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THIS AGREEMENT is made and executed at the place and date stated in the Schedule


IndusInd Bank Limited, a Banking Company incorporated and having its Registered Office at 2401, Gen. Thimmayya
Road,Cantonment, Pune - 411001 and Corporate Office at 8th Floor, Tower 1, One Indiabulls Centre, 841, Senapati Bapat
Marg,Elphinstone Road (W), Mumbai – 400 013 and having one of its office at IndusInd Bank Ltd (Personal Loans Division), Plot No.
57, Road No. 17, PNA House, 3rd Floor, MIDC, Andheri (E), Mumbai - 400 093 and acting through its Branch stated in the Schedule
hereto and hereinafter referred to as “the Bank” (which expression shall unless the context otherwise requires,include its successors
and assigns) of the ONE PART

The Borrower, an Indian inhabitant, whose name and address is stated in the Schedule hereto and hereinafter referred to as “the
Borrower” (which expression shall unless the context otherwise requires, include his/her heirs, executors and administrators) of the

Whereas the Bank is engaged in banking business in India

Whereas the Borrower has requested the Bank to provide the Borrower a Personal Loan through online and the Bank has agreed to
provide such a loan to the Borrower on the terms and conditions set out hereinafter.

Bank and the Borrower are collectively referred to as Parties and individually as Party.


1 Definitions and Interpretation

1.1 In this Agreement, the following capitalized words shall have the following meanings: “BRANCH” means the branch of the Bank
situated at the place mentioned in the Schedule hereto through which the Personal Loan is disbursed and shall include any other
branch where the Personal Loan account is maintained or transferred to anytime at the sole discretion of the Bank
“EQUATED MONTHLY INSTALLMENT” or “EMI” shall mean the amount payable every month on such date/s specified in the
Schedule for the term of the Personal Loan by the Borrower to the Bank to amortize the Personal Loan comprising interest and
principal, or as the case maybe, only principal or interest
“INTEREST RATE” means the rate at which the Bank shall compute and apply interest on the Personal Loan, as stated in the
Schedule or as maybe amended from time to time by the Bank
“DEFAULT INTEREST RATE” means the rate as stated in the Schedule or as maybe amended by the Bank from time to time at
which the Bank shall compute and apply interest on all amounts not paid when due for payment or reimbursement by the Borrower to
the Bank
“PERSONAL LOAN” means the principal amount of Loan sanctioned and disbursed by the Bank to the Borrower (as specified in the
Schedule) in terms of this Agreement and shall include dues outstanding there under including interests, costs, charges, expenses
and all other amounts due in accordance with this Agreement if the context so requires.

indusind personal loan

“Prepayment” means premature repayment of the Personal Loan in full by the Borrower ahead of the repayment tenor specified in
the Schedule.

“Prepayment Charges” means charges levied by Bank for prepayment as specified in the Schedule
“Purpose of Personal Loan” means that the Personal Loan has been availed by the Borrower for the purpose as stated in the
Schedule hereto.
“Repayment” means the repayment of the principal amount of loan, interest thereon and/or any charges, premiums, expenses, fees
or other dues payable in terms of this Agreement;
“Schedule” means the Schedules to this Agreement.
1.2 In this Agreement, singular shall include plural and the masculine gender, the feminine or neuter gender
1.3 Any expressions not defined herein, if defined within the General Clauses Act, 1897, shall carry the same meaning as assigned
to it under the said Act.
1.4 In this Agreement, headings are for convenience only and shall not affect interpretation except to the extent that the context
otherwise requires.
1.5 Any reference to Article, Clause or Schedule shall be deemed to be a reference to an Article, Clause or Schedule of this
1.6 Any reference to any enactment or statutory provision is a reference to it as it may have been, or may from time to time be
amended, modified, consolidated or re-enacted.
1.7 The arrangement of Clauses in this Agreement shall have no bearing on their interpretation.

2 Bank s Agreement to lend and Borrowers Agreement to borrow

2.1 The Bank agrees, based on the Borrowers request, representations, warranties, covenants, and undertakings as contained
herein and in the application for Personal Loan, to lend to the Borrower and the Borrower agrees to borrow from the Bank, the
Personal Loan on the terms and conditions as fully set out in this Agreement and Schedule hereto and /or in the Borrowers
application for personal Loan.

3 Mode of Disbursement
3.1 The Bank shall disburse the Personal Loan in the manner given in the Schedule hereto. The Bank shall credit the Personal Loan
amount directly to the designated Bank account, details provided in the Schedule in the name of the Borrower to be held with the
Bank itself or with any other bank or such bank to which Electronic Debit Instructions are given as specified in clause 5.4 hereinafter
(“Personal Loan Account”). In the alternative, the Bank may, at the request of the Borrower, disburse the loan by issuing Pay Order
drawn in favour of the Borrower.

4 Interests Fees and Costs

4.1 The Borrower shall be liable to pay interest on the Personal loan at the rate specified in the schedule with monthly rests.
4.2 Interest, which is part of EMI, if not paid on due date, then interest shall be and added to the principal and shall be treated as an
advance to the Borrower/s and the Bank shall be entitled to charge interest at the aforesaid rate on the outstanding balances
inclusive of interest not paid by the Borrower/s and hence capitalized as aforesaid.
4.3 The Bank shall be entitled to change the rate of interest and/or rests and/or penal interest, as per Reserve Bank of India
guidelines and/ or as per policy of the Bank, by sending to the Borrower/s an intimation or publishing in any newspaper, notice board/
bank web site of the Bank its intention to change the rate of interest and/or rests and/or penal interest and the Borrower/s shall be
deemed to have consented to such change; and the Borrower/s hereby agree/s to pay interest thereafter at such revised rate and/or
4.4 The interest on the Personal Loan shall accrue from the date of the Bank’s disbursement of the Personal Loan to the Borrower
and shall be computed:
4.4.1 at such periodicity as stated in the Schedule
4.4.2 taking the basis of 365 days in a year/366 days for a leap year and calculated at monthly rests
4.4.3 At the Interest Rate as stated in the Schedule or basis effective ROI change as prescribed by the Bank from time to time and
applicable on the actual amount outstanding in the account.
4.5 The Borrower agrees and acknowledges that the Personal Loan shall bear Processing Fees and other fees and charges
including but not limited to Interest Tax, Stamp Duty, late payment charges, ECS, administrative charges, costs and such other
charges as mentioned in the Schedule, which the Borrower shall reimburse to the Bank in addition to the Personal Loan and the
interest accrued thereon. The Borrower authorizes Bank to deduct Processing Fee, Service Tax Cess on Processing Fee,
Administrative Charges and Insurance Fees etc.
4.6 The Borrower shall also bear and reimburse separately to the Bank the following:
4.6.1 the costs and expenses involved or incurred by the Bank in the recovery of the Personal Loan, if the Personal Loan or any part
thereof, when due is not paid by the Borrower.
4.7 in the event the Borrower holds a Liability Accounts, either singly or jointly, with the Bank, the Bank shall be entitled to debit the
liability account or effect premature payment of fixed deposits for recovery of all other amounts due and payable by the Borrower
under this Agreement (including but not limited to Interest Tax, Fees, Charges, Stamp Duty, costs and such other charges specified in
the Schedule) to the Borrower’s Personal Loan account, if the Borrowers fails to make payments to the Bank in accordance with the
Amortization Schedule of the Personal Loan.
4.8 All amounts in default for payment (i.e. not paid by the Borrower when due to the Bank) including arrears of EMI, interests, fees,
charges, taxes and costs will attract Default Interest at the rate / amount (s) specified in the Schedule.
4.9 The Borrower is aware that the Schedule hereto is not exhaustive and can be changed and fresh/new charges can be added to,
anytime and from time to time, at the sole and absolute discretion of the Bank and such charges shall be binding on the Borrower.

5 Repayment Prepayment
On demand, Borrower, unconditionally, promises to pay IndusInd Bank Limited, or order, the sum of Rupees outstanding together
with interest thereon at 19.50% p.a. or such MCLR or other rate which the Bank may fix from time to time in accordance with the
directives of the Reserve Bank of India or policy decision of the Bank, for value received. The Personal Loan (including the principal,
interest thereon and any other charges, premiums, fees, taxes, levies or other dues payable by the Borrower to the Bank in terms of
this Agreement) shall be repayable by the Borrower to the Bank:
5.1.1 at the Branch (or at any other branch of Bank or at any other place as maybe notified by the Bank);
5.1.2 by way of EMI as mentioned in the Schedule towards repayment of principal and interest; and
5.1.3 by separate repayments: towards repayment of default interests, fees, charges, taxes, claims, costs and expenses or towards repayment of interest tax as maybe notified by the Bank to the Borrower
5.2 The EMI amount shall be arrived at so as to comprise repayment of principal and payment of interest calculated on the basis of
the interest rate, periodicity of compounding, periodicity of repayment, periodicity of effecting credits in the account so as to aim
repayment of the entire liability under the Personal Loan at the end of its tenor and the Borrower agrees to continue paying EMls until
all amounts due under the Personal Loan have been repaid in full to the Bank.
5.3 The Borrower shall provide to the Bank, such number and amount of Post-dated Cheques (PDCs), drawn in the name of the
Bank, as the Bank may intimate to the Borrower, from time to time, with respect to the Personal Loan. The Borrower agrees that in
the event any PDCs are lost, stolen, mutilated or destroyed or become void owing to any other reason whatsoever, the Borrower shall
replace such PDCs by handing over fresh PDCs to the Bank
5.4 The Borrower may provide Electronic Debit Instructions (“EDI”) to the Bank itself or to such other Bank in which the Borrower
maintains his account, with respect to the Borrower’s Account Personal Loan Account (which are popularly known as “Standing
Instructions”) / NACH Mandate / e-Mandate for payment of all EMIs that are payable by the Borrower to the Bank in accordance with
this Agreement and the Schedule hereto. For such purpose, the Borrower shall sign and execute all documents/ applications and
provide all such information/documents as maybe required for effecting EDI by the Bank or such other bank in which the Borrower
maintains his account.
5.5 No notice, reminder or intimation will be given to the Borrower regarding his/her obligation to pay the EMI regularly on each due
date. It shall entirely be his/her responsibility to ensure prompt and timely payment to the Bank. Any delay or default in payment of
any EMI shall make the Borrower liable to pay to the Bank, interest at the Default Interest Rate (for the period of such default) as
mentioned in the Schedule, besides constituting a default, thereby making all sums under this Agreement due and payable to the
Bank forthwith.
5.6 EMIs maybe either fixed or growing; in case of growing EMIs, the indicated EMI shall be the EMI for the first repayment. In case
of growing EMI, Bank shall inform the Borrower about growing EMI at the time of sanction and first disbursal or it may be
communicated subsequently. Accordingly, Borrower shall be liable to pay growing EMI and shall substitute NACH Mandate/
e-Mandate/ the PDCs or the Standing Instructions, as the case may be.
5.7 The Borrower shall be entitled to prepay the Personal Loan, fully, as per the rules of the Bank, including payment of Prepayment
Charges, for the time being in force in that regard after paying at least the number of EMI’s as mentioned in schedule of charges. It is
clarified that the Borrower shall not be entitled for part prepayment of loan during the tenure of the loan
5.8 The Bank reserves the right to represent failed NACH Mandate/ eMandate/ PDC/ and similarly re-attempt recovery of amounts
overdue through debit to existing account. In case of Standing Instructions, Bank would recover funds to the extent they are available
the operative account for which the standing instruction has been given to the Bank and can recover the balance from the subsequent
credit in the account

6 Bank s Rights
The Bank shall:
6.1 in the event it is unwilling to continue the Personal Loan on account of regulatory or other reasons, have the sole right at any time
during the tenor of this Agreement to recall the entire or part of the Personal Loan without assigning any reason there of.
6.2 have the sole right to amend at any time and from time to time any of the terms & conditions of this Agreement including but not
limited to revising/rescheduling the repayment terms / amount of EMI or any other amounts outstanding thereunder, revision of
Interest Rate (including the Default Interest Rate), any other charges or fees, periodicity of compounding of interest, method of
effecting credit of the repayments, without assigning any reason and notify such change/revision/amendment to the Borrower. The
Borrower will be bound by such change/revision and the Borrower agrees that such revision/change/amendment shall become
applicable from date of such revision in the records of the Bank;
6.3 have the right to inspect books of accounts and other records maintained by the Borrower; and
6.4 be entitled to disclose any information about the Borrower, his/her account relationship with the Bank and/or any default
committed by him/her in repayment of amounts (whether such information is provided by the Borrower or obtained by the Bank itself
and whether in form of repayment conduct, rating or defaults) to its head office, other branch offices, affiliated entities, Reserve Bank
of India, or such other Credit Information Bureaus like CIBIL etc., its auditors, as the Bank may, in its sole and exclusive discretion,
deem fit and proper. The Bank shall also be entitled to seek and receive any information as it deems fit in connection with the
Personal Loan and/or the Borrower from any third party; and
6.5 be entitled to require the Borrower, in the event of the Borrower opting to resign or retire from his current employment prior to the
age of superannuation or is discharged or removed from service before such date for any reason whatsoever, to instruct his/her
employer to remit the entire dues or termination benefits (including compensation) in the liability account maintained with the Bank.
6.6 have the right to store financial data of the Borrower. This includes data which is not kept within accounts of IndusInd Bank
6.7 have a right to apply and/or appropriate and/or set-off any credit balance of the Borrower or any monies/assets (including but not
limited to property, assets, securities, shares, stocks, and the like) belonging to the Borrower coming in the hands of the Bank
towards the repayment of Personal Loan upon occurrence of Event of Default. However, the Bank shall not be obliged to exercise
any right given to it herein.

7 Borrower s Representations Warranties Covenants Indemnification and Undertakings

7 1 Consent
The Borrower hereby certifies that all information furnished by the Borrower is true, and correct. The Borrower hereby expressly give
consent to the Bank/ Lender to disclose any information, at any point of time, relating to conduct and operations of the account to the
Reserve Bank of India and / or any other Agency/ Authority/ CIC’s, appointed/designated by Reserve Bank of India/any Statutory
Authority or Courts of law on being called upon to disclose such information in writing or by any order / direction or as the case may
be. The Bank, without any further notice or intimation, can disclose and supply any information to the Reserve Bank of India and / or
CIC’s or any Agency/Authority appointed by Reserve Bank of India. The Borrower, further agrees that Reserve Bank of India and/or
CIC’s or any other Authority so appointed can compile such data and/or information and can convey/supply such data and/or
information and/or results thereof to Government, Reserve Bank of India, Other Banks, and/or Financial Institutions for any reasons
whatsoever, for Credit Discipline in Banking Industry in India. The Borrower expressly waive their right and discharge the Bank and/or
Reserve Bank of India and/or CIC’s or any other Authority appointed by Reserve Bank of India from any liability for disclosure and/or
use of such information on account of breach of any secrecy clause. Further Lender may on its own or through its agent(s) make
references, do deduping / verification / validation / checking enquiries relating to information in the application / documents submitted
by Borrower / Co-borrower(s) / Guarantor(s). The Borrower hereby gives specific consent to the Bank for disclosing / submitting the
'financial information' as defined in Section 3 (13) of the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code, 2016 ('Code') read with the relevant
Regulations/ Rules framed under the Code, as amended and in force from time to time and as specified there under from time to
time, in respect of the Credit/ Financial facilities availed from the Bank, from time to time, to any 'Information Utility' ('IU') as defined in
Section 3 (21) of the Code, in accordance with the relevant Regulations framed under the Code, and directions issued by Reserve
Bank of India to the banks from time to time and hereby specifically agree to promptly authenticate the 'financial information
submitted by the Bank, as and when requested by the concerned 'IU'
7.2 The Borrower hereby represents/warrants to/covenants/undertakes throughout the subsistence of this Agreement, with the Bank
7.2.1 the information provided in the application for the Personal Loan and as contained herein is complete and true, in all respects;
7.2.2 there are no threatened or pending claims, demands, litigation or liquidation proceedings against the Borrower;
7.2.3 the Borrower shall utilize the Personal Loan for the purpose for which it is granted and for no other purpose whatsoever;
7.2.4 the Borrower shall repay to the Bank the Personal Loan in accordance with the Repayment Terms mentioned herein
7.2.5 the Borrower shall at all times maintain sufficient balance in the Personal Loan Repayment Borrower’s Account to ensure
payment of each EMI;
7.2.6 any dispute about interest computation shall not entitle the Borrower to withhold payment of an EMI
7.2.7 the Borrower shall provide to the Bank its financial statement and other information and documents concerning his
employment, profession, business or utilization of Personal Loan as the Bank may require from time to time;
7.2.8 the Borrower shall, within 7 (seven) days of the event, inform the Bank of any likely change in his/her employment and/or
residential/office address;
7.2.9 the Borrower shall not, during the tenure of this Agreement, avail of or obtain any further loan or facility for the same purpose
without the prior written consent of the Bank;
7.2.10 the Borrower shall ensure that none of the PDCs issued by him/her are returned dis-honoured for any reason whatsoever and
is aware that in such an event Cheque dis-honour charges will be payable by him/her to the Bank as specified in the Schedule;
7.2.11 the EDI given to the Bank by the Borrower pursuant to this Agreement: shall not be changed, modified or countermanded without prior written permission of the Bank if not acted upon by the Bank in which the account is maintained for whatever reason, then without prejudice to the rights of
the Bank to recall the entire amount outstanding under the Personal Loan, the Borrower shall issue such revised instructions as
maybe necessary to ensure payment to the Bank in terms of this Agreement and/or to issue and deliver PDCs for the balance
outstanding under the Personal Loan as per Schedule.
7.2.12 shall not stand surety or as guarantor for any third party liability or obligation;
7.2.13 shall not leave India for employment or business or long stay or permanently, without first fully repaying the Personal Loan
then outstanding, with interest and other dues, including prepayment charges, if any and shall keep himself aware of all the rules of
the Bank, as pertaining to the Personal Loan, and in force from time to time;
7.2.14 the Borrower shall maintain, operate and fund the Personal Loan Borrower’s Account till the whole of the Loan Amount,
together with interest and charges thereon, is received in full by the Bank
7.2.15 The Borrower undertakes that, if there is a breach of any of the representations or warranties provided hereunder, then, the
Borrower shall indemnify the Bank in respect of any reasonable costs and expenses suffered or incurred by the Bank which arises
from the event or circumstance giving rise to any claim for breach of representation or warranty or any representation given by the
Borrower to the Bank in the Application for the Loan.
7.2.16 Borrower undertakes that on clicking on "I Agree" it shall be construe, that the Borrower has duly executed this Agreement
and accepts all the terms and conditions contained herein and shall not raise any demur or protest in relation to the same. The
Borrower is aware that the Bank shall agree to become a party to this Agreement only after satisfying itself with regards to all
conditions and details filled by them in the Application for the Loan and this Agreement is in consonance with the Bank's policy.
7.2.17 The Borrower understands and acknowledges that internet is not a necessarily a secure means of transmission. The Borrower
acknowledges and accepts that such transmission methods involve the risk of possible unauthorized alteration of data, unauthorized
usage therefore for whatever purposes and/ or virus attacks. The Borrower agrees to hold the Bank free and harmless from all losses,
costs, damages, expenses that maybe incurred by the Borrower due to any errors, delays or problems in transmission or
unauthorized/ illegal interception, alteration, manipulation of electronic data, virus attacks/ transmission to the Borrower's system
otherwise caused by using Internet as a means for availing the Loan.
7.2.18 The Borrower hereby agrees, acknowledges and confirms that the Borrower is availing of the online Loan facility in
accordance with the terms contained herein entirely at its own risk and consequences.
8 Events of Default
8.1 The Bank may, by a written notice to the Borrower, declare the Personal Loan to have become due and payable forthwith upon
the occurrence (in the sole decision of the Bank) of any one or more of the following events
8.1.1 The Borrower fails to pay to the Bank any amount on or before due date and payable under this Agreement (including an EMI)
or furnish the PDCs or any other document / agreement as maybe required by the Bank from time to time or if any PDCs are
dis-honored or EDI are not acted upon;
8.1.2 The Borrower fails to pay to any person other than the Bank any amount on or before due date and payable or any person
other than the Bank may demand repayment of the loan or dues or liability of the Borrower to such person ahead of its repayment
terms as previously agreed between such person and the Borrower.
8.1.3 The Borrower defaults in performing any of his/her obligations under this Agreement or breaches any of the terms and
conditions of this Agreement;
8.1.4 The Borrower resigns, retires or is discharged or removed from the employment he/she was engaged in on the date of this
8.1.5 Any of the information provided by the Borrower to avail the Personal Loan or any of the Representations and Warranties
contained herein being found to be or becoming incorrect or untrue;
8.1.6 If there is reasonable apprehension that the Borrower is unable to pay his/her debts or any person other than the Bank
commencing proceedings to declare the Borrower insolvent or if the Borrower shall become bankrupt or insolvent or commitact of
8.1.7 If any distrait or attachment of any assets of the Borrower is effected; and
8.1.8 The Bank, for any regulatory or other reasons, being unable or unwilling to continue the Personal Loan, recalls by written notice
the Personal Loan and the Borrower fails to repay in accordance with the said notice.
8.2 It is clarified that upon occurrence of an Event of Default, the Bank shall be entitled to adopt civil and/or criminal proceedings
against the Borrower, including for dis-honour of Cheques under Section 138 of Negotiable Instruments Act. (or) for rejection of ECS
debit instruction under section 25 of payments and settlement systems act 2007.

9 Assignment and Transfer

9.1 The Bank shall have an absolute right to sell or transfer (by way of assignment, securitization or otherwise) the whole or part of
the Personal Loan in such manner and on such terms and conditions as the Bank may decide at its sole discretion
9.2 The Borrower expressly agrees, in the event of sale or transfer as aforesaid, to accept such person to whom the Personal Loan
is sold or transferred as his/her lender and make the repayment of the Personal Loan to such person in the manner directed by the
9.3 The Borrower shall not be entitled to transfer or assign any of his/her rights under this Agreement
10 Fax Email Online transmission Indemnity

10.1 The Borrower is aware that transmission of Instructions through Facsimile ("Fax")/ e-mail/ through internet/ online involves a
number of risks including fraudulent alterations and incorrect transmissions and absence of confidentiality. However, the Borrower is
desirous of providing instructions ("Instructions") to the Bank through Fax and/or e-mail and/or online for various matters under this
Agreement including in relation to the Loan and the operation thereof
10.2 In consideration of the Bank permitting the same the Borrower hereby irrevocably, jointly and severally agrees, confirms and
undertakes with the Bank as under: -
10.2.1 The Bank shall be entitled (without being bound to do so) to rely upon the Instructions provided through Fax / e-mail/ through
Internet/ online (and believe the same to be genuine), for their any requirements. In case of any question as to what were the
Instructions provided or received, the records of the Fax/ e-mail/ through Internet/ online received by the Bank from the Borrower shall
be final.
10.2.2 The Borrower shall ensure that the Instructions provided through Fax/ e-mail/ though Internet/ online to the Bank are executed
by a person duly authorised in this behalf ("Authorised Person") and the Bank shall not be responsible for conducting any verification
in this regard, whatsoever
10.2.3 The Borrower confirms that the Bank shall not be bound to act in accordance with whole or any part of the Instructions as it
may appear in the Instruction so conveyed and the same shall be at the Borrower's risk and the Bank shall not be liable for the
consequences of any such refusal or omission to act or deferment of action
10.2.4 The Borrower shall deliver on the same day or on immediate next day to the Bank the original Instructions in writing signed by
the Authorised Person with a marking on the top "confirmation of the same". The Bank shall not be required to await receipt of the
said instruction in writing before taking any action in connection with the Instructions provided through fax/ e-mail/ through Internet/
online and the non-delivery and non-conformity of such instruction in writing shall not in any manner prejudice to the Bank's right.

11 Miscellaneous
11.1 The Parties agree that in any legal action or proceeding arising out of or in connection with this Agreement, entries made in the
Books of Accounts maintained by the Bank shall be prima facie evidence of debt and of all amounts payable, as therein recorded, by
Borrower to the Bank;
11.2 If at any time any provision hereof is or becomes illegal, invalid or unenforceable in law, neither the legality, validity nor enforce
ability of the remaining provision hereof, nor the legality, validity or enforce ability of other provisions shall in anyway by affected or
impaired thereby.
11.3 The Parties agree that any delay or omission by the Bank in exercising any of its right, powers or remedies as the lender of the
Personal Loan under this Agreement and other documents pursuant hereto shall not impair the right, power or remedy or be
construed as its waiver or acquiescence by the Bank.
11.4 The Parties confirm that this Agreement and its Schedule and any other documents executed pursuant to this Agreement shall
represent one single Agreement between the Parties
11.5 Any notice under this Agreement shall be in writing and sent to the address stated in the Schedule. The Borrower shall forthwith
inform the Bank of any change in his/her address
11.6 This Agreement shall be subject to Indian law and subject to the jurisdiction of courts having jurisdiction where the Branch is
11.7 All disputes, differences and/or claim arising out of or touching upon this Agreement whether during its subsistence or thereafter
shall be settled by arbitration in accordance with the provisions of the Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996, or any statutory
amendments thereof and shall be referred to the sole Arbitration of an Arbitrator by the Bank. The award given by such an Arbitrator
shall be final and binding on all the Parties to this agreement.
11.8 Dispute for the purpose of Arbitration includes default committed by the Borrower as per this Agreement. It is a term of this
agreement that in the event of such an Arbitrator to whom the matter has been originally referred to dying or being unable to act for
any reason, the Lender, at the time of such death of the arbitrator or of his inability to act as arbitrator, shall appoint another person to
act as arbitrator. Such a person shall be entitled to proceed with the reference from the stage at which it was left by his predecessor.
11.9 The venue of Arbitration proceedings shall be at Mumbai and the language shall be in English
11.10 All notices and other communications on the Bank and the Borrower shall be to the following address, respectively:

For Bank : IndusInd Bank Ltd. (Personal Loans Division), Plot No. 57, Road No. 17,
PNA House, 3rd Floor, MIDC, Andheri (E), Mumbai - 400 093

For Borrower : The correspondence address as updated with the Bank

12 Additional Undertaking
12.1 As and where applicable, the Borrower undertakes that: The CIC's/ IU’s and/or any other agency so authorized may use,
process the information and data in relation to the Borrower, disclosed by the Bank in the manner as deemed fit by them and,
12.2 The CIC's/ IU’s and/or other agency so authorized may furnish for consideration, the processed information and data or
products thereof prepared by them, to Banks/Financial Institutions and other credit guarantors or registered users, as may be
specified by the Reserve Bank of India in this behalf.
13 Digital Document



1 Name of the Borrower NAGESH GAIKWAD

2 Place of Agreement KHARKOPAR 2023-02-01T17 11 53 207

3 Date of Agreement 01-02-2023

Repayment Details

4 Mode of Repayment NACH


6 Account Number 27660100007201


8 MICR Code (if ECS) NA

9 1 PDC Cheque # (for 1st EMI) NA

10 3 Security Cheque #s

11 Security Cheque Amount

1.(EMI x 3)
2.(EMI x 9) NA
3.50% of Loan Amount (NA for
12 Month loan)
If the disbursement date is between the 1st to 22nd day of the month then
12 Date when first installment is the date when the first installment is due is on the 4th day of next month
due If the disbursement date is between the 23rd day to the last day of the same month
then the date of first installment is due on the 4th day of the next to next month

Disbursement Details

13 Same as Repayment Account YES


15 Account number 27660100007201




18 Insurance Premium Amount NA

19 Insurance Nominee Name NA

20 Processing Fee 0 00

Net Loan Amount for

21 65000 00

IN WITNESS WHEREOF the Parties hereto have here into signed the day, month and the year stated in the Key Fact
Statement / Schedule / Disbursement declaration herein above written.

Name of Borrower NAGESH GAIKWAD Digitally signed through online application

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