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Safe Handling of Radio and Precautions

In order to use the purchased radio properly and safely, please read this
manual thoroughly and make sure to follow precautions. Improper use
of the product or negligence of following safety precautions can cause
inconvenience to others or harm to the user.
■ For safety, please make sure to follow each of the precautions below.

Warning Precautions for Installation and Operation

Before start using

● When turning ON the power switch of radio, ● Never operate on rainy days.
please turn on in the order of ① Transmitter ☆ The interior of the transmitter is built with minute
→ ② Receiver. When turning the power switch delicate electronic parts. If water runs on the
OFF, please do so in the order of ① Receiver → surface of the case and enters inside, it can cause
② Transmitter. abnormal performance or immobility and it can be
☆ If you reverse the order of the switches, dangerous.
it would cause sudden high rotation of the ☆ If the receiver or servo sinks in the water,
engine and the motor, which is extremely immediately collect it and dry the interior. When
dangerous. the interior is dry, please submit it to the Sanwa
Service for inspection even if it performs normally.
● The receiver is a precise instrument. Please do not
cause a strong impact or vibration.
☆ Use a thick sponge to prevent vibrations.
● Install the receiver away from the speed controller,
motor and the battery.
● Please use noise reduction measures on the ● When installing the receiver on a metallic chassis
body of your car. or a carbon chassis, use three layers of double
☆ If metals rub against each other, electrical adhesive tape pieces to prevent the receiver from
noise (noise) will be generated and since it will touching the chassis.
cause abnormal performance, please check
● When there is a radio disturbance, change the
that the screw and nut are not loose. installation location of the receiver or change from
☆ Gasoline engines, motors can also cause a vertical placement to a horizontal placement or
noise. Please use a noise reduction measure vice versa.
such as resistive plug with resistor or noise
killer condenser. ● Do not place a motor cord or a battery cord
● Please make sure to run a performance close to the receiver since it can cause abnormal
check of the radio (a signal reception test) performance.
● Keep the antenna of the receiver out as much as
before the operation. Do not operate it if possible. In addition, keep it straight and stretched.
it is moving abnormally or does not move. Do not cut the extra length of the line or bend it.
Even if the test result on the desk is normal, ☆It is dangerous when the antenna is short circuited
since the radio wave arrival distance while since the operating range becomes short.
operating varies depending on the installation ☆ Never cut the antenna.
method of the receiver,
how the antenna
is set, the direction
of the antenna of
the transmitter and
geography, please be
careful when operating
for the first time.
● Do not place the antenna close to a motor cord or
a battery cord.
● Using a conductive piano wire on a metallic
chassis or carbon chassis can cause abnormal
performance from electrical noise. Do not place a
piano wire close to the chassis.

Caution Careful When Driving Caution About Handling Transmitter

Before start using

When operating RC car etc., be sure to observe the ● Please do not hit, drop or cause strong shocks.
following and be careful not to disturb other people: In addition, if you touch the transmitter, receiver,
servo, FET speed controller, etc. with hands
● Maintain the car body (chassis) perfectly and check applied with tire traction agent, it will cause
the safety. breakdown or case deformation.
● Do not ever run RC car in crowds and roads.
● Always disconnect the power battery connector after
running and remove the power battery from the car Caution About Storage
● In the case of simultaneous running, be sure to ● Do not store in following places.
determine the controller and follow the instructions. ☆ Extremely hot place or extremely cold place.
● Be careful not to disturb the running of other people. ☆ A place that is exposed to direct sunlight for
● Be sure to join the RC insurance. Inquire at the radio a long time. Especially if you leave it in a place
control pilot registration agency for application for where direct sunlight hits like in a closed car
radio control insurance. window, the interior temperature becomes
● Be sure to add "muffler" (silencer) to the engine that 80 0 C or more depending on the season, so
has a silencing effect. please be careful as it may cause deformation
● Avoid starting the engine early in the morning. or breakdown.
● Be sure to clean the running place and then return. ☆ A place with high humidity, poor ventilation.
☆ A place with considerable vibrations.
☆ P laces with high dust places subjected to
Caution About Usage steam or hot air.
☆ A place that gets exhaust gas from an engine
● Do not put to use other than the purpose of model. or a place near the fuel tank.
● Since this product is manufactured for models based
on the Radio Law in each country, it cannot be
used in countries other than your original place of

Caution Daily Care

● When the exhaust of the engine or fuel is on the
radio, wipe it with a soft, dry cloth. When it gets
dirty, please wipe it with a tightly squeezed clean
soft cloth impregnated with water or neutral
detergent. Thinner, benzene, alcohol, motor
cleaner, brake cleaner, etc. may cause surface
finish to deteriorate or degenerate, so please do
not use.

Things you are expected to do to

Meaning Warning prevent accidents and injuries.
of the
Marks Things that you should follow in
Caution order to prevent break down.

Safe Handling of Radio and Precautions
Warning Note Precautions for Safe Use

● 2.4GHz frequency band is not only used for radio control. This frequency band is shared with ISM
(Industrial, Scientific and Medical) band. In urban areas, it can be affected by microwave oven, wireless
LAN, digital cordless telephone, audio equipment, Bluetooth of game machine or cell phones, and short-
range communication such as VICS. Moreover, be careful about being affected by amateur radio and
premises radio station for moving body identification, since this frequency band is used for them as
well. When harmful radio wave interference is provided to existing radio station, immediately stop the
transmission of radio frequency and take measures to avoid the interference.
● For RC circuit, minimise the use of equipment that can affect 2.4GHz system and make sure to check
the safety beforehand. Moreover, follow the instructions given by the facility manager.
● When it is to be operated behind the building or steel lower, blocking the direction of radio wave
transmission can cause reduction of manoeuvring response or manoeuvring ability. Therefore, always
operate within the range that you can visually check.
● Do not attach any metal parts like clip etc. to the built-in part of transmitter antenna.
● If the built-in part of transmitter antenna is extremely close to a servo or speed controller other than
the receiver, it can cause malfunction. However, it is an influence of a strong high frequency output and
it is not abnormal.
● The receiver is a precise instrument. Do not subject it to strong impact or vibrations. Use the thick
sponge to prevent vibrations.
● Keep the antenna wire of the receiver out as much as possible, keep it straight, and stretched. Do not
cut or bend the extra length of the antenna line.
● Do not place the antenna wire of the receiver close to noise source like motor code or battery code.
● When installing the receiver on a metallic chassis or a carbon chassis, use by layering with double-sided
tape to keep the receiver away from the chassis as much as possible.

■ Structure and Standard of Set・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・6
■ Before Using・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・7~ 13
■ About Connection and Loading of Receiver・・・・・・・・14、15
■ Name of Various Parts of Transmitter・・・・・・・・・・・16、17
■ How to use each feature・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・18


● DISPLAY PANEL (19)  LOG DATA (61 - 66)
 QUICK SETUP WIZARD (22)  RX MODE (70, 71)
 RX MODE (23) ● MODEL (72-78)
● SETTING (24 - 43)  MODEL SELECT (72)
 DUAL RATE [D/R] (24)  MODEL NAME (73)
 SPEED (25 - 27)  MODEL COPY (74-75)
 CURVE (28 - 33)  MODEL CLEAR (76)
 FAIL SAFE [F/S] (34)  MODEL MOVE (77)
 BASE (35 - 37)  R-MODE COPY (78)
 TRIM (38 - 40) ● SYSTEM (79-98)
 FEELING (41)  BIND (79 - 81)
 OFFSET (43)  AUX TYPE (85)
● AUX (44 - 49)  RACING MODE (86)
 POINT AUX (44)  BATTERY (88)
 4WS-MIXING (45)  SOUND (89)
 MOA-MIXING (46)  LCD (90)
 BR-MIXING (46)  LED (91)
 BOAT (48)  CALIBRATION (93)
 CODE AUX (49)  TOUCHPAD (94)
● MIXING (50 - 53)  USERNAME (95)
 C-MIX1 ~ 5 (50, 51)  SETUP (96)
 TANK (52)  SD CARD (97)
● TIMER (54 - 59)
 SETUP (55)
 LAP TIMER (56)

■ List of Assign Functions・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・99

■ Index ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・100
■ Trouble Shooting ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・102

Structure and Standard of Set
Structure of Set
About Power Supply
Structure and
Planning Set

PC, primary components

<A>T r a n s m i t t e r TX-481
<B>R e c e i v e r RX-491
<C>S e r v o

Strap hook x 1
Large steering wheel x 1
Spring [Super soft (SS) / soft (S) / medium (M) / hard (H)] x 1 each
Steering swing spacer [R/L/ x 1 each
Trigger angle spacer x 2
<D>Accessories Brake trigger [+1 / +2] x 1 each
Grip pad [Small (S) / large (L)] x 1 each
Li – Po battery for transmitter (LP1 – 2500) x 1
BIND plug x 1
Dust cover for receiver x 1
User manual x 1

●Check contents of the set before use.

Standard of Set

<A>T r a n s m i t t e r <B>R e c e i v e r
Model TX-481 Model RX-491
Output display Digital / analogue display (power supply voltage display) Modulation system 2.4 GHz spectrum spread system
Modulation system 2.4 GHz spectrum spread system Dimensions 23.0x23.2x14.0mm
Power supply Li-Po1 cell (corresponding voltage DC 2.7 ~ 4.2V) Power supply DC3.7~7.4V
Weight 510g Weight 5.3g
※ Check input voltage. The transmitter gets
severely damaged if a voltage above permitted
voltage is input.

Before Using
About Power Supply

About Power Supply

Structure and
Planning Set
● Carefully read the following charging method and points of caution for correct and safe use.
● Always charge before using.
Li-Po battery has many merits such as it has higher capacity than the conventional chargeable batteries, is
lightweight and has low natural discharge. However, it deteriorates quickly if handled incorrectly and may
produce smoke and catch fire. Always observe the following points of caution and use safely.

1. Do not ever short plus and minus terminals. (There is fear of smoking, catching fire if shorted.)
2. Do not charge by connecting the charger to the Z connector that connects to the transmitter main body.
3. Do not ever dismantle battery or reconstruct connector.
4. Do not use if battery main body or insulation of cable is damaged.
5. When removing the battery from the transmitter main body, always pull by holding the connector.
6. Discontinue use and immediately charge when the battery voltage lowers below 3.3 V.
7. This product has an in-built charging circuit with charging current of 800 mAh. In case of charging, use USB
AC adapter having output above 5V 1000 mAh. At the time of connecting, carefully connect on the side of
micro USB connector.
8. At the time of charging, always switch OFF the power supply of propo and charge.
9. Do not store in a place that receives direct sunlight for a long period. If kept in a place that receives direct
sunlight inside a car with closed windows, the temperature inside the car goes above 80° C depending on the
season and may cause deformation or failure.
10. In case of storing for a long period, take out from the transmitter and store. Store in a dark place by keeping
in a safety bag. Charge the battery about 50 % once in 3 months.
11. Do not store with battery and USB AC adapter in a connected state.
12. If used in the over-discharged state (below 3.3 V), battery rapidly deteriorates and expands. Discontinue use
of the swollen battery immediately.
13. Dispose of the deteriorated battery as per local rules.

※ At the time of inserting into the transmitter, take care that lead wire of the battery does not get caught in the
battery cover.
※ Overcharged battery not only gets damaged but also may cause burning, fire, injury, blindness due to abnormal
heating, tearing, leakage etc.
※ Do not use the deformed or swollen battery.
※ Do not throw in such a manner that causes a strong impact.

About Charging of Transmitter Battery

1) Connect USB AC adapter to outlet plug of AC100V.
2) At the time of charging transmitter battery, open the connector cover of the transmitter and connect the
micro USB connector to the battery.
3) Check that battery LED light that can be seen from battery port is turned on.
4) Charging completes when battery LED light changes to green. After complete charging, remove micro USB
connector from the battery. LED

※ Compatible micro USB connector is [Micro-B]. Micro USB connector

※ After complete charging, remove USB AC adapter from
AC 100V outlet plug.
※ Do not store with the charger connected to the battery. Connector cover
※ If not using for a long period, charge the battery 50 % once in 3 months.
※ Micro USB connector for charging does not come as an accessory. This is to be purchased by the customer.

About Micro SD Card

● M17 is compatible with micro SD card. Use Sanwa genuine or card conforming to the same (micro
SDHC class 6). Model data or telemetry data can be stored by the use of micro SD card. Firmware
update becomes possible by the use of micro SD card when the firmware update of M17 is published.
At the time of inserting the micro SD card, insert with the metal terminal surface on the upper side.
● Upon inserting the micro SD card, a folder named“M17”is created and a folder named“MODEL”is
created in this folder and model data is stored in it.
Upon exporting the log data, a folder named“Log”is created and“csv”data is stored in this folder.
Before Using
Design Adjustment of Steering and Throttle
In M17, not only can the design of steering / throttle trigger be adjusted but also details can be
matched as per liking of the user based on adjustment of left-right driving position and steering
swing, adjustment of trigger position, trigger angle, brake trigger by detachable throttle unit and fully
adjustable trigger, replacement of spring of throttle trigger and replacement of grip pad.

Design Adjustment of Steering

Before start using

Spring position of steering can be

adjusted by inserting a hexagonal wrench
driver (1.5 mm) at the location shown by
the arrow in the figure on the right and
turning it.

Adjustment of Design of Throttle Trigger

Spring position of throttle trigger can be
adjusted by inserting a hexagonal wrench
driver (1.5 mm) at the location shown by
the arrow in the figure on the right and
turning it.

Replacement of Steering Spring

In M17, steering spring can be easily replaced. Replace with spring of your choice.
At the time of shipping, steering spring becomes soft and it can be chosen from Super soft (SS) /
medium (M) / hard (H).

1) Remove the steering wheel.

2) Remove the beads for fixing spring hatch.

3) Remove the spring hatch and replace with

steering spring having a hardness of your
Beads for fixing
4) Attach the spring hatch and the beads spring hatch
for fixing.
Spring hatch
5) Fix the steering wheel.
※ Take care that the direction of the wheel
adapter is correct.

※ About selection of spring

Hardness of the spring can be selected as
per colour. Super soft (purple), soft (black),
hard (blue) and normal is colourless.

Replacement of Throttle Spring
In M17, the replacement of steering as also the replacement of throttle spring is easy. Replace
with the spring of your choice.
At the time of shipping, spring becomes soft and it can be chosen from super soft (SS) /
medium (M) / hard (H).

1) Remove the beads for fixing detachable throttle unit on the back side

Before start using

of the transmitter.

2) Pull out the detachable throttle unit from the transmitter. Also, pull out
cable of the throttle unit at this time.
screw for fixing trigger
3) Replace the spring at the centre of the throttle unit with the spring of
your choice.

4) After completing replacement of the spring, mount the detachable throttle unit onto the
transmitter main body while housing the cable such that it does not entangle and fasten the fixing

※ About selection of spring

Hardness of the spring can be Spring
selected as per colour. Super soft
(purple), soft (black), hard (blue)
and normal is colourless.

Adjustment of Grip Pad

In M17, grip pad can be replaced. Replace the grip pad as per the size of the hand of the user.
Grip pads are of 2 types namely small/large. (At the time of shipping, normal is mounted.)

Packing (17 locations) of the grip pad is locked to the grip part of the transmitter. Hence, do
not pull it out.

Normal Small Large

(17 locations)

Before Using
Adjustment of Full Adjustable Trigger
Adjustment of Trigger Position
Loosen the screw for fixing trigger on the back
side of the transmitter.
Next, adjust the screw for trigger position Trigger position
adjustment present on the side surface of the
transmitter and set the trigger at the desired Adjusting screw Screw for fixing trigger
Before start using

The trigger position gauge moves to (A)
direction on turning the screw for adjusting
trigger position in manner. It moves to (B)
position on turning the screw for adjusting
trigger position in manner.
 The movement range of trigger is 5 mm. If
the adjustment screw is turned exceeding the
range, it may cause damage. Be careful.
After setting the position of the trigger, fasten Trigger position gauge
the trigger fixing screw. This completes the
adjustment of the trigger. (Adjustment width approx. 5mm

Adjustment of trigger angle Angle spacer

The angle of the throttle trigger can be

adjusted in 5 stages by replacing angle
Mounted at the
spacer A/B/C. time of factory
(A) shipping
1) Remove the screw for fixing trigger
present on the back side of the

2) Change the direction of the angle

Angle spacer
spacer such that easily operatable angle
is set and adjust the angle.

3) After deciding the angle of the trigger,

fix the screw for fixing the trigger present (B)
on the back side of the transmitter.

Angle spacer

screw for fixing trigger (C)

Adjustment of brake trigger Brake trigger

Grip tool can be adjusted as per the size of the hand or
your choice by replacing brake trigger. Brake trigger can
be chosen from 2 types namely +1 and +2 other than
standard size mounted at the time of shipping.
( +1 )
1) Remove the brake trigger fixing screw present on the
backside of the trigger.

2) Select the brake trigger as per the size of the hand or

your choice. Brake trigger fixing screw
3) After deciding the brake trigger to be used, fix by ( +2 )
using the brake trigger fixing screw.

Adjustment of Driving Position
Adjustment of Steering Swing Spacer
● The angle of the steering unit can be adjusted by using the steering swing spacer.

1) Remove 2 screws that fix the front cover and remove the front cover.
2) Remove 4 screws that fix the steering unit.

Before start using

3) Remove the steering base from the steering unit and replace the steering swing spacer and fix the
steering base to the steering unit.
4) Fix the steering unit to the transmitter main body.
5) Fix the front cover. This completes adjustment of steering swing spacer.

Front cover

3 x 8 tapping screws

Steering unit

2.6 x 8 tapping screws

3 x 10 tapping screws

Steering swing spacer (L) Steering swing spacer (R)

(Inclines the unit to 10° to the left) (Inclines the unit to 10° to the right)

About Strap Hook

● Remove M3 hollow bead of carrying handle nut tip and attach the provided strap hook.
※ If rattle sound of strap hook is noticed, paste the provided sponge to the hook and use.

Remove M3 hollow bead



M3x5 screw

Before start using
Adjustment of Left Right Driving Position
●If left handed, it is recommended to change left-right driving position.

1)Remove 2 screws that fix the front cover and 2)Remove 4 screws that fix the steering unit 3)Fi
remove the front cover. and remove the connector of steering unit and wre
wiring of steering unit from the main body. that
Before start using

3 x 8 tapping screws
Front cover

Steering unit

2.6 x 8 tapping screws

5)Attach the removed rear cover and dial shaft 6)Fix the dial to the left position, connect the
cover used as an accessory to the right position. connector such that direction is correct and
of th
(There are 2 types of dial shaft covers.) fix the steering unit.

Rear cover

Dial shaft cover 3 x 8 tapping screws

2.6 x 13 tapping screws


2.6 x 8 tapping screws

Steering unit

3)Fix the dial shaft using a hexagonal 4)Remove 2 screws that fix the rear cover
d wrench driver (1.5 mm). Remove the screw and dial shaft cover and remove the rear
that fixes the dial and remove the dial. cover and dial shaft cover.

Before start using

2.6 x 8 tapping screws

rews Rear cover

2.6 x 8 tapping screws


Hexagonal wrench driver

2.6 x 13tapping screws

Dial shaft cover

7)Fix the front cover.

the 8)Change [HANDEDNESS] (left-right change
Left-right change switch is on the inner side
nd menu) of [SETUP] of SYSTEM menu from
of the grip pad. Hence, change the change
switch from [R] to [L] and attach the grip pad. [RIGHT] to [LEFT]. (P.96)

Front cover

2.6 x 8 tapping screws

Switch [R] to [L]

About Connection and Loading of Receiver
About Receiver
LED BIND/SSL port State of receiver LED
Note) Connect only BIND plug, receiver battery and
compatible devices to BIND / SSL port. State of receiving electromagnetic waves Blue light on

CH4:4ch State of not being able to receive electromagnetic waves

Blue light off, blue
CH3:3ch During BIND (bind) setting high-speed light off
CH2: Throttle
Battery failsafe operation Blue & red light on
(FET speed controller)
State of not being able to receive electromagnetic
CH1: Steering Red light on
waves after battery failsafe operation

BIND plug
About Connection and
Loading of Receiver

●About RX - 491
・RX - 491 can store 2 IDs. It can be combined with M17 having a matching position or setting such as
endurance race etc.
It can be operated with 2 bound transmitters based on storing IDs specific to 2 transmitters in the receiver.
(Note: 2 transmitters cannot be operated simultaneously.) Compatible transmitter is only M17.
・Neutral position of the throttle and operating volume may vary depending on the transmitter. The set
value of the transmitter may not be the same as per combination of the bound transmitter. Adjust using
the transmitter that matches with the linkage of the car.
・Connect the compatible device to SSL port in case of changing the setting of SSL compatible device
in real time by using CODE AUX of M17.
・Always do the failsafe setting by the respective transmitter.
・Do the same setting for RF MODE and response mode of 2 M17 to be bound. Binding by 2 transmitters
is not done if they do not have the same setting.
※If transmitter having different setting is bound as a 2nd transmitter, ID (identification number) of M17 bound to the
1st transmitter gets deleted and overwritten.
※ ID of the 1st M17 gets deleted if binding of the 3rd transmitter is done.

About Handling of Antenna

●Reception distance varies depending on the location at which receiver and antenna are loaded.
●As shown in the figure on the right, in order to protect the antenna, always
insert the antenna into the antenna pipe such that tip of the antenna does
not come out from the external part of the antenna pipe.
●Do not ever bend the antenna as it may break internally. Antenna pipe
●Do not unnecessarily pull the antenna. It may cause
damage to the internal parts of the receiver.
●At the time of loading onto the RC car, arrange the
antenna at the highest possible position.
●Do not cut or tie the antenna as this may cause lowering
of the reception sensitivity.
●Erect the antenna of the receiver vertically, away from
the motor and FET speed controller (including wiring).

About connection
●Connect the receiver and servo by referring to the following figure.
Power battery
・Connection example in case of using in EP car

Connection with CH2


FET speed controller

Connection with CH1


About Connection and

Loading of Receiver
接続について Servo
・Connection example in case of using in GP (engine) car
CH1 Connection with BATT
FETスピード コントローラー


CH2 Connection with

CH2 ステアリング サーボ Connect the receiver battery
スイッチ ハーネス
CH2 CH2へ接続 Servo 受信機バッテリーを接続
スロットル サーボ
CH1へ接続 Connection with CH1
ステアリング サーボ (Steering)

■Case of connecting PG servo and SUPER VORTEX Gen2/PRO/SUPER VORTEX Stock to SSL port
PGS servo: SSL + CH1 setting
SSL port Steering servo
Short Y harness

●Set AUX TYPE of the transmitter for both AUX1, AUX2 to CODE 10.
/SUPER VORTEX Stock SUPER VORTEX Stock can be done from the transmitter.
AUX2 CODE10: Setting of each of the parameters of PGS servo can be done from transmitter.
Note) In SUPER VORTEX Gen2 / PRO, do not assign function to CODE 10 of AUX2 by code
assign of PROGRAM BOX Gen2. It interferes with CODE 10 of AUX2 of PGS servo and suitable

Caution setting cannot be done.

Note) Set SSL – CH of PGS servo to [1].
(Factory setting of PGS servo is [1].)
SUPER VORTEX SPORT. Hence, it interferes with CODE 10 of AUX2 of PGS servo and
●There is risk of explosion if the connector slips out due to vibrations during running. Firmly connect the connector of
suitable setting cannot be done. Therefore, it cannot be used along with SSL of PGS servo.

receiver, servo and switch.

■Case of connecting PGS servo to 2 SSL ports
●Take proper anti-vibrations / waterproof measures PGS servo: SSLsince the receiver has poor resistance to vibrations, impact and
- CH1 setting
water. SSL There
port is risk of explosion
Short Y harness
if servo
Steering proper measures are not taken.
●Mount the receiver away from carbon chassis and metal chassis.
PGS servo: SSL 2 CH2 setting
●If metal parts loaded onto RC car touch each other, noise is generated which affects the reception efficiency adversely
Throttle servo
Switch harness ●Set AUX TYPE of AUX2 of the transmitter to CODE 10.
and it may cause explosion.   AUX2 CODE10: Setting of each of the parameters of PGS servo can be done from
the transmitter.
Other empty port Note) Set SSL – CH of PGS servo used in steering servo to [1].
●Always attach a noise killer condenser Connect the in thebattery
receiver brush Set motor
SSL – CH of used
PGS servoforused ingenerator
(Factory setting of PGS servo is [1].)
throttle servo to [2]. RC car.

●Noise is generated which may cause explosion if Note) noise In case of setting each parameter by the function of CODE10 of AUX2, setting of PGS
servo ofkiller
SSL – port condenser
set by CODE1 of AUX2iscannot attached.
be directly changed from the transmitter.
PGS servo not specified by CODE1 of AUX2 works on the parameters saved inside.
●Use SANWA guanine propo parts such as transmitter, ※
receiver, servo, FET speed controller, transmitter battery etc.
Refer to company HP for connection examples other than those given above.

※The company does not bear any responsibility、 forduring

●There is risk of explosion if the connector slips out due to vibrations
anyrunning. damage occurred due to use, reconstruction, adjustment or part
Firmly connect the connector of receiver,
replacement servo andwith
●Take proper
switch. parts other than SANWA genuine parts.
anti-vibrations / waterproof measures since the receiver has poor resistance to vibrations, impact and water.
Caution There is risk of explosion if proper measures are not taken.
●Mount the receiver away from carbon chassis and metal chassis.
●If metal parts loaded onto RC car touch each other, noise is generated which affects the reception efficiency adversely and
 it may cause explosion.
●Always attach a noise killer condenser in the brush motor used for generator RC car.
●Noise is generated which may cause explosion if noise killer condenser is not attached.
●Use SANWA guanine propo parts such as transmitter, receiver, servo, FET speed controller, transmitter battery etc.
※The company does not bear any responsibility for any damage occurred due to use, reconstruction, adjustment or part
replacement with parts other than SANWA genuine parts.
Name of Various Parts of Transmitter

Function LED
Generally, lights as per setting of LED.
The light turns off when various functions Trim 1
work or by linking to battery or telemetry alert.
Carrying handle Trim 2

Trim 5
Trim 3
Trim 4
Steering wheel

Switch 1
Parts of Transmitter
Name of Various

※DIAL OPERATION MODE starts if power

switch is turned ON while pressing switch 1
(refer to P. 18)

Battery cover

Switch 2

Switch 3

Display panel Touch pad

Servo port

Port cover

Micro SD slot

To hear earphone jack buzzer

sound use earphone jack
Throttle trigger available in market.。

Trim 5 for south paw

Switch 1 for south paw (TRM 5)

Parts of Transmitter
(SW 1)

Name of Various

Connector cover

Display panel

Trigger position
Power switch
Beads for
Turns ON / OFF
on long press.
Antenna in-built part

How to use each feature
Operation of TouchPad
●Setting, calling can be easily done by the gesture operation of touchpad.

Gesture operation Name Operation

Enter area
● Perform enter operation by touching
such that enter area is lightly
tapped by the fingertip.
● Move from the top screen to setting
Touch Enter screen.
・ Select function and items to be set.
・ The set value returns to an initial
value by long press.
☆[Trim 4] down operation in DIAL

● Perform up operation by sliding up

Touch the area by finger.
● The set value increases by 1 point
(1point) each by touching such that black
framed 1-point area is tapped.
○ The set value increases by wheel
(right rotation) gesture during
Slide changing the set value.
・ Cursor moves to the upward direction.
・ The set value increases.
☆[DIAL] operation in DIAL OPERATION
Up area Wheel gesture (right rotation) MODE

Down area ● Perform down operation by sliding

Wheel gesture (left rotation) down area by finger.
● The set value decreases by 1 point
each by touching such that black
framed 1-point area is tapped.
○ The set value decreases by wheel
Down (left rotation) gesture during
Slide changing the set value.
each feature

・ Cursor moves to the downward direction.

How to use

Touch ・ The set value decreases.

(1point) ☆[DIAL] operation in DIAL OPERATION
● Perform select operation of channel
Select or function by touching such that
select area is lightly tapped by the
Touch ※ The cursor can be moved to left or
right by quickly sliding the black
Select framed part to left or right.
・ Select channel or function.
Slide ・ The set value increases.
※ Change the operation position of
select and back / cancel by setting
to left (left-handedness).
☆[SW2] operation in DIAL OPERATION MODE
● Perform back/cancel the operation
by touching such that the back /
cancel area is lightly tapped by the
・ Returns to the previous state.
・ Cancels setting.
※ Change the operation position of
select and back / cancel by setting
Touch to left (left-handedness).
☆[Trim 4] up operation in DIAL

Display Panel
● Each of the functions of M17 can be directly selected by touchpad operation.
● Functions of each channel can be separately set.
● Upon switching the power switch ON, top screen appears after boot screen display (when the setting
of the boot is DEMO).
In case of changing various settings, operate touchpad and select menu.
Log Micro SD card
Effect indicator Telemetry
Model name output display
Racing mode

Top screen Battery indicator


Operating effect or function icon is

Model number displayed on the screen.
Log timer

Top screen telemetry screen toggle upon performing up /

down operation by touch pad.

Telemetry screen

Data is sent to the transmitter and displayed on the

telemetry screen upon using combination of
RX – 491 / RX – 482 / RX – 472 / RX – 47T
and SUPER VORTEX series or SV – PLUS series,
connecting various sensors to RX – 461 / RX – 461
and turning the telemetry function ON.

each feature
How to use
Various telemetry data

Menu window
・Select menu.
(Screen example)
※Enter operation from
top screen

Power Supply Forget Alarm

● In M17, if steering wheel, throttle trigger or various switches are
not operated for 10 minutes,“No Operation”is displayed based on
warning alarm and turning off of LED light.
Warning is cancelled by operating steering wheel, throttle trigger or
various switches. Switch OFF the power switch if not in use.
※ Setting can be changed by SETUP of SYSTEM. (Refer to P. 96)

How to use each feature
Menu Structure
●Setting of functions, calling of model memory can be easily done by using respective keys.
●Menu consists of a menu of setting, AUX, model, timer, telemetry, system and it contains
functions relating to respective menus.


Set custom
menu by
(P.24) (P.44) (P.50、51) (P.55) (P.61~66) (P.72) (P.79~81)
custom list
(P.25~27) (P.44) (P.52) (P.56) (P.67) (P.73) (P.82、83)


(P.28~33) (P.45) (P.53) (P.57) (P.68) (P.74、75) (P.84)


(P.34) (P.46) (P.58) (P.68) (P.76) (P.85)


each feature

(P.35~37) (P.59) (P.69) (P.77) (P.86)

How to use

(P.38~40) (P.47) (P.70、71) (P.78) (P.87)


(P.41) (P.48) (P.88)
(P.41) (P.49) (P.89)

(P.42) (P.90)

(P.43) (P.91)






● M17 is provided with a function of starting launcher (shortcut menu) by performing key operation
simultaneously at the time of operating power switch.
Launcher function starts upon switching ON the power switch while pressing [SW 2].
The launcher is provided with [Direct Model Select], [Quick Setup] and [RX Mode].
Direct model select is the function by which running model can be immediately selected and quick setup is
a function by which various settings can be done by a simple operation such as at the time of setting up
of new RC car.
RX mode becomes mode in which various settings can be changed without emitting electromagnetic
waves and function of RX mode of telemetry can be used.

● In the quick setup function, the sequence in enter operation after starting is a model selection → type
selection → model initialisation → RF mode selection → response mode selection → bind → base setting.

Direct Model Select <DIRECT MODEL SELECT>

● Direct Model Select
1)Turn the power switch ON while pressing SW2.
Select direct model select from LAUNCHER.

2)Selection of model ①DIRECT MODEL Screen

Select model to be called by the select function.

 ○ Setting range M01 ~ M250

3)Upon moving the cursor to the model to be

called and performing enter operation,
the message is displayed on the screen.
Select the model while it is being displayed.

each feature
How to use
Power switch ON
②Check screen


While pressing
⇒ Change destination
model display

・NO →Back to ①
LAUNCHER screen ・YES→Change model, to TOP

How to use each feature
Quick Setup Wizard < QUICK SETUP WIZARD>
● Quick Setup
1)Turn the power switch ON while pressing SW2. Select
Quick Start Wizard from LAUNCHER.
Power switch ON

While pressing

2)Quick setup screen is displayed.

Quick setup wizard starts upon performing enter operation.

3) Change to model select screen and select the model to be

set by the select operation. ENTER BACK
Decide by enter operation while defining the model to be set.

4) The screen changes to a car type select screen. Select car

type by the select operation.
Decide by enter operation while defining the car type.

Type setting
○ Setting range EP CAR (STANDARD)
each feature

How to use


  EP CAR (SV-Gen2 PRO)
  1/5 GP CAR (DUAL BR)
○ Initial value  EP CAR STANDARD
※ In each type, channel operation is done as follows.

TYPE-wise channel operation specification

Steering Steering Throttle
CH1 Steering Steering Steering Steering Steering Steering Steering Steering Radar
1 F L
Throttle Throttle Throttle ESC Throttle
CH2 ESC ESC ESC ESC ESC Throttle Throttle
/Brake /Brake /Brake R F R
Steering Brake Steering
2 R R
Brake ESC

※ Select type matching with the RC to be used.


5)If car type setting is decided by enter, it changes to initialise
(model initialisation) screen.
Initialise as per message.

6)When initialise (model initialisation) completes, it changes to RF

mode selection screen.
Set RF mode according to the receiver to be used by up / down ENTER BACK
and decide by enter operation.

 ○ Setting range FH5/FH4T/FH3
 ○ Initial value   FH5

 ・Compatible receiver  FH5 RX-491

       RX-482、RX-481WP、RX-481、RX-472、RX-471 ENTER BACK
Dual ID、RX-471W、RX-471、RX-47T、RX-462、
RX-461、SV-PLUS series

7)Upon deciding RF mode that matches with the receiver, it

changes to the response mode selection screen.
Set response mode of each channel that matches with the servo ENTER BACK
or device to be used.
Set by up / down and decide by enter operation.

 ○ Setting range NOR (normal/analog servo)

SHR (high response / digital servo)
SSR (servo response / SRG servo)
SUR (ultra response / PGS servo) ※ Only FH5 ENTER BACK

each feature
How to use
 ○ Initial value NOR (normal / analog servo)

8)Upon completing the setting of response mode, it changes to

BIND (bind) setting screen.
Perform bind operation as per screen message.

9)Upon completing BIND (bind), it changes to the base setting

screen. Do the setting of each channel. (Refer to P.35 ~ 37)

10)Upon completing base setting, the setup wizard completes.

Changes to the top screen by enter operation.


● RX mode
1 Turn the power switch ON while pressing SW2.
Select RX mode from LAUNCHER.
Power switch
In RX - mode of LAUNCHER,   ON
various settings can be changed Push
without emitting electromagnetic
While pressing
waves. ⇒
How to use each feature
Dual Rate[D/R] SETTING
● You can adjust steering angle when operating the steering wheel and throttle trigger to their peak.
To correspond to the RC car or road condition, adjust the steering angle as you operate.
※ You can adjust steering for both right and left at the same time and throttle high and brake sides. You
can also adjust the brake side more precisely than adjusting with EPA.
● Don't increase the setting rate of dual rates (D/R) from the condition in which the linkage locks by
operating the steering wheel and throttle trigger.
● You can also adjust more precisely by adjusting dual rates of the throttle side.
※ When AUX1/AUX2 is set to CODE5/CODE10, setting change of D/R will not be reflected on them.
1)Determine the Enter operation and select the [SETTING] with the touch pad.

2)Select features [ST/TH (H, L)/AUX1/AUX2)

to adjust with the Select key.

3)Adjust the values of DUAL RATE by multi-selector.

The text is in red color when up/down selection is
available, and blue color when wheel selection is available.

4)During operation, the steering dual rates can be adjusted

with Trim 3, brake dual rates can be adjusted with Trim 4.
It's possible to assign other features to Trim 3 and Trim 4 ENTER BACK
with the key assign trim feature (P.83).
※ When cancelling a selected feature, operate the Back Dual rate Select channel by select operation
button. Setting screen

○ Setting range: ST/TH-H/AUX1/AUX2:0%~ 100%

TH-L:0% ~ 120%
○ Default:   ST/TH/AUX1/AUX2:100%

Trim 4
each feature
How to use

Steering dual rate setting screen
Trim 3

※ Make sure that the servos
do not lock to make clicking
sound note!
(Note) Same for throttle.

● If the linkage is locked for a long period, it

Note can cause the servo motor breakage.

● Adjust the end point of the steering/throttle linkage

Supplement before adjusting dual rates (P. 35).

● Feature to control the speed of the servos used for steering/ throttle. By setting, the RC car is not affected
even when doing sudden operation. Smooth cornering is possible at the steering side for stable exist from the
corner and by smooth throttle work which save power at the throttle side.
※ When the AUX type is set to [CODE5/ CODE10], adjustment of the speed feature of the AUX channel does not have any effect.
※ In case of setting the speed of the AUX channel, use steering/ throttle as a reference.

Steering Speed
● Feature to delay the speed of the steering servos against the steering operation. The speed at the time
of turning the steering (Forward) and the speed at the time of returning the steering (return) can be set
individually. Speed Feature is not worked in the delay steering operation by default.
FORWARD(Forward) FORWARD(Forward)
RETURN(Return) RETURN(Return)
※ Whether the function of speed operates on the

N R inner side (IN) or outer side (OUT) point (POINT)

END ▲ Neutral ▲ END can be set by doing the setting of IN / OUT.
POINT(1~100%) POINT(1~100%)
1)Select [SPEED] by touchpad and decide by enter operation. [ST] selection by select operation
Select [ST (Steering)] by the SELECT operation.
2)Forward Side Setting (FORWARD)
Select [FORWARD] and adjust the setting value by the touch
※ Please do the back operation in case of cancelling the
selected Feature.

 ○ Setting Range  0 ~ 100

 ○ Default Value  0
3)Return Side Setting
Select [RETURN] and adjust the setting value by
the touch pad.

○ Setting Range  0 ~- 100

each feature
How to use
 ○ Initial Value    0
※ Do the adjustments during actual operation. In case of not using the feature, or when the setting value
is not determined even after adjustment, set the setting value to 0% (linear).
4)Setting point (POINT)
Adjust set value by touchpad by selecting [POINT].

 ○ Setting range 1 ~ 100%

 ○ Initial value  100%

5)Setting of in / out (IN / OUT)

Set touchpad by selecting [IN / OUT].
Set [IN] in case of operating on the inner side then point and set [OUT] in case of operating on the outer

 ○ Setting range IN / OUT

 ○ Initial value  IN

※ Adjust during the actual run. Set the set value to 0 % (linear) when not using the function or when the
set value is not decided even after adjustment.
● For driving the RC car, the steering operation consistent with the movement of the RC car is important. Excessive
Supplement operation is restricted. Steering speed suppresses the unnecessary operation, and enables the smooth corning.
● The effect is further enhanced if the steering speed and steering curve are used in combination.

How to use each feature

Throttle Speed
● Feature to slow down the throttle servo performance speed and delay the response of the speed
controller against the throttle operation. The speed at the time of turning the throttle (Forward) and
the speed at the time of returning the throttle (return) can be set individually. Speed Feature does not
work with the throttle operation delayed by setting. ※ Only high side setting can be done. Setting at the
brake side is not possible.
FORWARD(Forward) FORWARD(Forward)
RETURN(Return) RETURN(Return)
※ Whether the function of speed operates on the
H N B inner side (IN) or outer side (OUT) point (POINT)
end end
▲ Neutral ▲ can be set by doing the setting of IN / OUT.
POINT(1~100%) POINT(1~100%) H and B can be separately set.

1)Select [SPEED] by touchpad and decide by enter operation. [TH] selection by select operation
Select [TH (throttle)] by the SELECT Button.
2)Forward Side Setting (FORWARD)
Select [FORWARD] and adjust the setting value by the touch pad.
※ Please do the back operation in case of cancelling the
selected feature.
 ○ Setting Range   0 ~- 100
 ○ Default Value   0
3)Return Side Setting
 Select [RETURN] and adjust the setting value by the touch pad.
 ○ Setting Range  0 ~- 100
 ○ Default Value   0

※ Do the adjustments during actual operation. In case of not using the feature, or when the setting value
is not determined even after adjustment, set the setting value to 0% (linear).
4)Setting of point (POINT)
Set POINT by the multi selector.
each feature
How to use

 ○ Setting range  POINT H:1 ~ 100%

        POINT B:1 ~ 100%
 ○ Initial value POINT H:50%
        POINT B:50%

5)Setting in / out (IN / OUT)

Select [IN / OUT] and set touchpad.
Set [IN] in case of operating on inner side point and
set [OUT] in case of operating on the outer side.

 ○ Setting range IN / OUT

 ○ Initial value  IN

※ Adjust during the actual run. Set the set value to 0 % (linear) when not using the function or when
the set value is not decided even after adjustment.

● For driving the RC car, the steering operation consistent with the movement of the RC car is important. Excessive
Supplement operation is restricted. Steering speed suppresses the unnecessary operation, and enables the smooth corning.
● The effect is further doubled if the steering speed and steering curve are used in combination.


● Function that slows down sped of the servo with respect to the operation of AUX1 / AUX2. Speed of
forward and return can be separately set. Speed function does not work in slow operation according to
the setting.
FORWARD(Forward) FORWARD(Forward)
RETURN(Return) RETURN(Return)
※ Whether the function of speed operates on the

N inner side (IN) or outer side (OUT) point (POINT)
END ▲ Neutral ▲ END can be set by doing the setting of IN / OUT.
POINT(1~100%) POINT(1~100%)

1) Select [SPEED] by touchpad and decide by enter operation and select [AUX1, AUX2] by the select
Channel selection by select operation
2) Setting of forward side (FORWARD)
Select [FORWARD] and adjust the set value by touchpad.
※ Perform back operation in case of cancelling of the selected

 ○ Setting range 0 ~- 100

 ○ Initial value 0

3) Setting of return side (RETURN)

Select [RETURN] and adjust the set value by touchpad.

 ○ Setting range 0 ~- 100

 ○ Initial value 0

4) Setting of point (POINT)

Select [POINT] and adjust the set value by touchpad.

each feature
How to use
 ○ Setting range 1 ~ 100%
 ○ Initial value 100%

5) Setting of IN / OUT (IN / OUT)

Set touchpad by selecting [IN / OUT].
Set [IN] in case of operating on inner side point and
set [OUT] in case of operating on the outer side.

 ○ Setting range IN / OUT

 ○ Initial value IN

※ Adjust during the actual run. Set the set value to 0 % (linear) when not using the function or when the
set value is not decided even after adjustment.

● For driving of RC car, an operation that matches the motion of the RC car is important and over-operation is not permitted.
Supplement AUX-speed suppresses unnecessary operation so that smooth operation can be realised.
● Efficiency doubles by combining AUX – speed and AUX – curve.

How to use each feature
● Function of making operation volume of servo variable with respect to the operation of the steering
wheel, throttle trigger, AUX. It responds quickly when the set value is on plus (+) side whereas it
responds mildly when the set value is on minus (-) side.
● Exponential (EXP) of curve operation and adjustable rate controller (ARC) of linear position, the
operation of point curve (9 points) that operates by changing the set value for each point can be
※ If the AUX type is set to [CODE], adjustment of
the curve feature of the AUX channel does not
affect the performance.
※ In case of adjustment of curve setting of the
AUX channel, use the steering/ throttle as a

Servo operation volume


・Exponential (EXP)

※ For throttle, high side (H) / brake side (B) can be
separately set.

Neutral position N Steering wheel operation volume 100

(throttle trigger operation volume)


Servo operation volume


・Adjustable rate controller (ARC)

Position at which operation is variable can be
each feature
How to use

changed by adjusting the setting of POINT.

※ For throttle, high side (H) / brake (B) can be Mild
separately set. (-1%~-100%)

Neutral position N Steering wheel operation volume 100

(throttle trigger operation volume)

Servo operation volume

Normal P6

・Point curve (CRV)
The operation can be made variable by adjusting
the set value of the point (P1 ~ P9). P3

※ For throttle, high side (H) / brake (B) can be P2 Mild

separately set. P1

Neutral position N Steering wheel operation volume 100

(throttle trigger operation volume)

Steering Exponential [ST-EXP]
● Steering characteristics can vary from Mild ⇔ Linear ⇔ Quick. Generally, when the RC car senses the
over-steer, the setting value is set to minus side, and when the RC car senses the under-steer, the
numerical value is set to plus.
Steering exponential will do the L/R concurrent setting.

1)Select [CURVE] by touchpad and decide by enter operation.

Select ST by the SELECT Button, and set CURVE TYPE of ST to
[EXP] by the touch pad.

2)Adjust the setting value by the touch pad

 ○ Setting Range - 100% ~ 100% 

○ Default Value  0%

※ Please do the back operation in case of cancelling the

selected Feature. Steering operation position

Throttle/ Exponential [TH-EXP]

● You can change the throttle characteristics from Mild ⇔ linear ⇔ Quick. In general, when operating
on a slippery road or if you find overpowering, change the setting value to the minus side and when
operating on a high grip road, or if you find lack of power in the power unit, change the setting value to
the plus side.
You can set the High side/ brake side separately.
※ Selection of High side/ brake side can be done by trigger operation.

each feature
How to use
1)Select [CURVE] by touchpad and decide by enter operation
Select TH with Select Button and select CURVE TYPE of TH to“EXP”with the touch

2)Adjust the setting value with the touch pad.

 ○ Setting range: -100% ~ 100%

○ Default: 0%
Select H / B by trigger operation

Throttle operation position

How to use each feature

AUX1/ Exponential [AUX1-EXP]

● You can change the operation feature of AUX1 from Mild ⇔ Linear ⇔ Quick.
You can set the High side and the Low side separately

※ When setting AUX1 to [CODE5/CODE10] AUX TYPE, changing the setting does not affect the

1)Select [CURVE] by touchpad and decide by enter operation

Select AUX1 with the Select button and set CURVE TYPE of
AUX1 to [EXP] with the touch pad.

2)Adjust the setting value with the touch pad.

 ○ Setting range: -100% ~ 100%

 ○ Default: 0%

AUX2/ Exponential [AUX2-EXP]

● You can change the operation feature of AUX2 from Mild ⇔ Linear ⇔ Quick.
You can set the High side/ Low side separately.

※ When setting AUX2 to [CODE5/COOE10] in AUX TYPE, changing the setting does not affect the
each feature
How to use

1)Select [CURVE] by touchpad and decide by enter operation

Select AUX2 with the Select button and set CURVE TYPE of AUX2 to [EXP] with the touch pad.

2)Adjust the setting value with the touch pad.

 ○ Setting range: -100% ~ 100%

○ Default: 0%

Steering Adjustable Rate Control [ST-ARC]
● You can change the steering feature from Mild to Linear and to Quick. In general, if you find your RC
car oversteering, change the setting to the minus side and if you find understeering, change to the plus
side. Steering Adjustable Rate Control is the simultaneous setting for L/R.

1)Select [CURVE] by touchpad and decide by enter operation.

Select ST with the Select button and set CURVE TYPE of ST to [ARC] with the touchpad.

2) Setting Rate [RATE]

Select [RATE] with the touchpad and adjust the setting value.

 ○ Setting range - 100% ~ 100% 

○ Default  0%

3) ポ Setting Point (POINT)

 Select [ POINT ] with the touchpad and adjust
the setting value.
Steering operation position
 ○ Setting range 1% ~ 99% 
○ Default   50%

※ When cancelling a selected feature, use the Back button.

Throttle Adjustable Rate Control [TH-ARC]

● You can change the throttle feature from Mild to Linear and to Quick. In general, when operating on a
slippery road or if you find over powering, change the setting to the minus side and when operating on
a high grip road or if you find lack of power in the power unit, change to plus side. You can set the High

each feature
How to use
side and the brake side separately.

※ Selection of High side and the brake side is done by trigger operation.

1)Select [CURVE] by touchpad and decide by enter operation.Select TH with Select button and set
CURVE TYPE of TH to [ARC] with the touchpad.

2)Setting Rate [RATE] Select H / B by trigger operation

Select [RATE] with the touchpad and adjust the setting value.

 ○ Setting range - 100% ~ 100%

○ Default   0%

3)Setting Point (POINT)

Select [POINT] with the touchpad and adjust the setting value

 ○ Setting range  1% ~ 99% 

○ Default 50%
Point setting position
※ When cancelling a selected feature, use the Back button.

How to use each feature

AUX1 Adjustable Rate Control [AUX1-ARC]

● You can change the AUX1 performance feature from Mild to Linear and to Quick.
You can set the High side and low side separately.
※ When setting AUX1 to "CODE5/CODE10" in AUX TYPE, changing the setting does not affect the

1)Select [CURVE] by touchpad and decide by enter operation.

Select AUX1 with the Select button and set CURVE TYPE of AUX1 to [ARC] with the touchpad.

2) Setting Rate [RATE]

Select [RATE] with the touchpad and adjust the setting value.

 ○ Setting range -100% ~ 100% 

○ Default    0%

3)Setting Point (POINT)

Select [POINT] with the touchpad and adjust the setting value.

 ○ Setting range -1% ~ 99%  Point setting position

○ Default    50%

※ When cancelling a selected feature, use the Back button.

AUX2 Adjustable Rate Control [AUX2-ARC]

● You can change the operation feature of AUX2 from Mild to Linear and to Quick.
You can set the High side and the Low side separately.
※ When setting AUX1 to [CODE5/CODE10] in AUX TYPE, changing the setting does not affect the
each feature
How to use

1)Select [CURVE] by touchpad and decide by enter operation.

Select AUX2 with the Select button and set CURVE TYPE of AUX2 to [ARC] with the touchpad.

2) Setting Rate [RATE]

Select [RATE] with the touchpad and adjust the setting value.

 ○ Setting range -100% ~ 100% 

○ Default    0%

3)Setting Point (POINT)

Select [POINT] with the touchpad and adjust the setting value.

 ○ Setting range -1% ~ 99% 

○ Default    50% Point setting position

※ When cancelling a selected feature, use the Back button.

CRV, Point Curve [ST / TH / AUX1 / AUX2 - CRV]
● Function of setting 9 points from controller such as steering, throttle, AUX to full throttle and making
the operation variable by adjusting the set value for each point. For throttle, high side (H) / brake side (B)
can be set separately.

1)Select < CURVE > by select operation. Decide by enter operation.  Channel selection

2)Select [CRV] by TYPE.

○ Setting range EXP/ARC/CRV

3)Select channel to be set by the select operation.

○ Setting range ST / TH / AUX1 / AUX2
※ Be careful as the name of each channel varies as per
TYPE selection of quick setup wizard (TYPE).

4)Adjust the set value of each point of CRV by touchpad.

 ○ Setting range P1 ~ P9:0 ~ 100%

 ○ Initial value P1:10%

each feature
How to use

How to use each feature
Fail Safe [F/S] SETTING
● Fail Safe Operation is a feature to keep the servo in a predetermined position for each channel in the
event that the receiver cannot receive a power from the transmitter. A feature to keep the servos in a
predetermined position for the servo of the throttle channel (2ch) in the event that the battery voltage
on the receiver side of an engine RC car goes below the set voltage is Battery Fail Safe Operation.
● Battery Fail Safe Operation cannot be set when the throttle channel (2ch) is set to FREE/HOLD.
( ※ Battery Fail Safe Operation works only for the throttle channel.)
※ Do not use Battery Fail Safe Operation feature for electric RC cars.
F/S setting
1)Select [F/S] with the touchpad and select a channel (ST/AUX1/
AUX2) to set fail safe with the Select operation.

2) Enter the set channel and operate the touchpad and thereby the
failsafe mode setting changes in the order of FREE → FS → HOLD.

 ○ Setting range FREE/FS(100% ~ -100%)/HOLD

○ Default  FREE

※ About each mode

FREE (Free Mode)・・・ When the receiver cannot receive the power from the transmitter, the signal
output to the servo stops and the servo will be free.

 FS (Fail Safe Mode)・・・When the receiver cannot receive the power from the transmitter, the servo
will be held in the set position.
 HOLD (Hold Mode)・・・・The last position before the power from the transmitter to the receiver is lost,
will be held.
・When the power is received from the transmitter again, each mode of FREE/HOLD/FS is automatically

3)Setting the Fail Safe (FS)

Move to the position where the Fail Safe Operation is used. When BATT – F/S setting F/S setting
each feature

the position is determined, long press the touchpad to set the

How to use

position when the Fail Safe Operation works.

※ For safety reason, we recommend setting the throttle channel on
the brake side when setting the Fail Safe.

4)Setting the battery Fail Safe Operation

After setting the throttle channel position, move the cursor to [B-F/
S] to set the voltage.

 ○ Setting range ・For FH3:OFF、3.5v ~ 5.0v

BATT – F/S setting voltage
( ※ Not compatible with Li-Po Battery) F/S setting position
        ・For FH5/FH4:OFF、3.5v ~ 7.4v

※ The Battery Fail Safe Operation is a feature to activate Fail

Safe Operation when the receiver battery voltage rises up to the set voltage on a GP car. Do not use
the Battery Fail Safe feature on electric RC cars.

5)Checking the Fail Safe Function

Turn off the power of the transmitter while the Fail Safe Operation is set and check if the servo moves
to the position where the Fail Safe Operation is set.

● About the Fail Safe Operation

Important When the Fail Safe feature is on, check the setting of the Fail Safe before operating.
Do not change the setting of the Fail Safe during operation.
● Base [BASE] contains basic features such as Reverse that determines the direction of the servo of each channel and
the speed controller according to a specific RC car, the Sub Trim that adjusts the neutral position and the End Point
Adjustment [EPA] that sets the operating range into one feature (Base) to allow you to make a setting all at once.

End Point Adjustment[EPA] BASE

● You can adjust the left and right operating range of the steering servo when operating the steering wheel/throttle trigger and
operating range of the high side and brake side of throttle servo, and the servo operating range of AUX1, AUX2 (3ch, 4ch)

Steering End Point Adjustment [ST-EPA]

● The right and left cornering radius can be different due to the linkage or suspension and difference in
tire diameter. In case of this, this feature adjusts the servo operating range at right and left side so that
the right and left cornering radius can be the same.
[ST] selection by select operation
1)Before adjusting the Steering End Point Adjustment (ST-EPA),
make a neutral adjustment of the servo (P. 37).
・Neutral adjustment is to align the center position with Sub Trim
by switching ON the power and installing the servo horn in the
approximate center position. ※Make sure the servos do not lock
and make clicking sound.

2)Select either of [EPA-L/EPA-R with

the touch pad and determine with Enter

3)Select the operating range with the touch pad

※ When the cursor is on either of EPA-L/EPA-R,
it is also possible to move the cursor by steering operation.
●If the linkage is locked for a long period,
Note it can cause the servo breakage.
○ Setting range: L/R 0~ 150%
○ Default:   L/R 100%

Throttle End Point Adjustment [TH-EPA]

each feature
How to use
● It adjusts the high point of FET Speed Controller, Brake Point, carburettor of engine cars and the brake
operating range.
[TH] selection by select operation
1)For an engine car, make a neutral adjustment of the servo (P.37)
before adjusting the Throttle End Point Adjustment (TH-EPA).
・Neutral adjustment is to align the center position with Sub
Trim by switching ON the power and installing the servo
horn in the approximate center position.

2)Select [TH/Throttle] with the Select button.

3)Select either of [EPA-H/EPA-B] with the touch pad and

determine with the Enter

4)Adjust the operating range with the touch pad.

When adjusting FET Speed Controller, normally set both the high side and the brake side to 100%
and set neutral, high point and brake point on the FET Speed Controller side (the Setting method is
different depending on the FET Speed Controller).
※ When the cursor is on either of EPA-H/EPA-B, it is also possible to move the cursor by trigger
※Make sure the servos ●When EPA setting value is too large on
do not lock and make the fully open side of the carburetor
○ Setting range: H/B 0~ 150% clicking sound Note and the brake side for throttle linkage,
○ Default:  H/B 100% the servo is locked, and it can cause
the motor malfunction and runway. 35
How to use each feature
AUX1 End Point Adjustment
● You can use AUX1 for functions of accessories and adjust the maximum steering angle (operating
range) with EPA. Since you can set H (High) /L (Low) separately, the precise adjustment is possible.
※ When setting AUX1 to [CODE5/ CODE 10] in AUX TYPE, the operation will not be reflected even by
adjusting EPA.
[AUX1] selection by select operation
1)Before adjusting AUX1 End Point Adjustment (AUX1-EPA), make
a neutral adjustment of the servo (P.37).
・Neutral adjustment is to align the center position with Sub Trim
by turning the power on and installing the servo horn in the
approximate center position.

2)Select [AUX1] with the Select button, select either of [EPA-H/

EPA-L] with the touchpad and determine with the Enter.

3)Adjust the operating range with the touchpad.

○ Setting range: H/L 0~ 150%
○ Default:   H/L 100%

AUX2 End Point Adjustment

● You can use AUX2 for functions of accessories and adjust the maximum steering angle (operating
range) with EPA. Since you can set H (High) /L (Low) separately, the precise adjustment is possible.
※ When setting AUX2 to [CODE5/ CODE 10] in AUX TYPE, the operation will not be reflected even by
adjusting EPA.
[AUX2] selection by select operation
1) Before adjusting AUX2 End Point Adjustment (AUX2-EPA),
make a neutral adjustment of the servo (P.37).
・Neutral adjustment is to align the center position with Sub Trim
each feature
How to use

by turning the power on and installing the servo horn in the

approximate center position.

2)Select [AUX2] with the Select button, select either of [EPA-H/

EPA-L] with the touchpad and determine with the Enter.

3) Adjust the operating range with the touchpad.

○ Setting range: H/L 0~ 150%
○ Default:   H/L 100%

Sub Trim[SUB-T] BASE
● Using the Sub Trim feature, correct the neutral (center) of Steering / Throttle / AUX 1 / AUX 2 so that
trim can be used in the center position. When installing a servo on to an RC car, center the servo with
Sub Trim first before adjusting End Point Adjustment.
1)Before starting, set each main trim at the center (0) before use.

2)Select [SUB - T] with the touchpad and select a channel (ST/

TH/AUX1/AUX2) to adjust Sub Trim by the select operation.

3)Determine by Enter operation in the channel to be set.

4)Install the servo horn (servo saver horn) at the place nearest to
the center position.
※ For installation position of the servo horn, follow the instruction SUB – T setting
manual of the RC car side.
Trim 1
5)Use the touchpad to adjust the center. Trim 2

 ○ Setting Range L150 ~ R150(ST)、

H150 ~ B150(TH)、
H150 ~ L150(AUX1、AUX2)
○ Default   0

Note 90°
● When installing the servo horn on the servo, fix the servo horn as close
to the center as possible and center it with Sub Trim. If Sub Trim and the
transmitter main trim are off to one side, it causes dead band (the area where
the servo does not move) to the steering wheel and the throttle trigger. Adjust centre position

● About Trim and Sub trim

Important Trim is a feature for adjusting the neutral (center) position of the servo. When your car does not run straight after installing the
steering servo onto the car body, Trim adjusts the main trim of the steering. Also, the neutral position of the carburetor in the engine
RC car needs neutral adjustment of the throttle servo along with linkage adjustment after installing the servo. Neutral position
adjustment is necessary not only after installing the servo but for changes that happen during running such as tire wear and
chassis twist. M17 Trim features two types of Trim including Center Trim that adjusts only the neutral position without changing

each feature
How to use
the end of the operating angle and Parallel Trim that moves the end of the operating angle and the neutral position simultaneously.
Sub Trim that adjusts the neutral (center) position before fixing the servo horn is the parallel trim and the main trim is Center Trim.

○ Center trim (Main Trim) ○ Parallel trim (Sub Trim)

Even if you move the neutral When you move the neutral position with
position with Trim, the end of Trim, the end of the operation angle also
the operation angle does not moves. When Sub Trim is adjusted after
move. linkage is completed, readjustment of End
Point Adjustment (EPA) will be necessary.

Reverse[REV] BASE
● This is used when the operation and the movement of the servo
are reversed for Steering / Throttle / AUX 1 / AUX 2.
1) Select [BASE] with the touch pad and select a channel to set (ST
/ TH / AUX 1 / AUX 2) by the select operation.
2)If you operate the touchpad by enter operation with the channels
to be set, the reverse setting will be changed.
※ When cancelling a selected feature, use the back operation.

○ Setting range NOR/REV
○ Default NOR
REV setting

How to use each feature
● Trim can adjust the trim of each channel and set the trim action (centre/parallel).

● Use the trim to correct the neutral (centre) of each channel (ST / TH / AUX 1 / AUX 2).
● In the initial setting, steering is set to trim 1 (TRM 1), and the throttle is set to trim 2 (TRM 2).
1)Select the channel (ST / TH / AUX 1 / AUX 2) for trim Channel selection by select operation
adjustment by SELECT operation.

2)Confirm with the ENTER operation n and adjust with the touchpad.

 ○ Setting Range ST:L100 ~ R100

TH:H100 ~ B100
AUX1:H100 ~ L100
AUX2:H100 ~ L100
 ○ Initial Value  ST:0
        TH:0 Trim 1
        AUX1:0   Trim 2

※ During operation, adjust the trim adjustment with TRM1 (ST),

TRM2 (TH). The position of the trim lever can be changed with
the key assignment trim function. (P.83)

● About TRIM
Important Trim is the function to adjust the neutral (centre) position of the servo. After installing the steering servo on
the car body, adjust it with trim while it is running and do not go straight ahead. Adjustment of neutral
position is necessary not only for servo installation but also for dealing with changes during running such as
each feature
How to use

tire wear and tear and twisting of chassis.

● The sub trim adjusts the centre position when adjusting the linkage. (P.37)

● The trim operation of each channel can be set to centre trim (CENT) and parallel trim (PARA).
● In the initial setting, steering is set to Trim 1 (TRM 1), and the throttle is set to Trim 2 (TRM 2).
1)Select [TRIM] by touchpad and define by enter operation
Select the channel (ST / TH / AUX 1 / AUX to be set with the SELECT operation.
Channel selection by select operation
2)Confirm with ENTER operation and adjust with the touch pad.

 ○ Setting range CENT (centre trim) / PARA (parallel trim)

 ○ Initial value  CENT (centre trim)

● About centre trim and parallel trim

Important There are two kinds of trims: one is centre trim, which during trim operation adjusts only the neutral position while keeping
the end of the motion angle intact and the other is parallel trim, which move end of motion angle and neutral position
together during trim operation. The parallel trim is sub trim that adjusts the neutral (centre) position before confirming
the sub horn and the main trim is the selection formula of centre trim and parallel trim. Please set according to the use.
○ Centre Trim ○ Parallel Trim
Even if you move the neutral When you move the neutral position
position with trim, the end of with trim, the end of the operating angle
the operating angle will not also moves together.
move. If the sub trim is adjusted after linkage
is performed, it is necessary to readjust
the end-point adjustment (EPA).

each feature
How to use

How to use each feature
● It converts the trim adjusted for each channel to sub trim and EPA and corrects trim to centre.
Depending on the setting, the conversion may not be possible.
1)Select [TRIM] by touchpad and define by enter operation.
Channel selection by select operation
Select the channel (ST / TH / AUX 1 / AUX 2) to convert by the
select operation.

2)After the channel to be set is decided, convert function is

operated by ENTER operation.

3)As an example, if the conversion function is used when the

steering trim is [L20] and the EPA is 100% each, it will be as
the flow in the right figure. The trim becomes centre (0), the trim
movement is converted to sub trim and EPA.
※ Convert can be set for each channel.

each feature
How to use

Conversion complete

● The Feeling function allows you to adjust the Response Time of the Steering and Throttle channels to
fine-tune the sensitivity of these controls.
Channel selection by select operation
1) Select [FEELING] with the touchpad and confirm with the enter
2) Select the channel (ST / TH) for setting FEELING by scrolling left
or right, and confirm with the enter operation.
3) After selecting the channel to set up, press enter operation again,
and adjust the setting by scrolling up or down.

 ○ Setting Range  ST:7S ~1S

TH:7S ~1S
 ○ Initial Value   ST:7S

※ Select 7S for the fastest response.

Adjust between 7S to 1S to fine tune the desired response
feeling.Select 1S will result in slowest response and rough
※ You do not need to re-BIND even if you change the setting.
※ The Response Mode selected during BIND operation will not be
affect by this function.
※ FEELING setting is only available for Steering and Throttle.


● By moving the neutral position of the throttle, you can set the operation ratio between the forward side
and the brake (reverse) side to either 7: 3 or 5: 5.
※ Please set the throttle type which is suitable for your speed controller.

each feature
How to use
1) Select [TYPE] with the touchpad and confirm with enter.
※ TYPE is not displayed unless the throttle channel is selected.

2) Throttle type setting (TH TYPE)

Set the throttle type with the touchpad.

 ○ Setting Range F 7:B 3/F 5:B 5

 ○ Initial Value  F 7:B 3 

※ If you change the TH TYPE, a confirmation screen will pop up and

a message will be displayed on the screen. Select YES to confirm ENTER BACK
your new setting.

How to use each feature
● Anti-lock brakes make it possible to achieve stable braking on a low grip surface.
● Since the braking is stable, you can trace the cornering line as desired.

1)Select [ALB] by touchpad and define by enter operation.

※ ALB is not displayed unless the throttle channel is selected.

2)Setting of STROKE
Set the ALB stroke with the touchpad.
The stroke is the amount of brake reduction applied during the
“OFF”time of ALB braking.\
 ○ Setting Range OFF、0 ~ 100%
 ○ Initial Value OFF ※ When OFF, ALB will not operate.

3)Setting of POINT
Set the ALB point with the touchpad.
Point is the starting brake point when ALB is activated.
○ Setting Range  5% ~ 100%
○ Initial Value 80% ENTER BACK
4)Setting of LAG
Set ALB lag with the touchpad.
LAG is the time delay (in second) until ALB start to operate.
 ○ Setting Range 0.00s ~ 1.00s
○ Initial Value  0.00s

5)Setting of Cycle
Set the ALB cycle with the touchpad.
CYCLE is the period (in second) for each alternating cycle of ON /
OFF braking during ALB.
Set each parameter
 ○ Setting Range 0.01s ~ 1.00s
each feature
How to use

○ Initial Value  0.03s

6)Setting of DUTY
Set duty of ALB with the touch pad.
DUTY is the ratio of ON / OFF braking during ALB.
 〇 Setting Range 20 ~ 100%
〇 Initial Value  50%

※ The function LED blinks during the anti-lock brake operation.


Full brake
Servo operation

B A Duty
(ratio of A and B)

Position of point
※Operate ALB when operating from
Duty A: brake ON
position of point to full brake. Brake operation Duty B: brake OFF

● Adjust the brake such that the tire of the RC car does not lose the grip force (does not slide), so that the brake is
strengthened and the anti-lock brake will work just before the tire locks and slides.
Supplement ● If ALB is set by using the speed controller with the back of the electric RC car, the back operation may become
impossible. To use back operation, please turn off ALB.

● The Throttle Offset function allows you to temporarily shift the Neutral Point of the Throttle to help in
GP car’s engine start up.
● The Neutral Point of the Throttle can be raised so that the engine does not stop during refueling of the
car. [I-UP]
● The Neutral Point of the Throttle can be locked to a low position to stop the engine. For example, when
trying shut down engine for GP boat. [TH CUT]
● The Neutral Point of the Throttle can be shifted to a low position to apply neutral brake (drag brake)
for EP cars. [N-BR]
● The ON/OFF toggle of Throttle Offset function is not assigned to any switch or button by default.
When using this function, please assign it in Key Assignment. (Page 82, 83)

Servo operation volume

1)Select [OFFSET] with the touchpad and confirm with enter
※ OFFSET is not displayed unless the throttle channel is selected. When OFFSET
position is set as plus

2)Offset setting Neutral position

set the offset function ON / OFF with the touch pad. when OFFSET
position is set as plus

 ○ Setting Range ON/OFF Trigger operation volume

 ○ Initial Value  OFF
Neutral position of normal

3)Setting of TYPE
Neutral position when OFFSET
Set the offset type with the touchpad. position is set as minus

When OFFSET position

 ○ Setting Range  I-UP (Idle Up) / N-BR (Neutral Brake) / is set as minus

TH CUT (Throttle Cut)

 ○ Initial Value   I-UP

4)Setting of POINT
Set the offset point with the touchpad.

each feature
How to use
 ○ Setting Range 0% ~ 100%
 ○ Initial Value  0%

5)Setting of BEEP
Set offset operation alarm (BEEP)

 ○ Setting Range ON/OFF
 ○ Initial Value  ON

※ The function LED blinks during offset function operation.

How to use each feature
● AUX is a function to set the operation of AUX 1, AUX 2 (3 ch, 4 ch). You can choose from STEP AUX
(STEP), POINT AUX (POINT), 4WS (4 wheel steering: same phase, opposite phase), MOA (Front and rear
drive), Brake mixing (BR-MIX), Dual Steering (Dual STEERING) and Code AUX.
※ Set the AUX TYPE by the system menu. Please set according to the application to use.


● By setting the step AUX function, the motion amount can be set by the operation of
the assigned trim or switch.
● During factory shipment, the AUX function is set to step

1)Select [AUX] with the touchpad and confirm with the

enter operation.

2)Confirm the [CH] movement through operation of

STEP AUX setting (STEP AUX) and set the motion
position with the touchpad.
※ The motion amount can also be set in EPA (end-point
adjustment P.36).
※ Please use the function by assigning trim or dial by
key assignment according to usage.

Operation position display

each feature
How to use


● By setting POINT AUX, it is possible to move the servo to the point set by assigning the operation
of AUX 1 / AUX 2 (3ch / 4 ch) to the switch or trim.
Since you can set the moved point with EPA (end-point
adjustment), adjust the point position according to the usage.
※ The number of points will be 2 to 6 points and shall be
set with AUX TYPE.

1)Select [AUX] with touch pad and confirm with

ENTER operation.

2)Confirm the [CH] moved by the select operation of

Point Aux Setting (POINT AUX) and set the motion ENTER BACK
point with the touchpad.

※ Please set to [POINT AUX] with [AUX TYPE] of

[SYSTEM] according to usage.
※ Assign functions to dials and trims by key
assignment or please operate with the touch pad.

4 Wheel steering (4 wheel steering: same phase/opposite phase [4 WS] AUX
● The operation of 4 wheel steering (4 wheel steering) is controlled by the operation of the assigned trim and switch.

1)Select [AUX] with touch pad and confirm with enter


2)Motion mode setting

Set the 4WS motion mode with the touchpad.
Set the motion mode according to usage.
※ When using while running please assign the function of
motion mode to trim or switch.

[Steering Operation Image]

F – ST
(F steer)
< L side operation> <Neutral> < R side operation>

(reverse phase)

< L side operation> <Neutral> < R side operation>

Servo monitor
NOR Switch-over of operation mode
(same phase)

< L side operation> <Neutral> < R side operation>

(R steer)

each feature
How to use
< L side operation> <Neutral> < R side operation>

How to use each feature
MOTOR ON AXLE [MOA] (Front and rear drive) AUX
● By setting motor on the axle (MOA), front rear drive ratio can be adjusted with front and rear 2
motor specification body.
1)Select [AUX] with the touchpad and confirm with the enter
2)Motion Mode Setting
Set the MOA motion with the touchpad.
※ Set step setting for changing front and rear drive distribution with
※ When using, assign the function to trim, dial, or operate with the
touch pad. (Key Assignment Page 82, 83)
※ Connect the speed controller that controls the rear motor to the
channel (AUX 1 / AUX 2) where TYPE is set to MOA.

[MOA operation image]

Front Front Front driving

driving driving OFF

Rear driving Rear

OFF driving Rear driving
The front and rear driving ratio can be adjusted by changing the ratio.
Front – rear driving ratio
Servo monitor

Brake mixing [BR-MIX] AUX

● It is a function that adjusts the operation timing when the brakes are operating when the front and
each feature
How to use

rear brakes of 1/5 scale engine RC car are controlled by servo other than throttle servo.

1)Select [BR-MIX] using the touch pad and confirm it by Enter


2)Setting brake delay (BR-DELAY)

Set BR operation timing using the touchpad.

 〇 Setting range 0 to 100%

 〇 Initial value 0%

3)Brake 2 delay setting (BR2-DERAY)

Set BR2 operation timing using the touch pad. ENTER BACK

 〇 Setting range 0 to 100%

 〇 Initial value 0%

Displays brake operation

Setting of mixing rate
● Operation volume of left and right can be separately adjusted by loading 2 steering servos.
● Smooth cornering can be realised by adjustment of Ackerman function.

1)Select [AUX] by touchpad and define by enter operation.

2)Setting of dual steering (DUAL ST)

Decide items to be set by select operation and set DUAL
ST by the operation of the touchpad.
※ Set the left-right servo operation volume by EPA.
(Endpoint adjust P.36, 37)

3) Setting of Ackerman (ACKERMAN)

Set cornering characteristics by the setting of Ackerman.
※ Always do the adjustment of Ackerman after
completing adjustment of left-right servo operation.  
 〇 Setting range + 100 ~ 0 ~ - 100
 〇 Initial value  0  Setting of Ackerman Setting of dual rate operation

4)Setting of dual rate (DUAL RATE)

Adjust steering operation volume at the time of
performing maximum steering operation.
 〇 Setting range 0 ~ 150%
 〇 Initial value  100%

5)Setting of steering L (ST - L)

Set the operation volume of steering left side.
 〇 Setting range 0 ~ 150% Setting of steering L / R
 〇 Initial value  100% Displays steering operation
Setting of centre
6)Setting of steering R (ST - R) Setting of toe

each feature
How to use
Set the operation volume of steering right side.
 〇 Setting range 0 ~ 150%
 〇 Initial value  100%

7)Setting of centre (Centre) and toe (TOE)

Set centre and toe of the steering.
 〇 Setting range  Centre (CENTRE) L100 ~ 0 ~ R100
        Toe (TOE) + 100 ~ 0 ~ - 100
 〇 Initial value   Centre 0
        Toe   0

※ Do the adjustment of operation volume of left and right servo by

EPA in SETTING BASE (endpoint adjust).

How to use each feature
● Function of mixing from throttle to flap by setting boat AUX.
1)Select [AUX] by touchpad and define by enter operation.

2)Setting of the boat (BOAT)

Decide the function to be operated by select operation and
set operation volume and mixing volume by the touchpad.

〇 Setting range FLAP L100 ~ 0 ~ H100

       Throttle → FLAP -100 ~ 0 ~ 100
〇 Initial value  FLAP 0
       Throttle → FLAP 0


Setting of flap operation volume

Setting of mixing rate
each feature
How to use

● Two Code type is available depending on the type of equipment you use. CODE 5 has 5 codes
available , and CODE 10 has 10 codes available.
● The Code AUX function is used with SSL-compatible accessories, such as a Super Vortex series ESC,
PGS series Servos, and SGS series Gyros, whose Programming Parameters can be changed directly via
the transmitter.
※ Code 10 compatible equipment is PGS servo, SUPER VORTEX Gen 2 PRO / Gen 2, SUPER VORTEX
● Settings of two systems CODE AUX 1 and CODE AUX 2 are available.
※ CODE AUX is only available when you have selected CODE 5 or CODE 10 in AUX TYPE setting. (Refer
to Page 85) If you set the [MODE] setting to [USER], you can customize the respective code's display
※ When using the AUX channel as CODE AUX, be sure to set the AUX1 / AUX2 response mode type
to [SHR] in [BIND] setting. (Refer to Page 79-81)
※ When using CODE AUX, never connect servos to CH3 and CH4 of the receiver to be used.
※ When using CODE AUX, assign the function to trim or dial with key assignment, or operate with the
touch pad.

1)Select [AUX] with touch pad and confirm with enter operation.

2)Setting of code AUX (CODE AUX)

(CODE 01 ~ CODE 05 / CODE 01 ~ CODE 10)
Select AUX1 / AUX2 with the enter operation, and adjust the setting
value with touch pad.

 ○ Setting range  AUX TYPE: CODE 5 CODE 01~05 : -100 to 100

AUX TYPE: CODE 10 CODE 01~10: -100 to 100
 ○ Initial value   AUX TYPE: CODE 5 CODE 01~05 : 0
AUX TYPE: CODE 10 CODE 01~10 : 0

each feature
How to use
※ Please set each parameter according to the equipment to be used.

※ When AUX TYPE is set to CODE 5 / CODE 10, the CODE AUX
setting status will be displayed as shown below on the servo monitor

When TYPE setting is [ CODE 10] and

MODE setting is [ SV – STK]

Bar display when AUX TYPE = CODE AUX

CODE 1 parameter
CODE 4 parameter
CODE 3 parameter
CODE 6 parameter
CODE 2 parameter
When MODE setting is [ USER]

+100 0 -100
CODE 5 parameter
CODE 10 parameter
CODE 9 parameter
CODE 7 parameter
CODE 8 parameter

How to use each feature
● Mixing between channels and mixing with a single channel is possible.
● Other than C-MIX 1 ~ 5, it includes tank (TANK), limiter function.

C-MIX1 ~ 5(compensation mixing1 ~ 5) Mixing [MIXING]

● Master channel can select either direct data or data containing calculation and trim (#ST etc.).
● C-MIX is a combination of 5 systems of C-MIX 1 ~ C-MIX5 which can be simultaneously operated.
● It has offset function and base point of master mixing can be moved.
● Easy-to-understand graph display can be set.
100 100
Example) MASTER: ST1, L10 %, R10 %, SLAVE: TH, OFFSET: 0
※ ※
Steering Master Master
Operation Servo Output CH1
operation Steering servo

100x0.1=10 ※Data output of steering operation

  (10%) 10 10
C-MIX becomes master and data、 output
after operation becomes # master.
Steering wheel Throttle operation
Operation Servo Output CH2 Throttle servo

Control of steering is generally steering operation "operation" servo output (CH1).
In the function of C-MIX, when steering is moved 100 as shown in the above figure, servo of CH1 moves 100
and simultaneously, 10 % (10) of the steering operation and servo of CH2 are operated.
Steering of this time (CH1) is called as master (MASTER) and CH2 that operated 10 % is called as a slave (SLAVE).

Setting Name Output data content

ST Steering Steering operation data

ST#1 Steering #1 Operation in steering that includes SPEED, CURVE

each feature
How to use

ST#2 Steering #2 Operation in steering that includes SPEED, CURVE, D/R, EPA

TH Throttle Throttle operation data

TH#1 Throttle #1 Operation in the throttle that includes SPEED, CURVE, OFFSET

TH#2 Throttle #2 Operation in the throttle that includes SPEED, CURVE, OFFSET, D/R, EPA, ALB

AUX1 AUX1 AUX1 operation data

AUX1#1 AUX1#1 Operation in AUX1 that includes SPEED, CURVE, OFFSET (when OFFSET is MOA / BR)

AUX1#2 AUX1#2 Operation in AUX1 that includes SPEED, CURVE, OFFSET, D/R, EPA, ALB (when OFFSET and ALB are MOA / BR)

AUX2 AUX2 AUX2 operation data

AUX2#1 AUX2#1 Operation in AUX2 that includes SPEED, CURVE, OFFSET (when OFFSET is MOA / BR)

AUX2#2 AUX2#2 Operation in AUX2 that includes SPEED, CURVE, OFFSET, D/R, EPA, ALB (when OFFSET and ALB are MOA / BR)

1)Select <C-MIX1 ~ C-MIX5> of C-MIX by touchpad.

2) Setting of the master (MASTER)

Select the function of setting to master by touchpad.

 ○ Setting range  ST、#ST、#L-ST、#F/ST、TH、#TH、

3)Setting of a slave (SLAVE)
 Select the function of setting to the slave by the touchpad.

 ○ Setting range ST、TH、AUX1(AUX)、BR、BR2、AUX2

4)Setting of mixing (RATE1 / RATE2)

Set the mixing volume of rate1 and rate 2 by the touchpad.

 ○ Setting range RATE1:-150%~ 150%

        RATE2:-150% ~ 150%
  Bar graph of mixing Bar graph of the
 ○ Initial value  RATE1:0% volume with slave master operation

5)Setting of OFFSET (OFFSET)

 In case of selecting function of the master with #, compensate R side - % R side - %
graph display graph display
the“gap”of trim by the function of offset.
 ○ Setting range -150 ~ 150
○ Initial value 0
L side + % L side + %
graph display graph display
① Case of compensating“gap”of trim by offset when the master is #ST

each feature
How to use

●Case wherein steering is at the neutral position, ●Value of offset is adjusted to + side, the
there is a“gap”in the bar graph as shown in vertical axis is moved to left and“gap”of
the above figure in trim etc. the bar graph is cancelled.

② Case wherein mixing is maximum when turning fully to right regardless of mixing at the time of turning
fully to left by dial (AUX) etc. in case of changing base point of mixing of master

Mixing Mixing

Dial (DIAL)

Can be 0 % as the offset is

100 and there is no operation
●When the master is AUX1, the operation does
on L side not exceed 100. Hence, the value of offset can be 100.
How to use each feature
Tank [TANK] Mixing [MIXING]
● Function of operating infinite railroad track installed with caterpillar for tanks by setting TANK (tank).
Sway turning, and super sway turning is possible by steering/throttle operation based on mixing steering
and throttle channel.
● When TANK function is set, the case of only steering function becomes super sway turning and when
combined with throttle operation, turning radius at the time of sway turning changes.
1)Select < TANK > of MIXING by touchpad.

2) Setting of tank
Set function of the tank by touchpad.

 ○ Setting range  Tank:ON/OFF

        Forward:0 ~ 100
        Reverse:0 ~ 100
        Left:0 ~ 100
        Right:0 ~ 100
 〇 Initial value  Tank:OFF 
each feature
How to use

Limiter [LIMITER] Mixing [MIXING]
● Function of setting a limit (position above which operation is not performed) in servo operation.
Used if servo operation volume exceeds due to duplication of mixing or for preventing damage to the linkage.

1)Select < LIMITER > of MIXING by touchpad.

2) Setting of the channel (CHANNEL LIMIT)

Select channel for which limiter is to be set by touchpad.

 ○ Setting range  ST L:0 ~ 150(OFF)

        ST R:0 ~ 150(OFF)
        TH H:0 ~ 150(OFF)
        TH B:0~ 150(OFF)
        AUX1 H:0~ 150(OFF)
        AUX1 L:0~ 150(OFF) ENTER BACK
        AUX2 H:0~ 150(OFF)
       AUX2 L:0 ~ 150(OFF)

 〇 Initial value  ST L:OFF


each feature
How to use

How to use each feature
● Three timer functions of lap timer, interval timer, down timer are provided.
● Select timer and operate the select button then it will switch between the timer screen and the setting screen.
※ The function LED blinks during timer operation.


● Measured lap time can be checked by the LAP TIMER screen.

● When the ENTER operation is carried out with the lap timer
running/stopped, the lap time display is switched.
Each lap time can be checked by touch pad operation.

Select operation ⇔

Select operation
each feature
How to use

Select operation

● Set various timers in the setup menu.
 The alarm will be activated by setting the goal time.
 ○ Setting Range 00:00 ~ 99:59 (00:01 unit)
 ○ Initial Value   5:00

2)Setting of INTERVAL (Interval) [ INT1/INT2]

Operate alarm for the set time at the time of running and use it as a
criterion for target time.

 ○ Setting Range 00:00~99:59:99 ENTER BACK

 ○ Initial Value  01:00

3)Setting of DOWN TIME (Downtime)

Becomes criterion for running time of electric RC car or calculation
of fuel consumption in engine RC car.
Can be set up to 99:59 in the unit of 1 second.
Can be changed over to up timer after completion of down timer
and time passed after completion can be checked.

 ○ Setting Range 00:00~99:59

 ○ Initial Value  05:00 Select operation

4) Setting of lap function (LAP FUNCTION)

Configure log (records) of telemetry data in conjunction with the
 〇 Setting Range OFF/ON(1s)/ON(10ms)/VOICE

each feature
 〇 Initial Value  ON(1S)

How to use
※ Link LAP FUNCTION to lap timer.

5)Setting of SYNC – START (sync start)

Can be started by linking the respective timer function as per setting.
(Only at the time of start)

Setting items LAP/INT 1/INT2/DOWN

Initial value  LAP、INT 1、INT 2

How to use each feature
● Each lap can be measured and recorded up to 999 laps. (Common to models)
● The pre-alarm (PRE-ALM) is loaded and the alarm rings automatically before the goal.
1)Select [TIMER] with the touchpad and confirm with ENTER
2)Timer start
The switch of the timer is set to SW1 with an initial value.
When you press and hold SW1 for a long time, the timer
enters the start standby state, and when you press SW1
again or operate the throttle trigger, measurement starts.
3)Lap time is measured each time SW1 is operated.
The switch does not work for 3 seconds after operating
4)End measurement ENTER BACK
Press and hold SW1 to end the measurement.
※ The lap time measured on the LAP TIMER screen can be
checked. When the enter operation is performed while the
lap timer is operating/stopped on the LAP TIMER screen, the
lap time display is switched. Each lap time can be checked by
touch pad operation. (Not available on SETUP screen)
5)Check of various lap time
Lap time measured can be checked in the LAP LIST. If engine
operation is performed while lap timer is being operated/stopped,
it changes to lap time display. Each lap time can be checked by

operation of touchpad. Total time, best lap, average lap can be
Select operation
displayed and lap time for each round can be checked. (Not possible
on SETUP screen)

※ When the power switch is turned off with the timer

running, the timer is reset.
※ If a timer is set in SW1 / SW2 and it is long pressed and
held even other than the timer-setting screen, it enters the
each feature
How to use

start standby state.

Switch 1

Interval timer 1/2 [INT TIMER 1/2] TIMER
● Activate the alarm at the time set during driving, and use it as a guide for the target time.
● There are 2 systems in interval timer namely INT1 and INT2 and these can be operated simultaneously.

1)Select [TIMER] with the touchpad and confirm with enter.

2)TYPE Setting
Operate the select button and select [INT] with [TYPE].


Set the interval timer, using [INTERVAL].

4)Interval Timer Start

The switch of the timer is set to SW1 with the initial value.
When you press and hold SW1 for a long time, the timer enters the start ENTER BACK
standby state, and when you press SW1 again or operate the throttle
trigger, measurement starts.

5)Each time SW1 is operated, the interval timer is reset.

6)End Measurement
Press and hold SW1 to end the measurement.
※ When the power switch is turned OFF with the timer running, the timer
is reset.
※ If a timer is set in SW1 / SW2 and it is long pressed and held even
other than the timer setting screen, it enters the start standby state.

each feature
How to use
Switch 1

How to use each feature
● It is a measure of the fuel efficiency in the running time of the electric RC car and the engine RC car.
● 1-second units until 99: 59 can be set.
● After the down timer ends, it switches to the up timer and the elapsed time after the end can be
1)Select [TIMER] with the touchpad and confirm the operation
with enter.

2)TYPE Setting
Operate the select button and select [DOWN] with [TYPE].
※ Please set the down timer with [GOAL - TIME] of SETUP.

3)Down Timer Start

The switch of the timer is set to SW1 by the initial value.
When you press and hold SW1 for a long time, the timer
enters the start standby state, and when you press SW1 again ENTER BACK
or operate the throttle trigger, measurement starts.

4)Each time SW1 is operated, the down timer is reset.

5)End Measurement
Press and hold SW1 to end the measurement.
※ When the power switch is turned off with the timer
running, the timer is reset.
※ If a timer is set in SW1 and it is long pressed and held even
other than the timer setting screen, it enters the start standby
each feature
How to use

Switch 1

Racing Mode Function [R-MODE FUNCTION] TIMER
● Do setting of R-MODE linked by timer by racing mode function.
1)Setting of MODE (Mode)
Link with timer and change setting of R-MODE (racing mode).

 〇 Setting range R-MODE UP/R-MODE DOWN/OFF

 〇 Initial value  OFF

※ R-MODE UP Setting of R-MODE increases with the passage of the set time
R-MODE DOWN Setting of R-MODE lowers with the passage of the set time
OFF Setting is set to OFF.
2)Setting of START TIME (start time)
Operate function of function after the passage of the time set in

 〇 Setting range 00:00~00:00
 〇 Initial value   --:--

3)Setting of INTERVAL (interval)

  Setting of R-MODE changes at the time set in INTERVAL.

 〇 Setting range 00:00~00:00 Select operation
 〇 Initial value  --:--

※ According to the setting of R - MODE UP / DOWN, racing mode

changes as 1 → 2 → 3 → 4 → 5 and 5 → 4 → 3 → 2 → 1 after the
passage of time. however, it stops at the upper or lower limit.

each feature
How to use

How to use each feature
TELEMETRY MIXING, RX MODE associated with telemetry.
● For using telemetry function, it can be made compatible by using a compatible receiver, sensor, PGS
servo, SUPER VORTEX series, SV-PLUS series.
● In telemetry, data such as temperature 2 systems, battery voltage, number of rotations can be checked
by using the transmitter.

 LOG DATA: Menu that manages the recorded log data.

 TELEMETRY SETTING: Various settings of telemetry functions.
 GRAPH SETTING: Setting at the time of displaying telemetry data
as a graph.
 TELEMETRY SWITCH: Various settings of switch that operates
based on telemetry data.
 TELEMETRY MIXING: Various settings for mixing telemetry data or
data obtained from the sensor with each channel.
 RX MODE: Function by which M17 transmitter becomes telemetry
logger based on binding the compatible telemetry transmitter (M12S/ ENTER BACK
※ In case of FH3 of M11X / EXZES X / MX-3X/GEMINI X, only
operation data is monitored.
each feature
How to use

● It is a function to manage log data such as reading logged data, graphing it, saving it to micro SD card,
erasing log data and so on.

1)Select [LOGGER] with the touchpad and confirm with enter.

2)Select [LOG DATA] and confirm with enter.

3)Select the saved log data with the touchpad.

As you press enter the menu will be displayed, so select the menu
and confirm by enter operation.

・VIEW DATA: Read logged data and graph it.

・DATA NAME: Edit file name of log data. ENTER BACK
・EXPORT [CSV]: Convert to CSV format and save to micro SD.
・PROTECT: Conserve log data by protecting it.
・DELETE: Delete the log data.


each feature
How to use

How to use each feature
● It is a menu to read recorded log data and graph it.

1)Select [LOG DATA] with the touchpad and confirm with enter.

2)Select the log data to graph and confirm with enter operation.

3)When log data is selected, a menu will be displayed, so [VIEW

DATA] is selected, the log data will be graphed and displayed.

4)Display size setting

When processing a graph while it is being displayed, the displayed ENTER BACK
size becomes the setting.
※ The setting of page 1 depends on the setting of DATA-LOG
 〇 Setting range: 2.75s /PAGE:1 page/2.75s
        5.5s/PAGE:1 page/5.5s
        11s/PAGE:1 page/11s
        22s/PAGE:1 page/22s
         44s/PAGE:1 page/44s
88s/PAGE:1 page/88s
        4.5m/PAGE:1 page/4.5min
        9.1m/PAGE:11 page/9.1min
        18.3m/PAGE:1 page/18.3min
        36.6m/PAGE:1 page/36.6min
        73.3m/PAGE:1 page/73.3min
       146.6m/PAGE:1 page/146.6min

 〇 Default value:    4.5m/PAGE

each feature
How to use

Setting of display size ENTER BACK

5)Method of moving pages

If the select operation is carried out while graphing display page
movement method can also be set.

 〇 Setting range: Cursor / Page / Wrap

 〇 Default: Cursor

※ If enter operation is carried out on the graphing screen, it

moves to the lap list.

● This function changes the file name of the selected log data.
● The alphabet and symbols can be used in the file names.
1)Select [LOG DATA] with the touchpad and determine with Enter

2)Select the log data to change the file name determine with Enter.
3)Setting of the data name
Move the cursor“_”to the position where the characters are to
be input using the touchpad.
When the cursor position is determined, it will shift to the ENTER BACK
selection of the input character.
※ Determination of input characters.
4)Select the characters to enter with the touchpad.
When the input characters are determined, input with enter
 〇 Setting range: A ~ Z、0 ~ 9

※ When changing the selected character or moving the cursor

of character input, cancel the operation by back operation. ENTER BACK
Click [CHANGE] after completing the character input
5)When the character input is completed, the data name is
switched by enter operation for [CHANGE] next to the data

each feature
How to use
Character position cursor
(blinks when the cursor is moved)
Input character selection cursor

How to use each feature
● This function converts the selected log data so that it can be graphed with spreadsheet software etc.
of PC (personal computer).
● Please note that the data converted by the export function cannot be graphed by the transmitter.
● To use the export function, a micro SD card is required.

1)Select the touch pad [LOG DATA] and confirm with enter.

2)Select log data to be exported and confirm with enter operation.

※ Enter operation will shift to CSV file name (file name change).

3)CSV File Name Setting

While changing the format file name can also be changed.
Character input is the same as the method of data name, so please
refer to that. ENTER BACK
4)Conversion to CSV File format
Move the cursor to [SAVE], and confirm by enter operation.
※ Conversion work can be cancelled by back operation during data
※ After the data conversion, move the data to the PC via the micro
SD card and display the graph.

each feature
How to use


● It protects (protects) log data so that it is not deleted by mistake.
1)Select [LOG DATA] with the touchpad and confirm with enter.

2)Select the log data to protected and confirm with enter operation.
※ Protection is enabled/disabled each time the enter operation is



each feature
How to use
Protect mark

How to use each feature
● This function deletes log data.
● Protected log data cannot be deleted.

1)Select [LOG DATA] with the touchpad and confirm with enter.

2)Select the log data to delete and confirm with enter operation.
A confirmation screen will be displayed, so please operate according
to the screen display.


Warning ● care
Since log data cannot be restored once deleted,
should be taken while handling the data.

each feature
How to use

● Set each function of telemetry. Select the function which is to be set with the select operation.

・SETTING TLM1/TLM2: Data name of setting [NAME] TEMP1/TEMP2 of

temperature/speed telemetry data can be changed up to 3 characters. [UNIT]
Switching of temperature settings and speed display (℃ / F/ KM [unit of speed
can be changed])
[MAX] Graph upper limit setting when displaying data in the graph
[ALERT] Operate the alarm at the set temperature.
※ Alarm OFF can also be set. ( ※ It cannot be set when displaying the speed)
[MIN] Setting of graph lower limit value when the data was displayed in a graph

・SETTING RPM: Setting of frequency data and the speed calculated from frequency data. ENTER BACK
[UNIT] Switch between frequency and speed display (RPM, km/h, mph)
[MAX SCALE] Setting of graph upper limit value when data was displayed in
the graph.

・RATIO: RATIO (Ratio) when the optional rotation sensor is installed in the
subtracted position, the rotation speed of the motor and the engine can be
inversely calculated and displayed.
  ○ Setting range 0.001 ~ 64.999

  ○ Default setting: 1.000 Select operation
・10 COUNT DIST: Measure the moving distance when the motor rotates 10
times at the time of setting to speed display of [10 count distances], calculate
the speed by setting that value and display it.
○ Setting range 1cm ~ 255cm
      ○ Default setting: 30cm       

・VOLT: The alarm operates at the set voltage according to the telemetry data,

and the LED also blinks. Select operation

each feature
[MAX VOLT] Setting of maximum voltage when displaying the graph

How to use
      ○ Setting range 3.0V ~ 9.0V、OFF
      ○ Default setting: 8.4V

[ALERT VOLT] Setting of alarm operating voltage

      ○ Setting range OFF/3.0V ~ 9.0V
      ○ Default setting: 3.8V

Select operation
[HOLD TIME] Setting of hold time
※ It is a function to ensure that the alarm is not operated in case of the
instantaneous voltage drop of throttle operation etc., in order to set the HOLD TIME.
      〇 Setting range 0.0sec ~ 5.0sec
      〇 Default setting: 1.0sec

[MIN VOLT] Setting of minimum voltage when the graph is displayed Select operation
      〇 Setting range 0.0V ~ 8.9V
〇 Default setting: 3.0V

[VOICE] Setting of reading function when an alert occurs

 〇 Setting range ON/OFF
  〇 Default setting: OFF

・TELEMETRY: The telemetry function can be turned ON / OFF even after BIND.
 ( ※ It is possible to switch ON/ OFF with ON setting of BIND TELEMETRY by
only FH 5 function.)
How to use each feature
● It is a function to select 3 items to display a graph when telemetry data is displayed in the graph.
1)Select [Telemetry] with the touchpad and enter with enter.
Select [GRAPH SETTING] with the touchpad and confirm with

 ○ Setting range ST/TH/TL1/TL2/RPM/VLT

ST: Steering operation data
        TH: throttle operation data
     TL1: Telemetry data 1
        TL2: Telemetry data 2 ENTER BACK
VLT: Receiver input voltage
        RPM: Frequency data
 ○ Default value LINE1: ST (steering data)
        LINE2: TH (throttle data)
        LINE3: TL1 (telemetry data 1)
LINE4: TL2 (telemetry data 2)
        LINE5: VLT (receiver input voltage)
        LINE6: RPM (frequency data)
 ※ In the graph, LINE1 is white, LINE2 is blue, LINE3 is green,
LINE4 is displayed in yellow, LINE5 in orange, and LINE6 in pink.
● It is a function that can operate the switch with the data based on the change of the telemetry data.
・TRIGGER: Selects data as the basis of switch operation.
・BORDER: It becomes the setting of the operation standard such as
each feature
How to use

temperature and voltage.

・FUNCTION: Assigns movement.
1)Select [Telemetry] with the touchpad and confirm with enter.
Select [TELEMETRY SWITCH] with the touchpad and confirm with
BORDER: For temperature setting 0 to150℃
For voltage setting 3.0 to 9.0 V
ACTIVE:Setting of operating range with respect to the BORDER (Hi/Low)
 ○ Default TRIGGER:OFF
        BORDER:--- (OFF) Example) TRIGGER:TL1 For the operation set in such a way,
        ACTIVE:--- BORDER:60℃ when the telemetry temperature
        FUNCTION:--- (OFF)   ACTIVE:Hi of TL1 exceeds 60 ° C, throttle
MODE:--- (OFF)  FUNCTION:TH 50% divergence is limited to 50% When
   MODE:ONE WAY MODE is ONE WAY, even if the
temperature falls below 60 ° C, it is
● Since the telemetry switch can also cancel setting by the not released.
3 systems of TLM-SW 1 ~ 3, depending on the setting,
68 Precaution care should be taken for the setting contents.
● Telemetry data and data obtained from the sensor can be mixed into each channel.
● The master channel can be selected from TLM 1/2 (telemetry data 1/2), VOLT (voltage), RPM (frequency) data.
● T-MIX has 3 systems of T-MIX 1 ~ T-MIX 3 and it can operated simultaneously.
● It has an offset function and the base point of the master can be moved.
● Easy to understand setting can be done by graph display.

Telemetry data
・TLM1 (telemetry 1)
・TLM2 (telemetry 2)
・VOLT (voltage)
・ RPM (frequency) T-MIX

CH1 Calculation CH1

CH2 Calculation CH2

CH3 Calculation output
CH4 Calculation CH4


1)Select [Telemetry] with the touchpad and determine with enter



Select [TELEMETRY MIXING] with the touchpad and determine with
enter operation

・ MIXING (Mixing): Function ON / OFF

※ DATA: Mix the telemetry raw
・MASTER (Master): Master setting of mixing operation
data to the slave as the master
・TYPE (type): Master data setting
・SLAVE (slave): Slave setting of mixing operation
ALERT: Mix telemetry alert ON /

each feature
How to use
・RATE1 / RATE2: Mixing amount setting
OFF to the slave as the master
・OFFSET: Changing the starting point of the master
 ○ Setting range
RATE1:-150%~ 150%
  RATE2:-150% ~ 150%
  OFFSET:-150 ~ 150

 〇 Default value

How to use each feature
● By setting RX MODE SETTING (and BIND setting), the M17 transmitter can be used as a telemetry
logger to monitor the operation and telemetry data from another compatible transmitter (M17 / M12S /
EXZES ZZ / MT-44 / MT-S / MT-4S / MT-4 / M11X / EXZES X / MX-3X / GEMINI X).
※ For FH 3 transmitters (M11X / EXZES X / MX-3X / GEMINI X), only monitor of operation data is

1)Select [TELEMETRY] with the touchpad and confirm with enter.

2)Setting of RX Mode Setting (RX MODE SETTING).
Select [RX MODE SETTING] with the touch pad and confirm with
3)Set [MODULATION] according to the transmitter type to be

 ○ Setting range FH5 / FH4T / FH3  

 ○ Default value FH5
※ Transmitter type FH5: M17

FH4T: M12S, M12RS, EXZES ZZ, MT-44,

MT-S, M12, EXZES Z, MT-4S, MT-4


4)BIND with the transmitter to be monitored.

Put the transmitter to be monitored in the BIND state, then tap
[ENTER] on the touch pad. The [ENTER] will flashes and then stop
blinking when binding is complete.
※ Please note that STEERING POINT / THROTTLE POINT cannot
be set unless BIND is completed.
each feature
How to use

5) Reading the steering operation amount

Select [STEERING POINT] by scrolling left or right on the touch pad. Select steering with touch pad
Keep the transmitter to be monitor in neutral, and press enter to
set the neutral point. Then, turn the steering wheel to the maximum
left and then maximum right. When it is within range, [OK] will be
displayed next to the value of NEUTRAL / LEFT END / RIGHT END,
please follow the instructions on the screen.

Turn steering wheel

6)Reading the throttle operation amount Select throttle with touch pad
Select [THROTTLE POINT] by scrolling left or right on the touch
pad. Keep the transmitter to be monitor in neutral, and press
enter to set the neutral point. Then, move the throttle trigger to
the maximum throttle and then maximum brake. When it is within
range, [OK] will be displayed next to the value, please follow the
instructions on the screen.

Move throttle trigger

〇 If the setting of RX MODE SETTING is correctly done, the data of

transmitter being monitored will be displayed on the logger screen.

each feature
How to use
Warning ● RX-MODE SETTING function is only available when transmitter is put in RX-MODE in
LAUNCHER menu (Refer to Page 23).

How to use each feature
● Functions for model select, model name, model copy, model clear can be set.
● High-capacity EEPROM is built in and, it can store data of 250 models, M 01 ~ M 250.


● Stored model data of M 01 ~ M 250 can be easily recalled.
1)Select [MODEL] with the touchpad and confirm
with enter.

2)Model select setting (MODEL SELECT)

Select [MODEL SELECT] with the touchpad and
confirm with enter.

3)Model Selection
Select the model you want to recall with the
 ○ Setting range M01 ~ M250 Current model display

4)As the cursor is moved to the model to be

recalled and confirmed with the enter operation, a
message will be displayed on the screen, so please
①Model screen
operate according to the display and perform model

RF MODE display
each feature
How to use


Model Select completion ①To model screen

● The M17 is equipped with the direct model select function.

Supplement When the power switch of the transmitter is turned on while pressing SW2, the launcher
function starts, and hence the models used in direct model selection can be easily opened (P.21)

● A model with the model name of up to 12 characters that contain alphabets,
numbers, syllables and symbols can be registered.

1)Select‘Model’using the touchpad and confirm by

using the Enter operation.

2)Setting MODEL NAME

Select ‘MODEL NAME’ using the touchpad and
confirm by using the Enter operation.

3)Setting model
Using the touchpad, move the cursor “_” to the
position where character“_”is to be input. Once the
position is decided, confirm the cursor position by ENTER BACK
touching enter.

4)By using the touchpad, select the characters to be
input. Once the characters to be input are determined,
use the Enter operation and input them. Changing
the alphabet/lower case/symbol/katakana is done by
using the select button.

※ When the selected character is to be changed or

position of the cursor where the character is to be
input is to be moved, cancel the action using back

 ○ Setting range A to Z, a to z, 0 to 9, aa to un
aa to tsu, symbols and spaces

5)Repeat 3), 4) and input the characters.

each feature
How to use
6)When the character input is completed, model name is
switched by enter operation for [CHANGE] next to the
model name.
Alphabet, lowercase letters, symbols Input character selection cursor
Character position cursor (blinks when the cursor is moved)
Click the [CHANGE] after completing the character input


How to use each feature
● The data of the selected model can be copied to another model.
1)Select‘Model’using the touchpad and confirm by
using the Enter operation.

2)Model copy setting

Select ‘MODEL COPY’ using the touchpad and
confirm by using the Enter operation.

3)Select a model for‘copying to’

Select a model in which data is to be copied using the ENTER BACK

※ A model from which data is to be copied can be

※ Micro SD card can also be selected for‘copy to’
and‘copy from’models. When the micro SD card is
selected in‘copy from’model and there is no model
data in micro SD card, then nothing is copied.

4)When enter operation is performed, a message is

displayed on the screen. Therefore, operate according
to the display and copy the model.

● About model copy mode

・FULL Copy
All the settings in the model data are copied. destination

Select the contents of SYSTEM of model data and
copy them
Copy source model Copy destination model Copy mode selection
each feature
How to use

Only the settings and set value of TH function AUX in
model data are copied.
Select the model copy mode according to the application. Copy

Return to
ENTER Switch over to
(Execute copy)


Return to after copying

● Regarding copy from micro SD card
When copying the model, the main memory and micro SD card can select the specification of the copy
source and copy destination.
It is can be selected by a Select operation when selecting a model on the copy destination selection

1) When the model is selected, the specification of the copy

source and copy destination can be selected other than
from the main memory.
It switches according to Select operation.

• MEMORY (Main memory): 250 Memory

• SD CARD (Micro SD card): 250 Memory
Enter operation


each feature
How to use

How to use each feature
● It is the function of clearing (initialisation) the set data of
the model.
1)Select the‘MODEL’using a touchpad and confirm by
using the Enter operation.


Select‘MODEL CLEAR’using the touchpad and confirm by
using the Enter operation.

3)Select model data for performing MODEL CLEAR. ENTER BACK

Model data in main memory and micro SD can be selected by
using the Select operation.

4)When Enter operation is performed, a message is displayed

on the screen; perform model clear according to the displayed

● About MODEL CLEAR mode

 All the settings in the model data are cleared.
 Select the contents of SYSTEM of model data and clear

 Only the settings and set value of TH function AUX in
model data are cleared.
Select it according to the application.
each feature
How to use

 Select according to the application.



Return to MODEL screen

Clear execution To


Return to the <MODEL> screen

after displaying flash twice

● The order in which model data is arranged can be switched by switching the selected model data to
another model data

1) Select [MOVE] with the touchpad and determine with enter


2) Setting of Move (MOVE)

Select [MOVE] with the touchpad and determine with enter

3) Selection of move ENTER BACK

Select the model to be switched by the touchpad.

 ○ Setting range M01 ~ M250

4) Move the cursor to the model to be switched and perform

the enter operation. Since a message is displayed on the screen,
operate according to the display and select the model.


Move model selection


each feature
How to use
①Move model decision

Enter operation


③Move being ②Move confirmation

executed screen


・NO →Back to①

・YES→③Move Execute

How to use each feature
● This function copies the racing mode setting data to another racing mode.
1)Select the touch pad [MODEL] and confirm with enter.

2)Racing mode copy setting (R-MODE COPY)

Select [R-MODE COPY] with the touchpad and confirm with enter.

3)Select copy destination racing mode.

Select the destination racing mode with the touchpad.

4)When ENTER operation is performed a message will be displayed

on the screen, so please copy the racing mode according to the ENTER BACK

Copy source model Copy destination model

Copy destination
each feature
How to use


Copy confirmation

Return to
ENTER Transfer to
(Copy execution)


Return to after copying

It is a function to set the transmitter system such as BIND, KEY ASSIGNING, CUSTOM LIST, AUX TYPE,
R-MODE (racing mode), SET UP.

● Selects the output method according to the receiver to be used, and set the mode and bind the
transmitter and receiver according to the servo (analog/digital) and the speed controller to be used.
1)Select [SYSTEM] with the touchpad and confirm with enter.

2)Select [BIND] with the touchpad and confirm with enter.

3)RF MODE setting (RF MODE: radio wave output method)

Set the output method with the touch pad.
 ○ Output Method
 ・FH5 : RX-491

 ・FH4T : Mode for RX-482, RX-481, RX-472, RX-471, RX-47T,

RX-462, RX-461, SV-PLUS series
 ・FH3 : Mode for RX-451R, RX-451, RX-381, RX-380

 ○ Default FH5

Confirmation screen

each feature
How to use
※ If you change the output method, a message will be displayed on
the screen, please operate according to the display.

4)TELEMETRY RETURN Setting (telemetry return)

[ ※ Can be set only with FH 5]
〇 When using a receiver compatible with FH 5, set the transmission
(return data) of telemetry data from the receiver with the touch pad.
 ○ Setting range ON/OFF Output method
 ○ Default ON
※ TELEMETRY RETURN available receiver : RX-491
※ If you change the setting of TELEMETRY RETURN after BIND,
please BIND again.


Set the SAFETY LINK with the multi selector.
 ○ Setting range 01 ~ 50
 ○ Default 01
※ If you change SAFETY LINK setting after BIND, please BIND again.
Response mode

● It is a function to prevent runaway etc. due to model select error. LINK Number can be set for each model.
● When model copy (FULL) is done, LINK Number is also copied.
Supplement ● The Default is set to [01]. If you do not change the LINK Number, the BIND receiver will operate on all models.
● Safety link is effective only with [FH 4 T / F H 5].

How to use each feature
6) Response Mode Setting
Set the response mode of each channel with the touchpad.
※ Set the response mode of each channel according to the
equipment to be used.
•Response mode can be set for each channel.
 ○ Setting Range NOR (Normal)
SHR (High Response)
SSR (Super Response)
SUR (Ultra Response)
 ○ Default SHR Response Mode

※ Response mode of SUR is displayed only when setting FH5, response mode of SSR is displayed only
when setting FH4T or FH5.

● Please note that the analog servo does not work in SUR / SSR / SHR mode. If the analog servo is used in SUR / SSR / SHR
mode by mistake it will not work properly and the servo will be broken so never use the analog servo in SUR / SSR / SHR mode.
For digital servo (ERB, ERS series, Digital ERG series), it operates in NOR / SHR mode.
● The PGS servo operates in all response modes, and the SRG servo operates in SSR / SHR / NOR mode.
● The SUPER VORTEX / SV - PLUS series, HV - 12 STOCK SPECIAL, HV - 01 operate in SSR / SHR / NOR mode.
● In SUR / SSR / SHR mode, BL - RACER, BL - FORCE, F2000, F2200, F3000, F3300, SBL - 01, 02, 03CL does not operate
Ensure to use NOR mode.
● SV - 08, HV - 10, HV - 12, F 2500 operate in NOR / SHR mode.

● What is BIND: The M17 transmitter has a unique ID (individual identification) number and that ID
number is stored in the receiver. It works only with a set of bound transmitter and receiver.
1]After finishing the settings in the BIND menu, set the BIND using
the touchpad.
2]Move the cursor to [ENTER] in the BIND menu and with enter
each feature
How to use

operation, the transmitter will be in BIND mode.

3]Connect the BIND plug to the receiver and turn on the power of
the receiver.
BIND plug Switch ON the power supply!

Connect BIND
plug to receiver

Switch ON the power

supply of receiver/
Note) Though the wire is not connected FET speed controller.
to the above-mentioned receiver,
keep the servo and FET speed
controller (excluding motor),
battery in connected state. Flash Inverted

4]If BIND is performed correctly, LED of the receiver starts flashing Receiver LED state
slowly then rapidly and then the LED turns OFF. Stand-by state (Flashing with interval) of 1sec.)
Once the LED of the receiver turns OFF, end the BIND operation of ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ ・・・・・

the transmitter using enter operation on the touchpad.

If BIND is performed correctly receiver LED glows. BIND completed Rapid flash 0.1sec,
Once the receiver LED glows confirm that the BIND operation has
ended, by operating the servo etc. Restart after

※ If BIND operation cannot be performed correctly then redo from removing mode complete
operation 2. BIND plug
Receiver LED light

● BIND is not performed at the time of shipment. Always perform BIND with RX-491 receiver before using.
● When the receiver is purchased newly, always perform BIND in transmitter and receiver.
● When performing BIND for RX-482, RC-481, RX-472, RX-471, RX-47T, RX-462, RX-461 do it by setting RF MODE (output
method) as FH4T.
● When performing BIND for RX-451, RX-451R, RX-381, RX-380 do it by setting RF MODE (output method) as FH3.
● If the type of receiver and MODULATION setting is wrong, BIND setting cannot be done hence take care.
● RX-481 and RX-471 operate in any of the modes FH4T and FH3 but in order to exhibit the future performance of receiver
use it in FH4T.
● When settings in BIND menu and response mode settings (SUR/SSR/SHR/NOR) of the channel are done after performing
BIND, perform BIND again. If re-BIND is not performed the settings changes are not reflected.

● RX-491 Dual ID
・Only 1 receiver ID (Identification number) can be stored in the conventional receiver of 2.4GHz. However, it is
possible to store 2 IDs in RX-491.It is possible to combine M17 in which the driver is matched with the settings
and position of individual preference like endurance race etc.
It is possible to operate with 2 bound receivers by storing (BIND) the ID of 2 peculiar transmitters to the
receivers. (Note: 2 transmitters cannot be simultaneously operated.) The corresponding transmitter is M17 only.
・The neutral position of the throttle and operation amount may vary depending on individual transmitter.
The setting values of the transmitter may not be the same depending on the combination of the bound
transmitter. Adjust with each transmitter according to the linkage of the car body.
・Always perform fail-safe setting with each transmitter.

each feature
How to use
・For all RF MODE and response mode of two M17 to be bound, it should be the same. If it is not the
same setting, then it is not possible to perform BIND with 2 transmitters.
※ If the transmitter of a different setting is bound as the second transmitter, the ID (identification number)
of M17 that was bound to the first unit is erased, and it is overwritten.
※ When BIND of the third machine is performed, the ID of the first M17 is erased.
1]Regarding BIND setting of the second M 17
The basic operation method is the same as the operation which is
bound to the first machine.
Set the RF MODE and response mode as the same setting

2] When the cursor is moved to [BIND] in the BIND menu and enter
operation is performed, the transmitter is in the BIND mode.
Response Mode
3] Connect the BIND/ SSL port plug to the receiver and turn on the
power of the receiver.
Receiver LED state
4] When BIND is done correctly, the slow blinking of the LED receiver Stand-by state (Flashing with interval of 1sec.)
changes to medium speed blinking. When it changes to medium speed ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ ・・・・・

blinking, unplug the BIND plug, exit the BIND mode of the receiver and BIND completed Medium speed flash 0.2sec,
then reboot the receiver. Exit the BIND mode of the transmitter with the ・・・・・・・・・・ ・・・・・・・・・・ ・・・・・・・・・・ ・・・・・・・・・・

enter operation of the touch pad/ back operation. When BIND is correctly Restart after Second machine

done, the LED receiver will turn on. When the LED receiver turns on, removing M17 BIND mode
BIND plug complete
confirm the exit of the BIND by operating the servo and the like
※ If BIND cannot be performed properly, try again from the 2] operation. Receiver LED light
How to use each feature
● Function and trim (increase or decrease in the set value of the function) can be assigned to switch (SW
1 to 3), trim (TRM 1 to 5) and DIAL of the transmitter, the function can be switched ON/OFF and set
value can be changed while it is operating.
Function that are assigned to switch
and trim at the time factory shipment Trim 1
TRIM1: Steering trim (TRM-ST) Trim 2
Trim 5
TRIM2: Throttle trim (TRM TH)
TRIM3: Dual rate ST (D/R-ST)
TRIM5: Dual rate BR (D/R-BR) Dial
SW1: Timer (TIMER) Switch 2
SW2: Custom (CUSTOM)
SW3: (CUSTOM) Trim 4 Trim 3
DIAL: Cursor Switch 3
Switch 1

● Function can be assigned to transmitter switches (SW1, SW2, SW3) and function can be switched ON/
OFF while it is operating.
1)Select‘System’using the touchpad and confirm it by Enter
2)Select‘KEY ASSIGN’using the touchpad and confirm it by Enter
3)Setting the switch (SW1/SW2/SW3)
Perform enter operation in‘SW’and set the function to be assigned
to the switch by using up/down operation.
each feature
How to use

○ Setting Range ENTER BACK

Switch Assignable functions



○ Default value SW1:LAP

4)Setting the Mode (only SW1 and SW2)

You can set the switch operation, but in some cases, you cannot
perform the settings according to the function to be assigned.

 ○ Setting Range TOGGLE (Switch to ON/OFF whenever it is pressed)

PUSH (ON only when it is pressed)

※ You can assign another function to SW1/SW2 by setting

[ALTERNATE] to SW3. You can switch the assigned function by the
operation of SW3.
● Set value of each function can be changed between trim 1 to trim 5 using dial.
● In STEP setting the setting of the variation width can be set by one time trim operation and operation
direction can also be set by setting REV.

1) Select‘System’using the touchpad and confirm it by Enter

2) Select‘KEY ASSIGN’using the touchpad, switch to‘TRIM’by
the select operation, select the item to be set and confirm it by enter
3) TRIM setting (TRM1/TRM2/TRM3/TRM4/TRM5)
Select‘TRIM’whose setting is to be changed and set the function
to be assigned, using touchpad operation.
○ Setting Range ENTER BACK
Trim Functions which can be assigned

○ Initial value TR1: TRM-ST (Steering trim)

TR2: TRM-TH (Throttle trim)

each feature
How to use
TR3: D/R-ST (Steering dual rate)
TR4: ENTER/BACK(Enter/Back)
TR5: D/R-BR (Brake dual rate)
Select TRIM by scrolling to
4) Setting the step (STEP) the right on the touch pad
Set the variation that operates by the one-time trim operation.
Select the‘STEP’using the touchpad, confirm it by enter operation
and set the variation.
○ Setting range 1 ~ 100
○ Initial value 5

5)Setting the operation direction

Set the operation direction when the trim operation is done.
Select‘REV’using touchpad, confirm it by Enter operation and set
the operation direction.
○ Setting range NOR/REV
○ Initial value NOR

Note) Possibility of adding a new function to KEY ASSIGN TRIM

※ You can assign another function to TRIM1 ~ TRIM5, DIAL by

using the [ALTERNATE] function. You can switch the assigned
function by the operation of SW3.
How to use each feature
● Desired menu can be built by setting in the custom list the menu that is to be used frequently.
Custom list can be created in each model memory and a list of 4 pages can be created.
● Menu that is set in the custom list can be used in custom.

1)Select‘SYSTEM’using the touch pad and confirm it by Enter

2)Select‘CUSTOM-LIST’using the touch pad and confirm it by
Enter operation.
3)Setting the custom list
Do the settings of channel/function/item using touch pad operation.
6 functions are assigned in 1 page.


Channel selection Item selection Page selection

Function selection (Select button)

※ Custom list is set beforehand according to the type. Customise the

custom list as desired.
※ Depending on the function/item there are things that cannot be
set in a custom list, hence take care.
each feature
How to use

Custom list setting


● It is a function for setting the operation of AUX1, AUX2 (3ch, 4ch).

1)Select‘System’using the touch pad and confirm it by Enter

2)Select‘AUX TYPE’using the touch pad and confirm it by Enter
3)Setting of AUX TYPE is done using the touch pad

○ Setting range
STEP 1/2/5/10/20/25/50/100
4WS 2mode/3mode/4mode
MOA 1/2/5/10/20/25/50/100
BR-MIX ---
BOAT ---

○ Initial value AUX1: STEP MODE: 5

※ Operation image of 4WS mode setting
2mode 3mode 4mode


each feature
How to use

Type switching Mode setting


※ When you set AUX TYPE to CODE 5/CODE 10, you can change the settings of the corresponding
device from the transmitter. Speed controllers and SGS-01C/SGS-01D such as SUPER VORTEX ZERO/
TYPE-D and SV-PLUS ZERO/TYPE-D series will be changed to equipment compatible with CODE 5, and
PGS servo/SUPER VORTEX Gen 2 PRO/Gen 2/STOCK will be changed to equipment compatible with
CODE 10.
※ When the AUX TYPE setting is set to CODE 5/CODE 10, do not connect any other device which is not
corresponding to AUX 1, AUX 2 (3ch, 4ch) of the receiver. If you connect any non-compatible device, the
device will be damaged.
※ Refer to page 44 for POINT AUX and page 49 for CODE AUX.
※ When the MODE is set to USER with CODE5/CODE10, you can register the name of each item freely.

How to use each feature
Racing mode [R-MODE] SYSTEM
● It is a function to adjust the running characteristics of the RC car by switching the racing mode so that
the function corresponding to the racing mode can respond to the changes in the RC car and the road
● For each model memory, the function corresponding to the racing mode may have the set values for
R1 to R5 separately, and it can be switched to the switch assigned while traveling.
● In the default setting, ON/OFF operation of the R-MODE is not assigned to the switch.

1)Select [SYSTEM] using the touch pad and confirm by enter


2)Select [R-MODE] using the touch pad and confirm by enter


3)Perform the racing mode operation and setting of the

corresponding function by touch pad ENTER BACK
Select the channel by select operation.

○ Setting Range R-MODE:OFF/2/3/4/5

Corresponding function: Each function ON/OFF
R-DERAY 0 ~ 100%
○ Default settings R-MODE:OFF
Corresponding function: Each function OFF
○ Corresponding function

4)Set the function of the R-MODE to the switch so that you can
switch the racing mode by making operations during traveling.
each feature
How to use

It is possible to change to trim lever or switch using Assign function.

(P82, 83) Channel selection
※ Set in accordance with the changing the SUPER VORTEX
settings, tire wear and changes in the road conditions.

Racing mode indication

● The servo output operation of each channel is displayed as a
bar graph, and the servo operation can be virtually confirmed.
● The operating condition will be easy to understand while
setting functions such as exponential and ARC by using this function.

1)Select [SYSTEM] with the touchpad and confirm with enter.

2)Select [SERVO MONITOR] with the touchpad and confirm with

3)Since the operation display screen is displayed with the enter
operation, verify the operation with the bar graph.


each feature
How to use

How to use each feature
● You can change the voltage settings of transmitter battery alarm.
● The alarm settings can simply be carried out by selecting the Type [Li-Pox1 (Lithium polymer), CUSTOM
※ When you select custom by Type, you can set the ALERT VOLT for setting the voltage at which the
alarm starts and LIMIT VOLT for lower limit voltage.
● TH SLOW (Throttle slow) is a function that puts a limit on the operation quantity on the throttle high
side (80%) when battery voltage of transmitter reaches the voltage of LIMIT VOLT. (Fail safe function)
1)Select [SYSTEM] using touch pad and decide by Enter operation.

2) Select [BATTERY] using touch pad and decide by Enter operation.

3) Type settings (TYPE)

Set the Type (TYPE) corresponding to the battery used by touch pad.
○ Setting range Li-Pox1 (Lithium polymer)
CUSTOM (Custom): ALERT VOLT 3.0 ~ 5.0v
 ○ Default value Li-Pox1 (Lithium polymer)

● At the time of using Li-Po cell, if the ALERT VOLT and LIMIT
VOLT are lowered and used by Custom, there is possibility
Caution of Li-Po battery getting damaged. Do not use the Custom
function when you use an original Li-Po battery of Sanwa.

each feature
How to use

● You can set the key operation, trim, operating sound of switch, performance of the vibrator during

1)Select [SYSTEM] using touch pad and decide by Enter operation.

2) Select [SOUND] using touch pad and decide by Enter operation.

3) Sound and volume, vibrator settings

You can switch sound (sound quality) and volume (sound volume),
parameter with Select operation.
Select the items for which the settings are to be changed and then
 〇 Set Items  KEY-CLICK
 ○ Setting Range  SOUND:1 ~7
        VOLUME:0 ~5
        VIBRATION:0 ~ 5

each feature
 ○ Default value  KEY-CLICK:SOUND 1/VOL 4/VIB 3

How to use
        TLM2:SOUND 1/VOL 4/VIB 0
        VOLT:SOUND 1/VOL 4/VIB 0
        LAP:SOUND 1/VOL 4/VIB 0
        INT1:SOUND 1/VOL 4/VIB 0
        INT2:SOUND 1/VOL 4/VIB 0
        DOWN:SOUND 1/VOL 4/VIB 0

       ※ Voice settings are only for VOLUME.

How to use each feature
● You can set the brightness (light/ dark) of LCD (liquid crystal) and the light mode of backlight.

1) Select [SYSTEM] using touch pad and decide by Enter operation.

2) Select [LCD] using touch pad and decide by Enter operation.

3) Set the brightness (light/ dark) of LCD (liquid crystal) and the
light mode (lighting time) of backlight.

○ Set Items BRIGHT (Brightness of liquid crystal)

LIGHT-MODE (Backlight light mode)
LIGHT-TIME (Backlight light time)
○ Setting Range BRIGHT: 1 ~ 10
LIGHT-TIME: 1 ~ 30sec

○ Default value BRIGHT: 8

LIGHT-TIME: 10sec 
※ [MOTION] of LIGHT-MODE sets the backlight ON by
sensing of the motion sensor in-built in the transmitter and
key operation.
each feature
How to use

● To perform the operation mode of LED and brightness (light/ dark) settings.

1) Select [SYSTEM] using touch pad and decide by Enter operation.

2) Select [LED] using touch pad and decide by Enter operation.

3) Set LED to operation mode and brightness (light/ dark).


 ○ Set Items MODE (Operation mode)

BRIGHT (LED brightness)
 ○ Setting Range MODE: WAVE/ALWAYS/OFF
BRIGHT: 1~10
※ BRIGHT setting refer to brightness for
ALWAYS setting

 ○ Default value MODE: WAVE



each feature
How to use
※ Normally, LED emits light according to the settings of LED
MODE. However, function LED blinks by synchronising with various
functions during operation such as ALB or OFFSET etc or Low
battery or telemetry alert.

How to use each feature
● It is the menu to manage the calendar, clock display and the usage time on the top screen.
● There is [ON TIME1] which is replacement time for battery or the resettable time for charging and [ON
TIME 2] which is aims for overhaul of the main body.

1)Select [SYSTEM] using touch pad and decide by Enter


2)Select [CLOCK] using touch pad and decide by Enter operation.

3)Set the CLOCK function using touch pad.

The settings for calendar and clock are performed. However, do
the settings without fail since the clock settings are needed even
for management of log data etc.

each feature
How to use

● In some cases, the neutral position or operation angle might be
deviated by wear and tear of internal mechanical parts due to usage
time. In such cases, correction of neutral position and operating
angle of the steering and throttle can be corrected by calibration.
※ When the rudder angle adjustment function of the steering wheel
is used, calibrate the steering wheel without fail.
※ When calibration is carried out, confirm the setting of the neutral
position, EPA of all the model memory.
1) Select [SYSTEM] using the touchpad and decide by enter
2) Select [CALIBRATION] using the touchpad and decide by enter
3) Select the channel to be calibrated using the touchpad and
decide by enter.
4) When [STEERING] is selected, the steering wheel is fully operated ENTER BACK
to the left side, right side after the enter operation in the neutral
5) Since [OK] is displayed in the numerical width of NEUT/LEFT/
RIGHT entered within the correction range, operate according to the
screen display.
6) When calibration is completed, [Executed] will be displayed
7) If calibration is necessary for the throttle side also, set by referring ENTER BACK
to calibration of the steering.
Note) Do not set the calibration except in the cases when it is
necessary. In some cases, it is not possible to set correctly and
operate normally.


each feature
How to use
● Rudder angle adjustment of the steering wheel
Remove the wide steering pad from the steering wheel. The hollow
set screw attached to the hexagonal socket supplied in the holes (2 ENTER BACK
places) of the steering wheel is fixed with screw using a hexagonal
wrench driver (1.5 mm) and the angle adjustment is carried out.
( ※ Tighten evenly to right and left side).
※ When rudder angle of the steering wheel is adjusted, carry out
the calibration without fail.
● If not returned to normal operation even if calibration is carried
out, carry out the calibration again and return the setting from
[USER] to [FACTORY] of factory shipping. If the problem is still not
solved, contact Sanwa Services. ENTER BACK
● If the rudder angle of the steering wheel is too narrow, the
normal operation might not be possible even if calibration is carried
out. Therefore, be careful not to tighten the hollow set screw
attached to the hexagonal socket too much.
● To adjust the rudder angle of the steering wheel so that it
returns to the initial state, set the hollow set screw attached to the
hexagonal socket in a state so that the bis terminal does not come
out from the hole of wheel adapter. Carry out the calibration at the
time of returning to the initial state also.

How to use each feature
● It is a function to adjust the sensitivity (a level that can be sensed by the finger) at the time of operating
the touchpad.
● In case of occurrence of any malfunction or in the case when working at a place with high humidity,
lower the sensitivity.
When working in low humidity places or when the touchpad
does not respond if not pressed hard and when the
touchpad does not respond to the operation, increase the sensitivity.

1) Select [SYSTEM] using the touchpad and decide by enter


2) Select [TOUCH PAD] using the touchpad and decide by enter

ENTER(Enter) BACK(Back)
3) Setting of sensitivity adjustment
Adjust the sensitivity by up/down of the touchpad.

 〇 Scope of setting:1 ~ 10

 〇 Initial value:5

※ The touchpad has very weak characteristics against moisture and

dirt. When the response of the touchpad is bad even after sensitivity
adjustment, remove dirt on the touchpad using a wet tissue and
wipe the moisture using a dry cloth. ENTER(Enter) BACK(Back)
each feature
How to use

● Username can be registered in the transmitter up to 12 characters such as alphabets, numerical
characters, kana, symbols.
● Registered user name is displayed on the opening screen displayed when the power supply is turned

1) Select [SYSTEM] using the touchpad and decide by enter


2) Select [USER NAME] using the touchpad and decide by enter


3) Setting of username
Move the cursor "_" to the position where characters are to be input
by operating the touchpad.
When the position is to be decided, decide the cursor position by ENTER BACK
enter operation.

4) Enter the username

Enter the characters to be input by touchpad.
When the characters to be input are to be decided, input by enter
operation. Select the alphabets/small letters/symbols/katakana by
operating the touchpad.
※ When the selected character is to be changed or when the cursor
on the decided character input position is to be moved, cancel the
operation by back operation.
Click [CHANGE] after completing
the character input
  ○ Setting scope A ~ Z、a ~ z、0 ~ 9、Japanese characters,
Japanese characters (small katakana), symbols, space

5) When you finish entering characters, tap on [CHANGE] next to

each feature
the user name to save the new user name.

How to use

How to use each feature
● In Setup, a unit of temperature display of telemetry data, settings such as display settings of the
opening logo when the power switch is set ON, operation settings when rearranged to left-handedness,
username settings are carried out.

1)Select [SYSTEM] using the touchpad and decide by Enter


2)Select [SETUP] using the touchpad and decide by Enter


3)Select the items to be set using the touchpad and do the


〇 Set Items  ENTER BACK

UNIT (Temperature unit of telemetry data): ° C/° F
BOOT (Opening logo when the power supply is ON): DEMO/NONE
HANDEDNESS (Switching left/right): RIGHT/LEFT
NO OPE WARN (No operation alarm); OFF/1 ~ 30min
AUTO OFF: OFF/5 ~ 10min

〇 Default Settings   UNIT:℃

        NO OPE WARN:10min
        AUTO OFF:OFF

※ When RESUME is set ON, the menu at the time of turning OFF
each feature
How to use

the power supply is stored.

※ We recommend to keep AUTO OFF function setting to OFF.

● Carry out version confirmation and updating of firmware mounted on the transmitter, confirmation of
language file, management of the voice data used by the read-aloud function.

1) Select [SYSTEM] using touchpad and decide by enter operation.

2) Select [SD CARD] using touchpad and decide by enter operation.

3) Select the items to be set by touchpad and then set.

 〇 Set items
FIRMWARE (Firmware): Verify transmitter firmware version
and update it.
LANGUAGE (Language file): Manage language files.
VOICE DATA (Voice data): Manage voice data.

4)When updating the firmware, language file or voice data,

download the data file from our company homepage into the micro
SD card and insert it in the transmitter.

※ About firmware update

•Download the latest firmware form Sanwa home page to the ENTER BACK
micro SD card. Insert it into micro SD slot of M17.

•When you enter [UPDATE] on the firmware ① Firmware select by

enter operation
confirmation screen, it will switch to the update
confirmation screen. Follow the message displayed
on the screen to update.

※ The procedure to update LANGUAGE and ENTER BACK

each feature
How to use
VOICE DATA is same as FIRMWARE, please
follow the message displayed on the screen. ② Current firmware version
is displayed on screen
※Insert SD card before


④ Update ③Update confirmation

execution screen


・NO → Return to ②
・YES→ ④ Update execution

How to use each feature
● Reset to factory state by clearing all settings of model data and setting of key assignment etc.

1) Select [SYSTEM] using touchpad and decide by enter operation.

2) Select [FACTORY-RESET] using touchpad and decide by enter


3) When you perform the enter operation, a message will be

displayed on the screen, please follow the message displayed to



①Confirmation screen
each feature
How to use

・NO →FACTORY RESET selection screen

・YES→Factory reset execution ②

②Executing reset

● Please be aware that all model data will be erased when performing Factory Reset.
As a precaution we recommend that you save the model data on an SD card
Warning before performing a factory reset.

Assign Function List
Screen Function name Screen Function name
OFF --- (No Function Assigned) AUX1 AUX1
TRIM-ST Steering Trim AUX2 AUX2
TRIM-TH Throttle Trim AUX1-ACKER AUX 1 Ackerman
TRIM-A1 AUX1 Trim AUX1-D/R AUX 1 Ackerman Dual Rate
TRIM-A2 AUX2 Trim AUX1-LEFT AUX 1 Ackerman Left
D/R-ST Steering Dual Rate AUX1-RIGHT AUX 1 Ackerman Right
D/R-TH Throttle Dual Rate AUX1-CENT AUX 1 Ackerman Center
D/R-BR Brake Dual Rate AUX1-TOE AUX 1 Ackerman Toe
D/R-A1H AUX 1 Hi Dual Rate AUX2-ACKER AUX 2 Ackerman
D/R-A1L AUX 1 Lo Dual Rate AUX2-D/R AUX 2 Ackerman Dual Rate
D/R-A2H AUX 2 Hi Dual Rate AUX2-LEFT AUX 2 Ackerman Left
SPD-ST-FWD Steering Speed Forward AUX2-RIGHT AUX 2 Ackerman Right
SPD-ST-RTN Steering Speed Return AUX2-CENT AUX 2 Ackerman Center
SPD-ST-PNT Steering Speed Point AUX2-TOE AUX 2 Ackerman Toe
SPD-TH-FWD Throttle Speed Forward AUX1-FLAP AUX 1 Flap
SPD-TH-RTN Throttle Speed Return AUX1-TH-FL AUX 1 Throttle Flap
SPD-TH-PNT Throttle Speed Point AUX2-FLAP AUX 2 Flap
SPD-BR-FWD Brake Speed Forward AUX2-TH-FL AUX 2 Throttle Flap
SPD-BR-RTN Brake Speed Return AUX1-CODE1 AUX 1 Code 1
SPD-BR-PNT Brake Speed Point AUX1-CODE2 AUX 1 Code 2
SPD-A1-FWD AUX 1 Speed Forward AUX1-CODE3 AUX 1 Code 3
SPD-A1-RTN AUX 1 Speed Return AUX1-CODE4 AUX 1 Code 4
SPD-A1-PNT AUX 1 Speed Point AUX1-CODE5 AUX 1 Code 5
SPD-A2-FWD AUX 2 Speed Forward AUX1-CODE6 AUX 1 Code 6
SPD-A2-RTN AUX 2 Speed Return AUX1-CODE7 AUX 1 Code 7
SPD-A2-PNT AUX 2 Speed Point AUX1-CODE8 AUX 1 Code 8
CRV-ST-RATE Steering Curve Rate AUX1-CODE9 AUX 1 Code 9
CRV-ST-PNT Steering Curve Point AUX1-CODE10 AUX 1 Code 10
CRV-TH-RATE Throttle Curve Rate AUX2-CODE1 AUX 2 Code 1
CRV-TH-PNT Throttle Curve Point AUX2-CODE2 AUX 2 Code 2
CRV-BR-RATE Brake Curve Rate AUX2-CODE3 AUX 2 Code 3
CRV-BR-PNT Brake Curve Point AUX2-CODE4 AUX 2 Code 4
CRV-A1-RATE AUX 1 Curve Rate AUX2-CODE5 AUX 2 Code 5
CRV-A1-PNT AUX 1 Curve Point AUX2-CODE6 AUX 2 Code 6
CRV-A2-RATE AUX 2 Curve Rate AUX2-CODE7 AUX 2 Code 7
CRV-A2-PNT AUX 2 Curve Point AUX2-CODE8 AUX 2 Code 8
ALB-POINT Anti Lock Brake Point AUX2-CODE9 AUX 2 Code 9
ALB-STROKE Anti Lock Brake Stroke AUX2-CODE10 AUX 2 Code 10
ALB-LAG Anti Lock Brake Lag R-MODE Racing Mode Assign Function
ALB-CYCLE Anti Lock Brake Cycle ALB-SW Anti Lock Brake Switch
ALB-DUTY Anti Lock Brake Duty OFFSET-SW Offset Switch
OFFSET-PNT Offset Point CM1-SW Compensation Mixing 1 Switch

CM1-RATE1 Compensation Mixinging 1 Rate 1 CM2-SW Compensation Mixing 2 Switch

CM1-RATE2 Compensation Mixinging 1 Rate 2 CM3-SW Compensation Mixing 3 Switch
CM1-OFFSET Compensation Mixinging 1 Offset CM4-SW Compensation Mixing 4 Switch
CM2-RATE1 Compensation Mixinging 2 Rate 1 CM5-SW Compensation Mixing 5 Switch
CM2-RATE2 Compensation Mixinging 2 Rate 2 LAP-SW Lap Timing Switch
CM2-OFFSET Compensation Mixinging 2 Offset INT1-SW Interval Time 1 Switch
CM3-RATE1 Compensation Mixinging 3 Rate 1 INT2-SW Interval Time 2 Switch
CM3-RATE2 Compensation Mixinging 3 Rate 2 DOWN-SW Down Timing Switch
CM3-OFFSET Compensation Mixinging 3 Offset CUSTOM Custom
CM4-RATE1 Compensation Mixinging 4 Rate 1 VOICE-REQ Voice Request
CM4-RATE2 Compensation Mixinging 4 Rate 4 CURSOR Cursor
CM4-OFFSET Compensation Mixinging 4 Offset ENTER/BACK Enter / Back
CM5-RATE1 Compensation Mixinging 5 Rate 1 SELECT Select
CM5-RATE2 Compensation Mixinging 5 Rate 2 INC/DEC Increase / Decrease (Plus / Minus)
CM5-OFFSET Compensation Mixinging 5 Offset
0-9 4 Wheel Steering [ 4WS ]・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ P.45

A Anti Lock Brake [ ALB ] ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ P.42

AUX [ AUX ] ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ P.44~49

B Base [ BASE ]・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ P.35~37

Battery [ BATTERY ] ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ P.88
BIND [ BIND ]・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ P.79~81

C Calibration [CALIBRATION] ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ P.93

Code AUX [ CODE AUX ]・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ P.49
Curve [ CURVE ] ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ P.28~33

D Direct Model Select [ DIRECT MODEL SELECT ] ・・・・・・・・・・・ P.21

Dual Rate [ D/R ] ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ P.24

E End Point Adjustment [ EPA ] ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ P.35~36

F Fail Safe [ F/S ] ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ P.34

Feeling [ FEELING ] ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ P.41

G Graph Setting [GRAPH SETTING] ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ P.68

I Interval Timer 1 / 2 [ INT TIMER 1/2] ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ P.57

K Key Assign Switch [KEY ASSIGN SW ] ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ P.82

Key Assign Trim [KEY ASSIGN TRIM ] ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ P.83
Lap Timer [ LAP TIMER ] ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ P.56

L LCD [ LCD ] ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ P.90

LED [ LED ] ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ P.91

M Mixing [ MIXING ] ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ P.50~53

Model [ MODEL ] ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ P.72~78
Model Clear [ MODEL CLEAR ] ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ P.76
Model Copy [ MODEL COPY ] ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ P.74~75
Model Name [ MODEL NAME ] ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ P.73
Model Select [ MODEL SELECT ] ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ P.72
Motor On Axle [ MOA ] ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ P.46

O Offset [ OFFSET ] ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ P.43

P Point Aux [ POINT AUX ]・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ P.44

Q Quick Setup Wizard [QUICK SETUP WIZWERD]・・・・・・・・・・・・ P.22

R Racing Mode [ RACING MODE ] ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ P.86
Reverse [ REV ] ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ P.37

S Setting [ SETTING ]・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ P.24~43

Sound [ SOUND ] ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ P.89
Speed [ SPEED ] ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ P.25~27
Step AUX [ STEP AUX ] ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ P.44
Sub Trim [ SUB TRIM ] ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ P.37
System [ SYSTEM ]・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ P.79~98

T Telemetry [ TELEMETRY ] ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ P.60~71

Throttle Type [TH TYPE ]・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ P.41
Timer [ TIMER ]・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ P.54~59
Trim [ TRIM ] ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ P.38~40

Trouble Shooting

Transmitter does not

Battery voltage too low. Please charge the battery. (P. 7)
power on.

Sometimes power off

Battery connector bad contact. Please contact Sanwa service.

Alarm sound Battery connector bad contact. Please charge the battery. (P. 7)

There is no sound when The KEY-CLICK volume is set Please check the SOUND function
operating one of the keys. to OFF (0) in SOUND setting. (P. 89)

The setting is negative with Please check the SPEED (speed)

SPEED (speed) function. function (P.25 - 27)

Servo speed is slow. Receiver battery voltage is too Please charge or replace with a
low. charged battery.

The loading on the servo Please check servo linkage in the

linkage in the car is too high. car is smooth.
Trouble Shooting

Lap timer or internval Turn on the timer function.

The timer function is OFF.
timer does not work. (P.54 - 59)

The left and right travel Neutral position of servo is Please adjust the Trim and EPA.
angle of servo does not not adjusted properly. (P.35, 37, 38)

D/R or EPA travel angle Please adjust setting value to 100%

The servo linkage bind.
setting is too high. or lower. (P.24, 35-37)

Servo does not move Trim is outside of operational Center Trim Switches to '0', center the
when using Trim Switch. range. servo horn and control linkages. (P. 38)

Replace or recharge transmitter

Low transmitter battery voltage.
battery. (P. 7)

Inadequate transmitting Low receiver battery voltage. Replace or recharge receiver batteries.

Receiver antenna not mounted Mount receiver antenna as

correctly. recommended.

This is warranted against manufacture defects in materials and workmanship, at the original data of
purchase. This warranty does not cover components worn by use or damage caused by improper
voltage, tempering, modification, misuse, abuse, improper writing, reverse polarity, moisture or using
outside its intended scope of use.

Terms of this warranty can vary by region. Please read the warranty card included with your radio
control system for specific warranty information.

If you require further help that cannot be solved using The Trouble shooting Guide, or if you have
technical questions, please contact SANWA distributor in your region.

For a complete list of distributors in your region, please visit

Factory Service:
Sanwa Electronic Instrument CO., LTD.

1-2-50 Yoshida-Honmachi
Higashiosaka, Osaka, 578-0982 Japan
Telephone: +81-729-62-1277
Fax: +81-729-64-2831
E-mail: [email protected]

Product features and specifications can vary by region. Not all products are legal for use in all regions.

This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital
device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable
protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates,
uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with
the operating instructions, may cause harmful
interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will
not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio
or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment OFF and ON, the
user is encouraged to try to correct
the interference by one or more of the following measures:
• Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
• Increase the separation between the equipment and the receiver.
• Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to
which the receiver is connected.
• Consult the dealer or an experienced technician for help.

This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two
1)This device may not cause harmful interference, and....
2)This device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause
undesired operation.

Changes or modifications made to this equipment not expressly approved by SANWA

may void the FCC authorization to operate this equipment.

RF Exposure Statement:
This transmitter has been tested and meets the FCC RF exposure guidelines when used with
the SANWA accessories supplied or designated for this product, and provided at least 20cm
separation between the antenna the user's body is maintained. Use of other accessories may
not ensure compliance with FCC RF
exposure guidelines.

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