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Activity No. 1
Directions: Read the statements below and identify the text form and language types. Write your answer on this paper.
Statement Text Form Language Type
1. Students in the independent reading level committed minimal or almost no Research Literal
error in word recognition with sufficient accuracy to support comprehension.
2. Health is Wealth.
3. No Dogs will be Left Alone.
4. Don’t Cut the Cure, Plant One.
5. Free Teens from Drugs
6. We Win as One
7. The relationship shows that the more reading errors in word recognition
are committed by the student while reading, the least likely he is going to
show positive reading behaviors.
8. Dispose E-waste responsibly.
Activity No. 2
Directions: Write the letter of the best answer on the space provided before each number. No erasures allowed.
____1. The Department of Health wanted to establish facts about the increasing number of fatality due to COVID- 19 pandemic in the
country. What text form shall the DOH use?
A. Advocacy B. Campaign C. Research
____2. Gerald Anderson adopted a medical institution in Metro Manila and built isolation tent to cater the demands of the growing number
of COVID- 19 positive patients. This act is a manifestation of ?
A. Advocacy B. Campaign C. Research
____3. To say something directly using the connotative meaning of a word is called?
A. Literal B. Figurative C. Indirect
____4. The following text types are used in making a campaign, EXCEPT?
A. Descriptive B. Persuasive C. Narrative
____5. The line “Say No to Fake News” is an example of ?
A. Advocacy B. Campaign C. Research
For item 6-10, identify the type of language of the underlined word or phrase.
____6. DepEd Regional Office IV- A through the Regional Information Office bridges the gap on access to information through the “DepEd
Dose sa Ere”.
A. Literal B. Figurative C. Denotative
____7. To cope with the demand of the “new normal”, Batangas region holds webinar to sustain its programs and activities to teachers
and staff.
A. Literal B. Figurative C. Connotative
____8. The sacrifices of our Frontliners reveal our true Bayanihan Spirit,
A. Literal B. Figurative C. Indirect
____9. “A healthy mind is the greatest treasure to find.”
A. Connotative B. Denotative C.Figurative
____10. The Barkada Kontra Droga promotes “barkadahan system” through various affiliated activities especially saving astray souls.
A. Figurative B. Denotative C. Connotative
____11. Which of the following situations exhibits a campaign?
A. Angela interviews the mayor about the new ordinance.
B. Harry purchases goods for the victims of typhoon Ullysses.
C. Stella published an article about promotion of life.
____12. The following sentences show connotative language EXCEPT?
A. The government worked very hard to put us safe this pandemic.
B. It is important to think of the good of the majority than one’s self.
C. We have the right to speak our mind but should not go beyond limits.
____13. The following campaigns use figurative language EXCEPT?
A. “We should work together in this fight against the invisible enemy.”
B. “Washing your hands is saving your life.”
C. “Observe social distancing all the time.”
____14. Why is it important to have an advocacy?
A. to promote and protect our rights
B. to add the existing body of knowledge
C. to convince people for a certain cause
____15. Kim wants to influence others with her advocacy on proper waste disposal. What is the most efficient action she should do while
upholding the health guidelines?
A. upload a campaign video
B. conduct a research
C. organize a symposium
Activity No. 3
Directions: Read the transcript of the video featuring a Filipina actress who claims that it is not wight to put a label on anyone. Answer the
questions that follow. Write your answer on the space provided.
Shame that there is still double standard. Sayang daw ako, because I am a single mother. If a guy gets a girl pregnant, he’s right and
it’s natural. But if a girl gets pregnant, malandi siya. When the news spread of my pregnancy, people say, she’s on top of her game.
People make stories like she’s malandi or a woman of the world. Was I unfairly judged? Yes! But then did it stop me? No, but does it
keep me stronger? Yes! Label is a challenge I accepted. I want to show people that no matter what happens to you, it should never
stop you from being successful. As an actress, I’ve never been happiest. And being a single mom and parent give me purpose.
Sayang! I don’t think so! Can you whip it? I did! –Denise Laurel, shampoo TV commercial.
 1. What is the “label” attached to the woman?
2. When you put a label on someone, are you also being biased? Explain.
3. What advice would you give to the woman?
Activity No. 4
Directions: Study the illustration provided below. Then, provide six examples of claims (two for fact, two for value, and two for policy)
related to the theme of the illustration.


Activity No. 5
Directions: Use the graphic organizer below to show how the different types of claims can contribute to the effective expression of opinions or
assertions about a specific issue. Fill in the graphic organizer with the needed details.

Importance of Claims

Direction: Read the following sentences and identify what types of claims are being presented. Copy the table on your answer sheet and
complete it by writing the sentences on its appropriate column.
1. Dwelling on negative news and gloomy forecasts makes it easy to be hopeless about the future.
2. The COVID 19 is a great equalizer that it chooses no one.
3. With the implementation of the Distance Learning, teachers’ importance in education was realized.
4. It is not justifiable to put all the blame to our government in our daily crisis.
5. We should protect ourselves and others from COVID-19 by washing our hands frequently with soap and water or alcohol-based hand rub.
6. Parents play a vital role in their children’s education.
7. COVID-19 is spreading very quickly that its impact to our economy is worsening.
8. It is not fair to say that poor children cannot access quality education.
9. Everybody should take his/her part to survive life’s challenges.
10.Being optimistic should be one of our attitudes amidst the pandemic we are experiencing.
Claim of Fact Claim of Policy Claim of Value
Activity 7: Fact or Bluff
Write Fact if the statement is true and Bluff if it is false. Write your answers on your answer sheet.
1. _________Argumentative essays make use of evidence to support claims.
2. _________Good claims are supported by opinions alone.
3. _________Argumentative essay presents the issue or case
4. _________ Argumentative essay is both persuasive and informative.
5. _________ Statistics can be used as evidence to support claims.

Activity 8: In My Own Point-Of-View!

Read the essay entitled “Think Before You Click: Staying Safe on Social Media. Then, answer the questions and accomplish the diagram that
follow. Write your answers on your answer sheet.
Think Before You Click: Staying Safe on Social Media
by Hazeline G. Ronquillo

The use of social media as a tool for information, communication, and entertainment is undeniable. It has changed the way people
share knowledge, express opinions and share creative content. However, this also poses a great risk for people, most especially young
people, who carelessly click, post and share something online.
There are different reasons why social media users need to think before they click. First, not all posts on social media is true, so
clicking and reposting such may make things even worse. There are a lot of fake news spreading online, and if one is not careful enough
to determine the truthfulness of the information posted, he or she may become a victim and may further spread fake news to others,
resulting to multiplication of lies and misinformation.
Second, social media is not a safe place for everyone, most especially young people. There may be contents that need to be
filtered such as those that encourage immorality, violence, bullying, crimes, suicide, and others. Hence, parents or someone
knowledgeable and mature need to guide their children in using social media appropriately.
Third, sharing is not always caring. There may be sensitive content on social media that is much better not shared, such as private
photos and videos, personal information, etc. There have been news of phishing and hacking of accounts due to personal information
shared online. There were also reports of malicious photos and scandalous videos spreading across the internet being shared by social
media users. People no longer know which is more worthy to share and which is not.
With the reasons stated above, it is imperative for us to be more responsible on what we post, share, comment or like. As the
saying goes, “think before you speak”, we should also think before we click. It’s better to be
safe on social media than be sorry.

Processing Questions:
1. What is the text all about? What is the writer’s stand on the issue?
2. According to the writer, why do we need to ‘think before we click’?

Answer the following questions based on what you have learned from the previous activities. Write your answers on the space provided.
1. What does it take to be a good public speaker?
2. What are some techniques in public speaking?
3. What are you going to do if you are called to speak extemporaneously or to make an impromptu speech?
4. How would you prepare in delivering a prepared talk like a memorized speech?
5. Why do we need to deliver a prepared or impromptu speech effectively?

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