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PDAM Gresik and PT PP Krakatau Tirta are

speeding up the construction of the Sembayat

Gresik, Bhirawa. The Board of Trustees and Directors of the Giri Tirta Gresik Regional Drinking Water
Company (PDAM) are working towards the Drinking Water Supply System (SPAM) project. Simultaneous
motion weir, operating according to the target that has been set.

For this reason, PDAM Giri Tirta together with PT PP Krakatau Tirta (PPKT). Carry out initial pile driving
for raw water pump foundation or Intake. According to the master plan, the Intake built can
accommodate up to 1,200 m3 of water from the Solo River.

According to the Director of PT PP Krakatau Tirta Industri (PPKT), Arijanto Trio Leksono said. That the
piling needs to be done, because the land that will be used as an Intake development area is soft and
easily shifts.

"The depth of the pile foundation is up to 23 meters, deep into the ground so it is very sturdy. Overall
the progress of the BGS SPAM project development has reached 30 percent. The work on the
construction of a Water Processing Installation (IPA), the construction of the Reservoir in Manyar, the
construction of the Intake and the piping activities are carried out in parallel. And we are optimistic that
in December the project will be completed and in February water will be able to flow to people's homes,”
said Antok.

Meanwhile, the Main Director of PDAM Giri Tirta Gresik, Siti Aminatus Zahriyah said. That is committed
to providing support while overseeing the BGS SPAM project, so that it can be completed according to
the target.

If there is development that is a little slow, don't hesitate to reprimand.

For pipeline activities from the IPA to the Bungah T-junction as far as 7.8 kilometers, currently it has
reached more than 60 percent. The pipe, which has a diameter of 1.1 meters, will distribute clean water
up to 1,000 liters per second. Later in early 2021, the amount of water distributed from SPAM BGS will
reach 500 liters per second. That number will increase to 750 liters per second in the second year and
1,000 liters per second in the third year.

Separately, the Gresik PDAM Supervisory Board, Haris Irianto, said that the support from all parties,
especially the community, is so that the project currently under construction can proceed according to
plan. So that the shortage of raw water discharge in Gresik can be resolved immediately. [kim]


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