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In the case of Prashant Mehta vs State Of H.P.

& Ors 2021 SCC OnLine HP 5438, the

Supreme Court dealt with the question of the prima facie validity of the filing of a Public
Interest Litigation. The court by recognising a catena of judgments discussed at length when
a PIL can be entertained and when can the court reject a PIL. The court after considering all
the case laws held that a PIL can be maintainable only if the following conditions are met-

1) That the impugned action is violative of any of the Fundamental Rights or any other
legal right.
2) That the action complained of is illegal or mala fide and the individuals are unable to
protect their interests against such actions.
3) That the people should approach the court in the public interest for redressal of a
public injury arising from breach of any constitutional law or duty.
4) That the litigants must not approach the court with some mala fide approach or
personal vengeance.
5) That the process of public interest litigation was not being abused by politicians or
other busy bodies for political or unrelated objective.
6) That if the relief not granted, it will result in the loss of faith of the common man in
7) That the state action was being covered up on the grounds of technicalities.
8) PIL can be filed through a petition or a letter or any other information but upon
satisfaction of its nature by the court.
9) That the person approaching the court must come with clean hands.
10) That the court must be satisfied that its forum was not being misused by frivolous
litigants with a mala fide/personal vendetta.

In the present case, the petitioners are singled out as one individual entity with reference to
their submissions and their Written Arguments. Even the updates for terms of service and
sharing of data with third parties is an established industrial practice.

It is therefore, on these grounds, it is prayed before the court to dismiss this Public Interest
Litigation with any other relief this court deems fit in the interest of justice, equity and good

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