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Cursed Scroll

Shadowdark Zine 2: Red Sands



100 300 500 700 900 1100 1300 1500

000 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600


02 102 502 702


04 304


05 505 706

06 106 1506

07 907


09 109 709 1509


10 310 1110

511 1 hex = 6 miles
A miniature hexcrawl featuring RUMORS

The Djurum 1
A giant eagle of pure fire dwells in the Gilzai Mountains
A fortress full of gold lies deep inside the Howling Caves
Mountain bandits watch for travelers coming from the oases
A vast, shimmering desert where red mountains
stand silent watch over windblown valleys and 4 An efreeti haunts the winding maze of trails inside The Echoes
undulating sand dunes. Merchant caravans pick 5 The top of a buried pyramid rises from the sands to the east
their way between fragile oases that dot the
wastes, hoping to miss the path of mountain 6 An ancient dragon called The Scourge lairs in the Gilzai crags

bandits, a howling sandstorm, or the skyborn 7 The Ras-Godai assassins train in a hidden canyon monastery
death of The Scourge. Here, efreet-haunted 8 Purple worms have a spawning ground in the west salt flats
canyons hide the ancient redoubt of the Ras-
Godai assassins, and priceless secrets lie buried, 9 Elves raise prized silver camels in a camp to the northwest
waiting for the winds to shift in their favor... 10 A lost city lies beyond the great doors in the Vale of the Moon


d8 Desert Canyon Mountain Salt Flat d8 Walker Flier Digger People
1 Flier Flier Flier Flier 1 Rakshasa The Scourge* Purple worm 1d8 Ras-Godai*

2 Digger Flier Flier Digger 2 Naga Efreeti 2d4 ankheg 3d6 bandit

3 Digger Flier Flier Digger 3 2d4 gt. scorpion Manticore Bulette Peasant

4 Digger Walker Flier Walker 4 1d8 dunefiend* 2d12 vulture Bone naga 2d4 siruul*

5 Walker Walker Flier Walker 5 1d6 cobra Dust devil* 2d4 scorpion Mage

6 Walker Walker Walker Walker 6 Oni, 1d6 bandit Djinni 3d6 skeleton 2d4 thief

7 People Walker Walker People 7 Canyon ape* Ghost Mummy Gladiator

8 People People People People 8 Mirage* Phoenix Mirage* Caravan†

See pg. 33 for The Djurum's hex key! *New monsters, pg. 39 †2d20 peasants (L), 1:6 disguised rakshasa (C)
Cursed Scroll
Writing, Design, Dungeon Cartography, Layout
Kelsey Dionne. Enduring Wounds rules and table (pg. 26)
adapted with permission from design by Zion Kurtz, 2022.

Hex cartography by Cameron Maas. Thraxis Arena cartography
by Jessee Egan. Trade dress by Brandish Gilhelm. Some artwork
© Blake Davis / Art of Blake, used with permission. Some art by
Warm_Tail, Evgeny Turaev, Ponksak14, and Anna_Illustrator / Pit Fighter and Gladiator artwork © Richard
Sampson (NerdGore), used with permission. Some artwork ©
2022 Eric Lofgren, used with permission. All rights reserved.
Dragon artwork © Indi Martin, 2022. Some artwork © 2015 Dean
Spencer, used with permission. All rights reserved. Some artwork
Publisher's Choice Quality Stock Art © Rick Hershey / Fat Goblin

JSL Blackletter font © Jeffrey S. Lee. Old Newspaper Types font
© Manfred Klein. Fullteron font © Emyself Design. Montserrat
font family © Julieta Ulanovsky, Sol Matas, Juan Pablo del Peral,
Jacques Le Bailly.

Legal Information and Attribution Statement

Not for resale or redistribution. Permission granted to print
or copy for personal use only. Shadowdark RPG © The Arcane
Library, LLC. This work includes material taken from the System
Reference Document 5.1 (“SRD 5.1”) by Wizards of the Coast LLC
and available at
reference-document. The SRD 5.1 is licensed under the Creative
Commons Attribution 4.0 International License available at

The Djurum Hex Map 2 Enduring Wounds 26

The Djurum Encounters 3 Poisons 27

Contents 6 Mounts 28

Introduction 7 The Djurum 31

Characters 9 Travel In The Sands 32

Desert Rider 10 The Djurum Hex Key 33

Pit Fighter 12 Monsters 39

Ras-Godai 14 Fortress of the

Burning Brothers 45
Titles 16
Overview 46
New Weapons 17
Iron Fortress ( Areas 1-19) 48
Gameplay 19
Mines (Areas 20-35) 56
Pit Fighting 20
In A Dead Bandit's Hand, You
Pit Fighting Encounters 22 Find... 68

Thraxis Arena 24

he second issue As ever, the contents

T of Cursed Scroll
arrives on a
scorching, desert wind!
of this zine are fully
compatible with the
Shadowdark RPG rules.
The free Quickstart Set
This time, we explore an is available for download
undulating sea of sand, at
where vibrant camel pages/shadowdark.
caravans pick their way
across moonlike valleys, So unfurl this strange,
and far-eyed bandits peer crumbling scroll you found
down from their clifftop in a dead bandit's hand
perches like birds of prey. and read as far as you
dare! Its secrets might
These are the lands where haunt you, might curse
the fearsome Ras-Godai you, might send you
sorcerers train in hidden chasing unimaginable
canyon monasteries, treasures and fighting
perfecting the art of incredible foes. And when
dealing unseen death. the sands run red with
blood, whose will it be?
Here, the whipping
sandstorms scour flesh As they say in this place of
from bone. And in their cruelty and myth:
aftermath, forgotten
places emerge at long last May the stories they tell of
from beneath the endless you outnumber all the grains
sand, calling crawlers to of sand before us!
tempt their fates inside
sinister, secret-filled halls. -Kelsey Dionne, Oct. 2022


“It is through trials of blood, fire, and terror that

you will find the wellspring of your power."
-Manazusa, leader of the Ras-Godai

Desert Rider Class
Howling barbarians thundering Mount. You have a common
across the sand on wild horses, camel or horse with a reliable or
elven spies wielding curved lovely demeanor (see pg. 29).
blades atop silvery camels, or It comes when you call and
bandits wrapped in colorful silks never spooks. You can only have
racing on sleek, desert stallions. one such mount at a time.

Weapons: Club, dagger, javelin, While riding your mount, you

longsword, pike (see New both get a bonus to AC equal
Weapons, pg. 17), shortbow, to half your level (round down).
scimitar, spear, whip Your mount has additional levels
equal to half your level (round
Armor: Leather armor, shields down). You can freely leap on or
off your mount once per round.
Hit Points: 1d8 per level
If you lose your mount, you can
Charge. 3/day, you can charge use your downtime to acquire
into combat by moving at least and train another. Pass a DC 15
near before attacking. Each time CHA check for the new creature
you do this, your melee attacks to become your mount. Lower
deal double damage that round. the DC one step each attempt.


2d6 Effect (2 duplicate = reroll)
2 You can use any rider-bearing creature as your mount
3-6 You gain +1 to attacks or damage
7-9 +2 to Strength or Dexterity stat, or +1 to melee attacks
10-11 Gain an additional use of your Charge talent each day
12 Choose one option or +2 points to distribute to stats

Pit Fighter Class
Blood-soaked warriors circling Implacable. You have advantage
each other in a roaring arena, on Constitution checks to resist
scarred desert bandits dueling injury, poison, or endure extreme
for the right to lead their gang, environments.
or brash tavern brawlers who
never turn down a challenge. Last Stand. You get up from
dying with 1 hit point on a
Weapons: All weapons natural d20 roll of 18-20.

Armor: Leather armor, shields Relentless. 3/day, when you

are reduced to 0 HP, make a
Hit Points: 1d8 per level DC 18 Constitution check (the
Implacable talent applies to this
Flourish. 3/day, regain 1d6 hit roll). On a success, you instead
points when you hit an enemy go to 1 HP.
with a melee attack.


2d6 Effect (2 duplicate = additional use per day)
2 1/day, ignore all damage and effects from one attack
3-6 You gain +1 to melee weapon damage
7-9 +2 to Strength or Constitution stat, or +1 to melee attacks
10-11 Increase the HP you gain from Flourish by 1d6
12 Choose one option or +2 points to distribute to stats

“It's over when I SAY it's over!"

-Markesh, human pit fighter

Ras-Godai Class
Black-clad assassins who train Assassinate. When you attack a
from childhood inside a hidden surprised target, you deal double
desert monastery. They gain damage against it.
their sorcerous powers from a
legendary black lotus flower that Smoke Step. 3/day, teleport to a
was given to them by a demon. location you can see within near.
This does not use your action.
Weapons: Blowgun, (see pg.
17), bolas, dagger, razor chain, Black Lotus. You earned the
scimitar, shuriken, spear right to eat a petal of the fabled
black lotus flower, and you
Armor: Leather armor survived its sorcerous effects.

Hit Points: 1d6 per level Roll one talent on the Black
Lotus Talents table. You may
Languages. You know Diabolic. reroll duplicates or keep them.

2d6 (2 duplicate = reroll)
2 You are trained in the use of poisons (see pg. 27)
3-6 Roll an additional talent on the Black Lotus Talents table
7-9 +2 to Strength or Dexterity stat, or +1 to melee attacks
10-11 Gain an additional use of your Smoke Step talent
12 Choose one option or +2 points to distribute to stats


d12 Details
1 You deal triple damage with your Assassinate talent
1/day, paralyze a target of LV 9 or less you damage with a
weapon for 1d4 rounds
You have advantage on Dexterity checks to avoid
entrapment or injury
You gain +1 to your AC when wielding a melee weapon in
each hand
5 You gain an additional hit points die
6 You have advantage on Dexterity checks to hide
When enemies who can see you make a morale check,
the DC is 18 instead of 15
8 1/day, you can walk on water as if it were solid for 1d4 rds
1/day, choose a living creature of LV 5 or less you can see
within near; it must pass a DC 15 CON check or fall asleep
10 1/day, you can walk on sheer surfaces like walls for 1d4 rds
11 You deal +1 damage with melee weapons
1/day, choose a creature of LV 9 or less you can see; it must
12 pass a DC 15 WIS check or it can't see or hear you for 1d4

Level Lawful Chaotic Neutral
1-2 Outrider Bandit Rat
3-4 Sandrunner Robber Fox
5-6 Trailblazer Raider Wolf
7-8 Swift Wind Scourge Tiger
9-10 Stormrunner Bandit King/Queen Dragon


Level Lawful Chaotic Neutral
1-2 Rookie Ruffian Underdog
3-4 Gladiator Brawler Dark Horse
5-6 Hero Heel Wild Card
7-8 Champion Villain Victor
9-10 Legend Legend Legend

Level Lawful Chaotic Neutral
1-2 Acolyte Acolyte Acolyte
3-4 Mirror Path Shadow Path Fire Path
5-6 Monk Monk Monk
7-8 Master Assassin Demon Blade
9-10 White Lotus Black Lotus Red Lotus

New Weapons
Weapon Cost Type Range Damage Properties
Blowgun 5 gp R N 1 See below
Bolas 2 gp R N - See below
Morningstar 5 gp M C 1d6/1d8 V
Pike 10 gp M 2x C 1d10 2H, 2 slots
Razor chain 12 gp M/R N 1d6 F, La
Scimitar 8 gp M C 1d6 F
Shuriken 1 gp R N 1d4 See below
Sling 5 sp R F 1d4 -
Whip 10 gp M/R N 1d4 F, La

Finesse (F). You can use your Blowgun. Firing this weapon
Strength or Dexterity when from hiding doesn't reveal your
attacking with this weapon. position.

Lash (La). When you make a Bolas. When you hit a legged
ranged attack with this weapon, creature the size of a horse or
it does not leave your grasp. smaller, the target's speed is
reduced to close until it frees
Two-handed (2H). You must use itself (DC 15 STR or DEX check).
this weapon with two hands.
Shuriken. Can be thrown into
Versatile (V). You can use this the ground. Living creatures
weapon with one or two hands. who step on it take 1 damage
Use the higher damage die if and can only move at half speed
you’re wielding it with two. for 10 rounds.


“What is best in life? Hrmph. Winning."

-Brom, half-orc pit fighter

Pit Fighting
During downtime, PCs can DANGER LEVEL
participate in pit fights to gain
Low. Low stakes or a safe venue.
treasure, experience, and fame.
Fight to half HP or knockout.
The GM uses the Low Stakes Pit
Lethality. The lethality of the
Fight encounter tables.
fight depends on the venue
and stakes. Killing humanoids is
Mid. Mid stakes or a moderately
forbidden in most public venues.
risky venue. Fight to knockout
or, on rare occasion, death. The
Pit fighting is not without risks;
GM uses the Mid Stakes Pit
Game Masters might use the
Fight encounter tables.
Enduring Wounds table (pg.
26) for vicious injuries.
High. High/epic stakes or an
extreme/rare venue. Fight to the
SETTING UP A BOUT death is common. The GM uses
Roll on the Venue and Stakes the High/Epic Stakes Pit Fight
tables for an available pit fight. encounter tables.
Groups of PCs use their Average
Party Level (APL) for stakes rolls. TWIST
The GM secretly checks whether
Based on the venue and stakes,
a surprise twist occurs that is
the GM decides the danger
revealed during the bout.
level and foe (see Pit Fight
Encounters, pg. 22) and
shares those details. RESULTS
The winners get the stakes (see
Then, the fighters decide to
Shadowdark RPG for treasure
accept or decline the bout.
tables) and resulting XP. Some
Fighters who break their word
NPC relationships or rivalries
risk losing future bout offers.
may also change as a result.

2d6 Venue d4 Bout Is For...
Shady back alley or 1 20 gp
tavern cellar at night 2 Small favor from NPC
5-7 Cage fight, small arena 3 +2 on next carouse roll
8-10 Open-air, large arena 4 20-100 on Treasure 0-3
Luxurious private arena
owned by a noble
12 Glorious coliseum MID STAKES
d4 Bout Is For...
STAKES 1 50 gp

APL + 1d6 Stakes 2 Big favor from NPC

2-5 Low 3 +3 on next carouse roll

6-10 Mid 4 50-100 on Treasure 4-6

11-13 High
d4 Bout Is For...
TWIST 1 100 gp
2d6 Details 2 Favor from royalty
Additional danger. 3 +4 on next carouse roll
1d4: 1. Trap, 2. Hazard, 4 70-100 on Treasure 7-9
2-5 3. Unexpected foe,
4. Banned resources
(armor, weapon, spell) EPIC STAKES
6-9 None
d4 Bout Is For...
A donor increases the
10-11 1 A giant diamond
stakes by one level
2 The wish of a djinni
An attendee throws a
useful boon, item, or 3 +5 on next carouse roll
spell to the fighters 4 80-100 on Treasure 10+
during the bout

Pit Fighting Encounters
d6 Creature 1 Creature 2 Complication
1 Lion Lion 10' deep pit
2 Rookie* Bandit Spiked nets
3 Soldier Gt. centipede Burning oil
4 Thug — —
5 Gt. centipede — —
6 Bandit — —


d6 Creature 1 Creature 2 Complication
1 6 bandit Cobra snake 10' deep pit
2 6 thug Gladiator Spiked nets
3 2 rookie* 3 lion Burning oil
4 Berserker Cultist —
5 Hero* 2 rookie —
6 Ankheg — —


d6 Creature 1 Creature 2 Complication
1 2 lion 2 gt. frog Water hazards
2 2 ankheg Gt. scorpion No gear to start
3 2 hero* 2 lion 30' deep pits
4 Knight — Rolling boulders
5 4 rookie* — —
6 2 berserker — —

22 *New monsters, pg. 39

d8 Creature 1 Creature 2 Complication
1 Basilisk Mage Water hazards
2 Elephant Ogre No gear to start
3 3 gladiator 2 ankheg 30' deep pits
4 4 gt. scorpion 3 gladiator Rolling boulders
5 Hippopotamus Reaver Chained to post
6 Rhinoceros 4 cobra snake Capture the flag
7 Gt. snake 2 rust monster —
8 Gt. crab — —


d6 Creature 1 Creature 2 Complication
1 Minotaur Wyvern (chained) Antimagic zones
2 Ogre 4 gladiator 60' deep pits
3 Canyon ape Mage Spiked boulders
4 Rival crawler — Fire jets
5 Reaver — —
6 2 basilisk — —


d8 Creature 1 Creature 2 Complication
1 Archmage Bulette Over a fatal fall
2 Hydra (6 heads) 4 mage Flooded arena
3 2d4 rival crawlers 2 canyon ape Antimagic zones
4 6 hero* Tyrannosaurus 60' deep pits
5 Stone golem 3 reaver Spiked boulders
6 Cyclops Wyvern (chained) Fire jets
7 2 roper Manticore (chained) —
8 4 rust monster — —

*New monsters, pg. 39 23

Thraxis Arena
A broad, flat slab of striated
granite rises six feet out of the
desert sands. Its bloodsoaked d8 Description
surface has been worn smooth Ruthless. A band of
by the crush of countless feet. 1 battle-scarred raiders
howls for death
The Thraxis Arena is a medium- Contemptuous. Jeers
sized combat ring just outside 2 aimed at the loser could
the Shar Oasis (pg. 33). erupt into calls for blood
Travelers gather there each Bored. The crowd shouts
night to bet on pit fights 3 for ever-greater thrills;
between all comers, from drunk they anger at monotony
amateurs to famous gladiators. Volatile. Brawls and
accusations of cheating
Some combatants are long-time break out between high
residents of the oasis who earn stakes gamblers
their coin by fighting, while Horrified. Gasps ring
others roll in with the sunset and 5 out; religious pilgrims
leave again at dawn. demand an end to this
Enthusiastic. Caravaners
Bouts take place at night with and mercenaries might
the arena lit by a haphazard 6
throw tokens to their
ring of torches plunged into the favorite fighters
sand. Spectators watch from the
Jovial. High spirits
edge of darkness, filling the cool 7 abound; losing fighters
night with roars and cheers. are consoled with drink
Awed. The attendees
The crowd's bloodthirst sets
watch raptly; 10%
the tone for the evening; in this
8 chance one is a djinni in
lawless part of the desert, mercy disguise who rewards an
is sometimes in short supply. exceptional warrior

Enduring Wounds
If a PC survives going to 0 HP That character must pass a DC 12
after a severe injury, they might CON check or roll on the below
suffer an enduring wound. table for an immediate effect.

d20 Details
1 Heart Attack. Pass a DC 15 CON check or perish instantly
2 Lop. You lose a limb. 1d4: 1. Leg, 2. Arm, 3. Foot, 4. Hand
3 Blinded. You lose an eye (DISADV on sight-based checks)
4 Torn Muscle. You permanently lose 1 point of STR
5 Severed Tendon. You permanently lose 1 point of DEX
6 Ruptured Spleen. You permanently lose 1 point of CON
7 Concussion. You permanently lose 1 point of INT
8 Ringing Ears. You permanently lose 1 point of WIS
9 Disfigured. You permanently lose 1 point of CHA
10 Lingering Wound. You permanently lose 1 HP
11 Shattered. One piece of gear you wield is destroyed
12 Stubborn Bleed. Lose 1d4 HP per round, lasts 1d4 rounds
13 Bell Rung. You're utterly disoriented for 1d4 rounds
14 Sand Everywhere. You're blinded for 1d4 rounds
15 Staggered. DC 12 CON or lose your action, lasts 1d4 rounds
16 Groggy. You lose your next action
17 Unnerved. You have DISADV on all actions for 1d4 rounds
18 Dizzy. You can only move a close distance for 1d4 rounds
19 Scarred. You're left with a brutal scar and a harrowing tale
20 Miracle. You have ADV on your next attack or check

Tinctures, powders, oils, and Poison users must pass a DC
gases. Poisons come in all 12 DEX check while employing
varieties and virilities, distilled them or poison themselves
from countless flowers, by mistake (trained users only
creatures, and fungi. They poison themselves on a natural
are almost always difficult to 1). Only living creatures of LV 10
procure and illegal to possess. or less are affected by poisons.

d8 Name Rarity Use Effects
DC 12 CON or 3d6
1 Aminiita root Common Eat
DC 12 CON or
2 Bluewort paste Common Injure
paralyzed 1d4 rds
Touch DC 12 CON or deep
3 Drowsy dust Uncommon
(eyes) sleep for 1d4 hours
DC 12 CON or
4 Ether of Idos Uncommon Inhale vivid, waking
nightmares 1d4 rds
DC 18 CON or
5 Kingslayer oil Uncommon Eat delayed onset (1
hour) go to 0 HP
DC 15 CON or
6 Nuzule oil Rare Injure
unconscious 3 rds
DC 18 CON or
7 Truth-speak oil Rare Touch
gibber truths 1 hr
DC 15 CON or INT
8 Vapor of Leng Rare Inhale stat becomes 3 for
1d4 hours

Mounts include beasts of burden COMBAT
and creatures with riders.
Most mounts bearing a rider
can't attack in combat. However,
All humanoids can ride common
a mount of LV 7+ may make one
and uncommon mounts. Rare
attack on its rider's turn.
mounts, like scrag, require
special training to ride. See pg.
Getting on or off a mount uses
39 for new monsters.
up the rider's movement.

GEAR SLOTS A mount unaccustomed to

Mounts have a number of gear fighting might spook during
slots equal to 5x their STR bonus. combat. The first time it or its
A rider and the rider's carried rider is wounded, it must make a
gear (such as a backpack and morale check.
worn items) occupy 10 slots.
MOVEMENT Warm-blooded mounts must
When riding a mount, you use consume rations equal to their
its speed instead of your own. base level each day (do not
include bonus levels). Camels
Push. While traveling, a rider can and cold-blooded mounts must
push a mount to move a number only do this once per week.
of additional 6-mile hexes each
day equal to its CON bonus. Mounts can go three days
beyond their limit without water
A pushed mount must pass a and three weeks beyond their
DC 12 CON check or be unable limit without food. After that,
to travel the next day. The DC they take 1d8 damage per day
increases by one step for each that can't be healed until given a
consecutive day of pushing. full feeding of food or water.

Name Cost Spooks? Rarity Properties
Camel 50 gp Yes Common -
Camel, silver 200 gp No Rare -
Donkey 40 gp Yes Common -
Elephant 400 gp No Rare -
Horse 50 gp Yes Common ADV on morale
Horse, war 100 gp No Uncommon Can wear armor
Scrag 150 gp Yes Uncommon -
Scrag, war 250 gp No Rare Can wear armor

2d6 + CHA mod Demeanor Behaviors
0-4 Horrid Rebellious, stubborn, malicious
5-7 Ornery Only likes owner, sassy, rude
8-9 Reliable Steadfast, obedient, protective
10+ Lovely Loyal, sweet, affectionate

Name Cost Properties
Armor, leather 30 gp AC 11 + DEX mod
AC 13 + DEX mod; DISADV swim and
Armor, chainmail 80 gp
stealth; 2 slots
Armor, plate 150 gp AC 15; no swim or stealth; 3 slots
Armor, mithral x5 Metal only; -1 slot; normal stealth/swim
Rider ADV on checks to stay mounted;
Saddle 30 gp
1 free for mount to carry
No rider on mount; move at half
Wagon 120 gp
speed; +15 gear slots; limit 1 per mount
The Djurum

“Better to spill blood than water."

-A desert rider saying

Travel In The Sands
Roll once each day for wind and
temperature conditions.
2d6 Day Night
Travel during the day is unsafe 2 Inferno Very hot
(check for random encounters 3-7 Very hot Hot
every 3 hours).
8-9 Hot Warm

Travel at night is risky (check for 10-11 Warm Cool

encounters every 2 hours), and 12 Cool Chilly
visibility is reduced to near.
Hot. If PCs travel in hot or hotter 2 Sandstorm Sandstorm
weather, they must consume 3-5 Driving Gusty
an extra ration that day. Pushed
6-9 Gusty Breeze
mounts (see Movement, pg.
28), must also consume an 10-11 Breeze None
extra ration. 12 None None

Inferno. Traveling creatures take

1d6 damage each hour.

Driving. Travel speed is halved.
Navigation checks are one step
harder than normal.

Sandstorm. Lasts 1d4 days (don't

reroll for wind until it completes).
Travel is impossible. No visibility.

The Djurum Hex Key
The Siruul, a nomadic tribe 3d6 purple worms flock to these
of desert elves, maintains a spawning grounds once every
secret camp here to rear and month. Four mothers remain to
train their prized silver camels. protect the webby nests filled
2d20 silky, pale-haired calves with hatchling eggs (3d12) inside
and their mothers range the the 30' deep, 100' long trench.
flat scrubland under 40 elves' Scattered within the webs are
vigilant eyes. Anything that a giant ruby (400 gp), a ragged
threatens the camels is met with Flying Carpet, and a +2 razor
swift, unforgiving violence. The chain called Skinlasher whose
rest of the 120 wandering elves, wielder is immune to poison. The
led by Nuariel Siruul, return here Ras-Godai (1203) view Skinlasher
regularly with supplies. as a holy relic and would trade
nearly anything for its return.
The shell of a once-mighty 304. SHAR OASIS
sandstone fortress lists in the The most plentiful pond of fresh
dunes like a sunken ship. Blast springwater in The Djurum
marks mar its walls, and shards is a fragrant, palm-ringed
of blue-tinged glass pepper the hub bustling with travelers,
sand around it. Twenty ghosts merchant caravans, mercenaries,
of its former guards materialize and outlaws. Its 60 permanent
inside its broken halls each full residents look to steely-eyed
moon, whispering curses upon Rameer the Lion, a 50-year old
a beast called The Scourge former gladiator, for unofficial
(1401). Only The Scourge's skull leadership. The famed Thraxis
will bring them rest; they gift its Arena (pg. 24) draws rowdy
bearer the Scimitar of the Ash crowds each night to bet, drink
Moon (Shadowdark Core). sweet palm wine, and fight.

A lonely, salt-encrusted tower The Pyre is a round, elevated
of grey stone thrusts like a altar of crimson marble
needle out of the empty mineral engraved with dancing flames
flats. A grizzled, sharp-toothed and set with ten fist-sized rubies
archmage called The Wolf of (250 gp each). Each solstice, the
Yarin (N) inhabits its drafty halls, nomadic Siruul elves (102) pile
digging endless, meandering it with magnificent jewelry, art,
tunnels beneath it with his and food in symbolic rejection
trained purple worm, Tajora. The of material goods. At midnight,
Wolf claims to hunt for a fissure the phoenix (702) erupts from
that leads to the burning heart the Gilzai Mountains and swoops
of the earth itself; after 50 years, down over the valley, touching
he has found many strange The Pyre with its tail and turning
things, but not that. all upon it into charcoal. The
Siruul tenaciously hunt anyone
407. THE BONES who tampers with The Pyre.

The bleached bones and skull of

a titanic, prehistoric beast lie in 505. HAWK BANDITS
the sand. Travelers sometimes Forty bandits dwell in a network
take shelter under its towering of caves high in the southern
ribs, stretching colorful cloths Gilzai ridges. Their leader, a
across the gaps to block the sun. principled and magnetic young
At night, the wind humming man named Kadim (N thief),
through its skull seems to form has trained a dozen hawks to
soft words. The bones mark the keep watch over the stretch
halfway point on the caravan of desert between the Shar
route between the Shar Oasis Oasis (304) and Alkesh (709).
(304) and the city-state of The hawks signal the bandits
Alkesh (709). Travelers who when travelers stray into their
dare to journey north of the reach. 3:6 chance 2d20 bandits
bones risk being spotted by guide their horses down hidden
the Hawk Bandits (505) in the mountain passes to intercept
southwestern Gilzai Mountains. anyone in an adjacent sand hex.

A tribe of 200 human desert- Wind blows over the craggy
dwellers called the Hamad live faces of the Howling Caves,
near a natural spring at the filling the silent desert with
edge of the salt flats. There, thrumming, hypnotic tones.
they hunt and tame wild scrag Legend holds that a mad
lizards; they're the only folk in prince's treasure lies buried
The Djurum who do so. They inside the caves, along with him.
hate and fear the sorcerer in
Saltstone Tower (310), believing 709. ALKESH
he is the source of recent bad
The gleam of Alkesh's white
luck causing foul water, illness,
walls and brass-plated domes
and stillbirth (the real source is a
can be seen for leagues. Natural
disguised rakshasa living among
springs and clever aqueducts
them). The tribe's leaders, twin
feed its magnificent hanging
sisters Murjana and Delila,
gardens and orange trees.
are at odds about whether to
Young Shar Yasmila (and her
attack the sorcerer or offer him
scheming court) rule this city-
a tribute tax. Murjana's eldest
state of 70,000 souls. Anything
son, Omid, went missing in the
can be bought and sold here,
salt flats a few weeks ago; she's
and any throat cut for a price.
certain the wizard is to blame.
The City of Red Sands has seven
districts: The Alabaster Citadel
702. PHOENIX (castle), The Spires (temple),
A phoenix roosts in the highest The Gardens (high), The Suq
peak of the western mountains. (market), Silver Street (artisan),
It makes a flight over the desert The Forgotten Quarter (low), and
at midnight on each solstice. The Old Quarter (slum).
During this breathtaking display, The Jewel of Borak. A tavern
its nest is unguarded for an hour; in the twisting back alleys of
within it are 2,000 gp, a Ring of The Forgotten Quarter. Melted
Fireballs, three phoenix eggs, candles flicker in alcoves, and
and a Genie Lamp. A blaze of adventurers fill the cool air with
fiery death awaits a caught thief. spiced smoke and wild rumors.

Within The Echoes canyonlands, Bull frogs croak in the reeds of
a network of narrow ravines and the Magani Oasis, a blue-green
gulches forms a disorienting pool 20 feet across. A mean
maze. A navigator must pass a hippopotamus called The Boss
DC 18 Intelligence check to find attacks anyone who enters
an exit to the hex. Nomads tell the water. At the bottom of
tales of a flesh-eating efreeti the pond, a +1 scimitar named
who stalks the maze, tearing Sunscorch lies half-buried in the
travelers apart in nighttime sand. Once per day, it can emit
attacks. In truth, the creature a flash of white-hot light that
haunting the maze is a vengeful blinds all who see it for 1 round.
canyon ape named Gori-Mannu Despite the oasis's humble size,
who a long-dead sorcerer cursed there are always 2d12 travelers
with dim intelligence and the coming or going from Alkesh
lifespan of ten men. Gori-Mannu (709). There's a 3:6 chance some
has a cumulative 1:6 chance each of these travelers have just
day of finding creatures lost in been robbed and beaten by
the maze. He waits until night to Wadim's Thieves (1208) and are
attack, green eyes flashing like a recuperating from injury. They
mountain lion in the darkness. offer a cut of their cargo if the
characters help them recover it.
Eight statues of humans made
of blue-white glass stand in a
circle with their arms thrown up
protectively. They are a long-lost
adventuring party called the The
Flying Tigers, turned to glass by
an ill-worded wish to a djinn. The
restoration spell returns them to
flesh. They gift their saviors an
Alabaster Destrier and a golden
key (see The Doors, 1509).

Behind a secret door deep A pride of six adult manticores
within The Echoes, a hidden and three kits dwell in a high
monastery lurks in a sheltered mountain cave. Creatures who
ravine. Its tiered roofs of black enter an adjacent hex have a
wood are bathed in the dim 3:6 chance of being noticed
glow of red paper lanterns. Six during the day. 1d4 adults attack
Ras-Godai watch the ravine anything that look like a meal. In
from spy holes; they each carry their nest, the bodies of runaway
blowguns with three nuzule oil Omid (511), his bride Zaina (an
darts (see Poisons, pg. 27). Alkeshi dancer), and his loyal
Inside the monastery, 80 Ras- war scrag have found their final
Godai assassins train from rest. Omid wears a silver ring —
childhood under the half-demon a cursed band that causes the
Manazusa and his circle of five wearer's WIS to drop 1d8 points,
loyal oni. Aspirants are tested removable only by restoration.
for many years in brutal trials of His shredded bag contains a
pain and self-mastery. Survivors dowry of 80 gp.
earn the right to eat a single
petal of the legendary black 1208. WADIM'S THIEVES
lotus flower that grows within An upstart group of 20 thugs.
the belly of the complex. Ras- They're led by a thief named
Godai who endure the lotus's Wadim the Crooked who is
wracking magic earn the right on the run after betraying
to leave the monastery, but the Thieves' Guild in Alkesh
they must return yearly with an (709). The thugs are unused to
offering (or when called upon). harsh desert life, and Wadim's
Once a decade, the monastery lieutenant, Gaspar, is planning
travels for a night to another a mutiny. They have broken
plane so the cyclical black lotus the banditry code of honor by
can bathe in the light of the robbing everyone, including
blood moon from its origin lone travelers; 2d8 thugs assail
world. On this night, it grants anyone in an adjacent hex.
one wish when its petals open. Everyone wants them gone.

An ancient desert dragon (pg. A crumbling triangle of cut
43) makes its lair in the most granite reaches five feet above
desolate crag of the Gilzai. An the sand; the rest of the 80-foot
unknown calamity corrupted tall pyramid looms beneath the
its soul, and now it is a wicked surface. During sandstorms,
force of chaos and destruction. the entire pyramid emerges
It wings out over the desert in a nimbus of lacerating grit,
at unpredictable intervals, and a pair of heavy, snake-
throwing down lightning bolts inscribed doors in its side
at creatures it passes. Caravan become accessible. As soon
trains would rather see all the as the sandstorm abates, the
bandits in The Djurum charging desert once again swallows the
at them than spot The Scourge pyramid beneath tons of earth.
on the horizon. At the bottom of
its labyrinthine lair, The Staff of 1509. THE DOORS
Ord juts from a hill of 3,000 gp.
Where the Vale of the Moon
(1409) meets the Silent
1409. VALE OF THE MOON Mountains, a pair of towering
A still, hushed valley of pale sand doors 60 feet high rests in
nestles between a narrow range the rock, framed by a row of
of scarlet peaks called the Silent cyclopean pillars. A keyhole sits
Mountains. Not even the wind in the portal at chest height,
disturbs this barren place. The but the lock won't open by any
moon is always brightly visible, means other than the golden
even at midday. The valley has a key last held by a long-lost
warping effect on time; one day adventuring party called The
of travel within is actually a week Flying Tigers (907). Rumors
on the outside. All dunefiends claim a mighty citadel where
in The Djurum originate here, sorcerers and djinn walked the
slipping into the world between streets lies beyond The Doors,
the gaps in reality. A random but nobody in The Djurum
encounter has a 3:6 chance of has passed through the silent
being with 2d12 dunefiends. gateway in a thousand years.


“Keep an ear to the ground and an eye to the sky."

-Common travelers' saying in The Djurum

Rare camels with soft, silvery Stocky, long-eared cousins of
hair and affable dispositions. horses that are capable haulers.
AC 10, HP 13, ATK 1 hoof +3 (1d6) AC 10, HP 6, ATK 1 hoof +3 (1d4),
or 1 spit (near) +0 (1d4), MV MV near, S +3, D +0, C +2, I -2, W
double near, S +3, D +0, C +4, I -2, +1, Ch -2, AL N, LV 1
W +1, Ch +0, AL N, LV 2

Demons that appear as claylike
elves with jagged mouths and
no other facial features.
AC 14, HP 20, ATK 2 tear +4 (1d8)
or 1 howl, MV near, S +3, D +4, C
+2, I +0, W +1, Ch +0, AL C, LV 4
Howl. Resting creatures who
hear in far DC 12 CHA or no
benefit from rest (immune 1 day
CANYON APE if pass).

Clawed apes with sandy,

matted hair and reflective eyes. DUST DEVIL
Carnivorous ambush hunters. Whirling elementals of sand.
AC 13, HP 29, ATK 3 rend +6 (2d6), AC 16, HP 36, ATK 2 lacerate +5
MV near (climb), S +4, D +3, C +2, I (2d8), MV double near, S +4, D
-1, W +1, Ch -1, AL N, LV 6 +4, C +0, I -2, W +0, Ch -2, AL C,
Ambush. Deals double damage LV 8
against surprised foes. Impervious. Only damaged by
Stalk. ADV on DEX checks while magical sources.
in mountains and canyons. Fling. In place of attacks, all
within close DC 15 DEX or flung
1d100 feet in random direction.

High-ranked gladiators who Black-garbed assassins in
have attained widespread fame. demon masks. They move
AC 16 (chainmail + shield), HP 25, swiftly in bursts of smoke.
ATK 3 bastard sword +5 (1d8) or AC 13 (leather), HP 13, ATK 1 razor
1 spear (close/near) +5 (1d6), MV chain (near) +4 (1d6), MV near
near, S +3, D +1, C +3, I +0, W +1, (teleport), S +1, D +2, C +0, I +0, W
Ch +1, AL N, LV 5 +1, Ch +0, AL C, LV 3
Assassinate. Deals double
HORSE, WAR damage against surprised foes.

Muscular destriers trained to

carry warriors into combat.
AC 11, HP 15, ATK 1 hooves +4
(1d6), MV double near, S +3, D +1,
C +2, I -3, W +1, Ch -1, AL N, LV 3

Sinister illusions made manifest
by fever dreams and futile hope.
AC 6, HP 32, ATK 1 leech, MV
near, S -4, D -4, C -4, I +2, W +1,
Ch +4, AL C, LV 8
Delude. Has the illusory look and
feel of what its viewers expect or
want it to be (creature or small
location). DC 18 INT to notice it's Inexperienced pit fighters.
an illusion. AC 14 (leather + shield), HP 5,
Leech. One target in near, DC ATK 1 shortsword +1 (1d6) or 1
18 CHA or 3d6 damage. Mirage javelin (close/far) +1 (1d4), MV
creates plausible illusion to near, S +1, D +1, C +1, I +0, W +0,
explain the injury. Ch +0, AL N, LV 1

Tan monitor lizards as large as Nomadic elves who glide as
cows. They scamper low to the easily through the scorching
ground on wall-clinging feet. desert as the winds.
AC 12, HP 11, ATK 1 claw +2 (1d6), AC 14 (leather), HP 9, ATK 1
MV near (climb), S +2, D +2, C +2, scimitar +3 (1d6) or 1 longbow
I -2, W +1, Ch -3, AL N, LV 2 (far) +3 (1d8), MV double near
(mount), S +0, D +3, C +0, I +1, W
+1, Ch +1, AL N, LV 2
Desert Born. ADV on DEX
Oversized scrag lizards trained
checks while in the wild desert.
to be unflinching in combat.
Mount. Loyal silver camel that
AC 12, HP 15, ATK 1 claw +3 (1d6),
refuses any other rider.
MV near (climb), S +3, D +2, C +2,
I -2, W +1, Ch -3, AL N, LV 3

The Scourge writhes and screams in constant pain. Its brass and
lapis scales are choked with a sickly, green patina. Blue lightning
snaps and coils in the air around it, and thunderclouds follow
wherever it flies, but no rain falls from the tormented skies.
AC 17, HP 84, ATK 3 rend +10 (2d10) or 1 lightning breath, MV double
near (fly), S +6, D +3, C +3, I +4, W +4, Ch +5, AL C, LV 18
Stormblood. Electricity immune.
Corruption. Swallowed the Shield of the Witch-King to end an
ancient war; the evil spirit inside tortures and corrupts the dragon.
Lightning Breath. A straight line (5' wide) extending double near
from dragon. DC 15 DEX or 5d8 damage (DISADV on check if
wearing metal armor).
Mirage. 1/day, in place of attacks. Create 3 illusory duplicates that
disappear when hit. Determine randomly what an attack hits.
Fortress of the
Burning Brothers
A 4th-6th-level adventure for Shadowdark RPG

“Neither I nor my servants can legally kill

my brother. You, on the other hand..."
-Malik the Cunning, efreeti prince

Video walkthrough of the adventure at

The keyworded descriptions at the start of each location are safe to
share with the players. The bulleted details beneath are for the GM.

The efreeti lord Pasha Jefar has twin sons, Malik and Gaspar. Both
are as cruel and conniving as their father. By the laws of the Sultan,
Jefar must choose one of his firstborn sons to inherit his title. To
determine their fate, Jefar has sent them to share the command
of the Iron Fortress, a duergar mine on the Material plane. They
know their unspoken task: Prove yourself worthy. The Sultan's law
prohibits overt murder, so each brother seeks a deniable way to get
rid of the other. Both crave to return to the City of Brass in triumph.

Malik the Cunning. Malik is thin as a whip and shrewd as a viper,
wielding sorcery that even his tutors in the City of Brass feared
to use. He's in charge of the rich mines and forgeworks beneath
the Iron Fortress, as well as its duergar slaves — allies who are
fanatically loyal to him due to his clever use of enslaving magic. He
also has an opportunistic rakshasa ally, Halim, who spies on Gaspar.

Gaspar the Fierce. Gaspar towers over his brother, wielding his
black-bladed scimitar with ferocity. He's in charge of the fortress
itself and commands the militant salamanders who defend it.
The salamanders have sworn an oath of allegiance to the efreet in
exchange for elevated status in society; they're a cut above slaves.
They're ruthlessly loyal to those who guarantee their position.
Rashik, Gaspar's salamander spy, secretly lurks in the mines.

The Iron Fortress was a duergar mining stronghold before falling to
the efreet. It stands in a cathedral cavern deep inside the Howling
Caves (pg. 35). Churning rivers of magma flow through the cave,
filling the air with an orange glow and suffocating heat. The fortress
is made of dark basalt with thick crenellations of blackened iron.

A pitch-dark webwork of tunnels beneath the Iron Fortress. Duergar
slaves hack relentlessly at the sharp rock, pulling out rich veins of
iron and gold. The duergar use a vast furnace room to refine the ore,
preparing it for its final destination in the City of Brass. The baking
heat inside the cramped tunnels is stifling.

"I got lost in the Howling Caves — wandered down there for
1 days. At one point I came to a huge castle of black iron sitting
on a river of fire! Everyone says I'm crazy, but I saw it. I swear."
"If you really listen, you can hear a clang, clang, clang coming
2 from somewhere deep inside those cursed caves. I bet it's the
wicked souls in hell hammering their own chains."
"They say a greedy prince hid all his treasure inside the caves.
The howling sound is his dead spirit crying for more gold!"
"Those haunted mountains are rich with ore. Aye, and my
4 uncle tried to set up a mining operation in them, too! Last fool
thing he ever did. We haven't seen him in twenty years."
"We took shelter from a sandstorm in those caves, and I'm
5 dead certain we were being watched the whole time. We
heard footsteps and whispers. But nobody ever saw a thing!"
"My husband says the belly of the earth is full of flames. Says
6 it's where all the creatures of fire and magic are born. Some
strange old man wandering the salt flats told him that!"

Iron Fortress (1-19)
• Light. Magma fills the entire cavern with a dim, orange glow.
• Walls. 30' high, razor edges (ropes 2:6 tear). Smooth surface is
impossible to climb with bare hands.
• Towers. 10' above walls (40' high), razor edges (ropes 2:6 tear).
▶ Iron ladders (10', removable) connect walkways to towers.
• Iron Crenels. On walls and towers. DISADV to hit covered targets.
• Interior Buildings. Black basalt. Peaked roofs, 20' high at center.
• Magma River. 20' deep. Deals 5d10 damage/rd, death at 0 HP.

• Risky. Check for a random encounter every 2 rounds (1:6 chance).
• Salamander Guards. The salamanders look out into the cavern
(DC 15 DEX to avoid notice from outside walls/DC 12 DEX inside).
▶ Guard Change. Every two hours. Takes 1d4 rounds. During the
rotation, it's easy to avoid notice (DC 9 DEX).
• Order of Battle. Each tower has a brass gong for raising the
alarm. If raised, the 12 salamanders atop towers (Areas 2, 3, 8, 11,
12, 16, 17) provide longbow cover, and the 13 from Areas 5, 6, and 7
arm and muster in the courtyard (Area 4) in 2 rounds.
▶ Gaspar. A third of the salamanders go to protect him (Area 8).
▶ Sweeps. Salamanders atop towers remain in position. The rest
sweep the fortress in groups of 3-5 for an hour. Intruders are
preferably captured alive and taken before Gaspar.
▶ Afterwards. Guard numbers double for 24 hours after an alarm
is raised. All checks to avoid notice become DC 18.

Guard rotations mean the salamanders change locations every two
hours. Roll on the Salamander NPCs list on pg. 63 when you need to
determine who is currently nearby. Remove dead NPCs from the list.

d6 Details
1 1d4 salamanders take a duergar slave to prison (Area 10)
who they caught sneaking around outside of the mines
2 Halim (Malik's rakshasa spy) in illusory disguise as a
salamander; he's fishing for gossip from another salamander
3 A spooked nightmare that escaped from the stables (Area
18) crashes toward where the PCs are
4 2d4 vicious scorpions burst from the shadows
5 Gaspar (Area 8) angrily storms toward a nearby building with
a retinue of 4 salamanders
6 A strangler that crept into the fortress follows the PCs and
tries to stealthily pick off the rear character

A glowing river of magma flows beneath the teeth of an iron
portcullis and into a shadowy courtyard. Two sturdy towers flank
the river; burning figures move about on top of them.
• Salamanders. Two salamanders watch Area 1 from the towers in
Areas 2 and 3. Their flamelike coloration creates the illusion of fire.
• Magma. Magma completely fills the 10' wide entrance, leaving no
walkway on either side. It passes into the courtyard (Area 4).
• Portcullis. Sits just above the surface of the magma. The winch in
Area 2 raises and lowers it.

A salamander watches from the top of the fortified tower; a brass
gong stands a few steps away from it.
• Interior. Grimy floors. A hefty winch protrudes from the east wall.
▶ Winch. Raises or lowers the iron portcullis (Area 1) in 2 rounds.
▶ Paper Scrap. In a dirty corner. Torn. Says, "...and I know they
don't respect you, Malchiz. Come speak to me in the mines..."


A salamander stands guard beside a hammered brass gong.
• Interior. Six weighty, dark rocks are strewn about the floor. An
iron sculpture of a smirking dwarf face hangs from the door.
▶ Rocks. Lifting one causes a stream of magma to gout from a
small hole in the flagstone (DC 12 DEX or 3d8 damage).
▶ Dwarf Face. Touching it while speaking in Dwarvish causes the
matched faces (Area 8, 16) to animate and repeat the words.

Looming buildings of black stone surround a courtyard split by a
churning river of magma. A bridge arches over its fiery path.
• Danger Level. Deadly (a high-traffic area). Check for random
encounters every round (1:6 chance).
• Bridge. A duergar named Rotid crouches in the shadows under
the bridge. Anyone crossing has a 2:6 chance of hearing his
ragged mouth-breathing.
▶ Rotid. Asthmatic, jumpy, wild hair. Malik (Area 21) sent him
to spy on the guard rotation schedule. If discovered, he turns
invisible and flees toward the secret door in area Area 13.
• Broken Flagstone. Where Area 18 meets the south wall, a cracked
flagstone lifts to reveal a Potion of Fire Protection (immunity to
fire for 5 rounds) and a glass vial containing 2 Beads of Force.

Six salamanders hiss and spit at each other around a broad iron
table. They pause only to grab fleshy fire slugs off the table and jam
them in their mouths.
• Salamanders. Arguing in sibilant Common about each other's
failures on the job. Nobody is safe from lacerating critique.
▶ 3:6 chance a brawl breaks out that lasts 1d4 rounds. During this
time, DEX checks to sneak past them are easy (DC 9).
• Fire Slugs. 2d4 on the table, potato-sized, quivering lumps of
orange flesh. They try to inch away and leave trails of burning oil.
Can be thrown near, explode in flames on impact (1d6).

A hammock of woven iron threads hangs from the ceiling. A dented
brass chest with a heavy latch sits beneath it.
• Trap. A faint arc of enchanted gold dust encircles the floor
in front of the inside door. Any creature who breaks the ring
summons a hostile fire elemental (lesser) for 2d4 rounds.
• Captain Isshak. 3:6 chance Isshak, the salamander captain, is
sleeping in the hammock. If not, he's in Area 8. He has the key to
the brass chest on an iron cord around his neck.
▶ Isshak. Charcoal scales, sinewy, shrewd. Wields a black iron +1
spear called Screamer. It shrieks hideously when thrown.
• Brass Chest. Locked (DC 20 DEX pick, DC 18 STR break). Empty. A
secret compartment in base hides an obsidian ring shaped like a
cobra with ruby eyes (80 gp), 200 gp, and a Potion of Healing.

Snoring, hissing salamanders sleep in rows of double bunk beds.
• Salamanders. Six sleep here in shifts. Loud noises wake them.
Their weapons hang from hooks on each bunk.

Three salamanders keep watch from a tower that looms over all the
others. Its iron crenels are shaped into a crown of cruel barbs.
• Interior. A high-backed, granite chair sits before a desk stacked
with piles of clay tablets. Sparking braziers belch out blue-black
incense. A sneering, iron dwarf face hangs from the west door.
▶ Gaspar (efreeti, LV 12, +9 melee). 5:6 chance he's at the desk
white-knuckling through tedious work (if not, he's in Area 9).
▷ Meticulous. Forcefully contained anger just below the
surface. Plans to kill Malik using the broken iron golem
in Area 13. Offers the PCs safety and one of his prized
nightmares (Area 18) if they help, or, better yet, kill Malik
themselves. Throws unruly PCs in the prison (Area 10).
▷ Granting a mortal a wish (especially under duress) is an
unbearable dishonor to an efreeti noble; he'd rather die.
▶ Isshak (salamander captain, Area 6). 3:6 chance he's here to talk
to Gaspar about "the dwarf spies." If not, he's sleeping (Area 6).
▶ Incense. Intoxicating to the unaccustomed. DC 12 CON or
become clumsy and suggestible (DISADV on related checks).
▶ Dwarf Face. Touching it while speaking in Dwarvish causes the
matched faces (Area 3, 16) to animate and repeat the words.

Two salamanders stand at firm attention outside a towering, iron
door. Its surface is carved with lines that weave to form knots.
• Salamanders. Skizzik (blood red, grim, calm) and Burgaz (saffron,
muscled, brash), honor guards. Alert (DC 18 DEX to avoid notice).
• Interior. Plush bed, red and gold silk. Six obsidian plaques with
five mithral horseshoes (one missing). Silk robes on hooks.
▶ Gaspar. 1:6 chance he's here sleeping (if not, he's in Area 8).
▶ Horseshoes. The nightmares' (Area 18) trophies. 100 gp each.

A salamander stands guard before two blocks of barred cells that
reek like animal cages. Dark shapes lie inside them. Muted shrieks
come from behind the east door at irregular intervals.
• Salamander. Fazad (pale yellow, snide, boastful). Has a cell key.
• Shapes. Four miserable, bruised duergar lie in their own filth (use
Duergar NPCs tables, pg. 64). Cell locks DC 20 DEX to pick.


A salamander patrols around the top of the tower, pausing every
so often to glare out into the cavern. A dull brass gong hangs in a
shadowy corner. Faint screams emanate from somewhere below.
• Gong. Inspection reveals it's cracked in two (can't be rung).
• Interior. A grey-skinned, shirtless dwarf with snowy hair and
beard hangs from wall manacles. A hissing salamander pokes
him with a red-hot trident, eliciting ragged yelps.
▶ Salamander. Usmik (wine-red, cruel, impatient). Interrogating
duergar ("Why were you skulking around up here?" "What's
Malik planning?"). Has key to manacles and cells (Area 10).
▶ Duergar. Gungol (young, filthy, defiant, magically enslaved by
Malik). Answers all questions with, "Only Malik knows!"


Two salamanders watch from the tower, a brass gong between
them. Magma flows beneath the spikes of a rusty portcullis set in
the tower's center. A dim courtyard lurks beyond the gate.
• Tower. A roof crank raises or lowers the portcullis in 2 rounds. It's
rusted shut (DC 15 STR each round to operate).
• Portcullis. Rusted iron bars (bends on DC 20 STR).
• Magma. Magma completely fills the 10' wide entrance, leaving no
walkway on either side. It passes into the courtyard (Area 4).

Dusty, brooding silence. A toppled iron statue lies amid the pieces
of a shattered stone altar. Carvings of lines and knots fill the walls.
• Statue (Broken Iron Golem). 10-foot tall duergar god, Dorgrim;
hollow eye sockets. Deactivated by efreet invaders long ago.
Requires a magical pair of ruby eyes to power it (Malik, Area 21,
has recently found them, but doesn't know what they do yet).
▶ Gaspar has learned how the golem works from old records
and now seeks the rubies; he wants to let it loose in the mines
in a "horrific accident" to kill his brother. In 2d4 days, his
salamander spy (Rashik, Area 30) discovers the rubies' location.
• Secret Door. Rotating panel. Only the duergar know of it.

A scarred iron door bears a lock inside the mouth of a snarling
dwarf. Gruff voices and metallic clanging echo from the other side.
• Lock. DC 20 DEX to pick. Too fortified to be smashed open.
• Interior. Dwarves with wild, white hair stagger up a set of stairs
with armloads of ingots they dump unceremoniously on the floor.
▶ Duergar. Four from the Duergar NPCs table (pg. 64).
▶ Ingots. 30 iron (10 gp each) and 20 gold (20 gp each).
• Secret Door. Rotating panel. Only the duergar know of it.


A billowing curtain of fire rages along the south wall. Oven-like heat.
• Duergar. 3:6 chance a duergar is here tossing 5 gold ingots (20
gp each) into the flames (use Duergar NPCs table, pg. 64).
• Fire. Passing through the fire deals 4d6 damage. It leads to a
swooping ivory and brass balcony in the inferno-hot City of Brass.
Four efreet guards try to cast all but their own back through.
▶ Malik and Gaspar are currently forbidden from passing through.
Two salamanders peer out into the cave from behind the thick, iron
crenels; a shiny brass gong sits between them.
• Interior. Numerous scuffs in the ash and grime on floor. An iron
sculpture of an evilly grinning dwarf face hangs from the door.
▶ Dwarf Face. Touching it while speaking in Dwarvish causes the
matched faces (Area 3, 8) to animate and repeat the words.
▶ Hidden Door. Dwarf-sized bootprints lead to a hidden trapdoor
in the floor (to Area 24). The salamanders are unaware of it.


Two salamanders patrol around the broad tower's parapets. A gong
glints in the magma-light behind them.
• Interior. Faint snorting and clip-clopping audible through door.
▶ Salamander. 3:6 chance a salamander is crouching in here
gorging on 2d4 fire slugs pilfered from the mess hall (Area 5).

Three jet-black horses with flaming manes trot around spacious,
iron stalls. A runty salamander brushes jasmine oil into their coats.
• Horses. Thoroughbred racing nightmares. Zenda, Burning Moon,
Red Sultan. Each worth 500 gp. Vicious; only allow chaotic riders.
• Salamander. Xaviss. Unarmed, shrimpy, self-important. Takes
care of the nightmares. Mithral horseshoe (100 gp) hidden among
his tools that he filched from Gaspar's quarters (Area 9).


A squat stalagmite has a cleft at its point, as if split by an axe.
• Concealed Stairs. The stalagmite echoes if tapped. A hidden door
in its north side reveals narrow stairs leading down to the mines.
▶ Only the duergar know of this entrance.

Mines (20-35)
• Light. Dim light in rooms with magma. Otherwise, total darkness.
• Tunnels. Flinty, black granite. 10' high unless noted. The constant
clangor of mining and forging makes sneaking easy (DEX DC 9).
• Magma. 20' deep. Deals 5d10 damage/rd, death at 0 HP.

• Risky. Check for a random encounter every 2 rounds (1:6 chance).
• Duergar. They bellow for help if under attack; all duergar in
adjacent rooms arrive in 1d4 rounds. They try to capture invaders
and bring them before Malik rather than kill them.
• Order of Battle. The duergar don't have an organized defense;
they rely on yelling to nearby allies for help. If their morale breaks,
they flee toward Malik in Area 21, collecting allies along the way.
▶ Malik. If alerted, he barricades in Area 22 with any duergar
at hand and casts defensive spells on himself. If no threat
materializes after an hour, he sends the duergar back to work.
▶ Afterwards. Malik and duergar are more alert for 24 hours after
an incident (DC 15 DEX to escape their notice).

Most duergar are under the effects of enslave spells Malik regularly
refreshes. Repeated brainwashings have given them all a shared,
cultish devotion to Malik, even without the magic (DC 15 CHA for an
un-enslaved duergar to overcome fanaticism, if given evidence).

When the PCs encounter unnamed duergar, determine who they

are with the Duergar NPCs list on pg. 64. Remove dead duergar.

d6 Details
1 A concussive blast of hot air blows out any torches/lanterns
2 1d4 hell hounds broken loose from the kennels (Area 28)
race up the halls, looking to cause mayhem
3 1d6 grouchy duergar hurrying to the forge hall (Area 20) to
start their shift; fearful of being late
4 Rashik (Area 30), Gaspar's salamander spy, slinks through the
halls and eavesdrops
5 2d4 exhausted duergar headed to rest (Area 27) after their
work shift; DISADV for them to notice hidden creatures
6 A roving bulette breaks through the wall, goes on a rampage
(1d4 rounds), and then retreats into its collapsing tunnel


Duergar toil at massive forges set before a surging lake of magma.
Their dolorous chanting keeps a tempo for their ringing hammer
strikes. The air shimmers with intense heat.
• Heat. Unaccustomed creatures DC 12 CON upon entering or
DISADV on attacks and checks until leaving.
• Duergar. Eight sweating duergar smelt iron and gold ingots.
▶ Forgemaster Torgrim (burly, dour, singed hair) watches with
his arms crossed. Bellows instructions. Pretends to be loyal to
Malik, but hates him. He's the only duergar not brainwashed.
• Forges. Four. Iron grates that belch flames. Opening a grate
unleashes a gout of fire (DC 12 DEX to all in close or 2d6 damage).
▶ Ingots. 2 gold (20 gp each) and 4 iron (10 gp each) in each forge.

A thick, iron lock seals a stone door streaked with black forge ash.
• Lock. DC 20 DEX to pick, DC 20 STR to force. Malik has the key.
• Interior. Two growling, black-haired wolves flank the entrance,
magma dripping from their jaws. A rumpled bed of scarlet silk
sits in the corner, and piles of creased robes litter the floor.
▶ Hell Hounds. Eyesore and Scab-Biter. Snorting, frothing brutes.
DC 12 WIS for them to hear noise outside (they go wild).
▷ Gold-Spiked Collars. One on each hound. 80 gp each.
▶ Malik (efreeti). 3:6 chance he's here resting (otherwise, Area 22).
▷ Disheveled, charming, intense. Bruised face. Practices night
and day to summon and control a greater earth elemental
long enough to "accidentally" unleash it near his brother
(it's not going well). Offers the PCs safety and a trained hell
hound each (from Area 28, hounds worth 100 gp each) if
they'll help him or kill Gaspar. Locks unruly PCs in Area 29.
▷ Spellcasting. 1 spell in place of attacks, +6. DC 11: cloak of
flame (self, 5 rounds, AC 17), enslave (1 humanoid target,
close, fervently loyal 1d6 days). DC 13: whitefire (as fireball,
ignores fire immunity). DC 15: convoke greater elemental (as
convoke entity, elementals of LV 9 only).


An intricate circle drawn in red paint covers the floor. Shattered
stone furniture and plate-sized holes pepper the room. The only
intact object is a stone desk scattered with overturned books.
• Malik. 3:6 chance he's here tinkering with the summoning circle
(otherwise, Area 21). He keeps losing control of earth elementals.
• Summoning Circle. +1 on spellcasting checks to summon beings.
• Twin Rubies. On desk under an open book. Eye-shaped, 200 gp
each. They power the iron golem in Area 13 (Malik isn't aware).

Twisting tunnels reach into the dark rock. Metallic clanging and
baritone chanting reverberate loudly, drowning out other sounds.
• Duergar. Two chip at the stone in the western tunnels. Noise
from Area 20 hides any sounds they make.
▶ Ore. Each carries a bucket with 20 gp of gold ore nuggets.


Three alcoves each hold a statue of a stocky figure. A pile of oddly
shaped rubble lies against the west wall. Stairs rise to the ceiling.
• Statues. Grim duergar with limbs hewn off and hollow eye
sockets. Inspection reveals pry marks around their eyes.
• Rubble. Broken statue limbs. An eye-shaped emerald (120 gp)
is buried in the pile. If placed in a statue, the statue whispers in
Dwarvish in a dying voice: "Find Thorgol the Anvil..."
• Stairs. Rise to a trapdoor to Area 16 (hidden from other side).


A billowing curtain of black silk hangs over a wide cave entrance.
• Interior. An enormous, blood-red cobra coils itself on a pile of
sumptuous cushions. A duergar and salamander hang from the
ceiling on bronze chains (food offerings from Malik and Gaspar).
▶ Cobra. Vilaxis Morgotha, naga (sneering, droll, flashing eyes and
tongue). A servant of Pasha Jefar, Gaspar and Malik's father.
Neutral observer to make sure the brothers kill each other fairly.
▷ Finds PCs amusing. Asks whether they think Malik or Gaspar
is superior. Happily shares routine information about either.
Savagely devours the duergar and salamander while talking.
▶ Duergar. Cut throat. Very dead.
▶ Salamander. Grievous stab wound, but alive. Whimpers and
kicks slightly. Use Salamander NPCs (pg. 63), if needed.

A gnarled, black tree grows in each alcove. Glistening fruits hang
from their twisted branches. Dark, powdery stones cover the floor.
• Iron Trees. Metallic bark. Their magical fruits ripen and wither
each day, dropping off and turning into chunks of coal.
▶ Iron Plums. Quench all thirst, taste of bitter anise. Induce
drowsiness (DC 12 CON or sleep for 1 hour).
▶ Iron Pears. Sour. Fully nourishing, but never relieves hunger.
▶ Iron Oranges. Cure injury (2d8 HP, once/day). Taste of copper.


A vast, natural cavern cut through with a glowing river of magma.
Grey dwarves lie against the walls wrapped in their cloaks, snoring.
An arched bridge crosses over the magma river.
• Duergar. Eight sleep here (loud noises wake them). Some still
clutch half-eaten iron tree fruits (Area 26) in their hands.
▶ Gear. Dwarvenkind sleep on their shields and cradle their
weapons. DC 12 DEX to remove either without waking them.


Six wolf-sized mongrels lope around the room, snarling and
snapping at each other. A grey dwarf walks among them and
growls commands, cracking a length of chain at any who defy him.
• Duergar. Kennelmaster Morgid (white mohawk, confident,
brash). Wields a razor chain (pg. 17) in place of shield and war
pick. The hell hounds fear and obey him.
• Hell Hounds. Six beasts trained as Malik's guards and war dogs.
DC 12 WIS for them to hear noises, even when asleep.
▶ Silver-Spiked Collars. One on each hound. 20 gp each.
• North Door. Locked from the outside. DC 20 DEX to pick, 20 STR
to force. The key is long lost.

An expansive prison cell large enough to hold an elephant. Faint
scratches cover the stone walls.
• Lock. DC 20 DEX to pick. Too heavy to break open.
• Scratches. Countless tally marks and phrases carved in Dwarvish
("Efreet murderers," "Dorgrim rot their souls," "Thorgol hidden up
the river," "Replace the statue's ruby eyes").


Dusty, quiet cavern with burbling river of magma cutting off
passage to the north. Flickering, orange light. Deep shadows.
• Rashik. Salamander spy for Gaspar (coal-black scales, sinister,
observant). Sleeps in the shadowy corners between furtive
outings. Dives into the magma river to hide if he hears intruders.
▶ In 2d4 days, he discovers Malik (Area 21) unknowingly has the
rubies that power the broken iron golem in Area 13.
• South Door. Locked from the inside. DC 20 DEX to pick, 20 STR to
force. The key is long lost.


Vast cavern echoing with distant hammer strikes and chanting.
Intricate carvings on the walls. Branching passages twist off in
every direction.
• Danger Level. Deadly (a high-traffic area). Check for random
encounters every round (1:6 chance).
• Noise. Noise from Area 20 makes sneaking quietly easy (DC 9).
• Carvings. Bas-relief of great skill. Depicts dozens of grim duergar
mining the stone and building the Iron Fortress. A duergar in a
spiked crown lifts a black warhammer (Thorgol the Anvil).
• Steep Slope. Creatures running down tunnel toward Area 30 DC
12 DEX or fall. Roll into magma river if fail by 5+ points.

A lone duergar probes at a shallow niche in the wall with a pickaxe.
• Duergar. Working on expanding a new southern tunnel.
▶ Ore. Carries a bucket with worthless iron chips and, unknown to
him, a geode holding a small sapphire (100 gp).


Three grumbling duergar hack at the flinty rock with pickaxes.
• Duergar. DISADV on checks to notice sneaking creatures.
▶ Ore. Each carries a bucket with worthless iron chips.
• Weak Wall. The southernmost tunnel has a weak wall (visible to
any dwarf). An explosive force opens it into Area 35.


Ear-splitting clanging and deep chanting echoes from the west.
• Duergar. Works in the southernmost tunnel. Noise from Area 20
masks any sounds he makes.
▶ Ore. Bucket with 20 gp of gold nuggets and a lost scorpion.


A dull black rowboat lies on its side against the cave wall. A boiling
magma river drains into a dark, narrow pit.
• Rowboat. Magical iron (500 pounds) carved with intricate knots.
Floats on magma. Water rusts it instantly. Two oars, four riders.
▶ Warhammer. Thorgol the Anvil lies inside the rowboat. Heavy,
black iron with triangular knots on each face. +2 warhammer
that can instantly fuse together two metal objects it strikes at
the same time, if its wielder chooses.
▷ Duergar immediately rally around anyone wielding Thorgol.
• Magma. Drains deep into the fathoms of the Shadowdark.

Salamander NPCs
1. Aliz. Glittering orange, zealous, militant. Turns on cowardly allies.

2. Baltazir. Glorious frills of blue-white. Proud, regal. Rather competent.

3. Boaba. Deep purple scales. Ambitious, alert (DC 15 to avoid his notice).

4. Chalim. Purple-black, grinning, sly. Accepts bribes. Has an escape plan.

5. Chazzik. Scarlet, shifty, resentful. Mutters insults ("ice sculpture," "slug

guzzler"). 3:6 chance he "slips" and shoves a comrade over the crenels.

6. Dagask. Burgundy red, long frills. Secret scorpion pet, Carcal; coats
arrows in its poison. Has three nuzule oil arrows (see Poisons, pg. 27).

7. Daoud. Red with orange patches. Swaggers. Expert with spear (ADV).

8. Girassk. Crimson, wobbly. Sneaks Murgazi wine (DC 9 to avoid his notice).

9. Gorgiz. Albino. Can barely stand the heat. Immune to cold, not fire.

10. Gorvis. Mustard yellow, eye patch, grim. Can actually see from both eyes.

11. Halim (rakshasa). Orange with black lines, sharp gaze. Malik's spy in
illusory disguise. Subtly helps PCs, tries to turn them against Gaspar.

12. Harazad. Maroon scales. Vicious. Can't resist chance to harass duergar.

13. Kazim. Golden yellow, very tall. Sings loudly. Terrible archer (DISADV).

14. Lamir. Amber yellow, chirpy, naive. Loves strange food. Easy to deceive.

15. Malchiz. Blue-black scales, sullen. Younger brother of Isshak (Area 6).
Constantly hazed by peers. Considering secret alliance with Malik (Area 21).

16. Mordiz. Canary yellow. Squeamish; 3:6 faints at first sight of blood.

17. Nurgaz. Mottled red. Whiny, lazy. If alone, 3:6 of sleeping standing up.

18. Nurim. Burnt orange, blue tongue. Gossipy, mirthful. Everyone likes him.

19. Sinzik. Spooky, red eyes. Stares. Sees everything (DC 18 to avoid notice).

20. Valkis. Orange, shrill, eager to ring the gong. 3:6 his first ring is ignored.

21. Vishak. Plum red, dangerously quiet. Deft interrogator. Hard to deceive.

22. Zangis. Ragged, red frills. Dumpy, sad. Misses the City of Brass.

Duergar NPCs
1. Bolgrim. Only three teeth. Jolly, for a duergar. Sinister cackle.

2. Borg. Young, muscled, quiet. Father was a blacksmith. He hates smithing.

3. Dagrin. Frizzy hair. Spooky, paranoid. Believes spies are everywhere.

4. Dalg. Iron peg leg (burned off by magma). Flings spittle while talking.
Tells loud stories of the duergar empire's glory days (centuries ago).

5. Dardin. Old, nattering. Bald pate. Chitters about how Dorgrim (duergar
god) speaks to him in dreams and wants his eyes back.

6. Falgrin. Dark under-eye circles. Tired. Loathes iron tree fruit (Area 26).

7. Gorbin. Braided, white beard. Permanent frown. Wants Malik to teach

him magic and tries extra hard to curry the efreet's favor.

8. Gulrund. Fat, ambling. Secretly catches and boils scorpions (tastes like
crab). Will do anything for real food.

9. Gundal. Wide-eyed, totally silent. Communicates in hand gestures.

10. Harvald. Pale, bony. Grinds teeth. Berserk in combat (ADV on attacks).

11. Hobb. One eye much bigger than the other. The big eye has X-Ray vision
through doors. Says it came from eating a magic fairy mushroom.

12. Jagrid. Burly, swaggering. Cowardly. DISADV on morale checks.

13. Kulge. Cheshire cat grin at all times. Claims falsely to know everyone's
secrets. Does know, however, that Malik has a rakshasa servant.

14. Megrim. Clean, serious, dutiful. Descendant of Yorgrim, a duergar hero.

15. Molrig. Tattoos on shaved scalp. Puffed up, crashes around, bossy.

16. Mordun. Extremely pale. Long eyebrows. Chews on nuggets of iron ore.

17. Norgrim. Slick hair, short beard. Prim, formal. Megrim's younger brother.

18. Pultrid. Broken nose, face scars. Former pit fighter. +2 LV, +2 on attacks.

19. Ravol. Twitchy, haunted eyes. Whispers to self. Once saw something
horrible in an underground lake (an aboleth). Wants to know if it was real.

20. Theorin. Old, grumbly, achy. Reluctant to do anything. Huffs and puffs.

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S Salamander
19 (to mines)

S (1), D (1)
S (2, tower) S (1, tower)
13 S (1), D (4)
15 S
To Area 20
D Duergar

D (4) 14
4 S (2)
S (2, tower) 9

16 Rotid
To Area 23 S (3, tower)
S Secret door (rotating panel)

S (6)

Nightmares (3)
Isshak 7

6 S (6, asleep)
17 S (1, tower) S (1, tower)
2 3
S (2, tower)
S Salamander

34 D (1) 33 N
Torgrim D (3)
To Area 14 Scorpion
D (2) D (8, chanting)
D Duergar


D (1)

To Area 16 Magma
H. hounds (2)
S Secret door (rotating panel)

24 21 30
Malik S Rashik

27 Morgid 29

26 28
D (8, asleep)
Vilaxis H. hounds (6)


d20 Item
1 Cursed eye token; DISADV on next check or attack roll
2 Burlap bag tied shut with an angry cobra inside
3 Torn half of a treasure map; other half next time rolling this
4 Sealed clay jar with, 1d4: 1-2. 20 gp, 3-4. scarab beetle swarm
5 Brass wine cup with secret reservoir that dispenses poison
6 Three trick dice weighted to roll, 1d4: 1-2. high, 3-4. low
7 Invitation to a private pit fight at a powerful noble's palace
8 A jade comb that, by law, forgives its bearer of one crime
9 Corked glass vial with a tiny, living scorpion inside it
10 Unopened bottle of exceptionally potent Murgazi wine
11 Scarab beetle token; ADV on next check or attack roll
12 Gold signet ring belonging to a noble family in Alkesh
13 Bag of 1d4 sweet dates that each heal 1 HP when eaten
14 Worm oil; pour in sand to attract a purple worm in 1d4 rds
15 Vial of poison, 1d4: 1-2. common, 3. uncommon, 4. rare
16 Tube with 1d4 phoenix plumes, work as waterproof matches
17 Ownership papers for a prized war horse stabled in Alkesh
18 Shard of blue glass that sometimes reflects brief portents
19 Bag of magic sesame seeds; sprinkle on a door to unlock it
20 Tarnished, bronze oil lamp carved with a faded inscription

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