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Ingredients: Measurements:

Karne ng Kambing (Goat Meat) ½ Kilo

Toyo (Soy Sauce) 120 ml
Suka (Vinegar) 4 Tbsp
Gata (Fresh Coconut Milk) 250 ml
Tubig (Water) 250 ml
Vegetable Oil 5 Tbsp
Puting Sibuyas (White Onion) 1 Large
Bawang (Garlic) 4 Cloves
Patatas (Potato) 1 Large
Potato Marbles ½ Kilo
Sitaw (String Bean) 1 Band
Itlog ng Pugo (Quail Egg) 1 Dozen
Fine Black Pepper 1 Tbsp
Dried Bay leaves 4 Pieces

For Garnish:
Siling Haba (Green chili) 2 Pieces
Blue ternate Flower 1 Pack

Cooking procedure:

1. Boil the Goat Meat for 1 and half hours to 2 hours until tender. Set aside after cooked. (Advisable to
use pressure cooker for faster cooking process.)

2. Brunoise the Onion and mince the Garlic, then add to a sauce pot with oil, then sauté.

3. Add the Cooked Goat meat then sauté until exterior has brown color.

4. Add the Water, Soy sauce, Vinegar, Fine Black Pepper, Potato Marbles, and Dried Bay leaves then add
to the sauce pot and bring it to boil. Simmer for 20 to 30 minutes. (You can also boil the Potato Marbles
in a different pot for 20minutes then add it to the pot after the 30 minutes simmering process.)

5. After 5 minutes add the Coconut milk. Then continue simmering until 30 minutes, If the sauce is
reduced to the desired amount it is done, but if it is not, continue the simmering until it is reduced to
the preferred amount of sauce.

6. Remove the Goat meat in the pot, then flake it until it has thin strands.
7. After flaking, sauté the flake meat in a frying pan with a little oil until it is a little bit crispy. Set aside

8. Boil the quail eggs for 3 and half minutes. After that, blanch the String beans for 3 minutes then put it
in ice bath.

For Plating:
9. Thinly slice 1 large potato (Rondelle Cut), then submerged it into a water to reduce starch.

10. Fry the sliced potato in a frying pan with a small amount of oil until the exterior is not translucent.
Set aside after.

11. Transfer the potato marbles in a mis en place bowl then put in the plate for plating, and also transfer
the sauce into a gravy boat.

For Garnish:
12. Slice the Green chili diagonally.

13. Put the Blue ternate flower in a bowl of water.


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