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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Eastern Visayas (Region VIII)
Schools Division of Leyte
Abuyog, Leyte
School ID: 305861

Name/Title of the Activity: 3-Day School-Based Training Workshop on MOOE Accountabilities,

Transparencies and Liquidation Processes

Identifying Information
Proponent Unit: Teddy Ahvens P. Abayan
School Head

Duration: Three Day Live out

Indicative Date of March 23 - 25, 2023

Maintenance and Other Operating Expenses (MOOE) is the allocated
Rationale: funds for the public elementary and secondary schools that can be spent on
activities and necessities (i.e. electricity and water) that support learning
programs and maintain a safe and healthy environment in schools.

Pursuant to DepEd Order No.13 series 2016 (Implementing

Guidelines on the Direct Release and Utilization of MOOE allocation of
Schools Including other Funds Manage by Schools). The schools are
required to submit their liquidation reports on or before the 3 rd day of the
following month to effectively facilitate the checking and processing of the
liquidation reports.

The proponent believes that through this training, the teachers would
increase its awareness on the proper utilization of the MOOE fund. This
would also help them to become ethical and accountable in the utilization of
MOOE fund.

Program/Training Course This Training aims to:

1. Increase the teachers’ awareness on the mechanism that intends to
minimize, if not, stop improper utilization of public funds.

2. Ensure that public funds are properly utilized for what is it intended

3. Orient all the school’s staff on the liquidation process to poster

transparency, ethical and accountable utilization of MOOE funds.
Professional development Personnel
Priority learning Needs
Priorities/Alignment to Sub-Groups
Priority Strands Teachers PPST Domain 6 School Policies and
(Strand/Competency): Community Procedures
Linkages and

Target Participants:
A. Learning Facilitators
B. Cagbolo SHS Faculty

Total of Participants……………………….. 7

Delivery Platform: The program will be delivered through a formal face-to-face training-
workshop where participants will be engaged in collaborative activities,
lecture, discussion, sharing open forum.

24 hours
Number of hours:
List of Resource Mercy C. Sasing - Bookkeeper
Persons/Learning Ana Mae P. Caliao – Disbursing Officer Designate (Cagbolo SHS)
Facilitators: Teddy Ahvens P. Abayan – School Head (Cagbolo SHS)

Program Course Design: This is a 24-hour Formal Face to Face training-workshop session for
SY 2022-2023 to address the priority need of school in the MOOE
Utilization and Liquidation Processes.

(Please see attachment A, attachment B)

Program Implementation
Plan Funding How will the Budget Provide
Source program be Requirements details on
funded? how the
funds will be
MOOE Through the 6,300.00 Chargeable
fund from the ( for meals to school
MOOE and snacks) MOOE.

Quality Assurance & Monitoring and Evaluation Plan

Monitoring Evaluation Trainee’s End of Training Assessment
This instrument is used to collect information of the participants level of
satisfaction with the topics. All trainees will complete this evaluation at the
end of the day and the results will be used to inform future delivery of the
training program and to enhance Program Management and Trainers future
performance. Its consolidated results will be analyzed and used to for
Activity Completion Report.

Expected Output: Each participant should be able to acquaint themselves with the
MOOE forms, Procedures and process flow on the allocation and
liquidation of MOOE fund.

List of Management Staff PROGRAM MANAGEMENT TEAM (PMT)

with Corresponding
Committee: PMT Tasks/Roles during
Members Pre-Delivery Actual Delivery Post-Delivery
Program  Finalizes Collaborates with Facilitates post-
Manager: composition and program intervention de-brief
mobilizes PMT Secretariat to with PMT and LSP
TEDDY and team of ensure smooth team to discuss post-
AHVENS P. learning service flow of intervention
ABAYAN providers registration evaluation and
(resource persons, Partners with discuss improvement
etc.) Learning areas
 Orients learning Manager in Leads in crafting the
service providers ensuring that Intervention
and PMT on their LSPs are Completion Report in
terms of prepared, and all collaboration with
reference learning and PMT
 Collaborates with delivery Ensures complete
LSPs and Learning materials are inventory of materials
Manager in the ready for their and other related
review of use documents
program/ Collaborates with Coordinates with
intervention learning Finance Officer to
design and walk- manager in ensure that all
through of the monitoring financial reports are
learning resource performance of prepared and
package LSPs financial obligations
 Supervises Supervises and are settled
communication monitors Accomplishes
with learners and performance of Intervention Closure
their supervisors, PMT to ensure Checklist
LSP, and invited that the delivery
guests regarding logistics are
intervention available and in
details order, and needs
 Collaborates with of learners and
Finance Officer to LSPs are
ensure purchase attended to
requests and fund Collaborates with
disbursements the Learning
are in order Manager,
 Oversees QATAME
preparation of Coordinator and
learning Documenter in
resources, ensuring that
supplies and intervention is
other delivery documented,
logistics monitored, and
 Accomplishes evaluated
Pre-Program Conducts end-of-
Delivery Checklist day debriefing
with the with PMT and
assistance of LSPs to assess
QAME conduct and
Coordinator learners’
responses, etc.,
address issues,
and plan for
Welfare Checks safety and  Ensures that the Prepares report on
Officer/s security provisions for critical incidents
Ensures that provisions in the inclusion, safety, related to inclusion,
provisions for session venue, security, health, safety, security,
inclusion, billeting places and wellness are health, and wellness,
and other always in place and submits to PM
learning sites Ensures that meals for inclusion in the
Coordinates with are of good intervention
health, and PM, Finance quality, Completion Report
wellness of Officer and adequate Participates in post-
learners, PMT Logistics Officer quantity, and intervention
and LSPs are in menu served in a debriefing
adequate and selection, timely manner
available at all considering Attends to
times in the needs of emerging
venue individuals with inclusion, safety,
special dietary security, health,
(session halls,
requirements and wellness
Checks availability concerns of
on and field and accessibility learners, PMT
visit sites) of facilities and and LSPs
services for (including
LOVILLE P. individuals with incidents of
PARCO special needs in social exclusion,
the session sexual
venue and harassment, etc.)
billeting places Participates in
Checks availability end-of-day
of health debriefing
personnel, first sessions
aid kit and
commonly used
medicines in the
venue, billeting
places and other
learning sites
Logistics Coordinates with Checks that the Prepares report on
Officer Learning session halls are critical incidents
Ensures the Manager on always ready for related to logistics
quality, intervention use and and submits to PM
adequacy, logistic conducive to for inclusion in the
requirements learning intervention
Coordinates with Checks that Completion Report
availability of
Program equipment,
facilities, Manager and technology
equipment, Welfare Officer support, etc. are
supplies and on Facilities and always available
materials, meal when needed
vehicles and requirements of Participates in
other learners, PMT, end-of day
resources to and LSPs debriefing
support the sessions
on of the L
and D


Finance Assists Program Reimburses travel Liquidate all fund

Officer/s – Manager in the and other disbursements and
Oversees all preparation of related expenses prepare financial
finance- the budget associated with report as input to
related proposal and participation of Intervention
other needed learners, PMT Completion Report.
concerns of
financial and LPS team Compiles feedback
the L&D
documents Oversees efficient and critical incidents
intervention, Ensures availability allocation and related to
including the of funds for timely release of intervention’s
efficient venue, meals funds. financial
allocation and and other Monitors and management and
timely release logistics documents all submit to PMT as
of funds as Initiates disbursements input to the
well as the procurement against budget Intervention
documentatio processes of to support Completion Report.
resources, liquidation. Follows up status of
n for
materials and Participates in payment for
relevant end-of-day suppliers and
services, and debriefing external learning
follows up fund sessions. service providers.
MERCY C. disbursement Participate in post
SASING with appropriate intervention debrief

Learning Attends pre Applies effective Prepares and submits

Facilitators: delivery meeting presentation and facilitators insight
Facilitate and collaborates facilitation and
learning with Program techniques in recommendations to
sessions Manager and conducting be included in the
Learning assigned Intervention
and/or deliver
Manager in the sessions based Completion Report.
review of on the L&D Compiles feedback
content intervention design. and critical incidents
according to design and walk Responds to related to learning
design, and through of the learner’s management and
collaborate learning questions and submits to PM as
with the resource concerns during input to Intervention
Learning package. session. Completion Report.
Manager to Collaborates with Manages Participates in post
ensure that Learning challenging intervention debrief.
Manager in learning
reviewing profile situations (e.g.
and needs of withdrawn
objectives are learners. learners)
met and Collaborates with Ensures that
emerging Program outputs and
learning Manager to learning
needs of ensure that objectives are
learners are physical set up met by the end
addressed. of session halls of assigned
is appropriate to sessions.
TEDDY planned learning Provides feedback
AHVENS P. sessions. to Learning
ABAYAN Collaborates with Manager and
Program Program
ANA MAE P. Manager to Manager the
CALIAO ensure that all critical incidents
delivery and and participates
MERCY C. learning in end-of-day
materials, as well de-briefing
as equipment, sessions
supplies etc. are
available and in
good quality.

RESOURCE Collaborates with Applies effective Participates in post

PERSONS: Program presentation intervention de brief
Manager and/or skills in if appropriate.
Provides Learning delivering
expert Manager in session based
content input reviewing on intervention
intervention design.
design and Responds to
specific learning learner’s
session. objectives of questions and
assigned concerns during
TEDDY sessions. sessions.
AHVENS P. Collaborates with Ensure that
ABAYAN Learning learning
Manager in objectives are
ANA MAE P. reviewing profile met by the end
CALIAO and needs of of the designed
learners. sessions.
MERCY C. Collaborates with Provides feedback
SASING PM to ensure to Learning
that all delivery Manager re
and learning critical incidents
materials and and participates
equipment are in end-of-day-
available and in de-briefing
good quality. sessions, if
 Participat  Document  Prepares
Documenter: es in pre- s session summary of
delivery proceedin proceedings
meeting gs include  Participates
JIMMY P. with the activities, in post
FLORES PMT to inputs, intervention
run learners’ debrief
through responses
activity and
implemen outputs
tation  Participat
plan and es in end
identify of day
needed debriefing
document sessions

Prepared by:


School Head/ Program Owner/Proponent

Initial Assessment and Evaluation:


Reviewed and Quality Assured by: Certified Availability of Funds:


Chief, SGOD Accountant III

Recommending Approval:


Assistant School Division Superintendent



Schools Division Superintendent

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