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Materials System Specification

12-SAMSS-023 1 November 2016

Fiber-Reinforced Plastic (FRP) Grating and Components
Document Responsibility: Non-metallic Standards Committee

1 Scope ................................................................ 2
2 Conflicts and Deviations .................................... 2
3 References ........................................................ 2
4 Modifications of ANSI Standard: FRP
Composites Grating Manual for Pultruded
and Molded Grating and Stair Treads ........... 3
5 Saudi Aramco Inspection Requirements ............ 6
6 Handling, Storage and Transportation ............... 6
7 Documentation................................................... 7
Revision Summary................................................... 8

Attachment 1 - FRP Grating Procurement Sheet ..... 9

Previous Issue: 3 March 2013 Next Planned Update: 1 November 2019

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Contact: Badghaish, Adel A. (badaghaa) on +966-13-8809604

©Saudi Aramco 2016. All rights reserved.

Document Responsibility: Non-metallic Standards Committee 12-SAMSS-023
Issue Date: 1 November 2016
Next Planned Update: 1 November 2019 Fiber-Reinforced Plastic (FRP) Grating and Components

1 Scope

This materials specification defines the minimum mandatory requirements for

qualification, quality control, handling and shipping, and documentation for
fiber-reinforced plastic composite grating, stair risers, stair treads, and nosings.

2 Conflicts and Deviations

2.1 Any conflicts between this specification and other applicable Saudi Aramco
Materials System Specifications (SAMSSs), Engineering Standards (SAESs),
Standard Drawings (SASDs), or industry standards, codes, and forms shall be
resolved in writing, prior to submission of bids or start of related work, by the
Company or Buyer Representative through the Manager, Consulting Services
Department, of Saudi Aramco, Dhahran.

2.2 Direct all requests to deviate from this specification in writing to the Company or
Buyer Representative, who shall follow internal company procedure SAEP-302
and forward such requests to the Manager, Consulting Services Department of
Saudi Aramco, Dhahran.

2.3 Proceed with the requested deviation only after the receipt of the Manager's
approval to deviate from this specification.

3 References

Material supplied to this specification shall comply with the latest edition of the
references listed below unless otherwise noted:

3.1 Saudi Aramco References

Saudi Aramco Engineering Procedure

SAEP-302 Instructions for Obtaining a Waiver of a Mandatory
Saudi Aramco Engineering Requirement

Saudi Aramco Inspection Requirements

Form 175-121600 Fiber Reinforced Plastic (FRP) Grating and

3.2 Industry Codes and Standards

American Society for Testing and Materials

ASTM D635 Standard Test Methods for Rate of Burning and/or
Extent and Time of Burning of Plastics
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Document Responsibility: Non-metallic Standards Committee 12-SAMSS-023
Issue Date: 1 November 2016
Next Planned Update: 1 November 2019 Fiber-Reinforced Plastic (FRP) Grating and Components

ASTM D2563 Standard Practice for Classifying Visual Defects in

Glass Reinforced Plastic Laminate Parts
ASTM E84 Standard Test Methods for Surface Burning
Characteristics of Building Materials

International Organization for Standardization (ISO)

ISO 9001 Quality Management Systems - Requirements

4 Modifications of ANSI Standard: FRP Composites Grating Manual for

Pultruded and Molded Grating and Stair Treads

4.1 Summary of Modifications of ANSI Grating Manual (2014 Edition)

ANSI Grating Chapter Page
Title Remarks
Manual 2014 Number No.
Chapter 1 General Scope No Change -
Chapter 2 Grating Manufacturing Processes Modified
Chapter 3 Standard Marking System Modified
Chapter 4 Standard Molded Grating Details No Change
Chapter 5 Standard Pultruded Grating Details No Change
Tolerances of Manufactured and
Chapter 6 No Change
Fabricated Panels
Chapter 7 Load Tables No Change
Anchoring Details, Banding and Kick
Chapter 8 No Change
Chapter 9 Ordering Information No Change
Standard Specification – Molded and
Chapter 10 Modified
Pultruded Grating
Chapter 11 Code of Standard Practice No Change
Chapter 12 Glossary of Terms No Change
Test Methods of Testing Grating
Appendix A No Change
Appendix B Grating Descriptions No Change

4.2 Detailed Modifications of ANSI Grating Manual

The following paragraph numbers refer to ANSI Grating Manual, which

is part of this specification. The text in each paragraph below is an
addition, exception, modification or deletion to ANSI Grating Manual as

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Document Responsibility: Non-metallic Standards Committee 12-SAMSS-023
Issue Date: 1 November 2016
Next Planned Update: 1 November 2019 Fiber-Reinforced Plastic (FRP) Grating and Components

Chapter 2 Grating Manufacturing Processes

2.1 (Modified) Molded grating shall be manufactured with resins containing

integral UV inhibitors.

2.2 (Modified) The FRP grating shall be pultruded I-bar or T-bar types and
shall consist of continuous fiber strand or roving embedded in a cured
thermosetting resin.

The bearing bars in pultruded grating shall be constructed with

continuous fiber strand or roving in the core area that is encased with a
layer of continuous strand mat followed by a resin rich surface veil.

2.3 (Addition) Degree of cure shall be determined by measuring the glass

transition temperature (Tg) by differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) in
accordance with ASTM D5028. Resin systems which do not form an
adequate baseline are not covered by this test method. Other methods
such as dynamic mechanical thermal analysis shall be used for phenolic
resin systems. However, when the specification require a heat cured skid
resistant coating which results in a post cure of the pultruded or molded
grating structural parts, Tg measurements shall not be required. Degree
of cure shall be measured at a minimum frequency of once per shift for
each resin system used and for each production line.

If the Tg is not within (5%) of the minimum value specified for the
product as determined by ASTM D5028, or greater, then the production
lot shall be rejected, subject to the retest option detailed below.

Manufacturer may elect to make retests on three additional replicate

samples selected randomly from the same production lot.
a) If all the retest samples conform to the requirements then the
remainder of the production lot shall be accepted.
b) If any retest specimen fails to conform then the production lot shall
be rejected.

Chapter 3 Standard Marking System

3.1 General

3.1.1 FRP grating and FRP components manufactured in accordance with

this document shall be marked by the Manufacturer as specified in
paragraph 3.2.

3.1.2 Markings shall be applied by paint or ink stencil, decal, or both as agreed

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Document Responsibility: Non-metallic Standards Committee 12-SAMSS-023
Issue Date: 1 November 2016
Next Planned Update: 1 November 2019 Fiber-Reinforced Plastic (FRP) Grating and Components

upon between the Buyer and the Manufacturer.

3.1.3 Markings shall be permanent, shall not overlap, and shall be applied in
such manner as not to damage the product.

3.2 All FRP grating and FRP components shall be permanently marked with:

3.2.1 Manufacturer's name.

3.2.2 Product line designation.

3.2.3 Lot or production number.

3.2.4 Date of manufacture.

Chapter 10 Standard Specification – Molded and Pultruded Grating

Part 3 Execution

3.01 Inspection
C. Visual Inspection - each grating panel shall be visually inspected for
compliance with the requirements stated in Table 10.1, and either
accepted, rejected, or repaired in accordance with these guidelines.

Table 10.1 - Acceptance-Rejection Criteria

Defect Corrective
Description Acceptance Criteria
Type Action
Thermal decomposition evidenced
Burn by distortion or discoloration of the None permitted Reject
FRP product surface.
If there are undamaged fibers
Small piece broken from edge or
exposed over any area; or no
surface. If reinforcement fibers are
Chip fibers are exposed but an area Minor repair
broken, the damage is considered
greater than 10 mm x 10 mm
to be a crack.
lacks resin.
If there are no fibers exposed,
and the area lacking resin is less Accept
than 10 mm x 10 mm
Actual separation of the component,
visible on opposite surfaces, and
Crack often extending through the None permitted Reject
component. Reinforcement fibers
are often visible / broken.
Fine hairline cracks at or under the Crack lengths greater than
Crazing Minor repair
surface of the component. 25.0 mm
Crack lengths less than 25.0 mm Accept

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Document Responsibility: Non-metallic Standards Committee 12-SAMSS-023
Issue Date: 1 November 2016
Next Planned Update: 1 November 2019 Fiber-Reinforced Plastic (FRP) Grating and Components

Defect Corrective
Description Acceptance Criteria
Type Action
Area of incomplete surface film
Dry spot where the reinforcement has not None permitted Reject
been wetted by resin.
Rupture of the component with
complete penetration of the laminate.
Fracture Majority of fibers broken. Visible as None permitted Reject
lighter colored area of inter-laminar
Foreign matter molded into the
Inclusion None permitted Reject
Shallow mark caused by improper If there are undamaged fibers
handling, storage and/or exposed over any area; or no
transportation. If reinforcement fibers fibers are exposed but an area Minor repair
are broken, the damage is considered greater than 10 mm x 10 mm
to be a crack. lacks resin.
If there are no fibers exposed,
and the area lacking resin is less Accept
than 10 mm x 10 mm
(Based on ASTM D2563: Practice for Classifying Visual Defects in Glass Reinforced Plastic Laminate Parts)

5 Saudi Aramco Inspection Requirements

Material purchased in accordance with this specification is subject to the requirements

of Saudi Aramco Inspection Form 175-121600 in addition to the inspection
requirements of the industry codes and standards referenced by this specification.

6 Handling, Storage and Transportation

6.1 Handling

6.1.1 FRP product can be susceptible to mechanical damage from impact,

sharp edges, or scratching. Special consideration must therefore be
given to protecting FRP grating and FRP components.

6.1.2 All personnel involved shall be trained in the relevant procedures of

handling FRP products.

6.1.3 End protection of grating shall remain in place during handling and

6.2 Lifting and Transportation

6.2.1 Lifting, loading, unloading, and shipping shall be performed in

accordance with the Manufacturer's recommendations.

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Document Responsibility: Non-metallic Standards Committee 12-SAMSS-023
Issue Date: 1 November 2016
Next Planned Update: 1 November 2019 Fiber-Reinforced Plastic (FRP) Grating and Components

6.2.2 FRP grating shall be shipped from the manufacturer, palletized, and
banded with exposed edges protected by cardboard to prevent damage
in shipment.

6.3 Storage

All materials and equipment necessary for on-site fabrication and installation
shall be stored before, during, and after shipment in a manner to prevent
cracking, twisting, bending, breaking, chipping, or damage of any kind to the
products or equipment, including damage due to exposure to the sun.

7 Documentation

This section provides a checklist of documentation required for the order and supply of
FRP grating and FRP components in accordance with this specification.

7.1 Purchase Order Documentation

The Buyer shall provide the information detailed in Attachment 1 in all Requests
for Quotation and Purchase Orders.

7.2 Qualification Documentation

The Manufacturer shall provide evidence of compliance with the requirements

of this procurement specification as follows:

7.2.1 Compliance Files

A file shall be kept of the reports and records that show compliance
with this specification for each of the FRP products that are supplied.
The manufacturer shall provide access to the compliance file if so
requested by the buyer's representative.

7.2.2 Qualification Summaries

The manufacturer, if so requested by the buyer's representative, shall

supply qualification summaries containing selective information from
the compliance reports. The qualification summary shall include
minimum values for the Tg and the fiber content of the product.

7.3 Production Quality Control Documentation

The Manufacturer shall supply proof of compliance with the quality

requirements of Section 7 in accordance with the following requirements:

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Document Responsibility: Non-metallic Standards Committee 12-SAMSS-023
Issue Date: 1 November 2016
Next Planned Update: 1 November 2019 Fiber-Reinforced Plastic (FRP) Grating and Components

7.3.1 Manufacturing Procedure

a) A manufacturing procedure shall be available for each
component variant to be supplied.
b) The manufacturing procedure shall be provided, if requested by
the buyer's representative, prior to the start of manufacture.

7.3.2 Raw Material Certificates

Raw material certificates shall be available for the raw materials of all
components to be supplied.

7.3.3 Production Quality Control Reports

Production quality control records shall be provided for all supplied

components within five working days, or other agreed period, after
delivery of the complete order or part thereof.

7.3.4 Manufacturer Pre-qualification

The manufacturing facility and the quality system are subject to audit.
The audit shall inspect for compliance with the details of ISO 9001,
special provisions, the requirements of this specification and pre-
qualification testing.

7.4 Installation Documentation

The Manufacturer shall provide detailed instructions and all the components
required for successful installation.

Revision Summary
15 May 2011 Revised the “Next Planned Update”. Reaffirmed the contents of the document, and reissued
with editorial revision to remove committee list.
3 March 2013 Editorial revision to change the document responsibility from Materials and Corrosion Control
to Non-metallic Standards Committee.
1 November 2016 Major revision. The standard is overlay to industry standard "ANSI- Grating Manual 2014".
Overlaying to industry standard will enhance the number of the approved suppliers, which
currently single-sourced, to more than five manufacturers and promote localization.

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Document Responsibility: Non-metallic Standards Committee 12-SAMSS-023
Issue Date: 1 November 2016
Next Planned Update: 1 November 2019 Fiber-Reinforced Plastic (FRP) Grating and Components

Attachment 1 - FRP Grating Procurement Sheet

A1.1 The requirements that shall be satisfied by the Buyer in preparing the invitation to quote.



(Fire-Integrity or Non-Fire Integrity)
(1) General (Spills, Fumes)
(2) Severe (Immersion, Time, Temp)
Name Signature Date

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