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Pampanga Colleges Inc

Macabebe Pampanga

(Episode 8)

Jim Russel Sangil (BSED 4 – A English)

Submitted by

Mr. Lindon Q. Batayola

Submitted to
Macabebe, Pampanga


Lesson Development: Outcomes-based Teaching-Learning(OBTL)
and Competency-based/Standards-based Teaching- Learning
Resource Teacher: Edward Pangilinan School: Pampanga Colleges
Teacher’s Signature______________ Grade and Subject Area: English Date_______

My Learning Activities
1. Did the teacher state the learning objectives/intended learning outcomes? (ILOS) at the
beginning of the class?

Yes, Sir Edward, the resource teacher, began her lesson by She stated her lesson's goals
and intended learning outcomes (ILOs) at the outset. She explained it to the class along
with her guidelines in order to share it with them. This, in my observation, draws
students' attention and increases their concentrate on the subject.

2. What teaching learning activities (TLAs) did he/she use? Did this TLAs help him/her
attain his/her lesson objectives/ILOs? Explain your answer.

In my observation, she used a visual aid to help her explain what she wants her students
to learn. And in a manner, it did assist her accomplish her intended learning objective.
Because of her teaching tools and activities, the students had no trouble understanding
what she was attempting to say. Additionally, when my resource teacher explains, she
does so in a clear, logical manner that, as a watchful observer, also catches my attention
and helps me learn from her lesson.

3. What assessment task did the teacher employ? Are these aligned to the lesson

The teacher used written and group activities as forms of assessment. These
assessments are in line with the ILOs and lesson objectives. It is crucial to match learning
objectives with instructional practices and evaluations to ensure that everyone engaged
is aware of the expectations. Both instructors and students should have a consistent
understanding of what is going to be taught and how it will be evaluated. Maam
Graciella uses assessments of learning and for learning since she is compiling pertinent
data regarding the progress of the students. The teacher assesses the students' learning
levels, determining where they need to go and the best route to get there.

1. If the Intended Learning Outcomes(ILO) and Teaching-Learning Activities(TLA) and

Assessment Tasks(ATs) were/were not aligned, what would the effect on the
performance of the students?

In my opinion, if that occurs, the discussion will be disorganized, the student will likely
be perplexed, and their learning objectives might not be met. Students will lead to
confusion of the topic that will results to route learning where no skills acquired. The
students won't retain much information, and the teacher will have some difficulty
evaluating them.

2. Are there Teaching-Learning Activities (TLAs) which are more appropriate than what the
teacher used?

Teaching Learning Activities, or TLAs, are used to make learning engaging and
participatory, thus they may not always be appropriate compared to the methods the
teacher employs. Yes, there are a number of teacher learning activities that she could’ve
utilized that I believe more useful, including a brief quiz, describing how the procedures
on how to use her materials/tool to count/add efficiently. However, I feel she was right
in choosing that form of assessment to do at that time.

3. Are there more appropriate assessment tasks that the teacher should have used . If yes,
give examples.

A group, pair, or solo assessment should have been conducted by the cooperating
teacher during my observation to gauge the level of learning of her students. If she had
accomplished the objectives she set forth at the beginning of the lesson, it would also
help. A brief quiz or written assignment on the board, as I described above, would be
sufficient to assess the students' current understanding.

4. Many a teacher sets the intended learning outcomes/lesson objective but tests another
outcome on lesson objective after that confusing students. Do you agree?

Absolutely! Some teachers are mixing up their very own lessons. The reasons are that
the learning objectives and the assessment are not compatible. Lesson plan is not
SMART. The goals must be related to one another and support one another. To prevent
confusion and a sense of complexity among the students, it should be in line with other
5. What lesson do you learn from No. 4?

What I learned from #4 is we teacher should give our lesson lighter to the students, we
should not test another outcome if it is really not connected with the original learning
objective we established. They are finding it difficult to understand the lesson since we
are making it confusing for them as well. Therefore, we should use a suitable
assessment that will not only ensure that we reach our objectives but also facilitate
students' understanding. I also realized that as time passes, our method of teaching
adapts to the changes, but one thing will never change: the purpose of imparting
education to students. Even if teaching ideas change or there are new ways to convey
knowledge, being a student-centered teacher still makes a difference.


Why are we back to teaching by objectives or Bloom’s mastery learning?

It is recommended to return to teaching by objectives or Bloom's mastery learning in

order to determine whether the activities, subject matter, and other educational
activities related to the issue are aligned or achievable to the objectives or not, and to
ensure that it truly aids students' learning.

Does OBTL help us become more globally competitive beginning with the ASEAN member

For me, OBTL helps us to be more globally competitive because it is specifically

determined to authentic education wherein students can execute their learnings
through performance-based learning. This learning is beneficial to students because
they can apply it in real-life situations. Through this OBTL, students can keep track of
their progress and learn if such a field has experience, resulting in higher quality

What are your thoughts about OBTL?

Outcome Based Teaching and Learning (OBTL) is a student-centered education

approach in which the intended learning outcomes of the program are explicitly
defined for students to achieve. Then, teaching and learning activities are carefully
designed to help students achieve these outcomes. This means that everything
teachers do must be centered on what they want their pupils to know, understand,
and be able to do. In other words, teachers should focus on assisting students in
developing the knowledge, abilities, and personalities that will enable them to attain
the clearly specified planned outcomes. When creating an OBE syllabus, we usually
use a process called "constructive alignment." Which refers to the process of
developing a learning environment that facilitates the learning activities necessary to
achieve the desired learning outcomes.

Outline a lesson that shows the alignment of the Intended learning

Outcomes (ILO’s), the Teaching-Learning Activities (TLA) and the
Assessment Tasks (ATs). Based your ILOs on the K-12 Curriculum Guide

I. Intended Learning outcome (ILO’s)

 Define lyric poetry

 Interpret a literary piece of two famous lyric poet
 Compose a poem expresses an emotion
 Internalize the content of the poem and relate it to real life situation

II. Teaching- Learning Activities (TLA’s)

•Motivation- The teacher will randomly pick five students, each students will pick a piece
of paper containing an emotion (Excited, sad, scared,shy,angry,); after picking one, they
will interpret the chosen emotion using the word “No” in front of the class while the
remaining students will try to guess the emotion.
• Introduce the two-lyric poet- Henry Widsworth Longfellow and Robert Frost; appreciate
and interpret the work of Henry Widsworthy Longfellow “The Rainy Day” with guided

•Practice- (Group Activity) the students will be grouped into five; using the literary piece
of Robert Frost “A Time to Talk” each group will analyze and interpret the literary piece
with guided questions; each group will be reporting in front of the class

III. Assessment Tasks (AT’s)

•Seatwork- The students will compose their own lyric poem with one (1)Stanza and four
•Assignment- Research one lyric poem and interpret it , state the emotion being
conveyed by the poet.

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