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Digital Modulation Schemes

1. In binary data transmission DPSK is preferred to PSK because

(a) a coherent carrier is not required to be generated at the receiver
(b) for a given energy per bit, the probability of error is less
(c) the 1800 phase shifts of the carrier are unimportant
(d) more protection is provided against impulse noise
[GATE 1989: 2 Marks]
Soln. Differential phase shift (DPSK) is non coherent version of the PSK. It is
differentially coherent modulation method. DPSK does not need
synchronous (Coherent) carrier at the demodulator. The input sequence of
binary bits is modified such that the next bit depends upon the previous
Option (a)

2. For the signal constellation shown in the figure, the type of modulation is

S1 S2

T = symbol duration
S4 S3

[GATE 1991: 2 Marks]

Soln. The given constellation has four signals which are 900 apart with the
adjacent signal
These waveforms correspond to phase shifts of 0 0, 900, 1800 and 2700 as
shown in the phase diagram.
The type of modulation is QPSK
3. Quadrature multiplexing is
(a) the same as FDM
(b) the same as TDM
(c) a combination of FDM and TDM
(d) quite different from FDM and TDM
[GATE 1998: 1 Mark]
Soln. Quadrature carrier multiplexing (QCM) enables two DSBSC modulated
waves, resulting from two different message signals to occupy the same
transmission bandwidth and two message signals can be separated at the
It is also called Quadrature Amplitude Modulation (QAM) so it is quite
different from FDM and TDM
Option (d)

4. The message bit sequence to a DPSK modulator is 1,1,0,0,1,1 . The

carrier phase during the reception of the first two message bits is π, π.
The carrier phase for the remaining four message bits is
(a) π, π,0, π
(b) 0,0, π, π
(c) 0, π, π, π
(d) π, π,0,0
[GATE 1998: 2 Marks]

Soln. Message bits sequence 1 1 0 0 1 1

Let, Logic 1 → 0
Logic 0 →
Ref. bit = 0

0 0 1
0 1 0
1 0 0
1 1 1
= ʘ
= + ̅
(output is 1 when both input are same)

1 0 1 0

0 0 0 1 0 0 0
π π 0 π π π

Remaining message bits are

0 π π π
Option (c)

5. The bit steam 01001 is differentially encoded using ‘Delay and Ex OR’
scheme for DPSK transmission. Assuming the reference bit as a ‘1’ and
assigning phases of ‘0’ and ‘π’ for 1’s and 0’s respectively, in the
encoded sequence, the transmitted phase sequence becomes
(a) π 0 π π 0 (c) 0 π π π 0
(b) 0 π π 0 0 (d) π π 0 π π
[GATE 1992: 2 Marks]

Soln. EX-OR
0 0 0
0 1 1
1 0 1
0 0 0
= ⊕
Output is 1 when both input are different

Input b(t)

1 bit delay

Bit stream
Ref. bit 1
Logic 0 →
Logic 1 → 0

0 1 0 0 1

1 1 0 0 0 1
0 π π π 0

Option (c)

6. A video transmission system transmits 625 picture frames per second.

Each frame consists of a 400 x 400 pixel grid with 64 intensity levels per
pixel. The data rate of the system is
(a) 16 Mbps (c) 600 Mbps
(b) 100 Mbps (d) 6.4 Gbps
[GATE 2001: 2 Marks]

Soln. Frames per sec = 625

Pixels per frame = 400 × 400
64 intensity levels per pixels
Can be represented by bits per pixel
Data rate = 625 × 400 × 400 × 6 = 600
Option (c)

7. The bit rate of digital communication system is R kbit/s. The modulation

used is 32-QAM. The minimum bandwidth required for ISI free
transmission is
(a) R/10 Hz (c) R/5 Hz
(b) R/10 KHz (d) R/5 KHz
[GATE 2013: 1 Mark]
Soln. In an ideal Nyquist channel, bandwidth required for ISI (Inter Symbol
Interference) free transmission is
Here modulations is 32 QAM
i.e. 2 = 32 =5
Signaling rate is
Where R is bit rate
Min. bandwidth
= = =
2 5×2 10
Option (b)

8. For a bit-rate of 8 kbps, the best possible values of the transmitted

frequencies in a coherent binary FSK system are
(a) 16 KHz and 20 KHz (c) 20 KHz and 40 KHz
(b) 20 KHz and 32 KHz (d) 32 KHz and 40 KHz
[GATE 2002: 1 Mark]
Soln. Given
Bit rate = 8 kbps
The transmitted frequencies in coherent BFSK should be integral multiple
of 8 i.e. the option
32 KHz & 40 KHz is the choice.
Since both frequencies are multiple of 8
Option (d)

9. An M-level PSK modulation scheme is used to transmit independent

binary digits over a band-pass channel with bandwidth 100 KHz. The bit
rate is 200 kbps and the system characteristic is a raised-cosine spectrum
with 100% excess bandwidth. The minimum value of M is _______
[GATE 2014: 2 Marks]

Soln. Bandwidth ( ) = (1 + )

Or, 100 =

Or, =4
Or, M = 16

10. In a baseband communication link, frequencies upto 3500 Hz are used for
signaling. Using a raised cosine pulse with 75% excess bandwidth and for
no inter symbol interference, the maximum possible signaling rate is
symbols per sec is
(a) 1750 (c) 4000
(b) 2625 (d) 5250
[GATE 2012: 1 Mark]
Soln. For raised cosine spectrum transmission bandwidth is given as

= (1 + )

Where α – Roll off factor

Rb – bit rate

= (1 + )
Where Rb – maximum signaling rate

Or, 3500 = (1 + 0.75)

3500 × 2
= = 4000
Option (c)

11. Coherent orthogonal binary FSK modulation is used to transmit two

equiprobable symbol waveforms ( ) = cos 2 and ( ) =
acos 2 , where 4 . Assume an AWGN channel with two-sided
noise power spectral density = 0.5 × 10 / . Using an optimal
receiver and the relation.
( )= du, the bit error probability
For a data rate of 5000 kbps is
(a) (2) (c) (4)
(b) 2√2 (d) 4√2
[GATE 2014: 2 Marks]
Soln. For coherent FSK modulation probability of error
( )=
2 2
Data rate = 500 = 500 × 10

= 0.5 × 10 /
= 4 × 10

= = = 2 × 10

Signal energy = ×
= 2 × 10 ×

= 2 × 10 ×
( × )
= 2 × 10 ×

= 10 × 16 × 16
= 16 × 12 Joules

1 16 × 12
2 2 × 10

= √8 =

= ( )
2 √2
= (4)
Option (c)

12. Let (√ ) be the BER of a BPSK system over an AWGN channel with
two-sided noise power spectral density /2. The parameter γ is a
function of bit energy and noise power spectral density.
A system with two independent and identical AWGN channels with noise
power spectral density /2 is shown in the figure. The BPSK
demodulator receives the sum of outputs of both the channels.


0/1 BPSK
Modulation + BPSK

If the BER of this system is ( √ ), then the value of b is________
[GATE 2014: 2 Marks]
Soln. Given,
Bit error rate (BER) of BPSK system with AWGN channel = √
additive white Gaussian Noise (AWGN) with power spectral density N 0/2
γ parameter is function of bit energy and Noise power spectral density.
Demodulator receives the output of both channels.

, = +

= 2

= √2 √
By comparing we find

√2 =

, = √2

13. A BPSK scheme operating over an AWGN channel with noise power
spectral density of N0/2, uses equiprobable signals
2 2
( )= sin( ) ( )= sin( )

Over the symbol interval (0, T). If the local oscillator in a coherent
receiver is ahead in phase by 450 with respect to the received signal, the
probability of error in the resulting system is

(a) (c)

(b) (d)

[GATE 2012: 2 Marks]

Soln. We know that the probability of error in coherent BPSK is given by

Since the local oscillator in coherent receiver is ahead by 45 0 with respect

to received signal. It will decrease the signal energy by factor of
45 =

, =

Option (b)

14. At a given probability of error, binary coherent FSK is inferior to binary

coherent PSK by.
(a) 6 dB (c) 2 dB
(b) 3 dB (d) 0 dB
[GATE 2003: 2 Marks]
Soln. Probability of error for coherent PSK and FSK is given as
2 2


From the table of error function table it is found that Binary FSK is 3 dB
inferior to binary PSK
15. The input to a matched filter is given by
( ) = 10 sin(2 × 10 ) 0 < < 10
0 ℎ
The peak amplitude of the filter output is
(a) 10 volts (c) 10 millivolts
(b) 5 volts (d) 5 millivolts
[GATE 1999: 2 Marks]
Soln. In digital modulation schemes the function of receiver is to distinguish
between two transmitted signals in presence of noise. Receiver is said to
be optimum if it yields minimum probability of error. It is called matched
filter when noise at receiver is white. Matched filter can be implemented
as integrate and dump correlation receiver.
Maximum amplitude of matched filter output is

= × 10 =5

16. Coherent demodulation of FSK signal can be detected using

(a) correlation receiver
(b) band pass filters and envelope detectors
(c) matched filter
(d) discriminator detection

[GATE 1992: 2 Marks]

Soln. For coherent detection one can use matched filter or correlation receiver,
others are not coherent. Matched filter is used when you have only one
signal. But FSK has two signals of different frequencies
So, use Correlation receiver
Option (a)

17. In a BPSK signal detector, the local oscillator has a fixed phase error of
200.This phase error deteriorates the SNR at the output by a factor of
(a) cos 200 (c) cos 70 0
(b) cos2 200 (d) cos2 700
[GATE 1990: 2 Marks]
Soln. In BPSK if detector has fixed phase error, say ϕ, then output power would
change by a factor of cos2ϕ
So, option (b)

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