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Below are the statements about your beliefs. Please rate how much you personally agree
or disagree with these statements-how much they reflect; how you feel or think
personally. Select your answer by clicking the button from strongly agree to strongly

Strongly Agree Disagree Strongly

agree disagree
Question 1 2 3 4

1 I like projects that I will learn from even if I

make mistakes.

2 I engage in activities that I can do easily

without making any mistakes.

3 I like to work more on a challenging task.

4 I avoid trying new things because it is

stressful for me.
5 My ability can be improved depending on
whether I spend time practicing it.
6 I am truly a smart person and do not need to
try hard.

7 Learning new things will make me more

8 People can never change my ability.

9 I need to try harder to improve my job

10 I do things which I find comfortable and easy.

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11 Mistakes are part of learning.

12 I got a high performance rating in my work

because I am smart, not because I worked
13 I can be more intelligent no matter how
intelligent I am in the present.
14 If my colleagues succeed, I feel threatened.

15 The harder I work at something, the better I

will be at it.
I do not use strategies to complete the task
16 and practice the skill.
An important reason why I do my work is that
17 I will learn from it.
I give up at the first sign of struggle.
I reflect on what I’ve learned from the mistake
19 and try again.
I give up when I am frustrated.

Scoring Procedure

1. Add your answers in items 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15, 17, 19 and divide by 10. This will be
your growth mindset score.

2. Add your answers in items 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20 and divide by 10. This will be
your fixed mindset score.

3. To Interpret your growth mindset score, check where your score will fall in the range of
scores in table 1. The level, interpretation and recommended actions are provided.

4. To Interpret your fixed mindset score, check where your score will fall in the range of scores
in table 2. The level, interpretation and recommended actions are provided.

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Table 1. Growth Mindset
Range of Level Interpretation Recommended Action
1.00-2.25 Low The individual has low levels • Communicate to others and ask how easy
of openness to learn new or difficult the strategies and techniques of
skills, habits, procedure, and learning the new skills
concepts. He/she believes that • Get inspired by others when participating
learning new skills can be a to do the same strategies and habits.
bit difficult and it will take a
lot of time and perseverance
for it.
2.26-3.30 Moderate The individual can be open to • Communicate to others and ask how easy
learning new skills, habits, or difficult the strategies and techniques of
procedure, and concepts. learning the new skills
He/she at times believe that • Get inspired by others when participating
learning new skills is possible to do the same strategies and habits.
when the task is easy and they
have done it before.
3.31-4.00 High The individual is open to • Communicate to others and show the
learning new skills, habits, strategies and techniques of learning the
procedure, and concepts. new skills
He/she believes that learning • Encourage others to participate and do the
new skills is possible if one same strategies and habits.
will devote time and
perseverance for it.

Table 2. Fixed Mindset

Range of Level Interpretation Recommended Action
1.00-2.57 Low The individual possibly • Ask others how they use strategies and
welcomes the idea of learning techniques when acquiring new skills.
new skills, habits, procedure, • Motivate oneself to be inspired, value, and
and concepts with some use the new skill to be learned.
apprehension. He/she at times
believes that skills are inborn
and innate and could not be
developed overtime especially
when it is difficult.
2.58-3.48 Moderate The individual is somehow • Watch how others how easy or difficult the
not welcoming the idea to execute the strategies and techniques
learn new skills, habits, when acquiring new skills.
procedure, and concepts. • Observe carefully the value and use of the
He/she believes most of the new skill to be learned.
time that skills are inborn and
innate and could not be
developed overtime.

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3.49-4.00 High The individual is not • Watch how others use their strategies and
welcoming the idea to learn techniques when acquiring new skills.
new skills, habits, procedure, • Find inspiration, value, and use of the new
and concepts. He/she believes skill to be learned.
that skills are inborn and
innate and could not be
developed overtime.

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