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Pattern by NAMSOM PAN 1

Pattern Sasiki Kusukabe

Material ( Size about 4-5 inches)

1.Bandum # 20 (Restaurant Nuan Su Dio) Cremi, Sugar, Gray, Yellow, Purple, White // Dark brown # 20 (Top Ban Raft House) This color is da

2. Dark Crochet Board 6/0 (1.00 mm)

3. Synthetic fiber

4.Eye size 4 mm and 2 mm

Note: The picture may be slightly spooky, sometimes due to shooting in natural light. May cause some pictures to be somehow still want to be stuffed. / ̂ ^ * ̂

Pattern by NAMSOM PAN 2

Skip Stick # 20 (Restaurant Nuan Su Dio)

1.Head / Daisi Khiri Mi

row Sanalakas Lock

Raise the tank like a shell.

1 6X 6

2 6V 12

3 XV * 6 18

4 XV, (2XV) * 5, X 24

5 (V, 3X) * 6 30

6 2XV, (4XV) * 5, 2X 36

7 (V, 5X) * 6 42

8 3XV, (6XV) * 5, 3X 48

Pattern by NAMSOM PAN 3

9 2XV, (4XV) * 2, 22XV, (4XV) * 2, 2X 54

10 19XA, 12XA, 19X 52

11 18XA, 12XA, 18X 50

12-14 50X 50

15 13XV, 22XV, 13X 52

16 11X, 2V, 26X, 2V, 11X 56

17 56X 56

18 3XA, 5XA, 3X, 2XV, 9X, 2V, 9XV, (5XA) * 2, 3X 56

19 56X 56

20 (XAX) * 3, 32X, (XAX) * 3 50

21 4XA, 38XA, 4X 48

22 3XA, 6XA, 9X, 2A, 9XA, 6XA, 3X 42

23 (4XA) * 7 35

24 (3XA) * 7 28

25 (2XA) * 7 // (Hold the weight of the body and the center of the body to put on the neck) 21

Once the 25th row has passed, let the worker have a job before finishing the construction. When a piece of the word

Then the naga is inserted into this row. From row 26 next

26 (XA) * 7, C 14

Prohibit the job, make a packing box.

2. Ear / Daisi Khiri Mi


5X, C

Pattern by NAMSOM PAN 4

3. I / White paint

row Sanalakas Lock

Raise the tank like a shell.

1 6X 6

2 6V 12

3 XV * 6 18

4 XV, (2XV) * 5, X 24

5 (V, 3X) * 6 30

6 2XV, (4XV) * 5, 2X 36

7 35X, C 36

I Start with my hair Bareback

1 Chain 15, X (into chain 14), 13X, C (down into 14

2-3 chain) Chain 13, X (down into chain 12), 11X, C 12

4-6 (down into chain). Chain 10, X (into chain 9), 8X, 9

7 C (down into chain) Chain 13, X (down into chain 12

8 12), 11X, C (down into chain). Chain 16, X (into 15

9 chain 15), 14X, C (down into chain) Chain 20, X 19

10 (down to chain 19), 18X, C (down to later). Chain 15

11 16, X (into chain 15), 14X, C (down into chain) 19

12 Chain 20, X (down to chain 19), 18X, C (down to 11

13 later). Chain 12, X (into chain 11), 10X, C (down 19

14-15 into chain) Chain 20, X (down into chain 19), 18X, 14

16 C (down into chain). Chain 15, X (into chain 14), 11

17 13X, C (down into chain) Chain 12, X (down into 19

18 chain 11), 10X, C (down into chain). Chain 20, X 14

19-20 (into chain 19), 18X, C (down into chain) Chain 19

21 15, X (down into chain 14), 13X, C (down into 12

22 chain). Chain 20, X (into chain 19), 18X, C (down 19

23 into chain) Chain 13, X (down into chain 12), 11X, 14

24 C (down into chain). Chain 20, X (into chain 19), 19

25 18X, C (down into chain) Chain 15, X (down into 12

26 chain 14), 13X, C (down into chain). Chain 20,X 19

27 (into the chain 19), 18X, C (into the lateral chain) 14

28 Chain 13, X (into the chain 12), 11X, C (into the lateral chain) Chain 20,
19 X (into the chain 19), 18X, C (into th

Pattern by NAMSOM PAN 5

29 Chain 13, X (into chain 12), 11X, C (down into 12

30 chain), chain 20, X (down into chain 19), 18X, C 19

31 (down into chain). Chain 15, X (into chain 14), 14

32 13X, C (down into chain), chain 20, X (down into 19

33 chain 19), 18X, C (down into chain). Chain 13, X 12

34 (into chain 12), 11X, C (down into chain) Chain 14

35 15, X (down into chain 14), 13X, C (down into chain). Chain 20, X (into
19chain 19), 18X, C (down chain)

Is it?

4. Leg and Latawat / Black, white, white and yellow

row Sanalakas Color Lock

Raising the tank 4 Purple

1 Chain 1, 3X, W, 2X, V Purple 10

2 V, 2X, 3V, 2X, 2V 4X, Purple 16

3 3A, 4X, A Purple 12

4 4X, 2A, 4X Purple 10

5 10X Purple 10

6-10 10X Kremi 10

11 3XV * 2, 2X Kremi 12

12 4XV * 2, 2X white 14

13 11X, C (Left leg) When it's done, give it a left leg // 14X (Right leg) white 11 // 14

14 (Right leg) 4X, X (Do not collect) Let the silk thread go out, there will

be 3 strands, then if A is the silk. Next up, set aside a row until all 13X, A,

15 14X will get 28X. (Drupu Vithi where he goes) white 28

16 3XV * 7 white 35

Pattern by NAMSOM PAN 6

17 35X Be glued 35

18 35X ( Into the inner chain) Be glued 35

19 5XA * 5 Be glued 30

20 30X Be glued 30

21 4XA * 5 Be glued 25

22 25X Be glued 25

23 3XA * 5 Be glued 20

24-25 20X Be glued 20

26 2XA * 5 Be glued 15

27 15X Be glued 15

28 15X Kremi 15

29 XA * 5 Kremi 10

30-31 10X Kremi 10

32 10V Kremi 20

33 20X Kremi 20

34 10A Kremi 10

35 5A, C Kremi 5

Prohibit the job, make a packing box.

Step one step with the connecting leg.

Pattern by NAMSOM PAN 7

Pattern by NAMSOM PAN 8
5.arm / Black and white

row Sanalakas Color Lock

Raise the tank like a shell. Kremi

1 5X Kremi 5

2 V, 4X Kremi 6

3 XV, 4X Kremi 7

4 2XV, 4X Kremi 8

5-8 8X Kremi 8

9 V, 7X Kremi 9

10 9X Kremi 9

11-13 9X Be glued 9

14 9X, C Be glued 9

Do you like it?

Assembled) Ye Bipidish

6. Dresses / White brown

row Sanalakas Lock

Drop the tank into the Latvian row 18 sonoc

1 Chain 3, [f, V (f)] * 17, 51

2 C Chain 3, (2f, V (f)) * 17, C 68

3 Chain 3, 68X, C 68

Sell silk boxes and re-brand them.

Note: f is a load 1 time (a 1 c) V (f) is

a 1c (f) on a 2 times.

Pattern by NAMSOM PAN 9

7. Cable / White brown


Raising the tank 26, 25X

8. Neck collar / Yellowish black

row Sanalakas Lock

Wanderlust 26

1 Chain 1, A, XA * 8 17

2 Chain 1 Plikik, 17X 17

Sell silk boxes and re-brand them.

The process of Yeb

Pattern by NAMSOM PAN 10

Pattern by NAMSOM PAN 11
Pattern by NAMSOM PAN 12
Pattern by NAMSOM PAN 13
9. Big dust Good color 10. Dust / Good color

row Sanalakas Lock row Sanalakas Lock

Raise the tank like a shell. Raise the tank like a shell.

1 5X 5 1 5X 5

2 5V 10 2 5V 10

3 XV * 5 15 3 XV * 5 15

4 2XV * 5 20 4-6 15X 15

5 3XV * 5 25 7 XA * 5 10

6-10 25X 25 Yeb Pidishong

11 3XA * 5 20 Sell silk boxes and re-brand them.

12 2XA * 5 15

13 XA * 5 10 11. Follower / White

Yeb Pidishong
Sell silk boxes and re-brand them.
6X, C

Pattern by NAMSOM PAN 14

Thank you for ordering the patch "Sasuke"

Oh my god that everyone will fall for Murakasatsu ... Hmmm.

The camera can then shoot the post.

In "ORANGE amigurumi" or "namsom pan" Taekwondo "namsom pan"

Or use Hashtag #Namsompan on Facebook and Instagram.

To share work tasks with others I have received a compliment.

Thank you very much.


Pattern by NAMSOM PAN 15

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