123
71-74 1,95,244 2,32,251 2,86,171 3,07,642 3,65,976 4,31,838 4,75,021 5,15,407 5,51,485
75 2,18,674 2,60,130 3,20,515 3,44,563 4,09,893 4,83,658 5,32,024 5,77,253 6,17,665
>75 2,53,819 3,01,949 3,72,032 3,99,944 4,75,769 5,61,389 6,17,528 6,70,024 7,16,935
3m-34 31,420 39,233 44,413 54,264 60,633 66,365 73,010 79,220 84,771
35 32,974 40,951 46,922 57,120 63,489 69,221 76,151 82,626 88,414
36-44 36,422 44,967 52,203 63,300 69,959 75,951 83,553 90,655 97,003
45 45,088 55,814 65,298 76,395 83,054 89,046 97,956 1,06,284 1,13,727
46-49 57,578 71,434 84,111 95,450 1,02,253 1,08,376 1,19,216 1,29,352 1,38,412
50 60,261 74,763 88,473 99,811 1,07,097 1,13,510 1,24,866 1,35,485 1,44,974
51-54 67,960 84,317 1,00,384 1,12,447 1,20,890 1,28,128 1,40,950 1,52,940 1,63,652
55 72,940 90,493 1,08,066 1,20,611 1,29,054 1,36,292 1,49,930 1,62,682 1,74,074
2A+2C 56-59 80,409 99,757 1,19,588 1,32,856 1,41,300 1,48,538 1,63,399 1,77,295 1,89,707
60 99,776 1,21,985 1,46,457 1,62,862 1,82,886 2,04,116 2,24,536 2,43,629 2,60,688
61-64 1,28,828 1,55,326 1,86,761 2,07,871 2,45,264 2,87,483 3,16,243 3,43,130 3,67,158
65 1,41,710 1,70,859 2,05,440 2,24,503 2,64,889 3,10,485 3,41,540 3,70,579 3,96,528
66-69 1,61,034 1,94,158 2,33,458 2,49,453 2,94,325 3,44,988 3,79,486 4,11,753 4,40,583
70 1,80,363 2,17,463 2,61,481 2,79,387 3,29,644 3,86,386 4,25,025 4,61,161 4,93,450
71-74 2,09,357 2,52,420 3,03,517 3,24,288 3,82,623 4,48,484 4,93,332 5,35,273 5,72,752
75 2,34,485 2,82,711 3,39,945 3,63,207 4,28,537 5,02,302 5,52,535 5,99,509 6,41,484
>75 2,72,178 3,28,148 3,94,589 4,21,584 4,97,409 5,83,029 6,41,339 6,95,862 7,44,582
3m-34 36,091 44,625 50,166 65,027 74,496 83,031 91,342 99,112 1,06,054
35 38,166 46,517 52,656 67,517 77,024 85,540 94,102 1,02,109 1,09,263
36-44 42,503 51,004 58,173 73,710 83,697 92,575 1,01,842 1,10,509 1,18,255
45 51,536 62,092 70,979 86,515 96,503 1,05,381 1,15,926 1,25,790 1,34,602
46-49 64,654 78,169 89,531 1,05,405 1,15,610 1,24,681 1,37,154 1,48,821 1,59,241
50 67,249 81,942 93,893 1,10,249 1,20,454 1,30,008 1,43,011 1,55,176 1,66,040
51-54 75,270 92,592 1,06,150 1,24,244 1,35,100 1,45,956 1,60,552 1,74,207 1,86,402
55 80,317 99,395 1,15,945 1,37,416 1,49,237 1,61,059 1,77,164 1,92,233 2,05,692
2A+3C 56-59 87,887 1,09,600 1,30,637 1,57,174 1,70,443 1,83,712 2,02,083 2,19,272 2,34,628
60 1,06,772 1,30,155 1,56,647 1,84,632 2,07,550 2,32,399 2,55,641 2,77,380 2,96,803
61-64 1,35,100 1,60,989 1,95,661 2,25,817 2,63,211 3,05,430 3,35,977 3,64,541 3,90,065
65 1,48,610 1,77,093 2,15,228 2,43,889 2,84,274 3,29,870 3,62,862 3,93,713 4,21,278
66-69 1,68,875 2,01,251 2,44,579 2,70,996 3,15,869 3,66,531 4,03,189 4,37,471 4,68,097
70 1,89,140 2,25,405 2,73,935 3,03,517 3,53,774 4,10,516 4,51,574 4,89,967 5,24,270
71-74 2,19,538 2,61,636 3,17,968 3,52,297 4,10,632 4,76,493 5,24,152 5,68,711 6,08,529
75 2,45,882 2,93,037 3,56,124 3,94,574 4,59,914 5,33,679 5,87,055 6,36,960 6,81,555
>75 2,85,399 3,40,138 4,13,358 4,57,989 5,33,838 6,19,458 6,81,411 7,39,335 7,91,095

Star Comprehensive Insurance Policy Unique Identification No.: SHAHLIP22028V072122 PROS / COMP / V.11 / 2022 22 of 27
Premium Chart with Buy Back for 3 years (Excluding Tax) (In Rs.)
Plan type Age band 5,00,000 7,50,000 10,00,000 15,00,000 20,00,000 25,00,000 50,00,000 75,00,000 1,00,00,000
3m-33 20,989 25,552 29,097 36,577 42,187 45,673 50,251 54,529 58,359
34 21,980 27,034 31,014 38,494 44,104 47,870 52,668 57,152 61,164
35 22,971 28,516 32,931 40,411 46,021 50,067 55,085 59,775 63,969
36-43 24,915 31,241 36,332 44,046 49,831 54,351 59,797 64,888 69,439
44 29,707 37,543 43,896 51,610 57,577 62,392 68,642 74,486 79,710
45 34,499 43,844 51,460 59,174 65,324 70,433 77,487 84,084 89,981
46-48 41,346 52,825 62,222 70,053 76,537 82,112 90,334 98,024 1,04,899
49 44,057 55,415 64,588 73,835 81,623 87,652 96,426 1,04,634 1,11,972
50 46,769 58,005 66,953 77,617 86,709 93,192 1,02,517 1,11,245 1,19,046
51-53 52,687 64,256 73,288 86,427 97,766 1,05,178 1,15,699 1,25,549 1,34,352
54 55,118 67,294 76,817 90,704 1,02,483 1,10,344 1,21,384 1,31,716 1,40,949
55 57,549 70,333 80,347 94,982 1,07,200 1,15,510 1,27,069 1,37,882 1,47,545
1A 56-58 61,196 74,891 85,641 1,01,398 1,14,276 1,23,259 1,35,596 1,47,132 1,57,440
59 67,788 82,128 93,238 1,10,398 1,23,495 1,32,506 1,45,769 1,58,169 1,69,249
60 74,379 89,365 1,00,835 1,19,397 1,32,714 1,41,753 1,55,942 1,69,207 1,81,058
61-63 84,267 1,00,220 1,12,230 1,32,896 1,46,543 1,55,624 1,71,201 1,85,763 1,98,772
64 93,210 1,09,762 1,22,001 1,41,054 1,53,041 1,61,542 1,77,708 1,92,823 2,06,326
65 1,02,153 1,19,304 1,31,772 1,49,212 1,59,539 1,67,461 1,84,216 1,99,882 2,13,881
66-68 1,15,568 1,33,616 1,46,428 1,61,449 1,69,286 1,76,339 1,93,977 2,10,471 2,25,213
69 1,21,267 1,41,494 1,56,175 1,73,230 1,81,638 1,89,214 2,08,143 2,25,842 2,41,660
70 1,26,966 1,49,371 1,65,923 1,85,011 1,93,989 2,02,089 2,22,308 2,41,214 2,58,107
71-73 1,35,514 1,61,187 1,80,544 2,02,682 2,12,516 2,21,401 2,43,556 2,64,271 2,82,777
74 1,47,506 1,75,151 1,95,929 2,19,395 2,30,038 2,39,657 2,63,635 2,86,056 3,06,086
75 1,59,497 1,89,115 2,11,315 2,36,109 2,47,560 2,57,913 2,83,714 3,07,842 3,29,396
>75 1,77,484 2,10,062 2,34,393 2,61,178 2,73,843 2,85,297 3,13,833 3,40,520 3,64,360
3m-33 27,467 33,929 39,644 48,560 56,040 63,221 69,549 75,473 80,769
34 28,345 34,864 40,972 50,589 58,069 65,811 72,396 78,559 84,070
35 29,224 35,799 42,299 52,618 60,098 68,401 75,243 81,644 87,370
36-43 31,225 38,075 45,264 56,773 64,487 73,743 81,118 88,014 94,185
44 35,077 42,591 50,912 63,608 71,322 80,578 88,640 96,176 1,02,918
45 38,930 47,107 56,559 70,443 78,157 87,413 96,162 1,04,339 1,11,651
46-48 44,603 53,781 64,869 80,530 88,361 97,758 1,07,546 1,16,692 1,24,867
49 46,426 56,988 68,497 84,158 92,456 1,01,853 1,12,048 1,21,577 1,30,094
50 48,250 60,195 72,124 87,786 96,551 1,05,948 1,16,550 1,26,463 1,35,320
51-53 52,982 67,414 80,471 96,833 1,06,651 1,16,468 1,28,118 1,39,016 1,48,751
54 56,264 73,285 87,680 1,04,042 1,13,860 1,23,677 1,36,047 1,47,618 1,57,957
55 59,545 79,157 94,888 1,11,251 1,21,068 1,30,886 1,43,976 1,56,220 1,67,162
1A+1C 56-58 64,468 87,965 1,05,702 1,22,064 1,31,882 1,41,699 1,55,869 1,69,123 1,80,969
59 75,426 98,044 1,17,550 1,35,315 1,48,834 1,70,339 1,87,374 2,03,306 2,17,546
60 86,385 1,08,123 1,29,398 1,48,566 1,65,787 1,98,979 2,18,879 2,37,490 2,54,124
61-63 1,02,822 1,23,242 1,47,171 1,68,442 1,91,215 2,41,939 2,66,136 2,88,765 3,08,989
64 1,10,171 1,32,050 1,57,688 1,78,071 2,02,145 2,55,767 2,81,349 3,05,273 3,26,652
65 1,17,520 1,40,858 1,68,205 1,87,699 2,13,074 2,69,595 2,96,561 3,21,780 3,44,314
66-68 1,28,544 1,54,069 1,83,980 2,02,142 2,29,468 2,90,336 3,19,380 3,46,541 3,70,807
69 1,39,567 1,67,281 1,99,753 2,19,477 2,49,140 3,15,226 3,46,756 3,76,242 4,02,588
70 1,50,591 1,80,492 2,15,527 2,36,812 2,68,813 3,40,116 3,74,133 4,05,942 4,34,368
71-73 1,67,127 2,00,310 2,39,187 2,62,814 2,98,321 3,77,450 4,15,198 4,50,492 4,82,039
74 1,81,460 2,17,486 2,59,692 2,85,348 3,23,893 4,09,811 4,50,794 4,89,117 5,23,366
75 1,95,794 2,34,662 2,80,196 3,07,881 3,49,466 4,42,171 4,86,389 5,27,742 5,64,693
>75 2,17,294 2,60,426 3,10,953 3,41,682 3,87,824 4,90,711 5,39,783 5,85,679 6,26,684

Star Comprehensive Insurance Policy Unique Identification No.: SHAHLIP22028V072122 PROS / COMP / V.11 / 2022 23 of 27
Premium Chart with Buy Back for 3 years (Excluding Tax) (In Rs.)
Plan type Age band 5,00,000 7,50,000 10,00,000 15,00,000 20,00,000 25,00,000 50,00,000 75,00,000 1,00,00,000
3m-33 32,762 39,883 44,880 56,848 64,717 72,197 79,423 86,185 92,228
34 33,763 40,968 46,320 59,223 67,690 75,638 83,209 90,294 96,623
35 34,763 42,053 47,760 61,598 70,664 79,079 86,996 94,403 1,01,017
36-43 37,088 44,709 51,034 66,462 76,551 85,808 94,401 1,02,439 1,09,612
44 44,063 52,974 60,739 76,167 86,004 95,261 1,04,798 1,13,719 1,21,683
45 51,038 61,240 70,445 85,872 95,457 1,04,713 1,15,195 1,25,000 1,33,754
46-48 61,016 73,075 84,320 99,981 1,09,378 1,18,775 1,30,662 1,41,781 1,51,711
49 61,979 74,263 86,302 1,01,964 1,11,360 1,20,757 1,32,840 1,44,142 1,54,240
50 62,942 75,450 88,285 1,03,946 1,13,343 1,22,739 1,35,019 1,46,503 1,56,769
51-53 67,119 80,504 95,033 1,11,396 1,21,213 1,31,031 1,44,137 1,56,393 1,67,356
54 69,989 85,057 1,00,662 1,18,895 1,29,180 1,39,932 1,53,931 1,67,019 1,78,725
55 72,860 89,610 1,06,291 1,26,393 1,37,146 1,48,833 1,63,726 1,77,645 1,90,095
1A+2C 56-58 77,166 96,441 1,14,734 1,37,641 1,49,095 1,62,185 1,78,417 1,93,585 2,07,149
59 89,704 1,10,081 1,26,109 1,48,549 1,78,106 2,03,819 2,24,213 2,43,275 2,60,318
60 1,02,242 1,23,722 1,37,484 1,59,457 2,07,117 2,45,452 2,70,009 2,92,966 3,13,487
61-63 1,21,050 1,44,183 1,54,547 1,75,818 2,50,634 3,07,903 3,38,704 3,67,502 3,93,240
64 1,29,699 1,54,488 1,65,593 1,85,873 2,64,960 3,25,502 3,58,063 3,88,507 4,15,713
65 1,38,347 1,64,792 1,76,639 1,95,928 2,79,286 3,43,100 3,77,422 4,09,511 4,38,185
66-68 1,51,320 1,80,249 1,93,208 2,11,011 3,00,775 3,69,498 4,06,461 4,41,018 4,71,895
69 1,64,298 1,95,705 2,09,777 2,29,103 3,26,563 4,01,176 4,41,304 4,78,821 5,12,343
70 1,77,276 2,11,160 2,26,345 2,47,195 3,52,350 4,32,854 4,76,146 5,16,623 5,52,791
71-73 1,96,743 2,34,344 2,51,197 2,74,334 3,91,031 4,80,370 5,28,411 5,73,326 6,13,463
74 2,13,610 2,54,437 2,72,730 2,97,849 4,24,551 5,21,548 5,73,707 6,22,474 6,66,052
75 2,30,478 2,74,530 2,94,263 3,21,364 4,58,071 5,62,725 6,19,003 6,71,622 7,18,641
>75 2,55,779 3,04,670 3,26,563 3,56,637 5,08,350 6,24,491 6,86,947 7,45,345 7,97,525
3m-33 46,645 56,818 62,682 79,138 89,192 99,664 1,09,642 1,18,962 1,27,295
34 48,020 58,342 64,627 82,018 92,773 1,03,432 1,13,784 1,23,459 1,32,105
35 49,394 59,866 66,572 84,898 96,354 1,07,200 1,17,926 1,27,957 1,36,916
36-43 52,639 63,623 71,059 91,115 1,03,796 1,15,213 1,26,737 1,37,521 1,47,147
44 58,623 71,309 80,615 1,03,943 1,17,457 1,29,153 1,42,071 1,54,159 1,64,955
45 64,607 78,994 90,170 1,16,771 1,31,117 1,43,094 1,57,405 1,70,797 1,82,762
46-48 73,483 90,334 1,04,147 1,35,470 1,51,131 1,63,660 1,80,026 1,95,343 2,09,031
49 76,699 94,738 1,09,757 1,42,015 1,57,676 1,70,205 1,87,226 2,03,150 2,17,385
50 79,915 99,142 1,15,367 1,48,560 1,64,221 1,76,750 1,94,425 2,10,957 2,25,739
51-53 88,030 1,09,792 1,28,446 1,64,443 1,80,806 1,93,896 2,13,285 2,31,415 2,47,630
54 91,181 1,13,962 1,33,728 1,72,531 1,89,361 2,03,386 2,23,724 2,42,742 2,59,748
55 94,332 1,18,133 1,39,011 1,80,619 1,97,916 2,12,876 2,34,164 2,54,070 2,71,865
1A+3C 56-58 99,059 1,24,388 1,46,935 1,92,750 2,10,749 2,27,112 2,49,823 2,71,061 2,90,042
59 1,09,428 1,34,725 1,61,680 2,06,093 2,39,122 2,67,172 2,93,889 3,18,872 3,41,200
60 1,19,797 1,45,062 1,76,425 2,19,435 2,67,494 3,07,232 3,37,956 3,66,684 3,92,359
61-63 1,35,351 1,60,568 1,98,543 2,39,449 3,10,053 3,67,322 4,04,056 4,38,400 4,69,097
64 1,45,019 1,72,045 2,12,727 2,53,137 3,27,776 3,88,317 4,27,150 4,63,458 4,95,908
65 1,54,686 1,83,521 2,26,910 2,66,826 3,45,499 4,09,313 4,50,245 4,88,516 5,22,719
66-68 1,69,188 2,00,735 2,48,186 2,87,358 3,72,083 4,40,806 4,84,886 5,26,103 5,62,935
69 1,83,690 2,17,949 2,69,467 3,11,995 4,03,976 4,78,589 5,26,452 5,71,203 6,11,191
70 1,98,192 2,35,162 2,90,748 3,36,633 4,35,869 5,16,372 5,68,017 6,16,303 6,59,446
71-73 2,19,945 2,60,982 3,22,669 3,73,589 4,83,708 5,73,047 6,30,365 6,83,953 7,31,829
74 2,38,804 2,83,356 3,50,326 4,05,612 5,25,175 6,22,172 6,84,399 7,42,582 7,94,563
75 2,57,663 3,05,731 3,77,983 4,37,636 5,66,643 6,71,297 7,38,433 8,01,211 8,57,297
>75 2,85,951 3,39,293 4,19,469 4,85,672 6,28,844 7,44,985 8,19,483 8,89,155 9,51,398

Star Comprehensive Insurance Policy Unique Identification No.: SHAHLIP22028V072122 PROS / COMP / V.11 / 2022 24 of 27
Premium Chart with Buy Back for 3 years (Excluding Tax) (In Rs.)
Plan type Age band 5,00,000 7,50,000 10,00,000 15,00,000 20,00,000 25,00,000 50,00,000 75,00,000 1,00,00,000
3m-33 31,177 39,824 46,556 58,524 67,500 74,980 82,489 89,506 95,774
34 32,766 42,647 49,622 61,590 70,566 78,046 85,860 93,162 99,687
35 34,356 45,471 52,689 64,657 73,633 81,113 89,231 96,817 1,03,600
36-43 37,396 50,386 58,131 70,473 79,729 87,443 96,190 1,04,367 1,11,680
44 47,008 61,316 72,175 84,517 93,773 1,01,487 1,11,641 1,21,132 1,29,618
45 56,620 72,247 86,218 98,560 1,07,817 1,15,530 1,27,092 1,37,896 1,47,556
46-48 70,162 87,766 1,06,058 1,18,587 1,27,984 1,35,814 1,49,408 1,62,110 1,73,464
49 71,322 89,168 1,07,900 1,20,896 1,30,293 1,38,311 1,52,153 1,65,088 1,76,652
50 72,481 90,571 1,09,742 1,23,206 1,32,603 1,40,807 1,54,897 1,68,066 1,79,841
51-53 77,362 96,604 1,17,254 1,31,980 1,41,797 1,50,633 1,65,703 1,79,791 1,92,390
54 81,962 1,02,354 1,24,397 1,39,123 1,48,941 1,57,777 1,73,562 1,88,318 2,01,511
55 86,562 1,08,105 1,31,540 1,46,267 1,56,084 1,64,920 1,81,420 1,96,846 2,10,632
2A 56-58 93,463 1,16,730 1,42,256 1,56,982 1,66,799 1,75,635 1,93,208 2,09,636 2,24,314
59 1,03,037 1,27,352 1,55,159 1,69,885 1,79,702 1,88,538 2,07,402 2,25,036 2,40,793
60 1,12,611 1,37,973 1,68,062 1,82,788 1,92,605 2,01,441 2,21,595 2,40,435 2,57,272
61-63 1,26,973 1,53,906 1,87,416 2,02,142 2,11,960 2,20,796 2,42,885 2,63,534 2,81,991
64 1,36,043 1,64,901 2,00,805 2,13,699 2,24,077 2,33,418 2,56,770 2,78,602 2,98,115
65 1,45,112 1,75,897 2,14,194 2,25,256 2,36,195 2,46,041 2,70,654 2,93,669 3,14,239
66-68 1,58,716 1,92,390 2,34,278 2,42,590 2,54,371 2,64,974 2,91,482 3,16,271 3,38,426
69 1,72,321 2,08,884 2,54,362 2,63,385 2,76,176 2,87,695 3,16,474 3,43,386 3,67,439
70 1,85,925 2,25,377 2,74,446 2,84,179 2,97,980 3,10,415 3,41,467 3,70,501 3,96,452
71-73 2,06,331 2,50,117 3,04,572 3,15,371 3,30,686 3,44,496 3,78,956 4,11,173 4,39,971
74 2,24,021 2,71,557 3,30,686 3,42,411 3,59,035 3,74,033 4,11,447 4,46,427 4,77,689
75 2,41,712 2,92,996 3,56,801 3,69,451 3,87,385 4,03,569 4,43,938 4,81,682 5,15,407
>75 2,68,247 3,25,156 3,95,973 4,10,012 4,29,908 4,47,874 4,92,675 5,34,563 5,71,984
3m-33 39,405 49,847 57,177 71,090 80,066 87,546 96,312 1,04,511 1,11,841
34 40,499 51,520 59,421 73,661 82,637 90,117 99,141 1,07,577 1,15,118
35 41,593 53,194 61,665 76,232 85,208 92,688 1,01,969 1,10,644 1,18,395
36-43 44,246 56,927 66,369 81,797 91,053 98,767 1,08,656 1,17,897 1,26,151
44 52,848 67,091 78,898 94,326 1,03,582 1,11,296 1,22,438 1,32,852 1,42,153
45 61,450 77,254 91,427 1,06,855 1,16,111 1,23,825 1,36,220 1,47,808 1,58,156
46-48 73,733 91,838 1,09,347 1,25,008 1,34,405 1,42,235 1,56,472 1,69,784 1,81,671
49 75,856 94,605 1,12,937 1,29,066 1,38,650 1,46,667 1,61,343 1,75,066 1,87,323
50 77,978 97,373 1,16,528 1,33,124 1,42,895 1,51,099 1,66,214 1,80,349 1,92,975
51-53 84,463 1,05,636 1,26,809 1,44,808 1,55,280 1,64,116 1,80,527 1,95,875 2,09,587
54 89,381 1,11,274 1,33,158 1,51,157 1,61,909 1,70,745 1,87,820 2,03,790 2,18,058
55 94,299 1,16,912 1,39,507 1,57,505 1,68,538 1,77,374 1,95,113 2,11,705 2,26,529
2A+1C 56-58 1,01,677 1,25,369 1,49,030 1,67,028 1,78,482 1,87,318 2,06,053 2,23,577 2,39,236
59 1,19,189 1,44,934 1,74,693 1,95,730 2,18,404 2,41,078 2,65,192 2,87,742 3,07,893
60 1,36,702 1,64,499 2,00,356 2,24,432 2,58,326 2,94,837 3,24,330 3,51,906 3,76,550
61-63 1,62,971 1,93,847 2,38,850 2,67,484 3,18,208 3,75,477 4,13,039 4,48,153 4,79,536
64 1,74,611 2,07,699 2,55,917 2,82,774 3,36,397 3,96,938 4,36,643 4,73,762 5,06,936
65 1,86,252 2,21,551 2,72,983 2,98,064 3,54,585 4,18,399 4,60,247 4,99,372 5,34,336
66-68 2,03,713 2,42,329 2,98,583 3,21,000 3,81,868 4,50,591 4,95,653 5,37,786 5,75,436
69 2,21,179 2,63,104 3,24,183 3,48,517 4,14,602 4,89,215 5,38,139 5,83,886 6,24,762
70 2,38,645 2,83,880 3,49,784 3,76,034 4,47,337 5,27,840 5,80,626 6,29,987 6,74,088
71-73 2,64,843 3,15,044 3,88,184 4,17,309 4,96,438 5,85,778 6,44,355 6,99,137 7,48,077
74 2,87,545 3,42,056 4,21,461 4,53,082 5,38,990 6,35,987 6,99,586 7,59,061 8,12,199
75 3,10,247 3,69,068 4,54,737 4,88,855 5,81,542 6,86,197 7,54,816 8,18,985 8,76,322
>75 3,44,300 4,09,586 5,04,652 5,42,515 6,45,370 7,61,511 8,37,662 9,08,871 9,72,505

Star Comprehensive Insurance Policy Unique Identification No.: SHAHLIP22028V072122 PROS / COMP / V.11 / 2022 25 of 27
Premium Chart with Buy Back for 3 years (Excluding Tax) (In Rs.)
Plan type Age band 5,00,000 7,50,000 10,00,000 15,00,000 20,00,000 25,00,000 50,00,000 75,00,000 1,00,00,000
3m-33 44,282 55,292 62,593 76,476 85,452 93,530 1,02,895 1,11,646 1,19,471
34 45,787 56,956 65,024 79,243 88,219 96,298 1,05,938 1,14,947 1,23,000
35 47,292 58,621 67,455 82,011 90,987 99,065 1,08,982 1,18,248 1,26,530
36-43 50,633 62,512 72,571 87,998 97,255 1,05,586 1,16,154 1,26,027 1,34,852
44 59,029 73,022 85,259 1,00,686 1,09,943 1,18,274 1,30,109 1,41,170 1,51,055
45 67,426 83,531 97,947 1,13,374 1,22,631 1,30,962 1,44,063 1,56,312 1,67,259
46-48 79,528 98,666 1,16,175 1,31,836 1,41,233 1,49,690 1,64,662 1,78,664 1,91,177
49 82,127 1,01,892 1,20,401 1,36,063 1,45,927 1,54,664 1,70,137 1,84,605 1,97,535
50 84,726 1,05,117 1,24,628 1,40,289 1,50,621 1,59,639 1,75,611 1,90,547 2,03,893
51-53 92,186 1,14,374 1,36,169 1,52,531 1,63,985 1,73,802 1,91,196 2,07,460 2,21,990
54 97,011 1,20,358 1,43,611 1,60,441 1,71,895 1,81,713 1,99,896 2,16,899 2,32,088
55 1,01,836 1,26,342 1,51,054 1,68,351 1,79,805 1,89,623 2,08,596 2,26,338 2,42,186
2A+2C 56-58 1,09,072 1,35,318 1,62,218 1,80,217 1,91,670 2,01,488 2,21,646 2,40,496 2,57,333
59 1,27,838 1,56,855 1,88,252 2,09,289 2,31,963 2,55,338 2,80,883 3,04,768 3,26,107
60 1,46,603 1,78,391 2,14,286 2,38,362 2,72,256 3,09,189 3,40,120 3,69,040 3,94,881
61-63 1,74,752 2,10,697 2,53,337 2,81,972 3,32,695 3,89,964 4,28,976 4,65,448 4,98,042
64 1,87,234 2,25,746 2,71,435 2,98,087 3,51,710 4,12,251 4,53,487 4,92,044 5,26,499
65 1,99,716 2,40,796 2,89,533 3,14,203 3,70,724 4,34,538 4,77,998 5,18,640 5,54,955
66-68 2,18,439 2,63,371 3,16,680 3,38,377 3,99,245 4,67,968 5,14,764 5,58,534 5,97,640
69 2,37,167 2,85,951 3,43,832 3,67,380 4,33,466 5,08,079 5,58,887 6,06,406 6,48,864
70 2,55,895 3,08,531 3,70,985 3,96,384 4,67,687 5,48,191 6,03,010 6,54,278 7,00,088
71-73 2,83,988 3,42,402 4,11,713 4,39,889 5,19,019 6,08,358 6,69,194 7,26,086 7,76,924
74 3,08,335 3,71,751 4,47,009 4,77,598 5,63,506 6,60,503 7,26,556 7,88,324 8,43,520
75 3,32,682 4,01,101 4,82,306 5,15,307 6,07,993 7,12,648 7,83,918 8,50,562 9,10,115
>75 3,69,203 4,45,125 5,35,250 5,71,869 6,74,724 7,90,865 8,69,961 9,43,920 10,10,008
3m-33 50,864 62,892 70,701 91,645 1,04,989 1,17,017 1,28,731 1,39,682 1,49,465
34 52,874 64,724 73,113 94,057 1,07,439 1,19,448 1,31,405 1,42,585 1,52,574
35 54,885 66,557 75,526 96,470 1,09,889 1,21,879 1,34,079 1,45,488 1,55,683
36-43 59,087 70,905 80,871 1,02,469 1,16,354 1,28,696 1,41,578 1,53,627 1,64,395
44 67,839 81,648 93,278 1,14,877 1,28,762 1,41,104 1,55,224 1,68,433 1,80,234
45 76,591 92,391 1,05,686 1,27,284 1,41,169 1,53,511 1,68,871 1,83,238 1,96,073
46-48 89,300 1,07,969 1,23,661 1,45,587 1,59,682 1,72,211 1,89,438 2,05,554 2,19,947
49 91,816 1,11,625 1,27,887 1,50,281 1,64,376 1,77,372 1,95,114 2,11,711 2,26,534
50 94,331 1,15,280 1,32,114 1,54,974 1,69,070 1,82,534 2,00,789 2,17,868 2,33,121
51-53 1,02,102 1,25,599 1,43,990 1,68,534 1,83,260 1,97,986 2,17,785 2,36,307 2,52,850
54 1,06,992 1,32,190 1,53,480 1,81,297 1,96,958 2,12,619 2,33,881 2,53,773 2,71,540
55 1,11,882 1,38,782 1,62,971 1,94,059 2,10,656 2,27,252 2,49,977 2,71,239 2,90,231
2A+3C 56-58 1,19,217 1,48,670 1,77,206 2,13,203 2,31,202 2,49,201 2,74,121 2,97,438 3,18,267
59 1,37,515 1,68,586 2,02,407 2,39,807 2,67,156 2,96,374 3,26,013 3,53,739 3,78,509
60 1,55,813 1,88,503 2,27,608 2,66,410 3,03,109 3,43,548 3,77,906 4,10,040 4,38,751
61-63 1,83,260 2,18,377 2,65,410 3,06,316 3,57,040 4,14,308 4,55,745 4,94,491 5,29,114
64 1,96,350 2,33,981 2,84,369 3,23,826 3,77,448 4,37,989 4,81,794 5,22,756 5,59,357
65 2,09,440 2,49,586 3,03,328 3,41,335 3,97,856 4,61,670 5,07,843 5,51,021 5,89,599
66-68 2,29,075 2,72,992 3,31,766 3,67,600 4,28,468 4,97,191 5,46,917 5,93,419 6,34,963
69 2,48,710 2,96,395 3,60,209 3,99,109 4,65,195 5,39,808 5,93,797 6,44,283 6,89,390
70 2,68,345 3,19,798 3,88,651 4,30,619 5,01,922 5,82,426 6,40,678 6,95,147 7,43,816
71-73 2,97,798 3,54,903 4,31,316 4,77,883 5,57,012 6,46,351 7,11,000 7,71,443 8,25,455
74 3,23,323 3,85,328 4,68,285 5,18,846 6,04,763 7,01,760 7,71,948 8,37,571 8,96,212
75 3,48,849 4,15,752 5,05,255 5,59,808 6,52,513 7,57,168 8,32,896 9,03,699 9,66,968
>75 3,87,137 4,61,390 5,60,710 6,21,251 7,24,139 8,40,280 9,24,318 10,02,890 10,73,102

Star Comprehensive Insurance Policy Unique Identification No.: SHAHLIP22028V072122 PROS / COMP / V.11 / 2022 26 of 27
Premium for Midterm Inclusion (Excluding Tax)
Policy Term 1 year

Risk period 1 mth 3 mths 6 mths 9 mths >9 mnths

Refund on existing plan 77.5% 62.5% 42.5% 20.0%

% to be charged on
77.5% 62.5% 42.5% 20.0%
proposed plan

Policy Term 2 years

Risk period 1 mth 3 mths 6 mths 9 mths 12 mths 15 mths 18 mths 21 mths >21 mths

Refund on existing plan 82.5% 75.0% 62.5% 52.5% 42.5% 32.5% 20.0% 10.0%
% to be charged on
82.5% 75.0% 62.5% 52.5% 42.5% 32.5% 20.0% 10.0%
proposed plan

Policy Term 3 years

1 3 6 9 12 15 18 21 24 27 30 33 >33
Risk period
mth mths mths mths mths mths mths mths mths mths mths mths mths

Refund on existing plan 82.5% 77.5% 70.0% 62.5% 57.5% 50.0% 42.5% 35.0% 27.5% 20.0% 15.0% 7.5%
% to be charged on
82.5% 77.5% 70.0% 62.5% 57.5% 50.0% 42.5% 35.0% 27.5% 20.0% 15.0% 7.5%
proposed plan

Benefit Illustration in respect of policies offered on individual and family floater basis

Coverage opted on individual

Coverage opted on individual basis covering
basis covering each member of Coverage opted on family floater basis with overall Sum insured
multiple members of the family under a single policy
the family separately (Only one sum insured is available for the entire family)
Age (Sum insured is available for each member of the family)
(at a single point of time)
of the
Members Premium or
insured Premium consolidated Premium
(in yrs) Premium Sum Insured Premium Discount, After Sum Insured premium for After Sum Insured
(Rs.) (Rs.) (Rs.) (if any) Discount (Rs.) all members Discount (Rs.)
(if any)
(Rs.) of family (Rs.)
Illustration 1
64 25,750 5,00,000 25,750 25,750 5,00,000
Nil 44,450 5,650 38,800 5,00,000
58 18,700 5,00,000 18,700 18,700 5,00,000
Total Premium for all members of the family is Total Premium for all members of the family is Total Premium when policy is opted
Rs.44,450/-, when each member is Rs.44,450/-, when they are covered under a on floater basis is Rs.38,800/-
covered separately. single policy.
Sum insured available for each individual is Sum insured available for each family member is Sum insured of Rs.5,00,000/-
Rs. 5,00,000/- Rs.5,00,000/- is available for the entire family (2A)
Illustration 2
47 13,200 5,00,000 13,200 13,200 5,00,000
44 8,075 5,00,000 8,075 Nil 8,075 5,00,000 28,290 4,750 23,540 5,00,000
19 7,015 5,00,000 7,015 7,015 5,00,000
Total Premium for all members of the family is Total Premium for all members of the family is Total Premium when policy is opted
Rs.28,290/-, when each member is Rs.28,290/-, when they are covered under a on floater basis is Rs.23,540/-
covered separately. single policy.
Sum insured available for each individual is Sum insured available for each family member is Sum insured of Rs.5,00,000/-
Rs. 5,00,000/- Rs.5,00,000/- is available for the entire family (2A+1C)
Note: Premium rates specified in the above illustration are standard premium rates without considering any loading. Also, the premium rates are exclusive of taxes applicable.
A-Adult | C-Child
Star Comprehensive Insurance Policy Unique Identification No.: SHAHLIP22028V072122 PROS / COMP / V.11 / 2022 27 of 27

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