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Guidance Manual for Centralized EPR Portal for Plastic Packaging

Centralized EPR Portal for Plastic Packaging


February 2023

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Guidance Manual for Centralized EPR Portal for Plastic Packaging


Chapter 1: Registration of Producer / Importer / Brand-owner (PIBO) ........... 1
1.0 Background .................................................................................................. 1
1.1 Sign-up /Login .............................................................................................. 1
1.2 Filling up of the Application form (Part A, B, C& D) ...................................... 4
1.2.1 Brand Owner.......................................................................................... 4
1.2.2 PRODUCER: ....................................................................................... 14
1.2.3 IMPORTER: ......................................................................................... 22
1.3 Late Fees Mechanism ................................................................................ 24
Chapter 2: Registration of Plastic Waste Processors (PWPs) ...................... 25
2.0 Sign up & Login: Same as PIBO ............................................................... 25
2.1 Filling up of the Application form ................................................................ 25
2.1.1Company Details .................................................................................. 25
2.1.2 GPS Location:...................................................................................... 26
2.1.3 Authorized person Details .................................................................... 26
2.1.4 Industry details ................................................................................ 27
2.1.5 Consents & Authorization .................................................................... 28
2.1.6 Picture/Video of the facility................................................................... 28
2.1.7 Plant Machinery details ........................................................................ 28
2.1.8 Industry Details .................................................................................... 29
2.1.9 Waste Management & Others.............................................................. 29
Chapter 3: Generation & Transfer of Certificates by Plastic Waste
Processors......................................................................................................... 31
3.0 Background ................................................................................................ 31
3.1 Physical Verification of PWPs .................................................................... 31
3.2 Generation & Transfer of EPR Certificates by PWPs ................................. 39
3.2.1 Add Procurement Details: .................................................................... 40
3.2.2 Add Production details ......................................................................... 42
3.3 Inventory & Sales ................................................................................... 50
3.4 Wallet: ........................................................................................................ 56
3.5 SPCB / CPCB Dashboard .......................................................................... 58
Chapter 4: Urban Local Bodies ........................................................................ 60
4.0 Background ............................................................................................ 60
4.1 State Nodal Officer Login ....................................................................... 60
4.2 Creation of Login Credential for ULBs ....................................................... 61
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4.3 ULB Login & Dashboard ............................................................................ 62

4.4 Mechanism 1: EPR Credit exchange with PIBOs/PWPs ............................ 63
4.5 Mechanism 2: Registration as PWP ........................................................... 66
Chapter 5: PIBO Operations, Credit Exchange & Annual Report (PIBO) ..... 68
5.0 Background ............................................................................................ 68
5.1 Recording Procurement & Sales Operations ......................................... 68
5.2 Generation & Transfer of Certificates ..................................................... 74
5.2.1 Types of Certificates ........................................................................ 74
5.2.2 Generation of Certificates (PWP) ................................................... 75
5.2.3 Transfer of certificates from PWP to PIBOs ......................................... 76
5.2.4 Certificates generated by PIBOs ..................................................... 79
5.3 Wallet ..................................................................................................... 84
5.3.1 Available details in Wallet ................................................................ 85
5.3.2 Wallet operations ............................................................................. 85
5.4 Credit Exchange: ....................................................................................... 88
5.5 Consolidated available certificates: ............................................................ 90
5.6 Annual Fillings ............................................................................................ 91
5.6.1 Annual Plastic Consumption ................................................................ 91
5.6.2 State-wise PW Generation................................................................... 92
5.6.3 Brand Owner (Cat 1 Plastic Packaging) .......................................... 92
5.6.4 Check and Balance: ............................................................................. 93
5.6.5 Submission of Annual Filings ............................................................... 93
5.7. Generation of Reuse / Use of Recycled Plastics (URep) Certificates .... 93
5.7.1 Reuse Certificates ............................................................................... 93
5.7.2 URep Certificates ............................................................................ 94
5.8 Annual report: ............................................................................................ 94
Chapter 6: Third Party Audit ............................................................................ 97
6.0 Background ................................................................................................ 97
6.1 Manage Audit Agency ................................................................................ 97
6.2 Manage Auditor.......................................................................................... 98
6.3 Audit Plan................................................................................................... 99
6.4 Monitor Audit ............................................................................................ 101
6.5 Conduction of Audit .................................................................................. 102
6.5.1 Login & Dashboard ............................................................................ 102
6.5.2 Auditor’s Dashboard .......................................................................... 103
6.5.3 Access to Auditee’s EPR data ....................................................... 105
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6.5.4 Performing the Audit ...................................................................... 106

Chapter 7: Environmental Compensation ..................................................... 113
7.0 Background .......................................................................................... 113
7.1 EC levying due to Non-compliance identified during Third Party Audit 113
7.2 Levying of EC for Shortfall in meeting EPR Target .................................. 117
7.3 EC Status (SPCB/PCC/CPCB) Dashboard .............................................. 117
7.4 Cancellation / Revocation of Registration ............................................ 117
7.5 EC Status (PIBO/PWP dashboard) ...................................................... 118

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Guidance Manual for Centralized EPR Portal for Plastic Packaging

Chapter 1: Registration of Producer / Importer / Brand-owner (PIBO)

1.0 Background
Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change, Government of India, in its fourth
Amendment to the Plastic Waste Management Rules, dated February 16, 2022, notified
‘Guidelines on Extended Producer Responsibility for Plastic Packaging’ in the Schedule II of
the Rules. CPCB has developed the Centralized EPR Portal for plastic packaging in
accordance with provisions of the notified EPR Guidelines. This Guidance Document (Ver.
1.0) provides details of the EPR Portal. The document shall be subjected to periodic
upgradation to enhance user friendly features.

The EPR Portal for Plastic Packaging provides provision for registration of PIBOs/ PWPS in
accordance with the notified EPR Guidelines. This Chapter details the procedure for PIBO
Registration on the EPR Portal.

1.1 Sign-up /Login

The user can go to the Sign-up page by clicking on “PIBO” &“Register” on the
Homepage (Figure 1.1). Sign-up form (Figure 1.2) shall open up
(a) The user shall provide the following information during Sign-up
(i) Applicant type
• Brand-Owner/Producer/Importer/ Plastic Waste Processor
(ii)Company Details: Following information to be provided
• Legal Name ( As per GST)
• Trade Name ( As per GST)
• Type of Business (Private/Public/ Proprietorship/ Co-operative etc.)
• Type of Company ( Micro/ Small / Medium / large) and Supporting
• Registered Address of the entity
• Company PAN Card Number ( validated on the Portal)
• Company CIN Number ( Mandatory for companies registered under the
Company Act and validated on the Portal)
(iii) Authorized Person Details: Following information to be provided
• Name & Designation of Authorized Person
• Mobile Number of Authorized Person
• PAN Details of Authorized person
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• Aadhaar details of Authorized person (optional)

(iv) Login Details: Following to be provided
 Email ID of Authorized Person
 Create password and click on ‘Register’
(b) Document to be submitted during Sign up: Document supporting category
of industry ( Small/Micro/Medium/Large)
(c) Brand-owners in Micro & Small Category exempted from EPR Registration
(d) Online platforms/marketplaces and supermarkets/retail chain are included in
EPR Registration
(e) Login the Portal: After registration, user can enter e-mail address and
password and click on “Sign in” on homepage (Figure 1.1), OTP shall be sent
to the registered mobile number and E-mail ID entered during Sign-up. The
user can key in the OTP to login to the application form
(f) Change User Profile (if required)
Applicant can change the user profile (registered mobile and email ID) as per
details given below
• Click on the “user profile” to change the Mobile No / email ID of
authorized person ( Figure 1.3)
• Edit the required details,
• OTP shall be sent to the new user details (Email id/ Phone no.) to update
the credentials. ( Figure 1.4)
Figure: 1.1: Login in EPR portal

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Figure 1.2: Signup page on EPR Portal

Figure 1.3: User profile

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Figure: 1.4: Update credential of user profile

1.2 Filling up of the Application form (Part A, B, C& D)

1.2.1 Brand Owner
Figure 1.5: PIBO Dashboard ( Unregistered) Part A (General Information)

(a) After Login, PIBO’s Dash Board shall appear (Figure 1.5). Click on “New
Application” to fill the Application Form
(b) The proforma for PART A: General Information is given in Figure 1.6.
(c) Information provided during Login shall be auto fetched (Company
Details : Legal/ Trade Name of Company/ Type of Company/ Type of
Business/CIN/PAN/Registered Address & Authorized Person details:
Name / Designation/ Aadhar/PAN/ Mobile no./Email ID)
(d) Information to be provided in this section shall include:
i. States/UTs where the PIBO is operational
ii. Confirmation, if the PIBO , has a production facility
iii. Year of Commencement of Operations
iv. Details of products produced
v. Representative Picture of Plastic Packaging /Plastic Packaging
for Commodities covering different Categories

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vi. Category-wise Plastic packaging consumed in the last two

vii. Confirmation that the PIBO is not using / producing /selling
banned SUP items
(e) Documents to be submitted (Part A) Required: The following document
are required to be submitted during filing of Part A of the Application
• PDF copy of Company’s PAN, CIN & GST(Max file size is 5MB)
• PDF copy of Authorized person PAN & Aadhar (Max file size is 5MB)
• PDF copy of Registration in case of renewal (if applicable)
(Maxfilesizeis5 MB) Details (type& quantity) of products
produced/marketed (Max file size is 5MB)
• Representative picture of Plastic packaging (Plastic packaging covering
different EPR categories) (Max file size is 5MB)
• Registration Certificate of District Industries Centre of the State
Government or Union Territory, if applicable. (Max file size is 5MB)
(f) Checks & Balances: If year of commencement of operation is previous to
the current year, the portal shall not accept applications zero plastic waste
consumption (Section 5c) and waste generation (Section 7) PART B (Pertaining to Liquid Effluent & Gaseous Emissions)

a) Information under this section is to be provided only by those PIBOs who
have production facility
b) The Proforma for Part B of the Application Pertaining to Liquid Effluent &
Gaseous Emissions is given in Figure 1.7
c) The user will have to key in the Consent Application No. which will auto
fetch the date of validity of the Consents (Air/ Water Act)
d) The user shall be able to proceed further with filing of application only if
the Consents under Air & Water Act are valid on the date of filing of
e) Documents required: The user is required to upload the copy of
Consents under this section. PART C: Related to Wastes

a) Proforma for Sec 7 (Part C) is given in Figure 1.8
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b) Statewise / category wise Pre-consumer & Post consumer plastic packaging

waste, recycled plastic content is to be provided for the last two years in Section
7 of the application
c) The user can click on “Save” after keying in data for each row to avoid losing
d) Pop-up Message shall be flashed if there is a discrepancy in the data
e) Checks & Balances: Category and year wise quantity of Total Pre and Post
consumer plastic waste provided in section 7a should be less than or equal to
the details provided in section 5c.

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Figure 1.6: BRAND-OWNER PART A: General Information

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Figure 1.7: Part B: Pertaining to Liquid Effluent & Gaseous Emissions

Figure 1.8: Part C: Pertaining to Wastes (Section 7) Part C- Section 8: Filling of Procurement Details: Plastic packaging can be

procured from Registered as well as unregistered entities (Figure 1.9). The
detail of information to be provided is given below:
(a) Procurement from registered entity: In case of procurement from
Registered entity “EPR Invoice Number” generated from EPR Portal is to be
keyed in and details shall be auto populated. (Figure 1.10).
(b) Procurement from unregistered entity: The applicant has the option of
providing single invoice procurement details or bulk upload the details of
procurement from single entity. The details of the same are given below:
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Single invoice details: Proforma for filling in procurement details as illustrated

in Figure 1.11.The various details which have to be provided include:
i. Name of entity
ii. Address
iii. Mobile No
iv. Year of procurement
v. Plastic material Type ( Details of one invoice may be s
vi. Category of plastic (for CAT-I container size( >09L and <4.9L,
>4.9L &<0.9L)to be selected)
vii. GST details of seller
viii. Total quantity to be procured –
ix. Percentage of recycled plastic
x. Invoice No.
The user can view & confirm the details prior to filing the Procurement
details. Once the information ‘submitted’, data filled in this section
cannot be edited and deleted by the applicant.
Bulk upload of procurement from an entity ( Figure 1.11) : The user also
has the option to bulk upload the procurement data from a single entity . The
format as given in Section 1.10 shall be used for providing the information as
per details given below:
 Total plastic quantity procured from the entity in last two years
 Total GST paid in the transactions with the entity in last two years
 Remaining details for any single invoice may be filled in the proforma
 One pdf document giving the following details has to uploaded in
“ Upload section” in pdf
 Statement giving procurement from the entity , including date,
category & qty of procurement
 Invoice/GST e-invoice as available with the entity
 Self declaration of enterprise based upon Audited Statement ( To be
given in section 12 of the Application)

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Figure 1.9: Part C(section 8)- Plastic Packaging Procurement

Figure 1.10: Procurement Details (Registered entity)

Figure 1.11: Procurement Details (Unregistered entity)

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Guidance Manual for Centralized EPR Portal for Plastic Packaging Part D: Action plan for implementation of Extended Producer Responsibility

(EPR) for Plastic Waste Management (PWM)
(a) Category wise EPR Target Auto-generated on the Portal based on information
provided in the Application (Figure 1.12).
(b) Documents required to be submitted in Part D include the following:
 PDF copy of Covering letter (Max file sizeis5MB)
 Scanned copy of signature (Only png/jpeg/jpg/gif is allowed having Max
file size of 150KB)
 Any other Information in PDF (Max file size is 5MB) Saving /Confirming Information during Filing of Application
a) Applicant first may fill the Part-A, Part-B & Part-C (Form-I) of the application form
and click on ‘save’ to save the data.
b) In case the applicant logs out of the session without conforming the submitted
details, he can log back in
c) After filing in the application (Part A-D) , the applicant can click on “Confirm “ to
submit application
d) Once the application has be confirmed and submitted it cannot be edited/ deleted

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Figure1.12: Part D (Brand-owner) Checklist
The user shall fill in the Checklist (Figure 1.13) prior to filing the application to ensure
filing of error free application

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Figure 1.13: Filling of Checklist

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a) After final payment the application shall be submitted with concerned Authority for
further review (Figure 1.14).
b) If an entity is required to register in different category (For example an Importer
wants to register as brand-owner), it can register on portal with different email
addresses for individual category type. Payment of application fees can be
bypassed during registration of same entity in another category.
Figure: 1.14: Payment of Application Fees

The application would be filled on similar lines as the Brand-owner except for the following
difference PARTA: General Information
(a) Following additional information is to be provided
• Production capacity (1(d) )
• Flow diagram of manufacturing process showing input and
output in terms of products and waste generated including for captive
power generation (5d). (Max file size is 5MB) Remaining documents
same as Brand-owner. Proforma for Part A (Producer) is given at
Figure 1.15
(b) Additional Documents to be submitted: Pdf copy of Process Flow Diagram
(c) Producer with Multiple Units: Only one state is to be selected in section 1c.
Separate Application form is required to be filled in case of multiple manufacturing

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units by changing email address. Payment of application fees can be bypassed

during registration for other manufacturing units. . Part B: Pertaining to Liquid & Gaseous Emissions No changes
(Figure 1.16) Part C: Pertaining to Waste
(a) Section 7 :Same as Brand-owner (Figure 1.16)
(b) Section 8 a& b ( Procurement from Registered /Unregistered Entity ) :
Same as Brand-owner; Category of Plastic (Cat I/II/III & IV) has to be
selected as the category of the final plastic packaging product (Figure
(c) Section 8c & 8d Filling of sales Details: Plastic packaging can be sold
to Registered as well as unregistered entities (Figure 1.17-1.18). The
applicant has the option of providing single invoice procurement sales
details or bulk upload the details of sales from single entity. The details of
the same are given below:
Single invoice details: Proforma for filling in sales details as illustrated
in Figure 1.17.The various details which have to be provided include:
i. Name of entity
ii. Address
iii. Mobile No
iv. Year of sale
v. Plastic material Type
vi. Category of plastic (for CAT-I container size( >09L and <4.9L,
>4.9L &<0.9L)to be selected)
vii. GST details of seller
viii. Total quantity to be procured –
ix. Percentage of recycled plastic
x. Invoice No.
In case of sales to registered entity, the entity’s name can be selected
from the drop-down menu. Contact details (Address & Phone no. shall
get auto filled)
The user can view & confirm the details prior to filing the sales details.
Once the information ‘submitted’, data filled in this section cannot be
edited and deleted by the applicant.
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Bulk upload of sales details to an entity (Figure 1.17): The user

also has the option to bulk upload the sales data to a single entity. The
format as given in n Figure 1.18 shall be used for providing the
information as per details given below:
 Total plastic quantity sold to the entity in last two years
 Total GST paid in the transactions with the entity in last two
 Remaining details for any single invoice may be filled in the
 One pdf document giving the following details has to uploaded
in “ Upload section” in pdf
 Statement giving sales to the entity , including date,
category & qty of sales
 Invoice/GST e-invoice as available with the entity
 Self declaration of enterprise based upon Audited Statement
( To be given in section 12 of the Application)
(d) Provision to view & confirm before submission of details
(e) Checks &Balances:
• Category and year wise quantity of Total Pre and Post
consumer plastic waste provided in section 7a should be less
than or equal to the details provided in section 5c.
• Category and year wise quantity of Total Post consumer
waste provided in section 7a should equal to the plastic
material sold to registered and unregistered entity in section 8c&
8d.( For Producer & Importers) Part D: EPR Action plan for implementation of PWM

Rules (a) Additional Documents required (Figure
• Geo tagged Picture of Facility
• Raw material storage Area
• Production Process
• Product Dispatch Area
 Plant Machinery Details
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 Power Load of the plant (Electricity bill)

 Disaster Management Plan
 PDF copy of Covering letter (Max file size is 5 MB)
 Scanned copy of signature (Only png / jpeg/jpg/ gif is allowed having Max
file size of 150 KB)
 Any other Information in PDF (Max file size is 5 MB)Figure 16 :Part A
(Producer) Remaining Sections same as Brand-owners

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Figure 1.15 (Part A ) Producers

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Figure 1.16: Part B &C Producer

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Figure 1.17: Plastic material sold (Registered entity)

Figure 1.18: Plastic material sold (Unregistered entity)

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Figure 1.19: Part D (Producer)

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1.2.3 IMPORTER: PART A: General Information
(a) Same as Brand Owner except that IEC is required in Entity details
(Figure 1.20 )
(b) Additional Document to be submitted: Copy of IEC Part B: Pertaining to Liquid & Gaseous Emissions
(a) Not applicable in case of Importer Part C: Regarding Wastes
Same as Producer with the following changes
i. Country of Origin shall be mentioned in the Procurement Details
( Figure 1.21)
ii. Recycled plastic content shall not be reported in Sales /
Procurement transactions EPR Action Plan & Remaining Sections: (a) Same as brand-owner
Figure 1.20 Part A Importer

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Figure 1.21:Procurement Details( Importer)

Figure1.22: Importer: Raw material sold (Registered entity)

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Figure 1.23:: Importer Raw material sold (Unregistered entity)

1.3 Late Fees Mechanism

Once the application is submitted, it is reviewed by concerned authorities. In
case the application is not approved, unit shall resubmit the application by
clicking on “Resubmit” (Figure 1.24) within the specified time and application
fees as per given late fee mechanism (Figure 1.25)
Figure 1.24: Resubmission of Application

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Figure 1.25: Late fees Mechanism

Chapter 2: Registration of Plastic Waste Processors (PWPs)

2.0 Sign up & Login: Same as PIBO

2.1 Filling up of the Application form
2.1.1Company Details
(a) Proforma given at Figure 2.1
(b) Documents required : Pdf copy of GST, CIN & PAN

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Figure 2.1: Company details

2.1.2 GPS Location:

GPS Location can be added by selecting location on the map or by adding Latitude &
Longitude (Figure 2.2)
Figure 2.2: GPS Location of unit

2.1.3 Authorized person Details

(a) Proforma given at Figure 2.3
(b) Documents required: PDF copy of Aadhar card & PAN card

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Figure 2.3: Authorized Person details

2.1.4 Industry details

(a)Information to be provided includes
• Date of Commencement of Operations,
• Existing/Fresh Registration/ Renewal of Registration,
• Type of facility( Process Code as per SOP)
• Process Flow Diagram)
(b)Documents to be submitted:
Copy of existing Registration (as applicable)
(c) Proforma given at Figure 2.4

Figure 2.4: Industry details

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2.1.5 Consents & Authorization

a) Documents to be submitted: Valid Consents & Authorization
b) Proforrma given at Figure 2.5
Figure 2.5: Consents & Authorization

2.1.6 Picture/Video of the facility

(a) Document to be submitted:
• Geo tagged pictures of raw material storage area, production area and
product dispatch area
• Video link of plant
(b) Proforma given at Figure 2.6
Figure 2.6: Plant Pictures/Video

2.1.7 Plant Machinery details

Proforma given at Figure 2.7

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Figure 2.7: Plant Machinery Details

2.1.8 Industry Details

(a)Information to be provided: Plastic waste processing/Production capacity & Power
Load of the Plant.
(b) Proforma given at Figure 2.8
Figure 2.8: Industry Details 2

2.1.9 Waste Management & Others

(a) Proforma given at Figure 2.9

(b) Documents to be submitted
• Analysis report of characterization of waste generated
• Soft copy of documents giving Occupational safety and health aspects
• Soft copy of document giving details of pollution control measures
• Soft copy of onsite/offsite Disaster management plant
• Other documents :Same as PIBO

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Figure 2.9: Waste Management & Others

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Chapter 3: Generation & Transfer of Certificates by Plastic Waste Processors

3.0 Background
This chapter I comprises of two Sections
• Section 1: Physical Verification of PWPs by SPCBs/PCCs
• Section 2: Generation & Transfer of Certificates by PWPs
3.1 Physical Verification of PWPs
Physical verification of PWPs is to be done by SPCBs/PCCs after
Registration of the PWP on the EPR Portal. PWP will be able to generate
certificates only after approval of physical verification by the respective
SPCB/PCC. The feature will remain disabled till the PWP facility gets
physically verified.
SPCB/PCC (Designated officer) will get verification request on their login
page as soon as they grant registration to a PWP. SPCB/PCC (DO) has to
assign the PWP to concern SPCB/PCC (RO) for field verification. SPCB/PCC
(RO) to conduct physical verification of PWP premises and verify facility as
per a checklist (Table 1) and send the recommendations to SPCB/PCC (DO).
SPCB/PCC (DO) can approve or reject verification of PWPs based on RO’s
recommendations. It is to be noted that
“Conversion factor” required for assessment of input plastic waste processed
based on output quantity is to be confirmed by RO in this section.
The certificate generation feature will get enabled for PWP upon approval of
physical verification. If SPCB/PCC rejects the application, then the certificate
generation feature will not be enabled. PWP will then be required to upgrade
their facility at their end. Once the PWP is ready for verification, they can re-
submit request for the verification process through the portal.PWP will get the
status of the verification process through SMS and email notifications. The
Physical Verification Workflow is illustrated in Figure 3.1

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Figure 1: Physical verification Workflow

Assigning of unit Field Onsite-Report

by DO to RO for Inspection by submission by RO Processing by
verification RO as per (Checklist & DO
checklist Recommendations)

issued to PWP on
Portal Allow EPR Certificates Generation
(Recycling / use of Recycled plastic in Not Approved

Resubmission of application
on Module in line with RO’s

Table 1: PWP Physical Verification Checklist

1. Company Details Yes/No Remarks


 CIN (wherever applicable)


2. Plot Area

3. No. of Workers

4. GPS Location of unit

5. Authorized person


 Aadhar

6. Registration (Fresh/Renewal)

7. Process Flow Diagram

8. Consent Valid (Yes/No)

9. Authorization under Hazardous

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Waste Rules Valid (Yes/No/NA)

10. Uploaded Pictures

 Raw Material

 Production Area

 Packaging Area

11. Plant Machinery Details

S.No Machine Power Processing Capacity
Given Y/N Given Y/N Given details Y/N
details details

12. Plastic Waste Processing / Packaging Material Production capacity

PWP Processing Capacity Product Production Capacity

Given Y/N Given Y/N Given Y/N Given Y/N

details details details details

13. Sanctioned Power load Y/N Remarks

Electricity Bill

14. Waste Management Details

15. Pollution Control Measures

16. Disaster Management Plan



17. Overall Recommendation

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 Checklist shall autofetch Auto fetch details from application form

 Report shall capture GPS location of field officer
 Conversion Factor for Generation of Certificates shall be confirmed
through Field Verification

The various steps involved in Physical verification include the following:

Step 1: Creation of Login Credentials of SPCB/PCC’s Regional office (RO) by Designated
Officer (DO) (Figure 3.2)
Step 2: Assignment of Registered PWP by DO to concerned RO for Physical verification
(Figure 3.3)
Step 3: Conduction of onsite physical verification by RO & Online Filing of Checklist by RO
(Figure 3.4 &3.5)
Step 4: Communication of Recommendations of RO to DO (Figure 3.6)
Step 5: Approval /Rejection of Physical Verification of PWPs by DO based on RO’s
recommendations (Figure 3.7)
Step 6: Activation of Certification Generation function of PWP based on approval of Physical
Figure 3.2: Creation of Login Credentials by DO (DO Dashboard)

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Figure 3.3: Assignment of Registered PWP by DO to concerned RO

Figure 3.4: Conduction of onsite physical verification by RO & Online Filing of

Checklist by RO

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Figure 3.5: Online Filing of Checklist

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Figure 3.6: Communication of Recommendations of RO to DO

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Figure 3.7: Approval /Rejection of Physical Verification of PWPs by DO based on RO’s


3.2 Generation & Transfer of EPR Certificates by PWPs

This section will essential consist of various segments as given below:

(a) Plastic Waste Procurement
(b) Production
(c) Inventory & Sales
(d) Wallet : Certificate Potential, Certificate Generation & Transfer

The PWP shall provide requisite details in - Procurement & Production segments – based
on which inventory of items shall be generated. Sales items can be selected from the

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inventory and Certificate generation potential shall be generated by applying conversion

factor (confirmed during the physical verification), which shall be reflected in the wallet. The
PWPs can generate certificates of various denominations of 1, 10, 50 , 100 , 500 & 1000 T
based on requirement and transfer it to PIBOs in the Certificate Generation & Transfer
Section. The information flow of Module 3 is given in Figure 3.8

This section covers different categories of PWPs including Recyclers, Waste to Energy
Plants, Waste to Oil plants and Co-processors.

Figure 3.8: Information Flow for Module 3 (Certification Generation & Transfer by PWP)

There are interlinkages between different sections and checks & balances in place which shall
be detailed in the subsequent sections
3.2.1 Add Procurement Details:

a) The PWP’s Dashboard after login shall appear as illustrated in Figure 3.9.
b) The user can click on “PWP Operations “and then select “Procurement Details” (Figure
3.10) to add details related to Procurement of plastic waste.
c) Addition of Procurement details can be done by clicking on “Single Entry “at the right
side corner
(Figure 3.10).
d) Proforma for filling in Plastic PW Procurement details is as illustrated in Figure 3.11.
The various details which have to be provided include:
i. Name & Address of PW Supplier
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ii. Category ( I/II/III/IV) & Quantity of PW supplied ( Kg/T)

iii. Date of Procurement of PW/ Date of Entry
iv. GST of Supplier (If GST is not available then PAN/Aadhar of Supplier has to be
Providing GST details of Supplier is mandatory for WtE/WtO & Co-processors.
Remaining details are same for all categories of PWPs
e) The user can click “Submit “ to confirm the Entry and add another Entry, if required, by
clicking on “ Single Entry”
f) It is to be noted that “Submit” Button shall get activated only after complete details are
filled in the proforma.
g) Checks : The PWP to ensure that adequate entries for PW procurement has been
made before proceeding to the Procurement Section
h) Documents: Copy of invoice/GST e-invoice (as applicable as per GST Act 2017(as
amended)) is to be uploaded
Figure 3.9: PWP Dashboard

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Figure 3.10: Proceeding to Procurement Section

Figure 3.11: Proforma for Addition of PW Procurement details

3.2.2 Add Production details

a) The user can click on “PWP Operations “and then select “Production Details” ( Figure
3.12) to add Production details related to Production.
b) Addition of Production details can be done by clicking on “Single Entry “ at the right
side corner ( Figure 3.12).
c) Production details format are different for various class of PWP
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Guidance Manual for Centralized EPR Portal for Plastic Packaging PWP (Recycler)

a) Proforma for addition of Production details for Recycler is given in Figure 3.13.
Input shall include the following:
i. Process Code
ii. Product ( Type & Quantity )
iii. Plastic Waste Category ( I/II/III/IV)
iv. Percentage of recycled plastic in the product
v. Production date
b) Plastic Waste Quantity category shall be auto-calculated as per the confirmed
conversion factor during Physical Verification
c) The user can click “Submit “ to confirm the Entry and add another Entry, if required,
by clicking on “ Single Entry” Waste to Energy

a. Proforma for providing production details is given in Figure 3.14
b. Input shall include details related to power generation during a specified period and
shall include:
i. Dates ( From,/ To)
ii. Meter Reading at Start & End of the Specified period along with pictures
iii. Supporting Document issued by concerned Authority related to claimed power
c. Output: The system shall auto-calculate the following:
i. Power Generated during the specified period
ii. Qualifying Energy & Qualifying feed
iii. Corresponding categorywise quantity plastic waste processed during the period.
d. Test Report: Prior to filling in the Production details, the PWP shall have to update the
test report of feed as given in Figure 3.15. It includes calorific value of the feed and the
percentage composition of different category of plastic waste. The Energy conversion
factor of the Boiler shall be as confirmed during the Physical Verification of the Plant Waste to Oil

a) Proforma for filling in Production details in Waste to Oil is given in Figure 3.16

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b) Prior to filling in the Production details, the PWP shall have to update the test
report of feed in Figure 3.17. The test report includes calorific value of the feed
and the percentage composition of different category of plastic waste in the feed.
c) Energy required per ton of Oil, as reported in the WtO report, is as confirmed
during Physical Verification report.
d) The PWP is required to key in the quantity of oil produced. The quantity of
different categories plastic is auto-calculated using the information provided in
the Test report Co-processing
a) Proforma for filling in Production details in Co-processing is given in Figure
b) Prior to filling in the Production details, the PWP shall have to update the test
report as per details given in Figure 3.19. It includes calorific value of the feed
and the percentage composition of different category of plastic waste.
c) Energy required per ton of clinker, as reported in the WtO test report, is as
confirmed in the Physical Verification report.
d) The following shall be the input to the proforma
i. Clinker Production ( T)
ii. Percentage of Energy contributed by Alternate Fuel ( Plastics)
e) The Quantity of different quantity of plastic processed shall be calculated based
on the above two values as well as the Test Report Waste to Compost

a) Proforma for filling in Production details in Waste to Compost is given in
Figure 3.20.
b) Prior to filling in the Production details, the PWP shall have to update the test
report of feed in Figure 3.21. The test report includes quality of feed (Tons)
required per ton of compost, percentage composition of category IV
(compostable) category of plastic waste in the feed.
c) Fee required per ton of compost, as reported in the Test report, is confirmed
during Physical Verification report.
d) The PWP is required to key in the quantity of compost produced. The quantity
of Cat IV plastic is auto-calculated using the information provided in the Test
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Guidance Manual for Centralized EPR Portal for Plastic Packaging Checks & Balances in Production Section

a) Adequate entries for PW procurement should been made prior to production.
There shall be a deduction in the procured waste quantity corresponding to
its consumption in Production Section. Eg: If production shows 100 T of
Plastic waste, then procurement equal or more than 100 T should have been
made. Further, if a procurement of 200 T of Plastic waste has been made
and 100 T of plastic waste has been consumed in production , then available
plastic waste after production shall be 100 T.
b) PWP Process Code shall be as per the Registration granted. The plastic
waste processed & the product manufactured are linked with the Process
code for which the registration is granted. For example , if a PWP is
registered under R1 Code( Recycler
– Cat 1 Waste to Pellets/Chips ), then the processing shall be restricted to Category 1
Plastic waste and production shall be limited to pellets and chips
c) Cumulative Plastic Waste Processed should not exceed Processing capacity
as per Registration. For example, if the processing capacity of the unit is
1000 T of plastic waste, then processing of plastic waste cannot exceed 1000
T during the financial year.
d) Type & Quantity of Product to be limited by the Production capacity as per
the Registration granted. For example, if production capacity of unit is 800 T
of pellets, then production of pellets cannot exceed 800 T during the financial
The system shall display a message, if any discrepancy is observed as per the above
listed points

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Figure 3.12: Proceeding to “Production Section”

Figure 3.13: Proforma for filing Production details (Recycler)

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Figure 3.14: Proforma for Production details (WtE)

Figure 3.15: Proforma for Test Report ( WtE)

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Figure: 3.16 : Proforma for filing Production details ( WtO)

Figure 3.17 : Upload Test Report ( WtO)

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Figure 3.18: Proforma for filing Production details (Coprocessor)

Figure 3.19: Upload Test Report (Coprocessor)

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Figure 3.20: Proforma for Production details (composting)

Figure 3.21: Upload Test Report (Industrial-composting)

3.3 Inventory & Sales

a) The user can click on “PWP Operations“, and then select “Sales Details” (Figure 3.22)
to add Sales details.
b) Addition of Sales details can be done by clicking on “Add New “at the right side corner
(Figure 3.22).
c) This Sales Details page shall have three sections:

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i. Production Inventory: Details of Production consignments giving details of

product manufactured & corresponding Certificate potential in different
category shall be displayed in this section. For example if 50 T of Product 1
with 60% recycled plastic and 60 T of Product 2 with 70% recycled plastic is
manufactured,, then they will be listed as two separate items in the inventory
ii. Add Sales Quantity: Sales items from different consignments can be selected
from the
“Available Qty” in the Production inventory. Actual sales quantity will have to
be keyed in this section. For example from inventory detailed given at (i)
above, 10 T of Product 1 and 20 T of Product 2 can be selected for sales.
The format of Production inventory &Add Sales Quantity for Recycling, WtO,
Co-processing& Industrial composting is given in Figure 3.23 a, 3.23 b &
3.23 c & 3.23 d respectively
iii. Generate Invoice The PWP will have to key in the following details):
• Production type & Qty
• GST Details
• Bank Account details
The user can click “Generate EPR Invoice “ to confirm the Entry and add
another Entry, if required, by selecting additional items in”Add Sales Quantity”.
The proforma for Invoice Generation for Recycler, WtO, Co-processing &
composting is given in Figure 3.24 a, b, c & d respectively.
For the cement / clinker sales, an additional parameter- Final product Cement
/Clinker has to be selected and qty of clinker in the final product has to be
added. It has to be further checked that the clinker sales in the “Generate
Invoice Section” is same as that in the Ädd Sales Qty”
d) EPR Invoice No. generation button shall be activated only after complete information
has been provided in the proforma.
e) Certificate Potential shall be generated after GST e-invoice (as applicable as per GST
2017 (as amended)) is uploaded in the “Sales Details section” (Figure 3.22). EPR
invoice No. has to be indicated on the invoice.
f) Checks & Balances
o The Inventory of different items is linked to the Production section
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o The PWP shall ensure that Quantity of Product sold from different
consignments in Ädd Sales details” is equal to the total product quantity sold
in the Invoice Generation Section. “Generate invoice Button” be enabled only
after all complete details in the Invoice proforma have been correctly filled in

Figure 3.22: Proceeding to Sales Section

Figure 3.23(a): Inventory Details ( Recycler)

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Figure 3.23(b): Inventory Details ( WtO)

Figure 3.23(c): Inventory Details (Coprocessor )

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Figure 3.23(d): Inventory Details (Industrial composting )

Figure 3.24(a): Proforma for Generating Invoice (Recycler)

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Figure 3.24(b) : Proforma for Generating Invoice ( WtO)

Figure 3.24(c) : Proforma for Generating Invoice(Coprocessor)

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Figure 3.24(d) : Proforma for Generating Invoice(Industrial Composting)

3.4 Wallet:

a) The PWP can proceed to the “Wallet “section by clicking on “”Wallet” on the
Dashboard. Wallet shall display Available / Used Certificate generation
potential corresponding to the sales for different categories of Waste.( Figure
b) Certificate Generation: The PWP can generate Certificate by clicking on
“ Generate Certificates” Certificates of different denominations ( 1, 10, 50,
100, 500 & 1000 T) of different categories can be generated on the portal.
( Figure 3.26). Category of
Certificates and Certificate value shall have to be keyed in by the PWP
c) Certificate Transfer: The PWP can transfer the generated certificates by
clicking on “Transfer Certificate”( Figure 3.27) to the Registered PIBO.
Type of certificate, certificate value, entity type & name to which the
certificate has to be transferred , has to be entered and specific
denominations selected for transfer of certificates

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d) Certificate Details: The PWP can view details related to generated,

transferred & available certificates in this section by clicking on “Generated”,
“Transferred “ & “Available” in this section ( Figure 3.28). Certificate details
(ID / Category/ Value/ Type/Cumulative, Used & Available Potential/ Time of
generation, validity etc) can be viewed in this section.

Figure 3.25: Wallet

Figure 3.26 : Generate Certificate

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Figure 3.27: Transfer Certificate

Figure 3.28: Certificate Details

3.5 SPCB / CPCB Dashboard

a. The PIBOs/PWP’s dashboard can be accessed by CPCB and the concerned
SPCB/PCC which has registered the Entity (Figure 3.29).
b. The dashboard can be accessed only after issue of Registration Certificate.
c. The dashboard can be accessed by clicking on the monitor logo on the dashboard

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Figure 3.29: SPCB/CPCB Dashboard showing PWP Dashboard

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Chapter 4: Urban Local Bodies

4.0 Background
The Plastic Waste Management Rules cast the responsibility of collection,
transportation and disposal of plastic waste on the local bodies. The Local bodies can
engage in the EPR framework following the two mechanisms described below:
(i) Local Bodies provide resources (Plastic Waste / Material Recovery facility/
Transportation facility etc.) to PWPs. PWPs issue certificates to Local Bodies in lieu
of facilities provided. Local Bodies can trade these certificates with PIBOs to fulfill
their EPR liability
(ii) Local Bodies can set up PWP facility and generate EPR Certificates which can be
transferred to PIBO to fulfill their EPR liability
In this context, provision for creating Login Credential for State Nodal Officers by CPCB
and creation of Login Credentials for ULBs by State Nodal officers has been made on
the EPR Portal. Further, the following provisions have been made on the EPR Portal
Mechanism 1:
• Procurement of EPR Certificates from PWP
• Transfer of EPR Certificate to PIBO
Mechanism 2
• Registration as PWP
• Generation of EPR Certificate
• Transfer of EPR Certificate to PIBO
The details of the aforementioned provisions have been detailed in this section
4.1 State Nodal Officer Login
The Login Credentials of the State Nodal officer shall be created by CPCB. The same
can be used by State Nodal Officer for login to the Portal (Figure 4.1). Details of the
Registered ULBs can be viewed on the State Nodal Officer’s dashboard (Figure 4.2)

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Figure 4.1 State Nodal Officer Login

Figure 4.2: Nodal officer Dashboard

4.2 Creation of Login Credential for ULBs

The State nodal officer can create login credentials for the Local bodies by providing
requisite information including Unique code nos. , ULB coordinators name designation
etc. (Figure 4.3). The list of State ULBs can be viewed on the dashboard (Figure 4.4).

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Figure 4.3 Creation of Login Credentials of Local body

Figure 4.4 : List of ULBs created by State Nodal Officer

4.3 ULB Login & Dashboard

The Local bodies can login using the login credentials created by State Nodal Officer
(Figure 4.5). The ULB Dashboard shall have the Wallet, Registration status etc
(Figure 4.6)

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Figure 4.5: ULB Login

Figure 4.6: ULB Dashboard

4.4 Mechanism 1: EPR Credit exchange with PIBOs/PWPs

The Wallet (Figure 4.6A) gives the different category certificates available with the
Local Body. The ULB can transfer certificates in this section. PWPs can transfer EPR
Certificates to ULB in lieu of services provided by ULB to the PWP. Figure 4.7
illustrates certificate transfer from PWP and Figure 4.8 highlights the corresponding
increase in the EPR certificate in the specified category. ULB can transfer the EPR
Certificates to PIBOs (Figure 4.9) and there is a corresponding decrease in the EPR
Certificate in the specified category which has been highlighted in Figure4.10. For
details of certificate transfer, Chapter 3 on Certificate generation and transfer may
please be referred to. It may be noted that PIBOs can trade certificates between April
and June every year, ULBs can trade certificates throughout whole year. Certificate
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generation procedure shall be the same as PWP and Chapter 3 may be referred to for
further details. ‘

Figure 4.6A ULB Wallet

Figure 4.7: PWP credit transfer to ULB

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Figure 4.8: ULB Wallet (After Transfer)

Figure 4.9: Transfer of Certificates to PIBOs

Figure 4.10: ULB Wallet (After transfer to PIBO) (decrease in EPR Credits)

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4.5 Mechanism 2: Registration as PWP

Application filing can be initiated by ULB by clicking on Application. (Figure 4.11)
Requisite information including Unique code etc.has to be provided. Authorized person
PAN & Aadhar details are not to be provided in case of ULB registration as PWP.
Remaining details are the same as PWP (Figure 4.12-4.13) Details in Chapter 2 on
Registration of PWP may be referred to, Certificate generation function shall be
activated after completion of Physical Verification by concerned State Boards (Figure
Figure 4.11: Initiating Filing of Application

Figure 4.12 : Filing of Application as PWP ( Part I)

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Figure 4.13: Filing of Application as PWP ( Part II)

Figure 4.14: Certificate Generation after Physical Verification

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Chapter 5: PIBO Operations, Credit Exchange & Annual Report (PIBO)

5.0 Background
This section details the operations which are to be carried out by PIBOs post-
registration on the Centralized EPR portal on Plastic Packaging. The PIBO’s operations
can broadly be divided into the following categories:
a. Recording Procurement & Sales Transactions
b. Transfer of EPR Certificates & Wallet
c. Certificate Generation
d. Annual Filings
e. Credit Exchange & Consolidated Report
This document details the features of each of the above categories
5.1 Recording Procurement & Sales Operations
The Producers & Importers are required to enter the Procurement & Sales transactions
for raw material for producing plastic packaging or plastic packaging for the current
financial year. The Brand-owners are required to enter only the Procurement details of
plastic packaging.
The following steps are to be followed for addition of Procurement Details:
Step 1: The PIBOs can make entries in this section by clicking on “PIBO
Operations/Material Procurement Details” on their dashboard (Figure
Figure 5.1: PIBOs Dashboard

Step 2: Each Procurement details of each transaction by clicking on “Add

New“ (Figure 5.2).
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Figure 5.2: Materials procurement details

Step 3: The following details have to be entered for each procurement transaction
(Figure 5.3).
Figure 5.3: Procurement transaction details

(a) Registration type :“Registered/Unregistered” of seller of plastic material

has to be selected from the dropdown menu
(b) Entity type: “PWP/Producer/Importer/ Brand Owner/Manufacturer/ Others”
of seller has to be selected from the drop down menu (Brand Owner has to
be included in Registered entity)
(c) Contact details: Name, Address, State & Mobile no. of the seller has to be
keyed in. Importers have to key in the Country of Import instead of State.
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(d) Plastic Material Type: Type of plastic material procured “HDPE/

PET/PP/PS/LDPE/MLP/Others” has to be selected from the drop down menu.
In case “Others” has been selected, then Plastic Material Type has to
(e) Category of Plastic: “Cat I/Cat II/Cat III/Cat IV” of the plastic material
procured to be selected from the drop down menu. If producers are procuring
raw material which is being used for making plastic packaging – Cat I /Cat
II/Cat III/ IV – then the same is to be selected in this section
(f) Financial Year: This section shall be frozen as Procurement details have to
be provided for the current financial year
(g) Date: Date of Procurement to be provided
(h) Qty of plastic: Quantity of plastic material procured to be indicated in
(i) Recycled Plastic %: Percentage of recycled plastic, if any, in the plastic
material procured has to be provided
(j) GST: GST No. of the Seller has to be keyed in
(k) GST Paid : Amount of GST paid to the seller by the register PIBO has to be
keyed in
(l) Invoice no. : It has to be keyed in by the registered PIBO
(m) Upload GST e-invoice: E-invoice of the Procurement transaction has to be
The Procurement transaction details can be submitted by clicking on “Submit”
Step 4: The following details have to be entered for each sales transaction (Figure 5.4).

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Figure 5.4: Add sales details

(a) Registration type :“Registered/Unregistered” of consumer of plastic

material has to be selected from the dropdown menu
(b) Entity type: “Producer/Importer/ Brand Owner” of consumer has to be
selected from the drop down menu
(c) Contact details: Name, Address, State & Mobile no. of the consumer has
to be keyed in. In case of sales to Registered entity- Address, State &
Mobile no of the Registered entity shall be autofilled
(d) Plastic Material Type: Type of plastic material sold “HDPE/
PET/PP/PS/LDPE/MLP/PLA/PBAT/Others” has to be selected from the
drop down menu.
(e) Category of Plastic : “Cat I/Cat II/Cat III/Cat IV “ of the plastic material
sold to be selected from the drop down menu
(f) Financial Year: This section shall be frozen as Sales details have to be
provided for the current financial year
(g) Date: Date of Sales has to be keyed in
(h) Qty of plastic : Quantity of plastic material sold to be indicated in Tonnes
(i) Recycled Plastic %: Percentage of recycled plastic, if any, in the plastic
material sold has to be keyed in
(j) GST: GST No. of the Registered PIBO has to be keyed in
(k) GST Paid : Amount of GST paid to the register PIBO has to be keyed in

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(l) Bank Account No. / IFSC code. of the seller ( in this case the registered
PIBO) has to be keyed in by the registered PIBO
(m) Generate EPR invoice no. : Click on “Generate EPR invoice no” after
providing the above details
(n) Uploading GST e-invoice: The above details including the EPR Invoice no.,
plastic packaging quantity and the Percentage of recycled plastic have to be
included in the GST e-invoice. The GST e-invoice has to be uploaded by
clicking on the “Red triangle” in the last column of the “Sales Details” table.
The color of the triangle shall turn green upon uploading of the GST e-invoice
(Figure 5.5).
Figure 5.5: GST invoice details

Step 5: Viewing Procurement & Sales Details

Complete Procurement & Sales Details, including those for previous years, can be
seen in the table displayed in Figure 5.6 & Figure 5.7 respectively.

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Figure 5.6: Material Procurement details of PIBOs operation

Figure 5.7: Sales Details of PIBOs operation

Procurement & Sales details for a particular period can be filtered by keying in “From”
& “To” date and clicking on “Fetch” on
The following points are to be noted:
a) Sales/ Procurement transaction details have to be provided only for the current
financial year

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b) Only details related to plastic packaging/ plastic raw material(for producers)

used for plastic packaging have to be provided
c) A maximum of four entries are permitted for each invoice
d) Details have to be keyed in on a monthly basis and have to be completed by last
day of each month. For the year 2022-23. Invoice uploading can be completed
till March 31, 2023.
e) Recycled plastic percentage details are not to be provided by the importers
f) For procurement of plastic material by Registered PIBOs from Registered
entities ( PWP, Producers, Importers) the Procurement details shall be auto
g) GST e-invoice has to be uploaded for all transactions by all PIBOs and EPR
Invoice no., plastic packaging quantity and the Percentage of recycled plastic
have to be included in the GST e-invoice.

5.2 Generation & Transfer of Certificates

5.2.1 Types of Certificates
The different category of Certificates which can be procured from PWPs include
the following:
(i) Cat I ( Recycling)
(ii) Cat II (Recycling )
(iii) Cat III ( Recycling)
(iv) Cat I ( End of Life( EoL))
(v) Cat II ( End of Life)
(vi) Cat III ( End of Life)
(vii) Cat IV ( EoL)
(viii) Cat I ( Use of recycled plastic ( UReP)
(ix) Cat II URep
(x) Cat III URep
(xi) Cat I Reuse ( 0.9 - 4.9 L)
(xii) Cat II Reuse ( > 4.9 L)
In additions, PIBOs can generate EoL certificates (Cat I/II/Cat III) if they have
provided plastic waste for Road construction based on self declaration. Different
categories of Plastic Waste Processors/PIBO registered on Centralized EPR

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Portal and the type of Certificates which they can generate is delineated in Table

Sl. Class Type of EPR Certificate


1 PWP (Recycler) Recycling ( Cat I, II, III )

2 Industrial Composting Composting ( Cat IV)

2 PWP (Cement Co- EoL ( Cat I, II,III, IV)


3 PWP (Waste to Energy) EoL ( Cat I, II, III, IV)

4 PWP (Waste to Oil) EoL ( Cat I, II & III)

5 Producer UReP ( Cat I, II & III),

EoL( Road making) ( Cat
I, II & III)

6 Brandowner UReP ( Cat I/II/III) and

Reuse ( Cat I (>4.9 L and
0.9- 4.9 L) ; EoL( Road
making) ( Cat I, II & III)

7 Importer EoL( Road making) ( Cat

I, II & III)

5.2.2 Generation of Certificates (PWP)

 The certificates listed at Sl. No 1-5 in Table 1.0 shall be generated by the PWPs
on the EPR Portal.
 Each certificate shall have specific Certificate no. generated from the Portal and
specific attributes associated with its generation ( Figure 5.8)

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Figure 5.8: Certificate Details

 Specific attributes associated with each Certificate shall include the category of
certificate, PWP class, Certificate denomination (1T, 10 T, 50 T, 100 T, 500 T.).
Source of generation as well as transfer details for each certificate can also be
viewed in the Certificate details (Figure 5.8A )

Figure 5.8A: Certificate details section

5.2.3 Transfer of certificates from PWP to PIBOs

 The details of EPR Certificates generated by PWPs shall be displayed on
the EPR Portal ( Figure 5.9 & 5.9A)

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Figure 5.9: Certificates viewing section on the National Dashboard

Figure 5.9A: Detailed view of PWP generated certificate

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 The concerned PWPs may be contacted by the PIBOs for transfer of

certificate of desired category and denomination required as per the
assigned EPR target.
 The certificates can be transferred online by PWPs (Figure 5.10) to
Figure 5.10: Certificates transfer section of PWPs to PIBOs

 The transferred certificates of certificates of different categories shall be

reflected in the PIBO wallet (Figure 5.11). Details of the same shall have
been reflected in the subsequent Sections.

Figure 5.11: Wallet of PIBOs

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5.2.4 Certificates generated by PIBOs

The following certificates can be generated by PIBOs:
(i) Self-declaration ( Road making)
(ii) Use of recycled plastic ( By producer /brand-owners)
(iii) Reuse of Rigid plastic ( By Cat I Brand-owners)
Certificate listed at (ii) & (iii) shall be generated after the financial year closing on
March 31. They shall be discussed in Section 5.8. Procedure for generating
EPR Certificate based on Self declaration (Road making) is discussed in this
Plastic waste can be used road making in the country. PIBO can provide plastic
waste for road making and generate certificate of corresponding category &
quantity of plastic. The procedure is divided into two sections
a) Plastic Waste Procurement section
b) Self-declaration Plastic Waste Procurement

PIBO needs to click on “Road making declaration/PW Procurement” to add
details of procurement of plastic waste. PIBO can click on “Ädd New” to add the
details of plastic waste procurement transaction (Figure 5.12).

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Figure 5.12: Procurement Section of PIBOs for Road Construction

The following details have to be provided in the Procurement Section (Figure 5.13):
Figure 5.13: Add Procurement details for road construction

 Category of plastic (CAT I, CAT II & CAT III ) to be selected using

dropdown menu
 Name of plastic waste supplier
 Address, city, state & pin code of supplier

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 Availability of Supplier GST number has to be confirmed by selecting

“Yes/No” in the dropdown menu. GST No, if available, has to be provided.
Alternatively, mobile no. / Aadhar no. of supplier has to be provided
 Invoice number
 Quantity of waste plastic is to be provide either in Tonnes/ Kg ( as
 Procurement date
 Invoice pdf to be uploaded
Submitted procurement details can be seen in the Road Making PW
procurement dashboard (Figure 5.14)

Figure 5.14: Detailed view of procurement section for road construction Self-Declaration:
PIBO can make entries in this section by clicking on “Self declaration” under
“Road making declaration “and then on “ Add New” (Figure 5.15).

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Figure 5.15: Self Declaration section for road construction

The following details have to be provided in the “Self Declaration” Section :

a) Details of Plastic used: Quantity of Plastic consumed in each category
has to be provided in this section
b) Details of Construction Authority
 Name of Construction Authority
 Contact Address
 Authorised Signatory details ( Name/Designation/email/Phone no.)
c) Description of Road Construction
 Length (m)
 Depth (m)
 Width ( m )
 Quantity of Bitumen used ( T/m3)
 Qty of Aggregate used ( T/m3)
 Percentage of Bitumen (p)
 GPS location of Road constructed
 Geotagged Pictures of Road constructed
d) Pdf of Certificate issued by Construction Authority to be uploaded
(Format given at Annexure I).
Above details are illustrated in Figure 5.16-5.18.
Figure 5.16 : Self declaration section I

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Figure 5.17: Self Declaration section II

Figure 5.18: Self Declaration section III

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After submitting above details, the details can be viewed in Self declaration dashboard
as shown in Figure 5.19.
Figure 5.19: Dash board of self-declaration section & Balance

 Cumulative plastic used in the plastic waste quantity used in the “Self
declaration “ section should be more than the cumulative plastic procured
in the Plastic waste in the plastic waste procured
 The amount of plastic waste shown to be used should in “Self declaration
“should be less than or equal to actual quantity of plastic used in the road
Sigma Cat 1-4 (tons) <= a*b*p/100
 Percentage of bitumen replaced by plastic <= 8
Note: The quantity of plastic shown to be used in road construction after the
above validations shall get reflected as “Available Potential” in the Wallet
section in the Wallet Section.

5.3 Wallet
Details of EPR certificates procured from PWP, potential generated due to use of
plastic in road making, reuse & use of recycled plastic (discussed in subsequent
sections) are provided in the wallet (Figure 5.20)

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Figure 5.20: Wallet of PIBOs

5.3.1 Available details in Wallet

The following details are available for different category of certificates in the
 Cumulative Potential (for generating certificates)
 Available Potential ( for generating certificates)
 Used Potential (for generating certificates)
 Total Certificate Value
 Certificate No ( Available Count) .
5.3.2 Wallet operations
The following operations can be carried out in the wallet:
a) Generation of Certificate
b) Transfer of Certificates Generation of Certificates
Potential can be generated due to use of plastic in road making,
reuse & use of recycled plastic (discussed in subsequent sections).
EPR Certificates can be generated from the available certificates
using the following steps (Figure 5.21).

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Figure 5.21: Certificate Generation by PIBOs

 Select category of certificate from the Drop down menu

 Based on the Available potential in the selected Category of
Certificate and the requirement, the PIBO can key in the
Certificate value.
 The PIBO can key in the desired Certificate denomination
and then click on “Submit” to generated certificate.
The Generated certificates shall be visible in the “Available Certificates” Section.
There shall be a corresponding reduction in the “Available Potential” and
increase in the “Used Potential”. The cumulative potential shall remain the same. of Certificates
The PIBOs can transfer surplus EPR certificates to other PIBOs at the
end of the Financial year using the following steps (Figure 5.22)
Figure 5.22: Transfer certificate by PIBOs

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 Select category of certificate from the Drop down menu

 Select Type of Entity (PIBO) from the Drop down menu
 Select name of the Entity to whom the certificate has to be
 Based on the Available certificates in the selected Category of
Certificate and the requirement, the PIBO can key in the Certificate
value to be transferred.
 The PIBO can key in the desired Certificate denomination and then
click on “Submit” to generated certificate.
The transferred certificates shall be deducted from in the “Available Certificates”
Section and shall be visible in the “Available Certificates “ of the PIBO to whom
the certificates have been transferred to.
The certificate details section shows the details of “Generated certificates“ /
“Transferred certificates” and “Available certificates” at any point of time ( Figure
5.23 & Figure 5.23A)
Figure 5.23: Certificate details section of PIBOs

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Figure 5.23A: Detailed view of certificate details section

5.4 Credit Exchange:

This sections facilitates utilization of EPR Certificates available in the Wallet for
meeting the following requirements
 Fulfilling EPR Target in Annual report,
 Offsetting unfulfilled EPR target for the previous (selected) financial year.
 Change in type of Certificates (Reuse category certificates can be converted to
Recycle/EoL; Recycle certificates can be converted to End of Life).
The following points are to be noted
 Reverse conversion i,e from EoL to Recycling & Recycling to Reuse is not
 No change in type of EPR certificate “Use of recycled plastic “ certificate is
 Change in category ( Cat I/II/III/IV) of EPR Certificates is not feasible
 Change in type of certificate is possible only after Certificates have been
generated from the Available Potential
The following steps are to be followed to carry out operations in this section

Step 1: Click on “Credit Exchange” on the dashboard to enter the Section & then on
“Add New” to add a credit exchange operation (Figure 5.24).

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Figure 5.24: Credit/ debit operation section

Step 2 : Fill in the information in the pop-up including the following

 Type of certificate (from Drop Down) ( Recycling/EoL/URep/reuse)
 Category of Certificate ( I/II/III/IV) from Drop down
 Type of Operations ( Filing of AR/ EC offset/Change in category) from
Drop down
 Available Credits shall be displayed and Value of Credit to be transferred
will have to be entered
 The denominations of certificates to be transferred can be selected and
then click on “Submit “for final submission (Figure 5.25)

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Figure 5.25: Detailed view of Credit exchange operation section

Step 3: Details of operations carried out is given in the table (Figure 5.26). Exchanged
credits can be seen in Credit exchange dashboard with success status.
Figure 5.26: Credit exchange dashboard

5.5 Consolidated available certificates:

This section provide Details of Available certificates in various categories and its
utilization for various sections (Figure 5.27)

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Figure 5.27: Consolidated section of Available certificates

5.6 Annual Fillings

The following information is to be provided in this section
- Annual Plastic Consumption ( Categorywise)
- Statewise /Categorywise Annual Plastic Waste Generation
- Annual Report
5.6.1 Annual Plastic Consumption
Click on “Annual Consumption” and then click on “Add New” to provide plastic packaging
consumption in each category (Figure 5.28 & 5.29)

Figure 5.28: Annual filling of PIBOs

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Figure 5.29: Filling of total plastic consumption

5.6.2 State-wise PW Generation

PIBOs are required to fill state-wise plastic waste generated through out the year by
clicking “Add new” and providing statewise /category wise pre &post consumer plastic
packaging waste generated as well as the recycled plastic content in the packaging.
The user has to click on “Confirm” to submit the information (Figure 5.30)

Figure 5.30: Filling of state wise, category wise PW generation

5.6.3 Brand Owner (Cat 1 Plastic Packaging)

Brand-owner using Cat I are further required to provide information related to
pre & post –consumer plastic packaging waste generated in two categories viz.
> 0.9 L &< 4.9 L & Containers > 4.9 L of Cat-I. (Figure 5.31)

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Figure 5.31: Add Cat I sub-category details

The user needs to confirm the details entered after filling in the requisite details
at the year end closing
5.6.4 Check and Balance:
 Category wise Details provided in the Annual consumption should be equal to
the total state-wise and category wise ( Cat-II,III &IV) plastic waste generation.
 Total quantity of recycled plastic used in pre and post plastic packaging should
be equal to the quantity of recycled plastic material procured.
 Total Quantity of Pre and post plastic waste generated in subcategory ( Cat I for
BOs) for Containers > 0.9 L &< 4.9 L & Containers > 4.9 L of Cat-I shall be
equal to the statewise total quantity of Cat-I provided.
 20% variation is permissible between Total plastic packaging quantity
procurement and total Plastic waste generation (Pre +Post).
5.6.5 Submission of Annual Filings
Click on “ Submit” button to for final submission of Annual Filings.

5.7. Generation of Reuse / Use of Recycled Plastics (URep) Certificates

Reuse / Use of Recycled Plastics (URep) potential shall be generated after the
Annual Filing details (Section 3.6) are confirmed
5.7.1 Reuse Certificates
Reuse potential is calculated using the following formula as per EPR
Reuse = Total Sales - Procurement + Pre-consumer waste

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For eg: If Total sales for a BO is 100, Procurement is 80 T and Pre-

consumer waste is 10 T them Qty of plastic reused-= 100-80+ 10= 30 T.
A total potential of 30 T (Cat I Reuse) shall be reflected in the Wallet
Section. Certificates can be generated /transferred using this potential
5.7.2 URep Certificates
URep certificates shall be generated based on the recycled plastic
content in the plastic packaging sold in the market. Till 2025, there are no
EPR target for URep. Hence entire quantity of recycled plastic shall get
reflected in the Wallet as potential for URep certificates. Beyond 2025,
the mandated EPR Target shall get deducted and the balance shall get
reflected as URep potential. For example if PIBO is using 100 T of
recycled plastic and beyond 2025 its EPR Target (URep) is 50 T , then
before 2025, its URep Potential shall be 100 T and beyond 2025 the
corresponding potential shall be 50 T.
5.8 Annual report:
Provision for filing Annual Report for the current financial year will enabled on April 01
of the next financial year. PIBOs are required to submit Annual report by June 30 every
financial year, post which EC as per EC guidelines prepared by shall be levied. Annual
report shall be Auto filled by July 15.
The annual report shall have the following sections
 Overview of Procurement / Sales: Annual category wise plastic
packaging/raw material procurement, plastic packaging sales, reuse and use
of recycled plastic quantity shall be displayed in this section. The data in this
section will be auto generated from the Annual Filing Section
 Compliance Status: Category-wise EPR Target, EPR Certificates achieved,
available Potential and likely EC to be levied shall be displayed in this section.
The data in this section will be auto generated from the Annual filing Section as
well as the certificates generated/ procured by the PIBO (Figure 5.32). The
user shall have the option of procuring additional EPR Certificates from
PWP/PIBOs to reduce the shortfall in EC target.
Figure 5.32: Annual filling section of PIBOs

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 Next year targets Based on procurement /sales of plastic packaging made by

the PIBOs during the current financial year and the categorywise, EPR targets
for the next financial year shall be generated (Figure 5.33).
Figure 5.33: Next year target section of PIBOs

 Confirmation of Annual Report & Payment of Annual Processing Fees:

The User can confirm submission of the Annual Report after the EPR Target
fulfilment is final at his/her end. The user will have to make a payment towards
the Annual Processing fees for submission of the Annual Report. SOP for
Registration of PIBOs/PWPs may please be referred to for details of the fees to
be payment.

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Organization Letter Head


Certificate for Road Making issued by the Construction Authority

This is to certify that M/s. (PIBOs Name & Address) with EPR Registration No... …..has
provided plastic waste for utilization in construction of Road at Village -…, Distt.-…, State -
…… The Construction of road has been completed on date …….. The details of the same are
given below:

Qty. Plastic Utilized (Tons) Cat-I :

Cat-II :
Total Length (M) of Road
Total Width (M) of Road
Total Depth (M) of Road
Total Quantity of Bitumen used (T/m3)
GPS location Latitude:
Cost of the Project

The above mentioned details have been verified by the technical professionals of our
department/authority during the site inspection dated -------.


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Chapter 6: Third Party Audit

6.0 Background
Audit of Registered PIBOs/PWP shall be conducted on a periodic basis by the Auditors
empanelled by CPCB. The Auditors shall be empanelled in offline mode following office
procedures. Data base of empanelled Auditing Agency/ empanelled Auditors shall be created
on the EPR Portal. They shall carry out Audit of PIBOs/PWP selected on the EPR Portal. The
Auditors shall conduct the Audit and submit the Report online which can be monitored by the
concerned SPCB/PCC/CPCB. The details of these activities have been delineated in this

6.1 Manage Audit Agency

Data base of empanelled Auditing Agency shall be created on the Centralized EPR Portal. The
same can be viewed by clicking on “Third Party Audit” and then on “Manage Agency” (Figure
Figure 6.1 Third Party Audit (Manage Agency)

Information related to new Agency can be added by clicking on “Create New” and providing
the necessary details in format (Figure 6.2).

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Figure 6.2: Third Party Audit (Add Agency)

6.2 Manage Auditor

Details of the Auditors affiliated with the Auditing agency can be keyed in by clicking on
“Manage Auditor/ Add Auditor” (Figure 6.3). The details of the Auditors added shall be visible
(Figure 6.4)
Figure 3: Manage Auditor (Add Auditor)

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Figure 6.4: Auditor Data Base

6.3 Audit Plan

The Audit Plan for a particular quarter can be prepared by selecting the entities to be audited
and assignment of the same to the empanelled auditors for conduction of audit. The following
steps have to be followed:
(a) Click on “Third Party Audit/ Audit Plan”
(b) Select the “Year “ & “Quarter” for which the “Audit Plan is to be created ( Figure 6.5).
(c) Click on “Schedule for Audit” & key in the percentage of units to be audited in each
category (PIBO/PWP). The total number of Registered entities, the number of entities
audited during last and the number of entities not audited in each category shall be
displayed in each category.
(d) Assign number of entities to be audited each criteria for PIBO (Figure 6.6) & PWP
(Figure 6.7).The criteria for selection of PIBOs/PWP include the following:
 Entities which have submitted Road making EPR certificates
 Entities which have reported Use of recycled plastic > 20%
 Entities which have reported Use of recycled plastic < 20%
 Entities which have reported Zero plastic packaging consumption and number of
years operation > 2 yrs
 Specific entities to be audited based on VIP Complaint etc.
 No. of units not re-audited in last 12 months

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 No. of units not audited so far

 No, of units audited
 Specific entities to be audited based on VIP Complant etc.
The remaining number of units shall be selected through random selection. Selection of
entities is illustrated in the example below:
 Total number of registered units in a particular category = 1000
 Percentage assigned for audit = 10
 Then Number of units to be audited = 100
 If No. of units to be audited selected on specified criteria = 40
 Then No. of units selected on basis = 60
(e) The Audit Plan can be reset by clicking on “ Reset”. Once the Audit Plan is final, click
“Submit” to confirm the Audit Plan, following which the entities shall be assigned to the
empanelled Auditors based on the Type of Auditor, type of Audit and the State/UT in
which the Audit is to be conducted.

Figure 6.5 :Preparation of Audit Plan

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Figure 6.6: Criteria based selection of PIBOs

Figure 6.7: Criteria based selection of PWP

6.4 Monitor Audit

The Auditors shall conduct the audit of the entities assigned to them (Discussed in Section
6.4) and submit the Audit report. The status of Audit conducted (Initiated/In-progress/
Completed) and the Audit Report ( of completed Audit) shall be available under the “Monitor
Audit” section. The pictorial graph can be viewed by selecting the Year/ Quarter / CPCB/SPCB
and then clicking on “Graph”. Pie Chart displaying no. of Audits Open/ Scheduled/ In-progress/
Completed can be viewed in this section (Figure 6.8). The Audit status in tabular form can be
viewed by clicking on “Table” (Figure 6.9). Audit report of completed Audit can be viewed in
this section.

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Figure 6.8: Pictorial Status of conduction of Audit

Figure 6.9: Tabular status of conduction of Audit

6.5 Conduction of Audit

6.5.1 Login & Dashboard

The login credentials for Auditor shall be created by CPCB. The Auditor can login under the
Admin section (Figure 6.10) EPR data of entities assigned to the Auditor can be seen upon

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Figure 6.10: Auditor Login

6.5.2 Auditor’s Dashboard

The following information can be viewed on the Auditors’ Dashboard

(a) Open Entities (Figure 6.11): Entities assigned but yet to be acknowledged by the
Auditor. The Auditor can acknowledge the entity assigned for Audit by clicking on the
“Acknowledgement” button on the Screen
(b) Scheduled Audit (Figure 6.12): Entities acknowledged by the Auditor along with the
schedule (How is the schedule fixed) for inspection shall be listed in this Section. The
Auditor can reschedule the Audit by clicking on the “Reschedule” button ( ??)

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(c) In progress (Figure 6.13): Entities for which the Audit is in progress shall be listed in
this section. Percentage Audit completed shall also be displayed in this section. The
Auditor can continue with the Audit by clicking on “ Continue”
(d) Completed (Figure 6.14) : Entities for which the Audit has been completed shall be
displayed in this Section. Audit report of such entities can also be viewed in this

Figure 6.11 : Auditor’s Dashboard (Open Entities)

Figure 6.12 : Auditor’s Dashboard (Scheduled Entities)

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Figure 6.13 : Auditor’s Dashboard (In Progress Entities)

Figure 6.14: Auditor’s Dashboard (Completed Entities)

6.5.3 Access to Auditee’s EPR data

The Auditor shall have access to Auditee entity’s EPR data. This can be viewed on the
dashboard (Figure 6.15). The application form can be viewed by clicking on the “eye” logo
against the entity’s name. The entities dashboard can be accessed by clicking on the
“monitor” logo.

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Figure 6.15: Auditor’s Dashboard (Entities EPR data)

6.5.4 Performing the Audit

The Audit shall include document as well as field verification of the information
provided by the Auditee entity assigned to the Auditor. The Audit shall be conducted
onsite. The Audit can be initiated by clicking on the “Start” button listed against the
Auditee entity’s name in the Scheduled Audit list (Figure 6.12) following which the
Auditor can start filling information in the Report. The Auditor’s GPS location at the
start and end of the Audit shall be recorded in the Audit report when the Auditor clicks
on the “Start” & “End” button respectively.
The Audit Report for PIBO is broadly divided into 4 sections
(a) Company details
(b) Authorized Person details
(c) Site Plant Operations
(d) Audit Summary
(e) Additional Plant Information ( Producers & PWPs)
The Auditor shall verify the online information provided by the Auditee entity with the
actual information available onsite and fill in the information in the formats provided
(Figure 6.16- 6.21). The information provided in the Audit report shall be as per details
given in Table 6.1. The Auditor can save a partially complete /draft report by clicking
on “Save”. The final complete report can be submitted by clicking on “Submit”. The
complete reports can be viewed on CPCB/SPCB/PCC (dashboard in the “Monitor Audit
Section” and in the “Complete” section of the Auditor’s dashboard. The Auditor report

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can be viewed on the dashboard of the SPCB/PCC with which the Auditee agency is
Table 6.1: Information to be provided in the Audit Report
Sl. Details [Upon clicking each detail verification Remarks
No – auto fetch application data in a
Section 1: Company details
1 PAN Supporting Yes/ No
documents &
2 CIN -do- Yes/ No
3 GST -do- Yes/ No
Section 2: Authorized Person
1 PAN -do- Yes/ No
2 Aadhar -do- Yes/ No
Section 3: Site /Plant Operations
1 Year of Commencement of Supporting Misreporting
Operations ( Section 4(b) documents to observed. If
be checked – Yes, please
Assessed year assess
for the
period – enter
2. Production details of commodities Supporting Enter
( Section 5a ) documents to assessed
be checked value as per
“3” above

3 Product packaging details (Section Actuals to be Yes/No

5 (b) verified along
4 Plastic Consumption (Section 5 ©) Assessment for Enter
consumption assessed
figures to be value as per
verified “3” above

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Sl. Details [Upon clicking each detail verification Remarks

No – auto fetch application data in a

5 Plastic Procurement ( Section 8) Random Discrepancy

Selection of reported
records ( Both ( Yes/No)
Registered &
entity to be
verified ); GST ,
eway bill,
einvoiceetc to
be checked
6 Annual quantity of Packaging Assessment for Enter
material placed on market (sold with sales figures to assessed
commodities) (State-wise) (MT – be verified value as per
category wise) “3” above

7 Usage of Single Use Plastic Items Check & Yes/ No

8 Physical visit to the Facility Please attach Attachment
(Production / warehouse/ if documentary (2-3
applicable) for confirmation of evidence photographs)
above details including Add remarks
receipts, source
of procurement,
details etc.
along with
9 Reuse Plan ( Rigid category) Data related to Misreporting
Collection, observed. If
transportation, Yes, please
processing assess
prior to reuse, discrepancy in
cleaning Cat/Qty/
mechanism, , Reuse plastic
facility reported for
inspection for the
cleaning of corresponding
containers prior period
to reuse to be
10 Recycled plastic content in Plastic Check for
packaging sold requisite
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Sl. Details [Upon clicking each detail verification Remarks

No – auto fetch application data in a
labeling on the Yes/No.
Testing of a
sample test
random sample
of packaging
material with
recycled plastic
11 Certificate Generation ( Mandate Details of Misreporting
use of recycled plastic ) procurement / observed. If
sales to be Yes, please
cross verified assess
using discrepancy in
information in Cat/Qty/
previous Reuse plastic
sections & reported for
actual the
certificates corresponding
generated period
12 Certificate Generation (Reuse) Do -do-
13 Self-Declaration on road Misreporting
construction observed. If
Yes, please
for the
period – enter
Section 4: Summary of Auditor Report
Type of NC observed: (to be linked to EC module #5)
1 Misreporting in quantity of Yes/No Deviation in
plastic packaging placed quantity
on market
2 Misreporting in use of Yes/No Deviation in
recycled plastics/ reuse of quantity
3 False information Yes/No Remarks

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Sl. Details [Upon clicking each detail verification Remarks

No – auto fetch application data in a
4 Non-compliance of Yes/No Remarks
conditions stipulated in
registration certificate
5 Overall Summary [text that can support up to 1200

Figure 6.16 Audit Report (Company details)

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Figure 6.17: Audit Report (Authorized Person details)

Figure 6.18: Audit Report (Site /Plant operations-I)

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Figure 6.19: Audit Report (Site /Plant operations-II)

Figure 6.20: Audit Report (Site /Plant operations-III)

6.21: Audit Report – Audit Summary

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Chapter 7: Environmental Compensation

7.0 Background
Environmental Compliance (EC) shall be levied on PIBO/PWP in accordance with
provisions of EPR Guidelines notified by MoEF&CC and Guidelines for EC Assessment
for violation of PWM Rules prepared by CPCB. EC shall be levied on defaulting
PIBOs/PWPs both on account of non-compliances identified during Audit as well as
shortfall in fulfilling EPR target. The mechanism for levying EC on the EPR Portal is
detailed in this section
7.1 EC levying due to Non-compliance identified during Third Party Audit
The completed audit report can be viewed on the CPCB/SPCB/PCC dashboard with
which the Auditee entity is registered. It can be viewed in the Monitor Audit Section of
SPCB/PCC/CPCB DO Dashboard (Figure 7.1). The following steps are to be followed
for levying of EC
 Viewing of Audit Report: Under the Third Party/ Monitor Audit Section- select
“Year-Quarter- CPCB/SPCB/PCC- Table View”- the list of Audit Entities whose
Audit has been completed shall be listed. The Audit report can be viewed by
clicking on “Eye”logo ( Figure 7.2)
 Non-compliance identification: Non-compliances, if any, shall be reported in
the Summary Section of the Audit Report. Quantity of plastic packaging for
which EC is to be levied shall be indicated against the reported non-compliances.
Click on Levy EC ( Figure 7.3) .
 EC Assessment: Assess the EC to be levied on the basis of identified non-
compliance , fill in the remarks and “Save “ the entry. ( Figure 7.4)
 Issue of Show Cause Notice( SCN) : SCN shall be issued to the unit for
identified non-compliances through office procedures. EC shall be levied on the
Auditee Entity with approval of Competent Authority. Click on “Confirm “ button
to confirm levying of proposed EC( Figure 7.5). Post confirmation, the confirmed
EC can be viewed in the EC report (Figure 7.6) and shall also reflect on the
CPCB/SPCB/PCC’s (as applicable)(Figure 7.7)as well as the entity’s
dashboard(Figure 7.8) .

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Figure 7.1 : SPCB/PCC/CPCB DO Dashboard

Figure 7.2: Viewing of Audit Report

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Figure 7.3 : Identification of non-compliance for levying EC

Figure 7.4: Assessment of EC to be levied

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Figure 7.5: Confirmation of EC to be levied

Figure 7.6: Viewing of EC levied in EC Report

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Figure 7.7: Consolidated status of EC Levied on CPCB/SPCB/PCC Dashboard

7.2 Levying of EC for Shortfall in meeting EPR Target

EC shall be levied if a PIBO fails to meet the EPR Target or PIBO/PWP fails to file the
Annual Report within the stipulated time frame. The same has been discussed in
Chapter 5.0. (Section 5.8). EC shall be levied by default in such cases and no Show
Cause Notice shall be issued prior to levying of EC in such cases.
7.3 EC Status (SPCB/PCC/CPCB) Dashboard
As discussed in the above sections EC shall be levied for failure to meet the EPR
target not filing Annual Report, non-compliance identified during Third Party Audit etc.
Details of EC levied can be viewed on the CPCB/SPCB/ PCC dashboard by clicking on
“Compensation / EC levied” on the dashboard. Category and amount of EC levied,
payment status of EC and other details shall be displayed against the audited entity’s
name (Figure 7.7).
7.4 Cancellation / Revocation of Registration
Show cause notice / Directions for Cancellation (other than that associated with Annual
returns) to be issued before levying EC/ cancellation shall be done through e-office.
Cancellation of Registration shall be done on the EPR Portal. Cancellation of
Registration can be done by clicking on “Cancel” and the closure can be revoked by
Clicking on “Revoke” in the Compensation/Cancellation- Revocation of Registration
section. (Figure 7.8)

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Figure 7.8: Cancellation / Revocation of Registration

7.5 EC Status (PIBO/PWP dashboard)

Details of EC levied on the PIBO/PWP can be viewed by clicking on “Compensation /
Active “on the Dashboard. Category of EC levied, Amount of EC etc. can be viewed in
this section (Figure 7.9). Further details of EC levied can be viewed by clicking on the
“Eye” logo (Figure 7.10). EC can be paid by clicking on the “Payment” logo (Figure
7.11). Non-compliances for which EC has been levied and paid can be seen in
“Compensation/ Completed” section (Figure 7.12). (Show Cause Notice may be
deleted from this Section)

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Figure 7.9: Details of EC levied/paid ( PIBO/PWP dashboard)

Figure 7.10: Details of EC Levied

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Figure 7.11: Payment of EC

Figure 7.12: Details for Non-compliances for which EC Payment is Complete

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