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Enrolment Increase enrolment
Drop-out Decrease drop-out
Attendance Increase attendance
Absenteeism Decrease absenteeism
Tardiness Decrease tardiness
Nutritional status Decrease the number of severely wasted
and wasted
Reading Zero out non- readers
Numeracy Zero-out non-numerates
School MPS Increase school MPS
Academic competitions Participate higher competitions
Cohort survival – rate Increase cohort survival-rate
Completion rate Increase completion-rate
Graduation rate Sustain graduation rate
Promotion rate Sustain promotion rate
Failure rate Sustain failure rate
Child Protection Policy Enhance the child protection policy
School Based Management Increase SBM Level of practice from
level zero to level 2
Child friendly school Increase child friendly status
Funding sources Establish strong linkages/partnership
with PTA, Alumni, LGU, NGO, etc.
School repair and a. Other land improvement
maintenance b. School building
c. Furniture and fixture
d. Office equipment
e. ICT equipment
Scouting Enhancement scouting activities
Internet connectivity Install internet connection
Brigada eskwela Increase the number of participants
( parents, students, community
stakeholders, etc.)
Gulayan sa Paaralan Train teacher in TLE who is not a crop
production major
GAD Implement GAD programs and projects
SGC Conduct bimonthly meeting
YES-O Enhancement of YES-O programs,

Enhanced School Improvement Plan
projects and activities
SDRRM Conduct quarterly earthquake and fire
Teacher professional Attendance of teachers In training INSET,
development SLAC, Job-Embedded Learning (JEL)
SBM Wins Repair of hand washing facilities
Sports/Culture and Arts Participate in higher level of
Solid waste management Improve proper waste- disposal
SMEA Conduct regular SMEA
School Governing Council Organize school governing council
Sports facilities and Purchase sports facilities and equipment
Instructional supervision Conduct at least 15 observations a
School feeding program Conduct feeding monthly
School WATCHMAN Increase honorarium
Stakeholders participation Increase participation of stakeholders
School site titling Process school site titling
Drop-out reduction program Enhance DORP
Eco-friendly Participate higher competitions
Guidance Program Conduct guidance program
Kalasag Conduct kalasag activites

Enhanced School Improvement Plan

Project Title: “Bahay Paaralan”

Project Statement: Decreasing enrolment.
Increasing drop-out.
Increasing tardiness.
Increasing absenteeism.
Decreasing attenadance.
Problem Objective:
1. Increase enrolment from 205 to 210.
2. Zero drop-out for 3 school years from 2 to 0.
3. Decrease tardiness from 8 to 1 in 3 school years.
4. Decrease absenteeism from 5 to 1 in 3 school years.
5. Increase attendance from 140 to 180 in 3 school years.
Root cause: Distance of home from school

Activity Output Date Person Budget Budget

Responsible Source
1.Prepare and send Letter to PTA Last PTA PTA, LGU,
letter to the PTA BOD and Brgy. week of Secretary Congres-
BOD and Brgy. Official Sept. sional,
Official for a special 2019 Provincial,
joint session Alumni,
NGO, etc.
2.During special Resolutions Last PTA
joint session week of Secretary
prepare resolutions Sept.
for Mayor, 2019
3.Submit Transmittal 1st week Brgy. 1,200.0 PTA
resolutions of Oct. Capt./PTA
2019 President
4.Purchase Materials 2nd week PTA 270,000.
materials of Treasurer 0
5. Construct the Makeshift 3rd week Skilled 30,000.o
makeshift dormitory of workers,
dormitory Oct.201 labor 46
Enhanced School Improvement Plan
TOTAL 301,000.

Prepared by:

Christian Ben Carlos D. Espiritu Melba F. Sumbeling Nichol D. Mateo

Team Leader Member Member

Project Title: Tamang Pagkain Wastong Kalusugan

Enhanced School Improvement Plan 47
Project Statement: 23 out of 197 students are severely wasted and wasted

Project Objective: To reduce the number of severely wasted and wasted from 23 to zero

Root Cause: Less intake of nutritious food.

Activity Output Date Person Budget Budget

Responsible Source
1.Measure the height Data on height 2nd week MAPEH 6,000.0 PTA
and weight of each and weight of June Teacher
student 2019
2.Determine the Nutritional Pre-test MAPEH
nutritional status of status Teacher
each student.
3.Prepare school School After the MAPEH
consolidated reports on consildated pre-test Teacher
nutritional status. nutritional
(Baseline) status
4.Identify wasted and List of wasted After MAPEH
severely wasted and severely pre-test Teacher
students wasted
5.Prepare school Approved July 2019 Jobeth R.
feeding program with school feeding Pilapil
budget program
6.Outsource for the Fund available Year- Nichol D.
estimated budget for round Mateo
the school feeding
through solicitation
7.Conduct school Feeding Monthly Class advisers
feeding to the materials
identified wasted and (Food),
severely wasted attendance
students once a month sheet of
and involve the services parents and
of volunteer parents students
8.At the end of the Data on height March MAPEH
school year, measure and weight 2020 Teacher
again the height and
weight of students
9.Determine the Nutritional March MAPEH
nutritional status of status report 2020 Teacher
students (Endline) (Endline)
10.Prepare and submit School March MPAEH
consolidated re[ort on consolidated 2020 Teacher
nutritional status of report on Enhanced School Improvement Plan 48
students to Div. Office nutritional
(Endline) status of

Prepared by:

Christian Ben Carlos D. Espiritu Suzane R. Pornias Maricris V. Infanso

Team Leader Member Member

Enhanced School Improvement Plan

Project Title: Click To Internet

Project Statement: No internet connectivity/Uses pocket WIFI School Improvement Plan
Project objective: To find service provider that would make internet connectivity functional.
ROOT Cause: Poor signal in the locality and cellular sites are very far.

Activity Output DATE Person Budget Budget

Responsible Source
1.Conduct a meeting Action plan, Oct. PTA 20,000.0 PTA,
with the PTA officers minutes of the 2019 President, MOOE
regarding internet meeting, School head
connectivity and its attendance sheet
importance to the
students especially on
2.Coordinates with MOA Oct. School
service provider for 2019 Head
the Memorandum of
Agreement (MOA) on
the functionality
3.Implement MOA Internet Nov. School
connection 2019 Head, ICT
TOTAL 20,000.0

Prepared by:

Jobeth R. Pilapil Christian Ben Carlos D. Espiritu Maricris V. Infanso

Team Leader Member Member

Project Title: Click To Internet ( INTERNET CONNECTIVITY)

Enhanced School Improvement Plan 50
Project Statement: No internet connectivity/Uses Pocket Wifi
Project Objective: To find service provider that would make internet connectivity functional
Root Cause: Poor signal in the locality and cellular sites are very far

Activity Output Date Person Budget

Responsible Budget
1.Conduct a meeting Action plan, Oct. PTA Pres., 20,000.0 MOOE
with the PTA officers minutes of the 2019 School head
regarding internet meeting,
connectivity and its attendance sheet
importance to the
students especially on
2.Coordinate with MOA Oct. School Head
service provider for the 2019
Memorandum of
Agreement (MOA) of
the internet
3. Implement the MOA Internet Oct. ICT
connection Coordinator
TOTAL 20,000.0

Prepared by:

Jobeth R. Pilapil Christian Ben Carlos D. Espiritu Glace A. Resma

Team Leader Member Member

Project Title: School Repair and Maintenance

Enhanced School Improvement Plan 51
Project Statement: School building, other land improvement, IC/ Office equipment, furniture
and Fixtures needs repair.
Project objective: To repair school building, other land improvement, ICT/Office equipment,
Furnitures and fixtures.
Root Cause: Insufficient fund
Activity Output Date Person Budget Budget
Responsible Source
1.Conduct a Minutes of June 2019 Physical 100,000.0 MOOE
meeting with the the meeting, facilities
teachers attendance coordinator
regarding the sheet
most priority
needs for repair
2.Submit the list List of priority 2nd week of Physical
of priority needs for repair June facilities
for repair coordinator
3.Prepare PO,RFQ 2nd week of Purchasing
purchase request June officer
and request for
quotations to
three stores
4.Prepare Purchase 3rd week of Purchasing
purchase order order June officer
5.Purchase Purchased Last week of Purchasing
materials for materials, June officer
repair official
6.Implement the Finished Year round School
project project, physical
pictures, facilities
Certificate of coordinator
7. Submit Liquidation After project School head
liquidation report report implementation
to Div. office
TOTAL 100,000.0
Prepared by:
Christian Ben Carlos D. Espiritu Rina P. Gernale Jofelyn G. Dauhog
Team Leader Member Member

Project Title: SBM Level of Practice 52

Enhanced School Improvement Plan
Project Statement: Zero SBM level of practice

Project Objective: To attain Level 2 of SBM Practice

Root Cause: No proper orientation of all stakeholders

Activity Output Date Person Budget

Responsible Budget
1.Conduct an orientation Attendance Sept. School head 2,000.00 PTA
with students, parents, sheet, minutes 2019
teachers, and other of the
stakeholders in the orientation,
community about school pictures
based management
2.Discuss with them the Discussed the 2nd School head
significance of becoming importance of week
SBM Level 2 and its big SBM of Sept.
impact to school
3. Form a group of Designation 2nd All teachers
teachers who will take orders week
charge of gathering data of Sept.
or information of the
different principles
4.Documents all the Documented Year- All teachers
activities regarding activities round
school based
TOTAL 2,000.00

Prepared by:

Jofelyn G. Dauhog Lilibeth H. Paderna Melba F. Sumbeling

Team Leader Member Member

Enhanced School Improvement Plan 53

Project Title: MPS Mo Performance Ko
Project Statement: Very low school MPS

Project Objective; Increase school MPS from 67.371 to 75

Root Cause: No reward system

Activity Output Date Person Budget Budget

Responsible Source
1.Conduct a meeting Minutes of Last week School head 6,000.0 PTA
with the teachers meeting, of Sept. 0
regarding the low attendance
MPS of learners sheet,
2. Craft action plan Action plan Last week SMEA
on how to improve of Sept. Coordinator
3.Meeting the Minutes of Last week Class advisers
learners and discuss meeting, of Sept.
the importance of attendance
MPS in relations to sheet
school performance
4.Discuss with them Minutes of Last week Class advisers
the reward they will meeting, of Sept.
get if they have high attendance
scores on Quarterly sheet
5. After Quarterly List of Every after Award
Assessment identify awardees quarterly committee
the awardees for the assessment
reward to be given as
incentives for their
good performance.
TOTAL 6,000.0

Prepared by:

Lilibeth H. Paderna Charity Mae D. Espiritu Melba F. Sumbeling

Team Leader Member Member

Project Title : We Got To Watch You (WATCHMAN)

Enhanced School Improvement Plan 54
Project Statement: Low monthly honorarium

Project objective: Increase monthly from 3,000.00 to 5,000.00

Root Cause: Insufficient fund

Activity Output Date Person Budget Budget

Responsible Source
1.Craft Memorandum MOA June School head 50,000.0 MOOE
(MOA) or service contract
2.Signing of the MOA Signed MOA June School head
3.Submit MOA to Div. office Approved MOA July School head
for the approval of SDS

Prepared by:

Rosalinda A. Hugar Charity Mae D. Espiritu Suzane R. Pornias

Team Leader Member Member

Project Title: Scouting Pa More/BSP/GSP Enhanced School Improvement Plan
Project Statement: Scouting advisors has no proper trainings on scouting activities

Project objective: To train some untrained advisors/leaders

Root Cause: Non- participation on higher competitions

Activity Output Date Person Budget

Responsible Budget Source
1.Conduct a meeting with List of teachers June School head 5,000. MOOE
the teachers to identify who identified for 0
will be sent for training training,
minutes of
2.Send teachers for training List of teachers As the Scouting
based on Div. memorandum need coordinator

Prepared by:
Jofelyn G. Dauhog Lilibeth H. Paderna Melba F. Sumbeling
Team Leader Member Member

Project Title: Intensive Reading for Excellence (IRFEX)

Project Statement: 15 out 197 students are non-readersEnhanced Schoollevel
and frustration Improvement Plan
Project Objective: Zero-out non-readers and frustration level of students.

Root Cause: No reading program

Activity Output Date Person Budget Budget

Responsible Source
1.Conduct pre-test Pre-test result June 2019 Lilibeth H.
reading through Phil.IRI Paderna,
Rosalinda A.
2.Classify students as List of students After the Lilibeth H.
frustration, non-reader, with pre-test Paderna,
instructional, corresponding Rosalinda A.
independent level level Hugar
3.Conduct reading Attendance of July- Lilibeth H.
sessions two hours a students March Paderna,
week to identified 2020 Rosalinda A.
students who belong to Hugar
frustrations and non-
4. At the end of the year Post-test result March Lilibeth H.
conduct post-test on 2020 Paderna,
reading both English and Rosalinda A.
Filipino Hugar
5.Identify the number of List of students in March Lilibeth H.
students classified as instructional 2020 Paderna,
instructional level Rosalinda A.
6.Consolidate and submit Consolidated April 2020 Lilibeth H.
the result to Div. Office reports Paderna

Prepared by:

Lilibeth H. Paderna Rosalinda A. Hugar Maricris V. Infanso

Team Leader Member Member

Enhanced School Improvement Plan
Project Title: Intensive Numeracy for Excellence (INuFEX)
Project Statement: 35 students out 197 learners are non-numerates
Project Objective: Zero-out non- numerates
Root Cause: No numeracy program

Activity Output Date Person Budget Budget

Responsible Source
1.Conduct pre-test Test result July 2019 Jofelyn G.
using the unified Dauhog,
numeracy test from Melba F.
the Region Sumbeling
2.Clasify students Master list of July 2019 Jofelyn G.
based on result as learners Dauhog,
highly numerates, classification. Melba F.
moderately Sumbeling
moderate, non-
3.Conduct the Attendance of Year Jofelyn G.
numeracy program students round Duhog, Melba
two hours a week F. Sumbeling
4.At the end of the Post test result Quarterly Jofelyn G.
quarter administer Dauhog,
the post test Melba F.
5. Consolidate the Consolidated report Quarterly Jofelyn G.
result and submit to Dauhog
Div. Office

Prepared by;

Jofelyn G. Dauhog Melba F. Sumbeling Rina P. Gernale

Team Leader Member Member

Enhanced School Improvement Plan

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