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Exam questions

Question 28
The diagram shows a fermenter used to grow bacteria that have been genetically modified so that they
produce large amounts of human insulin.

IGCSE Biology Exam questions – Question 28

The table lists problems that occurred when parts of the fermenter did not work properly.
(a) Complete the table by giving the letter of the part that did not work properly.

Problem Part that did not work properly

Other bacteria got into the fermenter

The liquid food got too hot

(2 marks)
(b) Bacteria can be genetically modified so that they produce human insulin. Describe this process.

Exam question © Edexcel International: London Examinations IGCSE Biology Higher Tier Paper 2H, May 2006
______________________________________________________________________ (5 marks)
(c) The human insulin produced in the fermenter is used by people who cannot make their own insulin.
In these people, the organ that produces insulin is damaged.
(i) Name the organ that produces insulin.
___________________________________________________________________ (1 mark)
IGCSE Biology Exam questions – Question 28

(ii) Explain what insulin does in the human body.

___________________________________________________________________ (3 marks)

Total (11 marks)

Exam question © Edexcel International: London Examinations IGCSE Biology Higher Tier Paper 2H, May 2006

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