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Chapter 6

The Sexual Self

Course Introduction and overview

The effort to understand the ‘self’ demands a comprehension of the varied components that take up the identity of the
individual. The different aspects involving the physical, moral, emotional constructs of identity are not enough to explain the nature of
the ‘self’ until we include the sexuality of the person. Sexual identity determines the sexual concept of the individual. Such can actually
evolve during an individual’s lifetime as a result of experiences whether it is internal or external. The decision to express one’s sexuality
will determine one’s identity as faced with the future challenges of life.

Learning Outcomes:
On completion of this module, you should be able to:

• identify the stages in the unfolding of the sexual self

• Determine the difference between sex and gender;
• Decipher the consequences of uncontrolled sexuality
• Determine the ways to prevent the spread of STD’

Learning Content
 Unfolding of the Sexual Self
 Development of Gender Identity
 Sexuality without Responsibility
 What Are Sexually transmitted diseases?
 Preventing Sexually Transmitted Diseases.

The Unfolding of the ‘Sexual Self’

Puberty brings about physical changes as a result of sexual maturity through the signals sent by the brain
to the gonads or sex glands. The release of sex hormones such the testosterone for the male and progesterone
and estrogen for the females allows remarkable physiological changes such as provided below:
1. Extreme difficulty and discomfort due to surge of hormones.
2. A sense of insecurity as development does not happen as expected.
3. Self-consciousness caused by the changing body composition resulting from ‘growth spurt’ gives the
individual a sense of awkwardness at this point.
4. Changes in digestion and appetite as a result of hormonal changes influence the metabolism of the young
5. Changes in body built due to development of muscle mass makes the males become more muscular while
females suddenly have bigger hips and breasts which can cause awkwardness and uncomfortable feelings due
to the new body composition.
6. The development of primary sexual characteristics such as the ovaries for the female and testes for the
male which show that the individual is capable of reproductive functioning.
7. The development of secondary sexual characteristics resulting from hormonal changes as the
individual sexually matures results in changes in the growth of body hair as well as changes in voice
8. As the transforming individual continues to physically mature they develop greater skill and precision in
manipulating their limbs.
The Development of Gender Identity
Relevant to the acquisition of identity is the development of a gender identity. This refers primarily
to one’s decision to be masculine. Feminine, or both. Gender should be discriminated from one’s ‘sex’ as the first is a choice of
orientation while the latter is an endowment from birth. Having the genitals of a boy identified as the ‘penis’ differentiates one
from being a girl who has got a ‘vagina’ instead. Gender identity pertains to the decision of an individual on how the individual
wanted to be treated and viewed by the significant others as feminine or a masculine individual or a combination of both.
Remarkably as ‘sex’ and ‘gender’ is often used interchangeably, each actually has its own unique
nature. ‘Sex’ is basically a biological characteristic based on the chromosomes of a female which is ‘XX’ and the male
chromosomes which is scientifically termed as ‘XY’. ‘Gender,’ on the other hand, which is sociological concept largely pertains to
the femininity or the masculinity of the individual as it connotes certain social roles and cultural expectations determined by
social norms.
The move to figure out one’s role in the society and in the community predominantly shows the
direction towards the attainment of a gender identity corresponding to the interests, predispositions and values of the
individual. This decision to take a certain position in the midst of gender structures and expectations provides a sense of security
and satisfaction on the individual before carrying out life goals.
Sexuality without Responsibility
The expression of human sexuality is a natural process. As stated by Abraham Maslow in his
hierarchy of human needs, sex is a basic need. This urge has to be addressed in a rightful manner to prevent aggravating the plight
of humanity at this point in time. The unmonitored expression of this drive can result to the consequences that can further destroy
the life and dignity of every human person with the possible proliferation of sexually transmitted diseases due to promiscuity.

What are the Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs)?

Sexually transmitted diseases or STDs according to medial sources are communicable diseases that may
be transmitted from one partner to another either through sexual activity or unhygienic practices. STDs which are usually caused
by bacteria, yeast and parasites can be cured by antibiotics and some other forms of medications. However those STDs cause by
the viruses, as of this time, has not found any cure yet. Around twenty types of sexually transmitted diseases have afflicted varied
people regardless of socio-economic status, skin color and creed
STDs Caused by Bacteria

1. Chancroid (Haemophilus ducreyi)

2. Chlamydia (Chlamydia trachomatis)

3. Gonorrhea (Neisseria gonorrhea)

4. Granuloma inguinale (Calymmatobacterium granulomatis)

5. Lymphogranuloma venereum (Chlamydia trachomatis)

6. Syphilis (Treponema pallidum)

STDs Caused by Viruses
1. Genital herpes (herpes simplex virus)

2. Genital warts (human papillomavirus virus [HPV])

3. Hepatitis B and D, and infrequently, A*,C*,E* (hepatitis viruses,)

4. HIV/AIDS (human immunodeficiency virus [HIV virus])

5. Molluscum contagiosum* (poxvirus).

STD Caused by by protozoan:

1. Trichomoniasis (Trichomonas vaginalis)

STD’s* Caused by Fungi :

STD’s Caused by Parasites :

Preventing Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs)?
Avoiding unregulated sexual contact and preventing the practice of promiscuity is the best way to
prevent STDs. However, deciding to prevent STDs can be carried out by adopting the practices and habits below if
one is sexually active:

1. Keep a Monogamous Relationship

It is important to stay in a relationship with only one person or partner, faithfulness and sincerity
play a vital role in the maintenance of a healthy sexual life among adults;
2. Practice Abstinence
It is a truth that every person has the sexual drive or sexual urge. However, unlike the need for
food, water and air it can be postponed for future gratification. The same can actually result in a more
responsible practice and utilization of the gift of reproduction.
3. Be Committed
Do not engage in the sexual activity unless you are in a relationship with responsibility and a sense
of commitment.
4. Use Caution
Since it is somehow inevitable for some persons to engage in the sexual activity, it is, therefore,
necessary to use measures to prevent being afflicted by sexually transmitted diseases. Safety precautions
such as the use of ‘rubber’ or condom can be the most feasible way to prevent the spread of STDs among
sexual partners though findings will prove that commercially produced condoms can still be 90%
inefficient if not properly used.
5. Undergo Regular Medical Checkups
In order to prevent the transmission of sexually transmitted Diseases every individual especially
those engaged in active sexual activities should undergo a regular medical check up to maintain good
reproductive health;
6. Be Knowledgeable about the Causes, Effects and Prevention of STDs
It pays to be aware of STDs, their causes, transfer and prevention to ensure that the handling
and gratification of the sexual drive demands an understanding of one’s responsibility to each
partner. It is not enough that human need is satisfied as every person is liable for his or her own act
as we have the freewill to decide on our fate and life.

Understanding the Self-Developing Life skills by: Ethel Magalona MAP,LPT, Evelyn Sadsad Phd. , Elline Cruz, MAED,LPT
Understanding the Self by: Ronald M. Corpuz, Ronan S. Estoque, Claudio V. Tabotabo


It is natural to feel attracted to other person. What are the factors that turn you ‘on’ to
Other person? List down the physical and atti tudinal or behavioral traits that you find appealing.

Physical Traits Attitudinal / Behavioral Traits

1. The second stage of love id attraction. This is characterized by too much attention given to a desired partner.
Have you experience being attracted to other person? Described your feeling during this stage of love.
If you have not experience being attracted to other person, what do you think is the feeling of being attracted to
other person.
(Write 500 words essay.)
2. Quiz

Ariola, M. (2018). Understanding the self. Manila: Unlimited Books.

Brawner, D. & Arcega, A. (2018). Understanding the self. Quezon City:
C & E Publishing, Inc.
Magalona, E., Sadsad, E., & Cruz, E. (2018). Understanding the self:
Developing life skills. Manila:
Mindshapers, Co., Inc.
Understanding the Self by: Ronald M. Corpuz, Ronan S.
Estoque, Claudio V. Tabotabo

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