Speaking PART 2 Shakhriyor

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Speaking day 1

The candidate is marked through:

1. Fluency and coherence

2. Lexical resource
3. Grammatical range and accuracy
4. Pronunciation

Following points are not marked :

1. Interesting and original content.

2. Amusing and funny answers
3. Polite and well-mannered attitudes
4. Eye contact
5. The truth
6. Correct answers
7. Opinions and ideas
8. Appearance and dress code

Part one topic/question samples:


Tell me about your hometown.

What do you like about your hometown?

Is there anything you don’t like about your hometown?

Would you like to move to another city in the future?


Tell me about your studies.

What do you like about your studies?

Is there anything you don’t like about your studies?

What would you like to do after your studies?


Now, let me answer the common question given by candidates: “How to prepare
for PART 1?”

Above, just two topics, study and hometown, are presented. Well, the question
can arise “How many topics are there in total?” Well, the answer is - a lot more
than you expect. More than 500 topics are available!

Thanks to the Speaking Application that is excessively used today, the topics are
restricted in number, say to around 80 Topics (30 Part 1 + 50 Part 2 topics). As we
are talking about Part 1, 30 topics might seem quite easy to cope with. BUT!
There are a number of questions for each topic, say, at least 4-5 questions for
every topic. If you are good at math you already understood that you have to deal
with around 150 questions in part 1. Some students of mine make a list of these
questions and write their sample answers for each. HUGE RESPECT for such effort
and memorization. But, this is the stupidest thing ever to do.

Memorization is RUBBISH: Memorization isn’t student intelligence. Don’t

memorize sample answers! Don’t write sample answers in part 1 as it takes too
much time and effort. This can make you demotivated and deprive your interest
from learning English.

Memorization is GOOD: Memorize ideas, because they make you fluent and
confident since you already know what you will be talking about. Memorize
phrases or full sentences which you can use for different topics. For example: “I
get a lot of pleasure from it”. This phrase can be used for different topics; may it
Finally, memorize the technique (Structure)

Given we have 150 part 1 questions (still a massive number for many), the
question types are limited. Any question in part one is usually one out of seven
question types which we cover now. So, we learn based on question types, not
topics or for each question.

Focus on question types!
1. Description question type.
2. Liking question type.
3. Disliking question type.
4. “Types of” question type.
5. How often question type.
6. Yes/No question type.
7. “Would” question type.

1. Description questions
-Tell me about your hometown.

-I come from Karshi. Karshi is a beautiful and historical city. There are many
historical places and buildings. People who live there are very friendly.

OK. What is wrong with this answer? What score would you give
to this answer?
Well, as you can probably guess I come from Karshi and I have lived here all my life, although at the
moment I am studying in the capital- Tashkent. I suppose, if I had to describe Karshi, the main thing you
should know is that it is one of the regionally important cities in which there are a lot of historical
buildings. And I shouldn’t forget to mention that it is absolutely enormous, maybe even the biggest in
our region. Something else that I am happy to tell you is that the locals are very friendly and do not mind
to give a hand even if you are a stranger.

Now what score would you give to this answer?

The structure of description question

1. Begin with a lead-in phrase:

-Ok, then… - Right, ok…

-Alright… -Well….

-Well, you know… - Well, first of all….


2.Add a pointing phrase.

-…the first thing I should mention is that…

-… my initial point would be that…

-…. the point I would like to begin is that…

-… the main thing you need to know is that…

-… I need to start off by pointing out that..

-…. I could start of by saying that…

2. Add a second pointing phrase.

-another point which I could add is that…

-on top of that I can also add that….

-also, I should really say that…

-a second feature I should mention is that…

3. Add a third pointing phrase.

-And I shouldn’t forget to mention that…

-Something else that I need to comment on is that…

ALSO give details by using: - In fact …. , -Actually….

So the full structure is as follows:

1. lead in phrase
2. 1st pointing phrase
3. point 1
4. detail about point 1
5. 2nd pointing phrase
6. point 2
7. detail about point 2
8. 3 rd pointing phrase
9. point 3
10. detail bout point 3

Words to describe the city:
Cosmopolitan: including people from many different countries.

The locals: People who live in a particular area

Enormous: big

To give a hand: to help

Urban: in, relating to, or characteristic of a city.

Bustling: (of a place) full of activity.

Lively: full of life and energy; active and outgoing.

Hectic: very busy and fast.

Exciting and Attractive: wonderful and appealing

Vibrant: full of energy, color, and life.

Sprawling: spreading out over a large area in an untidy or irregular way.

Contemporary: existing and happening now.

Touristic: relating to or popular with tourists.

Words to describe the town/countryside:

Rural: in, relating to, or characteristic of a countryside.

Run-down: weak or in a bad condition.

Quaint: attractively unusual or old-fashioned.

Close-knit: bound together by strong relationships and common interests.

Outskirts: the outer parts of a town or city.

Suburb: an area on the edge of a large town or city, where people who work in the town or city often live:

Picturesque: visually attractive, especially in a quaint or charming way.

Mountainous: place with lots of mountains

Scenery: the view

Places of interest: sightseeing

Words to describe things in the city:

High-rise (adjective): tall with many floors.

High-rise buildings (noun): a tall modern building with many floors.

Upmarket shops: expensive fashionable shops.

Tree lined streets: streets with lots of trees in the border sides

Additional Vocabulary

Well known - famous: In the 12 days they were in N+ evada they paid visits to some of the
most famous landmarks in America

situated- located somewhere: Windsor is situated 20 miles (32km) due west of London in the Thames

Huge- extremely large: The universe is so huge and so old we must expect loads of different places
where life could exist

shopping mall- shopping centre: All high streets and shopping malls are slightly rearranged versions of
each other.

poor area- region; part of world, country or town lacking money: Cities have rich and poor areas.

Pace of life – the speed of life : The pace of life in cities are very high

Poverty- the state of being extremely poor: the city has been suffering from poverty for over two
decades now.

Shortage- an insufficiency of something needed or wanted: One of our biggest problems locally is the
shortage of housing, particularly for young adults.

Congestion- overcrowding a place, especially with traffic: The traffic congestion is one of the biggest
problems in my city

growing rapidly- increasing quickly: the city is growing rapidly due to its tourism

improved economically- Become better: Multiple new train lines improved economically remote city’s

it used to be- used to talk about habitual actions in the past: Downtown used to be very commercial,
with merchants selling their products.

crowded roads - roads full of people: The roads can be very crowded with traffic

Do you work or are you a student?

Well, to be honest I’m not involved in work. So, I am a freshman at university where I am
majoring in Economics. At the moment I am having distance learning as the pandemic isn’t over
yet. Anyway, I am doing my best to keep up with my studies. Something else I am happy to tell
you is that the exams are over now and I passed all of them with flying colors.

What do you like about your studies?

Well, in general I would say that I am quite a big fan of making presentations/ doing research,
especially practical ones. And I guess this is probably because they are applicable to the real
world situations. As well as this, they are really exciting, entertaining and of course educational.

Describe a place you live?

Sample: Well, I live in Toronto, which is a quite cosmopolitan city in Canada. You can
see people from different ethnic backgrounds, from all over the world. It is also a
very vibrant city. There are a lot of artists, art galleries, and museums.

Sample: Where I live is a very lively place. People are always excited on the street,
and bars are always packed. But sometimes, I feel it is a bit too hectic on holidays.

Sample: I live in the suburbs. It is kind of a rural area. There are a lot of farms, and
some of the buildings are run-down. But it is a close-knit community.

Sample: I live in a residential area, in a town, in India. It is kind of an old city, really. A
lot of buildings are run-down, but we have got some quaint shops.

Could you tell me a bit more about your hometown?

Sample: My hometown is located in Italy. It is a sprawling city, so it takes a while to get

around in it. But it has developed better public transport recently.

Sample: My hometown, Tokyo, is a huge metropolitan city. People there are

very urban, and there are a lot of contemporary stores. It is also a very touristic city.
You can see tourists all the time

Useful Vocabulary to describe your study

I’m currently a student at university

I go to school. I’m in the 10th form/grade.

I'm a university student/ I am a freshman at university.

I'm majoring in Economics/ Medicine/ Accounting/ IT.

I hope to do a Master's degree in the UK/ I’m thinking of doing a Master’s Degree in the UK.

I’d like to apply for a scholarship to study Economics/ Medicine/ Accounting/ IT.

Taking exams is by far the most challenging thing.

It’s sometimes hard to keep up with my studies

I struggle from some subjects, especially from Math. Some calculations are really challenging for me.

At university we often make presentations/ do research/ present written assignments

The staff mainly consists of Lecturers and professors, tutors, supervisors

Face-to-face classes/ online classes through Zoom/ Distance learning is the most popular teaching
method at the moment.

My parents pay my Tuition fees

Like most other students I live in the hall of residence

To pass the exams with flying colors – to pass exams with very high marks

To do the best – to show all effort to achieve something

Some adjectives to describe your study:

Fascinating – extremely interesting

exciting – just great, enthusiastic
dull - bad
tedious - boring
exhausting – very tiring
stressful – depressing
challenging – difficult, hard
educational – very useful, giving knowledge
entertaining – making happy, interesting and having fun
intensive – concentrated, very thorough
practical – can be used for the actual doing
theoretical – only applicable in theories

Speaking day 2

2. Liking questions
1. Do you like animals?

1. Yes, I like animals; I like cats and dogs because they are very lovely.

The same question with a different answer:

1. Well to be honest, in general I would say that I am quite passionate about animals but in
particular I’m really into domestic pets like dogs, I guess the reason why I’m a fan of
dogs is because I adore their loyalty and companionship. In addition to dogs I suppose
I’m also pretty keen on endangered spices, especially dolphins and things like that and
this is due to the fact I feel some degree of responsibility towards wildlife protection.

The frame of liking questions

1. Use one of these starting phrases below:

-Well in general I would say that…

-Well, to be honest I should really say that…

-Certainly I would definitely say that…

-Of course I think I’d have to say that…

2. Now choose on of these liking expressions:

-I am pretty keen on… - I am pretty fond of…

-I am really into… - I am quite passionate about…

-I am quite a big fan of… - I am quite enthusiastic about…

3. Then introduce a specific category or type

-…especially… -…to be more specific…

-….particularly… -…to be more precise…

-…but in particular… -…to be more accurate…

4. Now add a second liking expression after the specific type.

5. Give a reason by using one of these linking phrases below:

-and I guess this is probably because…

-this could be because…

-this might be because…

-this is due to the fact that…

6. Use a liking phrase to introduce a second point.

-As well as this… - In addition to this… -To add to this…

7. Again use a liking expression.

Home, decoration (always in use)

A living space – home

I would choose bright colors such as white or blue because they personify the purity of a

I would avoid decorating my living space with dark colors as they seem to create depression
and anxiety.

I would choose white and black colors together as they are perfect combination with each
other. Besides they are the most restful colors for the eye.

I live in a multi-story flat surrounded with trees/ I live in a bedsit/ I live in a rental
accommodation/ I live in the halls of residence.

I live in the heart of the city – I live in the city center.

My house/room is spacious with large windows and tall ceilings and it is fully furnished.

There is a huge fireplace in the corner of my room and a wall-mounted flat-screen TV.

What I really like about my flat is that it is suitable for sleeping, studying and entertaining.
Apart from that it is fully furnished with all equipment reflecting my personality.

A living room has always been the most preferred place to spend time for in my family. This is
because there is a wall-mounted flat-screen TV and family members quite often gather to
watch it.

Whenever I look out of the window, the only thing I see is a busy tree lined street streets that
intersect with each other.

When I look out of the window, I always see people rushing somewhere, running cars and
rows of high-rise buildings. So, the only thing I see is a typical urban landscape.

I would rather live in a house as it has lots of benefits. A house is a place where I can find peace
and tranquility whereas in a flat there are always noisy neighbors all around.

I would go for living in a house since there is an opportunity to have a garden and more living


Nature, fresh air, unspoiled area, natural forests, to breath fresh air,

I adore trees, because they make a great decoration outdoors.

Apart from that they keep cities cool by shading homes and streets.

Trees serve to lower urban temperatures

Trees and plants devour carbon dioxide and release fresh air to the environment

What is more, trees help buffer noise pollution.

Trees are stunning parts of natural landscape

Have you ever planted a tree?

Answer A

I am ashamed to admit this – unfortunately no. I was born and raised in a big city where
everything is surrounded with buildings. Apparently, we don’t have any space to plant anything.
Although I learned the importance of planting trees in school, I never got the chance to plant

Answer B

Of course I have. We have plenty of opportunities to plant trees since my hometown is mostly
agricultural. Besides, when I was a student, our teacher taught us the importance of planting,
not just trees, but all kinds of plants. I believe that planting trees has a great role in conserveing
our planet.

Do you like planting trees?

Answer A

I am really enthusiastic about planting trees. This is partially because they make a great
decoration outdoors; in fact they are stunning parts of natural landscape. Apart from that they
keep cities cool by shading homes and streets. So, I’m really into planting trees and creating
green areas where I live.

Answer B

Well honestly, planting trees is not in my cup of tea. Although I understand the importance of
planting trees as they serve to lover urban temperatures or buffer noise pollution, I can’t stand
planting trees as they always seem to me a hard job to do. But anyway, I admit that they are
one of the best ways to improve the condition of our environment.

Speaking day 3
3. “Types” of questions
1. What types of public transport are there in your city?
Answer 1: “In my city there are many types of public transport, for example, buses, taxis,
motorcycle taxis, trains, planes, ferries and mini buses”.

As you see, the answer is content related, so we are going to use another way of response

The frame for “types of” questions

1. Always begin with an opening phrase:

-Well, actually… -Sure obviously…

-Ok, certainly… -Of course, you know…

2. Then use one of the following:

-…there is quite a mixed variety of…

-…there is quite a wide range of…

-…there is quite an extensive diversity of…

-…there is a fairly broad range of…

3. Now use the following structure to introduce the first type:

-But, I guess the most +adjective+ would probably be…

-Though I think the most +adjective+ would possibly be…

-However I suppose the most+ adjective+ could perhaps be…

4. Instead of an adjective use one of the followings:

-common -popular -fashionable -famous -widely used -well known -widely

known -conventional -customary -commonly used -prominent

-Commonly-known -prevalent -crucial

5. Now use a phrase to add a detail.

-The point I would add about …is that…

-And the explanation for this could be that…

-The thing with … is that…

6. Use a linking phrase to introduce a second type

-In addition to… -Besides…

-Another kind of… would be something like… -As well as….

7. Give details about a second type.

Sample answer based on structure above:

Answer 2: “Of course, you know there is quite a mixed variety of public transport in my city.
Though I think the most commonly-used would possibly be buses. And the explanation for this
could be that they are so cheap and reliable. In fact, the average bus fare in my town is
approximately 1000 sums for a single journey. As well as buses, a second variety of public
transport would be something like taxis. I should definitely say that they are the quickest way to
get around town, but a bit expensive. So if you are not in a hurry my advice is to catch a bus.

TV Programs
Reality shows- shows on TV based on a real stories

Talent shows – a program to demonstrate innate abilities

I am very entertained when I watch Comedy and Drama

Watching TV programs relieves work-related stress.

To be inspired or cry by watching TV dramas.

Honestly, I rarely watch TV as it’s not my cup of tea.

Watching the box is a good way to kill time – (the box = TV, to kill time = to spend time without even realizing)

Watching TV is a good indoor activity

Couch potato – a person who watches TV all the time

I am a TV addicted person – I watch TV a lot

Some TV programs broaden our horizon/ improve the way we think/ help us to be more innovative

A film buff – a person who loves films

A blockbuster – a very popular film

Top ranked – very popular, the best

To play the lead role in a film/ to act in a film

To be released –to be filmed

Some adjectives that can be used to describe TV programs and films:

Tear jerking – making someone cry

Unforgettable- fantastic

Touching/ heart breaking – effecting strongly

Exciting/ entertaining – very good

Attractive – taking attention

Informative – educational

Creative – innovative

What types of TV programs do you like to watch?

Well there is quite a wide range of TV programs that I am passionate about. But especially films, I am a big
film buff. I am really into watching blockbusters that were released in the late 90s. In fact, they are so
touching and heart breaking. Besides, I am quite enthusiastic about watching talent shows. I love them not
only because they are a good way to kill time, but also because they are entertaining and exciting to watch.

Speaking day 4
4. “Wh- and How often”questions
1. How often do you go to the cinema?

Answer1: I go to the cinema maybe once or twice a week.

Rule: do not give a direct response like this!

Try to use the following structure!

The frame for “Wh- and How often”questions

1. First choose an opening phrase

-Well to be honest… -Well in truth…

-Actually to be fair…. –In actual fact…

2. Then select a “depends” phrase

-… I think I would have to say that it really depends.

-…I imagine that it would depend on the situation.

-…I guess my answer would be determined by different conditions.

3. Use a linking phrase

-Like, for instance… -Like, to be more direct…

-More precisely like… -Like more specifically…

4. Select one of the following:

-If ( situation A), then I will most likely…

-If (A), then it’s quite possible that I …

-If (A), then as a consequence I will probably…

5. Add a compare linking phrase

-Whereas in contrast… -Though, at the same time…

-Whereas on the other hand…. –While, oppositely…

6. Select one of the following:

-If (situation B), then it’s more likely that I will…

-If (B), then I will almost certainly…

Answer 2: Well to be honest, I think I would have to say that it really depends. Like for instance, if I have
enough money, then it’s quite possible that I will watch a movie in the cinema, two or three times a
month. You know cinema tickets are a bit pricey in my country. Whereas in contrast, if I’m broke, it’s
more likely that I will watch movies at home on DVD to save money for other expenses.

NOW, answer following questions using the structure above!

1. Where do you usually go shopping?

2. When do you usually read?

3. How often do you play sports?

4. How often do yu eat out in restaurants?

5. What time do you usually listen to music?

Travel by car

To travel by car, the front seat, the back seat, the cheapest way to travel, convenient,

Flexibility and reliability,

Taxis provide comfortable travel in bad weather conditions,

To be left with no choice, but …

If my memory serves me right, it was couple of years ago

Sitting at the back allows me to do whatever I want without distracting the driver,

I take a nap while travelling and it’s more comfortable to do this at the back seat

To chat with a driver while travelling

Do you like travelling by car?

Answer A

Well, definitely! I am really into travelling by car because they are much more convenient than
public transport. Maybe it isn’t the cheapest way to travel inside the country; it always means
speed and comfort to me. Besides, taxis provide comfortable travel in bad weather conditions.

Answer B

Of course, I do. Travelling a car is what I’m really keen on. However, I don’t have a car right
now, so I’m left with no choice but to take a bus or train every single day.

What is the farthest place you have travelled by car?

Let me think, … I guess it was when I went to the capital to apply for university. If my memory
serves me right, that was couple of years ago. In order to get there I took the back seat because
my destination n was in another part of my country and I had to travel long distances.

Farming plays an essential role in the growth of economy.
Local people in the countryside heavily rely on farming as it is their only stream
of income.

I consider farming very important since it has a positive impact on our
environment. On top of that Farming is the main source of income for most
developing nations.
Farming industry offers an increasing number of job opportunities to the locals.
Farming is the major supply of fresh vegetables and fruit.
It is the backbone of national economy in my country. To the best of my
knowledge/If I’m not mistaken farming in Uzbekistan makes up more than one
third share of the national revenue.
Because I have grown up in the heart of the city, I rarely visit a farm. If my
memory serves me right, the last time I went to a farm was approximately 4 or 5
years ago.
Have you ever visited a farm?
Yes, actually I have been on a farm quite a lot, especially during my childhood. I
used to visit my grandpa to help with farm work, you know to plant crops or to
feed domestic animals. However, a few years ago my grandpa passed away and
I’ve never had a chance to visit our farm since then.

Speaking day 5
5. “Yes and No» questions
1. Is healthy eating important?

Answer A: Yes, healthy eating is important, because it prevents some diseases such as diabetes and

DO NOT GIVE a direct Yes or No answer! Instead use the following structure. The best way is to
response by both yes and no.

The frame for “Yes and No» questions

1. First choose an opening phrase!
-Well in actual fact, if I think about it, I guess that in many ways …

-Ok well, in reality, I suppose that to some extent …

-Alright, I guess that on the one hand …

2. Use a linking structure:

- especially when you consider that …

- particularly if you think about the point that …

- especially with regard to the point that …

3. Now introduce your no answer

- But you also have to understand that …

- Even so you could also say that …

- At the same time you could say that …

4. Use one of the following examples:

- So all in all my answer would have to be yes and no.

- So, on the whole I suppose the answer has to be yes and no.

- So all things considered I guess the answer is both yes and no.

Answer B: Well in actual fact, if I think about it, I guess that in many ways it’s fairly important, especially
when you consider that a healthy diet can help to prevent a variety of diseases and health problems
such as diabetes and obesity. But you also have to understand that eating unhealthy food in moderation
is not overly harmful. In fact unhealthy food is often tastier than healthy food so I guess it’s fine to eat a
little junk food now. So all in all my answer would have to be yes and no.


Do you think that it is important to spend time alone?

Is public transport expensive in your country?

Is it important to play sports?

Is education free in your country?

Can you play a musical instrument?

Is fast food popular in your country?

Is crime a problem in your country?

The Sky and the Stars
I love looking at the sky as it gives me the peace of mind.
I appreciate the beauty of the sky and stars. In fact they are one of the best gifts
of nature.
When I’m at work, I make every effort to pause and enjoy the magnificent
beauty of the sky for a while.
As I live in the suburbs, I can surely see a clear blue sky at any time of the day. It
makes me feel inspired and witness the twinkling of stars during the night which
makes me appreciate the nature even more.
Adjectives to describe the sky and stars:
Captivating – attractive
Inspiring- motivating, encouraging
Spectacular – very beautiful
Boundless – unlimited
Stunning - amazing, interesting
Note: you can also use other topic related vocabularies to describe the sky and
stars. For example: looking at the sky relieves my stress, recharges my battery.
The sky helps me to meditate about the meaning of life.
Sample answers:
Is it important to study stars?
Sample: Let me think. I guess my answer would be both yes and no. That’s
because, on the one hand, they give a lot of information about our physical
world and help us to understand how the solar system was formed. By exploring
stars, maybe we can discover future living habitats. One the other hand, I
consider studying stars as a waste of huge money. You know, the governments
are spending large funds we are still left without solving problems of poverty or

Vocabulary: to get sunlight, go shopping, to hang out with friends, leisure time
activities, to take pleasure out of recreational activities, to get fresh air, to
meditate, to take a nap, to have/to take a bath, listen to classical music, to
improve overall performance.
Relaxation reduces stress and tension
Relaation promotes positive thinking
Relaxation results into high concentration
Relaation enhances skills like imagination and creativity
Sample answer:
Do you think students need more relaxing time?
Well, definitely. Students are the part of society who devote most of their time to
education. So, they really need suitable environment to relax in parts of the day.
Otherwise, they might lose concentration; get into stress and tension easily. I
really encourage students to relax and take pleasure out of recreational
activities. This way, they can improve their overall study performance.

Speaking day 6
6. “Would” questions
1. Would you like to change your name?

Answer: No I don’t want to change my name. In fact, I think I’m really fond of my name because it has
quite a deep and significant meaning. As well as this, my parents chose this name for me and they don’t
want me to change it. So I am sure I will never change my name.

What is good in this answer?

What is missing from this answer?

Always remember: When the question begins with would, the examiner expects you to give a
hypothetical answer by using a second conditional.

If +Past simple, S+ would/could/might+ verb.

For example: If I changed my name, I would not feel comfortable to hear people calling me with my new

NOW try to use second conditional structure for these questions:

1 Would you like to change your job?

2 Would you like to live near the sea?

3 Would you like to be in a film?

4 Would you like to live in a foreign country?

5 What would you like to change about your city?

Summary for Part 1 Question types

Remember almost all questions in Part 1 will be one of the mentioned types described. In some
circumstances you may be asked questions which are not covered or related to the question types we
have learnt. If so, do not panic and just remember the golden rule:

1. Give long response

2. Use linking phrases
3. Use complex structure
4. Redundant language
Some useful vocabulary for PART 1 (The ones I use and recommend)

VOCABULARY: Domestic pets, mammals (sut emizuvchi), species (turlar), a swallow, an owl, a pigeon, a
sparrow, natural habitat, rare animals (kamyob hayvonlar), to offer protection, to protect, to conserve,
endangered animals/ species, loyalty (sadoqat), companionship, raise an animal (hayvon boqish), to feel
responsibility towards wildlife protection (yovvoyi dunyoni muhofaza qilishda javobgarlikni his etmoq),
flora and fauna (all animals and plants), to treat like one of the family (xuddi oila azosidek munosabatda
bo’lmoq), to care about (haqida qayg’urmoq), environment, on the wing (uchayotgan), in my own
backyard ( near where I live).

Examples: 1. In my own backyard I often see the pigeons on the wing.

2. Although people in cities don’t really care about flora and fauna, our local authority offers protection
to the endangered species. 3. I usually treat my dog like one of the family. 4. I always feel responsibility
towards wildlife protection.

VOCABULARY: To watch the box, to sit in front of the telly, turn on/off the TV, to channel surf
(kanallarni almashtirish), enlightening (interesting), attention-grabbing (e’tiborni tortuvchi), a
programme, to televise, live (jonli), prerecorded (yozib olingan holda).

Examples: 1. I often watch the box late in the evenings. 2. Sometimes I sit in front of the telly and
channel surf until I find some enlightening programmes. 3. I am really into watching live football
matches and sometimes ready to watch them even if they are prerecorded.

VOCABULARY: A novel, a work of fiction, best seller, poetry, biography, adventure stories, a coffee table
book (large book often with photos), contemporary literature, scientific, detective stories, to flick
through ( varoqlamoq), gripping (interesting), a captivating book, to read up on (to read about).

Examples: 1. I find fiction books so gripping that I cannot put them down. 2. I sometimes flick through a
coffee table book before going to bed.

Sports/ Hobbies
VOCABULARY: Leisure pursuit (hobby), free time/spare time, kill time by doing smth (to waste time by
doing smth), fascinating/captivating activity (maftunkor mashg’ulot), to be on the go (to be busy), take
part in (participate), take up ( to start doing smth), time consuming, to surf on the net (internet
titkilash), to idle away the hours (to spend hours by doing smth), physical activity, to work within a team
( to work in a team), to keep fit ( formani saqlash), to loose weight, to stay healthy, energizing,
strenuous (difficult), to get into shape (formaga kirish), to have a crack at (try something), to do muscle
building, to do cardiovascular exercises (badantarbiya qilish)

Examples: 1. There are several physical activities that help you keep fit, loose weight, and of course stay
healthy. 2. As a child I used to have tots of leisure pursuits and whenever I had spare time I would idle
away the hours by playing the piano. 3. Although I am always on the go with my studies, I try to find
some free time to surf on the net. 4. I’ve recently taken up swimming and this is probably because it’s a
fascinationg/captivating activity. 5. Last year I had a crack at basketball, but it was too strenuous for me.

Collecing things
VOCABULARY: Coins, autographs, stamps, items, postage stamps, to collect, to accumulate, antique,
unique, valuable, rare, to be interested in collecting, to have an obsession for collecting, for personal
value, just for the interest.

Examples: 1. I’ve always had an obsession for collecting postage stamps. 2. I’m really into collecting
autographs especially by famous celebrities, because they have a personal value for me.

VOCABULARY: Climate, average temperature, blizzard, rainy weather, humid (hot), chilly (cold), wet,
sunny, torrential rain, to rain heavily, like a sauna ( very hot and humid), rain or shine (in any weather),
to pour down (to rain heavily), to get soaked, to get wet, to put off a planned activity (to cancel a
planned activity), to clear up (stop raining), to be covered with a carpet of snow, scorching hot (very

Examples: 1. My city is like a sauna in summer, in fact it’s very humid and the average temperature can
reach even 40degree Celsius. 2. Rain or shine I love to be outdoors. 3. If it’s pouring down with rain, I’ll
usually put off my outdoor activities until it clears up. 4. In winter, it’s freezing cold and areas are

covered with a carpet of snow. 5. it’s scorching hot in summer that most people complain when it gets
over 40 degrees Celsius.

VOCABULARY: A movie, a film, the cinema, a star, a film buff ( a person who loves films), a blockbuster
(a very popular film), a soundtrack, to play the lead role, to act in a film, unforgettable, thrilling,
touching, tear-jerking (yig’latuvchi),

Examples: 1. Although I wouldn’t describe myself as a film buff, I am a big fan of blockbusters. 2. I am
really into watching movies that Tom Hanks, my favorite actor, played the lead role in.

Writing/Writing letters/ Emails

VOCABULARY: Handwriting (husnixat), to keep a diary ( kundalik tutmoq), to type on computer, to put
pen to paper ( to write something, an idiom), to put thoughts/feeling in writing), to take notes, email
account, messages, to send electronic messages, email account, to write letters, snail mail

(sending letters through the post office), at the push of a button (very quickly).

Examples: 1.During my adolescence I used to keep a diary because it was a cool way to put my thoughts
and feelings in writing, but these days I don’t put pen to paper very often. 2. Snail mail is extremely time
consuming while with email you can send a message at the push of a button. 3.My clear handwriting has
always helped me to get higher marks in exams.

Public transport
VOCABULARY: Transport vehicles, transport network, mini-buses, taxis, ferries, traffic, traffic jam/traffic
congestion, a commuter, a rush hour, convenient/comfortable, reasonable in price (cheap), affordable,
to be in a hurry, to catch a taxi/bus, underground/subway, to get nervous (be angry), a miserable
situation, to get stuck in a traffic jam, average fare (yo’l haqqi).

Examples: 1. I prefer to catch a taxi as they are convenient and fast way to get around. 2.Buses always
get stuck in traffic jams during rush hour, which is a miserable situation that makes people nerveous.

VOCABULARY: Companion, best mate (best friend), soul mate (best friend), shared interests, similar
hobbies, faithful, sociable, outgoing, open-minded, self-assured, flexible, reliable (a person who can
keep secrets), a sounding board (a good listener), active, energetic, sociable, to socialize (to meet with
each other), to gather, to get on (to be in good relationship), to fall out (to argue), to support through
thick and thin ( to support in difficult times).

Examples: 1. Bekzod is my soul mate that I can rely on and we have never fallen out. 2. Although I have
several best mates, I can use very few of them as a sounding board. 3. I usually socialize/get together
with my friends.

VOCABULARY: To stay in a hotel, to reside in a hotel, to get the royal treatment ( to be treated like a
king or queen), the service (xizmat), to serve (xizmat qilmoq), luxurious/exclusive hotels, a motel,
creature comforts (very good conditions).

Examples: 1. In our two week holiday we resided/stayed in an exclusive/luxurious hotel. 2. It was

pleasant that we all got the royal treatment and there were loads of creature comforts that we had
never thought about.

VOCABULARY: Pleasure, satisfaction, depression, to cheer up, to feel happy, to be in high spirits (yaxshi
kayfiyatda bo’lmoq), to go through a bad time ( yomon xolatlarni boshidan o’tkazmoq), to feel down in
the dumps ( qayg’uga tushmoq), to feel sad, to escape from the hustle and the bustle).

Examples: 1. I’m always in high spirits when I pass my exams with flying colors. 2. I usually feel down in
the dumps if my team loses. 3. Whenever I go through bad time it is typical that I am overwhelmed by
feeling of depression.

Mobile phones/ computers

VOCABULARY: A phone, a cell phone, a cellular phone, a mobile, a laptop, personal computer, online
shopping, to chat, to sit in front of the computer, computer literate(a person who can work on
computer), technophobe( antonym of computer literate), to call up ( to find and read), applications, to
phone, to make a phone call, to send messages, to surf the net, text messages, to take notes, to use as
an alarm, to download, to organize, to feel lost.

Examples: 1. I use my cell phone quite often because it organizes everything I do in my work and in my
private life while sometimes it encourages me to make unnecessary phone calls. 2. If I accidentally leave
my mobile phone at home I feel really lost without it and I would definitely go back and get it. 3.I used to
be a technophobe, but now I am computer literate. 4. I often use the internet to call up current football
news or just sit in front of the computer and surf the net for other purposes, say, online shopping,
playing online games.

Boutique, open air market, a shop, cheap/expensive/reasonable (for prices), to purchase (buy),
sportswear, stylish, old fashioned, casual clothes, a slave of fashion ( a person who follows fashion), well
dressed, timeless clothes (clothes which do not get out of date), to be on trend, to keep up with the
latest fashion/ to follow up to the minute fashions (oxirgi rusumda kiyinmoq), to take a lot of pride in
the appearance (ko’rinishidan g’ururlanmoq), to feel comfortable, to be dressed to the nines ( to wear
very formal clothes), to look good in smth.

Examples: 1. A few years ago, like most young people I used to be a bit of a slave of fashion and I
wouldn’t feel comfortable wearing something old fashioned. This was because if I followed up to the
minute fashion, I would take a lot of pride in my appearance. But today, I prefer casual clothes and
think I can look good and well dressed in just a pair of jeans as opposed to keeping up with the latest

2. I’m not usually dressed to the nines, because it seems to me that I want to impress someone if I
wear formal clothes.

a holiday destination, a travel agent, guided tours (yo’lboshchili sayohat), stunning landscape,
breathtaking views, to stay in a youth hostel, to go sightseeing (diqqatga sazovor joylarga bormoq),
places of interest(arzirli joylar), to get away from it all (hamma narsadan qutulmoq), to reside in a hotel.

Examples: 1.Whenever I’m on holiday I like to get away from it all and choose somewhere unique as a
holiday destination to escape from the hustle and the bustle of the city where I can find stunning
landscapes and breathtaking views of mountains.

Classical music, live music, recorded music/version, live performance, a massive hit, pop group,
download tracks/music/songs, an adoring fan, musical talent, to take up a musical instrument, a violent,
drums, to play a musical instrument.

Examples: 1. I have always been an adoring fan of classical music, especially live classical music and
performances as they sound more exciting than a recorded version.

Junk food, nutritious products ( products rich in calories), delicious, mouth-watering (really delicious),
ready meal, a quick snack ( unhealthy but fast made food), to be starving hungry (o’lgidek och bo’lmoq)/
to be dying of hungry, to dine in (eat at home), to dine out (eat in a restaurant), in a walking distance
(close to home).

Examples: 1. I usually dine out in a walking distance of my home.

2.I prefer home-cooked food since they are delicious and rich in calories.

3. If I’m starving hungry or I have little time then I just order for a ready meal or eat a quick snack.

Part 2 Describe a person
1. Describe an interesting neighbor
2. Describe a family member you want to work with
3. Describe a person famous in your country
4. Describe a person you enjoyed talking with
5. Describe a childhood friend
6. Describe a person from a different culture
7. Describe a person who inspired you
8. Describe a person who loves to grow plants

Most frequent sub-questions:

 Who this person is?

 How you met?
 What you do together?
 What is he/she like?
 Why you admire him/her?

Always start with an opening phrase:

 The person I’m going to talk about is a guy/girl called (X).

 The person I’m closest to in my family is my mum/dad.

Describe how you met for the first time: (hint: use Present perfect to tell how long
have you known each other and the mixture of Past simple/Past Continuous to
describe first meeting)

I have known him/her for donkey’s years/a long time.

I have known him/her since my first day at school.

We have known each other for more than a good decade.

I first met him/her while I was walking down the street/I was doing shopping/I was
relaxing on the beach

Describe his/her appearance/age

X is a natural leader/ public figure/ born leader/ an iconic figure

X has a BIG name

X is the founder of Y,

X is a former colleague/classmate of mine

If I tell a little about him/her and how he/she looks, he/she is now in his/her late
twenties, but he/she looks so young that he/she doesn’t look a day over twenty.

X is good looking/smart/pretty/handsome

X doesn’t usually wear smart clothes, nothing like suit or tie.

Although X is quite old/retired/pensioner/in his sixty something, he/she is young at

heart, full of energy and enthusiasm, and he/she likes going to clubs and enjoys being
with young people.

Describe his/her personality (hint: use adjectives, phrases and idioms)

Some useful Adjectives:

working/energetic/ warmhearted/considerate

Nosy/self assured/ talkative/chatty/introverted/ selfish/mean

X is a person who doesn’t care what people think of him.

X is a good role model for everyone

X sets an example by his/her actions and inspires/motivates people

X has been involved in charities for many years

X gives a hand to everyone/generous/kind

X never gives up no matter what/ X does his/her best to reach his/her optimum

X never sits still, he’s always busy with something

X has got a sweet tooth

X is very intelligent. As a matter of fact, he/she is as sharp as a knife

X is the spitting image of someone

X has a good sense of humor

X is a person who thinks out of the box/differently/out of ordinary

X is a person with a split personality; sometimes it gets really hard to understand him.

I can’t help respecting this person as X is …. (Adjective)

I feel deep respect for him/her as X is …(Adjective)

Describe what connects you with X (hint: X and I)

X and I have a lot in common/ X and I are similar in character/ X and I have one thing in
common/ X and I have a lot of similarities/ I take after X

X and I never fall out

There hasn’t been a day that we ever fall out

X and I always get on

X and I are like chalk and cheese

X and I are like two peas in a pot

We have a similar character

We have our ups and downs

X supports me through thick and thin

Sometimes we fight like cats and dogs

We don’t really see eye to eye about anything

We have amazing rows about everything

I have never met X in person, but if I met him/her, I would definitely ask his shirt with his
signature on it/ I would invite him to have dinner with me

Concluding sentences:

On the whole, I’m really proud of X and I hope/I am sure that he/she feels the same

Things have changes between X and me, we appreciate each other more.

I would trust him, like I would trust no one else

We have an easy relationship

It is important to use opening phrases so as not to sound robotic:

The person I am going to talk about is …

What I like about her is her attitude. I mean X is …

The thing I love about her is that he ….

When it comes to his/her personality….

In fact, he/she is…

What makes me feel so impressed about X is that she/he is …

On the whole, she/he is …

In short, he/she is …

Describe a childhood friend
The person I’m going to talk about is a guy called Bekzod who is one of my best friends.
If I’m not mistaken, I’ve known him for a good decade. I first met him while I was
walking down the street near my apartment, all of a sudden someone called me “hey
would you mind playing football with us”, As a matter of fact I was brilliant at playing
football, so immediately joined them. This way, we realized that we share common
interests and our true friendship began. Currently, he is studying as a senior student at
university and if I tell what is he like he is in his late twenties, but he looks very young.
He doesn’t look a day over twenty. He’s good looking and smart guy with dark
brown eyes and normally wears causal clothes.

When it comes to his personality, Bekzod is one the most intelligent guys I’ve ever
met. In fact, he’s as sharp as a knife. What is more, he’s charismatic, extroverted
person with a good sense of humor and he is always ready to give a hand. Besides,
he’s the only one that I can rely on, I mean he can keep secrets, well but I can’t.

As I said earlier, Bekzod and I have a lot in common. So we have always got on. I mean
having an argument isn’t a common occurrence for us. But I have to admit that we have
our own ups and down. And in such situations, we fall out when we do we fight like
cats and dogs. What I don’t like about him is that he’s got a split personality; you
know he is sometimes good, sometimes bad. It becomes difficult to understand him in
some cases.

But, on the whole he’s an extraordinary guy with full of enthusiasm and energy. And I’ve
always been proud to have such a friend.

TIP: Make sure you are describing a person using at least 4-5 TENSES. Now find how
many tenses have been used in the sample above 

PART 2 Describe a Place
1. A quiet place
2. A river or lake
3. A place you recommend to live (not your hometown)
4. A popular place for sports
5. A place in your country that you recommend to visit for tourists
6. House or apartment you often visit

X was Slap bang in the middle

X was Hidden away in the mountains

X was a tranquil place/in the middle of nowhere

X is a little known place

It’s a five minute walk from my living space.

It’s right in the middle of ….

It took us X minutes to get there

Adjectives to describe a place:

Mind blowing/exceptional/Awesome/ outstanding/ spectacular/ fascinating/

impressive/ magnificent/ ancient/ cottage/ peaceful/crowded/ it’s exciting, entertaining,
busy, hectic, cosmopolitan, multicultural, unique. It’s historic but modern at
the same time, it’s a thriving, prosperous city, it’s fashionable, lively, fun

X is a nice/great/wonderful place to entertain/to have fun/to get away from the hustle and
bustle of the city

It’s well-known/popular/prominent for its architecture/hospitality/peaceful atmosphere.

X is a fully furnished/well-equipped house …

X has a spectacular architecture with wonderful chapels

X is in a picturesque house

X is a bustling/vibrant/lively city.

X is a sprawling city


Use past perfect for earlier arrangements

I had been looking forward to visiting this place

I was so delighted to be there, I had been dreaming of visiting this place

The place looked as if it had been through the war

I was so delighted as life had never been so colourful and amazing until that
It was that moment that I realized I had never lived until that moment

Future (if conditionals)

If I had a chance, I’d visit there once more. This time I’d take my family with me.

We left there with unforgettable experiences.

We had fireworks and It was the best way to end the evening.

When we got there I was impressed with the facilities

I think this is a worth visiting place in your life.


Although I’ve been to a great number of places of interest, Tatar is the one that
influenced me a lot. (Opening sentence) It took place in X, when I desperately
wanted to escape from the hustle and the bustle of the city. So, along with a few
friends of mine I decided to go to an area called Tatar. In fact, it was a long travel
that took us more than 5 hours to get there that some of my friends were bored to
death. But, once we reached there, this was all compensated by the beauty of
the area. The area was hidden away in the mountains and I can say that it was in
the middle of nowhere. Our first impression was unimaginable, because the
scenery was so stunning and mind blowing. In short, we all decided that this
place was something out of this world, because we had never been in such an
amazing place before. Another shock for us came when we stayed in a villa with
all creature comforts. We were all treated like a VIP and impressed with the
facilities offered to us. On the whole we stayed for a couple of nights, but left with
unforgettable experiences. We had fireworks and It was the best way to end the
evening It is now almost impossible to describe my feeling in words, but what I
can say that we were all over the moon as we had been looking forward to
visiting this place for a long time. I personally was so delighted because life had
never been so colorful and amazing until that moment and I had never lived until
that moment. If I had a chance, I’d visit there once more. This time I’d take my
family with me and give them a taste of experiences.

Vocabulary: Complex structure

Fluency Idioms

PART 2 Describe an activity
1. Describe a healthy activity you do to keep fit and healthy
2. An activity to concentrate
3. Something you do to save time
4. Describe a competition you would like to take part in
5. Describe an important thing you learned
6. Describe an outdoor activity
7. Describe an impressive English lesson

How to describe an activity?

Sub-questions mostly be like:
-What activity is?
-Who taught this activity?
-When you noticed this activity/habit?
-Why you do this?/ why you want to try it?
-What you do?
-How you feel/felt about it?
How to start
Well, I would like to talk about an activity that I do when I am by myself/alone.

There are so many activities that I really enjoy doing, but the most impressive one
is _______ (swimming, jogging, a card throwing, etc)

The leisure activity/habit that is the most enjoyable/pleasurable for me is _____.

I love to collect photographs especially of my loved ones

Who taught this activity?

I was taught by my neighbor/granddad/ teacher/my elder brother.
I was amazed to see how effective his/her approach of teaching was.
X broke down the process into series of steps and made me repeat each step until
I got it right
I got this habit from one of my school friends as she had extraordinary talent

 Whenever I do this activity I feel a positive image of myself.
 This activity helps me to find peace through which I can go into my own
little world.
 I mainly do this activity to remain both physically and mentally active.
 This activity helps me to get away from it all. It’s just me and X, and my
mind switches off. I concentrate so hard on what I’m doing that I don’t
think about anything else.
 The reason I take up this activity is to keep fit and stay healthy/improve
my health/strengthen my muscles/to be in a good shape.
 The primary purpose why I am engaged with this habit is that it relieves my
stress, anxiety and tension.
 It enables to avoid depression/frustration.
 Because it is an excellent way for me to relax after long days/a hard day of
work/academic studying
 The activity of collecting photographs helps me to retain the memories
and presence of all my favorite people
 Because it a fun thing to do.
 Because it means a lot to me.
 I took up this course/this activity as I’d had a burning desire to become ….

How often:
 I try to dedicate/devote a few hours of my free time for this
enjoyable/wonderful/lovely activity.
 I practice this activity as often as possible/as often as I can, depending how
much spare time I have.
 I keep diary so that I don’t forget my daily exercises/practices.
 It is part of my daily life now as it helps me to connect with them.
 Whenever I get leisure time after accomplishing my day’s work, I collect
coins, posters, etc.
 I do X regularly/every other day/after my working day is over.

How you feel about it:
As a matter of fact, being involved in this activity benefits me in many ways.
 First of all, It helps to keep the mind busy, additionally one can develop
his/her skills and any activity becomes more enjoyable when a person does
it with enthusiasm
 I would say that this activity is my stress buster and I enjoy doing it when
I am alone.
 This activity has enabled me to push back against distractors
 It has completely changed the way I live, I managed to solve my problems
fast and efficiently without sacrificing work and rest.
 Because of it I now no longer feel nervous
 I was impressed with the outcome of this course that it benefited me in
many ways.
 I was praised during the course from time to time, so my confidence and
motivation increased significantly.
 Every minute of the course was incredibly interesting to me, there was no
chance to get bored.
 I enjoyed every second of it
 It was only after this activity/course I started feeling a
burning/overwhelming desire to become (somebody)
 Soon, I mastered X and showed a remarkable performance.
 I knew that it was not as simple as that.
 Soon, I managed to reach my optimum level.
To do an activity/ to take up an activity/ to perform an activity/ to practice an
activity/ to engage in an activity/ to master an activity
To remain physically and mentally strong
Enjoyable/Pleasurable/Attractive/Attention grabbing/Lovely Activity
*** Also use Vocabulary to describe the feelings in the previous lesson

Sample answer

Describe a healthy activity to keep fit and healthy

Well, there are so many activities that I really enjoy doing to stay in
a good shape, but the most impressive one for me are playing
football. It isn’t just because it is so popular and dominant sport
type, but mainly because it is just a fun activity and one can get a
great amount of pleasure while playing it. As you know, this activity
is so simple that all you need is a ball and some place. You can play it
alone, but with friends it becomes even more pleasurable that you
don’t even realize how time flies by. In fact, it’s such a useful and
healthy activity in many ways. First of all, this activity enables me to
remain both physically and mentally active. Apart from that, whenever
I’m engaged in it I tend to get away and forget my worries. You know, it
relieves my stress, anxiety and tension and thus it’s less likely that I get
into depression. The only thing I think about is just me and Football, and
my mind switches off. I concentrate so hard on what I’m doing that I don’t
think about anything else. In other words, I just go into my own little
world. When it comes to how often I do it, I try to devote at least three or
four hours every day as I find it really important to stay healthy and be in
my optimum level. So, on the whole, It’s what I love doing, it’s my passion
It’s who I am.

Part 2 Objects and others
1. Describe something that surprised you
2. Describe a traditional product
3. Describe an invention that changed the world
4. Describe a story you have heard
5. Describe a photo you are proud of
6. Describe a movie you watched recently and want to watch again
7. Describe a TV program you liked
8. Describe an object you think is beautiful
9. Describe a song or piece of music

Sub questions:
What is it?
I'm going to describe X which means a lot to me/meant a lot me when I was a kid.
When it comes to its features/functions, it is useful in many ways/it benefits me in many ways.
X was a gift/present from my best friend/ former my former colleague.
I got it as a gift from my students/parents.
X is an essential/integral part of my life.
X is irreplaceable/priceless for me
X is a wearable device.
X is really good for entertainment.
X looks futuristic and cool. (X looks like it comes from future)
I came across it/ I found it while I was doing shopping.
X is reddish/greenish and square/round shaped.
X is/was a unique/bestseller/a work of art in those days.
X is a work of art
X is the only thing that pushes up the value of my bedroom
Why you keep it/Why it is important
X means a lot to me as/because I received as a gift for my birthday.
X has a lot of emotional/sentimental value to me.
I wouldn’t/couldn’t live without it.
It’s so valuable/such a valuable item that without it I feel that I lose the part of myself

X links me with past memories/ X brings back lost memories

X reminds me of my good old days

X is the most expensive item in my flat/bedroom and it pushes up/increases the value of
my bedroom.

I couldn’t help crying as X was so touching/ heartbreaking

The movie/strory/book is thought provoking that it makes you think

Perfect tenses:

I have had X for ____/since_____

I was shocked/stunned to get such a gift as I hadn’t expected it.

I was very excited because I had been dreaming of it/of receiving such a gift for a few
months till that time.

When I received it I was blissfully happy as I’d been looking forward to it for ages.


On the whole, X is a worth watching/reading movie/book once in a lifetime.

If my flat was on fire, X is the first thing that I save.


X was released/X came out in the late 1980s

Whenever I watch/listen to X, I go into my own little world

What I would like to buy is a piece of clothes/ an electronic device.

I want to give it to my boss to express my appreciation/as a sign of gratitude or more honestly hoping to
get a pay rise/promotion in my job.

The reason I decided to buy is that I accidentally saw his/her wish list in his/her pocket notebook.

X was broken into pieces/smashed into million pieces, but I was glad that my sister wasn’t seriously
injured. It was the most unfortunate and regrettable accident in my life. (something broken)

I should have been more careful (something broken)

The vase exploded as if it was hit by a bomb. (something broken)

I think, The internet is absolutely the biggest thing since the invention of mobile phones. There are so
many things you can do on it or I can say that the list is endless.

Say, if I’m doing school work, I use Google or Wikipedia, which can be really useful. Besides, youtube
videos help with revision and there are tests so you can practice. (an important invention)
People can search internet for friends who share common interests and broaden the circle of their
friends. (an important invention)

We can use it for other purposes including Internet banking, You can transfer money instantly, pay bills
online. I just log onto my bank and click “Pay Now” and the bill is paid immediately. (an important

I get traffic reports, book cinema tickets, watch live football games and I do nearly all my shopping
online. (an important invention)

What I hate about my university is we aren’t allowed to wear casual clothes/ we have to wear uniforms.
University staff judges a student not by their intelligence, but by the clothes he or she wears. (rule you

This song is so touching/was so catchy that it easily became an earworm. It provides emotional
I have even set it as a ringtone so that I can hear it again and again when someone gives me a

Describe a traditional product

Well, I come from a country which is famous for its rich culture and
heritage. And there are so many traditional objects which reflect the
Uzbek culture, but the most commonly found in most parts of the
country, is of course our traditional carpet.

Let me tell you what Uzbek carpet looks like and how it is made. Unlike
modern carpets, it may not be so attractive or eye-catching, but it
reflects the whole artistic work of carpet makers. I’m proud to tell you
that our carpets are all handmade and therefore eco-friendly. Another
reason for their popularity is that they are original and made with a high level of
If you go to street markets, then you can find them in countless
variations, but some unique samples can be found in museums or in
Uzbek houses. For example, we also have dozens of such traditional
carpets in our houses. Because of their superior quality they have been
serving us for more than two decades now and they still seem just like
new. When it comes to their usage, they benefit us in many ways. Well,
its exceptional feature is that they make our houses warm in winter
seasons and cool in hot weather. Another thing you should know is that
people in my county hardly throw their carpets away when they become
obsolete; they rather keep them in attics or basements. This is because
for the course of many years this product becomes their part of life and
will have a sentimental value to them.

Part 2 Time/Event/Occasion
Describing an event or time
1. Describe a positive change in your life (similar to Activity) 
2. Describe a day out that didn’t cost you a lot 
3. Describe a traffic jam 
4. Describe a time you lost something and got it back 
5. Describe an important event you celebrated 
6. Describe a time you were very busy 
7. Describe a time you helped a child 
8. Describe a difficult decision once you made
9. Describe an occasion you got advice
10. Describe an occasion you gave advice
11. Describe a time when you used your cellphone to do something
12. Describe a time when you searched for information
13. Describe a problem you had while shopping online 
14. Describe a time you forgot an appointment 
15. Describe a disagreement you had with someone 
16. Describe a time you saw a lot of plastic waste 
17. Describe a time when you shared something with others
18. Describe a time you had a long walk
Event=Time=Occasion (the same cue cards)
Easy tip: Divide the topics into HAPPY and SAD events.
For example:

An important event you celebrated is HAPPY event.

A time you got stuck in a traffic jam is SAD event.

Most time sub-questions be like:

What it was?

When and where?

Who with?

How did you feel?
How it helped you?
When and where?
- In a quiet place, remote area, in the suburbs, in the countryside, in the
tutorial/seminar/workshop, in my final exam week, not long ago, about couple of
years ago, etc.
- It was in a local restaurant, café near the sea,
- It was my brother’s big day/wedding day
- During the term time, while I was doing my research project,
- This incident happened while I was doing shopping/having lunch in a nearby
Who was involved?
-There were a massive number of people including my loved ones, our close relatives
and their children/ my supervisor/ my best mates/our neighbors.
Explain your feelings?

We were all amazed by the service we received, As a matter of fact, we were treated
like a VIP. (the day that didn’t cost you a lot)

I had the most supremely awful day (lost something/traffic jam)

I/We had a lot of fun, we had a great time. (for any topic)
We had interesting conversations and got to know each other well (party/occasion)

At first, everybody was shy to talk, but then everybody wanted to stop an awkward
silence (party/ occasion)
Everything was beyond our expectations. (happy day)

-It exceeded my expectation, everything was as I expected, I was impressed by /the

special meal, the chefs cooking skills/the crowd/decorations/the number of presents
(happy day)
The atmosphere was fantastic; there was a live music so everyone danced till midday,
some of us drank heavily, but no arguments or tensions have been encountered. (Happy

We all decided we hadn’t lived until that moment. (happy event)

I had never felt anything like it. (happy event)
We all stayed up all night, because life was far too amazing to sleep. (happy event)
My whole life just turned upside down. After this event, nothing looked the same or felt
the same. Life had never been so amazing or so colorful. (happy event/something
changed your life)
I felt that I hadn’t live until that moment. (happy event)
I felt down in the dumps/ I felt so blue when I lost my mobile phone. It really meant a lot
to me. It was such an unfortunate and regrettable situation. (loosing something/traffic

We were wasting way too much time (traffic jam)

He still admits that he wouldn’t have been successful or coped with his problems if he
hadn’t followed my advice. (change the sentence for the topic advice you got)
It was a life changing moment (positive change)

It was a turning point in my life (life changing moment)

To feel as if time had stopped, to try not to think about it/ I tried to distract myself
(traffic jam)
A good tip: a candidate can skillfully use conditionals (3rd) in SAD events to talk about

For example:
He still admits that he wouldn’t have been successful or coped with his problems if he
hadn’t followed my advice.
If I had woken up earlier, I wouldn’t have missed such an important event.
If I had been more careful, I wouldn’t have dropped/lost my mobile

If I had walked to my work that day, I wouldn’t have got stuck in a traffic jam.
I wouldn’t have been so frustrated if I’d received my order on time.

Vocabulary for each topic:

I am going to try to compete in this tournament and do my best, although my chances of
winning are astronomical. But, you know the life is full of possibilities. Who knows,
maybe I can succeed (competition)
I had no other options but to fight with boredom. (traffic jam)
It was the first time we had been experiencing such an unfortunate and miserable
situation (lost something/traffic jam)
To help someone with no expectation of anything in return (helping a firend)
To rush over to help/ to give somebody a helping hand (advice to a fiend)
To help a friend to get over hard times (advice to my friend)
To help somebody to get over his stress/anxiety/loneliness/hard times/down times in
his life
To be physically and emotionally exhausted but deeply satisfied (the party/celebration)

I was dead excited about it, couldn’t wait it happen

I almost had a sleepiness night/ I had never been an early bird

To feel like a zombie who didn’t realize what was going on/ couldn’t recharge my
Concluding sentences:

We had fireworks in the evening and it was the best way to end our perfect weekend.

We left the party/birthday/training course with lots of memories and unforgettable

On the whole, it was such an unfortunate and regrettable day that I still can’t forget
about it.
In short, we all had a really good time there.
It was a lovely day to remember/ it was once in a lifetime experience and we enjoyed
every minute

Describe a long walk you had ever.

I’m going to share a walk which is the longest I’ve ever had (Opeining
sentence). One day I was sitting with my cousin who is nearly the same
age as me. We had been playing video games all day long. Then, I had
an amazing idea “why don’t we go for a walk” and do something active.
He immediately agreed because he had also been wasting way too much
time sitting in front of computers So, we went outside to get away from
the hustle and bustle of our daily routines. At first we just wanted to go
for a stroll in a park near my place for some fresh air. The park we went
to, is called Centrall Park which is one of the biggest in my city. We were
surrounded by a great number of tree and beautiful scenery. Although
the park is so huge, we were so immersed in our conversation that we
didn’t notice we circled the park twice at all. At that time, I realized that it
is important to escape from real world and it is better to be involved with

In fact, our small journey turned to out to be longer than we’d expected.
We walked for more than 3 hours without realizing how much time we
spent. On the whole, it was physically exhausting, but deeply satisfying
and relaxing experience. I would love to go on such walks again soon
(Closing sentence).

 Fluency
 Vocabulary
 Grammatical range

Describe a time you helped a child

Sample 1

Well, I am a person with a very helpful nature, and I never miss any opportunity to
help people in need.
When it was?
Let me share one such experience here when I helped a child who was in great
trouble. Actually, I hit the playground with my friends every evening t play our favorite
sport basketball; while playing this sport, one day I heard the loud screams of a child.
Why you helped him/her?
When we approached the child, we discovered that he got injured and has got his
ankle dislocated. He was in terrible pain and was crying bitterly.
How you helped him/her?
Luckily, I knew how to offer first aid in such a situation, so I immediately helped the
child. Unfortunately, nobody carries mobile phones in playgrounds, so it was hardly
possible to contact a child’s parents. In fact he was also losing his conscious. At this
time, I requested my friend to help me to take this child to the nearest doctor’s clinic.
We together got the child on our bike, and in 10 minutes time, we reached the clinic.
After reaching, I requested the doctor to treat the child, and he immediately started
treatment. The doctor put on a huge plaster and gave some painkillers, and after some
time, the child was feeling better. I also contacted his parents, and they arrived in on

Although they were really worried and concern about the child but to see him relaxing
and in better condition, they took a breath of relief, they were grateful to me, and
they were thanking me again and again, but I said that I performed my duty,
nothing more than that.

And how you felt about it? and Conclusion:

Offering help to this child gave me internal satisfaction, and in future also, if it had an
opportunity to help anyone, I will not step back.

Describe a time you helped a child

Sample 2

Helping is the most beautiful quality of a human being one should help
others whenever it is needed or required. Especially children, they are so
curious to learn everything. We should always help them in their
academics and extracurricular activities.

Here I am going to talk about a time when I helped a kid. It was my

vacation time and I was chilling on a beach and having a wonderful time
with a few friends of mine.

On the beach I saw one small kid trying to make a sand castle. He was
doing his best, but was struggling to make it. I observed him failing
many times. After examining carefully I discovered/realized that the mud
was not wet enough to hold the castle firmly as he had devised in his
mind. Very close to him, his parents were enjoying their time on the
beach giving no attention to their son’s efforts to build a sand castle
house. So, I rushed to help and decided to make a sand house with him.

I like helping kids and I especially help them when I find them struggling.
And when I saw him failing in making a sand house I immediately went
and sit with I also started making a new one just beside him. When he
joined me we together made a wonderful sand house. That kid kept
continuously talking about different shapes he wanted in the house and I
tried to make them.

At the end we finally did it. We made a wonderful sand house together
and saw a victory smile on his face and I lived my childhood once again.
It was such a satisfying movement. His parents were watching us doing
this when we completed the house. They also came with us and we
clicked some photographs and they thanked me again and again.
Describe a Surprising event/competition you took part

Life is full of surprises, some good and some bad.

However, today I would like to talk about a situation which was
completely unexpected.
In my 10th grade, I took part in a chess competition that was held in our
I am good at chess, but I was nowhere near good enough to get a medal
in this tournament. Honestly, I took part just for getting the participation
certificate since the chances of getting a medal or winning the
competition were astronomical for me.
Anyway, on the day of the competition, I had a school exam as well for
which I had to study the whole night.
The competition was after my school exam from 3 to 7 PM.
After my school exam, I was so tired that I wanted to skip the
competition. However, I went for it because my teachers convinced me
that I should.
When I reached the venue, I was first surprised as there were hundreds
of students competing for the medals. But it didn’t make concerned
because I had nothing to lose. When the competition started I was so
confident, I don’t know maybe because I didn’t have any pressure, I
started to beat my opponents one after the other. In fact, everybody,
along with my teacher, was so surprised that how brilliant I was on that
day. Unfortunately, I was defeated in the very last stage that I won a
Silver medal. Winning a medal was a great surprise for me and it was
hard for me to describe my feelings in words. I was on cloud nine
because I hadn’t expected that I could be so successful. It was just
beyond my wildest dreams.
Thinking about that day, now if I participated in such competition again,
I’m sure I wouldn’t even be close to win a medal.

Describe a rule you don’t like
Well, there are a number of rules that I can’t stand, but what really upsets me my
university regulations. Actually, there are two of them. The first one is that you aren’t
allowed to use your cell phones during the seminars, workshops or lectures. You might
be wondering what is wrong with that, but sometimes we need to use the internet to do
research or to check if the tutor is right. You know no one is perfect, even tutors can
make mistakes from time to time. Whenever I feel the teacher is wrong or I’m skeptical
of her ideas I tend to double check the information using vikipedia or I google it. The
last time when I took my mobile phone out of my pocket, the teacher noticed it instantly
and I was invited to leave the classroom. Maybe she thought I had playing mobile
games. Although it made my blood boil, I had no other options but to leave the
classroom. I find it a ridiculous thing, and I strongly feel that students should be allowed
to use their mobile phones for educational purposes.

The other thing that makes me crazy is that you always have to wear a uniform. I
understand that this is done to give a University spirit or maybe to unite students. But,
personally I think every student has a right to choose what they want to wear. The worst
thing is that our teachers treat you differently if you aren’t wearing a uniform. This
sometimes drives me crazy. I strongly believe that students’ intelligence should not be
judged by the clothes they wear or the content of their character, but by academic
performances and. Well, I guess these are the two rules that I can’t stand at all and I
desperately want them to be changed in coming years.

Fluency Grammar Vocabulary


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