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Use of mother tongue or the native language in communicating to show who really, we are

2. To My Fellow Children was written by Jose Rizal to inspire the Filipino Youths to use their
Godly given talent and be the best they can be. He also wrote it to encourage Filipino youths to
be proud of being a Filipino by using their own mother tongue or native language in
communicating or speaking which is evident on the line whoever knows not how to love his
native tongue is worse than any beast or evil smelling fish.

3. Yes, the message of this poem is still applicable in today’s generation, because as we are
connected to the other races, due to technology, most of us forget to use our own national
language. When a Filipino migrates to any country, some of them forget already how to use our
national language. Some children due to videos they watched, they become English speaking.
That’s is why, the poem is a reminder for us that it is okay for us to learn other languages but we
should never forget that our national language Filipino is at par with other prevailing languages
around the world.

4. Jose wrote poetry to motivate people to love their native language. He urged them to cherish
their language because it reflected their identity. . For a nation without independence, people
must learn to fight for themselves.

Having a unified mother tongue reflects the unity and strength of a nation. More specifically, the
poem's message is:
Anyone who loves their native language loves freedom. Language is a human measure. The line
"Language is the final judge and mediator of the people of the land" argues that language is the
judge that determines a person's love for his or her country. How we use and respect it
determines our love for our country. Native language is one of the most important characteristics
of a nation. Therefore, using it means that we value our country. Using your mother tongue more
than any other language means that you value your mother tongue the most. I could have spoken
in other dialects, but I still spoke in my mother tongue. It's like choosing from our clothes. We
often use the shirt we like best and sparingly use the less valuable shirt.

Using Filipino also means that you know more about this language than any other. This means
that the duration of learning the native language has increased. What made us the most exposed
to it and able to discover more of it.

Language is a really good measure of a person's love for their country. The way citizens speak
their mother tongue shows their relationship to their country. In other words, language is the
ultimate judge of the people of a country. It never deceives and always reveals the truth. 

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