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A Summer Training Project report

Submitted to the

Faculty of Management Studies

in partial fulfillment of the requirements

for the award of the degree




(Register No: 812221631093)



Siruganur, Tiruchirappalli 621105.



August 2022


I hereby declare that the summer training work entitled “An Organizational
Study on ANAAIMALAIS TOYOTA Private Limited, Trichy.” is submitted in
partial fulfillment of the requirement for the award of the degree in M.B.A., Anna
University Chennai, is a record of the my own work carried out by me during the
academic year 2021 – 2023 under the supervision and guidance of Ms. M. AKILA,
M.B.A Assistant Professor, Department of Management Studies, M.A.M.B-School. The
matter embodied in this work is original and has not been submitted for the award of any
other degree or diploma, either in this or any other University.

(Signature of the Student)

Reg. No: 812221631093

I certify that the declaration made by the above candidate is true.

(Signature of the Guide)

Associate Professor


First of all I thank the Almighty fo BBr showering his gracious blessings upon me for successfully
completing this Internship Training Programme.

I wholeheartedly thank Dr. M. Hemalatha, M.B.A ,Ph.D (NITT) Director of the MAM B
SCHOOL for giving me the wonderful opportunity of shaping myself into a better human being in this
Holistic Educational institution.

This Internship Programme wouldn’t have been complete without the guidance of Ms. M. Akila
MBA, thank him for his constant support and guidance.

I also thank Mr. R. Yuvaraj, MBA HR Team leader of Anaamalais Toyota. For all he has done
during the Internship Programme for the betterment of my future and also for allowing me to do my
Internship under his watchful eye. I thank all the staff members of the firm for helping and teaching me
with patience and kindness.

Finally thank my Parents and Siblings for they are my backbone and the reason for all my endeavors in
my life.


Chapter I Introduction

Chapter II About the company

Chapter III Impact of summer training

Chapter IV Evaluation of summer training

Chapter V Daily Report

Chapter VI Knowledge Gained

Chapter VII Conclusion


 Internship Certificate

 Statement of schedule of work



This report contains details of my internship training program which I underwent at
ANNAIMALAIS TOYOTA between 01/08/2022 and 18/08/2022. I have included an overview of the
firm and its profile. I was asked to make basics terms of HR ROLES and I have given a summary of
my daily tasks in the daily report. I have also attached the day report sheet which was signed by my HR
team leader every day and I have also attached the certificate of completion which was signed by the

Internship was attended for a period of 18 days between 01th Aug 2022 – 18th Aug 2022.

Overview of Internship:
Meaning of Internship:
An internship is a period of work experience offered by an organization for a limited period of
time. Internships are mostly offered to and taken up by students to get some experience of real work life.
These internships are beneficial to both the employees and gives some experience which are priceless.
This is the full time need of the employer and status of the internship.

1. Work Experleice:
An internship gives the student or graduate some valuable experience before going for their first
jobs which may be an advantage who lacks experience.

2. Better resume:
Completed internships can be added to one’s resume to make it attractive. Having a certificate
of appreciation will boost one’s resume while applying a job.

3. Tral, rui:
Internships give students and graduates the chance to get exposure of how companies are in real
scenario. This may also help them stick with the same job for longer period.

4. Coitacts:
Internships allow interns to gain contacts who could be beneficial in helping them in getting
future jobs or raising finances and other resources for the company.

5. Poteita, Job:
Internships allow interns to be recruited which would be beneficial to the internship.



2. Company profile:

Company name Anaamalai’s Toyota

Commenced year 2000

No of running years 22

Address Thimmaraya samuthiram Bus Stop, 100 chennai-

trichy highway road, Tiruchirappalli,
Tamil Nadu- 620005.

Category Car sales

Company class

Company status Active

No of employees 105

Head office Trichy

Firm type Group


Registered in 2000, ANAAIMALAI'S TOYOTA has made a name for itself in the list of top
dealers of in India. The dealer company is located in Tiruchirappalli, Tamil Nadu and is one of the
leading sellers of listed products. ANAAIMALAIS TOYOTA is listed in Trade India’s list of verified


Toyota will lead the future mobility society, enriching lives around the world with the safest and
most responsible ways of moving people.

Through our commitment to quality, ceaseless innovation, and respect for the planet, we strive
to exceed expectations and be rewarded with a smile.

Toyota’s Mission Statement:

Toyota’s corporate mission is “to make ever-better cars, to build a future where everyone has the
freedom to move.” This mission statement is a combination of the company’s official statements
regarding the mission of its business: “to build a future where everyone has the freedom to move” and
“to make ever-better cars.”

Toyota’s corporate mission statement has the following key elements that reflect the enterprise
and the purpose and goals of its business:

1.Make ever-better cars

2.Build an inclusive future

3.Freedom to move for everyone...

2.1 Location:
Thimmaraya samuthiram Bus Stop, 100 chennai-trichy hwy, road, Tiruchirappalli, Tamil Nadu-

Background of the organization:

History of Toyota:

 Toyota's origins lie in the Japanese weaving industry when Sakichi Toyoda invented the world's
first automatic loom and, subsequently, set up the Toyoda Spinning and Weaving Company in
1918. His invention reduced defects and increased yields since a loom stopped and would not go
on producing imperfect fabric and using up thread after a problem occurred. This principle of

designing equipment to stop automatically and call attention to problems immediately (jidoka)
remains crucial to the Toyota Production System today.

 The loom impressed a British Company, the Platt Brothers, so much that, in 1929, they bought
the production and sales rights for £100,000. Sakichi gave those proceeds to his son, Kiichiro,
to develop automotive technology at Toyoda. This in turn led to the launch of the Company's
first ever passenger car in 1936, the Model AA, and in 1937, the Toyota Motor Company was
born. Production of Toyota vehicles outside Japan began in 1959 in Brazil and now, besides its
own plants, manufacturing subsidiaries and affiliates in Japan, Toyota manufactures Toyota and
Lexus brand vehicles and components throughout the world.

 Look back at the history of Toyota, starting with the birth of founder Sakichi Toyoda. It traces
the company's development from 1937 when Toyota Motor Corporation was established to when
the two millionth Prius hybrid was sold.

2.2 Toyota’s Objectives:

 As the innovative and leading automobile company, Toyota’s basic principle is to precede
economic atmosphere and give the society a sustainable development and reliable products by
ensuring quality and innovation. To support this mission it still focuses on the future of the
automotive industry to determine how best to position the company. Toyota aims to achieve
long-term, steady development in harmony with the environment, global economy, and the
communities they serve, as well as the stakeholders and shareholders.

 Announcing recent global vision, it continues improving lives all over the world through the
safest and most reasonable ways. Moreover, to show respect its commitment, Toyota aims to
exceed people expectations and also to be awarded with a smile.

Toyota activities:

1 Toyota Motor Corp. (TM) generates revenue through three primary operations: automotive,
financial services, and other business, including the manufacturing of non-automotive machines and
various other activities.

2.3 Administrative Structure of the organization / Agency:

 For decades, Toyota’s organizational structure was based on a traditional Japanese business
hierarchy where only the most senior executives held decision-making power. This structure,
which we know today as hierarchical, is characterized by the one-way flow of information from

top to bottom and very little subordinate autonomy. However, this structure transformed in 2013
in response to safety issues, product recalls, and a broader strategy to make Toyota more
competitive and responsive in the global market.

 Efforts were made to streamline the board of directors and scale down the system that allowed
executives to make decisions. The company also afforded overseas affiliates more decision-
making power, with power until that time concentrated in Toyota’s Japanese headquarters.
Finally, Toyota made significant changes to its organizational structure to ensure that outside or
external opinions were considered in earnest and, where feasible, incorporated into new
management practices.

 Today, Toyota has a divisional organizational structure. It retains aspects of its traditional
hierarchical structure, but the initiatives mentioned above have decentralized decision-making
power to some extent.

 Toyota has a divisional organizational structure where business operations are centered around
market, product, and geographic groups. For many years, Toyota's processes were based on a
traditional Japanese business hierarchy where only the most senior executives held decision-
making power.

2.4 Details of different departments

1. General Affairs Department:
 General Affairs Section
 Government-Related Affairs Section
 Education & Instruction Section
 Medical & Health Care Section
2. Sale Department:
 Vehicle Delivery Section
 Advertising Section
 Sales Promoting Section
 Service Section
3. Manufacturing Department:
 Material Section
 Raw Material Receiving Section
 Material Store Section
 Wage Calculating Section

4. Manufacturing Engineering Department:

 Machine Tool Setup Section
 Process Expediting Section
 In-Process Inspection Section
 Machine tool Manufacturing Section
5. Engineering Design Department:
Design Section 1
 Chassis Sub-Section
 Engine Sub-Section
 Body Sub-Section
Design Section 2
 Chassis Sub-Section
 Engine Sub-Section
 Body Sub-Section
6. Total Vehicle Engineering Administration Department:
Audit Section
 Rules Improvement Sub-Section
 Patrol Sub-Section
Improvement Section
 Physical Test Sub-Section
 Chemical Test Sub-Section
 Improvement Opinions Collection Sub-Section
 Improvement Progress-watch Sub-Section

7. Research Development Department:

 Body Research Section
 Engine Research Section
 Miscellaneous Research Section
 Research Affairs Section

2.5 Achievements of the organization / Major contributions:

 Innovation, quality, durability, safety, and great style are just some of the reasons that so many
drivers anticipate the release of the new Toyota vehicles that come out each year. Still, looking
at the different styles and features available across the board can be confusing to those of us who
really don’t understand a great deal about technology.

 Reading customer reviews can tell you a great deal about which models deliver the most on their
promises but no other information will tell you more than looking at the number and types of
awards that Toyota has received over the years.

For the Happiness of Someone other than Ourselves

 Today, as the world is faced by ever worsening challenges that need responses on the global
scale, such as the changing environment and the spread of infectious diseases, the very value of
companies as members of the global community is increasingly in question.

 Toyota sees that it is time to take concrete action on social contribution, based on our
understanding as a company of what we want to be like in the future. We have identified areas
for increased focus as we seek to achieve the SDGS: encouraging a more harmonious society,
human asset development, and community co-creation and accomplishing Toyota's goal of
Mobility for All. We will contribute to establishing a global society in which everyone can live
a rich and dynamic life through these four focus areas.

 Our approach to the particular issues in each area will include a sense of personal ownership and
action taken on a genchi genbutsu (onsite hands-on experience) basis. We will work with
partners, who share the same aspirations for the future, in addressing issues that are difficult to
solve by ourselves.

2.6. Summary a brief description of students internship experience journal

1. This internship was very beneficial. In this internship training we learned very clearly about
HR development, sales process, customer relationship, customer satisfaction, marketing
tricks and tactics, service process, research and development etc.
2. This training helped us to gain a clear understanding and learning through the direct visit to
many departments.
3. We got the experience of starting a business, managing employees in the right way and how
to make it successful, how to develop a great business and what level to reach.
4. We have learned a lot through the field of human resource development in understanding
what employees need and how to fulfill it.
5. Finally many such experiences were made for us by our visit there.


Impact of summer training:

1. What did you learn about yourself?

 I learned various information by going to that company, especially if HR manager of a

company, I imagined that this is how their work would be, but by going to that company and
taking training in HR department, I got to know about the roles and activities of an HR
 By taking training in HR field, I got to know about the stages of HR manager i.e. from bottom
level to top level and what are their roles

2. In what areas did you experience the most professional growth?

 In terms of what I have learned, my most experienced field is the sales department which
involves knowing the needs of the consumer by selling a product and selling a product and
bringing it to the consumer in the right way.

 As far as the sales department is concerned, there are some tactics where first come first
served and offers are given. Selling goods through camps to promote sales during certain
festive seasons to attract consumers.

 Communication skills
 Setting goal
 Productivity
 Stress Management
 Listening skills
 Emotional intelligence
 Teamwork skills
 Customer service skills
 Empathy

3. How has the summer training influenced your career goals? Please explain.

This internship training program was very useful for me. It became a ladder to reach my goals
in life. My goal is to achieve a big position in a field. This exercise is designed to strengthen it
further. I learned basic information in HR department to achieve my goal. It was very helpful by
practicing practically.

4. Has the summer training helped you in taking a decision regarding your career
Specialization and settings, if yes explain how?

Speculation I took it was very helpful. As I chose HR Specialization, I trained in HR field.

It helped my career a lot. It helped me to reach my goal in my career and take decision by doing
training in HR department. I have learned a lot by choosing HR field. And it became a foundation
of my life.

5. What are the skills you have developed in the area of management?

I. Technical skills:
Technical skills involve skills that give the managers the ability and the knowledge to
use a variety of techniques to achieve their objectives. These skills not only involve
operating machines and software, production tools, and pieces of equipment but also the
skills needed to boost sales, design different types of products and services, and market
the services and the products.

II. Conceptual skills:

These involve the skills managers present in terms of the knowledge and ability for
abstract thinking and formulating ideas. The manager is able to see an entire concept,
analyze and diagnose a problem, and find creative solutions. This helps the manager to
effectively predict hurdles their department or the business as a whole may face.

III. Planning:
 Planning is a vital aspect within an organization. It refers to one’s ability to organize
activities in line with set guidelines while still remaining within the limits of the available
resources such as time, money, and labor. It is also the process of formulating a set of
actions or one or more strategies to pursue and achieve certain goals or objectives with
the available resources.

 The planning process includes identifying and setting achievable goals, developing
necessary strategies, and outlining the tasks and schedules on how to achieve the set
goals. Without a good plan, little can be achieved.

IV. Problem-solving:
Problem-solving is another essential skill. A good manager must have the ability to tackle
and solve the frequent problems that can arise in a typical workday. Problem-solving in
management involves identifying a certain problem or situation and then finding the best
way to handle the problem and get the best solution. It is the ability to sort things out
even when the prevailing conditions are not right. When it is clear that a manager has
great problem-solving skills, it 33differentiates him/her from the rest of the team and
gives subordinates confidence in his/her managerial skills.

6. Based on summer training experience what skills would you like to develop preparation
for your career?

1. Communication
2. Problem-solving
3. Decision making
4. Technical skills
5. Team work
6. Initiative
7. Leadership
8. Digital technology
9. Adaptability

7. Employee ability skills you gained through a summer training which will helps you in

 Active learning:

Active learning is a procedure that utilises exercises to completely participate in the

material you are attempting to learn. Being an active learner can assist you in developing
relevant abilities and enable you to learn how to perform tasks effectively. You can
develop dynamic learning abilities by engaging in conversations, performing in role-play
scenarios and thinking critically to develop a comprehensive understanding of the
material in hand.

 Analytical thinking:

Analytical thinking is the capacity to sort data into small groups to readily interpret
information and make proper assessments. Many professions depend on this ability for
research, critical thinking and to estimate trends. Insightful reasoning further develops
dynamic abilities, which can make you a more dependable and compelling worker. One
method for developing logical reasoning abilities is by being more attentive to
environmental factors and putting effort into understanding the way in which systems
around you work.

 Emotional intelligence:
 Emotional intelligence is a set of skills which enables you to control your emotions and
comprehend the feelings of others. These skills are essential in a workplace as they
enable you to understand your colleagues, resolve conflicts, minimize stress and
enhance the quality of the work environment.

 This quality can help you collaborate with teams of professionals to achieve
organizational objectives. You can create or further develop your capacity to appreciate
people on an emotional level, by paying attention to and connecting with others,
considering alternate points of view and assessing differences in opinion.

 Leadership:

Companies look forward to hiring employees with leadership skills, who possess
qualities such as responsibility, initiative and integrity. These skills aid in collaboration,
goal-setting and effective time-management. Having leadership skills is useful in any job
role, and not just for administrative positions. You can utilize leadership abilities to be
an effective team leader and to accomplish organizational objectives proficiently.

 Creativity:

The act of turning new, innovative ideas into reality is known as creativity. Creativity
includes the capacity to consider novel ideas and use your point of view to see
circumstances in an alternate manner. Creative thinkers are significant contributors in a
workplace, since they assist with developing imaginative content and frequently display
advanced critical thinking abilities. Creativity is a very subjective and industry-specific
skill, the particulars of which vary from domain to domain.



1. How did you assess your performance at the Agency?

 Problem solving: "I have demonstrated my problem-solving skills several times during my time
in the company." I manage to solve difficult situations efficiently, always taking the rest of the
team into consideration."

 Decision making: "When it comes to making decisions, I tend to fall back on past experiences
instead of looking for new solutions.

 Time Management: "I manage my time effectively to meet deadlines, however tight they may
be." I have the ability to priorities the most important tasks, and if I can't do it, I'll delegate to
others who have the experience."

 Communication: "I need to work on my ability to deal with emotions and not let them affect
my working relationships. I sometimes find it hard to communicate."

 Adaptability: "I adapt to change and I try to do my bit during transitions." I appreciate feedback
when things don't go well, I stay calm and positive.”

 Emotional intelligence: "I'm aware of my strengths and weaknesses, which enables me to deal
with emotions more easily. I try to understand and listen to everyone."

 Team work: "I believe that my skills and my ability to work in a team have been valuable
during this period. I have taken an active role in my department, working with confidence and
expressing my ideas and opinions."

2. Would you recommend this Agency for future students for summer training? If so why?

I. I learned Well-trained customer service agents are better at building customer

relationships using emotional intelligence and a broad communication skill set. Not only
does this result in a happy customer base, but it also leads to a loyal customer base. When
customer service is good, people remember. They tell their friends, they feel loyal to your
brand, and they're more likely to trust you with their money.

II. To provide good customer service that generates high customer loyalty, you’ll need an
outstanding customer service training program that teaches the exceptional service
standard you expect.

III. All companies have a unique workplace culture that defines how things get done, how
employees interact with one another, and how people behave.

IV. This culture combines the values, beliefs, vision, systems, and habits that an organization
and its members share. But, how do you ensure that culture is positive and authentic?

V. Building a positive company culture requires trust, transparency, and active listening.
Here's how employee feedback promotes employee engagement and how designing
constructive feedback practices, implementing effective employee feedback loops, and
adding feedback follow-ups can build trust that there is an established positive feedback
culture Work culture grows and shifts with the circumstances.

VI. “It’s a living and breathing thing that’s evolving all the time,” J.C. Herrera, chief human
resources officer at Sunnyvale, California-based cybersecurity firm Crowd Strike told
Built In. It guides employees on what behaviors, expectations, and matters of importance
are part of the company’s current ecosystem.

VII. “People need to understand the culture so they know how to get their work done,” Herrera
said, adding there are also micro work cultures within an organization from a
management culture to an engineering culture to an employee culture.

VIII. Work culture is different from a company’s core values, which largely remain the same
over time. For example, CrowdStrike is updating it’s core values because of massive
growth — the company has dramatically grown from under 400 people to now over

IX. But its original values of a fanatical focus on the customer, a high value on innovation
and strong belief that anything can be accomplished together still remain as it updates its
values, Herrera said.

3. My suggestion for improving the agencies services:

 Practice the art of using your interpersonal skills in an enterprising and enticing way. This gives
a clear message to other employees at the workplace of your interaction capabilities. Moreover,
you naturally get the advantage when it comes to getting more responsible work assigned by
seniors. Most importantly, show empathy in conversations and be mindful of your body

 Never be taken aback by the onset of company changes, team alterations or new, tougher
projects. Even if you have a stringent deadline to meet, shift your mindset towards adapting to
reality rather than stressing.

 Remember, with adaptability, acceptance comes easily, but without adaptability, acceptance
comes with resistance. If your fellow employees are slacking and seem burnt out, seize the
opportunity and take up the leadership role. It's the most appropriate time to voice your opinions,
take initiative and find a solution that neutralizes their lack of attention.

 For employees looking for an appraisal, this could be an exceptional area for improvement
Conflicts may occur between you and your clients, managers or colleagues. Never let conflicts
remain active. Put effort into resolving the issue. If not, you could disrupt smooth operations
and create a negative atmosphere, harming the business or project. Whether you resolve a
conflict face-to-face, by email or call or in a group e-meeting, make sure to end the conversation
on mutually satisfactory terms.

4. Innovative service strategies proposed for future:

 Strategy is about making choices between a number of feasible options to have the best chance
at “winning”, and innovation is just one of the means to achieve your strategic goals. Without a
good one, it’s actually quite difficult to achieve long-term success and orient your business for
speed in order to secure competitive advantage.

 What’s interesting is that according to statistics, 96% of executives have defined innovation as
a strategic priority. However, the lack of clear innovation strategy is a fundamental problem
especially for established companies when optimization of existing business becomes a priority.
While developing an innovation strategy isn’t necessarily difficult in itself, aligning it with your
overall business goals and ways of working is what takes most of the time and effort.

 This time, we’ve decided to try to make sense of the broad topic by introducing five steps for
developing your own innovation strategy. In addition, we’ll introduce a few tools that can be
used when mapping your strategic goals in order to make the best choices for long-term success.

 Business model innovation is the process an organization uses to adapt its business model to
deliver more value to its customers. By making changes to its value proposition and the
underlying business model, a company can gain a competitive advantage. Leveraging Existing
Business Model focuses on continuous improvement of core business, rather than seeking to
build new business models.


Daily Report

I learnt many things during this 18 days internship training about professional approach and
work atmosphere. I enclose the work experience and the knowledge I gained in this report.

Day -1

Approach of the company:

I learned by the 1st day. So, I went to the company through the college and meet the HR manager
and told him about the internship and then with his approval I got the opportunity to work in that Agency.
Then on the advice of the manager he put the staff working under them and told me to teach the lesson
accordingly they told me very clearly about the cars and its related ways Toyota agency is the biggest
dealer in India.

Day -2

Plant visit:

On the second day we learned about the Administration Process where we learned about
management related information at Toyota. We got to know how the management of Toyota Company
is like and we also got to know clearly about the positions in it.

Day -3

Administrative stages of Toyota

As we learned on the third day, the Administration Stages of Management in Toyota are:
 Chief Executive Officer,
 Regional Head of HR,
 Regional Head of Accounts,
 Regional Head of Trainer,
 Regional Head of Technical Leader or Sales,
 Regional Head of Services,
 Customer Relationship Department.

All are Toyota company management positions and branches of Toyota in Tamil Nadu;
 Trichy,
 Salem,
 Karur,
 Kumbakonam,
 Tanjore.
 The headquarters of Toyota in Tamil Nadu is located in Trichy.

Day -4

Sale process:
On the fourth day we learned about the most important departments of the Toyota company
namely sales and related information. Selling the product in that sector should be done according to
demand. There are two main processes involved.

 Fifo format,
 Preference the previous.
Processes include bringing the right products to the consumer, in which the sales advisor plays a
very important role. We learned various such information on the fourth day.

Day -5

Salesman training process:

We learned about salesman training process on the fifth day. It also provides sales advisor
training for selling a car. Not only that, if some new models are introduced, training is also provided
about the special features in them. Employees are given a target to fix and sell cars within that target.
If there are any defects in the sale of the sales consultant, the sales consultant will ask and clarify it
through the team leader and sell the products. We learned many things like that there.

Day -6

Marketing department:

What we learned on the sixth day is that there are two types of marketing in the field of
marketing. One of them is offline and online. Online customer claims are collected through which the
details are collected and finally the cars are registered by the customers. And offline communication is
done through the data of previous customers. Apart from this, offline customers are also buying cars by

visiting them directly. And on behalf of the company, cars are also sold through camps ie road show
customers. And new customers come and buy cars after the people who already use the company's cars
talk about their experience. This gives the company a goodwill. We learned all these details on this

Day -7

Marketing Ethics:

What we learned on the seventh day was marketing ethics, where the company offers and
discounts on prices during festivals to facilitate the customers to sell cars. And to attract them, some
temporary camps are set up and cars are sold. There are many more benefits offered to the customers.
These include low interest EMI facility and full petrol tank for purchased cars to reduce customer

Day -8

Service department:

 What we learned on the eighth day was about service and its attendants. In that, the distributor
advisor understands the mood of the customers and handles them in the best way and provides
them with what they need. Also, the customers are given any gift etc. along with the cars they
buy. In this, if there are any complaints to the customers, the complaints are resolved by
appointing a person called Customer Advisor in the name of providing better service to the

 Apart from this, customers can get their cars repaired in the name of Experience Maintenance,
which is quickly repaired in 60 minutes and 90 minutes and 120 minutes. And the newly
delivered cars are delivered to the customer in a minimum of 3 months to a maximum of 9
months. This makes it an easy way for them to buy cars.

Day -9

Toyota car models:

On the ninth day, we learned basic information about Toyota car models.

Models are:
 Glaza - 6,59,000
 Urban cruiser - 9,02,500
 Urban cruiser Hyryder - 10,99,000
 Innova crysta - 17,45,000
 Fortuner - 32,40,009
 Legender - 42,05,009
 Camry - 44,35,000
 Vellfire - 92,60,000
 Hilux - 36,80,000

Upcoming Cars by Toyota;

(i) Toyota Betta - 9,00,000 (Oct 2022)

(ii) Toyota Rumion - 8,80,800 (Dec 2022)

(iii) Toyota new Innova crysta - 18,00,000 (Feb 2022)

The online request system helps the customers to know about Toyota cars. In this, brochures are
provided so that the customers know about the cars. And a test drive is also allowed.

Many programs like buy now cell car, exchange car etc. are offered for the convenience of
customers so that customers can trust the company.

Day -10

Online apps:

What we learned on day 10 is online apps ie some online apps are designed so that customers
can easily know about a car. Some of these online apps are very popular.

In such applications;
 Car Wale
 Car Gurus
 Edmunds
 Cars direct
 Car max
 Carvana Co
 Auto Tempest
 Auto list
 Kelley Blue Book
 Truecars, Inc

So, familiar users are used in "Car wale" is a very popular website.

 Customers can know clearly about the cars; Sure, Secure, Safe, Smart and the price of the
purchased cars and its EMI amount, interest rate offers, on road price, price quotes etc. through
these applications.

 This app is designed to evaluate two cars and decide which one is better. Also this app is
designed to know about upcoming cars. It also helps customers to see the complete design of
cars easily through 360 degrees.

Day -11

HR Activity:
 What we learned on the eleventh day was the role of HR department and HR manager in an
organization. In HR department Human Resources is to guide the employees on the right path.
And the HR department in an organization is the right employees coming to the organization
every day !

 Attendance is taken to see that and absentees are given leave in the name of letter for at least
three days. And if they take a maximum leave of nine days without informing the company they
will be dismissed. The HR department is generally designed to manage employees and pay,
reward, and provide them with what they need.

Day -12

Employee engagement activities:

 What we learned on the 12th day is that Toyota's HR department provides some activities to the
company's employees to reduce their workload and reduce their stress. It mainly provides
employees with sports competitions and movie screenings. This reduces the workload of the
employees and relieves them from stress and gives the employees what they need.

 Rewards, awards and incentives are given to the best performing employees. BP Checkup,
Corona vaccine and general welfare medicines are organized by the company through medical
camps for the employees.

Day -13

Customer Relationship:

 What we learned on Day Thirteen is that customer relationship management is properly maintained at
Toyota. Toyota does some of that. Customers are contacted from the company after purchasing the car
from the company and before the purchase. Important feedback is sought from customers. He services
the cars he buys from this company and reminds them after a few days using message call etc.

 Post sales follow means after 6 days of servicing the car, the company collects feedback from them
through the system. This helps to further improve the service department and customer relation

Day -14

Customer satisfaction:

 What we learned on day fourteen is to meet and satisfy customer needs at Toyota. In it, if the
customer gives the car for repair, it will be returned soon and in the case of buying a new one,
they are given gifts and offers.

 If they have serviced between Rs.1,00,000 and Rs.10,00,000 in Toyota, the prizes are given
accordingly by the company. A team has been set up to handle the needs of customers coming
to the company to buy a new car.

 These include gaming activities, rest places, cinema shows, driving launches, etc. Toyota
Company does many such things to satisfy the customers. Through this we learned how to
handle customers.

Day -15

Employee Welfare activities:

 What we learned on the 15th is that in Toyota Company they are provided monthly Provident
Fund Employee State Insurance Corporation etc. for the benefit of the employees. ESI in it is
deducted at 0.75% from their monthly salary for employees earning below 21 thousand. 12
percent of provident fund is deducted every month for all employees. This includes basic plus
dearness allowance. Also a certain amount is deducted every month by Personal and Accident.
This following claims are,

 EDLI – 7,02,000 has been allocated. Janata policy has a monthly deduction of Rs 120 per lakh.
12 is deducted monthly from bank salary for two lakhs per annum. This includes Group
Occidental Policy. And the premium amount is Rs.350 per month for a total amount of Rs.2
lakh. 3 lakhs also given by the company as medical compensation to the employees.

 But it has some conditions i.e. the employee must be under medical treatment for 24 hours. Only
after that they can claim the amount. Also, if the deceased employee is a new employee, he will
be given three thousand rupees and if he has one year of experience, five thousand rupees will
be given on behalf of the company. If the employee dies during winter, he also gets ten thousand
rupees for his family.


Knowledge gained:

I would like to highlight some of the new inputs that I have gained during this Internship.

1. I learnt the practical exposure about the work atmosphere and way to handle the situations

2. I gained the way to maintain the professional relationship in the office with the personnel.

3. I have gained basic term of HR activities and our HR Roles of the company.

4. I learned the activities and methodology that takes place in cars companies.

5. I also learned about how to attract customers and how to sell the products is throw to easily
understand by the company.

Then finally, this was an experience where I learned a lot about the company.



 HR measures must improve important decisions about talent and how it is organized. This
chapter has shown how this simple premise leads to a very different approach to HR
measurement than is typically followed today, and how it produces several decision-science-
based frameworks to help guide HR measurement activities toward greater strategic impact.

 Due many challenges that are facing human resource departments, there is need for organisations
to adopt correct and workable policies that will not only ensure they alleviate these challenges,
but also develop mechanisms of dealing with such challenges in case they occur in the future.

 HR measures must improve important decisions about talent and how it is organized. This
chapter has shown how this simple premise leads to a very different approach to HR
measurement than is typically followed today, and how it produces several decision-science-
based frameworks to help guide HR measurement activities toward greater strategic impact.

 Through this internship I have learned a variety of experiences. Through this I developed a
career in myself and learned how to handle its intricacies. Further, I also learned there how to
communicate and how to get along with colleagues visiting a company.

 I was able to gain practical skills, work in a fantastic environment, and make connections that
will last a lifetime. I could not be more thankful.

**** THANK YOU ****


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