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1. Processional – this is omitted if the Girl Scouts and the guests are already in their places.
a. Doxology – this can be a thematic or interpretative presentation of a spiritual
b. Colors
I. Entrance of Colors
II. Philippine National Anthem (Lupang Hinirang)
III. Panatang Makabayan
IV. Grounding of Colors
2. Opening Remarks – the Troop Leader welcomes the guests and candidates to the
3. Presentation of Guests and Candidates – the Troop Co-Leader presents the guests and
4. Investiture Ceremony – an Investing Officer may be invited to invest the new Girl Scouts
or the Troop Leader can invest the new Girl Scouts.
Troop Leader, assisted by Troop Co-Leader and a Senior Girl Scout pins the Star Girl Scout Pin
and World Pin on each girl when she makes the Girl Scout Sign. Then the Troop Leader, Troop
Co-Leader and Senior Girl Scouts give each one a Girl Scout Handshake.

Troop Leader/Investing Officer We have here with us a number of girls, aged 6 to 8. Let us
ask the why they are here. Girls, why are you here and
what do you want to become?

New Girl Scouts We want to become Star Girl Scouts. Will you accept us?

Troop Leader/Investing Officer Do you come of your free will?

New Girl Scouts Yes, we do.

Troop Leader/Investing Officer Are you ready to fulfill the Star Scout Promise and obey
the Star Scout Law?
New Girl Scouts Yes, we are.
Troop Leader/Investing Officer Then, having shown your willingness and sincerity in
wanting to become members of the Star Girl Scout Troop
No._______, we are ready to receive you.

Troop Co-Leader Before we do, let us hear you say the Star Scout Promise
and Law in unison.

New Girl Scouts (New members make the Star Scout Sign and recite the
Star Scout Promise)


I promise to my best
To love God and my country
To help other people everyday
Especially those at home


A Star Scout is truthful.
A Star Scout is obedient.

Troop Leader/Investing Officer Now, we are ready to pin the pins in the pin holder (Star
Pin and the World Pin) on the left side of your chest.

Troop Leader, assisted by Troop Co-Leader and a Senior Girl Scout pins the Star Girl Pin and the
World Pin on each girl while she makes the Star Scout Sign. Then the Troop Leader, Troop Co-
Leader and Senior Girl Scouts give each one a Girl Scout Handshake.

Troop Leader/Investing Officer Welcome to the sisterhood and the world of Girl Scouting
and to Star Girl Scout Troop No._______

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