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Eroding Isle of the Executioner

Tread carefully in the gilded halls where

slow death comes for the condemned!
A distant island palace sinks into the sea,
its sinister purpose hidden among pillars W
of gold and marble. Even the sahuagin
avoid this place, for it is a bejewled
8 H
prison where only poison grows! Who
found their opulent deaths here, and 7
what haunted treasures did they leave? 3
5 2
d4 Details
1 A distant wailing heralds the
arrival of 2d4 sirens in 2 rounds
2 1d4 merfolk investigate noises
S 1
3 The wraith from Area 7 appears
4 2d6 sahuagin burst from the sea,
following the scent of flesh
Gorgoth Fruit. Called “the executioner”
in black markets. A tantalizing, red globe
of sweet juice and pulp. Eating it causes
1 permanent HP damage and 1d4 rounds Shadowdark RPG
of blind euphoria. Maddeningly addictive Sinkhole: DC 12 DEX avoid, 20’ deep tunnel of water 4th-Level
(DC 15 WIS to resist eating again). K. Dionne, 2023
1. Hall of Music. A patina-caked pipe 5. Great Hall. Moldering, silk pillows
organ rests against the north wall. are scattered around an uneven floor.
Rotted viols and cellos with snapped Peeling wall murals depict sparkling-
strings are shoved into the corner. eyed gods reveling at a great feast.
When the sea breeze rises, it carries the • Gem. One of the nature god’s green
ghostly sound of distant music. eyes is a 120 gp emerald.
• 3 shadows sleep inside the cellos. • Sinkholes. Weight on a marked area
• The pipe organ plays in a honking, causes the floor to collapse into a 20’
tuneless bellow. Playing it causes a deep shaft full of icy water. DC 12 DEX
40 gp pearl to pop out of its pipes. to avoid. Difficult to climb out due to
collapsing edges (DC 15 STR).
2. Sunken Vestibule. The hollow crash
of the sea echoes here. The marble walls 6. Portrait Chamber. Off-kilter paintings
and floor are smeared with seaweed hang from the walls. Each is a portrait of
and grime. Six gold-flecked, teetering a primped and bejeweled noble. Three
pillars drunkenly hold up the ceiling (10 are intact and worth 60 gp each.
gp in gold leaf on each). Soiled curtains • A note is on the back of a painting of
of purple silk hang in rags over the open a young man with piercing blue eyes:
archways to Areas 1 and 4. “Enjoy a gentle death, dear brother.
3. Fountain. A cracked, marble sculpture There is no food, other than the fruit.
of a mournful woman pours a stream I will think of you at my coronation.”
of fresh water from a jar into the 7. Burial Vault. Chilly and damp. Stairs
encroaching sea. The water causes lead down to a narrow room scattered
ravenous hunger (DC 15 CON or devour with the bones and skulls of a dozen
the nearest food). A 280 gp teardrop people. Two noble signet rings (60 gp
sapphire softly rattles inside the jar. each) lie among the remains. The heavy,
• A sea hag (Area 4) lurks in the water stone coffins inside the wall niches are
to the north (DC 12 WIS to notice). empty, except one that houses a wraith.
4. Gorgoth Tree. A thin, twisted tree of 8. Dead Dryad. A heap of rotting wood
black branches bursts from a plot of lies against the wall. Several thin, knotty
earth in an alcove. 2d10 red, juicy globes roots reach out of the pile at a strange
of gorgoth fruit sprout from the tree angle and plunge into the earth.
each week. • The wood is the curled-up body of
• A pair of wet tracks leads from the a dryad. Her rootlike fingers burrow
tree to where Ragatha the sea hag into the earth and fuse with the roots
hides in the water (DC 12 WIS to of the gorgoth tree in Area 4. An
notice). She has shapechanged into overgrown +1 dagger of venom (1/day
a gaunt, sallow mermaid. She’s a weep scorpion poison for 1d4 rounds)
mewling gorgoth fruit addict and is buried in her back. Removing it
attacks anyone who takes them. One causes the gorgoth tree to become
of her milky eyes is a pearl of power. an ordinary apple tree in 2d6 days.

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