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491phys: Theory Report

Layla Alnasrallah 439200026

The Effect of temperature on metals and semiconductor resistance

1- What are the basic new ideas that the quantum free electron model introduced regarding the electrical resistivity of
1- The energy of electrons is quantized (energy levels an electron is allowed to exist in).
2- The distribution of electrons follows the Pauli exclusion principle.
these make a distribution of the electron in energy states following the Fermi-Dirac distribution and not the Maxwell-
Boltzmann distribution. Which will affect the way the electrons interact with the energy applied to them (thermal
energy or other) that will lead to a difference in electrical resistance.1
2- Explain the band theory of semiconductors in particular?
it is theory describe the energy levels in two bands: a valence band and a conduction band, separated by a band gap. A
valence band is the outermost electron orbitals occupy by electron. A conduction band is orbitals that the electron can
move freely inside the material. A band gap is the gap between the higher the valence band and the lost the conduction
band. In semiconductors materials have four valence electrons2 accordant to that it has medium to small band gab. So, it
can act like insulator in 0 Kᵒ and conductor in high temperature.
3- According to this theory, what would be the effect of temperature on the conductivity of a semiconductor?
The temperature changes the conductivity of a semiconductor by change the number of electrons that have enough
energy to jump the band gab.
T (material's temperature) αN (electrons' number have Ee>=Ec) ασ(conductivity)
4- What is your goal for the experiment and how are you going to achieve it?
• Detect the relation between the temperature and conductivity in a semiconductor.
• Faind the conductivity of a used material (germanium).

Calcutta the energy gap.
Will archive this by use circle connected to a specific volt (~12v)

And made the raster from germanium.

Know we change the temperature of the germanium and detect a cross voltage in it than transfer the
volte (V=RI) to resistant (ρ=1/σ) to conductivity.
by use σ=σ0 · exp (- Eg/ 2 kT)
Eg = energy gap, k = Boltzmann’s constant
and change to linear equation ln(σ)=ln(σ0)- (Eg/ 2 k) *(1/T)
so, plot a graph between ln(σ) and 1/T
finally watch the changes tip and find the energy gap by calculating the slop of the graph (m=-Eg/ 2 k)3

Quantum-Mechanical Free Electron Model | Fundamental of Solid-State Physics | Online Notes Nepal
Classification of Materials Based on Energy Band Diagram (
Extramental sheet

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