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GeniusSports Support Team Skype

Dear League Mangers and FIBA LiveStats Statisticians,

As you are aware GeniusSports is currently reviewing it’s support program for
statisticians and are aiming to provide league statisticians with some helpful tips for
best practice when scouting at games. Statisticians are responsible for providing
leagues and fans with up to date and accurate statistical information. FIBA LiveStats
data powers both the Leagues website and also websites of external partners, with
all consumers of this data requiring a quality service. You are collecting the official
data of the League and have a responsibility to ensure it is of the utmost accuracy.

With a focus on improved support GS now aims to provide a number of services help
statisticians when the LiveStats program. This includes analyzing the quality of
statistics produced by FIBA LiveStats Statisticians. For the upcoming season we will
expand on this by providing an evaluation and rating on each game.

In the meantime we have produced this guide to highlight some key tips for all

Statisticians play a pivotal role in the operations of a basketball game. Teams,

players, coaches, managers and media rely on you to provide the highest quality
statistics. All these stakeholders rely on you to ensure the statistics are accurate
but most important that the score and game time are correct.

The purpose of this guide is to provide you with a clear and consistent understanding
of how you can ensure the highest quality of statistics for your League. It is important
that these key aspects are understood, to ensure leagues and statisticians are
providing fans and consumers of our sports data with accurate and up to date
information when following games.

• Score confirmation 
• Editing statistics 
• Keeping an accurate game clock 
• Some common errors to avoid 

At the end of each period, a score confirmation process will appear. 

Once the score confirmation appears you should:

1. Print the box score
2. Check the game score is correct as per the score bench and scoreboard 3.
Make any required edits to the score
4. Confirm the period score 

5. Make additional edits to non-scoring related actions

We understand it can be difficult to reconcile stats between the 1st and 2nd period.
As such stats are often instead corrected at the half time break or at the end of the
game when time permits. While we understand these limitations we also recognize
the need to ensure fans are being provided with accurate scores throughout the
We therefore recommend statisticians always focus on maintaining the correct
scores and ensure end of period scores are confirmed correctly, even if this means
points are assigned to an unknown player and later edited post game, so the correct
player receives these points in the box score.

This should take precedence over waiting for an opportunity to insert points for the
correct player, as it can often be the source of scores being confirmed and Webcast
inaccurately. That way at least the scores are up to date for fans, whilst player stats
can always be reconciled later.

Once you have confirmed the score, statisticians will need to tick the confirm box
before moving to the next period.


As outlined above it is important that any changes to the score, are made before the
score is confirmed with the system. As there is often limited time between quarters
to complete all the necessary steps to update or alter all action edits, we recommend
statisticians always focus on maintaining the correct scores. With edits to other
actions e.g. assists/rebounds etc taking less priority. Statisticians can now flag actions
to place reminders on those that need checking. Action edits can also be completed
quickly by clicking edit on any action in the Action Log at the bottom of the screen
the Statistician can then edit that action.
This will then open a window to select the changes to be made.

It is important that the clock remains as close to the game clock as possible. The
clock can be paused using the space bar on your keyboard, this feature has been
implemented to provide statisticians with the ability to quickly start and stop the FLS
clock in conjunction with the game clock. As well as this, the time can be adjusted
using the arrows either side of the clock.


Starting the clock early:

On occasions it appears some statisticians have started the clock before the
beginning of quarters. It is important that the clock is not started and paused before
the game/quarter has started. This can cause issues for fans as the clock on the
webcast mimics the time display.
High-level statisticians are important assets to the leagues they work with. We hope
this email provides some helpful assistance as to how you can continue to provide
fans and leagues with the best possible experience when using the top live streaming
and statistical display system around the world.

If you experience any issues, please notify us via Skype as soon as possible. Our 24/7
support team is available on skype at live:contentfls. Please add us as a contact using
CLUB NAME - LEAGUE/S NAME. i.e. London Lions – BBL

Alternatively, you can email the support team directly at- [email protected]
and they can answer any enquires you may have.

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