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Mary Delamater
Joel Murach

Mary Delamater
Joel Murach

Mike Murach & Associates, Inc.

hi 4340 N. Knoll Ave. • Fresno. CA 93722 • [email protected]
Editorial team
Authors: Mary Delamater
Joel Murach
Editor: Anne Boehm
Reviewers: John Baugh. Professor and Chair. Oakland Community College
Prentiss Knowlton. UCLA Extension
Production: Samantha Walker

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© 2018. Mike Murach & Associates. Inc.

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Printed in the United States of America

10 987654321
ISBN-13: 978-1-943872-27-5
Introduction xvii

Section 1 Essential skills for modern C++

Chapter l An introduction to C++ programming 3
Chapter 2 How to write your first programs 39
Chapter 3 How to make decisions 83
Chapter 4 How to code loops ll3
Chapter 5 How to work with I/O streams and files I4l
Chapter 6 How to work with data types, strings, and vectors 185
Chapter 7 How to code functions 239
Chapter 8 How to test, debug, and deploy a program 287

Section 2 More skills as you need them

Chapter 9 How to work with structures and enumerations 315
Chapter 10 How to work with STL containers and iterators 351
Chapter 11 How to work with STL algorithms 403
Chapter 12 How to work with built-in arrays and C strings 439
Chapter 13 How to work with exceptions 485

Section 3 Object-oriented programming

Chapter 14 How to define classes 5ll
Chapter 15 How to work with inheritance 573
Chapter 16 More skills for object-oriented programming 607

Section 4 Skills for legacy and generic programming

Chapter 17 How to work with memory and pointers 635
Chapter 18 How to work with templates 681
Chapter 19 How to code custom containers, iterators, and algorithms 705

Reference aids
Appendix A How to set up Windows for this book 743
Appendix B How to set up macOS for this book 749
Index 757
Expanded contents VI i

Expanded contents
Section 1 Essential skills for modern C++

Chapter 1 An introduction to C++ programming

An overview of programming and C++............................................... 4
Four general-purpose programming languages............................................................. 4
A brief history of C++...................................................................................................... 6
A quick look at C++ development....................................................... 8
The user interface for a console application..................................................................... 8
The source code for a console application....................................................................... 10
How source code compiles to an executable file............................................................ 12
Four popular IDEs and compilers.................................................................................... 14
How to use Visual Studio for Windows development.................... 16
How to open a project and work with source code..........................................................16
How to compile and run a project.................................................................................... 18
How to use code completion and error detection...........................................................20
How to create a new project.............................................................................................22
How to use Xcode for macOS development................................... 26
How to open a project and work with source code.........................................................26
How to compile and run a project.................................................................................... 28
How to use code completion and error detection...........................................................30
How to create a new project............................................................................................. 32

Chapter 2 How to write your first programs

Basic coding skills............................................................................... 40
How to code statements................................................................................................... 40
How to code comments.................................................................................................... 40
How to code a main() function........................................................................................42
How to create identifiers.................................................................................................. 44
How to work with numeric variables................................................. 46
How to define and initialize variables............................................................................ 46
How to code assignment statements............................................................................... 46
How to code arithmetic expressions............................................................................... 48
How to use the console for input and output................................. 50
How to include header files.............................................................................................. 50
How to write output to the console.................................................................................. 52
How to read input from the console.................................................................................54
The Gallons to Liters program........................................................................................ 56
How to work with the standard library.............................................. 58
How to call a function...................................................................................................... 58
How to work with the std namespace............................................................................. 60
The Circle Calculator program....................................................................................... 62
How to generate random numbers..................................................................................64
How to work with char and string variables.................................... 66
How to assign values to char and string variables.......................................................... 66
How to work with special characters...............................................................................68
How to read strings and chars from the console............................................................ 70
How to fix a common problem with reading strings...................................................... 72
The Guest Book program................................................................................................. 74
Viii Expanded contents

How to test and debug a program..................................................... 76

How to test a program.......................................................................................................76
How to debug a program.................................................................................................. 76

Chapter 3 How to make decisions

How to get started with if statements............................................... 84
How to use the relational operators.................................................................................84
How to code an if statement............................................................................................ 86
How to work with braces................................................................................................88
The Invoice 1.0 program.................................................................................................90
More skills for coding if statements................................................. 92
How to use the logical operators......................................................................................92
If statements that use the logical operators.................................................................... 94
How to code nested if statements.................................................................................... 96
The Invoice 2.0 program.................................................................................................. 98
Other ways to make decisions........................................................ 102
How to use the conditional operator.............................................................................. 102
How to code switch statements...................................................................................... 104
More examples of switch statements............................................................................. 106
A switch statement for the Invoice 2.0 program........................................................... 108

Chapter 4 How to code loops

More skills for coding arithmetic expressions..............................114
How to use arithmetic unary operators........................................................................ 114
How to use the compound assignment operators........................................................ 116
How to work with the order of precedence...................................................................118
How to code while and do-while loops........................................... 120
How to code while loops................................................................................................. 120
More examples of while loops....................................................................................... 122
How to code do-while loops......................................................................................... 124
The Test Scores program.............................................................................................. 126
How to code for loops and nested loops....................................... 128
How to code for loops..................................................................................................... 128
The Future Value program............................................................................................ 130
How to code nested loops............................................................................................. 132
How to code break and continue statements............................... 134
How to code break statements....................................................................................... 134
How to code continue statements.................................................................................. 134
The Guess the Number program.................................................................................... 136

Chapter 5 How to work with I/O streams and files

How to work with input streams...................................................... 142
An introduction to streams and buffers......................................................................... 142
How unexpected input can cause problems................................................................... 144
How to discard data from an input stream.................................................................... 146
How to detect data input errors.......................................................................................148
How to handle data input errors.................................................................................... 150
How to work with output streams................................................... 152
An introduction to stream manipulators........................................................................ 152
How to specify the width of a column........................................................................... 152
How to right or left justify columns............................................................................. 154
How to format floating-point numbers.........................................................................156
The Invoice 3.0 program............................................................................................... 158
Expanded contents IX

How to work with file streams..........................................................162

How to read and write a file............................................................................................ 162
How to append data to a file........................................................................................... 164
How to use the fstream object to wort with files......................................................... 164
How to check for errors when working with files........................................................ 166
How to read and write delimited data........................................................................... 168
The Temperature Manager program.............................................................................. 170
How to work with string streams...................................................... 174
How to use a string stream to handle unexpected data................................................ 174
The Temperature Analyzer program............................................................................. 176

Chapter 6 How to work with data types, strings, and vectors

Basic skills for working with data types......................................... 186
The fundamental data types........................................................................................... 186
How to define and initialize variables........................................................................... 188
How to define and initialize constants........................................................................... 190
The Light Years Calculator program............................................................................. 192
More skills for working with data types.......................................... 194
How to work with type conversion................................................................................ 194
How to work with data type sizes and limits................................................................. 196
How to fix problems with floating-point data................................................................198
How to work with vectors..................................................................200
How to create a vector and refer to its elements........................................................... 200
How to initialize and loop through a vector................................................................. 202
How to use member functions of a vector.................................................................... 204
The Test Scores program............................................................................................... 206
The Temperature Manager program.............................................................................. 210
How to work with strings.................................................................. 214
How to create and loop through a string....................................................................... 214
How to use basic member functions of a string............................................................ 216
How to search a string.................................................................................................... 218
How to work with substrings......................................................................................... 220
How to modify a string.................................................................................................. 222
How to check characters within a string...................................................................... 224
The Create Account program........................................................................................ 226
The Word Jumble program............................................................................................ 230

Chapter 7 How to code functions

How to start coding your own functions....................................... 240
How to define and call a function................................................................................. 240
The Miles Per Gallon program......................................................................................242
How to declare a function.............................................................................................. 244
When and how to use local and global variables......................................................... 246
How to plan the functions of a program........................................ 248
How to use a hierarchy chart.........................................................................................248
The Convert Temperatures program...........................................................................250
More skills for coding functions.................................................... 254
How to use default values for arguments...................................................................... 254
How to overload a function............................................................................................ 256
How to use reference variables as parameters.............................................................. 258
How to use reference parameters to improve efficiency...............................................259
The Temperature Manager program..............................................................................262
Expanded contents

How to work with header files and namespaces.......................... 270

How to create, implement, and use header files..........................................................270
How to define namespaces............................................................................................. 272
A header for getting input from the console................................................................. 274
The Future Value program............................................................................................. 278

Chapter 8 How to test, debug, and deploy a program

Basic skills for testing and debugging...........................................288
Typical test phases..........................................................................................................288
The three types of errors................................................................................................ 288
Common C++ errors...................................................................................................... 290
How to plan the test runs............................................................................................... 292
A simple way to trace code execution...........................................................................294
How to use Visual Studio to debug a program............................. 296
How to set and remove breakpoints...............................................................................296
How to step through code............................................................................................. 298
How to inspect variables............................................................................................... 298
How to inspect the stack trace....................................................................................... 300
How to use Xcode to debug a program..........................................302
How to set and remove breakpoints...............................................................................302
How to step through code............................................................................................. 304
How to inspect variables............................................................................................... 304
How to inspect the stack trace....................................................................................... 306
How to deploy and run a program................................................... 308
How to deploy a program............................................................................................... 308
How to run a deployed program....................................................................................308

Section 2 More skills as you need them

Chapter 9 How to work with structures and enumerations
Basic skills for working with structures......................................... 316
How to get started with structures................................................................................. 316
How to initialize a structure.......................................................................................... 318
The Movie List 1.0 program.........................................................................................320
More skills for working with structures......................................... 324
How to nest structures.................................................................................................. 324
How to use structures with functions............................................................................ 326
How to compare structures for equality........................................................................328
How to work with member functions............................................................................330
How to work with member operators............................................................................330
The Movie List 2.0 program.......................................................................................... 332
How to work with enumerations...................................................... 338
Basic skills for working with scoped enumerations..................................................... 338
More skills for working with scoped enumerations.....................................................340
How to work with unscoped enumerations................................................................... 342
The Monthly Bonus Calculator program...................................................................... 344

Chapter 10 How to work with STL containers and iterators

An introduction to STL containers and iterators.......................... 352
A summary of STL containers..................................................................................... 352
A summary of STL iterators......................................................................................... 354
Basic skills for working with iterators...........................................................................356
Member functions shared by the STL containers........................................................ 358
How to iterate the data in a container............................................................................360
Expanded contents Xi

More skills for working with vectors............................................... 362

Member functions shared by the sequence containers................................................. 362
Member functions of a vector........................................................................................364
How to set capacity to improve efficiency.................................................................... 366
The Movie Rankings 1.0 program................................................................................. 368
How to work with arrays.................................................................... 372
Basic skills for working with arrays.............................................................................. 372
How to pass an array to a function................................................................................ 374
How to work with lists....................................................................... 376
An introduction to lists and forward lists..................................................................... 376
Member functions of a list............................................................................................. 378
The Movie Rankings 2.0 program.................................................................................380
How to work with queues and stacks............................................. 384
How to work with queues............................................................................................... 384
How to work with stacks................................................................................................ 384
How to work with sets....................................................................... 386
Member functions of associative containers................................................................ 386
Code examples that work with sets................................................................................386
How to work with maps..................................................................... 388
Member functions and operators of a map................................................................... 388
How to insert key/value pairs and work with values by key....................................... 390
The Word Counter program...........................................................................................392
How to work with nested containers.............................................. 396
How to work with a vector of vectors............................................................................396
How to work with a map of vectors...............................................................................396

Chapter 11 How to work with STL algorithms

An introduction to STL algorithms................................................. 404
The relationship between containers, iterators, and algorithms..................................404
How to call an algorithm............................................................................................... 406
How to pass a function as an argument........................................................................ 406
Basic skills for working with algorithms....................................... 408
How to use the non-modifying algorithms................................................................... 408
How to use the modifying algorithms........................................................................... 410
How to use the min and max algorithms...................................................................... 412
How to use the numeric algorithms............................................................................... 412
How to use the sort and binary search algorithms....................................................... 414
The Number Cruncher program.................................................................................... 416
More skills for working with algorithms........................................ 420
How to use algorithms with intervals of key/value pairs............................................ 420
How to use algorithms with nested containers.............................................................422
More skills for passing functions to algorithms........................... 424
How to work with function templates........................................................................... 424
How to work with function objects............................................................................... 426
How to work with lambda expressions......................................................................... 428
The Uptime Percentage program................................................................................ 430

Chapter 12 How to work with built-in arrays and C strings

Basic skills for built-in arrays......................................................... 440
How to create an array and access its elements............................................................440
How to initialize an array.............................................................................................. 442
How to loop through an array........................................................................................ 442
Xii Expanded contents

How to pass an array to a function............................................................................... 444

How to compare and copy arrays................................................................................. 446
The Test Scores program.............................................................................................. 448
How to work with C strings.............................................................. 452
An introduction to C strings.........................................................................................452
How to use C strings with input streams...................................................................... 454
Some utility functions for working with C strings......................................................456
How to loop through a C string.....................................................................................458
The Create Account program....................................................................................... 460
Advanced skills for built-in arrays.................................................. 466
How to search an array................................................................................................. 466
How to sort an array...................................................................................................... 468
How to use STL algorithms with built-in arrays.......................................................... 470
How to work with a two-dimensional array................................................................. 472
How to pass a two-dimensional array to a function..................................................... 474
The Top Five program.................................................................................................... 476

Chapter 13 How to work with exceptions

How to get started with exceptions................................................486
A function that doesn't use exceptions......................................................................... 486
How to throw an exception............................................................................................ 488
How to catch an exception............................................................................................. 490
A program that catches exceptions................................................................................492
A program that prevents exceptions from being thrown............................................. 494
More skills for working with exceptions........................................ 496
How to catch multiple exceptions..................................................................................496
How to rethrow an exception......................................................................................... 498
The Temperature Manager program............................................................................. 500
How to work with custom exceptions........................................................................... 502
How exception handling works...................................................................................... 504

Section 3 Object-oriented programming

Chapter 14 How to define classes

An introduction to object-oriented programming........................ 512
A Movie structure that doesn't provide encapsulation................................................. 512
A Movie class that provides encapsulation....................................................................514
How to define private data members............................................................................. 516
How to define getter and setter functions...................................................................... 518
The Movie List 1.0 program.......................................................................................... 520
More skills for coding member functions..................................... 524
How to work with private member functions............................................................... 524
How to convert between numbers and strings.............................................................. 526
How to define constructors...........................................................................................528
How to define destructors.............................................................................................530
How to store a class in header and source files.......................... 532
The header and source files for a Movie class.............................................................. 532
When and how to use inline functions..........................................................................536
The Movie List 2.0 program.......................................................................................... 538
How to work with UML diagrams..................................................... 544
An introduction to UML diagrams............................................................................... 544
UML diagrams with data types.................................................................................... 546
A Product class that implements a UML diagram.......................................................548
The Product Viewer program....................................................................................... 552
Expanded contents X i ii

How to work with object composition............................................ 556

A Die class...................................................................................................................... 556
A Dice class.................................................................................................................... 558
The Dice Roller program............................................................................................... 560
The Pig Dice game............................................................................. 562
The console..................................................................................................................... 562
The code.......................................................................................................................... 562

Chapter 15 How to work with inheritance

How to get started with inheritance................................................ 574
How inheritance works.................................................................................................. 574
How to define a superclass............................................................................................. 576
How to define a subclass................................................................................................ 578
How to define another subclass...................................................................................... 580
How polymorphism works............................................................................................. 582
The Product Viewer program........................................................................................584
More skills for working with inheritance....................................... 588
How to define an abstract class...................................................................................... 588
How to control overriding.............................................................................................. 590
How to work with multiple inheritance...........................................592
How multiple inheritance works....................................................................................592
The DayReader superclass............................................................................................. 592
The DayWriter superclass.............................................................................................. 592
The DaylO subclass....................................................................................................... 596
Code that uses the DaylO subclass................................................................................ 596
When to use inheritance...................................................................598
How to use inheritance with custom exceptions........................................................... 598
Guidelines for using inheritance....................................................................................600

Chapter 16 More skills for object-oriented programming

How to work with static members................................................... 608
How to code static data members and functions.......................................................... 608
How to access static data members and functions....................................................... 610
The Console class........................................................................................................... 612
Code that uses the Console class.................................................................................. 614
How to work with a friend function................................................. 616
The FuelTank class......................................................................................................... 616
A friend function that works with two classes..............................................................618
How to overload operators...............................................................620
How to overload arithmetic binary operators............................................................... 620
How to overload arithmetic unary operators................................................................ 622
How to overload relational operators.............................................................................624
How to overload the insertion and extraction operators.............................................. 626

Section 4 Skills for legacy and generic programming

Chapter 17 How to work with memory and pointers
An introduction to pointers and memory...................................... 636
How physical memory works......................................................................................... 636
How to define and use pointers...................................................................................... 638
More skills for defining and using pointers.................................................................. 640
How pointer variables compare to reference variables............................................... 642
Xiv Expanded contents

How to use pointers with functions................................... ....... 644

How and when to pass pointers to functions............................................... ........... 644
How to use the this pointer in a member function.................................... ........... 646
The Step Counter 1.0 program...................................................................... ........... 648
The Step Counter 2.0 program..................................................................... ........... 650
How to use pointers to work with dynamic memory...... ........ 652
An overview of the types of storage........................................................... . ........... 652
How to allocate and deallocate free store memory................................... . ........... 654
How to avoid memory leaks and memory corruption.... ........656
How to use RA11 (Resource Acquisition Is Instantiation)........................ ........... 656
How to implement the Rule of Three with RA1I........................................ ........... 658
How to implement the Rule of Five with RA11.......................................... ........... 660
How to work with smart pointers............................................................... . ........... 662
The Sensor Analysis program....................................................................... ........... 664
More skills for working with pointers................................ ........670
How to compare pointers.............................................................................. ........... 670
How to use pointer arithmetic...................................................................... ........... 670
How to work with void pointers.................................................................... ........... 670
How to use pointers with inheritance......................................................... . ........... 672
How to understand complex compound types............................................ ........... 674

Chapter 18 How to work with templates

How to work with function templates................................ ........682
An overloaded function................................................................................. ........... 682
A function template..................................................................................... . ........... 684
How to code a function template with one type parameter....................... ........... 686
How to code a function template with multiple type parameters.............. ........... 688
How to work with class templates...................................... ....... 690
How to code a simple class template.......................................................... . ........... 690
How to code a more complex class template............................................... ........... 692
How to use a complex class template.......................................................... . ........... 696
How to code a function template that works with a class template........... ........... 698
The Sensor Analysis program....................................................................... ........... 700

Chapter 19 How to code custom containers, iterators

and algorithms
How to code a custom container........................................ ........706
How to work with member types.................................................................. ........... 706
The MyVector class declaration.................................................................... ........... 708
The constructor and destructor definitions................................................... ........... 710
The assignment operator definitions............................................................. ........... 712
The member function definitions.................................................................. ........... 714
The Task .Manager 1.0 program.................................................................... ........... 716
How to code a custom iterator............................................ ........718
How to work with iterator traits.................................................................... ........... 718
The Link structure......................................................................................... ........... 720
The Mylterator class...................................................................................... ........... 722
The MyList class declaration........................................................................ ........... 724
The destructor definition................................................................................ ........... 726
The member function definitions.................................................................. ........... 726
The Task Manager 2.0 program.................................................................... ........... 730
How to code a custom algorithm........................................ ........732
The iind_midpoint() algorithm..................................................................... ........... 732
The Number Cruncher program................................................................... ........... 734
Expanded contents X.V

Appendix A How to set up Windows for this book

How to install the Visual Studio IDE............................................................................744
How to install the source code for this book................................................................ 746

Appendix B How to set up macOS for this book

How to install the Xcode IDE........................................................................................ 750
How to install the source code for this book................................................................ 752
How the source code makes it easier for Xcode projects to store data in files..........754
C++ was first released in 1985. and it was a difficult language to learn.
That’s because it required programmers to master low-level techniques to work
with memory.
Over the years. C++ has evolved to provide many higher-level techniques
that make it much easier to write effective C++ code. But most C++ books
haven’t evolved with the language.
So our goal in this book has been to rethink the entire approach and make it
easier than ever to learn C++ by taking advantage of the higher-level techniques
that are now integral to the language. Then, once you’ve learned how to code
object-oriented C++ programs today, this book teaches you the older techniques
that you need to maintain legacy code and to work with embedded systems that
don’t support the newer techniques.

What this book does

To make your C++ training as effective as possible, this book is divided into
four sections:
• Section 1 presents a practical subset of modern C++ that gets you off
to a great start. This section works for both beginners and experienced
programmers because it lets you set your own pace. If you’re a beginner,
you’ll move slowly and do all the exercises. If you have experience, you’ll
move more quickly, skimming through material you already know to focus
on skills that are new to you or that you’ve never mastered.
• Section 2 builds on the subset to present additional C++ essentials that
programmers use every day. These skills include working with structures,
enumerations. Standard Template Library (STL) containers and algorithms,
built-in arrays, C strings, and exceptions.
XViil Introduction

• Section 3 shows you how to develop object-oriented programs in C++. This

is a critical skillset in today’s world, and it complements the procedural
skills you learned in section 1. When you complete this section, you’ll be
able to develop programs that combine the best procedural practices with
the best object-oriented practices.
• Section 4 presents some advanced skills that you may need, especially if
you’re working with legacy code or embedded systems. These skills include
using pointers to work with memory at a low level and using templates to
allow a class to support multiple data types. By the end of this section, you’ll
also have learned how to develop custom containers and algorithms that
work like the containers and algorithms of the STL presented in section 2.

Why you’ll learn faster and better with this book

Like all our books, this one has features that you won’t find in competing
books, all designed to help you learn faster and better. Here are a few of those
• As you page through this book, you’ll see that all of the information is
presented in “paired pages,” with the essential syntax, guidelines, and
examples on the right page and the perspective and extra explanation on the
left page. This helps you learn faster by reading less...and this is the ideal
reference format when you need to refresh your memory about how to do
• To show you how C++ works, this book presents over 50 complete programs
that build from the simple to the complex. We believe that studying the code
for complete programs is critical to the learning process... and yet you won’t
find programs like ours in other C++ books.
• Of course, this book also presents hundreds of short examples, so it’s easy to
find an example that shows how to do what you want to do. Even better, our
paired pages make it easier to find the example that you’re looking for than it
is with traditional books that embed the examples in the text.
• At the end of each chapter, there are exercises that give you hands-
on experience in practicing what you’ve learned. These exercises also
encourage you to experiment and to apply what you’ve learned in new
ways...just as you’ll have to do on the job. Because our exercises start from
partial programs, you get more practice in less time because you can focus
on the skills you’ve just learned.

What software you need

To develop C++ programs, you just need to download and install an IDE
and a compiler for C++ that you can use for coding, testing, and debugging
your programs. Fortunately, some C++ IDEs include a compiler for the current
operating system.
Introduction XIX

For example, installing Visual Studio on Windows as described in appendix

A also installs the Microsoft Visual C++ (MSVC) compiler. Similarly, installing
Xcode on macOS as described in appendix B also installs the open-source Clang
compiler that can be used to compile programs in C++ and related languages.
Then, chapter 1 shows how to use Visual Studio and Xcode to develop C++
programs for the Windows and macOS operating systems.

How our downloadable files can help you learn

If you go to our website at you can download all the files
that you need for getting the most from this book. This includes:
• the programs presented in this book
• the starting points for the exercises
• the solutions to the exercises
These files let you test, review, and copy the code. If you have any problems with
the exercises, the solutions are there to help you over the learning blocks, an
essential part of the learning process. And in some cases, the solutions will show
you a more elegant way to handle a problem, even when you’ve come up with a
solution that works. Here again, appendixes A and B show how to download and
install these files on Windows and macOS systems.

Support materials for instructors and trainers

If you’re a college instructor or corporate trainer who would like to use this
book as a course text, we offer a full set of the support materials you need for a
turnkey course. That includes:
• instructional objectives that help your students focus on the skills that they
need to develop
• dozens of projects that let your students prove how well they have mastered
those skills
• test banks that let you measure how well your students have mastered those
• a complete set of PowerPoint slides that you can use to review and reinforce
the content of the book
Instructors tell us that this is everything they need for a course without all the
busywork that you get from other publishers.
To learn more about our instructor’s materials, please go to our website at if you’re an instructor. Or if you’re a trainer,
please go to and click on the Courseware for Trainers link, or
contact Kelly at 1-800-221-5528 or [email protected].
Please remember, though, that the primary component for a successful C++
course is this book. Because your students will learn faster and more thoroughly
when they use our book, they will have better questions and be more prepared
when they come to class. Because our guided exercises start from partial
XX Introduction

programs, your students will get more and better practice in lab. And because
our paired pages are so good for reference, your students will be able to review
for tests and do their projects more efficiently.

Please let us know how this book works for you

From the start of this project, we’ve had two goals for this book. First, we
wanted to make this the best-ever book for beginning programmers who want to
learn how to program with C++. To do that right, we knew we not only had to
make the book easy enough for beginners, but also had to teach all of the skills
that a professional C++ programmer needs to know.
Second, we wanted to make this the best-ever book for experienced
programmers who want to add C++ to their skillsets. To do that right, we’ve
carefully selected the content, organized it from simple to complex in each
chapter, and packed the book full of code examples and sample programs.
That allows experienced programmers to move quickly through material that’s
familiar from other languages, so they can see how to do it the C++ way. If they
already know some C++, it allows them to zero in on features that are new to
them or that they need to use right away. And when they’re done, this book will
be their best-ever on-the-job reference.
Now, we hope we’ve succeeded. We thank you for buying this book.
We wish you all the best with your C++ programming. And if you have any
comments, we would appreciate hearing from you.

Joel Murach Mary Delamater

Author Author
[email protected] [email protected]
Section 1

Essential skills
for modern C++
The eight chapters in this section get you off to a fast start by presenting
a complete subset of the essential concepts and skills that you need for
C++ programming. First, chapter 1 introduces you to C++ programming
and shows you how to use an IDE (Integrated Development Environment)
to get started with development. Then, chapters 2 through 7 present the
programming skills that you need to develop substantial programs of your
After the first seven chapters, you’re going to need to improve your
testing and debugging skills, and you may want to deploy a program to
see how that works. So. that’s what chapter 8 shows you how to do. When
you complete this section, you’ll be able to design, code, test, debug, and
deploy C++ programs that can work with data that’s stored in files.
An introduction
to C++ programming
This chapter starts by presenting some background information about C++.
Although this information isn’t essential to developing C++ programs, it does
show how C++ works and how it compares to other languages. So it’s impor­
tant for you to at least skim this information.
After the background information, this chapter shows how to use an IDE
(Integrated Development Environment) to develop a C++ program. If you’re
using a Windows computer, we recommend using the Visual Studio IDE
that’s developed by Microsoft. If you’re using a Mac. we recommend using
the Xcode IDE that’s developed by Apple. As you’ll see, there are many other
IDEs that support C++ development, including the open-source Eclipse and
NetBeans IDEs. These IDEs run on all modem operating systems, and you
can use them if you prefer.

An overview of programming and C++................................. 4

Four general-purpose programming languages..............................................4
A brief history of C++...................................................................................... 6
A quick look at C++ development...........................................8
The user interface for a console application..................................................... 8
The source code for a console application....................................................... 10
How source code compiles to an executable file........................................... 12
Four popular IDEs and compilers....................................................................14
How to use Visual Studio for Windows development...... 16
How to open a project and work with source code.......................................... 16
How to compile and run a project....................................................................18
How to use code completion and error detection........................................... 20
How to create a new project............................................................................ 22
How to use Xcode for macOS development.......................26
How to open a project and work with source code......................................... 26
How to compile and run a project................................................................... 28
How to use code completion and error detection........................................... 30
How to create a new project.......................................................................... 32
4 Section 1 Essential skills for modem C++

An overview of programming and C++

In 1979, Bjame Stroustrup began working on the language that would
eventually become C++ (pronounced “see plus plus”). Today, C++ remains one
of the most important programming languages in the world, with billions of
lines of code in production. That includes many applications that are crucial to
modern computing as we know it.

Four general-purpose programming languages

C++ is a general-purpose programming language that was originally based
on the C language. Figure 1-1 begins by presenting a chronological listing of
four popular general-purpose programming languages including C++. Of these
languages, C was developed first and had a commercial release in 1972. After
that. C++ was developed as an extension of the C language that added the
capability for object-oriented programming and had a commercial release in
1985. Since then, many other programming languages have used a syntax that's
similar to C++, including Java (first commercial release in 1996) and C# (first
commercial release in 2002).
At this point, you may wonder why you should learn C++ when there
are newer languages like Java and C# available. To start. C++ is still one of
the fastest and most efficient languages available. So. if you’re developing a
program that needs to be fast and use memory efficiently to conserve system
resources, C++ is still a great choice. This is an advantage that C++ has over
many other languages such as Java and C#.
Like many other modem languages, C++ is portable, which means that it
works with many different operating systems and devices. Like many other
object-oriented languages, C++ is ideal for developing large and complex appli­
cations. In fact, over the past 30 years, thousands of large and complex applica­
tions have been developed using C++ and billions of lines of code have been
deployed. All of this adds up to a significant demand for C++ programmers in
the job market, both for developing new projects and maintaining existing ones.
So. what types of applications are typically developed using C++? Due to its
speed and efficiency. C++ is commonly used for the types of programming listed
in this figure, including systems programming, desktop applications, mobile
apps, video games, performance-critical applications, science applications,
engineering applications, and embedded systems programming. In other words.
C++ is commonly used for a wide range of applications, especially where speed
and efficiency are critical.
Chapter 1 An introduction to C+ + programming 5

Four general-purpose programming languages

Why it still makes sense to learn C++ today

• Speed. After all these years. C++ is still one of the fastest and most efficient
languages available.
• Portability. C++ is designed to work with many different operating systems
and devices.
• Scale. C++ is an object-oriented programming (OOP) language. This makes it
ideal for developing large and complex applications that may have millions of
lines of code.
• .Job security. After all these years, there is still a robust demand for C++
developers from many of the largest companies in the world. Many new C++
projects are started every year, and billions of lines of existing C++ code will
need to be maintained for many years to come.

What C++ is used for

• Systems programming such as key parts of operating systems, device drivers.
Internet routers, web servers, database servers, and even compilers and infra­
structure for other languages such as Java and C#.
• Desktop applications such as web browsers, word processors, spreadsheets,
and image editors.
• Mobile apps such as apps that need to run as efficiently as possible on Android
• Video games that require extensive computation and graphics processing.
• Performance-critical applications such as financial, telecommunications, and
military applications.
• Science and engineering applications that perform extensive numerical
computation and graphics processing.
• Embedded systems programming such as applications for medical equip­
ment, flight control software, and automobile software.

• C++ is a general-purpose programming language that was originally based on
the C language.
• Many other programming languages have been influenced by C++ including
Java and C#.

Figure 1-1 Four general-purpose programming languages

6 Section 1 Essential skills for modem C++

A brief history of C++

Since 1998, C++ has been standardized by the International Organization
for Standardization (ISO). Although these standards have a long formal name,
they’re typically referred to by a short informal name as shown in figure 1-2. So.
the C++ standard released in 1998 is typically referred to as C++98. Similarly,
the standard released in 2017 is typically referred to as C++17. and the standard
that’s due to be released in 2020 is typically referred to as C++20.
This book shows how to use C++17. However, C++ is backwards compat­
ible, which means that C++17 works with older versions of C++ too. In addition,
most of the skills described in this book have been a part of C++ since its earliest
versions. As a result, earlier versions of C++ such as C++ 2011 work with most
of the skills described in this book.
This figure also presents a brief history of C++. This history shows that
Bjarne Stroustrup began developing a language called “C with Classes” in 1979.
In 1983, this language was renamed to C++. In 1985, the first commercial imple­
mentation of C++ was released, though the language was not yet standardized by
the ISO. In 1998. the ISO released the C++98 standard, followed by subsequent
standards in 2(X)3, 2011, 2014, and 2017. As you progress through this book,
you’ll learn more about what these standards mean for you as a programmer.
Chapter 1 An introduction to C+ + programming 7

C++ ISO standards

Year C++ Standard Informal name
1998 ISO/IEC 14882:1998 C++98
2003 ISO/IEC 14882:2003 C++03
2011 ISO/IEC 14882:2011 C++11
2014 ISO/IEC 14882:2014 C++14
2017 ISO/IEC 14882:2017 C++17

C++ history
Year Event
1979 Bjarne Stroustrup begins work on “C with Classes".
1983 “C with Classes" is renamed to C++.
1985 The first commercial implementation of C++ is released.
1985 The first edition of The C++ Programming Language is published. This book became
the definitive reference for the language, as there was not yet an official standard.
1990 The Annotated C++ Reference Manual is published. This book became the basis for
the 1998 standard.
1998 The C++98 standard is finalized.
2003 The C++03 standard is released, fixing some bugs with the previous standard.
2011 The C++11 standard is released, adding many new features.
2014 The C++14 standard is released, fixing some bugs with the previous standard.
2017 The C++17 standard is released, adding many new features.

• Since 1998, C++ has been standardized by the International Organization for
Standardization (ISO).
• C++ 2020 is the next planned standard.

Figure 1 -2 A brief history of C++

8 Section 1 Essential skills for modem C++

A quick look at C++ development

At this point, you’re ready to see the user interface and source code for a
C++ program. After that, you’ll be ready to learn how C++ converts this source
code so it can be run by a computer.

The user interface for a console application

An application, or app, is computer software that performs a task or related
set of tasks. However, an application can also be referred to as a program,
even though one application may actually consist of many related programs. In
practice, most people use these terms interchangeably.
A desktop application is a program that runs directly on your computer.
There are two types of desktop applications that you can create with C++.
The first type of desktop application is known as a GUI application because it
uses a graphical user interface to interact with the user. (In conversation, GUI
is pronounced G-U-I or gooey.) Examples of GUI applications include web
browsers, word processors, and spreadsheets. So, if you’ve ever used a web
browser, you are already familiar with GUI applications.
However, you might not be familiar with the second type of desktop appli­
cation. This type of application is known as a console application because it
uses the console, also known as a command prompt or terminal, to interact
with the user by allowing the user to enter commands and data. In figure 1-3,
for example, the console application prompts the user to enter the radius for a
circle. Here, the user enters a value by typing a number and pressing the Enter
key. Then, the application calculates the diameter, circumference, and area of the
circle and displays the results on the console.
The appearance of the console may differ from one operating system to
another, but the functionality should be the same. In this figure, for example, the
first console is the Command Prompt window that’s available from Windows,
and the second console is the Terminal window that’s available from macOS.
However, both get input from the user in the same way and display the same
result to the user.
Console applications are easier to code than GUI applications. As a result,
they’re often used by programmers when learning a language. That’s why this
book uses console applications to show how C++ works. Once you understand
the basics of C++, you’ll be ready to move on to writing GUI applications, if
that’s what you want to do.
Chapter 1 An introduction to C+ + programming 9

A console application
Running in the console for Windows 10

Running in the console for macOS

• An application, or app, is computer software that performs a task or related set
of tasks.
• An application can also be referred to as a program.
• A console application uses the console to interact with the user.
• The appearance of the console may differ from one operating system to
another, but the functionality should be the same.
• A GUI application uses a graphical user interface to interact with the user.
Examples of GUI applications include web browsers, word processors, and
• Console applications are easier to code than GUI applications. As a result,
they’re often used by programmers when learning a language.

Figure 1 -3 The user interface for a console application

10 Section 1 Essential skills for modem C++

The source code for a console application

When you develop a C++ application, you start by entering and editing the
source code for the program. To give you an idea of how the source code for
a C++ program works, figure 1-4 presents the code for the Circle Calculator
program shown in the previous figure.
If you have experience with other programming languages, you may be able
to understand much of this code already. If not. don’t worry! You’ll learn how all
of this code works in the next few chapters. For now. here’s a brief explanation
of this code.
The first two lines are #include directives that specify that this code uses
two header files (iostream and cmath). These headers are available from the C++
standard library. Here, the iostream header provides the code for working with
input and output (I/O) from the console. The cmath header, on the other hand,
provides the code for accessing libraries written in the C language that provide
mathematical functions. These functions include the pow() and round() functions
used in this source code. Then, the third line makes it easier to work with the
code in these headers, which are both available from the namespace named std.
which is short for standard.
Most of the code for this program is stored in a function named main().
Before the function name, this code uses the int keyword to specify that this
function returns an integer to the operating system. The code for this function is
stored between the function’s opening brace ({) and its closing brace (}). When
a C++ program starts, it automatically executes the main() function and runs
the code between its braces. Because of that, this function is known as the entry
point for the application.
Within the main() function, the source code uses the cout. cin. and endl
objects that are available from the iostream header to write output to the console
(cout), read input from the console (cin). and specify the end of a line (endl). To
help with that, this code uses the stream insertion operator (<<) to insert data into
the output stream and the stream extraction operator (») to extract data from the
input stream. In addition, this code uses the pow() and round() functions that are
available from the cmath header to raise a number to the power of 2 and to round
a number to 1 decimal place. Finally, the last statement in the method returns a
value of 0 to tell the operating system that the program has ended normally.
In the next chapter, you’ll learn how to write the code for this program.
Then, you’ll be able to write comparable programs of your own.
Chapter 1 An introduction to C+ + programming 11

The source code for a console application

tinclude <iostream>
tinclude <cmath>

using namespace std;

int mainf)
// print name of program
cout « "Circle Calculator" « endl « endl;

// get radius from user

double radius;
cout « "Enter radius: ";
cin >> radius;

// make calculations
double pi ■ 3.14159;
double diameter ■ 2 * radius;
double circumference ■ diameter * pi;
double area « pi * pow(radius, 2.0);

// round to 1 decimal place

circumference - roundfcircumference * 10) / 10;
area - round(area * 10) I 10;

// write output to console

cout « "Diameter: " « diameter « endl
<< "Circumference: " << circumference « endl
<< "Area: " << area « endl « endl
<< "Bye!" << endl << endl;

// return value that indicates normal program exit

return 0;

• When you develop a C++ application, you write the source code for the
program. Later, a program known as a compiler converts the source code into
machine code that can be run by a computer.
• The two #include directives specify that this code uses two header files (iostream
and cmath). These headers are available from the C++ standard library.
• The main() function contains the code that's run when the program starts.
• This code uses the cout, cin. and endl objects that are available from the
iostream header to write output to the console (cout), read input from the
console (cin), and specify the end of a line (endl).
• This code uses the pow() and round() functions that are available from the
cmath header to raise a number to the power of 2 and to round a number to 1
decimal place.
• The return statement returns a value of 0 to the operating system to indicate
that the program has ended normally.

Figure 1 -4 The source code for a console application

12 Section 1 Essential skills for modem C++

How source code compiles to an executable file

Once the source code has been written, you must compile the source code
into machine language as shown in figure 1-5. Machine language consists of the
Is and Os necessary to run the program on the computer’s operating system.
Machine language is an example of a low-level language that’s hard for
humans to read and understand. In contrast. C++ is an example of a high-level
language that’s relatively easy for humans to read and understand but not usable
by a computer until it’s compiled into a low-level language.
If you take a closer look at the compilation process, it shows that you
typically use an IDE (Integrated Development Environment) to enter and edit the
source code for a C++ program. Files that contain C++ source code often have
an extension of .cpp. In this figure, for example, the source code file is named
main.cpp because it contains the main() function for the program.
In the first step, the preprocessor combines your source code with the source
code from any header files that haven’t already been compiled. This results in a
temporary file of expanded source code.
In the second step, the compiler converts this expanded source code into
machine language. The machine language at this intermediate step is called
object code, and it’s stored in a file called an object file. Object files often have
an extension of .o or .obj.
In the third step, the linker links the machine language in the object file
with the object code from other libraries that have already been compiled. These
libraries contain prewritten C++ code that performs various operations and tasks.
Together, they are known as the runtime library'.
In the end. the compilation process yields a machine language file that can
be executed on an operating system. On Windows, an executable file typically
has an extension of .exe. By contrast, an executable file on macOS typically has
an extension of .app.
Although this compilation process is complicated, it’s done automatically
with the push of a single key if you’re using an IDE to develop your programs,
as shown later in this chapter. For now. all you need to take away from this figure
is that C++ source code is compiled into machine language that's run by the
computer’s operating system.
At this point, you should realize that you must compile your source code
on each operating system that you want to run it on. Then, you end up with
one executable file for each operating system. If you write your source code
correctly, you should be able to use the same source code to create an execut­
able file for each operating system. This is known as cross compiling. In other
words, with C++, the source code is portable between operating systems, but the
executable file isn’t. One of the goals of this book is to show you how to write
C++ source code that’s portable.
Chapter 1 An introduction to C+ + programming 13

How C++ compiles source code into machine language

• Machine language consists of the Is and Os that a computer can run.
• A low-level language such as machine language is hard for humans to read and
understand but can be run by a computer.
• A high-level language such as C++ is relatively easy for humans to read and
understand but can’t be run by a computer until it is translated into a low-level
• A compiler is a program that translates a high-level language to a low-level language.
• When you develop a C++ application, you typically use an Integrated
Development Environment (IDE) to enter and edit the source code for the
application. Files that contain C++ source code often have a .cpp extension.
• The C++ compilation process translates C++ source code into a machine
language known as object code and then into machine language that can be run
directly by an operating system.
• Libraries that contain prewritten and precompiled C++ code that perform
various operations and tasks are called the runtime libraries.
• For a C++ program to run on different operating systems, you must compile
the source code once for each operating system.

Figure 1-5 How C++ compiles code

14 Section I Essential skills for modem C++

Four popular IDEs and compilers

Although it’s possible to use a simple text editor with command-line tools,
an IDE (Integrated Development Environment) provides features that can make
developing C++ programs considerably easier. Figure 1-6 begins by listing four
popular IDEs for C++ development. All four of these IDEs are either free or
have a free edition. That makes them particularly attractive to students as well as
programmers who are learning on their own.
All four of these IDEs provide the features listed in this figure. For example,
these IDEs help you complete your code and notify you of potential errors. They
automatically compile your code before you run it. And they include a debugger
that can help you find and fix errors (bugs) in your code.
Of these IDEs. Visual Studio is the most popular IDE for developing C++
programs for Windows. It’s developed by Microsoft and uses the Microsoft
Visual C++ (MSVC) compiler by default. This compiler is the most popular
compiler for developing C++ programs for Windows. Recently. Microsoft
released a version of Visual Studio that runs on macOS, but most Mac users
seem to prefer other IDEs, especially the Xcode IDE.
Xcode is the most popular IDE for developing C++ programs for macOS.
It’s developed by Apple and uses the Clang compiler. This open-source compiler
is supported by many major companies including Apple. Microsoft, and
Google. It was designed to act as a drop-in replacement for the GNU Compiler
Collection (GCC), which is the standard compiler for most Unix-like systems,
including Linux.
Eclipse and NetBeans both run on all major operating systems. Both of these
excellent IDEs are free and open-source. Neither of them is as popular as Visual
Studio and Xcode for developing for Windows and macOS. but both are good
options for Linux development.
In addition, other C++ IDEs are available that aren’t listed here. These
options include commercial products such as the CLion IDE that’s developed by
JetBrains as well as the open-source Code::Blocks IDE.
When choosing an IDE. keep in mind that you may have to configure it
to work with a compiler such as one of the compilers described in this figure.
That’s especially true if you’re using an IDE such as Eclipse or NetBeans that
doesn’t automatically install and configure a compiler. For example, if you
want to use NetBeans for Windows development, you need to install a compiler
such as the MinGW compiler separately and configure NetBeans to use it. By
contrast, the MSVC compiler is automatically installed and configured when
you install Visual Studio, and the Clang compiler is automatically installed and
configured when you install Xcode.
When choosing a compiler, keep in mind that different compilers provide
different levels of support for the ISO standards. If you choose a compiler that
provides good support for the ISO standards, you can use the features specified
by those ISO standards. In addition, you can easily port your source code from
one compiler to another.
Chapter 1 An introduction to C+ + programming 15

Four popular C++ IDEs

IDE Description
Visual Studio A free IDE that runs on Windows and macOS. This IDE is popular for developing
C++ applications for Windows.
Xcode A free IDE that runs on macOS. This IDE is popular for developing C++
applications for macOS.
Eclipse A free, open-source IDE that runs on most modem operating systems. This IDE
is popular for developing C++ applications for Linux.
NetBeans A free, open-source IDE that runs on most modem operating systems. This IDE
is popular for developing C++ applications for Linux.

Features provided by most IDEs

• Code completion
• Error detection
• Automatic compilation
• Debugging

Four popular C++ compilers

Compiler Name Description
Microsoft Visual C++ (MSVC) The compiler that comes with the Microsoft Visual
Studio IDE. This compiler is popular for Windows.
Clang An open-source compiler that comes with Xcode.
This compiler is popular for macOS. It was designed
as a drop-in replacement for the GCC compiler.
GNU Compiler Collection (GCC) A collection of open-source compilers that includes
a compiler for C++. This C++ compiler is standard
for most Unix-like systems, including Linux.
Minimalist GNU for Windows (MinGW) A native Windows version of the GCC compiler.

• To develop C++ applications, you typically use an Integrated Development
Environment (IDE). Many other IDEs exist beyond those listed above,
including some commercial products such as CLion and more open-source
offerings such as Code::Blocks.
• Each IDE must use a compiler to compile the source code for a particular
operating system. Many vendors provide C++ compilers, including the Free
Software Foundation. Microsoft. Apple, Intel. Oracle, and IBM.
• All of the IDEs and compilers listed here are either free or have free editions.
• Different C++ compilers provide different levels of support for the ISO
standards. When choosing a compiler, it’s important to choose one that
provides good support for the ISO standards.

Figure 1-6 Four popular IDEs and compilers for C++

16 Section 1 Essential skills for modem C++

How to use Visual Studio

for Windows development
Now that you have some background information about C++, you’re ready
to start learning how to use an IDE. In particular, you’re ready to learn how to
open and run any of the source code provided by this book. You can download
this source code as described in the appendixes for this book.
If you’re using a Windows computer, you can use Visual Studio as shown
in the next four figures to develop programs that run on Windows. Of course,
if you’re using a Mac, you can skip or skim these figures and move on to the
figures that show how to use Xcode to develop programs that run on macOS.

How to open a project and work with source code

Figure 1-7 begins by showing Visual Studio with source code for a C++
project open in its code editor. In Visual Studio, a solution can contain one or
more projects where each project is a folder within the solution. In this figure,
the solution only contains one project, and both the project and the solution are
named circle_calculator.
To open a project in Visual Studio, you can follow the procedure shown in
figure 1-7 to open the solution that contains the project. For all of the Visual
Studio applications presented in this book, the solutions are in this folder:
Once you open the solution for a project, you can view the source code for the
project in the code editor by double-clicking on its file.
Before you open a source code file in the code editor, you may need to
expand the folder for the project and the Source Files folder. To expand a
folder, you can click the triangle to its left. In this figure, for example, both the
circle_calculator folder and the Source Files folder have been expanded, and
the source code file named main.cpp has been opened. This file contains the
source code that contains the main() function for the Circle Calculator program
described earlier in this chapter.
When you open a source code file in the code editor, it uses different colors
for different language elements to make it easier for you to recognize the C++
syntax. In addition. Visual Studio provides standard File and Edit menus as well
as keyboard shortcuts that let you save and edit the source code. For example,
you can press Ctrl+S to save your source code, and you can use standard menu
items and keyboard shortcuts to cut, copy, and paste code.
When you’re done working with a solution, you can close it. To do that,
you can select the Close item in the File menu. In addition, if you open another
solution. Visual Studio automatically closes the current solution.
Before going on. you should realize that the appearance of the IDE as well
as the menu structure depend on the Visual Studio development settings. For
this book, we used the General settings, which should be the default if you don’t
have other versions of Visual Studio installed. To check your development
Chapter 1 An introduction to C+ + programming 17

Visual Studio with source code displayed in its code editor

How to open and close a solution

• To open a solution, press Ctrl+Shift+O or select the File->Open->Project/
Solution menu item. Then, use the Open Project dialog that’s displayed to
locate and select the solution file (.sin) and click the Open button.
• To close a solution, select the File->Close Solution menu item.

How to open, edit, and save a source code file

• To open a source code file in the code editor, double-click on it in the Solution
Explorer. Before you do that, you may need to expand the folder for the project
by clicking on the triangle to its left, and you may need to expand the Source
Files folder by clicking on the triangle to its left.
• To edit a source code file, you can use normal editing techniques to enter new
code or edit existing code.
• To save a source code file, press Ctrl+S or click the Save button in the toolbar.
• To save all open files, press Ctrl+Shift+S or click the Save All button in the

• A Visual Studio solution consists of one or more projects where each project
consists of a folder that contains the folders and files for a program.

Figure 1 -7 How to open an existing project and work with its source code
18 Section 1 Essential skills for modem C++

settings, select the Tools->Import and Export Settings menu item to display
the Import and Export Settings Wizard. In the first dialog, select the "Reset all
settings” option and click the Next button. Then, in the second dialog, select
the “No” option and click the Next button. When the third dialog is displayed,
the current settings will be highlighted. If those settings aren’t General, select
General and then click the Finish button. Otherwise, click the Cancel button.

How to compile and run a project

Figure 1-8 shows how to compile and run a project. One easy way to run
a project is to press Ctrl+F5. Then, if the project needs to be compiled. Visual
Studio automatically compiles (builds) the project and runs its main() function.
But first, it may prompt you to make sure you want to build the project. That can
happen if you’ve made changes to the project or if you’re running the project
for the first time. Since this automatically compiles the project and creates the
executable file, this feature is known as automatic compilation.
When you use Visual Studio to run a console program on Windows, it starts
a Command Prompt window like the one shown in this figure. Then, the program
uses this window to display output to the user and get input from the user. In this
figure, for example, the program starts by displaying the name of the program
on the console. Then, it prompts the user to enter a radius. In this figure, the user
entered a radius of 7 by typing 7 and pressing Enter. Next, the program displays
the diameter, circumference, and area of the circle. After that, the program
displays a message of “Bye!” to indicate that the program has exited.
In this figure. Visual Studio displays the “Press any key to continue...”
message after the program exits. This allows the user to view the console output
before the console closes. Then, when the user presses any key. the console
closes. However, Visual Studio only displays this message when you press
Ctrl+F5 or select the Start Without Debugging item from the Debug menu. If
you accidentally press F5 or select the Debug->Start Debugging menu item, the
console closes when the program exits. For the Circle Calculator program, this
would prevent you from seeing the output of the program. You’ll learn more
about how this works in chapter 8.
When you run a project like the ones for this book that were created by
another programmer, you may get a message indicating that there are build
errors. In most cases, that’s because the version of the Windows SDK that’s
used by the program is different from the version that was installed when you
installed Visual Studio. In that case, you’ll see an error in the Error List window
indicating that the Windows SDK was not found. (The Error List window is
displayed in a tab at the bottom of the IDE as shown in this figure. If this tab
isn’t displayed, you can use the View->Error List menu item to display it.)
To fix this error, you need to change the Windows SDK version that’s used
by the application as described in this figure. If you don’t know what version to
use, you can typically select the most current version, which is likely to be the
one that was installed with Visual Studio.
Chapter 1 An introduction to C+ + programming 19

Visual Studio after compiling and running a console application

-f Add to Soiree *

• To run a project, press Ctrl+F5 or select the Debug->Start Without Debugging
menu item. If a dialog is displayed that asks if you want to build the project,
click the Yes button to build the project before you run it.
• When you run a project. Visual Studio automatically compiles it. As a result,
you don’t need to manually compile a project before you run it. This is known
as the automatic compilation feature.
• The Start Without Debugging menu item automatically displays a “Press any
key to continue” message when the program exits. This keeps the console open
until you press any key.
• If you accidentally press F5 or select the Debug->Start Debugging menu item,
the console closes when the program exits. This might prevent you from seeing
the output of the program. You’ll learn more about how this works in chapter 8.

How to correct a problem with the Windows SDK version

• If you compile a project and Visual Studio indicates that there are build errors,
the problem may be that the Windows SDK version used by the application
can’t be found. This can happen if a newer version of the SDK is installed with
Visual Studio.
• To change the SDK version, select the project in the Solution Explorer and then
select the Project-^Properties menu item to display the Property Pages dialog.
Then, select the General item and set the Windows SDK Version property to
the version of the SDK that was installed when you installed Visual Studio.

Figure 1-8 How to compile and run a project

20 Section 1 Essential skills for modem C++

How to use code completion and error detection

Figure 1-9 shows how to use the code completion feature. In Visual Studio,
the code completion feature is also known as IntelliSense. This feature helps
you avoid typing mistakes, and it makes it easier to enter code. In this figure, for
example, I started to enter the name of a variable. After I entered “rad”. Visual
Studio displayed a list that included “radius”, which is the name of the variable
that I wanted to enter. So. I pressed the Down Arrow key to highlight the
“radius” option. At this point, I could press the Enter key to automatically enter
the rest of the name.
In this case, code completion didn’t save me much typing. But. it did make
sure that I spelled the name of the variable correctly. This becomes more helpful
as you begin working with longer names and more complex code.
In addition, code completion automatically enters opening and closing
parentheses and braces whenever they’re needed. This makes it easier to code
functions like the main() function in this figure.
Code completion can also make it easy for you to enter values for string
variables, which consist of a sequence of zero or more characters. If you type
a double quotation mark to identify a string value, the code completion feature
automatically adds the closing quotation mark and places the cursor between the
two quotes. At this point, you can enter the text for the string.
If you experiment with the code completion feature, you’ll quickly see when
it helps you enter code more quickly and when it makes sense to enter the code
yourself. In addition, you’ll see that it helps you discover the functions that are
available to you. This will make more sense as you learn more about C++ in the
next few chapters.
As you enter C++ code, you may introduce syntax errors. A syntax error
is any code that breaks the syntax rules of C++. If you enter code that contains
a syntax error, the code won’t compile. For example, if you enter an opening
parenthesis without coding a closing parenthesis, your code has a syntax error
and won’t compile.
As you enter code into the code editor. Visual Studio displays syntax errors
whenever it detects them. It does that by marking the error with a wavy red
underline. If you position the mouse pointer over the code with the wavy red
underline, Visual Studio displays a description of the error. This can provide
valuable information that can help you fix the error. This feature is known as
error detection, and it can help you find and fix errors before you even attempt
to compile and run a program.
Chapter 1 An introduction to C+ + programming 21

Visual Studio’s code editor with a code completion list

>3j orde_c»lc<JjtOf • Microsoft Vtawi Studio V Quick lunch (CtrUQ) fl _ C X

Fte Edit View Pieject Buikt Drt-jg Ted Analyze Window Help JodMuiech •
O • 3 ’* HJ- 9 ’ -| - > Local WndcwsOebuggw - p - > ’J M -

How to use code completion

• When you enter code. Visual Studio often displays a list that attempts to help
you complete the code entry. This is generally known as code completion, but
Visual Studio refers to it as IntelliSense.
• If the code completion feature doesn’t activate automatically, you can
sometimes activate it manually by pressing Ctrl+Spacebar after entering one or
more letters.
• To insert an item from a code completion list, you can use the Down and Up
arrow keys on your keyboard to select the item and then press the Enter key.
• The code completion feature also helps you enter pairs of quotes, parentheses,
braces, and so on. To do that, it enters the closing character immediately after
you enter the opening character. For example, after you enter an opening quote,
it enters the closing quote and places the cursor between the two quotes.

How to use error detection

• A syntax error is any code that won’t compile. If Visual Studio detects a syntax
error as you enter code, it places a red wavy line under the statement. This is
known as the error detection feature.
• To get more information about a syntax error, you can position the mouse
pointer over the code with the red wavy underline.

Figure 1 -9 How to use code completion and error detection

22 Section 1 Essential skills for modem C++

How to create a new project

Figure 1-10 shows a procedure for using Visual Studio to create a new
project that works with standard C++ code. To start, you display the New Project
dialog and choose the type of project you want to create. In this dialog, you
can select the Windows Console Application item as shown in this figure. In
addition, you can enter a name and location for the project. In this figure, for
example, the project name is “ch01_test” and its location is this folder:
If you install the source code for this book as described in appendix A. all of the
Visual Studio programs presented in this book should be stored in this folder.
After completing the New Project dialog, you can click the OK button. This
creates a new project that uses a precompiled header file named stdafx.h. This
header file can improve performance of the compiler, especially if you’re using
many large libraries. However, it isn’t standard, and it isn’t necessary for the
programs in this book, which don’t use a lot of large libraries. As a result, we
recommend setting the Precompiled Header property to “Not Using Precompiled
Headers” as described in this figure. Then, you can use standard headers as
shown throughout this book.
Chapter 1 An introduction to C+ + programming 23

Visual Studio’s dialog for creating a new project

1. Click the New Project button in the toolbar or select the File->New->Project
menu item to display the New Project dialog.
2. Select the Windows Console Application item, enter a name for the project,
select a location for the project, and click the OK button to create the project.
3. Select the project in the Solution Explorer and then select the
Project-^ Properties menu item to display the Property Pages dialog. Expand
the C/C++ group, select the Precompiled Headers item, and set the Precompiled
Header property to “Not Using Precompiled Headers”.
4. Optionally, delete all unnecessary files related to the precompiled header
(targetver.h. stdafx.h. and stdafx.cpp).
5. Optionally, rename the .cpp file that contains the main() function to main.cpp.
6. Open the file that contains the main() function and edit the code so it’s like the
code presented throughout this book.

Figure 1 -10 How to create a new project (part 1 of 2)

24 Section 1 Essential skills for modem C++

If you set the Precompiled Header property to “Not Using Precompiled

Headers”, you can use the Solution Explorer to delete all files related to the
precompiled header that are no longer needed by the project. These include the
targetver.h. stdafx.h. and stdafx.cpp files shown in this figure. Although deleting
these files is optional, you can do that if you’d like to omit any unnecessary files.
The easiest way to delete a file is to select it in the Solution Explorer and press
the Delete key. Then, you can use the resulting dialog to permanently delete the
By default. Visual Studio creates a starting source code file that has the same
name as the project. For the project shown in this figure, for example, Visual
Studio created a source code file named ch()l_test.cpp. However. I renamed this
file to main.cpp to clearly show that this file contains the main() function for the
program. The easiest way to rename a file is to select it in the Solution Explorer
and press the F2 key. Then, you can enter a new name for the file. Alternately,
you can right-click on the file and select the Rename item from the resulting
When you create a new project. Visual Studio generates some starting code
for you. In this figure, for example, Visual Studio generated some of the code for
the main() function. However, it also generated some extra code related to the
precompiled headers that was unnecessary. As a result, I deleted this code and
added some standard C++ code that provides for writing output to the console.
At this point, running this program would display a message of “Success!” on
the console, which is a good starting point for a new program.
Chapter 1 An introduction to C+ + programming 25

A new project in Visual Studio with some starting source code

How to rename and delete files

• To rename a file, you can select it in the Solution Explorer, press F2, and enter
a new name for the file.
• To delete a file, you can select it in the Solution Explorer, press the Delete key,
and use the resulting dialog to confirm the deletion.

• By default. Visual Studio creates a starting source code file that has the same
name as the project. However, it’s a common practice to use the name main.cpp
for this file, as shown by the programs in this book.
• By default. Visual Studio creates a new project that uses a precompiled header
file named stdafx.h. This header file can improve performance of the compiler,
especially if you’re using many large libraries. However, it isn’t standard, and
it isn’t necessary for the programs in this book, which don’t use a lot of large
• If you set the Precompiled Header property to “Not Using Precompiled
Headers” as described in part 1 of this figure, you can use standard headers as
shown throughout this book. In addition, you can optionally use the Solution
Explorer to delete all files related to the precompiled header, including
targetver.h. stdafx.h. and stdafx.cpp.

Figure 1 -10 How to create a new project (part 2 of 2)

26 Section 1 Essential skills for modem C++

How to use Xcode

for macOS development
If you read the first six topics in this chapter and you’re using a Mac, you’re
ready to start learning how to use the Xcode IDE to develop programs that
run on macOS. In particular, you’re ready to learn how to open and run any of
the source code provided by this book. You can download this source code as
described in appendix B of this book.

How to open a project

and work with source code
Figure 1-11 begins by showing Xcode with source code for a C++ project
open in its code editor. In Xcode. a project is a folder that contains the folders
and files for a program. In this figure, for example, the project is named
circle_calculator. and it contains a folder named circle_calculator that contains
the main.cpp file that stores the code for the program.
To open a project in Xcode, you can follow the procedure shown in this
figure. For this book, the Xcode projects for the applications presented are in this
Once you open the project, you can view the source code for the project in the
code editor by clicking on its file.
Before you open a source code file in the code editor, you may need to
expand the folder for the project and the folder that contains the file for the
source code. To expand a folder, you can click the triangle to its left. In this
figure, for example, the circle_calculator folder has been expanded, and the
source code file named main.cpp has been opened. This file contains the
source code that contains the main() function for the Circle Calculator program
described earlier in this chapter.
When you open a source code file in the code editor, it uses different colors
for different language elements to make it easier for you to recognize the C++
syntax. In addition. Xcode provides standard File and Edit menus and keyboard
shortcuts that let you save and edit the source code. For example, you can press
Command+S to save your source code, and you can use standard menu items
and keyboard shortcuts to cut. copy, and paste code.
When you’re done working with a project, you can close it. To do that, you
can select the Close item from the File menu. However, if you open another
project, Xcode automatically opens another window for that project. Then, you
will have multiple Xcode windows open.
Chapter 1 An introduction to C+ + programming 27

Xcode with source code displayed in its code editor

How to open and close a project

• To open a project, press Command+O or select the File->Open menu item.
Then, use the dialog that’s displayed to locate and select the project file
(.xcodeproj) and click the Open button.
• To close a project, select the File~>Close Project menu item.

How to open, edit, and save a source code file

• To open a source code file in the code editor, click on it in the Navigator.
Before you do that, you may need to expand the folder for the project by
clicking on the triangle to its left, and you may need to expand the folder that
contains the source files by clicking on the triangle to its left.
• To edit a source code file, you can use normal editing techniques to enter new
code or edit existing code.
• To save a source code file, press Command+S or select the File->Save menu

• An Xcode project consists of a folder that contains the folders and files for a

Figure 1 -11 How to open an existing project and work with its source code
28 Section 1 Essential skills for modem C++

How to compile and run a project

Figure 1-12 shows how to compile and run a project. One easy way to run
a project is to press Command+R. Then, if the project needs to be compiled.
Xcode automatically compiles (builds) the project and runs its main() function.
This feature is known as automatic compilation.
When you use Xcode to run a console program, it uses a Console window
like the one shown in this figure. Then, the program uses this window to display
output to the user and get input from the user. In this figure, for example, the
program starts by displaying the name of the program on the console. Then, it
prompts the user to enter a radius. In this figure, the user entered a radius of 7 by
typing 7 and pressing Enter. Next, the program displays the diameter, circumfer­
ence. and area of the circle. After that, the program displays a message of “Bye!”
to indicate that the program has ended, and Xcode displays some extra informa­
tion that includes the exit code that the program returned when it ended.
Chapter 1 An introduction to C+ + programming 29

Xcode after compiling and running a console application

• To run a project, press Command+R or select the Project->Run menu item.
• When you run a project, Xcode automatically compiles it. As a result, you don’t
need to manually compile a project before you run it. This is known as the
automatic compilation feature.
• When you run a project that writes data to the console, that data is displayed in
the Console window in the lower right comer of the Xcode window.
• To display or hide the Console window, you can click the icon on the bottom
right comer of the Xcode window.
• When you run a project that requests input from the console, the Console
window pauses to accept the input. Then, you can click in the Console window,
type the input, and press the Enter key.
• In addition to displaying output and accepting input, the Console window can
display other information. For example, the Console window automatically
displays a message when the program finishes running, and it can display errors
that are encountered when an application is run.

Figure 1-12 How to compile and run a project

30 Section 1 Essential skills for modem C++

How to use code completion and error detection

Figure 1-13 shows how to use the code completion feature. This feature
helps you avoid typing mistakes, and it makes it easier to enter code. In this
figure, for example. I started to enter the name of a variable. After I entered “r”,
Xcode displayed a list that included “radius”, which is the name of the variable
that I wanted to enter. So. I pressed the Down Arrow key to highlight the
“radius” option. At this point, I could press the Enter key to automatically enter
the rest of the name.
In this case, code completion didn’t save me much typing. But. it did make
sure that I spelled the name of the variable correctly. This becomes more helpful
as you begin working with longer names and more complex code.
In addition, code completion sometimes enters opening and closing
parentheses and braces whenever they’re needed. This makes it easier to code
functions like the main() function in this figure.
If you experiment with the code completion feature, you’ll quickly see when
it helps you enter code more quickly and when it makes sense to enter the code
yourself. In addition, you’ll see that it helps you discover the functions that are
available to you. This will make more sense as you learn more about C++ in the
next few chapters.
As you enter C++ code, you may introduce syntax errors. A syntax error
is any code that breaks the syntax rules of C++. If you enter code that contains
a syntax error, the code won’t compile. For example, if you enter an opening
parenthesis without coding a closing parenthesis, your code has a syntax error
and won’t compile.
As you enter code into the code editor. Xcode displays syntax errors
whenever it detects them. It does that by displaying an error icon and message
to the right of the line of code. In this figure, for example, you can see an error
icon and message to the right of the line of code that I was entering. If you
click on the error icon. Xcode displays more information about the error. This
can provide valuable information that can help you fix the error. This feature is
known as error detection, and it can help you find and fix errors before you even
attempt to compile and run a program. In addition, for some errors, the extra
information may include a suggested fix and a Fix button that you can click on to
automatically implement this fix.
Chapter 1 An introduction to C+ + programming 31

Xcode’s editor with a code completion list

How to use code completion

• When you enter code. Xcode often displays a list that attempts to help you
complete the code entry. This is generally known as code completion.
• To insert an item from a code completion list, you can use the Down and Up
arrow keys on your keyboard to select the item and then press the Enter key.

How to use error detection

• A syntax error is any code that won’t compile. If Xcode detects a syntax error
as you enter code, it displays an error icon and message to the right of the state­
ment. This is known as the error detection feature.
• To get more information about a syntax error, you can click the error icon.
Sometimes the information that’s displayed includes a Fix button that will
implement a suggested fix.

Figure 1 -13 How to use code completion and error detection

32 Section 1 Essential skills for modem C++

How to create a new project

Figure 1-14 shows a procedure for using Xcode to create a new project for
a console application. To start, you display the first dialog for creating a new
project and choose the type of project you want to create. In this dialog, you can
select the macOS and Command Line Tool options as shown in this figure.
In the second dialog, you must enter a name for the project in the Product
Name field. In this figure, for example, the project name is “ch01_test”. In
addition, you often need to select C++ as the language for the project from the
Language drop-down list. If necessary, you can also specify a name for your
organization and a unique identifier for it. In this example, I used our website
address ( backwards (com.murach). because that’s a common way
to uniquely identify an organization. Then, if you ever distribute the program,
the organization identifier and the product name will be combined to create a
unique bundle identifier as shown in this dialog.
In the third dialog (not shown here), you can specify the location for the
project. If you install the source code for this book as described in the appendix,
all of the Xcode programs presented in this book should be stored in this folder:
After you specify the location, you can click the Create button to create the
project. Then. Xcode creates a folder that corresponds with the project name,
and it creates some additional files that it uses to configure the project.
Chapter 1 An introduction to C+ + programming 33

Xcode’s dialogs for creating a new project

1. Select the File->New->Project menu item to display the first dialog for creating
a new project.
2. In the first dialog, select the macOS operating system, select the Command
Line Tool item, and click the Next button.
3. In the second dialog, enter a product name, select the C++ language, and click
the Next button. If necessary, enter an organization name and an identifier for
the organization that uniquely identifies it.
4. In the third dialog, navigate to the folder you want to use to store your project,
and click the Create button to create the folder for the project.

Figure 1-14 How to create a new project (part 1 of 2)

34 Section 1 Essential skills for modem C++

When you create a new project. Xcode generates some starting code for you.
For example, Xcode generated some of the code for the mainf) function shown
in this figure. However, it also generated some extra code that was unneces­
sary. As a result, I edited this file so it only contains the starting code shown
in this figure. At this point, running this program would display a message of
“Success!” on the console, which is a good starting point for a new program.
Chapter 1 An introduction to C+ + programming 35

A new project in Xcode with some starting source code

Procedure (continued)
5. In the Xcode window, expand the folder for the project if necessary. Then, click
on the main.cpp file to show the main() function that was generated for the
6. Edit the generated code so it’s like the code presented throughout this book.

• By default, Xcode generates some starting code for you. You can edit this code
so it contains C++ code like the code shown throughout this book.

Figure 1-14 How to create a new project (part 2 of 2)

36 Section 1 Essential skills for modem C++

In this chapter, you were introduced to C++ programming. In addition, you
learned how to use an IDE such as Visual Studio or Xcode to create and run a
C++ program on Windows or macOS. With that as background, you’re ready
to learn how to write your own C++ programs. But first, I recommend that you
familiarize yourself with the IDE of your choice by doing the exercises at the
end of this chapter.

International Organization for compiler
Standardization (ISO) object code
application (app) linker
program runtime library
desktop application cross compiling
GUI application Integrated Development
graphical user interface (GUI) Environment (IDE)
console application code editor
console Visual Studio solution
command prompt project
terminal automatic compilation
source code code completion
machine language IntelliSense
low-level language syntax error
high-level language error detection

• Since 1998. C++ has been standardized by the International
Organization for Standardization (ISO).
• An application, or app, is computer software that performs a task or a
related set of tasks. Applications can also be referred to as programs, even
though one application may actually consist of many related programs.
• A desktop application is an application that runs on your computer.
A desktop application can use a graphical user interface (GUI) or the
console to display output and get user input.
• Applications that use a command line window known as the console to
interact with the user are known as console applications.
• A high-level language such as C++ is relatively easy for humans to read
and understand.
• A low-level language such as machine language is hard for humans to
read and understand but efficient for a computer to use.
• A compiler is a program that translates a high-level language to a
low-level language.
Chapter 1 An introduction to C+ + programming 37

• The C++ compiler translates C++ source code into machine language that
consists of the 1 s and Os that can be run directly by an operating system.
• An Integrated Development Environment (IDE) can make working with C++
easier by providing code completion, error detection, automatic compilation,
and a debugger.
• Visual Studio and Xcode are two of the most commonly used IDEs for C++
• A Visual Studio solution can contain one or more projects where each
project is a folder that contains the folders and files for a program.
• An Xcode project is a folder that contains the folders and files for a program.
• The main() function of a program is the starting point of the program.

Before you do the exercises in this book

Before you do any of the exercises in this book, you need to have an IDE
installed on your system. You also need to download the folders and files for this
book from our website and install them on your system. For complete instruc­
tions. please refer to appendix A for Windows or appendix B for macOS.

Exercise 1-1 Open and run two projects

This exercise guides you through the process of opening two existing projects,
reviewing the code, and building and running the projects. It also has you
introduce a syntax error to see what happens.

Open the Circle Calculator project and review its code

1. Use your IDE to open the Circle Calculator project or solution in this folder:
2. Open the main.cpp file.
3. Review the code to see that it contains two #include directives for the
iostream and cmath header files, a using directive for the std namespace,
and a main() function that accepts a radius from the console, calculates the
diameter, radius, and circumference, and writes the output to the console.
Note that the main() function ends by returning a value of 0.
Run the Circle Calculator project
4. Run the project, building it if necessary. (If you’re using Visual Studio on
Windows and you get an error that indicates that the Windows SDK was
not found, use the information in figure 1-8 to fix it and then run the project
5. When prompted, enter a radius. Then, review the output that’s written to the
38 Section 1 Essential skills for modem C++

Introduce a syntax error

6. Remove the semicolon (;) from the first statement in the main() function to
see the errors that are detected.
7. Run the project to see what happens.
8. Add the semicolon back and then run the project again. When you’re done,
close the project.
Open the Guess Number project and review its code
9. Use your IDE to open the Guess Number project in this folder:
10. Open the main.cpp file and review its code. Note that its code is structured
similarly to the code for the Circle Calculator program, but it uses some state­
ments that you haven’t learned about yet.
Run the Guess Number pro ject
11. Run the project, building it if necessary. (If you’re using Visual Studio on
Windows, you may need to change the Windows SDK version for the project.)
12. Enter input when prompted, and review the output that’s written to the
console. When you’re done, close the project.

Exercise 1-2 Create a new project

This exercise guides you through the process of creating a new project that
displays a message on the console.
1. Use your IDE to create a project named ch()l_success_message in the
ex_starts folder.
2. If you’re using Visual Studio, modify the project so it doesn’t use precompiled
headers. Then, delete all the files related to precompiled headers that are no
longer necessary.
3. If you’re using Visual Studio, rename the ch()l_success_message.cpp file to
4. Open the main.cpp file and modify the generated code so it looks like this:
^include <iostream>
using namespace std;

int Mint) <

cout « "Success!" « endl « endl;
return 0;
As you enter this code, use code completion whenever it’s helpful.
5. Run the application and view the output. It should display a message that
says, “Success’’’ When you’re done, close the project.

How to write
your first programs
Once you’ve installed an IDE and the C++ compiler the quickest and best way
to learn C++ programming is to do C++ programming. That’s why this chapter
shows you how to write complete C++ programs that get input from a user,
make calculations, and display output. When you finish this chapter, you should
be able to write comparable programs of your own.

Basic coding skills..................................................................40

How to code statements................................................................................... 40
How to code comments................................................................................... 40
How to code a main() function........................................................................42
How to create identifiers.................................................................................. 44
How to work with numeric variables................................... 46
How to define and initialize variables.............................................................46
How to code assignment statements................................................................46
How to code arithmetic expressions................................................................48
How to use the console for input and output.....................50
How to include header files............................................................................. 50
How to write output to the console.................................................................. 52
How to read input from the console................................................................54
The Gallons to Liters program........................................................................56
How to work with the standard library................................ 58
How to call a function......................................................................................58
How to work with the std namespace............................................................. 60
The Circle Calculator program....................................................................... 62
How to generate random numbers.................................................................. 64
How to work with char and string variables.......................66
How to assign values to char and string variables........................................ 66
How to work with special characters...............................................................68
How to read strings and chars from the console............................................ 70
How to fix a common problem with reading strings...................................... 72
The Guest Book program................................................................................ 74
How to test and debug a program....................................... 76
How to test a program....................................................................................... 76
How to debug a program..................................................................................76
Perspective.............................................................................. 78
40 Section 1 Essential skills for modern C++

Basic coding skills

This chapter starts by introducing you to some basic coding skills. You’ll use
these skills for every C++ program you develop.

How to code statements

The statements in a program direct the operation of the program. When you
code a statement, you can start it anywhere in a coding line, you can continue it
from one line to another, and you can code one or more spaces anywhere a single
space is valid.
To end most statements, you use a semicolon. In the first example in figure
2-1, for example, all of the lines that end with a semicolon are statements. But
when a statement requires a set of braces ({}), it ends with the right brace. Then,
the statements within the braces are referred to as a block of code. For example,
the statement that defines the main() function shown in this figure contains a
block of code.
To make a program easier to read, you should use indentation and spacing
to align statements and blocks of code. This is illustrated by the program in this
figure and by all of the programs and examples in this book.
Note that the first line of code doesn’t end with a semicolon. That’s because
it’s a preprocessor directive, not a C++ statement. Later in this chapter, you’ll
learn more about coding this directive.

How to code comments

The comments in a program typically document what the statements do.
Since the compiler ignores comments, you can include them anywhere in a
program without affecting your code. In the first example in figure 2-1, the
comments are shaded.
A single-line comment is typically used to describe one or more lines of
code. This type of comment starts with two slashes (//) that tell the compiler to
ignore all characters until the end of the current line. In the first example in this
figure, you can see four single-line comments that are used to describe groups of
statements. In addition, two single-line comments are coded after the code on a
line. This type of single-line comment is sometimes referred to as an end-of-line
The second example in this figure shows how to code a block comment. This
type of comment is typically used to document information that applies to a
block of code. This information can include the author’s name, program comple­
tion date, the purpose of the code, the files used by the code, and so on.
Although many programmers sprinkle their code with comments, that
shouldn’t be necessary if you write code that’s easy to read and understand.
Instead, you should use comments only to clarify code that’s difficult to under­
stand. In this figure, for example, an experienced C++ programmer wouldn't
need any of the single-line comments.
Chapter 2 How to write your first programs 41

A program that consists of statements and comments

tinclude <iostream> //a preprocessor directive, not a statement

using namespace std;

int mainf)
cout « "Welcome to the Calorie Calculator\n\n";

// get number of servings from user

double servings;
cout « "Enter servings per food item:
cin >> servings;

// get number of calories from user

double calories;
cout « "Enter calories per serving: ";
cin >> calories;

// calculate total calories

double total_calories - servings * calories;

// display total calories

cout « "Total calories: ■ << total_calories << endl << endl;

return 0; // return a value indicating normal exit


A block comment that could be coded at the start of a program

* Author: M. Delamater
* Purpose: This program uses the console to get servings and calories from
* the user. It then calculates and displays the total calories.

• Statements direct the operations of a program, and comments typically document
what the statements do.
• Most statements end with a semicolon.
• You can start a statement at any point in a line and continue the statement from one
line to the next. To make a program easier to read, you should use indentation and
extra spaces to align statements and parts of statements.
• Code within a set of braces ({}) can be referred to as a block of code.
• To code a single-line comment, type // followed by the comment. You can code a
single-line comment on a line by itself or after a statement. A comment that’s coded
after a statement is sometimes called an end-of-line comment.
• A block comment typically consists of multiple lines. To code a block comment,
type /* at the start of the block and */ at the end. You can also code asterisks to
identify the lines in the block, but that isn’t required.

Figure 2-1 How to code statements and comments

42 Section 1 Essential skills for modern C++

One problem with comments is that they may not accurately represent what
the code does. This often happens when a programmer changes the code, but
doesn’t change the comments that go along with it. Then, it’s even harder to
understand the code because the comments are misleading. So if you change the
code that you’ve written comments for. be sure to change the comments too.

How to code a main() function

A function is a named, reusable block of code that performs a task. The
main() function is a special kind of function that’s automatically executed when
your program starts. All C++ programs contain a main() function.
If you use an IDE to create a project, it typically generates a main() function
for you. Now, figure 2-2 presents the syntax for declaring a main() function.
The main() function starts with the C++ int keyword. This indicates that
the function returns an integer value. You’ll learn more about this value in a
moment. After specifying the type of data that the function returns, you code the
name of the function followed by a pair of parentheses. In this case, the name of
the function is main.
For a main() function, you can leave the parentheses empty, as in the first
example. Or. you can code two parameters, as in the second example. You’ll
learn more about function parameters later in this book. For now. all you need
to know about these parameters is that they are optional, so you don’t need to
include them. In fact, even though some IDEs generate these parameters by
default, the programs presented in this book don’t use them. As a result, there’s
no need to include them for the examples presented in this book.
The next line of code in the main() function is the opening brace for the
body of the function. This opening brace can be on its own line, as shown in the
first and second examples. Many C++ style guides recommend this approach.
As a result, this book uses this approach for most of its code. Sometimes,
though, to save vertical space, this book may code the opening brace on the
first line as shown in the third example. That’s an acceptable style too. although
coding the opening brace on its own line is more common when working with
The body of the main() function contains the statements that run the
program. The last statement in the main() function is a return statement. This
statement returns an integer value that tells the operating system whether the
program exited normally or abnormally. If the main() function doesn’t contain
a return statement, C++ returns a value of 0 to the operating system by default.
Because of this, it’s common to omit the return statement to save space.
When you’re working with C++11 or later, you can also return the
EXIT.SUCCESS and EXIT_FAILURE values. The advantage of this
approach is that it makes the return statement easier to read and understand.
However, since the main() function automatically returns a value that
indicates a normal exit, you typically don’t need to code a return statement
for your main() function.
Chapter 2 How to write your first programs 43

A main() function with no parameters

int mainf)
// statements
return 0;

A main() function with two parameters

int main(int argc, char** argv)
// statements
return 0;

A main() function with different brace placement

int main() {
// statements

Three standard return values for the main() function

• Every C++ program contains one main() function that is called by the operating
• The statements between the braces in the main() function are run when the
program is executed.
• In most cases, you can code the main() function with no parameters. To do that,
type an empty set of parentheses after you type the function’s name.
• If you need the execution environment to pass arguments to the main()
function, you can code the parameters named argc and argv as shown in the
second example. However, these parameters aren't necessary for any of the
programs presented in this book.
• You can code the opening brace of the main() function on the same line as the
parentheses or on the next line. Many C++ style guides recommend coding the
opening brace on its own line, and this book follows that convention whenever
• You can end the main() function by coding a return statement that returns an
integer value that tells the operating system how the program exited. If you omit
this return statement, the main() function automatically returns a value of 0,
which indicates a normal exit.

Figure 2-2 How to code a main() function

44 Section 1 Essential skills for modern C++

The last line of code for the main() function is the closing brace. Unlike
the opening brace, this one should always be on its own line. That’s because a
common syntax error is forgetting to code a closing brace. Thus, leaving the
closing brace on its own line makes it easier to see whether the opening brace
has a corresponding closing brace.

How to create identifiers

As you code a C++ program, you need to create and use identifiers. These
are the names that you define in your code.
Figure 2-3 shows you how to create identifiers. In brief, you must start each
identifier with a letter or an underscore. After that first character, you can use any
combination of letters, underscores, or digits.
Since C++ is case-sensitive, you need to be careful when you create and use
identifiers. If. for example, you define an identifier named subtotal, you can’t
refer to it later as Subtotal. That’s a common coding error.
When you create an identifier, you should try to make the name both
meaningful and easy to remember. To make a name meaningful, you should use
as many characters as you need, so it’s easy for other programmers to read and
understand your code. For instance. net_price is more meaningful than nprice,
and nprice is more meaningful than np.
Notice here that the name of this identifier is formed by separating two lower­
case words with an underscore. This can be referred to as snake case, and it’s
used for most identifiers in this book. However, some developers prefer to name
identifiers by capitalizing the first letter of each word. This is called camel case.
To make a name easy to remember, you should avoid abbreviations. If.
for example, you use nwcst as an identifier, you may later have difficulty
remembering whether it was ncust, nwcust, or nwcst. If you code the name as
new_customer. however, you won’t have any trouble remembering what it was.
In addition, that’s easy for other programmers to understand. Yes, you type more
characters when you create identifiers that are meaningful and easy to remember,
but that will be more than justified by the time you’ll save when you test, debug,
and maintain the program.
On the other hand, programmers often use just one or two lowercase letters
for some common identifiers. For example, the letter i is often used to identify an
integer that’s used as a counter variable.
When you create identifiers, you can’t use the same name as any of the
C++ keywords shown in this figure. These keywords are reserved by the C++
language. To help you identify keywords in your code, most IDEs display these
keywords in a different color than the rest of the code. As you progress through
this book, you’ll learn how to use many of these keywords.
For compatibility with programs written in the C language, you should also
avoid creating identifiers that are the same as any of the C keywords. Most of the
C keywords are the same as the C++ keywords, so this isn't hard to do. However,
there are a few keywords shown in this figure that are specific to C. A C++
compiler might allow you to use one of these C keywords as an identifier, but
you shouldn’t.
Chapter 2 How to write your first programs 45

Valid identifiers
subtotal i TITLE
subTotal x TAX_RATE
SubTotal it eml
sub_total item2
_sub_total June2011

The rules for naming an identifier

• Start each identifier with an upper- or lowercase letter or underscore.
• Use letters, underscores, or digits for subsequent characters.
• Don’t use C++ or C keywords.

C++ keywords
alignas const_cast module static_cast
alignof continue mutable struct
and decitype namespace switch
and_eq default new synchroni zed
asm delete noexcept template
atomic_cancel do not this
atom!c_commit double not_eq thread_local
atomic_noexcept dynamic_cast nullptr throw
auto else operator true
bitand enum or try
bitor explicit or_eq typedef
bool export private typeid
break extern protected typename
case false public union
catch float register unsigned
char for reinterpret_cast using
charl6_t friend requires virtual
char32_t goto return void
class if short volatile
compl import signed wchar_t
concept inline sizeof while
const int static xor
constexpr long static_assert xor_eq

Additional C keywords
Alignas Bool .Imaginary _Thread_local
Alignof Cooplex Noreturn restrict
Atomic Generic ,Static_assert

• An identifier is any name that you create in a C++ program. These can be the
names of variables, functions, classes, and so on.
• A keyword is a word that’s reserved by the C++ language. As a result, you can’t
use keywords as identifiers. For backward compatibility, you should also avoid
C keywords.
• When you refer to an identifier, be sure to use the correct uppercase and lower­
case letters because C++ is a case-sensitive language.

Figure 2-3 How to create identifiers

46 Section 1 Essential skills for modern C++

How to work with numeric variables

The topics that follow show how to work with numeric variables. They intro­
duce you to the use of variables, assignment statements, arithmetic expressions,
and two of the built-in data types that are defined by the C++ language.

How to define and initialize variables

Figure 2-4 starts by summarizing two of the built-in data types that are
available from C++. You can use the int data type to store integers, which are
numbers that don’t contain decimal places (whole numbers), and you can use the
double data type to store numbers that do contain decimal places.
A variable stores a value that can change, or vary, as a program executes.
Before you can use a variable, you must define its data type, which is simply
the type of data it will store, and its name. In addition, it’s a good practice to
initialize a variable by assigning an initial value to it. To do that, you can use
either of the techniques described in this figure.
To show how this works, the first example uses one statement to define an
int variable named counter. Then, it uses a second statement to initialize the
variable by assigning an initial value of 1 to that variable.
However, it’s often easier to define and initialize a variable in a single state­
ment as shown by the second example. Here, the first statement defines an int
variable named counter and initializes it by assigning an initial value of 1. The
second statement defines a double variable named unit_price and initializes it by
assigning an initial value of 14.95.
When you assign literal values to double types, it’s a good coding practice to
include a decimal point. If. for example, you want to assign the number 29 to the
variable, you should code the number as 29.0. This isn’t required, but it creates a
literal value of the double type, not the int type. In addition, it makes it easy for
programmers to see that the variable stores a double type, not an int type.
If you follow the naming recommendations in this figure as you name
variables, it makes your programs easier to read and debug. In particular, you
should use words formed with lowercase letters and separated by underscores,
as in unit_price or max_quantity. This is the standard convention for naming
variables when you’re using C++.
When you initialize a variable, you can assign a literal value like 1 or 14.95
to it as illustrated by the examples in this figure. However, you can also initialize
a variable to the value of another variable or to the value of an expression like
the arithmetic expressions shown in the next figure.

How to code assignment statements

After you define and initialize a variable, you can assign a new value to it.
To do that, you code an assignment statement that consists of the variable name,
an equals sign, and a new value. The new value can be a literal value, the name
of another variable as shown in the last statement in figure 2-4. or the result of
an expression as shown in the next figure.
Chapter 2 How to write your first programs 47

Two built-in data types for working with numbers

Type Description
int Integers (whole numbers),
double Double-precision, floating-point numbers (decimal numbers).

How to define and initialize a variable in two statements

type variable_name;
variable_name ■ value;
int counter; // definition statement
counter =1; // assignment statement

How to define and initialize a variable in one statement

type variable_name - value;
int counter =1; // define and initialize an int variable
double unit_price ■ 14.95; // define and initialize a double variable

An example that uses assignment statements

int quantity =0; // define and initialize an int variable
int max_quantity = 100; // define and initialize another int variable

// two assignment statements

quantity ■ 10; // quantity is now 10
quantity ■ maxquantity; // quantity is now 100

• A variable stores a value that can change, or vary, as a program executes.
• Before you can use a variable, you must define the type of data it will store (its
data type) and its name. Then, you can initialize the variable by assigning an
initial value to the variable.
• An assignment statement assigns a value to a variable. If the data type has already
been defined, an assignment statement does not include the data type.
• A value can be a literal value, another variable, or an expression like the arithmetic
expressions shown in the next figure.
• It’s considered a good practice to initialize a variable before you use it since that
allows you to be sure of the initial value that’s assigned to the variable.

Naming recommendations for variables

• Each variable name should be a noun or a noun preceded by one or more
• Try to use meaningful names that are easy to remember.
• Use lowercase letters and separate the words with underscores ( _ ).

Figure 2-4 How to define and initialize variables

48 Section 1 Essential skills for modern C++

How to code arithmetic expressions

To code simple arithmetic expressions, you can use the arithmetic operators
summarized in figure 2-5. When you use these operators, you code one operand
on the left of the operator and one operand on the right of the operator.
As the first group of statements shows, the arithmetic operators work the
way you would expect them to with one exception. If you divide one integer into
another integer, the result doesn’t include any decimal places. This is known as
integer division. When you perform integer division, you can use the modulus
operator (%). or remainder operator, to return the remainder.
In contrast, if you divide a double into a double, the result includes decimal
places. This is known as decimal division.
When you code assignment statements, you can code the same variable on
both sides of the equals sign. Then, you can include the variable on the right side
of the equals sign in an arithmetic expression. For example, you can add 1 to the
value of a variable named counter with a statement like this:
counter ■ counter ♦ 1;
In this case, if counter has a value of 5 before the statement is executed, it has
a value of 6 after the statement is executed. This concept is illustrated by the
second group of statements.
If you mix integer and double variables in the same arithmetic expres­
sion. C++ automatically converts the int value to a double value and uses the
double type for the result. However, if you store the result of the expression in
an int variable, the decimal places are dropped as shown by the third group of
statements. Here, the double value of 251.0 that’s stored in the total variable is
divided by the int value 2 that’s stored in the counter variable. When the result of
the division is stored in the double variable named result 10, it’s stored as 125.5.
However, when the result of the division is stored in the int variable named
result 11, the decimal value is dropped and it’s stored as 125.
It’s important to restate that when you divide an integer by an integer, the
result is always an integer. This is true even if you store the result of the division
in a double variable as shown by the last statement in this figure. Here, the
integer value in x (14) is divided by the integer value in y (8). This yields a result
of 1. and this result is converted to a double value of 1.0 so it can be stored in the
double variable.
Although it’s not shown in this figure, you can also code expressions that
contain two or more operators. When you do that, you need to be sure that the
operations are done in the correct sequence. You’ll learn more about that in
chapter 3.
Chapter 2 How to write your first programs 49

Five arithmetic operators

Operator Name Description
+ Addition Adds two operands.
- Subtraction Subtracts the right operand from the left operand.
* Multiplication Multiplies the right operand and the left operand.
/ Division Divides the right operand into the left operand. If both
operands are integers, the result is an integer.
% Modulus Returns the value that is left over after dividing the right
operand into the left operand.

Statements that use simple arithmetic expressions

// integer arithmetic
int x - 14;
int y - 8;
int resultl = X ♦ y; // resultl = 22
int result2 = X - y; // result2 = 6
int result3 = X * y; // result3 = 112
int result4 = X / y; // result4 = 1
int results = X % y; // results = 6

// decimal arithmetic
double a ■ 8.5;
double b = 3.4;
double result6 = a + b; // result6 = 11.9
double result7 = a - b; // result7 = 5.1
double result8 = a * b; // result8 = 28.9
double result9 = a / b; // result9 = 2.5

Statements that increment a counter variable

int counter ■ 0;
counter ■ counter +1; // counter - 1
counter ■ counter +1; // counter - 2

Statements that mix int and double variables

double total ■ 251.0;
double resultlO = total I counter; // resultlO ■ 125.5
int resultll - total / counter; // resultll ■ 125

A statement that divides an integer by an integer

double resultl2 = x / y; // resultl2 =1.0 (not 1.75)

• An arithmetic expression consists of one or more operands and arithmetic operators.
• When expressions mix int and double variables, the compiler converts, or casts,
the int types to double types.
• When both operands in a division expression are integers, the result is an integer.
This is known as integer division.

Figure 2-5 How to code arithmetic expressions

50 Section 1 Essential skills for modern C++

How to use the console

for input and output
Most programs get input from the user and display output to the user. The
easiest way to do this is with the console. Before you learn how to use the
console, though, you need to learn how to include header files so you can use the
C++ standard library to work with the console.

How to include header files

The C++ standard library provides code that’s stored in header files. To
use code from the standard library, you include the header file that contains
the code you want to use. This allows you to include only the features of the
standard library that you need, which keeps the compile time of your program
Figure 2-6 lists of some of the commonly used header files. You’ll learn how
to use all of these headers, and more, as you progress through this book. You can
also navigate to the URL shown here to see a comprehensive list of the header
files available in the standard library.
To include a header file, you use the #include preprocessor directive. This
instructs the preprocessor you learned about in chapter 1 to include the header
file’s code in your program. The compiler then treats the code in the header file
as if it were typed at the top of your program file.
The example in this figure shows two #include directives. Each of these
directives starts with a hash symbol (#) and does not end with a semicolon.
Typically, you code the #include directives at the top of the file before any other
code, as shown in this example.
Here, the first directive includes the iostream header. This header contains
code that allows you to send data from one location to another. In particular, it
contains code that you can use to send output to the console and read input from
the console as shown in the next two figures.
The second directive includes the cmath header. This header contains code
that you can use to perform common mathematical operations such as getting a
square root or rounding a number. Later in this chapter, you’ll learn how to use
some of this code.
After coding the #include directives, it’s common to code a using directive
that makes it easy to access the code from any headers that are included, as
shown in this figure. This works because all of the code that’s available from
the header files of the standard library is stored in a namespace named std. As
a result, the using directive in this figure makes all code from the iostream and
cmath headers available to the statements in the main() function. Later in this
chapter, you’ll learn other techniques for accessing the std namespace. These
techniques can improve the performance of your code and help you to avoid the
naming conflicts that can occur if an object or function is available from more
than one namespace.
Chapter 2 How to write your first programs 51

Common header files of the C++ standard library

Header file Description
cstdlib General purpose utilities such as program control, sort, and search.
iostream Input/output (IO) stream objects.
iomanip Input/output (IO) helper functions to manipulate how IO is formatted.
cmath Common math functions.
string For working with a string of characters.
vector For working with a sequence of data elements of the same type.

URL for a complete list of C++ header files

A typical way to include header files and make them easily accessible
tinclude <iostream>
#include <cmath>

using namespace std; // make code in both headers easily accessible

int main()
// code that uses the headers goes here

• The standard library for C++ provides a library of code that you can use. This
library is organized into header files.
• To use the code that’s available from the standard library, you code an #include
preprocessor directive for the header file that contains the code you want to use.
• A namespace provides a way to organize code to avoid naming conflicts. All of
the code that’s available from the header files of the standard library is stored in
a namespace named std.
• To make it easy to access the code in the std namespace, it’s common to add
a using directive for the entire namespace. However, to improve efficiency
and avoid naming conflicts, you can use other techniques for accessing the std
namespace as shown later in this chapter.

Figure 2-6 How to include header files

52 Section 1 Essential skills for modern C++

How to write output to the console

To write output to the console, you can use the cout (pronounced “see-out”)
object that’s available from the iostream header. You’ll learn more about objects
later in this book. For now. all you need to know is that you can use the cout
object that’s available from the iostream header. To do that, you don’t have
to create that object or assign it to a variable. All you need to do is to include
the iostream header, and the cout object is available the entire duration of the
The cout object represents a stream, which is a sequence of characters. More
specifically, the cout object represents the standard output stream that you can
use to write a stream of characters to the console.
To do that, you use the stream insertion operator («) to add data to the
output stream. In figure 2-7, for instance, the first example writes a string of
“Hello!” to the console output stream. Later in this chapter, you’ll learn more
about strings. For now, just know that you can code a string of characters by
enclosing them in double quotes.
The second example begins by multiplying 4 by 4 and storing the result in
an int variable. Then, it writes a string of “4 times 4 is ” to the console. Note
that this string contains a space at the end to separate it from the output that
follows. Next, it writes the integer that's a result of the multiplication operation
to the console. Since the output stream is a series of characters, the output stream
automatically converts the integer value to a string of characters.
The console output for this example shows how the integer value looks when
it’s displayed on the console. In addition, it shows that the string and the integer
values are displayed on the same line even though the two insertion operations
are coded in separate statements and on separate lines.
In the second example, the second and third lines each use the « operator
with the cout object as the left operand (or lvalue) and the string or int to be
printed as the right operand (or rvalue). However, these insertion expressions
can be chained as shown in the third example. This example works the same as
the second example, but it only uses two lines of code. That can make this code
easier to read and understand.
If you want to start a new line in your output, you can write a stream
manipulator named endl (pronounced “end-L” or “end line”) to cout. The endl
manipulator adds a newline character to the stream. In this figure, the fourth
example uses two endl manipulators to write three lines to the console.
The fourth example uses three statements to write three lines to the console.
However, it's possible to accomplish the same task by chaining the insertion
expressions as shown in the fifth example. This example only uses one state­
ment. but it splits that statement across three lines. This works because you can
use indentation and spaces to make your code easier to read. Since this example
only requires you to code one cout object and one semicolon, some programmers
prefer it over the technique that’s used in the fourth example.
When you work with console programs, you should know that the appear­
ance of the console may differ slightly depending on the operating system.
However, even if the console looks a little different, it should work the same.
Chapter 2 How to write your first programs 53

Two objects available from the iostream header

cout An object that represents the output stream to the console.

endl An object that represents the end of a line. When you insert this object into an output
stream, it inserts a newline character into the output stream.

How to send a message to the console

cout << "Hello!";
The console

How to send text and a number to the console

int result =4*4;
cout << "4 times 4 is ■;
cout << result;
The console
4 times 4 is 16

Another way to send the same data to the console

int result =4*4;
cout << "4 times 4 is ■ << result;
The console
4 times 4 is 16

How to send multiple lines to the console

cout << "This is line 1." << endl;
cout << "This is line 2." << endl;
cout << "This is line 3.";
The console
This is line 1.
This is line 2.
This is line 3.

Another way to send multiple lines to the console

cout << "This is line 1." << endl
<< "This is line 2." << endl
<< "This is line 3.";

• The stream insertion operator (<<) lets you add characters to the output stream.

Figure 2-7 How to use the cout object to write output to the console
54 Section 1 Essential skills for modern C++

How to read input from the console

To read input from the console, you can use the cin object (pronounced
“see-in”). The cin object represents the standard input stream that you can use
to get input from the console. Like the cout object, the cin object is available for
the entire duration of the program if you include the iostream header.
You use the stream extraction operator (>>) to read data from an input
stream. In figure 2-8, for instance, the first example reads an integer from the
console. To do that, the first statement defines an int variable named value to
store the data that’s going to be read from the stream. The second statement
prompts the user to enter a number. And the third statement uses the » operator
to extract the integer from the console input stream.
After getting the number from the user, the fourth statement calculates the
result of multiplying that number by itself. Then, the fifth statement displays
the result of that calculation on the console. To do that, it chains several stream
insertion expressions that display the number entered by the user, a string, the
number, another string, and the result of the calculation.
The second example shows how to read multiple values from the console. To
start, it defines two int variables to store the data read from the stream. Then, it
prompts the user to enter two numbers. Next, it extracts the values entered by the
user from the input stream and stores them in the int variables. As the console
output below the code shows, this works the same whether the user enters one
number per line or both numbers on one line.
After getting the two numbers from the user, the second example calcu­
lates the result of multiplying those two numbers together. Then, it displays
that result. Like the first example, this example creates a chain of insertion
Like insertion expressions, extraction expressions can also be chained
together as shown in the third example. This example consists of a single state­
ment that could be used instead of the two extraction statements in the second
Since the insertion and extraction operators are similar in appearance, they
can be easy to confuse, especially when you’re first getting started. One way to
keep them straight is to think of them as indicating the direction that the stream
is flowing. For example, you can think of the output stream as flowing out
toward the cout object. So. the insertion operator points at cout (cout « val).
Conversely, you can think of the input stream as flowing in from the cin object.
So, the extraction operator points away from cin (cin » val).
Chapter 2 How to write your first programs 55

Another object that’s available from the iostream header

Object Description
cin An object that represents the input stream from the console.

How to read one value from the console

// read input from console
int value;
cout << "Please enter a number:
cin » value;

// make a calculation and display output to the console

int result = value * value;
cout << value « " times " « value << " equals ■ « result;
The console
Please enter a number: 5
5 times 5 equals 25

How to read multiple values from the console

// read input from console
int valuel;
int value2;
cout << "Please enter two numbers: ■;
cin » valuel;
cin >> value2;

// make a calculation and display output to the console

int result = valuel * value2;
cout << valuel « ■ times " « value2 « " equals ■ << result;
The console when the user separates the numbers with a space
Please enter two numbers: 4 5
4 times 5 equals 20

The console when the user presses Enter after the first number
Please enter two numbers: 4
4 times 5 equals 20

How to chain extraction expressions

cin >> valuel >> value2;

• The stream extraction operator (») gets characters from the input stream.
• When you use the cin object, it doesn’t matter if the user enters one value per
line or all the values on one line.
• When working with strings and characters, you may need to use some other
techniques for reading input that are described later in this chapter.

Figure 2-8 How to use the cin object to read input from the console
56 Section 1 Essential skills for modern C++

The Gallons to Liters program

Figure 2-9 presents a program that reads input from the console and writes
output to the console. This program starts with a block comment indicating the
author and purpose of the program. Then, it includes the iostream header, so
the program can work with the cout and cin objects, as well as the endl stream
manipulator. Next, a using directive for the std namespace makes it easy to
access the objects in the iostream header.
The main() function starts by writing the name of the program to the
console. This line of code ends with two endl manipulators. The first endl manip­
ulator starts a new line after the program title, and the second endl manipulator
produces the blank line between the title and the first prompt.
The next group of statements gets the number of gallons from the user. To
do that, it starts by defining a double variable named gallons to store the data.
Then, it prompts the user to enter the number of gallons, and it uses an extraction
expression to read the value the user entered from the console and store it in the
gallons variable.
After getting the number of gallons entered by the user, this code converts
the gallons to liters by multiplying the number of gallons by 3.7854. and it stores
the result of the calculation in a double variable named liters. Then, the next
statement displays the number of liters and a message that indicates that the
program is ending. To do that, this statement writes the string “Liters: ” to the
console, followed by the calculated number of liters, two endl manipulators, and
the string “Bye!”.
As you review this code, note that it uses spaces to format the input and
output so it aligns in two columns. Later in this chapter, you’ll learn how to use
tab characters to align output in columns. Then, in chapter 5, you’ll learn how
to use stream manipulators to use an even more sophisticated technique for
aligning output in columns.

* **

If you’re new to programming, we recommend that you take a break now

and complete exercise 2-1 that’s presented at the end of this chapter. This should
give you some hands-on practice working with the skills presented so far in this
chapter, and it should help you absorb this information. After that, you’ll be
ready to continue with the rest of the chapter.
Chapter 2 How to write your first programs 57

The console

The code
* Author: M. Delamater
* Purpose: This program uses the console to get gallons
* from the user. Then, it converts gallons to liters
* and displays the result of the conversion.

tinclude <iostream>

using namespace std;

int main()
// print name of program
cout « "Gallons Converter" << endl « endl;

// get gallons from user

double gallons;
cout « "Enter gallons: ";
cin >> gallons;

// convert gallons to liters

double liters ■ gallons * 3.7854;

// write output to console

cout « "Liters: " « liters « endl « endl
« "Bye!" « endl « endl;

// return value that indicates normal program exit

return 0;

Figure 2-9 The Gallons to Liters program

58 Section 1 Essential skills for modern C++

How to work with the standard library

So far. you’ve learned how to do simple arithmetic operations with built-in
data types, you’ve learned how to include headers, and you’ve learned how to
use the cout and cin objects that are available from the iostream header. As you
develop more complex programs, though, you’ll need to use dozens of different
objects and functions that are available from the C++ standard library. In
addition, you’ll need to learn more about how to work with the std namespace.

How to call a function

The C++ standard library provides a large collection of functions that you
can use in your programs. As mentioned earlier in this chapter, a function is a
reusable block of code that performs a specified task. Each function has a name
and other code can call the function to execute it.
Figure 2-10 begins by showing five of the many functions that are available
from the cmath header. If you include the cmath header as shown earlier in this
chapter, these five functions and many other mathematical functions are avail­
able to your code.
Once you include the header and the using directive for the std namespace,
you can call the functions in the header by using the syntax shown in this figure.
To start, you code the function name followed by a set of parentheses. Within the
parentheses, you code the arguments that are required by the function, separating
the arguments with commas. If the function doesn’t require any arguments, you
leave the parentheses empty.
If the function returns a value, you define a variable to store the return value.
You define this variable just like you would any other variable. Then, you assign
the result of calling the function to the variable. When you do this, the data type
of the variable that stores the return value should be the same data type that’s
returned by the function. For example, all of the functions in this figure return
a double value. As a result, you should assign the values returned by these
functions to a variable of the double type.
The first example shows how to use the sqrt() function to calculate the
square root of a number. This function requires a single argument. As a result,
you can call it by coding the name of the function, a set of parentheses, and
a number within those parentheses. Then, you can assign the value that this
function returns to a variable. In this example, the first statement assigns the
square root of 16 to a double variable named root 1. and the second statement
assigns the square root of 6.25 to a double variable named root2.
The second example shows how to use the pow() function to raise a number
to the specified exponent. This function requires two arguments. The first
argument specifies the base number, and the second argument specifies the
power of the exponent.
The third, fourth, and fifth examples show how to use the round(). floor(),
and ceil() functions to round double values to a specified number of decimal
places. These functions all round to the nearest whole number and return a value
of the double type. However, a common coding trick for rounding to a specified
number of decimal places is to multiply the number by a multiple of ten. round
Chapter 2 How to write your first programs 59

Five functions available from the cmath header

Function Description
sqrt(number) Calculates the square root of the specified number and returns the
resulting value as a double.
pow(base, exponent) Raises the base to the power of the exponent and returns the
resulting value as a double.
round(number) Rounds the number up or down to the nearest whole number and
returns the resulting value as a double.
floor(number) Rounds the number down (towards the floor) to the nearest whole
number and returns the resulting value as a double.
ceil(number) Rounds the number up (towards the ceiling) to the nearest whole
number and returns the resulting value as a double.

How to call a function


The sqrt() function

double rootl ■ sqrt(16); // rootl is 4
double root2 ■ sqrt(6.25); // root2 is 2.5

The pow() function

double powl - pow(2, 4); // powl is 16
double pow2 - pow(2.5, 2); // pow2 is 6.25

The round() function

double x ■ 10. 315;
double round1 - round(x); // round1 is 10.0
double round2 ■ round(x * 10) / 10; // round2 is 10.3
double round3 - round(x * 100) / 100; // round3 is 10.32

The floor() function

double floorl - floor(x); // floorl is 10.0
double floor2 ■ floor(x * 10) / 10; // floor2 is 10.3
double floor3 ■ floor(x * 100) / 100; // floor3 is 10.31

The ceil() function

double ceill ■ ceil(x); // ceill is 11.0
double ceil2 ■ ceil(x * 10) / 10; // ceil2 is 10.4
double ceil3 ■ ceil(x * 100) / 100; // ceil3 is 10.32

• When you call a function, you code its name followed by a pair of parentheses.
If the function requires arguments, you code the arguments within the paren­
theses. These arguments must be of the correct data type, and they must be
coded in the correct sequence separated by commas.
• A function can return a value to the code that calls it. If a function returns a
value, you can store the return value in a variable.

Figure 2-10 How to call a function

60 Section 1 Essential skills for modern C++

the number, and then divide by the same multiple of ten. For example, to get two
decimal places, you can multiply the number by 100, round the number to the
nearest whole number, and then divide the number by 1(X). If you review these
three examples, you should get a feel for how this works.
As you progress through this book, you’ll learn how to use dozens of
functions and objects. You’ll also learn how to create your own.

How to work with the std namespace

A namespace provides a way to organize objects and functions. This helps to
avoid naming conflicts. As mentioned earlier, the standard library' stores its code
in a namespace named std. So far in this chapter, you have been coding a using
directive to automatically make all objects and functions in the std namespace
available to your code. This is shown by the first example in figure 2-11. The
advantage of this approach is that it’s an easy way to make all objects and
functions in a namespace available to your code.
However, it’s considered a better practice to specify individual members
with using declarations as shown in the second example. This example uses
three declarations to specify the objects and functions that are used in the main()
function. To do that, these declarations use the scope resolution operator (::) to
create a fully qualified name. A fully qualified name consists of the namespace,
the scope resolution operator, and the member of the namespace. For example,
the fully qualified name for the cout object is
and the fully qualified name for the sqrt() function is
If you don’t code a using directive or declaration for an object or function,
you can still use it in your code as shown in the third example. In that case,
however, you must use a fully qualified name to access the object or function.
There are several advantages to the approaches shown in the second and
third examples. First, they should help your code compile more quickly. Second,
they should reduce the chance of encountering a naming conflict. Third, they
clearly show the objects and functions that your code needs, which makes it
easier to read and maintain your code.
Many programmers prefer to use using declarations, since they make it easy
to access the specified objects and functions. This is especially true if your code
needs to use a namespace member repeatedly. Then, you don’t have to qualify
the member each time you use it, which saves you typing and can make your
code easier to read and maintain. If you’re only going to use a member once or
twice, though, you might want to use a fully qualified name.
To save space, most of the examples shown in this book use a using directive
for the std namespace. However, you should know that using declarations are
generally considered a better practice.
Chapter 2 How to write your first programs 61

A using directive for the std namespace

tinclude <iostream>
tinclude <cmath>

using namespace std; // use all elements of the std namespace

int main() {
int num ■ 7;
double root - sqrt(num);
root - round(root * 1000) I 1000; // round to 3 decimal places
cout « "The square root of " << num << ■ is " « root « endl;

Using declarations for three members of the std namespace

tinclude <iostream>
tinclude <cmath>

using std::cout; // use the cout object

using std::sqrt; // use the sqrt function
using std::round; // use the round function
int main()
int num =7;
double root - sqrt(num);
root ■ round(root * 1000) I 1000; // round to 3 decimal places
cout « "The square root of " << num << ■ is " « root « endl;

Fully qualified names

tinclude <iostream>
tinclude <cmath>

int main()
int num =7;
double root - std::sqrt(num);
root ■ std::round(root * 1000) I 1000; // round to 3 decimal places
std::cout « "The square root of ■ << num << " is " « root « std::endl;

The console for all three examples

The square root of 7 is 2.646

• The members of the standard library are grouped in a namespace named std.
• You can identify members of namespaces by using the scope resolution operator (::).
• You can code a using directive for a namespace to make it easy to access all members
of that namespace. However, this can lead to naming conflicts.
• You can code a using declaration for a specific member of a namespace to make it
easy to access that member of the namespace. This significantly reduces the chance of
a naming conflict.

Figure 2-11 How to work with the std namespace

62 Section 1 Essential skills for modern C++

The Circle Calculator program

Figure 2-12 presents an enhanced version of the Circle Calculator program
that you saw in chapter 1. This program prompts the user to enter the radius
for a circle. Then, it uses two functions from the cmath header to calculate the
diameter, circumference, and area of the circle with that radius.
This program starts by including the iostream and cmath headers. Then, the
first three using declarations make it easy for the program to work with the cout
and cin objects, as well as the endl stream manipulator. After that, the last two
using declarations make it easy to work with the pow() and round() functions of
the cmath header.
The main() function starts by writing the name of the program to the
console. This line of code ends with two endl manipulators. The first endl
manipulator starts a new line after the program title, and the second endl manip­
ulator produces the blank line between the title and the first prompt.
The next group of statements gets the radius from the user. To do that, it
defines a double variable named radius to store the value, it prompts the user to
enter the radius, and it uses an extraction expression to read the value the user
entered from the console and store it in the radius variable.
After getting the radius entered by the user, this code uses four statements
to calculate the diameter, circumference, and area of the circle. Here, the first
statement defines a double variable named pi and assigns it an initial value
of 3.14159. The second statement calculates the diameter by multiplying the
radius by 2. The third statement calculates the circumference by multiplying
the diameter by pi. And the fourth statement calculates the area by using the
standard geometric formula of pi times radius squared (nr2).
As you review this code, note that both the third and fourth statements use
pi. As a result, assigning the value of pi to a variable named pi makes your code
easier for others to read and follow. In addition, if you wanted to use a more or
less precise approximation of pi. you could just modify the value that’s assigned
by the first statement.
After making the calculations, this code uses the round() function to round
the circumference and area to 1 decimal place. Then, it displays the results of the
calculations and a message that indicates that the program is ending. Note that
after it displays the area, this code uses two endl manipulators to print a blank
line between the result of the calculations and the end message.
Chapter 2 How to write your first programs 63

The console
Circle Calculator

Enter radius: 9
Diameter: 18
Circumference: 56.5
Area: 254.5


The code
tinclude <iostream>
tinclude <cmath>

using std::cout;
using std::cin;
using std::endl;
using std::pow;
using std::round;

int main()
// print name of program
cout « "Circle Calculator" « endl « endl;

// get radius from user

double radius;
cout « "Enter radius: ";
cin >> radius;

// make calculations
double pi ■ 3.14159;
double diameter - 2 * radius;
double circumference ■ diameter * pi;
double area - pi * pow(radius, 2.0);

// round to 1 decimal place

circumference = round(circumference * 10) / 10;
area = round(area * 10) / 10;

// write output to console

cout « "Diameter: " « diameter « endl
« "Circumference: " « circumference << endl
« "Area: " « area << endl << endl
<< "Bye! ";

// return value that indicates normal program exit

return 0;

Figure 2-12 The Circle Calculator program

64 Section 1 Essential skills for modern C++

How to generate random numbers

When learning how to program, it’s often helpful to be able to generate
random numbers. They’re useful if you want to develop games that involve dice,
cards, or other elements of random chance. They’re also useful for simulations
such as testing a function with a range of random numbers.
To generate random numbers with C++, you can use the functions of the
cstdlib and ctime headers presented in figure 2-13. First, you use the time()
function to get a seed value for the srand() function. To do that, you can use
the nullptr keyword to pass a null pointer argument to the time() function. This
returns the number of seconds that have elapsed since Jan 1, 1970. As a result,
the time() function returns a different number each time it's called.
Once you have a seed value, you use the srand() function to specify the seed
value for the rand() function. Next, you use the rand() function to get a random
integer between 0 and RAND_MAX. which is a large integer that varies from
compiler to compiler.
After you get the random integer, you can use the modulus operator to
specify the upper limit of the random number. In this figure, for example, the
code uses the modulus operator to return the remainder after dividing by 6. That
way, the result of the operation is from 0 to 5 inclusive. Then, you can add 1 to
the result to get the value of a six-sided die (1 to 6 inclusive).
So. why do you need to provide a seed value for the rand() function?
Because the rand() function actually generates pseudorandom numbers, which
are series of numbers that appear to be random but are actually the same for each
seed value. As a result, if you don’t change the seed value each time you run the
program, the program will use the same series of numbers each time, which isn’t
typically what you want.
The functions presented in this figure provide a simple way to generate a
series of pseudorandom numbers. This is adequate for creating programs like
the one shown here. However, random numbers that are generated using this
technique are not cryptographically secure. As a result, if you need to generate
cryptographically secure numbers, you’ll have to use a different technique. For
example, if you’re using C++ 11 or later, you can use the random header to
generate random numbers that are cryptographically secure. By the time you
finish this book, you should have the skills you need to learn to use the random
header on your own.
Chapter 2 How to write your first programs 65

Two functions of the cstdlib header for generating random numbers

Function Description
rand () Returns a pseudorandom integer between 0 and RAND_MAX. This function
uses a seed to generate the series of integers, and the seed should be initialized
to a distinctive value using the srand() function.
srand (seed) Specifies the seed value for the rand() function.

One function of the ctime header

Function Description
time (timer) If the timer argument is a null pointer, it returns the current calendar time,
generally as the number of seconds since Jan 1. 1970 00:00 UTC.

Code that simulates the roll of a pair of dice

ftinclude <iostream>
ftinclude <cstdlib>
ftinclude <ctime>

using namespace std;

int main()
// use time() to get an int value
int elapsed_seconds ■ time(nullptr);

// seed the random number generator


// roll the first die

int diel ■ rand() % 6; // diel is >■ 0 and < 6
diel ■ diel + 1; // die2 is >■ 1 and <= 6
// roll the second die
int die2 ■ rand() % 6; // die2 is >■ 0 and < 6
die2 ■ die2 + 1; // die2 is >■ 1 and <= 6
// write output to console
cout « "Your roll: " « diel <<""<< die2;
The console
Your roll: 6 3

• The rand() and srand() functions provide a simple way to generate a series of
pseudorandom numbers, which is a series of numbers that appears to be random
but is actually the same if you specify the same seed value for the series.
• If you’re using C++ 11 or later, you can use the random header to generate
random numbers that are cry ptographically secure. However, this requires
advanced programming techniques that aren’t presented until later in this book.

Figure 2-13 How to generate random numbers

66 Section 1 Essential skills for modern C++

How to work with char

and string variables
As you’ve already seen, programs often need to work with character data.
In the next few topics, you’ll learn about char and string variables, you’ll learn
how to work with special characters, and you’ll learn about some functions for
reading char and string data from the console.

How to assign values to char and string variables

A char is a built-in data type defined by the C++ core language. A char
contains a single character, which can be any letter, number, punctuation mark,
or special character in the ASCII character set. Technically, the char type is an
integer type since it actually contains an integer that maps to one of the ASCII
The first example in figure 2-14 shows how to define and initialize a char
variable. This is similar to defining a numeric variable. However, the character
literal that’s assigned to a char variable is enclosed in single quotation marks.
A string, conversely, is not a built-in data type. Rather, it’s an object that
consists of a sequence of zero or more characters. This object type is defined by
the string class that’s available from the string header file and that’s a member of
the std namespace. When you include the iostream header, most compilers also
include the string header. However, to make sure your code is portable across all
compilers, it’s a good practice to include the string header file as shown in the
second example.
The third example shows how to define and initialize a string variable.
Here, the first statement creates a string literal of “Invalid data entry” by coding
multiple characters within double quotation marks, and it assigns that string
literal to a string object named message 1. A string variable can also contain
an empty string. To assign an empty string to a string variable, you code a set
of double quotation marks with nothing between them as shown in the second
statement in this example.
If you want to join, or concatenate, two or more strings into one, you can
use the + operator. The fourth example shows how this works. Here, two string
variables are initialized with first name and last name values. Then, these two
values are concatenated with a string literal that contains a comma and a space.
The resulting string is assigned to a third string variable called name. When
concatenating strings, you can use string variables or string literals.
You can also join a string with a char. This is illustrated in the last statement
in the fourth example. Here, the first_name and last_name variables are concat­
enated with two character literals and a char variable that contains a middle
initial. As before, the resulting string is assigned to the name variable.
You can use the + and operators to append a string or character to the end
of a string as shown by the fifth example. Here, the second statement uses the +=
operator to append the last name to the first name followed by a space. If you use
Chapter 2 How to write your first programs 67

The built-in data type for characters

Type Description
char A built-in data type that stores an integer value that maps to a single character in
the /XSCII character set. This character set includes letters, numbers, punctuation
marks, and special characters like *. &. and #.

A class that’s available from the string header

Class Description
string A class that defines a type of object that consists of a sequence of zero or more

How to define and initialize a char variable

char middle_initial ■ 'M';

How to include the string header file

tinclude <string>

How to define and initialize a string variable

string messagel ■ "Invalid data entry";
string message2 ■ ""; // empty string

How to concatenate strings and chars

string first_name - "Bob"; // first_name is Bob
string last_name = "Smith"; // last_name is Smith

string name - last_name ♦ ♦ first_name; // name is Smith, Bob

name ■ first_name + ' ' ♦ middle_initial ♦ ' ' + last_name;
// name is Bob M Smith

How to append one string to another with the += operator

name ■ first_name + ' '; // name is Bob followed by a space
name ♦= last_name; // name is Bob Smith

• To specify a character value, you can enclose the character in single quotation
marks. This is known as a character literal.
• A class defines a type of object. When you create an object from a class, you
can assign it to a variable of the class type.
• To create a string object, you enclose text in double quotation marks. This is
known as a string literal.
• To assign an empty string to a string variable, you can code a set of quotation
marks with nothing between them. This means that the string doesn’t contain
any characters.
• To concatenate a string with another string or a char, use a plus sign.
• The +■ operator is a shortcut for appending a string or char to a string variable.
• If you only need to store a single character, the char type works more efficiently
than the string type.

Figure 2-14 How to assign values to char and string variables

68 Section 1 Essential skills for modern C++

the ♦ operator, you need to include the string variable on both sides of the ■
operator. Otherwise, the assignment statement replaces the old value with the
new value.
When working with char and string variables, a string uses slightly more
overhead than a char. As a result, if you’re working with a single character, you
should use a char variable or literal, not a string variable or literal.

How to work with special characters

Figure 2-15 shows how to work with special characters. To do that, you can
use the escape sequences shown in this figure.
Each escape sequence starts with a backslash. If you code a backslash
followed by the letter n, for example, the compiler includes a newline character
as shown in the first string example. If you omit the backslash, the compiler just
includes the letter n in the string value. The escape sequence for the tab character
works similarly as shown in the second string example.
To code a string literal, you enclose it in double quotes. As a result, if you
want to include a double quote within a string literal, you must use an escape
sequence as shown in the third string example. Here, the \" escape sequence is
used to include two double quotes within the string literal.
Finally, you need to use an escape sequence if you want to include a
backslash in a string literal. To do that, you code two backslashes as shown in
the fourth string example. If you forget to do that and code a single backslash,
the compiler uses the backslash and the next character to create an escape
sequence. That can yield unexpected results.
When you work with escape sequences, remember that they define special
characters, not special strings. As a result, there are times when you may want
to assign a special character to a variable of the char data type as shown in the
char examples. To do that, you can create a char literal by enclosing the escape
sequence in single quotes. This defines a single character that can be assigned
to a char variable. Here, the first statement assigns a newline character to a char
variable named newline. The second statement assigns a tab character to a char
variable named tab. And the third statement assigns a backslash character to a
char variable named sep. which is short for separator.
Chapter 2 How to write your first programs 69

Common escape sequences for special characters

Sequence Character
\n Newline
\t Tab
\r Return
\" Quotation mark
\\ Backslash

String examples
A string that uses a newline character
■Code: CPP\nPrice: $49.50"
Code: CPP
Price: $49.50

A string that uses tabs

Joe Smith
Kate Lewis

A string that uses double quotes

■Type \"x\" to exit"

Type "x" to exit

A string that uses backslashes

■C: WmurachWcppWf iles"

Char examples
char newline = ' \n';
char tab ■ '\t• ;
char sep ■ '\\'; // use backslash as a separator

• You can use escape sequences to identify certain types of special characters.
• Within a string, you can code the escape sequence anywhere you want to use
the special character.
• A special character is a single character of the char type. As a result, to code a char
literal, you code single quotes around the two characters of the escape sequence.

Figure 2-15 How to work with special characters

70 Section 1 Essential skills for modern C++

How to read strings and chars from the console

When you use the extraction operator (>>) to read data from the cin object,
it uses whitespace (spaces, tabs, or new lines) to separate the data in the input
stream into one or more tokens. Then, it reads one token per extraction expres­
sion. So. if a user enters “Grace M. Hopper”,
cin >> name;
only stores “Grace” in the name variable.
You could fix this by declaring variables for the first name, middle initial,
and last name and then chaining the extraction expressions like this:
cin >> first_name >> middle_initial >> last_name;
However, what if you want to give your users the flexibility to enter only a first
name or a first and last name? One way to do that is to use the getlineO function
that’s presented in figure 2-16 to read the entire line of user input.
Unlike an extraction expression, the getlineO function only uses line breaks
to separate the data in the stream. As a result, it reads all data up to the end of
the current line of input. This function takes two arguments. The first is the cin
object, and the second is the string variable where the extracted data is stored.
The first example in this figure shows how this works. Here, the first state­
ment defines the name variable, the second statement prompts the user to enter a
full name, and the third statement passes the cin object and the name variable to
the getlineO function. As a result, this code stores whatever the user enters in the
name variable, whether it’s “Grace” or “Grace Hopper” or “Grace M. Hopper”.
When reading strings and chars from the console, you sometimes need to
ignore characters. To do that, you can use a special kind of function known
as a member function, which is a function that’s available from an object. For
example, this figure summarizes the get() function and two versions of the
ignore() function. All of these methods are members of the cin object. As a result,
to call them, you start by coding the object name and the dot operator ( . ). Then,
you code the function name and its arguments just as you would for any other
The examples below the syntax summary show how this works. Here, the
first statement calls the get() member function of the cin object. This gets the
next character in the stream. The second statement calls the ignoreO member
function of the cin object. Since this statement doesn’t pass any arguments to the
function, it just extracts and discards the next char in the input stream. However,
the third statement calls the ignoreO function and passes two arguments to it.
These arguments indicate that the function should discard the next 1 (X) charac­
ters or all characters until the next space character, whichever comes first.
The last example shows how to pause program execution until the user
presses the Enter key. This is useful if the console for a program closes before
the program is done. Here, the first statement discards all data that the user may
have entered earlier, up to KMX) characters. This statement isn’t always neces­
sary, but it makes sure that this code will work even if there are some extra
characters remaining in the input stream. Then, the second statement prompts the
user to press Enter. Finally, the third statement extracts and ignores the newline
character that’s inserted into the input stream when the user presses Enter.
Chapter 2 How to write your first programs 71

The getline() function of the iostream header

Function Description
getline(cin, var) Extracts an entire line of console input, including spaces, and assigns
it to the specified variable.

How to use the getline() function to read a full name

string name;
cout << "Enter full name:
getline(cin, name);
cout << "Your name is ■ « name;
The console
Enter full name: Grace M. Hopper
Your name is Grace M. Hopper

Member functions of the cin object

Member function Description
get () Gets the next character in the input stream.
ignore() Extracts and discards the next character in the input stream.
ignore(n, delim) Extracts and discards characters in the input stream until either the
number of characters discarded is n. or the character in delim is found.

How to call a member function of an object

object_name.function_name(arguments) ;
char initial - cin.getO; // extract and return the next char
cin.ignore() ; // extract and discard the next char
cin.ignore(100, ' '); // extract and discard the next 100 chars
//or all characters up to the next space

Code that pauses until the user presses Enter to continue

cin.ignore(1000, '\n'); // discard any extra characters
//on the current line
cout << "\nPress [Enter] to close the terminal ...\n";
The console
Press [Enter] to close the terminal ...

• Many objects in the standard library have memberfunctions. To call a member
function, code the name of the object, the dot operator ( . ). and the name of the
member function.
• You pass arguments to and get return values from a member function just like
you do a regular function.

Figure 2-16 How to read strings and chars from the console
72 Section 1 Essential skills for modern C++

How to fix a common problem

with reading strings
In most cases, the getlineO function works the way you want it to.
Sometimes, though, you can run into a problem if you use getlineO after code
that uses an extraction operator to extract data from an input stream. Figure
2-17 begins by showing this problem. Here, the first example starts by using
an extraction expression to read an account number. Then, it uses the getlineO
function to read a full name. However, the console doesn’t give the user a chance
to enter a full name.
What’s causing this problem? Well, when a user types a value and presses
the Enter key, C++ adds the value and the newline character to the input stream.
But. the extraction expression only extracts the value from the stream, not the
newline character. That’s fine if you’re using the extraction operator because
this operator ignores a leading newline character. Unfortunately, the getlineO
function doesn’t ignore this character. As a result. getlineO reads the leading
newline character into the name variable, and program execution continues to
the statement that writes the output to the console.
To fix this problem, you can use the ignoreO function of the cin object to
extract and discard the newline character that’s causing the problem as shown
in the second example. Once you extract and discard this newline character, the
getlineO function works correctly.
Some programmers consider it a best practice to call the ignore() function
after every extraction expression. That way. the leading newline character is
always discarded. But, it’s also common to only call the ignoreO function when
Chapter 2 How to write your first programs 73

A common problem with reading strings

The code
int account_num;
cout << "Enter account number: ■;
cin » account_num; // extracts data but leaves the newline character

string name;
cout << "Enter full name: n 9•
getline(cin, name); // reads the newline character left in the stream

cout << "Name: " « name « " | Account: " « account_num;

The console
Enter account number: 1234
Enter full name:
Name: | Account: 1234

The data in the cin object after the user enters “1234”
1 2 3 4 \n

How to fix the problem

The code
int account_num;
cout << "Enter account number: ■;
cin » account_num;

string name;
cout << "Enter full name:
cin.ignore(); // discards the newline character left in the stream
getline(cin, name); // reads the next line

cout << "Name: " « name « " | Account: " « account_num;

The console
Enter account number: 1234
Enter full name: Mary Delamater
Name: Mary Delamater | Account: 1234

• When the user presses the Enter key at the console, C++ inserts a newline character
into the input stream.
• When you use the extraction operator to extract data, it skips over any leading
whitespace characters (such as spaces and newline characters) and extracts the data
up to the next whitespace character, leaving the whitespace character in the stream.
• When you use the getlineO function to read data, it doesn’t skip over a leading
newline character. Instead, it returns an empty string. To skip over a leading newline
character, you can call the ignoreO member function of the cin object to ignore the
leading newline character.

Figure 2-17 How to fix a common problem with reading strings

74 Section 1 Essential skills for modern C++

The Guest Book program

Figure 2-18 presents another program that reads input from the console and
writes output to the console. This program accepts string input from the user and
displays formatted output.
Like the Gallon Converter program, the Guest Book program starts by
including the iostream header. It also includes the string header. In addition, it
specifies a using directive for the std namespace so the code doesn’t need to use
fully qualified names for the objects in the iostream and string headers.
The main() function starts by writing the title of the program to the console.
Note that this statement uses the newline character rather than the endl manipu­
lator to add line breaks. Here, the first newline character (\n) starts a new line
and the second adds a blank line after the program title.
After the title, this code prompts the user to enter a first name. Then, it
uses an extraction expression to get a first name from the user. Next, it calls the
ignoreO function of the cin object to discard the leading newline character left in
the stream by the previous extraction expression as well as any other characters
left in the stream, up to 1(X) characters.
After the first name, the code prompts the user to enter a middle initial.
Then, it uses the get() member function to get the middle initial. Next, it calls
the ignoreO function to discard any characters left in the stream, including the
leading newline character.
After the middle initial, the code prompts the user for a last name. Here, the
code uses the getlineO function to get the last name, so the user can enter a last
name that contains spaces. This code continues by using the getlineO function to
get the user’s city and country.
After getting all of the input from the user, the code formats the data and
writes it to the console. To do that, it uses the newline character (\n) to start new
lines. In addition, it uses the + operator to create a full name by concatenating
the first name, a space character, the middle initial, a period, a space character,
and the last name. It also uses the + operator to create the line that contains the
city and country.
As you review this code, note that each prompt uses a tab character (\t) to
align the user’s entry. In addition, this code encloses special characters such
as the tab character in double quotes if the special character is part of a string.
Otherwise, this code encloses the special character in single quotes so it’s treated
as a char type. That’s true for other single characters as well, such as a space. As
you learned earlier in this chapter, that makes your code slightly more efficient.
Also, note that this program only extracts the first name that’s entered before
any whitespace. As a result, if a user enters “Emmy Lou” as the first name, the
program only stores “Emmy” as the first name. Similarly, this program only
extracts the first character that’s entered for the middle initial. As a result, if a
user enters “Wiliford” for the middle initial, the program only stores “W”. If
that’s not what you want, you can use the getlineO function instead of the extrac­
tion operator to get the first name and middle initial. And if you do that, you
don’t need to use the ignoreO function.
Chapter 2 How to write your first programs 75

The console
Guest Book

First name: Dave

Middle initial: Williford
Last name: Von Ronk
City: New York
Country: United States

Dave W. Von Ronk
New York, United States

The code
tinclude <iostream>
#include <string>

using namespace std;

int main()
cout « "Guest Book\n\n";

string first_name;
cout « "First name:\t";
cin >> first_name; // get first string only
cin.ignore(100, ’\n'); // discard leftover chars and newline
char middle_initial;
cout « "Middle initial:\t n 9•
middle_initial ■ cin.getO 9 // get first char only
cin.ignore(100, '\n'); // discard leftover chars and newline
string last_name;
cout « "Last name:\t";
getline(cin, last_name); // get entire line
string city;
cout « "City:\t\t";
getline(cin, city); // get entire line
string country;
cout « "Country:\t";
getline(cin, country); // get entire line

cout « "\nENTRY\n" // display the entry

« first_name + ' * ♦ middle._initial + n "4. last_name ♦ '\n'
« city + ", ■ ♦ country + "\n\n";

Figure 2-18 The Guest Book program

76 Section 1 Essential skills for modern C++

How to test and debug a program

In chapter 1. you were introduced to syntax errors that are detected by
an IDE when you enter code. Because syntax errors prevent a program from
compiling, they are also commonly referred to as compile-time errors. For
example, if you try to compile the code shown in figure 2-19, the compiler
returns an error like the one shown in this figure.
This error information is typically displayed by the IDE. and it can help
you determine the location of the error. In this figure, for example, the message
indicates that a semicolon was expected before the string keyword on line 10.
That’s because a semicolon was missing from the end of line 8. Once you’ve
fixed the compile-time errors, you’re ready to test and debug the program.

How to test a program

When you test a program, you run it to make sure it works correctly. As
you test, you should try every possible combination of valid and invalid data
to be certain that the program works correctly under every set of conditions.
Remember that the goal of testing is to find errors, or bugs, so they’re not
encountered by users when they run the program.
As you test, you will inevitably encounter two types of bugs. The first type
of bug causes a runtime error (also known as a runtime exception). A runtime
error can cause a program to crash or to behave erratically.
The second type of bug produces inaccurate results when a program runs.
These bugs occur due to logic errors in the source code. For example, these
types of bugs can cause a program to enter an infinite loop or to display incor­
rect data. For instance, the console in this figure shows output for the Circle
Calculator program that displays incorrect data. Here, one of the calculations
is not correct. This type of bug can be more difficult to find and correct than a
runtime error.

How to debug a program

When you debug a program, you find the cause of the bugs, fix them, and
test again. As your programs become more complex, debugging can be one of
the most time-consuming aspects of programming. That’s why it’s important to
write your code in a way that makes it easy to read, understand, and debug.
To find the cause of runtime errors, you can start by finding the source state­
ment that was running when the program crashed. To do that, you can start by
studying any error messages that you get.
To find the cause of incorrect output, you can start by figuring out why the
program produced the output that it did. For instance, you can start by asking
why the Circle Calculator program in this figure didn’t perform all of the calcu­
lations correctly. Once you figure that out, you’re well on your way to fixing the
Chapter 2 How to write your first programs 77

The beginning of a file that contains an error

1 #include <iostream>
2 #include <string>
4 using namespace std;
6 int main()
7 {
8 cout << "Guest Book\n\n"
10 string first_name;
11 cout << "First name:\t";

The error that’s returned by the compiler

main.cpp: In function 'int main()':
main.cpp:10:5: error: expected ';' before 'string'
string first_name;

The Circle Calculator program with incorrect output

Circle Calculator

Enter radius: 9
Diameter: 18
Circumference: 28.3
Area: 254.5

• A syntax or compile-time error occurs when a statement can’t be compiled.
Before you can test a program, you must fix the syntax errors.
• To test a program, you run it to make sure that it works properly no matter
what combinations of valid and invalid data you enter. The goal of testing is to
find the errors (or bugs') in the program.
• To debug a program, you find the causes of the bugs and fix them.
• One type of bug leads to a runtime error (also known as a runtime exception)
that causes the program to end prematurely. This type of bug must be fixed
before testing can continue.
• Even if a program runs to completion, the results may be incorrect due to logic
errors. These bugs must also be fixed.

Debugging tips
• For a runtime error, go to the line in the source code that was running when the
program crashed. In most IDEs, you can do that by clicking on the link to the line
of source code. That should give you a strong indication of what caused the error.
• For a logical error, first figure out how the source code produced that output.
Then, fix the code and test the program again.

Figure 2-19 How to test and debug a program

78 Section 1 Essential skills for modern C++

The goal of this chapter has been to get you off to a fast start with C++
programming. Now. if you understand how the programs presented in this
chapter work, you’ve come a long way. You should also be able to write compa­
rable programs of your own.
Keep in mind, though, that this chapter is just an introduction to C++
programming. The next few chapters will build upon what you learned in this
chapter to expand your knowledge of C++ programming. This will include
learning some new skills as well as learning more about data types, arithmetic
expressions, input and output streams, strings, and debugging.

statement stream insertion operator
block of code chained expressions
comment stream manipulator
single-line comment standard input stream
end-of-line comment stream extraction operator
block comment function
main() function argument
parameter using directive
body of a function using declaration
return statement scope resolution operator
identifier fully qualified name
snake case pseudorandom number
camel case char
keyword ASCII character set
data type character literal
variable string
define a variable class
initialize a variable object
literal value string literal
assignment statement empty string
arithmetic expression concatenate strings
arithmetic operator append to a string
operand escape sequence
cast a data type whitespace
integer division token
modulus operator member function
remainder operator dot operator
decimal division syntax error
console compile-time error
preprocessor directive test a program
standard library bug
header file runtime error
namespace logic error
stream debug a program
standard output stream
Chapter 2 How to write your first programs 79

• Statements direct the operations of a program, and comments typically
document what the statements do.
• The main() function is a special type of function that’s called by the
operating system when it starts your program.
• Variables are used to store data that changes, or varies, as a program runs.
• When you define a variable, you must code its data type and its name. Two
of the most common data types for numeric variables are the int and double
• After you define a variable, you can initialize it by assigning an initial value
to it.
• You can use assignment statements to assign new values to variables.
• You can use arithmetic operators to code arithmetic expressions that
perform operations on one or more operands.
• The standard library uses header files to organize and store its classes,
objects, and functions.
• The standard library groups its members in the std namespace. You can use a
using directive, using declarations, or fully qualified names to work with the
members of a namespace.
• You call a function by typing the function name and a set of parentheses. A
function may require one or more arguments, and it may return a value.
• You can use objects from the iostream header file to work with the standard
input and output streams of the console. The cout object writes output to the
console, and the cin object reads input from the console.
• A char is a built-in data type that contains a single character.
• A string is an object that contains zero or more characters. A string object is
created from the string class that’s available from the string header file.
• You can use the + operator to concatenate one string with another string or a
char, and you can use the + or operator to append one string to another.
• To include special characters in strings, you can use escape sequences.
• Testing is the process of finding the errors or hugs in a program. Debugging
is the process of locating and fixing the bugs.
80 Section 1 Essential skills for modern C++

Exercise 2-1 Create a Rectangle Calculator

In this exercise, you’ll code a program that accepts the height and width of a
rectangle and then displays the area of the rectangle. When you’re done, a test
run should look something like this:

Open the project, review the code, and add a comment

1. Use your IDE to open the Rectangle Calculator project or solution in this
2. Review the code in the main.cpp file to see that it contains an #include direc­
tive for the iostream header file, a using directive for the std namespace, and a
main() function with a return statement.
3. Add a block comment at the beginning of the file that includes your name, the
current date, and the purpose of the program.
Code the main() function
4. Add a statement at the beginning of the main() function that writes the name
of the program to the console. The name should be followed by two newline
5. Define two variables with the double data type to store the height and width
the user enters. Then, add a statement that prompts the user for a height and
6. Add a statement that uses chained extraction expressions to get the height and
width values that the user enters at the console.
7. Define a variable with the double data type to store the area. Then, calculate
the area of the rectangle (height times width), and assign it to this variable.
8. Add a statement that displays the area on the console, followed by two
newline characters, the “Bye!” message, and two more newline characters.
Run the program
9. Run the program to be sure it works correctly. If any errors are detected, fix
them and then run the program again.
Chapter 2 How to write your first programs 81

Exercise 2-2 Enhance the Gallons Converter

In this exercise, you’ll enhance the Gallons Converter program presented in this
chapter. When you’re done, a test run should look something like this:

Open the project, review the code, and run the program
1. Use your IDE to open the Gallons Converter project or solution in this folder:
2. Review the code in the main.cpp file. Then, run the program to see how it
Add code to round the number of liters
3. Add an include directive for the cmath header file.
4. Add a statement that rounds the number of liters to two decimal places.
5. Run the program to be sure this works correctly. If any errors occur, debug the
program, fix the errors, and then run the program again.
Add code to calculate the quarts and ounces
6. Define a variable with the double data type to store the number of quarts.
7. Calculate the number of quarts, and assign it to this variable. (One gallon is
equal to four quarts.) The number of quarts should be rounded to two decimal
8. Modify the statement that writes the number of liters to the console so it also
writes the number of quarts.
9. Run the program, and fix any errors that occur.
10. Repeat steps 6 through 9 to calculate and display the number of ounces in a
gallon. (One gallon is equal to 128 ounces.)
Replace the using directive with using declarations
11. Replace the using directive for the std namespace with the using declarations
needed by this program.
12. Run the program one more time to be sure it still works.
82 Section 1 Essential skills for modern C++

Exercise 2-3 Enhance the Guest Book program

In this exercise, you’ll enhance the Guest Book program presented in this
chapter so it accepts additional information. When you’re done, a test run should
look something like this:

Guest Book

First name: Dave

Middle initial: Williford
Last name: Von Ronk
Address: 123 Wall St.
City: New York
State: NY
Postal code: 10001
Country: United States

Dave W. Von Ronk
123 Wall St.
New York, NY 10001
United States

Open the project, review the code, and run the program
1. Use your IDE to open the Guest Book project or solution in this folder:
2. Review the code in the main.cpp file. Then, run the program to see how it
Add code to accept and display the address, state code, and zip code
3. Define three string variables to store an address, a state code, and a zip code.
4. Add statements that prompt the user for the address, state code, and zip code.
5. Add statements that get the data entered by the user for the address, state
code, and zip code and assign the values to the appropriate variables. The
entire line of data should be retrieved for the address and zip code, but only
the first two characters should be retrieved for the state code.
6. Modify the statement that writes the entry to the console so it displays the
data as shown above.
7. Run the program and test it with the data shown above. If the program doesn’t
pause for you to enter a value for the zip code, that’s because the newline
character after the state code hasn’t been retrieved from the console. In that
case, you can fix this problem by adding a statement that extracts and discards
any additional characters in the input stream.
8. Run the program again to be sure it works correctly.
How to make decisions
In chapter 2, you learned how to write programs that get input from a user,
process that input, and display output to the user. In this chapter, you’ll learn
how to write code so your program can make decisions. For example, it's
common to make decisions based on the input from a user. To do that, you’ll
learn how to code control statements such as the if and switch statements.

How to get started with if statements................................. 84

How to use the relational operators................................................................. 84
How to code an if statement............................................................................ 86
How to work with braces.................................................................................88
The Invoice 1.0 program..................................................................................90
More skills for coding if statements.................................... 92
How to use the logical operators.....................................................................92
If statements that use the logical operators.................................................... 94
How to code nested if statements.................................................................... 96
The Invoice 2.0 program................................................................................. 98
Other ways to make decisions........................................... 102
How to use the conditional operator.............................................................. 102
How to code switch statements...................................................................... 104
More examples of switch statements............................................................. 106
A switch statement for the Invoice 2.0 program........................................ 108
Perspective............................................................................ 110
84 Section 1 Essential skills for modern C++

How to get started with if statements

As you write programs, you need to determine when certain operations
should be performed. To do that, you can code control statements. In the topics
that follow, you’ll learn the basic skills for coding one of the most basic control
statements, the if statement. But first, you need to learn how to code expressions
that compare numeric, string, or character values.

How to use the relational operators

To compare numeric, string, or character values, you code Boolean
expressions that use the relational operators listed in figure 3-1. A Boolean
expression is an expression that evaluates to either true or false.
The first group of examples shows how to use relational operators to
compare numbers and return a true or false value. Here, the first expression is
true if the value of the variable named counter is equal to the literal value 5. The
second expression is true if the value of the test_score variable is not equal to 0.
And the sixth example is true if the value of the variable named quantity is less
than or equal to the value of the variable named reorder_amt.
When you code expressions like these, you must remember to code two
equals signs (■■) instead of one for the equality comparison. That’s because
a single equals sign (■) is used for assignment statements. As a result, if you
accidentally code a Boolean expression with a single equals sign, it won’t work
the way you want.
When you compare numeric values, you usually compare values of the same
data type. However, if you compare values of different types, C++ automatically
converts the two numeric types to the same numeric type. In particular, if you
compare an int type to a double type. C++ converts the int type to the double
type before making the comparison.
The relational operators work the same way for string and char values as
they do for numeric values. However, you typically don’t need to use the less
than or greater than operators with chars or strings. Instead, you usually use
equality tests with chars and strings, as shown in the second group of examples.
Here, the first expression is true if the value in the char variable named
choice equals the character literal ‘y’. The second expression is true if the value
in the name variable equals the string literal “Jones”. And the third expression is
true if the string value in the name variable does not equal the value in the name2
When working with strings and chars, tests for equality are case-sensitive.
As a result, the first expression is true if the choice variable is equal to ‘y’, but
not if it is equal to ‘Y’. Similarly, the second expression is true if the name
variable is equal to “Jones”, but not if it is equal to “jones”.
However, when working with chars, you can use the tolower() and toupper()
functions presented here to do comparisons that are case-insensitive. The code
example below the table shows how this works. Although there aren’t similar
functions for string values, you’ll learn how to write your own function for doing
this in chapter 7.
Chapter 3 How to make decisions 85

Relational operators
Operator Name Description
== Equality Returns a true value if the two operands are equal.
!■ Inequality Returns a true value if the two operands are not equal.
> Greater Than Returns a true value if the left operand (lvalue) is
greater than the right operand (rvalue).
< Less Than Returns a true value if lvalue is less than rvalue.
>■ Greater Than Or Equal Returns a true value if lvalue is greater than or equal to
<■ Less Than Or Equal Returns a true value if lvalue is less than or equal to

Examples of Boolean expressions

counter == 5 // equal to a numeric literal
test_score ! ■ 0 // not equal to a numeric literal
years > 0 // greater than a numeric literal
i < months // less than a numeric variable
subtotal >■ 9.99 // greater than or equal to a numeric literal
quantity <= reorder_amt // less than or equal to a numeric variable

How to test strings and chars for equality

choice ■■ ’y' // char equal to a char literal
name ■■ "Jones" // string equal to a string literal
name !■ name2 // string not equal to another string variable

Two functions that convert a char to lower or upper case

Function Description
tolower(char) Returns the lower case equivalent of the char it receives. If there is no lower
case equivalent, returns the char unchanged.
toupper (char) Returns the upper case equivalent of the char it receives. If there is no upper
case equivalent, returns the char unchanged.

How to make a test for equality of two chars case insensitive

tolower(choice) ■■ 'y* // true if choice is 'y' or 'Y*

• A Boolean expression is an expression that evaluates to either true or false. To
create a Boolean expression, you can use the relational operators to compare
two operands.
• To compare two operands for equality, make sure to use two equals signs. If you
only use one equals sign, you are coding an assignment statement, not a Boolean
• If you compare an int value to a double value, the compiler casts the int value to
the double type.
• When you test chars and strings for equality, the test is case-sensitive. For chars,
you can make the test case-insensitive by adding the tolowerf) or toupperO

Figure 3-1 How to use the relational operators

86 Section 1 Essential skills for modern C++

How to code an if statement

Figure 3-2 shows how to use the if statement, which is also known as the
if...else statement, to control the logic of your programs. This statement is the
C++ implementation of a control structure known as the selection structure
because it lets you select different actions based on the results of a Boolean
The syntax summary shows that you can code this statement with just
an if clause, with one or more optional else if clauses, and with one optional
else clause. In this syntax summary, the ellipsis (...) means that the preceding
element (in this case the else if clause) can be repeated as many times as it is
needed. And the brackets [ ] mean that the element is optional.
When an if statement is executed. C++ begins by evaluating the Boolean
expression in the if clause. If it’s true, the statements within this clause are
executed and the rest of the clauses in the if statement are skipped. If it’s false,
C++ evaluates the first else if clause (if there is one). Then, if its Boolean expres­
sion is true, the statements within this else if clause are executed, and the rest of
the clauses in the if statement are skipped. Otherwise, C++ evaluates the next
else if clause.
This continues with any remaining else if clauses. Finally, if none of the
clauses contains a Boolean expression that evaluates to true, C++ executes the
statements in the else clause (if there is one). However, if none of the Boolean
expressions are true and there is no else clause, C++ doesn’t execute any
In this figure, all of the if statements use braces to clearly identify a block of
statements for each clause. If you define a variable within a block, that variable
is available only to the other statements in the block. This can be referred to as
block scope. As a result, if you need to access a variable outside of the block, you
must define it before the block. In this figure, for instance, all of the examples
define the discount_percent variable before the block for the if statement. That
way, the code after the if statement can access the discount_percent variable.
In this figure, the first example shows an if statement that only contains an
if clause. Here, the statement that declares the discount_percent variable initial­
izes it to a value of .05 (5%). Then, the if clause checks whether the subtotal is
greater than or equal to 100. If it is, the code sets the discount_percent variable
to a value of. 1 (10%). Otherwise, the code leaves the discount_percent variable
at its default value of .05 (5%).
The second example shows an if statement that contains an if clause and an
else clause. This performs the same task as the first example. However, it uses
the else clause to set the default value of the discount_percent variable.
The advantage of the second example is that the statements that set the
value for the discount_percent variable are all coded at the same level. As a
result, some programmers find it easier to read and understand this example. The
disadvantage of this approach is that it uses three more lines of code. Since the
first and second examples work equally well, you can choose the approach that
you prefer.
Chapter 3 How to make decisions 87

The syntax of the if statement

if (boolean_expression) { statements }
(else if (boolean_expression) ( statements }] ...
(else ( statements }]

An if statement with only an if clause

double discount_percent - .05;
if (subtotal >- 100) {
discount_percent - .1;

With an else clause

double discount_percent;
if (subtotal >- 100) (
discount_percent - .1;
} else {
discount_percent ■ .05;

With multiple else if clauses

double discount_percent;
if (subtotal >- 300) (
discount_percent - .3;
} else if (subtotal >■ 200) (
discount_percent - .2;
) else if (subtotal >■ 100) (
discount_percent - .1;
) else (
discount_percent - .05;

• An if statement always contains an if clause. In addition, it can contain one or
more else if clauses and one else clause.
• A pair of braces defines a block of code. Any variables declared within a block
have block scope. As a result, they can only be used within that block.
• C++ evaluates the clauses of an if statement from the top down. Once a clause
evaluates to true, C++ skips the rest of the clauses. As a result, it’s most
efficient to code the most likely conditions first and the least likely conditions

Figure 3-2 How to get started with if statements

88 Section 1 Essential skills for modern C++

The third example in figure 3-2 shows an if statement that contains multiple
else if clauses. When coding a statement like this, it’s important to remember
that C++ evaluates if statements from the top down. Once a clause evaluates
to true, C++ executes the statements for that clause and skips the rest of the if
statement. In the third example, for instance, the if clause checks whether the
subtotal is greater than or equal to 3(X). If it is. the discount_percent variable is
set to .3 and the rest of the if statement is skipped. Otherwise, the first else if
clause checks whether the subtotal is greater than or equal to 2(X). If it is, the
discount_percent variable is set to .2 and the rest of the if statement is skipped.
And so on.
Since these conditions are coded in a logical sequence, they’re easy to read
and understand. As always, the easier your code is to read and understand, the
easier it is to test, debug, and maintain.

How to work with braces

In figure 3-2. all of the clauses within the if statements use braces. These
braces are required if the clause contains more than one statement, but they’re
optional if the clause contains just one statement. When you’re getting started
with C++, we recommend always coding these braces. However, if a clause only
contains one statement, you can omit the braces as shown by the first example in
figure 3-3.
The second example shows a common error that programmers often
encounter when they’re first learning C++. Here, the if clause contains two
statements. The first statement sets the discount percent, and the second sets
the shipping method. However, since this example doesn’t include braces, the if
clause only includes the statement that sets the discount percent. As a result, the
statement that sets the shipping method to “FedEx” is always executed, even if
the subtotal is less than 1(X).
To fix this error, the third example add braces to the if clause. That way, C++
knows that it should execute both statements when the subtotal is greater than
or equal to 1 (X). As a result, this statement does not set the shipping method to
“FedEx” when the subtotal is less than 1 (X). This shows that braces are optional
when a clause only contains one statement, but braces are required when a
clause contains two or more statements.
The fourth example shows an if statement that includes multiple statements
for its if clause and its else clause. As a result, braces are required for both
The fifth example works the same as the fourth example, except that the
opening braces for the two clauses are placed on their own line. Some program­
mers prefer this convention because it makes it easier to see how the opening
brace corresponds with the closing brace. However, some programmers prefer
the convention used in the fourth example since it uses less vertical space and
allows the programmer to see more code on the screen.
Both conventions for brace placement are commonly used, and the choice
of which convention to use is largely a matter of personal preference. Of course,
if you’re working with a team of programmers, you should follow any conven­
tions that have been established by the team. For this book, we typically use the
convention presented in the fourth example because it saves vertical space and is
still easy to read, especially once you get used to it.
Chapter 3 How to make decisions 89

An if statement without braces

double discount_percent;
if (subtotal >■ 100)
discount_percent ■ .1;
discount_percent - .05;

An if statement without braces that causes an error

double discount_percent - .05;
string shipping_method - "USPS";
if (subtotal >■ 100)
discount_percent - .1;
shipping_method - "FedEx"; // Error! This statement is always executed

An if statement that uses braces to fix the error

double discount_percent - .05;
string shipping_method - "USPS";
if (subtotal >- 100) (
discount_percent - .1;
shipping_method - "FedEx"; // Braces fix error

An if statement with clauses that contain multiple statements

double discount_percent;
string shipping_method;
if (subtotal >- 100) (
discount_percent ■ .1;
shipping_method - "FedEx";
} else {
discount_percent ■ .05;
shipping_method - "USPS";

Another coding style for brace placement

double discount_percent;
string shipping_method;
if (subtotal >■ 100)
discount_percent ■ .1;
shipping_method - "FedEx";
discount_percent ■ .05;
shipping_method - "USPS";

• If a clause in an if statement contains just one statement, you don’t have to enclose
the statement in braces. You can just end the clause with a semicolon.

Figure 3-3 How to work with braces

90 Section 1 Essential skills for modern C++

The Invoice 1.0 program

Figure 3-4 shows the console and code for the Invoice l .0 program.
Although this program is simple, it gets input from the user, makes a decision
based on that input, performs some calculations, and displays the results of the
The code for the Invoice program starts by displaying the program name at
the console, followed by a blank line. Then, it prompts the user for the subtotal
and stores the subtotal the user enters in the subtotal variable. Next, it uses an if
statement to set the discount percent based on the value of the subtotal. If. for
example, the subtotal is greater than or equal to 200. the discount percent is .2
(20%). If that condition isn't true but the subtotal is greater than or equal to l (X),
the discount percent is .1 (10%). Otherwise, the discount percent is .05 (5%).
As you review this code, note that it defines the discount_percent variable
before the if statement. As a result, this variable is available to the rest of the
code in the block for the main() method, including all clauses in the if statement.
When the if statement finishes, the code calculates the discount amount and
the invoice total and rounds the results to 2 decimal places. Then, it displays the
discount percent, discount amount, and invoice total on the console.
Although this program illustrates the use of a simple if statement, it could be
improved in many ways. For example, this program displays output that doesn't
make sense if the user enters an invalid double value such as “x” for the subtotal.
To fix this issue, you can check the failure flag after the extraction expression
as described in chapter 5. In addition, this program could format and align the
numbers so they're easier for the user to read as shown in chapter 5.
In the meantime, if you’re new to programming, you can learn a lot by
writing simple programs like this Invoice program. Doing that gives you a
chance to become comfortable with coding simple if statements.
Chapter 3 How to make decisions 91

The console
Invoice Total Calculator 1.0

Enter a subtotal: 129.43

Discount percent: 0.1
Discount amount: 12.94
Invoice total: 116.49


The code
ftinclude <iostream>
#include <cmath>

using namespace std;

int main()
cout « "Invoice Total Calculator 1.0\n\n";

// get subtotal from user

double subtotal;
cout << "Enter a subtotal: ";
cin >> subtotal;

// determine discount percent based on subtotal

double discount_percent;
if (subtotal >■ 200) {
discount_percent ■ .2;
} else if (subtotal >■ 100) (
discount_percent - .1;
} else {
discount_percent ■ .05;

// calculate and round results

double discount_amount - subtotal * discount_percent;
discount_amount - round(discount_amount * 100) / 100;

double invoice_total - subtotal - discount_amount;

invoice_total - round(invoice_total * 100) / 100;

// write the results data to the console

cout << "Discount percent: " << discount_percent « endl
<< "Discount amount: " << discount_amount << endl
« "Invoice total: " « invoice_total « endl << endl;

cout « "Bye!\n\n";

Figure 3-4 The Invoice 1.0 program

92 Section 1 Essential skills for modern C++

More skills for coding if statements

Now that you know how to code simple if statements, you’re ready to learn
how to code more complex ones, such as if statements that use logical operators
and if statements that are nested within other if statements.

How to use the logical operators

To code a compound conditional expression, you can use the logical opera­
tors that are shown in figure 3-5 to combine two or more Boolean expressions.
If you use the AND operator, the compound expression only returns true if both
expressions are true. If you use the OR operator, the compound expression returns
true if either expression is true. If you use the NOT operator, the value returned by
the expression is reversed.
Below the table of operators, you can see their order of precedence. That is
the order in which the operators are evaluated if more than one logical operator
is used in a compound expression. This means that NOT operators are evaluated
before AND operators, which are evaluated before OR operators. Although this
is normally what you want, you can override this order by using parentheses.
The examples in this figure show how these operators work. For instance,
the first example uses the AND operator to connect two Boolean expressions.
As a result, it evaluates to true if the expression on its left and the expression
on its right are both true. Similarly, the second example uses the OR operator
to connect two Boolean expressions. As a result, it evaluates to true if either the
expression on its left or the expression on its right is true.
The third example shows how to use the NOT operator to reverse the value
of an expression. As a result, this expression evaluates to true if the age variable
is not greater than or equal to 65. In this case, using the NOT operator is okay,
but often the NOT operator results in code that’s difficult to read. That’s why it’s
a good practice to rewrite your code so it doesn’t use the NOT operator.
The next four examples show that compound conditions aren’t limited to
two expressions. For instance, the fourth example uses two AND operators to
connect three Boolean expressions, and the fifth example uses two OR operators
to connect three expressions.
You can also mix AND and OR expressions as in the sixth and seventh
examples. In the sixth example, the parentheses clarify the sequence of opera­
tions since C++ would do the AND operation first anyway. In the seventh
example, though, the parentheses change the sequence of operations. As a result,
C++ evaluates the two expressions connected by the OR operator before evalu­
ating the rest of the expression.
When you use the AND and OR operators, C++ evaluates them from left to
right, and the second expression is only evaluated if necessary. That’s why these
operators are known as short-circuit operators. If. for example, the first expres­
sion in an AND operation is false, the second expression isn’t evaluated because
the entire expression is going to be false. Similarly, if the first expression in an
OR operation is true, the second expression isn’t evaluated because the entire
expression is going to be true.
Chapter 3 How to make decisions 93

Logical operators
1 Operator Name Description
&& AND Returns a true value if both expressions are true. This operator only
evaluates the second expression if necessary.
II OR Returns a true value if either expression is true. This operator only
evaluates the second expression if necessary.
i NOT Reverses the value of the expression.

Order of precedence
1. NOT operator
2. AND operator
3. OR operator

Boolean expressions that use logical operators

// The AND operator
age >■ 65 && city = = "Chicago"

// The OR operator
city ■ » "Greenville" || age >■ 65

// The NOT operator

1(age >■ 65)

// Two AND operators

age >■ 65 && city = = "Greenville" && state -- "SC"

// Two OR operators
age >=65 || age <=18 || status == "retired"

// AND and OR operators with parens to clarify sequence of operations

(age >= 65 && status == "retired") || age < 18

// AND and OR operators with parens to change sequence of operations

age >= 65 && (status == "retired" || state == "SC")

• You can use the logical operators to create a Boolean expression that combines
two or more Boolean expressions.
• Since the && and | | operators only evaluate the second expression if necessary,
they’re sometimes referred to as short-circuit operators.
• By default, NOT operations are performed first, followed by AND operations,
and then OR operations. These operations are performed after arithmetic opera­
tions and relational operations.
• You can use parentheses to change the sequence of operations. In addition, you
can use parentheses to clarify the sequence of operations.

Figure 3-5 How to use the logical operators

94 Section 1 Essential skills for modern C++

If statements that use the logical operators

Figure 3-6 begins with an example that shows another way to code the if
statement that sets the discount percent based on the subtotal. In this case, the
if and else if clauses use compound conditions. This shows the lower and upper
limits for most of the discount ranges.
One advantage of this approach is that the else if clauses can be coded in any
sequence. One disadvantage of this approach is that it requires more code.
When coding a statement like this, it’s important to remember that C++
evaluates the clauses of an if statement from the top down. Once a clause evalu­
ates to true, C++ executes the statements for that clause and skips the rest of the
clauses. As a result, it’s most efficient to code the most likely conditions first
and the least likely conditions last. In this example, for instance, the code runs
most efficiently when the if clause contains the most likely condition (a subtotal
greater than or equal to 100 and less than 200), the first else if clause contains
the second most likely condition (a subtotal greater than or equal to 200 and less
than 300), and so on.
If efficiency isn't your primary concern, you should code the conditions
in the way that's most readable. As always, the easier your code is to read and
understand, the easier it is to test, debug, and maintain.
The second example shows how an if statement can be used to check
whether data entered by a user is valid. This is known as tfata validation. Here,
the if statement checks whether the variable named score contains a value that’s
between 0 and 100. If it does, a message thanking the user for entering a score
is displayed. If it doesn’t, a message that indicates that the score is not valid is
displayed. You’ll see more practical and complete examples of data validation
starting in chapter 5.
The third example also checks for a valid user entry. Here, an if statement
checks whether the customer_type variable is not equal to an ‘r’ or a ‘w’. If this
expression is true, an error message is displayed. However, if this expression is
false, it means that the customer_type variable is equal to an ‘r’ or a ‘w’. In that
case, the statements in the if clause are skipped.
Chapter 3 How to make decisions 95

An if statement that uses logical operators in its Boolean expressions

double discount_percent;
if (subtotal >■ 100 && subtotal < 200) (
discount_percent - .1;
} else if (subtotal >■ 200 && subtotal < 300) {
discount_percent - .2;
} else if (subtotal >- 300) (
discount_percent ■ .3;
} else {
discount_percent ■ .05;

An if statement that validates the range of a score

if (score >■ 0 && score <■ 100) (
cout << "Thanks for entering a test score.\n";
} else {
cout « "Test score must be from 0 - 100.\n";

An if statement that validates the customer type

if (customer—type !■ 'r' && customer—type !■ 'w') {
cout « "Customer type must be 'r' or ’w'.\n";

• If you can code an if statement more than one way and get the same results,
you should usually choose the way that’s easiest to read and understand.
• If efficiency is a primary concern, you should code the most likely conditions
first and the least likely conditions last.
• If statements are often used to choose one option out of several. They are also
used to make sure that user entries are valid. This is called data validation.

Figure 3-6 Examples of if statements that use logical operators

96 Section 1 Essential skills for modern C++

How to code nested if statements

In many programs, you may need or want to code one if statement within a
clause of another if statement in order to get the logic right. The result is known
as nested if statements.
When you’re coding if statements and the conditions get so complicated that
they’re hard to follow, it often helps to create a table that summarizes the condi­
tions. This is illustrated by the table in figure 3-7. Here, the customer type can be
either ‘r’ for retail or ‘w’ for wholesale. Then, the discount percent is determined
by the customer type and the invoice subtotal.
Once you create a table like this, you can use it as a guide to coding your
if statements. In the first example, for instance, the outer if statement checks
for two customer type codes. The if clause tests for the ‘r’ code, and the else if
clause tests for the ‘w’ code. If neither test evaluates to true, the discount_percent
variable stays at its initial value of zero.
Within the outer if clause, a nested if statement sets the discount percent
based on the value of the subtotal variable. Similarly, the outer else if clause uses
a nested if statement to set the discount percent.
When you nest if statements, it’s a good practice to indent the nested state­
ments and their clauses, since this makes it easy to identify where each nested
statement begins and ends. That's particularly true if you nest more than one
level deep. Although there’s no technical limit to how deep you can nest if state­
ments. nesting that's more than one or two levels deep can be confusing and hard
to follow. So, you should avoid nesting any deeper than that.
To avoid nested if statements, you can use conditional operators as shown
by the second example. This code gets the same results as the first example, but
it doesn’t use nested if statements. Instead, it uses a series of compound Boolean
expressions. In addition, it uses comments to describe what the two main
portions of the if statement are doing. This makes it easier for other programmers
to read and understand this if statement. On the other hand, most programmers
would probably say that the first example is considerably easier to read.
One problem with the second example is that it duplicates the Boolean
expression that checks the customer type in each clause. As a result, it makes
your code more difficult to maintain. If. for example, the code for retail
customers was changed from ‘r’ to ‘t’, you’d have to make that change in three
places in the second example. That’s both tedious and error prone. By contrast,
you’d only have to change the code in one place in the first example. Because of
that and because of the reduced readability of this code, it’s better to use nested
if statements in a situation like this.
Chapter 3 How to make decisions 97

A table that summarizes the discount rules

Nested if statements for applying customer discounts

double discount_percent - 0;
if (tolower(customer_type) == 'r') {
if (subtotal < 100) ( // begin nested if
discount_percent - .0;
} else if (subtotal >■ 100 && subtotal < 250) {
discount_percent - .1;
} else (
discount_percent - .2;
} // end nested if
} else if (tolower(customer _type) ■■ 'w') {
if (subtotal < 500) ( // begin nested if
discount_percent - -4;
} else (
discount_percent - .5;
} // end nested if

An if statement that gets the same results

double discount_percent - .0;
// the discounts for retail customers
if (tolower(customer_type) -- 'r' && subtotal < 100) {
discount_percent ■ .0;
} else if (tolower(customer_type) == ' r' &&
(subtotal >■ 100 && subtotal < 250)) {
discount_percent ■ .1;
} else if (tolower(customer_type) == • r' && subtotal >■ 250) {
discount_percent - .2;
// the discounts for wholesale customers
) else if (tolower(customer_type) -- 'w' && subtotal < 500) {
discount_percent ■ .4;
) else if (tolower(customer_type) == 'w' && subtotal >= 500)
discount_percent ■ .5;

• It’s possible to code one if statement within a clause of another if statement.
The result is known as nested if statements.
• In some cases, you can use the logical operators to get the same results that
you get with nested if statements.
• To improve the readability of if statements, you can use comments to describe
what various clauses do.
Figure 3-7 How to code nested if statements
98 Section 1 Essential skills for modern C++

The Invoice 2.0 program

Figure 3-8 presents the Invoice 2.0 program. This program uses nested if
statements to calculate the discount percent for an invoice. Except for the brace
placement, these nested if statements are the same as the nested if statements
presented in the previous figure. However, the main if statement in this figure
includes an else clause that sets the discount_percent variable to zero.
Here again, the discount percent is based on the customer type (r or w) and
the subtotal. Both of these values are entered by the user.
To make the nested if statements easier to follow, comments are used to
explain the function of the clauses of the outer if statement. In the nested if
statements, the clauses include braces even though each clause only contains one
statement. That way, if you ever need to, you can easily add more statements to
these clauses without introducing any errors.
Chapter 3 How to make decisions 99

The console
The Invoice Total Calculator 2.0

Enter customer type (r/w): r

Enter subtotal: 125.75
Discount percent: 0.1
Discount amount: 12.58
Invoice total: 113.17


The code
tinclude <iostream>
tinclude <cmath>

using namespace std;

int main() {
// display title
cout « "The Invoice Total Calculator 2.0\n\n";

// get input
char customer_type;
cout « "Enter customer type (r/w): ";
cin >> customer_type;

double subtotal;
cout « "Enter subtotal: ";
cin >> subtotal;

// set discount percent

double discount_percent;
if (tolower(customer_type) ■■ 'r') ( // RETAIL
if (subtotal < 100) (
discount_percent - .0;
else if (subtotal >■ 100 && subtotal < 250) {
discount_percent ■ .1;
else (
discount_percent - .2;
else if (tolower(customer_type) ■■ 'w') { // WHOLESALE
if (subtotal < 500) (
discount_percent ■ .4;
else (
discount_percent - .5;
else ( // OTHER
discount_percent ■ .0;

Figure 3-8 The Invoice 2.0 program (part 1 of 2)

100 Section 1 Essential skills for modern C++

Once the discount percent is established, the program calculates the discount
amount and the invoice total. Then, the invoice total is displayed along with the
discount percent and discount amount.
This program assumes that if the user doesn’t enter a customer type of ‘r’
or ‘w’. another type of customer is being processed and the discount percent is
set to zero. However, what if you wanted a customer type other than ‘r’ or ‘w’ to
be considered invalid? Then, you could use an if statement like the last one you
saw in figure 3-6 to validate the customer type. In that case, the program would
display an error message and end if the customer type was invalid.
In most cases, you wouldn't want a program to end because of an invalid
entry. Instead, you would want the program to prompt the user for another entry
after displaying an error message. You’ll learn how to do that in the next chapter
using a while loop.
Chapter 3 How to make decisions 101

The code (continued)

// calculate and round results
double discount_amount - subtotal * discount_percent;
discount_amount - round(discount_amount * 100) / 100;

double invoice_total - subtotal - discount_amount;

invoice_total - round(invoice_total * 100) / 100;

// display output
cout « "Discount percent: ■ « discount_percent << endl
« "Discount amount: ■ « discount_amount « endl
« "Invoice total: ■ « invoice_total « endl << endl;

cout « "Bye!\n\n";

Figure 3-8 The Invoice 2.0 program (part 2 of 2)

102 Section 1 Essential skills for modern C+ +

Other ways to make decisions

The if statement is a powerful control structure that allows a program
to make decisions. However. C++ provides other ways to make decisions,
including the conditional operator and the switch statement. You can almost
always accomplish the same task with an if statement, but there are times when
using the conditional operator or a switch statement can improve your code. In
addition, when you work on code written by other programmers, you’re likely to
encounter these ways of making decisions.

How to use the conditional operator

Earlier in this chapter, you learned how to use relational operators such
as the less than operator (<). These operators are known as binary operators
because they have two operands. Now. figure 3-9 shows how to use the condi­
tional operator. This operator is known as a ternary operator because it has
three operands. The first operand is a Boolean expression, the second operand
is an expression that’s evaluated and returned if the Boolean expression is
true, and the third operand is an expression that’s evaluated and returned if the
Boolean expression is false.
The conditional operator requires two symbols to separate its three operands.
This is illustrated by the syntax for a conditional expression, which is an expres­
sion that uses the conditional operator. As you can see. the question mark (?) is
used to separate the Boolean expression and the true expression, and the colon
(:) is used to separate the true and the false expressions.
The first example shows a conditional expression. Here the Boolean expres­
sion checks if the variable named subtotal is greater than or equal to 100. If so, it
returns .1. Otherwise, it returns .05.
The second example shows how you would use a conditional expression in an
assignment statement. Here, the statement begins by declaring a double variable
named discount_percent. Then, it assigns the result of the conditional expression
in the first example to that variable. As a result, if the subtotal is greater than or
equal to 1 (X). the discount_percent variable is .1. Otherwise, it’s .05.
The third example works the same as the second example. However, it uses
parentheses to clearly identify the Boolean expression. These parentheses are
optional, but some programmers prefer using them because they make it easier
to read the statement.
The fourth example shows the third example after it has been rewritten to
use an if statement instead of the conditional operator. This shows that a state­
ment that uses the conditional operator can always be rewritten to use an if state­
ment. Some programmers prefer this approach, since they consider if statements
easier to read. Other programmers like to use the conditional operator.
Nevertheless, many programmers like to use the conditional operator
because it takes fewer lines of code. As a result, even if you don’t use the
conditional operator in your code, you still need to understand how it works so
you can understand code that has been written by other programmers.
Chapter 3 How to make decisions 103

The syntax for a conditional expression

boolean_expression ? if_true : if_false

A conditional expression
subtotal >■ 100 ? .1 : .05 // returns .1 or .05 depending on subtotal

How to use a conditional operator to set the value of a variable

double discount_percent ■ subtotal >■ 100 ? .1 : .05;

A statement that uses parentheses to identify the Boolean expression

double discount_percent ■ (subtotal >■ 100) ? .1 : .05;

An if statement that performs the same task

double discount_percent;
if (subtotal >■ 100)
discount_percent ■ .1;
discount_percent ■ .05;

• The conditional operator consists of three expressions that are separated by
the question mark (?) and colon (:) symbols. The first expression is a Boolean
expression, the second expression is evaluated and returned if the Boolean
expression is true, and the third expression is evaluated and returned if the
Boolean expression is false.
• The conditional operator provides a way to code simple if...else statements on a
single line.
• An operator that works on two operands is known as a binary operator. The
relational operators such as the less than (<) and greater than (>) operators are
examples of binary operators.
• An operator that works on three operands is known as a ternary operator. The
conditional operator is an example of a ternary operator.

Figure 3-9 How to use the conditional operator

104 Section 1 Essential skills for modern C++

How to code switch statements

The next few figures show how to work with the switch statement. This is
the C++ implementation of a control structure known as the case structure. This
structure lets you code different actions for different cases. The switch statement
can sometimes be used in place of an if statement.
Figure 3-10 shows how to code a simple switch statement. To do that, you
code the switch keyword followed by a switch expression that evaluates to an
integer type such as the int or char type. After the switch expression, you can
code one or more case labels that represent the possible values of the switch
expression. Then, when the switch expression matches the value specified by the
case label, the statements after the label are executed.
You can code the case labels in any sequence, but you should be sure to
follow each label with a colon. Then, if the label contains one or more state­
ments, you can code a break statement after them to jump to the end of the
switch statement. The default label is an optional label that identifies the state­
ments to be executed if none of the case labels are executed.
The first example shows how to code a switch statement that sets the
description for a product based on the value of an int variable named product_id.
Here, the first case label assigns a value of “Hammer” to the product_description
variable if product_id is equal to 1. Then, the break statement exits the switch
statement. Similarly, the second case label sets the product_description variable
to “Box of Nails” if product_id is equal to 2, and then it exits the switch state­
ment. If product_id is equal to something other than 1 or 2, the default case
label is executed. Like the other two case labels, this one sets the value of the
product_description variable and exits the switch statement.
Chapter 3 How to make decisions 105

The syntax of the switch statement

switch (switch_expression) {
case labell:
[case labe!2:
break;] ...

A switch statement that uses an int variable named product_id

string product_description;
switch (product_id) {
case 1:
product_description ■ "Hammer";
case 2:
product_description ■ "Box of Nails";
product_description ■ "No product found for specified ID";

• The switch statement can only be used with an expression that evaluates to an
integer type such as the int type or the char type.
• The switch statement transfers control to the appropriate case label. If control
isn't transferred to one of the case labels, the optional default label is executed.
• The case labels can be coded in any sequence.

Figure 3-10 How to code switch statements

106 Section 1 Essential skills for modern C++

More examples of switch statements

If you don’t code a break statement at the end of a case label, the execution
of the program falls through to the next case label and executes the statements in
that label as shown in figure 3-11. Here, the first example shows how to code a
switch statement that sets a day variable to “weekday” or “weekend” depending
on the value of the integer in the variable named day_of_week. Here, the case
labels for 1, 2, 3, and 4 don’t contain any statements, so execution falls through
to the case label for 5. As a result, day is set to “weekday” for any of those
values. Similarly, whenever day_of_week equals 6 or 7, day is set to “weekend”.
Although a break statement is coded at the end of the last case label in
this example as well as the other examples shown in this chapter, you should
know that it isn't required. If you omit this break statement, program execution
automatically falls through to the statement that follows the switch statement.
However, it's generally considered a good programming practice to code a break
statement at the end of the last case label. That way, if you add a new case label
after the last case label, your switch statement still works correctly. Similarly, if
you move the last case label so it occurs earlier in the switch statement, it still
works correctly.
Switch statements are often used for console applications that allow the user
to select a menu item as shown in the second example. Here, the first statement
displays a list of three menu items with an integer that identifies each item. Then,
the code gets the int value for the menu choice from the user. Next, it uses a
switch statement to execute the appropriate code for the menu item. Or. if the
user doesn’t select a valid menu item, it displays a message that indicates that the
item wasn’t valid.
In this example, the code for the first two menu items just displays a message
that identifies the selected menu item. However, as you progress through this
book, you’ll learn how to write code that implements these menu choices. For
instance, in chapter 9, you’ll learn how to display a list of the movies that are
stored in a file, and you’ll learn how to add a movie to that file.
Chapter 3 How to make decisions 107

A switch statement that falls through case labels

string day;
switch (day_of_week) (
case 1:
case 2:
case 3:
case 4:
case 5:
day ■ "weekday";
case 6:
case 7:
day ■ "weekend";

A switch statement for a menu system

// display menu
cout << "1. List all movies" << endl
<< "2. Add a movie" « endl
<< "3. Exit" << endl << endl;

// get menu item from user

cout << "Menu item: ■;
int menu_item;
cin >> menu_item;

// execute the correct code for the menu item

switch (menu_item) {
case 1:
cout << -MOVIE LIST" « endl;
// code that lists all movies goes here
case 2:
cout << -ADD A MOVIE" « endl;
// code that adds a movie goes here
case 3:
cout << "Bye!";
cout << -Invalid menu item! Try again." << endl;

• If a case label doesn't contain a break statement, code execution falls through
to the next label. Otherwise, the break statement ends the switch statement.

Figure 3-11 More examples of switch statements

108 Section 1 Essential skills for modern C++

A switch statement for the Invoice 2.0 program

To give you a better idea of how switch statements work, figure 3-12
presents a switch statement that could be used with the Invoice 2.0 program
presented earlier in this chapter. Here, the switch statement determines what
customer type the user entered. If the user enters ‘r’ or R’ for the customer type,
the first nested if statement is executed. If the user enters ‘w’ or ‘W\ though,
the second nested if statement is executed. Otherwise, the default label sets the
discount percent to zero.
This example shows that you can use switch statements to work with a
switch expression that evaluates to a char type. In addition, it shows that you can
nest an if statement within a switch statement. Although it’s less common, you
can also nest switch statements within if statements, and you can nest one switch
statement within another. As always, when you nest statements, you should try to
code them with a logical structure that is relatively easy to understand. If neces­
sary. you can also add comments that clarify the logic of your code.
Most importantly, this example illustrates the difference between a switch
statement and an if statement. If you compare the switch statement shown here
with the if statement in figure 3-8, for example, you’ll see that the advantage of
the switch statement is that you only have to code the customer_type variable
once in the parentheses after the switch keyword. By contrast, you have to code
this variable as part of the Boolean expression for every if and else if clause of
an if statement. This makes the switch statement easier to read and maintain,
especially for a decision that has many branches.
The advantage of the if statement is that it’s more flexible and can make
decisions that the switch statement can’t make. For example, you couldn’t use a
switch statement for either of the nested if statements shown in this figure. As a
result, you must know how to code an if statement to be able to perform certain
tasks. A switch statement, on the other hand, isn’t absolutely necessary, but it can
make your code easier to read and maintain.
Chapter 3 How to make decisions 109

A switch statement for the Invoice application

double discount_percent;
switch (customer_type) {
case • r':
case 'R*:
if (subtotal < 100)
discount_percent - .0;
else if (subtotal >■ 100 && subtotal < 250)
discount_percent - -1;
discount_percent - .2;

case 'w':
case 'W':
if (subtotal < 500)
discount_percent - .4;
discount_percent - .5;

discount_percent - .0;

• You can often use a switch statement or an if statement to perform the same task.
• You can nest other control statements within a switch statement.

Figure 3-12 A switch statement for the Invoice 2.0 application

110 Section 1 Essential skills for modern C+ +

Now that you’ve completed this chapter, you should be able to code if
statements and switch statements. These are the C++ statements that allow
your program to make decisions. In the next chapter, you’ll learn how to code
loops. Like if and switch statements, loops are a control structure that you can
use to control the logic of your program. Like if statements, loops also rely on
Boolean expressions to determine how they’re executed.

control statements short-circuit operators
Boolean expression data validation
relational operators nested if statements
case-sensitive comparison binary operators
case-insensitive comparison ternary operator
if statement conditional expression
if...else statement switch statement
selection structure case structure
block of statements case label
block scope break statement
compound conditional expression default label
logical operators execution fall through
order of precedence

• A Boolean expression is an expression that evaluates to either true or false.
To create a Boolean expression, you can use the relational operators to
compare two operands.
• You can use if statements and switch statements to control the logic of an
application, and you can nest these statements whenever necessary.
• A pair of braces defines a block of code. Any variables declared within a
block have block scope. As a result, they can only be used within that block.
• You can use the logical operators to connect two or more Boolean
• Since the && and 11 operators only evaluate the second expression if neces­
sary, they’re sometimes referred to as short-circuit operators.
• The conditional operator consists of three expressions that are separated
by the question mark (?) and colon (:) symbols. It provides a way to code
simple if...else statements on a single line.
• An operator that works on two operands is known as a binary operator. The
relational operators such as the less than (<) and greater than (>) operators
are examples of binary operators.
Chapter 3 How to make decisions 111

• An operator that works on three operands is known as a ternary' operator. The

conditional operator is an example of a ternary operator.
• The switch statement transfers control to the appropriate case label. If control
isn’t transferred to one of the case labels, the optional default label is executed
• If a case label doesn't contain a break statement, code execution falls through
to the next label. Otherwise, the break statement ends the switch statement.

Exercise 3-1 Enhance the Invoice program

In this exercise, you’ll enhance the if statement for the Invoice program so it
provides for an additional customer type and additional discounts. When you’re
done, a test run should look something like this:

The Invoice Total Calculator 2.0

Enter customer type (r/w/c): c

Enter subtotal: 425.42
Discount percent: 0.25
Discount amount: 106.36
Invoice total: 319.06


Open the project and modify the if statement

1. Open the Invoice project or solution in this folder:

2. Change the if statement so customers of type ‘r’ or R’ with a subtotal that is

greater than or equal to $250 but less than S500 get a 20% discount and those
with a subtotal of $500 or more get a 30% discount. Then, test the program to
make sure it works.
3. Add another else if clause for customers of type ‘c’ or ‘C* (for college). These
customers should always get a 25% discount. Be sure to update the message that
prompts the user for a customer type. In addition, update the output messages so
the data is aligned. Then, test the program again.
Replace the if statement with a switch statement
4. Code a switch statement right after the if statement. This statement should
provide for the user entering ‘r’, R’, ‘w’, ‘W’, ‘c’, or ‘C’. It should also provide
a default label for any other entries.
5. Copy the code from the original if statement that provides for the discount
percents that are based on the subtotal and paste it into the case labels where
appropriate. Then, add break statements to the case labels as necessary.
6. Make the entire if statement above the switch statement a comment. Then, test
to make sure the switch statement works correctly. Is this code easier to read and
112 Section 1 Essential skills for modern C++

Exercise 3-2 Enhance the Rectangle Calculator

In this exercise, you’ll enhance the Rectangle Calculator program so it checks
the height and width entries to be sure they’re greater than zero. When you’re
done, a test run should look something like this:

Rectangle Calculator

Enter height and width: 22.1 0

Height and width must be greater than zero.

Open the project and add two if statements

1. Open the Rectangle Calculator project or solution in this folder:
2. Add an if statement after the code that gets the height and width from the user
that tests if the height is greater than 0.
3. Nest another if statement within the first if statement that tests if the width is
greater than 0.
4. Move the code that calculates the area of the rectangle and displays the result
within the second if statement. Now, these statements will only be executed if
both the height and width are greater than 0.
5. Add an else clause to both if statements that displays an error message if the
entry is invalid. Include a blank line before and two blank lines after the error
6. Test the program to be sure it works.
Use a logical operator to combine the if statements
7. Create a copy of the nested if statements, and then make the original statement
a comment.
8. Modify the copied code so it uses a single if statement. The if clause should
use a logical operator to test that both the height and the width are greater than
9. Modify the else clause for the if statement so it displays an appropriate error
message if either entry is invalid.
10. Test the program to be sure it works.
How to code loops
In chapter 3, you learned how to code if and switch statements to make
decisions. Now. this chapter shows how to code a statement known as a loop
that allows you to repeat a block of statements multiple times. But first, this
chapter presents some more skills for coding arithmetic expressions because
these skills are often used when coding loops.

More skills for coding arithmetic expressions................. 114

How to use arithmetic unary operators........................................................ 114
How to use the compound assignment operators.........................................116
How to work with the order of precedence.................................................. 118
How to code while and do-while loops............................. 120
How to code while loops................................................................................ 120
More examples of while loops....................................................................... 122
How to code do-while loops........................................................................... 124
The Test Scores program................................................................................ 126
How to code for loops and nested loops.......................... 128
How to code for loops..................................................................................... 128
The Future Value program............................................................................. 130
How to code nested loops............................................................................... 132
How to code break and continue statements...................134
How to code break statements........................................................................134
How to code continue statements.................................................................. 134
The Guess the Number program................................................................... 136
Perspective............................................................................ 138
114 Section 1 Essential skills for modern C++

More skills for coding arithmetic

In chapter 2, you learned how to code simple arithmetic expressions that use
the addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, and modulus operators. Now.
you’ll learn some additional skills for coding arithmetic expressions. Once you
learn these skills, you’ll be ready to learn how to code loops.

How to use arithmetic unary operators

Figure 4-1 shows four operators that work on one operand. These operators
are referred to as unary operators. For example, you can code the increment
operator (+♦) after an operand to increase the value of the operand by 1.
When you code an increment (++) or decrement (—) operator, you can prefix
the operand by coding the operator before the variable. Then, the increment or
decrement operation is performed before the rest of the statement is executed.
Conversely, you can postfix the operand by coding the operator after the variable.
Then, the increment or decrement operation isn’t performed until after the state­
ment is executed.
Often, an entire statement does nothing more than increment or decrement
a variable as shown in the first two examples. Then, both the prefix and postfix
forms yield the same result. However, if you use the increment and decrement
operators as part of a larger statement, you can use the prefix and postfix forms
of these operators to control when the operation is performed. This is shown by
the third and fourth examples.
If you don’t need to postfix the operand to get the code to run correctly,
it’s considered a best practice in C++ to prefix the operand. That’s because
postfixing an operand can lead to the creation of temporary variables in memory,
which isn’t efficient.
If necessary, you can code the negative sign operator (-) in front of an
operand to reverse the value of the operand, as shown in the fifth example.
Although you can also code the positive sign operator (+) in front of an operand,
it doesn’t change the value of the operand. As a result, this unary operator is
rarely used.
Since each char type is an ASCII character that maps to an integer, you can
perform some integer operations on char types. For instance, the sixth example
shows how you can use the increment operator to change the numeric value for a
char variable from 67 to 68, which changes the character from C to D.
Chapter 4 How to code loops 115

The arithmetic unary operators

Operator Name Description
♦+ Increment Adds 1 to the operand (x = x + 1).
-- Decrement Subtracts 1 from the operand (x = x - 1).
+ Positive sign Indicates that the value is positive.
- Negative sign Changes a positive value to negative, and vice versa.

A typical statement that uses the increment operator

int i - 1;
++i; // after execution, i - 2

A typical statement that uses the decrement operator

int i - 10;
--i; // after execution, i - 9

How to prefix an increment operator

int x - 14;
int result - + +x; // after execution, x - 15, result - 15

How to postfix an increment operator

int x - 14;
int result - x++; // after execution, x - 15, result - 14

How to reverse the value of a number

int x - 14;
int result ■ -x; // result ■ -14

How to perform an arithmetic operation on a character

char letterl ■ 'C'; // letterl ■ 'C' (ASCII code 67)
char letter2 - ++letterl; // letter2 ■ 'D' (ASCII code 68)

• Unary operators operate on just one operand.
• When you use an increment or decrement operator as a prefix to a variable,
C++ performs the increment or decrement operation before other operations.
• When you use an increment or decrement operator as a postfix to a variable.
C++ performs the increment or decrement operation after other operations.
• If you code an increment or decrement operation as a single statement, not
as part of an expression, it doesn’t matter whether the operator is prefixed or
• Unless there’s a specific reason to postfix an operand, it’s considered a best
practice to prefix the operand. That’s because postfixing an operand can lead to
the creation of temporary variables in memory, which causes the operation to
run less efficiently than prefixing the operand.

Figure 4-1 How to use the arithmetic unary operators

116 Section 1 Essential skills for modern C++

How to use the compound assignment operators

When coding assignment statements, it's common to code the same variable
on both sides of the equals sign, as shown by the first group of examples in
figure 4-2. That way, you can use the current value of the variable in an expres­
sion and update the variable by assigning the result of the expression to it.
Since it’s common to write statements like this, the C++ language provides
the five compound assignment operators shown in this figure. Although these
operators don’t provide any new functionality, you can use them to write shorter
code that doesn’t require you to code the same variable on both sides of the
equals sign. This is shown by the second group of examples.
If you need to increment or decrement a variable by a value of 1, for
instance, you can use a compound assignment operator. For example,
month ■ month ♦ 1;
can be coded with a compound assignment operator as
month + = 1;
which is equivalent to
Similarly, if you want to add the value of a variable named next_number to a
variable named sum, you can do it like this:
sum ■ sum + next_number;

which is equivalent to
sum ♦■ next_number;
The technique that you use is mostly a matter of preference, because all of
these techniques are easy to read and maintain. However, the compound assign­
ment operators have two advantages over the regular assignment operator. First,
the code is slightly shorter. Second, the variable that’s being updated is only
coded in one place, not two. As a result, the code is slightly easier to write and
Chapter 4 How to code loops 117

The compound assignment operators

Operator Name Description
+■ Addition Adds the operand to the starting value of the variable and assigns
the result to the variable.
— Subtraction Subtracts the operand from the starting value of the variable and
assigns the result to the variable.
*s Multiplication Multiplies the operand by the starting value of the variable and
assigns the result to the variable.
/- Division Divides the starting value of the variable by the operand and
assigns the result to the variable. If the operand and the variable
are both integers, the result is an integer.
Modulus Derives the value that is left over after dividing the starting
value of the variable by the operand, and then assigns this value
to the variable.

Code that uses the same variable on both sides

of the assignment operator
count - count + 1; // count is increased by 1
count - count - 1; // count is decreased by 1
total ■ total ♦ 100.0; // total is increased by 100.0
total ■ total - 100.0; // total is decreased by 100.0
price ■ price * .8; // price is multiplied by .8
rate - rate / 12 r // rate is divided by 12
remainder ■ remainder % // remainder is set to the value that's left
// after dividing remainder by 7
sum - sum + next _number // sum is increased by the value of next_number

Code that uses compound assignment operators to get the same results
count ♦- 1; // count is increased by i
count -= 1; // count is decreased by i
total += 100.0; // total is increased by 100.0
total — 100.0; // total is decreased by 100.0
price *- .8; // price is multipled by .8
rate / - 12; // rate is divided by 12
remainder %= 7; // remainder is set to the value that's left
// after dividing remainder by 7
sum += next_number; // sum is increased by the value of next_number

• Besides the assignment operator (■), C++ provides for five compound assignment
operators. These operators provide a shorthand way to code common assignment
• These operators make your code easier to type, and also easier to read. That’s
because the variable doesn't appear on both sides of the assignment operator, so it’s
less confusing.

Figure 4-2 How to use the compound assignment operators

118 Section 1 Essential skills for modern C++

How to work with the order of precedence

Now that you have been introduced to all of the arithmetic operators, you’re
ready to learn more about the order ofprecedence of the arithmetic operations.
To start, figure 4-3 lists the order of precedence. This shows that all of the
postfixed and prefixed increment and decrement operations in an expression are
done first, followed by all of the positive and negative operations, and so on. If
there are two or more operations at the same order of precedence, the operations
are done from left to right.
When you code arithmetic expressions, this sequence of operations doesn't
always work the way you want it to. As a result, you sometimes need to override
the sequence by using parentheses. Then, the expressions in the innermost sets
of parentheses are done first, followed by the next sets of parentheses, and so
on. Within the parentheses, though, the operations are done from left to right in
the order of precedence. In general, you should use parentheses to specify the
sequence of operations whenever there’s any doubt about it.
The first example shows why you sometimes need to use parentheses to
specify the order of precedence. Here, the first expression that calculates price
doesn’t use parentheses. As a result, C++ uses the default order of precedence
and performs the multiplication operation before the subtraction operation,
which gives an incorrect result. In contrast, the second expression that calcu­
lates price encloses the subtraction operation in parentheses. As a result. C++
performs the subtraction operation before the multiplication operation, which
gives a correct result.
The second example shows how you can use parentheses in a more compli­
cated expression. Here, the first expression uses three sets of parentheses to
calculate the current value of an investment account after a monthly investment
amount is added to it, monthly interest is calculated, and the interest is added
to the current value. If you have trouble following this, you can plug the initial
values into the expression and evaluate it one set of parentheses at a time:
(5000 + 100) * (1 + (.12 I 12))
(5000 + 100) * (1 + .01)
5100 * 1.01

If you have trouble creating an expression like this for a difficult calculation,
you can often break the expression down into a series of statements as shown
in the last four lines of code. Here, the first statement adds the monthly invest­
ment amount to the current value. The second statement calculates the monthly
interest rate. The third statement calculates the monthly interest amount. And
the fourth statement adds the interest to the current value. This takes away the
need for parentheses, and it makes the code easier to read and debug. On the
other hand, after coding statements like these, an experienced programmer might
combine them into a more concise expression that’s easier to maintain.
Chapter 4 How to code loops 119

The order of precedence for arithmetic operations

1. Increment and decrement
2. Positive and negative
3. Multiplication, division, and modulus
4. Addition and subtraction

Code that calculates a discounted price

double discount_percent - .2; // 20% discount
double price - 100; // $100 price
Using the default order of precedence
price ■ price * 1 - discount_percent; // price ■ $99.8
Using parentheses to specify the order of precedence
price ■ price * (1 - discount_percent); // price - $80

Code that calculates the current value of a monthly investment

double current_value - 5000; // current value of investment account
double monthly_investment - 100; // amount added each month
double yearly_interest_rate - .12; // yearly interest rate
Using parentheses to specify the order of precedence
current_value - (current_value + monthly_investment) *
(1 + (yearly_interest_rate / 12));
Using separate statements to control the order of precedence
current_value monthly_investment; // add investment
double monthly_interest_rate - yearly_interest_rate / 12;
double monthly_interest - current_value * monthly_interest_rate;
current_value +■ monthly_interest ; // add interest

• Unless parentheses are used, the operations in an expression take place from left to
right in the order ofprecedence.
• To specify the sequence of operations, you can use parentheses. Then, the operations
in the innermost set of parentheses are done first, followed by the operations in the
next set. and so on.
• Another way to specify the sequence of operations is to break a complex expression
down into a series of statements. Then, the statements are executed in the sequence in
which they’re coded.

Figure 4-3 How to work with the order of precedence

120 Section 1 Essential skills for modern C+ +

How to code while and do-while loops

In the next few topics, you’ll learn how to use while and do-while state­
ments to code while loops and do-while loops. These are two of the statements
that C++ uses to implement the iteration structure, also called the repetition

How to code while loops

Figure 4-4 shows how to code a while statement. When C++ executes a
while statement, the program repeats the statements in the block of code within
the braces while the Boolean expression in the statement is true. In other words,
the statement ends when the expression becomes false. If the expression is
false when the statement starts, C++ never executes the statements in the block.
Because a while statement loops through the statements in the block as many
times as needed, a while statement is often referred to as a while loop.
The first example in this figure shows how to code a while loop that adds
the numbers 1 through 4 together and stores the result in a variable named sum.
Before the loop starts, the first statement defines a counter variable (or just
counter) named i that’s equal to 1. When coding loops, the use of a counter is a
common coding practice, and a single letter like i is commonly used as the name
of the int variable that is the counter. The second statement defines a variable
named sum that’s equal to 0. Then, the third statement defines a while loop that
continues to execute while i is less than 5. Within the loop, the first statement
writes the value of i followed by a space to the console, the second statement
uses the compound addition assignment operator (+■) to add the value of i to
sum. and the third statement uses the increment operator (++) to add a value of 1
to i.
When C++ executes this code, the value of i is 1 the first time through the
loop. As a result. C++ adds 1 to the sum so its value becomes 1. The second
time through the loop, C++ adds 2 to the sum so its value becomes 3. And so on.
However, when the value of i becomes 5, the Boolean expression at the top of
the while statement evaluates to false, and the loop ends.
When you code loops, it’s important to remember that the code within a loop
has block scope. As a result, any variables that are declared within the loop can’t
be used outside of the loop. That’s why the variables that are needed outside of
the loop in the first example have been declared before the loop. This allows you
to update the counter variable within the loop and to access the sum variable
after the loop has finished executing.
The second example shows that you don’t need to use braces for a loop that
contains a single statement. Although a loop with a single statement is rare, it’s
possible to code such a loop. However, it’s generally considered a good practice
to use braces to clearly identify the statement or statements that are executed by
the loop.
The second example also shows that it’s necessary to use the postfix incre­
ment operator to write “12 3 4” to the console. If this code had used the prefixed
increment operator, the loop would have written “2 3 4 5” to the console.
Chapter 4 How to code loops 121

The syntax of the while loop

while (boolean_expression) (

A while loop that calculates the sum of the numbers 1 through 4

int i - 1;
int sum ■ 0;
while (i < 5) (
cout « i « • •;
sum + = i;
cout << "\nSum: ■ << sum « endl;
The console after the loop runs
12 3 4
Sum: 10

A while loop that doesn’t use braces

int i - 1;
while (i < 5)
cout « i++ << • •;
cout << "\nThe loop has ended." << endl;
The console after the loop runs
12 3 4
The loop has ended.

• In a while loop, the condition is tested before the loop is executed. Because of
that, a while loop can be referred to as a pre-test loop.
• A while loop executes the block of statements within the loop as long as its
Boolean expression is true. If the expression is false when the loop starts, its
code is never executed.
• If a loop requires more than one statement, you must enclose the statements in
braces. This identifies the block of statements that are executed by the loop, and
any variables or constants that are declared in that block have block scope.
• If a loop requires just one statement, you don’t have to enclose the statement
in braces. However, it’s generally considered a good practice to use braces to
identify the statements that are executed by the loop.

Figure 4-4 How to code while loops

122 Section 1 Essential skills for modern C++

More examples of while loops

Figure 4-5 shows more examples of while loops. To start, the first example
uses a while loop to continue a program while a user enters ‘y’. Before the loop,
this code creates a variable named choice and sets it to a char value of ‘y’. Then,
the loop runs while the choice variable equals ‘y’.
The first time through the loop, the choice variable equals ‘y’. As a result,
the loop always runs at least once. Within the loop, the first statement prompts
the user. If the user enters ‘y’, the condition at the top of the loop evaluates to
true. As a result, the loop prompts the user again. Otherwise, the condition at the
top of the loop evaluates to false, and the loop ends. This displays ‘Bye!” on the
console and ends the program.
The second example uses a while loop to calculate the future value of a
series of monthly payments for a specified monthly interest rate that’s calculated
each month. Before the loop, this code defines and initializes four starting
variables, including a counter variable named i. Then, the loop executes one time
for each month. In this case, that’s 36 times.
Within the loop, the first statement uses a complex arithmetic expression to
calculate the future value for each month. To do that, this expression adds the
monthly investment and monthly interest to the future value. Then, the second
statement in the loop increments the counter variable.
To get the expression that calculates the future value to work correctly, this
code uses parentheses to control the order of precedence. For programmers who
have a strong mathematical background, this might be easy enough to under­
stand. For other programmers, this expression may be difficult to understand.
For those programmers, it may make sense to break down this arithmetic expres­
sion into multiple statements like this:
while (i <■ months) {
future_value += monthly_investment;
future_value *■ 1 + monthly_interest_rate;
This isn’t as concise, but it makes the code easier to read and debug.
If the condition for a while statement doesn’t ever become false, the loop
continues indefinitely. This is called an infinite loop. When you first start
programming, it’s common to code an infinite loop by mistake. Then, the
technique you use to stop the loop depends on the IDE and operating system
you’re using. If you’re using Visual Studio on a Windows system, for example,
you can click the Close button in the upper right comer of the console or press
Ctrl+C. Or. if you’re using Xcode on a macOS system, you can click the Stop
button in the IDE.
It’s also a common practice to code an infinite loop on purpose to continue
to execute statements repeatedly for as long as a program is running. To do that,
you can code a while loop with the true keyword as the Boolean expression as
shown by the third example. Then, if necessary, you can use a break statement to
end the loop as shown later in this chapter.
Chapter 4 How to code loops 123

A while loop that continues as long as the user enters ‘y’

char choice ■ 'y';
while (choice ■■ 'y') (
cout « "Ask again? (y/n): ■;
cin >> choice;
cout << "Bye!" « endl;
The console after the loop runs
Ask again? (y/n): y
Ask again? (y/n): n

A while loop that calculates a future value

double future_value - 0.0;
double monthly_investment - 100.0;
double monthly_interest_rate ■ .08 I 12;
int months - 36;
int i - 1;
while (i <■ months) {
future_value - (future_value ♦ monthly_investment) *
(1 ♦ monthly_interest_rate) ;
cout << "Future value: " « future_value << endl;
The console after the loop runs
Future value: 4080.58

Code that causes an infinite loop

while (true) (
// any statements in this loop run forever
// unless a break statement is excecuted as shown
// later in this chapter

• If the condition for a loop never becomes false, the loop never ends. This
is known as an infinite loop, and beginning programmers often code them
accidentally. In most IDEs, you can cancel an infinite loop by clicking on a
Stop button to stop the execution of the program. Otherwise, you may be able
to cancel the loop by closing the console.

Figure 4-5 More examples of while loops

124 Section 1 Essential skills for modern C++

How to code do-while loops

Figure 4-6 shows how to code a do-while loop using a do-while statement.
The difference between a while loop and a do-while loop is that the Boolean
expression is evaluated at the beginning of a while loop and at the end of a
do-while loop. As a result, the statements in a while loop are executed zero or
more times, but the statements in a do-while loop are always executed at least
once. Because the Boolean expression is tested after the statements are executed,
a do-while loop can be referred to as a post-test loop.
Most of the time, you can use either of these two types of loops to accom­
plish the same task. For example, the four do-while loops in this figure perform
the same tasks as the while loops presented in the previous two figures.
One advantage of the while loop is that it puts the Boolean condition at the
top of the loop where it’s easy to see. Many programmers think this makes while
loops easier to read than do-while loops.
Another advantage of the while loop is that it doesn’t require the do keyword
or a semicolon after the Boolean expression. As a result, it’s slightly more
concise and streamlined than a do-while loop.
One advantage of a do-while loop is that it always runs at least once, which
is convenient in some situations. In the fourth example, for instance, you want
to prompt the user at least once. As a result, a do-while loop might make sense.
You can accomplish the same task with a while loop by initializing the choice
variable to ‘y’ before the loop starts. With a do-while loop, however, you don’t
need to initialize the choice variable before the loop starts. Instead, you can start
the loop and initialize the choice variable with the first character the user enters.
Chapter 4 How to code loops 125

The syntax of the do-while loop

do (
} while (boolean_expression);

A do-while loop that calculates the sum of the numbers 1 through 4

int i ■ 1;
int sum - 0;
do (
cout << i << • •;
sum i;
} while (i < 5);
cout « "\nSum: " « sum « endl;

A do-while loop that doesn’t use braces

int i ■ 1;
cout << i++ « •
while (i < 5);
cout « "\nThe loop has ended." << endl;

A do-while loop that calculates a future value

double future_value - 0.0;
double monthly_investment ■ 100.0;
double monthly_interest_rate ■ .08 / 12;
int months ■ 36;
int i ■ 1;
do (
future_value = (future_value + monthly_investment) *
(1 + monthly_interest_rate) ;
} while (i <■ months);
cout << "Future value: ■ « future_value « endl;

A do-while loop that continues as long as the user enters ‘y’

char choice;
do (
cout << "Ask again? (y/n): ";
cin >> choice;
} while (choice -- 'y');
cout « "Bye!" « endl;
The console after the loop runs
Ask again? (y/n): y
Ask again? (y/n): n

• A do-while loop works like a while loop, except that the condition is tested after
the loop is executed. Because of that, its code is always executed at least once.

Figure 4-6 How to code do-while loops

126 Section 1 Essential skills for modern C++

The Test Scores program

Figure 4-7 shows the console and code for the Test Scores program. This
program asks the user to enter numeric test scores from 0 to 100 and ignores
numeric data that’s not within the specified range. When users signal that
they’re done by entering -1. the program displays the number of valid test scores
entered, the total of all valid scores, and the average of the valid scores. Here, -1
is a sentinel value that’s used to determine when to stop the loop.
The main() function begins by writing a message to the console that
describes how the program works. Next, the code defines and initializes three
variables that the program uses to store the current test score as well as the count
and total of all valid scores.
After declaring the three variables, the program starts a while loop that
continues until the score variable is equal to -1. Since the score variable is
initialized to 0. the block of code for the while loop runs at least once. However,
if the user enters -1 as the first score, the loop isn’t run a second time and no
valid scores are entered.
Within the loop, the first two statements prompt the user to enter a score
and extract the score from the console input stream. Then, this code uses an if
statement to determine whether the score is valid.
If the score is greater than 100. the code displays a message that indicates
that the score must be from 0 to 1(X). This causes program execution to jump
back to the top of the loop, which gives the user a chance to enter a valid score.
If the score is greater than -1. then it’s valid. That’s because the previous if
clause handled values that are greater than 100, so the code in this else if clause
only runs if the value is between 0 and 100. As a result, the code adds 1 to the
current value of the count variable and adds the score to the current value of the
total variable.
If the score is less than -1. this code displays a message that indicates that
the score can’t be a negative number. This causes program execution to jump to
the top of the loop, which gives the user another chance to enter a valid score.
If the score is -1. none of the clauses in the if statement are executed and
execution jumps to the top of the loop. When the Boolean expression is evalu­
ated again, it evaluates to false, which causes the loop to end. As a result,
program execution continues on to the statements after the loop.
After the while loop, the code calculates the average score. To do that, it
defines a double variable to store the average score. Then, it uses an if state­
ment to make sure the count variable is greater than 0. This prevents the code
from dividing by zero, which is an illegal mathematical operation. Within the
if clause, the code calculates the average score by dividing the score total by
the score count. After calculating the average score, the code displays the score
count, total, and average.
The Test Scores program illustrates many useful skills presented in this
chapter, but it could be improved in many ways. For example, this program
enters an infinite loop if the user enters an invalid number such as “x”. To fix this
issue, you can check the failure flag as shown in the next chapter.
Chapter 4 How to code loops 127

The console
Enter test scores from 0 to 100.
To end the program, enter -1.

Enter score: 90
Enter score: 80
Enter score: 150
Score must be from 0 to 100. Try again
Enter score: 75
Enter score: -1

Score count: 3
Score total: 245
Average score: 81.6667

The code
tinclude <iostream>

using namespace std;

int main()
cout « "Enter test scores from 0 to 100.\n"
« "To end the program, enter -l.\n\n";

// define variables
int score ■ 0;
int count ■ 0;
double total - 0.0;
while (score !■ -1) { // get all scores from the user
cout << "Enter score: ";
cin >> score;

if (score >100) (
cout « "Score must be from 0 to 100. Try again.\n";
) else if (score > -1) {
total +■ score;
) else if (score < -1) {
cout << "Score can't be a negative number. Try again.\n";

// calculate the average score - make sure not to divide by zero

double avg_score ■ 0.0;
if (count >0) {
avg_score - total I count;

// display the score count, total, and average

cout « endl
« "Score count: " « count << endl
« "Score total: " « total << endl
« "Average score: " << avg_score << endl;

Figure 4-7 The Test Scores program

128 Section 1 Essential skills for modern C+ +

How to code for loops and nested loops

Now that you know how to code while and do-while loops, you’ll learn how
to code for loops. This is another way C++ implements the iteration structure. In
addition, you’ll learn how to nest one loop within another loop.

How to code for loops

Figure 4-8 shows how to use the for statement to code for loops. This type of
loop is useful when you need to increment or decrement a counter that deter­
mines how many times the loop is executed.
To code a for loop, you start by coding the for keyword followed by three
expressions enclosed in parentheses and separated by semicolons. The first
expression initializes the starting value for the counter variable. Typically, this
expression also defines the counter variable, but it’s also possible to define the
counter variable before the loop. The second expression is a Boolean expression
that determines when the loop ends. And the third expression determines how the
counter is incremented or decremented each time the loop is executed.
The first two examples in this figure perform the same tasks as the first two
while loops presented in figure 4-4. A comparison of these loops shows that a
for loop improves upon a while loop when a counter variable is required. That’s
because a for loop requires you to code the three expressions that control the
counter variable at the top of the loop. This makes the code more concise and.
arguably, easier to read.
In the first example, the initialization expression defines a counter variable
named i that’s of the int type and initializes that variable to a value of 1. Then,
the Boolean expression specifies that the loop should be repeated as long as the
counter variable is less than 5. Next, the increment expression increments the
counter variable by 1 at the end of each loop. Within the loop, the first statement
writes the counter variable followed by a space to the console, and the second
statement adds the counter variable to the current value of the sum variable.
Like the first example, the second example also displays the numbers 1 to 4
on the console. However, because this loop only contains a single statement, the
braces for the loop are optional and have been omitted. This works the same as
it does for if statements and while loops. Since it’s generally considered a good
practice to include the braces even if the loop only contains a single statement,
the third and fourth examples include the braces.
The third example calculates the sum of 8, 6, 4. and 2. Within the paren­
theses of the for loop, the initialization expression initializes the counter variable
to 8, the Boolean expression indicates that the loop repeats as long as the counter
variable is greater than 0. and the increment expression uses a compound assign­
ment operator to subtract 2 from the counter variable with each repetition of the
loop. Within the loop, the first statement adds the value of the counter variable
to the current value of the sum variable. As a result, the final value for the sum
variable is 20.
Chapter 4 How to code loops 129

The syntax of the for loop

for (initialization_expr; boolean_expr; increment_expr) {

A for loop that calculates the sum of the numbers 1 through 4

int sum ■ 0;
for (int i > 1; i < 5; ++i) (
cout « i « • •;
sum + = i;
cout << "\nSum: ■ << sum « endl;
The console after the loop runs
12 3 4
Sum: 10

A for loop without braces

for (int i > 1; i < 5; ++i)
cout « i « • •;
cout << "\nThe loop has ended." « endl;
The console after the loop runs
12 3 4

A for loop that adds the numbers 8, 6, 4, and 2

int sum ■ 0;
for (int i = 8; i > 0; i — 2) (
sum + = i;
cout << "Sum: " << sum;
The console after the loop runs
Sum: 20

A for loop that calculates a future value

int months - 36;
for (int i - 1; i <■ months; ++i) (
future_value - (future_value ♦ monthly_investment) *
(1 ♦ monthly_interest_rate) ;

• A for loop is useful when you need to increment or decrement a counter that
determines how many times the loop is executed.
• Within the parentheses of a for loop, you code an initialization expression that
gives the starting value for the counter, a Boolean expression that determines
when the loop ends, and an increment expression that increments or decrements
the counter.
• If necessary, you can declare the counter variable before the for loop. Then, this
variable is in scope after the loop finishes executing.

Figure 4-8 How to code for loops

130 Section 1 Essential skills for modern C++

The fourth example in figure 4-8 shows how to code a loop that calculates
the future value for a series of monthly investments. Here, the loop executes one
time for each month.

The Future Value program

Now that you’ve learned how to code for loops, figure 4-9 presents a Future
Value program that uses a for loop that’s nested within a while loop. As the
console for this program shows, the user starts by entering the values for the
monthly investment, the yearly interest rate, and the number of years. Then, the
program calculates and displays the future value.
The code for this program begins by using a while loop to determine when
the program ends. In this case, the program ends when the user enters a value
other than ‘y’ or ‘Y’ when prompted if the program should continue. You can see
this code at the end of the loop.
The code within this loop starts by getting the three entries from the user
for calculating the future value. Then, it converts these entries to the same time
unit, which is months. To do that, the number of years is multiplied by 12, and
the yearly interest rate is divided by 12. In addition, the yearly interest rate is
divided by 100 so it’s a decimal value rather than a percent.
Once the code sets up those variables, the program enters a for loop that
calculates the future value. When the loop finishes, the program formats and
displays the future value and asks whether the user wants to continue.
Because this program doesn’t validate the user’s entries, it enters an infinite
loop if the user enters an invalid number such as “x” or “$100”. However, you’ll
learn how to fix this issue in the next chapter. Otherwise, this program works the
way you would want it to.
When testing loops, it can sometimes be hard to tell whether the loop is
producing the correct results. In that case, it’s sometimes helpful to add debug­
ging statements within the loop while you’re testing it. With this program, for
instance, you can add this statement as the last statement in the for loop:
cout « "Month " << i << ■: " << future_value « endl;
Then, the program writes one line to the console each time through the loop.
This makes it easy for you to check that the calculation for each month is
accurate. It also makes it easy for you to tell whether the loop was executed the
correct number of times.
Now that you know how to code both while loops and for loops, you may
be wondering when you would use each type of loop. In general, it makes sense
to use a while loop when you don’t know how many times you need to execute
the loop. In this program, for example, it makes sense to use a while loop for the
outer loop because you don’t know how many times the user wants to perform
this calculation.
Conversely, it generally makes sense to use a for loop when you do know
how many times you need to execute the loop. In this program, for example, it
makes sense to use a for loop for the inner loop because you know that the loop
should be run one time for each month, and you can calculate the number of
months from the number of years entered by the user.
Chapter 4 How to code loops 131

The console
The Future Value Calculator

Enter monthly investment: 100

Enter yearly interest rate: 3
Enter number of years: 3
Future value: 3771.46

Continue? (y/n):

The code
finclude <iostream>
finclude <cmath>

using namespace std;

int main() {
cout << "The Future Value Calculator\n\n" ;

char choice = 'y';

while (choice ■■ ’y' || choice ■■ ' Y') (
double monthly_investment;
cout << "Enter monthly investment:
cin >> monthly_investment;

double yearly_rate;
cout << "Enter yearly interest rate: ";
cin >> yearly_rate;

int years;
cout « "Enter number of years: ";
cin >> years;

// convert yearly values to monthly values

double monthly_rate - yearly_rate / 12 / 100;
int months ■ years * 12;

// calculate future value

double future_value =0;
for (int i ■ 1; i <■ months; ++i) {
future_value = (future_value + monthly_investment) *
(1 + monthly_rate );

// round to 2 decimal places and display

future_value ■ round(future_value * 100) / 100;
cout « "Future value: " << future_value << ■\n\n";

// see if the user wants to continue

cout « "Continue? (y/n): ";
cin >> choice;
cout « endl;
cout << "Bye! ■;

Figure 4-9 The Future Value program

132 Section 1 Essential skills for modern C++

How to code nested loops

As you saw in the previous figure, you can nest one loop within another
loop. In fact, it’s common to use nested loops to work with data that’s aligned in
rows and columns. For example, figure 4-10 shows how to use nested loops to
display a table of future value calculations. In this table, the monthly investment
is 2(X). the interest rate varies from 5.0% to 6.5%, and the number of years varies
from 1 to 6.
In this example, the first for loop adds the header row to the table. Before
this loop starts, the code displays “Year”. Then, the loop displays the interest
rates from 5.0% to 6.5%, separating each column with a tab character. After this
loop, the code ends the row for the header by starting a new line.
After the first for loop, the nested for loops display the rows and columns of
the future value calculations for each year. First, the outer loop iterates through
the years (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6). Within this loop, the code displays the year in the
first column. Then, the nested loop iterates through the four interest rates (5%,
5.5%, 6%, and 6.5%). Within this loop, the code calculates the future value for
each interest rate, rounds each result to a whole number, and displays the result
of each calculation, separating each column with a tab character. When the
nested loop finishes, the outer loop starts a new line, which ends the row.
As you review this code, you might notice that tabs are used to align the
data in the columns. In addition, you might notice that the future value calcu­
lations have all been rounded to whole numbers (no decimal places). This
approach makes it possible to align the results of these calculations in columns.
Unfortunately, it doesn’t give you much control over how this data displayed,
and it doesn’t work correctly on all systems. Fortunately, the next chapter
introduces skills that give you more control over displaying data on the console,
including being able to control decimal places for numbers as well as the width
and alignment of each column.
Chapter 4 How to code loops 133

The console
Monthly investment: 200
Year 5% 5.5% 6% 6.5%
1 2466 2473 2479 2486
2 5058 5085 5112 5139
3 7783 7844 7907 7969
4 10647 10760 10874 10989
5 13658 13839 14024 14211
6 16823 17093 17368 17649

Nested loops that print a table of future values

// set the monthly investment and display it to the user
int monthly_investment ■ 200;
cout << "Monthly investment: ■ << monthly_investment « endl << endl;

// display header row

cout << "Year";
for (double rate - 5.0; rate < 7.0; rate +■ .5) {
cout « '\t' « rate « •%’;
cout << endl;

// loop through the years

for (int year ■ 1; year <7; ++year) {
// display year at the start of the row
cout « year;

// loop through each interest rate

for (double rate ■ 5.0; rate < 7.0; rate +■ .5) (
int months - year * 12;
double monthly_rate - rate / 12 / 100;

// calculate the future value

double future_value - 0.0;
for (int i ■ 1; i <■ months; ++i) (
future_value ■ (future_value + monthly_investment) *
(1 + monthly_rate);

// round to whole number

future_value ■ round(future_value);

// display the calculation for each rate

cout << '\t' << future_value;
// end the row for the year
cout « endl;

Figure 4-10 How to code nested loops

134 Section 1 Essential skills for modern C+ +

How to code break

and continue statements
The break and continue statements give you additional control over loops.
The break statement breaks out of a loop by causing program execution to jump
to the statement that follows the loop. This causes the loop to end. The continue
statement continues a loop by causing execution to jump to the top of the loop.
This causes the loop to reevaluate its Boolean condition.

How to code break statements

The first example in figure 4-11 shows how the break statement works.
Here, the condition in the while loop is intentionally set to true. Because of that,
the while loop never ends due to the condition becoming false. However, you
can use a break statement to end the loop.
Within the loop, the first statement asks the user to enter a command. If the
user enters a command that is not “exit”, the code writes the command to the
console. However, if the user enters “exit”, this code executes the break state­
ment. This causes execution to jump out of the current loop and execute the
statement that follows the loop. This statement writes “Bye!” to the console.

How to code continue statements

The second example in this figure shows how the continue statement works.
This example uses a while loop that starts by getting an integer from a user.
Then, it checks if the integer is less than or equal to zero. If it is, this code
displays a message that indicates that the number must be greater than zero.
Then, it uses a continue statement to jump to the start of the while loop. This
reevaluates the condition at the top of the loop. Since this condition still evalu­
ates to true, this executes the first two statements in the loop, which prompt the
user for a number again.
Chapter 4 How to code loops 135

A break statement that exits the loop

while (true) {
cout « "Enter a command:
string command;
cin » command;
if (command -- "exit") (
------------------- break;
cout « "You entered: ■ << command « endl;

cout « "Bye!";
The console

A continue statement that jumps to the beginning of a loop

char choice ■ 'y';
---- ► while (choice -- 'y') {
cout « "Enter a number: ";
int number;
cin » number;
if (number <■ 0) {
cout « "Number must be greater than 0. Try again.\n";
------------------- cont i nue;
cout « "You entered: ■ << number << endl << endl;

cout « "Continue? (y/n): ";

cin » choice;
cout « endl;
cout « "Bye!";
The console
Enter a number: -100
Number must be greater than 0. Try again.
Enter a number: 100
You entered: 100

Continue? (y/n):

• To jump to the end of the current loop, you can use the break statement.
• To skip the rest of the statements in the current loop and jump to the top of the
current loop, you can use the continue statement.

Figure 4-11 How to code break and continue statements

136 Section 1 Essential skills for modern C++

The Guess the Number program

Figure 4-12 presents a Guess the Number program that uses the break and
continue statements. In addition, this program uses three functions from the
cstdlib and dime headers to get a random number as described in chapter 2.
To start, this program declares a variable named upperjimit that sets the
highest number that the player can guess. Then, it displays a message that tells
the user the range of numbers to guess from.
After displaying this message, the code gets a random number between 1
and the upper limit. To do that, it uses the srand() method of the cstdlib header
to seed the rand() method of the cstdlib header. This code passes the int value
that’s returned by the time() method of the dime header to the srand() function.
Then, it calls the rand() function to return a random int value from 0 to a very
large integer, and it divides that value by the upper_limit variable. This returns
a random integer from 0 up to but not including the upper limit. Next, it incre­
ments that value by 1. This gets a random integer from 1 up to and including the
upper limit.
After getting the random number, the code begins a while loop that allows
the user to continue guessing until the correct number is guessed. To do that, the
condition on this loop is set to true. As you learned in the previous figure, this
means that you must end the loop using a break statement.
Within the loop, the first three statements get the guess from the user. Then,
this code checks if the guess is less than 1 or greater than the upper limit. If it is,
the code displays an error message and executes a continue statement. This causes
the rest of the statements in the current loop to be skipped and for execution to
continue at the top of the loop, which gets another guess from the user.
If the guess is within the specified range, this code checks if the guess
is higher or lower than the number. If it is. this code displays an appropriate
message and increments the counter variable. However, if the guess is equal to
the number, this code displays an appropriate message that includes the count of
guesses, and it uses a break statement to break out of the loop. This jumps over
the statement that increments the counter variable and out of the loop.
This program uses the variable named upperjimit to set the highest number
that the user can guess because it makes it easier to modify the program later if
you decide to change the highest number. In that case, you just need to change
the value of the variable, which is used in three places in this code. If you didn’t
use this variable, you would need to change the limit in each of these three
Although this program uses break and continue statements, you should know
that it could be coded without them. You’ll get a chance to try this for yourself in
one of the exercises at the end of this chapter.
Chapter 4 How to code loops 137

The console
Guess the number!
I'm thinking of a number from 1 to 10

Your guess: 11
Invalid guess. Try again.
Your guess: 5
Too low.
Your guess: 7
You guessed it in 2 tries.


The code
tinclude <iostream>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <ctime>

using namespace std;

int main() {
int upper_limit ■ 10;
cout « "Guess the number!\n";
cout « "I'm thinking of a number from 1 to " << upper_limit << "\n\n";

// get a random number between 1 and the upper limit

srand(time(nullptr)); // seed the rand() function
int number - rand() % upper_limit; // number is >= 0 and < upper_limit
♦♦number; // number is >■ 1 and <■ upper_limit

int count - 1;
while (true) {
int guess;
cout << "Your guess: ";
cin » guess;

if (guess < 1 || guess > upper_limit) (

cout « "Invalid guess. Try again.\n";

if (guess < number) {

cout « "Too low.\n";
else if (guess > number) (
cout « "Too high.\n";
else (
cout « "You guessed it in ■ « count << " tries.\n\n";
cout « "Bye!\n\n";

Figure 4-12 The Guess the Number program

138 Section 1 Essential skills for modern C+ +

Now that you’ve completed this chapter, you should be able to code while,
do-while, and for loops. These are the C++ statements that implement the itera­
tion structure. You can use them to perform repetitive processing. In addition,
you should be able to use break and continue statements to control how loops

unary operators
prefix an operand
postfix an operand
compound assignment operators
order of precedence
iteration structure
repetition structure
while statement
while loop
pre-test loop
counter variable
infinite loop
do-while loop
do-while statement
post-test loop
sentinel value
for statement
for loop
break statement
continue statement

• An operator that works on a single operand is known as a unary' operator.
The increment and decrement operators, which can prefix or postfix an
operand, are examples of unary operators.
• The compound assignment operators provide a shorthand way of assigning
a simple arithmetic expression to a variable when the variable is part of the
• You can use while, do-while, and for loops to repeatedly execute one or
more statements until a Boolean expression evaluates to false, and you can
nest these statements whenever necessary.
• You can use a break statement to jump out of the current loop, and you can
use a continue statement to jump to the start of the current loop.
Chapter 4 How to code loops 139

Exercise 4-1 Enhance the Circle Calculator

In this exercise, you’ll enhance the Circle Calculator program from chapter 2
so the user can make more than one calculation and so each entry is validated.
When you’re done, a test run should look something like this:

Circle Calculator

Enter radius: 11
Diameter: 22
Circumference: 69.1
Area: 380.1

Enter another radius? (y/n): y

Enter radius: -1
Radius must be a positive number.

Enter radius: 17.4

Diameter: 34.8
Circumference: 109.3
Area: 951.1

Enter another radius? (y/n): n


1. Open the Circle Calculator project or solution in this folder:

2. Review the code in the main.cpp file and run the program to refresh your
memory on how it works.
3. Enhance the program so it lets the user repeat the entry and get the diameter,
circumference, and area for more than one radius. To do that, use a while
4. Enhance the program so it checks whether the radius is less than or equal to
zero. If so, display an error message and jump to the beginning of the while
loop to give the user another chance to enter a valid radius.
140 Section 1 Essential skills for modern C+ +

Exercise 4-2 Enhance the Future Value program

In this exercise, you’ll enhance the Future Value program from this chapter so
it displays the future value at the end of each year. When you’re done, a test run
should look something like this:

The Future Value Calculator

Enter monthly investment: 100

Enter yearly interest rate: 12
Enter number of years: 5

Year 1 Future Value ■ 1280.93

Year ■ 2 Future Value ■ 2724.32
Year ■ 3 Future Value ■ 4350.76
Year > 4 Future Value > 6183.48
Year s 5 Future Value s 8248.63

Continue? (y/n):

1. Open the Future Value project or solution in this folder:

2. Run the program to see how it works.
3. Modify the for loop so it displays the future value for each year. To do that,
you can use the modulus operator to determine if the counter variable is
evenly divisible by 12.
4. Make any other changes necessary for the console output to appear as shown

Exercise 4-3 Modify the Guess the Number

In this exercise, you’ll modify the Guess the Number program from this chapter
so it doesn’t use a break or continue statement.
1. Open the Guess the Number project or solution in this folder:
2. Review the code for the main.cpp file to see that the while loop contains a
break and a continue statement. Then, run the program to see how it works.
3. Modify the code so it works without the break and continue statements. To do
that, you can change the condition in the while loop so it’s executed until the
user’s guess is equal to the random number. To get that to work, you need to
move the variable that stores the guess before the loop and initialize it so it’s
outside the valid range of values. You also need to modify the if statement so
it works correctly with the new code.
4. Make any other changes that are needed for the program to work correctly.
How to work
with I/O streams and files
So far in this book, you’ve learned how to write programs that work with input
and output, or I/O, streams to read input from the console and write output to
the console. When you use I/O streams, the main memory of your computer
stores the data. But when the program ends, that data is lost.
In this chapter, you’ll learn how to save the data in main memory so it
isn’t lost. To do that, you can use an output stream to write data from memory
to a file. Then, you can use an input stream to read data from the file into
memory. This is known as file input and output, or file I/O.
Before you learn how to work with file I/O, you need to learn a few
more skills for working with input and output streams. These skills apply to
all types of I/O streams. In other words, they apply whether you’re using a
stream to work with the console or a file.

How to work with input streams...................... .................. 142

An introduction to streams and buffers................................. .... 142
How unexpected input can cause problems........................... .... 144
How to discard data front an input stream............................ .... 146
How to detect data input errors.............................................. .... 148
How to handle data input errors............................................. .... 150
How to work with output streams.................... ...152
An introduction to stream manipulators............................... .... 152
How to specify the width of a column................................... .... 152
How to right or left justify columns....................................... .... 154
How to format floating-point numbers.................................. .... 156
The Invoice 3.0 program......................................................... .... 158
How to work with file streams.......................... ...162
How to read and write a file.................................................... .... 162
How to append data to a file................................................... .... 164
How to use the fstream object to work with files.................. .... 164
How to check for errors when working with files................. .... 166
How to read and write delimited data................................... .... 168
The Temperature Manager program....................................... .... 170
How to work with string streams..................... ..174
How to use a string stream to handle unexpected data......... ....... ....... .... 174
The Temperature Analyzer program...................................... .... 176
Perspective.......................................................... ...180
142 Section 1 Essential skills for modern C+ +

How to work with input streams

In chapter 2, you learned the basic skills for getting input from the console.
Now. you’ll learn some additional skills for working with input streams. These
skills include detecting and handling data input errors such as a user entering a
string when the program is expecting a number.

An introduction to streams and buffers

Figure 5-1 introduces you to some terms and concepts that apply to streams,
including how buffers work. To start, let’s review some terms that apply to
streams. A stream is a sequence of characters that your program can use to work
with input or output. Input and output is commonly abbreviated as I/O or IO.
An input stream contains data that is being read from an object. For
example, this figure shows the characters that are read from the console when
the user enters an integer after the first prompt. Here, the user entered “22” and
pressed the Enter key, which adds a newline character (\n) to the stream. When
you use the extraction operator to read data from an input stream, it ignores
whitespace such as spaces, tabs, or new lines. As you’ll see in the next figure,
however, this whitespace can affect the data that’s extracted from the stream.
An output stream contains data that is being written to an object. For
example, this figure shows the characters that are written to the console after the
user finishes entering all of the data for the input stream. Here, the code uses
the endl manipulator to insert a newline character (\n) before and after “You
entered:”, and it uses the space character to separate the four values that the user
A buffer is a location in memory that temporarily stores stream data as it is
being written or read. When a buffer is flushed, all the data temporarily in the
buffer is sent to its next destination. So far in this book, that destination has been
the console. Later in this chapter, though, you’ll learn how to send data to a file
or a string buffer.
Most of the time, you don’t need to know when buffers are flushed. Instead,
you just need to know that a stream will flush the buffer according to its own
internal logic. As you’ll learn in this chapter, though, you can sometimes flush
the buffer manually, and you may sometimes want to discard the data in the
buffer so it doesn’t get flushed.
When you work with streams, you should know that C++ provides stream
objects that let you write to and read from many destinations, including the
console, a file on disk, or a buffer in memory. Fortunately, once you learn how­
to work with one type of stream object, most of the same skills apply to other
types of stream objects. That’s because all stream objects provided by C++ share
a similar interface. As a result, you can use the same operators and member
functions for all streams.
Chapter 5 How to work with I/O streams and files 143

A program that reads input from and writes output to the console
int i;
cout << "Enter an integer: ■;
cin >> i;

double d;
cout << "Enter a double: ■;
cin >> d;

char c;
cout << "Enter a character:
cin >> c;

string s;
cout << "Enter a string: ■;
cin >> s;

cout << endl << "You entered:" << endl

<< i << ’ ’ << d << ' ' « c « ’ ' << s;

The console
Enter an integer: 22
Enter a double: 3.14
Enter a character: d
Enter a string: hey

You entered:
22 3.14 d hey

The input stream for the first entry

2 2 \n

The output stream with the user's entries

\n Y o u O n t Q r e d \n 2 2 3 1 4 d h e y

• A stream is a sequence of characters that can be used to work with input or
output for your program. Input and output is commonly abbreviated as I/O or IO.
• An output stream contains character data that is being written to an object,
and an input stream contains data that is being read from an object. When data
is read from an input stream, whitespace such as spaces, tabs, or new lines is
typically ignored.
• A buffer is a location in memory that temporarily stores stream data as it is
being written or read. When a buffer is flushed, all the data temporarily in the
buffer is sent to its next destination.
• C++ provides stream objects that let you write to and read from many destina­
tions. including the console, a file on disk, or a buffer in memory.
• All stream objects provided by C++ share a similar interface. As a result, you
can use the same operators and member functions for all types of C++ streams.

Figure 5-1 An introduction to streams and buffers

144 Section 1 Essential skills for modern C++

How unexpected input can cause problems

Figure 5-2 shows how unexpected input can cause problems for a program
like the one shown in the previous figure. To start, the first example shows what
happens if a user enters all of the data for the program at the first prompt. This
causes the code to display the second, third, and fourth prompts without pausing
to let the user enter data. To solve this problem, you can discard any extra data as
shown in the next figure.
The second example shows a problem that can occur if a user enters data
with the incorrect data types. This can also cause the program to display a
prompt without pausing to let the user enter data. Again, one solution to this
problem is to discard any extra data after each prompt as shown in the next
Notice that even though the program doesn’t work correctly when the user
enters all of the data at the first prompt, the correct output is still displayed.
When the user enters data with the wrong data types, though, the output isn't
correct. So. it’s especially important to provide for a case like this.
Chapter 5 How to work with I/O streams and files 145

The program when a user enters all the data on one line
Enter an integer: 22 3.14 d hey
Enter a double: Enter a character: Enter a string:
You entered:
22 3.14 d hey

The string entered by the user and the extracted values


What the program does

1. The program extracts value 1. The whitespace and other values remain in the buffer.
2. The program prompts for value 2, but since there’s still data in the buffer, it
doesn’t pause to allow the user to enter a value. Instead, the program discards
the leading whitespace and extracts value 2. Again, the rest of the string after
value 2 remains in the buffer.
3. Step 2 repeats for values 3 and 4.

The program when a user enters the wrong data types at two prompts
Enter an integer: 3.14
Enter a double: Enter a character: hey
Enter a string:
You entered:
3 0.14 h ey

The two strings entered by the user and the extracted values
BBPCE E e ■ \n

What the program does

1. For the first entry, the program extracts the first int value (value 1) and stops at
the decimal point. The fractional value (value 2) remains in the buffer.
2. The program prompts the user to enter a double, but since there’s still data in
the buffer, it doesn't pause to allow the user to enter a value. Instead, it extracts
value 2, leaving only whitespace (\n) in the buffer.
3. For the second entry, the program discards the leading whitespace and extracts
the first character it encounters (value 3). The rest of the string (value 4)
remains in the buffer.
4. The program prompts the user to enter a string, but since there’s still data in the
buffer, it doesn’t pause to allow the user to enter a string. Instead, it extracts value 4.

• Extra data on a line or incorrect data types can cause unexpected results in a program.

Figure 5-2 How unexpected input data can cause problems

146 Section 1 Essential skills for modern C++

How to discard data from an input stream

Figure 5-3 shows how to use the numericjimits class to discard all
remaining data in an input stream. This works much like the technique you
learned in chapter 2, but it ensures that all of the data in the buffer is discarded
instead of just the number of characters you specify. Note that discarding the
data in a buffer isn’t the same as flushing the buffer. When you flush the buffer,
the data in the buffer is sent to another destination. But when you discard the
data in the buffer, it isn’t sent anywhere.
To use the numericjimits class, you include the limits header file. Then, you
can use the max() function of the numericjimits class to get the maximum size
of the stream. Next, you can pass this value to the ignoreO member function of
the cin object as its first argument, and you can supply a newline character (\n)
as the second argument. That way, C++ discards the rest of the data in the input
stream buffer.
When you know that you only want to retrieve the first data value entered
by the user, it often makes sense to discard the rest of the data in the buffer
immediately after you read the first data element. That way, you can be sure that
the extra data won’t cause unexpected behavior later in your program. In this
example, for instance, the line that discards all remaining data in the buffer is
coded after each statement that extracts a data value from the input buffer. In this
example, it isn’t necessary to code it after the last group of statements, but many
programmers consider this a good practice since it makes it easy to add code
later without getting unexpected results.
The two consoles presented in this figure show how this code works. At the
first console, the code discards all of the extra data that’s entered by the user and
only extracts the first data value for each prompt. At the second console, the code
only extracts an int value of 3 from the “3.14” that’s entered at the first prompt,
and it only extracts a char value of ‘h’ from the “hey” that’s entered at the third
prompt. However, the second and fourth prompts work as expected.
Although these examples extract the data types that the program expects,
it still may not produce the intended output. That’s because it doesn’t check
whether the user enters the correct data types. To do that, you can use the
techniques shown in the next two figures to detect and handle data input errors.
Chapter 5 How to work with I/O streams and files 147

How to include the header file for the numericjimits class

#include <limits>

How to discard all remaining data in the buffer

cin. ignore(numeric_limits<streamsize> : :max(), • \n' ) ;

The program updated to clear the buffer after each value is extracted
int i;
cout << "Enter an integer: ■;
cin >> i;
cin.ignore(numeric_limits<streamsize>::max(), ’\n');

double d;
cout << "Enter a double: ■;
cin >> d;
cin.ignore(numeric_limits<streamsize>::max(), ’\n');

char c;
cout << "Enter a character: ";
cin >> c;
cin.ignore(numeric_limits<streamsize>::max(), ’\n');

string s;
cout << "Enter a string: ■;
cin >> s;
cin.ignore(numeric_limits<streamsize>::max(), ’\n');

// the rest of code is the same as figure 5-1

The program when a user enters all the data on one line
Enter an integer: 22 3.14 d hey
Enter a double: 3.14 d hey
Enter a character: d hey
Enter a string: hey

You entered:
22 3.14 d hey

The program when a user enters the wrong data types at two prompts
Enter an integer: 3.14
Enter a double: 3.14
Enter a character: hey
Enter a string: hey

You entered:
3 3.14 h hey

• You can use the ignore() member function of a stream object and the max()
function of the numericjimits class to discard all the data that remains in a buffer.

Figure 5-3 How to discard data from an input stream

148 Section 1 Essential skills for modern C++

How to detect data input errors

When you perform an input operation using an input stream. C++ sets the
error bits of the stream object depending on the result of the operation. Then,
you can check the state of the stream using either the cin object or the error
member functions of the stream object as shown in figure 5-4.
The first two examples show how to use the cin object to check the state of a
stream after an input operation. In the first example, the cin object is used as the
Boolean condition for the if statement. Then, if the stream is in a good state (the
goodbit is set), C++ converts the cin object to a true value. As a result, the code
displays the number that the user entered. However, if the stream isn't in a good
state. C++ converts the cin object to a false value. Then, the code displays an
error message that indicates that the user did not enter a valid number.
The second example shows a more concise way to extract an input value
and check the state of a stream. Here, the extraction expression is coded as the
Boolean condition. This performs the same task as the first example, but it uses
one less line of code. This is a common coding technique that you’ll see used
throughout this chapter.
When you use the cin object to check the state of an input stream, you can
only check whether or not the stream is in a good state. To check the states
represented by the other error bits, you can use error member functions of the
input stream. This is illustrated by the third example.
In this example, a different action is performed depending on the state
of the stream. If the stream is in a good state, the code displays the number
entered by the user. If the stream is in a failed state, the code displays a message
that indicates that the number isn’t valid and asks the user to try again. And if
the stream is in a bad state, the code displays a message that indicates that an
unrecoverable error has occurred, and it executes a return statement to exit the
current function. If the current function is the main() function, this causes the
program to end. which is often what you want if a stream is in a bad state.
One thing to keep in mind when checking the state of a stream is that
multiple bits may be set at the same time. For example, if your code reads past
the end of a file, the eofbit and failbit may both be set. As a result, when you
code an if statement that checks the error bits, you need to be sure to code the
conditions in the correct sequence. For example, you typically code the clause
that checks the eofbit before the clause that checks the failbit.
Although it’s not shown here, you can also use the clear() error member
function when working with input streams. This function sets all of the error bits
of a stream object to indicate that the stream is in a good state. You’ll see how
this function can be used in the next figure.
Chapter 5 How to work with I/O streams and files 149

The error bits of a stream object

Bit Description
ios::eofbit The end of an input stream (eof stands for end offile).
ios::failbit An attempted operation has failed but the stream is OK.
ios::badbit An attempted operation has failed and the integrity of the stream itself may
be compromised.
ios::goodbit None of the above bits are set and the stream is in good condition.

The error member functions of a stream object

Function Description
eof () Returns true if eoibit is set. Otherwise, returns false,
fail () Returns true if failbit is set. Otherwise, returns false,
bad () Returns true if badbit is set. Otherwise, returns false,
good () Returns true if goodbit is set. Otherwise, returns false,
clear () Sets all error bits to indicate the stream is in a good state.

Code that uses the cin object to check the state of a stream
double num;
cout << "Enter a number:
cin >> num;
if (cin) {
cout « "Your number is " « num « endl;
} else {
cout « "That's not a valid number!\n";

A more concise way to extract a value and check the state of a stream
double num;
cout << "Enter a number: ";
if (cin >> num) {
cout « "Your number is " « num « endl;
) else {
cout « "That's not a valid number!\n";

Code that uses member functions to check the state of a stream

double num;
cout << "Enter a number: ";
cin » num;
if (cin.goodO) (
cout « "Your number is " « num « endl;
} else if (cin.failO) (
cout « "That's not a valid number! Try again.\n";
} else if (cin.badO) {
cout « "An unrecoverable error has occurred. Bye!\n";
return 0;

• You can use the cin object or the member functions of an input stream to check the
error bits of the stream. You can also use a member function to reset the error bits
of a stream.
Figure 5-4 How to detect data input errors
150 Section 1 Essential skills for modern C++

How to handle data input errors

Figure 5-5 shows how to handle data input errors. To do that, you can use
a loop to continue to prompt the user until that user enters valid data. This is
known as data validation.
The example in this figure contains a loop that continues until the user enters
a number from 1 to 100. To start, the code declares a double variable for the
number. Then, it begins a while loop that continues until the code within the loop
executes a break statement.
Within the loop, the first statement prompts the user to enter a number from
1 to 1 (X). Then, the second statement attempts to extract the number from the
input buffer.
After attempting to extract the number, the code checks if the extraction
operation failed. If so, it displays a message that indicates that the user didn’t
enter a valid number and asks the user to try again. Then, it calls the clear()
function of the input stream to reset its error bits to a good state. Next, it discards
all remaining data in the stream. Finally, it executes a continue statement to jump
to the top of the loop and prompt the user to enter a number.
When the user enters a valid number, the second if statement checks whether
that number is in a valid range. If it isn’t, this statement displays an appropriate
error message and asks the user to try again. Since the if statement is the last
statement in the loop, this causes execution to jump to the top of the loop and
prompt the user to enter a number. However, if the number is within the range,
this code executes a break statement to exit the loop, which causes the code to
display the valid number on the console.
The console shows how this works. To start, the user enters “eighty six”.
This string can’t be converted to a number, so the console displays an appro­
priate error message and allows the user to try again. When the user enters -1
and 101, the values are outside of the specified range, so the console displays an
appropriate message and allows the user to try again. However, when the user
enters 86, the console just displays the number because it’s a valid number that’s
within the specified range.
When you’re working with console programs, you don’t always need to
provide this level of data validation. That’s because, in some cases, it’s accept­
able for the program to only work correctly when the user enters valid data.
That’s the case for many of the sample programs presented in this book. In other
cases, though, you’ll need to make sure the user enters valid data by providing
robust data validation like that shown here.
Chapter 5 How to work with I/O streams and files 151

Code that loops until the user enters a valid number

tinclude <iostream>
tinclude <limits>

using namespace std;

int main()
double num.-
while (true) ( // loop continues until break statement
cout << "Enter a number (1-100):
cin >> num;

// if extraction operation failed, try again

if (cin.failO) {
cout << "That's not a valid number. Try again.\n";
cin.ignore(numeric_limits<streamsize>::max(), ’\n');

// check the range of the number

if (num < 1) {
cout << "Number must be greater than 0. Try again.\n";
else if (num > 100) (
cout << "Number must be 100 or less. Try again.\n";
else { // number is in specified range - exit loop
cout « "Your number is " « num « endl;

The console
Enter a number (1-100): eighty six
That's not a valid number. Try again.
Enter a number (1-100): -1
Number must be greater than 0. Try again.
Enter a number (1-100): 101
Number must be 100 or less. Try again.
Enter a number (1-100): 86
Your number is 86

• You can use a loop to continue to prompt the user until that user enters valid
data. This is known as data validation.

Figure 5-5 How to handle data input errors

152 Section 1 Essential skills for modern C+ +

How to work with output streams

In chapter 2, you learned the basic skills for displaying output to the console.
Now, you’ll learn some additional skills for working with output streams. These
skills include how to display data in columns that are left or right justified, and
how to control the formatting of floating-point numbers.

An introduction to stream manipulators

Figure 5-6 starts by summarizing the most common stream manipulators,
which you can use with the stream insertion operator (<<) to format output
streams. These manipulators are available from the iostream and iomanip header
files, and they include the endl manipulator that you learned about in chapter 2
as well as six more manipulators that you’ll learn about in this chapter.
As you review these operators, note that the endl manipulator adds a newline
character (\n) to the stream and flushes the buffer. If you manually add a newline
character (\n) to a stream, however, the buffer isn’t flushed. When you’re
working with large files, flushing the buffer too often can degrade performance.
As a result, if you’re worried about performance, you can use the newline
character (\n) instead of the endl manipulator whenever it isn’t necessary to flush
the buffer.

How to specify the width of a column

If you need to display data in columns, you can use the tab character (\t) to
separate columns. However, using tab characters doesn't always work correctly,
and it doesn’t allow you to specify the width of the column. In figure 5-6. for
instance, the first example uses tab characters to align two columns of data.
Here, the header for each column isn't aligned with the data for the column.
To solve this problem, you can use the setw() manipulator as shown in the
second example. Here, the setw() manipulator specifies that each column should
be 10 characters wide. In addition, when you use the setw() manipulator, it uses
right justification by default, which is often what you want when displaying
numbers in columns.
When you use the setw() manipulator, you must code it before each data
element. In this example, the output consists of two columns and four rows. As a
result, you must code the setw() manipulator eight times.
Chapter 5 How to work with I/O streams and files 153

Common stream manipulators

Manipulator Header Description
endl iostream Adds a newline character to the stream and flushes the
setw(n) iomanip Sets the width of the column to the specified number of
left iostream Positions fill characters to the left of any output.
right iostream Positions fill characters to the right of any output.
setprecision(n) iomanip Sets the precision of floating-point numbers to the
specified number.
fixed iostream Formats floating-point numbers in fixed-point notation
instead of scientific notation.
showpoint iostream Makes decimals always show in floating-point numbers.

How to include the iomanip header file

tinclude <iomanip>

How to align columns with tabs

cout « "PREVIOUS" « *\t' « "CURRENT" « endl;
cout << 305 « '\t' « 234 « endl;
cout << 5058 << '\t' << 5084 << endl;
cout << 10647 « •\t' « 10759 << endl;
The output
305 234
5058 5084
10647 10759

How to specify the width of a column

cout << setw(10) « "PREVIOUS" << setw(10) « "CURRENT" « endl;
cout << setw(10) « 305 « setw(10) << 234 « endl;
cout << setw(10) « 5058 « setw(10) « 5084 « endl;
cout << setw(10) « 10647 << setw(10) « 10759 << endl;
The output
305 234
5058 5084
10647 10759

• You can use stream manipulators with the stream insertion («) operator to
format output streams.
• Both the endl manipulator and the *\n’ special character add a new line to a
stream, but endl also flushes the buffer. This can degrade performance when
you’re working with files.
• When you use the setw() manipulator, the column uses right justification by
default. This is often what you want when displaying numbers in columns.
Figure 5-6 How to specify the width of a column
154 Section 1 Essential skills for modern C++

How to right or left justify columns

As you learned in the previous figure, the setw() manipulator uses right
justification by default. However, when using the setw() manipulator, you can
use the left and right manipulators to left and right justify the data in a column as
shown in figure 5-7.
When aligning data in columns, it’s common to use left justification for
strings and right justification for numbers. To illustrate, the first example uses
the default right justification for two columns of strings that are 14 characters
wide. As you can see, this data isn’t as easy to read as it could be.
To improve the appearance and readability of this data, the second example
specifies left justification for these columns. Since the left and right manipula­
tors are sticky, this example only sets the justification to left once. Then, the rest
of the code is the same as in the first example.
Often, you need to use left justification for some columns and right justifica­
tion for others. For this type of data, you need to code the left and right manipu­
lators each time you want to change justification. For instance, the third example
switches the justification for every column to create a first column that’s left
justified and a second column that’s right justified. Here, the values in the second
column are numbers that contain two decimal places, so aligning them at the
right causes the decimal points to be aligned.
Chapter 5 How to work with I/O streams and files 155

Text data displayed with the default right justification

cout << setw(14) « "FIRST NAME" « setw(14) « "LAST NAME" « endl;
cout << setw(14) << "Grace" « setw(14) « "Hopper" << endl;
cout << setw(14) << "Bjarne" << setw(14) << "Stroustrup" << endl;
The output
Grace Hopper
Bj arne Stroustrup

How to left-justify the text with the left manipulator

cout << left;
cout << setw(14) « "FIRST NAME" « setw(14) « "LAST NAME" « endl;
cout << setw(14) << "Grace" « setw(14) « "Hopper" << endl;
cout << setw(14) << "Bjarne" << setw(14) << "Stroustrup" << endl;
The output
Grace Hopper
Bj arne Stroustrup

Data that uses left and right justification

cout << left << setw(14) « "Total
<< right « setw(8) « 199.99 << endl;
cout << left << setw(14) « "Taxes
<< right « setw(8) « 14.77 << endl;
cout << left << setw(14) « "Grand total:"
<< right « setw(8) « 185.22 « endl;
The output
Total: 199.99
Taxes: 14.77
Grand total: 185.22

• When using the setw() manipulator, you can use the left and right manipulators
to left and right justify the data in a column.
• It’s common to use left justification for text and right justification for numbers.
• The left and right manipulators are sticky. This means that once you set them,
they stay in effect until you change them or the program ends.

Figure 5-7 How to right or left justify a column

156 Section 1 Essential skills for modern C++

How to format floating-point numbers

Figure 5-8 shows how to format floating-point numbers. To start, you should
know that, by default, a floating-point number is displayed with no more than
six significant digits. A significant digit is a digit that carries meaning about
the accuracy of a measurement. Significant digits include zeros when they’re
between other non-zero digits, but they don’t include leading zeros or trailing
zeros. For example, 109900 has four significant digits (1099). That’s because
the trailing zeros aren’t necessary when the number is displayed in scientific
notation (1.099 x 10s). Conversely, 0.001099 has the same four significant digits
(1099). That’s because the leading zeros aren't necessary when the number is
displayed in scientific notation (1.099 x lfr3).
One way to format floating-point numbers is to round them to a specified
number of significant digits. To do that, you can use the setprecisionQ manipu­
lator. The first example shows how this works. To start, it defines and initializes
two double values that both have 7 significant digits. Then, it displays these
numbers with three significant digits and then five significant digits. If you
didn’t use the setprecisionQ function here, both values would be displayed with
the default of six significant digits.
In this example, the second number is very large. As a result, C++ uses
scientific notation to display it. However, the first number is neither very large
nor very small. As a result, C++ uses standard notation to display it.
The second example shows how to use the fixed manipulator to display a
specified number of decimal places using fixed-point notation. Here, the fixed
manipulator indicates that the number should have a fixed number of decimal
places. Then, the setprecisionQ manipulator indicates that the number should
have 2 decimal places. As a result, C++ displays all of the numbers in this
example with two decimal places. To do that, it rounds the first number, and it
adds trailing zeros to the next two numbers.
The third example shows how to use the showpoint manipulator to force the
display of trailing zeros. Here, the precision is set to 8. By default, C++ doesn't
display trailing zeros that don’t add meaning to the number unless you use the
fixed manipulator. As a result, this code begins by displaying the double value
of 4500.0 without any trailing zeros. However, this code continues by using the
showpoint manipulator to display 8 digits, four to the left of the decimal point,
and four to the right of it.
When you work with the setprecisionQ, fixed, and showpoint manipulators,
you need to remember that they’re sticky. As a result, they stay in effect until
you change them or the program ends.
Chapter 5 How to work with I/O streams and files 157

How to set the number of significant digits

double dl ■ 1.012345;
double d2 ■ 101234500000;
cout << setprecision(3) « "3 significant digits\n"
<< dl « endl
<< d2 « endl « endl
<< setprecision(5) « "5 significant digits\n"
<< dl « endl
<< d2 « endl;
The output
3 significant digits

5 significant digits

How to set the number of decimal places

cout << fixed << setprecision(2)
« 10.125 « endl
<< 19.5 << endl
<< 42.0 << endl;
The output

How to force trailing zeros

double d3 ■ 4500.0;
cout << setprecision(8)
« d3 << endl
<< showpoint
« d3 << endl;
The output

• The setprecision() manipulator rounds floating-point numbers to the specified
number of significant digits, which are the digits that carry meaning about the
accuracy of a measurement.
• The fixed manipulator forces the output of floating-point numbers to be in
fixed-point notation, rather than the default scientific notation.
• The showpoint manipulator forces the display of trailing zeros.
• The setprecision(). fixed, and showpoint manipulators are sticky. As a result,
they stay in effect until you change them or the program ends.

Figure 5-8 How to format floating-point numbers

158 Section 1 Essential skills for modern C++

The Invoice 3.0 program

Figure 5-9 shows another version of the Invoice program that you learned
how to code in chapter 3. However, this version of the program validates user
input. In addition, it displays the calculated output in columns, and it formats the
floating-point numbers so they display two decimal places.
The program begins by displaying its title. Then, it gets the customer type
from the user. To do that, it uses a while loop that continues until the user enters
a valid customer type of ‘r’ or ‘w’. Notice here that after the customer type is
extracted, an ignore() function is used to discard any additional data in the input
stream to prevent unexpected input from causing problems.
If the user enters a valid customer type, this program executes a break state­
ment to exit from the while loop. Otherwise, it displays an error message and
then prompts the user for another customer type.
The second while loop gets a subtotal from the user. Within this loop, the
first two statements prompt the user to enter a subtotal and attempt to extract the
subtotal from the stream. Then, an if statement uses the good(). fail(), and bad()
functions to check the state of the input stream. If the input stream is good, this
code executes a break statement to exit the loop.
If the input stream is in a failed state, this code displays a message that
indicates that the number isn’t valid and that the user should try again. Then, it
uses the clear() function to reset the input stream to the good state. Next, it uses
the ignore() function to discard the rest of the data in the buffer for the input
Chapter 5 How to work with I/O streams and files 159

The console
The Invoice 3.0 program

Enter customer type (r/w): direct

Invalid customer type! Please try again.
Enter customer type (r/w): r
Enter subtotal: one thousand
Invalid number! Please try again.
Enter subtotal: 973

Subtotal: 973.00
Discount percent: 0.20
Discount amount: 194.60
Invoice total: 778.40


The code
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <limits>
#include <cmath>

using namespace std;

int main() (
cout << "The Invoice 3.0 program\n\n";

// get input
char customer_type;
while (true) (
cout << "Enter customer type (r/w):
cin >> customer_type;
cin.ignore(numeric_limits<streamsize>::max(), '\n');
if (tolower(customer_type) -- 'r'
tolower(customer_type) -- 'w') (
else (
cout << "Invalid customer type! Please try again.\n";

double subtotal;
while (true) (
cout << "Enter subtotal: ";
cin >> subtotal;

if (cin.goodO) { // stream good - end loop

} else if (cin.failO) ( // stream OK - try again
cout « "Invalid number! Please try again.\n";
cin.ignore(numeric_limits<streamsize>::max( ), '\n');

Figure 5-9 The Invoice 3.0 program (part 1 of 2)

160 Section 1 Essential skills for modern C++

If the input stream is bad. this code displays a message that indicates that an
unrecoverable error has occurred and that the program is exiting. Then, it uses a
return statement to end the main() function, which ends the program. Since it’s
extremely rare for an input stream to be bad. you don't need to handle this state
for all programs. However, for mission-critical programs, it’s a good practice to
handle this state by using code like the code shown in this figure.
Notice that this loop doesn’t validate the range for the subtotal. However,
you could easily add code that makes sure the user enters a reasonable number
for the subtotal, such as a number that’s greater than 0 and less than 1 ,000,000.
After getting the subtotal from the user, this code sets the discount percent
depending on the customer type and the subtotal. To do that, it uses the same
nested if statement described in chapter 3. Then, it uses the discount percent to
calculate the discount amount and invoice total.
After calculating and rounding the results, this code displays the output in
two columns. Here, the first column is 18 characters wide and left justified, and
the second column is 8 characters wide and right justified. In addition, this code
displays all numbers with fixed-point notation and 2 decimal places. That makes
it easy to read the results of the calculations and check them to make sure they’re
Chapter 5 How to work with I/O streams and files 161

The code (continued)

} else if (cin.badO) ( // stream bad - exit program
cout << "Sorry, an unexpected error has occurred. Bye!
return 0;

// set discount percent

double discount_percent;
if (tolower(customer_type) ■■ 'r') ( // RETAIL
if (subtotal < 100) (
discount_percent - .0;
} else if (subtotal >■ 100 && subtotal < 250) (
discount_percent - .1;
} else (
discount_percent - .2;
} else if (tolower(customer_type) ■■ 'w') { // WHOLESALE
if (subtotal < 500) (
discount_percent - .4;
} else (
discount_percent - .5;
} else (
discount_percent ■ .0;

// calculate results
double discount_amount - subtotal * discount_percent;
double invoice_total - subtotal - discount_amount;

// display output
int coll ■ 18;
int col2 ■ 8;
cout << fixed « setprecision(2) << endl // use 2 decimal places
« -INVOICE" « endl
« left « setw(coll) << "Subtotal:"
« right << setw(col2) « subtotal << endl
« left « setw(coll) << "Discount percent:"
<< right << setw(col2) « discount_percent << endl
« left « setw(coll) << "Discount amount:"
<< right << setw(col2) « discount_amount << endl
« left « setw(coll) << "Invoice total:"
« right << setw(col2) « invoice_total << endl;

// display exit message

cout « endl « left « "Bye! ■;

Figure 5-9 The Invoice 3.0 program (part 2 of 2)

162 Section 1 Essential skills for modern C+ +

How to work with file streams

At this point, you have most of the skills you need for working with I/O
streams. However, you’ve only learned how to apply these skills to working with
the console. Now. you’ll learn how to apply these skills to working with a file.
This is known as file I/O. and it’s important because the data that’s stored in main
memory (RAM) is lost when the program ends. However, if you write that data to
a file, you can read it from the file the next time the program runs.

How to read and write a file

Figure 5-10 shows how to read and write a file. To do that, you can use the
three classes of the fstream header file that are summarized at the top of this
figure. To start, you can create an object for the file stream. Then, you can use
the open() function to open the stream that connects the file.
For the open() function, the filename argument specifies a path for a file.
In this book, the examples only specify the filename. As a result, the open()
function looks for the file in the working directory. The location of the working
director)' depends on the IDE that you’re using. For example, if you’re using
Visual Studio, the working directory is the directory where the source code
file that contains the main() function for the program is stored. If you’re using
Xcode, however, the working director)' is the director)' where the executable file
for the program is stored. If you want to work with a file that isn’t in the working
director)', you can specify the full path to the file as described in appendix B.
When you open a file stream object, some of the operating system’s
resources are used to work with that object. As a result, when you’re done
working with the object, you should call its close() function to close it. This frees
the resources that the file stream object is using and prevents problems that can
occur if you don’t close it.
The examples in this figure work with a text file, which is a file that stores
data as a series of characters. The first example in this figure shows how to write
data to a text file using an ofstream object. To start, it creates an ofstream object
named output_file. Then, it opens a file named “names.txt” that’s in the current
working director)'. If this file doesn’t already exist, this code creates the file. And
if this file does exist, any data it contains is deleted by default. In the next figure,
though, you’ll learn how to open an output file so you can append data to it.
Next, this code inserts three names into the output file stream where each
name is followed by a newline character. Finally, this code closes the ofstream
object, which frees all resources being used by this object. This also flushes any
remaining data in the buffer.
The second example in this figure shows how to read data from a file. To
start, it defines an ifstream object named input_file. Then, it attempts to open a
file named “names.txt” that’s in the current working director)'.
If the file opens successfully, the ifstream object returns a true value. In that
case, the code uses a while loop to read each line from the file and display each
Chapter 5 How to work with I/O streams and files 163

Three file stream classes

Two member functions of the file stream classes

Function Description
open (filename) Opens a file for reading (input file) or writing (output file). If input file
doesn’t exist, the operation fails. If output file doesn’t exist, it’s created.
close () Closes the file and flushes the buffer.

How to include the header file for the file stream classes
tinclude <fstream>

How to write data to a file

ofstream output_file; // create output file stream object"names.txt"); // open stream - create file if necessary
output_file << "Grace\n"; // write to stream
output_file << "Ada\n"; // write to stream
output_file << "Alan\n"; // write to stream
output_file.close(); // close stream - flush data to file
The contents of the file

The contents of the file when viewed in a text editor


How to read data from a file

ifstream input_file; // create input file stream object"names.txt") ; // open stream
if (input_file) ( // if stream opened successfully...
string line;
while (getline(input_file, line)) // read line from stream
cout << line << • \n'; // write line to console
input_file.close(); // close stream
The console

How to define a file stream object and open it in one statement

ifstream input_file("names.txt■);

Figure 5-10 How to read and write a file

164 Section 1 Essential skills for modern C++

line on the console, followed by a newline character. After the while loop, this
code closes the ifstream object, which flushes the buffer and frees all resources
being used by this object.
If the file doesn’t open successfully, this code doesn’t do anything. That can
happen, for example, if the file doesn't exist. In this case, it isn’t necessary to
close the ifstream object since the code wasn't able to open that object in the first
The last example shows how to create an object for a file stream and open
a file in one statement. To do that, you code the name of the file in parentheses
after the name of the file stream. This coding technique is more concise than the
technique presented in the first two examples, and it’s commonly used by C++

How to append data to a file

Figure 5-11 shows how to append data to a file. To do that, you can pass
a second argument to the open() function of an ofstream object that uses a file
access flag to specify the mode for the stream.
In the first example, for instance, the second statement calls the open()
function of the ofstream object and passes “names.txt” as the first argument and
ios:app as the second argument. As a result, C++ opens the file in append mode
so the existing data isn’t deleted. Then, when the third statement writes data to
the file, it appends the data to the end of the file. Since the code in the previous
figure already added three names to this file, this example appends a fourth

How to use the fstream object to work with files

This figure also shows how to use an fstream object for input and output.
When you use this type of object, you need to use the file access flags to specify
whether the stream will be used for input or output.
The statements in the second example in figure 5-11 illustrate how this
works. Here, the first three open() functions open a file for output. The first
open() function causes all the data in the file to be deleted, since that’s the
default. The second open() function is similar, but it includes the default
ios::trunc access flag. Notice that to pass more than one flag to the open()
function, you separate the flags with the I operator. The third open() function also
uses two flags. This time, though, the second flag indicates that data should be
appended to the file.
The last two statements in this figure show how to open an fstream object for
input. To do that, you use the ios::in flag. As you saw in the previous figure, you
can also define and open an fstream object using a single statement.
If you compare the use of the fstream object with the use of the ifstream
and ofstream objects, you'll see that the code for opening ifstream and ofstream
objects is somewhat simpler. Because of that, you’ll use these objects most of
Chapter 5 How to work with I/O streams and files 165

The syntax for the open() member function of a file stream object, file_access_flag [ | file_access_flag] ...);

Common file access flags

Flag Description
ios::out Output mode. If the file exists, any existing data in the file is deleted when the file
is opened unless ios::app is also specified. If the file doesn’t exist, it’s created.
ios::app Append mode. Any existing data in the file is preserved, and new data is written
(appended) to the end of the file. If the file doesn’t exist, it’s created.
ios::trunc Truncate mode. Any existing data in the file is deleted (truncated) when the file
is opened. This is the default mode that’s used by ios::out.
ios::in Input mode. If the file doesn’t exist, the open operation fails.

How to use an ofstream object to append data

ofstream output_file; ("names.txt", ios::app); // open in append mode
output_file << "Mary\n"; // write to stream
output_f ile.close() ; // close stream and flush
The contents of the file when viewed in a text editor

How to use a fstream object for input and output

Declare the fstream object
fstream file;
How to open a file stream that deletes existing data from the output file"names.txt", ios::out);
Another way to open a file stream that deletes existing data from the
output file"names.txt", ios::out | ios::trunc);
How to open a file stream that appends data to the output file"names.txt", ios::out | ios::app);
How to open a file stream that reads data from the input file"names.txt", ios::in);
How to define a fstream object in one statement
fstream file("names.txt■, ios::in);

• The open() member function of the ofstream and fstream classes accept two
arguments. The first is the name of the file to open, and the second is a file
access flag that indicates the type of stream to create.
• To pass more than one flag to the open() function, separate each flag with the | operator.

Figure 5-11 How to append data to a file and use the fstream object
166 Section 1 Essential skills for modern C++

the time. However, an fstream object provides more flexibility since it allows
you to change the input/output mode for a stream. So, you might want to use
it for a program that needs to open a file in input mode, read and process input
data, switch to output mode, and write the processed data to the file.

How to check for errors when working with files

Figure 5-12 shows how to check for errors when working with files. To start,
the first example in this figure shows a while loop that doesn’t check for errors
as it extracts numbers from the file named info.txt. Here, the condition in the
while loop extracts the number. This causes the loop to execute until the extrac­
tion operation fails. In this case, the loop ends when the extraction operator
attempts to extract “three” from the file. As a result, the code displays 1 (X) and
2(X) on the console, but not 400, which comes after “three” and “hundred”.
To fix this problem, the second example uses the error bits described in
figure 5-4 to check the state of the file stream after the extraction operation.
Here, the while loop continues until the code executes a break statement. If the
extraction was successful, this code displays the number on the console.
If the extraction wasn’t successful, this code uses the eof() and fail()
functions of the ifstream object to check why the operation failed. If the
operation reached the end of the file, this code exits the loop. However, if the
operation failed for another reason, this code uses the clear() function to reset
the stream to a good state, and it discards the rest of the data in the buffer. This
discards all non-numeric data such as “three” and “hundred”.
When the extraction operation reaches the end of the file, it sets both the eof
and fail bits to true. As a result, if you want your code to work correctly, you
must check the eof bit before checking the fail bit as shown in this example.
If you check the fail bit first, the else if clause for the eof bit will never be
executed, and the code will enter an infinite loop.
When you work with files, you often need to check for errors as you process
them. That’s especially true of files that you get from outside sources that might
have inconsistent data. You’ll learn more about this as you progress through this
Chapter 5 How to work with I/O streams and files 167

The data in the file named info.txt

three hundred

A while loop that displays the data in the text file

ifstream input_file;"info.txt") ; // open file for reading
if (input_file) ( // if file opened successfully...
int num;
while (input_file >> num) { // extract int - while no error...
cout << num « '|; // display value
The console

How to handle data conversion errors

ifstream input_file;"info.txt"); // open file for reading
if (input_file) ( // if file opened successfully...
int num;
while (true) ( // loop until there's a break statement
if (input_file >> num) ( // if extraction is good...
cout « num « • | ; // display number
else if (input_file.eof()) ( // if end of file...
break; // exit loop
else if ( { // if extraction failed...
input_file.clear(); // fix stream and try again
input_file.ignore(numeric_limits<streamsize>::max() , ’\n’);

The console

• You can use the error bits described in figure 5-4 to check the state of the file stream
after operations that might fail, such as extracting data.
• You can use the eof() member function to check whether the operation has reached
the end of the file.
• You can use the fail() member function to check whether the operation failed.

Figure 5-12 How to check for errors when working with files
168 Section 1 Essential skills for modern C++

How to read and write delimited data

Figure 5-13 shows how to work with a table that stores its data in columns
and rows, which are also referred to as fields and records. When you store a table
of data in a file, it’s common to separate the columns and rows of the table with
characters known as delimiters. There are many ways to do this, but one common
way is to use a tab character (\t) to separate columns and a newline character (\n)
to separate rows. This type of file is known as a tab-delimited file.
The first example in this figure defines a string variable named filename that
contains a value of “temps.txt”. This variable is used by the second and third
examples to write and read tab-delimited data.
The second example begins by defining and opening an ofstream object for
the file specified by the filename variable. Then, it sets the output stream so it
uses fixed-point notation with 1 decimal place.
After setting up the ofstream object, this code writes two columns and
three rows of data to the file. Here, the code separates each row with a newline
character, and it separates each column with a tab character. Finally, this
code closes the ofstream object, which flushes all data to the file and frees all
resources being used by the stream.
The third example begins by writing "TEMPERATURES” to the console,
followed by column headings of “Low” and “High”. Then, this code defines and
opens an ifstream object for the file specified by the filename variable.
After opening the file, this code defines two variables to store the low and
high temperatures. Then, it checks if the ifstream object was opened success­
fully. If so, it sets the input stream so it uses fixed-point notation with 1 decimal
Next, this code uses a while loop to extract the low and high temperatures
from the file into the low and high variables. Within the loop, the code displays
the low and high temperatures in two columns on the console. Like the two
heading columns, these columns are 8 characters wide and right justified.
After the while loop, this code closes the ifstream object. This flushes the
buffer and frees all resources being used by this stream.
As you review this code, note that it will only work if the data in the file
always alternates between the low and high temperatures. In some cases, that
may be a valid assumption. In other cases, you’ll need to write code that checks
for errors when reading the data. To do that, you can sometimes use a string
stream as described later in this chapter.
Chapter 5 How to work with I/O streams and files 169

Code that defines a filename

string filename - "temps.txt";

Code that writes tab-delimited data to a file

ofstream output_file;;
output_file « fixed « setprecision(1)
output_file « 48.4 << •\f << 57.2 <<
output_file « 46.0 « •\f « 50.0 <<
output_file « 78.3 « •\f « 101.4 <<
output_f ile.close();
The contents of the file when viewed in a text editor
48.4 57.2
46.0 50.0
78.3 101.4

Code that reads tab-delimited data from a file

cout << "TEMPERATURES\n";
cout << setw(8) << "Low" « setw(8) << "High" « endl;

ifstream input_file;;

double low;
double high;
if (input_file) { // if file opened successfully...
cout << fixed << setprecision(l);
while (input_file >> low >> high) (
cout << setw(8) « low << setw(8) « high « •\n';
The console
Low High
48.4 57.2
46.0 50.0
78.3 101.4

• When storing a table of data in a file, it’s common to separate the columns and
rows of the table with characters known as delimiters.
• A file that uses tab (\t) and newline (\n) characters to separate columns and
rows is known as a tab-delimited file.

Figure 5-13 How to read and write delimited data

170 Section 1 Essential skills for modern C++

The Temperature Manager program

Figure 5-14 shows a Temperature Manager program that allows you to view
pairs of high and low temperatures that are stored in a file. In addition, it allows
you to add temperatures to the file. And when you’re done, it allows you to exit
the program. To perform these tasks, you can enter a command of ‘v’, ‘a’, or ‘x’
The code for this program begins by including all of the necessary header
files. This includes the iomanip. fstream. and limits files described in this
Within the main() function, the first statement defines a string variable
named filename and initializes it to a value of “temps.txt”. Later in this function,
the file streams for input and output both use this filename. As a result, you can
be sure that operations for file input and output are both working with the same
After displaying the list of commands, this program enters a while loop that
continues until the user enters ‘x’ to exit. Within this loop, the first four state­
ments display the Command prompt and get the char that corresponds with the
command entered by the user.
Chapter 5 How to work with I/O streams and files 171

The console
The Temperature Manager program

v - View temperatures
a - Add a temperature
x - Exit

Command: v

Low High

48.4 57.2
46.0 50.0
78.3 101.4

Command: a

Enter low temp: 54

Enter high temp: 61
Temps have been saved.

Command: x


The code
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <fstream>
#include <limits>
#include <string>

using namespace std;

int main()
string filename ■ "temps.txt";

cout << "The Temperature Manager program\n\n" ;

cout « "COMMANDS\n"
« "v - View temperatures\n"
« "a - Add a temperature\n"
« "x - Exit\n";

char command ■ *v* ;

while (command ! = 'x') (
// get command from user
cout << endl;
cout << "Command: ";
cin >> command;
cout << endl;

Figure 5-14 The Temperature Manager program (part 1 of 2)

172 Section 1 Essential skills for modern C++

After getting the command character, this code checks whether that character
is equal to ‘v’. If it is, the code continues by reading all the low and high
temperatures stored in the file and displaying them on the console. But first, it
attempts to open the file and then checks that it was opened successfully. Since
this code is similar to code you saw in figure 5-13, you shouldn't have much
trouble understanding how it works. After executing this code, program execu­
tion reaches the end of the while loop and jumps back to the top of the loop,
which causes the program to get another command from the user.
If the command character is equal to ‘a’, this code gets a low and a high
temperature from the user. Then, it defines and opens an ofstream object and
uses it to append the low and high temperatures to the end of the file. Since this
file is a tab-delimited file, this code separates the two temperatures with a tab and
follows them with a new line. Again, after this code is executed, program execu­
tion reaches the end of the while loop and jumps back to the top of the loop,
which causes the program to get another command from the user.
If the command character is equal to ‘x’. the code displays a “Bye!” message
on the console to indicate that the program is ending. Then, program execution
jumps back to the top of the while loop, and the condition for the loop evaluates
to false. This causes the loop to end. which ends the main() function and the
If the command character isn’t one of the characters in the previous if or
else if clauses, the else clause displays a message on the console. This message
indicates that the command is invalid and that the user should try again. Because
this is the last statement in the while loop, code execution jumps to the top of the
loop, and the code prompts the user to enter another command.
As you review this code, note that the code that adds the new low and high
temperatures to the file needs to use the ios:app file input flag to open the file in
append mode. Otherwise, all existing data in the file would be deleted when the
file was opened.
Also, note that this code doesn’t validate the temperature data that’s entered
by the user. This helps keep the focus on working with file streams. In general,
though, validating this data would be a good practice. In addition, it’s a good
practice to code functions for data validation and to store those functions in a
separate file. You’ll learn how to do that in chapter 7.
Chapter 5 How to work with I/O streams and files 173

The code (continued)

if (command ■■ 'v') (
cout « setw(8) « "Low" « setw(8) « "High" « endl;
cout « ■-------------- --------------- ■ << endl;

ifstream input_file;;

double low;
double high;
if (input_file) { // if file opened successfully...
cout << fixed « setprecision(1);
while (input_file >> low >> high) {
cout « setw(8) << low « setw(8) << high << '\n';
else <
cout << "Unable to open file.\n";
else if (command ■■ 'a') {
double low;
cout « "Enter low temp: ■;
cin >> low;

double high;
cout << "Enter high temp: ";
cin >> high;

ofstream output_file;, ios::app);
output_file << low « •\t' « high << '\n';
cout << "Temps have been saved.\n";
else if (command ■■ 'x') {
cout « "Bye!\n\n";
else <
cout << "Invalid command. Try again.\n";

Figure 5-14 The Temperature Manager program (part 2 of 2)

174 Section 1 Essential skills for modern C+ +

How to work with string streams

A string stream uses a string buffer to hold the characters in a string. When
you read input from a text file that may contain unexpected data, it’s often
helpful to read each line of the file into a string stream. Then, you can use the
input and output techniques that you’ve learned in this chapter to process the
data in each line of the file.

How to use a string stream

to handle unexpected data
Figure 5-15 starts by summarizing three classes of the sstream header file.
These classes work much like the three classes of the fstream header file, except
they create a string buffer for input, output, or both. When working with a string
stream object, you can use the str() function to get the string that’s stored in the
buffer or to replace the string that’s stored in the buffer with the specified string.
To illustrate how this works, this figure shows a data file that contains
unexpected data. To start, the second line has extra data in a third column. In
addition, the third line doesn't contain any data. Finally, the fourth line begins
with a string of “n/a” where a number would normally be expected.
The code example shows how to use a string stream to handle this type of
data. First, the code checks whether the input file was opened successfully. If it
was, it defines some variables, including a string variable named line that will
be used to store each line of text that’s retrieved from the file and a stringstream
object named ss that will be used to store the text from the string.
Next, a while loop is used to process the data. Here, the Boolean expression
uses the getlineO function to read each line from the input file and store it in the
line variable. Within the while loop, the first statement uses the str() function of
the stringstream object to replace the contents of the string stream buffer with
the contents of the line variable. At this point, the line of data from the file is
stored in the string stream buffer. Then, the clear() function of the string stream
object sets the stream to a good state.
Next, this code attempts to extract the low and high temperatures from the
string stream. If this operation is successful, this code displays the low and high
temperatures on the console. Otherwise, it jumps to the top of the loop and the
next line in the text file is processed. As a result, this code only displays the three
lines of the file that it was able to process successfully. In this case, that includes
the second line of data, even though it has extra data in the third column. That’s
because this code was able to extract the low and high temperatures from the
first two columns, and the rest of the string stream wasn’t processed.
Chapter 5 How to work with I/O streams and files 175

Three strina stream classes

istringstream Creates an input stream object that reads characters from a string,
ostringstream Creates an output stream object that writes characters to a string.
stringstream Creates a stream object that can read characters from and write characters
to a string.

A member function of the strina stream classes

str() Returns a string object that’s a copy of the contents of the buffer.
str(string) Replaces the contents of the buffer with the specified string.

How to include the header file for the string stream classes
tinclude <sstream>

A data file that contains unexpected data

48.4 57.23
46.0 50.0 sensors down

n/a 64
78.3 101.4

Code that uses a string stream to handle unexpected data

ifstream infile("temps.txt");
if (infile) { // if file opened successfully...
string line;
stringstream ss;
double low;
double high;
cout « fixed « setprecision(1);
while (getline(infile, line)) {
ss.str(line); // replace string stream buffer with current line
ss.clearO; // reset string stream error bits
if (ss » low >> high) {
cout << setw(8) << low << setw(8) << high << '\n';
The console
48.4 57.2
46.0 50.0
78.3 101.4

• A string stream uses a string buffer to hold the characters in a string.
• A string stream is particularly useful when processing each line of a file that may
contain unexpected data.

Figure 5-15 How to use a string stream to handle unexpected data

176 Section 1 Essential skills for modern C++

The Temperature Analyzer program

Figure 5-16 shows a Temperature Analyzer program that reads temperature
data from a text file, processes the data, and displays the results on the console.
To start, this program gets the name of the file from the user. If this file doesn’t
exist, the program displays an error message and prompts the user to enter the
name of another file.
Once the user enters the name of a valid file, the program reads the low
and high temperatures from that file. As it does that, it ignores any extra data at
the end of the line, and it skips blank lines and lines that contain incorrect data
types. As a result, this program is able to handle a file that contains unexpected
data, such as the temps.txt file shown in this figure.
For each line that the program can successfully process, this program
calculates the average temperature and displays the low. high, and average
temperature on the console. In addition, it updates the lowest and highest overall
temperature as well as the overall daily temperature average.
When the program finishes, it displays a message that includes the total
number of lines (days) as well as the number of lines that were successfully
processed. That way. the user can tell how much of the overall data the program
was able to process. Finally, the program displays the totals for the lowest,
highest, and average temperatures.
By now, you shouldn’t have much trouble understanding the code for this
program. It works much like the examples in the previous figures. However,
it allows the user to specify the name of the file, and it does some additional
processing on the data.
In part 2. the code that prompts the user for the name of the file uses a while
loop to continue prompting until the user enters the name of a file that can be
opened successfully. After this loop, this code displays a message that indicates
the file was opened successfully and displays the table header.
Next, this code defines and initializes the variables used by the while loop
in part 3. That includes the variables named lowest and highest that store the
overall lowest and highest temperatures. Here, the lowest variable is initialized
to a high number (1000). and the highest variable is initialized to a low number
(-1000). That way. the first two temperatures that are processed should be set as
the lowest and highest temperature. After that, this code only sets these variables
when a temperature is lower or higher than the current lowest or highest
Within the while loop, the code increments the number of lines read and the
number of lines processed. In addition, when the code successfully processes a
line, it calculates the average temperature for the line and displays the low. high,
and average temperatures in the console in 3 columns. In addition, it calculates a
total of all the daily average temperatures.
After the loop ends, the code calculates the daily average temperature by
dividing the total of the average temperatures by the number of lines processed.
Then, it displays the overall lowest, highest, and average temperatures in two
Chapter 5 How to work with I/O streams and files 177

The console
Temperature Analyzer

Enter input filename: temps

Unable to open input file! Try again.
Enter input filename: temps.txt
Input file (temps.txt) opened successfully.

Low High Avg

48.4 57.2 52.8

46.0 50.0 48.0
45.0 55.3 50.1
54.0 61.0 57.5
37.0 52.0 44.5
37.0 43.3 40.1
45.0 57.0 51.0
48.0 55.0 51.5
54.0 57.0 55.5
48.1 54.3 51.2

10 of 14 days successfully processed.

Lowest temp: 37.0

Highest temp: 61.0
Avg daily temp: 50.2

The temps.txt file

48.372 57.23
46 50
45.01 55.273839404
54 61
37 52
37 43.27
45 57
n/a 64
55.34 n/a
50a 59
48.0 55.0
54 57

48.1 54.27

• The Temperature Analyzer program opens a text file specified by the user,
reads temperature data from that text file, processes that data, and writes
output to the console.
• If the file specified by the user doesn’t exist, the program displays an error
message and prompts the user for another filename.
• When the program reads from the text file, it ignores any extra data on a line,
and it skips blank lines and lines that contain incorrect data types.
Figure 5-16 The Temperature Analyzer program (part 1 of 3)
178 Section 1 Essential skills for modern C++

The code
ftinclude <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <fstream>
#include <string>
#include <sstream>
ftinclude <limits>

using namespace std;

int main()
cout << "Temperature Analyzer\n\n";

// open input file

string filename;
ifstream infile;
while (true) (
cout « "Enter input filename: ";
cin >> filename;
cin.ignore(numeric_limits<streamsize> ::max(), '\n');;
if (infile) ( // if file opened successfully
else (
cout << "Unable to open input file! Try again.\n";
cout << "Input file (■ << filename « ") opened successfully.\n\n";

// start output - set floating-point formatting

cout << fixed << setprecision(1);

// output table header

int col =7; // column width for display
cout << setw(col) << "Low" « setw(col) « "High"
<< setw(col) << "Avg" « endl;
cout << "---------------------------------------------- " << endl;

// initialize variables used by loop

double low ■ 0.0;
double high - 0.0;
double avg ■ 0.0;
double avg_total - 0.0;
double lowest - 1000.0;
double highest ■ -1000.0;
int lines_read - 0;
int lines_processed ■ 0;

Figure 5-16 The Temperature Analyzer program (part 2 of 3)

Chapter 5 How to work with I/O streams and files 179

The code (continued)

// loop through each line in the input file
string line;
stringstream ss;
while (getline(infile, line)) {
++lines_read; // increment counter variable

ss.str(line); // replace string stream buffer with line

ss.clear(); // reset string stream error bits

// extract temps from string stream - if OK, process

if (ss » low >> high) {

// calculate avg temp

avg - (low + high) I 2;

// display low, high, avg temps

cout << setw(col) << low « setw(col) << high
« setw(col) « avg « endl;

// update totals
avg_total avg;
if (low < lowest)
lowest ■ low;
if (high > highest)
highest - high;
infile.close() ;

cout « endl
« lines_processed << ■ of "
« lines_read << " lines successfully processed.\n\n";

// calculate the daily avg

double avg_daily ■ avg_total / lines_processed;

// display calculations
int coll ■ 17;
int col2 =7;
cout « left « setw(coll) << "Lowest temp: ■
« right << setw(col2) « lowest « endl
« left « setw(coll) << "Highest temp: "
« right << setw(col2) « highest « endl
« left « setw(coll) << "Avg daily temp: "
« right << setw(col2) « avg_daily « endl « endl;

Figure 5-16 The Temperature Analyzer program (part 3 of 3)

180 Section 1 Essential skills for modern C+ +

In this chapter, you learned more skills for working with all types of I/O
streams. That includes skills for reading data from and writing data to the
console. That includes skills for working with file input and output. And that
includes skills for working with string streams, which are often helpful when
reading input from a text file.
Although this chapter only presents the skills for working with text files,
you should know that you can also use C++ to work with other types of files
such as binary files. Beyond that, you should know that most serious applica­
tions store their data in databases. However, these C++ skills are beyond the
scope of this book.

stream file I/O
input main memory (RAM)
output text file
I/O file access flag
input stream table
whitespace column
output stream row
buffer field
flush the buffer record
error bits delimiter
data validation tab-delimited file
stream manipulators string stream
significant digits string buffer
fixed-point notation

• A stream is a sequence of characters that can be used to get input or output
for your program. Input and output is commonly abbreviated as I/O or IO.
• An output stream contains character data that is being written to an object,
and an input stream contains data that is being read from an object.
• When the extraction operator reads data from an input stream, whitespace
such as spaces, tabs, or new lines is typically ignored.
• A buffer is a location in memory that temporarily stores stream data as it is
being written or read. When a buffer is flushed, all the data temporarily in
the buffer is sent to its next destination.
• All stream objects provided by C++ share a similar interface. As a result, you
can use the same operators and member functions for all types of C++ streams.
• You can use the member functions of an input stream to check the error bits
of the stream or to reset the error bits of a stream.
Chapter 5 How to work with I/O streams and files 181

• You can use a loop to continue to prompt the user until that user enters valid
data. This is known as data validation.
• You can use stream manipulators with the stream insertion (<<) operator to
format output streams.
• The setprecision() manipulator rounds floating-point numbers to the speci­
fied number of significant digits, which are the digits that carry meaning
about the accuracy of a measurement.
• The fixed manipulator forces the output of floating-point numbers to be in
fixed-point notation rather than the default scientific notation.
• Data that’s stored in main memory (RAM) is lost when the program ends.
But if you save that data to a file, you can read it the next time the program
• A text file stores data as a series of characters. If you open a text file in a text
editor, it’s easy for a human to read the characters.
• The open() member function of the ofstream and fstream classes accepts two
arguments. The first is the name of the file to open, and the second is one or
more file access flags that indicate the type of stream to create.
• When storing a table of data in a file, it’s common to separate the columns
and rows of the table (also called records and fields) with characters known
as delimiters.
• A file that uses tab (\t) and newline (\n) characters to separate columns and
rows is known as a tab-delimited file.
• A string stream uses a string buffer to hold the characters in a string.
182 Section 1 Essential skills for modern C+ +

Exercise 5-1 Validate data and create

a tab-delimited file
In this exercise, you’ll modify a program that calculates miles per gallon so it
validates the data entered by the user and stores the data for each calculation
in a tab-delimited file. When you’re done, the tab-delimited file should look
something like this:

225.2 17.0
1374.8 64.5

Open the program, review the code, and test the program
1. Open the Miles Per Gallon project or solution that’s in this folder:
2. Review the code. Note that it validates the miles and gallons entries to be sure
they’re greater than zero, rounds the MPG to two decimal places, and gets
entries for one or more trips.
3. Run the program to see how it works. Test to see what happens when you
enter 0 for the miles or gallons. Then, test to see what happens when you enter
two values for one of the entries. Finally, test to see what happens when you
enter an invalid number.
Validate and handle input errors
4. Modify the program so it discards any extra data entered by the user.
5. Modify the program so it makes sure that the user enters valid numbers. If the
input operation fails, the program should display an error message, clear the
error bits from the input stream object, and discard any remaining data in the
6. Run the program again. This time, it should ignore any extra data entered
by the user. In addition, it should display an error message and prompt for
another entry if the user enters an invalid number for miles or gallons.
Write the valid entries to a tab-delimited file
7. Modify the program so it appends valid miles and gallons entries to a
tab-delimited file named trips.txt. Both of these values should have one
decimal digit. (For this program, you can assume that the user doesn’t enter
miles or gallons with more than one decimal digit.)
8. Run the program and enter two or more valid sets of entries. Then, use a text
editor to view the text file.
9. Close the text file and run the program again. This time, enter valid and
invalid entries.
10. Display the text file again to be sure that the program appended valid entries
to the original entries and that it didn’t write any invalid entries to the file.
Chapter 5 How to work with I/O streams and files 183

Exercise 5-2 Display data

from a tab-delimited file
In this exercise, you’ll modify the Miles Per Gallon program from exercise 5-1
so it displays the data in the tab-delimited file when the program starts and after
each time the user enters data for a trip. When you’re done, a test run should
look something like this:

Miles Per Gallon

Miles Gallons MPG

225.2 17.0 13.25
1374.8 64.5 21.31

Total miles: 1600.00

Total gallons: 81.50
Average MPG: 19.63

Enter miles driven: 274

Enter gallons of gas used: 18.5
Miles per gallon: 14.81

Miles Gallons MPG

225.2 17.0 13.25
1374.8 64.5 21.31
274.0 18.5 14.81

Total miles: 1874.00

Total gallons: 100.00
Average MPG: 18.74

Get entries for another trip? (y/n):

1. Open the Miles Per Gallon project or solution that’s in this folder:

2. Modify the program so it starts by displaying the data in the trips.txt file as
well as the MPG. Be sure to set the column widths and the precision so the
values are displayed as shown above.
3. Modify the program so it displays the data in the text file and the MPG after it
writes the data to the file. To do that, you can copy the code you just wrote so
it’s executed after the data is written to the file.
4. Modify the program so it displays the total miles, total gallons, and average
MPG both when the program starts and anytime data is written to the file. Be
sure to set the column widths, alignment, and precision, and make sure the
decimals are always displayed.
184 Section 1 Essential skills for modern C+ +

Exercise 5-3 Use a string stream

In this exercise, you’ll write the code for an Employee Wages program so it uses
a string stream to handle unexpected data in the input file. When you’re done, a
test run should look something like this:

Name Hourly wage Hours Total

Scott 24.95 32.25 804.64

Angelina 32.75 41.00 1342.75
Jordan 18.75 22.50 421.88
Annalise 16.18 25.00 404.46
Andrew 22.50 38.00 855.00

5 lines not processed.

1. Open the Employee Wages project or solution that’s in this folder:

2. Review the code to see that all the #include directives you need have been
included. In addition, the main() function includes code that defines an input
file stream, opens a file named wages.txt, checks if the stream is in good
condition, and closes the file.
3. Define the variables that you need to work with the string stream and the data
that will be extracted from it. That includes the name, hourly wage, and hours
that are stored in each line of the input file.
4. Process each line of data from the file, using a string stream to skip any lines
that contain unexpected data. Write the data for any other lines to the console,
displaying two decimal digits for each floating point number.
5. Calculate the total wages for each line that’s written to the console by multi­
plying the hourly wage by the hours, and display it in a fourth column as
shown above.
6. Keep track of the number of lines that can’t be processed because of
unexpected data, and display that number on the console after the data for the
lines that were processed.
How to work with data
types, strings, and vectors
In chapter 2, you learned how to use two of the built-in, or fundamental, data
types as you defined and initialized variables and coded assignment statements
that used simple arithmetic expressions. In addition, you learned some basic
skills for working with strings.
Now, you’ll learn more skills that will let you work with fundamental
data types at a professional level. In addition, you’ll learn more about working
with strings, and you’ll be introduced to vectors, which allow you to store a
sequence of values of any data type.

Basic skills for working with data types........................... 186

The fundamental data types........................................................................... 186
How to detine and initialize variables........................................................... 188
How to detine and initialize constants.......................................................... 190
The Light Years Calculator program............................................................. 192
More skills for working with data types............................ 194
How to work with type conversion................................................................ 194
How to work with data type sizes and limits................................................ 196
How to fix problems with floating-point data................................................ 198
How to work with vectors.................................................... 200
How to create a vector and refer to its elements........................................... 200
How to initialize and loop through a vector................................................. 202
How to use member functions of a vector.................................................... 204
The Test Scores program............................................................................... 206
The Temperature Manager program.............................................................. 210
How to work with strings..................................................... 214
How to create and loop through a string....................................................... 214
How to use basic member functions of a string........................................... 216
How to search a string.................................................................................... 218
How to work with substrings......................................................................... 220
How to modify a string.................................................................................. 222
How to check characters within a string...................................................... 224
The Create Account program........................................................................ 226
The Word Jumble program............................................................................ 230
Perspective............................................................................ 234
186 Section 1 Essential skills for modern C+ +

Basic skills for working with data types

The figures that follow review some of the skills presented in chapter 2 for
working with data types. In addition, these figures present some new skills that
are commonly used by professional programmers.

The fundamental data types

Figure 6-1 shows the fundamental data types provided by C++. You can
use these data types to store numbers, characters, and true or false values. Since
these types are built-in to the C++ language, they’re sometimes referred to as the
built-in data types.
In chapter 2, you learned how to use the int data type to store integers
(whole numbers). However. C++ provides three other data types for integers. For
example, if a value is too big for the int type, you can use the long or long long
types. Conversely, if you only need to store small integer values and you want to
save system resources, you can use the short type.
In chapter 2, you also learned how to use the double data type for storing
numbers with decimal places. However, if you want to save system resources,
you can use the float data type. Or. if you want to store numbers that are too
large for the double type, you can use the long double type. The values for
all three of these data types are stored as floating-point numbers that can hold
very large and very small values, but with a limited number of significant
digits. For instance, the double type has 16 significant digits. As a result, it
supports numbers like 12,345,678.901,234.56. On the other hand, the float type
only has 7 significant digits. As a result, it can still support numbers such as
1,234,567,000,000,000. That’s because the digits 1 through 7 are significant in
this number but the zeros are not.
To express the value of a floating-point number, you can use scientific
notation. This notation lets you express very large and very small numbers
in a sort of shorthand. To use scientific notation, you type the letter e or E
followed by a power of 10. For instance. 3.65e+9 is equal to 3.65 times IO9
(3.650.(XX).(XX)). Similarly, 3.65e-9 is equal to 3.65 times 10* (.00000000365).
In chapter 2, you learned how to use the char type to store one character
from the ASCII character set. When you use a char type, you should know that
C++ only allows the first 128 characters (codes 0 to 127) of this character set.
That’s because the char type is technically an integer type that stores an integer
from 0 to 127 that maps to an ASCII character.
Last, you can use the bool type to store a true or false value. This data type is
often used to represent a condition in a control statement such as if or while that
can be true or false. Because of that, a bool variable is often referred to as a flag.
You’ll see examples of how to use bool variables in control statements later in
this chapter.
When you work with the bool data type, you should know that the true
keyword maps to a non-zero int value, typically 1. but possibly other values such
as -1, 2, 3. and so on. On the other hand, the false keyword always maps to an int
value of 0.
Chapter 6 How to work with data types, strings, and vectors 187

The fundamental data types and their typical sizes and ranges
Type Bytes Range
char 1 Integers from 0 to 127 that map to one of the characters
in the ASCII character set.
short 2 Integers from -32.768 to 32.767.
int 4 Integers from -2.147.483.648 to 2.147.483.647.
long 4 Same as int on most systems.
long long 8 Integers from -9.223.372.036.854.775.808 to
float 4 Single-precision, floating-point numbers from -3.4E38 to
3.4E38 with up to 7 significant digits.
double 8 Double-precision, floating-point numbers from -1.7E308
to 1.7E3O8 with up to 16 significant digits.
long double 8 Same as double on most systems, but sometimes 10 bytes
with range of -3.4E4932 to 1.7E4832.
bool 1 A true or false value.

Unsigned integers and their typical sizes and ranges

• The American Standard Code for Information Interchange (ASCII) assigns an
integer from 0 to 127 for the individual characters on a keyboard.
• Integers are positive or negative whole numbers. Unsigned integers only allow
for positive whole numbers.
• Floating-point numbers provide for very large and very small numbers that
require decimal positions, but with a limited number of significant digits. A
single-precision number provides for numbers with up to 7 significant digits. A
double-precision number provides for numbers with up to 16 significant digits.
• A Boolean value can be true or false. The true keyword maps to a non-zero int
value, typically 1, and the false keyword maps to an int value of 0.
• The fundamental data types are also known as the built-in data types.

Technical notes
• The number of bytes a data type uses in memory can vary from system to system.
• To express the value of a floating-point number, you can use scientific notation.
For example, 2.382E+5 means 2.382 times 105, which is a value of 238,200.
Conversely, 3.25E-8 means 3.25 times IO"8, which is a value of ,(X)O(XXX)325.

Figure 6-1 The fundamental data types

188 Section 1 Essential skills for modern C++

How to define and initialize variables

In chapter 2, you learned how to define and initialize a variable. Figure 6-2
reviews these skills, and it presents some new information.
To start, the first example shows how to define and initialize some of the
data types that weren’t presented in chapter 2. Here, the third and fourth state­
ments show how to assign values to the float and long types. To do that, you
can add a letter after the value to specifically indicate its data type. For a float
type, you can add an/or F after the value. For a long type, you can add an L.
Although this isn’t necessary for the code to compile, it provides clarity and can
protect against data loss. You can also use a lowercase /, but that letter can easily
be mistaken for the number 1. As a result, it’s generally considered a better
practice to use an uppercase L.
The fifth statement shows how you can use scientific notation as you assign
a value to a variable. Then, the sixth statement shows that you can assign a
character to the char type by enclosing the character in single quotes. The
seventh statement shows that, because the characters in the ASCII character set
map to integers, you can also assign a character to the char type by supplying the
integer for the character.
The eighth statement shows how to define a bool variable named is_valid
and how to use the false keyword to initialize it to a value of 0. Then, the
ninth statement shows how to define a bool variable named success and how
to initialize it to a value of 1. which maps to the true keyword. In general, it’s
considered a good practice to use the true and false keywords because they make
code easier to read and understand.
In most cases, you define and initialize one variable per statement. That’s
considered a good practice because it usually results in code that’s easy to
read and modify later. However, it sometimes makes sense to define multiple
variables in the same statement as shown in the second example. Here, the first
statement defines three double variables with one statement, and the second
statement defines two int variables. To do that, these statements separate the
variable names with commas.
You can also define and initialize multiple variables in a single statement
as shown by the third example. Here, the first statement defines and initializes
three double variables with one statement, and the second statement defines and
initializes two int variables. To do that, these statements separate each assign­
ment expression with commas.
The fourth example shows how to assign the same value to multiple
variables. Here, the first statement defines four int variables. Then, the second
statement initializes these variables by assigning a value of 20 to them. To do
that, this code uses the assignment operator to chain each of the variables.
The fifth example shows how to use the auto keyword to infer the data type
based on its initial value. Here, the first statement initializes an auto variable
named hours by assigning an int value of 40. As a result, the compiler infers that
it should use the int type for this variable. The second statement works similarly,
but it assigns a double value of 40.0. As a result, the compiler infers that it
should use the double type for this value.
Chapter 6 How to work with data types, strings, and vectors 189

The assignment operator

1 Operator Name Description |
■ Assignment Assigns a new value to the variable.

Statements that define and initialize variables

int counter ■ 1; // initialize an int variable
double price ■ 14.95; // initialize a double variable
float interest_rate ■ 8.125F; // F indicates a floating-point
long number_of_bytes ■ 20000L; // L indicates a long integer
double distance ■ 3.65e*9; // scientific notation
char letterl ■ 'A'; // stored as ASCII code 65
char letter2 ■ 65; // cout << letter2 displays the
bool is_valid ■ false; II false - 0
bool success ■ 1; II 1 ■ true

How to define multiple variables in one statement

double pay, subtotal, total; // define 3 variables
int x, y; II define 2 variables

How to define and initialize multiple variables in one statement

double pay ■ 0.0, subtotal ■ 0.0, total ■ 0.0;
int x ■ 0, y ■ 0;

How to assign the same value to multiple variables

int a, b, c, d; II define 4 variables
a"b«c«d» 20; II assign 20 to all 4 variables

How to use the auto keyword to infer the data type based on initial value
auto hours ■ 40; II compiler infers that hours is an int
auto hours ■ 40.0; // compiler infers that hours is a double

• A variable stores a value in memory that can change as a program executes. In
other words, the value of a variable varies as a program executes.
• Before you can use a variable, you must define its data type and its name.
• After you define a variable, you can initialize it. To do that, you assign a value to
the variable with the assignment operator (■).
• You can define more than one variable in a single statement, as long as the
variables have the same data type. To do that, you use commas to separate the
variables. You can also initialize the variables in that same statement.
• When you define and initialize a variable in one statement, you can use the
auto keyword. Then, the compiler will infer the type based on the value used to
initialize it.
• To identify float values, you can type an/or F after the number.
• To identify long values, you can type an I or L after the number. The compiler will
be able to tell the difference between long ints and long doubles.
• To identify long long int values, you can type ll or LL after the number.
• For clarity, uppercase Ls are better because a lowercase I resembles the number 1.

Figure 6-2 How to define and initialize variables

190 Section 1 Essential skills for modern C++

When working with the fundamental data types, you usually don't need to
use the auto keyword. However, it can sometimes result in code that’s shorter
and more flexible, especially when working with more complex data types as
described later in this book. For example, chapter 10 provides several examples
of when it makes sense to use the auto keyword.

How to define and initialize constants

In chapter 2, you learned that a variable stores a value that changes as a
program executes. In contrast to a variable, a constant stores a value that does
not change as a program executes. In other words, the value of a constant
remains constant.
Most of the skills for defining and initializing variables also apply to
declaring and initializing constants. However, when you define a constant, you
begin the statement with the const keyword as shown in figure 6-3. Here, the
first statement creates a constant that stores the number of days in November.
The second statement creates a constant that uses the float type to store a sales
tax percentage. The third statement defines a constant that stores the number of
miles per light year. To provide the value for this constant, the code use scien­
tific notation. That’s because the number of miles per light year is a very large
number that’s unwieldy to store in standard notation. And the fourth statement
defines three constants that store integer values that correspond to the first three
months of the year.
In many programming languages, it’s a common coding convention to use
all uppercase letters for the name of a constant and to separate the words in the
name with an underscore as shown by the fifth statement. This makes it easy for
programmers to differentiate between variables and constants. In C++, however,
using uppercase letters can cause conflicts with macros, which are fragments of
code that always have uppercase names. As a result, it’s generally considered a
good practice to use lowercase letters to name your constants just as you do your
Although using lowercase letters to name both variables and constants
means that you won’t be able to differentiate between them, that usually isn’t
a problem. In the unlikely case that a programmer attempts to assign a value to
a constant, the code won’t compile and the compiler will return a message that
indicates that you can’t assign a value to a constant. That clearly shows that the
name in question is a constant, not a variable.
The second example shows how to use a constant to calculate the area of
a circle. Here, the first statement defines a constant to store the value of pi (tt)
and initializes it to a value of 3.14, which is an approximation of the value of
pi. Then, the next three statements get the radius from the user and store it in
the variable named radius. Finally, the program calculates and displays the area
of the circle. As you review this code, note that the constant named pi remains
constant, but the variables named radius and area vary depending on user input.
Chapter 6 How to work with data types, strings, and vectors 191

How to define and initialize a constant

const data_type constant_name - value;
const int days_in_november ■ 30;
const float sales_tax ■ .075F;
const double miles_per_light_year ■ 5.879e+12;
const int jan = 1, feb ■ 2, mar =3;
const int COL_WIDTH ■ 7; // all caps is not recommended

How to use a constant

const double pi ■ 3.14;

double radius;
cout << "Enter radius: ";
cin >> radius;

double area ■ pi * radius * radius;

cout << "Area: " « area « endl;
The console
Enter radius: 6.5
Area: 132.665

• A constant stores a value in memory that cannot change as a program executes.
In other words, the value of a constant remains constant as a program executes.
• To define a constant, you begin the definition statement with the const keyword.
A constant must be initialized at the time it is defined.
• In other programming languages, it’s common to use all capital letters when
naming constants. This distinguishes them from variables. In C++, however, this
can cause conflicts with macros, which are named fragments of code. As a result,
many programmers recommend using lowercase letters when naming constants.

Figure 6-3 How to define and initialize constants

192 Section 1 Essential skills for modern C++

The Light Years Calculator program

Figure 6-4 shows a program named Light Years Calculator that calculates
the number of miles, kilometers, and parsecs in the specified number of light
years. Then, it displays these calculations in both scientific notation and fixed
To start, this program gets the number of light years from the user. Then, it
defines three constants that are used to perform the calculations. First, it defines
and initializes the number of miles per light year. Second, it defines and initial­
izes the number of kilometers per light year. Third, it defines and initializes the
number of parsecs per light year.
Next, this program calculates the number of miles, kilometers, and parsecs
for the specified number of light years. Then, it displays the results in scientific
notation. Here, it sets the number of significant digits to 8. As a result, this code
displays up to 8 significant digits.
After displaying the results in scientific notation, this code displays the
results in fixed-point notation with 8 decimal places, and it uses the setw()
manipulator to use 24 characters for this column. This aligns the numbers on
their decimal point, which makes it easy to see how the number of miles and
kilometers compare to the number of parsecs.
Chapter 6 How to work with data types, strings, and vectors 193

The console
Light Years Calculator

Enter light years: 6

Miles: 3.5274e+013
Kilometers: 5.6766e+013
Parsecs: 1.839606

Miles: 35274000000000.00000000
Kilometers: 56766000000000.00000000
Parsecs: 1.83960600


The code
ftinclude <iostream>
#include <iomanip>

using namespace std;

int main() (
cout << "Light Years Calculator\n\n" ;

double light_years;
cout << "Enter light years: ";
cin >> light_years;

// define three constants

const double miles_per_light_year ■ 5.879e+12;
const double km_per_light_year - 9.461e+12;
const double parsec_per_light_year ■ 0.306601;

// calculate miles, kilometers, and parsecs

double miles ■ light_years * miles_per_light_year;
double km - light_years * km_per_light_year;
double parsecs ■ light_years * parsec_per_light_year;

// display the results

cout « endl << setprecision(8)
« "Miles: w « miles « endl
« ■Kilometers: w « km << endl
« ■Parsecs: w « parsecs << endl << endl;

cout « fixed
« ■Miles: w « setw(24) « miles << endl
« ■Kilometers: w « setw(24) « km « endl
« ■Parsecs: w « setw(24) « parsecs « endl << endl;
cout « ■Bye!\n\n-;

Figure 6-4 The Light Years Calculator program

194 Section 1 Essential skills for modern C+ +

More skills for working with data types

Now that you’ve learned the basic skills for working with data types, you’re
ready to learn some additional concepts and skills. That includes skills that you
can use to fix issues with code that works with numeric data.

How to work with type conversion

As you develop C++ programs, you may encounter situations where you
need to convert data from one data type to another. This is also referred to as
casting data from one type to another.
If you assign or perform arithmetic operations with different data types. C++
automatically converts the types following the rules for type coercion described
in figure 6-5. To start. C++ promotes data from a smaller type such as the int type
to a larger type such as the long type. With this type of conversion, the new type
is always wide enough to hold the original value. For instance, the first statement
in this figure converts an integer value of 93 to a double value of 93.0.
If you assign the final value of an expression to a variable that’s of a less
precise type. C++ demotes the data from the more precise type to the less precise
type. With this type of conversion, the less precise data type may not be wide
enough to hold the original value, which may result in the loss of some data. For
instance, the second statement in this figure converts a double value of 93.67 to
an int value of 93, which discards the data stored in the decimal digits.
C++ also promotes values in an arithmetic expression if some of the values
have more precise data types than other values, as shown by the next three
statements. Here, the variable named d is defined with the double type, and the
variables named i and j are defined with the int type. As a result, when these
variables are used together in an expression. C++ converts both i and j to double
When C++ promotes a type, it usually doesn't cause any problems. However,
demoting a type can lead to the loss of data. As a result, it’s generally considered
a good practice to explicitly cast values that you’re demoting to make it clear
that you intend to perform the demotion. To do that, you can use the static_cast
operator shown in this figure.
When you use the static_cast operator, you specify the target data type by
coding it within angle brackets (<>) just after the operator name, but before the
parentheses. Then, you code the value to convert within the parentheses. In this
figure, the first statement that uses this operator explicitly demotes a double
value of 93.67 to an int value of 93.
In some cases, you may need to use explicit casting to get your code to work
correctly. For example, if you want to use decimal division with two int values,
you need to explicitly cast one of the int values to the double type as shown by
the second static_cast operator. Here, C++ casts the first integer to the double
type before performing the division. That way, C++ uses decimal division and
returns a result that has decimal places. Without explicit casting, the expression
would use integer division and return an integer value (1) that C++ would then
promote to a double (1.0).
Chapter 6 How to work with data types, strings, and vectors 195

The C++ rules for type coercion

• The char, short, and unsigned short types are automatically promoted to the int
type. If a system allows an unsigned short to hold a value greater than an int can
hold, then the unsigned short is promoted to an unsigned int.
• For all other data types, the lower ranking data type is promoted to the next
higher data type, as described below.
• The final value of an expression is converted to the data type of the variable to
which it is assigned. If the variable has a lower ranking data type, then the result
is demoted to that data type.

The ranking of the data types

int -> unsigned int -> long unsigned long -> float -> double -> long double

Examples of type coercion

double grade - 93; // promote int to double; grade = 93.0

int grade ■ 93.67; // demote double to int; grade - 93

double d ■ 95.5;
int i = 86, j = 91;
double average ■ (d+i+j)/3; // promote int values to double values
// average ■ 90.8333

How to explicitly convert a value to another type

How to explicitly demote a data type
int grade ■ static_cast<int>(93.67); // grade ■ 93
How to use static_cast to correct integer division
int a = 8, b = 7;
double result ■ static_cast<double>(a) I b; // result ■ 1.14286

Another way to perform an explicit conversion (not recommended)

int grade ■ (int) 93.67; // grade ■ 93

• If you perform assignment or arithmetic operations with different data types,
C++ automatically converts or casts the types using its rules of type coercion.
• You can also explicitly convert types using the static_cast operator.
• C++ also allows you to perform a cast by coding the data type in parentheses
just before the value to be converted. However, this syntax forces the compiler
to choose from among several types of casts. Since this can lead to unexpected
results, it’s better to specify the type of cast you want to use.

Figure 6-5 How to work with type conversion

196 Section 1 Essential skills for modern C++

C++ also allows you to perform an explicit cast by coding the data type in
parentheses just before the value to be converted as shown by the last example
in figure 6-5. However, this syntax forces the compiler to choose from among
several types of casts, including a static cast. Since this can lead to unexpected
results, it’s better to use the static_cast operator to specify that you want to use a
static cast.
When you code an explicit cast, an error may occur at runtime if C++ isn’t
able to perform the cast. As a result, you should use an explicit cast only when
you’re sure that C++ is able to perform the cast.
Although you typically cast between numeric data types, you can also cast
between the integer and char types. That’s because every char value corresponds
to an integer that identifies it in the ASCII character set. However, there is a
possible loss of data when converting integer types such as the int type to the
char type. As a result, you should be careful when doing this.

How to work with data type sizes and limits

Data types vary from system to system. For example, the long double type
might use 8 bytes on some systems and 10 bytes on other systems. As a result,
you may sometimes need to check the number of bytes used by a data type. To
do that, you can use the sizeofQ operator as shown in figure 6-6. Here, the first
two examples show two ways to check the size of a data type or a variable.
In addition, you may sometimes need to get the maximum or minimum
value that’s allowable for a data type. That way, you can get the data types to
work correctly on all systems. To do that, you can use the static min() and max()
functions of the numericjimits class as shown by the first two statements in the
second group of examples. When you call these static functions, you begin by
specifying the data type within angle brackets (<>) immediately after the name
of the class. Then, you code the scope resolution operator (::) and the name of
the static function.
The numericjimits class also includes the static constants shown in this
figure. These constants provide a way to check whether a value is signed, is an
integer type, or is an exact type. The last three statements in the second group of
examples show how to use these constants.
When an integer variable is assigned a value that’s too big for its type, it will
overflow, which causes it to wrap around to the type’s minimum. Similarly, when
an integer variable is assigned a value that’s too small for its type, it will under­
flow, which causes it to wrap around to the type’s maximum. The third example
shows how this works. If that’s not what you want (and it usually isn't), you can
use the min() and max() functions to make sure the value is within a valid range
before you assign it.
When a floating-point variable is assigned a value that’s too big or small for
its type, the result varies depending on the system. It may cause your program to
display errors and stop, display errors and keep running, or keep running with no
errors but possibly incorrect data. If you encounter this problem, you can use the
min() and max() functions to make sure the value is within an acceptable range
before you assign it to a floating-point variable.
Chapter 6 How to work with data types, strings, and vectors 197

The sizeof operator

auto size ■ sizeof (unsigned short); II argument is a data type
cout « size << " bytes\n"; II displays "2 bytes"
unsigned short us ■ 100;
size ■ sizeof(us); II argument is a variable
cout « size << " bytes\n"; II displays "2 bytes"

The include statement for the numericjimits header file

^include <limits>

Some of the static members of the numericjimits class

Member Description
min() Returns the minimum finite value that the data type can hold.
max() Returns the maximum finite value that the data type can hold.
is_signed Returns true if the data type is signed.
is_integer Returns true if the data type is an integer.
is_exact Returns true if the data type uses exact representations.

auto resultl ■ numeric._limits<int> : :min( ) ; // -2147483648
auto result2 ■ numeric..limits<int> : :max( ) ; // 2147483647
bool result3 ■ numeric._limits<double>::is_signed; // 1 (true)
bool result4 ■ numeric..1imits<short>::is_integer; // 1 (true)
bool result5 ■ numeric._limits<float>::is_exact; // 0 (false)

What happens when you exceed an integer type’s minimum or maximum

unsigned short s;
s ■ numeric_limits<unsigned short>::max(); // s is 65535
s +- 100; // overflow: s is 99
s ■ numeric_limits<unsigned short>::min(); // s is 0
s -■ 100; // underflow: s is 65436

• Data types vary from system to system. You can use the sizeofO operator to
determine the size of a type on your system. You can use the members of the
numericjimits class to determine the range of a type on your system.
• When an integer variable is assigned a value that’s too big for its type, it will
overflow, or wrap around to the type’s minimum. When an integer variable is
assigned a value that’s too small for its type, it will underflow, or wrap around to
the type’s maximum.
• When a floating-point variable is assigned a value that’s too big for its type, the
result varies depending on the system. This may cause your program to display
errors and stop, display errors and keep running, or keep running with no errors.
• To access static members of a class, you can code the name of the class, the
scope resolution operator (::), and the name of the member.
Figure 6-6 How to work with data type sizes and limits
198 Section 1 Essential skills for modern C++

How to fix problems with floating-point data

Because of the way floating-point numbers are stored internally, they can’t
represent the exact value of the decimal places in some numbers. This is shown
by the first example in figure 6-7. This example begins by setting the precision
of the cout object to 24 so it can display a more accurate representation of the
number. This shows that C++ stores the literal value of. 1 as a floating-point
number that’s extremely close to .1. but not exactly .1. Similarly, it stores the
literal value of .9 as a floating-point number that’s extremely close to .9, but not
exactly .9.
Most of the time, this doesn’t cause any problems with your code. However,
it can sometimes cause problems with equality comparisons and calculations.
In the second example, for instance, the code attempts to use a loop to display
the numbers .5, .6, .7, and .8. This loop should end when the counter value is
equal to .9. However, since .1 isn't exact, adding it to the counter variable causes
the counter variable to become less precise each time through the loop. As a
result, the counter variable never equals .9, which causes an infinite loop. Since
this example uses the default precision of the cout object, the output looks as if
the counter variable is equal to .9. However, if you set the precision to 24, you
would see that the counter variable does not equal .9 on the fifth iteration of the
This figure shows two of the many ways to solve this problem. To start, you
can avoid using an equality comparison with the floating-point number. In this
case, you can use a less than comparison to check whether the floating-point
number is less than a specified number.
Another way to solve this problem is to use the round() function of the
cmath header to round the floating-point number to a less precise number of
decimal places. In this case, you can round the floating-point number to 1
decimal place after incrementing it by .1. Then, the counter variable doesn’t
become more imprecise each time through the loop, and the equality comparison
works correctly.
For intensive calculations, or calculations that require extreme precision,
the techniques presented here may not be enough. In that case, you can search
the Internet for more information on how to handle floating-point numbers with
Chapter 6 How to work with data types, strings, and vectors 199

Code that shows how some floating-point numbers are not exact
cout « setprecision(24) ;
cout « .0 « endl;
cout « .1 « endl;
cout « .5 « endl;
cout « .9 « endl;
The console

An infinite loop caused by an issue with floating-point data comparisons

double counter - 0.5;
while (counter !■ .9) { // counter never equals .9, so loop never stops
cout << counter << " ■;
counter .1;
The console

Two ways to fix the problem

By not using an equality comparison
while (counter < .85) {
cout << counter << " ■;
counter .1;
By using the round() function of the cmath header to fix the calculation
while (counter !■ .9) (
cout << counter << " ■;
counter ♦= .1;
counter ■ round(counter * 10) / 10;
The console for both solutions
0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8

• Because of the way floating-point numbers are stored internally, they can’t
represent the exact value of the decimal places in some numbers. This can cause
problems with equality comparisons and calculations.
• To fix problems with equality comparisons, you can avoid using equality operators
with floating-point numbers.
• To fix problems with calculations, you can use the round() function of the cmath
header to round the floating-point number to a less precise number of decimal places.

Figure 6-7 How to fix problems with floating point data

200 Section 1 Essential skills for modern C+ +

How to work with vectors

At this point, you have been introduced to the most important skills for
working with the fundamental data types that are available directly from C++.
However. C++’s Standard Template Library (STL) provides for more complex
data types. Many of these complex data types can contain multiple elements
of another data type. As a result, they're known as containers. For example,
the STL provides a data type known as a vector that can contain a sequence of
elements of the same data type.

How to create a vector and refer to its elements

Figure 6-8 begins by showing how to include the vector header file that
contains the vector class. Then, it shows the syntax for defining a vector object.
To do that, you code the name of the vector class, followed by angle brackets
(<>) that contain the data type for the elements of the vector. This is followed
by the name of the vector and. optionally, the initial number of elements in the
vector enclosed in parentheses.
The examples for defining vectors show how this works. Here, the first
example defines a vector object named prices that stores a sequence of double
values. The second example works like the first example, but it specifies an
initial size of 10 elements. When you specify an initial size. C++ uses a default
value for each element. In this case, the elements are double types, so C++ uses a
default value of 0.0.
Because the first example doesn’t specify the initial size, it creates a vector
that has zero elements. Whether or not you specify the initial size of a vector
when you create it, though, it’s easy to add elements later. However, if you know
the initial size of the vector, it’s typically more efficient to create the elements
when you create the vector.
The third example shows another way to create a vector. Here, a variable
whose value is accepted from the user is used to provide the initial size.
To refer to the elements of a vector, you use the subscript operator ([]) and
an index. In the example in this figure, for instance, the first statement creates
a vector of int values named scores that has 3 elements. Then, the next three
statements use the subscript operator to assign values to the three elements of the
vector. Here, the first element has an index off), the second has an index of I.
and so on. Next, the fifth statement gets the value of the second element (index
of 1) and displays it on the console. Finally, the last statement attempts to access
the fourth element (index of 3).
Since there isn't a fourth element, this causes out of bounds access, also
known as out of range access. This leads to unexpected results that vary
depending on the compiler. Some compilers raise an error that causes the
program to crash. Other compilers don’t check whether the index is in range. In
that case, the code returns or overwrites whatever value happens to be at the out
of bounds memory location. This allows code to execute efficiently, but it can
lead to bugs that are hard to find and fix.
Chapter 6 How to work with data types, strings, and vectors 201

How to include the header file for the vector class

#include <vector>

The syntax for defining a vector

vector<type> vector_name [(initial_size)];

Examples of vector definitions

Code that defines a vector object that holds a sequence of double values
vector<double> prices;
Code that defines a vector of 10 double values
vector<double> prices(10); // create a vector with 10 elements
Code that uses a variable to specify the size of a vector
int name_count ■ 0;
cout << "Enter the number of names: ■;
cin >> namecount;
vector<string> names(name_count);

The syntax for referring to an element of a vector


How to use the subscript operator to access the elements in a vector

vector<int> scores(3); // create a vector with 3 elements
scores[0] ■ 99; // set the value of the first element
scores[1] =87; // set the value of the second element
scores[2] = 91; // set the value of the third element
cout << scores [1]; // display the value of the second element
cout << scores[3]; // BAD! out of bounds access!

• The Standard Template Library (STL) contains many data types in addition to the
fundamental data types. Many of these data types can contain multiple elements
and are often called containers.
• A vector contains a sequence of elements of the same data type. You can use the
subscript operator ([ ]) with an index to access the elements of a vector, where 0
is the index for the first element, 1 is the index for the second element, and so on.
• Out of bounds access occurs if your code specifies an index that’s outside the
range of valid indexes. Since this leads to unexpected results, you should always
write code that prevents out of bounds access.
• Vectors, as well as other items provided by the STL. are members of the std
namespace. Because of that, a program must include a using directive for that
namespace, a using declaration for the specific member of the namespace, or it
must fully qualify any references to the member with the name of the namespace.

Figure 6-8 How to create a vector and refer to its elements

202 Section 1 Essential skills for modern C++

How to initialize and loop through a vector

In the last figure, you saw how to define a vector and set the values of its
elements individually using the subscript operator. However, you can also define
a vector and provide values for its elements using a single statement. To do that,
you use an initialization list as shown in figure 6-9.
The three examples in this figure show how this works. Here, the initializa­
tion list in the first example includes three values, so a vector with three elements
is created and assigned those values. Similarly, the second and third examples
create vectors with five and four elements. Note that, unlike the first example,
these two examples don't include an assignment operator. That’s because this
operator is optional and is usually omitted.
After you initialize the elements of a vector, you can use a standard for
loop to iterate the elements in a vector. In the example in this figure, the counter
variable is initialized to 0. the loop is executed as long at the counter variable
is less than the size of the vector, and the counter variable is incremented by 1
each time through the loop. Within the loop, the first statement uses the subscript
operator and the counter variable to get the element at the specified index. Then,
the second statement displays the element on the console.
When coding standard for loops, it’s easy to make a mistake that leads to
out of bounds access. For example, this can happen if you code the initializa­
tion expression or the Boolean expression incorrectly. One way to avoid out of
bounds access is to use a range-based for loop as shown by the last example.
This kind of loop iterates over every element in the vector without using a
counter variable or the subscript operator. As a result, it’s easier to code and less
prone to cause errors.
Chapter 6 How to work with data types, strings, and vectors 203

The syntax for using an initialization list to define and initialize a vector
vector*type> vector_name [■] { valuel(, value2] ... };

Examples that use an initialization list

vector<int> scores ■ ( 99, 87, 91 }; // 3 elements
vector<double> prices { 14.95, 12.95, 11.95, 9.95, 16.95 }; // 5 elements
vector<string> names ( "Joel", "Mary", "Anne", "Samantha" }; // 4 elements

How to use a for loop to display all the elements in a vector object
vector<int> scores ( 99, 87, 91, 76 };
for (int i - 0; i < scores.size(); ++1) (
int score ■ scores[i];
cout « score << *
The console
99 87 91 76

How to use a range-based for loop to avoid out of bounds access

vector<int> scores <99, 87, 91, 76);
for (int score: scores) {
cout « score « • ';
The console
99 87 91 76

• You can define a vector and provide initial values in a single statement by using an
initialization list. The number of values you include in the list determines the initial
size of the vector.
• You can use the size() function of a vector to get the number of elements in the vector.
• When iterating the elements of a vector, you can avoid out of bounds access by using
a range-based for loop. This kind of loop iterates over every element in the vector
without using a counter or the subscript operator.

Figure 6-9 How to initialize and loop through a vector

204 Section 1 Essential skills for modern C++

How to use member functions of a vector

A vector contains many member functions. Figure 6-10 summarizes some of
the most common member functions and shows how to work with them.
In the first example, the first statement creates an empty vector of doubles,
and the next two statements add elements to that vector by pushing them onto
the back of the sequence of elements. The fourth statement then calls the size!)
function, which returns a value of 2 because the vector now holds two elements.
Since the exact data type that’s returned by this function varies, this statement
uses the auto keyword to define the size variable. Then, the C++ compiler can
infer the correct data type for this variable.
The next three statements use the front!). back(). and at() functions to get the
values of the elements at the front of the sequence, at the back of the sequence,
and at an index of 1. For the third statement, you could use a subscript operator
to get the same value. However, the at() function is safer to use because it
always performs bounds checking. This may not run as efficiently as a subscript
operator that doesn’t check bounds, but it can prevent bugs that are hard to find
and fix.
The next statement removes the element at the back of the sequence by
calling the pop_back() function. The three statements after that call the size()
function to get the new size of the vector, the empty!) function to determine if
the vector contains elements, and the back() function to retrieve the new value at
the back of the sequence. At this point, there’s only one element in the vector. As
a result. back() returns the same value that front!) did earlier.
The second example shows how to use the insert!) and erase() functions to
add or delete elements anywhere in the vector. It’s important to understand that
these functions accept iterators, not indexes. You’ll learn more about iterators in
chapter 10. For now. just know that an iterator points to an element’s location in
memory, and you can use the addition operator (+) to advance a vector’s iterator
to point to other elements.
The code in the second example starts by creating a vector of four strings.
Then, it uses the erase() function to delete the third string, which is at the index
of 2. To do that, this code uses the begin() function to get the iterator that points
to the first element. Then, it uses the addition operator to advance that iterator to
point to the third element. Next, this code uses the insert!) function to insert an
element at the beginning of the vector.
When you use the erase!) and insert!) functions, the vector object has to
move all of the elements that are after the element that’s removed or inserted.
Because of that, these function are less efficient than the push_back() and
pop_back() functions. You’ll learn more about this, and about some of the other
STL containers, in chapter 10.
Chapter 6 How to work with data types, strings, and vectors 205

Some member functions of the vector container

Function Description
size() Returns the number of elements in the vector.
empty() Returns true if the vector contains no elements.
push_back(element) Adds the specified element to the back of the vector.
pop_back() Removes the element at the back of the vector.
back() Returns a reference to the last element in the vector.
front() Returns a reference to the first element in the vector.
at(index) Returns a reference to the element at the index. Throws
an out_of_range exception if the index is greater than or
equal to the number of elements in the vector.
clear() Removes all the elements in the vector.
begin() Returns an iterator that points to the first element in the
insert(iterator, element) Inserts the element at the specified iterator.
erase(iterator) Removes the element at the specified iterator.

Statements that use the member functions of a vector

vector<double> prices; // create empty vector
prices.push_back(9.99); // add element to vector
prices.push_back(149.99); // add element to back of vector
auto size ■ prices.size(); // size is 2

double first ■ prices.front(); // first is 9.99

double last ■ prices.back(); // last is 149.99
double second ■; // second is 149.99

prices.pop_back(); // remove back element

size ■ prices.size(); // size is 1
bool is_empty ■ prices.empty(); // is_empty is false
last ■ prices.back(); II last is 9.99

How to insert and erase elements

vector<string> names ( "Mary", "Joel", "Mike", "Anne" };

int index ■ 2; II index for "Mike"

names.erase(names.begin() ♦ index); n removes "Mike"
auto size ■ names.size(); u size is 3
string name ■; u name is "Anne"
names.insert(names.begin(), "Ben"); h insert "'Ben" at front
size ■ names.size() ; u size is 4
name ■ names.front(); u name is "Ben"

• The size() function returns an unsigned integer, but the exact data type varies.
As a result, if you need to store this unsigned integer in a variable, it’s a good
practice to use the auto keyword to define that variable.
• You’ll learn more about the vector class and other STL containers in chapter 10.

Figure 6-10 How to use member functions of a vector

206 Section 1 Essential skills for modern C++

The Test Scores program

Figure 6-11 shows another version of the Test Score program that was first
presented in chapter 4. This version of the program stores each valid score
entered by the user in a vector. Then, when the user finishes entering test scores,
this program loops through the valid test scores and displays the count, total, and
average score.
This program begins by including the header files that it needs, including the
vector header file. Then, the main() function displays the title and directions for
the program and defines a vector named scores.
Next, this code executes a loop that continues until the user enters -1. Within
the loop, the first two statements prompt the user for a score and extract the score
from the user input. Then, this code checks if the score is valid. If the score isn’t
a valid number, the code sets the input stream to a good state, discards the user
input, and displays an appropriate message. If the score is greater than 1(X) or
less than -1. the code also displays an appropriate message. However, if this code
is greater than -1, the value must be a valid number from 0 to 1 (X). As a result,
this code uses the push_back() function to append the score to the end of the
vector. Since the if statement is the last statement in this while loop, the program
executes the appropriate clause and then jumps back to the top of the loop. This
prompts the user to enter a score, which is what you want.
Chapter 6 How to work with data types, strings, and vectors 207

The console
The Test Scores program

Enter test scores from 0 to 100.

To end the program, enter -1.

Enter score: 97
Enter score: 93
Enter score: eighty two
Invalid number. Try again.
Enter score: 105
Score must be from 0 to 100. Try again.
Enter score: 83
Enter score: -1

Score count: 3
Score total: 273
Average score: 91

The code
tinclude <iostream>
tinclude <vector>
tinclude <cmath>

using namespace std;

int main()
cout « "The Test Scores program\n\n" ;

cout « "Enter test scores from 0 to 100.\n"

« "To end the program, enter -l.\n\n";

vector<int> scores;
int score ■ 0;
while (score != -1) {
cout << "Enter score: ";
cin >> score;

if (cin.failO) {
cin.clearO; // clear error bits
cin.ignore(1000, '\n'); // discard input up to end of line
cout << "Invalid number. Try again.\n";
else if (score > 100) (
cout << "Score must be from 0 to 100. Try again.\n";
else if (score < -1) {
cout << "Score can't be a negative number. Try again.\n";
else if (score > -1) { // valid score - add to vector

Figure 6-11 The Test Scores program (part 1 of 2)

208 Section 1 Essential skills for modern C++

When the user enters -1 and the while loop ends, the main() function
continues by checking if the vector is empty. If so, it displays a message that
indicates that the user didn’t enter any scores.
However, if the vector isn’t empty, the code loops through the scores stored
in the vector and calculates the total of all the scores. To do that, it defines an int
variable named total and initializes it to 0. Then, it uses a range-based for loop to
iterate through each score and update the total variable accordingly.
After calculating the score total, this code uses the size() function to get
the count of the scores. Then, it calculates the average score. To do that, this
code uses a static cast to convert the score total from the int type to the double
type. That way, C++ uses decimal division, which allows the average to contain
decimal places. Then, this code rounds the average to 1 decimal place. Finally,
this code displays the score count, total, and average.
Chapter 6 How to work with data types, strings, and vectors 209

The code (continued)

if (scores.empty()) { // vector is empty
cout << "\nNo scores entered\n.";
else { // vector contains scores
// calculate total of all scores
int total =0;
for (int score : scores) {
total score;

// get the count and calculate the average

auto score_count - scores.size();
double average ■ static_cast<double>(total) I score_count;
average - round(average * 10) / 10;

// display the score count, total, and average

cout « ’\n’ // blank line
« "Score count: " « score_count « endl
<< "Score total: " « total << endl
<< "Average score: " « average << endl << endl;


Figure 6-11 The Test Scores program (part 2 of 2)

210 Section 1 Essential skills for modern C++

The Temperature Manager program

Figure 6-12 shows another version of the Temperature Manager program
presented in the previous chapter. This version of the program reads the tempera­
ture data from a file and stores it in two vectors when the program starts. Then, it
allows the user to add or remove data from that vector. In addition, it allows the
user to save the data in the vector to the file.
When the Temperature Manager program starts, it displays a list of five
characters that correspond to a command. The first three commands let the user
view. add. and remove temperatures. The last two commands let the user save
changes that have been made and exit the program.
The code begins by importing the necessary header files, including the
vector header file. Then, it defines and initializes the filename for the file, and it
displays the program title and the list of commands.
Part 2 of the code reads the low and high temperatures from the file and
stores them in two vectors of double values named low_temps and high_temps.
To do that, this code uses the push_back() function to add the low and high
temperatures to the end of the vectors.
After reading the temperatures from the file, this code executes a while loop
that continues until the user enters ‘x\ which causes the program to end. If the
user enters *v’» the code uses a standard for loop to iterate through both vectors
and display the low and high temperatures on the console. In addition, this loop
displays an integer that corresponds to the day for each pair of low and high
If the user enters ‘a’, the code gets a low and high temperature from the user
as shown in part 3. Then, it appends each temperature to the end of the appro­
priate vector, and it displays a message that indicates that the temperatures have
been added.
If the user enters *r\ the code prompts the user to enter the number of the
day for the temperatures to be removed. Then, it gets the index for that day by
subtracting 1 from the day. Next, this code checks if the index is within a valid
range. If so, it uses the erase() function to remove the element at the specified
index. To do that, it uses the begin() function to get an iterator for the beginning
of the vector, and it adds the index to that iterator. After it finishes, it displays a
message that indicates that the temperatures have been removed.
If the user enters ‘s’, the code uses a for loop to iterate though each element
of the two vectors and write the low and high temperatures to a tab-delimited
file. When it’s done, it displays a message that indicates that the temperatures
have been saved.
If the user enters ‘x’. the code displays a goodbye message. Then, the condi­
tion for the while loop becomes false and the while loop ends. Because there’s
no code after the while loop, the program also ends.
If the user doesn’t enter any of the above commands, the code displays a
message that indicates that the user didn’t enter a valid command. Then, program
execution jumps to the top of the loop, which prompts the user to enter another
Chapter 6 How to work with data types, strings, and vectors 211

The console
The Temperature Manager program

v - View temperatures
a - Add a temperature
r - Remove a temperature
s - Save changes
x - Exit

Command: v
Day Low High

1 48.4 57.2
2 46.0 50.0
3 68.2 73.0

Command: a
Enter low temp: 73.2
Enter high temp: 101.5

Command: r
Enter day to remove: 3
Temps for day 3 have been removed.

Command: s
Your changes have been saved.

Command: x

The code
#include <iostream>
ffinclude <iomanip>
ffinclude <fstream)
ffinclude <string>
#include <vector>

using namespace std;

int main()
string filename - "temps.txt";

cout < < ■The Temperature Manager program\n\n'

cout < < -COMMANDS\n"

<< -v _ View temperatures\n"
<< ■a - Add temperatures\n"
<< ■r - Remove temperatures\n"
<< "s - Save changes\n"
<< ■x - Exit\n";

Figure 6-12 The Temperature Manager program (part 1 of 3)

212 Section 1 Essential skills for modern C++

The code (continued)

// read low and high temps from file and store in vectors
double low, high;
vector<double> low_temps, high_temps;
ifstream input_file;;
if (input_file) { // if file opened successfully...
while (input_file >> low >> high) {
else (
cout << "\nUnable to open file. You may need to add temperatures.\n";

char command ■ 1 v';

while (command !■ ’x1) {
// get command from user
cout < < endl;
cout << "Command:
cin >> command;

// define variables
ofstream output_file;
int day_num, index;

// execute appropriate command

switch (command) {
case •v*:
cout << "TEMPERATURES\n"
<< left << setw(4) « "Day"
<< right << setw(8) « "Low" << setw(8) « "High" << endl
<< ■ _----- --------------------------------_■ << endl;

cout << fixed << setprecision(l);

day_num ■ 1;
for (int i ■ 0; i < low_temps.size(); ♦♦!) (
low ■ low_temps[i];
high ■ high_temps[i];
cout << left « setw(4) << day_num
<< right « setw(8) << low « setw(8) << high << *\n';

Figure 6-12 The Temperature Manager program (part 2 of 3)

Chapter 6 How to work with data types, strings, and vectors 213

The code (continued)

case 'a' :
cout « "Enter low temp: ■;
cin >> low;

cout << "Enter high temp: ";

cin >> high;


case 'r':
int day;
cout << "Enter day to remove: ";
cin >> day;

index - day - 1;
if (index >■ 0 && index < high_temps.size()) {
high_temps.erase(high_temps.begin() + index);
low_temps.erase(low_temps.begin() + index);

cout << "Temps for day ■ « day << " have been removed.\n";

case 's': ;
for (int i ■ 0; i < low_temps.size(); ++i) (
low ■ low_temps[i];
high ■ high_temps[i];
output_file « low << '\t' « high « '\n';
cout << "Your changes have been saved.\n";

case 'x':
cout << "Bye!\n\n";

cout << "Invalid command. Try again.\n";

Figure 6-12 The Temperature Manager program (part 3 of 3)

214 Section 1 Essential skills for modern C+ +

How to work with strings

In chapter 2, you learned some basic skills for working with strings,
including how to define and initialize a string variable, how to concatenate string
variables, and how to append one string to another string. Now, you’ll review-
some of those skills. In addition, you’ll learn some additional skills for working
with strings.

How to create and loop through a string

Figure 6-13 begins by reviewing some basic concepts about strings. To start,
it shows how to include the string header file, how to define a string, and how to
define and initialize a string. Then, the fourth example shows how to initialize a
string by including it in parentheses immediately after defining the name.
When you work with a string, you should realize that a string is a sequence
of char values. With C++98 and later, you can use the string class from the
C++ standard library to work with a string. This class is a container type for
So. you can think of a string as a vector of characters. Also, like a vector,
you can use the subscript operator to access the individual characters of a string.
Like a vector, the indexes for the characters in a string start with 0. In the fifth
example, for instance, the code uses an index of 0 to get and display the first
character of the string and an index of 1 to get and display the second character
of the string. Then, it uses an index of 3 to set the fourth character of the string to
‘k’. This changes the string from “Mary” to “Mark”.
The sixth example shows how to capitalize the first letter of a name. To do
that, this code uses the subscript operator to get the first character of the string,
which is at index 0. Then, it uses the toupperQ function to convert the letter to
an uppercase letter. Next, it uses the subscript operator to set that uppercase
character as the first character of the string.
The seventh example shows how to compare strings for equality. To do that,
you can use the equality operators, just as you do for char values. However, this
comparison is case-sensitive. As a result, “secret” does not equal “Secret”.
The eighth example shows how to convert a string to all uppercase letters. To
do that, this code uses a standard for loop to loop through each character in the
string. This loop defines and initializes a counter variable with a value of 0 that
will be used as the index for the characters of the string. Then, it uses the string's
size() function to specify that the loop should continue while the counter variable
is less than the size of the string, and it increments that variable by 1 each time
through the loop. Within the loop, the first statement uses the subscript operator
with the counter variable to get the current character. Then, the second state­
ment converts that character to uppercase and uses the counter variable again to
replace the current character with the uppercase character.
The last example shows how to use a range-based for loop to create a new
string that’s the same as the first string, except that it uses all uppercase letters.
Before the loop, this code defines a string named name_upper to store the upper­
case letters. Then, it uses a range-based for loop to loop through each
Chapter 6 How to work with data types, strings, and vectors 215

How to include the header file for the string class

ftinclude <string>

How to define a string

string name;

How to define and initialize a string

string name ■ "Mary";

Another way to define and initialize a string

string name("Mary");

How to use the subscript operator to access individual characters

string name - "Mary";
cout < < name[0] « endl; // displays the first character 'M'
cout < < name[1] « endl; // displays the second character 'a'
name[3] - *k'; // updates last character - name is now "Mark"
name [4] - 'y'; // out of bounds access

How to capitalize the first letter of a string

string name - "grace";
char letter ■ name[OJ;
name[0] - toupper(letter); // name is "Grace"

How to compare strings for equality

string passwordl ■ "secret";
string password2 ■ "Secret";
if (passwordl ■■ password2) ( // case-sensitive comparison
cout << "Your passwords match!\n";

How to use a for loop to convert a string to all uppercase letters

string name ■ "grace";
for (int i - 0; i < name.sizeO; ++i) {
char c - name[i];
name[i] ■ toupper(c);
} // name is "GRACE"

How to use a range-based for loop to create a new string

of uppercase letters
string name ■ "grace";
string name_upper -
for (char c : name) (
name_upper += toupper(c);
} // name_upper is "GRACE"

• A string is a sequence of char values.
• You can use the string class that’s available from the C++ standard library to work
with strings. When you do, you can think of a string as a vector of characters.
• You can use the subscript operator ([]) to access the individual characters of a
string where 0 is the first character, 1 is the second character, and so on.

Figure 6-13 How to create and loop through a string

216 Section 1 Essential skills for modern C++

character in the string. Within the loop, a single statement converts each
character to uppercase and appends it to the string named name_upper.
If you compare the range-based for loop with the standard for loop, you’ll
see that the range-based loop is easier to code. In addition, it’s less prone to
leading to out of bounds access. As a result, you should use the range-based
for loop whenever it works for your purposes. However, if you need to use an
index to access specific characters of a string, it typically makes sense to use a
standard for loop.

How to use basic member functions of a string

Like a vector, a string provides many member functions that you can use
to work with the string. Since a vector and a string are both containers for a
sequence of elements, they both provide many of the same member functions.
Figure 6-14 shows how to use many of these member functions, which provide a
basic way to work with the characters of a string.
The first example shows that the size() and lengthO functions of the string
class return the same information. As a result, the choice of which one to use
is a matter of personal preference. Since the exact data type that’s returned by
these functions may vary depending on the compiler, this statement uses the auto
keyword to define the size and length variables. Then, the C++ compiler can
infer the correct data type for this variable.
The second example shows how to use the back() function to check if the
last character in the string is a newline character (\n). If it is, this code uses the
pop_back() function to remove the newline character from the end of the string.
The third example shows how to use the empty() function to make sure the
user has entered a string. To do that, the first three statements get the name of
a movie from the user. Then, the fourth statement checks if the move name is
empty. If it is, this code displays a message that indicates that the move name is
The fourth example shows how to use the clear() function to remove all
characters from a string. This example assumes that the variable named line is a
string object. If it is, calling the clear() function removes all characters from this
Chapter 6 How to work with data types, strings, and vectors 217

Some basic member functions of the string class

Function Description
size() Returns the number of characters in the string.
length() Returns the number of characters in the string.
empty() Returns true if the string contains no characters.
push_back(char) Adds the specified character to the end of the string.
popback() Removes the last character in the string.
back() Returns a reference to the last character in the string.
front() Returns a reference to the first character in the string.
at(i) Returns a reference to the character at index i. Throws an
out_of_range exception if i is out of bounds.
clear() Removes all the characters in the string.

How to check the size of a string

string name ■ "grace hopper";
auto size - name.sizeO; // size is 12
auto length ■ name.length(); // length is 12

How to remove the last character of a string

string name = "bjarne stroustrup\n";
auto size - name.sizeO; // size is 18
if (size > 0 && name.back() ■■ '\n') <
name .pop_back(); // remove last char
size = name.sizeO; // size is 17

How to make sure a user has entered a string

string movie_name;
cout « "Enter movie name: ";
getline(cin, movie_name);

if (movie_name.empty()) {
cout << "Error! Movie name is required.\n";

How to remove all characters from a string


• The string class provides many of the same member functions as the vector
class. You can use these functions to work with the characters of the string.

Figure 6-14 How to use basic member functions of a string

218 Section 1 Essential skills for modern C++

How to search a string

Figure 6-15 shows how to search a string for a specified string or character.
Here, the first example shows how to use the find() and rfind() functions. To start,
this code defines a string named name that contains a value of “grace hopper”.
The first find() function searches the name string for a string of “grace” and
stores the index that’s returned in a variable whose type is automatically inferred
by the compiler. Here, using the auto type is helpful because the integer type
that’s returned by the functions presented in this figure may vary depending on
the compiler. Since a string of “grace” begins at an index of 0. the first find()
function returns a value of 0. The second find() function searches for a character
of ‘g’. Since this character is at the index of 0. this function returns a value of 0.
This shows that the find() function works with strings or characters.
The next two find() functions show how to search for multiple occurrences
of a string or character. Here, the third find() function searches for a character
of ‘r’. This returns a value of 1. which is the index for the first occurrence of
this character. The fourth find() function searches for the same character starting
at the index of 2, which is the first character after the ‘r’ that was found by the
previous statement. This returns a value of 11. which is the index for the second
occurrence of this character.
Finally, the fifth find() function searches for the character ‘g’ starting at the
index of 1. This returns a value of -1, which indicates that the character wasn’t
found by this search.
The rfind() function works like the find() function, but in reverse. In other
words, the rfind() function begins searching at the back of the string and searches
towards the front.
The find_first_of() and find_last_of() functions provide a way to search for
the first or last character in the specified string of characters. For instance, the
second example shows how to use the find_first_of() function to find the index of
the first numeric character. To do that, this code specifies a string that contains all
of the numeric characters (“0123456789”). Then, this code checks if this index is
equal to -1. If it is. the string does not contain a numeric character.
The find_first_not_of() and find_last_not_of() functions work similarly,
but they return the index of the first character that does not match the specified
string. For instance, the third example shows how to use the find_first_not_of()
function to get the index of the first character in the string that is not a space,
tab. or newline character. Here, the indexes of 0 through 5 correspond to a
tab character, a newline character, and four space characters. As a result, this
example returns an index of 6, which is the index for the ‘b’ character.
Chapter 6 How to work with data types, strings, and vectors 219

Some member functions for searching strings

Function Description
find(str) Returns the index of the first occurrence of the specified string
or char.
find(str, i) Returns the index of the first occurrence of the specified string
or char starting from the specified index.
rfind(str) The same as the find() function except the search starts from the
back of the string and searches toward the front.
rfind(str, i) The same as the find() function with an index except the search
starts from the index and searches toward the front.
find_first_of(str) Returns the index of the first occurrence of a character that
matches any of the characters in the specified string.
find_last_of(str) Returns the index of the last occurrence of a character that
matches any of the characters in the specified string.
f ind_first_not_of(str) Returns the index of the first occurrence of a character that does
not match any of the characters in the specified string.
find_last_not_of(str) Returns the index of the last occurrence of a character that does
not match any of the characters in the specified string.

How to use the find() and rfind() functions

string name - "grace hopper";

// find() function
auto index - name. find("grace") ; // index is 0
index ■ name.f ind( 'g'); // index is 0
index ■ name.f ind( •r'); // index is 1
index ■ name.f ind( •r*, 2); // index is 11
index = name.f ind( 'g'» 1); // index is -1
// rfind() function
index ■ name.rf ind(•r'); // index is 11
index ■ name.rf ind(•r', 10); // index is 1
index ■ name.rf ind('h', 5); // index is -1
index = name.rfind("grace"); // index is 0

How to check if a string contains at least one numeric character

string password - "superSecret";
auto index - password.find_first_of("0123456789");
if (index ■■ -1) (
cout << "This password does NOT contain a number. Try again.\n";

How to get the index of the first character that’s not whitespace
string name - "\t\n bjarne stroustrup";
auto index - name.find_first_not_of(" \n\t"); // index is 6

• The find() and rfind() functions accept arguments of the string or char type.
• All of these functions return a value of -1 if they can’t find what you’re searching for.

Figure 6-15 How to search a string

220 Section 1 Essential skills for modern C++

How to work with substrings

A substring is a string that’s extracted from another string. To extract a
substring from a string, you can use the substr() function as shown in figure 6-16.
The first example shows how to get the first and last names of a full name.
Here, the first statement defines a variable for storing a full name and initializes
it to a name that includes four parts separated by spaces. Then, the second state­
ment defines variables for storing the first and last names and initializes them to
empty strings.
After setting up the variables, the next group of statements gets the first
name. To do that, it searches the name string for the first space character and gets
its index. Then, to make sure that this space character was found, it checks if its
index is greater than -1. If so, it gets the first name by using the substrQ function
to specify a starting index of 0 and a length that’s equal to the index of the first
space. This works because the index of the space character is 5, which is also the
length of the first name.
After getting the first name, the next group of statements gets the last name.
To do that, this code uses the rfind() function to search the string for the last
space character and gets its index. Then, this code checks if the character was
found. If so, it increments this index to get the index for the character after
the space character. Next, this code protects against out of bounds access by
checking if the index is within a valid range for the string. Remember, a valid
index is greater than -1 and less than the length of the string. If the index is
within a valid range, this code uses the substrQ function to get the string. To do
that, it specifies the starting index, but it doesn't specify the length. As a result,
the substrQ function gets the substring from the starting index to the end of the
The second example shows how to strip whitespace from the beginning
of the string. To start, it uses the find_first_not_of() function to find the first
character that is not a tab. newline, or space character. Then, it checks if the
index is greater than zero. If so, it uses the substrQ function to return a substring
that starts at the first character that’s not whitespace and continues until the end
of the string.
The third example shows how to get the domain part of an email address
from a string that contains an email address. Here, the code starts by getting the
index of the first and only at character (@) and the index of the last dot character
(.). After getting these indexes, this code checks if they are both greater than
-1, which indicates that the characters exist in the string. If these characters are
found, this code increments the index for the at character to get the index of the
next character. Next, this code checks if the index for the at character is still
within a valid range. More specifically, it checks if the at character is less than
the size of the string and less than the index of the dot character. If so. this code
calculates the number of characters for the length of the domain by subtracting
the at index from the dot index. Finally, it uses the substrQ function to get the
domain by specifying the starting index and the length of the substring.
Chapter 6 How to work with data types, strings, and vectors 221

A member function for getting part of a string

Function Description
substr(i) Returns a new string starting at the specified index and continuing to
the end of the string.
substr(i, len) Returns a new string starting at the specified index and spanning the
specified length.

How to get the first and last names of a name

string name - "Grace Brewster Murray Hopper";
string first_name - "", last_name - ""g

auto index « name.find(’ '); // index is 5

if (index > -1)
first_name ■ name.substr(0, index); // first name is "Grace"

index ■ name.rfind(' '); // index is 21

if (index > -1) {
++index; // index is 22
if (index < name.length())
last_name ■ name.substr(index); // last name is "Hopper"

How to strip whitespace from the beginning of a string

string name - "\t\n bjarne stroustrup";
auto i ■ name.find_first_not_of(" \n\t"); // get index
if (i > 0)
name ■ name.substr(i); // strip whitesphace
cout « name << endl; // displays "bjarne stroustrup"

How to get the domain part of an email address

string email - "[email protected] ";
string domain ■ "■;

auto at_index - email. find ('(?') ;

auto dot_index ■ email.rfind(’.');
if (at_index > -1 && dot_index > -1) {
++at_index; // get index of next char
if (at_index < email.length() && at_index < dot_index) (
int length ■ dot_index - at_index;
domain - email.substr(at_index, length); // domain is "yahoo"

• A substring is part of a string. When you use the substr() function to get a
substring, it creates a new string and doesn’t modify the original string.

Figure 6-16 How to work with substrings

222 Section 1 Essential skills for modern C++

How to modify a string

In chapter 2, you learned how to use the +■ operator to append one string to
the end of another string. Now, figure 6-17 shows some other ways that you can
use member functions to modify a string.
The first example shows how you can use the insert!) function to insert a
string at a specified index in another string. Here, the first statement creates a
string named months that contains three-letter abbreviations for two months
with each month followed by a space. The second statement inserts a string of
“Mar ” at index 4, which is just after the first month. This shifts all characters
currently in the string from index 4 and on back by four indexes. The third state­
ment inserts a string of “Jan ” at the beginning of the string. This shifts all other
characters in the string back by four indexes. Although it isn’t efficient to shift
characters in a string like this, performance is typically adequate for strings that
don’t contain a large number of characters. The fourth statement inserts a string
of “May ” at the end of the string. As a result, the final string is “Jan Feb Mar
Apr May
The second example shows how to use the erase() function to delete part of
a string. Here, the second statement deletes four characters starting at the index
of 0. As a result, it deletes the first four characters of the string. This shifts all
other characters forward by four. Just as when you insert characters into a string,
shifting characters isn’t efficient, but performance is typically adequate for
strings that don’t contain a large number of characters.
The third example shows how to replace all instances of a placeholder with a
specified string. Here, the code initializes a message string that contains a place­
holder of “<st>” in two places. Then, it defines two strings to store a placeholder
of “<st>” and a replacement of “Oregon” as well as an index that will indicate
the position of the placeholder in the message string. Next, this code begins a
while loop that continues until it replaces the placeholders with the replacement
Within this loop, the first statement uses the find() function to get the index
of the placeholder. The first time through the loop, this search starts at the index
of 0. which is the first character in the string. Then, this code checks whether the
index of the placeholder has been found. If it has. this code uses the replace!)
function to replace the placeholder string with the replacement string. Then, it
jumps to the top of the loop, which again checks whether the placeholder has
been found. This time, it uses the most recent index as its starting point. This
continues until all placeholders have been replaced. Then, the find() function
returns an index of -1. and the loop ends.
The fourth example shows how to replace all instances of one character with
another character. In particular, it shows how to replace the dash character with
the space character. To do that, you don’t need to use the replace!) function,
which is designed to work with strings. Instead, you can just use a standard for
loop to loop through each character.
In this example, the first statement creates a string that contains a credit
card number that separates some numbers with dashes. Then, this code uses a
standard for loop to check each character to determine if it’s the dash character.
Chapter 6 How to work with data types, strings, and vectors 223

Some member functions for modifying a string

Function Description
insert(i, str) Inserts the specified string at the specified index.
erase(i, len) Removes the specified number of characters starting at the
specified index.
replace(i, len, str) Replaces the characters in the string starting at the specified
index and spanning the specified number of characters with
the specified string.

How to insert a string into another string

string months ■ "Feb Apr ";
months.insert(4, "Mar "); // insert after "Feb "
months.insert(0, "Jan "); // insert at beginning
months.insert(months.length(), "May "); // insert at end
cout << months << endl; // displays "Jan Feb Mar Apr May

How to delete part of a string

string months ■ "Jan Feb Mar Apr May ";
months.erase(0, 4); // erase "Jan "
cout << months << endl; // displays "Feb Mar Apr May "

How to replace all instances of a placeholder

string message ■ "Welcome to <st>! <st> is a great state!\n";
string placeholder ■ "<st>";
string state ■ "Oregon";
int index ■ 0;
while (index > -1) {
index ■ message.find(placeholder, index);
if (index > -1)
message.replace(index, placeholder.length(), state);
cout << message; // displays "Welcome to Oregon! Oregon is a great state!"

How to replace all instances of one character with another character

string cc_number ■ "4012-881022-88810";
for (int i ■ 0; i < cc_number.length(); ++i) {
if (cc_number[i] ■■ '-')
cc_number[i] ■ ' •;
cout << cc_number << endl; // displays "4012 881022 88810"

• You can use member functions to modify a string by inserting another string into it,
deleting part of the string, or replacing part of the string with another string.
• To replace a single character with another character, you can use a standard for loop
and the subscript operator.

Figure 6-17 How to modify a string

224 Section 1 Essential skills for modern C++

If so, it uses the subscript operator to replace the dash character with the
space character. This shows that looping through the characters in a string is
sometimes the simplest and most efficient way to process a string.

How to check characters within a string

In chapter 2, you learned how to use the toupper() and tolower() functions
to convert a char to uppercase or lowercase. Now, figure 6-18 shows how to use
some other functions to get information about a character, such as whether it
is an uppercase or lowercase letter, a number, punctuation, or whitespace. It’s
common to use these functions to check characters within a string.
In the first example, for instance, the islowerf) function checks whether the
first character in a string is a lowercase letter. If it is, this code replaces that letter
with an uppercase letter. This isn’t necessary for the code to work correctly, but
it may improve efficiency since it doesn’t execute the statement that converts the
lowercase letter to an uppercase letter if the first character of the string isn’t a
letter or is already uppercase.
The second example, on the other hand, uses the ispunctf) function to check
whether any character in a string is a punctuation character. Here, the first state­
ment defines a password that contains a punctuation character (the # character),
and the second statement defines a bool variable named contains_punctuation
that indicates whether the string contains a punctuation character. After the first
two statements, this code loops through each character in the string.
Within the loop, an if statement uses the ispunct() function to check whether
the current character is a punctuation character. If it is, the first statement sets the
contains_punctuation variable to true. Then, since there’s no need to continue
checking the rest of the characters, this code executes a break statement to exit
the loop. This second statement isn’t necessary for the code to work correctly,
but it improves the efficiency of the code.
When you code the functions shown in this figure as part of a Boolean
expression, they work as you would expect. However, you should remember
that they indicate true by returning a non-zero int value, which is typically 1.
Conversely, they indicate a false value by returning value of 0. As a result, if
you display the values returned by these functions on the console, the console
displays int values, not the true and false keywords.
Chapter 6 How to work with data types, strings, and vectors 225

Functions for checking the value of a character

Function Description
islower(char) Returns true if the character is a lowercase letter.
isupper(char) Returns true if the character is an uppercase letter.
isalpha(char) Returns true if the character is a letter of the alphabet.
isdigit(char) Returns true if the character is a numeric digit (0. 7. 8. or 9).
isalnum(char) Returns true if the character is an alphanumeric character (a letter or a
isspace(char) Returns true if the character is a whitespace character such as a space, a tab
(\t). or a newline (\n) character.
ispunct(char) Returns true if the character is a punctuation character. This includes every
printable character that isn’t a letter, number, or whitespace.
isprint(char) Returns true if the character is a printable character. This includes the space
character, but not other whitespace characters.

How to check if a string starts with a lowercase letter

string name - "bjarne";
if (islower(name[0])) ( // if lowercase letter
name[0] - toupper(name[0]); // convert to uppercase

How to check if a string contains punctuation

string password = "super#Secret007";
bool contains_punctuation - false;
for (char c : password) { // loop through each char
if (ispunct(c)) ( // if char is number
contains_punctuation ■ true; // set variable to true
break; // exit loop

• C++ provides functions that you can use to get information about a character,
such as whether it is an upper- or lowercase letter, a number, punctuation, or
• These functions return an integer that corresponds to a true or false value. For
a true value, these functions return a non-zero number, typically 1. For a false
value, these functions return 0.

Figure 6-18 How to check characters within a string

226 Section 1 Essential skills for modern C++

The Create Account program

Figure 6-19 shows a Create Account program that prompts the user to enter
a full name and a password. To make sure the user enters a full name, this code
checks to make sure it contains a space. Then, it assumes that the first name is all
characters that lead up to the space character. In addition, this code checks that
the user enters a password that has at least 8 characters and includes a number as
well as a special punctuation character.
The code for this program starts by including the necessary header files, such
as the header file that contains the string class. Then, within the main() function,
the code defines variables to store the full name and the first name. It also defines
a bool variable named valid_name that’s initialized to false. This variable is
used by the while loop that follows to determine when the loop ends. Here, the
conditional expression for the while loop is coded like this:
That makes sense if you remember that a bool variable stores a true or false
value. In this case, the loop is executed until the variable is not false, or until it is
true. This conditional expression could also be coded like this:
valid_name !■ true
However, the first technique is more concise and more commonly used by
professional programmers.
In this case, the while loop continues until the user enters a full name that
includes a space. Within this loop, the first two statements get the full name from
the user. Then, a group of statements strips whitespace from the front of this
string. To do that, it uses the find_first_not_of() function to get the index of the
first character that isn’t a tab. newline, or space character. If the string starts with
whitespace, this code uses the substrQ function to strip the whitespace from the
After stripping the whitespace, this code continues by getting the first name
from the full name. To do that, it begins by using the find() function to find the
index of the first space character in the full name. If this function returns a value
of -1, it means that the string doesn’t contain a space. In that case, the code
displays a message that indicates that the user must enter a full name. Since this
if statement is the last statement in the loop, this causes program execution to
jump to the top of the loop, which gets another full name from the user.
If the find() function returns a value other than -1. that value is the index
of the first space character in the string. Then, this code uses that index with
the substrf) function to get the first name from the string. Finally, it sets the
valid_name flag to true to exit the loop.
As you review this code, note that it works correctly even if the user enters
one or more spaces at the beginning of the full name. In that case, the code strips
these spaces. That way, the find() function finds the first space that comes after
non-whitespace characters. At this point, the user could still enter only a first
name by entering a first name followed by a space. However, if you wanted,
you could prevent this by adding code that strips whitespace from the end of the
Chapter 6 How to work with data types, strings, and vectors 227

The console

The code
#include <iostream>
#include <string>

using namespace std;

int main()
cout << "Create Account\n\n";

// get full name and parse first name

string full_name;
string first_name;
bool valid_name - false;
while (!valid_name) (
cout « "Enter full name: ■;
getline(cin, full_name);

// strip whitespace from front

auto i ■ full_name.find_first_not_of (" \n\t");
if (i > -1) <
full_name ■ fullname.substr(i);

// get first name

auto space_index ■ full_name.find(' ');
if (space_index ■■ -1) (
cout << "You must enter your full name. Please try again.\n";
else (
first_name ■ fullname.substr(0, space_index);
valid_name ■ true;
cout << endl;

Figure 6-19 The Create Account program (part 1 of 2)

228 Section 1 Essential skills for modern C++

Part 2 of figure 6-19 begins by defining a string variable to store the

password and a bool variable named valid_password that's initialized to a value
of false. This Boolean flag is used to determine when the while loop that follows
ends. In this case, the loop continues until the valid_password flag is true, which
means that the user entered a valid password.
Within the loop, the first statement sets the Boolean flag to true. As a result,
the loop will exit unless some code later in the loop sets this flag to false.
The next two statements get the password entered by the user. Then, the if
statement that follows checks if the password has less than 8 characters. If it
does, this code displays a message that indicates that the password must be at
least eight characters and sets the valid_password flag to false. Otherwise, the if
statement doesn't execute any code. Either way, program execution continues on
to the rest of the code in the loop.
The next group of statements check if the password includes a number.
If not, this code displays an appropriate message and sets the valid_password
flag to false. Otherwise, the if statement doesn't execute any code. Either way,
program execution continues with the rest of the code in the loop.
The next group of statements checks to make sure the password includes
a special character. To do that, this code loops through each character in the
password and uses the ispunct() function to check if it’s a punctuation character.
If it is. the code sets the special_character flag to true and exits the for loop.
Then, it checks whether the special_character flag is false. If it is, the code
displays an appropriate message and sets the valid_password flag to false.
Otherwise, the if statement doesn’t execute any code. Either way, program
execution continues to the last if statement in the loop.
The last if statement checks the valid_password flag to determine if
the password is valid. If not, it displays a message that asks the user to try
again, and program execution continues at the top of the loop. Otherwise,
the valid_password flag is true, and program execution exits the loop and
continues on to the rest of the code.
After the loop that gets the password, this code makes sure that the first
name begins with an uppercase letter but uses lowercase letters for the rest of the
name. Here, the first statement gets the first letter (the one at index 0), and the
second statement uses the toupperf) function to convert the letter to uppercase.
Then, a for statement loops through the rest of the indexes starting at 1. Within
this loop, the tolowerf) function converts the letter at each index to lowercase.
Finally, the last statement displays a message that uses the name stored in
the first_name variable to thank the user for creating an account. As a result, this
message should display the user’s first name with an initial cap like “Grace” even
if the user entered “grace”, “GRACE”, or “gRaCe”.
As with most programs presented in this book, the Create Account program
leaves plenty of room for improvement. As mentioned earlier, you could add
code that strips whitespace from the end of the full name. That way, a first name
followed by a space would not be a valid full name. Or. you could add code that
prevents a user from entering a full name that starts with a number or a punctua­
tion character.
Chapter 6 How to work with data types, strings, and vectors 229

The code (continued)

// get the password
string password;
bool valid_password - false;
while (!valid_password) {
// set valid flag
valid_password ■ true;

// get password
cout « "Enter password: ■;
getline(cin, password);

// make sure password has at least 8 characters

if (password.length() < 8) {
cout << "Password must be at least 8 characters.\n";
valid_password ■ false;

// make sure password includes a number

auto index - password.find_first_of("0123456789") ;
if (index — -1) (
cout << "Password must include a number.\n";
valid_password ■ false;

// make sure password includes a special character

bool special_character ■ false;
for (char c : password) (
if (ispunct(c)) (
special_character ■ true;
break; // exit for loop
if (!special_character) {
cout << "Password must include a special character.\n";
valid_password ■ false;

// display message if password is not valid

if (!valid_password) (
cout << "Please try again.\n";
cout « endl;

// make sure first name uses initial cap and then lower case
char letter ■ first_name[0];
first_name[0] ■ toupper(letter);
for (int i - 1; i < first_name.length(); ++i) (
letter - first_name[i];
first_name[i] ■ tolower(letter);

// display welcome message

cout « "Hi " << first_name « ",\n"
<< "Thanks for creating an account!\n\n";

Figure 6-19 The Create Account program (part 2 of 2)

230 Section 1 Essential skills for modern C++

The Word Jumble program

Figure 6-20 shows the code for a Word Jumble program that illustrates some
of the skills presented in this chapter for working with vectors and strings. This
program lets the user guess the word from a jumble of letters. If unable to guess
the word, the user can enter “hint” to display the next letter of the word. Or. the
user can enter “exit” to exit the program.
The code for this program begins by including the necessary header files,
such as the header files that contain the vector and string classes. In addition, it
includes the cstdlib and ctime header files that contain the functions needed to get
a random number.
Within the main() function, the code defines and initializes a vector that
contains the possible words for the jumble. At this point, this list only contains
three words. However, it would be easy to modify this code so it included more
words. One way to do that would be to read a list of words from a file into the
Once the vector is ready, this code gets a random word from the vector. To do
that, it uses the time(), srand(), and rand() functions with the modulus operator
(*) to get a random integer that ranges from 0 to one less than the size of the
vector. In other words, it randomly picks a valid index for the vector. Then, this
code gets the word that corresponds to that index. (If you need to refresh your
memory on how to use the time(), srand(). and rand() functions and the modulus
operator to get a random number, please see figure 2-13 in chapter 2.)
After getting the word, the code jumbles the word. To do that, it starts by
defining a string variable to store the jumbled word and initializes it to the same
string that’s stored in the unjumbled word. It also defines an auto variable named
length to store the length of the word. Then, it executes a loop once for each
character in the word. To do that, it uses a counter variable named index 1 that
will be used to refer to the characters in the unjumbled word, starting with the
character at index 0.
Within the loop, the first statement gets a random number between 0 and one
less than the length of the word by using the modulus operator with the rand()
function and the length variable. The result is assigned to a second int variable
named index2 that will be used to get a second character from the word. Then,
this code swaps the two characters at the first and second indexes of the jumbled
word. To do that, the second statement gets the character at the first index of the
word and temporarily stores it in a variable named temp. The third statement gets
the character at the second index of the word and assigns it to the first index of
the word. And the fourth statement gets the original character from the first index,
which is currently in the temp variable, and moves it to the second index. When
this loop finishes, the characters in the word should be sufficiently jumbled.
Chapter 6 How to work with data types, strings, and vectors 231

The console
Let's Play Word Jumble!

Enter 'hint' for a hint.

Enter 'exit' to exit.

The jumble is...URITGA

Your guess: hint

Hint: G ___________

Your guess: hint

Hint: G U ________

Your guess: guitar

Congratulations! You guessed it.

The code
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <ctime>

using namespace std;

int main() (
cout « "Let's Play Word Jumble!\n"
« "\n"
« "Enter 'hint' for a hint.\n"
« "Enter 'exit' to exit.\n\n";

// define a vector of possible words

vector<string> words { "guitar", "violin", "tapestry" };

// get random word from vector

srand(time(nullptr) );
int index - rand() % words.size();
string word - words[index];

// jumble the word

string jumbled_word ■ word;
auto length - word.sizeO;
for (int indexl ■ 0; indexl < length; ++indexl) (
int index2 ■ rand() % length;
char temp ■ jumbled_word[indexl] ;
jumbled_word[indexl] - jumbled_word[index2];
jumbled_word[index2] - temp;

Figure 6-20 The Word Jumble program (part 1 of 2)

232 Section 1 Essential skills for modern C++

Part 2 of figure 6-20 begins by displaying the jumbled word in uppercase

characters. To do that, the code uses a range-based for loop to loop through each
character and convert it to uppercase. However, the toupper() function returns an
int value that corresponds to an ASCII character code. As a result, this code uses
a static cast to convert the int value to a char value.
After displaying the jumbled word, this code defines two variables. First,
it defines a variable that counts the number of hints that the user has requested.
Then, it defines a variable that stores the guess entered by the user. After that,
this code begins the main loop of the program.
Within this loop, the first three statements get the guess from the user and
discard any extra data in the console input stream. Then, this code checks if the
user guessed the word successfully. If so, the code prints a message of congratu­
lations and breaks out of the loop, which ends the program.
If the user enters “hint” instead of guessing the word, the code displays
a hint for the user. To do that, the code loops through the indexes for every
character in the string. Then, it checks if the index is less than the hint count. If
so, it displays the letter in uppercase followed by a space. Otherwise, it displays
an underscore character followed by a space. As a result, the first time the
user enters “hint”, this code displays the first letter of the word. For the word
“guitar”, this would display:

After displaying the hint, this code increments the variable that stores the count
of hints. That way. the next time the user enters “hint”, the program will display
another character in the word.
If the user enters “exit”, the code displays a message that indicates that the
program is ending. Then, it breaks out of the loop, which ends the program.
Finally, if the user doesn’t guess the word or enter “hint” or “exit”, the code
displays a message that indicates the guess was not correct. Then, program
execution jumps to the top of the loop, which prompts the user for another guess.
Chapter 6 How to work with data types, strings, and vectors 233

The code (continued)

// display the jumbled word in uppercase
cout « "The jumble is...";
for (char c : jumbled_word) {
cout << static_cast<char>(toupper(c) );
cout « "\n\n";

// loop until the user guesses the jumble or enters 'exit'

int hint_count - 1;
string guess ■ "";
while (true) {
cout << "Your guess: ";
cin » guess;
cin.ignore(1000, *\n'); // discard input up to end of line

if (guess ■■ word) (
cout « "Congratulations! You guessed it.\n\n";
else if (guess -- "hint") (
cout « "Hint: ";
for (int i - 0; i < word.length(); ++i) {
if (i < hint_count) (
cout << static_cast<char>(toupper(word(i))) << ' '
else <
cout « << ’ ';
cout « "\n\n";
else if (guess ■■ "exit") (
cout « "Bye! Let's play again soon.\n\n";
else (
cout « "Nope. Try again!\n\n";

Figure 6-20 The Word Jumble program (part 2 of 2)

234 Section 1 Essential skills for modern C+ +

Now that you’ve completed this chapter, you should be able to work with
any of the fundamental data types you need in your programs. In addition, you
should be able to use vectors and strings whenever you need them.
In this chapter, the Temperature Manager program uses two vectors to store
two columns of data for low and high temperatures. For now. this technique is
adequate. However, this technique gets unwieldy if you needed to store many
columns of data. Fortunately, C++ provides other ways to store and manipulate
a table of data, and you’ll learn more about how to do that starting in chapter 9.

fundamental data types promote data
built-in data types demote data
integers scope resolution operator
floating-point numbers integer overflow
significant digits integer underflow
single-precision number Standard Template Library (STL)
double-precision number containers
characters subscript operator
Boolean value index
scientific notation vector
ASCII character set element
variable out of bounds access
define a variable out of range access
initialize a variable initialization list
assignment operator range-based for loop
constant push an element
casting data string
type coercion substring
Chapter 6 How to work with data types, strings, and vectors 235

• C++ provides fundamental data types to store integers, floating-point
numbers, characters, and Boolean values.
• To express the value of a floating-point number, you can use scientific
• Variables store data that varies as a program runs. Constants store data that
remains constant as a program runs. You use the assignment operator to
assign values to variables and constants.
• If you perform assignment or arithmetic operations with different data
types. C++ automatically converts or casts the types using its rules of type
• When you use different data types in an expression. C++ automatically
promotes lower ranking data types to the next higher data type. When you
assign a value to a variable that has a lower ranking data type. C++ automati­
cally demotes the value to that data type. This can result in the loss of some
• When an integer variable is assigned a value that’s too big for its type, it will
overflow, or wrap around to the type’s minimum. When an integer variable
is assigned a value that’s too small for its type, it will underflow, or wrap
around to the type’s maximum.
• The Standard Template Library (STL) contains many data types in addition
to the fundamental data types. The STL types that contain collections of
other data types are often called containers.
• A vector contains a sequence of elements of the same data type. You can use
the subscript operator ([]) to access the elements of a vector.
• Out of bounds access occurs if your code specifies an index that’s outside
the range of valid indexes. Since out of bounds access leads to unexpected
results, you should always write your code to prevent it.
• A range-based for loop automatically iterates over every element in a vector
or string without having to specify a counter or use the subscript operator.
• A string contains a sequence of char values. You can think of a string as a
vector of characters.
236 Section 1 Essential skills for modern C+ +

Exercise 6-1 Store the values for future value

calculations in vectors
In this exercise, you’ll modify the Future Value program from chapter 4 so it
stores the values for each future value calculation in vectors and then displays
a table of those values when the program ends. When you’re done, a test run
should look something like this:

The Future Value Calculator

Enter monthly investment: 100

Enter yearly interest rate: 5
Enter number of years: 10
Future value: 15592.93

Continue? (y/n): y

Enter monthly investment: 150

Enter yearly interest rate: 5
Enter number of years: 10
Future value: 23389.39

Continue? (y/n): n

Monthly Yearly
investment rate Years Future Value
100.00 5.00 10 15592.93
150.00 5.00 10 23389.39

Open the program

1. Open the project or solution named future_value in this folder:
ex_s tart s\chO 6_exl_future_value
2. Review the code and then run the program to refresh your memory about how
it works.
Store the calculation values in vectors
3. Define four vectors that can be used to store the monthly investment, yearly
interest rate, years, and future value for each calculation. To do that, you’ll
need to include the vector header file.
4. After each future value calculation, add the current values for the monthly
investment, yearly interest rate, years, and future value to the end of the
corresponding vector.
5. When the user is done calculating future values, use a for loop to display
the values in the vectors as shown above. The floating-point values should
be displayed in fixed-point notation and rounded to two decimal places. The
result that’s displayed for each calculation should also be displayed in fixed-
point notation rounded to two decimal places.
Chapter 6 How to work with data types, strings, and vectors 237

Exercise 6-2 Enhance the Create Account

In this exercise, you’ll enhance the Create Account program so it accepts an
email address from the user and then checks to make sure it’s valid. When
you’re done, a test run should look something like this:

Create Account

Enter full name: grace hopper

Enter password: super#Secretl23

Enter email: grace@yahoo

The email must include a dot character (.).
The domain name of the email must have two or three characters.
Please try again.
Enter email: [email protected]
The domain name of the email must have two or three characters.
Please try again.
Enter email: [email protected]

Hi Grace,
Thanks for creating an account!

1. Open the project or solution named create_account in this folder:


2. Add a while loop that gets an email address until a valid address is entered.
You can pattern this loop after the loop that gets a valid password.
3. Within the while loop, start by checking that the email includes an at sign (@)
and a dot character (.).
4. If the email address includes an at sign and a dot character, check that the rest
of the characters in the address are alphanumeric, an at sign, a dot character,
an underscore (_), or a dash (-). To do that, you can use a range-based for
5. Check that there is at least one character before the at sign and the last dot
character and two or three characters after the dot character. To do that, you
can use the indexes for the at sign and the last dot character and the length of
the email address.
How to code functions
So far. the programs you’ve seen in this book have consisted of a single
function, the main() function. As your programs get longer and more complex,
though, you’ll need a way to break them down into manageable chunks of
reusable code. One way to do that is to code your own functions that can be
called by the main() function.
In this chapter, you’ll learn a variety of skills for declaring, defining, and
calling functions. In addition, you’ll learn how to organize your functions into
header files and namespaces. When you do that, you’ll be able to access these
functions from multiple programs just as you can the functions in the C++
standard library.

How to start coding your own functions........................... 240

How to define and call a function.................................................................. 240
The Miles Per Gallon program...................................................................... 242
How to declare a function.............................................................................. 244
When and how to use local and global variables......................................... 246
How to plan the functions of a program........................... 248
How to use a hierarchy chart......................................................................... 248
The Convert Temperatures program.......................................................... 250
More skills for coding functions....................................... 254
How to use default values for arguments..................................................... 254
How to overload a function............................................................................ 256
How to use reference variables as parameters.............................................. 258
How to use reference parameters to improve efficiency..............................259
The Temperature Manager program..............................................................262
How to work with header files and namespaces............. 270
How to create, implement, and use header files........................................... 270
How to define namespaces............................................................................. 272
A header for getting input from the console................................................. 274
The Future Value program............................................................................ 278
Perspective............................................................................ 282
240 Section 1 Essential skills for modern C+ +

How to start coding your own functions

A function is a named block of code that performs a task. Functions are
useful because they provide a way to divide the code for a program into shorter,
more manageable chunks of code. This makes your code easier to read, maintain,
reuse, test, and debug.

How to define and call a function

Figure 7-1 starts by showing the syntax for defining a function. To do that,
you code the data type that’s returned by the function. Or. if the function doesn't
return any data, you can code the void keyword. Then, you code a name for the
function, a set of parentheses, an optional list of parameters within the paren­
theses. and a set of braces. Within the braces, you can code one or more state­
ments that are executed when the function is called.
To call, or invoke, a function, you use the same syntax that you’ve been
using for calling functions from the standard library. That is, you code the
function name and a set of parentheses. Then, if the function requires one or
more arguments, you code the arguments in the same sequence as the parameters
that are defined by the function, and you use commas to separate the arguments.
For instance, since the function in the first example doesn't return any data,
you code the void keyword for its return type. And since it doesn't require any
arguments, you don’t code any parameters within its parentheses. As a result,
you call it by coding the name of the function followed by a set of parentheses.
The function in the second example defines one parameter. To do that, it
specifies a data type of string and a name of title. As a result, the statement that
calls it provides an argument that is a variable of type string. Then, the body of
the function displays that string on the console followed by a blank line.
The function in the third example defines two parameters and returns a
double value. Then, the body of the function divides the values of the two param­
eters. rounds the result of the calculation to 1 decimal place, and uses a return
statement to return the result to the calling statement. In this example, the calling
statement assigns the value that’s returned to a variable named mpg.
When you code a calling statement, the names that you use for the arguments
don’t have to be the same as the parameter names in the function definition. In
the third example, for instance, the calling statement passes arguments named
miles_driven and gallons_used. but the function defines parameters named miles
and gallons. However, the arguments in the calling statement must be in the same
sequence as the parameters in the function definition.
When you name a function, it’s a good practice to start the name with a verb.
In addition, the name should do a reasonable job of describing or implying what
the purpose of the function is. To do that, you can follow the verb with a noun or
an adjective followed by a noun. That makes it easier for you and other program­
mers to understand what your functions are doing.
Note that this book uses the term parameter when referring to a function
definition and the term argument when referring to calling statements. In
practice, programmers often use these terms interchangeably.
Chapter 7 How to code functions 241

The syntax for defining a function

return_type function_name([parameter_list]) {

A function that doesn’t accept arguments or return data

How to define it
void display_title() (
cout « "Miles Per Gallon Calculator" « endl « endl;
How to call it
display_title() ; // displays title

A function that accepts an argument but doesn’t return data

How to define it
void display_title(string title) {
cout « title << endl << endl;
How to call it
string title ■ "Miles Per Gallon Calculator";
display_title(title); // displays specified title

A function that accepts two arguments and returns a double value

How to define it
double calculate_mpg(double miles, double gallons) {
double mpg ■ miles I gallons;
mpg ■ round(mpg * 10) I 10; // round to 1 decimal place
return mpg;
How to call it
double miles_driven ■ 500.0;
double gallons_used - 14.0;
double mpg ■ calculate_mpg(miles_driven, gallonsused); // mpg ■ 35.7

• A function is a block of code that can be called by other statements.
• To define a function, code the function’s return type, name, a set of parentheses,
and a set of braces. Within the parentheses, you can code zero or more parameters,
separating parameters with commas. Within the braces, you can code one more
statements for the body of the function.
• To call, or invoke, a function, code the name of the function and a set of paren­
theses. Within the parentheses, code any arguments separated by commas. The
arguments must be in the same sequence as the parameters in the function.
• If a function uses the void keyword for its return type, it doesn’t return any
data. If a function specifies a return type, you must code a return statement that
returns data of the specified type to the calling code.
Figure 7-1 How to define and call a function
242 Section 1 Essential skills for modern C++

The Miles Per Gallon program

Figure 7-2 should give you a better idea of how to code a program that
consists of multiple functions. It shows a complete Miles Per Gallon program
after it has been divided into a display_title() function that displays the title of
the program, a calculate_mpg() function that calculates the miles per gallon, and
a main() function. Here, the program starts by defining the first two functions.
Then, it executes the main() function, which uses the first two functions.
The display_title() function doesn’t return any data or require any arguments.
It just contains a single statement that displays the title of the program followed
by a blank line.
The calculate_mpg() function returns a double value and requires two double
values as arguments. Then, the calling statement passes two arguments to it. In
this case, the names of the arguments in the calling statements are the same as
the names of the parameters in the function definition. Remember, though, that
these names don’t have to be the same. However, they have to be in the same
sequence as they are in the function definition.
The last statement in the calculate_mpg() function is a return statement that
returns the miles per gallon. This value is then stored in the mpg variable in the
main() function. After that, the main() function continues by displaying the value
stored in the mpg variable.
As you review this code, you might notice that using the display_title()
function makes the program longer and more complicated than it would be if you
just put its one line of code in the main() function. So, why would you want to
create a function like this one? The short answer is that you probably wouldn’t.
One advantage to this approach is that the name of the function clearly describes
what its code does. As a result, there’s no need to include comments to describe
the code within this function. Still, the code that displays the title is simple
enough that there’s not much need to describe it with comments anyway, so
there’s very little advantage to putting the title in its own function.
So. when does it make sense to code functions? For starters, it makes sense
to code a function whenever you notice that you are writing the same or similar
code in multiple locations in your program. For example, at the end of this
chapter, you’ll learn how to code a get_double() function to get a double value
from the user instead of writing very similar code in multiple places as it is in
this program. In programming, this is known as the Don't Repeat Yourself (DRY)
principle. When you do this, your code is easier to debug and maintain.
Beyond that, it makes sense to break your code down into functions
whenever it helps you organize your code in a way that makes it easier to under­
stand and maintain. For example, when you have nested loops, it often makes
sense to write a function for the inner loop. Because this reduces the depth of the
nesting, it often makes the code easier to understand and maintain.
Chapter 7 How to code functions 243

The console
Miles Per Gallon Calculator

Enter miles driven: 500

Enter gallons of gas used: 14
Miles per gallon: 35.7

The code
ftinclude <iostream>
#include <cmath>

using namespace std;

void display_title() {
cout << "Miles Per Gallon Calculator\n\n" ;

double calculate_mpg(double miles, double gallons) {

double mpg ■ miles I gallons;
mpg - round(mpg * 10) / 10; // round to 1 decimal place
return mpg;

int main() (

double miles;
cout « "Enter miles driven: ■;
cin >> miles;

double gallons;
cout << "Enter gallons of gas used: ■;
cin >> gallons;

double mpg ■ calculatempg(miles, gallons);

cout « "Miles per gallon: ■ « mpg << endl << endl;

return 0;

• The main() function can call other functions that are defined before it.

Figure 7-2 The Miles Per Gallon program

244 Section 1 Essential skills for modern C++

How to declare a function

In the Miles Per Gallon program in the previous figure, the code only works
because all functions used by the main() function are defined before the main()
function. For example, if you moved the display_title() function after the main()
function, the display_title() function wouldn’t be available to the main() function
because it would not yet be defined. However, if you declare a function before
the main() function as shown in figure 7-3, you can define the function after the
main() function.
There are two benefits to this approach. First, it makes it easy for you and
other programmers to see the functions that are available to the main() function,
along with their return types and parameters. Second, it allows you to code the
definitions for these functions after the main() function in any sequence that you
want. This allows you to organize your functions in a way that makes sense to
To declare a function, you code the function’s return type. name, and param­
eters followed by a semicolon. Although the parameter names are optional, you
should include them whenever they improve the readability of the code. In this
figure, for instance, the first example shows some possible ways to code the
display_title() and calculate_mpg() functions presented earlier in this chapter.
Here, the second calculate_mpg() function is easier to read than the first function
because the second function clearly shows that the first parameter specifies miles
and the second parameter specifies gallons.
Since a well-coded function declaration should describe what a function
does, it’s also known as a function prototype. In this figure, for instance, the
second example begins by coding two function prototypes. Then, the main()
function uses these function prototypes. Finally, the rest of the program provides
the code that defines the prototypes.
Chapter 7 How to code functions 245

The syntax for declaring a function

return_type function_name([parameter_list]);

Code that declares functions

void display_title();

void display_title(string); // no param name

void display_title(string title); // param name

double calculate_mpg (double, double); // no param names

double calculate_mpg(double miles, double gallons); // param names

Code that declares and defines two functions

ftinclude <iostream>
#include <cmath>

using namespace std;

// declare two functions

void display_title();
double calculate_mpg(double miles, double gallons);

int main() {
display_title() ; // call function 1

double miles ■ 500.0;

double gallons ■ 14.0;
double mpg ■ calculatempg(miles, gallons); // call function 2
cout « "Miles Per Gallon: ■ « mpg;

// define function 1
void display_title() {
cout « "Miles Per Gallon Calculator" « endl « endl;

// define function 2
double calculate_mpg(double miles, double gallons) {
double mpg ■ miles I gallons;
mpg - round(mpg * 10) / 10; // round to 1 decimal place
return mpg;

• To declare a function, you code the function’s return type. name, and param­
eters followed by a semicolon. In a declaration, the parameter names are
optional. However, they’re recommended because they improve the readability
of the code.
• A function that has been declared is also known as a function prototype.
• If you declare a function before the main() function, you can define a corre­
sponding function after the main() function.

Figure 7-3 How to declare a function

246 Section 1 Essential skills for modern C++

When and how to use local and global variables

Scope in a programming language refers to the visibility of variables. That
is, it tells you where in your program you can access the variables and functions
that you’ve defined.
In a C++ program, global variables are variables that are defined outside of
all functions. These variables have global scope so they can be accessed by any
function without passing them to that function. In contrast, local variables are
variables that are defined within functions. They have local scope, which means
that they can only be used within the functions that define them. In general,
it’s considered a good practice to avoid the use of global variables whenever
possible because they often lead to programming problems.
The examples in figure 7-4 show how this works. In the first example, tax is
a local variable in each of the two functions. As a result, the calc_tax() function
needs to return the tax variable to the main() function that calls it. The main()
function can’t refer to the tax variable in the calc_tax() function directly. This
is the preferred way to work with variables that are used by more than one
In the second example, though, tax is defined as a global variable. As a
result, the calc_tax() function can access the tax variable directly. In other
words, the calc_tax() function can change the same tax variable that’s used by
the main() function. Because of this, there’s no need for the calc_tax() function
to return the tax variable to the main() function. This makes the function less
modular and can make your code more difficult to understand and maintain. As
a result, it’s generally considered a best practice to avoid coding functions that
modify global variables.
In the third example, a local variable shadows a global variable. This
happens because the local variable has the same name as a global variable. Then,
the statements in the calc_tax() function refer to the local tax variable because
it's defined there. But the statements in the main() function refer to the global
variable. This can lead to debugging problems. As a result, it’s generally consid­
ered a best practice to avoid shadowing.
With few exceptions, it’s a best practice to use local variables and avoid the
use of global variables. This is illustrated by most of the programs in this book.
The last example shows how to use a global constant to store the tax rate.
Since it isn’t possible for any of the functions in a program to change the value
of a global constant, using a global constant rarely leads to debugging problems.
As a result, it’s considered an acceptable coding practice.
Chapter 7 How to code functions 247

Functions that use local variables

double calc_tax(double amount, double tax_rate) {
double tax = amount * tax_rate; // tax is a local variable
return tax; // return statement is necessary

int main() <

double tax = calc_tax(85.0, .05); // tax is a local variable
cout << "Tax: ■ « tax « endl; // tax is 4..25

A function that changes a global variable (not recommended)

double tax =0.0; // tax is a global variable

void calc_tax(double amount, double tax_rate) {

tax = amount * tax_rate; // change global variable

int main() {
calc_tax(85.0, .05);
cout « "Tax: ■ « tax « endl; // display global - tax is 4.25

A local variable that shadows a global variable (not recommended)

double tax =0.0; // tax is a global variable

double calc_tax(double amount, double tax_rate) {

double tax = amount * tax_rate; // tax is a local variable
cout « "Tax: ■ « tax « endl; // display local - tax is 4.25
return tax;

int main() {
calc_tax(85.0 , .05);
cout « "Tax: ■ « tax « endl; // display global - tax is 0.0

A function that uses a global constant (okay)

const double tax_rate =0.05; // tax_rate is a global constant

double calc_tax(double amount) {

double tax = amount * tax_rate; // OK to use global constant
return tax;

• A variable defined inside a function is known as a local variable. A variable
defined outside of all functions is known as a global variable.
• A local variable can only be used within the function that defines it. Global
variables can be used by all functions.
• When a local variable has the same name as a global variable, the local variable
shadows the global variable. In a function that defines the variable, all operations are
done on the local variable. Otherwise, all operations are done on the global variable.

Figure 7-4 When and how to use local and global variables
248 Section 1 Essential skills for modern C+ +

How to plan the functions of a program

As a program gets longer and requires more functions, it gets more difficult
to decide what the functions should be and how they should relate to each other.
To help you make those decisions, you can use a hierarchy chart to analyze and
plan the modules of the program.

How to use a hierarchy chart

Figure 7-5 shows how to plan the functions of a program by using a
hierarchy chart. Here, the hierarchy chart represents the five functions that are
used by the Convert Temperatures program presented in figure 7-6. This shows
that the main() function calls the display_menu() and convert_temp() functions.
In turn, the convert_temp() function calls the to_celsius() and to_fahrenheit()
If you compare the hierarchy chart in this figure with the code in the next
figure, you shouldn’t have much trouble understanding how a hierarchy chart
relates to the code. But. how do you to learn to create a chart like this for a new
program before the code is written? To do that, you can start with the main()
function because it’s always at the top level. Then, you ask yourself what
primary function or functions the main() function needs to call. In this figure,
that’s the convert_temp( ) function. Once you identify the primary function or
functions, you add them to the hierarchy chart.
After identifying the primary function or functions, you ask yourself what
functions, if any, need to be called before or after the primary function or
functions of the program. In this figure, that’s the display_menu() function that’s
called before the convert_temp() function. After you add those functions to the
chart, the first two levels are done: the top-level with the main() function and the
next level. Then, you continue this process for the next levels down, until you’ve
divided all of the functions into their component functions.
When you add a function to a chart, try to use a name that starts with a verb
and ends with a noun, perhaps with one adjective between the verb and noun.
That name should provide a good indication of what the function does. Later,
when you code the functions of the program, you can create the function names
by connecting the words on the flowchart with underscores, so “convert temp”
on your chart becomes convert_temp in your code.
In practice, programmers often draw hierarchy charts by hand and discard
them once the program has been coded and tested. Another alternative is to use
a hierarchy outline like the one in this figure, instead of a hierarchy chart. An
outline like this is a left-to-right view of the structure instead of a top-down view,
and it's easy to type into a text editor or word processor.
Chapter 7 How to code functions 249

A hierarchy chart for the Convert Temperatures program



A hierarchy outline for the same program

display menu
convert temp
to Celsius
to fahrenheit

How to build a hierarchy chart

• Start with a box for the main() function.
• At the next level put boxes for the functions that the main() function needs to
call. This usually includes the function that will control the main action of the
program, plus any functions that need to be done before or after that function.
• Continue down the levels by dividing the higher-level functions into their
component functions until there aren’t any more components.

Guidelines for creating hierarchy charts

• The names in a chart should start with a verb and give a good indication of
what the function does. Then, the names can easily be converted to function
• Each function should do everything that is related to the function name and
nothing more.

Figure 7-5 How to use a hierarchy chart

250 Section 1 Essential skills for modern C++

The Convert Temperatures program

Figure 7-6 shows a Convert Temperatures program that corresponds to the
hierarchy chart shown in the previous figure. Here, the user enters a 1 or a 2
to indicate what type of conversion should be done followed by the number of
degrees to be converted. Then, the program displays the result.
The code begins by declaring the four functions that are used by the
main() function. Here, you can see that the display_menu() and convert_temp()
functions don’t require any arguments or return any data. However, the
to_celsius() and to_fahrenheit() functions accept a double value and return a
double value.
Chapter 7 How to code functions 251

The console
Convert Temperatures

1. Fahrenheit to Celsius
2. Celsius to Fahrenheit

Enter a menu option: 1

Enter degrees Fahrenheit: 100
Degrees Celsius: 37.8
Convert another temperature? (y/n): y

Enter a menu option: 2

Enter degrees Celsius: 0
Degrees Fahrenheit: 32
Convert another temperature? (y/n): n


The code
tinclude <iostream>
tinclude <cmath>

using namespace std;

// declare functions
void display_menu();
void convert_temp();
double to_celsius(double fahrenheit);
double to_fahrenheit(double Celsius);

int main() {

cout « "Convert Temperatures\n\n" ;

char again - 'y';
while (again -- 'y') (

cout << "Convert another temperature? (y/n): ";

cin >> again;
cout << endl;
cout « "Bye!\n";

// define functions
void display_menu() {
cout « "MENU\n"
« "1. Fahrenheit to Celsius\n"
« "2. Celsius to Fahrenheit\n\n";

Figure 7-6 The Convert Temperatures program (part 1 of 2)

252 Section 1 Essential skills for modern C++

When organizing your code, you can put the function definitions in any
sequence that makes sense to you. This program organizes the functions by
putting them in the sequence in which they’re called. To start, the main()
function is called first. As a result, this code places it before the definitions
for the other functions. Since the main() function calls the display_menu()
function followed by the convert_temp( ) function, that’s the sequence in which
they’re coded. And since the convert_temp( ) function calls the to_celsius() and
to_fahrenheit() functions, they appear after the convert_temp() function.
Chapter 7 How to code functions 253

The code (continued)

void convert_temp() {
int option;
cout « "Enter a menu option:
cin >> option;

double f - 0.0;
double c - 0.0;
switch (option) {
case 1:
cout << "Enter degrees Fahrenheit: ";
cin >> f;

c ■ to_celsius(f);
c ■ round(c * 10) I 10;

cout << "Degrees Celsius: " << c << endl;

case 2:
cout << "Enter degrees Celsius: ";
cin >> c;

f ■ to_fahrenheit(c);
f ■ round(f * 10) I 10;

cout << "Degrees Fahrenheit: ■<<£<< endl;

cout << "You must enter a valid menu number.\n";

double to_celsius(double fahrenheit) {

double Celsius ■ (fahrenheit - 32.0) * 5.0 / 9.0;
return celsius;

double to_fahrenheit(double Celsius) {

double fahrenheit - Celsius * 9.0 / 5.0 ♦ 32.0;
return fahrenheit;

Figure 7-6 The Convert Temperatures program (part 2 of 2)

254 Section 1 Essential skills for modern C+ +

More skills for coding functions

Now that you’ve learned the basics of coding functions and planning the
functions of a program, you’re ready to learn more skills for coding functions.

How to use default values for arguments

When you define a function, you can assign default values to one or more of
the parameters. To do that, you code the data type and name for the parameter,
the assignment operator (■), and the default value for the argument as shown by
the first example in figure 7-7. In this function, the second and third parameters
assign default values. When you assign default values, though, you need to
code the parameters with default values after any parameters that don’t provide
default values.
When a parameter has a default value, you don’t have to code an argument
for that parameter when you call the function. Then, the function uses the default
value for the parameter. However, if you do code the argument in the calling
statement, the argument you pass to the function overrides the default value for
the parameter. For instance, the second example shows three ways to call the
calculate_future_value() function defined in the first example. Here, the first
statement uses both default values, the second statement only uses one default
value, and the third statement overrides both default values.
When you code both a function declaration and a function definition, you
can’t assign a default value in both the declaration and the definition. If you do,
you’ll get a compile-time error. In this figure, for instance, the third example
uses the function declaration to specify the default values, and the corresponding
function definition doesn’t specify any default values. Since this approach allows
other programmers to understand how to use a function by looking at its declara­
tion. many programmers consider this a good practice. However, this is largely
a matter of personal preference, and it’s perfectly acceptable to code the default
values in the function definition.
Chapter 7 How to code functions 255

A function definition that has two default values

double calculate_future_value(double monthly_investment,
double yearly_interest_rate ■ 3.0, int years =10) {

// convert yearly values to monthly values

double monthly_rate = yearly_interest_rate / 12 / 100;
int months = years * 12;

// calculate future value

double future_value = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < months; ++i) (
future_value = (future_value + monthly_investment) *
(1 + monthly_rate);

return future_value;

How to call the function with default values

double fvl = calculate_future_value(100.0); // fvl = 14009.1
double fv2 = calculate_future_value(100.0, 4.0); // fv2 = 14774.1
double fv3 = calculate_future_value(100.0, 4.0, 11); // fv3 = 16602.3

A function declaration that has two default values

// function declaration
double calculate_future_value(double monthly_investment,
double yearly_interest_rate = 3.0, int years = 10);

// corresponding function definition

double calculate_future_value(double monthly_investment,
double yearly_interest_rate, int years) {
// function code goes here

• You can specify a default value for any argument in a function declaration or
definition by assigning a value to the argument. However, the arguments with
default values must be coded last in the function declaration or definition.
• When you call a function, any arguments that have default values are optional,
but you can override the default value for an argument by supplying that
• You can’t assign a default value in both a declaration and a definition. If you
do, you’ll get a compile-time error.

Figure 7-7 How to use default values for arguments

256 Section 1 Essential skills for modern C++

How to overload a function

When you create two or more functions with the same name but with
different parameter lists, the functions are overloaded. Then, when you call that
function in your code, C++ calls the version of the function that has parameters
that match the arguments in the calling code.
When you code a function, the function name plus the number of parameters
and the data type for each parameter form the signature of the function. You can
code more than one function with the same name as long as each function has a
unique signature. For example, all three to_celsius() functions in figure 7-8 have
different signatures.
For a function signature to be unique, the function must have a different
number of parameters than the other functions with the same name, or at least
one of the parameters must have a different data type. However, the names of
the parameters aren’t part of the signature. So using different parameter names
isn’t enough to make the signatures unique. Also, the return type isn’t part of the
signature. As a result, you can’t create two functions with the same name and
parameters but different return types.
One purpose of overloading is to allow a function to work with different data
types. For example, the first function in this figure works with a double value,
and the second works with an int value. Here, the second function rounds the
result of the conversion to 0 decimal places, automatically converts that result
from a double value to an int value, and returns that int value.
Another purpose of overloading is to allow a function to provide additional
parameters that enhance its functionality. For example, like the first function, the
third function converts a double value from Fahrenheit to Celsius. However, the
third function includes a second parameter that allows the calling code to specify
the number of decimal places for rounding.
Within the third function, the first statement calls the first to_celsius()
function to convert the parameter value from Fahrenheit to Celsius. Although
this function could have used the same code as the first to_celsius() function
to perform this conversion, calling the first function prevents code duplication,
which makes your code easier to maintain.
When you refer to an overloaded function, the number of arguments you
specify and their data types determine which version of the function is executed.
In this figure, the three statements that call the to_celsius() function show
how this works. Since the first statement provides a single double value as an
argument, it calls the first version of the to_celsius() function. Since the second
statement provides a double value and an int value of 2, it calls the third version
and rounds the result to 2 decimal places. And since the third statement specifies
a single int value, it calls the second version and returns an int value.
Chapter 7 How to code functions 257

An overloaded to_celsius() function

For double values
double to_celsius(double fahrenheit) {
double Celsius ■ (fahrenheit - 32.0) * 5.0 I 9.0;
return Celsius;
For int values
int to_celsius(int fahrenheit) {
double Celsius ■ (fahrenheit - 32) * 5.0 / 9.0;
Celsius - round(Celsius);
return Celsius;
For double values with rounding
double to_celsius(double fahrenheit, int decimal_places) {
double Celsius ■ to_celsius(fahrenheit);
if (decimal_places > 0) (
int multiplier - 1;
for (int i ■ 0; i < decimal_places; ++i)
multiplier *■ 10; // add a zero each time through the loop
Celsius - round(Celsius * multiplier) I multiplier;
return Celsius;

Code that calls these functions

double d ■ 120.0;
cout < < d << " Fahrenheit ■ " << to_celsius(d) << " Celsius\n";
cout < < d << " Fahrenheit ■ " « to_celsius(d. 2) « ■ Celsius\n'

int i ■ 120;
cout < < i « ■ Fahrenheit ■ " « to_celsius(i) << " Celsius\n";
The console
120 Fahrenheit - 48.8889 Celsius
120 Fahrenheit - 48.89 Celsius
120 Fahrenheit - 49 Celsius

• When you create two or more functions with the same name but different param­
eter lists, the functions are overloaded.
• When you code a function, the function name plus the number of parameters
and the data type for each parameter form the signature of the function. Each
overloaded function must have a unique signature.
• When overloading functions, the parameter names aren’t part of the signature,
and the return type isn’t part of the signature. As a result, for a function signature
to be unique, the function must have a different number of parameters, or at least
one of the parameters must have a different data type.

Figure 7-8 How to overload a function

258 Section 1 Essential skills for modern C++

How to use reference variables as parameters

So far in this book, you have learned to use a variable to store a copy of a
value in memory. This type of variable is known as a value variable. Now, figure
7-9 shows how to work with a variable that refers to a value that already exists
in memory. This type of variable is known as a reference variable, and it allows
multiple variables to work with the same value.
The first example compares how assignment statements work with value
variables and reference variables. With value variables, the assignment statement
makes a copy of the double value. As a result, the third statement changes the
double value that’s stored in the variable named pl. but not the double value
that’s stored in the variable named p2.
With reference variables, the assignment statement does not store a copy
of the value. Instead, it causes both variables to refer to the same value. As a
result, when the third statement uses the variable named pl to change the double
value, this change is also reflected in the variable named p2. That’s because both
variables refer to the same value. As a result, if you have multiple variables that
refer to the same value, you need to be careful about changing its data.
When coding functions, it’s common to use reference variables as param­
eters. This can improve the efficiency of your code, especially if the function
uses a parameter to work with a large amount of data. However, this can also
make your code more difficult to understand and maintain. As a result, it often
makes sense to avoid this technique.
The second example compares how the parameters of a function work with
value variables and reference variables. This example uses a function named
increase_price() that increases the price by 10%. With a value variable, the price
parameter stores a copy of the double value. Then, the first statement increases
the price parameter by 10%. However, this doesn’t change the price in the
calling code. As a result, the second statement returns the price to the calling
code so it can access the new price.
With a reference variable, the price parameter refers to the same double
value as the calling code. As a result, this function doesn't need to return the
double value to the calling code. Instead, changing the value of the price param­
eter also changes the value of the price variable in the calling code.
The third example shows the code that calls the functions in the second
example. If the increase_price() function uses a value parameter, the code that
calls it must assign the return value to the variable named price if it wants to
change that variable. However, if the increase_price() function uses a reference
parameter, the function increases the price that’s stored in the calling code. As a
result, there’s no need for an assignment statement.
Most of the time, you can write your code without thinking too much about
the differences between value variables and reference variables. Occasionally,
though, you do need to be aware of these differences. For example, you may
want to use reference variables to improve efficiency as shown in the next figure.
Chapter 7 How to code functions 259

How reference variables work

Code that uses value variables
double pl ■ 54.50;
double p2 ■ pl; // pl and p2 store copies of 54.50
pl ■ 57.50; // only changes pl
Code that uses a reference variable
double pl ■ 54.50;
doubles p2 ■ pl; // p2 references the value stored by pl
pl - 57.50; // changes pl and p2
Another way to declare a reference variable
double &p2 ■ pl; // p2 references the value stored by pl

How reference parameters work

Code that uses a value parameter
double increase_price(double price) (
price ■ price * 1.1; // does not change price in calling code
return price; // returns changed price to calling code
Code that uses a reference parameter
void increase_price(doubles price) {
// the price parameter refers to the price in calling code
price ■ price * 1.1; // changes price in calling code

How function calls work

For value parameters
double price - 54.50;
price - increase_price(price); // assignment necessary
For reference parameters
double price - 54.50;
increase_price(price); // assignment not necessary

• A value variable always stores its own copy of the value. As a result, changing
the value for one value variable doesn’t change the value of any other value
• A reference variable stores a reference to the value. This allows multiple refer­
ence variables to refer to the same value. As a result, changing the value for one
reference variable also changes the value for any other variables that refer to that
• To define a variable as a reference variable, code the & symbol immediately after
its data type or immediately before its name.

Figure 7-9 How to use reference variables as parameters

260 Section 1 Essential skills for modern C++

How to use reference parameters

to improve efficiency
If a parameter may contain a large amount of data, you can improve the
efficiency of the function by declaring the parameter as a reference variable.
That way, the function can refer to the same data as the calling code and doesn’t
need to make a copy of that data.
For instance, figure 7-10 begins by showing a function named tolowerf) that
converts a string to lowercase. To do that, this code declares a reference param­
eter for the string. Then, it uses a reference variable with a range-based for loop
to change each character in the string to lowercase. Since this modifies the string
in the calling code, the function doesn’t return a value, and the calling code
doesn’t need to use an assignment statement.
While this tolowerO function runs efficiently, some programmers would
consider it bad design to allow the function to modify the string value that’s
referred to by the calling code. Another option would be to use a value param­
eter like this:
string tolower(string str) {
string str_lower ■
for (char c : str) (
str_lower tolower(c);
return str_lower;
Then, the calling code would need to use an assignment statement like this:
name - tolower(name);
This doesn’t run as efficiently, but it should work efficiently enough for most
programs, especially if the strings being converted aren’t too large. In addition,
this makes the tolowerf) function more modular and flexible since it doesn’t
modify data in the calling function.
If your function doesn't change the value of a parameter, you can improve
its efficiency without any downside by using a reference parameter. In that case,
you should also use the const keyword to declare the parameter as a constant.
That way, other programmers can easily see that the function doesn’t modify the
reference parameter. As an added bonus, you can be sure that you won’t acciden­
tally write code that modifies this parameter.
To illustrate, the second example shows a function named iequalsQ that
performs a case-insensitive comparison of two strings. Here, the parameters for
both strings have been declared as constant reference parameters so the code
can’t modify these strings. Within the function, the code begins by checking
whether the two strings contain the same number of characters. If not. the two
strings can’t be equal, so the code returns a false value, which exits the function.
Otherwise, the code continues by looping through each character in the two
strings. Then, it checks whether the lowercase version of each character is equal.
If not. the loop returns a false value, which exits the function. However, if all
of these comparisons are equal, the loop ends, and the statement after the loop
returns a true value to indicate that the two strings are equal.
Chapter 7 How to code functions 261

A function that converts a string to lowercase

A function that changes the value of a reference parameter
void tolower(string& str) {
for (chart c : str) {
c ■ tolower(c);
Code that calls the function
string name ■ "Bjarne";
cout << name << endl;
The console

A function that performs a case-insensitive comparison of two strings

A function that uses constant reference parameters
bool iequals(const strings strl, const stringt str2) (
if (strl.size() !■ str2.size()) {
return false;

for (int i = 0; i < strl.size(); ++i) (

if (tolower(strl[i]) !■ tolower(str2[i])) {
return false;
return true;
Code that calls the function
string namel - "Bjarne";
string name 2 - "bjarne";
if (iequals(namel, name2))
cout « namel << " equals " « name2 << ■ (case-insensitive)\n";
cout « namel << " does NOT equal " « name2 << endl;
The console
Bjarne equals bjarne (case-insensitive)

• If a parameter may contain a large amount of data, you can improve the
efficiency of the function by declaring the parameter as a reference parameter.
That way, the function doesn’t need to make a copy of the data that’s passed to
the parameter.
• If you don’t want to allow the function to change the reference parameter, you
can declare it as a constant.
• You can use the return statement to exit a function at any point in the function.
Figure 7-10 Examples that use reference parameters
262 Section 1 Essential skills for modern C++

The Temperature Manager program

Part 1 of figure 7-11 shows a Temperature Manager program that uses
functions to organize its code. To start, this program defines a const to store the
filename of the text file that stores the temperature data for this program.
After defining the filename, this code declares the functions used by this
program. First, it declares a general-purpose function named get_char(). This
function provides a way to get a character from the console. Its only argument is
the prompt that’s displayed to the user before getting the character from the user.
Next, this code declares two functions for working with file I/O. First, the
load_temps() function reads the temperatures from the file for the program and
loads the low and high temperatures into the vectors for storing the low and
high temperatures. Since this function needs to modify these vectors, it declares
them as reference parameters. Second, the save_temps() function writes the
temperatures from the low and high vectors to the file for the program. Since
this function doesn’t need to modify these vectors, it declares them as constant
reference parameters.
Finally, this code declares four functions for console I/O. First, it declares
the display_menu() function that displays the menu of commands. Second, it
declares the view_temps() function that displays the temperatures on the console.
Third, it declares the add_temps() function that allows the user to add the low
and high temperatures for a day. Fourth, it declares the remove_temps() function
that allows the user to remove the temperatures for a day.
Of these functions, the last three accept the vectors of low and high tempera­
tures as their arguments. All three of these functions declare the arguments as
reference parameters. However, since the view_temps() function doesn’t need to
modify these vectors, it declares them as constant reference parameters.
Chapter 7 How to code functions 263

The console
The Temperature Manager program

v - View temperatures
a - Add temperatures
r - Remove temperatures
x - Exit

Command: v
Day Low High

1 57.2 78.3
2 54.3 75.9
3 55.8 77.0

Command: a
Enter low temp: 53.1
Enter high temp: 74.7
Your temperatures have been added.

Command: r
Enter day to remove: 3
Temps for day 3 have been removed.

Command: x

The code
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <fstream>
#include <string>
#include <limits>
#include <vector>

using namespace std;

const string filename ■ "temps.txt";

// General purpose function

char get_char(string prompt);

// Functions for file I/O

void load_temps(vector<double>& low, vector<double>& high);
void save_temps(const vector<double>& low, const vector<double>& high);

// Functions for console I/O

void display_menu();
void view_temps(const vector<double>& low, const vector<double>& high);
void add_temps(vector<double>& low, vector<double>& high);
void remove_temps(vector<double>& low, vector<double>& high);

Figure 7-11 The Temperature Manager program (part 1 of 4)

264 Section 1 Essential skills for modern C++

After declaring the functions, the main() function shown in part 2 of figure
7-11 provides the code that’s executed when the user starts the program. First,
this code displays the title of the program. Then, it uses the display_menu()
function to display the menu of commands that are available to the user. Next, it
defines the vectors for the low and high temperatures and loads the temperatures
from the text file for this program into the vectors by calling the load_temps()
function and passing the vectors.
After loading the data from the file, this program begins a while loop that
continues until the user enters ‘x’ to exit the program. This loop begins by
getting a command from the user. Then, it uses a switch statement to execute
the appropriate command. If the user enters V, ‘a’, or ‘r’. the code executes the
view_temps(), add_temps(), or remove_temps() functions by passing the vectors
that store the low and high temperatures to the appropriate function. If the user
enters ‘x’, the code displays a message that says “Bye!” and exits the loop.
Otherwise, this code displays a message that indicates that the command was
invalid and uses the display_menu() function to display the list of commands
After the main() function, this code defines the get_char() function that gets
a character from the user. To start, this function defines a char variable named
choice. Then, it displays the prompt argument on the console. Next, it gets the
character entered by the user and stores it in the char variable. Finally, it discards
any other data that the user may have entered and returns the character to the
calling code.
Chapter 7 How to code functions 265

The code (continued)

int main()
cout << "The Temperature Manager program\n\n" ;


// get temps from file

vector<double> low_temps, high_temps;
load_temps(low_temps, high_temps);

char command ■ ' v' ;

while (command !■ 'x') {
// get command from user
command - get_char("Command: ");

// execute appropriate command

switch (tolower(command)) {
case 'v':
view_temps(low_temps, high_temps);
case 'a*:
add_temps(low_temps, high_temps);
case 'r':
remove_temps(low_temps, high_temps);
break ;
case 'x':
cout << "Bye!\n\n";
break ;
cout << "Invalid command. Try again.\n\n";
break ;

char get_char(string prompt) {

char choice;
cout << prompt;
cin >> choice;

cin.ignore(10000, '\n');
return choice;

Figure 7-11 The Temperature Manager program (part 2 of 4)

266 Section 1 Essential skills for modern C++

The load_temps() function in part 3 of figure 7-11 loads two vectors of

double values, one for the low temperatures stored by the program, and one for
the high temperatures. Since these vectors could potentially be very large and
use a large amount of memory, this function defines them as reference param­
eters. That way, the code doesn’t make a copy of these vectors, which improves
To start, the load_temps() function defines double values for low and high
temperatures. Then, it attempts to open the input file. If this is successful, the
code reads the data for the low and high temperatures from the file and stores
them in the appropriate vector. When the loop is done, this code closes the file.
Since this function defines the vector parameters as reference variables, this
code doesn’t need to return these vectors to the calling code. Instead, it can just
add the data to these vectors, and it will also be available to the calling code.
The save_temps() function also defines two vectors as its parameters, one
for low temperatures and one for high temperatures. Like the load_temps()
function, these vectors are defined as reference parameters. Also, since this code
doesn’t need to change these vectors, this code defines them as constants.
Within the save_temps() function, the first two lines open the output file.
Then, this code executes a loop that provides an index for each element of each
vector. Within this loop, the code writes each low and high temperature to a
line in the file, separating the low and high temperatures for each day with a tab
After defining the functions for working with file I/O. this code defines some
functions for working with console I/O. To start, it defines the display_menu()
function that displays the menu of the four commands for using this program.
The next three functions correspond to the commands that are available to
the user. The view_temps() function provides the code that’s executed when the
user enters ‘v’ to select the view temperatures command. This function accepts
two vectors, one for low temperatures and one for high temperatures. Like the
save_temps() function, this function defines these vectors as constant reference
parameters to improve efficiency.
Chapter 7 How to code functions 267

The code (continued)

void load_temps(vector<double>& low_temps,
vector<double>& high_temps) {
double low, high;
ifstream input_file(filename);
if (input_file) {
while (input_file >> low >> high) {

void save_temps(const vector<double>& low_temps,

const vector<double>& high_temps) {
ofstream output_file (filename);
for (int i ■ 0; i < low_temps.size(); ++i) {
output_file « low_temps[i] « '\t' « high_temps[i] « '\n';
output_f ile.close();

void display_menu() {
cout « "COMMANDS\n"
<< "v - View temperatures\n"
<< "a - Add temperatures\n"
<< "r - Remove temperatures\n"
« "x - Exit\n\n";

void view_temps(const vector<double>& low_temps,

const vector<double>& high_temps) {
« left << setw(4) « "Day"
« right << setw(8) << "Low" « setw(8) « "High" « endl
« ■_----------------------------------- " « endl;

cout << fixed << setprecision(l);

int day_num ■ 1;
double low, high;
for (int i ■ 0; i < low_temps.size(); ++i) {
low ■ low_temps[i];
high ■ high_temps[i];
cout << left << setw(4) << day_num
<< right « setw(8) « low « setw(8) « high « '\n';
cout « endl;

Figure 7-11 The Temperature Manager program (part 3 of 4)

268 Section 1 Essential skills for modern C++

The add_temps() function in part 4 of figure 7-11 provides the code that’s
executed when the user enters ‘a’ to select the add temperatures command.
This function accepts two vectors, one for low temperatures and one for high
temperatures. To improve efficiency, this function defines these vectors as
reference parameters. However, since this function needs to modify these vectors
by adding an element to each of them, it doesn’t declare these parameters as
Within the add_temps() function, the code begins by getting the low and high
temperatures from the user. Then, it uses the push_back() function to add these
temperatures to the end of the vectors for the low and high temperatures. Next,
it saves this data to the file by calling the save_temps() function and passing
both vectors to that function. Finally, it displays a message that indicates that the
temperatures have been added.
The remove_temps() function provides the code that’s executed when the
user enters ‘r’ to select the remove temperatures command. This function works
much like the add_temps() function. However, it includes some range checking
to prevent out of bounds access with either of the vectors. To start, this code
converts the day that’s entered by the user to an index that corresponds to an
element in the vector. To do that, it subtracts 1 from the day. Then, it checks if
the index is greater than or equal to 0 and less than the size of the vector of high
temperatures. If it is, the index is within a valid range for both vectors. As a
result, the code continues by using the erase() function to remove the tempera­
ture for the specified day from both vectors. Then, it saves this data to the file
by calling the save_temps() function. However, if the index isn’t valid, this code
displays a message that indicates that the day was not valid.
As you review this code, note that it separates the code for the file I/O from
the code for the console I/O. In other words, it separates the code that works
with the data in the file from the code that works with the user interface. That’s
generally considered a good design practice because it allows you to change the
user interface without having to change the data access code. For example, if
you later need to change the user interface from a console program to a graphical
user interface (GUI), you could still use the same file I/O code.
In addition, this design leads to code that's more reusable. For example, both
the add_temps() and remove_temps() functions call the save_temps() function to
save any changes to the data immediately after the data has been changed. That
way, the user won’t lose that data even if the program crashes after executing
these functions.
Similarly, the main() function calls the display_menu() function in two
places. First, it displays the commands when the program starts. In addition,
it displays the commands if the user enters an invalid command. That way, if
a user enters an invalid command, the program shows the user the list of valid
commands to choose from.
Chapter 7 How to code functions 269

The code (continued)

void add_temps(vector<double>& low_temps,
vector<double>& high_temps) (
double low, high;

cout « "Enter low temp:

cin >> low;

cout << "Enter high temp: ";

cin >> high;

low_temps.push_back(low); // modifies reference param

high_temps.push_back(high); // modifies reference param
save_temps(low_temps, high_temps);
cout << "Your temperatures have been added.\n\n";

void remove_temps(vector<double>& low_temps,

vector<double>& high_temps) {
int day;
cout << "Enter day to remove: ■;
cin >> day;

int index - day - 1;

if (index >■ 0 && index < high_temps.size()) {
// modify reference params
high_temps.erase(high_temps.begin() + index);
low_temps.erase(low_temps.begin() + index);
save_temps(low_temps, high_temps );
cout << "Temps for day " << day « " have been removed.\n\n";
else <
cout << "Unable to remove day ■ « day << ". Invalid day.\n\n";

Figure 7-11 The Temperature Manager program (part 4 of 4)

270 Section 1 Essential skills for modern C+ +

How to work with header files

and namespaces
As you get better at coding functions, you will eventually code some
functions that you will want to use in multiple programs. To do that, you can
store the functions that you want to reuse in separate files called header files.
This also has the benefit of allowing you to divide a single source code file that’s
long and unwieldy into smaller source code files that are easier to manage.

How to create, implement, and use header files

Figure 7-12 begins by showing how to create a header file. To start, you can
use your IDE to create a file with an extension of .h such as the temperature.h
file shown in this figure. Then, you can add code like the code in the first
example. Here, the header file stores the declarations for the to_celsius() and
to_fahrenheit() functions. Since these declarations provide the interface for using
the header file, a header file is also known as an interface file.
To prevent the compiler from including the same header file twice, headers
typically use the #ifndef. #define. and #endif preprocessor directives to define
an include guard. For this to work correctly, the header file must define a unique
name for the header file such as MURACH_TEMPERATURE_H. Here the
#ifndef (if not defined) directive checks if the specified constant has not been
defined. In that case, the #def (define) directive defines this constant and the two
function declarations are included. However, if this constant has already been
defined, execution skips to the #endif directive and the two functions declara­
tions are not included.
When you create a header file, you should not define any constants,
variables, or functions. That's because the header file only supplies the interface,
not the implementation. In addition, you should not code using directives or
declarations. That’s because you don’t want members of other header files to be
included when you include a header file.
Once you’ve defined the header file, you need to provide a file that
contains the source code that implements the header file. This file is known as
the implementation file. To do that, you can start by using your IDE to create a
file with an extension of .cpp such as temperature.cpp file. Then, you add the
code that implements the interface. In this figure, the implementation file just
provides the definitions for the two functions declared by the header file. By
convention, the implementation file has the same name as the header file. In
other words, the filenames are the same, but the extensions are different.
When you’re ready to use a header file that you’ve created, you use an
#include directive to specify the header file that contains the functions. To do
that, the #include directive must enclose the name of the header file in double
quotes. In this figure, for example, the main.cpp file includes the temperature.h
header file. As a result, the code in the main.cpp file can use the functions
declared in the temperature.h file and defined in the temperature.cpp file.
Chapter 7 How to code functions 271

The header file named temperature.h

tifndef MURACHTEMPERATURE—H // include guard - if not defined
#define MURACH_TEMPERATURE_H // define

// declare functions
double to_celsius(double fahrenheit);
double to_fahrenheit(double Celsius);

#endif // end include guard

The implementation file named temperature.cpp

// define functions
double to_celsius(double fahrenheit) {
double Celsius - (fahrenheit - 32.0) * 5.0 / 9.0;
return celsius;

double to_fahrenheit(double Celsius) {

double fahrenheit - Celsius * 9.0 / 5.0 ♦ 32.0;
return fahrenheit;

The main.cpp file that uses these functions

#include <iostream>
#include "temperature.h"

using namespace std;

int main() {
double c - to_celsius(32);
cout « "Celsius: ■ « c << endl;

double f - to_fahrenheit (0);

cout « "Fahrenheit: " « f « endl;

A header file should not include

• Any definitions of constants, variables, or functions
• Using directives or declarations

• You can organize functions by storing them in separate files. To do that, you
can store the function declarations in a header file, also known as an interface
file, and you can store the function definitions in an implementation file.
• To prevent the compiler from including the same header twice, headers
typically use the #ifndef. #define. and #endif preprocessor directives to define
an include guard.
• To use a header that you’ve defined, you must use an #include directive that
encloses the name of the header file in double quotes, not in angle brackets.
This indicates that the header file is in the working director)', not the include
directory that contains the header files from the C++ standard library.

Figure 7-12 How to create, implement, and use header files

272 Section 1 Essential skills for modern C++

How to define namespaces

When you write code that’s going to be used by multiple programs, it’s
important to avoid naming conflicts. For example, you need to make sure that a
function that you define doesn’t have the same name as a function that another
programmer has defined. Fortunately, you can use namespaces to organize
your code to avoid naming conflicts. Then, the functions defined within the
namespace have namespace scope.
Figure 7-13 shows how to define a namespace for the two functions of the
temperature header described in the previous figure. The first example shows
how to store the declarations for the two functions in this header in the tempera­
ture namespace. Here, the namespace keyword specifies a name of temperature
for the namespace. Then, the braces surround the two functions.
The second example shows the definitions for the functions that are declared
in the header file. Just as they are in the header file, the functions in this file are
coded within the temperature namespace.
Once you’ve put functions in a namespace, you can use any of the
techniques described in chapter 2 to identify the members of the namespace. For
instance, the third example uses a using directive to make all functions in the
temperature namespace available to the code. As a result, this code can call the
to_celsius() function without identifying the namespace.
On the other hand, the fourth example doesn’t include a using directive
for the namespace. Instead, it uses the fully qualified name of the to_celsius()
function to access that function. To do that, this code begins with the namespace,
followed by a scope resolution operator (::) and the function name.
Chapter 7 How to code functions 273

A header file that declares two functions in a namespace


namespace temperature {
double to_celsius(double fahrenheit);
double to_fahrenheit(double Celsius);


A source code file that defines two functions in a namespace

namespace temperature {
double to_celsius(double fahrenheit) (
double Celsius - (fahrenheit - 32.0) * 5.0 I 9.0;
return Celsius;

double to_fahrenheit(double Celsius) (

double fahrenheit ■ Celsius * 9.0 I 5.0 + 32.0;
return fahrenheit;

Code that makes it easy to access all functions in a namespace

ftinclude <iostream>
#include "temperature.h"

using namespace std;

using namespace temperature;

int main() {
double c ■ to_celsius(32);
cout « "Celsius: " « c << endl;

Code that identifies a specific function within a namespace

ftinclude <iostream>
#include "temperature.h"

using namespace std;

int main() {
double c ■ temperature::to_celsius( 32);
cout « "Celsius: " « c << endl;

• A namespace provides a way of organizing code to avoid naming conflicts.
• To define your own namespace, code the namespace keyword, a name for
the space, and a set of braces. Within the braces, code the functions for the
• Once you’ve put functions in a namespace, you can use any of the techniques
described in chapter 2 to identify the members of the namespace.

Figure 7-13 How to define namespaces

274 Section 1 Essential skills for modern C++

A header for getting input from the console

Part 1 of figure 7-14 begins by showing a header file named console.h
and its implementation, which is stored in a file named console.cpp.
Here, the header file begins with an include guard that uses a constant of
MURACH_CONSOLE_H. Since this constant begins with MURACH, it’s
unlikely that this name will be used by anyone else. As a result, this include
guard should work correctly. Of course, if you code your own include guard,
you should use a unique identifier of your own.
After the include guard, this file includes the string and limits headers.
Then, it defines a namespace named console that contains the declarations for
three general-purpose functions. All three of these functions display a prompt
on the console and get input from the user. Here, the get_double() function
gets a double value, the get_int() function gets an int value, and the get_char()
function gets a character. The get_double() and get_int() functions both have
three parameters and include default values for the second and third parameters.
The get_char() function has two parameters and includes a default value for the
second parameter. As a result, these functions only require the calling code to
supply an argument for the first parameter.
The console.cpp file provides the implementations for these three functions.
To start, it defines the console namespace. Then, it declares three helper
After declaring the helper functions, this code provides the definitions for
the three functions declared in the header file. These functions get a double, int,
or char value that the user enters on the console. For the double and int values,
these functions make sure the entry is a valid double or int value that’s within
a specified range. As a result, you can use these functions instead of having to
write validation code for each entry.
The get_double() function begins by declaring a double value named num
and initializing it to a value of 0.0. Then, it begins a loop that continues until
the user enters a valid double value. Within this loop, the first statement uses the
prompt parameter to prompt the user to enter a double value. Then, it attempts
to extract a double value from the console input stream. If this is not successful,
the code calls the handle_invalid_number() function shown in part 2 to display
an error message, clear the failure flag, and discard any remaining characters.
Then, program execution continues at the top of the loop. This causes the loop to
prompt the user to enter another double value.
However, if the code successfully extracts a double value from the stream,
it uses the discard_remaining_chars() function shown in part 2 to discard any
remaining characters in the stream. Then, it uses the check_range() function
shown in part 2 to check if the double value is within the range specified by
the min and max parameters. If it isn’t, this code displays an appropriate error
message and execution jumps to the top of the loop, which prompts the user
to enter another double value. If it is. this code returns the double value to the
calling code, which exits the loop and the function.
Chapter 7 How to code functions 275

The console.h file


#include <string>
#include <limits>

namespace console {
// declare general-purpose functions
double get_double(std::string prompt,
double min ■ std::numeric_limits<double>::min(),
double max ■ std::numeric_limits<double>::max());
int get_int(std::string prompt,
int min ■ std::numeric_limits<int>::min(),
int max ■ std::numeric_limits<int>::max());
char get_char(std::string prompt,
bool add_blank_line ■ true);


The console.cpp file

ftinclude <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <limits>

namespace console {
// declare helper functions
void discard_remaining_chars();
void handle_invalid_number();
bool check_range(double num, double min, double max);

// define general-purpose functions

double get_double(std::string prompt, double min, double max) {
double num ■ 0.0;
bool is_valid - false;
while (!is_valid) (
std::cout << prompt;
if (!(std::cin >> num)) {
else (
is_valid - check_range(num, min, max);
return num;

Figure 7-14 A header for getting input from the console (part 1 of 2)
276 Section 1 Essential skills for modern C++

The get_int() function shown in part 2 of figure 7-14 works like the
get_double() function. However, it works with int values instead of double
values. Like the get_double() function, the get_int() function uses the helper
functions defined at the end of this file.
The get_char() function begins by displaying the prompt and getting the
first character that’s entered by the user. However, this function includes a
second parameter that specifies whether it displays a blank line after the user
enters the character. This parameter has a default value of true, so this function
displays a blank line after the user input, unless the calling code specifies a
second argument of false. Then, it calls the discard_remaining_chars() function
to discard all remaining characters on the current line, and it returns the first
character that the user entered.
The discard_remaining_chars() function contains a single statement.
However, this statement is a complicated statement that uses the ignoreO
function of the cin object to discard all remaining characters on the current line.
As a result, it’s easier and more consistent to call the discard_remaining_chars()
function than it is to code the complicated statement that’s contained within this
The handle_invalid_number() function contains three statements. The first
displays a standard message for an invalid number, the second clears the failure
flag from the cin object, and the third calls the discard_remaining_chars()
function to discard any remaining characters on the current line.
The check_range() function returns a Boolean value that indicates whether
the specified number is within the specified range. To accomplish this, the body
of this function checks whether the specified number is between the specified
minimum and maximum values. If not, this code displays an appropriate error
message and returns a false value. Otherwise, the number is within the specified
range. In that case, this code returns a true value. Since the parameters for this
function are double types, you might think that it wouldn’t work for int values.
However, this function works equally well for int values because C++ automati­
cally converts int values to double values.
As you review this code, note that these files don't use using directives or
declarations. Instead, they use the scope resolution operator (::) to access the
members of the standard and console namespace that they need. As mentioned
earlier in this chapter, that’s a best practice when coding header files.
There are several advantages to using functions like the get_double(),
get_int(), and get_char() to get valid user input. First, they make it possible to
reuse your code within a program. If. for example, your program needs to get
10 valid double values, you can call the get_double() function 10 times instead
of repeating its code in 10 different places in your program. Second, since you
aren't repeating code in multiple locations, you are following the Don’t Repeat
Yourself (DRY) principle, which makes your code easier to debug and maintain.
When you put these functions in a header file, it’s possible to reuse them in
other programs too. One way to do that is to copy the header file and its imple­
mentation file into the director)' for another program. Then, you can include the
header file as described earlier in this chapter.
Chapter 7 How to code functions YT7

The console.cpp file (continued)

int get_int(std::string prompt, int min, int max) {
int num ■ 0;
bool is_valid - false;
while (!is_valid) {
std::cout « prompt;
if (!(std::cin >> num)) (
else <
discard_remaining_chars ();
is_valid ■ check_range(num, min, max);
return num;

char get_char(std::string prompt, bool add_blank_line ■ true) (

char choice - 'n';
std::cout << prompt;
std::cin >> choice;
if (add_blank_line)
std::cout « std::endl;

discard_remaining_chars ();
return choice;

// define helper functions

void discard_remaining_chars () {
std::cin.ignore(std::numeric_limits<std: :streamsize>::max(),

void handle_invalid_number() {
std::cout << "Error! Invalid number. Try again.\n";
std::cin.clear(); // clear the failure flag
discard_remaining_chars ();

bool check_range(double num, double min, double max) {

if (num < min) (
std::cout « "Error! Number must be greater than ■
<< min << ". Try again.\n";
return false;
else if (num > max) (
std::cout « "Error! Number must be less than "
<< max << ". Try again.\n";
return false;
else <
return true;

Figure 7-14 A header for getting input from the console (part 2 of 2)
278 Section 1 Essential skills for modern C++

The Future Value program

Figure 7-15 shows a Future Value program that uses functions. Part 1 begins
by showing the console when the user enters invalid data for this version of the
Future Value program. For example, the first error message is displayed if the
user doesn’t enter a valid double value for the monthly investment. The second
error message is displayed if the user enters a value that’s out of range for the
interest rate. And the third error message is displayed if the user doesn’t enter a
valid integer value for the years.
The INPUT section in this figure uses descriptive error messages to identify
data entry problems to the user, and it doesn’t require that the user re-enter
values that have already been successfully entered. In addition, it only uses the
first value the user enters on a line and discards the rest, which is usually what
you want. For example, if the user enters “100 dollars”, the program uses 1 (X) as
the input.
After the user completes the INPUT section, the Future Value program
calculates the future value and displays it along with the user’s entries in the
OUTPUT section. This clearly shows the valid values entered by the user, which
is useful if the user has entered one or more invalid entries in the INPUT section.
The code for the Future Value program begins by including the header
that’s defined in the console.h file described in the previous figure. This header
contains the get_double(), get_int(), and get_char() functions. Then, the code for
the Future Value program declares the calculate_future_value() function that’s
defined in part 2 of this figure.
The main() function begins by printing the title of the program. Then, it
begins a loop that continues if the user enters ‘y’ or ‘Y’. This loop starts by using
the get_double() and get_int() functions to get the monthly investment, yearly
interest rate, and number of years from the user. To access these functions, this
code uses fully qualified names that include the namespace (console), the scope
resolution operator (::), and the name of the function.
The calls to the get_double() and get_int() functions include minimum
and maximum values that specify a valid range for each entry. In this case, the
monthly investment must be a double that’s greater than 0 and less than 1().()(X).
the yearly interest rate must be a double that’s greater than 0 and less than 30,
and the number of years must be an int that’s greater than 0 and less than 1 (X).
Since the code validates this data, you can be sure that the program can calculate
the future value for any values within these ranges.
Chapter 7 How to code functions 279

The console
The Future Value Calculator

Monthly Investment: $100
Error! Invalid number. Try again.
Monthly Investment: 100 dollars
Yearly Interest Rate: 36
Error! Number must be less than 30. Try again.
Yearly Interest Rate: 12.0
Years: one
Error! Invalid number. Try again.
Years: 1

Monthly Investment: 100.00
Yearly Interest Rate: 12.0
Years: 1
Future Value: 1280.93

Continue? (y/n):

The code
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <string>
#include <limits>
#include "console.h

using namespace std;

// declare program-specific function

double calculate_future_value(double monthly_investment,
double yearly_interest_rate, int years);

int main() {
cout « "The Future Value Calculator\n\n" ;

char choice - ' y';

while (tolower(choice) -- 'y') {
/I get input
cout << "INPUT\n";
double monthly_investment ■
console::get_double("Monthly Investment: " 0, 10000);
double yearly_rate ■
console::get_double("Yearly Interest Rate: " 0, 30);
int years -
console::get_int(■Years: ", 0 100);
cout << endl;

Figure 7-15 The Future Value program (part 1 of 2)

280 Section 1 Essential skills for modern C++

In part 2 of figure 7-15. the main() function continues by using the

calculate_future_value() function to calculate the future value. Then, it
displays the valid input values and the future value calculated from the input
values. Next, it uses the get_char() function to get a character from the user.
If the user enters ‘y’ or ‘Y’. the condition at the top of the loop evaluates to
true, and the loop executes again. Otherwise, the loop ends and the program
displays a message that says “Bye!” to the console.
Part 2 also shows the definition for the calculate_future_value() function.
This function accepts the three arguments needed to calculate the future value,
and it returns the result of the calculation. To do that, it converts the yearly
interest rate and number of years to monthly interest rate and number of months.
Then, it uses a loop to add the investment for each month and to calculate the
interest for each month.
As you review this code, note that it uses fully qualified names to access
the functions that are available from the console namespace. This makes it easy
to see when the code in the Future Value program calls the functions from the
console header. In part 1. the code calls the get_double() function twice and the
get_int() function once. In part 2. the code calls the get_char() function once. Of
course, if you used this header in a more complex program, you might call each
of these functions many times.
Chapter 7 How to code functions 281

The code (continued)

// calculate future value
double future_value - calculate_future_value(monthly_investment,
yearly_rat e, years);

// display the output to user

cout << "OUTPUTXn"
<< fixed « setprecision(2)
<< "Monthly Investment: " << monthly_investment « "\n'
<< fixed « setprecision(1)
<< "Yearly Interest Rate: " << yearly_rate << "\n"
<< -Years: << years « "\n"
<< fixed « setprecision(2)
<< "Future Value: " << future_value << "\n\n";

// see if the user wants to continue

choice ■ console::get_char("Continue? (y/n): ");
cout « "Bye!\n\n";

// define program-specific function

double calculate_future_value(double monthly_investment,
double yearly_interest_rate, int years) {

// convert yearly values to monthly values

double monthly_rate = yearly_interest_rate / 12 / 100;
int months - years * 12;

// calculate future value

double future_value =0;
for (int i - 0; i < months; ++i) {
future_value ■ (future_value + monthly_investment) *
(1 + monthly_rate);
return future_value;

Figure 7-15 The Future Value program (part 2 of 2)

282 Section 1 Essential skills for modern C+ +

Now that you’ve finished this chapter, you should have all the skills that
you need for defining and calling the functions that your programs require.
These are critical skills that become increasingly valuable as your programs get
longer and more complex. By applying these skills, you make your programs
easier to understand, test, debug, and maintain.
In section 3 of this book, you’ll learn how to use object-oriented program­
ming, which provides another way to organize the code in your programs.
Fortunately, many of the skills for working with functions also apply to object-
oriented programming. That’s another reason this chapter is so important.

function global constant
define a function hierarchy chart
parameter hierarchy outline
call a function overloaded function
invoke a function signature of a function
return statement value variable
Don’t Repeat Yourself (DRY) reference variable
declare a function header file
function prototype interface file
global variable include guard
global scope implementation file
local variable namespace
local scope namespace scope
shadow a global variable

• A function is a block of code that can be called by other statements.
• To define a function, code the function’s return type. name, a set of paren­
theses. and a set of braces.
• Within the parentheses of a function, you can code zero or more parameters
where each parameter consists of a data type and a name and multiple
parameters are separated by commas.
• Within the braces of a function, you can code one or more statements for the
body of the function. If the function returns a value, the body of the function
must use a return statement to return a value of the appropriate data type to
the calling code.
• To call. or invoke, a function, code the name of the function and a set of
parentheses. Within the parentheses, code any arguments and separate
multiple arguments with commas.
Chapter 7 How to code functions 283

• To declare a function, you code the function’s return type, name, and param­
eters followed by a semicolon.
• A function declaration is also known as a function prototype.
• A variable defined inside a function is known as a local variable and is only
available within that function.
• A variable defined outside of all functions is known as a global variable and
is available to all functions in the program.
• When a local variable has the same name as a global variable, the local
variable shadows the global variable.
• A value variable always stores its own copy of a value.
• A reference variable stores a reference to a value. This allows multiple
reference variables to refer to the same value.
• You can organize functions by storing them in separate files. To do that, you
can store the function declarations in a header file, also known as an interface
file, and you can store the function definitions in an implementation file.
• To prevent the compiler from including the same header twice, headers
typically use the #ifndef, #define. and #endif preprocessor directives to
define an include guard.
• A namespace provides a way to organize code to avoid naming conflicts.
The functions defined within a namespace have namespace scope.
284 Section 1 Essential skills for modern C+ +

Exercise 7-1 Add functions to the

Miles Per Gallon program
In this exercise, you’ll add two functions to the Miles Per Gallon program that
you worked on in exercise 5-2.

Open the program

1. Open the project or solution named mpg in this folder:
2. Review the code and run the program to refresh your memory on how it
works. Notice that, unlike the program in this chapter, this program lets the
user perform more than one calculation, it stores the values the user enters in
a text file, and it displays the total miles, total gallons, and average miles per
gallon when the program starts and after each entry.
Add a function that calculates the miles per gallon
3. Define a function named calculate_mpg() before the main() function that
calculates the miles per gallon. This function should accept two double values
for the miles and gallons, round the result to two decimal places, and return
the result as a double type.
4. Modify the code in the main() function so it uses the calculate_mpg()
function. Note that the miles per gallon is calculated in three different places.
5. Move the definition for the calculate_mpg() function after the main() function.
When you run the program, you’ll get a compile-time error that the function
is not found. To fix this problem, add a declaration for the calculate_mpg()
function before the main() function.
Add a function that displays the totals
6. Declare a function named display_file_data() that will display the data in the
text file. This function won’t accept any parameters or return any data.
7. Define the display_file_data() function after the main() function. To do that,
you can copy one of the occurrences of the code in the main() function that
defines and opens the file and processes the data. Adjust the code as needed so
it works within the function.
8. Modify the code in the main() function so it uses the display_file_data()
Chapter 7 How to code functions 285

Exercise 7-2 Create a namespace

with validation functions
In this exercise, you’ll modify the Create Account program from exercise 6-2 so
it uses two validation functions that are stored in a namespace.

Open the program

1. Open the project or solution named create_account in this folder:

2. Review the code and run the program to refresh your memory on how it works.
Create a header file
3. Use your IDE to create a header file named validation.!).
4. Add the preprocessor directives to define an include guard. Use a name for
the header file that consists of your first initial and last name, followed by
5. Define a namespace named validation. Within this namespace, declare
two functions named is_valid_password and is_valid_email. Each of these
functions should accept a string and return a Boolean value that indicates if
the string is valid. For this to work, you’ll need to include the header file for
the string class.
Create an implementation file
6. Use your IDE to create a file named validation.cpp that will implement the
validation header file.
7. Add the code to implement the validation namespace and the two functions
it contains. To do that, you can copy code from the mainf) function for the
program and paste it into the function definitions. Then, you can adjust the
code as necessary so it works within the functions. For this to work, you’ll
need to include the header files for the iostream and string classes.
Update the file that contains the main() f unction to use the header file
8. Add a using directive for the validation namespace to the file that contains the
mainf) function.
9. Replace the code in the main() function that validates the password with a
statement that calls the is_valid_password() function and assigns the return
value to the valid_password variable.
10. Replace the code in the main() function that validates the email address with
a statement that calls the is_valid_email() function and assigns the return
value to the valid_email variable.
11. Test the program to see that it works the same as it did before. Now. though,
the mainf) function should be easier to read and understand. In addition, the
functions in the header file can be used by other programs.
How to test, debug,
and deploy a program
As you develop a C++ program, you need to test it to make sure that it
performs as expected. Then, if you encounter any problems, you need to debug
the program to fix the problems. Finally, when you’re done testing and debug­
ging a program, you need to deploy it so your users can run it.

Basic skills for testing and debugging............................. 288

Typical test phases.......................................................................................... 288
The three types of errors................................................................................288
Common C++ errors.......................................................................................290
How to plan the test runs............................................................................... 292
A simple way to trace code execution........................................................... 294
How to use Visual Studio to debug a program................ 296
How to set and remove breakpoints..............................................................296
How to step through code............................................................................. 298
How to inspect variables............................................................................... 298
How to inspect the stack trace....................................................................... 300
How to use Xcode to debug a program............................. 302
How to set and remove breakpoints..............................................................302
How to step through code.............................................................................. 304
How to inspect variables................................................................................ 304
How to inspect the stack trace....................................................................... 306
How to deploy and run a program..................................... 308
How to deploy a program.............................................................................. 308
How to run a deployed program....................................................................308
Perspective............................................................................ 310
288 Section 1 Essential skills for modern C+ +

Basic skills for testing and debugging

When you /esf a program, you run it to make sure that it works correctly. As
you test the program, you try every possible combination of input data and user
actions to be certain that the program works in every case. In other words, the
goal of testing is to make a program fail.
When you debug a program, you fix the errors (bugs') that you discover
during testing. Each time you fix a bug, you test again to make sure that the
change you made didn't affect any other aspect of the program. On a historical
note, the term bug was popularized by early computing pioneer Grace Hopper
when she found that a dead moth was causing her program to crash.

Typical test phases

When you test a program, you usually do so in phases. Figure 8-1 lists three
common test phases.
In the first phase, you test the user interface. For a console program, that
means you should make sure that the console displays the correct text and
prompts the user for the correct data.
In the second phase, you test the program with valid data. To start, you can
enter data that you would expect a user to enter. Then, you should enter valid
data that tests all of the limits of the program.
In the third phase, you try to make the program fail. To do that, you can test
everj' combination of invalid data that you can think of. That includes pressing
the Enter key before entering any data at all.

The three types of errors

Three types of errors can occur as you test a program. These errors are
described in figure 8-1.
Compile-time errors, also called syntax errors, prevent your program from
compiling and running. This type of error is the easiest to find and fix. If you use
an IDE like Visual Studio or Xcode. it automatically detects syntax errors as you
type and gives you suggestions for how to fix them.
Unfortunately, some errors can’t be detected until you run a program. These
errors are known as runtime errors, and they can cause a program to crash.
Even if a program runs without crashing, it may contain logic errors that
prevent the program from working correctly. This type of error is often the most
difficult to find and correct. For example, the Future Value program in this figure
has a logic error. Can you tell what it is?
Chapter 8 How to test, debug, and deploy a program 289

The Future Value program with a logic error

The Future Value Calculator

Monthly Investment: 100
Yearly Interest Rate: 3
Years: 3

Monthly Investment: 100.00
Yearly Interest Rate: 3.0
Years: 3
Future Value: 3662.06

Continue? (y/n):

The goal of testing

• To find all errors (bugs) before the program is put into production.

The goal of debugging

• To fix all errors (bugs) before the program is put into production.

Three test phases

• Check the user interface to make sure that it works correctly.
• Test the program with valid input data to make sure the results are correct.
• Test the program with invalid data or unexpected user actions. Try everything
you can think of to make the program fail.

The three types of errors that can occur

• Compile-time errors are caught by the IDE or compiler before you run the
program. These errors are usually syntax errors that violate the rules for how
statements must be written.
• Runtime errors don’t violate the syntax rules, but they can cause the program
to crash or to yield unexpected results.
• Logic errors are statements that don’t cause syntax or runtime errors, but
produce the wrong results.

• To test a program, you run it to make sure that it works properly no matter
what combinations of valid or invalid data you enter.
• When you debug a program, you fix all of the errors (hugs') that you find when
you test the program.

Figure 8-1 An introduction to testing and debugging

290 Section 1 Essential skills for modern C++

Common C++ errors

Figure 8-2 presents some of the coding errors that are commonly made as
you write a C++ program. If you study this figure, you’ll have a better idea of
what to watch out for. And if you did the exercises for the previous chapters,
you’ve probably experienced some of these errors already.
The code at the top of this figure is the start of the code for the get_double()
function of the Future Value program, but with four errors introduced. The
first error is that a data type has not been declared for the variable named num.
Unlike some other languages, C++ requires that you declare the data type for all
The second error is a missing semicolon at the end of the statement that
displays the prompt string on the console. As you know, C++ requires a
semicolon at the end of every statement unless the statement contains a block of
code that’s enclosed in braces.
The third error is a missing closing parenthesis at the end of the condition
for the if statement. Remember that every opening parenthesis, brace, or quota­
tion mark must have a closing parenthesis, brace, or quotation mark.
The fourth error is that the statement that calls the clear() member function
from the cin object uses improper capitalization. For this statement, “Clear”
should be “clear” since C++ is case-sensitive.
This figure also describes the problem that C++ has with floating-point
arithmetic. As you can see in the example near the bottom of this figure, floating­
point arithmetic can produce strange results even with simple calculations. Here,
you would think that 0.2 plus 0.7 would equal 0.9, but it doesn’t. To prevent
this type of problem with floating-point numbers, you can round the number
to the specified number of decimal places or you can avoid using an equality
comparison as described in chapter 6.
Chapter 8 How to test, debug, and deploy a program 291

Code that contains syntax errors

double get_double(string prompt) {
num; //no data type declared
while (true) {
cout << prompt // missing semicolon at end of statement
cin >> num;
if ( ( // missing closing parenthesis
cout << "Error! Invalid number. Try again.\n";
cin.ClearO; // improper capitalization
cin.ignore(1000, ’\n*);
cin.ignore(1000, '\n');
return num;

Common syntax errors

• Misspelling keywords.
• Forgetting to declare a data type for a variable.
• Forgetting an opening or closing parenthesis, bracket, or brace.
• Forgetting an opening or closing quotation mark.
• Forgetting to code a semicolon at the end of a statement.

Problems with identifiers

• Misspelling or incorrectly capitalizing an identifier.
• Name collisions due to attempting to use a keyword, global constant, or global
function as an identifier.

Problems with values

• Not checking that a value is the right data type before processing it. For example,
you expect a number to be entered, but the user enters a non-numeric value instead.
• Using one equals sign (■) instead of two (■■) when testing values for equality.

A problem with floating-point numbers

• Using floating-point numbers that can lead to arithmetic errors. For example:
double d = 0.2 + 0.7 // d = 0.8999999999999999
cout << d « endl; // displays 0.9 because of cout's default rounding
if (d -- .9) // this is not true!
You can prevent errors like this by rounding or by not using the equality operator as
described in chapter 6.

Figure 8-2 Common C++ errors

292 Section 1 Essential skills for modern C++

How to plan the test runs

When you test a program, you usually do so in at least two phases as shown
in figure 8-3. In the first phase, you test the program with valid data. In the
second phase, you test the program with invalid data.
As your programs become more complex, it helps to create a test plan for
testing a program. This is simply a table or spreadsheet that shows what test data
you’re going to enter and what the results should be.
In the valid testing phase, you should start with test data that produces
results that can be easily verified. This is illustrated by the Miles Per Gallon
program in this figure. Here, the first test data entries are 325 miles driven and
10 gallons of gas used, so the result should clearly be 32.5 miles per gallon, and
it is.
But don’t stop there. You should also use test data that is more likely to
produce an inaccurate result. For example, you could try 97.8 miles driven and
34.3 miles per gallon. Then, you can use a calculator or spreadsheet to determine
that the result will be 2.851312, which the program should round to 2.9.
For the invalid testing phase, your test data should include all varieties of
invalid entries. This is illustrated by the second and third examples in this figure.
The second example shows what happens when you enter invalid data in
a program that doesn’t validate the data. Here, the user has entered a string of
“ten” at the first prompt of the Miles Per Gallon program. Since this program
doesn’t validate the data, the program attempts to work with the invalid data,
which causes results that are inaccurate and don’t make sense.
The third example shows what happens when you enter invalid data in a
program that validates the data. Here, the example shows the start of a test run
for the Future Value program that tests all aspects of the validation that’s done
by the program. When you create a test plan for invalid data, you try to make the
program fail by testing every combination of invalid data and user action that
you can think of. To start, the user enters a string of “ten” where a double value
is expected. Then, the user enters a double value that’s too small. Next, the user
enters a double value that’s too big. In each of these cases, the program displays
an error message that describes why the data isn’t valid and gives the user
another chance to enter the data.
There’s much more to testing than what's presented in this figure. However,
in all programs, what’s critical is (1) to test with as many of the possible combi­
nations of data as you can. and (2) to make sure that the results are accurate by
comparing them to results that you know are accurate.
Chapter 8 How to test, debug, and deploy a program 293

The Miles Per Gallon program when it’s tested with valid data
Miles Per Gallon Calculator

Enter miles driven: 325

Enter gallons of gas used: 10
Miles per gallon: 32.5

The Miles Per Gallon program when it’s tested with invalid data
Miles Per Gallon Calculator

Enter miles driven: ten

Enter gallons of gas used: Miles per gallon: 1

Starting to test the Future Value program with invalid data

The Future Value Calculator

Monthly Investment: ten
Error! Invalid number. Try again.
Monthly Investment: 0
Error! Number must be greater than 0. Try again.
Monthly Investment: 10000
Error! Number must be less than 10000. Try again.
Monthly Investment: 9999
Yearly Interest Rate:

The two critical test phases

1. Test the program with valid input data to make sure the results are correct.
2. Test the program with invalid data or unexpected user actions. Try everything
you can think of to make the program fail.

How to make a test plan for the critical phases

1. List the valid entries that you’re going to make and the correct results for each set of
entries. Then, make sure that the results are correct when you test with these entries.
2. List the invalid entries that you’re going to make. These should include entries
that test the limits of the allowable values.

Two common testing problems

• Not testing a wide enough range of entries.
• Not knowing what the results of each set of entries should be and assuming that
the answers are correct because they look correct.

• It’s easy to find compile-time errors because the program won’t run until you fix them.
• Runtime errors and logic errors can slip through your tests if you don’t check to
make sure the results are correct, or if you don't test a wide enough range of entries.

Figure 8-3 How to plan the test runs

294 Section 1 Essential skills for modern C++

A simple way to trace code execution

Sometimes, the easiest way to find the cause of a runtime error or a logic
error is to trace the execution of a program. One simple way to do that is to add
statements to your code that display messages or variable values at key points in
the code.
If, for example, you can’t figure out why the future value that’s calculated
by the Future Value program is incorrect, you can add statements to the code
as shown by the highlighted statements in figure 8-4. Here, the first highlighted
statement displays a message that indicates that the calculate_future_value()
function is starting. Then, the next three highlighted statements display the
starting values of the monthly_investment, monthly_rate, and months variables.
Finally, the last highlighted statement displays the value of the counter variable
and the value of the future_value variable each time through the loop. That
should help you determine where the calculation is going wrong. Then, when
you find and fix the problem, you can remove the highlighted statements.
After you run the program, the data that’s displayed by the highlighted state­
ments clearly shows where the calculation is going wrong. Here, the loop is only
executed 35 times for 3 years, but it should be executed 36 times. That means
that the loop isn’t coded correctly.
In this example, tracing helps you find a bug. However, you can also use
tracing to make sure that the results are correct. For instance, you could easily
assume that the future value result is correct without checking further, but tracing
the execution of the statements in the loop shows that the result can’t possibly be
When you trace code execution by printing data to the console, you usually
start by adding just a few statements to the code. Then, if that doesn’t help you
solve the problem, you can add more. This works well for simple programs, but
it creates extra work for you because you have to add statements to your code
and remove them later.
Later in this chapter, you’ll learn how to use a tool known as a debugger to
debug a program without having to add or remove statements. This is usually
easier than adding and removing statements. However, you can use the technique
shown in this figure if you prefer.
Chapter 8 How to test, debug, and deploy a program 295

Code that traces execution by displaying messages on the console

double calculate_future_value(double monthly_investment,
double yearly_interest_rate, int years) {
cout « "calculate_future_value() starting...\n";

// convert yearly values to monthly values

double monthly_rate - yearly_interest_rate / 12 / 100;
int months ■ years * 12;

// calculate future value

double future_value =0;
cout « "monthly_investment: " « monthly_investment << endl;
cout « "monthly_rate: ■ << monthly_rate « endl;
cout « "months: ■ << months « endl;
for (int i ■ 1; i < months; ++i) (
future_value = (future_value + monthly_investment) *
(1 + monthly_rate);
cout « "month ■ « i
<< " future_value: " << future_value « endl;

return future_value;

The data that’s displayed on the console

The Future Value Calculator

Monthly Investment: 100
Yearly Interest Rate: 3
Years: 3

calculate_future_value () starting...
monthly_investment : 100
monthly_rate: 0.0025
months: 36
month 1 future_value: 100.25
month 2 future_value: 200.751
month 3 future_value: 301.503
month 4 future_value: 402.506
month 5 future_value: 503.763

month 35 future_value: 3662.06

Monthly Investment: 100.00
Yearly Interest Rate: 3.0
Years: 3
Future Value: 3662.06

• A simple way to trace the execution of a program is to include statements at key
points in the code that display debugging messages. These messages can indicate
what code is being executed, and they may include the values of important variables.

Figure 8-4 A simple way to trace code execution

296 Section 1 Essential skills for modern C+ +

How to use Visual Studio

to debug a program
Although you can find some programming errors by tracing program
execution, it’s usually easier to use a tool that’s designed for just that purpose.
Fortunately, most modern IDEs include a powerful tool called a debugger that
can help you find and remove programming errors.
In the next few figures, you’ll learn how to use Visual Studio’s debugger. Of
course, if you’re using Xcode, you can skip these figures and go straight to the
figures that show how to use Xcode’s debugger. If you compare the debuggers for
these two IDEs, you’ll see that they work similarly. That’s true for the debuggers
for most IDEs.

How to set and remove breakpoints

The first step in debugging a program is to determine the cause of the bug. To
do that, it’s often helpful to view the values of the variables at different points in
the program’s execution.
The easiest way to view the variable values as a program is executing is to
set a breakpoint as shown in figure 8-5. To set a breakpoint, you click in the bar
to the left of the number for the line of code. Then, the breakpoint is marked by a
red dot. Later, when you run the program with the debugger, execution will stop
just prior to the statement at the breakpoint. Then, you will be able to view the
variables that are in scope at that point in the program. You’ll learn more about
that in the next figure.
When debugging, it’s important to set the breakpoint before the line in
the program that’s causing the bug. Often, you can figure out where to set a
breakpoint by reading any error messages that are displayed when your program
crashes. Sometimes, though, you will have to experiment before finding a good
location to set a breakpoint.
After you set the breakpoint, you need to run the program with the debugger.
To do that, you can press F5 or select the Start Debugging item from the Debug
If you think you might use the breakpoint again, you can disable it by
pointing to it with the mouse and clicking on Disable breakpoint icon. This
causes the breakpoint icon to change to a hollow circle so you know it’s not
active. However, this makes it easy to find the breakpoint again. Then, if you
want to enable the breakpoint, you can point to it and click on the Enable break­
point icon.
Once you set a breakpoint, it remains set until you remove it. That’s true
even if you close the solution and exit from Visual Studio. To remove a break­
point, you can click on its icon.
Chapter 8 How to test, debug, and deploy a program 237

Visual Studio with a breakpoint

V S' | Quick ImxkK (CtrUQ^
future_eafcx - Microsoft Visual Studio c x
'• Window Help JodMuroch ■ [2]
Ffe Edit View Project Build Oitxig

O’ I8-4BJ’ ?• ► local Wndowt debugger • p■ _ 1 ’J ■

mamcpp X Sclutcn ixprccec

Si future.vakie -| (Global Scope) | ® c»lcvWe_<utvre_velue<doubk •
O’ (2 6, - b - % 9 <>
TJ |+,
67 double calculate_future_value(dcuble nonthly_lnuestnent,
63 B double yrurly_int»-»»t_r»t», int yMrt) {
Search Solution Eeplorer (Ctrl*;) P-
69 JJ") Solution futixe.velue' (I project)
70 // convert yearly values to nonthly values a S future.value
71 double nonthly_r*t» • ymrly_int» . ct_ratr / 12 / 100; ► References
72 int nonths • years • 12; ► . Eiterna'Depender»:i«
S Header Fies
74 // calculate future value
fl Resource Nes
n double future.value • 0;
76 for (int 1 - 0; 1 c nonths; tel) ( 4 . Source F4es
A P rnamcpp
77 future_valu« • (future_valu« ♦ ieonthly_inveitn<-nt)
78 (It eoothly.rete);
79 >
f</twe_v«lue • r<xnd(future_v^lue • 100) / 100;
return future_value;
SnI.nion tiplotr- P
a.-- .» r
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Output ? X calculate.tuture vakee VCCodeFuncbcn

Shoo output from Build 3! 9* >

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FulName cekulete.future.vatu v

Set»/return, the nerne of the object.

Error List

Rudy Ln SI Col 34 Ch 34 INS t Add to Source Control

• A breakpoint causes program execution to stop before the line that contains the
breakpoint is executed.
• To set a breakpoint for a line of code, open the file in the code editor and click
in the bar to the left of the line number. The breakpoint is identified by a red dot
on the line where you clicked.
• To disable a breakpoint, point to the breakpoint icon with your mouse and click
the Disable breakpoint icon that appears. To re-enable it. point to the breakpoint
icon again and click on the Enable breakpoint icon that appears.
• To remove a breakpoint, click on the breakpoint icon.
• You can set and remove breakpoints either before you start debugging or while
you’re debugging. In most cases, you’ll set at least one breakpoint before you
start debugging.
• To start debugging for a project, press F5 or select the Debug->Start Debugging
menu item.

Figure 8-5 How to set and remove breakpoints

298 Section 1 Essential skills for modern C++

How to step through code

When you run a program with the debugger and it encounters a breakpoint,
execution stops just prior to the statement at the breakpoint. Once execution
stops, a yellow arrow marks the next statement to be executed. In addition.
Visual Studio opens the debugging windows shown in figure 8-6. In this figure,
the Locals window shows the values of the variables that are in scope at the
current point of execution.
Visual Studio also displays the Debug toolbar while you’re debugging.
You can click the Step Over and Step Into buttons on this toolbar repeatedly to
step through a program one statement at a time. Then, you can use the Locals
window to observe exactly how and when the variable values change as the
program executes. That can help you determine the cause of a bug.
As you step through a program, you can click the Step Over button if you
want to execute a function without stepping into it. Or. you can use the Step
Out button to step out of any function that you don’t want to step through. That
includes any functions in C++ libraries that your program may step into. Since
these functions probably won’t make much sense to you, you can step out of
them right away.
When you want to continue normal execution, you can click the Continue
button. Then, the program will run until the next breakpoint is reached. Or. you
can use the Stop Debugging button to end the program’s execution.
These are powerful debugging features that can help you find the cause of
serious programming problems. Stepping through a program is also a good way
to understand how the code in an existing program works. If. for example, you
step through the loop in the calculate_future_value() function, you’ll get a better
idea of how that loop works.

How to inspect variables

When you set breakpoints and step through code, the Locals window
automatically displays the values of the variables that are in scope. In figure
8-6. the execution point is in the calculate_future_value() function of the Future
Value program. Here, the Locals w indow shows the values of the three param­
eters that are defined by the function (monthly_investment. yearly_interest_rate,
and years) and four local variables that are defined within the function
(monthly_rate, months, future_value, and i).
For numeric variables and strings, the value of the variable is shown in
the Locals window. However, when an object such as a vector is displayed in
the Locals window, it doesn’t display the values of its variables automatically.
Instead, it displays a triangle symbol to the left of the object name. Then, you
can view the values for the object by clicking on that triangle to expand it.
Chapter 8 How to test, debug, and deploy a program 299

A debugging session with Visual Studio

future-value (Debu^ng) - Mcrosoft Vnual Stud.o V F Quick lacaxh (Ctrl-Q) P - C X

Fie Edit View Project Build Debug Team Tools Test Analyte Window Help JoelMj-azh • 3

* m 9 . . | .1 > Continue • - ■ 0 * J ? *?
O ’
Pi<x»tv (105C6]fut>4».v4lu».«x« Thread: (16536) Mam Thraad ’ Y »<F-
$t<p Mo (Fl 1)
main.cpp « X
8) futve.velue J® cWcuWe.future.valuefdoub •
(GloW Scope)
O | % « u.
double calculate_future_value(double aonthly_investaent, +
67 Diagnostics seraon 4 second* (4013 s sHected)
68 double yearly_intere. , int .) (
11.569* 11-57*
70 // convert yearly values to aonthly values 4 Events
71 double ■onthly_rate • >early_lnterest_ratc / 12 / 100;
72 int oenths • year* • 12;
74 // calculate future value
4 Process Memory (KB.&s'.cc
• Prr.ate Bytes
75 double futur-e_valuo • 0;
Summiry Events Memory Usage CPU Usage
76 for (int i • 0; i < mnthj; ♦+!) {
future_value • (futve_value t •onthlyinvestnent)
(1 « aonthly_rate);
79 } •» Slxw Events (18M18J
00 V
too s. ■ < ► Memory Usage


Name Value Type (nt<e Solution ©Of iron ■ 0 Warning*
future_velue W527192976959564 double
Starch Error Int
i 5 int
meMhly^imvstment ixDooooaxococoo double ' Cede Dexnptcn Project F.le
monthly.rata double
months 36 int
yearty.Merest.raU ijxmxmxococoo double
years 3 int

Autos Watch 1 Cal Suck Breakpoi.. Evcepbo.. Comma.. Invncdia.. OutpJ!

Ready Ln 76 Coll Chi INS t Add to Source Controi *

Some of the buttons on the Debug toolbar

Button Keyboard shortcut Description
Step Over F10 Steps through the code one statement at a time,
skipping over called functions.
Step Into Fli Steps through the code one statement at a time,
including statements in called functions.
Step Out Shift+Fll Finishes executing the code in the current
function and returns to the calling function.
Continue F5 Continues execution until the next breakpoint.
Stop Debugging Shift+F5 Stops debugging and exits the program.

• When a breakpoint is reached, program execution is stopped before the line is
• The arrow in the bar at the left side of the code editor window shows the line
that will be executed next.
• The Locals window shows the values of the variables that are in scope for the
current function. To display it, click on the Locals tab.
• The Autos window shows the values of the variables in the current line of code
and the preceding line. To display it, click on the Autos tab.

Figure 8-6 How to step through code and inspect variables

300 Section 1 Essential skills for modern C++

How to inspect the stack trace

When you’re debugging, it’s sometimes helpful to view the stack trace,
which is a list of functions in the reverse order in which they were called. By
default, Visual Studio displays a stack trace in the Call Stack window that’s
displayed in the group of windows to the bottom right of the code editor.
In figure 8-7, for example, the Call Stack window shows that code execution
is in the calculate_future_value() function. This window also shows that this
function was called by line 35 of the mainf) function. At this point, you may
want to display line 35 of the main() function to view the code that called the
calculate_future_value() function. To do that, you can double-click the mainf)
function in the stack trace.
In this figure, both functions are stored in the same file. However, it’s
common for a function in one file to call a function in another file. In chapter
7, for example, you learned how to code functions in header files. In that case,
double-clicking on a function in the stack trace displays the source code for the
other file in the code editor. If you experiment with this, you’ll find that it can
help you locate the origin of a bug.
Chapter 8 How to test, debug, and deploy a program 301

A Visual Studio debugging session

with the Call Stack window displayed
*J future.value (Debugging) - Mcrosoft Visual Studio V F Quick Inmch (CtrUQ) c x
JodMurach • 53
Fi'» Edit View Project Build Oabug Turn Tods Test Analyte Mlndow Help
O’ • 4. H J* ? • | > ► Continue - /■ ,
bug ■ 0 t ■? !
Proem: [l52ajf<Xur»_yrfM»^.» T) lifecycle Ev Thread [7304] Men Thread

main.tpp o X
TO futuro.vtlue ® cdculate.futu'e.valuddoub • 0 | TO TO u,

1 1 105
double ■onthly.rate • yearly.intereat.rate / 12 / 100; Cwgnostks session 3 seconds (3.444 s selected)
Int tenths a years • 12;

// calculate future value
double future.value • 0;
for (Int 1 • 0; 1 < aonths; aai) (
0 w
future.value - (future.value ar ) V
(1 ♦ laonthly.rate); a CPU <% of all processors)

Summary Events Memory Usage CPUUiajr M

future.valve • round(fvtvre_value • 100) / 100; Events

return future.value; “ Show Events (1 of 1) H

► Memory Usage

locals Call Stack

Hama Value
0 futuro.valu* nDaxoco:o:o:o:o:c future.vrlue ecelcakulatejuturejrafueldoubk mcnlWyrv/estmerd, dout C*»
0 Ii o
0 month),.m.estment IXCCCCOCOCOCOCOO [External Code]
month ly.rate 0^025000000000000001
months 36
«* yeerly.iriterest.rate 3)X>X>X>X<X<X<X<X
0 >«*» 3

Amos Watch 1 B'wkpcre Exception. CoffWBA.. Immedut. Output Error let

l“* t Add to Source Control •

• A stack trace is a list of the functions that have been called in the reverse order
in which they were called.
• By default, Visual Studio displays a stack trace in the Call Stack window that’s
included in the group of windows on the bottom right side of the main window.
• To jump to a line of code in the code editor that’s displayed in the stack trace,
double-click on that line in the stack trace.

Figure 8-7 How to inspect the stack trace

302 Section 1 Essential skills for modern C+ +

How to use Xcode to debug a program

Although you can find some programming errors by tracing program
execution, it’s usually easier to use a tool that’s designed for just that purpose.
Fortunately, most modern IDEs include a powerful tool called a debugger that
can help you find and remove programming errors.
In the next few figures, you’ll learn how to use Xcode’s debugger. Of course,
if you’re using Visual Studio, you can skip these figures. However, you might
want to skim these figures to see how similarly the debuggers for these two IDEs
work. That’s true for the debuggers for most IDEs.

How to set and remove breakpoints

The first step in debugging a program is to determine the cause of the bug. To
do that, it’s often helpful to view the values of the variables at different points in
the program’s execution.
The easiest way to view the variable values as a program is executing is to
set a breakpoint as shown in figure 8-8. To set a breakpoint, you click on the
line number for the line of code. Then, the breakpoint is marked by a blue arrow
that’s placed over the breakpoint. Later, when you run the program, execution
will stop just prior to the statement at the breakpoint. Then, you will be able to
view the variables that are in scope at that point in the program. You’ll learn more
about that in the next figure.
When debugging, it’s important to set the breakpoint before the line in
the program that’s causing the bug. Often, you can figure out where to set a
breakpoint by reading any error messages that are displayed when your program
crashes. Sometimes, though, you will have to experiment before finding a good
location to set a breakpoint.
Once you set a breakpoint, it remains set until you deactivate it or remove it.
That’s true even if you close the project and exit from Xcode.
If you think you might use the breakpoint again, you can deactivate it by
clicking on it. This greys out the breakpoint icon so you know it’s not active.
However, this makes it easy to find the breakpoint again. Then, if you want to
activate the breakpoint, you can click on it.
If you want to remove a breakpoint, you can click on its icon while holding
down the Control key. Then, you can remove the breakpoint by selecting the
Delete Breakpoint item from the resulting menu.
Chapter 8 How to test, debug, and deploy a program 303

Xcode with a breakpoint

• A breakpoint causes program execution to stop before the line that contains the
breakpoint is executed.
• To set a breakpoint for a line of code, open the file in the code editor and click
on the line number. The breakpoint is identified by a blue arrow that’s placed
over the line number.
• To deactivate a breakpoint, click on the breakpoint icon. To reactivate, click it
• To remove a breakpoint, hold down the Control button, click on the breakpoint
icon, and select the Delete Breakpoint item from the resulting menu.
• You can set and remove breakpoints either before you start debugging or while
you’re debugging. In most cases, you’ll set at least one breakpoint before you
start debugging.
• To start debugging for a project, set a breakpoint and run the project as you
normally would.

Figure 8-8 How to set and remove breakpoints

304 Section 1 Essential skills for modern C++

How to step through code

When you run a program and it encounters a breakpoint, execution stops just
prior to the statement at the breakpoint. Once execution stops, the shaded line
marks the next statement to be executed. In addition. Xcode opens the debugging
windows shown in figure 8-9. In this figure, the Auto window at the bottom of
the screen shows the values of the variables that you’re most likely to be inter­
ested in at the current point of execution.
Xcode also displays the Debug toolbar while you’re debugging. You can
click the Step Over and Step Into buttons on this toolbar repeatedly to step
through a program one statement at a time. Then, you can use the Auto window
to observe exactly how and when the variable values change as the program
executes. That can help you determine the cause of a bug.
As you step through a program, you can click the Step Over button if you
want to execute a function without stepping into it. Or. you can use the Step Out
button to step out of any function that you don’t want to step through. When you
want to continue normal execution, you can click the Continue button. Then, the
program will run until the next breakpoint is reached. Or. you can use the Stop
button in the Debug toolbar to end the program’s execution.
These are powerful debugging features that can help you find the cause of
serious programming problems. Stepping through a program is also a good way
to understand how the code in an existing program works. If. for example, you
step through the loop in the calculate_future_value() function, you’ll get a better
idea of how that loop works.

How to inspect variables

When you set breakpoints and step through code, the Auto window automat­
ically displays the values of the variables that are most likely to be interesting
to you. In figure 8-9, the execution point is in the calculate_future_falue()
function of the Future Value program. Here, the Auto window shows the values
of the three arguments that are passed to the function (monthly_investment,
yearly_interest_rate, and years) and four local variables that are defined within
the function (monthly_rate, months. future_value, and i). To make that easy to
see, the arguments are marked with an A icon, and the local variables are marked
with an L icon.
For numeric variables and strings, the value of the variable is shown in the
Auto window. However, when an object such as a vector is displayed in the Auto
window, it doesn’t display the values of its variables automatically. Instead, it
displays a triangle symbol to the left of the object name. Then, you can view the
values for the object by clicking on that triangle to expand it.
Chapter 8 How to test, debug, and deploy a program 305

A debugging session with Xcode

Some of the buttons on the Debug toolbar

Button Keyboard shortcut Description
Step Over F6 Steps through the code one statement at a time,
skipping over called functions.
Step Into F7 Steps through the code one statement at a time, includ­
ing statements in called functions.
Step Out F8 Finishes executing the code in the current function and
returns to the calling function.
Continue Cmd+Ctrl+Y Continues execution until the next breakpoint.

• When a breakpoint is reached, program execution is stopped before the line is
• The line that will be executed next is shaded in the code editor window.
• The Auto window shows the values of the variables that you’re most likely to
be interested in. To display it, select the Auto item from the list at the bottom of
the Debug area.
• The Locals window shows the values of the local variables that are in scope
for the current function. To display it, select the Locals item from the list at the
bottom of the Debug area.
• To stop debugging and exit the program, click the Stop button that’s in the Xcode
toolbar at the top of the window, or select the Detach item from the Debug menu.

Figure 8-9 How to step through code and inspect variables

306 Section 1 Essential skills for modern C++

How to inspect the stack trace

When you’re debugging, it’s sometimes helpful to view the stack trace,
which is a list of functions in the reverse order in which they were called. By
default, Xcode displays a stack trace in the Debug navigator that’s displayed on
the left side of the main window.
In figure 8-10, for example, the stack trace shows that code execution is in
the calculate_future_value() function. This window also shows that this function
was called by the main() function. At this point, you may want to display the
code in the main() function that called the calculate_future_value() function. To
do that, you can click the main() function in the stack trace.
In this figure, both functions are stored in the same file. However, it’s
common for a function in one file to call a function in another file. In chapter
7, for example, you learned how to code functions in header files. In that case,
clicking on a function in the stack trace displays the source code for the other
file in the code editor. If you experiment with this, you’ll find that it can help
you locate the origin of a bug.
Chapter 8 How to test, debug, and deploy a program 307

An Xcode debugging session with a stack trace displayed

• A stack trace is a list of the functions that have been called in the reverse order
in which they were called.
• By default, when you begin a debugging session. Xcode displays the Debug
navigator on the left side of the main window, and it displays a stack trace
within this navigator.
• To jump to a line of code in the code editor that’s displayed in the stack trace,
click on that line in the stack trace.
• When you end a debugging session, you can display the Project navigator again
by clicking on the Project navigator button that’s above the Debug navigator.

Figure 8-10 How to inspect the stack trace

308 Section 1 Essential skills for modern C+ +

How to deploy and run a program

This chapter finishes by showing how to deploy a C++ program. Then, it
shows how your users can run a C++ program that has been deployed.

How to deploy a program

When you are developing a C++ program with an IDE. the IDE creates
an executable file that can run directly on the operating system for which it is
compiled. As a result, deploying a program is as easy as finding the executable
file and making it available to your users. If you have appropriate privileges,
you can make a file available to your users by manually copying the file to their
computers. If necessary, you can also include instructions for how to run the
executable file, and tips for troubleshooting any problems they may encounter.
If you’re using Visual Studio, it usually creates an executable file with an
extension of .exe and stores it in a folder that’s a subfolder of the project folder
like the one shown in figure 8-11.
If you’re using Xcode, it usually creates an executable file with no file exten­
sion and stores it in a folder like the one shown in this figure. Since this folder
isn’t a subfolder of the project folder, it can be hard to find. One easy way to find
this folder is to use Xcode to expand the Products folder for the project. Then,
you can Control click on the executable file and select the Show in Finder item
from the resulting menu to view the file in Finder.

How to run a deployed program

In most cases, a user can run an executable file by using the Explorer
(Windows) or Finder (Mac) to locate the file and double-click on it. Then, the
operating system should start the program in the Command Prompt (Windows)
or the Terminal (macOS). However, if Windows users run the executable by
double-clicking on it, the console might close when your program exits. This
might not allow those users to view the output of your program. To fix this, you
can add the code shown in figure 8-11 to the end of your program. Then, the
console will stay open until the user presses the Enter key.
Alternately, you may prefer to create programs that are designed to be run
from the console. Then, you need to explain to your users that they must use
the console to start the program. On Windows, for example, the user can start a
Command Prompt window. Then, the user can use the cd command to change
to the folder that contains the executable file as shown in this figure. Next, the
user can enter the name of the executable file. Although the details are slightly
different, you can use a similar technique to run a console program on other
operating systems such as macOS or Linux.
You can also make the executable file for your program available from any
folder by modifying the system’s Path variable so it includes the folder for the
executable. To find out how to do that, you can search the Internet.
Chapter 8 How to test, debug, and deploy a program 309

Typical folder and filename of the executable file

For Visual Studio
For Xcode

How to deploy an executable file

• Once you’ve created and found the executable file for a program, you can deploy
it by making the executable file available to your users.

Two ways to run the executable file

• Use Explorer (Windows) or Finder (Mac) to locate the executable file. Then, double
click on it.
• Start a Command Prompt (Windows) or Terminal (Mac), use the cd command to
change to the folder that contains the executable file, and enter the name of the
executable file.

Code that you can add to keep the console open

cin.ignore(1000, '\n'); // discard all extra data
cout << "Press [Enter] to exit...\n";

How to use the console to run an executable file on Windows

cd \murach\cpp\dist

How to use the console to run an executable file on macOS or Linux

cd \Documents/murach/cpp/dist

• Since C++ compiles the source code to an executable file, deploying a program is
as easy as making the executable file available to your users.
• On Windows, if your users run the executable by double-clicking on it, the
console might close when your program exits. Then, your users might not be able
to view the output of your program. To fix this, you can add some code to the end
of your program to keep it open until the user presses the Enter key.
• If your users open a console and use it to run the executable, the console stays
open even after your program exits.
• With Xcode, you can find the location of your executable file by expanding
the Products folder for the project. Control clicking on the executable file, and
selecting the Show in Finder item from the resulting menu.
• If your program uses a file and no path is specified, the file must be located in the
working directory, which is almost always the directory that contains the executable.

Figure 8-11 How to deploy and run a program

310 Section 1 Essential skills for modern C+ +

Now that you’ve completed this chapter, you should have the skills you
need to test a program to identify any bugs it may contain. Then, you should be
able to use the debugging techniques presented in this chapter to determine the
cause of those bugs.
However, you should know that the debuggers available from most IDEs
provide some additional features that you can use to test and debug your
programs. After reading this chapter, you should be able to learn more about
those features on your own.
You should also know that the testing approaches described in this chapter
are just the basics for getting you started. As you begin to develop more
complex programs, you may want to learn more about other testing approaches
such as Test Driven Development (TDD) and Behavior Driven Development
(BDD). In addition, you may want to learn about other testing technologies
such as unit testing, which is a way of creating tests for individual units of
source code such as functions to make sure they work correctly.

test a program test plan
debug a program trace program execution
bug debugger
compile-time error breakpoint
syntax error stack trace
runtime error executable file
logic error

• To test a program, you run it to make sure that it works properly no matter
what combinations of valid or invalid data you enter.
• When you debug a program, you find and fix all of the errors (hugs) that you
find when you test the program.
• Compile-time errors are caught by the compiler before you run the program.
These errors are usually syntax errors that violate the rules for how state­
ments must be written.
• Runtime errors don’t violate the syntax rules, but they can cause the program
to crash or to yield unexpected results.
• Logic errors are statements that don’t cause syntax or runtime errors, but
produce the wrong results.
• A fesr plan is a table or spreadsheet that shows the data entries that you
can use for testing the program as well as the correct results for each set of
entries. That way, you can verify that the program’s results are correct.
Chapter 8 How to test, debug, and deploy a program 311

• A simple way to trace the execution of a program is to include statements at

key points in the code that display debugging messages.
• Most modern IDEs include a powerful tool known as a debugger that can
help you find and fix errors.
• You can set a breakpoint on a line of code to stop code execution just before
that line of code is executed. Then, you can step through the code and view
the values of the variables as the code executes.
• A stack trace is a list of functions in the reverse order in which they were
• An executable file can be run directly by the operating system that it was
compiled for. To deploy an executable file, you can distribute it to your users
and show them how to run it.

Exercise 8-1 Test and debug a Test Scores

In this exercise, you’ll test and debug a variation of the Test Scores program of
chapter 4.
1. Open the project or solution named test_scores in this folder:
Then, review the code.
2. Create a test plan that thoroughly tests the program with valid data. This can
be a handwritten table or a spreadsheet that includes the test data for three or
four test runs as well as the expected results.
3. Use your test plan as a guide to testing the program. Then, note any inaccurate
results that you discover during testing.
4. Debug any logic errors.
5. Test the program with the same data to be sure it works correctly.

Exercise 8-2 Test and debug the Future Value

In this exercise, you’ll use your IDE to find and fix syntax errors and logic
errors in the Future Value program.

Correct syntax errors

1. Open the project or solution named future_value in this folder:
2. Open the console.cpp file and notice that the get_double() function contains
syntax errors.
3. Use your IDE to find and fix the errors.
312 Section 1 Essential skills for modern C++

Trace code execution

4. Display the main.cpp file, and scroll down to the definition of the
calculate_future_value() function. Add a statement to the loop that
displays the values of the month and the future value each time the loop
is executed.
5. Run the program to see how the statement you just added works. Review the
values that are displayed, and notice that the future value increases by too
much each month.
6. Make the statement you added a comment so it no longer displays messages.
Step through the program
7. Set a breakpoint on the first statement in the calculate_future_value() function.
Then, run the program with the debugger and enter values when prompted.
The program should stop at the breakpoint.
8. View the values of the local variables and note that the monthly_investment,
yearly_interest_rate. and years variables have been assigned values.
9. Click the Step Into button in the toolbar to execute the statement with the
breakpoint, and notice the value that’s been assigned to the monthly_rate
variable. Is this value correct? If not. stop debugging and fix the error.
10. Run the program again with the debugger and enter the same values as
before. When the program reaches the breakpoint, click the Step Into button
to execute that statement. If you fixed the error, the value of the monthly_rate
variable should now be correct.
11. Set another breakpoint on the statement within the for loop that calculates the
future value. Then, step through the loop three or more times to see how the
values of future_value and i variables change each time.
12. Remove both breakpoints from the calculate_future_value() function. Then,
click the Step Out button to finish executing this function and return to
the statement in the main() function that calls the calculate_future_value()
13. Click the Continue button to display the results of the calculation on the
14. Set a breakpoint on the first statement in the main() function.
15. At the console, enter “y” to continue. When the breakpoint is reached, use the
Step Into. Step Out, and Step Over buttons to step through the code, entering
values as prompted and experimenting as you go.
16. When you’re done, use your IDE to end debugging.
Section 2

More skills as you need them

The chapters in this section are designed to add to the skills presented in
section 1 of this book. Because these chapters are modular, you can read
them in the sequence that you prefer. If. for example, you want to learn
how to work with STL containers, you can skip to chapter 10. Or. if you
want to learn how to work with exceptions, you can skip to chapter 13.
However, we recommend reading chapters 10 and 11 in sequence. In
other words, chapter 10 is a prerequisite to chapter 11. Eventually, though,
you’ll want to read all of these chapters since they all describe skills that
every C++ programmer should have.
How to work with structures
and enumerations
This chapter begins by showing how to use a structure to group items of different
data types into a single data type. Then, this chapter shows how to use an
enumeration to group related constants. Both of these features make it easier to
organize your code and work with related data.

Basic skills for working with structures.......................... 316

How to get started with structures................................................................ 316
How to initialize a structure......................................................................... 318
The Movie List 1.0 program.........................................................................320
More skills for working with structures........................... 324
How to nest structures.................................................................................. 324
How to use structures with functions........................................................... 326
How to compare structures for equality....................................................... 328
How to work with member functions........................................................... 330
How to work with member operators........................................................... 330
The Movie List 2.0 program.......................................................................... 332
How to work with enumerations ........................................ 338
Basic skills for working with scoped enumerations.................................... 338
More skills for working with scoped enumerations................................... 340
How to work with unscoped enumerations.................................................. 342
The Monthly Bonus Calculator program..................................................... 344
Perspective............................................................................ 348
316 Section 2 More skills as you need them

Basic skills for working with structures

So far in this book, you’ve learned how to work with data types such as the
string, double, int. and vector types. Sometimes, though, you need to organize
your data by grouping related data types. For example, a product may consist of
many data types, and you may want to group all of those data types into a single
data type. To do that, you can create a structure.

How to get started with structures

Figure 9-1 shows how to define a structure that consists of multiple data
types. To do that, you code the struct keyword, followed by the name of the
structure and the data types it contains within braces. Notice in the syntax shown
here that you must code a semicolon after the closing brace.
The example that follows defines a structure named Movie that contains two
data types: a string for the title of the movie and an int value for the year that the
movie was originally released. When working with structures, it’s a common
practice to start each word of a structure name with a capital letter, as in “Movie”
and “Customerinvoices”.
After you define a structure, you can create an object from the structure by
defining a variable of the structure type as shown in the second example. Here,
the code defines a variable named movie of the Movie data type. Like other
variable names, it’s common to use lowercase letters for the names of variables
that define structures.
Once you’ve created an object from a structure, you can access its data
members, or just members, by using the dot operator. This works the same way it
does for any other object such as the cout object. For instance, the third example
shows how to assign values to the members of the Movie object, and it shows
how to read values from the Movie object.
The fourth example shows that you can store one or more structure objects
in a vector. Here, the first statement creates a vector of Movie objects named
movies. Then, the second statement adds the Movie object named movie to the
If you have a vector that contains one or more structure objects, you can use
a range-based for loop to easily access the data in each object as shown by the
fifth example. Here, the loop just displays the title and year for each movie in the
Without a Movie structure, the code in the last two examples would be more
difficult to develop and maintain. To start, you'd need a vector of strings for the
title and a separate vector of integers for the year. Then, you'd need to make sure
these vectors remained synchronized. To do that, you wouldn’t be able to use a
range-based for loop because you'd need an index to access the elements of each
Chapter 9 How to work with structures and enumerations 317

How to define a structure data type

The syntax for defining a structure
struct DataType {
structure members ...
A Movie structure
struct Movie {
string title;
int year;

How to define a variable of a structure type

Movie movie;

How to access the members of a structure object

How to assign values directly
movie.title ■ "Wonder Woman";
movie.year ■ 2017;
How to assign values from the input stream
cout << "Please enter a movie title: ■;
getline(cin, movie.title);

cout << "Please enter the year that movie was released: ";
cin >> movie.year;
How to read values
cout << movie.title « " was released in " « movie.year << ".\n";

How to create a vector of structure objects and add a structure object to it

vector<Movie> movies;

How to loop through a vector of structure objects

for(Movie m: movies) (
cout « m.title « " was released in " « m.year « ".\n";

• You can use the struct keyword to define a structure that consists of one or more
data types. When you define a structure, the definition ends with a semicolon.
• The data types that compose a structure type are called data members, or just members.
• When you define a variable of a structure type, an object of that type is created.
• You can use dot notation to access the data members of an object that’s created
from a structure.
• You can use a vector to store one or more objects created from a structure. Then,
you can use a range-based for loop to easily access the data in each object.

Figure 9-1 How to get started with structures

318 Section 2 More skills as you need them

How to initialize a structure

When you create an object from a structure, the members contain whatever
values happen to be at the memory location where they are created. This can lead
to unexpected results as shown by the first example in figure 9-2.
As a result, it’s a best practice to initialize the members with starting data
when you create an object. To do that, you can use an initialization list as shown
by the second example. This example starts by showing the syntax of an initial­
ization list. Then, it shows two Movie objects that are defined with initialization
lists. When you use an initialization list, the assignment operator is optional, as
illustrated by the second statement. Either way, the code assigns the first value
in the list to the first member in the structure, it assigns the second value to the
second member, and so on.
When you provide an initialization list, you don’t have to include a value for
ever}' member. However, if you don’t initialize a member, you can’t initialize any
subsequent members. This is illustrated by the third Movie object that’s defined
in this example. Here, the code assigns a title of “Casablanca” to the movie,
but it doesn’t assign any subsequent members. In this case, the only subsequent
member is the year, but a Movie structure could potentially have many more
subsequent members.
In C++11 and later, you can set default values in the structure definition. In
the third example, for instance, the code defines a default title of an empty string
and a default year of 0. These default values prevent unexpected results from
occurring when you create a Movie object from this structure. As a result, this
structure is easier to use than the Movie structure defined in the previous figure.
Chapter 9 How to work with structures and enumerations 319

Code that displays the initial values of a Movie object’s members

Movie movie;
<< "Title: ■ << movie.title « endl
<< "Year: " « movie.year << endl;
The console
Year: 4201099

How to use an initialization list to initialize a structure

The syntax of an initialization list
DataType variable_name [■] ( valuelf, value2] ... };
Two Movie objects defined with initialization lists
Movie movie_l ■ { "Casablanca", 1942 }; // optional assignment operator
Movie movie_2 ( "Wonder Woman", 2017 };
A Movie object initialized with only a title
Movie movie_3 ■ { "Casablanca" };

How to set default member values as part of the structure definition

struct Movie {
string title ■
int year ■ 0;

• When you create an instance of a structure, the members contain whatever
values happen to be at the memory location where they are created. This can
lead to unexpected results.
• Due to possible unexpected results, it’s generally considered a best practice to
initialize the members with starting data when you create an object.
• You can use an initialization list to set the starting values of an object when you
create it. When you use an initialization list, the assignment operator is optional.
• The first value in an initialization list is assigned to the first member in the
structure, the second value is assigned to the second member, and so on.
• You don't have to include a value in the list for every member. However, if you
don’t initialize a member, you can’t initialize any subsequent members.
• In C++11 and later, you can set default values in the structure definition.

Figure 9-2 How to initialize a structure

320 Section 2 More skills as you need them

The Movie List 1.0 program

Now that you’ve seen some basic skills for working with a structure, you’re
ready to see a Movie List l.O program that uses these skills. Later in this chapter,
you’ll see a Movie List 2.0 program that expands on these skills.
Part I of figure 9-3 starts by showing the user interface for the Movie List
l .0 program. This program allows the user to enter one or more movies. Then,
when the user is done entering movies, the program displays a list of all movies
entered by the user.
Next, this figure shows the code for the Movie List l .0 program. To start,
this code defines a structure for a Movie object that contains a title and a year.
This structure includes default values for the title and year, since the program
doesn’t initializes Movie objects when it creates them.
After defining the structure, the mainf) function displays the name of the
program and prompts the user to enter a movie. Then, it defines a vector for
storing Movie objects and enters a while loop that continues until the user
decides to stop it by not entering a ‘y’ or ‘Y’.
Within the loop, the first statement defines a Movie object named movie.
Then, the code gets the title and year of the movie from the user and stores those
values in the Movie object. Next, the code adds the Movie object to the vector of
Movie objects.
Chapter 9 How to work with structures and enumerations 321

The console
The Movie List program

Enter a movie...

Title: Casablanca
Year: 1942

Enter another movie? (y/n): y

Title: Wonder Woman

Year: 2017

Enter another movie? (y/n): n

Casablanca 1942
Wonder Woman 2017

The code
#include <iostream>
tinclude <iomanip>
tinclude <string>
#include <vector>

using namespace std;

// define a struct for a Movie object

struct Movie {
string title ■
int year ■ 0;

int mainf) {
cout << "The Movie List program\n\n"
<< "Enter a movie...\n\n";

// get vector of Movie objects

vector<Movie> movie_list;
char another ■ 'y';
while (tolower(another) ■■ 'y') {
Movie movie;

cout << "Title: ";

getline(cin, movie.title);

cout << "Year: ";

cin >> movie.year;


cout << "\nEnter another movie? (y/n): ■;

cin >> another;
cout << endl;

Figure 9-3 The Movie List 1.0 program (part 1 of 2)

322 Section 2 More skills as you need them

When the user ends this loop by not entering ‘y’ or ‘Y’, the code in part 2 of
figure 9-3 displays all Movie objects that have been stored in the vector. To do
that, it uses the stream output manipulators to left align all data in two columns
where the first column is 30 characters wide (10*3) and the second column is
10 characters wide.
As you review this code, note that the Movie List program doesn't validate
any of the data entered by the user. That keeps the code listing short and focused
on the code that works with the Movie structure.
Chapter 9 How to work with structures and enumerations 323

The code (continued)

// display the Movie objects stored in the vector
const int w - 10;
cout « left
« setw(w * 3) « "TITLE"
« setw(w) « "YEAR" << endl;
for (Movie movie : movie_list) {
cout << setw(w * 3) « movie.title
<< setw(w) « movie.year « endl « endl;

Figure 9-3 The Movie List 1.0 program (part 2 of 2)

324 Section 2 More skills as you need them

More skills for working with structures

Now that you’re familiar with the basic skills for working with structures,
you’re ready to learn more skills for working with structures. These skills
include nesting structures, using structures with functions, comparing structures,
and defining member functions.

How to nest structures

Figure 9-4 shows how to nest one structure within another structure. To
do that, you code a structure variable as a data member. In this figure, the first
example begins by defining a Date structure that uses int variables to store the
year, month, and day of the date. Then, it defines an Invoice structure that uses
an int variable for the invoice number. Date variables for the date and due date,
and a double variable for the total. In other words, this code nests two Date
structures within the Invoice structure.
The second example shows how to write code that works with these nested
structures. Here, the first statement creates an Invoice object from the Invoice
structure. Because this structure contains two members of the Date type, this
also creates two Date objects. Then, this code assigns values to the Invoice
object. To assign values to the nested objects, it uses dot notation to access the
members of those objects. For example, it uses to access the
month member of the Date object that’s stored in the Invoice object.
After assigning values to the Invoice object, this code also reads values from
the Invoice object and displays them on the console. Again, to do that, this code
uses the dot notation to access the members of the nested structures.
There is no limit to how deep you can nest structures. However, as with all
nesting, it’s best not to nest deeper than two or three levels. Otherwise, your
code can become hard to understand and maintain.
Chapter 9 How to work with structures and enumerations 325

An Invoice structure that nests two Date structures

struct Date (
int year - 1900;
int month ■ 1;
int day ■ 1;

struct Invoice {
int number ■ -1;
Date date;
Date due_date;
double total - 0;

Code that uses these nested structures

// create the Invoice structure
Invoice invoice;

// assign values to the Invoice and Date structures

invoice.number ■ 1; - 1; - 2; - 2018;
invoice.due_date.month ■ 4; ■ 15;
invoice.due_date.year - 2018; ■ 1430.72;

// read values from the Invoice and Date structures

cout « "INVOICE\n"
<< "Number: " << invoice.number << endl
<< "Date: " << «
<< «
<< << endl
<< "Due Date: " << invoice.due_date.year <<
<< invoice.due_date.month <<
<< << endl
<< "Total: " << « endl « endl;

The console
Number: 1
Date: 2018-1-2
Due Date: 2018-4-15
Total: 1430.72

• You can nest structures within other structures. To do that, you code a structure
variable as a data member.
• You use dot notation to access the members of a nested structure.
• There is no limit to how deep you can nest structures.

Figure 9-4 How to nest structures

326 Section 2 More skills as you need them

How to use structures with functions

Figure 9-5 shows how to use structures with functions. As you may
remember from chapter 7, a function can’t return multiple values. However,
if a function returns a structure type, it can return multiple values as the data
members of the structure. For instance, the first example in this figure creates
a Movie object and stores two values in it (a string value and an int value) and
returns that Movie object to the calling code.
By default, when you pass a structure type to a function, its data members
are passed by value. That means a copy of each member is passed. Since that’s
not efficient, especially for a large structure with many members, it’s common to
pass structures by reference as shown in the second and third examples.
The second example, for instance, doesn’t need to change any data
members of the structure object. As a result, the parameter for the Movie object
is defined as a constant reference parameter. That way, the statement within the
display_movie() function can get the values of the data members, but it can’t
assign new values to them.
However, the third example does need to change a data member of the
structure object. As a result, the parameter for the Movie object is defined as a
reference parameter. That way, the second statement in the update_movie_year()
function can assign a new value to the year member of the Movie object. Since
this also modifies the Movie object in the calling code, there’s no need to return
the Movie object to the calling code.
The fourth example shows how to use the three functions defined by the first
three examples. Here, the first statement gets a Movie object from user input.
The second statement displays the Movie object to the user. The third state­
ment allows the user to update the year for the movie. And the fourth statement
displays the updated movie data.
Although the code in the third example is the most efficient way to update
the data in a structure, some programmers consider it a better practice to pass
structures by value as shown in the fifth example. To do that, the function in
this example doesn’t define the Movie parameter as a reference parameter. As
a result, the Movie argument is passed by value. Then, the first two statements
in this function update a copy of the Movie object and don’t modify the Movie
object in the calling code. As a result, this function must include a third state­
ment that returns the Movie object to the calling code.
The sixth example shows how the calling code can use the function defined
by the fifth example. Here, the statement passes a Movie object named movie to
the function and assigns the updated Movie object to the same variable name.
The advantage of this code is that it clearly shows that the Movie object in the
calling code is being updated by this function. The disadvantage, as mentioned
earlier, is that this code isn’t as efficient. However, this is less of an issue as more
compilers implement return value optimization (RVO), which eliminates the
need to copy the object. Although the details of how this works are beyond the
scope of this book, you can feel confident that in most situations, you can return
a container without negatively impacting performance.
Chapter 9 How to work with structures and enumerations 327

A function that returns a Movie object

Movie get_movie() (
Movie movie;
cout « "Enter title: ■;
getline(cin, movie.title);
cout « "Enter year: ";
cin >> movie.year;
return movie;

A function that accepts a Movie object but doesn’t update it

void display_movie(const Movie& movie) {
cout « "MOVIE: " « movie.title << " (■ « movie.year « ")\n\n";

A function that accepts a Movie object and updates it

void update_movie_year(Movie& movie) {
cout « "Update Year: ■;
cin >> movie.year;

Code that uses these functions to work with movie data

Movie movie - get_movie();
update_movie_year (movie);
The output
Enter title: Wonder Woman
Enter year: 1917
MOVIE: Wonder Woman (1917)

Update Year: 2017

MOVIE: Wonder Woman (2017)

Another way to update a Movie object

Movie update_movie_year2(Movie movie) {
cout « "Update Year: ■;
cin >> movie.year;
return movie;

Code that uses this function to update a Movie object

movie - update_movie_year2(movie);

• When you pass a structure object to a function, all the values in its data
members are passed by value. That means a copy of each member is passed.
• If a function needs to access the same structure object as the calling code, the
object must be passed by reference. This improves performance for large objects.
• A function can’t return multiple values. However, if a function returns a structure
type, it can return multiple values as the data members of the structure object.

Figure 9-5 How to use structures with functions

328 Section 2 More skills as you need them

How to compare structures for equality

By default, a structure doesn't provide an equality operator (-■). As a result,
if you try to use the equality operator to compare two Movie objects, you’ll get
an error that indicates that the equality operator isn’t available for comparing
Movie objects. To illustrate, figure 9-6 starts by defining three Movie objects,
the first two of which contain the same data. Then, the second example shows
the error that’s displayed by Visual Studio/M VSC when these two objects are
tested for equality. You should get a similar message for other IDE/compiler
Instead of using the equality operator to compare structure objects, you can
test whether two structure objects are equal by comparing the values of the data
members. The third example in this figure illustrates how this works. Here, the
code checks whether both the title and year members of two Movie objects are
equal. If they are, the code displays a message that indicates that the objects are
equal. Otherwise, the code displays a message that indicates that the objects are
not equal.
The fourth example shows how you can store the result of an equality
comparison in a Boolean variable. Here, the first statement defines a bool
variable named duplicate. Then, the second statement checks whether the Movie
objects named wwl and ww2 contain the same data. Since they do, it sets the
duplicate variable to a value of true. Next, the third statement checks whether the
Movie objects named wwl and cb contain the same data. Since they don’t, it sets
the duplicate variable to a value of false.
Chapter 9 How to work with structures and enumerations 329

Three Movie objects for comparison

Movie wwl ("Wonder Woman", 2017);
Movie ww2 ("Wonder Woman", 2017);
Movie cb ("Casablanca", 1942);

What happens if you try to compare structure variables for equality

The code
if (wwl ■■ ww2) {
cout « "The movies are equal.\n";
A typical error message
no operator "■■" matches these operands

How to compare the data members of the Movie objects for equality
An if statement that displays a message
if (wwl.title ■■ ww2.title &&
wwl.year -- ww2.year) {
cout « "The movies are equal.\n";
} else {
cout « "The movies are NOT equal.\n";
The console
The movies are equal.

Code that sets a Boolean variable

bool duplicate;
duplicate ■ (wwl.title ■■ ww2.title &&
wwl.year ■■ ww2.year); // duplicate is true
duplicate ■ (wwl.title ■■ cb.title &&
wwl.year ■■ cb.year); // duplicate is false

• A structure doesn't define the equality operator (■■) by default. As a result, if
you try to use the equality operator to compare two structure variables, you’ll
get an error.
• To test whether two structure variables are equal, you can compare the values
in the data members.

Figure 9-6 How to compare structures for equality

330 Section 2 More skills as you need them

How to work with member functions

In addition to members that contain data, a structure can have member
functions that operate on the data members. A member function works like a
regular function, so it can accept parameters and return values.
In figure 9-7. the first example defines a Movie structure that includes a
member function named equals!). This function accepts a Movie object named
to_compare as an argument and returns a bool value. Within the body of this
function, a single statement returns the bool value that results from checking
whether the data members of the current Movie object are equal to the data
members of the Movie object that’s passed to the member function.
The second example shows that you can use the dot operator to call a
member function. Here, the second statement uses the dot operator to call the
equals!) member function from the Movie object named wwl defined in the
previous figure. Then, it passes the Movie object named ww2, which was also
defined in the previous figure, to this function. As a result, because these two
Movie objects contain the same data, this function returns a bool value of true.
The third statement, on the other hand, uses the equals!) function to compare the
Movie objects named ww2 and cb. As a result, this function returns a value of
As with regular functions, you can declare a function in the structure defini­
tion as shown by the third example. Then, you can define the function after the
structure definition. To do that, you should prefix the function definition with the
data type and the scope resolution operator (::). This tells the compiler that the
function is a member of the structure.

How to work with member operators

You can also add operators that work with a structure. To do that, you can
use the same skills for adding a function, but instead of coding the function
name, you code the operator keyword and the operator. For instance, the fourth
example shows how to define an equality operator (■■) instead of the equals!)
member function shown in the first example.
The fifth example shows how to use the equality operator defined by the
fourth example. As you review this example, you should realize that including
an equality operator like this provides an easier way to compare structures for
equality than the technique shown in the previous figure. As a result, if you find
that you often need to compare structures for equality, you can add an equality
operator like this one to your structure.
In this figure, the function for the operator is defined within the structure
definition. However, if you want, you can declare the operator function within
the structure definition, and you can code its definition after the structure defini­
tion. To do that, you can use the same skills for working with member functions
that are illustrated in the third example.
Chapter 9 How to work with structures and enumerations 331

A Movie data type with a member function

struct Movie (
string title;
int year;
bool equals(const Movie& to_compare) (
return (title == to_compare.title && year == to_compare.year );

Code that calls the member function of a Movie object

bool duplicate;
duplicate ■ wwl.equals(ww2); // duplicate is true
duplicate ■ wwl.equals(cb); // duplicate is false

How to declare a member function prototype and define it later

struct Movie (
string title;
int year;
bool equals(const Movie&); // member function prototype
// member function definition
bool Movie::equals(const Moviefc to_compare) {
return (title ■■ to_compare.title && year -- to_compare.year );

How to add an operator to a data type

struct Movie (
string title;
int year;
bool operator's(const Movie& to_compare) (
return (title == to_compare.title && year == to_compare.year );

Code that uses the equality operator with Movie objects

bool duplicate;
duplicate - (wwl ■■ ww2); // duplicate is true
duplicate - (wwl ■■ cb); // duplicate is false

• In addition to members that contain data, a structure can have member functions that
operate on its data members. A member function works like a regular function.
• To call a member function from a structure object, you use the dot operator.
• As with regular functions, you can declare a function in the structure definition and
define it after the structure definition.
• To define a function outside of a structure definition, prefix the function definition with
the data type and the scope resolution operator (::). That way, the compiler knows that
this function is a member of the structure.
• You can also use member functions to add operators for your data type. To do that, you
use the operator keyword and the operator you’re adding when you define your function.

Figure 9-7 How to work with member functions and operators

332 Section 2 More skills as you need them

The Movie List 2.0 program

Figure 9-8 presents a Movie List program that illustrates many of the skills
that you’ve just learned. As the console shows, this program maintains a list of
movies, and the user can view all the movies, add a movie to the list, or delete a
movie from the list.
After the console, this figure shows the code for this program. By now, you
should understand how most of this code works. To start, it defines a structure
for a Movie object. This structure has three data members (title, year, and stars),
and the declaration for a member function named equals().
Next is the definition for the equals() function. Here, it’s important to
note that this function only checks whether the title and year are the same, not
whether the number of stars are the same. Then, this code defines a constant that
stores the filename for the file that contains the data for the program.
The next function, shown in part 2 of figure 9-8. reads the movie data
from the data file, stores this data in a vector of Movie objects, and returns that
vector to the calling code. As you review this function, note that each line in
the file stores the data for one movie with each data member separated by a tab
character (\t). As a result, to get the movie title from the line, this code uses an
overload of the getlineO function that uses a third parameter to tell the function
to stop reading the string when it encounters the next tab character (\t). That
way, the code uses the getlineO method to read the title for each line. Then, it
uses the extraction operator (>>) to read the year and stars for each line.
Part 2 also includes two functions that accept the vector of Movie objects
as a parameter. The first one writes the data in this vector to the movie file. The
second one displays the data in this vector on the console, along with the number
that’s associated with each movie in the list.
Part 3 of figure 9-8 begins by showing the function that gets all of the data
for a movie from the user. To do that, this function prompts the user to enter this
data, and it stores the data in a Movie object. Then, it returns that Movie object
to the calling code.
Next is a function that adds a Movie object to a vector of Movie objects.
To make sure this works correctly, this code begins by checking if the Movie
already exists in the vector. To do that, it uses the equalsQ member function of
the Movie object. If the movie already exists in the vector, this code assumes
that a different number of stars have been entered and it updates the number of
stars for the movie. Then, it writes the vector of Movies to the movie file and
displays a message that indicates that the movie was updated. However, if the
movie doesn’t already exist in the vector, this code adds the movie to the end
of the vector, writes the vector to the movie file, and displays a message that
indicates that the movie was added.
The last function in part 3 gets a number from the user that corresponds
to a movie in the list of movies that’s displayed on the console by the view
command. This function starts by discarding any remaining characters in the
input stream. Then, it uses a while loop to prompt the user for a number until the
user enters a valid number. Here, the code checks whether the number is greater
than 0 and less than or equal to the size of the vector. If so, the number is valid.
Chapter 9 How to work with structures and enumerations 333

The console
The Movie List program

v - View movie list
a - Add a movie
d - Delete a movie
x - Exit

Command: v
1 Casablanca 1942 5
2 Wonder Woman 2017 4

Command: a
Title: The Wizard of Oz
Year: 1939
Stars (1-5): 5
The Wizard of Oz was added.

Command: d
Number: 1
Casablanca was deleted.

Command: x

The code
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <sstream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <string>
#include <vector>

using namespace std;

struct Movie {
string title -
unsigned int year ■ 0;
unsigned int stars ■ 0;
bool equals(Movieft); // member function declaration

// member function definition

bool Movie::equals(Movieft to_compare) (
return (title -- to_compare.title && year »■ to_compare.year);

const string movies_file = "movies.txt";

Figure 9-8 The Movie List 2.0 program (part 1 of 4)

334 Section 2 More skills as you need them

The code (continued)

vector<Movie> read_movies_from_file() {
vector<Movie> movies;

ifstream input_file(movies_file);
if (input_file) ( // if file opened successfully...
Movie movie;
string line;
while (getline(input_file, line)) (
stringstream ss(line);

getline(ss, movie.title, '\t'); // get title

ss >> movie.year >> movie.stars; // get year and stars
movies.push_back(movie) ; // add movie to vector
return movies;

void write_movies_to_file(const vector<Movie>& movies) (

ofstream output_file(movies_file);
if (output_file) ( // if file opened successfully...
for (Movie movie : movies) {
output_file « movie.title « '\t*
<< movie.year << •\t'
<< movie.stars << '\n';

void view_movies(const vector<Movie>& movies) (

int col_width ■ 8;
cout << left
« setw(col_width / 2) << " "
« setw(col_width * 4) << "TITLE"
« setw(col_width) « "YEAR"
<< setw(col_width) << "STARS" << endl;

int number - 1;
for (Movie movie : movies) (
cout « setw(col_width / 2) « number
<< setw(col_width * 4) << movie.title
<< setw(col_width) << movie.year
<< setw(col_width) << movie.stars << endl;
cout << endl;

Figure 9-8 The Movie List 2.0 program (part 2 of 4)

Chapter 9 How to work with structures and enumerations 335

The code (continued)

Movie get_movie() {
Movie movie;
cout << "Title:
cin.ignore(1000, ’\n');
getline(cin, movie.title);
cout << "Year:
cin >> movie.year;
cout << "Stars (1-5): ";
cin >> movie.stars;
return movie;

void add_movie(vector<Movie>& movies) {

Movie movie ■ get_movie();

// check if movie already exists

bool already_exists - false;
for (Movie& m : movies) (
if (m.equals(movie)) {
already_exists - true;
m.stars - movie.stars;

if (already_exists) {
cout << movie.title << ■ already exists and was updated.\n\n" ;
else (
movies.push_back(movie) ;
cout « movie.title « ■ was added.\n\n";

int get_movie_number(const vector<Movie>& movies) {

cin.ignore(1000, ’\n’);
int number;
while (true) (
cout « "Number: ■;
cin >> number;
if (number > 0 && number <■ movies.size()) (
return number;
else (
cout << "Invalid movie number. Try again.\n";

Figure 9-8 The Movie List 2.0 program (part 3 of 4)

336 Section 2 More skills as you need them

As a result, the function returns it to the calling code. This causes program
execution to exit the loop and the function. Otherwise, the number is invalid. As
a result, the code displays an appropriate error message. Then, program execu­
tion continues at the top of the loop, which prompts the user for another number.
Part 4 of figure 9-8 begins by defining a function that deletes a movie. This
function begins by getting a number that corresponds with a movie in the list of
movies that’s displayed on the console. Then, this code gets the index for that
movie by subtracting 1 from the number for the movie. Next, it uses the index to
get the Movie object, delete it from the vector, write the movie data in the vector
to a file, and display an appropriate message that includes the title of the movie
that was deleted.
The next function in part 4 displays a menu of commands. This function
consists of a single statement that displays the characters (v, a. d. and x). Then,
the user can enter one of these characters to execute the commands (view. add.
delete, and exit) for working with the program.
The last function is the main() function that runs when the program starts.
This function begins by displaying the name of the program. Then, it displays
the menu for the program, it reads the movie data from the text file for the
program into a vector of movies, and it begins a while loop that continues until
the user enters ‘x’ to exit. Within the loop, the code prompts the user to enter a
command. Then, a switch statement executes the appropriate code depending
on what command is entered. If the user enters V, ‘a’, or ‘d’. the function for
viewing a movie, adding a moving, or deleting a movie is called. However, if the
user enters ‘x’, the code displays a message of “Bye!”, and program execution
exits the loop, which causes the program to end. Or. if the user doesn’t enter a
valid command, the switch statement displays an appropriate error message, and
program execution continues at the top of the loop, which prompts the user for
another command.
As you review this code, note that the add_movie() and delete_movie()
functions don’t return the vector of movies after they change it. That’s because
these methods define the vector parameter as a reference variable. As a result,
the code in the main() function refers to the same vector that’s modified by the
add_movie() and delete_movie() functions.
Also note that the write_movies_to_file(), view_movies(). and
get_movie_number() functions accept the vector of movies as a reference
parameter. That means these functions also work with the vector defined in
the main() function. In addition, because these functions don’t change the
vector, the vector parameter is defined as a constant.
Chapter 9 How to work with structures and enumerations 337

The code (continued)

void delete_movie(vector<Movie>& movies) {
int number ■ get_movie_number(movies);

int index ■ number - 1;

Movie movie - movies[index];
movies.erase(movies.begin() + index);
cout « movie.title « " was deleted.\n\n";

void display_menu() {
cout « "COMMANDS\n"
<< "v - View movie list\n"
<< "a - Add a movie\n"
<< "d - Delete a movie\n"
« "x - Exit\n\n";

int main() {
cout « "The Movie List program\n\n";
vector<Movie> movies ■ read_movies_from_file();
char command - ' v ’ ;
while (command != 'x') (
cout << "Command:
cin >> command;
switch (command) (
case 'v':
case 'a':
add_movie(movies) ;
case 'd':
case 'x':
cout << "Bye!\n\n";
cout << "Not a valid command. Please try again.\n\n";

Figure 9-8 The Movie List 2.0 program (part 4 of 4)

338 Section 2 More skills as you need them

How to work with enumerations

In chapter 6. you learned how to use constants to store values that don't
change as a program executes. In some cases, though, you may want to group
related constants. For example, you might want to group constants that represent
the seven days of the week. To do that, you can use an enumeration.

Basic skills for working with scoped enumerations

An enumerated data type, or enumeration, is a user-defined type that’s
composed of constant values. The constant values contained in an enumeration
are called enumerators. By default, they are stored in memory as sequential
integers starting at 0, which is usually what you want.
To define an enumeration, you use the syntax shown in figure 9-9. Here, the
enum keyword is followed by the optional class keyword and the name of the
enumeration. Then, the constants that make up the enumeration are coded within
braces and separated by commas. Finally, a semicolon is coded after the closing
brace. In this figure, for instance, the first example defines an enumeration
named Operation that contains four enumerators (add. subtract, multiply, and
With C++11 and later, it’s generally considered a best practice to use the
class keyword to define scoped enumerations, also known as class enumerations,
as shown in this figure. However, it’s also possible to define unscoped enumera­
tions as shown in figure 9-11. This was a common practice prior to C++11. As a
result, if you’re working with legacy code, you may need to learn how unscoped
enumerations work.
When you work with a scoped enumeration, you can access an enumerator
by coding the name of the enumeration, the scope resolution operator and
the name of the enumerator. For instance, the second example shows how to
access the add enumerator of the Operation enumeration.
Since a scoped enumeration defines a type, you can declare a variable of the
enumeration as shown in the third example. Here, the code declares a variable
named op of the Operation type.
The fourth example shows two ways to initialize a variable for an enumer­
ator. This shows that you can use two statements or one statement, just as you
can when initializing variables of other types.
The fifth example shows that a function can accept an enumeration as an
argument. Here, the calculateO function accepts an Operation type as its first
argument and double values for its second and third arguments. Within this
function, the code uses a switch statement to determine the Operation enumer­
ator that was passed to the function. Then, it executes the appropriate operation
on the second and third arguments and returns the resulting value.
The sixth statement shows how to use the function defined in the fifth
example. Here, the first statement defines two double values, and the second
statement defines a variable of the Operation type that’s initialized to the
Operation::add enumerator. Then, the third statement calls the calculateO
function and passes it the add enumerator and the two double values. This adds
Chapter 9 How to work with structures and enumerations 339

How to define an enumeration

The basic syntax for creating an enumeration
enum (class) EnumerationName {
constant_name_2] ...
An enumeration with four enumerators
enum class Operation ( add, subtract, multiply, divide };

How to access an enumerator


How to create a variable for an enumerator

Operation op;

How to create and initialize a variable for an enumerator

In two statements
Operation op;
op - Operation::add;
In one statement
Operation op - Operation::add;

A function that accepts an enumeration as an argument

double calculate(Operation op, double numl, double num2) {
switch (op) {
case Operation::add:
return numl ♦ num2;
case Operation::subtract:
return numl - num2;
case Operation::multiply:
return numl * num2;
case Operation::divide:
return numl I num2;

Code that uses the function

double numl ■ 50, num2 ■ 25;
Operation op ■ Operation::add;
cout << calculate(op, numl, num2) << endl; // displays 75
op - Operation::subtract;
cout << calculate(op, numl, num2) << endl; // displays 25

• An enumerated data type, or enumeration, is a user-defined type that’s composed
of constant values. Enumerations can make your code more clear.
• The constant values contained in an enumeration are called enumerators. By
default, they are stored in memory as sequential integers, starting at 0.
• To create a scoped enumeration, also known as a class enumeration, you code the
class keyword. This keyword is available for enumerations with C++11 and later.

Figure 9-9 Basic skills for working with scoped enumerations

340 Section 2 More skills as you need them

the values together. Next, the fourth statement assigns the subtract enumerator to
the Operation variable. Finally, the fifth statement calls the calculate() function
and passes it this enumerator and the two double values. This subtracts the
second value from the first.

More skills for working with scoped enumerations

Figure 9-10 shows more skills for working with scoped enumerations. To
start, the first example shows the enumeration that’s used by the next three
examples. Then, the second and third examples show how to convert an integer
value to its corresponding enumerator and vice versa. To do that, you can use a
static cast to explicitly perform the conversion. This is necessary because C++
won’t do the conversion implicitly.
The fourth example shows how to use relational operators with an enumera­
tion. This works because the enumerators correspond to integer values. Here, the
code checks to make sure the enumerator stored in the variable named op is valid
for the Operation enumeration. In most cases, you don't need to write code like
this when you work with scoped enumerations. However, it may be necessary in
some cases.
By default, enumerators correspond to int values that begin at 0 and continue
sequentially. However, you can specify the values of the enumerators as long as
you use an integer type, like int or char.
If you just want to start the enumerators at a value other than 0, you only
need to specify the value for the first enumerator. For an enumeration of months
like the one shown in the fifth example in this figure, you might want jan to
correspond to 1, feb to correspond to 2. and so on. That way. the integer for the
month matches the integer that’s usually used for the month.
However, if you want to specify the values for all enumerators, you can do
that too. You might want to do this to specify an integer value that corresponds
better to each enumerator. For example, for an enumeration of payment terms,
you might want net_due_2() to correspond to 20. net_due_3() to correspond to
30, and so on.
Since the char type is technically an integer type, you can create an enumera­
tion of characters by assigning char values to the enumerators as shown in the
sixth example. For example, for an enumeration of commands, you could assign
‘v’ to view, ‘a’ to add. *d’ to del. and ‘x’ to exit. (Note that you can’t use “delete”
as the name of an enumerator because it’s a C++ keyword.) By default, these
characters would be promoted to the int type, which uses 4 bytes. However, to
save memory, you could change the underlying type to the char type, which uses
1 byte. To do that, just code a colon and the new underlying type immediately
after the name of the enumeration as shown in this figure.
You can also convert a char value to one of the enumerators in the enumera­
tion. To do that, you can use a static cast just as you do for an enumeration of int
Chapter 9 How to work with structures and enumerations 341

An enumeration that uses indexes that start with zero

enum class Operation ( add, subtract, multiply, divide };

Code that converts an integer to its corresponding enumerator

int choice - 0;
Operation op - staticcastcOperation>(choice); // op is now Operation::add

Code that gets the corresponding integer of an enumerator

Operation op - Operation::divide;
choice ■ static_cast<int>(op); // choice is 3

Code that uses relational operators with an enumeration

if (op < Operation::add || op > Operation::divide) (
cout << "Invalid operation!";

How to set the values of the enumerators

Specify the initial value
enum class Operation ( add ■ 1, subtract, multipy, divide };
// add is 1, subtract is 2, multiply is 3, divide is 4

enum class Months { jan ■ 1, feb, mar, apr, may };

// jan is 1, feb is 2, mar is 3, apr is 4, and may is 5
Specify all the values
enum class Terms ( net_due_20 ■ 20, net_due_30 ■ 30, net_due_60 = 60 };
enum class Flags ( red ■ 1, orange - 2, yellow ■ 4, green = 8 };

How to work with char enumerators

Use the underlying int type to store char values (4 bytes per char)
enum class Command ( view ■ 'V, add - 'a', del - 'd', exit ■ *x* };
Change the underlying type to char (1 byte per char)
enum class Command : char ( view - 'V, add - 'a', del - 'd', exit ■ ’x’ };
Convert a character to its corresponding enumerator
char choice - 'a';
Command command - static_cast<Command>(choice); // command is Command::add

• To assign an integer value to an enumeration variable, or an enumeration value to
an integer variable, you can use a static cast.
• Since enumerators correspond to integer values, you can use the relational operators
with them.
• By default, the enumerator values are int values that begin at 0. However, you can
specify the values of the enumerators as long as you use an integer type like int or char.
• You can also specify the integer type that the enumeration uses to store the underlying

Figure 9-10 More skills for working with scoped enumerations

342 Section 2 More skills as you need them

How to work with unscoped enumerations

Prior to C++11, it was a common practice to create unscoped enumerations.
Unscoped enumerations work much like scoped enumerations, but they can lead
to several problems. As a result, it’s considered a best practice to use scoped
enumerations whenever possible.
Figure 9-11 begins by showing how unscoped enumerations work. Here,
the first four examples show that you don’t include the class keyword when you
create an unscoped enumeration. In addition, to access an enumerator, you don’t
need to prefix it with the enumeration name and the scope resolution operator.
If you compare these examples with the examples in figure 9-9, you’ll find
that the code for unscoped enumerators is shorter and simpler. So, why wouldn’t
you want to use them all the time? Because they can cause problems like the
three shown in this figure.
First, unscoped enumerations can lead to name collisions, which prevent
your code from compiling. That’s because a scoped enumeration provides its
own scope for the enumerators, but an unscoped enumeration does not. As a
result, with a scoped enumeration the Operation::add enumerator doesn’t collide
with the Command::add enumerator. However, with an unscoped enumeration,
these two enumerators do collide.
Second, unscoped enumerations implicitly convert enumerators to int values,
which isn't usually what you want. That’s because you don’t want to acciden­
tally convert an enumerator to an integer type. As a result, it’s generally consid­
ered a best practice to use a static cast to explicitly convert an enumeration type
such as Operation to an integer type such as int. Scoped enumerations enforce
this best practice by requiring an explicit cast, but unscoped enumerations do
Third, unscoped enumerations allow you to compare an enumerator to
integer types using relational operators. Unfortunately, this can lead to code
that’s hard to read because the integer values that correspond to enumera­
tors aren’t as meaningful as enumerator names. Similarly, this often leads to
code that’s error-prone since it’s easy to specify an integer value that doesn’t
correspond to any of the enumerators. Again, scoped enumerations enforce best
practices by not allowing you to compare an enumerator to an integer value.
Chapter 9 How to work with structures and enumerations 343

An unscoped enumeration
enum Operation { add, subtract, multiply, divide };

How to access an enumerator


How to create and initialize a variable for an enumerator

Operation op - add;

A function that accepts an enumeration as an argument

double calculate(Operation op, double numl, double num2) (
switch (op) (
case add:
return numl ♦ num2;
case subtract:
return numl - num2;
case multiply:
return numl * num2;
case divide:
return numl / num2;

Code that uses the function

double numl ■ 50, num2 = 25;
Operation op = add;
cout « calculate(op, numl, num2) << endl; // displays 75
op = subtract;
cout « calculate(op, numl, num2) << endl; // displays 25

Problems with unscoped enumerations

They can lead to name collisions
enum Operation { add, subtract, multiply, divide };
enum Command { view, add, del, quit }; // error - name collision!
They implicitly convert enumerators to integers (not recommended)
Operation op = divide;
int choice = op; // works, but an explict cast would be better
They allow you to compare enumerators to integers (not recommended)
Operation op = divide;
if (op < 0 || op > 3) ( // works, but hard-to-read AND error-prone
cout « "Invalid operation!\n";

• Prior to C++11, it was a common practice to create unscoped enumerations.
Unscoped enumerations work much like scoped enumerations, but they can lead
to several problems. As a result, you should use scoped enumerations whenever

Figure 9-11 How to work with unscoped enumerations

344 Section 2 More skills as you need them

The Monthly Bonus Calculator program

Figure 9-12 shows a program that calculates the monthly bonus for an
employee depending on the employee’s department and performance. The code
for this program uses an enumeration to enumerate each department in the
Part 1 begins by showing the console for this program. This console displays
the name of the program and a menu of the four departments of the company
where each department corresponds to an integer. Then, the program prompts
the user to select a department by entering its corresponding number. Next, it
prompts the user to answer a question that depends on the department that was
selected. Finally, it displays a message that indicates whether the employee
earned the bonus.
The code for the program begins by defining a scoped enumeration named
Department for four departments (marketing, it, sales, and other). Here, it’s
important to note that this enumeration has been defined so the corresponding
int values start at 1, not 0. As a result, the corresponding int values match the
numbers on the menu that’s displayed on the console.
After defining the enumeration, this code declares three functions. Of
these functions, the get_department() function returns an enumeration of the
Department type, and the check_criteria() function accepts an argument of the
Department type.
The main() function begins by displaying the name of the program and the
menu of departments. Then, it gets the department from the user and stores it in
a variable named dept of the Department type. Next, this code passes the dept
variable to the check_criteria() function to check if the user has earned a bonus
for the month. If so, the code displays a message that indicates that the user has
earned a bonus of S1(X)(). Otherwise, the code displays a message that indicates
that the user has not earned a bonus for the month.
The show_menu() function begins by displaying the DEPARTMENTS
header on the console. Then, it displays one department for each enumerator in
the Department enumeration. To do that, it gets the number for each department
by casting each enumerator to its corresponding int value. Then, it displays the
name of the corresponding department. For example, it displays “Marketing” to
the right of the integer for the Department:zmarketing enumerator.
Chapter 9 How to work with structures and enumerations 345

The console
The Monthly Bonus Calculator

1 - Marketing
2 - IT
3 - Sales
4 - Other

Enter department number: 2

How many trouble tickets did you close this month?: 11
Congrats! You earned the $1000 monthly bonus.

The code
tinclude <iostream>

using namespace std;

// function prototypes
void showjnenu();
Department get_department();
bool check_criteria(Department);

int main() {
cout « "The Monthly Bonus Calculator\n\n" ;

Department dept = get_department();

bool bonus - check_criteria(dept);
const double bonus_amt ■ 1000;
if (bonus) (
cout << "Congrats! You earned the $" << bonus_amt
« " monthly bonus.\n\n";
else (
cout << "Sorry! No bonus for you this month :( Keep trying!\n\n";

return 0;

// function definitions
void showjnenu() {
<< static_cast<int>(Department ::marketing) << " - MarketingXn"
<< static_cast<int>(Department ::it) << ■ - IT\n"
<< static_cast<int>(Department ::sales) « " - Sales\n"
<< static_cast<int>(Department ::other) « " - Other\n\n";

Figure 9-12 The Monthly Bonus Calculator program (part 1 of 2)

346 Section 2 More skills as you need them

The get_department() function in part 2 of figure 9-12 starts by getting

a number that corresponds to one of the Department enumerators. Then, this
code explicitly casts that number to one of the Department enumerators. Next,
the code checks whether the enumerator is less than Department "marketing or
greater than Department-sales. This could be true if the user entered an invalid
number such as 5 or 6. In that case, this code returns the Department-other
enumerator. Otherwise, it returns the enumerator that corresponds to the number
entered by the user.
The check_criteria() function accepts a Department enumerator and returns
a Boolean value that indicates whether the user has earned a bonus. Within this
function, a switch statement executes the appropriate code for the Department
enumerator that’s passed to this function. For each enumerator, the function asks
the user a different question and returns a Boolean value that indicates whether
the answer to the question is good enough to earn a bonus. For the marketing
department, for instance, a bonus is earned if the number of viral campaigns
is greater than or equal to 4. For IT. a bonus is earned if the number of closed
trouble tickets is greater than or equal to 10. And so on.
Chapter 9 How to work with structures and enumerations 347

The code (continued)

Department get_department() (
cout << "Enter department number: ■;
int choice ■ 0;
cin >> choice;

Department dept - static_cast<Department>(choice);

if (dept < Department::marketing || dept > Department::sales) {
return Department::other;
else (
return dept;

bool check_criteria(Department dept) {

switch (dept) (
case Department::marketing:
int viral_campaigns;
cout << "How many of your campaigns went viral "
<< "this month?: ■;
cin >> viral_campaigns;
return viral_campaigns >■ 4;
case Department::it:
int trouble_tickets;
cout << "How many trouble tickets did you close ■
<< "this month?: ■;
cin >> trouble_tickets;
return trouble_tickets >■ 10;
case Department::sales:
double sales;
cout << "What were your total sales this month?: ";
cin >> sales;
return sales >■ 1000;
case Department::other:
char supervisor_grade;
cout << "What was your grade from your supervisor ■
<< "this month?: ■;
cin >> supervisor_grade;
return tolower(supervisor_grade) ■■ 'a';

Figure 9-12 The Monthly Bonus Calculator program (part 2 of 2)

348 Section 2 More skills as you need them

Now that you’ve finished this chapter, you should have all the skills that
you need for defining any structures or enumerations that your programs
require. These are critical skills that become increasingly valuable as the data
requirements for your program become more complex. By applying these
skills, you can make your programs easier to understand, test, debug, and
When you define a structure, you define a simple object. As a result, you
can think of structures as your first step in using object-oriented programming.
In section 3 of this book, you’ll learn the rest of the skills that you’ll need for
working with object-oriented programming including how to define classes,
how to work with inheritance, and more.

structure enumeration
data member enumerated data type
initialize enumerator
initialization list scoped enumeration
nested structure class enumeration
return value optimization (RVO) unscoped enumeration
member functions

• A structure consists of one or more other data types.
• The data types that compose a structure are called the data members, or just
members, of the structure.
• It’s considered a best practice to initialize the members of a structure with
starting data when you create an object from a structure.
• You can use an initialization list to set the starting values of an object when you
create it. When you use an initialization list, the assignment operator is optional.
• You can nest structures within other structures. To do that, you code a
structure variable as a data member.
• A structure can have member functions that work with the data members of
the structure and operators that perform operations on its data members.
• An enumerated data type, or enumeration, is a user-defined type that
consists of constant values.
• The constant values contained in an enumeration are called enumerators. By
default, enumerators are stored in memory as sequential integers, starting at 0.
• With C++11 and later, it’s generally considered a best practice to use the class
keyword to create scoped enumerations, also known as class enumerations.
• Prior to C++11, it was a common practice to create unscoped enumerations.
Chapter 9 How to work with structures and enumerations 349

Exercise 9-1 Use a structure with the Create

Account program
In this exercise, you’ll add a structure to a version of the Create Account pro­
gram that accepts multiple accounts and saves the account data in a file. When
you’re done, a test run should look something like this:

Create Account List

Name Email
Grace Hopper
Margaret Hamilton margarethamilton&

First name: Dorothy

Last name: Vaughan
Password: 92010!SpaceMissions
Email: [email protected] was added for Dorothy Vaughan.

Enter another account? (y/n): y

First name: Grace

Last name: Hopper
Password: super#Secret456
Email: [email protected] already exists - account not added.

Enter another account? (y/n):

Open and run the program

1. Open the project or solution named create_account in this folder:
ex_start s\chO 9_exl_create_account

2. Review the code in the main.cpp file, and then run the program to see how it
Add a structure and the functions that use it
3. Define a structure named Account that contains four string members for the
first name, last name, password, and email that are initialized to empty strings.
4. Define a function named read_accounts_from_file() that creates an Account
object for each account in the tab-delimited accounts.txt file, adds it to the end
of a vector of Account objects, and then returns the vector.
5. Modify the display_accounts() function so it accepts the vector of Account
objects as a parameter. Then, remove the code that gets the data from the
accounts.txt file, and modify the remaining code so it uses a loop to display
the data for each object in the vector.
6. Define a function named write_accounts_to_file() that accepts the vector of
Account objects as a parameter. This function should write the data in each
object to the accounts.txt file.
350 Section 2 More skills as you need them

7. Define a function named get_account() that creates an Account object, gets

the data for an account from the user and stores it in the Account object, and
returns that object to the calling code. You can use the code in the main()
function that gets the account data as a guide to coding this function.
Modify the main() function to use the structure
8. Modify the main() function so it uses the read_accounts_from_file() function
to get the Account data and then stores that data in a vector of Account
objects. Then, use the display_accounts() function to display the accounts in
the vector.
9. Modify the while loop within the main() function so it uses the get_account()
function to get each account the user enters, adds it to the vector, uses the
write_accounts_to_file() function to update the accounts.txt file, and then
displays a message indicating that the account has been added.
10. Remove any remaining code from the main() function that is no longer needed
by the program.
Add a member function
11. Add a member function named equals() to the Account structure that allows
you to compare the current Account object with another Account object. For
two Account objects to be equal, their email members must be equal.
12. Add a loop within the while loop that uses the member function to check if
the account a user enters is equal to an existing account.
13. If the account is equal to an existing account, display a message that the
account already exists and wasn’t added.
14. If the account isn’t equal to an existing account, add the account to the end
of the vector, update the accounts.txt file, and then display a message that the
account was added.

Exercise 9-2 Use an enumeration

with the Movie List program
In this exercise, you’ll add an enumeration to the Movie List 2.0 program with
four enumerators for the commands that a user can enter.
1. Open the project or solution named moviejist in this folder:
2. Define a scoped enumeration with four char enumerators that correspond to
the four commands displayed in the menu.
3. Update the display_menu() function so it uses the enumeration. To do that, you
can use a static cast to get the corresponding character for each enumerator.
4. Update the main() function so it uses the enumeration to test the command the
user enters.

How to work with STL

containers and iterators
In chapter 6. you learned how to work with a vector, which is a container
object. In this chapter, you’ll learn more about vectors, and you’ll learn about
some other container objects in the Standard Template Library (STL). In
addition, you’ll learn how to use iterators to access the elements in an STL

An introduction to STL containers and iterators............352

A summary of STL containers...................................................................... 352
A summary of STL iterators.......................................................................... 354
Basic skills for working with iterators........................................................... 356
Member functions shared by the STL containers........................................ 358
How to iterate the data in a container............................................................360
More skills for working with vectors................................. 362
Member functions shared by the sequence containers................................. 362
Member functions of a vector........................................................................ 364
How to set capacity to improve efficiency.................................................... 366
The Movie Rankings 1.0 program................................................................. 368
How to work with arrays...................................................... 372
Basic skills for working with arrays.............................................................. 372
How to pass an array to a function................................................................ 374
How to work with lists.......................................................... 376
An introduction to lists and forward lists......................................................376
Member functions of a list............................................................................. 378
The Movie Rankings 2.0 program.................................................................380
How to work with queues and stacks................................ 384
How to work with queues.............................................................................. 384
How to work with stacks................................................................................ 384
How to work with sets.......................................................... 386
Member functions of associative containers................................................ 386
Code examples that work with sets...............................................................386
How to work with maps........................................................ 388
Member functions and operators of a map.................................................. 388
How to insert key/value pairs and work with values by key....................... 390
The Word Counter program........................................................................... 392
How to work with nested containers................................. 396
How to work with a vector of vectors............................................................396
How to work with a map of vectors.............................................................396
352 Section 2 More skills as you need them

An introduction to STL containers

and iterators
The Standard Template Library (STL} includes containers that store data and
iterators that allow access to the data. It also includes algorithms that perform
tasks on the data such as searching and sorting the data. You’ll learn about
algorithms in the next chapter.

A summary of STL containers

The STL containers share many characteristics. For example, they all store
elements of the same data type. However, they can be divided into the two
categories shown at the top of figure 10-1.
The sequence containers organize data sequentially by index. In other
words, the elements are organized in the order that they’re added, and an element
is retrieved using an index that specifies its place in the sequence.
The associative containers, on the other hand, organize data by key. In
other words, the order the elements are added has no bearing on how they’re
organized, and the elements are retrieved using their key values.
The second table in this figure presents five of the most common sequence
containers. The vector and array objects store elements in contiguous memory,
which is a consecutive block of memory with no gaps. The difference between
them is that an array is a fixed size. This means its size must be known at
compile time, and you can’t add or remove elements after it’s created. Like a
vector, all of the other containers listed in this figure are dynamic. This means
that you can add or remove elements at runtime.
The list and forwardjist objects store elements linked by pointers in
non-contiguous memory, which are unrelated memory locations. The list is
doubly linked with both forward and backward pointers, while the forward list is
singly linked with only forward pointers. Finally, the deque (pronounced “deck”)
object is a double-ended queue that stores its elements in a combination of
contiguous and non-contiguous memory.
The third table presents two container adapters, w hich are objects that adapt
an STL container to make it more specialized. The container adapters in this
table adapt the deque container by default to create a queue or a stack. A queue
provides first-in. first-out (FIFO) access to the elements it contains, and a stack
provides last-in. first-out (LIFO) access to the elements it contains.
The last table presents five of the most common associative containers.
All of these containers store their elements in non-contiguous memory. The
pair container is a structure that stores a single key/value pair. This structure
provides a way to work with the key/value pairs stored by the map and multimap
containers. The set and multiset containers, by contrast, store keys only. The
multiset and multimap containers allow multiple elements to have the same key,
and the set and map containers require a unique key for each element.
In this chapter, you’ll learn how to use most of these containers. In the
meantime, you should know that this isn’t a complete list of STL containers. To
see a complete list, you can visit the URL shown in this figure.
Chapter 10 How to work with STL containers and iterators 353

Two types of STL containers

Type Description
sequence Elements are organized sequentially by index,
associative Elements are organized by key.

Five of the sequence containers

Name Description
vector A collection of elements stored in contiguous memory.
array A fixed-size collection of elements stored in contiguous memory.
list A doubly linked co!lection of elements linked to other elements.
forward_list A singly linked collection of elements linked to other elements.
deque A double-ended queue that allows elements to be added to the front or the

Two container adapters

Five of the associative containers

Name Description
pair A structure that holds a key/value pair.
map A collection of key/value pairs, sorted by key. The key values must be unique.
set A collection of keys, sorted by key. The key values must be unique.
multimap A collection of key/value pairs, sorted by key. The key values do not need
to be unique.
multiset A collection of keys, sorted by key. The key values do not need to be unique.

A URL for more documentation about containers


• The sequence containers store data sequentially by index, and the associative
containers store data by key.
• The array and vector containers store data in contiguous memory', which is a
consecutive block of memory' with no gaps.
• The list, forward list. map. set, multimap. and multiset containers store data in
non-contiguous memory, which are unrelated memory' locations that may have gaps.
• The deque (pronounced “deck”) container stores its elements in a combination
of contiguous and non-contiguous memory.
• A container adapter adapts a container to make it more specialized.

Figure 10-1 A summary of STL containers

354 Section 2 More skills as you need them

A summary of STL iterators

An iterator is an object that points to an element in a container. In addition,
an iterator provides operations that allow it to change the element it points to and
access the value of the element it points to. As a result, you can use iterators to
access and traverse the elements in a container.
Everj' container in the STL provides an iterator object for working with
its elements. Every STL container also provides the two member functions
presented in the first table in figure 10-2.
The begin() function returns an iterator that points to the first element in a
container. You might think, then, that the end() function would return an iterator
that points to the last element in the container, but it doesn’t. Instead, it returns
an iterator that points one memory location past the last element, as illustrated by
the graphical representation in this figure. Because of this, the iterator returned
by end() is often called the off-the-end iterator.
The iterators returned by begin() and end() define a range, or interval.
Specifically, they define a half-open interval that includes the element that the
iterator returned by the begin() function points to through the element before the
memory location that the iterator returned by the end() function points to. That
makes sense because the end() function returns an iterator that points past the last
element. In mathematics, this type of half-open interval can be represented by a
range enclosed in a bracket and a parenthesis. For example, the interval [1:5) is
1, 2, 3, 4 because the last element in the range isn’t included. As you’ll see later
in this chapter, some of the functions for working with containers use half-open
intervals, so it’s important for you to know how they work.
The second table in this figure presents the six types of iterators and indicates
which objects or STL containers use them. These iterator types are hierarchical,
which means that the higher iterator types inherit the operations defined by
the lower ones. In this figure, the iterator types are listed from lowest (input/
output) to highest (contiguous). As you can see, most of the STL containers use a
bidirectional iterator or higher, so you can traverse them forwards or backwards.
The exception is the forward list, which you can only traverse forwards.
The last table presents the operations provided by the iterators. The lowest
iterators, input and output, only define operators that allow you to move forward
one element, test iterators for equality, and access the value of the element the
iterator points to. By contrast, the highest iterators, random-access and contig­
uous. inherit or define operators that allow you to move forward or backward one
or more elements and randomly access individual elements by index. In the next
figure, you’ll learn more about how to perform these operations.
Note that the contiguous iterator, which was added in C++17. doesn’t
provide any more functionality than the random-access iterator does. Instead, it
guarantees that the elements in the container are stored in contiguous memory.
Because of that, it’s typically implemented by the iterator provided by vectors
and arrays.
Chapter 10 How to work with STL containers and iterators 355

Two member functions shared by all STL containers

Function Description
begin () Returns an iterator that points to the first element,
end () Returns an iterator that points to one memory location past the last element.

An interval defined by the iterators returned by begin() and end()

begin() end()

Element 0 I Element 1 I Element 2 I Element 3

The six iterator types from lowest to highest

Type Used by Description
input istream Iterates forward only and reads each element only once.
output ostream Iterates forward only and writes each element only once.
forward forwardjist Iterates forward only and reads or writes repeatedly.
bidirectional list. map. set Iterates forward or backward and reads or writes repeatedly.
random-access vector, deque. Iterates forward or backward, reads or wrties repeatedly.
array and accesses individual elements in random order.
contiguous vector, array Available with C++17 and later. This iterator guarantees
that elements are stored in contiguous memory.

Some of the operations provided by iterators

Operator Provided by Description
♦♦ input, output Moves forward one element.
= =, != input, output Tests iterators for equality.
* input, output Accesses the value the iterator is pointing to.
-> forward Accesses members of the object the iterator is pointing to.
— bidirectional Moves backward one element.
[) random-access Allows access to individual elements by index.
♦, +■, -■ random-access Moves forward or backward the number of elements
added or subtracted.

• An iterator object allows you to access and traverse the elements in a container.
• The iterators returned by the begin() and end() functions define a range, or interval,
that starts at the first element and ends one memory location past the last element.
This is called a half-open interval, and can be represented by the mathematical
notation |begin:end).
• The iterator returned by end() is sometimes called an off-the-end iterator.
• The six iterator types are hierarchical, where the input and output iterators are
the lowest and the contiguous iterator is the highest.
• The iterators provide operations for working with elements. Each higher type inherits
the operations provided by the lower ones and adds one or more operations of its own.
Figure 10-2 A summary of STL iterators
356 Section 2 More skills as you need them

Basic skills for working with iterators

Each container provides a specific type of iterator. In figure 10-3, for
instance, the first example defines a vector with a type of vector<double>. As a
result, the iterator for that vector has a type of vector<double>::iterator as shown
in the first statement of the second example. Because coding this type can be
cumbersome, many programmers use the auto keyword when working with itera­
tors as shown in the second statement.
The third example starts by using the auto keyword and the begin() function
to get an iterator that points to the first element in the vector. Then, you can
use the operations provided by the iterator to move the iterator so it points to
other elements. However, the operations that are available depend on the type of
Because a vector provides a random-access iterator, you can use the ♦
operator to advance the iterator the specified number of positions. In the third
example, for instance, this operator is used to advance the iterator two positions
so it points to the third element. If you’re working with a lower iterator, though,
you need to use the ++ operator to advance one position at a time. This is also
shown by the third example.
The fourth example shows how to use a loop to advance an iterator that can
only move one element at a time. Note that you can also accomplish this by
using a helper function named advance!) that’s in the header file named iterator.
However, to keep the focus on the basics, this chapter doesn’t show how to use
this header file.
When working with containers, you can easily get an iterator that points
to the first element by using the begin() function. However, because the end()
function returns an iterator that points to one memory location past the last
element, it's slightly more difficult to get an iterator that points to the last
element. The fifth example shows how to do that, depending on the type of
iterator you’re working with.
Since most containers provide an iterator that is bidirectional or higher, you
can usually use the first technique. Here, the code gets the iterator returned by
end() and then uses the — operator to move the iterator back one element to the
last element.
If you’re using a forward list, however, you can't use this technique. That’s
because a forward list only has a forward iterator. In that case, you need to use
begin!) to get an iterator that points to the first element. Then, you can use the +♦
operator in a for loop to advance to the last element.
The last example in this figure shows how to access the value in the element
an iterator points to. which is referred to as dereferencing the iterator. Here, the
first two statements get an iterator that points to the first element in a vector of
strings. Then, the third statement uses the indirection operator (*) to get the
element, which is the string “hello”, and it calls the size!) member function from
that string. To do that, the iterator variable and indirection operator are enclosed
in parentheses. Another w ay to accomplish this is to use the member access
operator (->) as show n by the fourth statement. Both ways work equally well,
but the member access operator results in code that’s cleaner and easier to read.
Chapter 10 How to work with STL containers and iterators 357

The container that’s used by the examples

vector<double> prices ( 9.99, 18.99, 19.99, 23.99, 40.99 };

Two ways to define an iterator

vector<double>::iterator bl ■ prices.begin(); // explictly define type
auto b2 - prices.begin(); // compiler infers vector<double>::iterator

How to get iterators that point to the first and third elements
auto iter ■ prices.begin(); // get iterator that points to first element
With a random-access iterator
iter ■ iter + 2; // use ♦ operator to jump to third element
With an iterator that’s lower than random-access
++iter; // use ++ operator to move to second element
++iter; // use ++ operator to move to third element

How to use the ++ operator in a loop to advance an iterator

int element_num ■ 4;
auto iter ■ prices.begin();
for (int i = 1; i < element_num; ++i) (
} // points to fourth element when loop ends

How to get an iterator that points to the last element

With a bidirectional iterator or higher
auto last - prices.end(); // get iterator that points one past last element
—last; // use -- operator to move back one element
With a forward iterator or lower
auto iter ■ prices.begin(); // get iterator that points to first element
for (int i = 1; i < prices.size(); ++i) (
} // points to last element when loop ends

How to access the value of the element that an iterator points to

vector<string> words { "hello", "world" };
auto b ■ words.begin(); // get iterator that points to first element

cout << *b << " has " « (*b).size() << " letters"; // indirection op
cout << *b << " has " « b->size() << " letters"; // member access op
// both statements display "hello has 5 letters"

• An iterator for a container has a type that's related to the container’s type. To simplify
the code for declaring an iterator variable, many programmers use the auto keyword.
• An iterator points to an element in a container. To access the value an iterator points
to, you can dereference the iterator with the indirection operator (*) or the member
access operator (->). For more information about how this works, see chapter 17.
• You should avoid dereferencing the iterator that's returned by end(), since it can
cause unexpected results from incorrect values to program crashes.

Figure 10-3 Basic skills for working with iterators

358 Section 2 More skills as you need them

Member functions shared by the STL containers

One of the benefits of the STL is that the containers provide a similar
interface for working with the elements they contain, even though they store the
elements differently. This means that once you learn how to use one container,
it’s easy to learn how to use the others.
Except for the forward list and array containers, the containers in the STL
share all of the member functions listed in figure 10-4. By now. you should be
familiar with most of these functions. That’s because you learned about many of
them in chapter 6 when you learned about vectors.
To start, this figure shows the definitions of the two vectors named nums
and neg_nums used by the examples. Then, the first example shows how to
insert a single element into a vector. To do that, the insert() function accepts two
arguments. The first argument is an iterator that indicates where the element
should be inserted. Here, the code passes the iterator that’s returned by the
begin() function of the nums vector. This inserts the new element before the first
element in that vector. The second argument is the value of the element to be
inserted, in this case, 0.
The second example shows how to remove the single element that was just
inserted into the nums vector. To do that, the erase() function accepts an iterator
that points to the element to be removed. In this case, the iterator is retrieved
using the begin() function so it points to the first element.
The third example shows how to insert a range of elements rather than
a single element at the beginning of the nums vector. To do that, the insert!)
function accepts the iterator that’s returned by the begin() function of the nums
vector, as well as two iterators that define a half-open interval. Here, the itera­
tors returned by the begin() and end() functions of the neg_nums vector are
passed to the insert!) function, so the interval is [begin: end). That causes all of
the elements in the neg_nums vector to be inserted at the beginning of the nums
The fourth example shows how to erase the range of elements that was just
inserted. To start, the code gets an iterator that points to the element just past
the ones that were inserted. To do that, it gets an iterator that points to the first
element and then uses a loop that’s compatible with all iterators to increment
the iterator based on the size of the neg_nums vector. Then, the erase() function
accepts two iterators that point to the first element of the nums vector and one
past the element to be erased. This works because these iterators define a half­
open interval that doesn’t include the element at the end of the interval.
Note that since a vector uses a random-access iterator, you could replace the
loop in this example with code that uses the += operator to advance the iterator.
In other words, you could use code like this:
iter +■ neg_nums.size() ;
The fifth example shows how to swap the contents of two vectors. To do that,
you pass one vector to the swap!) function of the other vector.
The final example shows how to insert only some of the elements of a vector
into another vector. Here, the code uses the ++ operator to advance the interval
start one element and the -- operator to decrement the interval end one element.
Chapter 10 How to work with STL containers and iterators 359

Some more member functions shared by the STL containers

Function Description
size() Returns the number of elements in the container.
empty () Returns a Boolean value indicating whether the container has any data.
insert(i, val) Inserts the value before the iterator specified by i.
insert(i, b, e) Inserts the interval [b:e) before the iterator specified by i.
erase(i) Removes the element at the iterator specified by i.
erase(b, e) Removes the interval [b:e).
clear() Removes all the elements in the container.
swap(container) Swaps the data with the data of the container passed to it.

Some examples of the member functions

vector<int> nums { 1, 2, 3, 4 };
vector<int> neg_nums ( -2, -1 };

// insert a single int at the beginning of the vector

nums.insert(nums.begin(), 0);
// nums now contains 0, 1, 2, 3, 4

// erase a single int from the beginning of the vector

nums .erase(nums.begin());
// nums now contains 1, 2, 3, 4

// insert the elements of a vector at the beginning of another vector

nums.insert(nums.begin(), neg_nums.begin(), neg_nums.end());
// nums now contains -2, -1, 1, 2, 3, 4

// erase the interval just inserted at the beginning of the vector

auto iter - nums.begin();
for (int i - 0; i < neg_nums.size(); ++i) (
nums .erase(nums.begin(), iter);
// nums now contains 1, 2, 3, 4

// swap the contents of two vectors

nums .swap(neg_nums );
// nums now contains -2, -1 and neg_nums now contains 1, 2, 3, 4

// insert some of the elements of a vector

nums.insert(nums.end(), ++neg_nums.begin(), --neg_nums.end());
// nums now contains -2, -1, 2, 3

• The forward_list container and the array container don’t support all of the functions
that the rest of the STL containers do. For example, neither of these containers support
the insert() or erase() functions, and forward_list doesn’t support the size() function.
• The examples shown here use vectors, but they work with other containers too.
That’s because all the examples use operations provided by lower-level iterators.

Figure 10-4 Member functions shared by the STL containers

360 Section 2 More skills as you need them

How to iterate the data in a container

In chapter 6, you learned how to use for loops and range-based for loops
with vectors. Now, you’ll review these skills and you’ll learn how to use iterators
to loop through the data in a container. In addition, you’ll learn the pros and cons
of each of these approaches.
Figure 1 ()-5 starts by defining a vector of doubles and initializing it with five
double values. All three of the examples that follow use this vector.
The first example uses a for loop. This loop defines a counter variable named
i that’s incremented by one each time through the loop until it’s equal to the
value returned by the size() function of the vector. Within the loop, the code uses
the subscript ((]) operator and the counter variable to get the value of the current
element. Note here that, as you learned in chapter 6, the indexes for a vector are
This approach has several benefits. To start, it’s familiar to most program­
mers. It also allows you to easily skip elements by changing the criteria in the
for statement. For instance, you could get the value of ever}' other element by
incrementing the counter by two. In addition, you don’t need to dereference an
iterator to get the value of an element. Finally, the counter variable can be useful
for some tasks such as displaying a number for each element.
On the other hand, this approach can only be used with the vector, deque,
and array containers. That’s because these are the only containers that provide
the subscript operator. In addition, you could have out of bounds access if you
don’t code the loop correctly.
The second example uses a range-based for loop. As you learned in chapter
6, this kind of loop automatically iterates over every element in a container
without specifically incrementing a counter. This approach also has the benefit of
being available to all containers and not needing to use dereferencing. Because of
that, you’ll probably use range-based for loops with containers most of the time.
However, this approach has the drawback of being less flexible. For instance,
if you want to iterate every other element, you’ll need to write conditional code
in the body of the loop. Or. if you want to display a number for each element,
you’ll need to define, initialize, and increment a counter variable.
Like the first example, the last example uses a for loop. However, this for
loop doesn’t define a counter variable. Instead, it defines an iterator that points to
the first element in the sequence. It uses the ++ operator to advance the iterator
one element at a time. And it uses the end() function to determine when to
stop. This works because the iterator returned by end() points one past the last
element. That way, when the loop iterator is advanced so it also points one past
the last element, every element in the sequence has been iterated.
This approach has the benefit of being available to all containers. In addition,
it’s easy to skip elements by changing the loop criteria. The main drawback of
this approach is that it works with iterators rather than values. So. you must use
dereferencing to get the value of an element. If the code in the body of the loop
needs to work with iterators rather than values, though, this can be a benefit.
Although it’s not shown here, you should realize that you can also use a
while loop to iterate the data in a container. However, the for loops shown here
are more commonly used with containers.
Chapter 10 How to work with STL containers and iterators 361

The vector that’s used by the examples

vector<double> prices ( 9.99, 18.99, 19.99, 23.99, 40.99 };

How to use a for loop and subscripting to iterate the data in a container
for (int i = 0; i < prices.size(); ++i) (
cout « prices[i] « • •;
• You can easily skip elements by changing loop criteria.
• You don’t need to dereference an iterator to get the value of an element.
• It uses a counter variable that can be useful for tasks such as displaying a
number for each element.
• Out of bounds access is possible.
• Subscripting is not available to all containers.

How to use a range-based for loop to iterate the data in a container

for (auto p: prices) (
cout << p << • •;
• You don’t need to dereference an iterator to get the value of an element.
• It’s available to all containers.
• Out of bounds access is not possible.
• Extra code is required to skip elements.
• Extra code is required for a counter variable.

How to use iterators to iterate the data in a container

for (auto iter ■ prices.begin(); iter !■ prices.end(); ++iter) {
cout « *iter « • •;
• It’s available to all containers.
• You can easily skip elements by changing loop criteria.
• It’s useful if the code in the loop body needs to work with iterators rather than values.
• Out of bounds access is possible.
• You must dereference an iterator to get the value of an element.
• Extra code is required for a counter variable.

• You can use a variety of techniques to iterate the elements in a container. Each of
these techniques has its pros and cons.

Figure 10-5 How to iterate the data in a container

362 Section 2 More skills as you need them

More skills for working with vectors

In chapter 6, you learned the basics of working with vectors. In the topics
that follow, you’ll learn more about vectors, including how a vector stores its
data in memory and why the vector is the most recommended container in the
Standard Template Library. First, though, you’ll learn about some member
functions that are shared by most of the sequence containers.

Member functions shared

by the sequence containers
Figure 10-6 presents some member functions that are shared by most of the
sequence containers. The exceptions, like before, are the forward list and array,
which don’t support all of the functions listed here.
The examples shown here start by defining a vector of chars named greeting
and initializing it with ten characters (helloworld). Then, the next line of code
uses the assignment operator to assign all the elements in the vector named
greeting to a new vector named greeting2. This is an easy way to assign all the
elements of one vector to another vector.
However, you may sometimes want to assign only some of the elements of a
vector to another vector. In that case, you can use the assign() member function
as shown here. The assignO function accepts two iterators that define a half-open
interval that specifies the elements to assign. Here, the interval starts with the
iterator returned by begin(). and ends with the iterator returned by advancing
that iterator five positions. That moves the iterator to point to the sixth element,
whose value is ‘w’.
Remember, the end of a half-open interval is the off-the-end iterator. That
means that the sixth element is one past the end of the interval to be assigned.
Because of that, after the assignO function completes, the greeting2 vector
contains the first five elements of the greeting vector (hello).
The next group of statements uses the member functions to change some of
the existing elements. The first statement uses the pop_back() function to remove
the last element. Then, the second statement uses the front() function to change
the value of the first element, and the third statement uses the back() function
to change the value of the last element. This shows that you can use front() and
back() to change an element value as well as to retrieve it.
The next group of statements uses the push_back() function to add three
characters to the vector. After these statements run. the greeting2 vector contains
eight characters (welcome).
The final statement uses the resizeO function to change the size of the
original vector, greeting, to five. Since this value is smaller than the original size,
the elements after the first five elements are destroyed. After this statement runs,
the greeting vector contains five characters (hello).
Chapter 10 How to work with STL containers and iterators 363

Some member functions shared by the sequence containers

Function Description
front() Returns a reference to the first element.
back() Returns a reference to the last element.
push_back(elem) Adds a new element to the end. or back, of the sequence.
popback() Removes the element at the end. or back, of the sequence.
resize(n) Changes the current size to the size specified by n. destroying
elements if needed.
assign(b, e) Replaces the current content with interval [b:e) and adjusts the
size accordingly.

vector<char> greeting ( 'h',' e','1','1','o','w','o','r','1','d'};
vector<char> greeting2 - greeting; // assign all elements to new vector
// both vectors now contain helloworld

// reassign greeting2 - this time only assign some elements

greeting2.assign(greeting.begin (), greeting.begin() +5);
// greeting2 now contains hello
// size has been adjusted - greeting2.size() now returns 5

// make changes to existing elements in greeting2

greeting2.pop_back(); // remove last element
greeting2.front() ■ 'w'; // change value of first element
greeting2.back() - 'c'; // change value of new last element
// greeting2 now contains w e 1 c

// add new elements to greeting2

greeting2.push_back('o'); // add element to back of sequence
greeting2.push_back('m'); // add element to back of sequence
greeting2.push_back('e'); // add element to back of sequence
// greeting2 now contains w e 1 c m e

// resize greeting
// greeting now contains hello
// greeting.size() returns 5

• Some member functions are shared by all the containers in the STL. some
are shared by the sequence containers, and some are shared by the associative
• The forward_list container and the array container don’t support all of the
functions that the rest of the sequence containers do. For example, neither of
these containers support the push_back() or pop_back() functions.

Figure 10-6 Member functions shared by the sequence containers

364 Section 2 More skills as you need them

Member functions of a vector

The elements in a vector are stored in contiguous memory, as illustrated
at the top of figure 10-7. This means that the elements are stored in physical
memory next to each other. For instance, in the graphical representation here,
element 0 is at memory address 1 (X). element 1 is at memory address 101. and so
on. You’ll learn more about memory addresses in chapter 17. For now, just know
that contiguous memory allows for fast access and fast iteration.
To maintain contiguous memory, a vector must sometimes move elements.
For example, when you use insert() or erase() to add or remove elements at
the front or in the middle of a sequence, the vector must move the remaining
elements to make room or close up gaps.
Additionally, when you use push_back() to dynamically add elements at the
end of a sequence, the vector sometimes runs out of room and must add capacity.
To do that, it allocates a larger block of memory, moves all the elements to this
new memory location, and deallocates the old block of memory.
Whenever a vector moves elements, any variable that holds an iterator can
become invalid. That’s because the memory location it points to may no longer
contain the element it did before.
Even though the vector sometimes has to move elements like this, its contig­
uous memory still makes it the best performing container for most uses. In fact,
Bjarne Stroustrup. the creator of the C++ language, recommends that you use a
vector unless you have a good reason not to.
The tables in this figure present three of the member functions and one of the
operators provided by the vector container. You learned about the at() function
and the subscript operator ([]) in chapter 6. As you may recall, they both allow
you to access the value of an element using an index that indicates its position
in the sequence. However, the at() function throws an exception when you try to
access an element that’s out of bounds, and the subscript operator may not.
The capacityO function returns the number of elements the vector can store
in memory. The size() function returns the number of elements the vector actually
contains. And the reserveO function lets you set the capacity for the vector. In the
next figure, you’ll learn more about working with these member functions.
But first, this figure shows two ways to initialize a vector. To start, you can
use an initialization list as you learned in chapter 6. The syntax and statements in
the first example review this skill.
You can also use iterators to initialize a vector, as shown by the syntax and
statement in the second example. To do that, you code the beginning and ending
iterators for a half open interval between parentheses. Here, the statement uses
iterators that point to elements in the vector named numbers2 to initialize a new
vector named numbers3. Because the + operator is used to increment the iterator
that’s returned by the begin() function by 1. the first element of the numbers2
vector isn’t included. Similarly, because the - operator is used to decrement
the iterator that’s returned by the end() function by 1, the last element of the
numbers2 vector isn’t included.
In this figure, the examples initialize vectors. However, these techniques also
work with most of the other STL containers presented in this chapter.
Chapter 10 How to work with STL containers and iterators 365

A graphical representation of the contiguous memory of a vector

beg in () end()

Some member functions of the vector container

Function Description
at(i) Returns the element at index i. Throws an out_of_range exception if i is out
of bounds.
capacity() Returns the number of elements the vector can currently store. This is different
from size(). which returns the number of elements the vector actually contains.
reserve(n) Increases the capacity of the vector to n elements. If n is less than the current
capacity, this function doesn’t do anything.

One of the operators defined by the vector container

1 Operator Name Description 1
[i] subscript Allows read/write access to the element at index i.

How to use a list of values to initialize a vector

The syntax
vector<type> name [■] ( valuel[, value2] ... };
Two statements that initialize a vector with a list of values
vector<int> numbersl ■ { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 };
vector<int> numbers2 (1, 2, 3, 4, 5 }; // assignment operator is optional

How to use iterators to initialize a vector

The syntax
vector<type> name ( begin_iterator, end_iterator );
A statement that initializes a vector with values from another vector
vector<int> numbers3 ( numbers2.begin() + 1, numbers2.end() - 1 );
// skips first and last elements - numbers3 contains 234

• The elements in a vector are stored in contiguous memory. This allows for random
access and fast iteration.
• To maintain contiguous memory, a vector must sometimes move elements. When this
happens, any iterators previously returned by begin() or end() become invalid.
• Although a vector must sometimes move elements, its contiguous memory makes it
the best performing container for most uses.
• You can initialize a vector with an initialization list or with iterators. These
techniques work with most of the other STL containers as well.
Figure 10-7 Member functions of a vector
366 Section 2 More skills as you need them

How to set capacity to improve efficiency

The capacity of a vector is the amount of contiguous memory that's been
allocated for its elements. In other words, the value returned by the capacity ()
function indicates how many elements it can store, not how many elements it
contains. When you create an empty vector, both its size and its capacity are
zero. Then, as you add elements, the capacity is increased as needed.
The first example in figure 10-8 shows how this works. Here, the first state­
ment creates an empty vector. Then, a loop adds ten elements to the vector. Each
time through the loop, the code displays messages about the capacity and size
of the vector. These messages show that the vector automatically increases its
capacity as the loop adds elements to it.
Each time the vector increases its capacity, it allocates new memory, moves
its elements, and deallocates the old memory. To minimize the number of times
the vector must reallocate memory and move elements, the vector begins to
allocate enough capacity for extra elements as it gets larger. For example, after
the code adds element 6. the capacity is increased from 6 to 9. This means that
elements 7 and 8 can be added without moving any elements.
In this example, the vector automatically increases the capacity by 50%.
However, this percentage may vary depending on the compiler that you’re using.
For example, many compilers double the capacity (increase it by 100%).
The code in this example allocates new memory, moves elements, and
deallocates old memory seven times. When working with a small number of
integers, this shouldn't lead to performance problems. When working with
a vector that holds a large number of objects that are large or inefficient to
copy, however, it might. In addition, when this code completes, the vector
has allocated more memory' than it needs. Again, since this is a small amount
of memory, this shouldn’t lead to performance problems. But. if a vector has
allocated a huge amount of memory' that it doesn't need, it might.
The second example shows how to use the neserve() function to allocate the
memory' that the vector is going to use. Here, the code allocates memory' for
ten elements. Then, when the loop runs, the vector doesn’t need to increase its
capacity. And when the loop ends, the vector has no extra capacity.
So. if you know the number of elements that you need to store, you can
improve performance by using the reserve() function to allocate the correct
amount of memory'. However, if you don’t know the number of elements in
advance, the default behavior of the vector allocates memory in a way that leads
to reasonably good performance.
Chapter 10 How to work with STL containers and iterators 367

Code that adds ten elements to an empty vector

vector<int> numsl;

for (int i=0;i<10; ++i) (

cout « "Element " « i « *\t'
« "Capacity " << numsl.capacity() << '\t'
« "Size " « numsl.size() « endl;
The console: capacity increased seven times
Element 0 Capacity 1 Size 1
Element 1 Capacity 2 Size 2
Element 2 Capacity 3 Size 3
Element 3 Capacity 4 Size 4
Element 4 Capacity 6 Size 5
Element 5 Capacity 6 Size 6
Element 6 Capacity 9 Size 7
Element 7 Capacity 9 Size 8
Element 8 Capacity 9 Size 9
Element 9 Capacity 13 Size 10

How to create an empty vector with space for ten elements

vector<int> nums2; // nums2 is empty
nums2.reserve(10); // nums2 still empty but now has space for 10 elements

for (int i=0;i<10; ++i) (

cout « "Element " « i « *\t'
« "Capacity " << nums2.capacity() << '\t'
« "Size " « nums2.size() « endl;
The console: capacity not increased
Element 0 Capacity 10 Size 1
Element 1 Capacity 10 Size 2
Element 2 Capacity 10 Size 3
Element 3 Capacity 10 Size 4
Element 4 Capacity 10 Size 5
Element 5 Capacity 10 Size 6
Element 6 Capacity 10 Size 7
Element 7 Capacity 10 Size 8
Element 8 Capacity 10 Size 9
Element 9 Capacity 10 Size 10

• The capacity of a vector is the amount of contiguous memory that’s been allocated
for its elements.
• When you create an empty vector, both its size and its capacity are zero. Then, as
you add elements, the capacity is increased as needed.
• You can specify the capacity of a vector by passing a value to the reserveO
function. This doesn’t create any elements. It just allocates memory for them.

Figure 10-8 How to set capacity to improve efficiency

368 Section 2 More skills as you need them

The Movie Rankings 1.0 program

Figure 10-9 shows the Movie Ranking program, which displays a list of
movies in ranked order with the best movie in the #l position, the second best
in the #2 position, and so on. Then, the program allows the user to change these
rankings. To do that, the user selects a movie by entering its current rank. Then,
the user enters a new ranking for the movie.
As usual, the code begins with include directives for the header files that the
program needs, including the vector header, as well as a using directive for the
std namespace. Then, the code declares three function prototypes, two of which
accept a vector of strings.
Here, the display_rankings() function defines the vector as a constant refer­
ence parameter. That way, the function works directly with the vector passed to
it, not with a copy, and it can’t change any of the data in the vector. That makes
sense because this function only needs to read the vector elements, not change
The change_ranking() function also defines the vector as a reference param­
eter so it can work directly with the vector passed to it. This time, though, the
vector isn’t defined as a constant. That makes sense because this function needs
to change the sequence of the elements in the vector.
This is a common pattern when working with vectors, which can be large
and inefficient to copy. In other words, it’s common for a function to use a
constant reference parameter for the vector when the function only needs to
read the elements in the vector, and it’s common for a function to use a variable
reference parameter for the vector when the function needs to make changes to
the vector.
The main() function starts by defining a vector of strings named movies.
To keep this program simple, the code uses an initialization list to initialize this
vector with five movie titles. However, in a more realistic program, this data
would be read from a file or a database.
After initializing the vector, the code displays the program title and passes
the vector of movie titles to the display_rankings() function that’s shown in part
2 of this figure. This function displays the movie titles and their ranks as shown
by the console in this figure.
Next, the code calls the get_choice() function that’s shown in part 2 of this
figure. This function asks users if they want to change a ranking, and it returns a
char value that indicates the response.
Chapter 10 How to work with STL containers and iterators 369

The console
The Movie Rankings program

Movie Rankings

1 - Casablanca
2 - Wonder Woman
3 - The Godfather
4 - E.T.
5 - The Bridge on the River Kwai

Do you want to change any rankings? (y/n): y

Enter current ranking of a movie: 2
Enter new ranking of the movie: 4

Movie Rankings

1 - Casablanca
2 - The Godfather
3 - E.T.
4 - Wonder Woman
5 - The Bridge on the River Kwai

Do you want to change any rankings? (y/n): n

The code
tinclude <iostream>
tinclude <iomanip>
#include <string>
#include <vector>

using namespace std;

void display_rankings(const vector<string>& movies);

char get_choice();
void change_ranking(vector<string>& movies,
int current_ranking, int new_ranking);

int main() {
vector<string> movies { "Casablanca", "Wonder Woman", "The Godfather",
"E.T.", "The Bridge on the River Kwai" };

cout « "The Movie Rankings program\n";

char choice ■ get_choice();

Figure 10-9 The Movie Rankings 1.0 program (part 1 of 2)

370 Section 2 More skills as you need them

After checking whether the user wants to change a ranking, this code
declares a while loop that runs if the user enters ‘y’ or ‘Y’ at the prompt. Within
this loop, the code begins by getting the current ranking of the movie that the
user wants to change. Then, it gets the new ranking for that movie. To keep the
program simple, it doesn't validate the user entries for the rankings.
After getting the current and new rankings, this code passes these rankings
along with the vector of movie titles to the change_ranking() function. This
updates the vector so it stores the movies in the sequence of their rankings. Then,
this code calls the display_rankings() function to display the updated rankings.
Finally, the code uses the get_choice() function again to check whether the user
wants to change any rankings. If the user enters ‘y’ or *Y\ the loop is executed
again. Otherwise, the program ends.
The display_rankings() function starts by displaying “Movie Rankings”
followed by a line of dashes that underlines this header. Then, it uses a for loop
to iterate all the elements in the vector and display each movie’s ranking and
title. It calculates the ranking by adding 1 to the variable named i that indicates
the movie’s position in the vector, so the movie at index 0 has a ranking of 1, the
movie at index 1 has a ranking of 2. and so on.
The get_choice() function starts by defining a char variable named choice.
Then, it prints a message to the console that asks if the user wants to change
a ranking. Next, it stores the user’s response in the char variable. Finally,
it discards any remaining characters from the input stream and returns the
character entered by the user.
The change_ranking() function starts with an if statement that checks
whether the current and new rankings entered by the user are in bounds. To
do that, it uses relational and logical operators to make sure the values in the
current_ranking and new_ranking variables are each greater than zero and less
than or equal to the value returned by the size!) function of the vector of movie
If the two variables are in bounds, the code within the if statement decre­
ments the rankings so they contain values that can be used as indexes for the
vector. For example, if the current_ranking variable stores a value of 1. it’s
referring to the first movie title, which has an index of 0. Then, the code uses the
subscript operator to get the movie title for the ranking the user wants to change,
and it stores this string in a variable named movie.
After storing the title in the movie variable, the code calls the erase()
function of the vector to remove the movie title from the vector. To do that, it
calls the begin() function to get an iterator that points to the first element in the
vector. Then, it uses the + operator and the current_ranking variable to advance
that iterator to the element to be removed.
Finally, the code calls the insert!) function of the vector to put the movie
title back in the vector at the correct position for its new ranking. To do that, it
again uses the begin!) function to get an iterator for the first element and the +
operator to advance the iterator to the correct position. But this time, it uses the
new_ranking variable to advance to the correct position. In addition, it passes the
value in the movie variable as the string value to insert.
Chapter 10 How to work with STL containers and iterators 371

The code (continued)

while (tolower(choice) ■■ 'y') (
int current_ranking ■ 0;
cout << "Enter current ranking of a movie:
cin >> current_ranking;

int new_ranking ■ 0;
cout << "Enter new ranking of the movie: ";
cin >> new_ranking;

change_ranking(movies, current_ranking, new_ranking);

display_rankings(movies); // show updated rankings
choice - get_choice(); // ask if user wants to continue

void display_rankings(const vector<string>& movies) {

cout « "\nMovie Rankings\n------------------------- \n" ;
for (int i = 0; i < movies.size(); ++i) (
cout << (i + 1) << " - " << movies[i] « endl;
cout « endl;

char get_choice() (
char choice;
cout « "Do you want to change any rankings? (y/n): ■;
cin >> choice;
cin.ignore(10000, *\n');
return choice;

void change_ranking(vector<string>& movies,

int current_ranking, int new_ranking) {

// make sure rankings are in bounds

if (current_ranking > 0 && new_ranking > 0 &&
current_ranking < = movies.size() && new_ranking <■ movies.size()) (

// decrement rankings to create valid indexes


// store element
string movie - movies[current_ranking];

// remove element at old location

movies.erase(movies.begin() + current_ranking) ;

// insert element at new location

movies.insert(movies.begin() ♦ new_ranking, movie);

Figure 10-9 The Movie Rankings 1.0 program (part 2 of 2)

372 Section 2 More skills as you need them

How to work with arrays

The Standard Template Library provides an array container that works
much like the vector container. However, unlike a vector and the other
containers described in this chapter, an array is not dynamic. Because of that,
its size must be known at compile time. In addition, an array can’t increase its
capacity automatically to account for new elements, and it doesn't provide the
push_back(), pop_back(), insert(), erase(). and clear() member functions that
allow you to modify the elements of a vector.
Given these limitations, you may wonder why you would ever use an array
instead of a vector. The answer is that, due to the way an array uses memory, it
can perform significantly better than a vector. In addition, if you’re working in a
constrained environment that doesn't support dynamic containers, an array may
be your only option. Constrained environments include embedded systems like
the ones mentioned in chapter 1.

Basic skills for working with arrays

Figure 10-10 starts by showing the include statement for the STL array
header file. Then, it shows the syntax for defining an array. To start, you code the
name of the container class, array, followed by a pair of angle brackets and the
name of the array.
Within the angle brackets, you specify the data type for the array, followed
by a comma and a size declarator that declares the size of the array. This size
must be known at compile time. As a result, you must use a literal value or a
constant for the size declarator. If you try to use a variable, you’ll get an error
message and your code won’t compile.
This figure also shows that you can use an initialization list to initialize an
array object. This works much the same as it does with vectors. However, when
working with an array, you must always explicitly specify the size of the array.
In other words, you can’t let the compiler infer the size of the array based on the
number of elements in the initialization list. In addition, if you don’t initialize an
array, its elements won’t be given default values. So you’ll almost always want
to initialize an array.
Once you’ve defined an array, you can use the subscript operator to get and
set the elements that are stored in the array. This works the same as it does with
To loop through an array, you can use any of the loops presented in this
book. For example, a range-based for loop is shown in this figure. This type of
loop is commonly used to work with arrays. In the next figure, though, you’ll see
a while loop that works with an array.
Like a vector, an array allows out of bounds access. As a result, it’s impor­
tant for your code to check that it doesn’t use indexes that are out of bounds.
To do that, you can use the size() member function of an array to get the total
number of elements in an array. Then, you can make sure to only use indexes
from 0 to one less than the size of the array. Or, you can use a range-based for
loop, since that type of loop prevents out of bounds access.
Chapter 10 How to work with STL containers and iterators 373

The header file for the array container

#include <array>

The syntax for defining an array

arrayctype, size> array_name;

Two examples that define an array

With a literal value for the size declarator
array<double, 5> prices;
With a constant value for the size declarator
const int size - 5;
array<double, size> prices;

The number of elements in an array must be known at compile time

int size;
cin » size;
array<double, size> prices; // Wrong! This will not work!

How to use an initialization list

array<int,7> gradesl ( 98, 86, 100 }; // values are 98 86 100 0000
array<int,7> grades2 ( 0 }; // values are 0000000

const int size - 5;

array<double, size> prices ( 0 }; // values are 00000

How to access the elements in an array

prices[0] ■ 29.99;
prices[1] ■ 49.99;
prices[2] ■ 79.99;
cout << "Price: ■ << prices[2] << endl; // displays "Price: 79.99"

How to loop through all of the values in an array

for (double price : prices) (
cout « price « • •; // displays 29.99 49.99 79.99 0 0

• An array contains a sequence of elements of the same data type. It stores the elements
in contiguous memory, or consecutive blocks of memory with no gaps.
• The number of elements in an array is fixed and must be set at compile time. Therefore,
you can only use a literal or constant value to specify the number of elements.
• You can use an initialization list to set the starting values for the elements of an
array. If you don’t, no starting values will be assigned.
• You can use the subscript operator ([]) to get and set elements in an array by
specifying the element’s index.
• You can use a range-based for loop, a traditional for loop, or a while loop to loop
through the elements in an array.
• An array allows out of bounds access. To avoid this, you can use a range-based for
loop or the size() member function of the array.

Figure 10-10 Basic skills for working with arrays

374 Section 2 More skills as you need them

How to pass an array to a function

Figure 1 ()-11 presents a Test Scores program that shows how to pass an array
to a function. To do that, you typically code the size of the array as a global
constant. That way, you can use the size constant to specify the size of the array
in any function declarations or definitions and in the code that creates the array.
In this figure, for example, the code begins by declaring a global constant
named len that stores a value of 10. Then, it uses that global constant as part of
the code that defines the array parameter of the calculate_total() function. In
addition, the main() function uses that global constant to create the array.
By default, an array is passed to a function by value. Since an array can
contain a large amount of data, however, it often makes sense to define the
parameter for an array as a reference parameter as it is in the calculate_total()
function. Similarly, if you only need to read from the array, not modify it, it
often makes sense to define the array parameter as a constant as it is in the
calculate_total() function.
Within the calculate_total() function, the code begins by defining the total
variable that’s used to store the total of all scores. Then, this code uses a range­
based for loop to add each score to the total. This works because the code in
the main() function initializes all 10 elements in the array to 0. As a result, any
elements that haven’t been assigned a non-zero value don’t increase the total.
The main() function shows several other techniques that are useful for
working with arrays. To start, this function defines an array that can hold 10
scores and initializes each score to a value of 0. Then, this code displays the
name of the program and a message that indicates that the user can enter 10
scores or -1 to exit. To do that, this code uses the global variable named len.
After displaying this message, the code defines and initializes a variable
named score_count. This variable counts the number of valid scores that have
been entered by the user. In addition, it is used as the index for the next score.
After defining the score_count variable, this code starts a loop that continues
while the score count is less than the size of the array. To do that, this loop uses
the size() member function of the array object to get the number of elements in
the array. This prevents out of bounds access.
Within the loop, the code begins by getting a score from the user. Then, it
checks if the score equals -1. If it does, this code exits the loop. If it doesn't, the
code uses the subscript operator and the score_count variable to store the score in
the array of scores. Then, it increments the score_count variable so it represents
the correct number of scores. This also prepares the score_count variable to be
used as the index for the next element in the array.
After the loop, the code calls the calculate_total() function to get the total of
all scores. Then, it displays the score count and the score total and the program
As you review this code, note that a vector would work better for this
program than an array. To start, a vector would automatically increase its
capacity to allow the user to enter more than 10 scores. In addition, a vector
would automatically keep track of the number of scores that have been entered.
So. unless you’re working in a constrained environment or performance is
critical, you probably won’t want to use an array for this type of program.
Chapter 10 How to work with STL containers and iterators 375

The console

The code
tinclude <iostream>
#include <array>

using namespace std;

// define a constant to store the size of the array

const int len ■ 10;

// define the function that accepts an array argument

int calculate_total(const array<int, len>& scores) (
int total ■ 0;
for (int score : scores) {
total += score;
return total;

int main() {
array<int, len> scores { 0 }; // create and initialize the array

cout « "The Test Scores program\n\n"

« "Enter " << len « ■ scores or -1 to exit.\n\n";

// get scores from user

int score_count - 0;
while (score_count < scores.size()) (
int score;
cout << "Enter score: ";
cin >> score;
if (score ■ ■ -1) (
scores[score_count] - score;
++score_count ;
cout « endl;

int total ■ calculatetotal(scores); // call the function

cout « "Score count: " « score_count « endl;
cout « "Score total: " « total « endl;

Figure 10-11 How to pass an array to a function

376 Section 2 More skills as you need them

How to work with lists

The Standard Template Library has two list containers: list and forward list.
In the next few figures, you’ll learn how these containers store data in memory,
what their pros and cons are, when to use them, and how to use them.

An introduction to lists and forward lists

The elements in a list are stored in non-contiguous memory, as illustrated
at the top of figure 10-12. This means that the elements are stored in physical
memory locations that aren’t related to each other. In the first diagram, for
example, element 0 is at memory address 1 (X). but element 1 is at memory
address 108 and element 3 is at memory address 354.
Since the memory locations of the elements aren't related to each other
physically, a list uses pointers to link each element to the other elements in the
sequence. In the first diagram, the elements in the list object contain pointers
that link to the next and previous elements in the sequence. This is called a
doubly linked list. Because of these double links, the list object can traverse the
sequence both forwards and backwards. That's why the list container can support
the higher-level bidirectional iterator.
In the second diagram, the elements in the forward list object have pointers
that link only to the next element in the sequence. This is called a singly
linked list. Because these links only point forward, the forward list object can
only traverse the sequence in a forward direction. That’s why the forward list
container must use the lower-level forward iterator.
Because lists don’t need to maintain contiguous memory, they never need
to move elements. That means that w hen you add or remove elements in a list,
a variable that holds an iterator isn't invalidated unless it points to a removed
element. This is the main advantage that lists have over vectors.
Lists can also be more efficient than vectors for inserting and removing
elements in the middle of the sequence. However, this isn’t alw ays more
efficient for two reasons. First, the overhead a list needs to allocate memory
for elements and maintain pointers can be greater than the overhead a vector
needs to occasionally allocate memory and move elements. Second, elements in
contiguous memory are faster to access and iterate. Because of that, you should
always make sure a list is the better choice before you choose it over a vector.
Because a forward list maintains fewer pointers, it is more efficient than a
list. Keep in mind, though, that it also has less functionality since the elements
can only be accessed in a forward direction.
The first code example show's how to include the header files for both the
list and the forward list. Then, the second and third examples show how you can
initialize a list with an initialization list or with iterators. One benefit of initial­
izing with iterators is that you can fill a container with elements from another
type of container. For instance, the third example shows how to initialize a list
with the elements from a vector. Then, the last example shows how to use the
assign() member function to replace the content of a list with elements from a
Chapter 10 How to work with STL containers and iterators 377

A graphical representation of the non-contiguous memory of a list

begm{) end()

A graphical representation of the pointers of a forward list

begin() end()
| Element 0*1 • Element 1 | •-•j Element 2 | \ Element 3 |=

The header file for the list and forward list containers
#include <list>
finclude <forward_list>

How to initialize a list and a forward list with a list of values

list<int> numbersl ( 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 };
forward_list<int> numbers2 { 6, 7, 8, 9 };

How to use the values of a vector to initialize a list

vector<int> nums { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 };
list<int> numbers3 (nums.begin(), nums.endO);
// numbers3 contains 123456

How to assign the values of a vector to a list

numbers3.assign(++nums.begin(), nums.endO); // skip first element
// numbers3 contains 23456

• The elements of both the list and the forward list are stored in non-contiguous
memory, with pointers linking the elements.
• The elements of a list have pointers that link to the next element and the
previous one. This is called a doubly linked list and it allows the iterator to be
• The elements of a forward list only have pointers that link to the next element.
This is called a singly linked list and it only allows the iterator to move forward.
• A list never moves its elements. As a result, iterators that point to existing
elements are never invalidated unless you remove the element from the list.
This is the main advantage that lists have over vectors.
• A list can sometimes be more efficient than a vector for inserting or removing
elements in the middle of the sequence. Before you choose a list over a vector,
though, you should do performance testing to make sure the list is more efficient.

Figure 10-12 An introduction to lists and forward lists

378 Section 2 More skills as you need them

Member functions of a list

Figure 1 ()-13 presents some of the member functions of the list container.
The push_front() and pop_front() functions work like the push_back() and
pop_back() functions of the vector container. However, they work with the front
of the sequence, not the back.
The reverse!) function reverses the current order of the elements, and the
sort() function arranges them in ascending order. On a related note, the vector
doesn’t provide a sort() function, but you can sort a vector using the sort()
algorithm that’s described in the next chapter.
The splice!) function allows you to transfer some or all of the elements of
another list before the element pointed to by an iterator. This is similar to the
insert!) function, with two important differences. First, you pass the list that
contains the elements you want to transfer as an argument. Second. insert!)
makes copies of the elements being inserted, and splice!) transfers them by
rearranging pointers. Because of that, splicing removes the elements from the
initial list.
The merge!) function works similarly, transferring rather than copying
elements. However, instead of using an iterator to determine position, it merges
all the elements in both lists in ascending order. For this to work properly, you
should call the sort() function for both lists before calling merge!).
The remove!) function removes elements by value rather than by iterator.
And. it removes every element that contains that value.
The code examples show how these functions work. To start, the code
defines and initializes three lists of int values named numsl. nums2, and nums3.
Then, the code uses the splice!) function to add all of the elements of nums3 to
numsl. When this code runs. nums3 no longer has any elements because they’ve
been transferred to nums 1.
The second splice!) function example adds some, but not all, of the elements
of nums2 to numsl. To do that, the code passes a [b:e) interval that tells splice!)
which elements in the sequence to transfer. More specifically, it transfers the
three middle elements but leaves the first and last elements in nums2.
The reverse!) function example reverses the order of the elements in numsl,
and the sort() function example arranges the elements in numsl in ascending
order. The next example calls the sort() function of the nums2 list. At this point,
both lists are sorted. Then, this code passes nums2 to the merge!) function of
numsl. When this code runs, numsl contains the elements that were in nums2
and nums2 is empty.
The last example passes a value of 5 to the remove!) function of numsl.
This removes both elements in the list that contain the value 5.
You can also use many of the skills presented in this figure with a forward
list. However, you can’t use them all. For example, you can’t iterate backwards
with the decrement operator (—). Instead, you can get an iterator for the first
element and iterate forward to the correct element. Also, you can’t use the
splice!) function to insert elements before the specified iterator. However,
you can use the splice_after() function that’s specific to forward lists to insert
elements after the specified iterator.
Chapter 10 How to work with STL containers and iterators 379

Some member functions of the list container

Function Description
push_front(elem) Adds a new element to the front of the sequence.
pop_front() Removes the element at the front of the sequence.
reverse() Reverses the order of the elements.
sort() Sorts elements in ascending order.
splice(i, list) Transfers the elements in the list before the element pointed
to by i.
splice(i, list, b, e) Transfers the elements in the list in interval [b:e) before the
element pointed to by i.
merge(list) Merges two sorted lists. You should sort both lists before
calling this function.
remove(value) Removes the elements that are equal to value.

list<int> numsl { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 };
list<int> nums2 { 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 };
list<int> nums3 { 9, 10 };

numsl.splice(numsl.end(), nums3);
// numsl now contains 123459 10, and nums3 is empty

numsl.splice(numsl.begin(), nums2, ++nums2.begin (), -~nums2.end() );

// numsl now contains 6 7 8 12 3 4 5 9 10, and nums2 contains 5 9

// numsl now contains 10 !9 5 4 3; 2 1 8 7 6

// numsl now contains 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

nums1.merge(nums 2);
// numsl now contains 1 2 3 4 5 5 6 7 8 9 9 10, and nums2 is empty

// numsl now contains 1 2 3 4 6 7 8 9 9 10

• The spliceO and merge() functions don’t make copies of their elements.
Instead, they transfer elements by rearranging pointers. As a result, after these
functions run. the elements passed to them are no longer in the initial list.

Figure 10-13 Member functions of a list

380 Section 2 More skills as you need them

The Movie Rankings 2.0 program

Figure 10-14 shows a second version of the Movie Rankings program that
was presented earlier in this chapter. To the user, this program works the same
as the earlier version. However, the code for this program uses a list instead of a
vector to store its data.
If you understand the code for the Movie Rankings 1.0 program, you
shouldn't have much trouble understanding the code for the 2.0 version since it’s
mostly the same. One difference is that the fourth include directive specifies the
header file for the list, not the header file for the vector. Another difference is that
the display_rankings() and change_ranking() functions accept a list of strings
instead of a vector of strings.
Chapter 10 How to work with STL containers and iterators 381

The console
The Movie Rankings program

Movie Rankings

1 - Casablanca
2 - Wonder Woman
3 - The Godfather
4 - E.T.
5 - The Bridge on the River Kwai

Do you want to change any rankings? (y/n): y

Enter current ranking of a movie: 2
Enter new ranking of the movie: 4

Movie Rankings

1 - Casablanca
2 - The Godfather
3 - E.T.
4 - Wonder Woman
5 - The Bridge on the River Kwai

Do you want to change any rankings? (y/n): n

The code
tinclude <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <string>
*include <list>

using namespace std;

void display_rankings(const list<string>& movies);

char get_choice();
void change_ranking(list<string>& movies,
int current_ranking, int new_ranking);
int main() {
list<string> movies { "Casablanca", "Wonder Woman", "The Godfather",
"E.T.", "The Bridge on the River Kwai" };

cout « "The Movie Rankings program\n";

display_rankings(movies );
char choice ■ get_choice();
while (tolower(choice) ■■ 'y') (
int current_ranking ■ 0, new_ranking =0;
cout << "Enter current ranking of a movie: ";
cin >> current_ranking;
cout << "Enter new ranking of the movie: ";
cin >> new_ranking;

change_ranking(movies, current_ranking, new_ranking);

display_rankings(movies); // show new rankings
choice - get_choice(); // ask if user wants to continue

Figure 10-14 The Movie Rankings 2.0 program (part 1 of 2)

382 Section 2 More skills as you need them

Part 2 of figure 10-14 shows the definitions of the three functions called by
the main() function. The get_choice() function, which asks the user if they want
to change the ranking for a movie, uses the same code as the Movie Rankings
1.0 program described earlier in this chapter. However, most of the code in the
other two functions is different from the code in the 1.0 version.
After it displays an underlined heading for the rankings, the
display_rankings() function uses a range-based for loop to iterate the
list instead of a traditional for loop like the 1.0 version. That’s because
you can’t use the subscript operator to access the elements in a list.
In addition, this loop uses a counter variable named i. Then, within
the body of the loop, this code uses the element value and the counter
variable to display each movie’s ranking and title.
Like the 1.0 version, the change_ranking() function starts by checking that
the current and new rankings entered by the user are in bounds. The remaining
code, though, is different from the code in the 1.0 version. To start, this code
uses the auto keyword and the begin() member function of the list to get an
iterator that points to the first element in the list. Then, it uses a for loop and the
increment operator (++) to advance the iterator so it points to the element that
contains the current ranking. It must use this operator rather than the addition
operator (♦) because the list uses a bidirectional iterator, and the addition
operator isn't available to this type of iterator.
After this code advances the iterator to the correct element, the code defines
a string variable named movie and uses the indirection operator (*) to get the
movie title for the ranking the user wants to change. Then, it stores this title in
the movie variable and calls the erase() function of the list to remove the movie
title. Since the iterator variable already points to the correct element, this code
passes that iterator to the erase() function.
At this point, the code needs to position the iterator variable so it points
to the correct location for the new ranking. To do that, the code calls the
begin() function again to move the iterator back to the first element. Then, it
uses another for loop and the increment operator to advance the iterator to the
position of the new ranking. Finally, the code calls the insert!) function of the list
to put the movie title back in the list at the correct position for its new ranking.
To do that, this code passes the iterator and the movie variable to the insert!)
As you can see. quite a few changes are necessary to get this program
to work with a list instead of a vector. Most of these changes are necessary
because a list uses a lower-level iterator than a vector. However, modifying the
2.0 version of this program so it works with a vector wouldn't require as many
changes. That’s because a higher-level iterator can work with any code that a
lower iterator can.
This shows that it’s possible to write code that can work with many types
of containers. Of course, if you know that you’re going to use a vector, as you
probably would in this case, it can be much more convenient to just use the
higher-level functionality that its random-access iterator provides.
Chapter 10 How to work with STL containers and iterators 383

The code (continued)

void display_rankings(const list<string>& movies) {
cout « "\nMovie Rankings\n------------------------- \n" ;
int i - 1;
for (string m: movies) {
cout << i <<"-"<< m << endl;
cout « endl;

char get_choice() (
char choice;
cout « "Do you want to change any rankings? (y/n): ■;
cin >> choice;
cin.ignore(10000, *\n');
return choice;

void change_ranking(list<string>& movies,

int current_ranking, int new_ranking) {

// make sure rankings are in bounds

if (current_ranking > 0 && new_ranking > 0 &&
current_ranking <= movies.size() &&
new_ranking <■ movies.size()) {

// get iterator that points to first element

auto iter ■ movies.begin();

// increment iterator until it points to current ranking

for (int i - 1; i < current_ranking; ++i) {

// store value of element to be moved

string movie - *iter;

// remove element

// get first iterator again and then increment to new ranking

iter - movies.begin() ;
for (int i - 1; i < new_ranking; ++i) (

// insert element at new location

movies.insert(iter, movie);

Figure 10-14 The Movie Rankings 2.0 program (part 2 of 2)

384 Section 2 More skills as you need them

How to work with queues and stacks

The deque (pronounced “deck”) container uses blocks of contiguous
memory connected by pointers to store its data as illustrated in figure 10-15.
This gives a deque some of the speed of a vector and allows for fast access at the
front of the sequence as well as the back. Like a vector, however, a deque needs
to move elements when an element is inserted or removed in the middle of the
sequence. And. like a vector, this can cause iterators to be invalidated.
The Standard Template Library provides two container adapters, queue and
stack, that adapt the deque to more specialized uses. This figure shows how to
work with these container adapters.

How to work with queues

The queue container adapter provides first-in, first-out (FIFO) access. You
can think of this as a line, or queue, at a movie theater. A new person lines up at
the back of the line, and the first person in the line is the first person to get out of
the line.
As a result, when used with a queue, the push() function adds an element to
the back of the sequence, and the pop() function removes the element from the
front. Additionally, as with other sequence containers, the front() function allows
access to the first element in the sequence, and the back() function allows access
to the last.
The queue example in this figure shows how these functions work. Note that,
unlike the vector and list, you can’t initialize a queue with an initialization list or

How to work with stacks

In contrast to the queue container adapter, the stack container adapter
provides last-in. first-out (LIFO) access. You can think of this as a stack of
books. A new book goes on the top of the stack, and the last book on the stack is
also the first book out of the stack.
As a result, when used with a stack, the push() function adds an element to
the top. or front, of the sequence, and the pop() function removes the element
from the front. Unlike the other sequence containers, the stack doesn’t have a
front() or back() function. Instead, it has a top() function that allows access to the
first element in the sequence.
The stack example in this figure shows how these functions work. Note that,
like a queue, you can’t initialize a stack with an initialization list or iterators.
Chapter 10 How to work with STL containers and iterators 385

The contiguous and non-contiguous memory of a deque

begin() end{)
I | Element8 | Element 9 |
Element 0 I Element 1 | Element 2

Element 3 I Element 4 I Element 5 I Element 6 I Element 7

Some member functions of the queue container adapter

Function Description
push(value) Inserts an element at the back of the sequence.
pop() Removes the first element in the sequence.
front() Returns a reference to the value in the first element in the sequence.
back() Returns a reference to the value in the last element in the sequence.

The header file for the queue container adapter

#include <queue>

An example of working with a queue

queue<int> q;
cout << "front ■ ■ « q.front() « ■ and back ■ ■ « q.backO << endl;
// displays "front ■ 1 and back =2"

cout << "front ■ ■ « q. front () « ■ and back ■ ■ « q.backO << endl;
// displays "front ■ 2 and back =2"

Some member functions of the stack container adapter

Function Description
push(value) Inserts an element at the front of the sequence.
pop() Removes the first element in the sequence.
top() Returns a reference to the value in the first element in the sequence.

The header file for the stack container adapter

tinclude <stack>

An example of working with a stack

stack<int> s;
cout << "top ■ ■ « s.topO « endl;
// displays "top - 2"

cout << "top ■ ■ « S.topO « endl;
// displays "top - 1"

Figure 10-15 How to work with queues and stacks

386 Section 2 More skills as you need them

How to work with sets

A set is an associative container that stores and retrieves its elements based
on the value of a key. A set, however, only stores keys. This key is often a string,
but it can be any data type.
The Standard Template Library has two set containers: set and multiset.
The multiset allows duplicate keys, but the set requires each key to be unique.
Figure 10-16 presents some member functions that are shared by the associative
containers and shows how to use them to work with sets.

Member functions of associative containers

Like a list, the elements in a set are stored in non-contiguous memory.
However, when you add an element to a set, the set stores the element in sorted
order. This is one of the main benefits of the set container.
Most C++ implementations of a set use a balanced binary search tree as
shown by the diagram in this figure. Here, each parent node points to two nodes,
one with a greater value and one with a lesser value. This allows the container to
use a binary search to look for a specific key. Since a binary search can be more
efficient than the linear search that a list has to use, sets can be more efficient for
retrieving data.
Two member functions are shared by the associative containers. First, the
find() function accepts a key and returns an iterator to the first element with the
specified key. Or. if the key isn’t in the container, find() returns the off-the-end
iterator. Second, the count() function returns the number of elements in the
container with the specified key.

Code examples that work with sets

The code examples in this figure show how to work with sets. To start, the
first example shows how to include the header file for sets and multisets. Then,
the second example shows how to define a set and use an initialization list to
initialize it with some keys that are strings.
The third example shows how to use the insertO member function common
to most containers to add keys to a set. Here, the second statement attempts to
add a key of “AK”. However, a set requires unique keys, and the key “AK” is
already in the set. Therefore, this line of code doesn’t add this key. However, if
this code example used a multiset instead of a set. this statement would add the
key and the container would have two keys with a value of “AK”.
The fourth example shows how to use a range-based for loop to iterate the
keys in the set. This displays the keys in alphabetical order, which shows that a
set stores keys in sorted order, even when the keys aren't added in that order.
The fifth example shows how to find and remove a key. To do that, this code
uses the find() function to get an iterator that points to the key. Then, it compares
this iterator to the off-the-end iterator to determine if the key was found. If so, it
uses the erase() function to remove the key.
Chapter 10 How to work with STL containers and iterators 387

A graphical representation of the non-contiguous memory of a set


Some member functions shared by the associative containers

Function Description
find(k) Returns an iterator to the first element with a specified key. Or. if the specified key
isn’t found, it returns the off-the-end iterator.
count (k) Returns the number of elements with a specified key.

The header file for the set and multiset containers

^include <set>

How to create a set with an initialization list

set<string> states ( "CA", "OR", "AK" };

How to add keys to a set

states.insert("FL"); // added
states.insert("AK"); // not added because it already exists
states.insert("MN"); // added
states.insert("IA"); // added

How to iterate the elements in a set with a range-based for loop

for(string state: states) {
cout « state « • •;
// displays "AK CA FL IA MN OR ";

How to find and remove a value from a set

auto iter ■ states.find("FL");
if (iter ■■ states.end()) {
cout « "Not found\n";
} else (
// states now contains AK CA IA MN OR

• The set and multiset store keys in ascending order in non-contiguous memory'.
• When you add or remove a key. the pointers are rearranged to maintain the
sort order but the data itself isn’t moved. Because of that, iterators that point to
existing elements aren’t invalidated.

Figure 10-16 How to work with sets

388 Section 2 More skills as you need them

How to work with maps

Like a set. a map is an associative container that stores and retrieves its
elements based on the value of a key. Unlike a set. a map stores key/value pairs.
In other words, it stores a key and a value that’s associated with that key. Like a
set, the key is often a string, but it can be any data type.
The Standard Template Library has two map containers: map and multimap.
As you might expect, a map requires each key to be unique, and a multimap
allows duplicate keys. The STL also provides a pair structure for working with

Member functions and operators of a map

Like a set. the elements in a map are stored in sorted order in non-contiguous
memory. Also like a set, most C++ implementations of a map use a balanced
binary search tree as illustrated by the diagram in figure 10-17.
This figure begins by presenting three member functions of a map. First,
the at() function works similarly to the at() function of a vector. However, this
version accepts a key, not an index. Second, the insertO function accepts and
inserts a key/value pair. Third, the insert_or_assign() function accepts a key and
a value. If the key is not in the map. this function inserts an element with the
key/value pair. Otherwise, it modifies the value associated with the key.
After the functions, this figure presents the subscript operator that’s provided
by a map. This operator provides read and write access to the values in the map.
and it works similarly to the subscript operator provided by a vector. However, a
map’s subscript operator accepts a key, not an index. In addition, as you’ll see in
the next figure, you can use the subscript operator to insert a new element into a
The code examples in this figure show some basic skills for working with
maps. To start, the first example shows how to include the header file that you
use for both maps and multimaps.
The second example shows how to define a map and initialize it with a list of
key/value pairs. When you define a map. you need to define the data type of both
the key and the value. To do that, you code both types within the angle brackets
that follow the class name and separate them with a comma. In this example,
the key is a string and the value is an int. In addition, each key/value pair in an
initialization list needs to be enclosed in its own pair of braces. Within these
braces, the key and the value are separated by a comma.
The third example shows how to use a range-based for loop to iterate the
key/value pairs in a map. To code the type for this loop, you can use the pair
structure with the same data types as the map as shown here. However, you could
also use the auto keyword for the type to simplify this code.
Within the for loop, you can use the two data members of the pair structure
as shown here. The member named first stores the key, and the member named
second stores the value. In this example, the code uses these data members to
write the key and value to the console.
Chapter 10 How to work with STL containers and iterators 389

A graphical representation of the non-contiguous memory of a map


Some member functions of the map container

Function Description
at(k) Returns the value associated with the specified key. Throws an
error if not found.
insert(p) Inserts the specified key/value pair.
insert_or_assign(k, v) Inserts an element with the specified key and value. If the key
is already in the map. this function modifies the value.

One of the operators defined by the map container

Operator Name Description
[kl subscript Allows read/write access to the value with the specified key.
In addition, it allows you to insert a key/value pair.

The header file for the map and multimap containers

#include <map>

How to create a map with an initialization list

map<string, int> states { ("CA", 1850), ("OR", 1859}, ("AK", 1959} };

How to display the data in a map

for(pair<string, int> p: states) {
cout « p.first « '(' « p.second << ") ";
// displays "AK(1959) CA(1850) OR(1859) ";

• The map and multimap store key/value pairs in ascending order by key in
non-contiguous memory.
• When you add or remove a key/value pair, the pointers are rearranged to
maintain the sort order but the data itself isn’t moved. Because of that, iterators
that point to existing elements aren’t invalidated.
• You use the pair structure to work with the keys and values of a map or
multimap. The pair structure has a data member named first that contains the
key and a data member named second that contains the value.

Figure 10-17 Member functions and operators of a map

390 Section 2 More skills as you need them

How to insert key/value pairs

and work with values by key
Figure 10-18 presents some code examples for working with maps. To start,
the first example defines a map of string/int pairs and initializes it with three
pairs. This map is used by the rest of the examples in this figure.
The second example shows how to use the subscript operator to insert
key/value pairs and work with map values. Here, the first statement adds a
new key/value pair to the map. and the second statement updates the value
associated with that key. Then, the third statement uses the key to find and
display the associated value.
The third example shows how to use the insert() function instead of the
subscript operator to add a key/value pair to a map. To do that, you need to
create a pair object and pass it to the insert() function. This example shows three
ways to accomplish this. First, you can define and initialize a pair object in one
statement and pass it to the insert() function in another. Note that you define
and initialize a pair object using a technique that’s similar to the one you use to
define and initialize a map object. Because a pair consists of a single key and
value, though, you code a single set of braces with that key and value.
When you use this first technique, you store the pair object in a variable.
This is useful if you need to use the object again later. Otherwise, you can use
one of the other two techniques shown here. First, you can define, initialize, and
insert a pair object all in one statement. Second, you can create a pair object by
passing a key and a value to the make_pair() function that’s available from the
utility header file, and then pass that pair object to the insert() function.
The fourth example shows how to use the insert_or_assign() function to
insert key/value pairs and update map values. Here, the first statement adds a
new key/value pair to the map. Then, because the second statement specifies the
same key as the first statement, it updates the value for the element with that key.
The fifth example demonstrates an odd behavior you might run into if you
try to use the subscript operator to retrieve a value from a map. For instance, this
example attempts to retrieve the value associated with the key “WA” and store
it in an int variable named year. However, there is no element with this key in
the states map. Because of that, this unexpectedly adds an element with the key
“WA” and a default value to the map. In this case, because the value has a data
type of int, the element is given a value of 0. This value is also stored in the year
Since this behavior isn’t usually what you want, it’s a better practice to
use the find() member function to check whether a key is in a map before you
retrieve its value as shown in the last example. Here, the code compares the
iterator returned by the find() function to the off-the-end iterator to determine
whether the key is in the map. If the key is not in the map. the code doesn’t
attempt to access its value. If the key is in the map. the code retrieves its value
and stores it in the int variable named year.
Chapter 10 How to work with STL containers and iterators 391

The map of strings and ints used by the examples

map<string, int> states { ("CA", 1850), ("OR", 1859}, ("AK", 1959} };

How to insert, read, and write values with the subscript operator
states("IA") ■ 1946; // adds key/value
states("IA") - 1846; // modifies value
cout << "Iowa entered union in ■ « states("IA"] << endl; // reads value

How to insert values with the insert() member function

Create a pair structure and then insert it
pair<string, int> florida ("FL", 1845};
Create and insert a pair structure in one statement
states.insert(pair<string, int> ("FL", 1845});
Use the make_pair() function
states.insert(make_pair("FL", 1845));

How to insert and write values with the insert_or_assign() function

states.insert_or_assign("IL", 1828); // adds key/value
states.insert_or_assign("IL", 1818); // modifies value

How you can accidentally insert a key/value pair

with the subscript operator
// states contains AK/1959 CA/1850 FL/1845 IA/1846 IL/1818 OR/1859

// attempt to retrieve the year Washington entered the union

int year ■ states["WA"];

// states now contains AK/1959 CA/1850 FL/1845 IA/1846 IL/1818 OR/1859 WA/0
// year is 0

How to use the find() member function to check whether a key

is in the map
auto iter ■ states.find("WA");
if (iter ■■ states.end()) {
cout « "Not found\n";
} else {
int year ■ states["WA"];

• You can use the subscript operator, the insertO member function, or the insert_or_assign()
member function to insert a new key/value pair in a map.
• When you use the insertO function, you can manually code a new pair structure, or
you can use the make_pair() function.
• If you use the insert_or_assign() function and the key already exists, its value is changed.
• You can use the subscript operator to read or modify an existing value by key.
• When you use the subscript operator to access a value by key and the key isn’t in the
map. it’s added with a value that’s the default value of the data type. Because of that,
it’s safer to first use the find() member function to see if a key is in a map.

Figure 10-18 How to insert key/value pairs into a map and find a value by key
392 Section 2 More skills as you need them

The Word Counter program

Figure 10-19 shows the Word Counter program. This program reads and
processes text from a text file. It counts the total number of individual words, the
total number of unique words, and the total number of times each word appears.
The program displays the individual words in the order that it reads them, but it
displays the unique words and the count per word in alphabetical order.
The code begins with include statements for the header files that the program
needs, including the vector and map headers, and the using directive for the
std namespace. Then, the code declares two function prototypes. Both of these
functions return a container object. The load_words() function returns a vector of
strings, and the get_word_count() function returns a map of string/int pairs.
You might wonder why these functions return containers instead of
accepting existing containers by reference and updating them. After all. doesn’t
returning a container mean the function has to create a container and then return
a copy of it? And isn't that a possible problem if the container is large or expen­
sive to copy?
The reason you can safely return a container from a function is that, as you
learned in chapter 9, most C++ compilers use return value optimization (RVO) to
avoid the copy operation. The details of how RVO works are beyond the scope of
this book. However, you can feel confident that in most situations, you can return
a container without negatively impacting performance.
After the function prototypes, the main() function starts by displaying the
program name. Then, it stores the name of the text file in a string variable named
filename and passes that variable to the load_words() function. This loads all the
words in the text file into a vector named words. Here, the code uses the auto
keyword to allow the compiler to determine the data type instead of explicitly
specifying a type of vector<string>. Next, the code uses a range-based for loop
to display all the words in the vector.
After displaying all of the words in sequence, the code passes the vector of
words to the get_word_count() function. This function loads each unique word
as the key in a map named word_count. with the number of times each word
appears in the file as the associated value. This code also uses the auto keyword
instead of explicitly coding the map<string. int> type.
After getting the map named word_count. this code uses two range-based
for loops to display the elements in the map. The first loop displays the unique
words in the text file. To do that, this loop only displays the key for each pair. By
contrast, the second loop displays the count for each unique word. To do that,
this loop displays the key, which is the word, and the value, which is the word
count. Both of these loops use the auto keyword to declare the data type for each
pair instead of explicitly specifying a data type of pair<string. int>.
Chapter 10 How to work with STL containers and iterators 393

The console
The Word Counter program

60 WORDS: it was the best of times it was the worst of times it was
the age of wisdom it was the age of foolishness it was the epoch of
belief it was the epoch of incredulity it was the season of light
it was the season of darkness it was the spring of hope it was the
winter of despair

20 UNIQUE WORDS: age belief best darkness despair epoch foolishness

hope incredulity it light of season spring the times was winter
wisdom worst

COUNT PER WORD: age=2 belief=l best=l darkness=l despair=l epoch=2

foolishness=l hope=l incredulity=l it=10 light=l of=10 season=2
spring=l the=10 times=2 was=10 winter=l wisdom=l worst=l

The code
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <map>

using namespace std;

vector<string> load_words(string filename);

map<string, int> get_word_count(const vector<string>& words);

int main() {
cout « "The Word Counter program\n\n";

string filename ■ "dickens.txt";

auto words ■ load_words(filename);

cout « words.sizeO « " WORDS: ■;

for (string word : words) (
cout << word << • •;
cout « endl « endl;

auto word_count ■ get_word_count(words);

cout « word_count.size() << ■ UNIQUE WORDS: ";

for (auto pair : word_count) {
cout << pair.first « • •;
cout « endl « endl;

cout « "COUNT PER WORD: ";

for (auto pair : word_count) {
cout << pair.first « « pair.second << * ';
cout « endl « endl;

Figure 10-19 The Word Counter program (part 1 of 2)

394 Section 2 More skills as you need them

Part 2 of figure 10-19 shows the definitions of the functions called by the
main() function. First, the load_words() function starts by defining a vector of
strings named words. Then, it defines an input file stream object and opens it by
passing it the filename of the text file.
If the file opens successfully, the code uses a while loop to get each word
in the text file. For each word, this code loops through each character in the
word, discarding punctuation and converting any uppercase letters to lowercase.
When that’s done, this code uses the push_back() function to add the word to the
After this code adds all of the words in the text file to the vector, it calls the
close() function of the file stream to close the connection to the file. Then, it
returns the vector of words to the calling code.
The get_word_count() function starts by defining a map of string/int pairs
named word_count. Then, it uses a range-based for loop to process all the words
in the vector.
Within this loop, the first statement passes the word from the vector as the
key to the find() function of the map. Then, it compares the iterator returned by
find() to the off-the-end iterator. If they’re equal, that word isn’t yet in the map.
As a result, the code uses the subscript operator to add the key with a count
value of 1. However, if the key is already in the map. the code uses the subscript
operator to retrieve it and increment its associated count value by one. When the
loop finishes, it returns the map of word/count pairs to the calling code.
Chapter 10 How to work with STL containers and iterators 395

The code (continued)

vector<string> load_words(string filename) {
vector<string> words;
ifstream infile(filename);

if (infile) (
string word;
while(infile >> word) {

string new_word -
for (char c : word) (
if (c — || c -- ■»•) <
continue; // remove punctuation
} else if (isupper(c)) {
new_word += tolower(c); // convert to lowercase
} else (
new_word c;
words.push_back(new_word); // add word
return words;

map<string, int> get_word_count(const vector<string>& words) (

map<string, int> word_count {};

for (string word : words) {

auto search ■ word_count.find(word);
if (search ■■ word_count.end()) {
word_count[word] ■ 1; // not found - add word with count of 1
} else {
word_count[word] += 1; // found - increment count for word
return word_count;

Figure 10-19 The Word Counter program (part 2 of 2)

396 Section 2 More skills as you need them

How to work with nested containers

Sometimes, you need to use an STL container to store instances of another
STL container. In other words, you sometimes need to nest containers.

How to work with a vector of vectors

The first example in figure 10-20 shows how to define a vector of vectors.
To do that, you code the inner vector as the data type for the outer vector. In this
case, the outer vector holds other vectors of int values. In other words, the outer
container has a data type of vector<int>.
Note that when you code nested vectors like this, some older compilers can
interpret the closing angle brackets for the inner and outer vectors as the stream
extraction operator (>>). To prevent this, you can code a space between the angle
brackets as shown in this figure.
The second example shows how to use the push_back() function to add
individual vectors to the vector of vectors. Here, values within the braces create
a literal vector value and pass it to the push_back() function. In the first state­
ment. the literal vector that’s added contains three elements. In the second, the
literal vector contains four elements.
The third example shows how to iterate a vector of vectors to access the
elements contained within each vector. To do that, you can use nested loops.
Here, an outer range-based for loop iterates through the nested vectors. Within
that loop, a range-based for loop iterates through the elements in the nested
The fourth example shows how to access a specific value within a vector of
vectors. To do that, you code two subscripts. The first subscript is the index of
the inner vector, and the second subscript is the index of the element within that
vector. With two nested vectors, you can think of the first index as specifying the
row of a table, and the second index as specifying the column.

How to work with a map of vectors

Figure 10-20 also shows how to work with a map of vectors. The first
example defines a map that stores string/vector pairs where the vectors store int
values. Again, the code shown here includes a space between the closing angle
brackets to avoid problems with older compilers.
The second example shows how to use the subscript operator to add a string
key and a vector value to the map of vectors. Here, the student’s name is the key.
The third example shows how to iterate the map of vectors to access the
elements contained within each vector. Like before, this code uses nested loops.
Since the map automatically sorts the keys, this code displays the student names
in alphabetical order.
The fourth example shows how to access a specific value within a map of
vectors. Just as with a vector of vectors, you provide two subscripts. This time,
though, the first subscript is the key associated with the vector, not an index.
Chapter 10 How to work with STL containers and iterators 397

How to work with a vector of vectors

How to define a vector of vectors
vector<vector<int> > student_grades;
How to add vectors to a vector of vectors
student_grades.push_back( {78, 56, 90} );
student_grades.push_back( {89, 85, 87, 83} );
How to iterate the elements in a vector of vectors
cout « "Total number of students: " << studentgrades .size() << endl;
for (auto grades: student_grades) {
cout « "This student has ■ << grades.size() « ■ grades: ■;
for (auto grade: grades) {
cout << grade « • •;
cout « endl;

Total number of students: 2

This student has 3 grades: 78 56 90
This student has 4 grades: 89 85 87 83

How to access a specific value in a vector of vectors

int grade - studentgrades [1][0]; // grade is 89

How to work with a map of vectors

How to define a map of vectors
map<string, vector<int> > student_grades;
How to add vectors to a map of vectors
student_grades[■joe"] ■ {78, 56, 90};
student_grades("amy"] ■ {89, 85, 87, 83};
How to iterate the elements in a map of vectors
cout « "Total number of students: " << studentgrades .size() << endl;
for (auto grades: student_grades) {
cout « grades.first << ■ has " << grades.second.size() << ■ grades: ";
for (auto grade: grades.second) {
cout << grade « • •;
cout « endl;

Total number of students: 2

amy has 4 grades: 89 85 87 83
joe has 3 grades: 78 56 90

How to access a specific value in a map of vectors

int grade - student_grades("amy"][0]; // grade is 89

• When you nest containers, it’s a best practice to code a space between the closing angle
brackets so older compilers don’t interpret them as the stream extraction operator (»).

Figure 10-20 How to work with nested containers

398 Section 2 More skills as you need them

Now that you’ve completed this chapter, you should have the skills you
need to work with the containers and iterators of the Standard Template
Library. In the next chapter, you’ll learn how to use the STL algorithms to
perform common tasks with the data in a container, such as searching and
sorting the elements in a container.

Standard Template Library (STL) initialize a vector
container capacity
iterator size declarator
sequence container pointer
associative container doubly linked list
contiguous memory singly linked list
non-contiguous memory first-in. first-out (FIFO) access
container adapter last-in, first-out (LIFO) access
interval key
half-open interval balanced binary search tree
off-the-end iterator key/value pair
dereference an iterator return value optimization (RVO)
indirection operator nested containers
member access operator

• The Standard Template Library (STL) includes containers that store data and
iterators that allow access to the data.
• The sequence containers store data in sequence by index, and the associative
containers store data by key.
• The array and vector containers store data in contiguous memory, which is a
consecutive block of memory with no gaps.
• The list, forward list, and associative containers store data in non-contiguous
memory, which are unrelated memory locations that may have gaps.
• An iterator allow s you to access and traverse the elements in a sequence.
• The iterators returned by a container’s begin() and end() functions define a
range that starts at the first element and ends one past the last element. This
is called a half-open interval, and can be represented by the mathematical
notation [begin:end).
• The iterator returned by a container’s end() function is sometimes called an
off-the-end iterator.
• There are six types of iterators, and they are hierarchical. Each higher
iterator inherits the operations provided by the low er ones.
Chapter 10 How to work with STL containers and iterators 399

• An iterator points to an element in a container. To access the value an

iterator points to, you can dereference the iterator with the indirection
operator (*) or the member access operator (->).
• The capacity of a vector is the amount of contiguous memory that’s been
allocated for its elements.
• An array stores its elements in contiguous memory, but its size must be
known at compile time and can’t be increased dynamically at runtime.
• A deque (pronounced “deck”) is a double-ended queue that stores its
elements in a combination of contiguous and non-contiguous memory and
allows elements to be added to the front or the back.
• A container adapter adapts a container to make it more specialized.
• A queue adapts the deque and provides first-in. first-out (FIFO) access.
• A stack adapts the deque and provides last-in, first-out (LIFO) access.
• Both the list and the forward list store their elements in non-contiguous
memory, with pointers linking the elements.
• A list where each element has pointers that link to the next element and the
previous one is known as a doubly linked list.
• A list where each element only has pointers that link to the next element is
known as a singly linked list.
• The set and multiset containers store keys in ascending order in non-contiguous
• The map and multimap containers store key/value pairs in ascending order
by key in non-contiguous memory.
• Most C++ compilers use return value optimization (RVO) to avoid the copy
operation when they return containers.
400 Section 2 More skills as you need them

Exercise 10-1 Use a list with the Movie List

In this exercise, you’ll modify the Movie List 2.0 program from chapter 9 so it
uses a list instead of a vector. You’ll also add a function for modifying a movie.
When you’re done, a test run should look something like this:

The Movie List program

v - View movie list
a - Add a movie
d - Delete a movie
m - Modify a movie
x - Exit

Command: v
1 Casablanca 1942 5
2 Wonder Woman 2017 4
3 Wizard of Oz 1939 5

Command: m
Number: 2
Enter new number of stars (1-5) for Wonder Woman: 3
Wonder Woman was updated.

Command: v
1 Casablanca 1942 5
2 Wonder Woman 2017 3
3 Wizard of Oz 1939 5

Command: x

Open and review the program

1. Open the project or solution named moviejist in this folder:
2. Review the code. Then, run the program to refresh your memory on how it works.
Modify the program to use a list instead of a vector
3. Modify the main() function so it stores the list that’s returned by the
read_movies_from_file() function in a list of Movie objects instead of a vector
of Movie objects. Then, modify the read_movies_from_file() function so it
returns a list.
4. Modify the other functions called by the main() function so they accept a list
of Movie objects. You’ll also need to modify the delete_movie() function so it
uses an iterator instead of an index to get and erase the movie.
Add the code for modifying a movie
5. Add another command to the menu that lets the user modify a movie.
Chapter 10 How to work with STL containers and iterators 401

6. Add a function named modify_movie() that accepts a list of Movie objects.

This function should get the number of the movie to be modified and the
Movie object for that movie. Be sure to store the Movie object in a reference
variable so it points to the Movie object in the list. Then, get the new number
of stars for the movie, update the Movie object, and update the movies file.
7. Add a case label to the switch statement in the main() function that lets the
user modify a movie.
8. Modify the add_movie() function so that if a movie already exists, it displays
an appropriate message but doesn’t modify the movie.

Exercise 10-2 Create a program that uses a map

In this exercise, you’ll write the code for a program called Country Codes that
uses a map. This program displays a list of country codes, lets the user enter a
code, and then displays the country name for that code. When you’re done, a
test run should look something like this:

The Country Codes Program

Country codes: CA MX US

Enter a country code: mx

You selected Mexico!

Continue (y/n)?: y

Enter a country code: PR

Country code not found.

Continue (y/n)?: n

1. Open the project or solution named country_codes in this folder:

ex_s t art s\chi0_ex2_country_codes

2. Review the main.cpp file to see that it contains the code for a function
named get_choice() as well as the starting code for two functions named
display_codes() and display_country(). In addition, the main() function
defines a map whose key/value pairs contain country codes and names.
3. Add code to the display_codes() function so it displays the country codes as
shown above.
4. Add code to the display_country() function so it gets an iterator for the
element whose key is equal to the code. If the code isn’t found, display an
appropriate message. Otherwise, display the country name as shown above.
Because the map parameter is defined as a constant, you’ll need to use the at()
member function to do that, not the subscript operator.
5. Add code to the main() function that calls the display_codes() function to
display the country codes when the program starts. In addition, add code that
calls the display_country() function to display country names as long as the
user indicates they want to continue.
402 Section 2 More skills as you need them

Exercise 10-3 Use a multiset and a set

with the Word Counter program
In this exercise, you’ll modify the Word Counter program so it stores all of the
words in the text file in a multiset and all of the unique words in a set. When
you’re done, a test run should look something like this:

The Word Counter program

FILE TEXT: It was the best of times, it was the worst of times,
it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was
the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the
season of Light, it was the season of Darkness, it was the spring
of hope, it was the winter of despair...


20 UNIQUE WORDS: age belief best darkness despair epoch foolish­

ness hope incredulity it light of season spring the times was
winter wisdom worst

COUNT PER WORD: age=2 belief=l best=l darkness=l despair=l epoch=2

foolishness=l hope=l incredulity=l it=10 light=l of=10 season=2
spring=l the=10 times=2 was=10 winter=l wisdom=l worst=1

1. Open the project or solution named word_counter in this folder:

2. Change the name of the load_words() function to display_and_load_words(),
and modify it so it creates and returns a multiset instead of a vector.
3. Add code to the display_and_load_words() function that displays each word
without modification as it’s retrieved from the file.
4. Modify the code in the main() function so it displays the count of words that
have been loaded into the multiset.
5. Add a function named get_unique_words() that accepts the multiset and
returns a set that contains just the unique words.
6. Modify the main() function so it uses the get_unique_words() function to get
a set of unique words.
7. Modify the main() function so it displays the number of words in the set that’s
returned by the get_unique_words() function, followed by each of the words
in that set.
8. Modify the main() function so it displays the words in the set that’s returned
by the get_unique_words() function, followed by a count of the number of
times each word in the set occurs in the multiset.
9. Comment out or delete any code that is no longer used by the program.
How to work
with STL algorithms
In chapter 10, you learned how to use the containers of the Standard Template
Library to store and work with elements. You also learned how to use the itera­
tors of the STL to access and traverse the elements in those containers.
In this chapter, you’ll learn how to use algorithms provided by the STL
to perform tasks on the elements in a container. In addition, you’ll see how
the STL provides a framework that makes it easy to work with a wide variety
of containers and algorithms. Because this chapter assumes that you already
know how to work with containers and iterators, you’ll want to be sure to read
chapter 10 before reading this chapter.

An introduction to STL algorithms.................................... 404

The relationship between containers, iterators, and algorithms................. 404
How to call an algorithm............................................................................... 406
How to pass a function as an argument........................................................ 406
Basic skills for working with algorithms........................... 408
How to use the non-modifying algorithms................................................... 408
How to use the modifying algorithms........................................................... 410
How to use the min and max algorithms.......................................................412
How to use the numeric algorithms............................................................... 412
How to use the sort and binary search algorithms....................................... 414
The Number Cruncher program.................................................................... 416
More skills for working with algorithms............................ 420
How to use algorithms with intervals of key/value pairs............................ 420
How to use algorithms with nested containers............................................. 422
More skills for passing functions to algorithms............. 424
How to work with function templates.......................................................... 424
How to work with function objects...............................................................426
How to work with lambda expressions......................................................... 428
The Uptime Percentage program...................................................................430
Perspective............................................................................ 434
404 Section 2 More skills as you need them

An introduction to STL algorithms

The Standard Template Library (STL) contains three types of objects:
containers that store data, iterators that allow access to the data, and algorithms
that perform tasks on the data. In the previous chapter, you learned about the
STL containers and iterators. Now. this chapter introduces STL algorithms.

The relationship between containers, iterators,

and algorithms
The STL algorithms perform common tasks on the elements in a container,
such as finding an element with a specified value or copying all the elements to
another container. However, the algorithms don’t work directly with containers.
Instead, they use iterators to perform their tasks as shown in figure 11-1.
Because algorithms work with iterators, they don’t need to know anything
about how the elements in a container are stored to work with the container.
For instance, an algorithm doesn’t care if a container uses contiguous or
non-contiguous memory. This is known as abstraction.
To use an STL algorithm with a container, the container must provide itera­
tors that define a half-open, or |b:e), interval. As you learned in the last chapter,
this is a range in which the beginning iterator points to the first element and
the ending iterator points one memory location past the last element. The STL
containers have begin() and end() member functions that provide a half-open
interval, as does the string object, which is not an STL container. Although the
C++ built-in array doesn’t have begin() and end() functions, it can still provide a
half-open interval. You’ll learn more about that in chapter 12.
The code examples in this figure illustrate how the same STL algorithm can
work with several different types of containers. These examples use the count()
algorithm, which returns the number of times a specified value occurs in an
The first example defines five containers that hold char data and initializes
each container with the characters ‘h\ ‘e’, T, T, and ‘o’. The first statement
defines a vector, the second defines an STL array, the third defines a list, and the
fourth defines a multiset. These are all STL containers, and they all store and
retrieve their elements differently. The fifth statement defines a string object,
which isn’t an STL container but provides iterators that define a [b:e) interval.
The second example counts the number of times the character ‘1’ appears in
each container. Again, the implementation details of the containers are different,
but that doesn’t matter. In each case, the algorithm accepts the iterators and does
its work.
Because containers and algorithms don’t need to know anything about each
other, it’s possible to create your own custom containers and algorithms. You
just need to make sure that a custom container provides iterators that define a
half-open interval and that a custom algorithm works with iterators that define
a half-open interval. In chapter 19, you’ll learn how to define custom containers
and algorithms.
Chapter 11 How to work with STL algorithms 405

The STL algorithms work with iterators rather than directly

with containers

Examples that use the same algorithm with five different container types
The containers
vector<char> vec { >;
array<char, 5> arr { >;
list<char> 1st ( >;
multiset<char> mst { >;
string str ■ "hello";
The algorithm that counts how many times a value appears in a container
int c;
c ■ count(vec.begin(), vec.end(), •1' ); // c is 2
c ■ count(arr.begin(), arr.end(), •1' ); // c is 2
c ■ count(1st.begin(), 1st.end(), •1' ); // c is 2
c ■ count(mst.begin(), mst.end(), •1' ); // c is 2
c ■ count(str.begin(), str.end(), •1' ); // c is 2

• The STL algorithms don’t perform operations directly on a specific container.
Instead, they perform operations on a half-open, or |b:e), interval that’s defined
by iterators. This provides abstraction between the algorithms and the containers.
• The STL algorithms are commonly used with STL containers. However, they can
also be used with non-STL containers like strings, built-in arrays, and custom
• As long as an object provides iterators that define a half-open interval, and those
iterators define the operations required by the algorithm, the algorithm can
perform its task.

Figure 11-1 The relationship between containers, iterators, and algorithms

406 Section 2 More skills as you need them

How to call an algorithm

The STL contains dozens of algorithms. In this chapter you’ll learn to work
with a few of the algorithms in the algorithm header file. However, there are
more algorithms in that header file as well as in other header files. For more
information, you can visit the URL shown at the top of figure 11-2.
An STL algorithm is a function. Because of that, you call it by coding its
name, followed by a set of parentheses with any arguments it requires. Also like
other functions, some of the STL algorithms return a value, and some don’t.
The code examples in this figure show how to call some of the STL
algorithms. To start, the first example includes the algorithm header file. Then,
the second example defines and initializes a vector of int values that’s used by
the rest of examples in this figure.
The third example calls the sort() algorithm. This algorithm accepts two
iterators that define an interval and rearranges the elements in that interval in
ascending order. For this algorithm to work correctly, you must pass it a high-
level. random-access iterator. However, most algorithms work correctly with
lower-level iterators. As you progress through this chapter, you’ll learn more
about the type of iterator that’s required by each algorithm.
The fourth and fifth examples call the count() algorithm. This algorithm
accepts iterators that define an interval as well as another argument that indicates
the value to count. Note that, unlike sort(), count() returns a value. These
examples show that you can define the |b:e) interval to include all the elements
in a container or just some of them. This shows the flexibility of using iterators
and algorithms.
The sixth example calls the find() algorithm. This algorithm returns an
iterator that points to the search value, or it returns the off-the-end iterator if the
search value isn’t found. As a result, you can determine whether the search value
is found by comparing the iterator that’s returned to the off-the-end iterator as
shown in this example.

How to pass a function as an argument

Some of the STL algorithms accept functions as arguments. For instance,
the optional third argument of the sort() algorithm is a function that lets you
customize how the sort operation is performed. This is a useful technique that
lets you customize the way an algorithm works.
The last code example in figure 11 -2 shows how this works. This example
starts with a function named sort_descending() that accepts two int values and
returns a Boolean value. In the body of the function, the code returns true if the
first int value is greater than the second int value. Otherwise, it returns false.
After the sort_descending() function, a single statement calls the sort()
algorithm and passes the sort_descending() function as the third argument.
Note that no parentheses are included after the function name. If they were, the
statement would call the function rather than pass it. Then, the algorithm calls
this function to sort the elements in descending order rather than the default
ascending order.
Chapter 11 How to work with STL algorithms 407

A URL that lists all of the STL algorithms


The header file for many of the STL algorithms

tinclude <algorithm>

A vector of integers that’s used in the following examples

vector<int> nums ( 5, 7, 34, 6, 1, 890, 17 };

An algorithm that accepts two iterators and doesn’t return a value

sort (nums . begin () , nums.endO);
// nums now contains 1 5 6 7 17 34 890

An algorithm that accepts two iterators plus a third argument

and returns a value
int c - count (nums. begin (), nums.endO, 6); // c is 1

An algorithm that accepts a smaller range than the sequence

in a container
int c ■ count (nums. begin () + 3, nums.endO, 6); // c is 0

An algorithm that returns an iterator

auto iter ■ f ind( nums. begin (), nums.endO, 6);
if (iter ■■ nums.endO) {
cout « "Value not found.\n";
else (
cout « "Value found.\n";

An algorithm that accepts a function as an argument

// create a function to perform the comparison
bool sort_descending(int a, int b) {
return a > b;
// pass the function as the third argument to the sort algorithm
sort(nums.begin(), nums.endO, sort_descending);
// nums now contains 890 34 17 7 6 5 1

• When you call an algorithm, you pass it the iterators that define a half open
interval as well as any other arguments the algorithm requires.
• The type of iterator an algorithm requires determines which containers can use it.
• Many algorithms accept a function as an argument. This allows you to
customize how the algorithm performs its operation.
• To pass a function as an argument, you just code the function name. If you
include parentheses and arguments, you are calling the function, not passing it.

• Unless otherwise noted, this chapter presents algorithms in the algorithm header file.

Figure 11 -2 How to call an algorithm and pass a function as an argument

408 Section 2 More skills as you need them

Basic skills for working with algorithms

The next four topics present examples that show some basic skills for
working with some of the STL algorithms. Unless otherwise noted, these
algorithms are available from the algorithm header file.

How to use the non-modifying algorithms

Figure 11-3 shows how to use four of the STL algorithms. These are called
non-modifying algorithms because they don’t change the interval that’s passed to
All of the algorithms presented in this figure accept lower-level iterators.
In fact, all but search!) accept the lowest iterator, input. This means that all of
the sequence containers you learned about in the last chapter work with these
algorithms. As you progress through this chapter, you’ll find that most of the
algorithms also work with low-level iterators such as forward and input.
In addition, both the find!) and search!) algorithms return an iterator if they
find what they’re looking for. If they don’t find w hat they’re looking for, they
return an oft-the-end iterator. This is a common way for the STL algorithms to
indicate that they haven’t found what they’re looking for.
The code examples show how to use these non-modifying algorithms. The
first example uses the count!) algorithm to determine how many times the value
6 is found in a vector of double values.
The second example begins by defining a function named display!) that
accepts a string value and displays it on the console. Then, this code defines and
initializes a set container named states w ith several string values that represent
state codes. Next, the code calls the for_each() algorithm and passes it three
arguments. The first two define a half-open interval and the third is the display!)
function. When this code runs, it passes the value of every element in the interval
to the display!) function. As a result, this example displays each element in the
interval on the console.
The third example starts by initializing a list of int values. Then, it uses
the find!) algorithm to retrieve an iterator that points to the first element whose
value is 3. This code passes three arguments to the find!) algorithm. The first two
arguments are the iterators that define the interval to be searched, and the third
argument is the value to find. Since find!) returns the off-the-end iterator if the
value isn’t found, this example finishes by using the oft-the-end iterator to check
whether the search was successful.
The last example initializes a vector of int values and a set of int values.
Then, it uses the search!) algorithm to check whether the interval contained in
the set can be found in the vector. Again, the first two arguments are the itera­
tors that define the interval to be searched. Then, the next two arguments are the
iterators that define the interval to search for. Like find!), search!) returns the
off-the-end iterator if the interval it’s looking for isn’t found. As a result, you can
use an if statement to check whether the search was successful.
Chapter 11 How to work with STL algorithms 409

Non-modifying operations
Algorithm Iterator Description
count(b, e, val) Input Returns the number of times that val occurs in
interval [b:e).
for_each(b, e, func) Input Passes each element in interval [b:e) to func.
find(b, e, val) Input Returns an iterator that points to the first occur­
rence of val in interval [b:e). Returns the off-the-
end iterator if val isn’t found.
search(b, e, b2, e2) Forward Searches for the first occurrence of the interval
[b2:e2) in interval [b:e) and returns an iterator that
points to the first element. Returns the off-the-end
iterator if the interval isn’t found.

How to count the number of occurrences of an element

vector<double> nums { 6.0, 4.5, 34.1, 6.7, 6 };
int c ■ count (nums .begin(), nums.endO, 6); // c is 2

How to display each element in an interval

void display(string value) {
cout << value << • ';

set<string> states ( "OR", "WA", "CA", "AK", -HI" };

for_each(states.begin(), states.end(), display);
// displays "AK CA HI OR WA "

How to find a specific element in an interval

list<int> target ( 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 };
auto iter ■ find(target.begin( ), target.end(), 3);
if (iter ■■ target.end()) (
cout << "Not Found!\n";

How to search for a range of elements in an interval

vector<int> target ( 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 };
set<int> to_find ( 3, 4, 5, 6 };
auto iter ■ search(target.begin(), target.end(),
to_find.begin(), to_find.end());
if (iter ■■ target.end()) (
cout << "Not Found!\n";

• The non-modifying algorithms don’t change the values or the order of the
elements in an the interval.
• The find() and searchf) algorithms perform a linear search, which means that
they start at the first element and continue in order until they either find what
they’re looking for or reach the end of the interval.

Figure 11 -3 How to use the non-modifying algorithms

410 Section 2 More skills as you need them

How to use the modifying algorithms

The table in figure 11-4 presents four more of the STL algorithms. These are
called modifying algorithms because they do change the interval that’s passed to
them by adding, replacing, or removing elements.
The code examples show how to use the modifying algorithms. The first
example uses the replace() algorithm to replace all instances of a dash character
in a string with a space character. The first two arguments define the interval
that the algorithm will work with. Then, the third argument identifies the value
to find, and the fourth argument specifies the replacement value. Note that this
example works with a sequence of elements in a string, which is not an STL
container. Again, this shows the flexibility of the STL algorithms.
The second example begins by initializing a vector of int values. Then, it
uses the fill() algorithm to set the value of all its elements to zero. Again, the
first two arguments define the interval the algorithm works with. Then, the third
argument specifies the value to assign to the elements in the interval.
The third example shows how to use the copy() algorithm. It starts by initial­
izing a list of int values. Then, it uses the size() function of that list to define
a vector of the same size. This is necessary because the vector must be able to
accommodate all of the elements being copied from the list. And. in this case, all
of the elements will be copied.
After initializing the two containers, this example calls the copy() algorithm
and passes it three arguments. The first two arguments are the iterators that
define the interval to be copied, and the third argument is an iterator that points
to the first element to be copied to. Note that you don’t need to pass the ending
iterator for this interval because the algorithm can determine it based on the
interval that’s being copied.
The fourth example initializes a vector of int values. Then, it uses the
remove() algorithm to remove all instances of a value from the vector. Here, the
first two arguments define the interval to be searched, and the third argument
defines the value to be removed.
When working with the removeO algorithm, it’s important to understand that
this algorithm doesn’t delete the elements from the container. That’s because this
algorithm doesn’t know anything about the internal workings of the container.
As a result, it can’t delete elements from it. Instead, it moves the elements to
the end of the interval and returns an iterator that points to the first of these
elements. To delete these elements, the code can pass this iterator as the first
argument of the container’s erase() function, and it can pass the same ending
iterator used by the removeO algorithm as the second argument.
You can also code the remove and erase operations in one statement as
shown by the fifth example. To do that, you can nest the call to the removeO
algorithm within the call to the container’s erase() function.
Chapter 11 How to work with STL algorithms 411

Modifying operations
Algorithm Iterator Description
replace(b, e, val, val2) Forward Replaces the elements in [b:e) that are equal
to val with val2.
fill(b, e, val) Forward Assigns val to every element in (b:e).
copy(b, e, b2) Input Copies the values in [b:e) to the interval
beginning with b2.
remove(b, e, val) Forward Removes the elements in [b:e) that are equal
to val.

How to replace a value in an interval with another value

string cc.number ■ "4012-881022-88810";
replace(cc_number.begin(), cc.number.end(), ’ ');
cout << cc.number << endl; // displays "4012 881022 88810"

How to assign a value to every element in an interval

vector<int> scores ( 89, 34, 78, 100, 45, 68, 92);
fill(scores.begin (), scores.end(), 0);
// scores now contains 0000000

How to copy the elements of an interval

list<int> nums ( 1, 4, 5, 2, 3, 1 };
vector<int> numbers(nums.size()); // same size as nums
copy(nums.begin(), nums.endO, numbers.begin());
// numbers now contains 145231

How to remove and erase elements from an interval

vector<int> times ( 1800, 1845, 0, 2000, 0, 1745, 1600, 0, 1530 };
auto iter ■ remove(times.begin(), times.end(), 0);
times.erase(iter, times.end());
// times now contains 1800 1845 2000 1745 1600 1530

How to remove and erase in one statement

vector<int> times ( 1800, 1845, 0, 2000, 0, 1745, 1600, 0, 1530 };
times.erase(remove(times.begin(), times.end(), 0), times.end());
// times now contains 1800 1845 2000 1745 1600 1530

• The modifying algorithms change the elements in an interval by adding,
replacing, or removing values.
• The copy() algorithm requires that the container being copied to has at least as
many elements as the interval being copied.
• The remove() algorithm moves the removed elements to the end of the interval
and returns an iterator that points to the first removed element. You can then
pass this iterator to a container’s erase() member function to remove the
elements from the container.

Figure 11 -4 How to use the modifying algorithms

412 Section 2 More skills as you need them

How to use the min and max algorithms

The first table in figure 11-5 presents two STL algorithms that return an
iterator that points to the smallest or largest value in an interval. The first four
code examples show how to use these algorithms.
To start, the first example initializes a vector of int values that’s used in the
rest of this figure. Then, the second example finds and displays the minimum
value, and the third example finds and displays the maximum value. To do that,
both of these examples get the value that the iterator points to by using the
indirection operator (*) to dereference the iterator.
The fourth example shows how to use the iterator returned by max_element()
to determine the index of the maximum value. Here, the iterator returned by
the begin() function of the vector is subtracted from the iterator returned by the
max_element() algorithm. This technique only works with a random-access
or higher iterator, since the random-access iterator is the lowest iterator that
supports the subtraction operator.

How to use the numeric algorithms

So far. this chapter has presented algorithms that are available from the
algorithm header file. Now, the second table in figure 11-5 presents three
algorithms that are available from the numeric header file. As the name suggests,
the algorithms in this header file perform tasks on numbers.
The code examples below this table show how to use these algorithms. To
start, the first example shows how to include the numeric header file. Then, the
second example uses the iota() algorithm to fill a vector of int values with values
that increase sequentially. The first two arguments define the interval to be filled,
and the third argument specifies the value to assign to the first element in the
interval. Then, this algorithm increments the value by 1 before assigning it to
each remaining element.
The third example shows how to use the first version of the accumulate()
algorithm. The first two arguments define the interval whose values are to be
totaled, and the third argument specifies the initial value of the total. In this case,
the code specifies an initial value of 0, which is a common initial value.
The fourth example shows how to use the second version of the accumulateO
algorithm. This algorithm accepts a fourth argument that lets you customize
how the algorithm totals the values. Here, the code begins by defining a function
named total_even() that accepts an accumulator variable and the value of the
current element in the interval. Within this function, the code only adds the
element value to the accumulator variable if the value is an even number.
Then, the statement after the function passes the function to the accumulateO
algorithm. As a result, this statement only totals the even numbers.
Chapter 11 How to work with STL algorithms 413

Minimum/maximum operations
Algorithm Iterator Description
min_element(b, e) Forward Returns an iterator that points to the smallest value
in [b:e).
max_element(b, e) Forward Returns an iterator that points to the largest value
in [b:e).

A vector of int values used in the following examples

vector<int> nums ( 89, 34, 78, 100, 45, 68 };

How to find the minimum value in an interval

auto min_iter - min_element(nums.begin(), nums.endO);
cout << "Min is " << *min_iter << endl; // displays "Min is 34"

How to find the maximum value in an interval

auto max_iter - max_element(nums.begin(), nums.endO);
cout << "Max is " << *max_iter << endl; // displays "Max is 100"

How to find the index of the maximum value in an interval

int index - max_iter - nums.begin(); // index is 3

Numeric operations
Algorithm Iterator Description
iota(b, e, val) Forward Fills the interval |b:e) with values that
start with val and are incremented by 1.
accumulate(b, e, val) Input Returns the total of the values in |b:e),
with val as the initial value of the total.
accumulate(b, e, val, func) Input Returns the total of the values in |b:e),
with val as the initial value of the
total. Passes each element to func to
determine how to add it to the total.

The header file for the numeric algorithms

ftinclude <numeric>

How to fill an interval with sequentially increasing values

iota (nums. begin (), nums.endO, 5); // nums now contains 5 6 7 8 9 10

How to total all the values in an interval

auto total ■ accumulate(nums.begin(), nums.endO, 0);
// total is 45

How to total all the even-numbered values in an interval

//a function that only adds even numbers to an accumulator value
int total_even(int accumulator, int current_val) {
if (current_val % 2 -- 0)
accumulator += current_val;
return accumulator;
total ■ accumulate(nums.begin (), nums.endO, 0, total_even);
// total is 24

Figure 11 -5 How to use the min and max algorithms and the numeric algorithms
414 Section 2 More skills as you need them

How to use the sort and binary search algorithms

Figure 11-6 presents two versions of a sort() algorithm as well as an
algorithm that performs a binary search. The binary_search() algorithm, like
the other algorithms you’ve seen so far. accepts a lower-level iterator. Because
of that, it works with any STL container. However, the sort algorithms require a
random-access iterator, which is a high-level iterator. So. the sort() algorithms
don’t work with STL containers that provide bidirectional or forward iterators.
Fortunately, they work with vectors and strings.
The code examples show how to use these algorithms. The first example
initializes a vector of strings that’s used by the sort examples. Then, the second
example uses the first version of the sort() algorithm to sort the elements in the
vector in ascending order.
The third and fourth examples show how to use the second version of the
sort() algorithm. This version accepts a function argument that allows you to
specify the sort order of the elements.
The third example sorts the elements in descending order. To start, it
defines a function that accepts two string variables. Then, within the body of the
function, it returns a true value if the first string is greater than the second string.
Otherwise, it returns a false value.
The fourth example, on the other hand, uses the length of the string to deter­
mine the sort order. Like the third example, this example begins by defining a
function that accepts two string variables. Then, within the body of the function,
it returns a true value if the size of the first string is greater than the size of the
second string. Otherwise, it returns a false value.
The fifth example shows how to use the binary_searchO algorithm. This
algorithm can work more efficiently than the find() and search() algorithms
described earlier in this chapter. That’s because the find() and searchf) algorithms
perform a linear search. A linear search starts at the first element and iterates
through the elements until it finds the value or interval it’s looking for. This can
be inefficient when you’re doing multiple searches of a large interval.
In contrast to the way a linear search works, a binary search starts by looking
at the midpoint of a sorted interval. Then, the algorithm discards half the interval,
depending on whether the search value is greater or less than the midpoint value.
But. for it to work properly, the interval must be sorted first.
The code in the fifth example begins by defining a list of double values.
Then, it sorts them. To do that, it calls the sort() member function of the list.
That’s necessary because a list doesn't support the sort() algorithm, since it uses
a bidirectional iterator. Next, the code calls the binary_search() algorithm. This
algorithm returns a Boolean value that indicates whether the search value was
found. This works differently than the find() and searchf) algorithms, which
return iterators that point to the first element that contains the search value.
Chapter 11 How to work with STL algorithms 415

Sort and binary search operations

Algorithm Iterator Description
sort(b, e) Random-access Sorts the elements in [b:e) in ascending
sort(b, e, func) Random-access Sorts the elements in [b:e) according to the
sort criteria in the specified function.
binary_search(b, e, val) Forward Returns true if val is found in interval [b:e).
This only works if the elements in [b:e) are

A vector of strings to be used in the sort examples

vector<string> names { "grace", "bjarne", "Steve", "ada", "katherine" };

How to sort an interval in ascending order

sort(names.begin(), names.end());
// order is now ada bjarne grace katherine Steve

How to sort an interval in descending order

int sort_descending(string a, string b) {
return a > b;
sort(names.begin(), names.endf), sort_descending);
// order is now steve katherine grace bjarne ada

How to sort an interval by length of string

int sort_by_length(string a, string b) (
return b.sizeO > a.sizeO;
sort(name s.begin(), name s.end(), sort_by_length );
// order is now ada steve grace bjarne katherine

How to use a binary search to see if an element is in an interval

list<double> prices ( 9.99, 5.78, 34.25, 4.99, 125, 77.99, 15.20 };
prices.sort(); // sort elements before calling binary_search()
bool is_found - binary_search(prices .begin(), prices.end(), 15.20); // true

• The sort() algorithm requires a random-access iterator, so it can’t be used with a list,
set, or map. However, the list container has a sort() member function, and the map
and set containers are sorted by key by default.
• Like the sort() algorithm, the sort() member function of the list container accepts an
optional function that lets you determine the sort criteria.
• The binary_ searchO algorithm returns a Boolean value, not an iterator to an element.
• The binary_search() algorithm performs a binary search by repeatedly selecting the
midpoint of a sorted interval and discarding the half that doesn’t contain the search value.

Figure 11 -6 How to use the sort and binary search algorithms

416 Section 2 More skills as you need them

The Number Cruncher program

Figure 11-7 shows the Number Cruncher program. This program generates
a sequence of random integers. Then, it performs a series of operations on them.
The console for this program shows that the program sorts the numbers, calcu­
lates a total and average, gets the maximum and minimum values, and counts
how many times the number 10 appears in the sequence.
The code begins with include statements for the header files that the program
needs, including the algorithm and numeric header files, and the using directive
for the std namespace. After that, the code defines a function named display_int()
that accepts an int value and displays it on the console.
The main() function starts by displaying the name of the program. Then, it
defines a vector of int values named numbers, and it uses the reserve() function
of the vector to allocate space in memory for 11 elements.
Next, the code uses a for loop to add random numbers to the vector. To do
that, it iterates the elements in the vector as long as the capacity() function of
the vector is less than the counter variable. Within the loop, it gets a random
number from 0 to 29 and then uses the push_back() function of the vector to add
the random number to the vector. When this loop completes, the vector named
numbers contains eleven random integers. Then, the code uses the for_each()
algorithm and the display_int() function to display those numbers.
After displaying the unsorted random numbers, the code uses the sort()
algorithm to sort the numbers in the vector in ascending order. This works
because the vector provides the high-level, random-access iterator that the
sort() algorithm requires. Then, the code uses the for_each() algorithm and the
display_int() function to display the sorted numbers.
Next, the code uses the accumulatef) algorithm to total all the numbers in the
vector, it stores the result in a variable named sum. and it displays the sum. Then,
it calculates the average of these numbers by dividing the sum by the size of the
vector, and it displays the average.
Chapter 11 How to work with STL algorithms 417

The console
The Number Cruncher program

11 RANDOM NUMBERS: 12 25 10 3 0 8 8 1 10 16 15
11 SORTED NUMBERS: 0 1 3 8 8 10 10 12 15 16 25
Sum ■ 108 Average ■ 9 Max ■ 25 Min ■ 0

The number 10 occurs 2 time(s).

The code
#include <iostream>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <ctime>
#include <vector>
#include <algorithm>
#include <numeric>

using namespace std;

void display_int(int num) (

cout « num << *

int main() (
cout « "The Number Cruncher program\n\n";

// create an empty vector with space for 11 elements

vector<int> numbers;

// fill the vector with random numbers

for (int i ■ 0; i < numbers.capacity(); ++i) {
int number ■ rand() % 30;

cout << numbers.size() « " RANDOM NUMBERS: ";

for_each(numbers.begin (), numbers.end(), display_int);
cout « endl;

sort(numbers.begin(), numbers.end());
cout « numbers.size() « " SORTED NUMBERS: ";
for_each(numbers.begin (), numbers.end(), display_int);
cout « endl;

int sum - accumulate(numbers .begin(), numbers.end(), 0);

cout « "Sum ■ ■ << sum « • •;

int avg - sum I numbers.size();

cout « "Average - ■ << avg « • ';

Figure 11-7 The Number Cruncher program (part 1 of 2)

418 Section 2 More skills as you need them

Part 2 of figure 11-7 begins by using the max_element() and min_element()

algorithms to retrieve iterators that point to the largest and smallest elements
in the vector. This code uses the auto keyword to define the variables named
max_iter and min_iter that store the iterators returned by these algorithms so
the code is more concise. It also displays the minimum and maximum values on
the console. To do that, it uses the indirection operator (*) to get the values that
min_iter and max_iter point to.
After getting the maximum and minimum values, the code checks how many
times the number 10 occurs in the vector of random numbers. To do that, it starts
by defining an int variable named num and initializing it with the number 10.
Then, it uses the binary_search() algorithm to check whether this number exists
in the vector.
For the binary_search() algorithm to work correctly, the interval that’s
passed to it must be sorted. In this case, the numbers in the vector were sorted
before the various calculations were performed. As a result, the numbers are still
in sorted order, and the algorithm works correctly.
If the binary search finds the number, the code uses the count() algorithm
to get a count of the number of times the number occurs in the vector, and it
displays this number on the console. Otherwise, this code displays a message
indicating that the number 10 isn’t in the vector.
As you review this code, you should realize that this chapter has only
presented some of the many variations of these STL algorithms. For instance,
the count_if() algorithm is similar to the count() algorithm, but it accepts a
function that determines which values to count. And the for_each_n() algorithm
is similar to the for_each() algorithm, but it accepts a numeric value rather than
an ending iterator to determine the elements that are included in the interval.
Variations with the suffix _if or _n are common. To learn more about these varia­
tions, you can visit the URL shown in figure 11-2.
Chapter 11 How to work with STL algorithms 419

The code (continued)

auto max_iter ■ max_element (numbers.begin(), numbers.end()) ;
cout « "Max ■ " << *max_iter << • ';

auto min_iter - min_element(numbers.begin(), numbers.end());

cout « "Min ■ ■ << *min_iter << • •;
cout « endl;

int num ■ 10;

bool num_exists ■ binary_search(
numbers.begin(), numbers.end(), num);
if (num_exists) {
int c - count(numbers.begin (), numbers.end(), num);
cout << "The number " « num « ■ occurs ■ « c
<< " time(s).\n";
else <
cout << "These numbers do NOT include " « num « ".\n";

Figure 11 -7 The Number Cruncher program (part 2 of 2)

420 Section 2 More skills as you need them

More skills for working with algorithms

So far. this chapter has presented the skills you need to work with the STL
algorithms in most situations. However, in some situations, you may need some
of the additional skills that are presented in the next two topics.

How to use algorithms with intervals

of key/value pairs
As you learned in the last chapter, an STL map or multimap contains
key/value pairs that are stored in pair objects. Each pair object has a data
member named first that holds the key and a data member named second that
holds the value.
However, the STL algorithms don’t know how the pair object works. To use
the STL algorithms with the data in a map or multimap. then, you often need to
pass a function to the algorithm that specifies the task that you want to perform
on each pair object.
The code examples in figure 11-8 show how this works. The first example
initializes a map of string/double pairs named products. In this map. the key is a
product’s name and the value is a product’s price.
The second example shows how to use the for_each() algorithm to display
the key and value for each pair object. To start, this code defines a display()
function that accepts a pair object. Within this function, the code uses the first
data member to display the key and the second data member to display the value.
After the function, the code calls the for_each() algorithm and passes it a half­
open interval for the map and the displayO function. This displays the key and
value for each pair object in the map.
The third example shows how to use the accumulate() algorithm to sum
the prices in the products map. This code starts by defining a sum_products()
function that accepts an accumulator variable named total and a pair object
for the current element in the map. Within this function, the code uses the
second data member to add the price of the current product to the total. After
the function, this code calls the accumulate() algorithm and passes it a half­
open interval for the map. the initial value of the accumulator variable, and the
sum_products() function. This returns the total price of all products in the map.
The last example shows how to use the count_if() algorithm to count
the number of products in the map whose price meets a certain criteria. This
algorithm works like the count() algorithm, but it accepts a function that lets you
specify which elements to count. To start, this code defines a function named
under_5(X)() that accepts a pair object and returns a Boolean value. Within the
function, the code returns true if the pair’s value is under 500. Otherwise, it
returns false. After this function, the code calls the count_if() algorithm and
passes it a half-open interval for the map as well as the under_500() function.
This returns a count of all products in the map with a price that’s less than 500.
Chapter II How to work with STL algorithms 421

A map of strings and doubles to be used in the following examples

map<string, double> products { {"guitar", 199.99},
{"piano", 799.99),
{"drums", 249.99},
{"violin", 489.99} };

How to display the pairs in a map

void display(pair<string, double> p) {
cout « p.first « ■ $" « p.second « " ";

for_each(products.begin(), products.end(), display);

// "drums $249.99 guitar $199.99 piano $799.99 violin $489.99 -

How to total the values in a map

double sum_products(double total, pair<string, double* p) {
return total + p.second;

double sum ■ accumulate(

products.begin(), products.end(), 0.0, sum_products);
// sum is 1739.96

How to count the pairs in a map that meet a criteria

bool under_500(pair<string, double* p) {
return p.second < 500;

int num_low ■ countif(

products.begin(), products.end(), under_500); // num_low is 3

• When you use the STL algorithms with maps and multimaps, you often need to use
the versions that accept a function argument. This provides a way for you to tell the
algorithm how to work with the data members of the pair structure.

Figure 11 -8 How to use algorithms with intervals of key/value pairs

422 Section 2 More skills as you need them

How to use algorithms with nested containers

At the end of the previous chapter, you learned how to nest a container within
another container. Specifically, you learned how to work with a vector of vectors
and a map of vectors.
When you work with nested vectors, you often want to use STL algorithms
to perform tasks on the data they contain. However, you can encounter some of
the same problems you do when you work with key/value pairs. Namely, the
algorithms don’t know how to work with the containers you’re passing to them.
As you learned in the last figure, the solution to this problem is to pass a function
to the algorithm that defines the task that you want to perform on the nested
The examples in figure 11-9 show how this works. The first example initial­
izes a map whose key is a string and whose value is a vector of doubles. In this
map. the key is a student’s name and the value is a collection of grades for that
The second example shows how to use the accumulateO algorithm to sum
the values in all vectors in the map. You might do this, for instance, so you can
calculate the average grade for all the students.
The code starts by defining a sum_grades() function that accepts an accumu­
lator variable named total and a pair object that’s the current element in the
map. Note that the key in the pair object is a string and the value is a vector of
doubles. Within the function, the first statement uses the second data member to
get the vector of double values. Then, the second statement uses the accumulateO
algorithm to total all the grades in the vector. Finally, the third statement adds the
total for the student to the accumulator variable and returns the result.
After the sum_grades() function, the next statement calls the accumulateO
algorithm and passes it the begin() and end() iterators for the map. a starting
accumulator value of 0.0, and the sum_grades() function. As you review this code,
you can think of the accumulateO algorithm as being nested too. In other words,
the accumulateO algorithm for the map calls a function that calls the accumulateO
algorithm for each vector in the map.
The third example shows how to use the accumulateO algorithm to count the
number of elements in all the vectors in the map. Again, you might do this so you
can calculate the average grade for all the students.
The code starts by defining a count_grades() function that accepts an accumu­
lator variable named count and a pair object that’s the current element in the
map. Within the function, the code adds the size of the vector to the accumulator
variable and returns the result.
After the count_grades() function, the next statement calls the accumulateO
algorithm and passes it the begin() and end() iterators for the map. a starting
accumulator value of 0. and the count_grades() function. This time, there’s no
“nested” algorithm. That’s because the count_grades() function uses the size()
function of the vector to get a count of the grades.
Chapter 11 How to work with STL algorithms 423

A map of strings and vectors to be used in the following examples

map<string, vector<double* > grades; // space for pre-C++ll compilers
grades["Joe"] - ( 89, 67, 78 };
grades["Stacey"] ■ ( 93, 88, 94, 91 };
grades["Pat") ■ ( 79, 86, 83 };

How to total the values in all the vectors in the map

double sum_grades(double total, pair<string, vector<double> > p) (
vector<double> g ■ p.second;
double sum_per_student - accumulate(g.begin(), g.end(), 0.0);
return total + sum_per_student;

double sum ■ accumulate(

grades.begin(), grades.end(), 0.0, sum_grades); // sum is 848

How to count the number of elements in all the vectors in the map
int count_grades(int count, pair<string, vector<double* * p) {
return count + p.second.size();

int count ■ accumulate(

grades.begin(), grades.end(), 0, count_grades); // count is 10

• When you use the STL algorithms with nested containers, you often need to use
the versions that accept a function argument. This provides a way for you to tell the
algorithm how to work with the nested container.

Figure 11 -9 How to use algorithms with nested containers

424 Section 2 More skills as you need them

More skills for passing functions

to algorithms
So far. you’ve learned the basic skills for passing a function as an argument
to an algorithm. Now. you’ll learn some additional skills for passing a function
as an argument that can make your code more concise and flexible.

How to work with function templates

So far in this chapter, you’ve seen three different versions of a function that
displays a value on the console. One displayed an int value like the one shown at
the top of figure 11-10. one displayed a string value, and one displayed the key
and value in a key/value pair. Instead of coding a separate function for each data
type or for each combination of data types in a key/value pair, wouldn't it be nice
to code one function that could accept any data type and another function that
could accept any combination of data types in a key/value pair? Fortunately, C++
lets you do just that by using function templates.
To create a function template, you start by coding the template keyword.
Then, within angle brackets, you code either the typename or the class keyword
to declare one or more generic data types separated by commas. Because these
keywords work identically in most cases, the one you use is mostly a matter of
The two examples below the syntax summary show how to create two
function templates for a function named displayO. The first function template
identifies a generic type named T. which represents the data type of its single
parameter. Theoretically, this displayO function can accept any data type.
Realistically, any data type passed to this function must implement the stream
insertion operator (<<). Otherwise. the code in the body of the function will fail.
The second version of the displayO function identifies two types. K and V.
This function accepts a pair object whose key is of type K and whose value is of
type V. As in the first example, any data types passed to this function must imple­
ment the stream insertion operator.
The rest of the examples show how to use these function templates. The first
of these examples defines and initializes a list of int values, a vector of double
values, and a map of string/int pairs. The second of these examples iterates
each of these containers with a range-based for loop and passes each element to
the displayO function. And the last example accomplishes the same task as the
previous example by calling the for_each() algorithm and passing the displayO
function as the third argument. Note that when you pass a function template as
an argument to an algorithm, you need to include the data type in angle brackets.
When coding a generic type, it’s common to use a single uppercase letter
like T as the name for the type. But, you can use any name you like. In many
cases, giving a generic type a more descriptive name can make your code clearer.
Chapter 11 How to work with STL algorithms 425

A function that displays an int value

void display(int value) {
cout « value << ’ *;

The syntax for creating a function template

template<typename|class name (, typename|class name2] ...>

A function template that can display multiple data types

template<typename T>
void display(T value) {
cout « value << ’ *;

A function template that can display key/value pairs of multiple types

template<typename K, typename V>
void display(pair<K, V> p) (
cout « p.first « « p.second << * ';

Three container objects used by the following examples

list<int> nums { 5, 7, 34, 6, 1, 890, 17 };
vector<double> prices { 9.89, 45.6, 34.98, 23.12 };
map<string, int> states { ("CA", 1850), ("OR", 1859}, ("AK", 1959} };

Code that calls the function templates directly

for (int i: nums) {
// displays -5 7 34 6 1 890 17 -

for (double d: prices) {

// displays "9.89 45.6 34.98 23.12 ■

for (pair<string, int> p: states) {

// displays "AK=1959 CA=1850 OR=1859 ■

Code that passes a function template as an argument to an algorithm

for_each(nums.begin(), nums.endO, display<int>);
for_each(prices.begin(), prices.end(), display<double>);
for_each(states.begin (), states.end(), display<string, int>);

• You can use the template keyword with the typename or class keywords to create
function templates with generic data types. This allows the functions to accept a
variety of data types.
• When you call a function template directly, you call it as you would a regular function.
• When you pass a function template as an argument to an algorithm, you need to
specify the data type(s) in angle brackets (<>).

Figure 11-10 How to work with function templates

426 Section 2 More skills as you need them

How to work with function objects

The under_5(X)() function at the top of figure 11-11 was presented earlier in
this chapter. This function checks whether the value in a key/value pair is less
than 500. But. what if the cut-off value you need to check varies? In that case,
you could write a separate function for each cut-off value, but the code for each
function would be almost identical.
A better solution would be to use a function object, also called a functor. A
function object is a structure or class that overloads the function call operator
(()). This operator defines the function that’s called when the function object is
passed to a function. This allows an object of the structure or class to be called
like a function. But. because it’s an object, it can have data members to store
data, or state, that it needs to complete its task.
The second code example in this figure presents a function object named
Under. Since this book hasn't presented classes yet. this figure uses a structure
to define this object. It has a data member named limit that contains a double
value, and it has a constructor function that sets the value of the limit member.
In chapter 14, you’ll learn more about constructors. For now. just know that
a constructor has the same name as the structure or class that it’s in. and you
can call it to create an object from that structure or class. So, when you call the
Under constructor and pass it an argument, it creates an Under object and stores
the argument in the limit member of that object.
The Under structure also overloads the function call operator (()) with a
function that’s similar to the under_5()()() function. However, this function uses
the limit data member in its comparison, not a hard-coded value. As a result, this
function is more flexible than the code for the under_5(X)() function. In addition,
this function includes the const keyword at the end of the function declaration.
This prevents the member function from modifying the data in the Under object,
which is typically what you want.
The third and fourth examples show how to use a function object with an
algorithm. The third example defines and initializes a map of string/double pairs.
Then, the fourth example shows how to pass an Under function object to the
count_if() algorithm. Here, the first statement passes a function object with a limit
of 500.0, and the second statement passes a function object with a limit of 200.0.
As you review this code, you might be confused by the way it passes the
Under function object to the algorithm. After all. throughout this chapter, the
examples don’t include parentheses when they pass a function because that
would call the function, not pass it. However, when you use a function object,
the parentheses don’t call the function that’s stored in the object. Instead, they
call the constructor function that creates the object. Then, the algorithm calls the
function that’s defined by the () operator.
In this figure, the limit data member of the Under function object can be
accessed from outside that object. This is adequate for most purposes, but it’s
generally considered a better practice to code these data members so they can
only be accessed from within the object. To do that, you can use a class instead of
a structure as described in chapter 14.
Chapter 11 How to work with STL algorithms 427

A function that checks if a pair value is less than 500

bool under_500(pair<string, double> p) {
return p.second < 500;

A function object that checks if a pair value is less than

a varying amount
struct Under {
double limit;

// constructor function that accepts a value

Under(double max) {
limit - max;

// overload () operator
bool operator () (pair<string, double> p) const {
return p.second < limit;

A map of strings and doubles to be used in the following examples

map<string, double> products { {"guitar", 199.99},
{"piano", 799.99),
{"drums", 249.99},
{"violin", 489.99} };

Code that uses the function object with the count_if() algorithm
auto num_low ■ count_if(
products.begin(), products.end(), Under(500.0)); // num_low is 3

num_low ■ count_if(
products.begin(), products.end(), Under(200.0)); // num_low is 1

• A function object, or functor, is an object that you can pass as a function argument.
This works because the object overloads the function call operator (()) to define
the function that’s called when the object is passed to a function.
• Function objects let you avoid writing multiple functions for varying search criteria.
• A function object usually has a constructor that lets you set the value of one or
more data members. You’ll learn more about constructors in chapter 14.

Figure 11-11 How to work with function objects

428 Section 2 More skills as you need them

How to work with lambda expressions

If a function that you need to pass to an algorithm is simple or it’s only used
once, it may not make sense to code it as a separate function. In that case, you
can use a feature of C++11 called lambda expressions to code the function inline
as part of the algorithm. Figure 11-12 shows you how lambda expressions work.
This figure starts by presenting the syntax of a lambda expression. Then, the
two tables that follow expand on this syntax.
A lambda expression starts with a capture specifier, which is a pair of square
brackets. It serves two purposes. First, it tells the compiler that what follows is a
lambda expression. Second, it tells the compiler which external variables, if any,
to capture for the lambda expression’s use.
After the capture specifier, a lambda expression has a parameter list that
works like the parameter list for any function. Then, a lambda can include the
-> operator and the return type. However, this part of a lambda is only needed if
the compiler can’t infer the return type from the body of the expression. Because
of that, lambdas often don’t include it. Finally, a lambda includes one or more
statements within curly braces that work like the body of any function.
The second table in this figure shows how you can use the capture speci­
fier to capture external variables for use within the body of the lambda. If you
leave the square brackets empty, nothing is captured. But if you code one of the
captures presented here, you can capture external variables either by reference
or by making a copy. And you can indicate whether all variables or just specified
variables should be captured.
The first code example shows how to code a lambda expression as the third
argument of the for_each() algorithm. Here, the lambda expression defines a
parameter named val of the int type that's used in the body of the lambda.
If a lambda expression will be used more than once, you can store it in a
variable as illustrated by the second code example. Here, the first statement
stores the same lambda expression as in the first example in a variable named
display. Note that the auto keyword defines the type for this variable. Then, the
second statement passes this variable to the for_each() algorithm.
The third example shows how to capture an external variable. Here, an int
named limit is initialized to 500. Then, a variable named under is initialized
with a lambda expression that captures the limit variable that’s used in the body
of the lambda by reference. Because this lambda expression returns a value, the
-> operator is included to indicate the data type of that value. This operator is
optional, though, because the compiler can infer the return type from the body of
the lambda expression.
After storing the lambda expression in the under variable, the code in this
example calls the count_if() algorithm with the under variable. Then, it changes
the value of limit and calls count_if() again.
Note that capturing an external variable like this is similar to using a
function object to store data in a member of the object, as you saw in the last
Chapter 11 How to work with STL algorithms 429

The syntax of a lambda expression

[ captures ] ( parameter_list ) [-> return_type] ( statements }

The parts of a lambda expression

Syntax Name Description
[) Capture specifier Notifies the compiler of a lambda expression and tells the
compiler whether to capture external variables.
() Parameter list Zero or more arguments that are passed to the body.
-> Return Indicates the return type. This is required only if the com­
piler can’t infer the type.
<} Body The statements to be executed.

How to tell the compiler whether and how to capture variables

Capture Description
[) Capture nothing.
(&1 Capture any external variable by reference.
[-] Capture any external variable by making a copy.
[», &var] Capture any external variable by making a copy, but capture the named variable
by reference.
Ivar] Capture the named variable by making a copy, but nothing else.

How to code a lambda expression inline

vector<int> nums { 89, 93, 79, 92, 86 };
for_each( nums. begin (), nums.endO, [] (int val) { cout « val << ' } );

How to store a lambda expression in a variable for reuse

auto display ■ [](int val) ( cout << val << ' };
for_each(nums.begin(), nums.endO, display);

How to capture an external variable in a lambda expression

map<string, double> products { { "guitar", 199.99 }, ( "piano", 799.99 ),
( "drums", 249.99 }, ( "violin", 489.99 } };

int limit ■ 500; // external variable

auto under - [&] (pair<string, double* p) -> double {
return p.second < limit; };
auto num_low ■ count_if(products.begin(), products.end(), under);
// num_low is 3

limit - 200; // change the value of the external variable

num_low ■ count_if(products.begin(), products.end(), under);
// num_low is 1

How to allow varying data types (C++2014 and later)

auto under ■ [&] (auto p) { return p.second < limit; };

• Lambda expressions allow you to code functions inline or store them in variables. A
lambda expression can capture external variables to use in its body.
• You can use the auto keyword to allow a lambda to accept multiple data types.

Figure 11-12 How to work with lambda expressions

430 Section 2 More skills as you need them

figure. Although using a function object may be somewhat more straightfor­

ward. using a lambda expression has the benefit of not requiring you to define a
separate function object.
The last example in figure 11-12 shows how you can use the auto keyword
to allow a lambda to accept multiple data types. This ability was added in C++14
and is the functional equivalent of coding a templated lambda expression. In this
case, the body of the lambda expression calls the data member named second.
As a result, it only works for containers such as maps that have a data member
named second. But. it works for maps that store different types of data.

The Uptime Percentage program

Figure 11-13 shows the Uptime Percentage program. This program reads
uptime data about servers in several geographical regions from a text file. Then,
it computes the average uptime for each region as well as across all regions. To
do that, it uses a map with a nested vector, a function template, the for_each()
algorithm, and the accumulate() algorithm.
The code begins with include statements for the header files that the program
needs, as well as the using directive for the std namespace. Then, it declares
three function prototypes. The displayO function is a function template that
accepts a single value of type T. The load_uptimes() function accepts a filename
and returns a map of string/vector pairs. And the process_uptimes() function
accepts a map of string/vector pairs by constant reference.
After the function prototypes, the main() function starts by defining a string
constant that specifies the filename for the text file that contains the uptime
data. Then, it displays a message indicating that the program is processing
the regional uptimes in the specified text file. Next, it calls the load_uptimes()
function, passes it the filename, and stores the value returned by the function in a
variable named uptimes. To keep this code concise, the auto keyword is used to
define the type for the uptimes variable. As you can see by the prototype for the
load_uptimes() function, though, it returns a type of
map<string, vector<double> >
After loading the map of uptimes, this code checks if the map is empty. If
it is, the code displays a message that indicates that the program wasn’t able to
get any data. Otherwise, it calls the process_uptimes() function and passes it the
map of string/vector pairs.
After the main() function, the code defines the templated displayO function.
This function works similarly to the templated displayO function presented
earlier in this chapter. However, this version appends a percent sign and two
spaces to the end of the value it receives.
Chapter II How to work with STL algorithms 431

The console
Processing regional uptimes in uptimes.txt...

Avg uptime - 98.73*
Daily: 100.0* 99.9* 100.0* 98.2* 99.4* 96.9* 96.7*
Sorted: 96.7* 96.9* 98.2* 99.4* 99.9* 100.0* 100.0*
Avg uptime - 98.66*
Daily: 96.6* 98.5* 100.0* 100.0* 98.2*
Sorted: 96.6* 98.2* 98.5* 100.0* 100.0*
Avg uptime - 98.75*
Daily: 96.7* 100.0* 97.8* 99.7* 98.3* 100.0*
Sorted: 96.7* 97.8* 98.3* 99.7* 100.0* 100.0*
Avg uptime - 97.59*
Daily: 99.8* 99.3* 100.0* 89.0* 99.4* 98.9* 96.7*
Sorted: 89.0* 96.7* 98.9* 99.3* 99.4* 99.8* 100.0’

Avg uptime across all regions - 98.40*

The code
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <fstream>
#include <sstream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <map>
#include <algorithm>
#include <numeric>

using namespace std;

template<typename T> void display(T value);

map<string, vector<double> > load_uptimes(string filename);
void process_uptimes(const map<string, vector<double> >& uptimes);

int mainf) (
const string filename ■ "uptimes.txt";
cout « "Processing regional uptimes in " « filename « "...\n\n";
auto uptimes ■ load_uptimes(filename);

if (uptimes.empty()) {
cout << "No data or unable to open file.\n\n";
else <
process_uptimes(uptimes) ;

templatectypename T>
void display(T value) {
cout « value << ■* ■;

Figure 11-13 The Uptime Percentage program (part 1 of 2)

432 Section 2 More skills as you need them

Part 2 of figure 11-13 shows the remaining two function definitions. The
load_uptimes() function returns a map of string/vector pairs. Remember, it’s
efficient to return an STL container from a function because most compilers
move the data to the calling code rather than copying it.
Within the function, the code starts by declaring the map that stores the
uptime data. Then, the function creates an input file stream object named datafile
and opens it by passing it the filename parameter. Next, this code checks whether
the file was opened successfully.
If the file was opened successfully, the code uses a while loop to get each
line from the file. Then, it uses that line to create a string stream object named
row. Next, the code stores the first value in the row in a string variable named
region, and it uses a while loop to add the rest of the values in the row to a vector
of double values named times. After this code extracts all the values in the string
stream, it uses the subscript operator to add the region and vector of uptimes to
the map. with the region as the key and the vector of uptimes as the value.
Once this code processes all the lines in the text file, it closes the input file
stream object and returns the map to the calling code. However, if the file stream
doesn’t open successfully, this code returns an empty map.
The process_uptimes() function accepts a map of string/vector pairs by
constant reference. Within this function, the code starts by using a range-based
for loop to iterate through the pairs in the map. Within the loop, the first state­
ment uses the first data member of the current pair object to get the region, and
the second statement uses the second data member to get the vector of double
values. Then, the third statement uses the accumulatef) algorithm to total all the
values in the vector and store the result in a variable named sum.
After getting the total for the region, this code displays the name of the
region. Then, it calculates and displays the average uptime for that region. Next,
it uses the for_each() algorithm and the templated displayO function to display
the daily uptimes for the region. Finally, it sorts the uptimes with the sort()
algorithm and uses the for_each() algorithm and the templated displayO function
again to display the sorted uptimes for the region.
When the loop completes, the code calculates the average uptime across
all regions. To do that, it needs to calculate the sum of all the uptimes in all the
vectors in the map. and it needs to get a count of all the uptimes in all the vectors
in the map. This code uses the accumulate!) algorithm with a lambda expression
for both of these tasks.
Both lambda expressions pass an accumulator variable and a pair object to the
body of the expression. Then, the first lambda expression uses the accumulate!)
algorithm again to get the total of all the uptimes in the vector, adds this total to
the accumulator variable, and returns that variable. The second lambda expression
adds the size of the vector of uptimes to the accumulator variable and returns that
variable. Once the code calculates the total and count of all uptimes, it calculates
and displays the average of all uptimes.
Chapter 11 How to work with STL algorithms 433

The code (continued)

map<string, vector<double> > load_uptimes(string filename) {
map<string, vector<double> > uptimes;
ifstream datafile(filename);

if (datafile) (
string line;
while (getline(datafile, line)) { // for each line in file
istringstream row(line); // create string stream

string region; // get region

row >> region;

vector<double> times; // get uptimes

double uptime;
while (row >> uptime) {
uptimes[region] ■ times; // add to map
return uptimes;

void process_uptimes(const map<string, vector<double> >& uptimes) {

for (auto p : uptimes) {
string region - p.first;
vector<double> times - p.second; // get vector of uptimes
double sum ■ accumulate(times.begin(), times.end(), 0.0);

cout << region;

cout << "\n\tAvg uptime - ■ << fixed « setprecision(2);
cout << (sum I times.size()) « •%';

cout << "\n\tDaily: " « setprecision(1);

for_each(times.begin(), times.end(), displaysdouble>);

sort(times.begin(), times.end());
cout << "\n\tSorted: ";
for_each(times.begin(), times.end(), displaysdouble>);
cout << endl;

cout << "\nAvg uptime across all regions - ";

double uptime_total - accumulate(uptimes.begin(), uptimes.end(), 0.0,
[] (double total, auto p) (
return total + accumulate(
p.second.begin(), p.second.end (), 0.0);
int uptime_count ■ accumulate(uptimes.begin(), uptimes.end(), 0,
[] (int count, auto p) ( return count + p.second.size(); }
cout << setprecision(2) « (uptime_total I uptime_count ) << "’&\n\n";

Figure 11-13 The Uptime Percentage program (part 2 of 2)

434 Section 2 More skills as you need them

Now that you’ve completed this chapter, you should understand how to
use the STL algorithms to work with STL containers and string objects. That
includes how to pass functions to algorithms. In the next chapter, you’ll learn
how to use STL algorithms with built-in arrays. In addition, you’ll learn how
to write your own algorithms for searching and sorting built-in arrays. Finally,
in chapter 19, you’ll learn how to write your own algorithms for working with
STL containers.

Standard Template Library (STL) binary search
container function template
iterator generic data type
algorithm function object
abstraction functor
non-modifying algorithm constructor
modifying algorithm lambda expression
linear search capture specifier

• The Standard Template Library (STL) contains three types of objects: containers
that store data, iterators that allow access to the data, and algorithms that perform
tasks with the data.
• To provide abstraction between the algorithms and the containers, the algorithms
perform operations on a half-open interval rather than directly on a specific
• The find() and search() algorithms perform a linear search that starts at the first
element and continues sequentially until it finds the search value or reaches the
end of the interval.
• The binary_search() algorithm performs a binary search that selects the midpoint
of a sorted interval and discards the half that doesn’t contain the search value.
This continues until the search value is found or the end of the interval is
• You can use the template keyword to create function templates with generic data
types. This allows a function argument to accept a variety of data types.
• A function object, or functor, is an object that you can pass as a function argument.
• A function object usually has a constructor that lets you set the value of one
or more data members of the object.
• A lambda expression allows you to code functions inline or store them in variables.
• A lambda expression can use a capture specifier to capture external variables
to use in its body.
Chapter 11 How to work with STL algorithms 435

Exercise 11-1 Use algorithms with the Test

Scores program
In this exercise, you’ll modify the Test Scores program from chapter 6 so it uses
some of the algorithms presented in this chapter. When you’re done, a test run
should look something like this:

1. Open the project or solution named test_scores in this folder:

2. Modify the program so it sorts the scores in descending sequence. To do that,
use the sort() algorithm with a function that specifies the sort order.
3. Add code that displays the sorted scores as shown above. To do that, use the
for_each() algorithm with a function that displays a score.
4. Add code that gets and displays the highest and lowest scores.
5. Add code that gets the number of scores that are equal to 100. Then, display
that number.
6. Modify the code that gets the total of the scores so it uses the accumulate!)
algorithm instead of a range-based for loop.
436 Section 2 More skills as you need them

Exercise 11-2 Use algorithms with the Word

Counter program
In this exercise, you’ll modify the Word Counter program from chapter 10 so it
uses algorithms with the pairs of values in the map that contains the words and
the count of each word. When you’re done, a test run should look something like

The Word Counter program

60 WORDS: it was the best of times it was the worst of times it was
the age of wisdom it was the age of foolishness it was the epoch of
belief it was the epoch of incredulity it was the season of light
it was the season of darkness it was the spring of hope it was the
winter of despair

20 UNIQUE WORDS: age belief best darkness despair epoch foolishness

hope incredulity it light of season spring the times was winter
wisdom worst

COUNT PER WORD: age=2 belief=1 best=l darkness=l despair=l epoch=2

foolishness=l hope=l incredulity=l it=10 light=l of=10 season=2
spring=l the=10 times=2 was=10 winter=l wisdom=l worst=1


Open the program and review the code

1. Open the project or solution named word_counter in this folder:
2. Review the code and run the program to refresh your memory on how it works.
Add the functions to be used by the algorithms
3. Code a prototype for a function named displayO that accepts a pair of string/int
values and does not return a value. Then, code the definition of this function. It
should display the string and int values in the pair as shown above for the count
per word.
4. Code a prototype for a function named over_I() that accepts a pair of string/int
values and returns a Boolean value. Then, code the definition of this function.
It should return true if the int value in the pair is greater than 1 and false other­
Use the functions in algorithms
5. Modify the code in the main() function that displays the count per word so it
uses the for_each() algorithm with the displayO function.
6. Add code to the main() function that uses the count_if() algorithm with the
over_l() function to get a count of the number of words that occur more than
once. Then, display that count as shown above.
Chapter 11 How to work with STL algorithms 437

Exercise 11-3 Use a function object and a

lambda expression with the Test
Scores program
In this exercise, you’ll modify the Test Scores program from exercise l l-l so
it uses a function object to get the count of scores that are greater than or equal
to two different values. Then, you’ll replace the function object with a lambda
expression. When you’re done, a test run should look something like this:

Use a structure to count the scores with a minimum value

1. Open the project or solution named test_scores in this folder:
2. Define a structure named MinScore with a member named minimum that
stores an integer value. The constructor for this structure should accept an int
and assign it to the minimum member.
3. Overload the function call operator for the structure so it accepts an int value
and returns a Boolean value that indicates if the int is greater than or equal
to the value of minimum. Be sure to include code that prevents the value of
minimum from being modified.
4. Comment out the code in the main() function that gets and displays a count of
the number of scores that are equal to 1 (X).
5. Add code that uses the count_if() algorithm with the MinScore structure to
get the number of scores that are 90 and above. Then, display that count as
shown above. To make that easier to do for varying values, you can store the
minimum value in a variable.
6. Repeat step 5. but get the number of scores that are 80 and above.
438 Section 2 More skills as you need them

Use a lambda expression to count the scores with a minimum value

7. Comment out the structure you just added.
8. Make a copy of the code that uses the function object. Then, comment out the
original code.
9. Modify the code that uses a function object so it uses a lambda expression
instead. To start, define a lambda expression that accepts an int and returns a
Boolean value that indicates if the int is greater than or equal to the minimum
10. Modify the two statements that call the count_if() algorithm so they use the
lambda expression instead of the MinScore structure.
How to work with built-in
arrays and C strings
In the last two chapters, you learned how to use the containers of the Standard
Template Library. You can use these containers for the vast majority of coding
tasks. However, in some cases, the STL containers require too much overhead.
In an embedded environment, for example, you may not be able to use STL
objects. Also, you may sometimes need to maintain legacy C++ code that was
developed before the STL. In these cases, you may need to work with built-in
Similarly, if you’re working in an embedded environment or with legacy
code, you might not be able to use string objects as described in chapter 6.
Instead, you can use an array of characters. This is known as a C string, or
C-style string, because that’s how the C programming language works with

Basic skills for built-in arrays.............................................440

How to create an array and access its elements...........................................440
How to initialize an array.............................................................................. 442
How to loop through an array........................................................................ 442
How to pass an array to a function............................................................... 444
How to compare and copy arrays................................................................. 446
The Test Scores program............................................................................... 448
How to work with C strings.................................................452
An introduction to C strings......................................................................... 452
How to use C strings with input streams...................................................... 454
Some utility functions for working with C strings...................................... 456
How to loop through a C string.....................................................................458
The Create Account program........................................................................ 460
Advanced skills for built-in arrays..................................... 466
How to search an array.................................................................................. 466
How to sort an array...................................................................................... 468
How to use STL algorithms with built-in arrays.......................................... 470
How to work with a two-dimensional array................................................. 472
How to pass a two-dimensional array to a function..................................... 474
The Top Five program....................................................................................476
Perspective............................................................................ 480
440 Section 2 More skills as you need them

Basic skills for built-in arrays

This chapter begins by presenting the basic skills for working with built-in
arrays. These skills include creating an array, initializing it. accessing its
elements, passing it to a function, copying it. and comparing it to another array.

How to create an array and access its elements

A built-in array contains a sequence of elements of the same data type. If
this sounds similar to the definition of a vector, that’s because a vector uses a
built-in array under the hood to store its elements. In chapter 19, you’ll learn
more about how this works by coding your own custom vector.
Figure 12-1 starts by showing the syntax for creating a built-in array. Then,
the first example shows how to create an array that stores seven elements of the
int type in a variable named week. To do that, this example declares the data
type and the array name followed by the number of elements within brackets.
The number within the brackets is sometimes called the size declarator.
The graphical representation of this array shows the space allocated in
memory for the array. Like a vector, an array stores its element in contiguous
memory, meaning that the elements are stored in consecutive memory locations
with no gaps.
When you create an array, the number of elements is fixed. This means that
once you create an array, you can’t change the number of elements it contains.
Additionally, the number of elements in an array must be known at compile
time. Otherwise, the compiler doesn’t know how much memory to allocate. This
means that you must use either a numeric literal or a constant to define an array
as shown by the second example. If you try to set the size of the array at runtime
as shown by the third example, you’ll get an error.
Each element in an array is assigned an index where the first index is 0. the
second index is 1, and so on. This figure shows how you can use the subscript
operator ((]) to access each element in an array by its index. This should be
familiar to you from the chapters on working with vectors.
Also like a vector, you can have out of bounds access if your code specifies
a subscript that’s outside the range of valid subscripts. As you may remember,
this leads to unexpected results that vary depending on the compiler. Because of
that, you should always write code that prevents out of bounds access.
Chapter 12 How to work with built-in arrays and C strings 441

The syntax for creating a built-in array

type array_name[number_of_elements];

Code that creates a built-in array of type int with 7 elements

The code
int week[7] ;
A graphical representation of the space allocated in memory

t t t t t t t
Element 0 Element 1 Element 2 Element 3 Element 4 Element 5 Element 6

Two examples that create a built-in array

With a literal value for the size declarator
double prices[5];
With a constant value for the size declarator
const int size ■ 5;
double prices[size];

The number of elements in an array must be known at compile time

int size;
cin >> size;
double prices[size]; // Wrong! This will not work!

How to access the elements in an array

double prices[3];
prices[0] - 29.99;
prices[1] - 49.99;
prices[2] ■ 79.99;
cout << "The third element contains the value " << prices[2];
// displays "The third element contains the value 79.99"

• A built-in array contains a sequence of elements of the same data type. It stores
the elements in contiguous memory, or consecutive blocks of memory with no
• The number of elements in an array is fixed and must be set at compile time.
Therefore, you can only use a literal or constant value to specify the number of
• Each element in an array has an index, where the first element has an index of
0. the second an index of 1, and so on. To access an individual element, you use
the subscript operator ([]) to specify the element’s index.

Figure 12-1 How to create an array and access its elements

442 Section 2 More skills as you need them

How to initialize an array

Figure 12-2 shows how to initialize the values in an array when you define it.
To do that, you can use an initialization list as shown by the syntax in this figure.
The first code example shows how this works. Here, the first statement defines
a constant that can be used to declare the size of the array.
The second statement creates an array with three elements and initializes
those elements with the values 1, 2. and 3. It does this by coding an array variable
followed by the assignment operator (■) and a list of values within braces.
The third statement works like the second, except that it doesn’t include the
assignment operator. This shows that the assignment operator is optional.
The fourth statement works like the third, except that it doesn’t include a size
declarator. When you omit the size declarator, the compiler infers the size of the
array from the number of values in the initialization list. However, you still need
to include the square brackets to tell the compiler that the variable is an array.
The second example shows that you can include fewer values in the initial­
ization list than there are elements in the array. This example creates an int array
with seven elements, but it only includes values for the first three. When you only
include some of the values like this, the values of the remaining elements are
initialized with the default value for the data type. In this case, the default value
for the int data type is 0. so the rest of the elements are filled with a value of 0.
The third code example works like the second, but it shows how to initialize
all the elements in an array to a default value. Here, the value in the list is
assigned to the first element, and the rest of the elements are assigned the default
value for the int data type. In general, it’s considered a good practice to initialize
arrays in this way. Otherwise, the array will initially hold random values that
happen to be at the memory locations where the array is allocated. This can
make a program hard to debug and lead to unexpected results.

How to loop through an array

Figure 12-2 also shows how to loop through the elements in an array. To
start, the first example defines a size constant that contains a value of 5. Then,
the second example uses a for loop to display all elements in an array, and the
third example uses a while loop to add elements to an array. These loops are
similar to the ones that you’ve already seen for working with STL containers
such as vectors.
However, a built-in array doesn’t have a size() member function that gets
the number of elements in the array. As a result, the loops in both of these
examples use the size constant to determine when to end the loop. In some
cases, it’s possible to use range-based for loops with arrays. However, they don’t
work correctly when you pass an array to a function. Because of that, it’s more
common to use traditional for loops with arrays.
In the while loop example, the code uses the increment operator (+♦) as a
postfix to the counter variable named i. As a result, the increment operation takes
place after all other operations. So. the first time through the loop, the array
index is 0. The second time through the loop, the index is 1. And so on.
Chapter 12 How to work with built-in arrays and C strings 443

How to initialize an array

The syntax for initializing an array with a list of values
element_type array_name[[array_size]] [=1 (vall[, val2] ...}
Three ways to initialize an array with a list of values
const int size - 3;
int numbers1[size] ■ ( 1, 2, 3 }; // element values are 123
int numbers2[size] { 1, 2, 3 }; // assignment operator is optional
int numbers3[] ( 1, 2, 3 }; // size declarator is optional - compiler
// infers array size of three elements
How to initialize an array with three values and the rest default values
int grades[7] ( 98, 86, 100 }; // element values are 98 86 100 0000
How to set all the elements in an array to a default value
int grades[7] ( 0 }; // element values are 0000000

How to loop through all the elements in an array

Define a constant for the size
const int size - 5;
A for loop that displays all elements in an array
double prices[size] { 9.99, 49.99, 79.99 }; // initialize with three values
for (int i - 0; i < size; ++i) {
cout « prices[i] << • •; // displays 9.99 49.99 79.99 0 0
A while loop that gets element values from the user
int scores[size];
int i - 0;
int score;
while (cin >> score && i < size) {
// postfix so subscript operation occurs before increment operation
scores[i++] - score;

• You can use an initialization list to set the starting values of an array. When you do, both
the assignment operator and the size declarator are optional. If you don’t supply the size
declarator, the compiler sizes the array based on the number of values in the list.
• The first value in an initialization list is assigned to the first element in the array, the
second value is assigned to the second element, and so on.
• If the initialization list doesn’t specify a value for every element, the rest of the
elements are initialized to the default value for the data type.
• You can use a for loop or a while loop to iterate the elements in an array. Like a vector,
an array allows owz of bounds access. To avoid that, you can use a constant to define the
size of an array and use that constant value to prevent out of bounds access.
• You can also use a range-based for loop with an array. However, this type of loop
doesn’t work correctly with arrays that are passed to functions. As a result, it’s more
common to use traditional for loops with arrays.

Figure 12-2 How to initialize and loop through an array

444 Section 2 More skills as you need them

How to pass an array to a function

To code a function that accepts an array as an argument, you code the
subscript operator ([]) after the parameter name. This is shown by the first
example in figure 12-3. However, this is only the first step toward working
effectively with arrays in functions because arrays behave differently than other
data types when they’re passed to functions.
In chapter 7, you learned that an argument is passed to a function by value
unless the function uses the & symbol to indicate that the parameter is a refer­
ence parameter. However, an array isn't passed to a function by value. Instead,
it’s converted to a pointer to the first element in the array. In chapter 17, you’ll
learn more about pointers. For now. just know that a pointer contains a memory
address for a value, not the value itself. In other words, a pointer indicates the
location in memory where a value is stored.
When you pass an array to a function, then, the function doesn’t receive
the array itself. Instead, it receives a pointer to the memory address of the first
element of the array along with the data type of the array. This is called array
decay because the array decays to a pointer and significant information about the
array, such as the number of elements it contains, is lost.
Fortunately, the function can still use the subscript operator to access the
elements of the array. That’s possible because the compiler knows the size of the
data type, and it knows that the elements are stored in contiguous memory. As
a result, it can advance from the memory address of the first element as many
bytes as necessary to access subsequent elements.
For instance, on most systems, an int uses four bytes of memory. So. for
an array of ints, it can advance four bytes from the memory address of the first
element to access the second element, it can advance eight bytes to access the
third element, and so on. Unfortunately, the compiler doesn’t know the array’s
size, so it doesn’t know when it’s moved past the last element in the array.
To prevent the out of bounds access that occurs if you move past the end of
an array, you can pass the number of elements in the array to the function. In
this figure, for instance, the display_array() function has a size parameter that
specifies the number of elements in the array. This function begins by using
the sizeof() operator to display the amount of memory that’s used by the array
parameter. Then, it uses a loop to display the value of each element in the array.
This loop uses the size parameter to determine when to end.
After the display_array() function, the main() function begins by defining an
int array with five elements. Then, it displays the amount of memory that’s used
by the array. Next, it passes the array and its size to the display_array() function.
The console shows that the array uses 20 bytes of memory (four bytes per
element multiplied by the five elements). However, after being passed to the
function, the size of the array is eight bytes. On most systems, that’s the size of
the pointer that contains the memory address of the first element. Nevertheless,
because of the size parameter, the function can still display all of the elements in
the array.
Chapter 12 How to work with built-in arrays and C strings 445

How to code a function with an array as a parameter

void do_something(int arr[]) {
// body of function

What happens to an array when it’s passed to a function

A function that accepts an array and iterates its elements
void display_array (int nums [J, int size) (
cout << "The array AFTER passing to function: "
« (sizeof(nums)) « " bytes.\n";

cout « "The elements:

for (int i ■ 0; i < size; ++i) (
cout << nums[i] << • •;
cout « endl;
Code that creates an array and passes it to the function
int main() (
const int size ■ 5;
int nums(size) ■ { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 };
cout << "The array BEFORE passing to function: ■
« (sizeof(nums)) « " bytes.\n";

display_array(nums, size);
The console
The array BEFORE passing to function: 20 bytes.
The array AFTER passing to function: 8 bytes.
The elements: 12345

What happens to an array when it’s used in an expression

int nums[] ={1, 2, 3, 4,5);
cout << nums << endl; // displays memory address of first element

• To create a function that accepts an array, you code the subscript operator ([ ]) after
the parameter name. This subscript operator should not include a size declarator.
• An array isn’t passed to a function by value. Instead. C++ converts it to a
pointer to the first element in the array. A pointer contains the memory address
of a value, not the value itself.
• This conversion to a pointer is known as array decay, because information
about the array, including its size, is lost.
• You can still access the elements of the array with the subscript operator ((]).
However, to avoid out of bounds access, you need to know the number of elements.
That’s why it’s common to pass the number of elements as a separate argument.
• Array decay can also occur when an array variable is used in an expression.
Figure 12-3 How to pass an array to a function
446 Section 2 More skills as you need them

Array decay can also occur when you use an array in an expression. For
instance, the last example defines an array and uses it in a stream insertion
expression. Here, the array decays to a pointer. As a result, this statement
displays the memory address of the first element in the array.

How to compare and copy arrays

Because arrays decay to pointers in many expressions, you can’t use assign­
ment operators or relational operators with arrays. For instance, if you try to
use the equality operator (■■) to check whether two arrays are equal, the arrays
decay to pointers. So. this checks whether the memory addresses for the first
elements of each array are the same. Unless both array variables point to the
same location in memory, comparing the variables for equality always returns
false even if the arrays contain identical elements.
Similarly, if you try to use the greater than operator (>) to check whether one
array is greater than another, you are actually comparing whether the memory
address of the first element in the first array is greater than the memory address
of the first element in the second array. Since this may or may not be true,
depending on where the memory for the arrays was allocated, it yields unpredict­
able results.
Finally, if you try to use the assignment operator (■) to copy one array to
another, you are actually attempting to assign a new memory address to an array.
Since this isn’t allowed, it causes a compile-time error.
So. when working with arrays, you need to work directly with the elements
of the arrays to perform these types of operations as shown by the examples in
figure 12-4. The first example shows how to compare two arrays for equality.
This example starts by defining a constant with a value of 5 that can be used
to declare the size of an array. Then, the code uses this constant to define two
char arrays named grades 1 and grades2, and it initializes these arrays with three
Next, this example defines a Boolean flag variable named equal that’s initial­
ized to true. Then, a for loop compares each value in the two arrays. If the two
values aren’t the same, the two arrays aren't the same. As a result, the code sets
the flag to false and exits the loop. Otherwise, the loop continues. When the loop
ends, the value of the flag indicates whether the arrays are equal.
The second example shows how to copy the values of one array to another.
Like the first example, this example starts by coding a constant value of 5 as a
size declarator. Then, it uses that constant to define two int arrays named scores 1
and scores2, and it initializes the first array with five int values. However, it
doesn’t initialize the second array.
After defining the two arrays, this code uses a for loop to assign the value of
each element in the scores 1 array to an element in the scores2 array. When the
loop ends, the values in scores2 are the same as the values in scores 1. To illus­
trate, the second for loop displays the values in the scores2 array on the console.
Chapter 12 How to work with built-in arrays and C strings 447

How to check whether two arrays are equal

const int size ■ 5;
char gradesl[size]{ 'A', 'B', 'B' };
char grades2[size]{ 'A', 'C', 'B' };

bool equal ■ true;

for (int i ■ 0; i < size; ++i) {
if (gradesl[i] !■ grades2[l]) {
equal ■ false;
break; //no need to continue, exit loop

if (equal) (
cout << "The arrays are equal.\n";
else (
cout << "The arrays are NOT equal.\n";
The console
The arrays are NOT equal.

How to copy the values of one array to another

const int size ■ 5;
int scoresl[size]( 89, 92, 78, 68, 87 };
int scores2[size];

for (int i ■ 0; i < size; ++i) {

scores2[i] ■ scoresl[i];

// display the values of the scores2 array

for (int i ■ 0; i < size; ++i) {
cout « scores2[i] << * *;
cout << endl;
The console
89 92 78 68 87

• Arrays don’t provide relational operators or assignment operators.
• To compare two arrays, you can use a loop to compare the values in each
element of the two arrays.
• To copy an array, you can use a loop to copy the values in the elements of one
array to the elements of another array.

Figure 12-4 How to compare and copy arrays

448 Section 2 More skills as you need them

The Test Scores program

Figure 12-5 shows the Test Scores program. This program lets the user
enter up to 50 test scores. To indicate that all test scores have been entered, the
user enters -1. Then, the program computes and displays the number of scores
entered, the sum of all the scores, and the average score.
This code begins with include statements for the header files that the
program needs. Since the array is a built-in type, this code doesn’t need to
specify an include statement for it. This shows that working with arrays requires
less overhead than working with vectors or other STL containers.
After the using directive for the std namespace, this code declares a function
prototype named calculate_total() that includes two parameters. The first param­
eter specifies an array of int values named scores, and the second specifies an int
variable named score_count.
After the function prototype, the main() function starts by declaring a
constant named capacity that stores a value of 50. Then, it uses the capacity
constant as the size declarator to create an array of int values named scores. As a
result, this program can store a maximum of 50 scores.
Since this program uses an array, not a vector, it’s necessary to specify a
maximum number of scores. That’s because the size of the array must be speci­
fied at compile time, but you don't know how many scores the user will enter
until runtime. The trick with this technique is to make sure the array is large
enough for the purposes of the program without being so large that it uses an
excessive amount of memory.
The statement that defines the array includes an initialization list with a
single value, which is the default value for the int data type. As a result, this
statement fills all the elements of the array with that default value.
After initializing the scores array, this code displays some messages to
the user that explain how the program works. Then, it defines and initializes
a variable named score_count to keep track of how many scores the user has
entered, and it defines a variable named score that holds the current score.
Chapter 12 How to work with built-in arrays and C strings 449

The console
The Test Scores program

Enter test scores (50 max).

Make sure each score is between 0 and 100.
To end the program, enter -1.

Enter score: 89
Enter score: 78
Enter score: 92
Enter score: 88
Enter score: -1

Score count: 4
Score total: 347
Average score: 86.8

The code
tinclude <iostream>
tinclude <cmath>

using namespace std;

double calculate_total(int scores[J, int score_count);

int main() {
const int capacity ■ 50;
int scores[capacity] ( 0 }; // set each element in array to 0

cout « "The Test Scores program\n\n" ;

cout « "Enter test scores (" << capacity « " max).\n"

« "Make sure each score is between 0 and 100.\n"
« "To end the program, enter -l.\n\n";

// initialize variables
int score_count - 0, score - 0;

Figure 12-5 The Test Scores program (part 1 of 2)

450 Section 2 More skills as you need them

Part 2 of figure 12-5 starts by defining a while loop that runs as long as two
conditions are true. The first is that the user hasn't entered -1 to end the program.
The second is that the number of scores entered is less than the capacity of the
array. This prevents the user from entering more scores than the array can hold.
Within the loop, the code extracts the score entered by the user from the
standard input stream and checks it. If the extraction failed, the code notifies
the user, clears the input stream, and jumps to the top of the loop. If the score is
within the appropriate range, the code adds it to the array, increments the score
count, and jumps to the top of the loop. If the score is outside the appropriate
range, the code notifies the user and jumps to the top of the loop.
Once the while loop completes, either because the user entered -1 or the
maximum number of scores has been entered, the code checks the score count. If
it’s zero, the user didn’t enter any valid scores. In this case, the code displays an
appropriate message and the program ends.
Otherwise, the score count is greater than zero, so the user entered one
or more valid scores. In this case, the code passes the scores array and the
score_count variable to the calculate_total() function and stores the return value
in a double variable named total. Then, the code uses this value to calculate the
average score. Finally, the code displays the score count, the score total, and the
average score on the console.
After the mainf) function, this code defines the calculate_total() function.
This function starts by defining a double variable named total and initializing
it to zero. Then, it uses the score_count parameter in a for loop that iterates the
array of scores. Within this loop, the code adds each score to the total. When the
loop completes, the function returns the total to the calling code.
As you review this code, note that the code in the main() function that calls
the calculate_total() function stores the int value that’s returned in a double
variable. This allows the statement that follows that calculates the average score
to use decimal division, not integer division.
Chapter 12 How to work with built-in arrays and C strings 451

The code (continued)

// prevent out of bounds access by making sure
// score count is less than array capacity
while (score !■ -1 && score_count < capacity) {
cout << "Enter score:
cin >> score;

if (cin.failO) (
cin.clearO; // clear bad input flag
cin.ignore(1000, '\n'); // discard input up to end of line
cout << "Invalid number. Try again.\n";
else if (score > 100) (
cout << "Score must be from 0 to 100. Try again.\n";
else if (score < -1) {
cout << "Score can't be a negative number. Try again.\n";
else if (score > -1) {
scores[score_count] ■ score; // store score in array
++score_count; // increment score count
cout « endl;

if (score_count == 0) (
cout << "No scores entered.\n\n";
else (
// calculate total and average scores
double total - calculate_total(scores, score_count);
double average ■ total I score_count;
average - round(average * 10) I 10;

// display the score count, score total, and average score

cout << "Score count: " << score_count << endl
<< "Score total: " << total « endl
<< "Average score: " << average « endl « endl;

return 0;

double calculate_total(int scores[], int score_count) (

double total ■ 0.0;
for (int i ■ 0; i < score_count; ++i) {
total scores(i);
return total;

Figure 12-5 The Test Scores program (part 2 of 2)

452 Section 2 More skills as you need them

How to work with C strings

A string is a sequence of characters. So far. this book has only shown how to
use string objects that are part of the C++ standard library to work with strings.
Since a string object provides many member functions that make it easy to work
with strings, this is typically how you want to work with strings.
Sometimes, though, a string object can use too much overhead. For example,
you may not be able to use string objects in an embedded environment. And.
sometimes, you may need to maintain legacy C++ code that was developed
before the string object was available. In these cases, you’ll need to use C strings
to work with an array of characters. This is how the C language handles strings.

An introduction to C strings
A C string, also known as a C-style string, is a built-in array of characters
that ends with a null terminator, also known as a null character. This null termi­
nator is the ASCII code 0. When working with null terminators, it’s important to
understand that the ASCII code 0 is not the same as the character literal'()', which
is ASCII code 48. Instead, to specify a null terminator, you can use the character
literal AO'.
The first example in figure 12-6 shows two ways to create a C string. First,
you can code a char array with an initialization list whose last value is the null
terminator. Second, you can code a char array and initialize it with a string literal.
Then. C++ automatically adds the null terminator to the end of the array. Either
way, the compiler infers the size of the array from the initialization list or the
string literal. In other words, you don’t need to include a size declarator.
The second example shows that it’s possible to code a partially filled C
string. This example includes a size declarator of 15 and a string literal with five
characters. The graphical representation below this example shows that this code
produces a C string with 15 characters and that all elements after the first five
characters contain the null terminator.
An empty string is a C string whose elements are all initialized with the null
terminator. This is similar to initializing the elements of an int array with the
default value for the int type, which is 0. The third example shows three ways
to code an empty C string. To do that, you can code an empty string literal, an
initialization list that contains ASCII code 0 (no single quotes), or an initializa­
tion list that contains the character literal for ASCII code 0 (single quotes).
When you’re working with string literals, you don’t need to code the null
terminator value in your code. However, the fourth example shows how to make
sure it’s there. To start, this code uses the sizeofO operator to show that a C
string of 5 characters uses 6 bytes: 1 byte for each character plus 1 byte for the
null terminator. Then, this code uses a loop to display the ASCII code for each
character, including the null terminator, on the console.
The fifth example shows two char arrays that aren’t C strings. Remember, if
a char array doesn’t end with a null terminator, it’s not a C string. Here, the first
array isn’t initialized so it doesn’t contain any values, and the initialization list
for the second array doesn’t include a null terminator.
Chapter 12 How to work with built-in arrays and C strings 453

How to create a C string

With an initialization list
char greeting[] ■ {'h,,,e’,,l,,,l,,’o,r ' \0’}; // explicit null terminator
With a string literal
char greeting[] - "hello"; // implicit null terminator
A graphical representation of the C string
| h | e | I | I | o | \0'

How to initialize a partially filled C string

char greeting[15] - "hello"; // include a size declarator
A graphical representation of the partially filled C string
I h | e | I | I | o | \0 | \0 | \0 | \0 | \0 | \0 | \0 | \0 | \0 | \0

Three ways to initialize an empty C string

char greeting[15] - // string literal
char greeting[15] - {0}; // ASCII code 0 - no single quotes
char greeting[15] - <’\0'}; // character literal for ASCII code 0
A graphical representation of the empty C string
I \0 I \0 I \0 I \0 I \0 I \0 I \0 I \0 I \0 I \0 I \0 I \0 I \0 I \0 I \0

Code that shows the extra element for the null terminator
char greeting[] - "hello"; // 5 characters
int num_bytes - sizeof(greeting); // num_bytes is 6
for (int i ■ 0; i < num_bytes; ++i) {
cout << static_cast<int>(greeting[i]) << ' ’; // display ASCII code
cout << endl;
The console
104 101 108 108 111 0

Two char arrays that are not C strings

char arr(5); // no null terminator, not a C string
char arr(] ■ ('h','e','1','1','o'}; // no null terminator, not a C string

• A string is a sequence of characters. In previous chapters, you learned how to use
the string object that’s available from the C++ standard library to work with strings.
• AC string, or C-style string, is a char array that ends with a null terminator, also
called a null character.
• The null terminator is a char that contains the ASCII code 0. You can code it with
the number zero (no single quotes) or with a character literal.
• AC string contains one element for each character in the string, plus an additional
element for the null terminator.
• In C++, string literals are actually C strings, not string objects.

Figure 12-6 An introduction to C strings

454 Section 2 More skills as you need them

How to use C strings with input streams

As you just learned, a string literal is a C string. As a result, you already
know how to use a C string with an output stream. For instance, this code
cout << "Welcome to the Test Scores program";
sends a C string to the console output stream.
Using a C string with an input stream, on the other hand, requires a
technique like the one shown in the first example in figure 12-7. This example
uses a C string with an input stream to get a two-character abbreviation for a
state from the user. To start, this code defines a char array with three elements
and initializes it to an empty string. That way, the array is a C string that initially
contains three null terminators, which means there’s room for two characters and
a null terminator.
In this example, the stream extraction operator (>>) retrieves two characters
from the standard input stream and stores them as the first two characters of the
C string. Then, the code sends the C string to the standard output stream.
This example works because the code requested two characters, and the user
entered two characters. But what if the user entered “ORE” or “Oregon”? Or.
what if you needed to get a string that varies in length? For example, what if you
needed to get the full name of a state? In these cases, you can make the C string a
maximum size and partially fill it with the string the user enters.
However, two potential problems remain. First, what happens if the user
enters a state name with a space like “South Carolina”? Second, what happens if
the user enters more characters than the maximum size of the C string?
To address these problems, you can use the getlineO member function of
the input stream. Note that this isn't the getlineO function you learned about
in chapter 2. That getlineO function is a stand-alone function provided by
the iostream header that accepts an input stream object and a string object
as arguments. By contrast, the getlineO member function described here is a
member of the input stream and accepts a C string rather than a string object.
When you call the getlineO member function of an input stream, the first
argument is the C string that will store the characters entered by the user, and
the second argument is the number of characters to extract, including the null
terminator. Optionally, you can pass a third argument that indicates the delimiter
that ends the line. The default value for this argument is the newline character.
The second code example shows how this works. It uses the getline()
member function to get a state name from a user. The code begins by creating
an empty C string with 15 characters and prompts the user to enter a state name.
Then, this code passes the C string and the string size to the getlineO function
of the cin object. After using getline() to get characters from the user, the code
checks the fail() function of the input stream. That’s because the failbit is set to
true if the user enters too many characters. In this case, the code calls the clear()
and ignore() functions to reset the stream.
On the console, you can see that the user enters a state with spaces in its
name that has more than the maximum number of characters. However, the
getlineO function only extracts the first 14 characters entered by the user (13
letters plus the space) and the null terminator (ASCII code 0).
Chapter 12 How to work with built-in arrays and C strings 455

Code that gets a fixed-length C string with no spaces

const int size =3; // 2 characters plus null terminator
char statefsize] -
cout << " Enter 2-letter state code: ■;

The syntax of the getlineO member function of an input stream object

stream.getline(cstring, character_limit, [delimiters'\n']);

Code that gets a variable-length C string with possible spaces

const int size =15; // 14 characters plus null terminator
char statefsize] =
cout << "Enter state name:
cin.getline(state, size);
if (cin.failO) { // if user entered too many characters...
cin.ignore(1000, '\n');
cout << "State name is " « state << endl « endl;

// display ASCII code for each character in C string

for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
cout « static_cast<int>(state[i]) << ' ';
The console
Enter state name: South Carolina Rulzzz!
State name is South Carolina

83 111 117 116 104 32 67 97 114 111 108 105 110 97 0

• The stream insertion operator (<<) can write a C string to an output stream.
• The stream extraction operator (>>) can read characters from an input stream
and automatically add a null terminator to create a valid C string.
• If you know the number of characters a string will have, you should size the C
string for that number of characters, plus one for the null terminator. Otherwise,
you can size the C string for the maximum number of allowable characters,
plus one for the null terminator.
• If a user enters more characters than a C string can hold, the program can crash.
To prevent this, you can use the getlineO member function of the input stream.
• When using the getlineO member function of an input stream, the failbit is set if the
user enters more characters than specified in the second argument. However, you
can use the clear() and ignoreO functions of the input stream to reset the stream.

Figure 12-7 How to use C strings with input streams

456 Section 2 More skills as you need them

Some utility functions for working with C strings

The C++ standard library provides several utility functions for working
with C strings. Figure 12-8 begins by showing how to include the cstring header
file that contains these functions. Then, it presents four of these functions and
examples of how to use them.
The strlen() function accepts a C string as an argument and returns the
number of characters in the string. This return value represents the total number
of characters, not the total number of elements. For instance, the first code
example defines a C string with 20 elements and initializes it with a string literal
of 12 characters (including the space). As a result, the strlen() function returns a
value of 12 because that’s the number of characters in the string, not including
null terminators.
The strncat() function accepts two C string arguments and a size argument.
Then, it concatenates the two strings, up to the limit in the size argument. In
other words, it appends the characters in the second string to the end of the first
string, as long as the first string has no more than the specified number of charac­
ters. For instance, the second code example appends the 6 characters in s2 to the
end of the 6 characters in si for a total of 12 characters. The size limit passed to
the function is the size of the first C string minus 1, or 19 characters. This makes
sure the first C string can end with the null terminator. That way, if s2 contained
30 characters, only the first 13 would be appended to si.
The strncpyO function accepts two C string arguments and a size argument.
Then, it copies the characters in the second string to the first string, up to the
limit in the size argument. This overwrites any characters already in the first C
string. For instance, the third code example copies the characters in s2 to si and
overwrites the characters that were already in si. As before, the size limit passed
to the function is the size of the first C string minus 1. That way, you can be sure
that the first C string ends with the null terminator.
Note that, unlike the getline() member function described in the previous
figure, the stmcatO and strncpyO functions don’t automatically adjust for the null
terminator. Instead, the size argument must provide for that adjustment.
If you’re using Visual Studio and the MSVC compiler and you attempt to
use the stmcatO or strncpyO function, your code might not compile and you
might get a warning. That’s because Microsoft has deprecated these functions.
For example, for strncpyO, you might get a warning that says. “This function or
variable may be unsafe. Consider using stmcpy_s instead.” However. stmcpy_s()
is not part of the C++ standard, so it makes your code less portable. As a result,
we recommend solving this issue by editing the project properties so the SDL
checks property is set to No. This turns off additional Security Development
Lifecycle (SDL) checks so these warnings are ignored and the code is compiled.
The strcmpO function accepts two C string arguments and compares the
alphabetical order of the characters in the two strings. Then, it returns 0 if they
are equal. 1 if the first string comes after the second, or -1 if the first string
comes before the second. For instance, the fourth code example uses the strcmpO
function in an if statement to determine whether two strings contain the same
Chapter 12 How to work with built-in arrays and C strings 457

The include statement for the cstring header file

tinclude <cstring>

Some of the functions for working with C strings

Function Description
strlen(s) Provides the number of characters in the string. Note this is
often less than the total number of elements in the char array.
strncat(sl, s2, size) Concatenates the characters in the second string to the end of
the first string, up to the limit passed as the size argument.
strncpy(sl, s2, size) Copies the characters in the second string to the first string, up
to the limit passed as the size argument.
strcmp(sl, s2) Compares the alphabetical order of two strings. Returns 0 if they
are equal. 1 if si comes after s2. and -1 if si comes before s2.

Code that determines the length of a string

const int size - 20;
char cstring[size] - "Grace Hopper";
cout « size << " elements, string length of ■ << strlen(cstring);
// Displays "20 elements, string length of 12"

Code that concatenates two strings

const int size - 20;
char si[size] - "Grace ";
char s2[size] - "Hopper";
stmcat(sl, s2, size -1); // si now contains Grace Hopper

Code that assigns one string to another

const int size - 20;
char si[size] - "Ada ";
char s2[size] - "Grace ";
strncpyfsl, s2, size -1); // si now contains "Grace "

Code that compares two strings for equality

char stringl[] ■ "Grace";
char string2[] - "Hopper";
if (strcmp(stringl, string2) ■■ 0) (
cout « stringl « " and " << string2 << ■ match!\n";
} else {
cout « stringl « " and " << string2 << ■ aren't the same.\n";

• Like other arrays, you can’t use assignment or relational operators with C strings.
However, the cstring header provides several functions for these types of operations.
• The strncat() and strncpyO functions don’t automatically adjust to account for the null
terminator. Instead, you need to write code that manually adjusts for the null terminator.
• To use the stmcat() and strncpyO functions with Visual StudioAMSVC, you may need to
disable Security Development Lifecycle (SDL) checks. To do that, display the Property
Pages dialog (Project->Properties), expand the C/C++ group, select the General item,
and set the SDL checks property to No.

Figure 12-8 Some utility functions for working with C strings

458 Section 2 More skills as you need them

Beyond the functions presented in this figure, the cstring header also
provides functions named strcat!) and strcpy(). These functions work similarly to
stmcat() and stmcpyO functions, but they don’t accept a numeric value to limit
the number of characters in the resulting C string. This is why these functions
don’t have an ‘n’ in their names. Using these functions is dangerous because you
can end up overwriting the null terminator with a character, thus transforming
a C string into an ordinary char array. Because this can lead to problems, it’s
generally considered a better practice to use the stmcat() and stmcpyO functions.

How to loop through a C string

The null terminator identifies the end of a C string. As a result, you can
use the null terminator to determine when to end the loop when you’re looping
through all the characters in a C string.
Figure 12-9 shows two ways to use the null terminator to loop through the
characters in a C string. In the first example, the strlen() function gets the number
of characters in the string. Then, a for loop uses that number to determine when
to stop the loop. This code doesn’t explicitly use the null terminator, but the
strlen() function uses the null terminator to determine the string’s length.
In the second example, both loops check each character in the C string.
When the character equals the null terminator, represented here by the character
literal of ‘\0’, the code knows it has reached the end of the string and the loop
When you code a function that accepts an array, you typically need to
include a size parameter so the function can determine the end of the array and
prevent out of bounds access. However, when you code a function that accepts
a C string, you don’t need to include a size parameter. That’s because a C string
uses the null terminator to define the end of the string. As a result, the function
can use the null terminator to determine the end of the string and prevent out of
bounds access as shown by the third example.
In the third example, a function named capitalize!) accepts a char array
argument, but no size argument. Then, the function uses the strlen!) function to
determine the string’s size, and it uses this size value to loop through the charac­
ters in the string and capitalize each character. In the main!) function, the code
calls the capitalize!) function to capitalize a C string that stores the characters for
a name.
For the third example to work correctly, the array of characters that’s passed
to the function must be a C string. If it’s possible that the array isn’t a C string,
the function should also accept a size argument.
Chapter 12 How to work with built-in arrays and C strings 459

Code that uses the value returned by strlen() to traverse a C string

char name[] ■ "Grace Hopper";
int len ■ strlen(name);
for (int i - 0; i < len; ++i) {
name[i] ■ toupper(name[i]);
cout << name << endl; // Displays GRACE HOPPER

Code that checks for the null terminator to traverse a C string

Using a while loop
char name[] ■ "Grace Hopper";
int i - 0;
while (name(i) I- ’\0') {
name[i] ■ toupper(name[i]);
cout << name << endl; // Displays GRACE HOPPER
Using a for loop
char name[] ■ "Grace Hopper";
for (int i ■ 0; name[i] !■ '\0'; ++i) (
namefi] ■ toupper(name[i]);
cout << name << endl; // Displays GRACE HOPPER

How to work with a function that accepts a C string

A function that capitalizes a C string
void capitalize(char cstr(J) { // no array size parameter needed
int len ■ strlen(cstr);
for (int i - 0; i < len; ++i) (
cstr[i] - toupper(cstr[i]);
Code that calls the function
int main() {
char name[] - "Grace Hopper";
cout « name « endl; // Displays GRACE HOPPER

• You can use the strlen() function to determine the number of characters in a C string.
• You can use the null terminator to determine when you’ve reached the end of a C string.
• When coding a function that accepts a C string as an argument, you don’t need to
include a parameter for the string length because you can get that information from the
C string.

Figure 12-9 How to loop through a C string

460 Section 2 More skills as you need them

The Create Account program

Figure 12-10 presents a version of the Create Account program from chapter
6 that works with C strings instead of string objects. This program accepts a full
name and a password from the user that can both be a maximum of 50 characters.
Data validation is performed on both entries to make sure they meet specific
The code begins with include statements for the header files that the program
needs, including the cstring header file, as well as the using directive for the std
namespace. After that, the code declares several function prototypes, most of
which accept one or more C strings as arguments. Only the find_space() function
returns a value, and only the get_name() and get_password() functions require a
size argument.
After the function declarations, the main() function starts by displaying the
name of the program. Then, it defines a constant integer named size and initial­
izes it with a value of 51. Next, it uses this constant to define three C strings
named full_name. first_name, and password. Since each of these C strings can
store 51 characters, each has room for 50 characters plus the null terminator.
After defining the three C strings, the code gets the name entered by the user
by calling the get_name() function and passing it the first_name and full_name
variables and the size constant. Then, it gets the password entered by the user
by calling the get_password() function and passing it the password and size
variables. Parts 2 and 3 of this figure show that these functions perform data
validation when getting the name and password from the user.
After getting the name and password from the user, the code capitalizes the
initial letter of the first name entered by the user. To do that, this code calls the
capitalize_initial_letter() function and passes it the first_name variable. Since
you can be sure that the first_name variable is a C string, this function doesn’t
need to include a parameter for the size of the string. Finally, the code displays a
message that uses the first_name variable to welcome the user and thank the user
for creating an account.
As you review this code, note that some of the functions that are declared
aren’t used in the main() function. In particular, the main() function doesn't call
the trim_leading_whitespace(), find_space(), or reset_stream() functions. That’s
because these functions are helper functions that are used by the get_name() and
get_password() functions shown in parts 2 and 3 of this figure.
Chapter 12 How to work with built-in arrays and C strings 461

The console
Create Account

Enter full name (50 chars max): grace

You must enter your full name. Try again.

Enter full name (50 chars max): grace hopper

Enter password (50 chars max): debugger

Password must meet the following criteria:
- at least 8 characters long
- at least one number
- at least one special character
Try again.

Enter password (50 chars max): d3bugg3r!

Hi Grace,
Thanks for creating an account!

The code
tinclude <iostream>
tinclude <cstring> // for C string utility functions

using namespace std;

// function declarations
void get_name(char first_name[], char full_name[], int size);
void get_password(char password!], int size);
void trim_leading_whitespace(char cstring!]);
int find_space(char cstring!]);
void capitalize_initial_letter(char cstring!]);
void reset_stream();

int main()
cout « "Create Account\n\n";

const int size - 51; // space for 50 characters plus null terminator
char full_name[size] ■ first_name[size] ■ password[size] -

get_name(first_name, full_name, size);

get_password(password, size);

// display welcome message

cout « "\nHi ■ « first_name << ",\n"
« "Thanks for creating an account!\n\n";

return 0;

Figure 12-10 The Create Account program (part 1 of 3)

462 Section 2 More skills as you need them

Part 2 of figure 12-10 presents the first three function definitions. The
get_name() function starts with a while loop that runs until the break keyword
stops it. This technique allows the function to continue to ask users to try again if
they enter invalid data.
Within the loop, the code asks the user to enter a full name and displays
the maximum number of characters allowed. To get this maximum number of
characters, the code subtracts 1 from the size variable. This reserves space for the
null terminator.
After prompting the user, the code calls the getline() function of the cin
object and passes it the full_name parameter and the size variable. Then, this
code handles the situation that occurs if the user enters too many characters by
calling the reset_stream() function that’s defined in part 3 of this figure.
Next, the code trims any leading whitespace, such as spaces and tabs, from
the beginning of the name. To do that, it passes the full_name variable to the
trim_leading_whitespace() function.
After trimming any leading whitespace, the code gets the first name from the
full name entered by the user. To do that, it passes the full_name variable to the
find_space() function to get the index of the first space in the string. If the index
is -1, there’s no space. As a result, the code asks the user to enter a full name,
and the loop repeats.
However, if the C string contains a space, the code uses the strncpyO
function to copy the characters of the first name from the full_name variable to
the first_name variable. To do that, this code passes the index of the space after
the first name to the strncpyO function so the copy operation stops at that index.
Then, the break keyword ends the loop.
The trim_leading_whitespace() function begins by using the isspace()
function to check whether the C string it receives has leading whitespace. If
not. the function ends. However, if the C string does have leading whitespace,
this function defines an int index named i and initializes it to 0. Then, a while
loop runs as long as the character in the C string at the index is a whitespace
character. Within the body of the loop, the index is incremented. This advances
the index to the first non-whitespace character.
After getting the index of the first non-whitespace character, the code
declares a second index named j and initializes it to 0. Then, a second while loop
uses the first index to iterate through the rest of the elements of the C string.
Within the body of this loop, the first statement copies the character at the first
index to the second index. This shifts the character to the left by the number of
whitespace characters that the function skipped. Next, the code increments both
the i and j variables.
When this second loop ends, the code adds the null terminator to the end of
the cstring variable. At this point, there may be non-null characters after the null
terminator, but they don’t prevent the C string from working correctly with the
other functions for this program.
The find_space() function starts by setting a Boolean flag to false. Then, it
uses the strlen() function to loop through each character in the string. When it
finds a space, it sets the flag to true and exits the loop. Finally, the code checks
the flag to determine whether a space was found. If so, it returns the index of the
space. Otherwise, it return a value of -1 to indicate that no space was found.
Chapter 12 How to work with built-in arrays and C strings 463

The code (continued)

// function definitions
void get_name(char first_name[], char full_name[], int size) {
while (true) (
cout << "Enter full name (■ << size - 1 « ■ chars max):
cin.getline(full_name, size);

trim_leading_whitespace (full_name);

// get first name

int index ■ find_space(full_name);
if (index — -1) (
cout << "You must enter your full name. Try again.\n\n";
} else {
stracpy(first_name, full_name, index);

void trim_leading_whitespace(char cstringt)) (

if (isspace(cstring[O])) {
// increment index until first non-space character found
int i - 0;
while (isspace(cstring[i])) {

// start manual copy at index of first non-space character

int j = 0;
while (cstring[i] !■ ’\0 ') {
cstring[j] - cstring[i]; // shift chars to the left
++i; // increment both counters

// add null terminator to string

cstringtj] ■ '\0’;

int find_space(char cstring[]) {

bool space_found - false;
int i, len ■ strlen(cstring);
for (i ■ 0; i < len; ++i) {
if (isspace(cstring[i])) {
space_found - true;
break; // exit loop
if (space_found)
return i;
return -1;

Figure 12-10 The Create Account program (part 2 of 3)

464 Section 2 More skills as you need them

Part 3 of figure 12-10 presents the last three function definitions. The
get_password() function starts with a while loop that runs until the break
keyword stops it. Within the loop, the code asks the user to enter a password
and displays the maximum number of characters allowed.
After prompting the user to enter a password, this code calls the getline()
function of the cin object and passes it the password parameter and the size
variable. Then, the code handles the situation that occurs if the user enters too
many characters by calling the reset_stream() function.
Next, the code validates the password entered by the user. To start, it uses
the strlen() function to get the number of characters in the password. Then, it
uses that value in a conditional expression that sets the a Boolean flag named
hasjength to true or false. If the password is less than 8 characters, the flag is set
to false. Otherwise, it's set to true.
The code also checks that the password contains at least one number. To do
that, it defines a Boolean flag named has_number and initializes it to false. Then,
it uses a for loop to pass each character in the C string to the isdigit() function.
If that function returns true, the code sets the has_number flag to true and exits
the loop. However, if isdigit() never returns true, the flag remains set at its initial
value of false when the loop ends.
Finally, the code checks that the password contains at least one special
character. To do that, it defines a Boolean flag named has_special_char and
initializes it to false. Then, it uses a for loop to pass each character in the C
string to the ispunct() function. If that function returns true, the code sets the
has_special_char flag to true and exits the loop. However, if ispuncfl) never
returns true, the flag remains set at its initial value of false when the loop ends.
After all three Boolean flags have been set, the code tests these flags to check
w hether the user has entered a password that is at least 8 characters long and
contains a number as well as a special character. If so. the code exits the outer
w hile loop, which exits the function. Otherwise, the code notifies the user of the
password criteria and the w hile loop repeats, w hich prompts the user to enter
another password.
The capitalize_initial_letter() function starts by using the toupper!) function
to capitalize the first character in the C string that’s passed to it. Then, it uses a
for loop to make sure the remaining characters are lower case. To do that, it uses
the strlen() function to get the number of characters in the C string, and it uses
this value to determine the number of times the for loop iterates. This for loop
starts at the index of 1. w hich is the second character in the C string. As a result,
the loop iterates through all characters in the C string, starting at the second
character. Within the for loop, the code uses the tolower!) function on each
The reset_stream() function starts by using the fail!) member function of
the standard input stream to check the state of the stream. If the failbit is set,
the function resets it by calling the stream’s clear() function. Then, it uses the
stream’s ignore!) function to discard any remaining characters in the console
input stream.
Chapter 12 How to work with built-in arrays and C strings 465

The code (continued)

void get_password(char password!], int size) {
while (true) (
cout << "Enter password (" « size - 1 << " chars max): ■;
cin.getline(password, size);

// make sure password has at least 8 characters

int len ■ strlen(password);
bool has_length - (len < 8) ? false : true;

// make sure password includes a number

bool has_number ■ false;
for(int i - 0; i < len; ++i) {
if (isdigit(password[i])) {
has_number ■ true;
break; // exit inner loop

// make sure password includes a special character

bool has_special_char ■ false;
for (int i ■ 0; i < len; ++i) {
if (ispunct(password[i])) {
has_special_char - true;
break; // exit inner loop

// if all tests pass, exit outer loop

if (has_length && has_number && has_special_char) {
break; // exit outer loop
} else (
cout « "Password must meet the following criteria:\n"
« - - at least 8 characters long\n"
« " - at least one number\n"
« " - at least one special character\n"
« "Try again.\n\n";

void capitalize_initial_letter(char cstring[]) {

cstring[0] ■ toupper(cstring[0]); // upper case for first letter
int len ■ strlen(cstring);
for (int i ■ 1; i < len; ++i) {
cstring(i) ■ tolower(cstring(i) ); // lower case for the rest

void reset_stream() {
if (cin.failO) (
cin.ignore(10000, '\n');

Figure 12-10 The Create Account program (part 3 of 3)

466 Section 2 More skills as you need them

Advanced skills for built-in arrays

Now that you know the basic skills for working with arrays of elements
and C strings, you’re ready to learn some more skills for working with arrays.
These skills include searching and sorting arrays. This is sometimes necessary in
constrained environments where you can’t use STL algorithms. In addition, it’s
good conceptual background for understanding the strategies that the STL uses
for searching and sorting.

How to search an array

An algorithm is a specification of how to solve a problem. For example, an
algorithm can perform a calculation, process data, or automate reasoning tasks.
In chapter 11. you learned how the STL provides algorithms for working with
the data in a container, such as searching and sorting that data.
Now. figure 12-11 presents two functions that implement algorithms for
searching a sequence of elements for a specific value. To start, the algorithm for
a linear search specifies that the search starts at the beginning of a sequence and
advances one element at a time.
In this figure, the linear_search() function starts by looping through each
element in the array and checking if the search value is equal to the current
value. If it is. the code returns the current index, which exits the loop and the
function. However, if the search value isn’t in the array, the loop completes, and
the function returns a value of -1 to indicate that the value was not found.
On the other hand, the algorithm for a binary search specifies that the search
starts in the middle of a sequence and discards half of the elements each time
through. A binary search can be more efficient than a linear search. However, for
it to work, the elements must be sorted before performing the search.
In this figure, the binary_searchO function starts by defining and initial­
izing three int variables named first, middle, and last. Then, it uses a loop that
continues while the first variable is less than or equal to the last variable.
Within the loop, the code sets the middle variable to the index of the element
halfway between the first and last indexes. Then, it compares this value to the
search value. If the values are equal, the middle variable stores the index of the
search value. As a result, this code returns the middle variable to the calling
code, which exits the loop and the function.
If. however, the middle value is greater than the search value, the search
value is in the lower half of the sequence. In that case, the code sets the last
variable to one less than the middle value. This discards the elements in the
upper half of the sequence for the next iteration of the loop.
Conversely, if the middle value is less than the search value, the search value
is in the upper half of the sequence. In that case, the code sets the first variable to
one more than the middle value. This discards the elements in the lower half of
the sequence for the next iteration of the loop.
If the loop never finds the value, it ends after it has processed all of the
indexes. Then, the statement after the loop returns a value of -1 to indicate that it
did not find the value.
Chapter 12 How to work with built-in arrays and C strings 467

A function that uses a linear search to find an element in an array of ints

int linear_search(const int arr(], int size, int value_to_find) (
for (int i - 0; i < size; ++i) {
if (arr[i] == value_to_find) {
return i; // value found - return index
return -1; // value not found - return -1
Code that calls this function
const int size - 6;
int numbers(size) > { 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 11 };
int search_for - 3;
int index ■ linear_search(numbers, size, search_for); // index is 2

A function that uses a binary search to find an element in an array of ints

int binary_search(const int arr[], int size, int value_to_find) (
int first ■ 0;
int middle - 0;
int last - size - 1;
while (first <■ last) (
middle ■ (first + last) / 2;
if (arr[middle] ■■ value_to_find) (
return middle; // value found - return index
else if (arr[middle] > value_to_find) {
last » middle - 1; // value is in lower half
eleie (
first ■ middle + 1; // value is in upper half
return -1; // value not found - return -1
Code that calls this function
const int size - 6;
int numbers[size] = { 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 11 };
int search_for - 3;
int index ■ binary_search(numbers, size, search_for); // index is 2

• A linear search algorithm searches the elements in a sequence in ascending order
until it finds the search value.
• A binary search algorithm divides the elements in a sequence in half, determines
which half the search element is in. and discards the other half. It repeats this
process until it finds the search element. For this to work, the elements in the
sequence must be sorted.
• A binary search can be more efficient than a linear search, but there’s a cost if the
list must be sorted first. If the list is not sorted, and you’re only searching once,
use a linear search. If the data is already sorted, or if you’re going to perform
multiple searches after sorting, use a binary search.

Figure 12-11 How to search an array

468 Section 2 More skills as you need them

How to sort an array

Figure 12-12 presents two common algorithms for sorting the elements in
a sequence. The first example implements an algorithm that performs a bubble
sort. This algorithm states that the code should loop repeatedly through a
sequence and swap adjacent elements until they are in order.
In this figure, the bubble_sort() function starts by defining a Boolean flag
named is_swap and an int variable named temp. Then, it starts a do-while loop.
Within this loop, the first statement sets the is_swap flag to false. Next, the code
starts an inner for loop. Within this loop, the code compares the value of the
current element to the value of the next one. This inner loop stops at the second
to last element. That’s so it doesn’t attempt to compare the last element to the
next element, which doesn’t exist.
If the current element is greater than the next element, this code swaps the
values and sets the is_swap flag to true. Then, the while clause checks the flag. If
it’s false, no swaps occurred, which means that the sequence is in order and the
do-while loop can end. Otherwise, the do-while loop continues.
Below the bubble_sort() function, this figure shows the swaps that occur
during each iteration of the outer loop when the function sorts the sequence 2 7
5 1. The first pass swaps the values 7 and 5 and the values 1 and 7. The second
pass swaps the values 1 and 5. And the third pass swaps the values 1 and 2. The
last iteration doesn’t swap any values, so the loop ends.
The second example implements an algorithm that performs a selection
sort, which loops once through a sequence and uses an inner loop to move each
element directly to its final position. A selection sort can be more efficient than
a bubble sort because the inner loop iterates fewer elements each time, and
because it often needs fewer swaps.
In this figure, the selection_sort() function starts by defining int variables
named min_index and min_value. Then, the code starts an outer for loop. Like
the bubble sort, this for loop stops at the second to last element. This time,
though, that’s because all elements are in their correct order by the time the loop
finishes with the second to last element.
The outer for loop starts by storing the index and value of the current
element as the minimum. Then, it starts an inner for loop that iterates the rest of
the elements. Within this loop, if an element is less than the current minimum,
it replaces the minimum. So. when this inner loop finishes, min_index and
min_value contain the index and value of the lowest remaining element.
After the inner for loop ends, the code swaps the current and minimum
elements. As a result, the code assigns the smallest value to the first element, the
second smallest value to the second element, and so on. Also, the outer loop only
iterates the elements once, and the inner loop iterates fewer and fewer elements
each time.
Below the selection_sort() function, this figure shows the sort order after
each iteration of the outer loop when the function sorts the sequence 2 7 5 1. The
first pass moves the value 1 to the first position by swapping it with the value
2. The second pass moves the value 2 to second position by swapping it with 7.
The third pass doesn’t need to perform a swap, but the code doesn’t know that,
so it still ends up swapping the value 5 with itself.
Chapter 12 How to work with built-in arrays and C strings 469

A function that uses the bubble sort algorithm to sort an array of ints
void bubble_sort(int arr[], int size) {
bool is_swap;
int temp;
do (
is_swap false; // reset swap flag each iteration
for (int i 0; i < (size - 1); ++i) ( // stop at 2nd to last
if (arr[ij > arr[i + 1] ) ( // if current greater than next
temp - arr[i]; // swap current and next values
arr[i] - arr[i ♦ 1] ;
arr[i + 1] - temp;
is_swap - true; // set flag to show swap occurred
} while (is_swap); // if a swap occurred, continue loop
The swaps that occur at each iteration of a bubble sort
Initial sequence: (2 7 5 1)
First iteration: 2 swaps (2 5 7 1) then (2517)
Second iteration: 1 swap (2 1 5 7)
Third iteration: 1 swap (1 2 5 7)
Fourth iteration: no swaps - end loop

A function that uses the selection sort algorithm to sort an array of ints
void selection_sort(int arr(], int size) (
int min_index, min_value;
for (int i ■ 0; i < (size - 1); ++i) ( // stop at 2nd to last
min_index ■ i; // get index of current element
min_value - arr[i); // get value of current element

// loop remaining elements and find the lowest value

for (int j ■ (i + 1); j < size; ♦+j) (
if (arr(j) < min_value) {
min_index = j;
min_value ■ arr[j];
// swap values so lowest value is in current position
arr[min_index] - arr[i];
arr[i] = min_value;

The sort order after each iteration of a selection sort

Initial sequence: (27 51)
First iteration: (1 7 5 2) move 1 to first position by swapping with 2
Second iteration: (1 2 5 7) move 2 to second position by swapping with 7
Third iteration: (1 2 5 7) swap 5 with itself

• A bubble sort algorithm loops through a sequence, comparing adjacent elements and
swapping values as needed. It loops until it doesn’t need to swap any more elements.
• A selection sort algorithm loops through a sequence once, moving each element to
its final position. A selection sort can be more efficient for large sequences.

Figure 12-12 How to sort an array

470 Section 2 More skills as you need them

How to use STL algorithms with built-in arrays

If your environment supports STL algorithms, you can use them with
built-in arrays. That way, you don’t need to write your own functions to imple­
ment algorithms for tasks such as searching and sorting the elements in an array.
As you should know by now, a built-in array doesn't provide the begin() and
end() functions that return the iterators needed by most STL algorithms. So. how
can you use STL algorithms with a built-in array? To start, you can use array
decay to get a pointer to the first element. Then, you can use pointer arithmetic
to get a pointer to another element in the array. Figure 12-13 shows how this
The first example defines and initializes a built-in array of double values. To
do that, it also defines a constant integer named size that defines the number of
elements in this array. This constant and the built-in array of doubles are used by
the rest of the examples in this figure.
The second example shows how to use array decay to get a pointer to the
first element. To do that, the first statement assigns the built-in array to a variable
named ptr. This causes the built-in array to decay to a pointer that points to
the first element in the array. Then, the second statement uses the indirection
operator (*) to get the value that the pointer points to.
The third example shows how to use pointer arithmetic to get the pointer to
point to different elements of the array. To do that, you can increment or decre­
ment the pointer. Or. you can add or subtract integers from the pointer. When
you do that, you can use the size constant to make sure that you don’t return a
pointer that causes out of bounds access.
The fourth example shows how to get an off-the-end iterator that points to
one memory address past the last element. To do that, the statement adds the size
constant to the array variable. This works because referring to the array variable
causes it to decay to a pointer to the first element.
The fifth example shows two ways to pass pointers that define a |begin:end)
interval to an STL algorithm. First, you can store the pointers in variables such
as the begin and end variables in this figure. Then, you can pass those variables
to the STL algorithm. Second, you can skip the variable names and pass the
pointers directly to the algorithm. To do that, you can pass the built-in array
variable to get the pointer to the first element, and you can pass an expression
that uses pointer arithmetic to get the pointer to the off-the-end element.
The last group of examples shows some additional ways of using STL
algorithms with built-in arrays. Here, the first example shows how to use the
find() algorithm to get the iterator for an element with a specified value. The
second example shows how to use the accumulate() algorithm to get the total of
the elements in an array. The third example shows how to use the min_element()
algorithm to get an iterator for the element with the minimum value. And the
fourth example shows how to use the sort() algorithm to sort the elements in an
array and the for_each() algorithm to display the values in an array. This should
give you a good idea of the types of operations you can perform on arrays.
Chapter 12 How to work with built-in arrays and C strings 471

A built-in array of double values

const int size ■ 5;
double pricestsize] <9.99, 87.99, 5.99, 32.99, 15.99};

How to use array decay to get a pointer to the first element

auto ptr - prices; // array decays to pointer to first element
cout << '$' « *ptr << endl; // dereference to get value - displays $9.99

How to use pointer arithmetic to change the element that's pointed to

++ptr; // ptr now points to second element (87.99)
--ptr; // ptr points to first element again (9.99)
ptr ■ ptr S 3; // ptr now points to fourth element (32.99)
ptr ■ ptr -2; // ptr now points to second element (87.99)
ptr ■ prices; // ptr points to first element again (9.99)
ptr ■ ptr + (size -1); // ptr now points to last element (15.99)

How to use pointer arithmetic to get a pointer to one past the last element
auto end - prices + size;

Two ways to pass the pointers to an STL algorithm

Store pointers in variables and pass them to the algorithm
auto begin ■ prices;
auto end - prices + size;
int c ■ count(begin, end, 9.99); // c is 1
Pass pointers directly to algorithm
int c ■ count(prices, prices + size, 9.99); // c is 1

More examples that use STL algorithms with built-in arrays

Find the iterator for the specified element
auto iter ■ findfprices, prices + size, 19.99);
if (iter ■■ prices + size) {
cout « "Not Found!\n"; // displays "Not Found!"
Total just the first three elements
double sum ■ accumulate(prices, prices + 3, 0.0); // sum is 103.97
Find the iterator for the minimum element
auto min_iter ■ min_element(prices, prices + size);
cout << "Min is " << *min_iter << endl; // displays "Min is 5.99"
Sort and display all elements
sort(prices, prices + size);
for_each(prices, prices + size,
[](double d) ( cout « •$' << d << * '; });
// displays "$5.99 $9.99 $15.99 $32.99 $87.99"

• To use an STL algorithm, you need iterators that define a [beginzend) interval.
• With a built-in array, you can use array decay to get a pointer to use as the begin
iterator. Then, you can use pointer arithmetic to get a pointer to use as the end iterator.

Figure 12-13 How to use STL algorithms with built-in arrays

472 Section 2 More skills as you need them

How to work with a two-dimensional array

So far. this chapter has shown how to work with one-dimensional (ID)
arrays. Now, the next two topics show how to work with two-dimensional (2D)
arrays. You can think of a 2D array as a table made up of rows and columns
where each element in the array is at the intersection of a row and a column.
The first code example in figure 12-14 shows how to create a two-dimen­
sional array. To do that, you code two subscript operators after the array name.
Then, you specify the number of rows in the first subscript operator and the
number of columns in the second. As a result, this example defines a 2D array
with 3 rows and 4 columns like the graphical representation in this figure.
To refer to the elements in a two-dimensional array, you use the two
subscript operators to specify two index values. The first value refers to the row
index, and the second value refers to the column index. For instance, the second
code example assigns values to two elements within the 2D array.
You can also define and initialize a 2D array in a single statement as shown
by the third code example. To do that, you use an initialization list that’s similar
to the initialization list for a 1D array. However, for a 2D array, each row of
elements is coded within braces. As a result, this example creates a scores array
with three rows where each row contains four elements.
When coding this initialization list, the inner brackets are optional. For
instance, you could code the initialization list in this example like this:
double scores[rows][cols] -
Then, the number of elements in each row is determined by the value in the
subscript operator for the row. However, the technique shown in the figure makes
your code easier to read.
To process the elements in a two-dimensional array, it’s common to use
nested loops as shown in the fourth code example. Here, the outer loop uses an
index named row to process each row of the array, and the inner loop uses an
index named col to process each column within the current row.
In addition to two-dimensional arrays, you can code multi-dimensional
arrays with 3 dimensions, 4 dimensions, and so on. To do that, you simply code
one subscript operator for each dimension. There’s no technical limit to the
number of dimensions an array can have. As a practical matter, though, an array
becomes harder to work with the more dimensions it has.
The last example in this figure shows how to work with an array of C strings.
Remember, a C string is an array of chars that has a null terminator. Because of
that, an array of C strings is a 2D array. In this example, the first two statements
define constants named size and len. The names of these constants should help
you think of the 2D array as an array of C strings rather than as a table of data.
After the constants, the third statement initializes the array of C strings. This
statement also demonstrates that the inner brackets are optional in an initializa­
tion list for a 2D array. Then, a for loop displays the C strings on the console.
Notice that this code doesn’t use a nested loop. That’s because the statement
within the loop displays the entire string. However, if you wanted to process the
individual characters of the strings, you could use a nested loop to do that.
Chapter 12 How to work with built-in arrays and C strings 473

How to create a two-dimensional array

const int rows ■ 3, cols - 4;
int table[rows][cols];

Graphical representation of a two-dimensional array

col 0 col 1 col 2 col 3
row 0
row 1
row 2

How to access the elements in a two-dimensional array

table[O][O] ■ 89; // assigns int 89 to first column in first row
table[l][3] - 100; // assigns int 100 to fourth column in second row

How to initialize a two-dimensional array

double scores[rows][cols] ■ ({88,87,91,86}, {93,96,89,95}, {82,77,79,83}} ;

How to process a two-dimensional array with a nested for loop

for (int row - 0; row < rows; ++row) ( // process each row
double total ■ 0;
cout « "Student ■ << (row + 1) << ": ■;
for (int col ■ 0; col < cols; ++col) { // process each column
cout << scores[row][col] « • ';
total scores[row][col];
cout « "\tAvg score: " « (total / cols) « endl;
The console
Student 1: 88 87 91 86 Avg score: 88
Student 2: 93 96 89 95 Avg score: 93.25
Student 3: 82 77 79 83 Avg score: 80.25

A two-dimensional array of C strings

const int size ■ 3; // array holds three C strings
const int len ■ 10; // each C string max 9 chars (plus null terminator)

char medals[size][len] ■ { "Gold", "Silver", "Bronze" };

for (int i ■ 0; i < size; ++i) {

cout « medals[i] « • •;

• A one-dimensional (ID) array holds one set of data, such as all the test scores for
a single student.
• A two-dimensional (2D) array holds multiple sets of data, such as all the test scores for
multiple students. 2D arrays can be thought of as a table of rows and columns.
• You use two subscripts to access elements in a 2D array and nested loops to iterate them.
• When you use initialization lists, it’s best to separate the sets with inner brackets.
• A 2D array of C strings is like a 1D array unless you need to access individual characters.
Figure 12-14 How to work with a two-dimensional array
474 Section 2 More skills as you need them

How to pass a two-dimensional array to a function

Earlier in this chapter, you learned how to pass an array to a function. Now,
figure 12-15 shows how to pass a two-dimensional array to a function. This code
example begins by defining and initializing global constants named rows and
cols to store the number of rows and columns for the 2D array. Then, it declares
a prototype for the display_scores() function.
The display_scores() function accepts a 2D array as an argument, and it uses
the global constant named cols as the size declarator for the second subscript
operator. This size declarator is required and must be specified at compile time.
Otherwise, the function won’t be able to determine the amount of memory to
allocate for each row' of the 2D array.
The mainf) function begins by defining and initializing a 2D array w ith
3 rows and 4 columns. To do that, this function uses the global rows and cols
constants as the size declarators for the number of rows and columns. Here, each
row' represents a group of scores for a student. Then, this code passes the 2D
array to the display_scores() function.
The display_scores() function uses the global constant named cols as the size
declarator for the second subscript operator. This shows that both the function
declaration and the definition require a size declarator for the second subscript
operator. Within this function, the code uses nested loops to display the scores
on the console. Since each row of scores is associated with a specific student,
the outer loop displays the student number. To do that, it uses the global row s
constant for the number of row's. Then, the inner loop displays the scores for the
student and accumulates a total of all scores for the student. After the inner loop
finishes, the outer loop calculates and displays the average score for the student.
Chapter 12 How to work with built-in arrays and C strings 475

Code that passes a two-dimensional array to a function

// global constants
const int rows =3;
const int cols ■ 4;

// function declaration
void display_scores(double scores[][cols]);

int main() {
double scores[rows][cols] - { (88,87,91,86},
(82,77,79,83) );

// function definition
void display_scores(double scores[][cols]) {
for (int row ■ 0; row < rows; ++row) {
double total ■ 0;
cout << "Student " « (row ♦ 1) « ■;
for (int col ■ 0; col < cols; ++col) {
cout « scores[row][col] « '
total +■ scores[row][col] ;
cout << "\tAvg score: " « (total / cols) « endl;

The console
Student 1: 88 87 91 86 Avg score: 88
Student 2: 93 96 89 95 Avg score: 93.25
Student 3: 82 77 79 83 Avg score: 80.25

• When you code a function parameter that accepts a two-dimensional array, you
need to include a size declarator for the second subscript.
• When you code a multi-dimensional array, you need to include a size declarator
for ever}' subscript except the first one.
• Any required size declarator must be known at compile time. Because of that,
it must be a literal value or a constant. If it’s a constant, it should be a global
constant so the code that defines the array and the function that accepts the
array can both use it.

Figure 12-15 How to pass a two-dimensional array to a function

476 Section 2 More skills as you need them

The Top Five program

Figure 12-16 shows the Top Five program. This program lets a user enter
their top five items in a category. It begins by prompting the user to specify a
category', in this case, cities. Then, the program accepts five items from the user.
Finally, it sorts the items and displays them in alphabetical order.
The code begins with include statements for the header files that the program
needs as well as the using directive for the std namespace. Note that this program
includes the cstring header that has utility functions for working with C strings.
Next, this code defines a global constant named itemjength for the
maximum number of characters for the C strings the user will enter. This
constant is initialized to a value of 51. which allows for 50 characters plus the
null terminator.
After the global constant, this code declares two function prototypes. The
alpha_sort() function accepts a two-dimensional array. This 2D array uses the
itemjength constant as the size declarator for its second subscript. However,
since this program doesn’t code a constant for the first subscript, the alpha_sort()
function also accepts the size of the 2D array (the number of rows) as its second
The reset_stream() function doesn’t accept any arguments. It’s used to clear
the input stream if the user enters more than 50 characters for an item.
The main() function begins by creating a two-dimensional array named list.
To do that, it uses a local constant named size and the global constant named
After creating the 2D array, this code creates a C string named itemjype and
initializes it with an empty string. Then, it prompts the user to enter a category,
and uses the getlineO function of the console input stream to get the category and
store it in the itemjype C string. Next, the reset_stream() function makes sure
the input stream is in a good state, even if the user enters too many characters.
After getting the category' from the user, this code loops through the 2D
array and gets five C strings from the user. Again, this code makes sure to reset
the stream if the user enters too many characters. This loop shows that even
though an array of C strings is a 2D array, it often behaves like a 1D array.
Chapter 12 How to work with built-in arrays and C strings $71

The console
What kind of items are going to be in your list? cities

Please enter your top 5 cities:

#1: Portland
#2: New York
#3: Cologne
#4: Victoria, B.C.
#5: Amsterdam

Your top 5 cities, sorted alphabetically:

New York
Victoria, B.C.

The code
ftinclude <iostream>
#include <cstring>

using namespace std;

// global constant
const int item_length ■ 51;

// function declarations
void alpha_sort(char items[][item_length], int size);
void reset_stream();

int mainf) (
// create 2D array to hold C strings from user
const int size ■ 5;
char list[size][item_length];

char itemtype[item_length] ■
cout << "What kind of items are going to be in your list? ■;
cin.getline(item_type, item_length);
cout « endl;

// get list from user

cout « "Please enter your top " « size <<""<< item_type << ":\n";
for (int i ■ 0; i < size; ++i) {
cout << « (i + 1) << ■: ";
cin.getline(list[i], item_length);
cout « endl;

Figure 12-16 The Top Five program (part 1 of 2)

478 Section 2 More skills as you need them

Part 2 of figure 12-16 begins by passing the 2D array and the local size
constant to the alpha_sort() function. Then, it uses a loop to display the sorted C
strings on the console.
After the main() function, this code defines the alpha_sort() function. Like
the function’s declaration, the definition uses the global constant item_length as
the size declarator for the second subscript operator.
The body of the alpha_sort() function uses the bubble sort algorithm to sort
the C strings in the two-dimensional array named items. This is similar to the
bubble sort function presented in figure 12-12. However, since this function
works with C strings rather than integers, the temp variable that temporarily
stores elements is a C string. In addition, the code uses utility functions from the
cstring header to compare and swap the C string elements. Remember, though,
that these utility functions don't automatically adjust for the null terminator like
the getlineO function does. Because of that, this code manually adjusts for the
null terminator by subtracting 1 from the item_length global constant.
As you review this code, take a moment to look at how it swaps the
elements. To start, it uses the strcmpO function to compare the current element
to the next element. Remember, strcmpO returns 1 if the first argument is greater
than the second argument. So. this code checks if the current element is greater
than the next. If it is, the code executes the body of the if statement.
In the body of the if statement, three code statements use the stmcpyO
function to swap the current element and the next element. The first statement
copies the characters from the current element to the temp variable. The second
statement copies the characters from the next element to the current element.
And the third statement copies the characters from the temp variable to the next
The definition for the reset_stream() function starts by using the fail()
function of the standard input stream to check the state of the stream. If the
failbit is set, the function clears it and discards any remaining characters in the
Chapter 12 How to work with built-in arrays and C strings 479

The code (continued)

// sort and display the items in the list
alpha_sort(list, size);
cout « "Your top " « size <<""<< item_type
« ", sorted " « "alphabetically:\n"
« ■-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n";
for (int i ■ 0; i < size; ++i) {
cout << list[i] « endl;

//an alphabetical bubble sort

void alpha_sort(char items[][item_length], int size) {
bool is_swap;
char temp[item_length] - i // temporary C string
do (
is_swap ■ false; // reset flag to false

for (int i ■ 0; i < (size - 1); ++i) ( // stop at 2nd to last

if (strcmp(items[i], items[i +1]) >0) (
// swap current and next values
strncpy(temp, items[i], item_length - 1);
strncpy(items[i], items[i +1], item_length - 1);
strncpy(items[i + 1], temp, item_length - 1);

// set flag to indicate a swap occurred

isswap ■ true;
} while (is_swap); // if a swap occurred, continue loop

void reset_stream() {
if (cin.failO) (
cin.ignore(10000, '\n');

• To get this program to compile with Visual Studio, you may need to set the
SDL checks property for the project to No as described in figure 12-8.

Figure 12-16 The Top Five program (part 2 of 2)

480 Section 2 More skills as you need them

Now that you’ve completed this chapter, you should have a good idea of
how to work with the built-in array, including how to work with C strings. In
most cases, you shouldn’t need to use built-in arrays or C strings. Still, it’s good
to understand how they work in case you need to work in a resource constrained
environment, or you need to maintain legacy code.

built-in array null character
contiguous memory empty string
index algorithm
subscript operator linear search
initialization list binary search
size declarator bubble sort
out of bounds access selection sort
pointer pointer arithmetic
memory address one-dimensional (1D) array
array decay two-dimensional (2D) array
string table
C string rows
C-style string columns
null terminator multidimensional array

• A built-in array contains a sequence of elements of the same data type. It
stores the elements in contiguous memory, or consecutive blocks of memory
with no gaps.
• Each element in an array has an index, where the first element has an index
of 0, the second an index of 1. and so on.
• To access an individual element, you use the subscript operator ([ ]) to
specify the element’s index.
• You can use an initialization list to set the starting values of an array.
• When you create an array, you can use a size declarator to specify the size of
an array.
• Like a vector, an array allows out of bounds access. To avoid this, you can
use a constant to define the size of an array and use that constant to prevent
out of bounds access.
• When you pass an array to a function. C++ converts it to a pointer that points
to the memory address of the first element in the array, not to the value itself.
This is known as array decay, because information about the array is lost.
• A string is a sequence of characters.
Chapter 12 How to work with built-in arrays and C strings 481

• AC string, also known as a C-style string, is an array of characters that ends

with a null terminator, also known as a null character.
• An empty string is a C string whose elements are all initialized with the null
• An algorithm is a specification of how to solve a problem. For example, an
algorithm can perform a calculation, process data, or automate reasoning
• A linear search algorithm iterates through the elements in a sequence until it
finds the search element.
• A binary search algorithm divides the elements in a sequence in half,
determines which half the search element is in. and discards the other half. It
repeats this process until it finds the search element.
• A bubble sort algorithm loops through a sequence repeatedly and swaps
adjacent elements until they are in order.
• A selection sort algorithm loops through a sequence once and uses an inner
loop to move each element directly to its final position.
• After you use array decay to get a pointer to the first element in an array, you
can use pointer arithmetic to get pointers to other elements in the array.
• A one-dimensional, or ID, array holds one set of data, such as all the test
scores for a single student.
• A two-dimensional, or 2D, array holds multiples sets of data, such as all the
test scores for multiple students. 2D arrays can be thought of as defining a
table that contains rows and columns.
• A multidimensional array has three or more dimensions. Although there’s no
limit to the number of dimensions an array can have, arrays with too many
dimensions are impractical.
482 Section 2 More skills as you need them

Exercise 12-1 Use an array with a Product Sales

In this exercise, you’ll write the code for a Product Sales program that uses an
array to store sales data. When you’re done, a test run should look something
like this:

The Product Sales program

Enter product sales from 0 to 10,000.

To end the program. enter -1.

Enter sales amount 2756.28

Enter sales amount 4285.32
Enter sales amount 3527.58
Enter sales amount 3897.40
Enter sales amount -1

Sales count: 4
Sales total: 14466.6
Average sales: 3616.65

1. Open the project or solution named product_sales in this folder:


2. Review the code for this program and then run it to see that it works much
like the Test Scores program.
3. Define a constant that can be used as the size declarator for an array that can
store up to twelve elements.
4. Replace the vector named sales with an array, and initialize the elements of
the array with the default value for a double type.
5. Define a variable named sales_count that can be used to count the number of
sales entries, and initialize this variable to 0.
6. Modify the while loop so it won’t accept more sales entries than can be stored
by the array.
7. Modify the code that's executed for a valid sales entry so the sales amount
is stored in the next element in the array and the sales_count variable is
increased by one.
8. Modify the code that checks if sales were entered so it works for the modified
9. Modify the code that calculates the average sales and displays the number of
sales entries so it uses the sales_count variable.
Chapter 12 How to work with built-in arrays and C strings 483

Exercise 12-2 Use C strings with the Word Jumble

In this exercise, you’ll modify the Word Jumble program from chapter 6 so it uses
C strings and an array of C strings instead of string objects and a vector.
1. Open the project or solution named wordJumble in this folder:
ex_s t art s\ch12_ex2_word_j umb1e

2. Define two constants that can be used as the size declarators for a two-dimensional
array. Assign values to these constants so they will accommodate the data that’s
currently stored in the words vector.
3. Replace the words vector with a two-dimensional array of C strings.
4. Modify the code that gets a random word from the array so the word is stored
in a C string. To do that, you can use a loop to assign each character of the
randomly selected word from the two-dimensional array to the C string.
5. Modify the code that jumbles the word so the jumbled word is stored in a C
string. To do that, you can use the strncpyO function to copy the randomly
selected word to the jumbled word.
6. Modify the code that gets the user guesses so the guess is stored in a C string and
the strcmpO function is used to compare the guess to the other strings.
484 Section 2 More skills as you need them

Exercise 12-3 Use a two-dimensional array

with the Test Scores program
In this exercise, you’ll modify the Test Scores program presented in this chapter
so it uses a two-dimensional array to store a fixed number of scores for multiple
students. When you’re done, a test run should look something like this:

l. Open the project or solution named test_scores in this folder:


2. Modify the code in the main() function so it defines a two-dimensional array

that can store scores for up to ten students with three scores per student.
3. Modify the instructions for the program so they indicate the maximum
number of students and scores per student.
4. Modify the while loop so it continues until the user enters -1 or until the user
enters the maximum number of students. To do that, use a counter variable to
count the number of students that have been entered.
5. Within this while loop, add a nested while loop that continues until the user
has entered all scores for the student or -1. This nested loop should contain
the code that gets the scores for each student, and it should store each score in
the appropriate element of the array.
6. Add any additional code for the while loops to work correctly. That includes
initializing and incrementing counter variables.
7. Modify the code that checks if any scores have been entered so it checks the
counter variable for the number of students.
8. Modify the code that's executed if scores have been entered so it loops
through the array for each student that has scores and displays those scores
and the average score on the console as shown above.
How to work
with exceptions
All programs can encounter errors when they run. For example, a user may
enter data that’s not valid, or a file that your program needs may get moved or
deleted. These types of errors may cause a poorly-coded program to crash and
cause the user to lose data. In contrast, when an error occurs in a well-coded
program, the program notifies the user and attempts to recover from the error. If
it can’t recover, it saves as much data as possible, cleans up resources, and exits
the program as smoothly as possible.
In the old days of programming, handling errors was difficult because
programming languages didn't provide a standard way to check for errors,
and they didn’t provide a standard way to communicate errors to other parts
of the program that might need to know about them. To address this problem,
most modem programming languages, including C++, provide exceptions.
Exceptions allow you to write code that can handle errors more easily and

How to get started with exceptions................................... 486

A function that doesn't use exceptions......................................................... 486
How to throw an exception............................................................................ 488
How to catch an exception............................................................................. 490
A program that catches exceptions................................................................492
A program that prevents exceptions from being thrown............................. 494
More skills for working with exceptions...........................496
How to catch multiple exceptions.................................................................. 496
How to rethrow an exception......................................................................... 498
The Temperature Manager program............................................................. 500
How to work with custom exceptions........................................................... 502
How exception handling works..................................................................... 504
Perspective............................................................................ 506
486 Section 2 More skills as you need them

How to get started with exceptions

This chapter starts by showing you the basic skills for working with excep­
tions. But first, to illustrate the need for exceptions, it shows you a function that
doesn’t use exceptions.

A function that doesn’t use exceptions

In the early days of C++, it was a common practice for a function to return
an error code such as -1 or NULL to signal that an error had occurred. Then, the
calling code could check the return value and proceed accordingly. For instance,
the first example in figure 13-1 defines a calculate_mpg() function that returns a
value of -1.0 to indicate that the calling code passed an invalid argument to the
function. That way, the code that calculates the miles per gallon isn’t executed.
This avoids dividing by zero, which is an illegal mathematical operation that can
yield unexpected results.
The second example calls the calculate_mpg() function and passes it an
invalid value of 0 for the gallons argument. However, it doesn’t check the value
that’s returned by the function to determine whether an error occurred. Instead, it
displays a value of -1 on the console. Although this value indicates that an error
occurred, it’s possible for some programmers to mistake this value for the result
of the calculation.
The third example also calls the calculate_mpg() function and passes it an
invalid value of 0 for the gallons argument. In this case, the code checks the
value that’s returned by the function to determine whether an error occurred. If it
did. the code displays an appropriate error message on the console.
Unfortunately, this technique makes it easy for other programmers to
use a function incorrectly. That’s because the program doesn't crash when an
error occurs. Instead, the calling function just gets bad data. As a result, this
makes it more likely that the program may just process the bad data instead of
handling the error appropriately. However, if the program crashed when the error
occurred, the programmer would discover the error during testing and handle it
Chapter 13 How to work with exceptions 487

A function that returns -1.0 to signal that an error has occurred

double calculate_mpg(double miles, double gallons) (
if (miles <■ 0.0) {
return -1.0;
if (gallons <= 0.0) {
return -1.0;
double mpg ■ miles / gallons;
mpg ■ round(mpg * 10) / 10; // round to 1 decimal place
return mpg;

Calling code that displays an invalid result

double mpg - calculate_mpg(100, 0);
cout << "Miles per gallon: " << mpg << "\n\n";
The console
Miles per gallon: -1

Calling code that uses the return value to check for an error
double mpg - calculate_mpg(100, 0);
if (mpg — -1.0) {
cout « "Error! Unable to calculate miles per gallon\n\n";
} else {
cout « "Miles per gallon: ■ « mpg « "\n\n";
The console
Error! Unable to calculate miles per gallon

• Before exceptions were available to C++, it was common for a function to
signal that an error had occurred by returning a value such as -1 or NULL that
represented an error code. Then, the calling code could check the return value
and proceed accordingly. Unfortunately, this practice made it easy for other
programmers to use a function incorrectly.

Figure 13-1 A function that doesn't use exceptions

488 Section 2 More skills as you need them

How to throw an exception

In C++. an exception is an object that represents an error that has occurred
and contains information about the error. In most cases, you create an excep­
tion from the exception class or one of its subclasses. All exception classes are
derived from the exception class as shown by the diagram in figure 13-2.
The exception class is the most general type of exception because it’s the
parent class of the logic_error and runtime_error classes, which define more
specific exceptions. Conversely, the logic_error and runtime_error classes are
child classes of the exception class, although they are also parent classes of even
more specific child classes.
When you’re coding a function, you may sometimes need to throw an excep­
tion. To do that, you code a throw statement that throws an object of an exception
class. To create this object, you code the name of the exception class, followed
by a set of parentheses. Within the parentheses, you usually code an error
message that’s stored within the object. However, this error message is optional.
To illustrate, the calculate_mpg() function shown in this figure throws an
exception if the calling code passes it an invalid argument. To start, this function
defines two parameters, miles and gallons. Within this function, the code begins
by checking whether the miles parameter is less than or equal to 0. If it is. this
code creates an exception object from the invalid_argument class. Then, it
throws this object to the calling code. After checking the miles parameter, this
function uses a similar technique to check the gallons parameter. In general, it’s a
good coding practice for any function to throw an invalid_argument exception if
any of its parameters have unacceptable values.
Chapter 13 How to work with exceptions 489

The hierarchy of predefined exception classes

runt ime_error

The syntax for creating an exception object


The syntax of the throw statement

throw exception_object;

A function that throws a predefined exception

double calculate_mpg(double miles, double gallons) (
if (miles <■ 0.0) {
throw invalid_argument("Error! Miles must be > 0.");
if (gallons <■ 0.0) {
throw invalid_argument("Error! Gallons must be > 0.");
double mpg ■ miles / gallons;
mpg ■ round(mpg * 10) / 10; // round to 1 decimal place
return mpg;

Calling code that passes an invalid argument

double mpg ■ calculate_mpg(100, 0); // causes the program to crash!
cout << "Miles per gallon: " << mpg << "\n\n";

• An exception is an object that represents an error that has occurred and contains
information about that error. In most cases, you create an exception from one of
the classes in the exception hierarchy.
• You use the throw statement to throw an exception. You can throw any object,
but it usually makes sense to throw objects created from one of the predefined
exception classes.
• The predefined exception classes all have a constructor that allows you to
specify an error message for the object that you’re creating.
• In the hierarchy of the predefined exceptions, the exception class is the parent
class of the other exception classes. These classes in turn can be referred to
as child classes of the exception class, but they can also be the parent class of
other more specific exception classes.

Figure 13-2 How to throw an exception

490 Section 2 More skills as you need them

How to catch an exception

To catch exceptions like the ones thrown by the function in the previous
figure, you use a try statement as shown in figure 13-3. As the syntax summary
shows, you start by coding a try clause that contains one or more statements
that may throw an exception. Then, you code a catch clause that contains one or
more statements that should be executed if any statements in the try clause throw
an exception.
The first example in this figure shows how to use a try statement to catch
the exception that might be thrown by the calculate_mpg() function. Here, the
calculate_mpg() function is coded within a try clause, and a catch clause is
coded for the exception named invalid_argument. Then, if the miles and gallons
variables contain valid values, the calculate_mpg() function returns the result of
the calculation, and the next statement displays the result on the console. After
that, the program skips over the catch clause and executes the statement after the
catch clause that displays “Bye!” on the console.
However, if the miles or gallons variable contains an invalid value, the calcu-
late_mpg() function throws an invalid_argument exception. As a result, program
execution skips the second statement in the try clause and executes the statement
in the catch clause. In this case, the catch clause just displays the error message
that’s stored in the exception object. After that, execution continues with the
statement after the catch clause that displays “Bye!” on the console.
In this example, the catch clause specifies the invalid_argument exception
so it is only executed if that type of exception occurs. By contrast, the second
example specifies the exception class. As a result, this catch clause is executed if
any exception in the exception hierarchy occurs. Then, the catch clause displays
the error message stored in that object.
In general, it’s a good practice to code the name of the most specific excep­
tion in the catch clause. That way, your code can handle the exception in the way
that’s best for that particular type of exception. You’ll learn more about this in a
In this figure, both catch clauses get the error message that’s stored in the
exception object by calling the object’s what() member function. Both of these
catch clauses also provide a name of e for the exception object. That’s a common
coding convention, but you can specify any name you like for the exception
object. In addition, both of these catch clauses define the exception object as a
constant reference type. That’s generally considered a best practice, although it’s
also possible to pass the exception object as a value type.
Although the examples in this figure show how to catch exceptions that
are thrown by user-defined functions, you should realize that some of the C++
functions also throw exceptions. For example, the at() function of the vector
container that you learned about in chapter 6 throws an out_of_range exception
if an element doesn’t exist at the index that’s passed to the function. In some
cases, you’ll want to catch exceptions thrown by C++ functions by using try
statements as shown here. In other cases, though, you’ll want to write code that
prevents these exceptions from being thrown as shown later in this chapter.
Chapter 13 How to work with exceptions 491

The syntax for a try/catch statement that catches an exception

try {
statements that might throw an exception
catch (exception_type object_name) {
statements that handle the exception

The what() function that’s available from all exception objects

Function Description
what () Displays the error message that’s stored in the exception object.

How to handle an invalid_argument exception

double mpg;
try {
------------ mpg ■ calculate_mpg(miles, gallons);
cout « "Miles per gallon: ■ « mpg « "\n";
—► catch (const invalid_argument& e) (
cout « e.whatO << "\n";
cout << "Bye!\n\n";
The console for 100 miles and 4 gallons
Miles per gallon: 25.0

The console for 100 miles and 0 gallons

Error! Gallons must be > 0.

A catch clause that handles all predefined exceptions

double mpg;
try {
-------------- mpg ■ calculate_mpg(miles, gallons);
cout « "Miles per gallon: ■ « mpg « "\n";
—► catch (const exception& e) (
cout « e.whatO << "\n";
cout << "Bye!\n\n";

• In a try statement, you code a try' clause that contains any statements that might
throw an exception. Then, you code a catch clause that catches and handles any
exceptions that have been thrown. This is known as exception handling.
• If you code the exception class as the exception type in the catch clause, the
catch clause catches all types of exceptions that can occur.
• When an exception occurs, C++ skips any remaining statements in the try'
clause and executes the statements in the catch clause.

Figure 13-3 How to catch an exception

492 Section 2 More skills as you need them

A program that catches exceptions

Figure 13-4 presents another version of the Miles Per Gallon program
presented in previous chapters. This version has a calculate_mpg() function that
throws an exception if the user enters an invalid value for miles or gallons. Then,
the code in the main() function handles these exceptions.
The console shows how the program handles invalid user input. If the user
enters an invalid amount for miles or gallons, such as 0 or -100. the program
displays an appropriate error message and exits the program. However, if the user
enters valid amounts for miles and gallons, the program displays the miles per
Because the code for this program is mostly the same as the Miles Per
Gallon program presented in chapter 7, this figure highlights the code that has
been added to handle exceptions. To start, the calculate_mpg() function throws
an invalid_argument exception that contains an appropriate message if the calling
code passes an invalid value to either of its arguments. Then, the statement that
calls the calculate_mpg() function in the main() function is coded within a try
clause, and the catch clause catches and handles any invalid_argument exceptions
that have been thrown.
For this program, the code handles the exception by displaying its error
message on the console and allowing the program to exit normally. Alternately,
you might want to handle this exception by giving the user another chance to
enter valid data as shown in the next figure.
Chapter 13 How to work with exceptions 493

The console

The code
tinclude <iostream>
tinclude <cmath>

using namespace std;

void display_title() (
cout « "Miles Per Gallon Calculator\n\n" ;

double calculate_mpg(double miles, double gallons) (

if (miles <■ 0.0) {
throw invalid_argument("Error! Miles must be > 0.");
if (gallons <■ 0.0) {
throw invalid_argument("Error! Gallons must be > 0.");
double mpg ■ miles / gallons;
mpg ■ round(mpg * 10) / 10; // round to 1 decimal place
return mpg;

int main() {

double miles;
cout « "Enter miles driven: ";
cin >> miles;

double gallons;
cout « "Enter gallons of gas used: ";
cin >> gallons;

double mpg;
try {
mpg ■ calculatempg(miles, gallons);
cout << "Miles per gallon: ■ « mpg « "\n\n";
catch (const invalid_argument& e) (
cout << e.whatO « "\n\n";
cout « "Bye!\n\n";
return 0;

Figure 13-4 A program that catches exceptions

494 Section 2 More skills as you need them

A program that prevents exceptions

from being thrown
Figure 13-5 presents another version of the Miles Per Gallon program shown
in the previous figure. This version prevents the calculate_mpg() function from
throwing any exceptions. To do that, the main() function uses the get_double()
function of the console namespace presented in chapter 7 to always get double
values that are greater than 0.0. This improves the efficiency of the code, and it
provides better functionality by continuing to prompt the user for a valid number
until the user enters one.
At this point, you may be wondering why the calculate_mpg() function
needs to contain code that throws these exceptions. After all. doesn't the main()
function prevent these exceptions from being thrown? The reason is that the
code in the calculate_mpg() function that throws these exceptions makes sure
that the program always passes valid data to this function. So. if the program
is later modified so it’s possible for invalid data to be passed to this function,
the program will crash because the exceptions aren’t caught. Then, when the
program is tested and it crashes, it will be obvious that the code needs to be
In other words, when you’re testing and debugging a program, it’s good for a
function to throw an exception if it encounters a situation it can’t handle. At first,
this may cause the program to crash when you test it. But. that’s good because it
makes it obvious what’s causing the problem. At that point, you can modify the
calling code to fix the problem. Ideally, you can modify the calling code so the
exception is never thrown. However, there are times when it will be necessary
for you to use a try statement to catch the exception and handle it.
Chapter 13 How to work with exceptions 495

The console
Miles Per Gallon Calculator

Enter miles driven: 0

Error! Number must be greater than 0. Try again.
Enter miles driven: 10
Enter gallons of gas used: -5
Error! Number must be greater than 0. Try again.
Enter gallons of gas used: 2
Miles per gallon: 5


The code
ftinclude <iostream>
#include <cmath>
#include "console.h" // the console namespace from chapter 7

using namespace std;

void display_title() {
cout << "Miles Per Gallon Calculator\n\n" ;

double calculate_mpg(double miles, double gallons) {

if (miles <■ 0.0) {
throw invalid_argument("Error! Miles must be > 0.");
■if (gallons <■ 0.0) (
throw invalid_argument("Error! Gallons must be > 0.");
double mpg ■ miles / gallons;
mpg - round(mpg * 10) / 10; // round to 1 decimal place
return mpg;

int main() (

// use console namespace to get valid values

double miles =
console::get_double("Enter miles driven: ", 0.0);
double gallons ■
console::get_double ("Enter gallons of gas used: ", 0.0);

// calculate and display mpg

double mpg ■ calculatempg(miles, gallons);
cout « "Miles per gallon: ■ « mpg << "\n\n";

// exit program
cout << "Bye!\n\n";
return 0;

Figure 13-5 A program that prevents exceptions from being thrown

496 Section 2 More skills as you need them

More skills for working with exceptions

So far. this chapter has presented the skills for working with exceptions
that you’ll use most of the time. Now, the topics that follow present some more
exception handling skills that you may need now and then. Then, this chapter
finishes by presenting some conceptual information that should help you
visualize how exception handling works with C++.

How to catch multiple exceptions

When the code in a try clause can throw multiple types of exceptions, you
may want to code a try statement with a catch clause for each type of exception.
That way, you can handle each type of exception in an appropriate way.
Figure 13-6 shows how to code a try statement with multiple catch clauses.
When you do that, the catch clauses must be coded in sequence from the most
specific exception to the most general exception. For instance, the example
shown here assumes that the try clause contains code that could throw an
invalid_argument exception or a runtime_error exception. As a result, the first
two catch clauses are coded for these types of exceptions. Then, the third catch
clause is coded for any other exceptions in the exception hierarchy that aren’t
caught by the first two clauses.
Note that the sequence of exceptions applies only when the exceptions are in
the same branch of the exception hierarchy. If you look back to figure 13-2, for
example, you’ll see that the invalid_argument exception and the runtime_error
exception are from different branches of the exception hierarchy. Because of
that, you could code the catch clause for the runtime_error exception in this
example before the catch clause for the invalid_argument exception.
In this example, the code just displays a different message for each type of
exception. However, the code in a catch clause could do more than that. In some
cases, for example, you might want to save as much data as possible and shut
down the program as smoothly as possible.
Keep in mind that some exceptions are caused by programming errors like
attempting to use an invalid index to access an item in a vector. Although this
type of coding error can cause exceptions, you don’t usually want to handle these
exceptions with try statements. Instead, you should fix your code to prevent these
exceptions from occurring in the first place.
Chapter 13 How to work with exceptions 497

The syntax for a try statement with multiple catch clauses

try {
statements that might throw an exception
catch (most_specific_exception object_name) (
statements that handle the most specific exception type
(catch (less_specific_exception object_name) {
statements that handle a less specific exception type
>1 ...

Code that throws different types of predefined exception objects

throw invalid_argument("Miles must be > 0.");
throw runt ime_error();
throw exception();

Code that handles multiple predefined exceptions

try {
// statements that might throw predefined exceptions
catch (const invalid_argument& e) {
cout « "Invalid argument!\n\n";
catch (const runtime_error& e) (
cout « "An unexpected runtime error occurred!\n\n";
catch (const exception& e) {
cout « "An unexpected exception occurred.\n\n";
The console when an invalid_argument exception occurs
Invalid argument!

The console when a runtime_error occurs

An unexpected runtime error occurred!

The console when any other type of predefined exception occurs

An unexpected exception occurred!

• When a try statement includes multiple catch clauses, the clauses for excep­
tions within the same branch of the exception hierarchy must be coded in
sequence starting with the most specific exception and ending with the least
specific exception.

Figure 13-6 How to catch multiple exceptions

498 Section 2 More skills as you need them

How to rethrow an exception

In some situations, you may need or want to code a catch clause that catches
an exception, performs some processing for that exception, and rethrows the
exception. To rethrow an exception, you can just code a throw statement in a
catch clause without specifying the exception object’s name, as shown by the
syntax presented at the top of figure 13-7.
To illustrate, the first example shows a load_temps() function that throws an
exception if its code isn't able to open the file with the specified filename. For
this example, you can assume that the filename is specified as a global constant.
If the code that calls this function is coded correctly, the function should be able
to open the file. However, it’s always possible that the file was moved or deleted.
In that case, the code throws a runtime_error exception that can be handled by
the calling code.
The second example shows a load_temps_with_check() function that calls
the load_temps() function. If this doesn’t cause a runtime_error exception, this
code displays a message that indicates that the temperatures have been loaded.
However, if this causes a runtime_error exception, the catch clause processes the
In this case, the code begins by displaying the error message from the
runtime_error exception that indicates that the code wasn’t able to open the file.
It also displays a message that the code wasn't able to load the temperatures.
Then, it asks if the user would like to create a new file. If so, the code allows the
user to add new temperatures. Then, a file with a name that’s specified by the
program could be created, and the temperatures the user enters could be stored
in that file.
If the user doesn’t want to create a new file, the code displays a message that
contains information that’s intended to help the user locate the file. Then, this
code rethrows the exception.
Although this code illustrates how to rethrow an exception, you might
wonder why you would code two separate functions like this instead of just
a single function. After all. if you did that, you wouldn’t need to rethrow the
exception. The reason for coding two functions is that it allows you to separate
the code that loads the data from the code that works with the console. That
means that you could use the load_temps() function in a console program as
shown here or in a GUI program, which makes this function more flexible.
In fact, this function might even be coded in a separate header file that only
contains functions for working with the data of the program.
Chapter 13 How to work with exceptions 499

The syntax for rethrowing an exception

catch (exception_type object—name) {
// code that performs some processing on the exception
throw; // rethrow the exception

A function that throws an exception

void load_temps(vector<double>& low_temps,
vector<double>& high_temps) (
double low, high;
ifstream input—file(filename);
if (input—file) (
while (input—file >> low >> high) {
input—file.close() ;
else {
throw runtime_error("Error! Unable to open file: " + filename);

A function that rethrows an exception

void load—temps—with—check(vector<double>& low_temps,
vector<double>& high_temps) (
try (
load—temps(low_temps, high_temps );
cout << "Temperatures have been loaded.\n\n";
catch (const runtime—error& e) {
cout << e.whatO « endl;
cout << "Unable to load temperatures from file.Xn";

char choice;
cout << "Would you like to create a new file? (y/n): ";
cin >> choice;
cout << endl;

if (choice ■■ 'y') {
cout << "OK. You can add temperatures now.\n";
else (
cout << "Please make sure the file exists and try again.\n"
<< "You may need to specify a full path to file.Xn";

• In some situations, you may need or want to code a catch clause that catches
an exception, performs some processing for that exception, and rethrows the

Figure 13-7 How to rethrow an exception

500 Section 2 More skills as you need them

The Temperature Manager program

Figure 13-8 presents another version of the Temperature Manager program
presented in chapter 7. This version handles the exceptions that may occur if the
program isn’t able to read the file that stores the data.
Because the code for this program is mostly the same as the Temperature
Manager program from chapter 7, this figure highlights the code in the main()
function that has changed. Here, a try statement has been added, and the
load_temps_with_check() function from the previous figure is called within
the try clause of this statement to load the temperatures. Remember that this
function calls the load_temps() function from the previous figure, and that
function might throw a runtime_error exception. Because of that, the try state­
ment includes a catch clause that catches this exception.
If the load_temps() function is able to open the file and load the temperatures,
it doesn’t throw an exception. Then, the load_temps_with_check() function
displays a message that indicates that the temperatures have been loaded, as
shown by the first console in this figure.
However, if the load_temps() function isn't able to open the file and
load the temperatures, it throws a runtime_error exception. Then, the
load_temps_with_check() function catches this exception and displays two
error messages. These error messages are followed by a prompt that asks
whether the user wants to create a new file. This is shown by the second
If the user wants to create a new file, this code displays a message that
indicates that the user can add new temperatures. Then, the code continues by
displaying a command prompt that allows the user to enter a command from the
But if the user doesn’t want to create a new file, this code displays a message
that attempts to help the user find the file. Then, it rethrows the exception to the
main() function, and that exception is handled by the catch clause. Since the
program can’t work correctly if it can’t write to a file to store its data, the catch
clause displays a message that says ‘ Bye!” and uses a return statement to exit
the program normally.
At this point, the user could attempt to find the missing temps.txt file and
move it to the correct directory. During development, this is typically the direc­
tory that contains the source code for the program. On some systems, though, it
may be the directory that stores the executable file for the program. That’s the
case, for example, if you’re using Xcode.
Chapter 13 How to work with exceptions 501

The console for no exceptions

The Temperature Manager program

v - View temperatures
a - Add temperatures
r - Remove temperatures
x - Exit

Temperatures have been loaded.


The console if load_temps() throws an exception

The code for the main() function

int main()
cout « "The Temperature Manager program\n\n";


// get temps from file

vector<double> low_temps, high_temps;
try {
load_temps_with_check(low_temps, high_temps); // from fig 13-7
| ___________
catch (runtime.error e) (
cout << "Bye!\n\n";
return 0;

// the rest of the code for the main() function

Figure 13-8 The Temperature Manager program

502 Section 2 More skills as you need them

How to work with custom exceptions

Although the C++ standard library provides some predefined exceptions,
you may encounter a situation where none of those exceptions describe your
exception accurately. In that case, you can code a structure that defines a custom
exception, create an object from it, and throw it as described in figure 13-9.
The first example shows that C++ allows any object to be an exception
object. Here, the code throws a string object that’s created from the string class
of the standard library. Although this is allowable, it’s not considered a good
practice since the name of the class doesn’t accurately describe the type of
The second example shows how to use a structure to create a custom
exception. This structure has a name of NegativeGallons that clearly identifies
the type of the exception. In addition, it has a data member that stores an error
message and another data member that stores the number of gallons that caused
the exception.
The third example shows code that creates and throws a NegativeGallons
exception. Here, the code checks if the number of gallons is less than zero. If it
is, the code creates a NegativeGallons object named error. Then, it sets the error
message and the number of gallons in the exception object. Finally, it throws the
exception object to the calling code.
This figure also shows the syntax for a catch clause that catches all excep­
tions, even if they aren’t part of the predefined exception hierarchy. To do that,
you can code a catch clause that has three dots within its parentheses.
When you code this type of catch clause, it catches all exceptions, including
system errors that can cause the environment to become unstable. As a result,
it’s generally considered a good practice to rethrow the exception after you
process it, as shown by the fourth example. Here, the code displays a message to
the console indicating that an unexpected error occurred. Then, it rethrows the
exception to the calling code.
The fourth example also shows how to catch the string and NegativeGallons
objects that were thrown by the first and third examples. Here, the catch clause
for the string object just displays the string on the console. That’s all that's
needed since the exception object is a string.
However, the catch clause for the NegativeGallons object begins by
displaying the message that’s stored in the exception object. Then, it displays the
number of gallons that caused the exception to be thrown. In some cases, this
extra information can be helpful in determining the cause of the exception.
Chapter 13 How to work with exceptions 503

Code that throws a string object

throw string("Error! Gallons must be > 0.");

Code that defines a custom exception object

struct NegativeGallons (
string message;
double gallons;

Code that creates a custom exception object and throws it

if (gallons < 0) (
Negat iveGa1Ions error; // create object
error.message - ■Error! Gallons must be > 0."; // set message
error.gallons - gallons; // set gallons
throw error; // throw object
The syntax for a catch clause that catches all exceptions
catch (...) {
statements that handle all exceptions (predefined and custom)

Code that handles multiple custom exceptions

try {
// statements that might throw custom exceptions
catch (const string& message) {
cout « message « "\n\n";
catch (const NegativeGallons& e) {
cout « e.message « "\n"
« "You entered: " « e.gallons << "\n\n";
catch (...) {
cout « "An unexpected exception occurred!\n\n";
The console when the string object is thrown
Error! Gallons must be > 0.

The console when the NegativeGallons object contains -1 gallons

Error! Gallons must be > 0.
You entered: -1

The console when any other type of exception is thrown

An unexpected exception occurred!

• To catch all exceptions, even if they aren’t part of the predefined exception
hierarchy, you can code a catch clause with three dots within the parentheses.

Figure 13-9 How to work with custom exceptions

504 Section 2 More skills as you need them

How exception handling works

Figure 13-10 shows how the exception handling mechanism works in C++.
To start, when a function encounters a problem that it can’t handle, it throws
an exception. Once a function throws an exception, the runtime system begins
looking for a function that can handle the exception. To do that, it searches
through the call stack, which is the list of functions that have been called in the
reverse order that they were called. In this figure, for example, when the code in
functionCO executes, the call stack is functionCO, functionBO, functionAQ. and
This figure shows that the main() function calls functionA(), which calls
functionBO, which calls functionCO- Here. functionCO may throw an exception.
If it does, the exception is thrown up the call stack to functionBO, which passes
it to functionA(), which passes it to the main() function, which catches it. If you
throw an exception and it isn’t caught by any other functions in the call stack,
including the main() function, the program crashes. Then, information about the
exception is typically displayed on the console.
Chapter 13 How to work with exceptions 505

The call stack after four functions have been called

• The call stack lists the functions that have been called in reverse order.
• When a function encounters a condition it can’t handle, it should throw an
exception. This allows other programmers to handle the exception in a way
that’s appropriate for their programs.
• When a function calls another function that may throw an exception, the
function can catch the exception and handle it, or it can allow the exception to
continue further up the stack trace.
• When an exception is thrown, the runtime system looks through the call stack
until it finds a function that catches and handles the exception.
• If an exception is thrown and isn’t caught and handled somewhere in the
program, the runtime system aborts execution of the program. This causes the
program to crash.

Figure 13-10 How exception handling works

506 Section 2 More skills as you need them

In this chapter, you have learned some of the best practices for handling
exceptions in C++. As a result, you should now be able to write code that
handles exceptions so your programs don’t crash. And that’s what you need to
do in a professional program.
At this point, you’re ready to read section 3 to learn how to develop
object-oriented programs. When you’re done with that section, you’ll have a
better understanding of how an exception class defines an exception object and
how the hierarchy of exception classes works. In addition, you’ll learn how to
define a custom exception class by inheriting one of the classes in the excep­
tion hierarchy. In most cases, that’s preferable to using a structure to define an
exception as shown in this chapter.

error throw an exception
error code catch an exception
exception exception handling
parent class rethrow an exception
child class call stack

• In the early days of C++, it was a common practice for a function to signal
that an error had occurred by returning an error code such as -1 or NULL.
• An exception is an object that represents an error that has occurred and contains
information about that error. In most cases, you create an exception from one of
the classes in the exception hierarchy.
• In the hierarchy of predefined exceptions, the exception class is the parent class
of the other exception classes. These classes can be referred to as child classes of
the exception class, but they can also be the parent class of other child classes.
• You can use the throw statement to throw an exception object.
• In a try statement, you code a try clause that contains any statements that might
throw an exception. Then, you code a catch clause that catches and handles any
exceptions that have been thrown. This is known as exception handling.
• Sometimes, you need to code a catch clause that catches an exception,
performs some processing for that exception, and rethrows the exception.
• The call stack lists the functions that have been called in reverse order. When an
exception is thrown, the runtime system looks through the call stack until it finds a
function that catches and handles the exception.
Chapter 13 How to work with exceptions 507

Exercise 13-1 Add exception handling to the

Convert Temperatures program
In this exercise, you’ll add exception handling to the Convert Temperatures pro­
gram from chapter 7. When you’re done, a test run should look something like this
if the user enters an invalid temperature:

Convert Temperatures
1. Fahrenheit to Celsius
2. Celsius to Fahrenheit

Enter a menu option: 1

Enter degrees Fahrenheit: 0
Error! Temperature must be from 32 to 212.

Convert another temperature? (y/n):

1. Open the project or solution named temperature_converter in this folder:

2. Modify the to_celsius() function so an invalid argument is thrown if the tempera­
ture is less than 32 (the freezing point of water) or greater than 212 (the boiling
point of water).
3. Modify the to_fahrenheit() function so an invalid argument is thrown if the
temperature is less than 0 or greater than 100.
4. Modify the convert_temp() function so it catches the exceptions thrown by the
to_celsius() and to_fahrenheit() functions. The code that handles the exceptions
should simply display the message that’s stored in the exception object.
508 Section 2 More skills as you need them

Exercise 13-2 Add a custom exception to the

Word Counter program
In this exercise, you’ll add a custom exception to another version of the Word
Counter program from chapter 10 that accepts a filename from the user. When
you’re done, a test run should look something like this when the file the user
enters isn’t found:

The Word Counter program

Enter a file name: dicken.txt

File not found.
You entered: dicken.txt.
Exiting program...

1. Open the project or solution named word_counter in this folder:

2. Define a structure named FileNotFound with data members that can store an
error message and a filename.
3. Modify the load_words() function so the vector of words is returned only if
the file is found.
4. Add code to the load_words() function that’s executed if the file isn’t found.
This code should create a FileNotFound object, assign values to its members,
and then throw the object.
5. Add a try statement to the main() function so the try clause contains the state­
ment that calls the load_words() function. For this to work, you will need to
define the words vector before the try statement so it can be used by the code
after the try statement.
6. Code a catch clause that catches and handles a FileNotFound exception. This
code should end by exiting the program.
7. Code another catch clause that catches and handles any other exceptions that
might occur. This code should end by throwing the exception.
Section 3

So far in this book, you have learned how to create objects from the classes
that are available from the C++ standard library, like the string and vector
classes. In addition, you have learned how to organize your programs into a
series of functions that process the data of your program. This is known as
procedural programming.
In the next three chapters, you’ll learn how to define your own classes
and use objects created from those classes. This allows you to group the
data for your programs and the procedures for operating on that data into
an object. This is known as object-oriented programming, and it can speed
the development of large programs and make your code more reusable.
To start, chapter 14 presents the basic skills for defining and using
classes. That includes using the fundamental concept of encapsulation.
Then, chapter 15 shows you how to work with two more fundamental
concepts of object-oriented programming: inheritance and polymorphism.
Finally, chapter 16 presents some additional object-oriented programming
skills, including how to work with static members and functions and how­
to overload operators.
Because chapter 14 presents the basic skills for using object-oriented
programming, it’s a prerequisite to chapters 15 and 16. How ever, chapters
15 and 16 aren't prerequisites for the chapters in section 4. If you w ant
to. then, you can go on to the chapters in section 4 after reading chapter
14. But. at some point, you’ll w ant to be sure to read chapters 15 and 16
because they present critical object-oriented programming skills.

How to define classes

In this chapter, you’ll learn the basic skills for defining your own classes. In
addition, you’ll learn how to create objects from those classes and use them in
your programs. As you’ll see. this works the same as creating and using objects
from the classes provided by C++.

An introduction to object-oriented programming...........512

A .Movie structure that doesn't provide encapsulation................................. 512
A Movie class that provides encapsulation................................................... 514
How to define private data members............................................................. 516
How to define getter and setter functions...................................................... 518
The Movie List 1.0 program.......................................................................... 520
More skills for coding member functions......................... 524
How to work with private member functions............................................... 524
How to convert between numbers and strings.............................................. 526
How to define constructors........................................................................... 528
How to define destructors............................................................................. 530
How to store a class in header and source files............. 532
The header and source files for a Movie class.............................................. 532
When and how to use inline functions..........................................................536
The Movie List 2.0 program.......................................................................... 538
How to work with UML diagrams....................................... 544
An introduction to UML diagrams.............................................................. 544
UML diagrams with data types..................................................................... 546
A Product class that implements a UML diagram....................................... 548
The Product Viewer program........................................................................ 552
How to work with object composition............................... 556
A Die class...................................................................................................... 556
A Dice class.................................................................................................... 558
The Dice Roller program............................................................................... 560
The Pig Dice game............................................................... 562
The console..................................................................................................... 562
The code.......................................................................................................... 562
Perspective............................................................................ 568
512 Section 3 Object-oriented programming

An introduction to object-oriented
When you use object-oriented programming (OOP), you group related
variables and functions into data structures called objects. In chapter 9. for
example, you learned how to define structures that use data members to store the
data of an object. In addition, you learned how to code member functions that
work with the data members of an object.

A Movie structure that doesn’t provide

To review how structures work, figure 14-1 starts by presenting a structure
that defines a Movie object that has two data members: the title of the movie and
the year that the movie was made. In addition, it includes a member function
named equalsQ that compares the current Movie object with another Movie
object and returns a Boolean value that indicates whether the two objects store
the same data.
The example that follows creates a Movie object from the structure and then
uses that object. The first statement creates the Movie object. Then, the second
and third statements access the data members of the Movie object directly to
set the title and year in the object. And the fourth statement accesses the data
members directly to get the title and year from the Movie object and display
them on the console.
This is a good way to get started with object-oriented programming, and it’s
an approach that’s adequate for many programs. Unfortunately, this approach
can allow other programmers to use the objects that you define in ways that
may cause them to not work properly. In addition, it can make it more difficult
for other programmers to figure out how to use your objects, which makes your
objects less user-friendly and reusable. If you encounter these types of problems,
you can use encapsulation to control access to your data members. This allows
you to hide the data members of an object from other code that uses the object,
which is known as data hiding.
To provide encapsulation, you typically use a class as shown in the next
figure. A class can be thought of as a blueprint from which objects are created.
Like a structure, a class provides data members and member functions. However,
the members and functions of a class can’t be accessed directly by default. This
allows you to control access to these members.
When working with object-oriented code, you’re likely to encounter a wide
range of terminology. For example, programmers often say that an object is an
instance of a class or structure. That means that you can create multiple objects
from a single class or structure. The process of creating an object from a class or
structure is sometimes called instantiation. Once you create an object, the object
has an identity (a unique address), a state (the data that it stores), and behavior
(the functions that it provides). As a program runs, an object’s state may change.
Chapter 14 How to define classes 513

A Movie structure
struct Movie (
string title ■ ""; // data member
int year ■ 0; // data member
bool equals(const Movie&); // member function declaration

// member function definition

bool Movie::equals(const Moviefc to_compare) {
return (title ■■ to_compare.title && year -- to_compare.year);

Code that creates an object from the Movie structure and uses it
Movie movie; // create Movie object
movie.title - "Roundhay Garden Scene" // set title
movie.year ■ 1776 // set year - invalid - too old

cout << -MOVIE DATA\n"

<< "Title: " << movie.title « endl // get title
<< "Year: " << movie.year << endl; // get year
The console
Title: Roundhay Garden Scene
Year: 1776

• Object-oriented programming (OOP) groups related variables and functions
into data structures called objects.
• A structure can be thought of as a blueprint from which objects are created.
• The data members of a structure store the data of an object.
• The member functions of a structure define the tasks that an object can perform.
Often, these functions provide a way to work with the data members of an object.
• Once you create an object from a structure, the object has an identity (a unique
address), a state (the data that it stores), and behavior (the functions that it
provides). As a program runs, an object’s state may change.
• An object is an instance of a structure. In other words, you can create multiple
objects from a single structure. The process of creating an object from a
structure is sometimes called instantiation.
• Encapsulation allows you to hide the members of an object from other code
that uses the object. This is also known as data hiding.
• Like a structure, a class defines the data members and member functions of
an object. However, by default, the members of a class can’t be accessed from
outside the class. As a result, classes are typically used to provide encapsulation.
• Structures work fine for most purposes, but allowing direct access to members
can sometimes lead to problems. To prevent these problems, you can use
classes to provide encapsulation as shown in the next figure.

Figure 14-1 A Movie structure that doesn't provide encapsulation

514 Section 3 Object-oriented programming

A Movie class that provides encapsulation

Figure 14-2 shows a Movie class that stores the same data as the Movie
structure presented in the previous figure. However, this Movie class prevents
direct access to its data members. This is known as encapsulation, and it’s gener­
ally considered a good practice.
To start, the Movie class defines the title and year data members in a private
section. This prevents code outside the class from directly accessing these data
members. Instead, the Movie class provides four public member functions that
allow other code to get and set the values of these two data members.
These four member functions, along with the equals member function,
provide the interface that programmers can use to work with a Movie object.
This allows programmers to use a Movie object correctly without understanding
its internal code. For example, the set_year() function checks the year parameter
to make sure that it’s greater than or equal to 1888. because that’s the year that
the first movie was made. If the year is less than 1888. this code throws an excep­
tion. This forces the programmer to handle this exception. One way to do that is
to modify the calling code so it doesn’t pass invalid values to the Movie object.
The example that follows shows code that creates an object from the Movie
class and then uses that object. Here, the first statement creates a Movie object.
Then, the second and third statements uses the object’s set_title() and set_year()
functions to set the title and the year. And the fourth statement uses the object’s
get_title() and get_year() functions to get the title and the year. Note that this
code can’t directly access the title or year data members since they’re private.
Similarly, if this code passed an invalid year such as 1776 to the set_year()
function, that function would throw an exception.
If the interface of an object remains the same, a programmer can change the
source code that implements the object without needing to change or recompile
any of the code that uses the object. For example, let’s say you want to modify
the set_title() function so it only allows titles that have less than 120 characters.
To do that, you could modify the code for the body of the set_title() function,
and you wouldn’t need to change any of the code for working with the object. On
the other hand, if the Movie class provided direct access to the title member, you
wouldn’t be able to add validation code like this.
Now that you’ve seen both a structure and a class, you should realize that the
only difference between the two is that the members of a structure are public by
default, and the members of a class are private by default. As a result, structures
are typically used when you don’t need to provide encapsulation, and classes are
typically used when you do need to provide encapsulation. However, you can
declare private and public sections like the ones shown in this figure in either a
structure or a class. In fact, the code in this figure would work exactly the same if
it used a structure instead of a class.
Chapter 14 How to define classes 515

A Movie class
class Movie {
private: // data members are private
string title ■
int year ■ 0;
public: // member functions are public
void set_title(string);
string get_title();
void set_year(int);
int get_year();
bool equals(const Movieft);

// member function definitions

void Movie::set_title(string title_param) {
title ■ title_param;
string Movie::get_title() (
return title;

void Movie::set_year(int year_param) {

if (year_param < 1888) {
throw invalid_argument("Year must be 1888 or later.");
year - year_param;
int Movie::get_year() {
return year;

bool Movie::equals(const Movie& to_compare) {

return (title ■■ to_compare.title && year -- to_compare.year);

Code that creates an object from the Movie class and uses it
Movie movie;
movie.set_title("Roundhay Garden Scene"); // set title
// movie.year - 1776; // illegal - no direct access
// movie.set_year(1776); // invalid - throws exception
movie.set_year(1888); // set year

cout << "MOVIE DATA\n"

<< "Title: " << movie.get_title() << endl // get title
<< "Year: " << movie.get_year() « endl; // get year

• An interface allows a programmer to use an object without understanding its
internal code.
• If the interface for an object remains the same, a programmer can change the
source code that implements the object without needing to change or recompile
any of the code that uses the object.

Figure 14-2 A Movie class that provides encapsulation

516 Section 3 Object-oriented programming

How to define private data members

Figure 14-3 shows how to define the private data members of a class. As you
know, the data members of a class are private by default, which means that they
can be used only within the class that defines them. In the two examples in this
figure, for instance, the title and year data members can only be accessed by code
within the Movie class.
Notice that the first example doesn’t use the private keyword to define a
private section at the beginning of the class. That’s because a class starts with a
private section by default. As a result, defining a private section here is optional.
However, many programmers consider it a good practice to explicitly define a
private section at the beginning of a class to improve the readability of the code.
After defining the private data members, the first example uses the public
keyword to define a public section that contains the declarations for the five data
members of the class. That means that the member functions can be called by
code outside of the Movie class. As a result, these member functions provide an
indirect way to access the data members, which is often what you want.
The second example shows that it’s possible to code a class that starts with
a public section and ends with a private section. Some programmers prefer this
approach because the interface that’s exposed by the class is listed first, followed
by the data members that are hidden by the class.
It's also possible to alternate between private and public sections. However,
this makes it more difficult for other programmers to determine which members
are private and which are public. In general, then, this isn’t considered a good
Chapter 14 How to define classes 517

The syntax for defining private and public members

class ClassName {
// private members go here

// public members go here

// you can also code private members here]

A class that places all private members before public members

class Movie (
string title; // private members
int year;
public: // public members
void set_title(string);
string get_title();
void set_year(int);
int get_year();
bool equals(const Movieft);

A class that places all public members before private members

class Movie (
public: // public members
void set_title(string);
string get_title();
void set_year(int);
int get_year();
bool equals(const Movieft);
private: // private members
string title;
int year;

• To prevent the calling code from directly accessing a data member, define it in
a private section of the class. Then, if you want, you can code public member
functions that provide indirect access to the data member.
• To allow the calling code to directly access a data member, define it in a public
section of the class.
• By default, the members of a class are private until the public keyword is
coded. As a result, you don’t need to code the private keyword at the beginning
of a class. However, it’s generally considered a good practice to include this
keyword to clearly identify all private members.

Figure 14-3 How to define private data members

518 Section 3 Object-oriented programming

How to define getter and setter functions

Figure 14-4 shows how to code the definitions for the member functions that
get and set the data members of a class. This is similar to the way you code any
function. However, you must code the name of the class followed by the scope
resolution operator (::) just before the name of the function. In this figure, for
example, the Movie class and the scope resolution operator are coded for all four
Since a function name should describe the action that the function performs,
it’s a common coding practice to start each function name with a verb. For
example, functions that set the value of a data member usually begin with set
and are known as setters. And. because they change the data that’s stored in an
object, they’re also known as mutators. Conversely, functions that return the
value of a data member usually begin with get and are known as getters. Because
they let you access the values of data members, they’re also known as accessors.
When you code getter and setter functions, you can access private data
members just by coding their names. In the first example, for instance, the
set_title() function sets the data member named title to the value that’s stored in
the parameter named title_param.
The exception is if a setter function has a parameter with the same name as
a data member. Then, you can identify the data member by prefixing it with the
this keyword and using the member access operator (->), as shown in the second
example. This works because the this keyword provides a pointer to the current
object, and the member access operator allows you to access data members from
the pointer. In general, this approach isn’t considered a good practice because
forgetting to prefix the data member name with the this keyword and member
access operator can lead to an error that isn’t detected by the compiler.
The third example is for the set_year() function. It works like the first
example, but it includes code that makes sure the calling code passes a valid
argument. To start, the code for this function checks if the year parameter is less
than 1888, which is the year the first movie was made. If it is, the code throws an
exception that indicates that the year must be 1888 or later. When coding setters,
it's typical to include validation code like this. This technique makes sure that
any code that uses your object passes it valid data or handles the exception that’s
When you code a getter function, it’s considered a good practice to include
the const keyword after the function’s parentheses as shown by the fourth and
fifth examples. This defines the function as a constant function, which means
that the function can’t modify any data members of the class. In general, that’s
considered a best practice since getter functions should only get data, not modify
data. For this to work, you must code the const keyword in both the declaration
and the definition.
The sixth example shows some code that creates a Movie object and then
calls these functions. By now. you shouldn’t have any trouble understanding how
this code works.
Chapter 14 How to define classes 519

A setter function
void Movie::set_title(string title_param) {
title ■ title_param;

Another way to code this setter function

void Movie::set_title(string title) {
this->title - title;

A setter function that validates data

void Movie::set_year(int year_param) {
if (year_param < 1888) {
throw invalid_argument("Year must be 1888 or later.");
year - year_param;

A getter function that returns a string

string Movie::get_title() const (
return title;

A getter function that returns an int value

int Movie::get_year() const (
return year;

Code that calls these functions

Movie movie;
movie.set_title("Roundhay Garden Scene");
string title ■ movie.get_titie();
int year - movie.get_year();

• When you name a function, you should start each name with a verb. It’s a common
coding practice to use the verb set for functions that set the values of data members
and to use the verb get for functions that return the values of data members.
• Functions that access the value stored in a data member are commonly referred to
as getters or accessors.
• Functions that change the value stored in a data member are commonly referred
to as setters or mutators.
• When you code a getter function, it’s considered a good practice to include the
const keyword after the function’s parentheses. You must do this in both the
declaration and the definition.
• When you code functions, you can access private data members just by coding
their names. However, if a setter function has a parameter with the same name
as a data member, you can identify the data member by prefixing it with the
this keyword and the member access operator (->).

Figure 14-4 How to define getter and setter functions

520 Section 3 Object-oriented programming

The Movie List 1.0 program

Figure 14-5 shows a Move List program that uses a Movie class to store its
data. This program prompts the user to enter the title and year of one or more
movies. Then, it displays a list of all movies entered by the user.
The code for this program begins by including all of the header files needed
by the program, as well as a using directive for the standard namespace. Then,
it defines a Movie class that uses encapsulation to provide indirect access to its
data members. To start, this class defines two private data members, title and
year. Then, it declares four public member functions that provide the getters and
setters for the two data members.
After declaring the members functions within the class, this code defines the
four functions that implement these declarations. By now, you shouldn’t have
any trouble understanding how these functions work. However, you should note
that these functions use a suffix of _param to identify the names of the param­
eters. This prevents the parameter names from colliding with the names of the
data members. The code in this chapter uses this convention because it clearly
identifies the parameter. However, this convention yields a long parameter name
that many programmers might prefer to shorten. For example, some might prefer
using a suffix of _p or even a suffix of a single underscore.
Chapter 14 How to define classes 521

The console
The Movie List program

Enter a movie...

Title: Roundhay Garden Scene

Year: 1888

Enter another movie? (y/n): y

Title: Arrival of a Train

Year: 1895

Enter another movie? (y/n): n

Roundhay Garden Scene 1888
Arrival of a Train 1895

The code
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <string>
#include <vector>

using namespace std;

class Movie {
string title;
int year;
void set_title(string);
string get_title() const;
void set_year(int);
int get_year() const;

void Movie::set_title(string title_param) {

title ■ title_param;

string Movie::get_title() const (

return title;

void Movie::set_year(int year_param) {

if (year_param < 1888) {
throw invalid_argument("Year must be 1888 or later.");
year - year_param;

Figure 14-5 The Movie List 1.0 program (part 1 of 2)

522 Section 3 Object-oriented programming

After the function definitions for the class, this code presents the main()
function. This function begins by displaying the title of the program and
prompting the user to enter a movie. Then, it defines a vector to store Movie
objects. Next, it enters a while loop that continues while the user enters ‘y’ or
Within this loop, the first statement creates a Movie object. Then, it gets the
title of the movie and uses the set_title() function to store this title in the Movie
object. Next, it gets the year of the movie and uses the set_year() function to
store the year in the Movie object. Since this function will throw an exception if
the user enters an invalid year, this code catches the exception and handles it. To
keep things simple, this program handles the exception by displaying an error
message and exiting the program normally. However, a more robust program
would display an error message and give the user another chance to enter a year.
After setting the title and year in the Movie object, this code adds the movie
to the end of the vector. Then, it asks whether the user would like to enter
another movie. If so, the loop executes again. If not, the loop ends.
After the while loop, the code displays the movies in two columns where the
first column is three times as wide as the second column (30 characters and 10
characters). Here, the second statement displays column headers for TITLE and
YEAR. Then, a for loop displays the title and year for each iMovie object stored
in the vector. After this for loop, the program ends.
Chapter 14 How to define classes 523

The code (continued)

int Movie::get_year() const (
return year;

int main() (
cout << "The Movie List program\n\n"
« "Enter a movie...\n\n";

// get movies from user

vector<Movie> movies;
char another ■ 'y';
while (tolower(another) ■■ 'y') {
Movie movie;

string title;
cout << "Title: ";
getline(cin, title);

int year;
cout << "Year: ";
cin >> year;
try {
catch (const invalid_argument& e) {
cout << e.whatO << "\n";
cout << "Exiting program...\n\n";
return 0;

movies.push_back(movie) ;

cout << "\nEnter another movie? (y/n): ■;

cin >> another;
cout << endl;

// display the movies

const int w ■ 10;
cout « left
« setwfw * 3) « "TITLE"
« setw(w) « "YEAR" « endl;
for (Movie movie : movies) (
cout << setw(w * 3) « movie.get_title()
<< setw(w) << movie.get_year() << endl;
cout « endl;

Figure 14-5 The Movie List 1.0 program (part 2 of 2)

524 Section 3 Object-oriented programming

More skills for coding member functions

At this point, you should understand how to code a class that provides encap­
sulation by using private data members and public member functions. Now. you’ll
learn some more skills for defining classes.

How to work with private member functions

If you need to code a member function but you don’t want to make it avail­
able outside of the class, you can declare it in a private section. Then, the member
function is private and can be used by other member functions. As a result, it’s
known as a private helper function.
In figure 14-6, for instance, the first example declares three member functions
that could be added to the Movie class presented in the previous figure. Here,
the to_upper() member function is declared in a private section. As a result, it’s
a helper function that can be used by the get_title_upper() and iequals() member
functions that are declared in the public section.
The second example presents the code that implements the private to_upper()
function. To start, it declares a string variable named str_upper to store the upper­
case string. Then, this code loops through each character in the string parameter,
converts the character to uppercase, and adds it to the str_upper variable. Finally,
this function returns the uppercase string.
The third example presents the code that implements the get_title_upper()
function. This function uses the to_upper() helper function to convert the title
data member to uppercase. Then, it returns the uppercase title. Since this function
is public, it provides an easy way for anyone using a Movie object to get the
movie’s title in uppercase.
The fourth example presents the code that implements the iequals() function.
This function performs a case-insensitive comparison of the current Movie object
and another Movie object. In the function name, i is for insensitive. This function
works much like the equals() function presented earlier in this chapter. However,
before comparing the movie titles, it uses the to_upper() helper function to
convert the titles to uppercase. As a result, this function returns true if comparing
two Movie objects that have the same year and the same title, regardless of the
case of the titles.
As you review this code, note that the iequals() function can access the
private title and year data members because it’s coded in the same class as those
data members. Similarly, this function can access the private to_upper() function
because it’s coded in the same class as that member function.
The fifth example shows some code that calls the public functions. To start, it
creates two Movie objects, sets the titles to “Test” and “test”, and sets both years
to 2018. Then, it uses the iequals() function to compare these two Movie objects.
Since this performs a case-insensitive comparison, this function returns a true
value, and the if statement displays a message that indicates that these objects are
equal. After that, the code uses the get_title() and get_title_upper() functions to
print the title that’s stored in the first Movie object as well as that title after it has
been converted to uppercase.
Chapter 14 How to define classes 525

The declarations for three more functions for the Movie class
string to_upper(string); // helper function
string get_title_upper () const;
bool iequals(const Movieft);

A private function that converts a string to uppercase

string Movie::to_upper(string str) {
string str_upper;
for (char c : str) {
return str_upper;

A public function that returns the title in uppercase

string Movie::get_title_upper() const {
return to_upper(title);

A public function that performs a case-insensitive equality comparison

bool Movie::iequals(const Movieft to_compare) (
return (to_upper(title) ■■ to_upper(to_compare.title) &&
year -- to_compare.year );

Code that calls the public functions

Movie ml;
Movie m2;
if (ml.iequals(m2)) (
cout << "The test movies are equal (case-insensitive) .\n";

// ml.to_upper() // illegal - can't call private member function

cout << "The title is " « ml.get_title() « endl;
cout << "The uppercase title is " << ml.get_title_upper() « endl;
The console
The test movies are equal (case-insensitive).
The title is Test
The uppercase title is TEST

• If you need to code a member function but you don’t want to make it available
outside of the class, you can declare it as private. Since a private function can
be used by other member functions, it’s known as a private helperfunction.

Figure 14-6 How to work with private member functions

526 Section 3 Object-oriented programming

How to convert between numbers and strings

When you define a class, it sometimes helps to provide setter functions for
the same data member that accept different types of data. To do that, you can
code overloaded functions. As you learned in chapter 7, overloaded functions
have the same name but different signatures. The signatures of two functions
can be different because they have a different number of parameters or because
they have the same number of parameters but different data types for those
When working with overloaded setter functions, any function that accepts
a parameter with a data type that’s different from the type of the data member
must convert the parameter to the correct type before storing it in the data
member. To convert from one data type to another, you can use functions like the
ones shown in figure 14-7 for converting between numbers and strings.
Here, the to_string() function converts a number to a string, the stoi()
function converts a string to an integer, and the stod() function converts a string
to a double. To help you remember what the stoi() and stod() functions do,
just remember that the names stand for string to integer and string to Jouble.
Note that if either of these functions isn’t able to convert a string to the speci­
fied numeric data type, it throws an exception. For example, if you attempt to
use the stoi() function to convert a string of “ten” to a number, it will throw an
To illustrate how to use these functions with overloaded setters, this figure
shows the declarations and definitions for two versions of the set_year() function
for the Movie class. By now, you should already understand how the first
set_year() function works. This function accepts a year parameter of the int type.
Then, it checks the year parameter to make sure it’s in a valid range. If so, it sets
the year data member, which is also of the int type, to the value stored in the
year parameter.
The second set_year() function accepts a year parameter of the string type.
As a result, before this parameter can be stored as an integer, this function must
use the stoi() function to convert the string to an int value. Then, the code can
pass the int value to the first set_year() function for validation. If the year is in a
valid range, this sets the year data member to the int value.
Although you could also use the to_string() function to convert a number to
a string before storing it in a data member, you’re more likely to convert strings
to numbers. However, it is common to use this function to convert a number to
a string so it can be concatenated with other strings. This is illustrated by the
to_str() function shown in this figure.
Here, the to_str() function uses the to_string() function to convert the
year data member from the int type to the string type. This allows the to_str()
function to return a string that includes the movie title followed by its year in
Chapter 14 How to define classes 527

Three functions for converting between numbers and strings

Function Description
to_string(num) Converts the specified number to a string and returns the string.
stoi(str) Converts the specified string to an int value and returns that value. If this func­
tion can’t perform the conversion, it throws an exception.
stod(str) Converts the specified string to a double value and returns that value. If this
function can’t perform the conversion, it throws an exception.

The declarations for more functions for the Movie class

void set_year(int year_param);
void set_year(string year_param);
string to_str() const;

A set_year() function that accepts an int value

void Movie::set_year(int year_param) {
if (year_param < 1888) {
throw invalid_argument("Year must be 1888 or later.");
year - year_param;

An overload of the set_year() function that accepts a string

void Movie::set_year(string year_param) {
int yr ■ stoi(year_param); // string to int

A function that returns a string representation of an object

string Movie::to_str() const {
return title + " (" + to_string(year) + ')'; // int to string

Code that calls the three public functions

Movie movie;
movie.set_title("Arrival of a Train");
cout << movie.to_str() << endl;
The console
Arrival of a Train (1895)

• When you define a class, you should consider coding overloaded setter functions
that accept different data types.
• If a setter function accepts a parameter with a data type that’s different from the
type of the data member, you can use the functions shown above to convert the
parameter to the appropriate type.
• The to_string() function is typically used to convert a number to a string so it
can be concatenated with other strings.

Figure 14-7 How to convert between numbers and strings

528 Section 3 Object-oriented programming

How to define constructors

A constructor is a special type of member function that’s automatically
called when you create (construct) an object. Figure 14-8 shows how to define
To start, a constructor must use the same name and capitalization as the
name of the class. For instance, the first example shows that the name of the
constructor for the Movie class must be Movie in both its declaration and its
definition. In addition, this example shows that a constructor does not include a
return type.
The constructor in the first example has zero parameters. As a result, it’s
known as the default constructor. However, the constructor in the second
example has two parameters with default values. Because it provides default
values, no arguments need to be passed to it when it’s used to create an object.
As a result, it can accept arguments and also act as the default constructor. If it’s
used as the default constructor, it initializes the title data member to an empty
string, and it initializes the year data member to a value of 1888.
If you don’t code any constructors, C++ creates a default constructor for
your class. However, there’s no guarantee that the compiler will initialize the
data members of the class to default values. In that case, the data members
would point to whatever old values happen to be in memory. Because of that, it’s
generally considered a best practice to include a default constructor that initial­
izes all data members to default values.
If you code one or more constructors but don’t code a default constructor,
C++ doesn’t create a default constructor for your class. Instead, it forces you to
use one of the non-default constructors. As a result, you can’t use the abbrevi­
ated syntax to call a constructor, which is the syntax you’ve seen so far. Instead,
you must use a syntax that allows you to pass arguments to the constructor.
The third example shows three ways that you can call a default constructor.
Here, the first statement creates a Movie object by explicitly calling its default
constructor. Then, it assigns this Movie object to a Movie variable named ml.
By contrast, the second and third statements don’t explicitly call the default
constructor. Instead, the second statement uses a partially abbreviated syntax
that includes parentheses after the variable name, and the third statement uses an
abbreviated syntax that doesn’t include the parentheses.
If you want to pass arguments to a constructor, you can’t use the abbrevi­
ated syntax. Instead, you have to use the full syntax or the partially abbreviated
syntax as shown in the fourth example. Here, the first and second statements
pass one argument to the Movie constructor. Then, the third and fourth state­
ments pass two arguments to the Movie constructor.
In some cases, you may want to create an object without assigning it to a
variable. To do that, you can call the constructor of a class by coding the name
of the class followed by a set of parentheses. Within those parentheses, you
can code any arguments that you want to send to the constructor. In the fifth
example, for instance, a single statement creates a Movie object by passing its
constructor a title and a year and then adds that object to the end of a vector of
Movie objects.
Chapter 14 How to define classes 529

A default constructor (zero parameters)

The declaration
The definition
Movie::Movie() (
title ■ ■";
year ■ 1888;

Another way to code a default constructor (zero required parameters)

The declaration
Movie(string title ■ ■", int year ■ 1888);
The definition
Movie::Movie(string title, int year) {
set_title(title) ;

Three ways to call the default constructor (no arguments)

Movie ml - Movie(); // full syntax
Movie m2(); // partially abbreviated syntax
Movie m3; // abbreviated syntax

Examples that pass arguments to a constructor

Movie m4 - Movie( "Wizard of Oz"); // passes 1 argument
Movie m5("Wizard of Oz") ; // passes 1 argument
Movie m6 ■ Movie( "Wizard of Oz", 1939); // passes 2 arguments
Movie m7("Wizard of Oz", 1939); // passes 2 arguments

An example that creates an object and stores it in a vector

movies.push_back(Movie("Wizard of Oz", 1939));

• A constructor is a special type of member function that’s automatically called
when you create (construct) an object.
• A constructor must use the same name and capitalization as the name of the class.
• A constructor does not include a return type.
• A default constructor has zero required parameters.
• If you provide default values for each parameter of a constructor, the
constructor can accept arguments and can also act as the default constructor.
• If you don’t code any constructors, C++ creates a default constructor for your class.
However, this default constructor might not initialize data members. As a result, the
data members might point to whatever old values happen to be in memory.
• If you code one or more constructors but don’t code a default constructor, C++
doesn’t create a default constructor for your class.

Figure 14-8 How to define constructors

530 Section 3 Object-oriented programming

How to define destructors

A destructor is a special type of member function that’s automatically called
when an object is destroyed. C++ automatically destroys most objects when they
go out of scope. Figure 14-9 shows how to define destructors.
You code a destructor using a technique that’s similar to the technique for
coding a constructor. However, the name of a destructor must be preceded by
a tilde character (-) and a destructor can’t accept any arguments. In addition, a
class can only contain one destructor.
A common use for a destructor is to free system resources that an object is
using. For example, if an object's constructor dynamically allocates memory as
described in chapter 17. the object’s destructor should free this memory.
The first example in this figure shows how to code the declaration and
definition for a destructor for the Movie class. Since this class doesn't allocate
any memory or use any other system resources, the destructor for this class
just contains a comment that indicates that you could add code to free system
resources here. Although it’s a relatively common practice to code destructors
that don’t contain any code, and many IDEs generate code like this when you
create a class, the programs in this book only use destructors when they’re
needed to release system resources.
The second example begins by showing the declaration for a MovieList
class that works with a file, which requires a system resource. Then, this
example shows the code for the constructor. This code uses the open() function
of the fstream class to open the file named movies.txt. Next, this example shows
the code for the destructor. This code begins by using the is_open() function of
the fstream class to check if the file is open. If it is, this code uses the close()
function of the fstream class to close the connection to the file, which frees the
system resource.
Chapter 14 How to define classes 531

A destructor
The declaration
-Movie() ;
The definition
Movie::-Movie() {
// code that frees system resources goes here

An example of a class with a destructor

The declaration
class MovieList {
string filename ■ "movies.txt";
fstream file;
vector<Movie> movies;
void add_movie(Movie);
void delete_movie(Movie);
The definition for the constructor
MovieList::MovieList() {, ios::in); // open a system resource
The definition for the destructor
MovieList::-MovieList() {
if (file.is_open())
file.closeO; // close a system resource

• A destructor is a special type of member function that’s automatically called
when an object is destroyed. C++ automatically destroys most objects when
they go out of scope.
• A destructor must use the same name and capitalization as the name of the
class and be preceded by a tilde character (-).
• A destructor can’t include a return type.
• A destructor can’t accept any arguments.
• A class can only contain one destructor.
• A common use for a destructor is to free system resources that an object is

Figure 14-9 How to define destructors

532 Section 3 Object-oriented programming

How to store a class in header

and source files
When you code classes, it’s common to store them in separate header and
source files. This makes it easier to reuse a class, which is one of the primary
benefits of using classes.

The header and source files for a Movie class

Figure 14-10 presents the header and source files for a Movie class. To start,
it presents the code for the header file. This code is stored in the Movie.h file.
Like the header files presented in chapter 7. this header file uses an include
guard to prevent the compiler from including the same header file twice. To do
that, it uses the #ifndef, #define. and #endif preprocessor directives to check
whether a constant named MURACH_MOVIE_H has been defined. For this to
work correctly, this constant must have a unique name.
After including the string header file, the Movie.h header file declares a class
named Movie. To start, this class has a private section that defines three data
members (title, year, and stars) and a helper function named to_upper(). Then,
this class has a public section that declares a constructor and seven functions.
The constructor provides default values for all three data members. As a
result, none of these data members are required when an object is created, so
this constructor can be the default constructor. In addition, it allows you to pass
arguments to specify the data members. This is a flexible and concise way to
code a constructor.
Of the seven member function declarations, the first six are getters and
setters for the three data members. Then, the iequalsQ function provides a way to
perform a case-insensitive comparison of two Movie objects.
Note that this header file follows the best practice of not providing any using
directives or declarations. That way, other classes that include this header file
won’t have any objects or functions imported into its namespace. For example,
instead of coding a using declaration for the string class, this code uses the scope
resolution operator (::) to fully qualify the string class ever}' time it’s used in the
header file.
The Movie.cpp file contains the definitions for the functions declared in
the header file. In other words, this file implements these functions. As a result,
the Movie.cpp file is sometimes called the implementation file. On the other
hand, the header file provides the interface for using the class. As a result, it’s
sometimes called the interface file.
The source file begins by including all necessary header files, including the
Movie.h header file. Then, it includes two using declarations that make it easy to
use the std::string and std::invalid_argument classes. Next, it defines the private
to_upper() function that works like the to_upper() function described earlier in
this chapter.
After the private function, this code declares the constructor for the class.
This constructor sets the data members by passing its parameters to the
Chapter 14 How to define classes 533

The Movie.h file


#include <string>

class Movie {
std::string title;
int year;
int stars;

std::string to_upper(std::string);
Movie(std::string title ■ "", int year ■ 1888, int stars - 1);

Movie set_title(std::string);
std::string get_title() const;

Movie set_year(int);
int get_year() const;

Movie set_stars(int);
int get_stars() const;

bool iequals(const Movieft);


#endif // MURACH_MOVIE_H

The Movie.cpp file

#include "Movie.h"
ftinclude <string>

using std::string;
using std::invalid_argument;

// private function
string Movie::to_upper(string str) {
string str_upper;
for (char c : str) {
return str_upper;

// public functions
Movie::Movie(string title, int year, int stars) {
set_title(title) ;

Figure 14-10 The header and source files for a Movie class (part 1 of 2)
534 Section 3 Object-oriented programming

appropriate setter functions. For example, it passes the year parameter to the
set_year() function. That way, the setter function can validate the value that’s
passed to it.
The definitions for the next six functions work as you would expect. Here,
all of the setter functions validate their parameters. This helps to make sure that a
Movie object stores valid data. For example, this code makes sure the title string
is 120 characters or less. Similarly, it makes sure that the number of stars for a
movie ranges from one to five.
The iequalsf) function provides a way to perform a case-insensitive compar­
ison of two Movie objects. To do that, it uses the private to_upper() function to
convert both movie titles to uppercase before comparing them. However, this
function doesn’t include the number of stars in the comparison. As a result, the
two movies are considered equal if the titles are equal (not including case) and
the years are equal.
Chapter 14 How to define classes 535

The Movie.cpp file (continued)

void Movie::set_title(string title_param) (
if (title_param.size() > 120) (
throw invalid_argument(
"Title must not have more than 120 chars.");
title ■ title_param;

string Movie::get_title() const {

return title;

void Movie::set_year(int year_param) {

if (year_param < 1888) (
throw invalid_argument("Year must be 1888 or later.");
year - year_param;

int Movie::get_year() const {

return year;

void Movie::set_stars(int stars_param) {

if (stars_param < 1 || stars_param >5) {
throw invalid_argument("Stars must be from 1 to 5.");
stars ■ stars_param;

int Movie::get_stars() const {

return stars;

bool Movie::iequals(const Movie& to_compare) {

return (to_upper(title) -- to_upper(to_compare.title) &&
year -- to_compare.year);

• It’s a common practice to store the interface for a class in a header file and the
source code that implements the interface in another file. This works much like
storing functions in header and source files as described in chapter 7.

Figure 14-10 The header and source files for a Movie class (part 2 of 2)
536 Section 3 Object-oriented programming

When and how to use inline functions

In the previous figure, all of the member function declarations for the Movie
class were coded in the header, and all of the function definitions were coded in
the source file. But. as figure 14-11 shows, you can also code the definition of
a member function in the header file. In that case, the function is known as an
inline function.
When you code an inline function, you are giving the compiler a hint that
you would like it to optimize the executable file by replacing each function call
with the code in the function itself. This process is known as inline expansion.
Although inline expansion can reduce the overhead needed to call a function, it
can also cause the code for the function to be duplicated in multiple places in the
executable file, which increases the size of the executable file.
One advantage of inline functions is that they can make your code more
concise since they allow you to declare and define the function in the same place.
Another advantage is that they can result in improved performance since they
avoid the overhead that’s needed to call a function.
However, there are several disadvantages to using inline functions. To start,
because an inline function’s code is duplicated in the executable file, the size
of the executable file is increased. This larger file size can sometimes degrade
performance. In addition, it’s necessary to recompile the header file if you
change any of the implementation code of the inline function.
When you code an inline function, there is no guarantee that the compiler
will use your hint. In other words, the compiler may decide that the best way
to optimize the executable file is to not use inline expansion for the function.
Conversely, modem compilers may use inline expansion automatically, even for
functions that aren’t coded as inline functions. In other words, they may decide
that they can optimize the executable file by using inline expansion on a regular
So, when should you use inline functions? Unfortunately, there’s no simple
answer because it depends on your system. In general, though, it makes sense to
use inline functions for functions that are short and are unlikely to change. That’s
the case for the header file for the Movie class shown here, which uses inline
get_title() and get_year() functions. The main benefit of this approach is that it
results in code that’s concise and easy to read. It also results in code that should
work well with older compilers or modern ones.
On the other hand, the set_title() and set_year() functions are longer and
more likely to change since they contain code that validates the data that’s passed
to them. That’s why this header file just declares these functions and leaves it to
the source file to implement them.
Chapter 14 How to define classes 537

A Movie.h file that uses inline function definitions


#include <string>

class Movie {
std::string title;
int year;
int stars;
std::string to_upper(std::string);
Movie(std::string title ■ "", int year ■ 1888, int stars =1);

void set_title(std::string);
std::string get_title() const { return title; } // inline function

void set_year(int);
int Movie::get_year() const ( return year; } // inline function

// other function declarations go here


#endif // MURACH_MOVIE_H

Pros of inline functions

• More concise code due to function being declared and defined in the same place.
• Possible improved performance due to avoiding function call overhead.

Cons of inline functions

• Larger executable file size because the inline function is duplicated each time
it’s called.
• Possible degraded performance due to larger executable file size.
• Header file must be recompiled if you change any of the implementation code
of the inline function.

• If you code the definition of a member function in the header file, the function is
known as an inline function.
• When you code an inline function, you are giving the compiler a hint that you
would like it to optimize the executable file by using a process known as inline
expansion. Inline expansion replaces each function call with the code in the
function itself.
• When you code an inline function, there is no guarantee that the compiler will
use your hint.
• Modem compilers often use inline expansion automatically, even for functions
that aren't coded as inline functions.

Figure 14-11 When and how to use inline functions

538 Section 3 Object-oriented programming

The Movie List 2.0 program

Figure 14-12 presents another version of the Movie List program. This
program is similar to the Movie List 2.0 program presented in chapter 9.
However, it uses a Movie class to store the data for the movie, not a Movie
structure. Because of that, this figure highlights the code that works with the
Movie object that’s created from the Movie class.
To start, this code imports the Movie.h header file presented earlier in this
chapter. As a result, this code can use the Movie class defined by that header.
Chapter 14 How to define classes 539

The console
The Movie List program

v - View movie list
a - Add a movie
d - Delete a movie
x - Exit

Command: v
1 Casablanca 1942 5
2 Wonder Woman 2017 4

Command: a
Title: The Wizard of Oz
Year: 1939
Stars (1-5): 5
The Wizard of Oz was added.

Command - d
Number: 1
Casablanca was deleted.

Command: x

The code
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <sstream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "Movie.h"

using namespace std;

const string movies_file - "movies.txt";

vector<Movie> read_movies_from_file() {
vector<Movie> movies;

ifstream input_file(movies_file);
if (input_file) ( // if file opened successfully...
string line;
while (getline(input_file, line)) (
stringstream ss(line);

Figure 14-12 The Movie List 2.0 program (part 1 of 4)

540 Section 3 Object-oriented programming

In part 2 of figure 14-12, the code uses a single statement to add the Movie
objects to the vector of Movie objects. To do that, this code calls the constructor
of the Movie class and passes it the title, year, and stars that have been read from
the file. Then, it passes the movie to the push_back() function of the vector.
In the write_movies_to_file() function, the code uses the getter functions to
get the data from the Movie object. This is necessary because the data members
of the Movie class are private. As a result, you can’t access them directly.
Instead, you must use these getter functions to get values from the data members.
Similarly, the view_movies() function uses the getter functions to get the values
from the data members.
In part 3. the get_movie() function creates a Movie object and stores it in a
variable named movie. To do that, it passes the title, year, and stars entered by
the user to the constructor of the Movie class. Then, the next statement returns
the Movie object. Alternately, this code could return the Movie object without
creating a variable for it by coding the return statement like this:
return Movie(title, year, stars);
In the add_movie() function, the code uses the iequalsf) function to compare
the current Movie object with every movie in the vector of Movie objects. If
the current Movie already exists in the vector, this code uses the set_stars() and
get_stars() functions to set the number of stars for the existing movie to the
number of stars for the new movie. In other words, it doesn't add a new movie
to the list since the title and year are the same. Instead, it updates the number of
stars, which might be different.
The rest of the code in this listing works mostly as described in chapter 9.
As a result, you shouldn’t have much trouble understanding how it works. The
only difference of any significance is that the add_movie() and delete_movie()
functions use the get_title() function to get the title of the movie instead of
directly accessing the data member.
As you review this code, you may wonder why it doesn’t use a try statement
to catch the exceptions that might be thrown by the constructor of the Movie
class. In the read_movies_from_file() function, this isn’t necessary if the data
in the file is valid. However, in the get_movie() function, it would be a good
practice to catch these exceptions and handle them. It would be an even better
practice to prevent these exceptions from being thrown in the first place by
validating user input so no invalid data is passed to the Movie object. To do that,
you could use functions from the console namespace described in chapter 7.
Chapter 14 How to define classes 541

The code (continued)

string title;
int year;
int stars;
getline(ss, title, '\t'); // get title
ss » year >> stars; // get year and stars

// add movie to vector

movies.push_back(Movie(title, year, stars));
return movies;

void write_movies_to_file(const vector<Movie>& movies) {

ofstream output_file(movies_file);
if (output_file) { // if file opened successfully...
for (Movie movie : movies) {
output_file << movie.get_title() << '\t•
<< movie.get_year() << '\t'
<< movie.get_stars() « '\n';

void viewjnovies(const vector<Movie>& movies) {

int col_width - 8;
cout « left
<< setw(col_width / 2) << " "
<< setw(col_width * 4) << "TITLE"
« setw(col_width) « "YEAR"
<< setw(col_width) « "STARS" « endl;

int number ■ 1;
for (Movie movie : movies) {
cout << setw(col_width / 2) << number
« setw(col_width * 4) « movie.get_titie()
« setw(col_width) << movie.get_year()
« setw(col_width) << movie.get_stars() << endl;
cout « endl;

Movie get_movie() {
string title;
cout « "Title: ■;
cin.ignore(1000, ’\n');
getline(cin, title);

int year;
cout « "Year: ";
cin >> year;

Figure 14-12 The Movie List 2.0 program (part 2 of 4)

542 Section 3 Object-oriented programming

The code (continued)

int stars;
cout « "Stars (1-5):
cin >> stars;

Movie movie(title, year, stars);

return movie;

void add_movie(vector<Movie>& movies) {

Movie movie - get_movie();

// check if movie already exists

bool already_exists ■ false;
for (Movieft m : movies) {
if (m.iequals(movie)) {
already_exists - true;

if (already_exists) (
write_movies_to_file(movies );
cout « movie.get_title() « " was updated.\n\n" ;
else (
movies.push_back(movie) ;
cout « movie.get_title() « " was added.\n\n";

int get_movie_number(const vector<Movie>& movies) (

int number;
while (true) {
cout « "Number: ";
cin >> number;
if (number > 0 && number <■ movies.size()) {
return number;
else (
cout << "Invalid movie number. Try again.\n";

Figure 14-12 The Movie List 2.0 program (part 3 of 4)

Chapter 14 How to define classes 543

The code (continued)

void delete_movie(vector<Movie>& movies) {
int number ■ get_movie_number(movies);

int index ■ number - 1;

Movie movie - movies[index];
movies.erase(movies.begin() + index);
write_movies_to_file(movies );
cout « movie.get_title() << ■ was deleted.\n\n";

void display_menu() {
cout « "COMMANDS\n"
<< "v - View movie list\n"
<< "a - Add a movie\n"
<< "d - Delete a movie\n"
« "x - Exit\n\n";

int main() {
cout « "The Movie List program\n\n";
vector<Movie> movies ■ read_movies_from_file();
char command - ' v ’ ;
while (command != 'x') (
cout << "Command:
cin >> command;
switch (command) (
case 'v':
case 'a':
add_movie(movies) ;
case 'd':
case 'x':
cout << "Bye!\n\n";
cout << "Not a valid command. Please try again.\n\n";

Figure 14-12 The Movie List 2.0 program (part 4 of 4)

544 Section 3 Object-oriented programming

How to work with UML diagrams

When working with classes, it’s common to use a diagram known as a class
diagram to plan and document the data members and functions of a class. To
do that, it’s common to use Unified Modeling Language (UML), a modeling
language that's the industry standard for working with all object-oriented
programming languages including C++.

An introduction to UML diagrams

Figure 14-13 presents two UML diagrams. The first diagram is for the Movie
class that was presented in figure 14-10. The second diagram is for the Product
class that’s presented later in this chapter.
The diagram for the Movie class contains three data members and nine
member functions. Here, the minus sign (-) identifies private members that are
available only within the current class. Conversely, the plus sign (+) identifies
public members that are available to other classes. For example, all three data
members are private, but only the to_upper() member function is private. The
rest of the member functions, including the constructor, are public.
The diagram for the Product class contains three data members and seven
member functions. Here, the first data member is public. As a result, this
class doesn't need to include getter and setter functions for this data member.
However, the second and third data members are private. As a result, this class
includes public getter and setter functions for them. In addition, it includes
a constructor and two other functions named get_discount_amount() and
These get_discount_amount() and get_discount_percent() functions get data
that can’t be set in the object. As a result, these functions are known as read-only
functions. These functions calculate the values that they return from other data
As you review these diagrams, note that the name of each function is
followed by a set of parentheses. Within the parentheses, these diagrams specify
the names of the parameters of the function. However, they don’t specify the data
types for these parameters. Similarly, these diagrams don’t specify the return
types for the functions.
In most cases, you can guess the data types from the names. For example,
a parameter named title is most likely a string, a parameter named year is most
likely an int, and a function named get_price() most likely returns a double
value. However, if you want to explicitly specify data types in your diagrams,
you can do that by using the notation described in the next figure.
Chapter 14 How to define classes 545

A UML diagram for the Movie class from figure 14-10


♦Movie(title, year, stars)

+get_title ()
+set_stars(stars) functions
+get_stars ()

A UML diagram for the Product class from figure 14-15

♦name Data

♦Product(name, price, disc_pct)

+set_discount_percent(disc_pct) Member
+get_discount_percent() functions

• UML (Unified Modeling Language) is the industry standard used to describe
the classes and objects of an object-oriented program.
• A UML class diagram describes the data members and member functions of
one or more classes.
• The minus sign (-) marks the private members that can’t be accessed by other
classes, and the plus sign (+) marks the public members that can be accessed by
other classes.
• For each member function, the name is followed by a set of parentheses.
Within the parentheses, the class diagram specifies the parameters of the
• When a member function provides a way to get data that can’t be set in the
object, it’s known as a read-only function.

Figure 14-13 An introduction to UML diagrams

546 Section 3 Object-oriented programming

UML diagrams with data types

Figure 14-14 presents the same Movie and Product diagrams from the last
figure. In this figure, however, these diagrams also specify the data types used
by the data members and the member functions. To do that, these diagrams
specify a colon and the data type after the name of the data member or function
parameter. Or. to specify the return type of a function, these diagrams include
the colon and the data type after the parentheses of the function.
If you compare these diagrams to the diagrams in the previous figure, you’ll
find that the data types clutter the diagram and make it a little harder to read.
As a result, if you don’t need to specify the data types, you might want to leave
them out. Or, as a middle ground, you might want to only specify them for the
data members. Of course, this depends on what you’re using the class diagrams
for and how detailed you need your documentation or specification to be.
Chapter 14 How to define classes 547

A UML diagram for the Movie class from figure 14-10

-title : string
-year : int
-stars : int

♦Movie(title : string, year : int, stars : int)

+set_titie(title : string) : void
+get_title() : string
+set_year(year : int) : void Member
+get_year() : int >
+set_stars(stars : int) : void
+get_stars() : int
♦iequals(movie : Movie) : bool
-to_upper(str : string) : string

A UML diagram for the Product class from figure 14-15

♦name : string Data
-price : double members
-discount_percent : int

♦Product(name : string, price : double, disc_pct : int)

+set_j>rice (price : double) : void
+get_price() : double
+set_discount_percent(disc_pct : int) : void
+get_discount_percent () : int functions
+get_discount_amount() : double
+get_discount_price() : double

• After the names of the data members and function parameters, these class
diagrams specify a colon and the data type.
• After the parentheses of a function, these class diagrams specify a colon and
the return type for the function.

Figure 14-14 UML diagrams with data types

548 Section 3 Object-oriented programming

A Product class that implements a UML diagram

To round out your understanding of UML. figure 14-15 shows a Product
class that implements the diagram presented in the previous two figures. Note
that this class doesn’t encapsulate the name data member. Instead, it only encap­
sulates the product’s price and discount percent.
Part 1 of this figure shows the header file for the Product class. To start, the
private section declares the two data members that are encapsulated. Then, the
public section declares the public data member, the constructor, the four getter
and setter functions, and the two read-only functions. As you review this code,
note that both of the getter functions are coded as inline functions.
Chapter 14 How to define classes 549

The Product.h file


#include <string>

class Product {
double price;
int discount_percent;

std::string name;
Product(std::string name ■ double price - 0.0,
int discount_pct ■ 0);

void set_price(double);
double get_price() const {
return price;

void set_discount_percent(int);
int get_discount_percent() const {
return discount_percent;

double get_discount_amount();
double get_discount_price ();


Figure 14-15 A Product class that implements ta UML diagram (part 1 of 2)

550 Section 3 Object-oriented programming

Part 2 of figure 14-15 shows the code that implements the header file for the
Product class. To start, this code defines the constructor for this class. This code
assigns the first parameter to the name data member by directly accessing this
data member. Then, it assigns the second parameter to the price data member by
passing it to the set_price() function. Similarly, it assigns the third parameter to
the discount_percent data member by passing it to the set_discount_percent()
function. That way, the class can validate the data being assigned to these data
As you review this code, note that it doesn't need to implement the getter
functions for the price and discount_percent data members. That’s because these
functions were defined as inline functions in the header file. As a result, the
header file contains the implementation for these functions.
Also, note that the get_discount_amount() and get_discount_price()
functions don’t get or set any data members. Instead, they use the data members
to calculate a result. Then, they return the result of that calculation. For example,
the get_discount_amount() function calculates the discount amount by multi­
plying the price by the discount percent. Similarly, the get_discount_price()
function calculates the discount price by subtracting the discount amount from
the price. This is a good example of how a class can include functions that
operate on its data members.
Chapter 14 How to define classes 551

The Product.cpp file

ftinclude <string>
#include <cmath>
#include "Product.h"

using std::string;
using std::invalid_argument;

Product::Product(string p_name, double price, int discount_percent) {

name - p_name;

void Product::set_price(double p_price) {

if (p_price >= 0.0)
price ■ round(p_price * 100) I 100;
throw invalid_argument("Price can't be negative.");

void Product::set_discount_percent(int p_discount_percent) {

if (p_discount_percent >■ 0 && p_discount_percent <■ 100)
discount_percent - p_discount_percent;
throw invalid_argument("Invalid range for discount percent.");

double Product::get_discount_amount() {
double discount_amount - price * discount_percent / 100;
return round(discount_amount * 100) I 100;

double Product::get_discount_price() {
double discount_price ■ price - get_discount_amount();
return round(discount_price * 100) / 100;

Figure 14-15 A Product class that implements ta UML diagram (part 2 of 2)

552 Section 3 Object-oriented programming

The Product Viewer program

Figure 14-16 shows a simple but complete program named Product Viewer
that uses objects created from the Product class. This program begins by
displaying a numbered list of three products. Then, the user can view the data for
a product by entering its number.
To start, the code in part 1 includes the header file for the Product
class presented in the previous figure. Then, it defines a function named
show_products() that displays a numbered list of products. This function
accepts a vector that contains one or more Product objects. To display these
Product objects, a range-based for loop iterates through the vector. Within the
loop, the code increments the counter variable named number. In addition,
it displays this number followed by the name that’s stored in the current
Product object. To get this name, the code directly accesses the name data
The show_product() function displays the data for a product. To do that, it
accepts a constant reference parameter that’s a Product object. Then, it uses the
name data member to display the name. Next, it uses the two getter functions to
display the price and discount percent. Finally, it uses its two read-only functions
to display the discount amount and discount price.
Chapter 14 How to define classes 553

The console
The Product Viewer program

1. Stanley 13 Ounce Wood Hammer
2. National Hardware 3/4" Wire Nails
3. Economy Duct Tape, 60 yds. Silver

Enter product number: 1

Name: Stanley 13 Ounce Wood Hammer
Price: 12.99
Discount percent: 62
Discount amount: 8.05
Discount price: 4.94

View another product? (y/n):

The code
tinclude <iostream>
(♦include <string>
(♦include <vector>
(♦include ■Product.h"

using namespace std;

void show_products(const vector<Product>& products) {

cout « "PRODUCTS\n";
int number =0;
for (Product product : products) {
cout « ++number << ". " << « endl;
cout « endl;

void show_product(const Product& p) {

« "Name: w « « endl

« ■Price: w « p.get_price() << endl

« ■Discount percent: w « p.get_discount_percent() << endl

« ■Discount amount: w « p.get_discount_amount() << endl
« ■Discount price: w « p.get_discount_price() << "\n\n"

Figure 14-16 The Product Viewer program (part 1 of 2)

554 Section 3 Object-oriented programming

In part 2 of figure 14-16, the main() function begins by displaying the title
of the program. Then, it creates a vector of Product objects. Note that this code
doesn't assign the Product objects it creates to variables. Instead, it calls the
constructor of the Product class to create each object, and it stores each object in
the vector without going through the intermediate step of creating a variable to
store the object.
After creating the vector of Product objects, this code passes that vector
to the show_products() function defined in part 1 of this figure. This displays
the numbered list of products. Then, this code uses a while loop to display the
information for one or more products. To do that, the code in the loop prompts
the user to enter a number that corresponds to a product. Next, it checks if
the number entered by the user corresponds to a Product object from the
vector of Product objects. If it does, the code passes that Product object to the
show_product() function. This displays the data for the product object.
Chapter 14 How to define classes 555

The code (continued)

int main() {
cout « "The Product Viewer program\n\n" ;

vector<Product> products;
product s.push_back(
Product("Stanley 13 Ounce Wood Hammer", 12.99, 62));
product s.push_back(
Product("National Hardware 3/4\" Wire Nails", 5.06, 0));
product s.push_back(
Product("Economy Duct Tape, 60 yds. Silver", 7.24, 0));


char choice - 'y';

while (choice ■ ■ 'y') (
int number;
cout << "Enter product number: ";
cin >> number;
cout << endl;

if (number > 0 && number <= products.size()) (

Product product - products[number -1];
else (
cout << "There is no product with that number.\n\n";

cout << "View another product? (y/n): ■;

cin >> choice;
cout << endl;
cout « "Bye!\n\n";

Figure 14-16 The Product Viewer program (part 2 of 2)

556 Section 3 Object-oriented programming

How to work with object composition

So far in this chapter, you have learned how to define a class that has data
members with types from the C++ standard library, like string and double.
However, you can also define a class that stores one or more user-defined objects.
To do that, you can use object composition to combine simple objects into more
complex data structures.
To illustrate how object composition works, the topics that follow start by
presenting a class named Die that can store information about a single die. Then,
they present a class named Dice that can store multiple Die objects. Finally, they
present a simple Dice Roller program that uses both the Die and Dice objects.

A Die class
Figure 14-17 begins by showing a UML diagram for a Die class that defines
a single six-sided die. This class has a single private data member named
value that has a public getter function. In addition, the class provides a default
constructor for the class, as well as a public function named roll() that sets the
value data member to a random value from 1 to 6.
The header file for the Die class defines the private data member and
declares all of the public functions in the UML diagram. Then, the source code
file implements these functions. To start, it imports the header files that it needs
to get a random number, as well as the header file for the Die class.
The constructor for the Die class uses the srand() function to seed the rand()
function that’s used in the roll() member function. Then, the constructor initial­
izes the value of the die to 1. As a result, when you first create a Die object, its
value is set to 1.
The roll() function begins by using the rand() function with the modulus
operator (%) to get a value from 0 to 5. Then, the next statement increments this
value so it’s from 1 to 6.
As you would expect, the get_value() function returns the value. This
provides a way for the calling code to get the value after the roll() function has
been called.
Chapter 14 How to define classes 557

A UML diagram for a Die class

The Die.h file

#ifndef MURACH_DIE_H
#define MURACH_DIE_H

class Die {
int value;

void roll();
int get_value() const;

Sendif // MURACH_DIE_H

The Die.cpp file

tinclude <cstdlib>
#include <ctime>
tinclude "Die.h"

Die::Die() {
srand(time(nullptr)); // seed the rand() function
value ■ 1;

void Die::roll() {
value ■ rand() % 6; // value is : ■ 0 and <= 5
♦♦value; // value is : = 1 and <= 6

int Die::get_value() const (

return value;

Figure 14-17 A Die class

558 Section 3 Object-oriented programming

A Dice class
Figure 14-18 begins by presenting a UML diagram that shows how object
composition works. More specifically, this diagram shows that a Dice object is
composed of one or more Die objects. To show this relationship, this diagram
connects the two classes with a line, and it places a diamond connector next
to the Dice class to show that it’s the object that’s composed of other objects.
It may not seem like much, but being able to define an object that’s composed
of other user-defined objects is a powerful feature that allows you to create
complex data structures that you can customize for each program that you
The header file for the Dice class starts by including the header files it
needs. This includes the header file for the Die class, which shows that the
Dice class uses Die objects. Then, the Dice header file defines a single private
data member named dice that’s initialized to an empty vector of Die objects.
Finally, it declares the public functions in the UML diagram, including a default
The source code file for the Dice class implements these functions. To start,
it defines a default constructor. This constructor doesn’t perform any initializa­
tion because the dice data member doesn’t need to be initialized. However, if
you later wanted to initialize the vector by setting its capacity, you could add
that code here.
The add_die() function adds a Die object to the vector. To do that, this
function calls the push_back() function of the Dice object to add the Die object
to the end of the vector.
The roll_all() function rolls all of the Die objects that have been added to the
vector. To do that, this code loops through the Die objects in the Dice object and
calls the roll() function for each one.
The get_dice() function is a getter function for the dice data member. It
returns the vector of Die objects that’s stored in that data member. This provides
a way for the calling code to get the value from each Die object in the Dice
Chapter 14 How to define classes 559

A UML diagram for two classes that use composition

Dice Die
-dice : vector<Die> -value : int
♦Dice () +Die()
+add die(die : Die) : void +roll() : void
+roll_all() : void +get_value() : int
+get_dice() : vector<Die>

The Dice.h file


tinclude <vector>
tinclude "Die.h"

class Dice {
std::vector<Die> dice;
void add_die(Die die);
void roll_all();
std::vector<Die> get_dice() const;

ftendif // MURACH_DICE_H

The Dice.cpp file

tinclude "Dice.h"

Dice::Dice() {}

void Dice::add_die(Die die) {


void Dice::roll_all() {
for (Die& die : dice) {

std::vector<Die> Dice::get_dice() const (

return dice;

• Object composition is a way to combine simple objects into more complex
ones. For example, one Dice object can store multiple Die objects.
• In a UML diagram, you can use the diamond connector to identify the object
that is composed of other objects.

Figure 14-18 A Dice class

560 Section 3 Object-oriented programming

The Dice Roller program

Figure 14-19 shows a program named Dice Roller that uses the Die and Dice
classes. To start, the code for this program includes the header files for the Die
and Dice classes.
After the using directive, the main() function starts by displaying the title
of the program. Then, it prompts the user to enter the number of dice to roll.
Next, it creates a Dice object and uses a loop to create the correct number of Die
objects and add them to the Dice object. To do that, this code uses the abbrevi­
ated syntax to call the default constructors for these objects.
After creating the Dice object, the code enters a loop that continues while
the user enters ‘y’. This loop begins by calling the roll_all() function of the Dice
object to roll all of the dice. Then, it loops through each of the Die objects and
prints the value of each Die object to the console. To do that, this code calls the
get_dice() function to get the vector of Die objects from the Dice object.
After displaying the roll, this code asks if user wants to roll again. If the user
enters ‘y’ for yes, the condition at the top of the loop evaluates to true, so the
loop is executed again. Otherwise, the condition at the top of the loop evaluates
to false, so the loop ends. Then, a goodbye message is printed and the program
At this point, you may realize that you could accomplish the same results
with less code by not using the Die and Dice objects. So. why bother creating
these objects?
One advantage of using these objects is that it shields the programmer who
uses these classes from the technical details of how the classes work. In this
case, the Die class shields the programmer who uses that class from how the
random value is generated. In other words, the programmer doesn’t need to
know how to use the srand() and rand() functions to get a random value from 1
to 6. That might not be a big selling point for a simple class like the Die class,
but it is for classes where the underlying technical details are more complex.
Another advantage is that these objects promote code reusability. In other
words, the Dice Roller program isn’t the only program that can use Die and
Dice objects. Other programs that need to roll six-sided dice can also use these
classes, especially if you continue to improve their functionality and ease of use.
Chapter 14 How to define classes 561

The console
The Dice Roller program

Enter the number of dice to roll: 5

YOUR ROLL: 15126

Roll again? (y/n): y

YOUR ROLL: 11434

Roll again? (y/n): y

YOUR ROLL: 54622

Roll again? (y/n): n


The code
tinclude <iostream>
tinclude "Die.h"
tinclude "Dice.h"

using namespace std;

int main() {
cout « "The Dice Roller program\n\n" ;

// get number of dice from user

int count;
cout « "Enter the number of dice to roll: ";
cin >> count;

// create Dice object and add Die objects to it

Dice dice;
for (int i ■ 0; i < count; ++i) (
Die die;

char choice - 'y';

while (choice ■ ■ 'y') (
// roll the dice
cout << -YOUR ROLL: ";
for (Die die : dice.get_dice()) (
cout « die.get_value() << " ";
cout << endl;

cout << "Roll again? (y/n): ";

cin >> choice;
cout « "Bye!\n\n";

Figure 14-19 The Dice Roller program

562 Section 3 Object-oriented programming

The Pig Dice game

This chapter finishes by presenting a Pig Dice game that uses an object to
store all variables related to the state of the game. This makes it easy to pass the
game state from one function to another.
In addition, this Pig Dice game uses the Die class described earlier in this
chapter. This shows that the Die class can be used in multiple programs.

The console
Figure 14-20 begins by showing the console for the Pig Dice game. The
console begins by displaying the rules for the game. Then, it prompts the user to
roll the die or hold the die. If the user holds, the total of all the points rolled for
that turn are added to the overall total and the turn ends. If the user rolls and the
roll is a 1, though, the turn ends and the points rolled for that turn are lost. The
game continues for as many turns as it takes for the player to get to at least 20

The code
The code begins by including the header file for the Die class shown earlier
in this chapter. Then, the code defines a structure for the GameState object. This
structure defines six public data members to store the state of the game, and it
initializes these data members to values that are appropriate for a new game. For
example, the turn data member is set to 1, the score data member is set to 0, and
the game_over data member is set to false. In addition, the die data member is
initialized by using the abbreviated syntax to call the default constructor of the
Die class.
At this point, you may wonder why this program doesn’t use a class instead
of a structure. The answer is that the GameState object applies to this program
and isn’t designed to be reused by other programs. It just provides a way to
combine some related data members that are needed by the program. Also, it
doesn’t need to provide encapsulation for these data members. As a result, it’s a
good candidate to be a structure instead of a class.
After defining the GameState structure, this code declares five functions
that are used to organize the code. Of these functions, the last four accept the
GameState object as a reference parameter. As a result, the code within these
functions can get any of the data members of the GameState object to check the
state of the game, and it can set any of these data members to change the state of
the game.
Chapter 14 How to define classes 563

The console
Let's Play PIG!

* See how many turns it takes you to get to 20.

* Turn ends when you hold or roll a 1.
* If you roll a 1, you lose all points for the turn
* If you hold. you save all points for the turn.

Roll or hold? (r/h): r
Die: 5
Roll or hold? (r/h): r
Die: 4
Roll or hold? (r/h): r
Die: 5
Roll or hold? (r/h): h
Score for turn: 14
Total score: 14

Roll or hold? (r/h): r
Die: 6
Roll or hold? (r/h): h
Score for turn: 6
Total score: 20

You finished in 2 turns!

Game over!

The code
tinclude <iostream>
tinclude "Die.h"

using namespace std;

//a struct for game variables

struct Gamestate {
int turn - 1;
int score ■ 0;
int score_this_turn =0;
bool tum_over ■ false;
bool gameover ■ false;
Die die;

// declare functions
void display_rules();
void play_game(GameState&);
void take_turn(GameState&);
void roll_die(GameState&);
void hold_tum(GameState&) ;

Figure 14-20 The Pig Dice game (part 1 of 3)

564 Section 3 Object-oriented programming

In part 2 of figure 14-20. the main() function begins by calling the

display_rules() function to display the welcome message and rules for the
game. Then, it creates a GameState object and passes it to the play_game()
The play_game() function contains the code that’s called when the game
is started. This code starts the main loop for the game. This loop continues
until the game_over data member of the GameState object is set to true. Within
this loop, a single statement calls the take_tum() function and passes it the
GameState object.
The take_tum() function begins by printing the turn number. To do that,
it gets the turn from the GameState object. Then, it resets the turn_over data
member. This isn’t necessary on the first turn, but it is necessary for subsequent
turns. Next, it begins a while loop that continues until the turn_over data member
is set to true.
Within the loop, the code starts by prompting the user to choose whether to
roll or hold. If the user chooses to roll, this code calls the roll_die() function and
passes the GameState object to it. If the user chooses to hold, this code calls the
hold_tum() function and passes the GameState object to it.
Chapter 14 How to define classes 565

The code (continued)

int main() {
GameState game;
play_game(game) ;

// define functions
void di splay_rules() {
cout « "Let's Play PIG!\n"
<< "\n"
<< ■* See how many turns it takes you to get to 20.\n"
<< ■* Turn ends when you hold or roll a l.\n"
<< ■* If you roll a 1, you lose all points for the tum.\n"
<< ■* If you hold, you save all points for the turn.\n\n";

void play_game(GameStatefc game) {

while (!game.game_over) {
cout « "Game over!\n";

void take_turn(GameState& game) {

cout « "TURN " « game.turn << endl;
game.turn_over - false;
while (!game.turn_over) {
char choice;
cout << "Roll or hold? (r/h): ";
cin » choice;

if (choice ■■ 'r')
else if (choice ■■ 'h')
cout << "Invalid choice. Try again.\n";

Figure 14-20 The Pig Dice game (part 2 of 3)

566 Section 3 Object-oriented programming

In part 3 of figure 14-20. the roll_die() function begins by getting the Die
object from the GameState object and calling its roll() function. This updates
the value that’s stored in the Die object. Next, this code displays the value that’s
stored in the Die object on the console.
After that, the roll_die() function checks if the value in the die is 1. If it is,
the code changes several data members of the GameState object. Specifically, it
sets the score_this_turn member to 0. it increments the turn member by 1. and it
sets the tum_over member to true. In other words, it discards all points for this
turn and ends the turn. Then, it displays a message on the console that indicates
that the turn is over and that there was no score for this turn. However, if the die
is not 1. this code increments the score_this_tum data member by the value of
the die.
The hold_tum() function begins by changing two data members of the
GameState object. Specifically, it increments the score data member by the
score_this_turn data member, and it sets the turn_over data member to true. In
other words, this code saves the score for the turn and ends the turn. Then, the
code displays the score for the turn and the total score on the console. Next, the
code resets the score_this_tum data member to 0 so it’s ready for the next turn.
After that, the hold_turn() function checks if the score is greater than or
equal to 20. If it is, this code sets the game_over variable to true and displays
a message that indicates how many turns it took to finish the game. Otherwise,
this code increments the turn data member by 1.
Chapter 14 How to define classes 567

The code (continued)

void roll_die(GameState& game) {
game.die.roll() ;

cout « "Die: ■ « game.die.getValue() « endl;

if (game.die.getValue() -- 1) (
game.score_this_turn ■ 0;
game.turn +■ 1;
game.turn_over ■ true;
cout << "Turn over. No score.\n\n";
else (
game.score_this_turn +■ game.die.getValue();

void hold_turn(GameState& game) {

game.score +■ game.score_this_turn;
game.tum_over ■ true;
cout « "Score for turn: ■ << game.score_this_turn « endl;
cout « "Total score: " « game.score « "\n\n";
game.score_this_turn ■ 0;

if (game.score >=20) (
game.game_over = true;
cout << "You finished in " << game.turn << ■ turns!\n\n";
else (
game.turn += 1;

Figure 14-20 The Pig Dice game (part 3 of 3)

568 Section 3 Object-oriented programming

This chapter has presented the most useful skills for working with classes
and objects. In addition, it has presented the most important principle of object-
oriented programming: encapsulation. In the next chapter, you’ll learn about two
more important principles of OOP: inheritance and polymorphism.
When you’re first getting started with OOP. it can be hard to see its advantages
over procedural programming. For now. you can focus on just two. First, dividing
the code into classes often makes it easier to reuse code. For example, the Die and
Dice classes presented in this chapter could be reused by many programs. Second,
using classes helps you separate the different layers of a program. That can
simplify the development of the program and make the program easier to maintain
and enhance later on.

object-oriented programming (OOP) getter
data structure accessor
object setter
structure mutator
data member helper function
member function constructor
identity default constructor
state destructor
behavior inline function
instance inline expansion
instantiation UML (Unified Modeling Language)
encapsulation class diagram
data hiding read-only function
class object composition

• Object-oriented programming (OOP) groups related variables and functions
into data structures called objects.
• A structure or class can be thought of as a blueprint from which objects are
• The data members of a structure or class store the data of an object.
• The memberfunctions of a structure or class define the tasks that an object can
perform. Often, these functions provide a way to work with the data members
of an object.
• Once you create an object from a structure or class, the object has an identity (a
unique address), a state (the data that it stores), and behavior (the functions that
it provides). As a program runs, an object’s state may change.
Chapter 14 How to define classes 569

• An object is an instance of a structure or class. In other words, you can

create multiple objects from a single structure or class. The process of
creating an object from a structure or class is sometimes called instantiation.
• Encapsulation allows you to hide the members of an object from other code
that uses the object. This is also known as data hiding.
• An interface allows a programmer to use an object without understanding
its internal code.
• Functions that access the value stored in a data member are commonly
referred to as getters or accessors.
• Functions that change the value stored in a data member are commonly
referred to as setters or mutators.
• If you need to code a member function but you don’t want to make it
available outside of the class, you can declare it as private. Since this private
function can be used by other member functions, it’s known as a private
• When you define a class, it sometimes helps to code overloaded setter
functions for a data member that accept different types of data. Then, you
can use functions such as stoi(), stod(). and to_string() to convert the value
that’s passed to a setter function to the appropriate type.
• A constructor is a special type of member function that’s automatically
called when you create (construct) an object.
• A default constructor has zero required parameters.
• A destructor is a special type of member function that’s automatically called
when an object is destroyed. C++ automatically destroys most objects when
the object goes out of scope.
• If you code the definition of a member function in the header file, the
function is known as an inline function.
• Inline functions are compiled and executed differently than regular
functions. The compiler uses a process known as inline expansion to replace
each function call with the code in the function itself. This can reduce the
overhead needed to call a function.
• UML (Unified Modeling Language) is the industry standard used to describe
the classes and objects of an object-oriented program.
• A UML class diagram describes the data members and member functions of
one or more classes.
• When a member function provides a way to get data that can’t be set in the
object, it’s known as a read-only function.
• Object composition is a way to combine simple objects into more complex
570 Section 3 Object-oriented programming

Exercise 14-1 Enhance the Dice Roller program

In this exercise, you’ll enhance the Dice Roller program by making some
improvements to its classes. When you’re done, rolling two dice should look
something like this:

Enter the number of dice to roll: 2


I o |
I_____ I
|o o|


Open and test the program

1. Open the project or solution named dice_roller in this folder:
2. Review the code and run the program to make sure it works correctly. Note
that it starts by displaying an image for each of the six possible die values.
Improve the Die class
3. In the Die class, add a member function named get_image() that gets a string
for an image that represents the die’s current value. For example, the console
above displays images that represent a roll of 1 and 5.
4. Modify the code that displays the roll so it uses the new get_image() function
to display an image for each die instead of displaying the value.
5. In the Die class, add a set_value() function that allows you to set the value
data member by passing an int value to it. This function should throw an
exception if this int value isn’t from 1 to 6.
6. In the main() function for the program, modify the code that displays the six
die images so it uses a loop to create a Die object for each valid number and to
display its image. This reduces code duplication since the code that defines the
image is only stored in one place now, in the Die class.
Improve the Dice class
7. In the Dice class, add a function named get_total() that gets the total value of
all Die objects currently stored in the Dice object.
8. Add code that displays the total each time the user rolls the dice.
Chapter 14 How to define classes 571

Exercise 14-2 Create an object-oriented

Convert Temperatures program
In this exercise, you’ll modify the Convert Temperatures program presented
in chapter 7 so it uses object-oriented programming instead of procedural

Open and test the program

1. Open the project or solution named temperature_converter in this folder:
2. Review the code for the program and note how it uses functions to convert the
3. Run the code to make sure it works correctly.
Define a Temp object that can store a temperature
4. Use your IDE to create a header file and an implementation file for a class
named Temp.
5. In the header file, define two private data members to store the degrees
Fahrenheit and Celsius.
6. Declare and define a default constructor that sets the private data members
to the temperature where water freezes, which is 0 degrees Celcius or 32
degrees Fahrenheit.
7. Declare and define getter functions for the private data members. Each of
these functions should round the number that it returns to I decimal place. To
do that, you can copy code from the main.cpp file.
8. Declare and define setter functions for the private data members. When you
set one unit of temperature, it should also calculate and set the other unit of
temperature. For example, when you set degrees Fahrenheit, it should also
calculate and set degrees Celsius. If you want, you can copy the code that
performs these calculations from the main.cpp file.
Modify the program so it uses the Temp object
9. In the main.cpp file, delete the to_fahrenheit() and to_celsius() functions.
10. In the main.cpp file, add a statement that includes the header file for the Temp
11. In the convert_temp() function, create a Temp object and use it to set and get
the temperature.
12. In the main.cpp file, remove any code that’s unnecessary, including any
unnecessary include directives.
572 Section 3 Object-oriented programming

Exercise 14-3 Create an object-oriented Circle

Calculator program
This exercise guides you through the process of converting the Circle calcu­
lator program from chapter 2 from a procedural program to an object-oriented

Open and test the program

1. Open the project or solution named circle_calculator in this folder:
2. Review the code for the program and run it to make sure it works correctly.
Create and use a Circle object
3. Use your IDE to create a header file and an implementation file for a class
named Circle.
4. In the Circle class, add a private data member for the radius. Then, define a
private data member for pi that stores a constant value of 3.14159.
5. Code a default constructor that sets the radius to a value of zero.
6. Code public getter and setter functions that allow you to get and set the radius.
You can code both of these functions as inline functions.
7. In the header file, declare getter functions that calculate the diameter, circum­
ference. and area of the circle and return a double value for each result. Then,
define these functions in the implementation file. If you want, you can get the
code for these calculations from the main.cpp file.
8. In the main.cpp file, modify the code for the main() function so it creates a
Circle object and sets its radius to the value entered by the user.
9. In the main() function, modify the code that calculates the diameter, circum­
ference. and area so it uses the functions of the Circle object to perform these
calculations. However, the code in this function should still round the circum­
ference and area to 1 decimal place.
10. In the main.cpp file, remove any code that’s unnecessary, including any
unnecessary include directives.
11. Run the program and test it with valid data. It should calculate and display the
diameter, circumference, and area for a circle just as it did before.
Overload the constructor
12. Open the Circle class. Then, modify the constructor so it accepts an optional
parameter for the radius and supplies a default value of zero for that param­
eter. This constructor should set the radius data member to the value supplied
by the parameter.
13. In the main() function, modify the code so it uses the constructor to set the
radius data member.
14. Run the program and test it to make sure it still works correctly.
How to work
with inheritance
In the previous chapter, you learned how to work with encapsulation, one of the
fundamental concepts of object-oriented programming. In this chapter, you’ll
learn how to work with two more fundamental concepts of object-oriented
programming: inheritance and polymorphism.
Inheritance is typically used by the developers of large programs to
develop a consistent set of classes. When used correctly, inheritance can
simplify the design of a program and reduce code duplication. However, when
used incorrectly, inheritance can violate encapsulation and create unwanted
dependencies between classes.
In this chapter, you’ll begin by learning how inheritance works. Then, at
the end of this chapter, you’ll learn when it makes sense to use inheritance.

How to get started with inheritance............................. .... 574

How inheritance works.......................................................................... ..... 574
How to define a superclass................................................. ........ 576
How to define a subclass.................................................... ........ 578
How to define another subclass......................................... ........ 580
How polymorphism works................................................. ........ 582
The Product Viewer program 584
More skills for working with inheritance...... ....................... .... 588
How to define an abstract class.......................................... ........ 588
How to control overriding................................................. ........ 590
How to work with multiDie inheritance... ...592
How multiple inheritance works........................................ ........592
The Dav Reader superclass................................................. ........592
The DayWriter superclass.... 592
The DaylO subclass........................................................... ........596
Code that uses the DavlO subclass.................................... ........ 596
When to use inheritance...................................................... 598
How to use inheritance with custom exceptions.......................................... 598
Guidelines for using inheritance................................................................... 600
Perspective............................................................................ 602
574 Section 3 Object-oriented programming

How to get started with inheritance

Inheritance allows you to create a new class that’s based on an existing
class. Along with encapsulation, it is a fundamental concept of object-oriented

How inheritance works

With inheritance, a subclass inherits the public data members and member
functions of a superclass as shown by the diagram in figure 15-1. Then, when
you create an object from the subclass, that object can use these data members
and member functions. The subclass can also add new data members and
member functions to the superclass, and it can change the way the data members
and member functions of the superclass work by overriding them and providing
new code for them.
The UML diagram in this figure shows how this works. Here, the superclass
is the Product class. This class has three data members. Of these data members,
the first one has protected access. This means that it’s available to the current
class and its subclasses, but not to any code that's outside of these classes. To
indicate that a member is protected, a UML diagram typically uses the hash
symbol (#). The other two data members are private. As a result, they are only
available within the Product class.
In addition, the Product class has seven public member functions. The
first six member functions work the same as the Product class presented in the
previous chapter. However, the get_description() function is a new function
that’s described in the next figure.
This diagram contains two subclasses: Book and Movie. These classes
inherit the protected data member and the seven member functions from the
Product superclass. Then, each subclass adds a new data member. The Book
class adds the author data member, and the Movie class adds the year data
member. Next, each subclass adds getter and setter functions that provide
indirect access to its new private data member. In addition, they both change
the way the get_description() member function of the Product class works by
overriding it.
In this book, we use superclass to refer to a class that another class inherits
and subclass to refer to a class that inherits another class. However, a superclass
can also be called a base or parent class, and a subclass can also be called a
derived or child class.
Chapter 15 How to work with inheritance 575

A UML diagram for three classes that use inheritance

• Inheritance lets you create a new class based on an existing class. Then, the
new class inherits the public data members and member functions of the
existing class.
• A class that another class inherits is called a base class, parent class, or
• A class that inherits another class is called a derived class, child class, or
• A superclass can include protected members that are only available to the
current class and its subclasses.
• A subclass can add new data members and functions to the superclass. It can
also override a function from the superclass by providing its own version of the

UML diagramming note

• To indicate that a member is protected, a UML diagram typically uses the hash
symbol (#).
• To indicate that a class inherits another class, a UML diagram typically uses an
arrow with an open (not shaded) arrowhead.

Figure 15-1 How inheritance works

576 Section 3 Object-oriented programming

How to define a superclass

Figure 15-2 shows how to create a class that can be used as a superclass for
one or more subclasses. To do that, you define the data members and member
functions of the class just as you would for any other class.
This figure starts by summarizing several access modifiers you can use to
specify whether members of a superclass are accessible to code outside the class.
By now, you should be familiar with the private and public access modifiers. To
review, you use the private keyword for any members that you only want to be
available within the current class. In contrast, you use the public keyword for
any members that you want to be available to all calling code.
Beyond that, you may occasionally want to use the protected keyword to
code protected members. A protected member can be accessed within the current
class and its subclasses, but not by any code outside of these classes. This lets
subclasses access certain parts of the superclass without exposing those parts to
other classes. For example, the Product class in this figure uses protected access
for the name data member. As a result, any subclass of the Product class can
access this data member directly, but no other calling code can.
The Product class shown in this figure includes a get_description() member
function. The declaration for this function begins with the virtual keyword. This
identifies this function as a function that subclasses can override.
The definition for the get_description() function returns the name data
member. This is a concise and easy-to-read representation of this object that
also works for subclasses. As a result, any subclass of this class can use this
get_description() member function. Or. it can override the get_description()
member function to provide its own code for that member function.
If you don’t include the virtual keyword for the get_description() function,
any subclass that provides this function redefines the get_description() function
in the superclass instead of overriding it. Unfortunately, this prevents polymor­
phism from working correctly. So, if you want polymorphism to work correctly
as described in figure 15-5, you need to use the virtual keyword to identify the
functions that are designed to be overridden, not redefined.
You should also code the virtual keyword for a destructor of a superclass.
Otherwise, the destructor won’t work correctly for subclasses. This isn’t an
issue for a class like the Product class that’s shown in this figure, but you should
be aware of it in case you ever need to use a class like the HeapArray class
described in section 4 as a superclass.
Chapter 15 How to work with inheritance 577

Access modifiers
Keyword Description
private Available to the current class.
protected Available to the current class and its subclasses.
public Available to the current class, its subclasses, and all other classes.

The Product.h file for the Product superclass


#include <string>

class Product (
std::string name; // protected data member
double price;
int discount_percent;
Product(std::string name - double price - 0.0,
int discount_pct = 0);

void set_price(double);
double get_price() const { return price; }

void set_discount_percent(int);
int get_discount_percent() const { return discount_percent; }

double get_discount_amount() const;

double get_discount_price() const;

// virtual function - necessary for polymorphism

virtual std::string get_description() const;


The get_description() function in the Product.cpp file

string Product::get_description () const (
return name;

When coding a superclass...

• You can declare protected members that are only available to the current class
and its subclasses.
• You can use the virtual keyword to identify functions that are designed to be
overridden by subclasses.
• You should declare the destructor, if one exists, as virtual. Otherwise, the
destructor won’t work correctly for subclasses.

Figure 15-2 How to define a superclass

578 Section 3 Object-oriented programming

How to define a subclass

Figure 15-3 starts by showing some syntax that’s helpful for working with
subclasses. Then, it presents two examples that use this syntax.
The first example shows the complete code for the Book class. To indicate
that this class is a subclass, the name of the class is followed by a colon, the
public keyword, and the name of the class that you want to inherit. Here, the
Book class inherits the Product class. In other words, the Book class is a subclass
of the Product superclass.
After you declare the subclass, you can add functionality to the superclass
by adding data members and member functions. For example, the Book subclass
adds a new data member named author, getter and setter functions for that data
member, and a new constructor. In addition, it overrides the get_description()
member function defined by the Product class.
The constructor for the Book subclass accepts four arguments. The first three
are the same as the Product class, but the fourth provides the value for the author
data member. This constructor calls the Product class constructor and passes it
the first three arguments. This initializes the three data members that are defined
by the Product class. Then, the statement in the body of the constructor initializes
the author data member of the Book class to the value of the author parameter.
To override a virtual function of the superclass, you begin by coding a
member function with the same name and signature as the function in the super­
class. In this case, the get_description() function of the Book class overrides
the virtual get_description() function of the Product class. The code within this
function returns a string that’s created by concatenating the name data member
of the Product object with “by” and the author data member of the Book object.
In the first example, the get_description() function accesses the name data
member directly. This is possible because the Product class declares that data
member as protected. However, that doesn't mean this is always the best way to
access this data member. For example, it often makes sense to begin by calling
the member function in the superclass as shown by the second example. That
way, if you change the member function in the superclass later, the member
function in the subclass will reflect that change.
When you define subclasses, you typically code the public keyword before
the name of the superclass as shown in this figure. That way, an object created
from the subclass has the same access to the members of the superclass as an
object created from the superclass. However, if that’s not what you want, you can
use the protected and private keywords instead to restrict access to the members
of the superclass.
For example, if you coded the protected keyword before the name of the
Product class, public and protected members of the Product class would become
protected in the Book class. As a result, subclasses of the Book class would
still be able to directly access these members, although these subclasses would
be using protected access, not public access. However, if you coded the private
keyword, the public members would become protected, and the protected
members would become private. As a result, subclasses of the Book class would
not be able to directly access the protected data member.
Chapter 15 How to work with inheritance 579

The syntax for working with subclasses

To define a subclass
class SubclassName : public[protected|private SuperclassName {}
To define a subclass constructor that calls a superclass constructor
SubclassName([parameterList]) : SuperclassName(argumentList) {}
To call a superclass member function
SuperclassName::function_name(argumentList );

The Book.h file for the Book subclass

ftifndef MURACH_BOOK_H

#include <string>
#include "Product.h"

class Book : public Product (

std::string author;
Book(std::string name ■ double price ■ 0.0,
int disc_pct - 0, std::string author_param ■ "■) :
Product(name, price, disc_pct) {
author ■ author_param;

void set_author(std::string author_param) {

author ■ author_param;
std::string get_author() const { return author; }

std::string get_description() const {

return name + " by ■ + author;
#endif // MURACH_BOOK_H

Another way to code the get_description() function

string get_description() const (
return Product::get_description() + " by ■ ♦ author;

When coding a subclass...

• You can add new members that aren’t in the superclass.
• You can override virtual member functions in the superclass by coding member
functions that have the same name and signature.
• You can directly access public and protected members of the superclass.
• You can call member functions of the superclass by coding the name of the
superclass, the scope resolution operator (::), and the name of the function.

Figure 15-3 How to define a subclass

580 Section 3 Object-oriented programming

How to define another subclass

Figure 15-4 shows how to define another subclass named Movie. This class
works much like the Book subclass described in the previous figure, except that
this subclass defines a product that is a movie, not a book.
To start, the Movie class declares that it inherits the Product class. Then,
the Movie class adds a private data member named year, getter and setter
functions for that data member, and a constructor that calls the constructor of
the Product class. In addition, the Movie class overrides the get_description()
member function defined by the Product class so it returns the name of the movie
followed by the year in parentheses.
Now that you’ve seen the Book and Movie subclasses, you should note
that all of the implementation for these classes is included in the header files.
Because of that, no implementation files are needed. In many cases, however,
you’ll want to declare the functions of a subclass in the header file and define
them in the implementation file. For example, if you wanted to validate the year
before storing it in the year data member of a Movie object as shown in the last
chapter, you would typically define the set_year() function in the implementation
Chapter 15 How to work with inheritance 581

The Movie.h file for the Movie subclass

#ifndef MURACH_M0VTE_H

#include <string>
tinclude "Product.h"

class Movie : public Product {

int year;
Movie(std::string name ■ double price ■ 0.0, int disc_pct ■ 0,
int year_param ■ 1888) : Product(name, price, disc_pct) (
year - year_param;

void set_year(int year_param) (

year - year_param;
int get_year() const ( return year; }

std::string get_description() const (

return name ♦ ■ (" + std::to_string(year) ♦ ')';


• Because the Movie subclass and the Book subclass in the previous figure are
fully implemented in their header files, no implementation files are required.

Figure 15-4 How to define another subclass

582 Section 3 Object-oriented programming

How polymorphism works

Polymorphism lets you treat objects of different types as if they were the
same type by referring to a superclass that’s common to the objects. For example,
figure 15-5 defines a show_product() function that treats Book and Movie objects
as if they were Product objects. Like encapsulation and inheritance, polymor­
phism is a fundamental feature of object-oriented programming.
One benefit of polymorphism is that you can write generic code that’s
designed to work with a superclass. Then, you can use that code with objects that
are created from any subclass of the superclass. For instance, the first example in
this figure shows the get_description() member functions for the Product, Book,
and Movie classes. The Book version of the get_description() member function
adds the author to the end of the product’s description. Similarly, the Movie
version adds the year to the end of the product's description.
The second example shows a function named show_product() that accepts a
Product object by constant reference. Since Book and iMovie objects are a type
of Product object, this function also accepts Book and Movie objects. Within this
function, the code shows the product by displaying the string that’s returned by
the get_description() member function as well as the value that’s returns by the
get_discount_price() member function.
The main() function presented in the third example shows how this works.
To start, the first three statements create a Product object, a Book object, and
a Movie object. Then, the next three statements pass these three objects to the
show_product() function.
When you run this code, C++ uses polymorphism to call the correct
get_description() member function from each object. The console in this figure
shows that this works correctly. Here, the description for the Book object
includes the author’s name, and the description for the Movie object includes
the year that the movie was made.
The key to polymorphism is that C++ decides which member function to
call at runtime. This is known as dynamic binding or late binding, and it’s made
possible by the virtual keyword that’s coded in the superclass. If you don’t
declare the get_description() function as a virtual function in the superclass, C++
decides which member function to call at compile time. This is known as static
binding or early binding. In this example, static binding would cause C++ to
call the get_description() function of the Product class for the Book and Movie
objects. As a result, this code would not display the author’s name for a Book
object or the year for a Movie object.
In summary, overriding a virtual member function allows polymorphism to
work because it uses dynamic binding. On the other hand, redefining a member
function that isn’t a virtual function doesn’t allow polymorphism to work
because it uses static binding.
Chapter 15 How to work with inheritance 583

Three definitions of the get_description() function

In the Product superclass
string Product::get_description () const {
return name;
In the Book subclass
string get_description() const {
return name + " by ■ ♦ author;
In the Movie subclass
string get_description() const {
return name + " (■ ♦ std::to_string(year) +

A function that calls the virtual function

void show_product(const Product& p) {
cout « "Description: " << p.getdescription() << '\n';
cout << "Discount Price: " << p.get_discount_price() << "\n\n";

Code that passes three different object types to the function

int main() (
Product product("Stanley 13 Ounce Wood Hammer", 12.99, 62);
Book book("The Big Short", 15.95, 34, "Michael Lewis");
Movie movie("The Wizard of Oz", 14.99, 50, 1939);

The console
Description: Stanley 13 Ounce Wood Hammer
Discount Price: 4.94

Description: The Big Short by Michael Lewis

Discount Price: 10.53

Description: The Wizard of Oz (1939)

Discount Price: 7.49

• Polymorphism is a feature of inheritance that lets you treat objects of
subclasses as if they were objects of the superclass.
• If you access a function of a superclass object and the function is overridden
in the subclasses of that class, polymorphism determines which function is
executed based on the object’s type.

Figure 15-5 How polymorphism works

584 Section 3 Object-oriented programming

The Product Viewer program

To show how the Product. Book, and Movie classes can work together, figure
15-6 presents another version of the Product Viewer program that was presented
in the previous chapter. To start, the code for this program imports the header
files it needs, including the header files for the Product. Book, and Movie classes
defined in the previous figures.
After importing the header files, this code defines three constants, one for
each of the available products. Of these three products, one object is of the
Product type, one is of the Book type, and one is of the Movie type. Then, this
code defines the three functions of the program.
The show_products() function calls the get_description() member function
to display the data for the three products on the console. Since this function calls
the get_description() function directly from the object, C++ uses static binding
to determine which get_description() function to call. As a result, it doesn't use
Chapter 15 How to work with inheritance 585

The console
1. Stanley 13 Ounce Wood Hammer
2. The Big Short by Michael Lewis
3. The Wizard of Oz (1939)

Enter product number: 2

Name: The Big Short by Michael Lewis
Price: 15.95
Discount percent: 34
Discount amount: 5.42
Discount price: 10.53

View another product? (y/n): y

Enter product number: 3

Name: The Wizard of Oz (1939)
Price: 14.99
Discount percent: 50
Discount amount: 7.5
Discount price: 7.49

View another product? (y/n): n


The code
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include "Product.h"
#include "Book.h"
#include "Movie.h"

using namespace std;

const Product pl("Stanley 13 Ounce Wood Hammer", 12.99, 62);

const Book p2("The Big Short", 15.95, 34, "Michael Lewis");
const Movie p3("The Wizard of Oz", 14.99, 50, 1939);

void show_products() {
cout « "PRODUCTS\n"
« "1. " << pl.get_description() « endl
« "2. " << p2.get_description() « endl
« "3. " << p3.get_description() « endl « endl;

Figure 15-6 The Product Viewer program (part 1 of 2)

586 Section 3 Object-oriented programming

The show_product() function, on the other hand, calls the get_description()

function from an object that has been passed to a function that accepts a Product
object. As a result. C++ uses dynamic binding and polymorphism to determine
which get_description() function to call. This function works like the
show_product() function shown in the previous figure. However, it displays more
information about each product, such as the discount percent, discount amount, and
discount price.
The main() function begins by displaying the title of the program. Then, it calls
the show_products() function to display the numbered list of products. Next, this
function prompts the user to enter a number that corresponds to a product. After the
user enters a number, this code uses a switch statement to pass the corresponding
Product object to the show_product() function. This displays the data for the
product object, which varies based on the object type.
Chapter 15 How to work with inheritance 587

The code (continued)

void show_product(const Products p) {
cout << -PRODUCT DATA\n"
<< "Name: W « p.get_description() « endl
<< "Price: w
« p.get_price() << endl
<< "Discount percent: w « p.get_discount_percent() << endl
<< "Discount amount: w « p.get_discount_amount() << endl
<< "Discount price: w
« p.get_discount_price() « "\n\n";

int main() (
cout << "The Product Viewer program\n\n" ;


char choice - 'y';

while (choice ■■ 'y') (
int number;
cout << "Enter product number:
cin >> number;
cout << endl;

switch (number) {
case 1:
case 2:
case 3:
show_product(p3) ;
cout << "Invalid product number.\n\n";

cout << "View another product? (y/n): ";

cin >> choice;
cout << endl;
cout << "Bye!\n\n";

return 0;

Figure 15-6 The Product Viewer program (part 2 of 2)

588 Section 3 Object-oriented programming

More skills for working with inheritance

Now that you’ve learned the basic skills for working with inheritance
and polymorphism, you’re ready to learn some more skills for working with
inheritance. You might not need to use these skills often, but they are sometimes

How to define an abstract class

An abstract class is a class that can’t be instantiated. In other words, you
can’t create an object directly from an abstract class. Instead, you can code a
class that inherits an abstract class, and you can create an object from that class.
Figure 15-7 shows how to work with abstract classes. To make a class
abstract, you declare one of its functions as a pure virtual function by coding
an equal sign (■) and a zero at the end of the function declaration and by not
including a function definition. In this figure, for instance, the first example
declares the get_description() function of the Product class as a pure virtual
function, and it doesn’t provide code that defines this function. As a result, this
Product class is an abstract class.
When you code a class that inherits an abstract class, you must override
any pure virtual functions in the abstract class as shown by the second example.
Here, classes named Book and Movie that inherit the Product class override the
pure virtual member function named get_description().
When you work with an abstract class, you can’t create an instance of the
abstract type. In this figure, for example, you can’t create a Product object.
Instead, you must use a Book or Movie object.
So. why would you use abstract classes? One common use is to imple­
ment most, but not all, of the functionality of a class as a convenience to the
programmer. That way, the programmer only needs to supply code for the pure
virtual functions. In this figure, for example, the Book and Movie subclasses
only need to supply code for the pure virtual get_description() function of the
Product class, but they can use the other functions of the Product class such as
get_price(), set_price(), and so on.
Chapter 15 How to work with inheritance 589

A pure virtual function in the Product.h file

class Product {
std::string name; // protected data member

double price;
int discount_percent;

// other public functions and constructors

// pure virtual function

virtual std::string get_description() const - 0;

Two subclasses that override the pure virtual function

In the Book subclass
std::string get_description() const {
return name + " by ■ ♦ author;
In the Movie subclass
std::string get_description() const {
return name + " (■ ♦ std::to_string(year) + ')';

Code that attempts to create Product, Book, and Movie objects

// Compile-time error! Cannot instantiate abstract Product class
Product pl("Stanley 13 Ounce Wood Hammer", 12.99, 62);

// Success! Can instantiate Book and Movie classes

Book p2("The Big Short", 15.95, 34, "Michael Lewis");
Movie p3("The Wizard of Oz", 14.99, 50, 1939);

• An abstract class is a class that can be inherited by other classes but that you
can’t use to create an object.
• To create an abstract class, declare one of its virtual functions as a pure virtual
function by coding “= 0” at the end of the function declaration.

Figure 15-7 How to define an abstract class

590 Section 3 Object-oriented programming

How to control overriding

Figure 15-8 shows how to use the override and final keywords to help control
overriding. Both of these keywords were introduced with C++11. As a result,
they don’t work with older compilers. Although these keywords are optional,
they can help prevent errors that are hard to detect if you don’t use them.
You can use the override keyword to explicitly identify a function as a
function that overrides a virtual function. To do that, you code the override
keyword at the end of the function declaration as shown by the first example.
This clearly shows that the get_description() functions of the Book and iMovie
classes override the virtual get_description() function of the Product class.
Although this keyword isn’t required, it makes your code easier to understand
for other programmers, and it allows the compiler to make sure that the
get_description() function of the Product class is a virtual function.
You can use the final keyword to prevent subclasses from overriding an
inherited virtual function. To do that, you can code the final keyword at the
end of the function declaration as shown by the second example. Here, the
get_description() functions of the Book and Movie classes can’t be overridden by
any classes that inherit these classes.
When necessary, you can use both the override and final keywords at the
end of the same function declaration as shown by the third example. This clearly
indicates that the get_description() function of the Book subclass overrides the
virtual get_description() function of the Product class. In addition, it prevents
subclasses of the Book class from overriding this function
Chapter 15 How to work with inheritance 591

Two functions that explicitly override another function

In the Book subclass
string get_description() const override {
return name + " by ■ ♦ author;
In the Movie subclass
string get_description() const override {
return name + " (■ ♦ std::to_string(year) +

A function that can’t be overridden

In the Book subclass
string get_description() const final {
return name + " by ■ ♦ author;
In the Movie subclass
string get_description() const final {
return name + " (■ ♦ std::to_string(year) +

A function that explicitly overrides and can’t be overridden

In the Book subclass
string get_description() const override final {
return name + " by ■ ♦ author;

• To explicitly identify a function as a function that overrides a virtual function
with the same name, you can code the override keyword at the end of the
function declaration. This is optional, but it can help prevent errors that are
hard to detect and fix.
• To prevent subclasses from overriding an inherited virtual function, you can
code the final keyword at the end of the function declaration.
• When necessary, you can use the override and final keywords in the same
function declaration.
• The override and final keywords were introduced with C++11.

Figure 15-8 How to control overriding

592 Section 3 Object-oriented programming

How to work with multiple inheritance

Multiple inheritance allows a class to inherit multiple classes. C++ is one of
the few programming languages to support multiple inheritance.
Multiple inheritance can lead to good program design, but it can lead to
problems such as the dreaded “diamond problem”, sometimes called the “deadly
diamond of death”. If you want to learn more about this problem, a quick web
search should lead to a description of it as well as ways to solve it. But first, you
should learn the basic skills for working with multiple inheritance.

How multiple inheritance works

Figure 15-9 presents a UML diagram that shows how multiple inheritance
works. Here, the DaylO class inherits the DayReader and Day Writer classes.
As a result, you can call the load_temps() and save_temps() functions from an
object created from the DaylO class.
This figure also shows the code for the Day structure that’s used by the
DayReader and DayWriter classes. You can create a Day object from this
structure, and you can store the low and high temperatures for the day within
this object. Then, you can use the DayReader and DayWriter classes to load or
save a vector of Day objects.

The DayReader superclass

Figure 15-10 shows the code in the header and implementation files for the
DayReader superclass. To start, the header file includes the header for the Day
structure. Then, it declares a private data member to store the filename for the file
that contains the data. Next, it declares a constructor that provides a way to set
the filename. In addition, it declares a Ioad_temps() function that provides a way
to load a vector of Day objects with the data that’s stored in the specified file.
By now, you should be able to understand most of the code in the definition
for the load_temps() function. Note, however, that this code throws an exception
named DaylOError if it can’t open the specified file. This works as described in
chapter 13, but it uses a custom DaylOError class that’s described later in this
chapter. To make this work, the implementation file includes the header file for
the DaylOError class.

The DayWriter superclass

Figure 15-11 shows the code in the header and implementation files for
the DayWriter superclass. This works much like the code for the DayReader
superclass. However, the files for the DayWriter class declare and define a
save_temps() function that provides a way to save the data that’s stored in a
vector of Day objects to the specified file.
Chapter 15 How to work with inheritance 593

A UML diagram for a class that uses multiple inheritance

The Day structure

#ifndef MURACH_DAY_H

struct Day {
double low_temp;
double high_temp;
Sendif // MURACH_DAY_H

• Multiple inheritance allows a class to inherit multiple classes.
• The Day structure defines a Day object that stores the low and high tempera­
tures for the day.
• The Day Reader and DayWriter classes work with a vector of Day objects.
• The DaylO class inherits the DayReader and DayWriter classes. As a result, the
load_temps() and save_temps() functions are available from a DaylO object.

Figure 15-9 How multiple inheritance works

594 Section 3 Object-oriented programming

The DayReader superclass

The DayReader.h file

^include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "Day.h" // include Day structure

class DayReader {
std::string filename;
DayReader(std::string filename ■ "");
std::vector<Day> load_temps();

The DayReader.cpp file
#include <fstream>
#include <vector>
#include "DayReader.h■
#include "DaylOError.h"

using namespace std;

DayReader::DayReader(std::string filename_param) {
filename ■ filename_param;

vector<Day> DayReader::load_temps() {
vector<Day> days;
Day day;
ifstream input_file(filename);
if (input_file) (
while (input_file >> day.low_temp >> day.high_temp) {
return days;
else (
throw DaylOError("Unable to open file: ■ + filename);

Figure 15-10 The DayReader superclass

Chapter 15 How to work with inheritance 595

The DayWriter superclass

The DayWriter.h file

tinclude <string>
•include <vector>
•include "Day.h" // include Day structure

class DayWriter (
std::string filename;
DayWriter(std::string filename ■ ■");
void save_temps(const std::vector<Day>& temps);

The DayWriter.cpp file
•include <fstream>
•include <vector>
•include "DayWriter.h"

using namespace std;

DayWriter::DayWriter(std::string filename_param) {
filename ■ filename_param;

void DayWriter::save_temps(const vector<Day>& days) {

ofstream output_file(filename);
for (Day day : days) (
output_file << day.low_temp << ’\t' « day.high_temp << '\n';

Figure 15-11 The DayWriter superclass

596 Section 3 Object-oriented programming

The DaylO subclass

Figure 15-12 starts by showing the code for the header and implementation
files for the DaylO subclass. The header file includes the header files it needs,
including the header files for the DayReader and DayWriter classes. Then,
it declares that the DaylO class inherits both the DayReader and DayWriter
classes. To do that, this code separates the names of the two superclasses with
a comma. Next, it declares a constructor for the DaylO class that accepts a
filename as an argument.
At this point, the implementation file doesn’t need to do anything except
implement the constructor. To do that, it just calls the constructors of the
DayReader and DayWriter classes and passes them the filename parameter
of the current constructor. Here, it separates the calls to the two superclass
constructors with a comma.

Code that uses the DaylO subclass

Figure 15-12 finishes by showing some code that uses the DaylO subclass.
Here, the first statement creates a DaylO object by passing a filename to the
constructor of the DaylO class. Then, it assigns this DaylO object to a variable
named daylO.
The second statement calls the load_temps() function that’s available
from the DaylO object to read data from the file and store it in a vector of Day
objects. Then, it assigns the vector of Day objects to the variable named days. At
this point, a program such as the Temperature Manager program from chapter 13
could display or modify the data stored in this vector.
The third statement calls the save_temps() function that’s available from
the DaylO object to write data from the vector of Day objects to the file. If
a program such as the Temperature Manager program from chapter 13 had
modified the vector of Day objects, this would provide a way for that program to
save these changes.
Chapter 15 How to work with inheritance 597

The DaylO subclass

The DaylO.h file

#include <string>
#include "DayReader.h"
#include "DayWriter.h"

class DaylO : public DayReader, public DayWriter

DaylO(std::string filename ■

The DaylO.cpp file
tinclude <string>
#include "DaylO.h"

DaylO::DaylO(std::string filename) : DayReader(filename) ,


Code that uses the DaylO subclass

Code that creates a DaylO object
DaylO dayIO("temps.txt");
Code that uses the DaylO object to get a vector of Day objects
vector<Day> days - dayIO.load_temps();
Code that uses the DaylO object to save a vector of Day objects

Figure 15-12 The DaylO subclass

598 Section 3 Object-oriented programming

When to use inheritance

To develop simple programs like the ones in this book, you typically don’t
need to use inheritance. If you continue with programming, though, you’ll
eventually need to use inheritance. In addition, if you ever design a larger or
more complex program, you’ll need to learn when it makes sense to use inheri­
tance and when you should use object composition instead.

How to use inheritance with custom exceptions

In chapter 13, you learned how to create a custom exception by defining a
structure with data members for the error information you want to store. Another
way to create a custom exception, though, is to create a class that inherits one of
the classes in the exception hierarchy. This is shown in figure 15-13. and this is a
good example of when it makes sense to use inheritance in your programs.
To start, this figure shows the hierarchy for some common exceptions.
By now, you should have a pretty good idea of how this inheritance hierarchy
works. For example, it should be clear to you that the invalid_argument class is a
subclass of the logic_error class, which is a subclass of the exception class.
The first code example defines a class named DaylOError that inherits the
runtime_error class. The body of this class defines a constructor that can be
used to set an error message. To set that error message, this constructor calls the
constructor of the runtime_error class and passes it the message parameter. As a
result, the DaylOError class works like the runtime_error class.
It’s important to note, though, that the DaylOError class has a different
name and a different position in the inheritance hierarchy than the runtime_error
class. This is important because the name of the error provides information
about the error. In addition, the position in the inheritance hierarchy provides the
flexibility to handle a DaylOError differently than other types of exceptions.
The second code example shows how to throw a custom exception. Here, the
load_temps() function attempts to read temperature data from a file and return
a vector of Day objects. However, if it can’t open the file, this function throws a
DaylOError object with an appropriate message.
The third code example shows how to catch a custom exception. Here,
the try clause calls the load_temps() function that might throw the custom
DaylOError exception. Then, the catch clause catches this exception and handles
it. To do that, it starts by calling the what() function from the DaylOError
object to display the error message in that object. This function is available to
the DaylOError object because the DaylOError class inherits the runtime_error
class, which provides the what() function. Next, the catch clause displays a
message that indicates that the program is ending, and it uses the return state­
ment to end the program normally.
As you review this code, note that the custom DaylOError class makes the
calling code easier to read and understand. That’s because it clearly identifies the
type of exception that’s being handled by the catch clause. In particular, it shows
that this catch clause is handling the DaylOError that might be thrown by the
load_temps() function that’s available from the DaylO object.
Chapter 15 How to work with inheritance 599

The hierarchy for some common exceptions

runt ime_error

A DaylOError.h file that defines a class for a custom exception


#include <iostream>
#include <string>

class DaylOError : public std::runtime_error {

DaylOError(std::string message ■ ■") : runtime_error(message) (};


Code that throws the custom exception

vector<Day> DayReader::load_temps() {
vector<Day> days;
Day day;
ifstream input_file(filename);
if (input_file) (
// code that reads data from the file goes here
return days;
else {
throw DaylOError("Unable to open file: " + filename);

Code that catches a custom exception

vector<Day> days;
try {
days ■ dayIO.load_temps() ;
catch (const DaylOErrorft e) {
cout « e.whatO << "\n"
« "Exiting program. Bye!\n\n";
return 0;

• To define a custom exception, you can code a class that inherits one of the
built-in exception classes. Then, you can use the custom exception as you
would any other exception.

Figure 15-13 How to use inheritance with custom exceptions

600 Section 3 Object-oriented programming

Guidelines for using inheritance

Figure 15-14 begins by listing three guidelines for when it makes sense to
use inheritance in your programs. First, it makes sense to use inheritance when
the subclass is a type of the superclass. For example, this chapter has presented a
Book object that is a type of a Product object.
Second, it makes sense to use inheritance when both classes are part of the
same logical domain. For example, the Product, Book, and Movie objects shown
in this chapter are all in the same domain. In other words, they’re all part of a
domain that’s attempting to define the different types of products for a system.
Third, it makes sense to use inheritance when the subclass primarily adds
features to the superclass. In other words, it makes sense when a subclass adds
new data members or member functions to the superclass that are only needed
in the subclass. In addition, a subclass may override some member functions to
change the behavior of the subclass. However, if the subclass needs to override
many member functions, or if you find yourself wishing that you could remove
some member functions from the superclass, you are probably better off using
object composition instead of inheritance.
To illustrate, this figure shows a version of the Dice class that was presented
in the previous chapter that inherits the vector class. When coding a container
class like the Dice class, this type of approach is tempting because it’s so easy.
You just inherit the vector class, add a constructor, and add a roll_all() member
function. Then, you can use all the features of the vector class to work with a
vector of Die objects. However, this approach breaks the guidelines for when it
makes sense to use inheritance and it leads to several problems.
First, the Dice object presented in this figure is not a type of vector object.
A vector stores an ordered sequence of any data type. A Dice object stores one
or more Die objects and provides member functions for working with them. It’s
more accurate to say that the Dice object has a vector object that it uses to work
with multiple Die objects. As a result, the Dice object should use object compo­
sition as shown in the previous chapter, not inheritance.
Second, the Dice class is not part of the same logical domain as the vector
class. The Dice and Die objects are part of a logical domain that’s used to model
dice objects that programmers can use in games. The vector class is a class that
provides a standard container that can be used by any program.
Third, the interface for the Dice object is too complex. Ideally, this object
should only provide the member functions necessary to use it. This helps to
make the Dice object easy for other programmers to use. Instead, this object
includes all of the operators and member functions for working with the vector
class. Unfortunately, this extra functionality makes it more difficult for other
programmers to figure out how to use the Dice object.
Fourth, it violates encapsulation. That’s because it allows other programmers
to directly access the vector that stores the Die objects. But this is an implemen­
tation detail that should be hidden from other programmers. Instead, you should
be able to change the vector to another container such as a list without changing
the interface of the Dice object. That way, other programmers can continue to
use the Dice object without needing to modify their code.
Chapter 15 How to work with inheritance 601

It makes sense to use inheritance when...

• One object is a type of another object.
• Both classes are part of the same logical domain.
• The subclass primarily adds features to the superclass.

A Dice class that inherits the vector class (not recommended)

The Dice.h file
tinclude <vector>
tinclude "Die.h"

class Dice : public std::vector<Die>

Dice() : vector<Die>() (};
void roll_all();
The Dice.cpp file
tinclude "Dice.h"

void Dice::roll_all() {
for (int i - 0; i < size(); ++i) // calls vector size() function
Die& die - at(i); // calls vector at() function

Code that uses this Dice class

Dice dice = Dice();
dice.push_back(Die()); // function from vector class
dice.push_back(Die()); // function from vector class
Die die ■ dice[0]; // operator from vector class
dice.insert(dice.begin(), Die()); // function from vector class
dice.pop_back(); // function from vector class
cout << "Die value: ■ « die.get_value ) < < endl;
cout << "Dice count: " << dice.sizeO < endl;

A few problems with this approach

• The Dice object is not a type of vector object.
• Both classes are not part of the same logical domain.
• The interface is too complex.
• It violates encapsulation.

• If an object is a type of another object, it typically makes sense to use inheri­
tance to create the relationship between the two classes.
• If an object has a type of another object, it typically makes sense to use object
composition to create the relationship between the two classes.

Figure 15-14 Guidelines for using inheritance

602 Section 3 Object-oriented programming

Conceptually, this is one of the most difficult chapters in this book. Although
the basic idea of inheritance is easy enough to understand, figuring out how
to use it to benefit your programs can be difficult. So if you find yourself a bit
confused right now. don’t be disheartened.
Fortunately, when you’re getting started, you typically don’t need to code
classes that inherit other classes. But, as you learn more about programming,
you’ll see more examples of how to use inheritance and your understanding of it
should grow. The good news is that you don’t have to understand every nuance
of how inheritance works to use it. For example, when you learned about the
C++ exception hierarchy in chapter 13, you didn’t need to understand that the
invalid_argument class inherits the logic_error class, which inherits the excep­
tion class. But now that you realize that these classes use inheritance, you should
understand how they work a little better.
If you continue with programming, you’ll learn how to inherit other classes
to create more complex programs. For example, you’ll use inheritance to create
graphical user interfaces (GUIs), web programs, and mobile apps. In addition,
as you learn more about object-oriented design, it will become clearer when it
makes sense to use inheritance.

base class
derived class
parent class
child class
access modifier
protected access
virtual function
override a function
redefine a function
dynamic binding
static binding
late binding
early binding
abstract class
pure virtual function
multiple inheritance
Chapter 15 How to work with inheritance 603

• Inheritance lets you create a new class based on an existing class. Then, the
new class inherits the public data members and member functions of the
existing class.
• A class that another class inherits is called a base class, parent class, or
• A class that inherits another class is called a derived class, child class, or
• A class can use access modifiers to specify whether members of a superclass
are accessible to subclasses. A protected member of a class is available to
the current class and its subclasses, but not to any code that’s outside of
these classes.
• A subclass can add new data members and functions that aren’t in the
• A subclass can override a virtual function from the superclass by providing
its own version of that function.
• A subclass can redefine a non-virtual function from the superclass by
providing its own version of that function.
• Polymorphism is a feature of inheritance that lets you treat objects of
subclasses as if they were objects of the superclass.
• Overriding a virtual function allows polymorphism to work because it
allows C++ to determine which function to call at runtime. This is known as
dynamic binding or late binding.
• Redefining a function that isn’t virtual prevents polymorphism from working
because it forces C++ to determine which function to call at compile time.
This is known as static binding or early binding.
• An abstract class is a class that objects can’t be created from but that can be
inherited by other classes.
• To create an abstract class, you declare one of its virtual functions as a pure
virtual function by coding “= 0” at the end of the function declaration.
• Multiple inheritance allows a class to inherit multiple classes.
• If an object is a type of another object, it makes sense to use inheritance to
create the relationship between the two classes.
• If an object has a type of another object, it makes sense to use object compo­
sition to create the relationship between the two classes.
• Encapsulation, inheritance, and polymorphism are three of the fundamental
concepts of object-oriented programming (OOP).
604 Section 3 Object-oriented programming

Exercise 15-1 Enhance the Product Viewer

In this exercise, you’ll enhance the Product Viewer program shown in this
chapter so the Movie and Book classes include another data member that stores
the media format. Then, you’ll add a Media class to store the format. Finally,
you’ll add an Album class that provides for another type of product that stores
information about a music album. When you enter the product number for an
album, it should print the data to the console like this:

Enter product number: 4

Name: Rubber Soul (The Beatles) - CD
Price: 9.99
Discount percent: 10
Discount amount: 1
Discount price: 8.99

Open and test the program

1. Open the project or solution named product_viewer in this folder:
2. Review the code and run the program to make sure it works correctly.
Improve the Movie and Book classes
3. In the Movie class, add a private data member named format that stores
the format of the product. For example, the format could be Blu-ray, DVD.
Stream HD. or Stream SD.
4. Modify the constructor so it includes a parameter that allows you to set the
format data member.
5. Modify the get_description() function so it appends the format to the end of
the product description, after the year of the movie.
6. In the mainf) function for the program, modify the code that creates the Movie
object so it stores “Stream HD” as the format data member. Then, run the
program to make sure it works correctly.
7. Repeat steps 3-6 for the Book class. You can use Hardcover as the format for
the book. Or. if you prefer, you can specify a different type of book format
such as Paperback or Ebook.
Add a Media class
8. Add a header file for a class named Media that inherits the Product class. This
Media class should add a protected data member named format.
9. Add a constructor to this class that passes all necessary arguments to the
Product class and also includes a format parameter and uses that parameter to
set the value of the data member. This should work much like the constructor
of the Movie class.
Chapter 15 How to work with inheritance 605

10. Modify the Movie and Book classes so they include and inherit the Media class,
not the Product class. This should create a class hierarchy that looks like this:
11. Delete the format data member from the Movie and Book classes.
12. Modify the constructors of the Movie and Book classes so the format argument
is passed to the constructor of the Media class. In other words, these classes
should set the format data member by calling the constructor of the Media class.
Note how this reduces code duplication.
13. Run the program to make sure it still works correctly.
Add an Album class
14. Add a class named Album that inherits the Media class. The Album class should
work much like the Book class, but it should include a data member for storing
the artist, not a data member for storing the author.
15. In the main.cpp file, modify the code that creates the objects so it creates an
Album object in addition to a Product, Book, and iMovie object. This object
should store the data for a music album that you like.
16. Modify the show_products() function so the program displays the description
for the Album object when it starts.
17. Modify the main() function so it passes the Album object to the show_product()
function if the user enters the correct number for the album. This should display
the Album object as shown at the beginning of this exercise.

Exercise 15-2 Work with abstract classes

and control overriding
In this exercise, you’ll convert the Product class into an abstract class and use the
override and final keywords to control overriding.

Open and test the program

1. Open the project or solution named product_viewer in this folder:
2. Review the code and run the program to make sure it works correctly.
Use an abstract class
3. Open the header file for the Product class. Then, modify the declaration for the
get_description() function so it is a pure virtual function. This makes the Product
class an abstract class.
606 Section 3 Object-oriented programming

4. Attempt to run the program. This should display an error message that
indicates that you can’t create an object from the abstract Product class.
5. Open the main.cpp file. Then, modify the code that attempts to create the
Product object so it creates a Book object instead. For data, you can use the
name and author of one of your favorite books.
6. Run the program to make sure it works correctly.
Use the override and final keywords
7. In the Movie and Book classes, add the override and final keywords to the
get_description() function. This shows that this function overrides the pure
virtual function of the Product class and that this function can’t be overridden
by other subclasses.
8. Create the header file for a new class named UsedBook that inherits the Book
9. Code a constructor that accepts the same four arguments as the constructor
for the Book class and passes those arguments to the constructor of the Book
class. The body of this constructor doesn’t need to contain any code.
10. Code a get_description() function that attempts to override the get_description()
function of the Book class. This function should append “(Used)” to the end of
the description.
11. In the main.cpp file, modify the code that creates the first object so it creates a
UsedBook object instead of a Book object.
12. Attempt to run the program. This should display an error message that
indicates that the get_description() function can’t be overridden because it is
13. In the Book class, remove the final keyword from the get_description()
14. Run the program. This time, it should work correctly.
More skills for object-
oriented programming
The last two chapters presented the fundamental skills and concepts for
working with object-oriented programming (OOP). Now, this chapter presents
a few more skills for working with object-oriented programming. In particular,
it shows how to work with static members, how to work with friend members,
and how to overload operators so they work correctly with objects that you

How to work with static members..................................... 608

How to code static data members and functions.........................................608
How to access static data members and functions....................................... 610
The Console class......................................................................................... 612
Code that uses the Console class................................................................. 614
How to work with a friend function.................................... 616
The FuelTank class......................................................................................... 616
A friend function that works with two classes............................................ 618
How to overload operators.................................................. 620
How to overload arithmetic binary operators............................................... 620
How to overload arithmetic unary operators................................................ 622
How to overload relational operators.............................................................624
How to overload the insertion and extraction operators...............................626
Perspective............................................................................ 628
608 Section 3 Object-oriented programming

How to work with static members

In the last two chapters, you learned how to code data members and member
functions that belong to the object that’s created from the class. Because these
members belong to an instance of the class, they’re sometimes referred to as
instance variables and object functions. Now. the topics that follow show how to
code static data members and static member functions. These members belong
to the class itself, not the object created from the class. As a result, they’re
sometimes called class data members or class member functions.

How to code static data members and functions

To code static members, you code the static keyword before the data
member or member function. This is illustrated by the Product class presented in
figure 16-1. This class is similar to the Product class presented in chapter 14. but
it includes a static data member and a static member function.
The header file for this class declares a static data member named
object_count that’s used to count the number of Product objects that are
created from the Product class. This data member is declared as private so
calling code can’t access it directly. Then, the header file declares and defines
a static member function named get_object_count() that returns the static
object_count data member. This member function is declared as public so
calling code can access it.
The implementation file begins by initializing the static object_count data
member to a value of 0. Since this data member is a static member that belongs
to the Product class, not a Product object, this code must qualify the data member
with the name of its class and the scope resolution operator. Then, the imple­
mentation file defines a constructor that increments the static data member. As
a result, after the first object is created from the Product class, the object_count
member of the Product class contains a value of 1. When the second object is
created, the object_count member contains a value of 2. And so on.
When you code a static function such as the get_object_count() function,
you can only use static data members and any local variables that are defined
in the function. You can’t use regular data members in a static function because
they belong to an object, not to the class. In other words, you can’t code the
get_object_count() function like this:
static int get_object_count() ( // static function
return discount_percent; // non-static data member - ERROR!
Code like this would result in a compile-time error that says something like,
“illegal reference to non-static member.”
When you code a class that mixes non-static members with static members,
it’s a good practice to organize these members in a way that allows you to easily
determine which members are non-static and which members are static. For
example, you might want to code static members after the non-static members as
shown in this figure. Or. you may prefer to code static members before non-static
Chapter 16 More skills for object-oriented programming 609

The Product class with a static data member and a static function
The Product.h file

#include <string>

class Product {
double price;
int discount_percent;
static int object_count; // static data member

Product(std::string name - double price - 0.0,
int discount_percent - 0);

std::string name;

void set_price(double);
double get_price() const { return price; }
void set_discount_percent(int);
int get_discount_percent() const { return discount_percent; }
double get_discount_amount() const;
double get_discount_price () const;

static int get_object_count () { // static function

return object_count;

# end if // MURACH_PRODUCT_H

Code in the Product.cpp file that works with the static data member
int Product::object_count ■ 0; // initialize static data member

Product::Product(string name_param, double price, int discount_pct) {

name - name_param;
++object_count; // increment static data member

• You can use the static keyword to code static data members and static functions
that belong to the class, not to an object created from the class.
• Static data members and static member functions are sometimes called class
data members and class member functions.
• When you code a static function, you can only use static data members and
local variables that are defined in the function. You can’t use regular data
members in a static function because they belong to an object created from the
class, not to the class itself.

Figure 16-1 How to code static data members and functions

610 Section 3 Object-oriented programming

members. For small classes, grouping members like this isn’t critical. However,
as your classes get larger, grouping the members of a class in a logical way
makes your code easier to read and maintain.

How to access static data members and functions

Figure 16-2 begins by showing two ways to access a static data member. To
access a static member directly from a class, you can code the name of the class,
the scope resolution operator (::), and the name of the data member as shown
by the first syntax and example. Or, you can access a static data member from an
object by coding the name of the object, the dot operator (.). and the name of the
data member as shown by the second example.
Both of these techniques also work for calling a static member function.
However, for a static member function, you also need to code the parentheses
after the function name and the argument list within these parentheses. This is
shown by the third and fourth syntaxes and examples.
Chapter 16 More skills for object-oriented programming 611

How to access a static data member from a class

int product_count - Product::object_count // if object_count is public

How to access a static data member from an object

obj ect_name.da ta_member_name
Product p;
int product_count - p.object_count; // if object_count is public

How to call a static member function from a class

int product_count - Product::get_object_count();

How to call a static member function from an object

Product p;
int product_count - p.get_object_count();

• You can use the scope resolution operator (::) to access a static data member
or function directly from the class without creating an object.
• You can use the dot operator (.) to access a static data member or function
from an object created from a class.

Figure 16-2 How to access static data members and functions

612 Section 3 Object-oriented programming

The Console class

If a function doesn’t use the data members of a class, you may want to make
the function static. That way, it can be called directly from the class or from
an object created from the class as shown by the previous figure. For example,
figure 16-3 presents a Console class that provides three static functions that get
user input from the console.
The code for these static functions works similarly to the code provided
by the console namespace described in chapter 7. In this figure, however, these
functions are available from the Console class, not the console namespace. This
shows that a class prevents name collisions in the same way that a namespace
The header for the Console class begins by defining a default constructor
for the class. Since this class doesn’t need to initialize any data members, this
constructor doesn’t do anything. As a result, you could rely on the compiler to
automatically generate this constructor. However, it’s considered a good practice
to provide a default constructor because it makes it easy for other program­
mers to see what, if anything, this constructor does. In this case, the constructor
clearly shows that it doesn’t do anything.
After defining the default constructor, the header file declares three public
member functions that are static. These member functions work as described
in chapter 7. The first one displays a prompt to the user and gets a double value
within the specified range. The second one works similarly, except it gets an int
value, not a double value. And the third one displays a prompt to the user, gets
the first character that the user enters, discards any remaining characters, and
optionally displays a blank line after the prompt.
The implementation file begins by defining three helper functions that are
used by the three static functions of this class. Since these three helper functions
aren't declared in the header file, they aren't available to other classes. Then, this
class defines the three static functions. Next, it defines the three helper functions.
The code for all of these functions is the same as the code in the console
namespace described in chapter 7. As a result, this figure doesn’t show the code
Chapter 16 More skills for object-oriented programming 613

A Console class that provides static functions

The console.h file

tinclude <string>
tinclude <limits>

class Console {
Console() (}; // define default constructor

// declare static functions

static double get_double(std::string prompt,
double min - std::numeric_limits<double>::min(),
double max - std::numeric_limits<double>::max());
static int get_int(std::string prompt,
int min - std::numeric_limits<int>::min(),
int max - std::numeric_limits<int>::max());
static char get_char(std::string prompt,
bool add_blank_line - true);

The console.cpp file
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <limits>
#include ■console.h"

// declare helper functions

void discard_remaining_chars ();
void handle_invalid_number();
bool check_range(double num, double min, double max);

// define public functions

double Console::get_double(std::string prompt, double min, double max) {
// same as code from console namespace in chapter 7

int Console::get_int(std::string prompt, int min, int max) {

// same as code from console namespace in chapter 7

char Console::get_char(std::string prompt, bool add_blank_line) (

// same as code from console namespace in chapter 7

// define private functions

// same as code from console namespace in chapter 7

Figure 16-3 The Console class

614 Section 3 Object-oriented programming

Code that uses the Console class

Figure 16-4 presents two code examples that use the Console class. The first
example uses the scope resolution operator to call three static functions directly
from the Console class. The advantage of this approach is that you don’t have
to create an object from the Console class. Also, it clearly indicates that you’re
calling a static function from the Console class.
The second example begins by creating a Console object from the Console
class and storing it in a variable named c. Then, this example uses the dot
operator to call three static functions from this Console object. The advantage
of this approach is that it yields code that’s more concise. That doesn’t make
much of a difference when calling just a few functions. However, it might make
a difference if you needed to call dozens of functions from this class.
The console presented in this figure reviews how the functions of the
Console class work. If the user enters an invalid number such as “x”, the console
displays an appropriate message and prompts the user again. Similarly, if the
user enters a number outside the specified range, the console displays an appro­
priate message and prompts the user again.
If the user enters a double value when an integer is expected, the get_int()
function converts the double value to an int value by truncating the decimal
digits. Similarly, if the user enters a string where a single character is expected,
the get_char() function gets the first character in the string and discards the rest
of the characters.
Chapter 16 More skills for object-oriented programming 615

Code that calls static functions directly from the Console class
double mi ■ Console::get_double("Monthly Investment: ", 0, 10000);
int years ■ Console::get_int("Years: ", 0, 100);
char choice ■ Console::get_char("Continue? (y/n): ■)

Code that calls static functions from a Console object

Console c;
double mi ■ c.get_double("Monthly Investment: ", 0, 10000);
int years ■ c.get_int("Years: ", 0, 100);
char choice ■ c.get_char("Continue? (y/n): ");

The console for both examples

Monthly Investment: x
Error! Invalid number. Try again.
Monthly Investment: 100
Years: 1000
Error! Number must be less than 100. Try again.
Years: 3
Continue? (y/n): no

• If a function doesn't use the data members of a class, you may want to make
the function static. That way, it can be called directly from the class or from an
object created from the class.

Figure 16-4 Code that uses the Console class

616 Section 3 Object-oriented programming

How to work with a friend function

When designing classes, you may sometimes want to allow a function
outside of a class to access private members of a class. To do that, you can use
a friend function as described in the next two topics. Note that using friend
functions breaks encapsulation. In some cases, though, this may be the best way
to accomplish a task.

The FuelTank class

Figure 16-5 presents a FuelTank class that’s designed to keep track of the
amount of fuel that’s stored in a tank. Internally, this class stores the amount of
fuel in gallons, but it provides functions that allow the user to get the amount of
fuel in gallons or liters.
At this point, the FuelTank class only uses skills that were presented in
chapter 14. However, the next figure adds a friend function to this class so
another class can access its private data member.
To start, the header file for the FuelTank class declares a private data member
named gallons. Then, it declares a constructor that can set this data member,
public getter and setter functions for this data member, and a get_liters() function
that gets the amount of fuel in liters.
The implementation file provides the definition of the get_liters() function.
This function converts the gallons data member to liters. Then, it returns the
result to the calling code.
The code example shows how this works. Here, the first statement creates
a FuelTank object and uses its constructor to set the gallons to 1 (X). Then, the
second statement displays the amount of fuel in the tank on the console as
measured in both gallons and liters.
Chapter 16 More skills for object-oriented programming 617

A FuelTank class
The FuelTank.h file

#include <iostream>

class FuelTank {
double gallons;
FuelTank(double gallons_param =0) { gallons - gallons_param; }
void set_gallons(double gallons_param) { gallons - gallons_param; }
double get_gallons() const ( return gallons; }
double get_liters() const;
The FuelTank.cpp file
tinclude <iostream>
#include "FuelTank.h"

using namespace std;

double FuelTank::get_liters() const {

double liters ■ gallons * 3.7854;
return liters;

Code that uses the FuelTank class

FuelTank tankl(lOO);

cout « "TANK 1" « endl

« " Gallons: " « tankl.get_gallons() « endl
« " Liters: " « tankl.get_liters() << endl << endl;
The console
Gallons: 100
Liters: 378.54

• The FuelTank class can be used to store the amount of fuel in the tank.
Internally, this class stores the amount of fuel in gallons, but it allows the user
to get the amount of fuel in gallons or liters.

Figure 16-5 The FuelTank class

618 Section 3 Object-oriented programming

A friend function that works with two classes

Figure 16-6 begins by showing the header file for a FuelCan class that has
a friend function named pour() that’s designed to work with the FuelTank and
FuelCan classes. To do that, the declaration for the pour() function begins with
the friend keyword. Then, it defines one reference parameter for a FuelTank
object and another for a FuelCan object.
To make it possible for the FuelCan class to compile, it must include a
forward declaration for the FuelTank class. This forward declaration tells the
compiler that the FuelTank class will be defined and compiled later. This is
similar to the way that a header file declares functions that can be defined later in
the implementation file.
This figure also shows a FuelTank class that includes a friend function
named pour(). The declaration for this function is the same as the declaration
in the FuelCan class. In addition, the header file for the FuelTank class needs to
include the FuelCan header file. That way, the FuelCan class is available to the
FuelTank class.
The implementation for the pour() function accesses the private data
members of FuelTank and FuelCan objects. Within its body, the first statement
adds all of the fuel in the can to the fuel that’s already in the tank. Then, since all
the fuel has been poured from the can into the tank, the second statement sets the
amount of fuel in the can to zero. To accomplish this task, this code accesses the
private gallons data member of the FuelCan object and the private gallons data
member of the FuelTank object.
A friend function works much like a static function, but it has a scope that’s
larger than the class. In this figure, for example, the pour() function is declared
within the FuelCan and FuelTank classes, but it is defined outside of either
of these classes. In other words, it has the scope of a regular function that’s
declared outside of a class. As a result, a friend function can’t access the data
members of a class directly. However, it can access the data members from any
of its parameter objects that declare this function as a friend.
With this simple example, it would probably be better not to use friend
functions at all. In that case, you could just use the public setter and getter
functions within the pour() function like this:
void pour(FuelTank& tank, FuelCan& can) (
tank.set_gallons(tank.get_gallons () + can.get_galIons();
That way, you wouldn’t need to declare the pour() function in the FuelCan and
FuelTank classes, and those classes would remain encapsulated.
However, for more complicated classes and functions, it may sometimes be
convenient to be able to access private data members. In addition, there may be
times when a function may need to access private members to work correctly. At
the end of this chapter, for example, you’ll see a friend function for an operator
that shows when using a friend function is necessary.
Chapter 16 More skills for object-oriented programming 619

The header file for a FuelCan class that declares a friend function

class FuelTank; // forward declaration of a class

class FuelCan (
double gallons - 0;
FuelCan(double gallons_param =0) ( gallons - gallons_param; }
double get_gallons() ( return gallons; }
friend void pour(FuelTank& tank, FuelCan& can);
ttendif // MURACH_FUEL_CAN_H

The header file for a FuelTank class that declares a friend function

#include "FuelCan.h"

class FuelTank {
double gallons;
FuelTank(double gallons_param =0) { gallons ■ gallons_param; }
void set_gallons(double gallons_param) { gallons ■ gallons_param; }
double get_gallons() const { return gallons; }
double get_liters() const;
friend void pour(FuelTank& tank, FuelCan& can);

The implementation for the friend function

#include "FuelCan.h"
ttinclude "FuelTank.h"

void pour(FuelTank& tank, FuelCan& can) (

tank.gallons +■ can.gallons; // access private data members
can.gallons ■ 0; // access private data memeber

Code that uses the friend function

FuelCan can(2); // can has 2 gallons
FuelTank tank(500); // tank has 500 gallons
pour(tank, can); // tank has 502 gallons, can has 0 gallons

• You can use the friend keyword to declare friend functions that exist outside of
a class. These functions can access the private members of a class.
• A forward declaration declares a class or function so it can be defined and
compiled later.

Figure 16-6 A friend function that works with two classes

620 Section 3 Object-oriented programming

How to overload operators

In chapter 9, you learned how to overload the equality operator (■■) for a
structure. Now. this chapter shows that the same principles apply to overloading
the operators of a class. In the topics that follow, you’ll learn how to overload
some of the most common operators. However, you can use the techniques
described here to overload any of the operators provided by C++. By overloading
these operators, you can allow your classes to work more like the built-in types.

How to overload arithmetic binary operators

Figure 16-7 shows how to overload arithmetic binary operators such as the
addition (♦) and subtraction (-) operators. To overload these operators, you can
code a special function known as an operator function that defines the behavior
of an operator for an object. To start, this figure shows how to overload the
addition operator so it works with FuelTank objects.
The header file for the FuelTank class declares an addition operator that
accepts a FuelTank object as a constant reference and returns a FuelTank object.
Here, instead of coding a name for the function, you code the operator keyword
followed by the operator that you’re declaring. When doing this, it’s common to
code the operator immediately after the operator keyword as shown by the first
example. However, if you prefer, you can code a space between the operator
keyword and the operator as shown in the second example.
The implementation file for the FuelTank class provides the definition of the
addition operator. Within this function, the first statement creates a new FuelTank
object named t. Then, the second statement adds the gallons in the FuelTank
parameter object to the gallons in the current object, and it sets the result in the
newly created FuelTank object named t. Finally, the third statement returns this
FuelTank object. Note that the parameter in this example is named right because
it’s used as the right operand for the operation.
After the definition for the addition operator, this figure presents some code
that uses this operator. Here, the first statement creates a FuelTank object that
stores 1 (X) gallons, the second creates a FuelTank object that stores 200 gallons,
and the third adds the two FuelTank objects together to get a third FuelTank
object that stores 3(X) gallons. This shows that the addition operator needs to
create a third FuelTank object because it wouldn’t make sense for this operation
to change the values stored in the first two FuelTank objects.
This figure also shows that you can call the addition operator with a syntax
that’s similar to calling a function. Here, the code calls the operator+() function.
This shows that using an operator is really just a shorthand way of calling a
function. In other words, an operator is really just a special kind of function that
can provide a more concise and intuitive way to work with objects.
After showing how to use the addition operator, this figure shows how to use
the subtraction operator. If you compare the code for this operator to the addition
operator, you’ll see that all the same techniques and concepts apply to the
subtraction operator. In addition, the same techniques and concepts apply to other
arithmetic binary operators, such as the multiplication and division operators.
Chapter 16 More skills for object-oriented programming 621

The addition operator for the FuelTank class

The declaration in the FuelTank.h file
FuelTank operator* (const FuelTankfc right);
The same declaration but with a space after the operator keyword
FuelTank operator * (const FuelTankft right);
The definition in the FuelTank.cpp file
FuelTank FuelTank::operator* (const FuelTankfc right) {
FuelTank t;
t.set_gallons(gallons + right.gallons);
return t;

Code that uses the addition operator

FuelTank tankl(lOO);
FuelTank tank2(200);
FuelTank tank3 ■ tank2 ♦ tankl; // tank3 has 300 gallons
Another way to code the third statement
FuelTank tank3 ■ tank2.operator*(tankl); // tank3 has 300 gallons

The subtraction operator for the FuelTank class

The declaration in the FuelTank.h file
FuelTank operator- (const FuelTankfc right);
The definition in the FuelTank.cpp file
FuelTank FuelTank::operator- (const FuelTankfc right) {
FuelTank t;
t.set_gallons(gallons - right.gallons);
return t;

Code that uses the subtraction operator

FuelTank tankl(100);
FuelTank tank2(200);
FuelTank tank3 ■ tank2 - tankl; // tank3 has 100 gallons
Another way to code the third statement
FuelTank tank3 ■ tank2.operator-(tankl); // tank3 has 100 gallons

• An operator function is a function that defines the behavior of an operator for
an object.
• The arithmetic binary operators should create and return a new object because
they shouldn’t modify the state of the objects used in the operation.

Figure 16-7 How to overload the arithmetic binary operators

622 Section 3 Object-oriented programming

How to overload arithmetic unary operators

Figure 16-8 shows how to overload the increment operator (++), which is an
arithmetic unary operator. However, the skills for overloading this operator can
be applied to other arithmetic unary operators such as the decrement operator
To start, this figure shows how to overload the prefix increment operator so
it works with the FuelTank class. Here, the header file for the FuelTank class
declares an increment operator that doesn’t accept any arguments and returns
a FuelTank object by reference. Then, the implementation file defines this
operator. Within its body, the first statement increments the number of gallons
stored in the current object. Then, the second statement returns a reference to the
FuelTank object. To do that, this code uses the indirection operator (*) with the
this keyword to get a reference to the object.
The code that uses the prefix increment operator begins by creating a
FuelTank object that stores 1 (X) gallons of fuel. Then, the code uses the prefix
increment operator to increase the amount of fuel in the tank to 101 gallons
and to display the result on the console. This shows that the prefix increment
operator increments the FuelTank object before C++ executes the rest of the
expression that displays the gallons on the console.
To declare the postfix increment operator, the header file for the FuelTank
class declares an increment operator that accepts an int value and returns a
FuelTank object. This int parameter is a dummy parameter that isn’t used by
the function for the operator. Instead, it identifies the overload as the postfix
overload, not the prefix overload.
The implementation file defines the postfix increment operator. Within the
body of this operator, the first statement makes a copy of the current FuelTank
object. Then, the second statement increments the number of gallons stored in
the current object. Finally, the third statement returns the copy of the FuelTank
object that contains the values that haven’t been incremented.
If you want the postfix operator to behave correctly, it’s necessary to create
a copy of the current object for the postfix operator as shown here. This allows
the postfix operator to return the copy of the object without incremented values.
Then, after the increment operation is performed, the code can access the object
with its incremented values.
Conversely, you don’t need to make a copy of the object for the prefix
operator to behave correctly. That’s why the prefix operator returns a reference
to the current object and the postfix operator doesn’t. That’s also why the prefix
operator is more efficient than the postfix operator and why it’s generally consid­
ered a good practice to use the prefix operator whenever possible.
The second definition for the postfix operator shows another way to code
this operator. The body of this function uses the prefix operator defined earlier
in this figure to increment the current object. This approach makes sure that the
same code for incrementing is used for both the prefix and postfix operators.
In this example, the prefix operator only increments a single data member, the
gallons member. As a result, it’s easy to duplicate the code in both the prefix
and postfix operators. However, if the prefix operator incremented multiple data
members, it would make sense to use the second technique.
Chapter 16 More skills for object-oriented programming 623

The prefix increment operator for the FuelTank class

The declaration in the FuelTank.h file
FuelTank& operator*+ () ;
The definition in the FuelTank.cpp file
FuelTank& FuelTank::operator++ () (
♦♦gallons; // increment data member
return *this; // returncurrent object

Code that uses the prefix increment operator

FuelTank tankl(100);
cout << ++tankl.get_gallons() << endl; // displays 101

The postfix increment operator for the FuelTank class

The declaration in the FuelTank.h file
FuelTank operator** (int unused_param);
The definition in the FuelTank.cpp file
FuelTank FuelTank::operator++ (int unused_param) (
FuelTank temp - *this; // make copy of current object
♦♦gallons; // increment the current object
return temp; // return the pre-increment copy
Another definition that works better for incrementing multiple data members
FuelTank FuelTank::operator++ (int unused_param) (
FuelTank temp - *this; // make copy of current object
++*this; // increment the current object
return temp; // return the pre-increment copy

Code that uses the postfix increment operator

FuelTank tankl(100);
cout << tankl++.get_gallons() << endl; // displays 100
cout << tankl.get_gallons() << endl; // displays 101

• You can use the this keyword to get a pointer to the location of an object in
memory. You can use the indirection operator (*) to access the object.
• The postfix overload uses a dummy parameter to identify the overload as the postfix
overload rather than the prefix overload.
• A postfix operator should return a copy of the object before the increment operation.
• A prefix operator should return a reference to the object after the increment operation.
• Because the prefix operator doesn’t need to make a copy of an object, it is more
efficient than the postfix operator.
• The techniques shown in this figure also work with the decrement operator (—).

Figure 16-8 How to overload the arithmetic unary operators

624 Section 3 Object-oriented programming

How to overload relational operators

Figure 16-9 shows how to overload relational operators such as the greater
than (>), less than (<), and equality (-■) operators. These operators return a
Boolean value that indicates the result of the comparison. Since these operators
should not modify their parameters, you can define them as constant reference
To start, this figure shows how to overload the less than operator so it works
with the FuelTank class. The header file for the FuelTank class declares a less
than operator that accepts a FuelTank object by constant reference and returns a
Boolean value.
The implementation file defines the less than operator. The body of this
operator uses an if statement to check whether the gallons data member in the
current object is less than the gallons data member in the FuelTank parameter.
If it is. this operator returns true. Otherwise, it returns false. As a result, one
FuelTank object is less than another FuelTank object if it has fewer gallons than
the other FuelTank object.
Since the condition in this if statement evaluates to a Boolean value, you can
code this definition more concisely by returning the result of the comparison.
The second definition for the less than operator uses this technique.
The same principles for overloading the less than operator also apply to
the other relational operators. As a result, if you understand how to code a less
than operator like the one shown in this figure, you shouldn't have any trouble
coding the greater than or equality operators shown in this figure. In addition,
you should be able to code other equality operators not shown here, such as the
greater than or equal to (>■) and less than or equal to (<■) operators.
The code that uses the relational operators uses an if statement to check
whether one FuelTank object is less than, greater than, or equal to another
FuelTank object. Then, this code displays an appropriate message depending on
the result.
Chapter 16 More skills for object-oriented programming 625

The less than operator for the FuelTank class

The declaration in the FuelTank.h file
bool operator< (const FuelTank& right);
The definition in the FuelTank.cpp file
bool FuelTank::operator< (const FuelTank* right) {
if (gallons < right.gallons)
return true;
return false;
A more concise definition for this operator
bool FuelTank::operator< (const FuelTank* right) {
return (gallons < right.gallons);

The greater than operator for the FuelTank class

The declaration in the FuelTank.h file
bool operator> (const FuelTank& right);
The definition in the FuelTank.cpp file
bool FuelTank::operator* (const FuelTank* right) {
return (gallons > right.gallons);

The equality operator for the FuelTank class

The declaration in the FuelTank.h file
bool operator== (const FuelTank& right);
The definition in the FuelTank.cpp file
bool FuelTank::operator■« (const FuelTankfc right) {
return (gallons ■■ right.gallons);

Code that uses the relational operators

if (tankl < tank2) (
cout « "Tank 1 has less fuel than tank 2.\n\n";
else if (tankl > tank2) {
cout « "Tank 1 has more fuel than tank 2.\n\n";
else if (tankl ■■ tank2) (
cout « "Tank 1 has the same amount of fuel as tank 2.\n\n";

• The relational operators return a Boolean value that indicates the result of the
comparison. Since these operators should not modify their parameters, you can
define them as constant reference parameters.

Figure 16-9 How to overload the relational operators

626 Section 3 Object-oriented programming

How to overload the insertion

and extraction operators
Figure 16-10 shows how to overload the insertion (<<) and extraction opera­
tors (>>) so they work correctly with the FuelTank class presented earlier in this
The functions for the insertion and extraction operators are actually defined
by the ostream and istream classes that are available from the C++ standard
library. As a result, the header for the FuelTank class must declare these
functions as friend functions of the ostream and istream classes. Otherwise,
you’ll get an error when you try to overload the insertion and extraction opera­
tors. For example, this figure declares that the insertion operator is a friend of
the insertion operator of the ostream class, and it declares the extraction operator
is a friend of the extraction operator of the istream class, which is what you
typically want.
The insertion operator declares two parameters, an ostream object and a
FuelTank object. This allows the insertion operator to work with a FuelTank
object. Here, the ostream object is passed by reference since you need to modify
it by inserting data into it, and the FuelTank object is passed by constant refer­
ence since you shouldn't modify this object. In addition, this operator returns an
ostream object by reference. This makes it possible to chain multiple calls to this
operator together within a single statement as shown in this figure.
The body for the insertion operator begins with a single statement that
inserts a message that includes the number of gallons and liters stored in the
FuelTank object into the insertion stream. To do that, this code uses the insertion
operator to insert data into the ostream parameter named out. Then, this code
returns the ostream object to the calling code.
The extraction operator works much like the insertion operator. However,
the extraction operator needs to be able to modify the FuelTank parameter. As a
result, this parameter is passed by reference, not by constant reference.
The body for the extraction operator begins by prompting the user to enter
the number of gallons. Then, the second statement stores the number of gallons
entered by the user in the gallons data member of the FuelTank object. To do
that, this code uses the extraction operator to extract data from the istream
parameter named in. Finally, the third statement returns the istream object to the
calling code.
The code that uses the insertion and extraction operators begins by creating
two FuelTank objects. Then, the second statement chains together two calls
to the extraction operator to set the gallons in both of these FuelTank objects.
Finally, the third statement chains together four calls to the insertion operator
to display headings and data for both FuelTank objects on the console. As you
review this code, note that you wouldn’t be able to use chaining within these
operators if they didn’t return the appropriate stream object.
Chapter 16 More skills for object-oriented programming 627

The insertion operator for the FuelTank class

The declaration in the FuelTank.h file
friend std::ostream& operator<< (std::ostream&, const FuelTank&);
The definition in the FuelTank.cpp file
ostreamS operator<< (ostream& out, const FuelTank& tank) (
out << ■ Gallons: ■ << tank.gallons << endl
<< ■ Liters: ■ << tank.get_liters() << endl
<< endl;
return out;

The extraction operator for the FuelTank class

The declaration in the FuelTank.h file
friend std: : istream& operator» (std: : istreamS, FuelTankfc);
The definition in the FuelTank.cpp file
istream& operator>> (istreams in, FuelTank &tank) {
cout « "Enter gallons: ■;
in >> tank.gallons;
return in;

Code that uses the insertion and extraction operators

FuelTank tank4, tank5;
cin >> tank4 >> tank5; // chains 2 extraction operators together
cout << "TANK 4\n" << tank4
<< "TANK 5\n" << tankS; // chains 4 insertion operators together
The console
Enter gallons: 400
Enter gallons: 500
Gallons: 400
Liters: 1514.16

Gallons: 500
Liters: 1892.7

• An operator that accepts and returns an object by reference allows you to chain
calls to the operator together within a single statement.

Figure 16-10 How to overload the insertion and extraction operators

628 Section 3 Object-oriented programming

Now that you’ve finished this chapter, you have a solid foundation in
object-oriented programming. At this point, you have most of the object-
oriented skills you need for understanding how various C++ libraries such as
the Standard Template Library (STL) work. In fact, the next three chapters
show how to use the skills you learned in chapter 14 to define classes that
implement custom containers that work much like the vector and list containers
that are available from the STL. As you read the remaining chapters of this
book, you’ll reinforce your existing knowledge of object-oriented program­
ming, and you’ll learn a few more object-oriented skills.

static data member
static member function
class data member
class member function
forward declaration
friend function
operator function
dummy parameter

• Within a class, you can use the static keyword to code static data members
and static member functions that belong to the class, not the object that’s
created from the class.
• Static data members and static functions are sometimes called class data
members and class member functions.
• A forward declaration declares a class or function so it can be defined and
compiled later.
• Within a class, you can use the friend keyword to declare friend functions
that are defined outside of the class. These friend functions can accept
objects created from the class that they can use to access the private
members of the class.
• An operator function is a function that defines the behavior of an operator
for an object.
• To overload the postfix operator, you code a dummy parameter that isn’t
used by the function except to create a different signature that identifies the
overload as the postfix overload, not the prefix overload.
• An operator that accepts and returns an object by reference allows you to
chain calls to the operator together within a single statement.
Chapter 16 More skills for object-oriented programming 629

Exercise 16-1 Enhance the Future Value program

This exercise guides you through the process of modifying the Future Value
program from chapter 7 so it uses a Console class that provides static functions
instead of a console namespace.

Open and test the program

1. Open the project or solution named future_value in this folder:
2. Review the code and run the program to make sure it works correctly. Note
that this program uses the console namespace to declare and define the
get_double(), get_int(). and get_char() functions.
Add the Console class
3. Open the header file for the console namespace. Then, modify the code so
it stores the function declarations in a class named Console instead of the
console namespace. When you do that, declare all three functions as static and
with public access. Also, make sure to include a semicolon at the end of the
class declaration.
4. Open the implementation file for the console namespace. Then, modify the
code so it provides the function definitions for the Console class. To do that,
you can delete the code that defines the console namespace and qualify the
get_double(), get_int(). and get_char() functions with the Console class.
5. In the main.cpp file, modify the main() function so it calls static functions
directly from the Console class. Then, run the program to make sure it still
works correctly.
6. In the main.cpp file, modify the main() function so it creates an object from
the Console class named c and calls static functions from this object. Then,
run the program to make sure it still works correctly.
Add the Finance class
7. Create a header file and an implementation file for a class named Finance.
8. Move the declaration for the calculate_future_value() function from the
main.cpp file to the header file for the Finance class. When you do, make
sure to declare this function as static and with public access.
9. Move the definition for the calculate_future_value() function from the
main.cpp file to the implementation file for the Finance class. Then, qualify
the name of the function with the name of the class.
10. Modify the main.cpp file so it uses the static calculate_future_value() function
that’s stored in the Finance class. Then, run the program to make sure that it
still works properly.
630 Section 3 Object-oriented programming

Exercise 16-2 Add operators to a Circle object

In this exercise, you’ll add some of the operators described in this chapter to
a Circle object. Then, you’ll code a program that tests these operators. When
you’re done, running the program should display this:






radiussio|diameters20|circumferences 62.8318|area=314.159

CIRCLE 4 after +♦:


Open and test the program

1. Open the project or solution named circle_tester in this folder:
2. Review the code and note how the Circle class defines functions for getting
the diameter, circumference, and area based on the value of the radius. Also,
note that the code in the main.cpp file includes a displayO function that you
can use to display a Circle object on the console.
3. Run the program to make sure it works correctly. At this point, it should only
display the first two Circle objects shown above.
Add the addition and subtraction operators
4. In the header file for the Circle class, add a declaration for the addition
operator. Then, in the implementation file, add a definition for this operator
that adds the radius of one Circle object to another circle object.
5. In the main.cpp file, add code that uses the addition operator to add the first
two Circle objects together to get a third Circle object. Then, use the displayO
function to display that object on the console as shown above.
6. Repeat step 4 for the subtraction operator. Then, in the main.cpp file, add code
that uses the subtraction operator to subtract the second Circle object from the
first Circle object to get a third Circle object, and use the displayO function to
display that object on the console as shown above.
Add the prefix increment operator
7. In the header file for the Circle class, add a declaration for the prefix incre­
ment operator. Then, in the implementation file, add a definition for this
operator that increases the radius by 1.
Chapter 16 More skills for object-oriented programming 631

8. In the main.cpp file, add code that uses the prefix increment operator to incre­
ment the fourth Circle object. Then, use the displayO function to display that
object on the console as shown above. At this point, the console should look
like the console shown above.
Add the insertion operator
9. In the header file for the Circle class, add a declaration for the insertion
10. In the implementation file, add a definition for this operator. To do that, you
can copy the code that displays the Circle object from the display!) function
in the main.cpp file. For this to work, you need to include the iostream header,
so this definition can work with the std::ostream class.
11. In the main.cpp file, modify the code so it uses the insertion operator instead
of the displayO function to display the Circle objects on the console. To make
sure this code is no longer using the display!) function, comment out the
displayO function when you’re done.
Section 4

Skills for legacy

and generic programming
So far. this book has presented the skills that you need to write modem
C++ programs, and it has presented many sample programs that use
these skills. Most of these programs use reference variables to work
with memory safely and efficiently. In addition, these programs use the
containers that are available from the STL (Standard Template Library). If
you’re using a modem version of C++, that’s typically the approach that
you want to take.
However, if you need to work with legacy C++ or C code, or if you
need to work in an embedded environment, you may need to use pointers
to work with memory at a low level as described in chapter 17. In addition,
if you want to allow your classes and functions to support multiple data
types, you may need to work with templates as described in chapter 18.
Once you have those skills, you can define custom containers that work
like the containers of the STL as described in chapter 19.
Because chapters 17 and 18 present skills that are used in chapter 19,
they are prerequisites to chapter 19. Similarly, chapter 17 presents some
skills that are used in chapter 18. As a result, we recommend reading these
three chapters in sequence.

How to work with memory

and pointers
In chapter 12, you were introduced to some skills for working with pointers
that you need to work with built-in arrays. Now, you’ll review those skills and
learn much more about working with pointers.
But first, you should know that it’s often a good practice to avoid using
pointers when you’re working with modern versions of C++. That’s because
using pointers can be difficult and error prone. Fortunately, C++ has evolved
over the years so that it’s usually possible to avoid pointers by using reference
variables and STL vectors instead of pointers and built-in arrays.
However, you can’t always avoid pointers. For example, if you work
with legacy C++ or C code, you are likely to encounter them. Also, if you are
working in an environment with constrained resources, such as an embedded
environment, you might need to use pointers.

An introduction to pointers and memory.........................636

How physical memory works........................................................................ 636
How to detine and use pointers...................................................................... 638
More skills for defining and using pointers.................................................. 640
How pointer variables compare to reference variables................................642
How to use pointers with functions................................... 644
How and when to pass pointers to functions................................................ 644
How to use the this pointer in a member function....................................... 646
The Step Counter 1.0 program...................................................................... 648
The Step Counter 2.0 program...................................................................... 650
How to use pointers to work with dynamic memory..... 652
An overview of the types of storage.............................................................. 652
How to allocate and deallocate free store memory......................................654
How to avoid memory leaks and memory corruption ....656
How to use RA1I (Resource Acquisition Is Instantiation).......................... 656
How to implement the Rule of Three with RAI1......................................... 658
How to implement the Rule of Five with RAI1............................................ 660
How to work with smart pointers..................................................................662
The Sensor Analysis program....................................................................... 664
More skills for working with pointers................................ 670
How to compare pointers............................................................................... 670
How to use pointer arithmetic....................................................................... 670
How to work with void pointers.................................................................... 670
How to use pointers with inheritance............................................................ 672
How to understand complex compound types.............................................. 674
Perspective............................................................................ 676
636 Section 4 Skills for legacy and generic programming

An introduction to memory and pointers

In C++, a pointer is an object that works at the level of the physical memory.
As a result, before you can understand how pointers work, you need to under­
stand how physical memory works.

How physical memory works

Physical memory is a sequence of bytes as shown by the graphical represen­
tation at the top of figure 17-1. Each byte in the sequence is assigned a number,
usually ranging from zero to one less than the size of the memory. This number
is called a memory address.
In C++, you typically allocate memory by defining variables that have a
data type as shown by the first example. Here, the first statement defines a char
variable named letter, and the second defines an int variable named num. These
statements direct the system to set aside enough bytes to store a char value and
an int value. On most systems, that means that 1 byte is allocated for the letter
variable and 4 bytes are allocated for the num variable.
At this level, the only difference between a char type and an int type is the
number of bytes of physical memory that’s allocated for them. This is illustrated
by the graphical representation below the two statements.
The second example provides a single statement that defines an array
variable that holds five elements of the int type. This statement directs the system
to set aside enough bytes to hold the elements of the array. On most systems,
that’s 5 elements of 4 bytes each for a total of 20 bytes. At this level, the only
difference between this variable and the variables from the first example is the
number of bytes that are allocated. Again, this is illustrated by the graphical
representation below the statement.
Remember, each byte in physical memory is assigned a unique memory
address. That means that when you define a variable and memory for it is
allocated by the system, each byte that’s allocated has a unique address. With
C++, you can use the address of operator (&) to retrieve this memory address.
Specifically, the address of operator returns the memory address of the first byte
of the memory location of the object, which in this context is anything that’s
stored in memory.
The third example shows how this works. Here, the first statement displays
the memory address of the first byte of the 4 bytes the system allocated for
the int variable named num. Then, the second statement displays the memory
address of the first byte of the 20 bytes the system allocated for the int array
variable named nums.
The notation used to display the memory addresses varies by system, but
most systems use some variation of hexadecimal (or hex). In this figure, for
example. Visual StudioAMSVC and Xcode/Clang use different variations of
hexadecimal notation to display the memory address. Since the notation used
by Xcode/Clang is shorter, this is the notation we’ll use in the next figure. Of
course, your system will likely produce different hexadecimal values than these.
Chapter 17 How to work with memory and pointers 637

A graphical representation of the sequence of bytes in physical memory

I I I I I I I I I I I I I I □
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 ... memory size minus 1

How to allocate memory by defining two variables

char letter; // sets aside 1 byte of memory (usually) for variable letter
int num; // sets aside 4 bytes of memory (usually) for variable num
A graphical representation of these variables
letter num

How to allocate memory by defining an array variable

int nums[5]; // sets aside enough memory for variable nums
// (usually 20 bytes: 4 bytes times 5 elements)
A graphical representation of this array

How to use the address of operator to get the memory address

of an object
cout « &num << endl; // displays memory address of first of 4 bytes
cout « inums << endl; // displays memory address of first of 20 bytes
The hexadecimal notation displayed by Visual Studio/MSVC
The hexadecimal notation displayed by Xcode/Clang

• The physical memory of a computer is a sequence of bytes.
• Each byte is a physical location and is represented by a number, also called a
memory address. On most systems, the numbers range from zero to one less than
the memory size.
• The notation for memory addresses varies by system, but it’s common for systems
to use hexadecimal, or hex, notation. Hex notation is a base 16 numbering system
that uses sixteen distinct symbols, typically 0-9 for zero to nine and A-F for ten to
• You can use the address of operator (&) to get the memory address of an object,
which can be thought of as anything that’s stored in memory. This returns the
address of the first byte of the location of the object in memory.

Figure 17-1 How physical memory works

638 Section 4 Skills for legacy and generic programming

How to define and use pointers

As you just learned, each object in C++ is allocated a specific location in
physical memory. Further, you learned that you can use the address of operator
to retrieve the memory address of the first byte of that location. Once you’ve
retrieved a memory address, you can store it in a special variable called a pointer
variable, also known as a pointer. In other words, a pointer is an object that
stores the memory address of another object.
The first example in figure 17-2 shows how to define a pointer variable.
Here, the first statement defines an int variable named num whose value is 2(X).
Then, the second statement defines a pointer variable named ptr whose value
is the memory address of the num variable. More precisely, the value of the ptr
variable is the memory address of the first byte of the location where the num
value is stored. As a result, the ptr variable points to the num variable.
It's important to understand that a pointer variable is itself an object. As a
result, it has its own memory address as shown by the graphical representation
below the code example. In addition, the second code example displays this
memory address on the console.
In addition to having a memory address, a pointer variable has a data type.
In this figure, for example, the pointer named ptr has a data type of pointer to int
since it points to an int data type. This is a compound type that’s created from
an underlying type, and it allows you to use the pointer to indirectly access and
work with the underlying value.
To access the underlying value of a pointer, you can use the indirection
operator (*) as shown by the third code example. Here, the first statement uses
the indirection operator to display the underlying value on the console. This is
the value that’s stored in the num variable. Then, the second statement uses the
indirection operator to change the underlying value. To show that this works, the
third statement displays the num variable on the console.
As you review the third example, note that the first example uses the asterisk
(*) to define the pointer named ptr. Then, the third example uses the asterisk as
the indirection operator. In other words, the operation of the asterisk changes
depending where it’s coded. Similarly, the asterisk becomes the multiplication
operator if it’s coded between two numbers.
To access a member function of an object, you can use the member access
operator (->). For instance, the fourth example defines a string and a pointer
named sptr that points to that string. Then, the fifth example uses the member
access operator to call the size() member function of the string object. It’s also
possible to use the indirection operator here like this:
cout << (*sptr).size() << endl; // displays 5
However, the member access operator is cleaner and less error prone. As a result,
you should use it whenever possible.
Chapter 17 How to work with memory and pointers 639

Code that defines an int variable and a pointer to that int object
int num - 200; // defines and initializes int variable named num
int* ptr ■ fcnum; // defines and initializes pointer to int named ptr

A graphical representation of the relationship between these

two variables
Ptr num

0x28ff2c => 200

0x28ff28 0x28ff2c

How to display the value stored by the pointer

cout « ptr « endl; // displays 0x28ff2c

How to use the indirection operator to work with a pointer

To retrieve the underlying value
cout « *ptr << endl; // displays 200
To change the underlying value
*ptr ■ 1000; // assigns new value to underlying object
cout « num « endl; // displays 1000

Code that defines a string variable and a pointer to the string object
string s ■ "hello"; // defines and initializes string variable
string* sptr ■ &s; // defines and initializes pointer to string vari­

How to use the member access operator to call a function

cout « sptr->size() << endl; // displays 5

• A pointer variable, or pointer, is an object that stores the memory address of
another object. In other words, the pointer points to the other object.
• The value of a pointer is a memory address, but a pointer is also an object in its
own right with its own memory address.
• You can use the address of operator (&) to get an address that you can use to
initialize a pointer variable.
• A pointer variable stores a memory address and has a data type that depends
on the data type it points to. For example, a pointer to an int data type is of the
pointer to int type. This is referred to as a compound type.
• You can use the indirection operator (*) to dereference a pointer. This allows
you to access the value of the object that a pointer points to.
• You can use the member access operator (->) to access public data members
and functions of the object that a pointer points to.

Figure 17-2 How to define and use pointers

640 Section 4 Skills for legacy and generic programming

More skills for defining and using pointers

Figure 17-3 begins by showing the three syntaxes for defining a pointer. The
first syntax is the one you saw in the last figure, and you’ll learn more about it
and the other syntaxes in just a minute. But first, you should notice that regard­
less of which syntax you use. you can initialize a pointer variable when you
define it. This is considered a best practice, since uninitialized pointers are a
common cause of errors.
The first code example defines three variables that are used by the other
examples. Here, the first two statements define variables of the int type, and the
third statement defines a variable of the double type.
The second code example shows the three places that you can code the
asterisk when defining a pointer. First, you can code it immediately after the data
type. This style makes it clear that the type is a compound type, and it makes it
easier to distinguish between code that defines a pointer and code that derefer­
ences a pointer. As a result, the code examples in this book use this placement of
the asterisk in most cases.
Second, you can code the asterisk immediately before the variable name.
This style makes it easier to remember to include the asterisk when defining
multiple pointers as shown in the third example of this figure. However, this
placement of the asterisk looks similar to code that dereferences a pointer.
Third, you can code the asterisk with spaces between it, the data type, and
the variable name. This style is the least common, partly because it looks like the
placement of the asterisk for a multiplication expression.
The third example shows how to define multiple pointers on one line of
code. To do that, you need to make sure that each variable has an asterisk before
it. Otherwise, you’ll accidentally define some regular variables instead of
pointers. For instance, without the asterisk before it, the p2 variable would be an
int variable, not a pointer. Because of that, some programmers consider it a best
practice to code one pointer per line.
The fourth example shows how to define a null pointer. With C++11 and
later, it’s generally considered a best practice to define a null pointer by using the
nullptr keyword to assign a value to the pointer. Prior to C++11. it was common
to assign NULL or 0 to create a null pointer. Once you define a null pointer,
you shouldn’t attempt to dereference it. To avoid that, you can check whether a
pointer is null as shown in figure 17-5.
The fifth example shows how to use the address of operator to change the
object that a pointer points to. Here, the first statement changes the address
of the pointer named iptr so it points to the grade variable instead of the num
variable. This works because both of these variables are of the int type.
The last example shows that you can’t change a pointer so it points to a
different data type. This might seem odd. since memory addresses are just
numbers. Remember, though, that a pointer only contains the memory address of
the first byte of an object’s location. It uses the data type of the pointer to deter­
mine how many more bytes have been allocated for that object. For instance, a
pointer to an int variable knows it contains the memory address for the first of 4
bytes. If you changed that memory address to the first of 8 bytes of a double, the
Chapter 17 How to work with memory and pointers 641

The three syntaxes for defining a pointer

type* name ^object);
type ‘name ftobject);
type * name (■ fcobject];

Three variables used in this figure

int num ■ 200;
int grade = 88;
double pi ■ 3.14;

Three places to code the asterisk when defining a pointer

int* iptr ■ &num; // immediately after the data type
int *iptr2 ■ &num; // immediately before the variable name
int * iptr3 ■ &num; // with spaces before and after

How to define multiple pointers on one line

int *pl ■ &num, *p2 ■ &grade; // each declaration must have a * symbol

Three ways to define a null pointer

int* ipl - nullptr; // C++11 and later
int* ip2 - NULL; // prior to C++11
int* ip3 =0; // prior to C++11

How to change the object a pointer points to

iptr - fcgrade; // iptr now points to the grade object
cout << *iptr « endl; // displays 88

An error that can occur when changing the object a pointer points to
iptr - &pi; // ERROR: cannot convert from double* to int*

• When defining a pointer, you can code the asterisk immediately after the data
type, immediately before the variable name, or with spaces before and after the
• It’s recommended that you initialize a pointer when you define it, since uninitial­
ized pointers are a common cause of errors.
• When defining multiple pointers on one line, make sure each variable has an
• With C++11 and later, it’s a best practice to define a null pointer by assigning it
the nullptr keyword. Prior to C++11, you can define a null pointer by assigning it
a value of NULL or 0.
• Once you define a null pointer, you shouldn’t try to dereference it.

Figure 17-3 More skills for defining and using pointers

642 Section 4 Skills for legacy and generic programming

pointer would still think it pointed to an object that was 4 bytes. Because this
could lead to problems, the compiler displays an error if you try to do this.

How pointer variables compare

to reference variables
In chapter 7, you learned how to work with reference variables. As you may
have noticed in this chapter, pointer variables are similar to reference variables in
some ways. Both types of variables allow you to indirectly access another object.
However, figure 17-4 describes several important differences between the two.
First, a pointer is an object with its own memory address. A reference, by
contrast, is another name, or alias, for the object it refers to. In other words, a
reference variable doesn’t have its own memory address.
Second, you typically need to use operators to assign a memory address to
a pointer and to access the object a pointer points to. In particular, you typically
need to use the address of operator to assign a memory address to a pointer
variable, and you typically need to use the indirection operator to access the
underlying value. By contrast, you can use the same syntax as a regular variable
to assign a value to a reference variable and to access the value that it refers to.
Third, a pointer variable can be null and the memory address it stores can
change. In other words, a pointer can point to nothing and the object that it
points to can change. A reference variable, by contrast, must always refer to an
object, and once it refers to an object it can’t be changed to refer to a different
The examples below the table show the values and memory addresses of a
regular variable, a reference variable, and a pointer variable. These examples
show some of the differences presented in the table. In particular, the first
example shows that you must use the address of operator to assign a value to a
pointer variable. Then, the second example shows that you must use the indirec­
tion operator to access the value stored by a pointer variable. Finally, the third
example shows that when you use the address of operator with a pointer variable,
you get the memory address of that variable rather than the memory address of
the object that it points to.
In general, working with reference variables is easier and less error prone
than working with pointer variables. As a result, you should use reference
variables whenever they provide the functionality that you need. However, if you
need to store a null value or change the object a variable points to, you’ll need to
use pointers.
Chapter 17 How to work with memory and pointers 643

How pointer variables compare to reference variables

Pointer Reference
Is an object with its own memory address Is an alias without its own memory address
Must dereference to access underlying value Can access underlying value automatically
Must use address of operator to assign value No extra operators necessary to assign value
Can store a null value Can’t store a null value (must refer to an object)
Can change the object it points to Can’t change the object it refers to

Define and initialize a regular, reference, and pointer variable

double pi = 3.14; // regular variable
double& dref - pi; // reference variable
double* dptr ■ tpi; // pointer variable - requires address of operator

Display the underlying value of each variable

cout « pi << endl; // displays 3.14
cout « dref << endl; // displays 3.14
cout « *dptr << endl; // displays 3.14 - requires indirection operator

Display the memory address of each variable

cout « &pi « endl; // displays memory address of pi
cout « &dref << endl; // displays memory address of pi
cout « &dptr << endl; // displays memory address of dptr

• In general, pointer variables are more difficult to work with than reference
variables. As a result, it’s generally considered a best practice to use reference
variables unless you need the functionality of a pointer variable.

Figure 17-4 How pointer variables compare to reference variables

644 Section 4 Skills for legacy and generic programming

How to use pointers with functions

At this point, you should understand the basics of how memory and pointers
work. Now, you’re ready to learn how to use pointers with functions and when it
makes sense to do that.

How and when to pass pointers to functions

You can use pointers to pass objects to functions by reference instead of by
value. The first example in figure 17-5 shows how this works. Here, the squareO
function defines a parameter named val that’s a pointer to a double object.
Within this squareO function, the code uses the pointer to work with the
underlying double object. To start, this code uses an if statement to make sure
the val parameter isn’t a null pointer. That’s because attempting to dereference a
null pointer causes problems. Then, the code uses the indirection operator to get
the value that the val parameter points to, square that value, and update the value
that the val parameter points to.
Below the squaref) function is some code that calls it. Here, the first state­
ment defines a double variable named d and initializes it to a value of 4.0. Then,
the second statement calls the squareO function and passes it a pointer to the
double value. To do that, this statement uses the address of operator to get the
address of the double value. Finally, the third statement displays the new value
of d. which is 16.0.
The code in this first squareO function is complicated. To start, it must
include an if statement to make sure it doesn't try to dereference a null pointer.
Even worse, asterisks appear in the second line three times, twice as the indirec­
tion operator and once as part of a compound assignment operator. Finally, the
code calling the function has to use the address of operator.
By contrast, the code in the second squareO function is simpler. That’s
because it uses a reference variable instead of a pointer variable. In this version
of the function, you don’t have to check for null because a reference variable
can’t be null. You don’t have to dereference the variable to get its value. And you
don’t have to use the address of operator to pass the reference variable.
When you compare these two functions, it’s obvious why it typically makes
sense to use reference parameters rather than pointer parameters. In most cases,
you should only use pointer parameters when you need to be able to pass a null
value or change the object that the pointer points to. However, some program­
mers prefer to use pointer parameters for clarity. That’s because you have to
code the address of operator in the calling code when you pass the argument,
and that makes it clear that the argument is being passed by reference and might
be changed. Of course, you can weigh whether you think this benefit offsets the
drawbacks of using pointer parameters.
As you learned in chapter 12, a built-in array decays to a pointer when it’s
passed to a function. As a result, it’s common to code function parameters for
built-in arrays as pointers as shown by the third example. And since a built-in
array automatically decays to a pointer, you don’t need to use the address of
operator when passing it to the function.
Chapter 17 How to work with memory and pointers 645

The square() function with a pointer parameter

void square(double* val) {
if (val !■ nullptr) ( // make sure pointer isn't null
•val *■ *val; // dereference value and perform calculation
Code that calls the function
double d - 4.0;
square(&d); // use address of operator to pass argument
cout << d « endl; // displays 16

The square() function with a reference parameter

void square(double& val) {
val *■ val; // perform calculation
Code that calls the function
double d - 4.0;
square(d); // pass argument normally
cout << d « endl; // displays 16

The display_array() function with a pointer parameter for a built-in array

void display_array (int* arr, int size) (
if (arr) { // same as (arr 1= nullptr)
for (int i ■ 0; i < size; ++i) (
cout << arr[i] « // can subscript without dereference
cout << endl;
Code that calls the function
const int size ■ 10;
int arr[size] ■ (0);
display_array(arr, size); // pass argument normally
// displays 0000000000

When to use a pointer parameter rather than a reference parameter

• You need to be able to pass a null value to the function.
• The function needs to be able to change the object the parameter points to.
• You want to make it clear in the calling code that the argument is not being
passed by value and that the function might change it.
• The parameter is a built-in array.

• To pass an argument to a function by reference, you can use a reference parameter
or a pointer parameter.
• In general, reference parameters are easier to work with. As a result, you should use
reference parameters unless you’ve got a good reason to use a pointer parameter.

Figure 17-5 How and when to pass pointers to functions

646 Section 4 Skills for legacy and generic programming

How to use the this pointer in a member function

Every object has a pointer whose value is its own memory address. The this
keyword is used to refer to this pointer. As a result, each member function of an
object has access to a pointer that points to the current object.
To illustrate this concept, figure 17-6 presents a Calculator class that uses
this pointer. To start, this class defines a private data member named result. Then,
it defines three public member functions named multiplyO, square_result(). and
get_result(). The get_result() function returns an int value, but the other two
functions return a reference to a Calculator object.
The multiplyO member function defines two int parameters named a and b.
Then, the body of this function multiplies these parameters and stores the result
in the private data member named result.
To do that, this code uses the r/iis keyword to access the pointer to the
current object, and it uses the member access operator (->) to access the data
member of the current object named result. For this class, this isn’t necessary.
Instead, this function could use a simpler statement like this:
result - a * b;
However, some programmers prefer to use the r/ws keyword and the member
access operator to clearly show that the object they’re working with is a member
of the current object.
After performing its calculation, the multiplyO function uses the r/iis
keyword to return a reference to the current object. In other words, it returns a
reference to the specific Calculator object that it’s a member of. To do that, it
dereferences the pointer named z/hs and returns a reference to that object. This
is known as returning a self-reference, and it’s often used to make it possible to
chain member functions as shown later in this figure.
In the Calculator class, the square_result() member function squares the
value of the private data member named result. Then, it also returns a reference
to the current object. The get_result() function, by contrast, just returns the int
value of result.
The second code example shows how to use the Calculator class without
function chaining. Here, the first statement creates a Calculator object. Then,
the next three statements call the multiplyO, square_result(), and get_result()
functions. This works, but it takes three lines of code and requires you to code
the name of the Calculator object three times.
The third example shows how to use the Calculator class with function
chaining. Here, the first statement creates a Calculator object. Then, the second
statement calls the multiplyO, square_result(). and get_result() functions of the
Calculator object. This works because multiplyO returns a Calculator object that
the square_result() function can be called from, and square_result() returns a
Calculator object that get_result() can be called from. Note that this only takes
one line of code and only requires you to code the name of the Calculator object
once. Code that chains function calls like this is sometimes called fluent because
it often reads fluently, like a sentence.
Chapter 17 How to work with memory and pointers 647

A Calculator class whose member functions use the this pointer

and return self-references
class Calculator (
int result;
Calculators multiply(int a, int b)
this->result ■ a * b; // this-> is optional
return *this; // return a self-reference

Calculators square_result() (
this->result *■ this->result; // this-> is optional
return *this; // return a self-reference

int get_result() {
return this->result; // this-> is optional

Code that uses the Calculator class

Calculator calc;
calc.multiply(2, 5);
int result ■ calc.get_result();
cout << result « endl; // displays 100

Code that uses the Calculator class with function chaining

Calculator calc;
int result ■ calc.multiply(2,5).square_result().get_result();
cout << result « endl; // displays 100

• Every object has a pointer named this whose value is its own memory address.
• When you define member functions in a class or structure, you can use the
pointer named this to access the members of the current object.
• When coding member functions, you can use the member access operator (->)
of the pointer named this to access other members of the object. However,
unless you need to do this to prevent a naming conflict, this technique is
• When coding member functions, you can return a reference to the current
object. This is known as a self-reference, and it’s useful for creating member
functions that can be chained together.
• To return a self-reference, use the indirection operator (*) to return the under­
lying value of the pointer named this.

Figure 17-6 How to use the this pointer in a member function

648 Section 4 Skills for legacy and generic programming

The Step Counter 1.0 program

Figure 17-7 shows the Step Counter 1.0 program. This program begins by
prompting the user to enter the number of steps walked for each day of the week.
After the user enters this data, the program calculates the total number of steps
for the week and the average number of steps per day.
The code begins by including the iostream header file. However, it doesn’t
include a using directive for the std namespace. Instead, it fully qualifies the calls
to iostream objects.
Next, the code declares two functions. The first function. get_weekly_steps(),
defines a pointer to an int parameter, a pointer to a char parameter, and an int
parameter, and it doesn’t return any data. The second function. get_total(), defines
a pointer to an int parameter and an int parameter, and it returns a double value.
The main() function starts by defining an int constant named num_days for
the number of days in a week. Then, it defines two built-in arrays. The first is an
array of characters named days that’s initialized with a string literal that contains
one character for each day of the week. Remember from chapter 12 that this
makes this array a C string. The second array is an array of int values named
steps with one element for each day of the week. The single value in the initial­
ization list means that each element in the array is initialized to zero.
After defining the built-in arrays, the code displays a welcome message.
Then, it calls the get_weekly_steps() function to get the steps for each day from
the user. To do that, it passes this function the steps array, the days C string, and
the num_days constant.
Next, this code calls the get_total() function and stores the return value in a
double variable named total. To do that, it passes this function the steps array and
the num_days constant. Then, the code calculates the average number of steps
per day. Finally, it displays the total steps for the week and the daily average on
the console.
The definition for the get_weekly_steps() function starts by checking if
the steps pointer or the days pointer is null. If so. the function ends without
executing any other statements. Otherwise, the function executes a loop for
each day of the week. Within the loop, the first statement displays the current
character in the days array to prompt the user to enter the steps for that day.
Then, the second statement gets the number of steps the user enters and stores
them in the current element of the steps array.
The definition for the get_total() function starts by defining an accumulator
variable named total and initializing it to zero. Then, it makes sure the steps
pointer is not null. However, it uses a shortcut to do that. You could also code the
Boolean expression in the if statement like this:
if (steps != nullptr)

Either way, if the steps pointer is not null, the function loops through the
elements in the array and adds them to the accumulator variable. After the loop
finishes, the function returns this variable. Note that if the steps pointer is null,
the loop doesn’t run and the function returns the initial accumulator value of
zero, which is probably what you want.
Chapter 17 How to work with memory and pointers 649

The console

The code

void get_weekly_steps(int* steps, char* days, int num_days);

double get_total(int* steps, int num_days);

int main() (
const int num_days =7;
char days[] - "MTWTFSS"; // built-in array for the days argument
int steps[num_days] - ( 0 }; // built-in array for the steps argument

std::cout « "Welcome to the Weekly Step Counter program!\n\n"

« "Please enter your steps for the week:\n";

get_weekly_steps(steps, days, num_days);

double total ■ get_total(steps, num_days);
double avg ■ total I num_days;

std::cout « "Total steps for the week: " << total « '\n'
« "Average daily steps: " << avg << "\n\n";

void get_weekly_steps(int* steps, char* days, int num_days) {

if (steps »■ nullptr || days ■= nullptr) return;
for (int i ■ 0; i < num_days; ++i) (
std::cout << days[i] << ":
std::cin >> steps(i);
std::cout « '\n';

double get_total(int* steps, int num_days) (

double total ■ 0;
if (steps) ( // same as (steps != nullptr)
for (int i ■ 0; i < num_days; ++i) (
total +■ steps[ij;
return total;

Figure 17-7 The Step Counter 1.0 program

650 Section 4 Skills for legacy and generic programming

The Step Counter 2.0 program

Figure 17-8 shows the Step Counter 2.0 program. Like the 1.0 version, the
2.0 version prompts the user to enter the number of steps walked for each day of
the week. Then, it calculates and displays the total number of steps for the week
and the average number of steps per day.
The code for the Step Counter 2.0 program starts by including the iostream
and vector header files. Like the 1.0 verison. this code doesn't specify a using
directive for the std namespace. Instead, it fully qualifies the calls to iostream
and vector objects.
Next, this code declares a class named Counter. This class defines a private
data member named steps, which is a vector of int values. Then, this class defines
a public data member named days, which is a vector of chars, initialized with
one character for each day of the week. Finally, it declares two public member
functions. The first. get_weekly_steps(), returns a reference to a Counter object.
The second, get_total(), returns a double value.
The main() function starts by displaying a welcome message. Then, it defines
a Counter object named steps. Next, it defines a double variable named total and
assigns it the value that’s returned by chaining calls to the get_weekly_steps()
and get_total() functions of the Counter object. This gets the steps from the user,
stores those steps in the object, and gets the total steps from the object.
After getting the total number of steps, this code calculates the average
number of steps. To do that, it calls the size() member function from the days
data member. This works because the days data member is public and is a vector.
Finally, this code displays the total number of steps and the average daily steps.
The definition for the get_weekly_steps() member function starts by defining
an int variable named daily_steps. Then, it loops through the elements in the days
data member. The condition for the loop uses the this pointer and the member
access operator to access the days data member. However, this is optional and
would typically be omitted.
Within the loop, the first statement prompts the user to enter the number of
steps for the day. To do that, this statement gets the character for the current day
from the days vector, and it displays that character. Then, the second statement
gets the number of steps the user enters, stores them in the daily_steps variable,
and passes that variable to the push_back() function of the steps vector.
When the loop completes, the steps vector contains one element for each
day of the week. At this point, the code dereferences the this pointer to return a
self-reference. This makes it possible to chain a call to another member function
to the get_weekly_steps() function.
The definition for the get_total() member function starts by coding an
accumulator variable named total and initializing it to zero. Then, the function
loops through the elements in the steps vector and adds each element to the
accumulator variable. Finally, the function returns this variable.
This version of the Step Counter program shows that even when you’re
working with high-level objects like vectors, you may still need to use the this
pointer. In this case, using the r/ns pointer to return a self-reference makes it
possible to chain function calls to the Counter object.
Chapter 17 How to work with memory and pointers 651

The console
Welcome to the Weekly Step Counter program!

Please enter your steps for the week:

M: 10000
T: 8900
W: 8800
T: 7000
F: 5700
S: 10000
S: 12000

Total steps for the week: 62400

Average daily steps: 8914.29

The code
# include <vec tor>

class Counter {
std::vector<int> steps;
std::vector<char> days ■ ( *M’, ’T*,'W',*T*,• F’,'S', 'S' };
Counters get_weekly_steps();
double get_total();

int mainf) (
std::cout « "Welcome to the Weekly Step Counter program!\n\n"
« "Please enter your steps for the week:\n";
Counter steps;
double total ■ steps.get_weekly_steps().get_total(); // chaining
double avg ■ total I steps.days.size();
std::cout « "Total steps for the week: " << total « '\n'
« "Average daily steps: " << avg << "\n\n";

Counters Counter::get_weekly_steps() {
int daily_steps;
for (char day : this->days) (
std::cout << day « ": ";
std::cin >> daily_steps;
this->steps.push_back(daily_steps); // this-> is optional
std::cout « '\n';
return ‘this; // return a self-reference

double Counter::get_total() (
double total ■ 0;
for (int s : this->steps) ( // this-> is optional
total += s;
return total;

Figure 17-8 The Step Counter 2.0 program

652 Section 4 Skills for legacy and generic programming

How to use pointers to work

with dynamic memory
One of the most common uses of pointers is to allocate dynamic memory,
which is memory that’s allocated at runtime. Now. you’ll learn about the
different types of memory. Then, you’ll learn how to use pointers to work with
dynamic memory.

An overview of the types of storage

When a program starts, the system sets aside memory for that program. Four
of the types of memory, also known as storage, are described at the top of figure
The first three types of storage are allocated for specific purposes. Code
storage, as its name implies, is memory that’s allocated for the program code
itself. Static storage is memory that’s allocated for global variables, like the ones
you learned about in chapter 7. And automatic storage is memory that’s allocated
for functions and local variables.
With automatic storage, the system automatically allocates memory when
you create an object and automatically deallocates it when the object goes out
of scope. To manage the local variables and functions, automatic storage uses
a last-in-first-out (LIFO) stack. That’s why automatic storage is also known as
stack storage, stack memory, the call stack, or the stack.
One of the benefits of automatic storage is that you can use it just by
declaring a variable. Another benefit is that it can be accessed quickly.
One of the drawbacks of automatic storage is that it can be inflexible. For
instance, you must know the size of a built-in array at compile time. Another
drawback is that the amount of available stack storage is limited. If you try to use
more than what’s available, you’ll get a stack overflow error. For example, this
error can occur if you define a built-in array that’s larger than the memory the
stack has available.
Free store storage, or the free store, is the remaining memory that’s set aside
for a program but that’s not yet allocated. This type of storage is also called heap
memory or the heap.
One of the benefits of the free store is that there’s much more of it than there
is stack memory. Another benefit is that it’s flexible. In fact, the free store is what
gives the vector and string objects their flexibility and the ability to hold large
amounts of data.
One of the drawbacks of the free store is that it can’t be accessed as quickly
as automatic storage. Another drawback is that the programmer must add code
to manually allocate and deallocate memory. If the programmer fails to properly
deallocate free store memory, it can lead to memory leaks or heap corruption.
You’ll learn more about that later in this chapter.
Chapter 17 How to work with memory and pointers 653

Types of storage set aside for a program when it starts

Name Description
Code storage Memory* allocated for the program code itself.
Static storage Memory- allocated for global variables.
Automatic storage Memory allocated for local variables and functions. This memory uses a
last-in-first-out (LIFO) stack to manage local variables and functions. As
a result, it’s also called stack storage, stack memory, the call stack, or the
Free store The remaining, unallocated memory. This memory is also called heap
memory or the heap.

Automatic storage (stack)

• Access is fast.
• Allocation and deallocation of memory is handled by the system automatically.
• Less flexible. For instance, the size of an array must be known at compile time.
• The memory allocated for the stack is limited, so you can run out of automatic
storage. Running out of stack memory is known as stack overflow.

Free store (heap)

• More flexible.
• Much more available memory'.
• Access is slower.
• Allocation and deallocation of memory' must be handled manually by the
program code. Failure to properly deallocate free store memory' can lead to
memory leaks or heap corruption.

• When a program starts, the system sets aside memory for the program code,
global and local variables, and functions. It also sets aside memory' that can be
allocated as the program runs.
• Dynamic memory is memory' that’s allocated at runtime. The free store is a type
of dynamic memory.
• Unlike stack memory, free store memory is not automatically deallocated when
the code goes out of scope. Instead, the program must manually deallocate it.

Figure 17-9 An overview of the types of storage

654 Section 4 Skills for legacy and generic programming

How to allocate and deallocate free store memory

To work with free store memory, you use the new and delete keywords. The
new keyword allocates memory on the free store and returns a pointer to the
location where the memory is allocated. The delete keyword deallocates that
memory and returns it to the free store so it can be used again.
The example in figure 17-10 shows how this works. Here, the first two
statements show how to allocate a single object. To start, the first statement uses
the new keyword to allocate memory for a double object and return a pointer to
it. This assigns that pointer to the variable named pi. The second statement works
similarly, but it includes an initial value for the double object that’s created.
The next two statements show how to allocate memory to an array of
objects. Here, the first statement uses the new keyword to create an array of 10
doubles and return a pointer to it that’s assigned to the variable named arr. The
second statement works similarly, but it includes a list of initial values for the
As you learned in chapter 12, a built-in array on the stack decays to a
pointer. This pointer points to the first element in the array and doesn’t know
how many elements the array contains. A pointer to an array on the heap works
similarly, except that it can be allocated at runtime. As a result, you don’t have to
code the size of the array as a constant.
Once you use the new keyword to allocate objects on the free store, you need
to use the delete keyword to deallocate them. This is important because, unlike
automatic storage, an object that’s allocated on the free store is not automatically
deallocated when it goes out of scope. Instead, you must write code to deallocate
the memory yourself.
The second example shows how to use the delete keyword to deallocate
memory. Here, the first statement uses the delete keyword to deallocate the
memory for the object that the pointer named pi points to. Then, the second
statement uses the delete keyword followed by square brackets ([]) to deallocate
the memory for the array that the pointer named arr points to.
Although this seems easy enough, in practice, using the new and delete
keywords can cause problems. For example, if you forget to call delete, the
memory is never returned to the free store and can’t be used again. This is known
as a memory leak and it’s shown by the third example. If the program runs for
a short time, it may not matter because all memory is returned when a program
ends. But for long-running programs, memory leaks can build up and degrade
performance over time.
Unfortunately, you can’t fix a memory leak just by coding the delete
keyword throughout your code. That’s because attempting to deallocate memory
that’s already been deallocated can corrupt that memory. This is known as heap
corruption, and it’s shown by the fourth example.
If you work with legacy C or C++ code, you may find that it uses the malloc
and free keywords to allocate and deallocate memory. This is an older technique
that’s not considered a best practice for new development, but you might need to
use it to maintain old code. If you do that, however, you should make sure not to
use the malloc/free keywords and the new/delete keywords in the same program
as that can lead to serious problems.
Chapter 17 How to work with memory and pointers 655

How to use the new keyword to allocate free store memory

Allocate a single object of type double
double* pi - new double; // returns pointer to double
double* price ■ new double(5.99); // include initial value
Allocate a dynamic array of doubles
double* arr ■ new double[10]; // returns pointer to first element
double* prices » new double[3]<5.99,6.99,7.99};
// include initial values

How to use the delete keyword to deallocate free store memory

Deallocate a single object
delete pi;
Deallocate an array
delete[] arr;

A function that could lead to a memory leak

int* create_array(unsigned int size) {
return new int[size]{0}; // returns pointer to array on free store
This code neglects to call delete[ ] on the pointer returned by the function
void mainf) (
int* arr - create_array(20);
/* code that works with the array goes here */

A function that could lead to heap corruption

void display_array(int* arr, unsigned int size) {
for (int i - 0; i < size; ++i) {
cout << arr[i] << • •;
delete[] arr; // deletes array when done
This code calls delete on a pointer to stack memory
int arr[5]{0}; // allocate memory on stack
display_array(arr, 5); // function calls delete on stack memory
This code calls delete twice on a pointer to heap memory
int* arr ■ new int[5]{0}; // allocate memory on heap
display_array(arr, 5); // function calls delete on heap memory
delete[] arr; // statement calls delete on heap memory again

• You can use the new keyword to allocate free store memory. This keyword
returns a pointer to the newly allocated memory.
• You can use the delete keyword to deallocate a single object, and you can use
the delete keyword followed by square brackets ([]) to deallocate an array.

Figure 17-10 How to allocate and deallocate free store memory

656 Section 4 Skills for legacy and generic programming

How to avoid memory leaks

and corruption
When you allocate and deallocate mentor}', it’s possible to write code that
leaks or corrupts memory. The topics that follow present two techniques that can
help you avoid these problems.

How to use RAII (Resource Acquisition

Is Instantiation)
When you define an object on the stack, the system automatically calls
its constructor to create it. Then, when that stack object goes out of scope, the
system automatically calls its destructor to destroy it.
RAII (Resource Acquisition Is Instantiation) is a programming pattern
that takes advantage of this process to safely allocate and deallocate free store
memory used by an object. Basically, RAII states that you should allocate free
store memory in the constructor of an object and deallocate that memory in
the destructor of that object. That way, the free store memory is automatically
managed by the processes of stack storage, and the programmer can just use the
object without needing to manually manage the free store memory that it uses.
Figure 17-11 defines a class named MyContainer that shows how this works.
To start, this class defines two private data members, a pointer to an int variable
named elements and an int variable named size. This class also defines public
constructor and destructor functions.
Within the constructor, the new keyword allocates an array on the free store.
This returns a pointer to the dynamic array that’s assigned to the data member
named elements. Then, this constructor displays a message on the console that
indicates that the memory has been allocated.
Within the destructor, the deleted keyword deallocates the free store
memory that was allocated in the constructor. Then, this destructor displays a
message on the console that indicates that the memory has been deallocated.
This illustrates how an object created from the MyContainer class handles its
free store memory cleanly. When you create a MyContainer object, it allocates
memory for an int array with ten elements. In other words, a resource is acquired
when the object is instantiated. Then, when that object goes out of scope, the
system calls the destructor, which deallocates the memory.
In the second example, for instance, free store memory is allocated when the
main() function defines a MyContainer object. Then, when the main() function
ends and this object goes out of scope, the memory is automatically deallocated.
Because RAII doesn’t mention freeing the resource, some programmers have
proposed more descriptive names like Constructor Acquires Destructor Releases
(CADRe) or Scope-Based Resource Management (SBRM). However. RAII is
the most common name for this pattern.
When using RAII, you should know that some C++ compilers don’t
automatically call destructors when an exception occurs. This can keep your
automatic deallocation from occurring. To correct for this, you can put all code
in the main() function within a try/catch block that handles all exceptions.
Chapter 17 How to work with memory and pointers 657

A MyContainer class that uses RAII

class MyContainer f
int* elements;
int size ■ 10;
// constructor
MyContainer() f
elements ■ new int[size]; // allocate memory
cout << "memory allocated for MyContainer object\n";

// destructor
-MyContainer() (
deleted elements; // deallocate memory
cout << "memory deallocated for MyContainer object\n";

Code that uses the MyContainer class

int mainf) (
cout << "mainf) function starting...\n";
MyContainer mine;
cout << "mainf) function ending...\n";

The console
mainf) function starting...
memory allocated for MyContainer object
mainf) function ending...
memory deallocated for MyContainer object

• When you create an object on the stack, the object’s constructor runs when the
object is created and its destructor runs when it goes out of scope.
• RAII (Resource Acquisition Is Instantiation') is a programming pattern that
takes advantage of the way the stack creates and destroys objects to allocate
and deallocate free store memory automatically.
• For RAH to work, the object must be created on the stack. If the object is
created on the heap, its destructor won’t be called when it goes out of scope.
• RAII can also be used to work with other system resources such as file handles.
• Some C++ compilers don't call destructors (sometimes called unwinding
the stack) when an unhandled exception is thrown. To account for this, you
can code a try/catch statement around all code in the main() function of your
program that handles all exceptions.

Figure 17-11 How to use RAII (Resource Acquisition Is Instantiation)

658 Section 4 Skills for legacy and generic programming

How to implement the Rule of Three with RAII

When you define a class in C++, if you don’t explicitly define a destructor,
a copy constructor, and a copy assignment operator, the compiler automatically
generates default versions for you. Often, these default functions work fine.
Sometimes, though, they don’t. For example, if your class has a data member
that’s a pointer, the default copy constructor and copy assignment operator
copy the pointer rather than the object that the pointer points to. This is called a
shallow copy, and in most instances that’s not what you want for this constructor
and operator. When the default functions don’t work, you need to write your
The Rule of Three states that if you need to define your own destructor,
copy constructor, or copy assignment operator, you should define all of them
as indicated by the table at the top of figure 17-12. In the previous figure, you
learned that RAII requires you to define your own constructor and destructor to
allocate and deallocate free store memory. Therefore, according to the Rule of
Three, you should also define your own copy constructor and copy assignment
operator when you use RAII.
The MyContainer class in this figure is an enhanced version of the
MyContainer class from the previous figure that implements the Rule of
Three. To start, the constructor and destructor shown here are the same as the
constructor and destructor from the previous figure, except that they don’t print
messages to the console.
The copy constructor accepts a MyContainer object by constant reference.
Then, the constructor uses this parameter to initialize itself. First, it uses the new
keyword to allocate an array on the free store and stores the pointer to this array
in the elements data member. Then, it makes a deep copy of the MyContainer
object that’s passed to it. To do that, it loops through the elements in the
MyContainer parameter and copies those elements to the data member array.
This deep copy is critical. The default copy constructor generated by the
compiler would just make a copy of the element pointer. In that case, both
objects would have pointers that point to the same location on the heap. This
would lead each object to call deleted on the same heap memory when they went
out of scope, which could cause memory corruption.
The copy assignment operator also accepts a MyContainer object by constant
reference. Then, this function uses this parameter to update itself. First, it uses
the new keyword to allocate an array on the free store and stores the pointer to
this array in a temporary variable named temp. Then, it makes a deep copy of the
MyContainer object that’s passed to it and stores it in the temp variable. Next,
it deallocates the memory that the elements pointer points to and updates that
pointer so it points to the new array. Finally, it returns a reference to itself, which
is what the default copy constructor that’s generated by the compiler does.
This copy assignment operator could assign the pointer to the newly
allocated memory directly to the elements data member and then perform the
copy operation. However, it uses a temporary variable instead to provide excep­
tion safety. That way, if an exception occurs during the copy operation, the state
of the container doesn’t change. This avoids a situation where some, but not all.
of the elements are changed and is generally considered a best practice.
Chapter 17 How to work with memory and pointers 659

The member functions required by the Rule of Three

Function Description
destructor Deallocates the memory allocated for the container’s data.
copy constructor Copies the data in the container passed to the constructor. Copied
container is unchanged.
copy assignment operator Copies the data in the container on the right side of the assignment
operator (■). Copied container is unchanged.

The MyContainer class updated to implement the Rule of Three

class MyContainer {
int* elements ■ nullptr;
int size ■ 10;
// constructor
MyContainer() {
elements ■ new int[size];

// destructor
-MyContainer() {
deleted elements;

// copy constructor
MyContainer(const MyContainerft tocopy) {
elements ■ new int[size];
for (int i ■ 0; i < size; ++i) { // deep copy
elements[i] ■ tocopy.elements[i];

// copy assignment operator

MyContainerS operator" (const MyContainer& tocopy) {
auto temp ■ new int[size]; // allocate new array
for (int i ■ 0; i < size; ++i) { // deep copy
temp[i] ■ tocopy.elements[i];
deleted elements; // delete old
elements ■ temp; // assign new
return *this; // return self-reference

• When you define a class, the compiler creates default copy constructor and copy
assignment operator functions. In classes that use pointers, these functions copy
the pointers, not the underlying objects. This is known as making a shallow copy.
• When you use RAIL you must define a constructor and destructor. With the
Rule of Three, if you define (1) a destructor, you should also define (2) a copy
constructor and (3) a copy assignment operator. With RAII. the copy constructor
and assignment operator must copy the underlying objects, not the pointers. This
is known as making a deep copy.

Figure 17-12 How to implement the Rule of Three with RAII

660 Section 4 Skills for legacy and generic programming

How to implement the Rule of Five with RAII

C++11 added a feature known as move semantics to the C++ language. This
feature allows you to transfer data from one object to another rather than making
copies of the data. As you might expect, moving data is more efficient than
copying data, especially with large objects that are expensive to copy.
To implement move semantics in your own classes, you need to define
a move constructor and a move assignment operator. These functions are
described at the top of figure 17-13.
The addition of move semantics expands The Rule of Three to The Rule of
Five. The Rule of Five states that if you need to define your own destructor, copy
constructor, copy assignment operator, move constructor, or move assignment
operator, you should define all of them.
As you’ve learned. RAII requires you to define your own destructor to
deallocate free store memory. Therefore, according to the Rule of Five, if
you want to include move semantics, you should also define your own copy
constructor, copy assignment operator, move constructor, and move assignment
operator when you use RAII.
The code example in this figure presents the MyContainer class from the last
figure updated to implement the Rule of Five. The constructor, destructor, copy
constructor, and copy assignment operator in this class are the same as in the
previous figure. As a result, this figure doesn't show them again.
The move constructor accepts an rvalue reference to a MyContainer object.
An rvalue reference identifies an object that can be moved. To declare a rvalue
reference, you can use the rvalue reference declarator (&&).
Within the move constructor, the first statement copies the elements pointer
of the parameter object to the elements pointer of the current object. At this
point, both objects have pointers that point to the same memory address, which
is the address where the array is stored. Then, the second statement sets the
elements pointer of the parameter object to null so it no longer points to the
array. This completes the move operation.
This move operation is more efficient than the copy operation shown in the
previous figure. In that operation, the copy constructor allocated new memory
and then copied each element in an array. Here, the move constructor doesn’t
need to allocate any new memory. Instead, it just reassigns the pointers that point
to an existing array.
The move assignment operator also accepts an rvalue reference to a
MyContainer object. Then, it uses this parameter object to update itself. To do
that, it begins by using the delete[] keyword to deallocate the memory pointed to
by the elements pointer of the current object. Next, it copies the elements pointer
from the parameter object to the current object and sets the parameter object’s
pointer to null. Finally, it returns a reference to itself.
This move assignment operation is more efficient than the copy assignment
operation in the previous figure. That’s because this operation doesn’t need to
allocate new memory. Instead, it only needs to reassign the pointers to existing
Chapter 17 How to work with memory and pointers 661

The additional member functions required by the Rule of Five

Function Description
move constructor Moves the data from the container passed to the constructor.
Moved container is emptied.
move assignment operator Moves the data from the container on the right side of the assign­
ment operator (■). Moved container is emptied.

The MyContainer class updated to implement the Rule of Five

class MyContainer (
int* elements ■ nullptr;
int size - 10;
// constructor is the same as in the previous figure
// destructor is the same as in the previous figure
// copy constructor is the same as in the previous figure
// copy assignment operator is the same as in the previous figure

// move constructor
MyContainer(MyContainer&& tomove) {
elements - tomove.elements; // assign pointer to data
tomove.elements - nullptr; // remove pointer to data

// move assignment operator

MyContainerfc operators (MyContainer&& tomove) {
deleted elements; // deallocate existing memory
elements - tomove.elements; // assign pointer to data
tomove.elements - nullptr; // remove pointer to data
return *this; // return self-reference

• C++11 and later provide move semantics that enable you to move existing data.
This is more efficient than copying existing data.
• The rvalue reference declarator (&&) indicates that the data of an object can be
• To implement move semantics in your classes, you need to code a move
constructor and a move assignment operator.
• When you use RAIL you must define a constructor and destructor. With the
Rule of Five, if you define (1) a destructor, you should also define (2) a copy
constructor, (3) a move constructor, (4) a copy assignment operator, and (5) a
move assignment operator.

Figure 17-13 How to implement the Rule of Five with RAII

662 Section 4 Skills for legacy and generic programming

How to work with smart pointers

If you just want to do something simple like allocate an array in free store
memory, it may not make sense to create all the member functions you need
when using RAII. the Rule of Three, and the Rule of Five. Fortunately, with
C++11 and later, you can use smart pointers instead. Unlike the raw pointers
that you’ve worked with so far in this book, a smart pointer uses RAII under the
hood to deallocate the free store memory automatically.
The top of figure 17-14 shows how to include the memory header file
that contains the smart pointers. Then, it describes three of the smart pointers
introduced in C++11. To start. unique_ptr objects can only point to one memory
location. When this type of pointer goes out of scope, the system deallocates the
memory. Because this type of pointer must be unique, it can’t be copied, but it
can be moved.
By contrast, shared_ptr objects can point to the same memory location. To
do that. shared_ptr maintains a reference count. Then, when the reference count
goes to zero, the system deallocates the memory. Because this type of pointer
allows multiple pointers to point to the same location, it can be copied or moved.
You can create a weak_ptr object as a copy of a shared_ptr object. However,
this type of pointer doesn’t add to the reference count. Typically, weak_ptr
objects are used with shared_ptr objects to avoid circular references that keep the
reference count from ever reaching zero.
A unique_ptr has less overhead than a shared_ptr and is appropriate for
most purposes. As a result, the examples in this figure show how to work
with unique_ptr objects. However, the skills for working with shared_ptr and
weak_ptr objects are similar.
The first example shows how to create a smart pointer that points to a single
object or to an array of objects. When you define a smart pointer, you code the
data type that the pointer refers to within angle brackets. To identify an array,
you code square brackets after the data type. Then, you code the name of the
pointer followed by a set of parentheses. Within these parentheses, you code the
new keyword and the data type to allocate the free store memory. After that, you
can work with the smart pointer just as you would a raw pointer, except that you
can’t use pointer arithmetic.
The second example shows how to use the make_unique() function, added in
C++14, to create a unique_ptr to a single object or an array of objects. First, you
code the auto keyword, the pointer name, and the assignment operator. Then, you
call the make_unique() function with the data type within angle brackets. For
an array, you code square brackets after the data type within the angle brackets.
Then, you pass the number of elements as an argument to the function. The
advantage of this function is that you can use the auto keyword, and you don’t
have to use the new keyword.
The last two examples work with a create_array() function that returns a
unique_ptr to an array. This function works like the create_array() function
presented in figure 17-10. However, that version returned a raw pointer to
memory that needed to be deallocated manually. With this version, the smart
pointer deallocates the memory automatically when the smart pointer to the array
goes out of scope.
Chapter 17 How to work with memory and pointers 663

How to include the memory header file

#include <memory>

Three smart pointers in the memory header (C++11 and later)

Smart Pointer Description
unique ptr Only one unique_ptr object can point to allocated memory. When
unique_ptr is destroyed or goes out of scope, memory is deallocated.
shared_ptr Multiple shared_ptr objects can point to allocated memory. Maintains a
reference count and deallocates memory when count is zero.
weak_ptr Created as a copy of a shared_ptr. but does not add to the reference count.

How to use unique_ptr to work with free store memory

Code that creates a smart pointer t< an int
unique_ptr<int> ptr(new int); // create smart pointer to int
*ptr ■ 4; // dereference and assign value
*ptr *■ *ptr; // dereference and square value
cout << *ptr << endl; // displays 16
Code that creates a smart pointer t< a built-in array
unique_ptr<int[]> arrfnew int[10]); // create smart pointer to array
for(int i - 0; i < 10; ++i) { // set values of array elements
arr[i] ■ i;

How to use the make_unique() function (C++14 and later)

auto ptr - make_unique<int>(); // create smart pointer to int
auto arr - make_unique<int[]>(10); // create smart pointer to array

A create_array() function that returns a smart pointer to a built-in array

unique_ptr<int[]> create_array(unsigned int size) {
auto arr ■ make_unique<int[]>(size);
return arr;

Code that uses the create_array() function

int main() (
unsigned int size - 0;
cout << "Please enter the size of the array: ■;
cin >> size;

auto arr = create_array(size);

for (int i ■ 0; i < size; ++i) (
cout << arr[i] << • •;
} // the smart pointer automatically deallocates memory for the array

• With C++ 11 and later, you can use smart pointers to manage memory automatically.
• The weak_ptr type is often used with the shared_ptr type to avoid circular references.
• There is also an auto_ptr type, but it was deprecated in C++11.

Figure 17-14 How to work with smart pointers

664 Section 4 Skills for legacy and generic programming

The Sensor Analysis program

Figure 17-15 shows the Sensor Analysis program. This program simulates
a sensor that takes one reading per second. To start, this program asks the user
how many days of readings to analyze. Then, it retrieves the correct number of
readings, simulates some data for each reading, performs calculations on the
readings, and displays the results to the user.
To do its work, this program uses a custom HeapArray object. As the name
implies, this object creates an array on the free store, or heap. This is neces­
sary for two reasons. First, the program asks the user how many days of sensor
readings to analyze. As a result, the size of the array that stores the sensor
readings isn’t known at compile time, so the array needs to use dynamic memory
that can be allocated at runtime. Second, if the user selects a large number of
days, the array may need more room than is available on the stack. As a result,
the memory for the array needs to be allocated on the heap.
Of course, the easiest way to overcome these issues would be to use a vector.
For the purposes of this chapter, though, assume that you can’t use a vector for
technical reasons.
The code for this figure begins by presenting the header file for the
HeapArray class. This class has two private data members. The first is an int
named array_size that stores the number of elements in the array. The second is
a pointer to an int named arr that stores the pointer to the dynamic array that will
be allocated on the heap.
After the private data members, this code declares three constructors and
a destructor. The first constructor accepts an int, the second accepts a constant
HeapArray object by reference, and the third accepts a HeapArray rvalue
reference. Then, this code declares two assignment operator functions. The
first accepts a constant HeapArray object by reference, and the second accepts
a HeapArray rvalue reference. Both functions return a HeapArray object by
As you review these six public functions, you can see that the HeapArray
class declares a destructor, a copy constructor, a move constructor, a copy assign­
ment operator, and a move assignment operator. In other words, it implements
the Rule of Five.
After the assignment operators, this code declares a subscript operator that
accepts an int by value and returns an int by reference. This function allows the
HeapArray class to provide the subscripting that you would expect from an array.
Finally, the header file declares three member functions. To start, the size()
function returns an int value. Then, the begin() and end() functions return
pointers to int values. These functions allow the HeapArray class to work like an
STL container. In addition, the begin() and end() functions allow a HeapArray
object to be used with STL algorithms.
After the header file, this figure presents the source file for the HeapArray
class. This code starts by including the HeapArray header file. Then it defines
the first constructor. This constructor accepts an int named size and stores that
value in the private array_size data member. Then, it uses the array_size value to
allocate an array of int values on the free store and it stores the pointer to this
Chapter 17 How to work with memory and pointers 665

The console
The Sensor Analysis program
Enter the number of days you'd like to analyze: 5

Number of sensor readings over 5 days: 432000

Average reading: 67.0863
Lowest reading: 17
Highest reading: 111

The HeapArray.h file


class HeapArray {
int array_size;
int* arr ■ nullptr;

// constructors
HeapArray(const int);
HeapArray(const HeapArray& tocopy); // copy constructor
HeapArray(HeapArray&& tomove); // move constructor

// destructor

// assignment operators
HeapArray& operator® (const HeapArray& tocopy); // copy assignment
HeapArray& operator® (HeapArray&& tomove); // move assignment

// subscript operator
int& operator[] (int i);

// Member functions
int size() const;
int* begin();
int* end();


The HeapArray.cpp file

ftinclude "HeapArray.h"

HeapArray::HeapArray(const int size) {
array_size ■ size; // set array size property
arr ■ new int[array_size]{0}; // allocate memory on heap

Figure 17-15 The Sensor Analysis program (part 1 of 3)

666 Section 4 Skills for legacy and generic programming

array in the private data member named arr. In addition, this code initializes all
the elements of the array to a value of zero.
Part 2 of figure 17-15 presents the rest of the source file for the HeapArray
class. It starts with the definition for the copy constructor function. This
constructor accepts a constant HeapArray object by reference. Then, it uses the
array_size value of the HeapArray parameter to set its own array_size value.
Next, it uses that array_size value to allocate an array of integers on the free
store and stores the pointer to the array in the arr data member.
Unlike the previous constructor, the copy constructor doesn’t use an initial­
ization list to initialize the array. Instead, it initializes the array by looping
through the elements in the HeapArray parameter and copying each value to its
own array. This works because you can use the subscript operator with a pointer
to an array to access that array’s elements.
The definition for the move constructor function accepts a HeapArray rvalue
reference. As with the copy constructor, it starts by using the array_size value of
the parameter object to set its own array_size value. Then, it assigns the param­
eter arr member to its own arr member. Next, to make sure that only one pointer
points to that array, it assigns a null pointer to the parameter arr data member
and sets the parameter's array_size value to zero. This shows that the HeapArray
parameter object has no elements after the move operation is completed.
The definition for the destructor function deallocates the free store memory
that the arr data member points to. This works even when the arr member has
been set to null by a move constructor. That’s because you can call delete on a
null pointer without causing any problems.
The definition for the copy assignment operator works similarly to the copy
constructor. It accepts a constant HeapArray object by reference. Then, it uses
this HeapArray parameter to set its own array_size data member, to allocate an
array on the free store, and to copy the elements of the parameter array to the
new array. The difference is that the copy assignment operator uses a temporary
pointer variable named new_arr to provide for exception safety.
After the elements are copied, the function deallocates the free store memory
pointed to by the arr data member. Then, it assigns the pointer to the newly
allocated memory to the arr member. Finally, it returns a self-reference.
The definition for the move assignment operator accepts a HeapArray rvalue
reference. This function starts by making sure it doesn’t try to perform a move
operation on itself. To do that, this code checks to make sure the HeapArray
parameter is not equal to the pointer to the current object. Then, it uses the
array_size value of the parameter object to set its own array_size value, it
deallocates the memory pointed to by its own arr data member, and it assigns the
array pointer from the parameter object to its own arr member. Next, it empties
the HeapArray parameter by setting its arr member to null and its array_size
member to zero. Finally, it returns a self-reference.
The last four definitions in the source file should be easy for you to
understand. The subscript operator accepts an index value and returns the
array element at that index. The size() function returns the value of the private
array_size data member. The begin() function returns the private arr data
member, which is a pointer to the first element. And the end() function returns a
pointer that points one past the last element. To do that, this function uses pointer
arithmetic, which is presented in chapter 12 and reviewed later in this chapter.
Chapter 17 How to work with memory and pointers 667

The HeapArray.cpp file (continued)

HeapArray::HeapArray(const HeapArray& tocopy) { /* COPY */
array_size ■ tocopy.array_size; // copy size
arr ■ new int[array_size]; // allocate memory on heap

for (int i ■ 0; i < array_size; i+ + ) ( II copy array values

arr[i] ■ tocopy.arr[i];

HeapArray::HeapArray(HeapArray&& tomove) ( /* MOVE */

array_size ■ tomove.array_size; II copy size
arr ■ tomove.arr; II reset array pointer

tomove.arr ■ nullptr; II empty parameter array

tomove.array_size ■ 0;

II -------- DESTRUCTOR---------- //
HeapArray::-HeapArray() {
delete[] arr; II deallocate memory

II -------- ASSIGNMENT OPERATORS -------- //

HeapArray& HeapArray::operator« (const HeapArray& tocopy) { /* COPY */
array_size ■ tocopy.array_size; II copy size
int* new_arr ■ new int[array_size]; II allocate memory on heap

for (int i ■ 0; i < array_size; ♦+i) ( II copy array values

new_arr[i] ■ tocopy.arr[i];

delete[] arr; II deallocate old memory

arr ■ new_arr; II assign pointer to new memory
return *this; II return a self-reference

HeapArray& HeapArray::operator- (HeapArray&& tomove) { /* MOVE */

if (this !■ &tomove) ( // don't move if passed self
array_size ■ tomove.array_size; // copy size
deleted arr; // deallocate old memory
arr ■ tomove.arr; // reset array pointer

tomove.arr ■ nullptr; // empty HeapArray param

tomove.array_size ■ 0;
return *this; // return a self-reference


int& HeapArray::operator[] (int i) { return arr[i]; }

//-------- MEMBER FUNCTIONS---------- //

int HeapArray::size() const { return array_size; }
int* HeapArray::begin() { return arr; }
int* HeapArray::end() { return arr + array_size; }

Figure 17-15 The Sensor Analysis program (part 2 of 3)

668 Section 4 Skills for legacy and generic programming

Part 3 of figure 17-15 presents the code for the main.cpp file for the Sensor
Analysis program. To start, this code includes the header files it needs. That
includes the cstdlib and ctime headers it needs to generate random numbers to
simulate the sensor data, as well as the HeapArray header file that it needs to
work with HeapArray objects.
After a using directive for the std namespace, this code declares a function
named load_sensor_data(). This function accepts a HeapArray object by refer­
ence and doesn’t return any data. From this, you can infer that this function
updates any HeapArray objects that are passed to it.
The main() function starts by displaying a welcome message on the console.
Then, it gets the number of days to analyze from the user. Next, it defines a
constant that stores the number of seconds in a 24-hour day (86400). and it
calculates the total number of seconds for the number of days entered by the user.
The code then creates a HeapArray object named data and passes the total
number of seconds to its constructor. This creates a dynamic array on the free
store with one element for each second. Then, the code passes the HeapArray
object to the load_sensor_data() function. This loads the sensor reading for each
second into the HeapArray object.
Next, the code uses STL algorithms to analyze the sensor readings. First, it
calls the accumulateO algorithm to get the total of all the readings. Second, it
calls the min_element() algorithm to get the lowest reading. Third, it calls the
max_element() algorithm to get the highest reading. Each of these algorithms
uses the pointers returned by the begin() and end() functions of the HeapArray
object to do its work.
The main() function ends by displaying the results of the sensor analysis. It
uses the size() function of the HeapArray object to display the number of sensor
readings and also to calculate the average of the readings. In addition, it derefer­
ences the iterators returned by the min_element() and max_element() algorithms
to display the lowest and highest readings.
The definition of the load_sensor_data() function starts by seeding the
random number. Then, it defines an int variable named adjust. This variable is
initialized to a random number between 10 and 70 and is used just to make the
simulated readings more interesting. Without it. the low reading is almost always
1. the high is almost always 100. and the average is always approximately 50.
Finally, this function ends by looping through each element in the
HeapArray parameter that’s received by reference. Within the loop, it generates
a random number between 1 and 1 (X) that’s stored in an int variable named num.
Then, it uses the conditional operator to adjust that random number and assign
it to the current array element. It adjusts the number by checking if it’s less than
the value in the adjust variable. If it is. the function adds the adjust value to the
random number.
As you review this function, note that the loop uses the size() function
and subscript operator of the HeapArray object. Specifically, it uses the size()
function to determine when to end. and it uses the subscript operator to update
each element. Also, note that you could easily update this loop to read numbers
from a file or other data source without having to change any of the code in the
main() function.
Chapter 17 How to work with memory and pointers 669

The main.cpp file

#include <iostream>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <ctime>
#include <algorithm>
#include <numeric>
#include "HeapArray.h"

using namespace std;

void load_sensor_data(HeapArray& data);

int main() (
cout << "The Sensor Analysis program\n\n";

int num_days ■ 0;
cout << "Enter the number of days you’d like to analyze: ";
cin >> num_days;
cout « endl;

const int seconds_per_day ■ 86400;

int total_seconds - num_days * seconds_per_day;

HeapArray data(total_seconds);

double total ■ accumulate(data.begin (), data.endO, 0);

auto min ■ min_element (data, begin (), data.endO);
auto max ■ max_element (data, begin (), data.endO);

cout << "Number of sensor readings over " << num_days

<< " days: " << data.sizeO << endl;
cout << "Average reading: " << (total I data.sizeO) << endl;
cout « "Lowest reading: " << *min << endl;
cout « "Highest reading: " << *max « endl « endl;

// load simulated sensor data

void load_sensor_data(HeapArray& data) (
srand(time(nullptr)); // seed random number
int adjust ■ rand() % 70 + 10; // number between 10 - 70

int num ■ 0;
for (int i ■ 0; i < data.sizeO; ++i) (
num ■ rand() % 100 + 1; // number between 1 - 100
data[i] - (num < adjust) ? num + adjust : num; // adjust number

Figure 17-15 The Sensor Analysis program (part 3 of 3)

670 Section 4 Skills for legacy and generic programming

More skills for working with pointers

So far. this chapter has presented the skills for working with pointers that
you’ll need most of the time. Now. it will present some more skills for working
with pointers that you may need occasionally.

How to compare pointers

You can use the comparison operators to compare pointers of the same data
type. This compares the memory addresses of the objects the pointers point to,
not the values of those objects. The first example in figure 17-16 shows how this
This example starts by defining two pointers named pl and p2 that point to
the same memory address and a third pointer named s that points to a different
address. Then, the first statement that follows uses the equality operator (=■) to
check whether pl and p2 are equal. Since these pointers both point to the same
memory address, this comparison returns a value of 1 (true).
The second and third statements check whether pl and s are equal. Although
these pointers provide access to the same underlying value, they point to different
memory addresses. As a result, the second comparison returns a value of 0
(false). However, the third statement dereferences pl and s to check whether the
underlying values are equal. As a result, this comparison returns a value of 1.

How to use pointer arithmetic

The ♦, -, ++, +■, or — operators move a pointer forward or backward
along the sequence of bytes in memory to point to a different memory address.
This is called pointer arithmetic. Technically, you can do this with any pointer.
However, it typically only makes senses with pointers that point to arrays.
With pointer arithmetic, the compiler uses the data type of the pointer to
determine how many bytes to move. For example, if you add 1 to a pointer to an
int type, the compiler advances the pointer by 4 bytes.
The second example in figure 17-16 starts by defining an int array with five
elements. Then, it uses array decay to get a pointer to the first element. After that,
it uses arithmetic operators to move the pointer to point to different elements in
the array. Finally, this code attempts to move the pointer outside the bounds of
the array. This is possible, but it will cause problems. As a result, when working
with pointer arithmetic, make sure to stay within the bounds of the array.

How to work with void pointers

You can use the void keyword to create a void pointer that can point to any
data type. However, because the data type isn’t known, you can’t dereference it
or use pointer arithmetic unless you first cast the void pointer to a pointer with a
data type. The last two examples in figure 17-16 show how this works.
Chapter 17 How to work with memory and pointers 671

How to compare pointers

double price ■ 89.99, score ■ 89.99;
double *pl ■ Sprice, *p2 ■ Sprice, *s ■ &score;

cout << (pl ■■ p2); // displays 1 - pointers point to the same object
cout « (pl ■■ s); // displays 0 - values match but objects are different
cout << (*pl ■■ *s); // displays 1 - values match

How to use pointer arithmetic in an array

int arr[] { 2,, 4, 6, 8, 10 };
int* i i■ arr; // i points to first element
cout < < *i << endl; // displays 2

++i; // advances 1 element to point to second element

cout < < *i « endl; // displays 4

i - i ♦ 2; // advances 2 elements to point to fourth element

cout < < *i « endl; // displays 8

i - i - 3; // moves back 3 elements to point to first element

cout < < *i « endl; // displays 2

—i; // DANGER! you've moved outside the array bounds!

cout < < *i « endl; // displays ????

How to define a void pointer and point to different types

double pi ■ 3.14;
int i ■ 0;

void* ptr ■ &pi; // define void pointer that points to a double

ptr ■ &i; II change void pointer to point to an int
cout « *ptr << endl; // ERROR - can't dereference - data type unknown

How to cast a void pointer to a pointer to a type

int* iptr ■ static_cast<int*>(ptr);
cout « *iptr << endl; // SUCCESS - displays 0

• You can use the equality operator («■) to compare pointers of the same data
type. This checks whether the pointers point to the same memory address, not
whether the objects store the same value.
• Pointer arithmetic allows you to use arithmetic operators to move a pointer
forward or backward along a sequence of bytes to point to a different memory
address. You usually do this only with pointers that point to arrays.
• A void pointer, also known as a generic pointer, can point to an object of any data
type. In most cases, you should avoid using void pointers because they often lead to
errors. However, you may encounter them when working with legacy C++ or C code.
• You can compare void pointers, pass them to a function, and return them from
a function.
• You can’t dereference void pointers or use pointer arithmetic with them.
However, if you want to perform these operations on a void pointer, you can
cast it to a pointer to a specific data type.

Figure 17-16 More skills for working with pointers

672 Section 4 Skills for legacy and generic programming

How to use pointers with inheritance

In chapter 15, you learned how to work with inheritance and polymorphism.
In that chapter, you learned how to define the Product superclass as well as Book
and Movie subclasses shown by the inheritance hierarchy at the top of figure
To refresh your memory about how these classes work, the Product super­
class defines a virtual get_description() member function. Then, the Book
subclass inherits the Product class and overrides the get_description() function
so it includes the author’s name as part of the description. The Movie subclass
also inherits the Product class and overrides the get_description() function so it
includes the year as part of the description.
Now. this figure shows how you can use pointers when working with
inheritance. For instance, the first code example shows that a pointer that points
to a superclass object can also point to a subclass object. Here, the first state­
ment creates a Product object on the free store. The second statement creates a
Book object on the free store. And the third statement creates a Movie object on
the free store. Each of these statements stores the pointer returned by the new
keyword in a pointer to the Product type. This shows that a pointer to a super­
class can store the memory address of a superclass or a subclass object.
When working with a pointer to a superclass, you can only call members
of the superclass, not members of the subclass. In the second example, for
instance, the code in the show_product() function can’t call the get_author()
member function from the pointer to the Product object because that function
is only available from the Book object. However, this function can call a virtual
member of the superclass such as the get_description() function. Then, if you
pass a pointer to a subclass object to this function, C++ uses polymorphism to
call the overridden function from the correct subclass. This is illustrated by the
statements that calls the show_product() function. Here, for example, the second
statement causes C++ to call the get_description() function of the Book class.
That’s because this statement passes a pointer to a Book object to the function.
The third example shows that you can store superclass pointers in a vector.
That’s useful because it lets you create a vector that can store pointers to any
objects created from the superclass or any of its subclasses. In this example,
the vector named products can store pointers to any objects created from the
Product, Book, or Movie classes.
Once you create a vector of superclass pointers, you can pass it to a function
like the one shown in the fourth example. When you do, that function can use
polymorphism to call the correct get_description() function from any of the
objects that are passed to that function. This causes the description for Book
objects to include the author and the description for Movie objects to include the
year as shown by the console in this figure.
To save space and focus on inheritance, the examples in this figure use the
new keyword to store objects in the free store, but they don’t subsequently use
the delete keyword to deallocate memory. In a production program, of course,
you would also deallocate the memory. Better yet, you’d use RAII and the Rule
of Five as described earlier in this chapter.
Chapter 17 How to work with memory and pointers 673

The Product hierarchy

Product - defines virtual get_description( ) function
Book - overrides virtual get_description( ) function to add author
Movie - overrides virtual get_description( ) function to add year

How to use a superclass pointer to store addresses of subclass objects

Product* pl ■ new Product("Stanley 13 Ounce Wood Hammer", 12.99, 62));
Product* p2 - new Book("The Big Short", 15.95, 34, "Michael Lewis"));
Product* p3 - new Movie("The Wizard of Oz", 14.99, 50, 1939));

How to code a function that accepts a superclass pointer

void show_product(const Product* p) (
cout << "Name: " << p->get_description() << endl
<< "Price: " << p->get_price() << endl
<< "Discount percent: " << p->get_discount_percent() « "\n\n";
Code that calls this function
show_product(pl); // calls get_description( ) function of the Product class
show_product(p2); // calls get_description( ) function of the Book class
show_product(p3); // calls get_description( ) function of the Movie class

How to create a vector of superclass pointers

vector<Product*> products - vector<Product*>();
products.push_back(new Product("Stanley 13 Ounce Wood Hammer", 12.99, 62));
products.push_back(new Book("The Big Short", 15.95, 34, "Michael Lewis"));
products.push_back(new Movie("The Wizard of Oz", 14.99, 50, 1939));

How to code a function that accepts a vector of superclass pointers

void show_products(const vector<Product*>& products) (
int number ■ 0;
for (int i ■ 0; i < products.size(); ♦♦!) (
Product* p ■ products[i];
cout << ♦♦number << ". " << p->get_description() « endl;
cout < < endl;
Code that calls this function
The console
1. Stanley 13 Ounce Wood Hammer
2. The Big Short by Michael Lewis
3. The Wizard of Oz (1939)

• When working with inheritance, a pointer to a superclass can store the memory
address of a subclass object.
• When working with a pointer to a superclass, you can only call members of the
superclass, not members of the subclass. However, if you call a virtual member
of the superclass, C++ uses polymorphism to call the overridden function of the

Figure 17-17 How to use pointers with inheritance

674 Section 4 Skills for legacy and generic programming

How complex compound types work

A pointer is an object with a memory address. This means that you can have
a pointer to a pointer or a reference to a pointer. You can have pointers that are
constant or pointers that point to constants. And you can combine these varia­
tions to create even more complex compound types. However, because a refer­
ence variable doesn’t have its own memory address, you can’t have a pointer to a
Typically, you don't need to use compound types that are this complex.
However, you might come across code that uses complex compound types.
When that happens, it’s important to be able to decipher that code. That’s why
figure 17-18 presents some skills that should help you understand how to read
these complex compound types.
The first example shows how to create a pointer to a pointer. First, the code
defines an int object named i. Then, it uses a single asterisk to create a pointer
to int named p that points to i. Next, it uses two asterisks to create a pointer to
pointer to int named pp that points to the pointer p.
The second example shows how to dereference the pointers in the first
example. First, it uses one indirection operator to display the value of p. which
is the memory address of i. Then, it uses two indirection operators to display the
value of i, which is 2(X)().
There is no technical limit to the number of pointers to pointers you can
have. For example, you can use three asterisks to code a pointer to a pointer to a
pointer. However, this would be extremely rare.
The third example shows how to create a reference to a pointer by coding
both an asterisk and an ampersand after the data type. This ref variable is another
name, or alias, for the pointer p. As a result, they both point to the same value.
The fourth example shows how to work with constants and pointers. Here,
the location of the const keyword determines whether the pointer is constant, the
object pointed to is constant, or they both are.
If you code the const keyword after the data type and asterisk, the variable is
a constant pointer. This means that you can change the value of the object that’s
pointed to. but you can’t change the pointer so it points to a different object.
Conversely, if you code the const keyword before the data type and asterisk,
the variable is a pointer to a constant. This means that you can’t change the
value of the object that’s pointed to. but you can change the pointer so it points
to a different object.
Finally, if you code the const keyword in both places, it’s a constant pointer
to a constant. This means that you can’t change the pointer so it points to a
different object, and you can't change the value of the object that the pointer
points to.
Complex compound types can be easier to understand if you read them from
right to left as shown by the fifth example. For instance, you can read the third
statement as “rl is a reference to a pointer to a constant int”. Similarly, you can
read the fourth statement as “p5 is a constant pointer to an int”.
Chapter 17 How to work with memory and pointers 675

How to define a pointer to a pointer

int i ■ 2000; // an int (value ■ 2000)
int* p ■ &i; // a pointer to int (value ■ address of i)
int** pp ■ &p; //a pointer to pointer to int (value ■ address of p)

How to dereference a pointer to a pointer

cout « *pp << endl; // one indirection operator - displays address of p
cout << **pp << endl; // two indirection operators - displays 2000

How to code a reference to a pointer

int*& ref ■ p; //a reference to p
cout « p << endl; // displays the address of i
cout << ref << endl; // also displays the address of i

How to use the const keyword with pointers

Description Change pointer? Change underlying object?
constant pointer no yes
pointer to constant yes no
constant pointer to constant no no

Examples that use the const keyword with pointers

double price ■ 5.99; // a double
const double pi ■ 3.14; // a constant double

double* const pl ■ fiprice; // a constant pointer to a double

const double* p2 ■ &pi; // a pointer to a constant double
const double* const p3 ■ &pi; // a constant pointer to a constant double

Examples that use compound types

const int ci ■ 2000; // a constant int
const int* p4 ■ &ci; // a pointer to a constant int
const int*& rl ■ p4; // a reference to a pointer to a constant int
int* const p5 ■ &i; // a constant pointer to an int
const int* const p6 ■ &ci; // a constant pointer to a constant int
const int* const & r2 ■ p6; // a reference to a constant pointer to
// a constant int

• You can combine pointers, references, and constants to create complex
compound types.
• It can be easier to understand a complex compound type if you read it from
right to left.

Figure 17-18 How to understand complex compound types

676 Section 4 Skills for legacy and generic programming

Now that you’ve completed this chapter, you should have a good under­
standing of how pointers work. However, there’s more to learn about pointers
than what’s presented in this chapter. For example, this chapter didn’t present
a common pattern called PIMPL (Pointer IMPLementation) that’s often used
with interfaces and libraries. However, this chapter should provide a solid
foundation for you to research these more advanced concepts on your own. It
should also prepare you for chapter 19. which shows you how to create your
own custom containers, iterators, and algorithms.

memory address free store
hexadecimal (hex) notation heap memory (heap)
address of operator memory leaks
pointer variable (pointer) heap corruption
indirection operator RAII (Resource Acquisition Is
dereference a pointer Instantiation)
compound type unwinding the stack
member access operator shallow copy
alias deep copy
self-reference Rule of Three
function chaining move semantics
dynamic memory rvalue reference
storage rvalue reference declarator
code storage Rule of Five
static storage smart pointers
automatic storage raw pointer
stack storage pointer arithmetic
stack memory void pointer
call stack (stack) generic pointer
stack overflow complex compound type

• Each byte of memory is a physical location that’s represented by a number,
also called a memory address.
• The notation for memory addresses varies by system, but it’s common for
systems to use hexadecimal, or hex, notation.
• You can use the address of operator (&) to get the memory address of an
object. This returns the address of the first byte of the location of the object
in memory.
• A pointer variable, or pointer, is an object that contains the memory address
of another object. In other words, a pointer points to another object.
Chapter 17 How to work with memory and pointers &7T

• You can use the indirection operator (*) to dereference a pointer. This allows
you to access the value of the object that a pointer points to.
• You can use the member access operator (->) to access public data members
and functions of the object that a pointer points to.
• A reference is another name, or alias, for the object it refers to.
• Everj' object has a pointer named this whose value is its own memory
• When coding member functions of a class, you can return a reference to the
current object. This is known as a self-reference, and it’s useful for creating
member functions that can be chained together.
• When a program starts, the system sets aside memory, also known as
storage, for that program.
• Code storage is memory that’s allocated for the program code itself.
• Static storage is memory that’s allocated for global variables.
• Automatic storage is memory that’s allocated for local variables and
functions. This memory uses a last-in-first-out (LIFO) stack to manage
local variables and functions. As a result, it’s also called stack storage, stack
memory, the call stack, or the stack.
• Stack overflow occurs when a program runs out of stack memory.
• Dynamic memory is memory that’s allocated and deallocated manually
at runtime. Free store storage, also known as the free store, is a type of
dynamic memory. This memory is also called heap memory or the heap.
• Failure to properly deallocate free store memory can lead to memory leaks
or heap corruption.
• RAII (Resource Acquisition Is Instantiation) is a programming pattern that
takes advantage of the way the stack creates and destroys objects to allocate
and deallocate free store memory automatically.
• Some C++ compilers don’t call destructors (sometimes called unwinding
the stack) when an unhandled exception is thrown. To account for this, you
can code a try/catch statement around all code in the main() function of your
program that handles all exceptions.
• A shallow copy copies a pointer to an object. A deep copy copies the object
that a pointer points to.
• The Rule of Three states that if you need to code (1) a destructor. (2) a copy
constructor, or (3) a copy assignment operator, you should code all three.
• C++11 and later provide move semantics that enable you to move existing
data. This is more efficient than copying existing data.
• An rvalue reference identifies an object that can be moved and is declared
with the rvalue reference declarator (&&).
678 Section 4 Skills for legacy and generic programming

• The Rule of Five states that if you need to code (1) a destructor (2) a copy
constructor. (3) a move constructor, (4) a copy assignment operator, or (5) a
move assignment operator, you should code all five.
• With C++ 11 and later, you can use smart pointers to manage memory
• Pointer arithmetic allows you to use arithmetic operators to move a pointer
forward or backward along a sequence of bytes to point to a different
memory address. You usually do this only with pointers that point to arrays.
• A void pointer, also known as a generic pointer, can point at an object of any
data type.
• You can combine pointers, references, and constants to create complex
compound types.

Exercise 17-1 Use pointers with built-in arrays

In this exercise, you’ll code a program that gets a starting weight for each month
of the year from the user, stores the weights and month names in built-in arrays,
and uses pointers to work with the arrays. When you’re done, a test run should
look something like this:

Welcome to the Weight Tracker program!

Please enter your weight at the beginning of each month:

Jan: 172.4
Feb: 170.8
Mar: 167.4
Apr: 168.8
May: 166.5
Jun: 165.7
Jul: 163.6
Aug: 165.9
Sep: 163.3
Oct: 162.5
Nov: 159.7
Dec: 158.2

Maximum weight: 172.4

Minimum weight: 158.2
Average weight: 165.4

Open and review the project

1. Open the project or solution named weight_tracker in this folder:

2. Review the main.cpp file to see that it contains the required header files and
a using statement for the std namespace. In addition, the main() function
defines a constant for the number of months and a built-in array of strings
for the month name abbreviations. It also contains the code that displays the
messages on the console when the program starts.
Chapter 17 How to work with memory and pointers 679

Define the weights array and the functions that work with it
3. Define another built-in array named weights that can store a value for each
month, and initialize the values to 0.0.
4. Declare a function named get_monthly_weights() that accepts a pointer to the
weights array, a pointer to the months array, and the number of months and
doesn’t return a value.
5. Declare another function named get_total() that accepts a pointer to the
weights array and the number of months and returns a double type.
6. Code the definition for the get_monthly_weights() function. This function
should prompt the user for a weight for each month by displaying the month
abbreviation in the months array, and then store the values that are entered in
the weights array. Be sure to check that neither the months or weights array
contains a null pointer before using it.
7. Code the definition for the get_total() function. This function should calcu­
late the total of all the values in the weights array. Be sure to check that the
weights array doesn’t contain a null pointer before using it.
Modify the main() function to use the weights array
8. Add code to the main() function that calls the get_monthly_weights()
9. Add code to the main() function that calls the get_total() function.
10. Add code to the main() function that calculates and displays the average
11. Use the max_element() and min_element() algorithms to get pointers to
the elements in the weights array that contain the maximum and minimum
weights. Then, display the values of those elements.
12. Modify the mainf) function so it uses the accumulateO algorithm to get the
total of the weights instead of calling the get_total() function.

Exercise 17-2 Implement the Rule of Three

In this exercise, you’ll modify another version of the Step Counter program that
uses a HeapArray class so that class implements the Rule of Three.

Open, review, and test the program

1. Open the project or solution named step_counter in this folder:
2. Review the main.cpp file to see that it stores the steps for each day of the
week in a HeapArray object instead of a built-in array. Also notice that the
HeapArray object is passed to the get_weekly_steps() function by value.
Because of that, a copy of this object will be passed to the function, and the
modified HeapArray object is returned by the function.
680 Section 4 Skills for legacy and generic programming

3. Review the HeapArray.cpp file to see that its constructor and destructor use
RAII to allocate and deallocate memory for an array on the heap. Notice also
that it includes a subscript operator and size(), begin(), and end() member
functions that are used by the Step Counter program.
4. Run the program and enter the number of steps for each day of the week.
When you do. an error will occur because the default copy operation for the
HeapArray object copies the pointer to the array, not the array itself.
Implement the Rule of Three
5. Open the HeapArray.h file and add the declaration for a copy constructor that
accepts a constant reference to a HeapArray object.
6. Also in the HeapArray.h file, add the declaration for a copy assignment
operator that accepts a constant reference to a HeapArray object and returns a
reference to a HeapArray object.
7. Open the HeapArray.cpp file and add the definition for the copy constructor.
This constructor should create a HeapArray object with a pointer to an array
that's a copy of the array in the HeapArray object that’s passed to it.
8. Also in the HeapArray.cpp file, add the definition for the copy assignment
operator. This should work like the copy constructor, but it should store the
new array in a temporary variable to provide for exception safety and it should
return a self-reference. When you code this function, be sure to deallocate the
old memory for the array before you assign a pointer to the new memory.
9. Run the program again. This time, it should work correctly.

How to work
with templates
In chapters 10 and 11, you learned how to use the containers and algorithms
of the Standard Template Library (STL). These containers and algorithms use
a feature know as templates to allow them to be flexible enough to work with
different data types. That's why it’s called the Standard Template Library. In
this chapter, you’ll learn how to use templates to code your own containers and
algorithms that can work with multiple data types.
Some of the examples in this chapter use built-in arrays as described in
chapter 12 and pointers as described in chapter 17. As a result, you should
read those chapters before reading this chapter. Otherwise, you may find it
difficult to understand parts of this chapter.

How to work with function templates................................ 682

An overloaded function................................................................................. 682
A function template....................................................................................... 684
How to code a function template with one type parameter....................... 686
How to code a function template with multiple type parameters..............688
How to work with class templates..................................... 690
How to code a simple class template............................................................ 690
How to code a more complex class template................................................ 692
How to use a complex class template............................................................696
How to code a function template that works with a class template............698
The Sensor Analysis program....................................................................... 700
Perspective............................................................................ 702
682 Section 4 Skills for legacy and generic programming

How to work with function templates

A function template provides a way to allow a function to work correctly
with different data types. For example, the STL algorithms use function
templates to allow a function to work with the different container types. This is
more flexible and efficient than overloading a function.

An overloaded function
In chapter 12, you learned how to code a linear_search() function like
the first one shown in figure 18-1. This function implements the linear search
algorithm to find a specified int in an array of int values. Unfortunately, this
function only works with the int type. However, you could overload this function
to get it to work correctly with different data types. For example, this figure
shows how to overload this function so it also works with the char type.
When you overload a function, the compiler must compile all of the function
overloads. That’s true even if one or more overloads aren't used by the program.
For example, if you included both overloads of the linear_search() function
shown in this figure in a header file but a program only worked with an array
of int values, the program would still compile the overload for working with an
array of char values. Obviously, this isn’t as efficient as it could be. Instead of
using function overloads, then, you can use function templates to provide for
multiple data types.
Chapter 18 How to work with templates 683

A function that’s overloaded for two data types

The int type
int linear_search(const int arr[], int counter, int value_to_find) (
for (int i ■ 0; i < counter; ++i) (
if (arr[i) ■■ value_to_find) (
return i; // value found - return index
return -1; // value not found - return -1
The char type
int linear_search(const char arr[], int counter, char value_to_find) (
for (int i ■ 0; i < counter; ++i) (
if (arr[i) ■■ value_to_find) (
return i; // value found - return index
return -1; // value not found - return -1

Code that calls these functions

const int size - 6;
int numbers[size] = { 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 11 };
int index ■ linear_search(numbers, size, 11); // index is 5

char letters[size] - ( 'a', 'e', 'i', 'o', 'u', 'y' };

index - linear_search(letters, size, 'o'); // index is 3

• You can overload a function to get it to work correctly with different data
• When you overload a function, you must code one function overload for each
data type.
• When you overload a function, the compiler must compile all of those
functions, even if they aren’t used by the program.

Figure 18-1 An overloaded function

684 Section 4 Skills for legacy and generic programming

A function template
Figure 18-2 begins by showing the linear_search() function presented in
the previous figure after it has been converted to a function template. A function
template allows a function to work correctly with any data type that supports
the operators and functions that are used by the template. In this case, the
linear_search() function uses the equality operator (■■), so this function will
work with any data type that supports this operator. As a result, this function
works correctly with most data types, including the built-in data types and
If you review the code for the function template, you’ll notice that the
function is prefixed by a line of code that defines the function as a template with
a type parameter named T. Then, the function uses this type parameter to specify
the type for the elements of the array and the value to find. Other than that,
the code for the linear search is the same as the code shown in the overloaded
functions in the previous figure. However, the code doesn’t have to be duplicated
for each data type.
After the function template, this figure shows code that calls the
linear_search() function template three times, each time using a different
data type. With each call, the compiler generates a function with the
appropriate data types and compiles that function. Specifically, the first
call generates the first overloaded function presented in the previous
figure that works with the int type. The second call generates the second
overloaded function presented in the previous figure that works with the
char type. And the third call generates another function that works with
the double type.
Since the function in the previous figure didn’t provide an overload for
working with the double type, that function isn’t capable of working with the
double type. As a result, this clearly shows that using a function template is more
flexible than overloading a function.
In addition, because the compiler only generates the functions that are used
by the program, function templates can result in smaller executable files. As a
result, using a function template is typically more efficient than overloading a
function. The compiler also generates these functions at compile time, not at
runtime, so there’s no performance penalty for using templates.
As you gain experience with C++, you’ll find that function templates are
often used to allow algorithms like the linear search algorithm to work with
multiple data types instead of just a single data type. In general, templates
provide a way to convert a function that uses a specific type such as the int type
to a function that uses a generic type. As a result, working with templates is also
referred to as generic programming or generics.
Chapter 18 How to work with templates 685

A function template
templat®<typename T>
int linear_search(const T arr[], int counter, T value_to_find) (
for (int i ■ 0; i < counter; ++i) (
if (arr[i) ■■ value_to_find) (
return i; // value found - return index
return -1; // value not found - return -1

Code that calls this function template

const int size - 6;
int numbers[size] = { 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 11 };
int index ■ linear_search(numbers, size, 11); // index is 5

char letters[size] - ( 'a', 'e', 'i', 'o', 'u', 'y' };

index - linear_search(letters, size, 'o’); // index is 3

double prices(size) ■ { 9.99, 19.99, 24.99 };

index - linear_search(prices, size, 19.99); // index is 1

The function that’s generated by the first call to the template

int linear_search(const int arr[], int counter, int value_to_find) (
for (int i ■ 0; i < counter; ++i) (
if (arr[i] ■■ value_to_find) (
return i; // value found - return index
return -1; // value not found - return -1

• You can code a single function template to get a function to work correctly with all
data types that support the operators and functions used by the function template.
• When the compiler encounters a call to a function template, it generates a
function with the appropriate data types and compiles that function.
• Function templates are often used to allow algorithms to work with multiple
data types instead of just a single data type.
• Function templates are typically more flexible than function overloading.
• Function templates often reduce code duplication when compared to function
• Since the compiler generates functions from a template at compile time, not at
runtime, there’s no performance penalty for using templates.
• Since the compiler only generates functions that are called by the program, function
templates often result in smaller executable files than function overloading.
• Templates provide a way to convert a function that uses a specific type to a
function that uses a generic type. As a result, working with templates is also
referred to as generic programming or generics.

Figure 18-2 A function template

686 Section 4 Skills for legacy and generic programming

How to code a function template

with one type parameter
Figure 18-3 starts by showing a simple displayO function that accepts an int
value and displays it on the console followed by a space. Then, it shows how to
convert that function to a function template that can accept any data type that
supports the stream insertion operator (<<).
When creating function templates, it’s often helpful to start by coding a
function that works with a specific type. Then, you can convert that function to a
function template. To do that, the first step is to code a template prefix before the
function. This prefix consists of the template keyword followed by a pair of angle
brackets (<>). Within the angle brackets, you specify a type parameter that the
function template can use anywhere in its declaration or definition.
To specify a type parameter, you begin by coding the typename or class
keyword. The older class keyword provides backwards compatibility with the
C language and has a long history of use in C++. However, the newer typename
keyword more accurately indicates that the type parameter can be a built-in type
such as the int type or a class that defines another data type such as the string
class of the C++ standard library or the Product class described in chapter 14.
Since the typename keyword describes the code more accurately, this book uses
this keyword. However, it’s common to see the class keyword in online examples
and legacy code.
After the typename or class keyword, you code the name of the type param­
eter. It’s a common convention to use a single capital letter for this name, such as
T for type. However, you can also use a longer name such as Type or Object. You
could even use a lowercase name such as type or object, although it’s a common
convention to use an initial cap for type parameter names.
The first two examples in this figure after the syntax for a template prefix
show two different definitions for the displayO function template. The first one
uses the typename keyword and the second one uses the class keyword. You can
also separate the declaration and definition of a function template just as you can
a standard function. The third example, for instance, shows a declaration for the
displayO function template that uses the typename keyword.
In most cases, the compiler can deduce the type of data that’s passed to a
function template when it’s called. As a result, you can typically call a function
template without specifying the data type, as shown by the first group of state­
ments that call the displayO function template. Here, the first statement passes
an int value, the second statement passes a string object, and the third statement
passes a double value.
Although it’s not usually necessary to explicitly specify the data type when
you call a function template, you may need to do that in some rare situations
when your code won’t compile. You may also want to do that to make it clear to
other programmers what type of value you’re passing to the function template.
To explicitly specify the data type, you can code it in angle brackets between the
function name and the parentheses for the function as shown by the second group
of statements that call the displayO function template.
Chapter 18 How to work with templates 687

A function that accepts an int value

void display(int value) {
cout « value << ’ *;

The syntax for a template prefix with a single type parameter

template<class|typename name>

A function template that uses a single type parameter

template<typename T>
void display(T value) {
cout « value << ’ *;

Another way to code the same function template

template<class T>
void display(T value) {
cout « value << ’ *;

A declaration for the first function template

template<typename T>
void display(T value);

How to use type deduction when you call a function template

display("Hammer") ;
The console
1 Hammer 19.99

How to explicitly specify the type when you call a function template

• To create a function template, you code a template prefix before the function. This
prefix consists of the template keyword followed by a pair of angle brackets (<>).
• Within the angle brackets, you specify a type parameter that the function
template can use anywhere in its declaration or definition.
• The typename and class keywords that you can use to specify a type parameter
are synonymous.
• It’s a common convention to use a single capital letter such as T for type for the
name of a type parameter.
• The compiler can typically deduce the correct data type when you call a
function template. However, you can also explicitly specify the data type in
angle brackets.

Figure 18-3 How to code a function template with one type parameter
688 Section 4 Skills for legacy and generic programming

How to code a function template

with multiple type parameters
Now that you understand the syntax for coding a function template that uses
a single type parameter, you’re ready to learn how to code a function template
that uses multiple type parameters. To do that, you can use commas to separate
the parameters as shown by figure 18-4.
This figure starts by showing a displayO function that accepts arguments of
two data types, a string argument for a key and an int argument for a value. This
function displays the key and value on the console, separated by an equals sign
and followed by a new line character. However, it only works for a string key and
an int value.
Next, this figure shows how to convert this displayO function to a function
template that can accept any data type for the key or the value. To do that, you
begin by coding a template prefix before the function. This template prefix speci­
fies two data types, one for the key and one for the value. Then, you substitute
the type parameters for the string and int types used by the function.
After you define the function template, you can use almost any data type as
the key or value. In this figure, for example, the first call to the displayO function
template passes a string and an int value, the second call passes an int value and
a string, and the third call passes a string and a double value.
You can also explicitly specify the data types when you call a function
template with multiple type parameters, as shown by the last example in this
figure. Just as you can when you call a function template with a single type
parameter, though, you typically don’t need to do that.
Although this figure only shows how to code a template that uses two type
parameters, you can extend this syntax to code as many type parameters as you
need. However, it’s rare to need more than two type parameters.
Chapter 18 How to work with templates 689

A function that accepts a string and an int value

void display(string key, int value) (
cout « key << '<< value « '\n';

Code that calls the function

display("mary", 217);
The console

The syntax for a template prefix with multiple type parameters

template<class|typename namel[, class|typename name2] ...>

The same function after it has been converted to a function template

template<typename K, typename V>
void display(K key, V value) {
cout « key << << value « '\n';

How to use type deduction when you call a function template

display("mary", 217);
display(1, "Hammer");
display("price", 19.99);
The console

How to explicitly specify type when you call a function template

display<string, int>("mary", 217);

• You can code a template prefix that defines multiple type parameters. To do
that, use commas to separate the parameters.

Figure 18-4 How to code a function template with multiple type parameters
690 Section 4 Skills for legacy and generic programming

How to work with class templates

A class template provides a way to get a class to work correctly with
different data types. For example, the STL container classes such as the vector
class use class templates to allow them to work with the different data types.
Most of the skills for working with function templates also apply to class
templates. As a result, once you understand how function templates work, you’re
well on your way to understanding class templates.

How to code a simple class template

Figure 18-5 shows how to code a simple class template. To do that, you
code a template prefix before the class definition that specifies one or more type
parameters. Then, you can use the type parameters in your class definition.
The first example shows how to define a class named Dyad that uses a single
type parameter named T. Here, the class has two private data members that are
of the same type, which is the type specified by the type parameter. The class
contains a constructor that allows you to set the values of the two data members.
The class also has two member functions that get the first and second data
members. As you review this code, note that it works because this class uses
the type parameter named T to specify the data type for the data members, the
type for each parameter of the constructor, and the return type for the two getter
The second example uses the Dyad class defined by the first example. Here,
the first statement creates a Dyad object named name that can store two strings.
To do that, this code includes angle brackets (<>) after the name of the class, and
it includes the string data type within those brackets. In addition, this state­
ment uses the constructor of the class to set the first string to ‘Bjarne” and the
second string to “Stroustrup”. Then, the second statement uses the two member
functions to print those strings to the console.
The third and fourth statements perform a similar task. However, they work
with a Dyad object named xy that stores two int values of 10 and 20. This shows
that the Dyad class can work with different data types.
The third example works much like the first example. However, it defines a
class named MixedDyad that uses a template prefix that specifies two data types
named T1 and T2. This class uses T1 as the type for the first data member, and it
uses T2 as the type for the second data member.
As a result, the MixedDyad class can store two different data types as shown
by the fourth example. Here, the first two statements work with a MixedDyad
object named row that stores a string in the first data member and a double
value in the second data member. Similarly, the last two statements work with
a MixedDyad object named product that stores an int value as the first data
member and a string as the second data member.
Chapter 18 How to work with templates 691

A class template that defines one type parameter

templatectypename T>
class Dyad (
T one, two;
Dyad(T vail, T val2) {
one ■ vail;
two ■ val2;
T get_first() ( return one; }
T get_second() ( return two; }

Code that calls the class template

Dyad<string> name("Bjarne", "Stroustrup");
cout << name.get_first() << ’ ' << name.get_second() << endl;
Dyad<int> xy(10, 20);
cout << xy.get_first() « ' ' << xy.get_second() « endl;
The console
Bjarne Stroustrup
10 20

A class template that defines two type parameters

templatectypename Tl, typename T2>
class MixedDyad {
Tl one;
T2 two;
MixedDyad(Tl vail, T2 val2) (
one ■ vail;
two ■ val2;
Tl get_first() { return one; }
T2 get_second() { return two; }

Code that calls the class template

MixedDyad<string, double* row("Price", 19.99);
cout << row.get_first() << ": $" << row.get_second() << endl;
MixedDyad<int, string* product(1, "Hammer");
cout << product.get_first() <<''<< product.get_second() « endl;
The console
Price: $19.99
1 Hammer

• You can use a class template to get a class to work with different type parameters.
• To code a class template, code the template prefix before the class definition.
Then, you can use the type parameter in your class definition.

Figure 18-5 How to code a simple class template

692 Section 4 Skills for legacy and generic programming

How to code a more complex class template

In the previous chapter, you learned how to code a HeapArray class that
allows you to store an array of int values on the heap. That class provides many
features that one would expect from a container class of the STL. However, the
HeapArray class from the previous chapter can only store int values.
Now. figure 18-6 shows the HeapArray class after it has been converted to
a class template. This allows the HeapArray class to work with most data types,
which makes this class more flexible and useful.
Classes like the HeapArray class are often designed to be used by multiple
programs. As a result, they're typically coded in their own header files. In
addition, some compilers require a class template to be declared and defined
within a single compilation unit. Because of that, it’s generally considered a
best practice to put both the declarations and definitions for a class template in
the header file so a separate implementation file isn’t required. In this figure, for
example, all of the code for the HeapArray class is stored in a header file.
Part 1 of this figure begins with the include guard for the header file.
Then, the template prefix defines a type parameter named T that can be used
throughout the HeapArray class. This class begins by using this type parameter
to define a pointer to an array whose type will be specified later.
After the private data members, the HeapArray class declares functions for
three constructors, a destructor, and two assignment operators. These declara­
tions work the same as described in the previous chapter.
Next, the HeapArray class provides inline definitions for the subscript
operator ([]) and the size(). begin(), and end() functions. Here, the subscript
operator returns a reference to the array element that’s stored at the specified
index. The begin() function returns a pointer to the first element in the array.
And the end() function returns a pointer to one past the end of the array. Note
that the subscript operator and the begin() and end() functions all use the type
parameter to specify the type for the element that’s returned.
When coding short functions like these, it often improves efficiency to use
inline functions. In addition, inline functions are easier to code since you don’t
have to define the function in another place. As a result, it often makes sense to
use inline functions for short functions.
After the inline definitions, this header file continues by providing the
definitions for the functions (constructors, destructor, and operators) that have
been declared but not yet defined. To do that, the code provides a template prefix
before each function definition. This makes the type parameter available to the
function definition. Then, each function name is qualified with HeapArray<T>
to indicate that it’s a member of that class.
For example, the first constructor uses T to specify the type of the array and
T() to call the default constructor for that type. This creates a default object from
that type. Similarly, the copy constructor uses T to specify the type of the array
that it creates. However, the move constructor doesn’t need to specify the type
anywhere. As a result, the code for this constructor is the same as the code from
the previous chapter.
Chapter 18 How to work with templates 693

The header file for the HeapArray class template


templatectypename T>
class HeapArray {
int array_size;
T* arr;

// declarations
HeapArray(const int); // constructor
HeapArray(const HeapArray& tocopy); // copy constructor
HeapArray(HeapArray&& tomove); // move constructor
-HeapArray (); // destructor
HeapArray& operators(const HeapArray& tocopy); // copy assignment
HeapArrayft operators(HeapArray&& tomove); // move assignment

// inline definitions
T& operator[](int i) { return arr[i]; } // subscript operator
int size() const { return array_size; } // member functions
T* begin() ( return arr; }
T* end() ( return arr + array_size; }

templatectypename T>
HeapArray<T>::HeapArray(const int size) {
array_size ■ size; // set array size property
arr - new T[array_size]; // allocate memory on heap
for (int i ■ 0; i < array_size; i++) ( // initialize array values
arr[i] - T();

templatectypename T>
HeapArraycT>::HeapArray(const HeapArrayft tocopy) { // COPY
array_size ■ tocopy.array_size; // copy size
arr - new T[array_size]; // allocate memory on heap
for (int i ■ 0; i c array_size; i++) ( // copy array values
arr[i] ■ tocopy.arr(i);

templatectypename T>
HeapArraycT>::HeapArray(HeapArray&& tomove) { // MOVE
array_size ■ tomove.array_size; // copy size
arr ■ tomove.arr; // reset array pointer
tomove.array_size =0; // empty passed in container
tomove.arr ■ nullptr;

Figure 18-6 How to code a more complex class template (part 1 of 2)

694 Section 4 Skills for legacy and generic programming

Except for the template prefix and the HeapArray<T> qualification, the code
for the destructor and the move assignment operator is also the same as the code
from the previous chapter. However, the copy assignment operator uses the type
parameter named T to specify the type of the new array that it creates.
Chapter 18 How to work with templates 695

The header file for the HeapArray class template (continued)

//---------DESTRUCTOR----------- //
template<typename T>
HeapArray<T>::-HeapArray() {
delete[] arr; // deallocate memory - safe to run delete on nullptr

//---------ASSIGNMENT OPERATORS-----------//
templatectypename T>
HeapArray<T>& HeapArray<T>::operator= (const HeapArrayft tocopy) <
array_size = tocopy.array_size; // copy size
T* new_arr ■ new T[array_size]; // allocate memory on heap
for (int i ■ 0; i < array_size; ++i) ( // copy array values
new_arr[i] ■ tocopy.arr(i);
delete[] arr; // deallocate old memory
arr ■ new_arr; // assign new memory
return *this; // return a self-reference

templatectypename T>
HeapArray<T>& HeapArray<T>::operator= (HeapArray&& tomove) { // MOVE
if (this !■ &tomove) { // don't move if passed self
array_size ■ tomove.array_size; // copy size
deleter) arr; // deallocate old memory
arr - tomove.arr; // reset array pointer
tomove.array_size ■ 0; // empty passed in container
tomove.arr ■ nullptr;

return *this; // return a self-reference



• Some compilers require a class template to be declared and defined within a
single compilation unit. As a result, it’s generally considered a best practice to
put all code for the class template in a header file.
• You can use function templates to define the member functions.
• You can often improve efficiency by coding member functions inline.

Figure 18-6 How to code a more complex class template (part 2 of 2)

696 Section 4 Skills for legacy and generic programming

How to use a complex class template

Figure 18-7 shows code that uses the HeapArray class template. To start,
this code includes the header file named HeapArray.h that stores the code for the
HeapArray class template.
Within the mainf) function, the first statement uses the first constructor of
the HeapArray class to create a HeapArray object that can store 11 int values.
To do that, this code includes angle brackets (o) after the name of the class and
specifies the int type for the class template. Then, this code uses a loop to store
int values of 10 through 110 in that array, and it displays the first two int values
on the console.
The second group of statements uses the first constructor of the HeapArray
class to create a HeapArray object that can store 3 strings. Then, it uses three
statements to store three strings in the array, and two more statements to display
the first two strings on the console.
When you create a HeapArray object for a specific data type, the compiler
uses a process known as specialization to generate a specific class from
the template. For example. HeapArray<int> and HeapArray<string> are
specializations of the HeapArray class template. Similarly, vector<char> and
vector<Movie> are specializations of the vector class.
Chapter 18 How to work with templates 697

Code that uses the HeapArray class template

ftinclude <iostream>
#include <string>
#include "HeapArray.h"

using namespace std;

int main() {
HeapArray<int> nums(ll);
for (int i ■ 0; i < nums.size(); ++i) {
nums[i] ■ (i ♦ 1) * 10;
cout << "First number: ■ << nums[0] « endl;
cout << "Second number: " « nums[l] << endl;

HeapArray<string* words(3) ;
words[0] ■ "hello";
words[1] ■ "good";
words[2] ■ "buddy";
cout << "First word: ■ « words[0] << endl;
cout << "Second word: " « words[1] « endl;

The console
First number: 10
Second number: 20
First word: hello
Second word: good

• When you create an object from a class template, you must code angle brackets
(<>) after the name of the class. Within those brackets, you must code the data
types required by the class template.
• The process of generating classes from a class template is called specialization.
For example. Heap Arrayci nt> and HeapArray<string> are specializations of
HeapArray. Similarly, vector<char> and vector<Movie> are specializations of

Figure 18-7 How to use a complex class template

698 Section 4 Skills for legacy and generic programming

How to code a function template that works

with a class template
If you want to pass an object that’s created from a class template to a
function, you need to code a function template that defines a class template as a
parameter as shown in figure 18-8. Before the main() function, this code declares
a function template named displayO that accepts a reference to a HeapArray<T>
After the main() function, this code defines the displayO function. Within
this definition, the code uses the type parameter named T to work with elements
that are stored in the HeapArray object. Specifically, this code uses the type
parameter named T within a range-based for loop to display each element on the
console, followed by a space. Then, after the loop, the function starts a new line
on the console.
Within the main() function, the code creates a HeapArray object for an array
of 11 int values, and it uses the displayO function to display those int values on
the console. Then, it creates a HeapArray object for an array of 3 strings, and it
uses the displayO function to display those string objects on the console.
Although it isn’t shown in this figure, you can also use a function template
to return an object created from a class template. For example, this function
HeapArray<T> bubble_sort(HeapArray<T> arr);
is for a function template that accepts, sorts, and returns a HeapArray<T> object.
Chapter 18 How to work with templates 699

A function template that works with a class template

tinclude ciostream>
#include cstring>
tinclude "HeapArray.h"

using namespace std;

// declaration
templatectypename T>
void display (HeapArrayc*T>&) ;

int main() {
HeapArray<int> nums(11);
for (int i ■ 0; i < nums.size(); ++i) (
nums(i) ■ (i ♦ 1) * 10;
display(nums); // call function template

HeapArrayc string> words(3);

words[0] - "hello";
words[1] - "good";
words[2] - "buddy";
display(words); // call function template

// definition
templatectypename T>
void display(HeapArraycT>& arr) (
for (T elem : arr) {
cout cc elem cc •
cout cc endl;

The console
10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110
hello good buddy

• You can use a function template to work with a class template. To do that, the
function template can accept arguments of a class template object or return an
object created from a class template.

Figure 18-8 How to code a function template that works with a class template
700 Section 4 Skills for legacy and generic programming

The Sensor Analysis program

In the previous chapter, you learned how to code a Sensor Analysis program
that used a HeapArray class that could only store int values. Now. figure 18-9
shows this Sensor Analysis program after it has been converted to use the
HeapArray class template presented earlier in this chapter.
To start, this code includes the header file named HeapArray.h that stores the
code for the HeapArray class template. Then, before the main() function, this
program declares a function named load_sensor_data() that accepts a refer­
ence to a HeapArray<int> object. After the main() function, this code defines
the load_sensor_data() function. This shows that this function is designed to
work with an array of int values. In other words, this is not a function template.
Instead, it is a regular function that accepts a specialization of the HeapArray
class template.
Within the main() function, the code creates a HeapArray object for
an array of int values. This array is big enough to store one sensor reading
for each second required by the program. Then, this array is passed to the
load_sensor_data() function.
At this point, you may be wondering why you would bother using a template
for the HeapArray class if this program only works with int values. The reason is
that using a class template makes it more likely that you’ll reuse the HeapArray
class in other programs. For example, you could use it in a program that works
with an array of strings or double values. In short, it makes your code more
flexible and reusable.
Chapter 18 How to work with templates 701

The console
The Sensor Analysis program

Enter the number of days you’d like to analyze: 2

Number of sensor readings over 2 days: 172800

Average reading: 65.27
Lowest reading: 39
Highest reading: 100

The code
#include <iostream>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <ctime>
#include <algorithm>
#include <numeric>
#include "HeapArray.h

using namespace std;

void load_sensor_data(HeapArray<int>& data);

int main() {
cout << "The Sensor Analysis program\n\n";
int num_days ■ 0, total_seconds ■ 0;

cout << "Enter the number of days you'd like to analyze: ";
cin >> num_days;
cout < < endl;

const int seconds_per_day ■ 86400;

total_seconds ■ num_days * seconds_per_day;
HeapArray<int> data(total_seconds);
load_sensor_data(data) ;

double total ■ accumulate (data, begin (), data.endO, 0);

auto min ■ min_element (data, begin (), data.endO);
auto max ■ max_element (data, begin (), data.endO);

cout << "Number of sensor readings over " << num_days

<< " days: " << data.sizeO << endl;
cout << "Average reading: " << (total / data.sizeO) << endl;
cout << "Lowest reading: " << ‘min << endl;
cout << "Highest reading: " << ‘max << endl « endl;

void load_sensor_data(HeapArray<int>& data) { // simulate sensor data

srand(time(nullptr)); II seed random number
int num, adjust;
adjust ■ rand() % 70 ♦ 10; II get number from 10 - 70
for (int i ■ 0; i < data.sizeO; ++i) (
num ■ rand() % 100 ♦ 1; II get number from 1 - 100
data[i] ■ (num < adjust) ? num ♦ adjust : num; // adjust number

Figure 18-9 The Sensor Analysis program

702 Section 4 Skills for legacy and generic programming

Now that you’ve completed this chapter, you should understand how to
work with templates. In particular, you should understand how to define a class
template for a container or a function template for an algorithm. In the next
chapter, you’ll learn how to use templates to define other custom classes and
algorithms. In particular, you’ll learn how to define your own class templates
for a custom vector and a custom list, and you’ll learn how to define your own
algorithms that work with those containers or the STL containers.

overload a function
function template
generic programming
template prefix
type parameter
class template

• You can overload a function to get it to work correctly with different data
• You can code a function template to get a function to work correctly with
all data types that support the operators and functions used by the template.
This is more flexible than overloading a function.
• Templates provide a way to convert a function that uses a specific type such
as the int type to a function that uses a generic type. As a result, working
with templates is also referred to as generic programming or generics.
• To create a function template, you code a template prefix before the function.
This prefix consists of the template keyword followed by a pair of angle
brackets (<>).
• Within the angle brackets of a template prefix, you can specify a type
parameter that the function template can use in its declaration or definition.
• You can use a class template to get a class to work correctly with different
type parameters.
• The process of generating classes from a class template is called
Chapter 18 How to work with templates 703

Exercise 18-1 Create a function template

In this exercise, you’ll convert a function that sorts an array of int values to a
function template that can sort an array of any type that supports the greater
than operator (>). When you’re done, running the program should display this:

Temperatures: 75 64 92 88 57
Sorted temperatures: 57 64 75 88 92

Prices: 18.99 9.99 12.99 24.99 15.99

Sorted prices: 9.99 12.99 15.99 18.99 24.99

1. Open the project or solution named sort_array in this folder:


2. Open the main.cpp file and review its code. Note that this program includes
the bubble_sort() function from chapter 12 that sorts an array of int values.
Also note that this function uses the greater than operator (>).
3. Run the program to see that it displays the temperatures, the sorted tempera­
tures, and the prices as shown above.
4. Convert the bubble_sort() function to a function template. In addition to
adding a type parameter, be sure to change the name of the variable that
refers to an individual element to something more generic.
5. Modify the code in the main() function so it uses the bubble_sort() function
to sort the array of prices. Then, print the sorted array as shown above. This
shows that the bubble_sort() function can now be used with the double data
type, since is supports the greater than operator.

Exercise 18-2 Add a function to the HeapArray

class template
In this exercise, you’ll modify the HeapArray class template from this chapter
so it includes a function for performing a linear search. Then, you’ll use this
function from the Sensor Analysis program. When you’re done, a test run
should look something like this:

The Sensor Analysis program

Enter the number of days you'd like to analyze: 5

Number of sensor readings over 5 days: 432000

Average reading: 92.0921
Lowest reading: 65 first found at 176 seconds
Highest reading: 129 first found at 118 seconds

1. Open the project or solution named sensor_analysis in this folder:

2. Open the HeapArray.h file and review its code.
704 Section 4 Skills for legacy and generic programming

3. Add the declaration for a function named linear_search() that accepts the
value to be found for any type that supports the equality operator.
4. Add the definition for the linear_search() function. Because this function will
use the type parameter, be sure to include the template prefix. Also be sure to
qualify the name of the function with the name of the class.
5. Add code to the linear search function that loops through the array in the
elements data member using the array_size data member, returns the index of
the value if it’s found, and returns -1 if it isn't found.
6. Open the main.cpp file and add code to the main() function that uses
the linear_search() function to get the index of the first element with the
minimum sensor reading and the index of the first element with the maximum
sensor reading.
7. Modify the code that displays the minimum and maximum values so it also
displays the second where these values first occur.

Exercise 18-3 Use a class template

with a function template
In this exercise, you’ll modify two function templates so they use the
HeapArray class template from this chapter. When you’re done, running the
program should display this:

Numbers array: 10 20 30 40 50 60
The number 40 was found at index 3

Prices array: 0.99 1.99 2.99 3.99 4.99 5.99

The price 1.99 was found at index 1

1. Open the project or solution named linear_search in this folder

2. Review the code in the main.cpp file and run the program to be sure it works
3. In the main.cpp file, modify the two function template declarations and
definitions so they work with a HeapArray object by reference instead of a
constant built-in array.
4. Modify the code in the main() function so the numbers and prices variables
are defined as HeapArray objects instead of built-in arrays. Note that you
can’t initialize the HeapArray objects like you can the arrays.
5. Run the program again to see that it works like it did before.
How to code custom
containers, iterators,
and algorithms
In chapters 10 and 11, you learned how to use some containers, iterators,
and algorithms that are available from the Standard Template Library. Now.
you’ll learn to code your own custom containers, iterators, and algorithms.
In addition, you’ll learn how to code these custom objects so they’re compat­
ible with STL objects. This allows you to use your custom objects with STL
objects. For example, you can use STL algorithms with your custom container,
or you can use your custom algorithm with STL containers.
The custom containers, iterators, and algorithms presented in this chapter
use pointers and templates, which were covered in chapters 17 and 18. respec­
tively. As a result, you should read those chapters before reading this chapter.
Otherwise, you may find it difficult to understand this chapter.

How to code a custom container....................................... 706

How to work with member types................................................................... 706
The MyVector class declaration....................................................................708
The constructor and destructor definitions....................................................710
The assignment operator definitions.............................................................. 712
The member function definitions.................................................................. 714
The Task Manager 1.0 program..................................................................... 716
How to code a custom iterator............................................718
How to work with iterator traits..................................................................... 718
The Link structure..........................................................................................720
The Mylterator class.......................................................................................722
The MyList class declaration......................................................................... 724
The destructor definition............................................................................... 726
The member function definitions.................................................................. 726
The Task Manager 2.0 program.................................................................... 730
How to code a custom algorithm....................................... 732
The find_midpoint() algorithm..................................................................... 732
The Number Cruncher program....................................................................734
Perspective............................................................................ 738
706 Section 4 Skills for legacy and generic programming

How to code a custom container

Chapters 17 and 18 showed how to code a custom container named
HeapArray that provides some standard STL features such as the size(), begin(),
and end() functions. This made it possible to use STL algorithms like accumu­
lateO with a HeapArray object.
The topics that follow show how to code a custom container that provides
many of the same features as a vector from the STL. This should reinforce many
of the skills presented in the previous two chapters. In addition, it should give
you some valuable insights into how the STL vector works.

How to work with member types

The STL containers define several common types. For instance, the return
type of the size() member function that’s common to many STL containers is
not the int type or the unsigned int type. Instead, the size() function returns a
type named size_type that’s specific to the container itself. In other words, each
STL container provides its own member types. For example, the size() function
of a vector of int values has a return type of
Similarly, the size() function of a list of double values has a return type of
list <double>::size_type
These common types are known as member types, and they make it possible to
write generic code that can work with any container. For example, suppose you
have a function template that can accept any STL container. In addition, suppose
that your function needs to know the type of the elements in the container.
Fortunately, an STL container provides a type called value_type that provides
this information.
Some of the most common member types provided by the STL containers
are presented in the table at the top of figure 19-1. These include types that
define the type of elements in the container, the type for the container’s size,
the reference and pointer types for the elements, and the type of the iterator
provided by the container. When you create a custom container, you should
provide some or all of these member types. This makes your container compat­
ible with the STL.
To create a member type for your container, you create an alias for each
type. The first two examples show how this works. The first example uses the
typedef keyword to define an alias of size_type for the unsigned int type. This
is an older technique that was commonly used prior to C++11. The second
example uses the using keyword to do the same thing. This is a newer technique
that’s available with C++11 and later.
The C++ standard library provides a type named size_t that’s returned by
the sizeof operator presented in chapter 6. Most containers use std::size_t as the
data type for their size_type member. For instance, the third example presents a
class named MyContainer that defines a size_type alias for the size_t type. Then,
this class defines a size() member function that returns a value of this type.
Chapter 19 How to code custom containers, iterators, and algorithms 707

Some of the member types provided by the STL containers

Type Description
value_type The data type of an element.
size_type The type for the size of the container. This type is typically defined with
std::size_t, which is an unsigned integer type.
difference_type The type for the difference between iterators. This type is typically
defined with std::ptrdiff_t. which is a signed integer type.
reference The reference type of an element.
const_reference The constant reference type of an element.
pointer The pointer type of an element.
const_pointer The constant pointer type of an element.
iterator The type of the iterator provided by the container.
const_iterator The type of the constant iterator provided by the container.

The size types for two STL containers

How to create an alias with the typedef keyword (prior to C++11)

typedef unsigned int size_type;

How to create an alias with the using keyword (C++11 and later)
using size_type - unsigned int;

Code that creates a MyContainer class with a size_type type

class MyContainer {
// member type
using size_type - std::size_t;

// function that uses member type as return type

size_type size() ( return 0; }

Code that uses the MyContainer::size_type member type

MyContainer products;
MyContainer::size_type size - products.size(); // size is 0

• The STL containers define several common types, sometimes known as member
types. Each type of container provides its own member types. These types make
it possible to write generic code that can work with any container type.
• With C++11 and later, you can create an alias for a member type with the using
keyword. Prior to C++11. it was common to use the typedef keyword to create
an alias for a member type.

Figure 19-1 How to work with member types

708 Section 4 Skills for legacy and generic programming

The MyVector class declaration

The next few figures present a class named MyVector that defines a
container. As the name implies, this container works much like the STL vector
container. Although the MyVector container doesn’t provide all of the function­
ality of the STL vector, it provides enough of that functionality to give you an
idea of how the STL vector works.
Figure 19-2 presents the declaration for the MyVector class. To start, this
code declares the class as a template. As a result, it can store any type of object.
The MyVector class defines three private data members. The elem data
member is a pointer to type T. This is the pointer to the free store memory that’s
dynamically allocated to store the elements in the container.
The array_size and space data members are both of the size_t type. These
data members store the number of elements currently stored in the container and
the amount of memory allocated to store elements.
After the private data members, this class defines six of the member types
described in the previous figure. To save space and keep things simple, this code
doesn’t define all of the member types.
The reference member type is defined as a reference to T. and the iterator
member type is defined as a pointer to T. As a result, the iterator returned by the
MyVector class is a raw pointer to an element. This works for the purposes of
this class. However, it’s sometimes necessary to create custom iterator classes as
shown later in this chapter.
This class declares five constructors and a destructor. The first constructor
is defined inline. It’s the default constructor, and it just sets the elem member
to a null pointer and the array_size and space members to zero. The second and
third constructors declare the copy and move constructors required by the Rule
of Five. The last two constructors allow the user to set an initial size or to use
an initialization list. Finally, the destructor makes sure memory allocated in the
constructors is deallocated as required by RAII.
This class declares two overloads for the assignment operator to provide
the copy and move assignment required by the Rule of Five. Then, it provides
inline definitions for two overloads for the subscript operator for passing a
MyVector object by reference. These definitions return a reference to the
element at the specified index. To do that, their return types use the reference
and const_reference member types defined earlier in the class.
Finally, the class declares several member functions also provided by the
STL vector. Many of these functions use the member types defined earlier in this
class to specify their return types. Some of these member functions are simple
enough that they have been defined inline. For instance, the size() function
returns the array_size member. The capacityO function returns the space
member. The begin() function returns the elem member. And the end() function
uses pointer arithmetic to return a pointer to one past the last element.
Like the subscript operator, the at() function can return a reference or a
constant reference. Similarly, the cbegin() and cend() functions work like the
begin() and end() functions, except that they return a constant iterator, not a
regular iterator.
Chapter 19 How to code custom containers, iterators, and algorithms 709

The MyVector class declaration

template <typename T>
class MyVector (
T* elem - nullptr; // pointer to memory for elements
std::size_t array_size; // actual number of elements (size)
std::size_t space; // space allocated for elements (capacity)
// Member types
using size_type - std::size_t;
using value_type - T;
using reference - T&;
using const_reference ■ const T&;
using iterator ■ T*;
using const_iterator - const T*;

// Constructors
MyVector() ( // default - inline
elem ■ nullptr;
array_size ■ 0;
space =0;
MyVector(const MyVectorfc tobecopied); // copy constructor
MyVector(MyVector&fc tobemoved); // move constructor
MyVector(int initial_size); // set initial size
MyVector(std::initializer_list<T> list); // initialization list

// Destructor

// Assignment operator
MyVectorfc operators(const MyVectorfc tobecopied); // copy assignment
MyVectorfc operators(MyVector&ft tobemoved); // move assignment

// Subscript operator
reference operator[](int i) ( return elem[i]; } // inline
const_reference operator[](int i) const { return elem[i]; }// inline

// Member functions
size_type size() const { return array_size; } // inline
size_type capacity() const { return space; } // inline

reference at(int index);

const_reference at(int index) const;

void reserve(int new_size);

void push_back(T val);
void resize(int new_size);

iterator begin() { return elem; } // inline

const_iterator cbeginO const { return elem; } // inline
iterator end() ( return elem + array_size; } // inline
const_iterator cend() const ( return elem + array_size; } // inline

Figure 19-2 The MyVector class declaration

710 Section 4 Skills for legacy and generic programming

The constructor and destructor definitions

Figure 19-3 presents the definitions for the constructor and destructor
functions of the My Vector class. Because the default constructor was defined
inline in the class declaration, that constructor isn’t presented here.
The first definition is for the copy constructor. It accepts a My Vector object
by constant reference and uses its array_size data member to set this container’s
array_size and space data members. This code does not use the space data
member of the MyVector parameter because the parameter might have more
space allocated than is being used, but this constructor is only going to allocate
enough space for the current number of elements. Next, this constructor allocates
free store memory for the elements and stores the pointer that’s returned by the
new keyword in the elem data member. Finally, it copies the elements from the
parameter object to the newly allocated memory.
The second definition is for the move constructor. It accepts an rvalue
reference to a MyVector object and uses it to set this container’s array_size and
space data members. Unlike the copy constructor, the move constructor does use
the space data member of the object it receives. That’s because this constructor
uses the memory already allocated by this object, which might be more than the
space that’s needed for actual elements. Next, the constructor assigns the pointer
in the My Vector parameter to this container’s elem pointer. Finally, it empties the
My Vector object by setting its array_size and space data members to zero and its
elem data member to a null pointer.
The third definition is for the constructor that accepts a value for the initial
size. It uses this value to set the container’s array_size and space data members
by chaining these variables with assignment operators. Next, the constructor
allocates free store memory for the elements and stores the pointer to that
memory in the elem data member. Finally, it sets each element in the newly
allocated memory to the default value of the container’s data type. To do that,
this code assigns the data type followed by a set of parentheses to each element.
The fourth definition is for the constructor that uses an initialization list.
It accepts a constant reference of the std::initializer_list type. This type was
introduced in C++11 and is the type that C++ automatically converts a brace-
enclosed initialization list to. As a result, you can use it as a parameter type,
although you must include the data type of the list in angle brackets. Here, the
constructor uses the size() function of the std::initializer_list parameter to set this
container’s array_size and space data members. Next, the constructor allocates
free store memory for the elements and stores the pointer to that memory in the
elem data member. Finally, it copies the elements from the initialization list to
the newly allocated memory. It does this by indexing the iterator returned by the
begin() function of std::initializer_list.
The last definition is for the destructor. The code for the destructor calls
delete[ ] on the elem data member to deallocate the memory allocated in the
constructor. Fortunately, this code works correctly, even if the elem member is a
null pointer. As a result, there’s no need to do any checking on the elem member
before executing this code.
Chapter 19 How to code custom containers, iterators, and algorithms 711

The constructor and destructor definitions

// copy constructor
template <typename T>
MyVector<T>::MyVector(const MyVectorfc tobecopied) {
array_size ■ tobecopied.array_size; // copy size
space - tobecopied.array_size; // set capacity
elem ■ new T[array_size]; // allocate memory for array

// copy the elements of tobecopied's array (could also use std::copy)

for (int i ■ 0; i < array_size; ++i) (
elem[i] ■ tobecopied.elem[i];

// move constructor
template <typename T>
MyVector<T>::MyVector(MyVector&ft tobemoved) {
array_size ■ tobemoved.array_size; // copy size
space -; // copy capacity
elem ■ tobemoved.elem; // point to existing elements

// empty the passed in vector

tobemoved.array_size - 0; - 0;
tobemoved.elem ■ nullptr;

// constructor that accepts an integer value for initial size

template <typename T>
MyVector<T>::MyVector(int initial_size) {
array_size ■ space - initialsize; // set initial size and capacity
elem ■ new T[array_size]; // allocate memory for array

// initialize the array with default value of type

for (int i ■ 0; i < initial_size; ++i) (
elemti] - T();

// constructor that accepts an initialization list

template <typename T>
MyVector<T>::MyVector(std::initializer_list<T> list) {
array_size ■ space ■ list.sizeO; // set initial size and capacity
elem ■ new T(array_size); // allocate memory for array

// copy the elements in the list (could also use std::copy)

for (int i ■ 0; i < array_size; ++i) (
elem[i] = list.begin()[i];

// destructor
template <typename T>
MyVector<T>::-MyVector() {
deleted elem; // OK even if elem is nullptr

Figure 19-3 The constructor and destructor definitions

712 Section 4 Skills for legacy and generic programming

The assignment operator definitions

Figure 19-4 presents the definitions for the copy assignment operator and the
move assignment operator of the MyVector class.
The definition for the copy assignment operator accepts a MyVector object
by constant reference and uses its array_size data member to set the current
container’s array_size and space data members. Then, it allocates free store
(heap) memory for the elements and stores the pointer to that memory in a
temporary variable named new_elem. This is a common pattern for copy assign­
ment that provides some exception safety in the event of an error.
After allocating memory for the new array, this code copies the elements
from the MyVector parameter to the newly allocated memory. When that's done,
it deallocates the memory that the elem member currently points to and sets
the elem member so it points to the newly allocated memory. Finally, this code
returns a self-reference.
The definition for the move assignment operator accepts an rvalue refer­
ence to a MyVector object. To start, it checks that the parameter is not a refer­
ence to the current object. If it isn’t, it uses the MyVector parameter to set this
container’s array_size and space data members. Then, it deallocates the memory
that elem currently points to and sets elem so it points to the elem data member
of the MyVector parameter. Next, it empties the MyVector parameter by setting
its array_size and space data members to zero and its elem data member to a null
pointer. Finally, it returns a self-reference.
Chapter 19 How to code custom containers, iterators, and algorithms 713

The assignment operator definitions

// copy assignment
template <typename T>
MyVector<T>& MyVector<T>::operators(const MyVectorfc tobecopied) (
array_size - tobecopied.array_size; // copy size
space ■ tobecopied.array_size; // set capacity

// allocate new space

T* new_elem - new T[array_size];

// copy elements (could also use std::copy)

for (int i = 0; i < array_size; ++i) (
new_elem[i] - tobecopied.elem[i];

// deallocate old space

delete[] elem;

// assign new space

elem ■ new_elem;

// return a self-reference
return *this;

// move assignment
template <typename T>
MyVector<T>& MyVector<T>::operators(MyVector&& tobemoved) {
if (this !■ &tobemoved) (
array_size - tobemoved.array_size; // copy size
space ■; // copy capacity

// deallocate old space and then point to existing elements

deleted elem;
elem ■ tobemoved.elem;

// empty the passed in vector

tobemoved.array_size - 0; =0;
tobemoved.elem ■ nullptr;

// return a self-reference
return *this;

Figure 19-4 The assignment operator definitions

714 Section 4 Skills for legacy and generic programming

The member function definitions

Figure 19-5 presents the definitions for the at(). reserveO, push_back(). and
resize!) member functions of the MyVector class. Remember that the size!),
capacity!), begin!), and end() member functions were already defined inline in
the class declaration.
The first two definitions are for the at() function and its constant overload.
Both of these functions begin with the typename keyword. That’s because these
functions return member types defined by the container, but the compiler might
not recognize MyVector<T>::reference as a type. As a result, you include the
typename keyword to let the compiler know that what comes next is a type.
Both versions of the at() member function start by checking that the index it
receives is within bounds. If it isn’t, the function throws an out_of_range excep­
tion. Otherwise, it returns a reference to the element at that index. This works
much like the inline definitions for the subscript operator, but it provides bounds
checking where the subscript operator does not.
The third definition is for the reserveO member function. It accepts a value
for the new size and then checks if the new size is less than the current size. If
it is. the function returns without doing anything. This prevents the amount of
memory allocated from ever being decreased. Otherwise, the function allocates
free store memory for the new size and stores the pointer to that memory in a
temporary variable named new_elem. Then, it copies the old elements to the
newly allocated memory. When that’s done, it deallocates the memory that elem
currently points to and sets elem so it points to the newly allocated memory.
Finally, it sets the space data member to the new size.
The fourth definition is for the push_back() member function. This function
accepts an item of type T. It starts by checking the allocated space and uses the
reserveO function to reserve more if necessary. If the space value is zero, this
function passes a new size of 1 to reserveO. If the space is equal to the number of
elements already in the vector, this function increases capacity by doubling the
value of space and passing it to reserveO- Once the function has established that
there is adequate capacity for the new item, it adds it to the end of the array that
elem points to and increments the array_size data member.
The last definition is for the resize!) function. This function accepts an int
value that specifies the new size of the vector. First, it calls the reserveO function
and passes it the nevv_size argument. Remember that if the new size is smaller
than the current size, the reserveO function doesn’t change the size. However,
if the new size is larger than the current size, this code increases the capacity
and adds the new elements. To do that, this code uses a loop that begins with an
index that is equal to the value in the array_size data member. This makes sure
that the loop starts at the end of the existing elements and at the beginning of
the new capacity that was added by the reserveO function. Finally, the resize!)
function sets the new value for array_size so it includes any new elements that
have just been added.
So. what’s the difference between the reserve!) and resize!) functions? In
short, the reserve!) function can increase the capacity but doesn’t add any new
elements. By contrast, the resize!) function can increase the capacity and add
new elements to fill the newly added capacity.
Chapter 19 How to code custom containers, iterators, and algorithms 715

The member function definitions

// at()
template <typename T>
typename MyVectorcT>::reference MyVector<T>::at(int i) {
if (i < 0 || i >■ array_size)
throw std::out_of_range("MyVector<T>::at() - index out of range");
return elem[i);

template ctypename T>

typename MyVector<T>::const_reference MyVectorcT>::at(int i) const {
if (i < 0 || i >■ array_size)
throw std::out_of_range("MyVector<T>::at() - index out of range");
return elem(i);

// reserve()
template ctypename T>
void MyVector<T>::reserve(int new size) {
if (new_size <■ space) return; // never decrease allocation
T* new_elem ■ new T[new_size]; // allocate new space
for (int i ■ 0; i < array_size; ♦♦i) ( // copy old elements
new_elem[i] ■ elem[i);
deleted elem; // deallocate old space
elem ■ new_elem; // assign new space
space ■ new_size; // set new capacity

11 push_back()
template ctypename T>
void MyVectorcT>::push_back(T item) {
if (space ■■ 0) // if array empty,
reserved); // start with capacity of 1
else if (array_size ■■ space) // if array full,
reserve(2 * space); // add more capacity (doubling is common)

elem[array_size] ■ item; // add item at end

♦+array_size; II increment variable that tracks size

// resized
template ctypename T>
void MyVectorcT>::resize(int new_size) {
reserve(new_size); // set new capacity (won't make smaller)
for (int i ■ array_size; i < new_size; ++i) { // init new elements
elem[i] ■ T();

// reset size variable to indicate new size (

if (new_size > array_size)
array_size ■ new_size;

Figure 19-5 The member function definitions

716 Section 4 Skills for legacy and generic programming

The Task Manager 1.0 program

Figure 19-6 shows the Task Manager program. This program asks the user
to enter one or more tasks. After the user has entered ‘x’ to exit the program, the
program sorts the tasks in alphabetical order and displays them.
As usual, the code begins with include directives for the header files that the
program needs and a using directive for the std namespace. This time, though,
the code includes the “MyVector.h” header file that contains the code for the
My Vector class presented in previous figures.
The main() function starts by displaying the name of the program along with
instructions on how to use the program. Then, it defines a MyVector container
named tasks to hold strings, and it defines a string variable named task.
Next, this code begins a while loop that continues until it encounters the
break statement. Within the loop, the first statement displays a message on the
console that asks the user to enter a task. Then, the second statement uses the
getlineO function to retrieve the task entered by the user. Next, the code checks
whether the value of the task string is ‘x’. If so. the break statement ends the
loop. Otherwise, the code uses the push_back() function of the My Vector object
to add the task entered by the user and the loop continues.
When the loop ends, the code uses the STL sort() algorithm to put the tasks
in alphabetical order. This is possible for two reasons. First, the MyVector object
is STL compliant, so it can be used with STL algorithms. Second, the iterator
returned by begin() is a pointer to a built-in array, which uses a random-access
iterator. As a result, it can be used with the sort() function, which requires a
random-access iterator.
Finally, the code ends by looping through the elements in the MyVector
container and displaying them. To do that, it uses a for loop and some of the
features provided by the MyVector class, such as the size() member function and
the subscript operator.
Chapter 19 How to code custom containers, iterators, and algorithms 717

The console

The code
ftinclude <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <algorithm>
#include "MyVector.h"

using namespace std;

int mainf) (
cout << "The Task Manager program\n";
cout << "Enter tasks and enter 'x* when done.\n\n";

MyVector<string> tasks;
string task -
while (true) (
cout << "Enter task: ";
getlinefcin, task);
if (task — "x") (
break ;
else {
cout « endl;

sort(tasks.begin(), tasks.end());

cout << "My Task List\n"

« ■---------------------- \n";
for (int i ■ 0; i < tasks.size(); ++i) (
cout << (i ♦ 1) « ") " << tasks[i] << endl;

• This Task Manager program uses the custom MyVector object to store tasks
entered by the user. Because MyVector is STL compliant, this program can use
it with the STL sort() algorithm.

Figure 19-6 The Task Manager 1.0 program

718 Section 4 Skills for legacy and generic programming

How to code a custom iterator

So far. this chapter has presented a MyVector class that uses a built-in array
to store data internally and then uses pointers to that array as iterators. However,
data may also be stored internally in ways that don’t provide such a ready-made
iterator object. For example, because a list container stores data in non-contiguous
memory, the container can’t use a pointer as an iterator. In that case, you need to
create a custom iterator. Before you learn how to do that, you need to learn how to
work with iterator traits.

How to work with iterator traits

When you implement a custom iterator, you want it to be STL compliant. In
other words, you want the algorithms of the STL to be able to use it. To provide
for that, you need to implement the five iterator traits presented in the first table
of figure 19-7.
Most of the iterator traits presented here are similar to the member types
presented in figure 19-1. The exception is the iterator_category trait, which
specifies the functionality that the iterator provides. This trait uses the iterator
category tags presented in the second table in this figure. These tags indicate
whether the iterator is an input, forward, bidirectional, or random-access iterator.
As you learned in chapter 11, the type of the iterator determines the STL
algorithms that you can use with the iterator.
The first code example shows a custom iterator class named Mylterator
that implements iterator traits. As with the member types, you can use either
the typedef key word or the using keyword to code your iterator traits. However,
this example presents the using keyword because it’s a newer approach that was
introduced in C++11. In this example, each using statement creates an alias for
the data type of each iterator trait.
The second code example shows another way to implement iterator traits.
With this approach, the Mylterator class inherits the std: iterator class. Then, the
custom iterator class passes the iterator traits as part of the class template. When
you implement iterator traits this way, the last three traits are optional.
If you compare these two approaches, the second one appears more conve­
nient at first glance, since it doesn’t require you to type out full alias statements
and it allow s you to skip the last three iterator traits. However, this leads to code
that’s difficult to understand. To compensate for this, programmers would often
type comments to explain the code. This, of course, negated the benefits of less
typing. As a result, the std:iterator class was deprecated in C++17. You may still
see it in online examples, but it’s a better practice to use the “longhand” method
of the first example in your own code. This leads to code that’s self-documenting
and easy to understand.
Chapter 19 How to code custom containers, iterators, and algorithms 719

The five iterator traits needed for an iterator class to be STL compliant
Trait Description
iterator_category A tag that indicates the functionality the iterator provides.
value_type The data type of an element.
difference_type The type for the difference between iterators.
reference The reference type of an element.
pointer The pointer type of an element.

The iterator category tags

Tag Indicates iterator provides...
std::random_access_iterator_tag random access iterator functionality
std::bidirectional_iterator_tag bidirectional iterator functionality
std::forward_iterator_tag forward iterator functionality
std::input_iterator_tag input iterator functionality

An iterator class that implements iterator traits (C++11 and later)

class Mylterator (
using iterator_category ■ std::bidirectional_iterator_tag;
using value_type ■ int;
using difference_type ■ std::ptrdiff_t;
using reference - int&;
using pointer ■ int*;

// rest of class

How to inherit from std::iterator (deprecated in C++17)

class Mylterator : std::iterator<std::bidirectional_iterator_tag.
int. // value_type
std::ptrdiff_t. // difference_type
intfc. // reference
int*> // pointer

// rest of class

• When you create your own container, you can use pointers as iterators as shown earlier
in this chapter, or you can define a custom iterator class as shown in this figure.
• If you want your custom iterator class to be able to be used by STL algorithms,
you need to implement five iterator traits.
• You can create a customer iterator by inheriting the std::iterator class. To do
that, you pass the five iterator traits as part of the class template, with the
last three being optional. This approach is convenient but leads to code that’s
difficult to read and maintain. As a result, it was deprecated in C++17.

Figure 19-7 How to work with iterator traits

720 Section 4 Skills for legacy and generic programming

The Link structure

A list container stores elements in non-contiguous memory. As a result, a
pointer to an element in a list doesn’t automatically know where the next and
previous elements are since they aren’t stored adjacent to the current element in
To provide a way for an element in non-contiguous memory to connect, or
link, to the previous and next elements in a list, you can define a Link structure
like the one presented in figure 19-8. This structure is a template that defines an
element in a list that can store any type of data. The data member named value
stores the value of the element. Then, the data members named prev and next
store pointers to the previous and next Link objects in the list.
Chapter 19 How to code custom containers, iterators, and algorithms 721

The Link structure

template <typename T>
struct Link {
T value; // the value in the link
Link* prev; // pointer to the previous link
Link* next; // pointer to the next link

Link(T val) ( // constructor

value ■ val;
prev ■ nullptr;
next ■ nullptr;

• The Link structure represents an element in a list container that can link to the
previous and next elements.

Figure 19-8 The Link structure

722 Section 4 Skills for legacy and generic programming

The Mylterator class

The Mylterator class presented in figure 19-9 defines a bidirectional iterator
that can work with a list. Like the Link structure, the Mylterator class is a
template. This class template defines a single private data member named current
that’s a pointer to the Link object for the current element.
The public section of the Mylterator class starts by defining the five iterator
traits. Here, the iterator_category trait is set to std::bidirectional_iterator_tag.
This means that Mylterator is a bidirectional iterator. The rest of the traits
indicate that the value type is T. the reference type is a reference to T, and
the pointer type is a pointer to T. The difference_type trait uses the standard
std: :ptrdiff_t. which is similar to the std::size_t type you learned about in figure
19-1. This is a common way to define the difference type trait.
After the iterator traits, the class defines a constructor that accepts a pointer
to a Link object. It uses this value to set the value of its current data member.
Then, the rest of the class defines the operators that it needs to perform its
iterator tasks. Many of these operators return a self-reference.
The assignment operator accepts a Mylterator object by constant reference
and uses it to set the current data member of the current Mylterator object. The
indirection operator uses the member access operator to return the value of the
current element. The equal and not equal operators each accept a Mylterator
object by constant reference and return the result of comparing that object’s
current data member for equality or inequality.
The increment operator works differently for its prefix and postfix versions.
The prefix operator moves to the next element and returns a self-reference. The
postfix operator stores a self-reference in a temporary variable, moves to the next
element, and returns the temporary variable. In addition, the postfix operator
accepts a dummy int argument that’s only used to tell the compiler that this
operator is the postfix operator, not the prefix operator.
The prefix and postfix versions of the decrement operator work much like
the prefix and postfix versions of the increment operator. However, the decre­
ment operator moves to the previous element, not the next element.
Chapter 19 How to code custom containers, iterators, and algorithms 723

The Mylterator class

tinclude "Link.h"

template<typename T>
class Mylterator {
Link<T>* current ■ nullptr;
// iterator traits
using iterator_category ■ std::bidirectional_iterator_tag;
using value_type ■ T;
using difference_type ■ std::ptrdiff_t;
using reference ■ T&;
using pointer ■ T*;

// constructor
Mylterator(Link<T>* curr) {
current ■ curr;

Figure 19-9 The Mylterator class

724 Section 4 Skills for legacy and generic programming

The MyList class declaration

Figure 19-10 presents the class declaration for a custom container named
MyList that stores data in non-contiguous memory. Like the MyVector class, the
MyList class is a template so it can store any type of object.
As the name implies, this container is a version of the list that’s available
from the STL. This version, though, is much simpler and doesn’t recreate all of
the functionality of the STL list. However, it should give you an idea of how a
list works.
Most of the code in this figure consists of declarations. Then, the definitions
are presented later in this chapter. However, this figure does contain a few inline
The MyList class defines three private data members and a private helper
function. The head and tail data members are pointers to Link objects that are
dynamically allocated in free store memory. The head data member points to
the first Link object in the list. The tail data member points to the last Link
object in the list. The list_size data member stores the number of elements in the
container. And the initializef) helper function sets the head and tail pointers to
null and the list size to zero.
After the private members, the MyList class defines the public member
types. Here, the iterator member type is defined as a Mylterator of type T. This
allows the iterator to work with the same data type as the container.
The constructor for this class is defined inline. This is the default constructor,
and it calls the initializef) helper function to set the pointers to null and the list
size to zero.
Unlike the MyVector class presented earlier in the chapter, the MyList class
doesn’t implement the Rule of Five. This saves space and keeps the focus on
working with custom iterators. However, in the real world, you would implement
the Rule of Five, or at least the Rule of Three. Otherwise, your container will
throw errors when it’s passed by value.
The member functions for the MyList class define member functions that are
also provided by the STL list. First, this class defines the size() function inline,
which returns the list_size value. Then, it declares the push_back(). pop_back(),
atf). and removef) functions but doesn’t define them. Finally, it defines the
beginf) and end() functions inline.
The beginf) and endf) functions both have a return type of iterator. This is a
member type that’s defined as MyIterator<T>.
The beginf) function calls the constructor of the Mylterator class and passes
it the head pointer. Then, it returns the result of that function call. As a result,
beginf) returns a MyIterator<T> object whose current data member points to the
first element in the list.
The endf) function calls the constructor of the Mylterator class and passes it
the nullptr keyword. Then, it returns the result of that function call. As a result,
endf) returns a MyIterator<T> object whose current data member is null. This is
the functional equivalent of pointing one past the last element in a sequence.
Unlike the MyVector class presented earlier in this chapter, the MyList class
doesn’t include the cbeginf) and cendf) functions. Again, this saves space and
keeps the focus on working with custom iterators.
Chapter 19 How to code custom containers, iterators, and algorithms 725

The MyList class declaration

tinclude "Mylterator.h"

template <typename T>

class MyList {
Link<T>* head; // A pointer to the first link in the list
Link<T>* tail; // A pointer to the last link in the list
std::size_t list_size; // The number of nodes in the list

// helper function
void initialize() {
head - nullptr;
tail - nullptr;
list_size - 0;

// Member types
using size_type - std::size_t;
using value_type ■ T;
using reference = T& ;
using iterator - MyIterator<T>;

// Constructor
MyList() ( initialize(); } // inline

// Destructor

// Member functions
size_type size() const ( return list_size; } // inline
void push_back(T);
void pop_back();
reference at(int index);
void remove(T);

iterator begin() ( return iterator(head); ) // inline

iterator end() { return iterator(nullptr); } // inline

• The MyList class stores pointers to Link objects that represent the first and last
elements in the list.
• The iterator defined by MyList is of type MyIterator<T>. As a result, the
begin() and end() functions return MyIterator<T> objects.
• To save space and keep the focus on working with iterators, the MyList class
shown here doesn’t implement the Rule of Five. As a result, you can’t pass a
MyList object by value. To fix this, you should implement the Rule of Five, or
at least the Rule of Three.

Figure 19-10 The MyList class declaration

726 Section 4 Skills for legacy and generic programming

The destructor definition

Figure 19-11 begins by presenting the definition for the destructor of the
MyList class. The default constructor was defined inline in the class declaration,
so that constructor isn’t presented in this figure.
Unlike the destructor for MyVector. this destructor can’t deallocate all the
memory at once by calling delete[J. That’s because MyList doesn't store its
elements in contiguous memory. Instead, this destructor must traverse all the
elements in the list and call delete on each one.
The destructor starts by defining two pointers to Link objects of type T. The
pointer named iter is used to traverse the elements in the list, and the pointer
named next points to the element that’s next in the list.
To start, the head pointer is assigned to the iter variable. As a result, the iter
variable points to the first element. Then, a loop starts that continues while the
iter variable is not null. Within the loop, the first statement stores the pointer to
the next element in the next variable, the second statement deletes the memory
that iter points to, and the third statement stores the pointer to the next element
in the iter variable.
This continues until the iter variable points to the last element in the list.
At that point, the next element stores a value of nullptr. Then, when the code
assigns the nullptr value to the iter variable, the loop ends.

The member function definitions

After the destructor, figure 19-11 continues by presenting the definitions for
the push_back(), pop_back(), at(), and removeO member functions of the MyList
class. Remember that the size(). begin(), and end() member functions were
defined inline in the class declaration, so they aren’t presented in this figure.
The push_back() member function accepts an item of type T. It starts by
using the new keyword to allocate free store memory for a new Link of type T.
To create the Link object, this code passes the item argument to the constructor
of the Link class. This sets the value of the Link object and stores this new
object in a temporary variable named newjink. Next, the function checks
whether there are any elements in the list. If not. it updates both the head and tail
pointers so they both point to the new Link object. Otherwise, it adds the new
Link object to the end of the list by rearranging the pointers of the Link objects
for the tail and the newly added link. Finally, it increments the size of the list.
The pop_back() function doesn't accept any arguments or return any data. It
begins by checking if the tail points to a Link object. If so, the list is not empty.
In that case, the code checks if the head and tail pointers refer to the same Link
object. If so, the list only contains one element. In that case, the code deallocates
memory for that element and calls the initialize() helper function. This sets the
head and tail pointers to null and sets the size of the list to zero.
However, if multiple elements exist, the code gets a pointer to the Link
object for the tail and stores it in a temporary variable named todelete. Then, it
removes the last Link object in the list by rearranging the pointers of the Link
objects. Next, it deallocates memory for the last Link object in the list. Finally, it
decrements the size of the list.
Chapter 19 How to code custom containers, iterators, and algorithms 727

The destructor definition

template <typename T>
MyList<T>::-MyList() ( // deallocate the memory for each element in the

The member function definitions

// push_back()
template <typename T>
void MyList<T>::push_back(T item) {
Link<T>* new_link ■ new Link<T>(item); // allocate memory

if (lhead) { // if empty
head ■ new_link;
tail ■ new_link;
else ( // if elements exist
auto curr_tail ■ tail; // store current tail link

curr_tail->next ■ new_link; // connect current tail

new_link->prev ■ curr_tail; // and new link

tail ■ new_link; // set new link as new tail


// pop_back()
template <typename T>
void MyList<T>::pop_back() {
if (tail) { // if elements exist
if (head ■■ tail) { // if one element
delete head;
else { // if multiple elements
Link<T>* todelete ■ tail;
tail ■ tail->prev;
tail->next ■ nullptr;
delete todelete;

Figure 19-11 The destructor and member function definitions (part 1 of 2)

728 Section 4 Skills for legacy and generic programming

The at() function accepts an int argument that specifies the index of the
element, and it returns the reference member type of the MyList<T> object. To
inform the compiler that the return type is a type, the function definition begins
with the typename keyword. Otherwise, the compiler might not recognize the
reference member type as a type.
In the body of this function, the code begins by checking whether the index
parameter is out of bounds. If so. the function throws an out_of_range exception.
Otherwise, the function returns a reference to the element at that index.
Since the elements of MyList aren't stored in an array, the code can’t use
the subscript operator to get the element at the specified index. Instead, the code
defines a pointer to a Link object named iter. Then, it uses a for loop to iterate
through the elements in the list to the one specified by the index. Each time the
loop executes, the code modifies the iter variable so it points to the next Link
object in the list. When the iter variable points to the element at the specified
index, the loop ends. Then, the function returns the value of the element that’s
pointed to by the iter variable.
The remove() member function accepts an element of type T that might be in
the list. Then, the function removes all elements in the list that match the element
specified by the parameter. To do that, the body of the function begins by defining
a pointer to a Link object named iter and initializing it to the first element in the
list. Then, it uses a while loop to iterate through all elements in the list.
Within the loop, the code begins by checking whether the value of the iter
pointer is equal to the value of the val parameter. If it isn’t, the code simply
moves to the next link. If it is, however, the code removes the Link object that’s
pointed to by the iter pointer.
To do that, the code begins by checking whether there’s only one Link object
in the list. In that case, the code deallocates the memory for that Link object.
Then, it calls the initialize!) helper function to empty the list. Next, it uses the
break statement to end the loop since there are no more objects in the list.
However, if there are multiple links, the code does some more checking to
determine whether the element is stored in the first link of the list, the last link of
the list, or somewhere in the middle of the list. If it’s stored in the first link, this
code changes the head data member so it points to the next link of the list. Then,
it sets the prev pointer of the head link to nullptr. since this link is now the first
link in the list.
The code that’s executed if the element is stored in the last link of the list is
similar. It changes the tail data member so it points to the previous link of the
list. Then, it sets the next pointer of the tail link to nullptr.
If the element is stored in a link between the first and last links, this code
must change the previous and next links so they point to each other rather than to
the current link. To do that, the first two statements get iterators that point to the
links before and after the current link. Then, the third statement changes the next
pointer of the before link so it points to the after link, and the fourth statement
changes the prev pointer of the after link so it points to the before link.
After the pointers are rearranged, the code stores a pointer to the next link in
a temporary Link object named next. Then, it deallocates the memory for the Link
object pointed to by the iter variable, it assigns next to iter, and it decrements the
size of the list.
Chapter 19 How to code custom containers, iterators, and algorithms 729

The member function definitions (continued)

out of range");

II start at first link

II iterate to desired link

return iter->value; II return value of link

II pointer to traverse list

II if only one link

II if multiple links
rearrange connecting pointers
(iter ■■ head) ( II if first of multiple links
head ■ iter->next;
head->prev ■ nullptr;
else if (iter ■■ tail) { II if last of multiple links
tail ■ iter->prev;
tail->next ■ nullptr;
else { II if between other links
// get the links before and after the current link
auto before_iter ■ iter->prev;
auto after_iter ■ iter->next;

// connect before and after links to each other

before_iter->next ■ after_iter;
after_iter->prev ■ before_iter;
// remove current link
Link<T>* next ■ iter->next; II store next element in link
delete iter; II deallocate memory
iter ■ next; II move to next link
--list_size; II decrement size
move to next link

Figure 19-11 The destructor and member function definitions (part 2 of 2)

730 Section 4 Skills for legacy and generic programming

The Task Manager 2.0 program

Figure 19-12 shows the Task Manager 2.0 program. Like the previous
version, it asks the user to enter one or more tasks. This time, though, it doesn’t
order the elements alphabetically before it displays them. That’s because the STL
sort() algorithm requires a random-access iterator, but the Mylterator object used
by the MyList class is only a bidirectional iterator. As a result, the STL sort()
algorithm doesn't work for a MyList object.
As usual, the code begins with include directives for the header files that the
program needs and a using directive for the std namespace. This time, though,
one of the header files is the “MyList.h” file that contains the declarations and
definitions presented in the previous figures.
The mainf) function starts by displaying the name of the program and
instructions on how to use the program. Then, it defines a MyList object named
tasks that holds strings, along with a string variable named task that’s initialized
to an empty string.
Next, the code executes a while loop that runs until it encounters the break
statement. Within the while loop, the first statement displays a message on the
console that asks the user to enter a task. Then, the getlinef) function gets the
task entered by the user.
After getting the task from the user, this code checks the value of the task
string. If it’s ‘x’, the code uses a break statement to end the loop. Otherwise,
the code passes the task entered by the user to the push_back() function of the
MyList object and the loop continues.
When the while loop ends, the code displays the tasks in the list. To do
that, the code uses a range-based for loop to iterate through the elements in the
MyList object. This works because the beginf) and end() functions of the MyList
class both provide a bidirectional iterator that the range-based for loop can use
to iterate through the elements of the MyList object. These bidirectional iterators
are Mylterator objects.
If you need to gain more control over these iterators, you can code them
explicitly in a for loop like this:
for (auto iter - tasks.begin(); iter != tasks.end(); ++iter) {
cout << ++num « ") ■ « *iter << endl;
Here, the code explicitly uses the increment and indirection operators provided
by the Mylterator class.
So. why can’t this for loop just use an index and subscripting like the
previous Task Manager program did? Because the Mylterator object provided
by MyList is a bidirectional iterator, not a random-access iterator. Like most
bidirectional iterators, the Mylterator object doesn’t support subscripting.
Chapter 19 How to code custom containers, iterators, and algorithms 731

The console

The code
tinclude <iostream>
#include <string>
#include "MyList.h"

using namespace std;

int main() {
cout « "The Task Manager program\n";
cout « "Enter tasks and enter 'x' when done.\n\n";

MyList<string> tasks;
string task - ■";
while (true) (
cout << "Enter task: ";
getline(cin, task);
if (task — -x") (
else {
cout « endl;

cout « "My Task List\n";

cout « "---------------------- \n";
int num ■ 0;
for (string task : tasks) {
cout << + +num « ■) " « task « endl;

• This Task Manager program uses the MyList object to store tasks, and it uses
operations provided by the Mylterator class to display the elements.

Figure 19-12 The Task Manager 2.0 program

732 Section 4 Skills for legacy and generic programming

How to code a custom algorithm

In addition to creating custom containers with iterators that you can use with
the STL algorithms, you can create custom algorithms that you can use with the
STL containers or your own custom containers. Now. you’ll learn how.

The find midpoint() algorithm

STL algorithms don’t work directly with the STL containers. Instead, the
STL containers provide iterators that define a half-open interval. Then, the STL
algorithms work with these iterators to perform their tasks. If you read chapter
11, this should sound familiar to you.
This architecture makes it easy for you to write your own STL-compliant
algorithms. For example, figure 19-13 presents a custom algorithm named
find_midpoint() that returns a pointer to the midpoint of a sequence of
elements. This algorithm is a function template, which means that it can work
with a sequence of elements of any data type.
The template prefix uses a name of Bidirlter for the type parameter instead
of the traditional name of T. This name clearly indicates the type of iterator
that your algorithm requires. In this case, this name makes it clear that the
find_midpoint() algorithm requires an iterator that is bidirectional or higher.
The find_midpoint() algorithm accepts two iterators that define the begin and
end of a half-open interval, and it returns an iterator that points to the element
that’s at the midpoint of the container. To start, this algorithm checks whether the
two iterator parameters are equal. If so, the sequence is empty, and the algorithm
returns the off-the-end iterator. Remember from chapter 11 that this is a common
way for an algorithm to indicate that a value wasn’t found.
If the sequence isn't empty, the code defines an int counter variable and
initializes it to zero. Then, it starts a while loop that continues until begin and end
iterators point to the same element. Within the loop, the code checks whether the
counter variable is an even or odd number. If the counter is even, the code moves
the end iterator back one element. If the counter is odd. the code moves the begin
iterator forward one element. Either way, the code increments the counter.
This continues until the begin and end iterators both point to the same
element in the sequence. At this point, the loop ends, and the algorithm returns a
pointer to that element. If the sequence contains an odd number of elements, the
pointer that’s returned will point to the middle element. If the sequence contains
an even number of elements, though, it doesn’t have a middle element. In that
case, the find_midpoint() algorithm returns a pointer to the element that’s closer
to the end of the sequence. For example, if the sequence has six elements, this
algorithm will return the fourth element. That makes sense if you remember that
the end iterator points one past the last element in the sequence.
This figure also presents some code that uses the find_midpoint() algorithm.
To start, this code defines an STL vector of int values and initializes it with
seven values. Then, it finds and displays the element at the midpoint, which is
an int value of 6. Next, it uses the STL sort() algorithm to arrange the vector’s
elements in ascending order. Finally, this code finds and displays the element at
the midpoint. This time, the element at the midpoint is an int value of 8.
Chapter 19 How to code custom containers, iterators, and algorithms 733

The find_midpoint() algorithm

template<typename Bidirlter>
Bidirlter find_midpoint(Bidirlter begin, Bidirlter end) (
// if range is empty, return the off-the-end iterator
if (begin ■■ end) {
return end;

// alternate decrementing end iterator

// and incrementing begin iterator
// until both point to the same element
int counter ■ 0;
while (begin !■ end) (
if (counter % 2 ■■ 0) ( // counter is even
— end;
else { // counter is odd
return begin;

Code that uses this algorithm with an STL vector

vector<int> numbers { 5, 8, 2, 6, 11, 9, 34 };
auto iter ■ find_midpoint(numbers.begin(), numbers.end());
cout << *iter « endl; // displays 6

sort(numbers.begin(), numbers.end()); // sequence is now 2 5 6 8 9 11 34

iter = find_midpoint(numbers.begin(), numbers.end());
cout << *iter « endl; // displays 8

• In the template for an algorithm, you can use the type name to indicate the kind
of iterator your algorithm expects. This makes it easier for other programmers to
understand how to use the algorithm.

Figure 19-13 The find_midpoint() algorithm

734 Section 4 Skills for legacy and generic programming

The Number Cruncher program

Figure 19-14 shows another version of the Number Cruncher program that
was originally presented in chapter 11. This program generates a sequence of
random integers. Then, it performs a series of operations on them. The console
for this program shows that the program sorts the numbers, calculates a total
and average, gets the maximum and minimum values, and gets the midpoint and
median values.
In chapter 11. the Number Cruncher program used STL algorithms to work
with an STL vector. The version of the Number Cruncher program presented
in this figure works similarly, but it uses a custom MyVector object to store the
random numbers, and it uses the custom find_midpoint() algorithm defined in the
previous figure as well as STL algorithms. However, if you wanted, you could
modify this program so it used an STL vector instead of the custom vector. That
would work because the find_midpoint() algorithm works correctly with STL
containers or custom containers.
As usual, the code for the program begins with the include directives for the
header files that the program needs and a using directive for the std namespace.
This time, though, one of the header files is the “MyVector.h” file and another is
the “find_midpoint.h” file.
The main() function starts by displaying the name of the program. Then, it
defines a MyVector object of int values named numbers, and it uses the reserveO
function of the MyVector object to allocate space in memory for 11 elements.
Next, the code uses a for loop to add random numbers to the custom vector.
To do that, it iterates the elements in the vector as long as the capacityO function
of the vector is less than the counter variable. Within the loop, it gets a random
number from 0 to 29 and then uses the push_back() function of the vector to
add the random number to the vector. When this loop ends, the vector named
numbers contains eleven random integers. Then, the code uses the for_each()
algorithm and the display_int() function to display those numbers.
After displaying the unsorted random numbers, the code uses the sort()
algorithm to sort the numbers in the custom vector in ascending order. This
works because the MyVector class provides the high-level, random-access
iterator that the sort() algorithm requires. Then, the code uses the for_each()
algorithm and the display_int() function to display the sorted numbers.
Next, the code uses the accumulateO algorithm to total all the numbers in
the custom vector, it stores the result in a variable named sum. and it displays the
sum. Then, it calculates the average of these numbers by dividing the sum by the
size of the vector, and it displays the average.
Chapter 19 How to code custom containers, iterators, and algorithms 735

The console
The Number Cruncher program

11 RANDOM NUMBERS: 1 1 10 26 5 29 2 17 28 26 21
11 SORTED NUMBERS: 1 1 2 5 10 17 21 26 26 28 29
Sum ■ 166 Average ■ 15
Min ■ 1 Max ■ 29
Midpoint ■ 17 Median - 17

The code
#include <iostream>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <ctime>
#include "MyVector.h"
ftinclude <algorithm>
#include <numeric>
#include "find_midpoint.h"

using namespace std;

void display_int(int num) (

cout « num << *

int main() (
cout « "The Number Cruncher program\n\n";

// create an empty vector for a specified number of elements

MyVector<int> numbers;
numbers.reserve(11); // 11 elements

// fill the vector with random numbers

for (int i ■ 0; i < numbers.capacity(); ++i) {
int number ■ rand() % 30;

// use STL algorithms

cout « numbers.size() « " RANDOM NUMBERS: ";
for_each(numbers.begin (), numbers.end(), display_int);
cout « endl;

sort(numbers.begin(), numbers.end());
cout « numbers.size() « " SORTED NUMBERS: ";
for_each(numbers.begin (), numbers.end(), display_int);
cout « endl;

int sum - accumulate(numbers .begin(), numbers.end(), 0);

cout « "Sum ■ ■ << sum « • •;

int avg - sum I numbers.size();

cout « "Average - ■ << avg « '\n';

Figure 19-14 The Number Cruncher program (part 1 of 2)

736 Section 4 Skills for legacy and generic programming

Part 2 of figure 19-14 begins by using the min_element() and max_element()

algorithms to retrieve iterators that point to the largest and smallest elements in
the custom vector. This code uses the auto keyword to define the variables named
max_iter and min_iter that store the iterators returned by these algorithms so
the code is more concise. It also displays the minimum and maximum values on
the console. To do that, it uses the indirection operator (*) to get the values that
min_iter and max_iter point to.
After getting the maximum and minimum values, the code uses the custom
find_midpoint() algorithm to retrieve the iterator that points to the element at the
midpoint of the vector. This is consistent with the way that the min_element()
and max_element() algorithms of the STL work. Then, it displays the value of
the midpoint on the console.
Next, the code calculates the median value of the elements in the sequence.
To start, it defines a double variable named median. Then, it checks whether
the numbers container has an odd or even number of elements. If the container
has an odd number of elements, the iterator returned by find_midpoint() is at
the exact middle of the sequence. As a result, the code simply dereferences the
iterator and assigns the value to the median variable.
However, if the container has an even number of elements, the iterator
returned by find_midpoint() isn’t at the middle of the sequence and the code
needs to calculate the median. To do that, it gets the value of the midpoint and
the value of the previous element, adds those values together, and divides them
by two. That makes sense if you remember that the find_midpoint() algorithm
returns an iterator that points one element closer to the end of the container
than to the beginning of the container if the container has an even number of
elements. So. by getting the value of the previous element, you now have the
values of the two elements in the middle of the container.
To get the two values, the code assigns the value of the iterator returned
by the find_midpoint() algorithm to a double variable named mid_val. Then, it
assigns the value of the previous iterator to a double variable named prev_val.
To do this, the code decrements the iterator returned by the algorithm, uses the
indirection operator to get the value of that iterator, and uses parentheses to make
sure these operations are performed in the correct order.
After storing the two values in their respective variables, this code adds them
together, divides the result by two. and assigns the result to the median variable.
Like the previous statement, this statement uses parentheses to make sure that
these operations take place in the correct order. Finally, this code displays the
median on the console.
Chapter 19 How to code custom containers, iterators, and algorithms 737

The code (continued)

auto min_iter ■ min_element(numbers.begin(), numbers.end());
cout « "Min ■ ■ << *min_iter << • •;

auto max_iter ■ max_elament(numbers.begin(), numbers.end());

cout « "Max ■ " << *max_iter << '\n';

// use custom algorithm

auto mid_iter = find_midpoint(numbers.begin(), numbers.end());
cout « "Midpoint ■ ■ << *mid_iter << •

// calculate median
double median;
if (numbers.size() % 2 !■ 0) ( // odd - median is same as midpoint
median ■ *mid_iter;
else { // even - median is sum of midpoint and prev divided by 2
double mid_val - *mid_iter;
double prev_val - *(--miditer);
median ■ (mid_val + prev_val) I 2;
cout « "Median ■ ■ « median << "\n\n";

• The Number Cruncher program sorts the numbers in a sequence so that they’re
in ascending order. Then, it uses the find_midpoint() custom algorithm to find
the number at the midpoint of the sequence.
• When the number of elements is odd. the midpoint is the same as the median.
When the number of elements is even, the program calculates the median by
adding the midpoint to the value of the previous element and dividing by two.

Figure 19-14 The Number Cruncher program (part 2 of 2)

738 Section 4 Skills for legacy and generic programming

In this chapter, you learned how to create custom containers, iterators,

and algorithms that are compatible with the Standard Template Library. These
custom classes also provide a good example of how object-oriented program­
ming is used in the real world.
Of course, there’s still plenty more to learn about C++. For example,
you may want to learn how to use C++ with the Qt library to create a GUI
(Graphical User Interface) for a desktop application. You may want to learn
how to use C++ to develop video games that perform extensive graphics
processing. Or. you may want to learn how to use C++ to work with embedded
systems, big data, or artificial intelligence. Whatever you decide to learn next,
you now have a skillset that you can build on.

member types
iterator traits

• The STL containers define several commonly used types, sometimes known
as member types. These types make it possible to write generic code that can
work with any container type.
• With C++11 and later, you can create an alias for a member type with the
using keyword. Prior to C++11, it was common to use the typedef keyword
to create an alias for a member type.
• If you want to use your custom iterator class with STL algorithms, you need
to implement five iterator traits.
Chapter 19 How to code custom containers, iterators, and algorithms 739

Exercise 19-1 Test the MyVector class

This exercise guides you through the process of testing some of the constructors,
operators, and functions of the MyVector class. When you’re done with this
exercise, the console for the program should look something like this:

Init: Go to store|Feed cats|Check email|
capacity(): 3
push_back(): Go to store|Feed cats|Check email|Brush teeth|
capacity(): 6
size(): 4
at(O): Go to store
at(size-1): Brush teeth
capacity(): 20
size(): 20

Open and test the program

1. Open the project or solution named vector_tester in this folder:
2. Open the My Vector.h file and review its code. Note that it provides all the
constructors, operators, and functions described in this chapter.
3. Open the main.cpp file and review its code. Note that it uses the initializa­
tion list constructor to initialize the vector so it stores three strings. Then,
it displays some messages on the console. Note also that it uses a function
named displayO that tests the copy constructor by accepting a MyVector<T>
object by value.
4. Run the program. At this point, it should display just some of the information
shown above since not all of the functionality has been implemented. For
example, because the push_back() function isn’t called to add another string
to the vector, the second call to the capacity!) function should still be 3.
Complete the code that tests the vector
5. In the main.cpp file, add code that uses the push_back() function to add
a fourth string to the vector. Then, run the program to test this code. This
should cause the second call to the capacityO function to be 6 since it should
double the capacity from 3.
6. In the main.cpp file, add code that uses the at() function to get the first and
last strings in the vector. This shows that you can use the at() function or the
subscript operator to get items from a MyVector object.
7. In the main.cpp file, add a statement that uses the resize!) function of the
vector to change its size and capacity to 20. This shows that you can use the
resize!) function to allocate more memory for a specified number of elements.
8. If you have time or you’re instructed to do so, experiment by adding code that
tests other constructors, operators, and functions of the MyVector object.
740 Section 4 Skills for legacy and generic programming

Exercise 19-2 Test the MyList class

This exercise guides you through the process of testing some of the functions
of the MyList class. When you’re done with this exercise, the console for the
program should look something like this:

Open and test the program

1. Open the project or solution named list_tester in this folder:
2. Open the MyList.h file and review its code. Note that it provides all the
constructors and functions described in this chapter.
3. Open the main.cpp file and review the code. Note that it uses the push_back()
function to add five strings to the list, including two strings of “Feed cats”.
Then, it displays some messages on the console.
4. Run the program. At this point, it should start by displaying five strings, but
the rest of the console shouldn’t match the console shown above because not
all of the functionality has been implemented.
Complete the code that tests the list
5. In the main.cpp file, add code that uses the pop_back() function to remove the
last string from the list. Next, run the program to test this code.
6. In the main.cpp file, add code that uses the at() function to get the first and
last strings in the list. This shows that you can use the at() function to get the
item at the specified index of a MyList object.
7. In the main.cpp file, add a statement that uses the remove() function of the
list to remove both strings of “Feed cats”. This shows that you can use the
remove() function to remove one or more items from a MyList object.
8. If you have time or you’re instructed to do so, experiment by adding code that
tests other constructors and functions of the MyList object.
Chapter 19 How to code custom containers, iterators, and algorithms 741

Exercise 19-3 Create a new custom algorithm

In this exercise, you’ll modify the Number Cruncher program presented in this
chapter so it uses a custom algorithm to calculate the median.

Open and test the program

1. Open the project or solution named number_cruncher in this folder:
2. Review the code in the main.cpp file, and note that it uses the custom
find_midpoint() algorithm to get the midpoint. However, it manually
calculates the median.
3. Run the code to make sure it works correctly for 11 numbers. Note that the
midpoint and the median are always the same.
Modify the code so it generates 12 numbers and test it
4. In the main.cpp file, modify the code so it generates 12 numbers, not 11.
5. Run the code to make sure it works correctly for 12 numbers. It should calculate
the median by adding the middle two numbers together and dividing by 2. Note
that this number is usually different from the midpoint, which is the second of
the two middle numbers.
Add the custom calc_median() algorithm
6. Add a header file named calc_median.h to the project.
7. In the calc_median.h file, add include guards and a calc_median() function.
The calc_median() function should work much like the custom find_midpoint()
algorithm. However, it should calculate the median and return it as a double
8. To code the calc_median() function, you can start by copying code from the
body of the find_midpoint() algorithm to find the midpoint. Then, you can copy
the code from the main.cpp file that calculates the median. Next, you can modify
the code so the calc_median() function works correctly.
9. In the main.cpp file, modify the code so it includes the calc_median.h header file
and uses the calc_median() algorithm to calculate the median.
10. Run the code to make sure it still works correctly.
Appendix A
How to set up Windows
for this book
This appendix shows how to install the software that we recommend for
developing C++ applications on a Windows system. Then, it shows how to
install the source code for this book.
As you read this appendix, please remember that most websites are
continually updated. As a result, some of the procedures may have changed
since this book was published. Nevertheless, these procedures should
still be good guides to installing the software. And if there are significant
changes to these setup instructions, we will post updates on our website

How to install the Visual Studio IDE............................................................ 744

How to install the source code for this book................................................ 746
744 Appendix A How to set up Windowsfor this book

How to install the Visual Studio IDE

Figure A-1 shows how to install the Community edition of the Visual Studio
IDE (Integrated Development Environment). By default, installing this IDE also
installs and configures the Microsoft Visual C++ (MSVC) compiler. This is the
compiler that Visual Studio uses by default to compile C++ programs.
When you install the Visual Studio IDE. you need to be sure to select the
“Desktop development with C++” option as shown in this figure. In addition,
because the programs in this book target Windows 10, you should make a note of
the Windows 10 SDK version that’s being installed. This version is included by
default in the Optional list at the right side of the installation dialog box. You’ll
learn why you may need to know the version that’s installed in chapter 1 of this
Appendix A How to set up Windowsfor this book 745

The main page for installing Visual Studio Community

Installing — visual Studio Community 2017 — 15.62 X

Workloads Individual components language packs

Windows (3)
> Visual Studio cote editor
v Desktop development with O •»
•/ Visual core desktop features

3 Just-In-Time debugger
3 \C*e 2017*141 toolset C<86.rf4)
QC“ profiling tools
□ Wmdows 10 SOK (100.16299.0) far Desktop C+... ]

3 visual C» • tools fix CMake

3 Visual ATI. support
3 Test Adapter far Boost Test
3 Test Adapter far Google Test
□ W>ndcws 8.1 SC* and UCRT SOK
□ Windows XP support far C++


Cr\Program files (x86,"..Microsoft Visual $tudio\201 ACommixirty

Tow install sue: 5^2 GB
By cororumg you agree to fae kense for the v^ual fcudo edition you selected We also c>fa< the atuty to
dwnload other softiwe with Veual Seudo Ths software is kensed separate!/ as set out n the 3rd Cxty NcOces
or n its acccmparyng kens*. By coetmung you »so agree to those kenses- Inst* I

The download page for Visual Studio Community

https: //www. visual studio, com/vs/community/

How to install the Visual Studio IDE

1. Find the download page for Visual Studio Community by going to the URL above
or by searching the Internet for “Visual Studio Community download”.
2. Click the appropriate Download button to download the setup program for Visual
Studio to your hard disk. This setup file should be an exe file.
3. Run the setup program and respond to the resulting dialog boxes. When the dialog
box above is displayed, be sure to select the “Desktop development with C++”

• Visual Studio Community is a free IDE that you can use to create C++ programs. It
runs on Windows and macOS but is typically used for Windows.
• When you install Visual Studio, the Microsoft Visual C++ (MSVC) compiler is also
installed. This is the compiler that Visual Studio uses by default to compile C++
• The procedure above installs the current version of Visual Studio, which was Visual
Studio 2017 at the time of this printing. However, this book will work equally well
with later versions of Visual Studio.
• For more information about installing and using Visual Studio, you can refer to
the Visual Studio website. Chapter 1 also presents an introduction to using Visual
Studio for Windows development.

Figure A-1 How to install the Visual Studio IDE

746 Appendix A How to set up Windowsfor this book

How to install the source code for this book

Figure A-2 shows how to download and install the source code for this book.
This includes the source code for the applications that are presented in this book.
In addition, it includes the source code for the starting points and solutions for
the exercises that are presented at the end of each chapter.
When you finish this procedure, the book applications, exercise starts, and
exercise solutions should be in the folders shown in this figure. Then, you can
review the applications that are presented in this book, and you’ll be ready to do
the exercises in this book.
Appendix A How to set up Windowsfor this book 747

The Murach website

The folder that contains the Visual Studio projects

C: \murach\cpp\vs

The subfolders
Folder Description
book_apps The applications that are presented throughout this book.
ex_starts The starting points for the exercises at the end of each chapter.
ex_solutions The solutions to the exercises.

How to download and install the files for this book

1. Go to and go to the page for Murach's C++ Programming.
2. If necessary, scroll down to the FREE Downloads tab. Then, click on it.
3. Click the DOWNLOAD NOW button for the exe file, and respond to the resulting
pages and dialog boxes. This should download an installer file named cpls_allfiles.exe.
4. Use Windows Explorer or File Explorer to find the exe file.
5. Double-click this file and respond to the dialog boxes that follow. This should
install the files for the Visual Studio projects for this book in folders that start with

How to use a zip file instead of a self-extracting zip file

• Although we recommend using the self-extracting zip file (cpls_allfiles.exe) to
install the downloadable files as described above, some systems won’t allow self­
extracting zip files to be downloaded. In that case, you can download a regular zip
file ( from our website. Then, you can extract the files stored in this
zip file into the C:\murach folder. If the C:\murach folder doesn’t already exist, you
will need to create it.

Figure A-2 How to install the source code for this book
Appendix B
How to set up macOS
for this book
This appendix shows how to install the Xcode IDE that we recommend for
developing C++ applications for the macOS operating system. Then, this
appendix shows how to install the source code for this book. In addition, it
describes how this source code includes some extra code that isn’t shown in
the book that makes it easier to use Xcode to work with files that store data.
As you read this appendix, please remember that most websites are
continually updated. As a result, some of the procedures in this appendix
may have changed since this book was published. Nevertheless, these
procedures should still be good guides to installing the software. And
if there are significant changes to these setup instructions, we will post
updates on our website (

How to install the Xcode IDE....................................................................... 750

How to install the source code for this book................................................ 752
How the source code makes it easier for Xcode projects
to store data in files......................................................................................... 754
750 Appendix B How to set up inacOSfor this book

How to install the Xcode IDE

Figure B-l shows how to install the Xcode IDE (Integrated Development
Environment). By default, installing this IDE also installs and configures the
Clang compiler. This is the compiler that Xcode uses by default to compile C++
Appendix B How to set up macOS for this book 751

The download page for Xcode

https: //developer, apple. com/download/

How to install the Xcode IDE

1. Find the download page for Xcode by going to the URL above or by searching the
Internet for “Xcode download”.
2. Sign in with your Apple Developer ID and password. If you don’t have an Apple
Developer ID. you can create one for free.
3. Click the Download button for Xcode to go to the Mac App Store.
4. Click the Get button.
5. Click the Install Now button.
6. Click the Open button to finish the installation and start Xcode.

• Xcode Community is a free IDE that you can use to create C++ programs. It runs
on macOS and is typically used to develop applications for Apple platforms.
• When you install Xcode. the Clang compiler is also installed. This is the compiler
that Xcode uses by default to compile C++ programs.
• For more information about installing and using Xcode. you can refer to the Xcode

Figure B-1 How to install the Xcode IDE

752 Appendix B How to set up macOS for this book

How to install the source code for this book

Figure B-2 shows how to download and install the source code for this book.
This includes the source code for the applications that are presented in this book.
In addition, it includes the source code for the starting points and solutions for
the exercises that are presented at the end of each chapter.
When you finish this procedure, the book applications, exercise starts, and
exercise solutions should be in the directories shown in this figure. Then, you
can review the applications that are presented in this book, and you’ll be ready to
do the exercises in this book.
As you work with the Xcode projects, you may find that some of them
display warnings about the code. However, these warnings typically don’t cause
any problems with the programs presented in this book. As a result, you can
usually ignore them. Or. if you prefer, you can attempt to resolve each warning
by editing your code. As you progress through this book and learn more about
C++, it should become easier to understand and fix these warnings.
Appendix B How to set up macOS for this book 753

The Murach website

The directory that contains the Xcode projects

/Document s/murach/cpp/xcode

The subdirectories
Directory Description
book_apps The applications that are presented throughout this book.
ex_starts The starting points for the exercises at the end of each chapter.
ex_solutions The solutions to the exercises.

How to download and install the files for this book

1. Go to and go to the page for Murach's C++ Programming.
2. If necessary, scroll down to the FREE Downloads tab. Then, click on it.
3. Click the Download Now button for the zip file for the book applications and exercises.
Then, respond to the resulting pages and dialog boxes. This should download a zip file
named to your hard drive.
4. Move this zip file from your Downloads directory into your Documents directory.
Then, double-click on the zip file to extract the book_apps. ex_starts. and ex_solutions
directories that contain the Xcode projects for this book into the murach/cpp/xcode

A note about right-clicking

• This book sometimes instructs you to right-click, because that’s common in
Windows. On macOS. right-clicking is not enabled by default. However, you can
enable right-clicking by editing the system preferences for your mouse.

A note about warnings

• As you use Xcode to work with the source code for this book, it may display some
warnings. However, these warnings don't typically cause any problems with the
programs presented in this book. As a result, you can usually ignore them.

Figure B-2 How to install the source code for this book
754 Appendix B How to set up inacOSfor this book

How the source code makes it easier for

Xcode projects to store data in files
Most IDEs set the working directory to the same director)' as the director)'
that stores the source code for the project. This makes it possible for a program
that stores its data in a file to access that file just by specifying its filename, not a
full path to the file.
However. Xcode sets the working directory for a project to a director)' that’s
different from the director)' that stores the source code for a project. To illustrate,
figure B-3 shows the source code director)' and the working directory for an
Xcode project named ch()5a_temperature_manager. As a result, since this Xcode
project stores its data in a file, it must specify a full path to that file, not just a
filename. To make it easy to do that, the download for this book adds code like
the code shown in this figure to ever)' Xcode project that uses a file.
The code that’s added to these projects attempts to automatically set a full
path to the file for the project. In most cases, this should work correctly. If so,
the Xcode project can automatically access the file without any problems. As
a result, you don’t need to take any action, although you should be aware that
these projects are automatically working with the files in the murach/cpp/files
directory described in this figure.
If the code that’s added to these projects doesn’t work correctly, you can
manually edit the “/Users/usemame” string so it points to the appropriate user.
To do that, you just need to change “username” so it’s correct for your system.
Typically, this should be set to your name or your computer’s name.
If you don’t want to use code to set a full path to the file, you can open the
project in Xcode and set a custom working director)' as described in the last
bullet in this figure. Then, you can delete any code that attempts to set a full path
to the file and just specify the filename. When you do. Xcode looks for the file in
the custom working directory that you specified. For projects that already specify
a full path, like the ones for this book, you probably don’t need to specify a
custom working directory. But. you might want to set one when creating new
Appendix B How to set up macOS for this book 755

The source code directory for an Xcode project


The working directory for the project


The directory that contains the files for most programs in this book

The subdirectories
Directory Description
temp_manager The temps.txt file for all Temperature Manager programs.
temp_analyzer The temps.txt file for all Temperature Analyzer programs.

Code that has been added to the Xcode source code

string filename - "temps.txt";

// set a full path to the correct file

const char* home ■ getenv("HOME");
string user_home -
if (home) {
user_home - home;
else {
// if home isn't found, edit 'username' so it's correct for your system
user_home - "/Users/username";
string file_path ■ "/Documents/murach/cpp/files/temp_manager/";
filename ■ user_home + file_path + filename;

• By default, Xcode sets the working directory for a project to a subdirectory that’s
different from the director)' for the project’s source code. As a result, if an Xcode
project uses a file to store its data, it must specify a full path to that file, not just the
filename of the file.
• In the download for this book, every Xcode project that works with data in a file includes
code that attempts to automatically set a full path to that file. If this code can’t set a full
path automatically, you can manually edit the path so it’s correct for your system.
• The code that attempts to automatically set a full path to the data file varies from
project to project, but the general idea is always the same.
• If you don’t want to use the code that automatically sets the full path to the file, you
can change the working director)' for a project by opening the project and selecting
the Product->Scheme->Edit Scheme item. Then, you can select the Run category,
check the Use Custom Working Directory box, and specify the working directory.

Figure B-3 How the source code makes it easier for Xcode projects to store data in files
Addition operator 757

| | operator. 92-93
Index - (destructor). 530-531
+ operator
addition. 49
concatenation. 66-67
- operator positive sign. 114-115
negative sign. 114-115 overloading. 620-621
sublraetion. 49 with iterators. 356-357
— operator. 114-115 +♦ operator. 114-115
with iterators. 356-357 overloading. 622-623
! operator. 92-93 with iterators. 356-357
! ■ operator. 84-85 +■ operator
#define preproeessor directive, 270-271 appending. 66-67
#endif preprocessor directive. 270-271 compound addition. 117
Wifndcf preprocessor directive. 270-271 < operator. 84-85
#include preprocessor directive. 10-11. 50-51 overloading. 624-625
header file, 270-271 « operator. 10-11. 52-53
% operator. 48-49 overloading. 626-627
%= operator. 117 with C strings. 454-455
& operator. 636-637 <■ operator. 84-85
changing the object a pointer points to. 640-641 -■ operator. 117
for passing a pointer to a function. 644-645 - operator. 189
&& (rvalue reference declarator), 660-661 »■ operator. 84-85
&& operator. 92-93 overloading. 624-625
() operator. 426-427 -> operator. 356-357
*. for defining a pointer. 638-641 for accessing a data member. 518-519
* operator. 49 lambda expression. 428-429
* indirection operator. 622-623 with pointers. 638-639
with iterators. 356-357 with the this keyword. 646-647
with pointers. 638-641 > operator. 84-85
with the this pointer. 646-647 overloading. 624-625
*■ operator. 117 >■ operator. 84-85
. operator. 70-71 » operator. 10-11. 54-55
with static members. 610-615 overloading. 626-627
with structures. 316-317 with C strings. 454-455
I operator. 49 ID array. 472-473
/ = operator. 117 2D array. 472-473
:: operator. 60-61
for accessing a static member from a class.
for calling a function of a superclass. 578-579 Abstract class. 588-589
for implementing a static member. 608-609 Abstraction. 404-405
with enumerations. 338-339 Access modifiers. 576-577
with getter and setter functions. 518-519 Accessor. 518-519
with namespaces. 272-273 accumulateO algorithm. 412-413
with static class members. 196-197 with built-in arrays. 470-471
with structure member functions. 330-331 with key/value pairs. 420-421
(] operator, see subscript operator Addition compound assignment operator. 116-117
| operator. 164-165 Addition operator. 49
overloading. 620-621
758 Address of operator Bug

Address of operator. 636-637 auto keyword. 188-190

changing the object a pointer points to. 640-641 with iterators. 356-357
for passing a pointer to a function. 644-645 with lambda expressions. 428-430
Algorithm. 466-467 with length!) function. 216-217
calling. 406-407 with make_unique() function. 663-664
custom. 732-737 with pair structures. 388
with nested containers. 422-423 with size!) function. 204-205. 216-217
algorithm header file, 407 Auto window (Xcode). 304-305
Algorithms Automatic compilation
modifying. 410-411 Visual Studio. 18-19
non-modifying. 408-409 Xcode. 28-29
STL. 403-431 Automatic storage. 652-653
Alias (member type), 706-707 Autos window (Visual Studio), 299
Allocate free store memory. 654-655
AND operator. 92-93
App. 8-9
Append a character. 66-67 back!) member function
Append a string. 66-67 queue. 384-385
Append data to a file. 164-165 sequence container. 362-363
Application. 8-9 string. 216-217
Argument. 58-59 vector. 204-205
for a function. 240. 242 bad() member function (stream), 148-149
Arithmetic binary operators (overloading), 620- Balanced binary search tree
621 map. 388-389
Arithmetic expression. 48-49. 114-115 set. 386-387
Arithmetic operators. 48-49 Base class. 574-575
Arithmetic unary operators, 114-115 begin!) member function (STL container), 354-
overloading. 622-623 357.404-405
Array (built-in). 440-451 vector. 204-205
Array (STL), 372-375 Behavior (object), 512-513
initializing, 372-373 Bidirectional iterator. 354-355
passing to a function. 374-375 Binary operator. 102-103
array container. 352-353 Binary search. 414-415
Array decay, 444-445. 470-471 Binary search algorithm (built-in array), 466-467
array header file. 372-373 binary_scarch() algorithm. 414-415
ASCII (American Standard Code for Information Block comment. 40-41
Interchange) character set. 66-67. 186-187 Block of code (if statement), 86-87
ASCII characters. 114 Block scope. 86-87
Assign an initial value to a variable. 46-47 loops. 120
char variable. 66-69 Body of a function. 42
string variable. 66-69 Book subclass. 578-579
assign!) member function bool data type. 186-187
list. 376-377 Boolean expression. 84-85
sequence container. 362-363 Boolean value. 187
Assignment operators. 189 Braces (if statements), 88-89
compound. 116-117 break statement. 104-105. 134-135
Assignment statement. 46-47 Breakpoint
Associative container. 352-353 Visual Studio. 296-297
at() member function Xcode. 302-303
map. 388-389 Bubble sort algorithm (built-in array). 468-469
string. 217 Buffer. 142-143
vector. 204-205. 364-365 Bug. 76-77. 288-289
Build a project (Visual Studio) Code execution, tracing 759

Build a project (Visual Studio), IX-19 Chained expressions

Built-in array, 440-451,466-479 input. 54-55
copying. 446-447 output. 52-53
creating. 440-441 char data type. 66-67. 186-187
initializing. 442-443 in arithmetic operations. 114-115
passing to a function. 444-446 reading from the console. 70-71
searching. 466-467 Character literal. 66-67
sorting. 468-469 Characters
Built-in arrays, comparing. 446-447 appending. 66-67
Built-in data types. 46-47. 1X6-187 ASCII. 187
checking within a string. 224-225
c Child class. 488-489. 574-575
cin object (iostrcam). 10-11. 54-55
C, 4-5 checking state of stream. 148-149
keywords. 44-45 Circle Calculator program. 9-11
C string. 452-465 with cmath functions. 62-63
creating. 452-453 Clang compiler. 14-15
initializing. 452-453 installing. 750-751
with input streams. 454-455 Class. 511-567
C-style string. 452-453 abstract. 588-589
C#. 4-5 Class data member. 608-609
C++ Class diagram. 544-545
advantages. 4-5 Class enumeration. 338-339
history, 6-7 class keyword
keywords. 44-45 enumeration. 338-339
standard library. 50-51. 5X-65 template function. 424-425
uses. 4-5 type parameter. 686-687
Call a function. 58-60. 240-241 Class member function. 608-609
Call a function template. 686-689 Class template. 690-701
Call a member function. 70-71 complex. 692-695
Call a superclass constructor, 578-579 parameter. 698-699
Call a superclass member function. 578-579 returning from a function template. 698
Call an algorithm. 406-407 using. 690-691. 696-697
Call stack. 504-505. 652-653 clear() member function
Call Stack window (Visual Studio), 300-301 ifstream. 166-167
Capacity of a vector. 366-367 stream. 148-149
capacityO function (vector), 364-365 STL container. 359
Capture specifier (lambda expression), 428-429 siring. 216-217
case label (switch statement), 104-105 vector. 205
case structure. 104 Close a project (Xcode). 26-27
case-insensitive comparison. 84-85 Close a solution (Visual Studio), 16-17
case-sensitive comparison. 84-85 closc() member function (file stream), 162-163
Cast a data type. 49. 194-195 cmath header file. 58-60
Catch an exception. 490-491 Code completion
all exceptions. 502-503 Visual Studio, 20-21
custom exception. 598-599 Xcode. 30-31
multiple exceptions. 496-497 Code editor
ceil() function (cmath). 58-60 Visual Studio. 16-17
Chain member functions. 646-647 Xcode. 26-27
Chain variable assignments. 1X8-189 Code execution, tracing. 294-295
760 Code storage Custom exception

Code storage. 652-653 defining. 528-529

Column (table). 168-169. 472-473 function object. 426-427
Column width (output stream), 152-153 Container. 200-201, 404-405
Columns, justifying, 154-155 custom. 706-717
Command prompt. 8 initializing. 364-365
Command Prompt window. 18-19 iterating. 360-361
Comment. 40-42 nested. 396-397
Compare built-in arrays, 446-447 STL. 352-353
Compare pointers. 670-671 Container adapters. 352-353
Compare structures for equality. 328-329 Contiguous iterator. 354-355
Compile a project. 12 Contiguous memory. 352-353
Visual Studio. 18-19 built-in array, 440-441
Xcode. 28-29 vector. 364-365
Compile-time error. 76-77. 288-289 continue statement. 134-135
Compiler. 11-13 Convert a data type. 48-49
Compilers. 14-15 Convert between numbers and strings, 526-527
Complex compound types. 674-675 Convert Temperatures program (from hierarchy
Compound assignment operators, 116-117 chart), 250-253
Compound conditional expression. 92-93 Copy assignment operator (Rule of Three), 658-
Compound type. 638-639
Concatenate strings. 66-67 Copy built-in arrays. 446-447
Copy constructor (Rule of Three), 658-659
Conditional expression. 102-103
compound. 92-93 copy() algorithm. 410-411
Conditional operator. 102-103 count() algorithm. 404-409
count() member function. 386-387
Console. 8. 50-57
input. 54-55 count_if() algorithm. 420-421
Counter variable
output. 52-53
running executable file. 308-309 with for loops. 128-129
Console application. 8-9 with while loops. 120-121
Console class, 612-613
cout object (iostream), 10-11. 52-53
Console window (Xcode), 28-29 Create a built-in array, 440-441
const keyword. 190-191
Create a C string. 452-453
with complex compound types. 674-675 Create a project
with getter functions. 518-519
Visual Studio. 22-25
Xcode. 32-35
with reference parameters. 260-261
const_itcrator member type. 707 Create Account program
with C strings. 460-465
MyVector class. 708-709
const_pointer member type. 707 with string functions. 226-229
const_refercncc member type. 707
Create an exception object. 488-489
MyVector class. 708-709 Create an object
Constant from a class. 514-515
defining. 190-191 from a structure. 316-317. 512-513
global. 246-247 Cross compiling. 12
initializing. 190-191
cstdlib header file. 64-65
pointer. 674-675 cstring header file. 456-457
clime header file, 64-65
pointer to a constant. 674-675
Custom exception. 502-503
Constant reference parameter (array), 374-375
Constructor that uses inheritance. 598-599
allocating free store memory. 656-657
calling. 528-529
Data hiding Dynamic memory 761

D Define a pointer. 638-641

Define a string. 214-215
Data hiding. 512-5! 3 Define a structure. 316-317
Data input errors Define a subclass. 578-579
detecting. 148-149 Define a superclass. 576-577
handling. 150-151 Define a variable. 46-47. 188-189
Data member Define an enumeration. 338-339
private. 516-517 Delete a file (Visual Studio), 24-25
static. 608-615 delete keyword. 654-655
structure. 316-317.512-513 Delimited data. 168-169
Data structure. 512-513 Delimiter. 168-169
Data type. 46-47 Demote a data type. 194-195
converting. 48-49 Deploy a program. 308-309
demoting. 194-195 Deque. 384-385
generic, 424-425 deque container. 352-353
inferring. 188-189 Dereference a pointer. 639
pointer. 638-639 Dereference an iterator. 356-357
promoting. 194-195 Derived class, 574-575
Data type limits. 196-197 Desktop application. 8
Data type sizes. 196-197 Destructor
Data types deallocating free store memory. 656-657
built-in. 186-187 defining. 530-531
fundamental. 186-187 with Rule of Three. 658-659
in UML diagrams, 546-547 Development settings (Visual Studio), 16. 18
Data validation Dice class, 558-559
for input streams. 150-151 that inherits the vector class, 600-601
with if statements, 94-95 Dice Roller program (composition). 560-561
DaylO subclass. 596-597 Die class, 556-557
DaylOError class. 598-599 differcncc_type iterator trait. 719
DayReader superclass. 592-594 Mylterator class. 722-723
DayWriter superclass. 592-593, 595 diffcrence_lype member type. 707
Deallocate free store memory. 654-655 Discard data (input stream), 146-147
Debug a program. 76-77. 288-289 Division compound assignment operator. 117
Debug navigator (Xcode). 306-307 Division operator. 49
Debugger do-while loop. 124-125
Visual Studio. 296-301 do-while statement. 124-125
Xcode. 302-307 Dot operator. 70-71
Decimal division. 48-49 with static members. 610-615
Declare a function. 244-245 with structures. 316-317
Decrement operator. 114-115 double data type. 46. 47. 186-187
Deep copy. 658-659 Double-precision number. 187
Default constructor. 528-529 Doubly linked container. 352-353
default label (switch statement). 104-105 Doubly linked list. 376-377
Default value Dummy parameter. 622-623
function parameter. 254-255 Dynamic binding. 582
structure declaration. 318-319 Dynamic container. 352-353
Define a constant 190-191 Dynamic memory. 652-655
Deline a function. 240-241
762 Early binding find_Jirst_oft) member function (string)

E exception class. 488-489

exception class hierarchy. 489. 598-599
Early binding. 582 Exception handling. 491
Eclipse, 14-15 Exception object, creating. 488-489
Element (vector). 200-201 Exceptions. 485-505
Empty string. 66-67 catching. 490-491
C string. 452-453 catching multiple. 496-497
emptyO member function custom. 502-503
STL container. 359 preventing. 494-495
string. 216-217 rethrowing. 498-499
vector. 204-205 runtime. 76-77
Encapsulation. 512-515 throwing. 488-489
end() member function (STL container). 354-357. Executable file. 308-309
404-405 execution fall through (switch statement). 106-107
End-of-line comment. 40-41 EX1T_FAILURE value. 42
endl manipulator (iostrcam), 10-11. 52-53, 152- EXIT-SUCCESS value. 42
Explicit cast. 194-196
enum keyword. 338-339
Enumerated data type. 338-339
arithmetic. 48-49. 114-115
Enumeration. 338-347
Boolean. 84-85
class, 338-339
defining. 338-339
scoped. 338-341 F
unscoped, 342-343
fail() member function
with functions. 338-339
ifstream, 166-167
Enumerator. 338-339
stream. 148-149
setting value. 340-341
Field (table), 168-169
eof() member function
FIFO access (queue), 384-385
ifstream. 166-167
FIFO container, 352-353
stream. 148-149
Equality operator. 84-85
appending data. 164-165
overloading. 624-625
executable. 308-309
erasc() member function
reading. 162-164
set, 386-387
tab-delimited. 168-169
STL container. 358-359
working with in Xcode. 754-755
string. 222-223
writing. 162-163
vector. 204-205
File access Hag. 164-166
Error, 486-487
File errors, checking for. 166-167
file, 166-167
File I/O. 162-171
logic, 76-77
File stream. 162-171
runtime, 76-77
filK) algorithm. 410-411
Error bits
final keyword. 590-591
file stream. 166-167
find() algorithm. 406-409
stream. 148-149
with built-in arrays, 470-471
Error code. 486-487
lind() member function
Error detection
associative container. 386-387
Visual Studio. 20-21
map. 390-391
Xcode. 30-31
string. 218-219, 222-223
Error member functions (stream), 148-149
find_first_not_of() member function (string). 218-
Error types, 299-289 221
Escape sequence. 68-69 find_first_of() member function (string), 218-219
find_last_not_oft) memberfunction (string) Future Value program 763

find_lasi_not_of() member function (string), 218- FuelTank class

219 with a friend function. 618-619
lind_last_of() member function (string), 218-219 without a friend function. 616-617
find_midpoint() algorithm. 732-733 Fully qualified name. 60-61
first data member (pair structure). 388-389.420- Function. 42-43, 58-60. 240-279
421 calling. 58-60, 240-241
First-in. first-out (FIFO) access (queue), 384-385 declaring. 244-245
First-in. first-out (FIFO) container. 352-353 defining. 240-241
fixed manipulator (iostrcam). 153. 156-157 friend. 616-617
Fixed-point notation. 156-157
getter. 518-519
float data type. 186-187 inline. 536-537
Floating-point number. 186-187 member. 70-71
formatting. 156-157 operator. 620-621
problems with. 198-199. 290-291 overloading. 256-257. 526-527
floor() function (cmath), 58-60 passing to an algorithm. 406-407. 424-433
Flush the buffer. 142-143 planning. 248-249
for loop. 128-130 pure virtual. 588-589
with built-in arrays, 442-443
read-only. 544-545
with STL containers. 360-361 setter. 518-519
with strings. 214-215, 222-224
signature. 256-257, 526-527
with vectors. 202-203 template. 424-425
for statement. 128-130 that accepts a C string. 458-459
for_each() algorithm. 408-409
that uses a pointer. 644-645
with built-in arrays, 470-471 that uses a structure. 326-327
with pair structures. 420-421
without exceptions. 486-487
Format an output stream. 152-157 Function argument. 58-59
Format floating-point numbers. 156-157
Function call operator. 426-427
Forward declaration. 618-619 Function chaining. 646-647
Forward iterator. 355 Function name. 240-241
Forward list. 376-377
Function object. 426-427
initializing. 376-377 Function parameter. 240-241
forward-list container. 352-353 built-in array. 444-445
forward-list header file. 376-377 default value. 254-255
free keyword. 654
multi-dimensional array. 474-475
Free store. 652-653
two-dimensional array. 474-475
Free store memory. 654-655 Function prototype. 244-245
Free store storage. 652-653
Function template. 682-689
Friend function. 616-619 calling. 686-689
front() member function that works with a class template. 698-699
queue. 384-385 using in a class template. 692-695
sequence container. 362-363 with multiple type parameters. 688-689
string. 217
with one type parameter. 686-687
vector. 204-205 Functor. 426-427
istream class. 162-163 Fundamental data types. 186-187
working with files. 164-166 Future Value program
fstream header file, 162-163 with console namespace. 278-281
FuelCan class, 618-619
with loops. 130-131
764 Gallons to Liters program Initialize a list

G IDE (Integrated Development Environment). 12-13

Identifier. 44-45
Gallons to Liters program. 56-57 problems with. 290-191
GCC (GNU Compiler Collection). 14-15 Identity of an object. 512-513
Generic data type. 424-425 IDEs. 14-15
Generic pointer. 671 if statement. 84-101
Generic programming. 684-685 and braces. 88-89
Generics, 684-685 coding. 86-87
gct() member function, (cin). 70-71 for data validation. 94-95
gctlincO function (iostream), 70-73 nested. 96-97
gcllincO member function (input stream), 454-455 with logical operators. 94-95
Getter function. 518-519 i fstream class. 162-164
Global constant. 246-247 ignore!) member function (cin). 70-73, 146-147
Global scope. 246-247 Implementation file (header). 270-271
Global variable. 246-247 for a class. 532-535
GNU Compiler Collection (GCC), 14-15 Include guard. 270-271. 532-535
good() member function (stream), 148-149 Increment operator. 114-115
Graphical user interface (GUI), 8-9 overloading. 622-623
Greater than operator. 84-85 Index
overloading. 624-625 built-in array. 440-441
Greater than or equal operator. 84-85 string. 214-215
Guess the Number program (break and continue), vector. 200-201
136-137 Indirection operator. 356-357.622-623
Guest Book program (console with strings). 74-75 with pointers. 638-641
GUI (Graphical user interface), 8-9 with the this pointer. 646-647
GUI application. 8-9 Inequality operator. 84-85
Guidelines for using inheritance. 600-60 1 Infer a data type. 188-189
Infinite loop. 122-123
H Inheritance. 573-601
guidelines for using. 6(X)-601
Half-open interval. 354-355.404-405 multiple. 592-597 “
Header file. 10-11. 50-51. 270-271 with custom exceptions. 598-599
for a class, 532-535 with pointers. 672-673
for getting console input. 274-277 Initialization list
Heap. 652-653 array. 372-373
Heap corruption. 652-655 built-in array. 442-443
avoiding. 656-669 C string. 452-453
Heap memory. 652-653 container. 364-365
HeapArray class, 664-667 forward list. 376-377
HeapArray class template. 692-695 list. 376-377
Helper function. 524-525 map. 388-391
Hexadecimal (hex) notation. 636-637 set. 386-387
Hierarchy chart. 248-249 structure. 318-319
Hierarchy of exception classes. 489. 598-599 two-dimensional array. 472-473
Hierarchy outline. 248-249 vector. 202-203
High-level language. 12-13 Initialize a built-in array. 442-443
Initialize a C string. 452-453
I Initialize a constant 190-191
Initialize a forward list. 376-377
I/O, 142-143 Initialize a list. 376-377
I/O stream. 141
Initialize a map iterator_category iterator trait 765

Initialize a map, 388-391 IntclliScnsc. 20-21

Initialize a pair. 390-391 Interface
Initialize a pointer. 640-641 object. 514-515
Initialize a set. 386-387 STL containers, 358-359
Initialize a string, 214-215 stream objects. 142-143
Initialize a structure, 318-319 Interface file. 270-271
Initialize a variable. 46-47. 188-189 for a class. 532-535
Initialize a vector. 202-203 International Organization for Standardization
Initialize an array. 372-373 (ISO), 6-7
Initialize an enumerator variable. 338-339 Interval. 354-355
initializcr_list type. 710-711 invalid_argumcnt class. 488-489
Inline expansion. 536-537 Invoice 1.0 program (if statement). 90-91
Inline function. 536-537 Invoice 2.0 program
Input. 142-143 with nested if statements. 98-101
reading from the console. 54-55 w ith switch statement. 108-109
Input errors Invoice 3.0 program (validation and formatted
detecting. 148-149 output), 158-161
Invoke a function. 240-241
handling. 150-151
Input iterator. 355 IO. 142-143
Input problems. 144-145 iomanip header file. 152-153
Input stream. 142-151 iostrcam header file. 52-55
checking state. 148-149 stream manipulators. 152-153
iota() algorithm. 412-413
with C strings. 454-455
insert!) member function is_exact constant (limits), 197
is_intcger constant (limits). 197
map. 388-391
set. 386-387 is_signed constant (limits), 197
STL container. 358-359 isalnum() function (string), 225
siring. 222-223 isalphaO function (string). 225
vector. 204-205 isdigit() function (string), 225
islowcrO function (string). 224-225
inscrt_or_assign() member function (map), 388-
391 ISO (International Organization for Standardiza­
Inspect the stack trace tion). 6-7
isprint() function (string). 225
Visual Studio. 300-301
Xcode. 306-307 ispuncl() function (siring). 224-225
isspaceO function (siring). 225
Inspect variables
Visual Studio. 298-299 islringstream class (sstream). 174-175
Xcode. 304-305
isuppcrO function (string), 225
Iterate an STL container. 360-361
Install the Clang compiler. 750-751
Install the MSVC compiler. 744-745 Iteration structure. 120-127
Iterator. 354-355
Install the source code for macOS. 752-753
Install the source code for Windows. 746-747 custom. 718-731
dereferencing. 356-357
Install the Visual Studio IDE. 744-745
Install the Xcode IDE. 750-751 initializing a list. 376-377
Instance of a structure. 512-513 iterating an STL container. 360-361
with algorithms. 404-405
Instantiation. 512-513
int data type. 46-47. 186-187 iterator class, inheriting. 718-719
iterator member type. 707-709
Integer. 46-47. 186-187
Integer division. 48-49 Iterator traits. 718-719
Mylterator class. 722-723
Integer overflow. 196-197
Integer underflow. 196-197 itcrator_category iterator trail. 718-719
Integrated Development Environment (IDE). 12-13 Mylterator class. 722-723
766 Java Modify a string

Java, 4-5 Machine language. 12-13
Join strings. 66-67 Macro. 190-191
Justify columns. 154-155 Main memory (RAM), 162
main() function. 10-11.42-44
make_pair() function (utility header file), 390-391
K make_unique() function. 663-664
Key. 386-387 mallee keyword. 654
Key/value pair. 352-353.420-421 Map. 388-395. 420-421
map. 388-389 initializing. 388-391
Keyword. 44-45 map container. 352-353
map header tile. 388-389
Map of vectors. 396-397
L max() member function (limits), 146-147. 196-197
Lambda expression. 428-430 max_element() algorithm. 412-413
Last-in. first-out (LIFO) access (stack), 384-385. Member, see data member
652-653 Member access operator. 356-357
Last-in. first-out (LIFO) container. 352-353 for accessing a data member. 518-519
Late binding. 582 with pointers. 638-639
left manipulator (iostream). 153-155 with the this keyword. 646-647
length!) member function (string), 216-217 Member function
Less than operator. 84-85 calling, 70-71
overloading. 624-625 class. 524-525
Less than or equal operator. 84-85 static. 608-615
LIFO access (stack). 384-385. 652-653 structure. 330-331.512-513
LIFO container. 352-353 Member operator (structure), 330-331
Light Years Calculator program (constants), 192- Member types (STL). 706-707
193 Memory
limits header tile. 146-147 contiguous. 352-353,440-441
Linear search. 409.414 dynamic, 652-655
Linear search algorithm (built-in array), 466-467 non-contiguous. 352-353
Link structure. 720-721 physical
Linker. 12-13 Memory address. 444-445. 636-637
List. 376-383 memory header file. 663-664
initializing, 376-377 Memory leak. 652-655
list container. 352-353. 720-721 avoiding. 656-669
list header file. 376-377 mergeO member function (list). 378-379
Literal value. 46. 47 Microsoft Visual C++ (MSVC) compiler. 14-15
Locals window installing. 744-745
Visual Studio. 298-299 Miles Per Gallon program
Xcode. 305 that prevents exceptions. 494-495
Logic error. 76-77. 288-289 with exception handling. 492-493
logic_error class. 488-489 with functions. 242-243
Logical operators. 92-93 min() member function (limits). 196-197
with if statements. 94-95 min_clemcnt() algorithm. 412-413
long data type. 186-187 with built-in arrays, 470-471
long double data type. 186-187 MinGW, 14-15
long long data type. 186-187 Minimalist GNU for Windows (MinGW). 14-15
Low-level language. 12-13 Modify a string, 222-223
lvalue. 52
Modulus operator Operators 767

Modulus operator. 48-49 map. 388-389

Monthly Bonus Calculator program (enumeration), set. 386-387
344-347 NOT operator. 92-93
Move assignment operator (Rule of Five). 660-661 Null character. 452-453
Move constructor (Rule of Five), 660-661 Null pointer. 640-641
Move semantics, 660-661 Null terminator. 452-453
Movie List 1.0 program for looping through a C string. 458-459
with a Movie class. 520-523 nullptr keyword. 64-65. 640-641
with a structure. 320-323 Number, converting to a string. 526-527
Movie List 2.0 program Number Cruncher program
enhanced with a Movie class. 538-543 with algorithms. 416-419
enhanced with a structure, 332-337 w ith custom container and algorithm. 734-737
Movie Rankings 1.0 program (vectors), 368-371 numeric header file. 412-413
Movie Rankings 2.0 program (list), 380-383 Numeric variables. 46-49
Movie subclass. 580-581 numcric_limits class, 146-147
MS VC compiler. 14-15 data types. 196-197
installing. 744-745
Multi-dimensional array. 472
Multimap. 388-389. 420-421 o
multimap container. 352-353 Object. 512-513
Multiple inheritance. 592-597 structure. 316-317
Multiplication compound assignment operator. 117 Object code. 12-13
Multiplication operator. 49 Object composition. 556-561
Multiset. 386-387 Object file. 12
multiset container. 352-353 Object-oriented programming (OOP). 512-523.
Mutator. 518-519 573-601. 607-627
Mylterator class. 722-723 Off-the-cnd iterator. 354-355
MyList class. 724-729 ofstream class, 162-163
MyVector class. 708-715 One-dimensional (ID) array, 472-473
OOP. 512-523. 573-601. 607-627
Open a project (Xcode), 26-27
Open a solution (Visual Studio), 16-17
Namespace. 51. 60-61.272-273 opcn() member function
Namespace scope. 272-273 fi lc stream. 162-163
Naming recommendations (stream. 164-166
functions. 240 ofstream. 164-165
variables, 47 Operand. 48-49
Negative sign operator. 114-115 postfixing. 114-115
Nested containers. 396-397 prefixing. 114-115
with algorithms. 422-423 Operator function. 620-621
Nested if statements, 96-97 operator keyword. 330-331.620-621
Nested loops. 132-133 Operators
with two-dimensional arrays. 472-473 arithmetic, 48-49
Nested structures. 324-325 arithmetic unary. 114-115
NclBcans. 14-15 conditional. 102-103
new keyword. 654-655 for iterators. 354-355
Non-contiguous memory. 352-353 logical. 92-93
deque. 384-385 overloading. 620-627
list. 376-377 relational. 84-85
unary. 114-115
768 OR operator Product Viewer program

OR operator, 92-93 deque, 384-385

Order of precedence generic, 671
arithmetic operators. 118-119 initializing. 640-641
logical operators. 92-93 lists, 376-377
ostringstream class (sstream), 174-175 passing to a function. 644-645
Out of bounds access raw. 662
array, 372-373 set, 386-387
built-in array, 440, 443 smart. 662-663
vector, 200-201 void, 670-671
Out of range access (vector). 200-201 with dynamic memory, 652-655
out_of_rangc class. 489 Pointer arithmetic, 670-671
Output. 142-143 built-in arrays. 470-471
writing to the console. 52-53 pointer iterator trait. 719
Output iterator. 355 Mylterator class. 722-723
Output stream. 142-143, 152-159 pointer member type. 707
formatting. 152-157 Pointer to a constant. 674-675
Overflow (integer), 196-197 Pointer to a pointer, 674-675
ovcrtlow_error class, 489 Pointer variable. 638-639
Overload functions. 256-257 vs. reference variable. 642-643
for different data types. 682-683 Pointers
setter. 526-527 comparing. 670-671
Overload operators. 620-627 with inheritance. 672-673
Override a member function of a superclass. 574- Polymorphism. 582-583
577 with pointers. 672-673
Override a pure virtual function. 588-589 pop() member function
override keyword. 590-591 queue. 384-385
Overriding, controlling. 590-591 stack. 384-385
pop_back() member function
P sequence container. 362-363
string. 216-217
Pair. 420-421 vector. 204-205
initializing, 390-391 pop_front() member function (list). 378-379
pair structure. 352-353. 388-391 Positive sign operator. 114-115
Parameter. 42-43 Postfix an operand. 114-115
class template. 698-699 pow() function (cmath), 10-11. 58-59
dummy. 622-623 Precompiled Header property (Visual Studio),
function. 240-241 22-25
pointer. 644-645 Prefix an operand. 114-115
reference. 258-259 Preprocessor. 12-13
Parent class, 488-489. 574-575 Preprocessor directive. 40. 50-51.270-271
Parentheses Private data members. 516-517
with arithmetic operators, 118-119 private keyword. 516-517
with logical operators. 92-93 inherited class. 578-579
Physical memory. 636-637 superclass. 576-577
Pig Dice game (Die class), 562-567 Private member function. 524-525
Plan a test run, 292-293 Private section (class), 514-517
Pointer. 638-655. 670-675 Product class. 548-551
built-in array, 444-445 Product Viewer program
constant. 674-675 with a Product class. 552-555
defining. 638-641 with inheritance. 584-587
Program rfind() member function (string) 769

Program. 8-9 Random-access iterator. 354-355

debugging. 76-77. 288-289. 296-307 Range-based for loop
deploying. 308-309 with arrays, 372-373
testing. 76-77. 288-289 with maps. 388-389
Projeet (Visual Studio), 16-19 with sets, 386-387
building, 18-19 with STL containers. 360-361
compiling. 18-19 with strings. 214-216
creating, 22-25 with vectors, 202-203
running. 18-19 with vectors of structure objects. 316-317
Project (Xcode). 26-27 range_error class. 489
compiling. 28-29 Raw pointer. 662
creating, 32-35 Read a char from the console, 70-71
running. 28-29 Read a file. 162-164
Promote a data type. 194-195 Read a string from the console. 70-71
Protected access (data member). 574-575 Read delimited data. 168-169
protected keyword Read input from the console. 54-55
inherited class, 578-579 Read-only function. 544-545
superclass. 576-577 Record (table), 168-169
Prototype (function), 244-245 Redefine a member function of a superclass. 576-
Pseudorandom number. 64-65 577
ptrdiff_l type. 722-723 reference iterator trait, 719
public keyword. 516-517 Mylterator class. 722-723
inherited class, 578-579 reference member type. 707
superclass. 576-577 MyVector class. 708-709
Public section (class). 514-517 Reference parameter. 258-261
Pure virtual function. 588-589 array, 374-375
push() member function Reference to a pointer. 674-675
queue. 384-385 Reference variable. 258-259
stack. 384-385 vs. pointer variable, 642-643
push_back() member function Relational operators. 84-85
sequence container. 362-363 overloading. 624-625
string. 217 with enumerations. 340-341
vector. 204-205 Remainder operator. 48-49
push_front() member function (list), 378-379 remove algorithm. 410-411
removeO member function (list), 378-379
Rename a file (Visual Studio), 24-25
Q replaccO algorithm. 410-411
queue adapter. 352-353 replace() member function
queue container adapter. 384-385 siring. 222-223
queue header file. 385 vector. 364-367
rcscrvcO member function (vector), 366-367
resize() member function (sequence container),
R 362-363
Resource Acquisition Is Instantiation, see RAII
RAII (Resource Acquisition Is Instantiation). 656-
657 Rethrow an exception. 498-499
MyVector class, 708-709 return statement. 11.42-43. 240-241
RAM. 162 Return type (function). 240-241
rand() function (csldlib). 64-65 Return value optimization (RVO), 326. 392
random header file. 64-65 revcrscO member function (list), 378-379
Random numbers, generating, 64-65 rfindO member function (string), 218-221
770 right man ipuiator (iostream) Stack memory

right manipulator (iostream). 153-155 Setter function. 518-519

round () function (cmath), 10-11, 58-60 overloaded. 526-527
Row (tabic), 168-169.472-473 sctwQ manipulator (iomanip), 152-153
Rule of Five with RAIL 660-661 Shadow a global variable. 246-247
MyVector class. 708-709 Shallow copy, 658-659
Rule of Three with RAIL 658-659 sharcd_ptr. 663-664
Run a deployed program. 308-309 short data type. 186-187
Run a project Short-circuit operators. 92-93
Visual Studio. 18-19 showpoint manipulator (iostrcam). 153, 156-157
Xcode. 28-29 Signature of a function. 256-257, 526-527
Runtime error. 76-77. 288-289 Significant digit. 156-157. 186-187
Runtime exception. 76-77 Single-line comment. 40-41
Runtime library. 12-13 Single-precision number. 187
runtime_error class. 488-489 Singly linked container. 352-353
rvalue. 52 Singly linked list. 376-377
rvalue reference declarator. 660-661 Size declarator
RVO. 326. 392 array. 372-373
built-in array. 440. 443
s sizcQ member function
array. 372-373
Scientific notation. 186-187 STL container. 359
Scope. 246-247 string. 214-217
namespace. 272-273 vector. 205. 364
Scope resolution operator. 60-61 size_t type. 706-707
for accessing a static member from a class. MyVector class, 708-709
610-615 size_typc member type. 706-707
for calling a function of a superclass. 578-579 sizeofQ operator. 196-197
for implementing a static member. 608-609 Smart pointer. 662-663
with enumerations. 338-339 Solution (Visual Studio), 16-17
with getter and setter functions. 518-519 Sort a built-in array, 468-469
with namespaces. 272-273 sortQ algorithm. 406-407. 414-415
with static class members. 196-197 with built-in arrays, 470-471
with structure member functions, 330-331 sortQ member function (list). 378-379
Scoped enumeration. 338-341 Source code. 8-9. 12-13
Search a built-in array, 466-467 installing for macOS. 752-753
Search a string. 218-219 installing for Windows. 746-747
searchO algorithm. 408-409 Visual Studio. 16-17
second data member (pair structure), 388-389, Xcode. 26-27
420-421 Source file (class), 532-535
Selection sori algorithm (built-in array), 468-469 Special characters. 68-69
Selection structure, 86 Specialization. 696-697
Self-reference. 646-647 spliccQ member function (list), 378-379
Sensor Analysis program splicc_afler() member function (forward list), 378
with HeapArray class. 664-669 sqrtQ function (cmath). 58-59
with HeapArray class template. 7(X)-7() 1 srandQ function (cstdlib), 64-65
Sequence container. 352-353 sstream header file. 174-175
Set. 386-387 Stack. 652-653
set container. 352-353 stack container adapter. 352-353. 384-385
set header file, 386-387 stack header file. 385
setprecisionQ manipulator (iomanip). 153. 156-157 Stack memory. 652-653
Stack overflow error Subscript operator 771

Stack overflow error. 652-653 Stream insertion operator. 10-11. 52-53

Stack storage. 652-653 overloading. 626-627
Stack trace with C strings. 454-455
Visual Studio. 300-301 Stream manipulators. 52-53, 152-153
Xcode. 306-307 String. 66-67.452-453
Standard input stream. 54-55 appending. 66-67
Standard library. 50-51. 58-65 characters. 214-215
Standard output stream. 52-53 checking characters. 224-225
Standard Template Library (STL), 200-201, 352- converting to a number. 526-527
353.404 defining. 214-215
State of a stream, checking. 148-149 initializing. 214-215
State of an object. 426. 512-513 modifying. 222-223
Statement. 40-41 reading from the console. 70-71
Static binding. 582 searching, 218-219
Static data members. 608-615 String buffer. 174-175
accessing. 610-615 String class. 66-67
coding. 608-610 string header file. 66-67. 214-215
static keyword. 608-609 String literal. 66-67
Static member function. 608-615 String object. 66-67
accessing. 610-615 String stream. 174-177
coding. 608-610 Strings. 214-231
Static storage. 652-653 comparing. 214-215
static_cast operator. 194-195 concatenating. 66-67
with enumerators. 340-341 joining. 66-67
std namespace. 50-51.60-61 stringstrcam class (sstream), 174-175
stdafx.cpp file. 24-25 strlen() function (C string), 456-457
stdafx.h file. 24-25 stmcatO function (C string), 456-457
Step Counter 1.0 program (pointers), 648-649 strncpyO function (C string). 456-457
Step Counter 2.0 program (vector and chained stmcpy_s() function (C string), 456-457
functions), 650-651 stmlcnO function (for looping through a C string),
Step through code 458-459
Visual Studio. 298-299 struct keyword. 316-317
Xcode. 304-305 Structure. 316-331. 512-513
Sticky manipulators, 154-157 creating. 316-317
STL. 200-201,352-353,404 defining. 316-317
STL algorithms. 403-431 for a custom exception. 502-503
with built-in arrays, 470-471 initializing. 318-319
STL iterators. 354-355 member function. 330-331
STL member types. 706-707 member operator. 330-331
stod() function. 526-527 passing to a function. 326-327
stoi() function. 526-527 Structures
Storage. 652-653 comparing for equality. 328-329
str() member function (string stream). 174-157 nesting. 324-325
strcatO function (C string), 458 Subclass, 574-575
strcmpO function (C string), 456-457 defining. 578-579
strcpyO function (C string). 458 Subscript operator
Stream. 52-53. 142-143 with arrays, 372-373
stream extraction operator. 10-11. 54-55 with built-in array parameters. 444-445
overloading. 626-627 with built-in arrays. 440-441
with C strings. 454-455 with for loops. 360-361
772 Subscript operator (cont.) Uptime Percentage program

Subscript operator (cont.) this pointer, returning the current object from a
with maps. 388-391 member function. 646-647
with strings. 214-215. 223-224 Throw an exception. 488-489
with two-dimensional arrays. 472-473 custom. 598-599
with vectors. 200-201, 364-365 throw' statement. 488-489
substrf) member function (string), 220-221 for rethrowing an exception. 498-499
Substring. 220-221 Tilde character (destructor). 530-531
Subtraction compound assignment operator. 117 time() function (clime). 64-65
Subtraction operator. 49 to_string() function. 526-527
Superclass, 574-575 Token. 70
defining. 576-577 tolowcrO function. 84-85
swap() member function (STL container). 358-359 Top Five program (C strings and 2D array). 476-
switch statement. 104-109 479
Syntax error. 20-21. 30-31. 76-77. 288-289 top() member function (stack). 384-385
toupper() function. 84-85
common. 290-291
Trace code execution. 294-295
try statement. 490-491
T with multiple catch clauses. 496-497
Tab-delimited file. 168-169
Two-dimensional (2D) array. 472-473
passing to a function. 474-475
Table. 168-169.472-473
Type coercion. 194-195
targetver.h file. 24-25
Type conversion. 194-195
Task Manager 1.0 program (MyVector class), 716-
717 Type parameter
Task Manager 2.0 program (MyList class), 730- class template. 690-691
731 function template. 684-687
Temperature Analyzer program (string stream), typedef keyword
176-179 iterator trait. 718
Temperature Manager program member type. 706-707
with exception handling. 500-501 typename keyword
with file I/O. 170-173 class template. 690-691
with functions. 262-269 function template. 424-425. 686-687
with vectors. 210-213
Template. 681-701
class, 690-701
function. 424-425. 682-689 UML. 544-545
template keyword. 424-425. 686-687. 690-691 UML diagram. 544-549
Template prefix with inheritance. 574-575
class template. 690-691 with multiple inheritance. 592-593
function template. 686-689 with object composition. 558-559
Terminal. 8 Unary operators. 114-115
Ternary operator. 102-103 Underflow (integer), 196-197
Test a program. 76-77. 288-289 underflow_error class. 489
Test phases. 288-289 Unified Modeling Language (UML), 544-545
Test plan. 292-293 uniquc_ptr. 663-664
Test Scores program Unscoped enumeration. 342-343
with a built-in array. 448-451 unsigned int data type. 187
with a vector. 206-209 Unsigned integers. 187
with a while loop. 126-127 unsigned long data type. 187
with an array, 374-375 unsigned long long data type. 187
Text file. 162-163 unsigned short data type. 187
this keyword Unwinding the stack. 657
for accessing a data member. 518-519 Uptime Percentage program (template function
for referring to the current object. 622-623 and algorithms), 430-433
using declaration Xcode IDE 773

using declaration. 60-61

using directive. 50-51. 60-61
namespace. 272-273 Warnings (Xcode IDE), 752-753
using keyword weak_ptr. 663-664
iterator trait. 718-719 what() member function (exception), 490-491
member type. 706-707 while loop. 120-123
with arrays, 374-375
with built-in arrays. 443-444
V while statement. 120-123
Value variable. 258-259 Whitespace. 70
value_type iterator trait. 719 input stream. 142-143
Mylterator class. 722-723 Windows SDK error (Visual Studio), 18-19
value_typc member type. 706-707 Word Counter program (vector and map), 392-395
Values, problems with. 290-291 Word Jumble program (vectors and strings), 230-
Variable 233
defining. 46-47. 188-189 Working directory. 162
enumeration type. 338-339 Xcode. 754-755
global. 246-247 Write a file. 162-163
Write delimited data. 168-169
initializing. 46-47. 188-189
initializing for an enumerator. 338-339 Write output to the console. 52-53
numeric. 46-49
reference. 258-259
structure type. 316-317
value. 258-259 X
inspecting in Visual Studio. 298-299 Xcode. 14-15, 26-35
inspecting in Xcode. 304-305 debugger. 302-307
Vector. 200-211. 362-371 Xcode IDE
capacity. 366-367 installing. 750-751
defining. 200-201 warnings. 752-753
initializing. 202-203
vector container. 352-353
vector header file. 200-201
Vector of vectors, 396-397
Virtual function (overriding). 578-579
virtual keyword
for polymorphism. 582-583
in a superclass. 576-577
Visual Studio. 14-25
debugger. 296-301
installing. 744-745
void keyword. 240-241
Void pointer. 670-671
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What software you need for this book
• The Visual Studio Community IDE or the Xcode Community IDE.
• The Microsoft Visual C++ (MSVC) compiler, which is installed with the Visual
Studio IDE. or the Clang compiler, which is installed with the Xcode IDE.
You can download this software for free and install it as described in appendix A (Windows)
or appendix B (macOS).

The downloadable files for this book

• Complete source code for the programs presented in this book, so you can view the
source code and run the programs as you read each chapter.
• Starting points for the exercises presented at the end of each chapter, so you can get
more practice in less time.
• Solutions to the exercises, so you can check your work.

How to install the source code for this book

• Go to and go to the page for Murach’s C++ Programming.
• Scroll down the page until you see the “FREE downloads” tab and then click on it.
• If you’re using a Windows system, click the DOWNLOAD NOW button for the
exe file to download a file named cpls_allfiles.exe. Then, find this file in Windows
Explorer or File Explorer and double-click on it. That will install the files for the
Visual Studio projects in this folder: \murach\cpp\vs.
• If you’re using a macOS system, click the DOWNLOAD NOW button for the
zip file to download a file named Then, move this file from your
Downloads director)' into your Documents directory and double-click on the zip
file. That will create a directory named /murach/cpp/xcode that contains all the
Xcode projects for this book.
• For more information, please see appendix A (Windows) or B (macOS).

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