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Case Study: APPLE INC.

1. How did apple achieve a dominant position in the market as a seller of both songs and music

Apple gains its dominant position as it knows that the product market is not outside of its goal.
One can recognize a huge opportunity by concentrating on the fact that Compaq is the only rival in the
music technology market. After carefully examining the multi-billion dollar music market, Apple saw
right immediately that no company was offering legal digital downloads. Even if they are not the first,
they are more competitive and have the advantage of generating application software for a more secure
music collection. The sector was very competitive since it was impossible to stop simple file copying. And
because the program has excellent security, they encourage provision. They incorporate both short-
term and long-term perspectives.

2. Which phase in the evolution of strategic management is present in the given case?

This circumstance falls within phase 3 of the evolution of strategic management. Apple Planning
with an exterior focus. In this period, businesses try to understand basic market phenomena. Compaq's
opponent became more vulnerable as a result of their decision to sell to a Korean company, and they
began looking for new strategies to identify, cater to, and satisfy their consumers' requirements and
desires. At this point, they recognized an opportunity to develop a novel piece of music technology.
They started producing the iPod, which strengthened their music library offering. The management
continued in developing new technologies and changing their brand while continuing to focus on other
markets than the computer sector.

3. Which type of strategy is being employed by Apple in the given case study?

Apple conducts its company utilizing a business-level strategy. The improvement of the
business's capacity to compete with its goods or services is the main objective of a strategy. like how
they updated their music library program to be competitive. include all tactics and behaviors used to
compete with opponents. observing what competitors do. They gain an advantage over their
competition by using their knowledge and new ideas. Ten years later, their competencies are still in
great demand due to their focus on product development, innovation, integration, and market
development, which produces stronger and more enticing apple product technologies.

4. What competitive advantages contributed to Apple's success?

An advantage over competitors that supports the apples case is the benefit, competition, and
differentiation strategy. The advantage of Apple is that it continuously has new features, benefits, and
services to offer. Also, there is competition between Apple and Compact because both businesses offer
similar goods and services. Nonetheless, they are recognized for their capacity to blatantly distinguish
themselves from competing goods, leveraging this uniqueness to sway consumer choice. As a result of
the high level of their output, they continue to be known for always having the upper hand. It draws
consumers' attention to their brand, elevating it above rivals.

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