Learning Activity Sheets (LAS) : - Learning Competency - Introduction - Key Concept/s - Review

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(Learning Area and Grade Level)

Learning Activity Sheets (LAS)

Name of Learner: ________________ Score: ____________

Grade Level & Section: ___________ Date: September 14,2020

Present cooked dishes


- Learning Competency
Prepare hot and cold meals/food

- Introduction
- Key concept/s
- Review
Identify some samples of food using techniques and their procedures.
- Brief discussion of the lesson, if possible cite examples
Establishing and operating a business enterprise is not an easy task. One
must have the quality of an entrepreneur who is ready to take a risk. A lot of
factors are to be considered such as the location, capital, the available market,
facilities, equipment, and the labor force or manpower. One must take into
consideration his/her interest and capabilities in handling or operating a business
enterprise like a restaurant or food establishment.
This will also require you to identify your target age group of your work
the delegation of the responsibility with your corresponding authority in order to
establish a harmonious relationship and work effectively in attaining the success
your establishment

- Directions/ Instructions
Identify the word that is described in each statement.
- Exercises / Activities
______ 1. This is subdivided into breakfast, morning snacks, mid-day meal,
afternoon snacks, evening meals, etc. according to the anticipated
and identified market demands.
______ 2.This must be appealing to the market segments.
______ 3.This must be according to customer requirements.
______4. A pleasant environment and ambiance contribute to customer
______5.These are days according to marketing strategies and customer
______ 6.This is in conjunction with the type of restaurant, menus,
customers, and seating arrangement.
______ 7.It determines the average expenses and affects the sales volume.
______ 8.This is a fundamental aspect of the early decision- making process
aimed at satisfying customer expectations.
______9.The food and beverage operation determines the desired impact on
the market.
_____10.It is a top priority for it determines the degree of contact or exposure to

- References
K to 12 Basic Education Program TECHNOLOGY AND LIVELIHOOD

Prepared by:

- Answers Key

1. Meal functions
2. Advertising and Merchandise
3. Standard and Quality
4. Décor and Music
5. Opening hours
6. Service
7. Pricing policies
8. Menu
9. Size
10. Site
(Learning Area and Grade Level)

Learning Activity Sheets (LAS)

Name of Learner: ________________ Score: ____________

Grade Level & Section: ___________ Date: September 15,2020

Present cooked dishes


- Learning Competency
Prepare hot and cold meals/food

- Introduction
- Key concept/s
Principles Prompt
Quality Trademark
Preparation Adequate
Sanitation Courteous
- Review
What are the basic principles of dining room operations and procedures?
- Brief discussion of the lesson, if possible cite examples
The design and the layout of the food establishments greatly affect the
performance of the workers. In order to have a successful operation, here are
some principles of dining operations:
1. Good food - The quality of food to be served must be one of the main
priorities of the server. Food should always be properly prepared, cooked and
served. One must observe cleanliness during the preparation and serving of
cooked food to maintain the quality of a good food.
2. Prompt and courteous service - Happy and positive disposition in life
helps an individual to render his/her services in a courteous and respectful
manner. A smile on one ‘s face while assisting the customer contributes to the
enjoyment of their meals. Food must be served carefully by trained individuals to
satisfy the customer ‘s needs.
3. Well balanced and varied menus - The menu for the day is the ultimate
experience of any dining services. It is the trademark of any food services that
will motivate the customers to dine in their place again.
4. Reasonable prices - Food prices should be within the paying capability of
customers. The customer ‘s choice of food oftentimes depends on the
affordability of food prices.
5. Adequate facilities - The outlet ‘s facilities play an important part in
eating enjoyment. Clean and orderly facilities attract people. The kitchen and
service areas should be an epitome of sanitation.
6. High standards of cleanliness and sanitation - The food outlet should
be set up to ensure that healthy regulations for food services are followed.
Utmost care should be observed in food handling.

- Directions/ Instructions
In a video presentation show/demonstrate the proper use of equipment of dining
area. The scoring rubric will be the basis in evaluating your output

- Rubrics

Scoring Rubric

Criteria Percentage

Content 5%

Organization 2.5 %

Delivery 2.5 %

TOTAL 10 %

- References
K to 12 Basic Education Program TECHNOLOGY AND LIVELIHOOD

Prepared by:

(Learning Area and Grade Level)
Learning Activity Sheets (LAS)

Name of Learner: ________________ Score: ____________

Grade Level & Section: ___________ Date: September 16,2020

Present cooked dishes


- Learning Competency
Prepare hot and cold meals/food

- Introduction
- Key concept/s
- Review
- Brief discussion of the lesson, if possible cite examples
Importance of Dining
To ensure continuous patronage, the satisfaction of the customers must be
sustained. They always deserve preferential, prompt, and consistent attention.
Dining staff must see to it that every customer is a satisfied customer who finds
his dining experience pleasurable and rewarding so that he/she will come back to a
repeat patronage. No matter how good the food and the ambience is, if the customer
is traumatized or dissatisfied with the service and the behavior of the staff, he/she
may not come back and even mention his bad experience with friends so that they
will be discouraged from patronizing the restaurant.
Factors to consider in Dining Operations
1. The site- the top priority which determines the degree of contact or exposure
to market.

2. The size- the size of the food and beverage operation determines the desired
impact on the market.
3. The menu- fundamental aspect of the early decision- making process aimed at
satisfying customer expectations.
4. Pricing Policies – determine the average expenses that affect the sales volume.
5. Service- in conjunction with the type of restaurant, menus, customers, and seating
6. Opening hours- days according to marketing strategies and customer requirement.
7. Décor and music- pleasant environment and ambiance contributes to customer
8. Standards and quality- must be according to customer requirements.
9. Advertising and merchandising- must be appealing to the market segments.
10. Meal functions- subdivided into breakfast, morning snacks, mid-day meal,
afternoon snacks, evening meals, etc. according to the anticipated and identified
market demands.

- Directions/ Instructions
In a video presentation show/demonstrate Mise en place technique or
dining area preparation.

- Rubrics

Scoring Rubrics for Dining Area Preparation

Highly Skilled Moderately Unskilled No attempt

30% Skilled (30- (28-27) Skilled (26-25) (24-23) (22-21)

Proper and Appropriate Appropriate and Appropriate and Does not No attempt
effective and effective effective select, prepare to use
use effective selection, selection, and use tools/
of tools, selection, preparation and preparation and appropriate equipment
equipment, preparation use of materials use of materials materials and to task
and and use of &tools/ and tools/ given
materials materials and equipment most tools/equipment equipment
tools of the time. sometimes
/equipment all
the time.

30% (30-29) (28-27) (26-25) (24-23) (22-21)

Work Systematic Systematic Systematic Does not follow No attempt

Application application of application of application of systematic to apply
Procedure all work work procedures work procedures application of procedures
procedures all most of the time sometimes with procedure and to the task
the time even with minimum constant highly given
without proper supervision supervision dependent on
supervision supervision

25% (25-24) (23-22) (21-20) (19-18) (17-16)

Safety and Highly self- Self- motivated Self- motivated Needs to be Not
security motivated and and observes and observes motivated and motivated
work habits observes all most safety and sometimes some does not and totally
safety and security of the safety and observe safety disregards
security precautions most security and security safety and
precautions all of the time precautions in precautionsin security
the time work work precautions

15% (15-14) (13-12) (11-10) (9-8) (7-6)

Speed/Time Finished the Finished the Finished the Finished the No work at
work ahead of work on time work work beyond all
time close to given the given time.

- References
K to 12 Basic Education Program TECHNOLOGY AND LIVELIHOOD

Prepared by:

(Learning Area and Grade Level)

Learning Activity Sheets (LAS)

Name of Learner: ________________ Score: ____________

Grade Level & Section: ___________ Date: September 17,2020

Present cooked dishes


- Learning Competency
Prepare hot and cold meals/food

- Introduction
- Key concept/s
- Review
- Brief discussion of the lesson, if possible cite examples
Importance of Dining
To ensure continuous patronage, the satisfaction of the customers must be
sustained. They always deserve preferential, prompt, and consistent attention.
Dining staff must see to it that every customer is a satisfied customer who finds
his dining experience pleasurable and rewarding so that he/she will come back to a
repeat patronage. No matter how good the food and the ambience is, if the customer
is traumatized or dissatisfied with the service and the behavior of the staff, he/she
may not come back and even mention his bad experience with friends so that they
will be discouraged from patronizing the restaurant.
Factors to consider in Dining Operations
1. The site- the top priority which determines the degree of contact or exposure
to market.

2. The size- the size of the food and beverage operation determines the desired
impact on the market.
3. The menu- fundamental aspect of the early decision- making process aimed at
satisfying customer expectations.
4. Pricing Policies – determine the average expenses that affect the sales volume.
5. Service- in conjunction with the type of restaurant, menus, customers, and seating
6. Opening hours- days according to marketing strategies and customer requirement.
7. Décor and music- pleasant environment and ambiance contributes to customer
8. Standards and quality- must be according to customer requirements.
9. Advertising and merchandising- must be appealing to the market segments.
10. Meal functions- subdivided into breakfast, morning snacks, mid-day meal,
afternoon snacks, evening meals, etc. according to the anticipated and identified
market demands.

- Directions/ Instructions
In a video presentation show/demonstrate Mise en place technique or
dining area preparation.

- Rubrics

Scoring Rubrics for Dining Area Preparation

Highly Skilled Moderately Unskilled No attempt

30% Skilled (30- (28-27) Skilled (26-25) (24-23) (22-21)

Proper and Appropriate Appropriate and Appropriate and Does not No attempt
effective and effective effective select, prepare to use
use effective selection, selection, and use tools/
of tools, selection, preparation and preparation and appropriate equipment
equipment, preparation use of materials use of materials materials and to task
and and use of &tools/ and tools/ given
materials materials and equipment most tools/equipment equipment
tools of the time. sometimes
/equipment all
the time.

30% (30-29) (28-27) (26-25) (24-23) (22-21)

Work Systematic Systematic Systematic Does not follow No attempt

Application application of application of application of systematic to apply
Procedure all work work procedures work procedures application of procedures
procedures all most of the time sometimes with procedure and to the task
the time even with minimum constant highly given
without proper supervision supervision dependent on
supervision supervision
25% (25-24) (23-22) (21-20) (19-18) (17-16)

Safety and Highly self- Self- motivated Self- motivated Needs to be Not
security motivated and and observes and observes motivated and motivated
work habits observes all most safety and sometimes some does not and totally
safety and security of the safety and observe safety disregards
security precautions most security and security safety and
precautions all of the time precautions in precautionsin security
the time work work precautions

15% (15-14) (13-12) (11-10) (9-8) (7-6)

Speed/Time Finished the Finished the Finished the Finished the No work at
work ahead of work on time work work beyond all
time close to given the given time.

- References
K to 12 Basic Education Program TECHNOLOGY AND LIVELIHOOD

Prepared by:


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