Group 3 Intro Methods and Questionnaire

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Presented to the
Faculty of College of Business and Accountancy
Tarlac State University

In Partial Fulfillment
of the Requirements for the Subject
Marketing Research

John Ian V. Carreon
Meryll Jade B. Cruz
Justin Aldous D. Dela Cruz
Hanna Jane V. Gumban
Dhaisy Marie B. Maniti
Brilliant Vallerie R. Martelino
Jean Paul Chancey I. Yalung
February 2023
Chapter 1


Background of the Study

Water hyacinths (Eichhornia Crassipes), more commonly known as water lilies in the

Philippines, is a variety of freshwater plants that originated from South Africa and has been

regarded as the world’s “most troublesome” aquatic plant. But prior to this, it has been widely

propagated as a water ornament. Today, several countries face the enormous task of controlling

the alarming increase of water lilies that form vast blankets covering lakes, rivers and ponds,

which in turn cause problems for fishing, water transport and biodiversity (“CARAGA

Livelihood Programs spurred by Villar SIPAG and Agata Mining,” 2015).

The plant forms large floating mats which cover the entire water surface within a short

period. When allowed to propagate, it quickly colonizes the water mass causing detrimental

effects, including loss of fishing grounds, occlusion of water ways for navigation, interference

with hydroelectric power generating plants, and providing a habitat for breeding of agents of

malaria and bilharzia, as well as suppression of other useful aquatic life (Mathur, 2007; Jayan

and Sathyanathan, 2012).

The plant reproduces by means of runners or stolons, which eventually form daughter

plants; and when this decay, the process leads to depletion of dissolved oxygen in the water,

often killing fish and other aquatic organisms (Coles and Kabatereine, 2008). Several means

such as spraying with herbicides, and occasional desilting of the water bodies in which they grow

have been tried to control its rapid growth and spread, but these have not yielded any meaningful

result due to its varied adaptive strategies for survival (Bindu and Ramasamy, 2005).
Deemed as one of the most damaging aquatic plants in the world, the water hyacinth has

severely infested Philippine waters and its nearby communities with its rapid rate of

proliferation. It can flower throughout the year and releases more than 3,000 seeds per year. With

this extraordinary rate of production, the Water Hyacinth species outnumber other aquatic

species in the vicinity, threatening the stability of fresh water and its biological diversity.

Furthermore, its leaves and pads can reduce light and oxygen, which causes phytoplanktons to

significantly decrease in number, affecting the photosynthetic cycle and endangering fish species

(ecoingenuity, 2019).

Water hyacinths are an invasive plant species that can take over the entire surface of a

body of water if left unchecked. They can be a nuisance since they allow disease-spreading

vector species of mosquitoes to breed freely in the static waters. The plants’ decomposition

results in a foul odor, decreases the clarity of water, and depletes the level of dissolved oxygen in

the water, making it unsuitable for human use (Quismorio, 2021).

Water hyacinth often clogs waterways due to its rapid reproduction and propagation rate.

The dense mats disrupt socioeconomic and subsistence activities (ship and boat navigation,

restricted access to water for recreation, fisheries, and tourism) if waterways are blocked or water

pipes clogged (Ndimele et al., 2011, Patel, 2012). The floating mats may limit access to

breeding, nursery and feeding grounds for some economically important fish species

(Villamagna and Murphy, 2010).

Moreover, the water hyacinth weed negatively affects the activities of the people with

direct and indirect dependence on the infested water bodies ecosystem (Ayalew et al., 2020). The

hazards impact differs across livelihoods context and effective hazard impact assessment must be

in consideration of livelihoods analysis (Lawrence et al., 2007). Therefore, local livelihood

change analysis is vital to capture the impact of hazards on affected households (Lawrence et al.,

2007; Vaitla et al., 2012).

On the other hand, the profusion of water hyacinths may be put to use in a variety of

ways to make them more beneficial. For instance, water hyacinth fibers are used to make paper

and rope. It is utilized as pig, duck, and fish feed in several regions of Asia. Furthermore, water

hyacinths are employed as fertilizers and help purify water for drinking or for liquid sewage

system effluent. The plant is most frequently used in the Philippines to make furniture, mats, and


The products made from water hyacinth fiber have the advantage of the fiber tough and

durable properties, which could last up to 3-5 years. It could be weaved into any form which is

suitable to change according to the market trend. Currently, water hyacinth fiber has been

applied to create various products such as coaster, slippers, basket, hat, fruit tray, furniture,

handbag, and women purse. Tough yet flexible is known to be key properties of water hyacinth

stem, which is the main material used to produce water hyacinth fiber. Thanks to those

properties, water hyacinth fiber could be weaved into any form desired, with 3D weaving

technique. Natural water hyacinth fiber come in beautiful golden-brown color, yet both natural

and chemical dyes can be added to create even more colorful artifacts. Water hyacinth fiber is

also biodegradable. With a proper coating and care, water hyacinth products could live up to 3-5

years of use, however, water hyacinth fiber could be naturally disposed within a few months as

well. Nowadays water hyacinth is used for decorative purposes and it plays main role in hand

craft products like handbags, wallets, flower pots, fashion accessories, mats etc. Many creative

and decorative home furnishing products are manufactured from water hyacinth stem (Rajan et

al., 2022).
The products derived from water hyacinth plants have good market potential. They not

only have domestic market in the region but also can fetch good foreign exchange. Developing

and encouraging such ventures also aids in reducing unemployment. The products have good

popularity in exhibition stalls. Moreover, the economics of the products can be increased as these

can be produced by the unemployed women folk of the family in their leisure time. In the present

day context, when the agricultural community at large is facing the challenges of climate

challenge and global warming, such ecofriendly and bio- degradable products can contribute to

sustainable agriculture. They can also play a significant role in utilization of natural and human

resources for a better and safer tomorrow (Bhattacharjee et al., 2015).

This research will cover the ecology of water hyacinths in general and the effects of their

invasion on particular barangays. A microeconomic model based on several prospective water

hyacinth valorization techniques for the affected chosen barangays is also intended to be

suggested as a green push. In order to limit the spread of its detrimental effects on people and the

environment, this would encourage the sustainable management of water hyacinth. The

conversion of the weed into alternative handcrafted goods will be the central subject of analysis

of the water hyacinth market possibilities. These are goods that the chosen barangays may

produce and sell on their own to generate cash and cut costs. As part of the endeavor to create a

circular microeconomy, closing the water hyacinth movement loop in the microeconomic model

will also be investigated. The microeconomic model can help certain barangays impacted by the

water hyacinth infestation deal with and manage the problem, which would promote resilience

and lead to longer-lasting solutions to the problems with water hyacinth control and

Chapter 2


This chapter presents the research design and methodology, respondents of the study,

research locale, research instruments, data collection, and data analysis.

Research Design and Methodology

The study will use a qualitative methodology in market acceptability of water hyacinths

as alternative handcrafted goods. The researchers will use a qualitative research approach to

collect primary data, specifically a combination of a questionnaire and an interview, the major

goal of this research is to develop a waterlily-based recycled product that can be used to promote

environmental change. Qualitative research methodology enables researchers to explore social

and behavioral issues related to public health that are not achievable with quantitative methods

(plants, 2021). Qualitative method was used in gathering and tabulating data. This method

enabled the researchers in examining the data they gathered from their respondents to help them

evaluate and investigated people’s opinions and convictions regarding recycling water lilies., and

thus provided them accurate and reliable data which will help them with the study they


Respondents of the Study

Each barangay will have ten (10) respondents for the study, for a total of thirty (30)

respondents. The Tarlac City barangays that are selected are Balibago, Banaba, and Culipat.

Research Locale

The study will be conducted in Tarlac City, in which the selected barangays are located.

The chosen respondents will be given questionnaires inside their homes or any other location

close by of their choosing.

Research Instrument

The researchers will use a questionnaire, a directive interview, and a non-directive

interview as their study tools to evaluate the market acceptability of water hyacinths as

alternative handcrafted goods. A questionnaire is a list of questions or other things used to elicit

data from respondents about their views, way of life, or opinions. The interview method and

questions are regulated in a directive interview, but the non-directive interview is unguided, uses

open-ended questions and spontaneous interactions, and is seen as an unrestrained essay or

unguided questions. The purpose of interviews, often referred to as in-depth interviews, is

normally to obtain information regarding how well the market will embrace water hyacinths as a

replacement to handcrafted products.

Data Collection
The researchers will guarantee in writing to the barangay halls that the records from the

barangays will be enough to supply the essential information on the list of respondents of the

chosen barangays once the instrument has been validated. The researchers will notify the

selected respondents about the study’s objective and verify that they satisfy the requirements

after gaining permission. Eligible participants will also be consented. The questionnaire will be

then be constructed by the researchers as well as the interview guide. They will participate in a

30- to 45-minute in-person interview that will follow the respondents’ narration and create

questions based on their comments on that narration in order to allow for subject growth and

investigation and to guarantee accurate and thorough qualitative data. By conducting interviews

with the respondents, the researchers will learn more about their general backgrounds, their

experiences, and any problems they encountered. The probes will target crucial topics such as the

market acceptability of water hyacinths as alternative handcrafted goods. The data will be

assessed, interpreted, and analyzed after speaking with the respondents in an interview.

Data Analysis

Data analysis will involve a process that produced findings or the study’s conclusion

based on the collected data regarding the market acceptability of water hyacinths as alternative

handcrafted goods. Following transcription, the data will be coded, examined, explained, and

validated. Through repeated reading of the transcribed interviews, the researchers would be able

to better comprehend the subject. As a result, for each conception, the overall interview rating

was a weighted average of the explicit response to the conception prompt and the researcher’s

study of the general pattern of responses. Once everything has been thoroughly transcribed, the

data will be coded. The applied codes, keywords that will be used to classify or arrange text, will
be regarded as a crucial component of qualitative research. The information will then be

examined, grouped, and put into themes and later sub-themes that formed from the coding

process. The motifs that surfaced will be given a distinct code in accordance. The data will be

interpreted in the following step by looking for any recurring patterns and emphasizing any

similarities and contrasts. Data verification is the last step, which involves going over the

transcripts and codes again to make sure that the researchers have understood everything

correctly. This step will allow the researchers to confirm or change any previously formed

hypotheses. The hypothesis of the issue will be determined by verbal interpretation of the

production consequence. To ensure that the interviewees had sufficient experience using impact

methods, the interviewee or interviewees must be a resident of the said selected barangays.
Tarlac State University

College of Business and Accountancy

Tarlac City, Tarlac


Dear Respondent,

We are students from the Tarlac State University, under the Bachelor of Science in

Business Administration Major in Marketing Management program, and as part of a course

requirement for the subject Marketing Research, we are working on a research paper entitled,

“Market Acceptability of Water Hyacinths as Alternative Handcrafted Goods”. May we request

to kindly answer the questions in this questionnaire. The information you provide will enable our

group to attain the purpose of the study. Thank you for your cooperation.

The Researchers

Name of Respondent (optional): ________________________________________

Section 1

The question below relates to personal data. Please check (✔) the appropriate one.

1. Gender:


Others (please specify): ___________________

2. Age:

18-29 years old

30-39 years old

40-49 years old

50-59 years old

60 years old and above

3. Marital Status:





4. Educational Qualification:




Others (please specify): ___________________

5. Occupation:




Home Maker

Others (please specify): ___________________

6. Monthly Income:

Up to 10,000 PHP

10,001 to 30,000 PHP

30,001 to 50,000 PHP

50,001 to 100,000 PHP

Section 2

These set of questions are related to Market Acceptability of Water Hyacinths as alternative

handcrafted goods. Please answer the following questions by writing your answers.

1. What do you know about water lilies?


1.1 Do you know that there are water lilies in your barangay?


1.2 What do you think are the negative effects of water lilies?

2. What can you do to lessen its negative impacts?


3. What do you think about water lilies as a handmade product?


3.1 What are your thoughts on handcrafted water lily goods as a market opportunity in

terms of:

3.1.1 revenue; and


3.1.2 employment?


4. Do people in your community rely on natural resources like water lilies?


5. Does your community have any procedures in place for determining how water lilies

affect agricultural activities?


6. Do water lilies influence the business initiative of your community?


7. Do you pay attention to the news stories on water pollution that are reported?


8. Do you concur that water lilies have an influence on agricultural livelihood? Why or why


9. Do you agree that water lilies are invasive pests? Why or why not?


10. Are you aware that water lilies can be transformed into a proactive environmental



11. Personally, do you agree that it is necessary for water lilies to be vehemently controlled?

Why or why not?


12. In your perspective, do you think it would be preferable if it were commercially utilized

so that its numbers could be efficiently reduced while also promoting economic

expansion? Why or why not?


13. Do you think it would be better for the government to start using water lilies by altering

the way the local residents view the plant and making it a source of livelihood? Why or

why not?


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