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Table of Content


CHAPTER ONE........................................................................................................................................4
1.1 INTRODUCTION.........................................................................................................................4
1.2 BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY...................................................................................................4
1.3 STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM.................................................................................................5
1.4 THE SOLUTION...............................................................................................................................5
1.5 AIMS AND OBJECTIVES...................................................................................................................6
1.6 SCOPE AND LIMITATION...........................................................................................................6
1.7 RESEARCH METHODOLOGY......................................................................................................7
1.8 SIGNIFICANCE OF THE STUDY...................................................................................................8
1.9 DEFINATION OF TERMS...................................................................................................................8
1.10 CHAPTER LAYOUT.....................................................................................................................9
CHAPTER TWO: LITERATURE REVIEW..................................................................................................10
2.0 INTRODUCTION.............................................................................................................................10
2.1 STATUS OF ONLINE SHOPPING IN PERSENT BUSINESS ENVIOURNMENT......................................10
2.3 IMPORTANCE OF ONLINE SHOPPING.............................................................................................10
2.4 PROBLEMS OF ONLINE SHOPPING.................................................................................................10
2.5 THE FACTORS WHICH AFFECT ONLINE SHOPPING.........................................................................11
2.6 PRIVACY AND SECURITY ISSUES IN ONLINE SHOPPING..................................................................11
CHAPTER THREE...................................................................................................................................12
3.1. Methodology...........................................................................................................................12
3.1.1. Introduction............................................................................................................................12
3. 1. 2 Justification for the Methodology.............................................................................................12
3.2 SYSTEM ANALYSIS..........................................................................................................................13
3.1.2. Data Collection Methods.............................................................................................13
3.1.3. Requirements....................................................................................................................13
3.1.4. Input Specifications.................................................................................................................15
3.1.5. Output Specifications..............................................................................................................17
3.1.6. System Specifications..............................................................................................................17
3.2. SYSTEM DESIGN.......................................................................................................................18
3.2.1. Process Flow...........................................................................................................................18
3.2.2. Data Flow Diagrams................................................................................................................19
3.2.3. Flow Chart...............................................................................................................................19
3.2.4. UML Diagram..........................................................................................................................20
3.2.5. Data Design.............................................................................................................................20
3.2.6. Data Relationships..................................................................................................................21
CHAPTER FOUR....................................................................................................................................22
RESULTS AND DISCUSION....................................................................................................................22
CHAPTER FIVE......................................................................................................................................25
Record of all procedures and Results..................................................................................................25
Structure of the Project Files...............................................................................................................26
Templates Files....................................................................................................................................27

Terminology Meaning

ERD Entity Relationship Diagram

DBD Database Diagram

DFD Data Flow Diagram

HTTP Hyper Text Transfer Protocol

SQL Structure Query Language

DBMS Database Management System

IDE Integrated Development Environment



An E-commerce website requires appropriate strategy of successful design and

implementation. Everything is required to plan from scratch to end of website. The e-commerce
sector is seen the exponential growth thus a new option will easily part of this regatta of
commercial website. The e-commerce website will feature the online shopping facility of various
fashion products under a single web space. The proposed web application will allow business
personnel to make their total business using it and increase their reach ability thousands of
times more than today they have, over the internet. It will allow multiple shopping vendors to
sale their products online. The product management in the system will be done in the form of
categories. The safety of information is the main requirement of the system and will be handling
according to that. To formulate this project first task is to do is cost estimation. For probabilistic
assessment of the project cost estimation is required. Cost estimation covers the accurate;
estimations of cost and effort required for the project.
As a project manager and developer as well, it’s is estimates are defined to early stage in
the project. Cost estimation in application development project includes the set of procedures
and techniques that will be utilized, required to produce by organisation for development
(Alex,2013). The available resources of a company are also affecting the cost estimation. It will
be very complex project. To demonstrate knowledge learnt in class, tech communities and
online materials, I will undertake the entire project alone even though it requires a team of 6 or
more. It will take time of 3months to get the shape or get the basic structure. The environment
variants depend on the further requirements of the ecommerce web application.


The traditional marketing and management of fashion industry is experiencing a revolution

because of the emergence of e-commerce. Since the birth of e-commerce, businesses have been
able to make use of the Internet in reducing costs associated with purchasing, managing supplier
relationships, streamlining logistics and inventory, and developing strategic advantage and
successful implementation of business re-engineering. E-commerce allows companies to improve
communications within the supply chain and enhance service offering, thus providing chances for
competitive differentiation.
The fashion industry is a product of the modern age. Historically, prior to the mid-19th
century, most clothing was custom-made. It was handmade for individuals, either as home
production or on order from dressmakers and tailors. By the beginning of the 20th century with
the rise of new technologies such as the sewing machine, the rise of global capitalism and the
development of the factory system of production, and the proliferation of retail outlets such as
department stores clothing had increasingly come to be mass-produced in standard sizes and sold
at fixed prices.
The fashion industry consists of four levels:

 The production of raw materials, principally fibres and textiles but also leather and fur.
 The production of fashion goods by designers, manufacturers, contractors, and others.


Traditionally, customers are used to buying the products at the real, in other words,
factual shops or supermarkets. It needs the customers to show up in the shops in person, and walk
around different shopping shelves, and it also needs the owners of shops to stock, exhibit, and
transfer the products required by customers. It takes labour, time and space to process these
Furthermore, the spread of the Covid-19 pandemic has caused a lot of changes in our
lifestyle, people fearing to get outside their homes, transportation almost shut down and social
distancing becoming all the more important. Big to small scale business that relied on the traditional
incur a lot of consequence due to the lockdown issues. Some tend to more towards using social
media platforms like Facebook to sell their product. However, the social media platforms have been
beneficial for marketing purposes alone but leaves the whole task of customer and massive order
management via direct messaging (DM), which takes a lot of time to respond to all customers. In
addition, everyone tends to use social media, posing a great challenge to differentiate between
scammers (fraudsters) and legit sellers.


La BELLE Fashions Store is an Online shopping system provides a solution to reduce and
optimize these expenses. Authorized Customers do not need to go to the factual shops to choose,
and bring the products they need by hands. They simply browse their Personal computers or cell
phones to access shops, and evaluate the products description, pictures on the screen to choose
products. In addition, the owners of the shop do not need to arrange or exhibit their stocks
products. They just input the description, prices of products, and upload their pictures. Simply, both
customers and shop owners do not need to touch the real products in the whole process of
shopping, and management. In the end the logistic centre will distribute the products required by
customers, or products ordered by shop owners to their locations. The customers are able to track
the status of their orders until delivery, after which they can leave a review of the type of service
they received. The payment and products’ quantity will be saved in database through the data
The main objective of the study is to develop an online fashion brochure system. The system aims to
achieve the following objectives:
 To design an online fashion system.
 To provides a solution to reduce and optimize the expenses of customer order management
 To create an avenue where people can shop for fashion products online.
 To develop a database to store information on fashion products and services.
Every project is done to achieve a set of goals with some conditions keeping in mind that it
should be easy to use, feasible and user friendly. As the goal of this project is to develop an online
fashion brochure system, this system will be designed keeping in mind the conditions (easy to use,
feasibility and user friendly) stated above. It may help in effective and efficient order management.
In every shot time, the collection will be obvious, simple and sensible. It is very possible to observe
the customer potentials and purchase patterns because all the ordering history is store in the
database. It is efficient managing all the operations of an online store within a single platform. The
project aims to automate the business process of La BELLE Fashion store. The proposed project
would cover:
Customer Side
 Customer can view/search products without login.
 Customer can also add/remove product to cart without login (if customer try to
add same product in cart. It will add only one)
 When customer try to purchase product, then he/she must login to system.
 After creating account and login to system, he/she can place order.
 If customer click on pay button, then their payment will be successful and
their order will be placed.
 Customer can check their ordered details by clicking on orders button.
 Customer can see the order status (Pending, Confirmed, Delivered) for each order
 Customer can Download their order invoice for each order
 Customer can send feedback to admin (without login)

Administrator Side
 Admin can provide username, email, password and your admin account will
be created.
 After login, there is a dashboard where admin can see how many customers is
registered, how many products are there for sale, how many orders placed.
 Admin can add/delete/view/edit the products.
 Admin can view/edit/delete customer details.
 Admin can view/delete orders.
 Admin can change status of order (order is pending, confirmed, out for
delivery, delivered)
 Admin can view the feedbacks sent by customers

Additionally, if customer places order and admin deleted that user (fraud detection), then their
orders will automatically be deleted. Suppose one (1) customer places four (4) products order and
admin deleted two (2) product from website, then that two-product order will also be deleted and
other two will be there. Also, if user click on purchase button without having products in their cart,
then website will ask to add product in cart first.
On the contrary, designing web applications is characterized by some constraints and
limitations. Developers are limited to a small set of graphical widgets for use in presenting a user
interface. Web-based applications require high investment in software, as well as maintenance costs
for the software and personnel for software administration. In this study, verification of credentials
for membership cannot be done. Besides, there is a payment page although just for demo.
Customers are advised to fill in pseudo details (DONT FILL YOUR ORIGINAL CARD DETAILS THERE). By
the way, website do not save these details.
The research method used for this project work is quantitative research reviews the current system,
provide its description, identifying the discrepancies and eventually giving a suitable solution.
Therefore, the method used in the design and collections of information from various sources are
as follows:
 Studying the present system in detail and the organizational style.
 Knowing and understanding the input and output processes of the existing
 A qualitative form of interview was conducted in the organization to
understand the mode of operation of the old system.
With the aid of an efficient information system, fashion associations can be able to react
quickly by giving out information about changes in the market and latest trends to the public. An
online application not only saves time and money, but also minimizes administrative efforts and
cost. It provides an avenue to market products to a whole new audience. Here are benefits of
having an La BELLE Fashion brochure system;
 Easy advertisement of new products and services
 Saves time on the part of the buyer due to the fact that they can do transactions for any
product or make enquiries about any product or services provided by a company
anytime and anywhere.
 It creates an avenue for expansion to national and international markets.
 An online fashion brochure system improves the brand image of a company.
 It aids a fashion company in providing better customer service.
 It helps to simplify business processes and make them faster and more efficient.
 Fashion: fashion is a distinctive and often habitual trend in the style in which a person dress.
 Fashion design: fashion design is the art of the application of design and natural beauty to
clothing and accessories.
 Fashion designer: a fashion designer is someone who loves to study fashion trends, sketch
designs, select materials, and have a part in all the production aspects of their designs.
they contribute to the creation of millions, if not billions of pieces of clothing and
accessories purchased by consumers on a yearly basis. fashion designers create women’s,
men’s and children’s apparel. this might include sportswear, maternity wear, outerwear,
underwear, formalwear, eyewear and footwear. there are also accessory designers who
design belts, scarves, hats, handbags and hosiery.
 Association: an association is an organized body of people who have an interest, activity,
or purpose in common; a society.
 Web based application: a web-based application is a software package that can be accessed
through the web browser. the software and database reside on a central server rather than
being installed on the desktop system and is accessed over a network.
 Web browser: a web browser is a software application used to enable computer
users locate and access web pages.
 Brochure: a brochure is an advertising piece mainly used to introduce a company or
an organization and inform about products or services to a target audience.
 E-commerce: electronic commerce is the buying and selling of goods and services, or the
transmission of funds or data, over an electronic network, primarily the internet.
 Catalogue: a product catalogue is a file that contains a list of all the products you want
to advertise. Each line of the product catalogue contains a description of each product,
including an id, name, category, availability, product URL, image URL and other product
The chapter layout of this project is outlined in a sequential manner starting with Chapter one which
consists of the Introduction, Background of the study, Statement of the problem, Aims and objectives,
Justification and Significance of study, Research methodology, and Scope, Limitation.
Following this chapter, the rest of the paper proceeds as follows. Chapter two consist of introduction,
Literature review of the project, an overview of ecommerce applications. Chapter three deals with the
Methodology. It comprises of analysis of the existing system under which description of the current
system will be analysed, problems of existing system, description of the proposed system and the
advantages of the proposed system. It also highlights the system design, system implementation and
system documentation under the system design, the system design will have input and output
specifications. Chapter four describe the results and discussion of the study. Chapter five will include
summary, conclusion and recommendation. It consists of the summary of the project report,
conclusion and recommendation based on the research done and achievable outcomes.

Literature review is an expressive study based on the detailed review of earlier pertinent
studies related to the various concepts of online shopping to discover the concept of online
shopping. It highlights the status of online shopping, importance and problems of online shopping,
factors affecting online shopping and a critical review of the privacy and security issues in online
Online buying behaviour is affected by various factors like, economic factors, demographic
factors, technical factors, social factors, cultural factors, psychological factors, marketing factors and
legislative factors. Customers choose an online-shop mainly based on references, clarity terms of
delivery, graphic design and additional services. Problematical customers read discussions on the
Internet before they spend their money on-line and when customers are incapable to purchase the
product fast and with no trouble they leave online-shop.
Ling, said that customers can take enjoy online shopping for 24 hour per day. Consumers
can purchase any goods and services anytime at everywhere. Online shopping is user friendly
compare to in store shopping because consumers can just complete his requirements just with a
click of mouse without leaving their home. Online shopping has some advantages like below.
 Save the Time of the consumers.
 They can purchase any time anywhere.
 They can compare the price with the others retailers very easily.
 Compare the advertising price and actual price.
 They can easily track their product.
 They can use cash back policy.
 They can purchase the product from the foreign marketers.
Online shopping problems are great barrier to the online purchase aim of customers. General
problems include prospect of having credit card. The obscurity to confirm the reliability of the
provide goods and the risk to buy a product that it would not value as much as customer pay for it.
Aftersales problems, involved difficulty to change not working product with a new one and products
warranty are not assured. Online shopping has various disadvantages:
 The customers can not touch and fell of the products when they want to Purchase.
 Some time delivery time is so much late
 Some time they will pay the shipping charges so why the cost of the product
may increase.
 Lack of personal attention by the sellers. More chance to fraud.
 Security of internet banking password and credit card password
 Lack of quality
There are some factors which affect the online shopping by the Kotler who is a great marketing
 Convenience (no traffic, crowds,24 hr. access
 Product Selection
 3. Delivery Mode
Shopping online has never been so easy. With the flourishing numbers of online merchants,
people nowadays have various choices to do their shopping. Big companies such as eBay and have introduced many values added features to help the customers to decide what to
shop for. With features such as price comparison, product photos and user reviews, consumers can
shop easily and smartly without even going to the stores and having such a hard time looking for the
products they want. All they have to do are just browse for the product they want in the website
and within a few mice clicks they are off. Such simplicity is what makes online shopping appealing
for consumers. The question is, why do many people still deny to shop online? Well, for most
people, privacy and security issues are their concerns. Hence, here I will discuss customers’
perception of privacy and security issues, the reality of such issues and ways to avoid those issues,
all based on some trustworthy sources I have found.

3.1. Methodology
3.1.1. Introduction
This Section describes the methodology applied during the development of la BELLE
Fashions store. A methodology is a model, which project managers employ for the design,
planning, implementation and achievement of their project objectives. Effective project
management is essential in absolutely any organization, regardless of the nature of the business
and the scale of the organization. From choosing a project to right through to the end, it is
important that the project is carefully and closely managed. Based on the nature of my project
solution, it was essential to use incremental Software development life cycle (SDLC). .
3. 1. 2 Justification for the Methodology
This model can be used when the requirements of the complete system are clearly defined and
understood, like the case of this project where;
 Major requirements were evidently defined; however, some details evolved with time.
 There was a need to complete the project within a short time schedule.
 A new technology is being used or the resources with needed skill set are not available. I
was learning Flask and Django and could iterate from one technology to another to ensure
I effective implement all the functionalities.
 The project had some high-risk features and goals.

Figure 1: Incremental Project Management Life Cycle

 Generates working software quickly and early during the software life cycle.
 This model is more flexible and less costly to change scope and requirements.
 It is easier to test and debug during a smaller iteration.
 In this model customer can respond to each built.
 Lowers initial delivery cost.
 Easier to manage risk because risky pieces are identified and handled during it’diteration.
Analysis is an important part of any project; is analysis is not done properly then whole
project move in the wrong direction. It also provides a schedule for proper project work. Analysis
task divided into 3 areas:
 Problem Recognition.
 Feasibility Study.
 Requirement Analysis.
3.1.2. Data Collection Methods
This study used quantitative techniques like online survey and questionnaire. Qualitative
data collection methods play an important role in impact evaluation by providing information useful
to understand the processes behind observed results and assess changes in people’s perceptions of
their well-being. Furthermore, qualitative methods can be used to improve the quality of survey-
based quantitative evaluations by helping generate evaluation hypothesis; strengthening the design
of survey questionnaires and expanding or clarifying quantitative evaluation findings. These
methods are characterized by the following attributes:
 They tend to be open-ended and have less structured protocols
 They rely more heavily on interactive interviews; respondents may be interviewed
several times to follow up on a particular issue, clarify concepts or check the reliability of
 They use triangulation to increase the credibility of their findings
 Generally, their findings are not generalizable to any specific population, rather each case
study produces a single piece of evidence that can be used to seek general patterns among
different studies of the same issue
3.1.3. Requirements
The requirements form the proposed system was categorized into functional and non-
functional requirements.
Functional Requirements
The following is the desired functionality of the new system. The proposed project would cover:
Customer Module
 Customer can view/search products without login.
 Customer can also add/remove product to cart without login (if customer try to
add same product in cart. It will add only one)
 When customer try to purchase product, then he/she must login to system.
 After creating account and login to system, he/she can place order.
 If customer click on pay button, then their payment will be successful and
their order will be placed.
 Customer can check their ordered details by clicking on orders button.
 Customer can see the order status (Pending, Confirmed, Delivered) for each order
 Customer can Download their order invoice for each order
 Customer can send feedback to admin (without login)
Admin Module
 Admin can provide username, email, password and your admin account will
be created.
 After login, there is a dashboard where admin can see how many customers is
registered, how many products are there for sale, how many orders placed.
 Admin can add/delete/view/edit the products.
 Admin can view/edit/delete customer details.
 Admin can view/delete orders.
 Admin can change status of order (order is pending, confirmed, out for
delivery, delivered)
 Admin can view the feedbacks sent by customers
3.1.4. Input Specifications

Figure 1: Admin login

Figure 2: Customer signup


Figure 3: Customer Login

Figure 4: Admin add products

Figure 5: Customer add shipment details


Figure 6: Demo payment Input

3.1.5. Output Specifications

Figure 7: Order placed successful

3.1.6. System Specifications
This section describes the hardware components and software requirements needed for
effective and efficient running of the system
Table: 1 Hardware Requirements
SL Hardware Minimum System Requirement

01 Processor 2.4 GHz Processor speed

02 Memory 2 GB RA

03 Disk Space 500 GB

Table: 2 Software Requirements
SL Software Minimum System Requirement

01 Operating System Windows 8, Windows 10 or MAC Ox 10.8,10.9, or 10.11,

02 Database Management System SQL Lite 3

03 Runtime Environment PyCharm or Visual Studio Code


The section describes the system study, analysis, design strengths and weaknesses of the
current system, Contest level diagrams, Entity Relationship Diagram, Architectural design. After
interpretation of the data, tables were drawn and process of data determined to guide the
researcher of the implementation stage of the project. The tools, which were employed during this
methodology stage, where mainly tables, Data Flow Diagrams and Entity Relationship Diagrams.
The design ensures that only allows authorized users to access the systems information.
3.2.1. Process Flow

Figure 8: Process Flow Diagram

3.2.2. Data Flow Diagrams

Figure 9: Data Flow Diagram

3.2.3. Flow Chart

Figure 10: Customer shopping flow chat

3.2.4. UML Diagram

Figure 11: UML Diagram

3.2.5. Data Design

Figure 12: Data Diagram
3.2.6. Data Relationships
Figure 13: Data Relationship Diagrams


Figure 14: Customer Order Outputs

It shows the progress of the customer orders as they are processed. Customers are able to download
Invoices in pdf format.
Figure 15: Customer Order Invoice pdf

Figure 16: Customer cat List

Figure 17: Customer Admin Dashboard

It shows the total number of customers, total number of orders made and All available products

Figure 19: List of all Orders Made

Admin can delete if detected as fake or update the status of the order

Figure 20: List of all products in the system

Figure 21: Customer profile dashboard

The project entitled La BELLE Fashion Store system was completed successfully. The system
has been developed with much care and free of errors and at the same time it is efficient and less
time consuming. The purpose of this project was to develop a web application for purchasing items
from a fashion shop. This project enabled me gain valuable information and practical knowledge on
several topics like designing web pages using html & CSS, usage of responsive templates, designing
of full stack Django application, and management of database using SQLite 3. The entire system is
secured. Also, the project helped me understanding about the development phases of a project and
software development life cycle. I learned how to test different features of a project. This project
has given me great satisfaction in having designed an application which can be implemented to any
nearby shops or branded shops selling various kinds of products by simple modifications. However, it
was very challenging learning and developing an application using a new technology.
There is a scope for further development in our project to a great extent. A number of
features can be added to this system in future like providing. The feature like adding an
authenticated payment system using Mpesa which is widely used in Kenya. Another feature we
wished to implement was providing classes for customers so that different offers can be given to
each class. System may keep track of history of purchases of each customer and provide suggestions
based on their history using Machine Learning Algorithm. These features could have been
implemented if time and skills did not limit me.

Record of all procedures and Results

Registration This procedure allows the customers to sign in before making an order. Managers of
the website is created by system admin.
Product This module contains the details of all products in the store.

Price Manages Prices of products

Shopping Manages the basic flow of orders. It’s the procedure by which a client places an order

Payment Customer makes payment at this stage. However, this system does not have a real
payment system.

Search Customers are able to search for specific product through this procedure
Layout Customers view products from the homepage. They can Mouse over to display
product description.
Reporting The customers are able to view and download their invoices. The system also
provides room form customer feedback

Administration The system admin / business managers access the admin dashboard that allows them
to add products, view and confirm orders.

Structure of the Project Files

Django is a Model View Control (MVC) framework

 -This file is used basically as a command-line utility and for deploying, debugging,
or running our web application. It contains code for run-server, or make migrations or
migrations, etc. that we use in the shell. Anyway, we do not need to make any changes to
the file.
 Db.sqlite3 is the database file.
 Static folder contains all the static files like CSS and images.
 Env folder is the project specific development environment. Its created through a command
‘virtualenev Env’
 Ecomm folder is the Django projects consisting of init, admin, models, views, apps
and forms.
o Models are basically the blueprints of the database we are using and hence
contain the information regarding attributes and the fields etc of the database.
o Views is a crucial one, it contains all the Views (usually as classes). can be
considered as a file that interacts with the client. Views are a user interface for
what we see when we render a Django Web application.
o URLs Just like the project file, this file handles all the URLs of our
web application.
 Ecommerce folder is the Django application directory consisting of the following essential
o This file remains empty and is present them only to tell that this
particular directory is a package.
o This file is present for adding all the applications and the middleware
application present. Also, it has information about templates and databases.
Overall, this is the main file of our Django web application.
o This file handles all the URLs of our web application. This file has the lists
of all the endpoints that we will have for our website.
o This file mainly concerns with the WSGI server and is used for deploying
our applications on to servers like Apache etc.
o In the newer versions of Django, you will also find a file named as
apart from ASGI can be considered as a succeeded interface to the
WSGI. ASGI, short for Asynchronous Server Gateway interface.
Templates Files

Templates Folder contains all the HTML files for the project


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