Geography 3 Maps and Globes

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Chapter 3 Maps and Globes 12.

What is the map that shows

man-made features such as nations
1. What is the representation or and their boundaries, cities,
picture of all or part of the capitals, canals, and damns? Colors
surface of the earth? are also used to portray countries.
Map Political map

2. What is precisely a visual 13. What map summarizes and presents

representation of an area? Map information of a specific kind? For
example soil map for farmers or a
3. In Greek, it means chartis or map collection of maps “Atlas”?
and graphein means to write. Thematic Map or Special-Purpose Map
Cartography or map-making
14. What map shows the contour
4. What involves the use of symbols lines, and the roughness of the
and lines to illustrate geographic earth’s surface? Topographic Map
Cartographic Representation 15. What are the curving lines on a
map? Contours
5. What is the premise of the
cartographic process? 16. The x and y-axis are used to
That the world is measurable and plot the height of each couture in a
that we can make reliable thematic map.
representations or models of that Cross-section
17. What are the series and
6. What is a type of map that connections of dots?
emphasizes the natural features of Cross section of the landscape
the Earth such as continents,
oceans, rivers, seas, islands, and 18. What is a map that is used for
lakes? military and engineering planning,
Physical map which is a 3-dimensional model of
the terrain of an area usually
7. On the physical map, what is used carved out of clay or plaster of
for plains? Green parries? Relief Map

8. On the physical map, what is used 19. Who devises a great variety of
for plateaus? Yellow symbols to suit the various needs of
the map? Cartographer
9. On the physical map, what is used
for hills? Light brown 20. What are the 4 map’s basic
10. On the physical map, what is (1)Scale
used for mountains? Deep Brown (2)Symbols or Legends
11. What part of the map usually (4)projections
shows the color means?
Key or Legend
21. What gives the relationship 28. What indicates cities and towns?
between the length measured on the Dots
map itself and the corresponding
distance on the ground? Because of 29. What indicates streams and
this, it is possible to measure bodies of water? Colors
distance, determine area, and make
comparisons of size. 30. What indicates political
Scale boundaries? Ribbons or Lines

22. What represents the ratio of the 31. What indicates objects such as
distance between 2 points on the schools, churches, and airplanes?
earth and the distance between the 2 Actual Miniatures
corresponding points on the map?
Scale 32. What indicates the area in one
color and helps us to see the shape
23. What has commonly represented in and size of a country on a map or
1: 100,000 same units on the earth's continent or a natural feature?
surface? A centimeter-to-the Area
kilometer map
33. What show features such as
24. What are the 3 different ways to roads, railways, rivers, and
represent a map scale? boundaries?
(1)A statement of the Line
relationship of the maps to
the Earth 34. What pattern a numbered lines
(2)Graphic scale or Bar scale that run from side to side and up
(3) The Representative Fraction and down a map, this help locate
or RF things on a map? Grid

25. What is a straight line on a bar 35. What is the largest grid in
marked with shorter lines vertical lines that covers World
representing a number of miles and Map? Meridians of Longitude
the distance represented on the bar
scale is 12 miles and each small 36. What are the horizontal lines
line is 3 miles on the map? that cover the World Map?
Graphic or Bar scale Parallels of Latitude

26. What is a fraction relating to

one unit of measurement on the
Earth, for example, 1 inch
represents 63, 360 inches?
Representative Fraction

27. What unlocks the meaning of

symbols which otherwise would be
meaningless and also symbols used to
tell a story using points, lines,
dots, and color? Legends
37. What are the various methods of 45. What is a complicated projection
preparing a flat map of the earth’s of cones when each cone touches the
surface? globe at a different parallel and a
Map Projections large area may be mapped with
considerable accuracy?
38. What are geometric projections? Polyconic Projection
Cylinders, Cones, or Planes
46. What map offers a good
39. What are the plane projections? compromise in the representation of
Azimuthal or Zenithal projections area, distance, and direction over
small areas? Polyconic Projection
40. What is developed by
mathematical computation? 48. What is an orthophanic
Analytical Projections projection, elliptical in shape, is
one way of transferring information
41. What is a map that is relatively from a round globe to a flat map? It
free from distortion but the regions shows the entire world in a single
near the poles or high latitudes plane. Robinson Projection
would be stretched out of the
projection map? 49. Who designed the 1963 University
Cylindrical Projection of Wisconsin map to minimize
distortion, particularly near the
42. Who developed mathematically a equator, and to give a realistic
projection related to the appearance?
cylindrical projection? Robinson Projection
Gerardus Mercator
50. What can furnish a wealth of
43. What is a map that is useful for accurate information about various
viewing the polar regions of the features earth’s surface?
world because the poles appear at Satellite photographs
the center of the map, with
longitudinal lines meeting at the 51. What are a 3-dimensional scale
poles and spreading away from each model of Earth and a spheroid?
other as they move away from the Globe
poles? The Polar Regions are
relatively free of distortion, but 52. Where did the word globe come
the distortion increases as the from? Latin word globus means round
longitudinal lines move toward mass or sphere
equatorial areas.
Azimuthal or Zenithal projection 53. What globe represents the
earth’s surface?
44. What is a map that is relatively Terrestial Globes
free of distortion in the middle
latitude regions and is useful for 54. What globe shows the relative
viewing countries that fall within positions of the stars are mapped
those regions, such as some European without distortion?
countries? Celestial Globes
Conic Projection
55. What is the disadvantage of a 64. Who had a habit of dividing
globe? circles into 360 degrees, and
It is bulky, cannot be stored everyone has done the same thing
easily, shows small areas as ever since? Babylonians
gigantic, and is expensive.
65. Why did cartographers use
56. What is the best map of the Greenwich as the starting point when
earth? Globe they measured longitude lines?
It was the home of the famous Royal
57. Who constructed the earliest Greenwich Observatory
known globe in Cilicia, modern-day
Turkey? Crates of Mallus 66. What is the shortest distance
between 2 points in a straight line?
58. What is the ancient celestial Great Circle Route
globe that still exists and was made
about 150, now in the Naples Museum, 67. What is the exact orbit of the
Naples, Italy? earth around the sun on an
Farnese Atlas elliptical or oval path?
365 days, 5 hours, 48 minutes, and
59. What was the first globe of the 46 seconds
Old World? Constructed in the Muslim
world during Middles Ages 68. What is the year when we add an
extra day to the end of February?
60. Who made the oldest existing Leap Years
terrestrial globe in Behaim in
Nurnberg, Germany? 69. How many meridians extend from
Martin Behaim the North Pole down to the South
Pole? 12 meridians
61. Who made a facsimile globe
showing America in 1507? 70. Centered on a meridian line, how
Martin Waldseemueller many divisions of time zone on
earth? 24 time zones
62. In 1507, who made an early globe
and thought to be the source of the 71. How can you estimate the time
phrase “Here be Dragons”? difference between two places on the
Hunt-Lenox Globe globe?
By counting how many meridian lines
63. What is the world’s largest separate the two places
globe built for the 1964 New York
World’s fair measuring 120 ft? 72. What is the place where each day
Unisphere begins and the line runs along the
180 degrees meridian through the
64. What is the world’s largest Pacific Ocean? International Date
revolving globe in Pesaro, Italy Line
measuring 33 ft?
Globe of Peace 73. What are the places where the
International Date Line zigzags to
65. Where is the International Date allow the same time to exist in certain
regions? Russia and the Aleutian
Line? Samoan Island

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