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Myhill Nerode theorem:


For a language L, defined over an alphabet∑,

L partitions ∑ * into distinct classes.

If L is regular then, L generates finite number of classes.

If L generates finite number of classes, then L is regular.

language L which is EVEN-EVEN, defined over Σ = {a, b}. It can be observed that L partitions Σ* into the
following four classes

C1 = set of all strings with even number of a’s and odd number of b’s.

C2 = set of all strings with odd number of a’s and odd number of b’s.

C3 = set of all strings with odd number of a’s and even number of b’s.

C4 = set of all strings with even number of a’s and even number of b’s

Pseudo theorem

For three languages P,Q and R, while PQ=R the language Q must be regular if both P and R are regular.
(Note: It is to be noted that since this theorem is not true, so the theorem is called pseudo theorem.)

Decidable problem
A problem that has decision procedure is called decidable problem e.g. the following problems

The two regular expressions define the same language.

The two FAs are equivalent.

CFG terminologies :
Terminals: The symbols that can’t be replaced by anything are called terminals.

Non-Terminals: The symbols that must be replaced by other things are called non-terminals.

Productions: The grammatical rules are often called productions.

A semiword is a string of terminals (may be none) concatenated with exactly one nonterminal on the
right i.e. a semiword, in general, is of the following form

(terminal)(terminal)… (terminal)(nonterminal)
Left most derivation

The derivation of a word w, generated by a CFG, such that at each step, a production is applied to the
left most nonterminal in the working string, is said to be left most derivation.

It is to be noted that the nonterminal that occurs first from the left in the working string, is said to be
left most nonterminal.

Nondeterministic PDA:
Like TGs and NFAs, if in a PDA there are more than one outgoing edges at READ or POP states with one
label, then it creates nondeterminism and the PDA is called nondeterministic PDA.

In nondeterministic PDA no edge is labeled by string of terminals or nonterminals, like that can be
observed in TGs. Also if there is no edge for any letter to be read from the TAPE, the machine crashes
and the string is rejected.

In nondeterministic PDA a string may trace more than one path. If there exists at least one path traced
by a string leading to ACCEPT state, then the string is supposed to be accepted, otherwise rejected.

PUSHDOWN AUTOMATON (PDA)[ including the possibility of non determinism]

Pushdown Automaton (PDA), consists of the following

1. An alphabet Σ of input letters.

2. An input TAPE with infinite many locations in one direction. Initially the input string is placed in it
starting from first cell, the remaining part of the TAPE is empty.

3. An alphabet Γ of STACK characters.

4. A pushdown STACK which is initially empty, with infinite many locations in one direction. Initially the
STACK contains blanks.

5. One START state with only one out-edge and no in-edge.

6. Two halt states i.e. ACCEPT and REJECT states, with in-edges and no out-edges.

7. A PUSH state that introduces characters onto the top of the STACK.

8. A POP state that reads the top character of the STACK, (may contain more than one out-edges with
same label).

9. A READ state that reads the next unused letter from the TAPE, (may contain more than one out-
edges with same label).
Non-Context-Free language
There arises a question, whether all languages are CFL? The answer is no. Languages which are not
Context-Free, are called Non-CFL.

To prove the claim that all languages are not Context-Free, the study of machines of word production
from the grammar is needed

Live production: A production of the form nonterminal → string of two nonterminals is called a live

Dead production: A production of the form nonterminal → terminal is called a dead production.

It may be noted that every CFG in CNF has only these types of productions.

Following are the decidable problems w.r.t. CFG

Whether or not the given CFG generates any word? Problem of emptiness of CFL.

Whether or not the given CFG generates the finite language? Problem of finiteness.

Whether or not the given string w can be generated by the given CFG? Problem of membership.

Pumping Lemma Statement Let L be any infinite regular language (that has infinite many words), defined
over an alphabet ∑ then there exist three strings x, y and z belonging to ∑ * (where y is not the null
string) such that all the strings of the form xyn z for n=1,2,3, … are the words in L.

Pumping Lemma version II Statement Let L be an infinite language accepted by a finite automaton with
N states, then for all words w in L that have langth more than N, there are strings x,y and z (y being non-
null string) and length(x) + length(y) ≤ N s.t. w = xyz and all strings of the form xyn z are in L for n = 1,2,3,

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