Dgacm Sub Guideeee

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Table of contents

I. Introduction .............................................................................................................. 2

II. Rules governing the submission of documents ........................................................ 2

Basic submission guidelines ........................................................................................................ 2

Additional specifications pertaining to the use of images or photographs in reports or
publications ................................................................................................................................. 5
Submission and processing of non-mandated documents and publications ................................ 6
Submission and processing of documents or material considered confidential or classified ...... 6
Slotted documents (pre- and post-session) .................................................................................. 7
Draft resolutions and the 48-hour rule......................................................................................... 9
Submission of communications ................................................................................................. 10
Submission of documents for ODS archival only ..................................................................... 11
Reissues, revisions, and corrigenda ........................................................................................... 12
Departmental Corrections.......................................................................................................... 13
Overnight processing ................................................................................................................. 13
III. Submission of documents through gDoc 2.0 .............................................................. 14

gDoc 2.0 registration ................................................................................................................. 14

gDoc submission process .......................................................................................................... 15
gDoc submission process (forecasted) ...................................................................................... 25
Extra-budgetary submissions..................................................................................................... 25
Duplicating existing requests .................................................................................................... 29
Submission categories ............................................................................................................... 31
IV. Important contact information in DMS.................................................................. 33

V. Annexes ........................................................................................................................ 34

I. Guidelines for circulation of letters ................................................................................... 34

II. Note verbale requesting submissions in Word .................................................................. 37
III. Procedures for Approval/Clearance of Reports to the Secretary-General ..................... 38
IV. About the author ............................................................................................................ 42
I. Introduction
1. The Department for General Assembly and Conference Management (DGACM)
receives all official documents to be processed for United Nations (UN) meetings
through the Documents Management Section (DMS) of the Central Planning and
Coordination Division (CPCD). All documents regardless of type, slotted or non-
slotted, are now submitted via gDoc directly to DMS. Submitters wishing to
obtain a forecast number for the purpose of submitting a slotted document must,
as a first step, plan and coordinate their submission directly with their DMS organ
focal point (A/E/S). Please refer to section III below for more details on the
process. The purpose of the guidelines is to guide submitters and author
departments on document submission requirements and the correct usage and
application of gDoc. The guidelines came into effect on 1 December 2016 and
supersedes all previous document submission guidelines.

II. Rules governing the submission of documents

Basic submission guidelines

2. All documents that are to be processed in any form (including fair copy) and into
any official language must be submitted to DMS through gDoc.

3. The following 7 sub-items must be taken into account while preparing documents
for submission. Sub-items A, B, C, and D (in blue) are mandatory. Sub-items E,
F and G should be adhered to as closely as possible.

(a) Mode of submission: All documents must be submitted electronically via

gDoc. Submissions via e-mail will not be accepted.
(b) Format: All submissions MUST be submitted as an MS Word-only
document, be single-spaced, correctly paginated and in 10-point Times
New Roman font (smaller font is permissible in tables and graphics). Use
of text boxes in MS Word is highly discouraged; please use tables (with or
without borders) instead to facilitate the processing of the document in all
languages. Tables may NOT be embedded as images or as linked Excel
tables. Figures such as charts or graphs should be included as editable
elements where possible. Figures created in Excel or PowerPoint must be
accompanied by the original file(s) (see sub-item ‘d’ below). Manuscripts
containing material embedded in non-Word format may be returned to the
author for resubmission per guideline standards.

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(c) Paragraphs must be automatically numbered, and tables and figures must
be consistently numbered for ease of reference throughout the document.
Tables and figures should also have titles.
(d) Original Excel or PowerPoint files containing figures represented within
the Word document must accompany the submission and must be
provided at the time of submission. In the case of Excel files, all figures
should be submitted in a single Excel file, with each figure accorded its
own worksheet (tab) and should be labelled and ordered as they appear in
the Word submission. The figures in these files must match those in the
Word submission. Submissions missing accompanying Excel or
PowerPoint files, or with discrepancies between the figures in the Word
and accompanying files, may be returned to the submitter and marked as a
late submission.
(e) If the document contains images, images must be attributed (please see
guidelines on the use of photographs in official documentation in para. 6
below). Source and captions (if any) should be outside the image. If
images have text in them, it must be editable and readable when printed in
(f) All submitted images must be sent as a separate file conforming to specific
guidelines. Please see page 3.
(g) Naming convention for additional files. Tables, figures and visuals
submitted in separate files should be clearly identified. In the file name,
authors must indicate the kind of graphic it is (table, figure, visual), the
budget section it belongs to and its number in the series. For example, for
budget section 3, the file for table 1 would be named Table 3.1, and the
file for figure I of the same budget section would be Figure 3.I; other
images and visuals in the same budget section would be named Visual 3.1,
Visual 3.2, etc. In the case of visuals and images, authors must indicate in
the document where to insert them, e.g., “[[insert visual/image 4.2
(h) Submissions which are based on previously issued documents, such as
reports on a similar topic from a previous session or draft texts, MUST be
based on Word-only files of those documents downloaded from the
Official Document System (ODS) (it is not necessary to adjust font sizes
and formatting).
(i) Changes must be clearly marked, as applicable.
(j) References must be submitted via gDoc, as applicable.
(k) Documents may be submitted in the six official languages of the UN only.

4. Documents not conforming to these basic specifications may be returned to the

submitter. If your document does not meet the above 7 criteria, please call DMS
(due to ongoing COVID-19 measures, please email [email protected]) first at
extension 3-6579 or 7-5895 to discuss your submission prior to submitting it
through gDoc. It is the responsibility of the submitting office to adhere to the

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above specifications and to make any necessary changes to bring the submission
into compliance. For additional specific information regarding UN editorial
guidelines, please see ST/CS/SER.A/44/Rev.1.

5. Staff members must be registered with gDoc 2.0 to submit documents for
processing. (If you do not have a gDoc 2.0 user account, please refer to paragraph

6. Guidelines on the use of photographs in official documentation:

Photographs must have attribution. The United Nations can publish them only with
knowledge of who the photographer is or who holds the copyright. Publishing
photographs without appropriate authorization could expose the United Nations to
accusations of copyright infringement.

• The United Nations must be especially careful about photographs of minors.

Normally when minors are photographed and when such photographs are
released by the United Nations, the permission of the parent or guardian
should be sought.

• The publication of photographs should not be seen to endanger the safety and
security of the individuals photographed.

• The publication of photographs should not risk harming the reputation of the
individuals or children concerned without appropriately examining the context
within which the photographs were taken or the actions of the individuals

• Publication of photographs should not prejudice the security or proper conduct

of ongoing operations or activities of the United Nations anywhere in the

• The Secretary-General's bulletin on information sensitivity, classification and

handling (ST/SGB/2007/6) provides important policy guidance in this regard.
Under section 1 of that bulletin, sensitive information entrusted to or
originating from the United Nations includes "documents whose disclosure is
likely to endanger the safety or security of any individual, violate his or her
rights or invade his or her privacy" and "documents whose disclosure is likely
to endanger the security of Member States or prejudice the security or proper
conduct of any operation or activity of the United Nations, including any of its
peacekeeping operations". See http://dd.dgacm.org/editorialmanual/ed-

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Additional specifications pertaining to the use of images or photographs in
reports or publications

• All submitted images must be sent as separate files with a resolution of 300
• For images with overlaid text to be readable and accessible, the text must be
manipulable. All text, digits and symbols contents must be typed and
selectable. It is recommended to use the built-in Word chart creator. Anything
created in Illustrator and embedded in a Word document will be treated as an
image and will not be read by an accessibility program. However, images
created in Illustrator and embedded in InDesign1 maintain readability to
accessibility programs.
• All contents need to be clearly readable and visible on the normal printed out
page size, or in a standard 100% size on screen.
• The images in the output document should not be narrower than the text field
(usually 6.5 inches).
• If graphics are submitted in colour, no more than 10 colours can be used, as
any more colours interfere with conversion to monochrome.
• If images are submitted in colour, please use a CMYK colour profile.
• Avoid switching between portrait and landscape pages within the same
• All images should have captions; all tables and charts and other elements
should have a title, and alternative descriptions must be provided.
• All characters encoding used for any other language than the six official
languages must be reliable and available widely in different devices.
• All content should be contained in the document structure and the various
parts of the document clearly identified by the authors, in a sequential order
(i.e. Chapter I, Section 1, 2, 3, Chapter II, Section 1 ,2, 3, etc.). The
entire document should flow consistently from start to finish.
• Colours can be used provided that they are not being used to indicate
something (i.e. the blue line is 2017 and the green line is 2016), since this will
make that particular part not accessible to the persons with colour blindness.

Adobe InDesign files are only accepted for the processing of Publications. For standard SG reports,
please provide images editable within Microsoft Office. All other file types are incompatible and will be
returned to the submitter for revision.

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Submission and processing of non-mandated documents and publications

7. All submissions that are determined to be non-mandated and/or extrabudgetary

(XB) must be authorized by the Executive Office (EO) of DGACM prior to
commencement of work by the Documents Management Section. Please follow
the steps below when submitting an XB document for processing:

(a) Submit your document through gDoc as detailed in section III;

(b) Ensure the XB option is selected (step 3B, page 16) and enter a complete
Umoja account code (either fund center/fund/budget period, internal order
number, or WBSe);
(c) A requisite Umoja Service/Sales Order will be created to charge for the
work requested with the funding code provided. Your Financial Approver
will receive an automated workflow email from Umoja indicating that the
order is ready for approval. Once approved, the workflow goes back to
the EO to confirm the cash availability against the funding provided in
Umoja. Once the EO carries out a successful cash confirmation, your
document will then be authorized by the EO in gDoc and work will
commence immediately. An incomplete or incorrect funding code in
Umoja will result in the gDoc submission being rejected, and you will be
notified by e-mail. If the cash confirmation in Umoja cannot be carried
out, your Financial Approver will be notified by DGACM/EO.
(d) If a quotation is required before submission to gDoc, please email
[email protected] to request one.

Submission and processing of documents or material considered

confidential or classified
8. All requests for processing of documents or material considered confidential or
classified must first be submitted in writing directly to the Chief of the
Documents Management Section.

9. Such requests should detail the nature of the submission, including information on
word count, date of completion and the service or services requested (e.g., editing,
translation, text-processing, formatting, and printing). The Chief will review the
request and advise on the process.

10. Please note that under no circumstances should confidential or classified material
be transmitted directly to the DMS generic e-mail address ([email protected]) or
uploaded to gDoc 2.0 until the procedure detailed in paragraphs 8 and 9 above
have been carried out and clearance and instructions have been obtained from the
Chief or Documents Management Officers.

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11. For more information, please contact:

Ms. Deirdre DURRANCE (Chief): [email protected]

Mr. Masud RANA (Documents Management Officer): [email protected]
Mr. Dawa SANGEY (Documents Management Officer): [email protected]
Mr. Carlos RIVAS (Documents Management Officer): [email protected]

Slotted documents (pre- and post-session)

12. The slotting system is a tool for documentation forecasting and planning. It is a
means to achieve the timely issuance of documents through workload forecasting
and capacity-planning. Since the inception of the slotting system, DGACM has
identified three indicators of achievement: timely submission of manuscripts,
timely processing within DGACM and, most importantly, timely issuance of
official documents in all official languages. The slotting system represents a
concrete attempt to respond to the reiterated requests of Member States that
documents be made available in good time for consideration by the bodies for
which they are prepared. It is also an attempt to resolve the problem of late
submission of documents.

13. The waiver management system is a tool to manage those documents that are over
the agreed word limits. The word limits for documents submitted for processing
are to be strictly enforced by all UN documents management units. In his
memorandum of 25 April 2002 on “Page limits for reports originating in the
Secretariat”, the Secretary-General requested heads of department “to clear draft
reports prepared under your authority and to sign justifiable requests for waivers
for major policy documents. The requests, to be granted only in exceptional cases,
should continue to be addressed to the Assistant Secretary-General, DGACM,
who will seek the guidance of the Chef de Cabinet as may be required.” In
paragraph 16 of section B of its resolution 53/208, the General Assembly called
upon the Secretariat “to make its procedures for obtaining waivers to the 16-page
rule more rigorous, while maintaining, however, the necessary degree of
flexibility, with a view to encouraging author departments to reduce the length of
their submissions while maintaining high standards of quality”. Author
departments will be aware that the granting of waivers for excessive length of
their reports is increasingly rare.

14. In addition to the basic submission requirements for all documents, there are extra
conditions that submitters must keep in mind for slotted documents. Slotted
documents not meeting these additional terms may be returned to the submitter. It
is the submitter’s responsibility to make the required changes and resubmit the
document to DMS for processing.

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15. Slotted documents submitted to DMS after 16:30 hours (New York time) on
any given day will be considered as having been received on the following
business day. Reports of the Secretary-General must be submitted along with
proof of clearance from the Office of the Secretary-General. Word limit waivers
must be sought in advance and be uploaded to gDoc along with the submission.

16. A forecast number is now required at the time of submission and must be entered
in the slot number field at the top of the D2. If you do not have a forecast
number, please contact your DMS focal point, who can guide you through the
forecasting process. Documents slotted for intergovernmental bodies must carry
the right organ code and not the name of the submitting office in the field Organ

17. The manuscript must be submitted as a single file in Word format only. Any other
objects such as graphs, charts, tables, or images contained within the manuscript
must be converted into an editable format.

18. Slotted documents must bear a masthead on the cover page and must include the
session number, relevant agenda items and, where applicable, the date of the
meeting. You may download a masthead from previously issued documents on
ODS. (http://www.ods.un.org/login.asp?language=E). Please note that the
masthead date is the date of submission in gDoc. Please refer to ST/CS/SER.A/35
for additional information.

19. Submissions based on previously issued texts should be provided with track
changes in a separate file for reference. In other words, submitters should provide
a clean copy of the document as the standard electronic submission AND a
document with track changes as a reference file.

20. For all reference material or previously issued material that is available on ODS,
submitters are required to list only the document symbols in the remarks field in
the D2 or in the remarks field in the document list screen. All other reference
materials must be attached to gDoc in separate electronic files and clearly marked
as “References”.

21. Requests for changes in or corrections to documents still in process must be

submitted to DMS via gDoc with changes clearly marked on the originally
submitted draft. The text should be labeled “Departmental correction”.

22. Requests for changes in, or corrections to documents that have already been
issued, may be submitted in accordance with the procedure described in
paragraphs 36 and 37.

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23. The word limits are as follows: 8,500 words for documents originating in the
Secretariat and 10,700 words for documents not originating in the Secretariat
(General Assembly resolution 52/214). The total word count includes footnotes,
endnotes, headings and any hidden text. DMS should be alerted to any
documents that are likely to exceed mandated word limits during the preliminary
forecasting exercise.

24. If any document is expected to exceed the word limit, a request for a waiver must
be sent by the departmental head to the Assistant Secretary-General of DGACM
six weeks in advance of the slotted date, and before the report is submitted to
EOSG for approval (for reports requiring SG clearance). Only when a waiver is
granted will the document be considered to have been submitted and be sent for

25. All reports originating in the Secretariat must include a summary, consolidated
conclusions, recommendations, other proposed actions and relevant background
information. All documents submitted to legislative organs by the Secretariat and
expert bodies for consideration and action should have conclusions and
recommendations in bold print (resolution 52/214).

26. Reports submitted after the 10-week submission deadline (10 weeks prior to the
document’s date of consideration) must bear a footnote providing the reasons for
late submission (resolution 53/208) irrespective of the slot date.

27. Please note that the Chef de Cabinet in her memo on the “Procedures for
Approval/Clearance of Reports of the Secretary-General” sent to all
departments on 5 June 2017, stated that reports to the General Assembly
that do not contain policy proposals that have resource implications or that
could be viewed as politically sensitive should be submitted to the EOSG for
informational purposes at the same time as the document is submitted to
DGACM. A cover note indicating the rational for not requiring EOSG
consideration should be attached. Please see annex III.

Draft resolutions and the 48-hour rule

28. All draft resolutions that are submitted must be based on the previous A/RES
version from ODS. Changes must be clearly marked.

29. The minimum time allowed for draft resolutions to be processed is 48 hours. This
excludes weekends and holidays. The 48-hour timetable will begin the day after
the document has been received by DMS. An example of a submission timetable
is provided below:

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If a draft resolution is received at 11.00 hours on any business day, the
document will be scheduled to be completed no sooner than 09.00 hours
two business days after the date of submission. This means if the
document is submitted at 11.00 hours on a Monday morning, the
document will be scheduled to be completed no sooner than 09.00 hours
on the following Thursday.

30. Depending on the size and complexity of the resolution, DGACM may require up
to 96 hours2 (after the day of submission) to finalize the request in all working
languages. This will depend on the total workload in the editorial and translation
services in addition to date of consideration, length and urgency of the documents
concerned. Likewise, there will be circumstances in which documents must be
completed in less than 48 hours. Any request for a schedule of less than 48 hours
must be discussed with and cleared by the Chief of DMS. All requests for
revision, reissuance and corrigenda should also be cleared by the Chief of DMS.
For more information regarding reissues, revisions and corrigenda, please refer to
paragraph 36.

Submission of communications

31. In accordance with paragraph 30 of decision 34/401, quoted in paragraph 30 of

annex V to the rules of procedure of the General Assembly (A/520/Rev.17)
concerning the work of the Main Committees,“Member States should refrain, to
the extent possible, from requesting the circulation of any individual
communications as documents of the General Assembly and in lieu thereof,
where circulation of such documents is desired, should, as far as possible,
request such circulation under the cover of a note verbale in the official
languages in which they submit them.”

32. After taking the above into consideration, delegations requesting issuance of
communications as documents of the General Assembly must address their
requests to the Secretary-General. The communications must be signed by the
permanent representative or chargé d’affaires of the permanent mission to the
United Nations. They should indicate the session of the General Assembly, plus
the number and title of the agenda item under which circulation is requested,
using the agenda of the current session of the General Assembly contained in
document A/XX/2513. For more information, please see annex I.

The Department reserves the right to increase the amount of time required to process draft resolutions
from the standard 48 hour window to 96 hours based on certain factors, such as but not limited to: word
count, subject or topic complexity, capacity constraints, and/or other unforeseen or exigent circumstances.
XX denotes the session number.

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33. Electronic versions in Microsoft Word should be sent to [email protected] with a copy
to [email protected] to facilitate the processing of communications. If versions in any
other United Nations official languages are available, they should be included
with a clear indication of the original language and/or which language versions
are to be used for reference only. Special attention of the author departments and
submitting missions is drawn to the following:

(a) To avoid copyright issues, materials that are accessible to the public on
websites or through the media, such as statements, press releases and
images, should be cited (referenced) rather than included in the
communications, as stated in the Delegates Handbook;
(b) In addition, in accordance with ST/AI/189/Add.18, names of
commercial firms and industrial enterprises may not be mentioned in
official United Nations documents.

34. For additional information, please contact Ms. Deirdre Durrance

([email protected]), Mr. Masud Rana ([email protected]) , and Mr. Dawa Sangey
([email protected]).

Submission of documents for ODS archival only

35. Documents that have been edited and/or translated externally (not submitted to
and processed by DGACM) must bear a footnote on the first page. The footnote
should read as follows:

Note: The present document was processed in its entirety by [name of submitting
entity or organization].

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Reissues, revisions, and corrigenda

36. Parliamentary documents, including communications from Member States, may

be reissued for technical reasons to make minor editorial changes or to correct
grammatical or text-processing mistakes. Any other such changes, such as
additional text or substantively altered language, must be resubmitted to the
addressee(s) in their entirety with a request for their issuance either as a revision
(Rev.) or a corrigendum (Corr.). A revision (Rev.), which indicates a new text
superseding and replacing a previously issued document, can be requested when
additional information received following the issuance of the original makes it
necessary to replace the document in its entirety. A corrigendum (Corr.) is issued
to correct a specific part of a previously issued document, the purpose of which is
to correct an error or errors, not merely typographical, and is issued as a separate
document but forms an integral part of the original document. For additional
information regarding the structure and composition of revisions and corrigenda,
please refer to the UN Editorial Manual. See also annex I, paragraph 10 of this

37. Requests for corrigenda or revisions, i.e. A/xx/123/Corr.1 or A/xx/123/Rev.1

must be submitted to DMS through gDoc. They must be accompanied by a
marked-up document based on the latest edited version as found on ODS.
Requests for reissuing documents for technical reasons as a result of errors
introduced during processing by DGACM must first be cleared by the Chief of
DMS. Such requests should be sent by email and specify the reason(s) why the
document should be reissued. Once received, such requests will be reviewed by
DMS and the Documentation Division to determine whether a reissue is
warranted and will be processed accordingly.

38. Be advised that revisions, departmental corrections, or replacement texts to

forecasted documents will only be accepted during the first 72 hours after
submission. Any manuscript modifications submitted after 72 hours will not be
incorporated. This is to ensure that documents received by DMS are final or as
close to final as possible. Should changes be required after 72 hours have passed,
then a new submission such as a /Rev.XXX or /Corr.XXX will be necessary. The
only exception to this policy is for technical reissues (applicable only if the
Secretariat introduced errors to the final documents during the editing or
translation phase).

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Departmental Corrections

39. Corrections to previously submitted documents that are currently in process must
be submitted in track-changes.

40. For manuscripts containing a multitude of changes, the entire manuscript in track-
changes may be uploaded in its entirety as an MS Word file. Please select the
label ‘Departmental Correction’ at time of upload.

41. For corrections only affecting one page, a PDF (in track-changes) of the page
containing the alteration may be uploaded to gDoc. Please select the label
‘Departmental Correction’ at time of upload.

Overnight processing

42. Documents requiring overnight processing must be announced to DMS no later

than 13.00 hours (New York time) and submitted no later than 15.00 hours.
Please email the DMS front desk at [email protected] to notify us and initiate the
process. Unannounced documents submitted without prior notification will not be
processed with an overnight schedule. There are no exceptions to this policy.

43. Submitters are required to provide a cellphone number (or overnight contact
number) for the consulting official listed on the D2 for all overnight submissions.
This is important, as we may need to contact the consulting official for questions
and/or clarifications during the night.

44. In cases where mission-critical translation is required during periods of exigent

circumstances (e.g., early release from Headquarters owing to weather-related
conditions), it is the responsibility of the submitter to contact DMS as early as
possible (no later than 12.00) for the appropriate resources to be coordinated. All
other submissions will be processed during the next normal business day.

45. Should an urgent need arise to process and issue a document prior to a meeting
taking place the next morning, the Chief of DMS should be contacted by cell
phone in addition to email to avoid any potential delays.

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III. Submission of documents through gDoc 2.0
gDoc 2.0 registration

46. All documents submitted for processing are required to be submitted

electronically via gDoc. All submitters must register for access to gDoc. Please
note that gDoc only works correctly with MS Edge, Safari, Chrome or
Firefox browsers. Internet Explorer is not supported.

47. If you already have a gDoc account, then please skip to paragraph 48. Otherwise
please follow the simple steps below to create your account:

STEP 1: Please visit https://conferences.unite.un.org/uc/Account/Register

to sign up for an account.

STEP 2: Enter your name, email address, location, and select [gDoc 2.0]
from the application drop down list.

STEP 3: Enter any relevant remarks justifying the need for gDoc 2.0
access and then click the ‘Request Access’ button.

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48. Should you encounter any difficulties during registration and require additional
assistance or clarification, please email the DMS front desk at [email protected].

49. Your account will be activated by a gDoc 2.0 Administrator once your
information has been verified. As soon as your application has been approved,
you will receive an e-mail containing your approval verification along with login

gDoc submission process

50. This section assumes that you already have an active gDoc 2.0 account. If you do
not have a gDoc account, please see paragraph 47 above for instructions on how
to apply for one.

51. STEP 1: Log into gDoc 2.0, then click on the [Request] hyperlink in the left side
of the screen:

52. STEP 2: After clicking on [Request], you will be brought to your dashboard.
Here, you will be able to see your pending, current, and completed submissions.
To submit a new request, click on the [Create Document Request] button in the
upper right-hand corner of the dashboard:

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53. STEP 3: A ‘Create Document Request’ dialogue box will appear. Ensure that
your submitting office is correct. Also confirm that the duty station selected is
appropriate. Finally, select the correct type of document being submitted under
the ‘Request Type’ drop-down menu:

54. STEP 3A: For forecasted documents or other parliamentary submissions, please
select [Parliamentary]. A ‘Document Type’ drop-down menu will appear. Please
ensure that session type is correctly selected. If you have a forecast reference
number, please enter it into the ‘Forecast Ref#’ field. If you cannot recall your
forecast number, you may search for it by clicking the magnifying glass icon to
the right of the field:

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55. STEP 3B: For faircopy translations, publications, or other non-parliamentary
requests, please select [Non-Parliamentary]. A ‘Document Type’ drop-down
menu will appear. Please select [Miscellaneous] if NOT submitting a publication
request. A ‘Sub Type’ drop-down will appear. For faircopy translation requests,
please select [Faircopy Only], otherwise, select the most appropriate type for your

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56. STEP 3C: For eCorrespondence requests, please ensure ‘Request Type’ is set to
[Correspondence]. A ‘Document Type’ drop-down menu will appear. Please
choose from [Generic] or [Personalized]:

57. STEP 4: The following steps will now demonstrate creation of a Faircopy
Request. For specific information on submitting a forecasted document, please go
to paragraph 69. After selecting the appropriate types from each drop-down
menu, click on the [Create] button in the lower left-hand corner of the dialogue

58. STEP 5: A submission ‘Wizard’ consisting of 7 stages plus a summary will

appear on screen. The first step details submitting information as well as budget
type. The Location, Department, Division and Requestor fields will be
automatically populated based on your account credentials. If you are authorized

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to submit on another entity’s behalf, you may adjust the location, department, and
division fields accordingly.

59. STEP 6: Next, ensure that the ‘Author/Consulting Officer’ field is filled out with
whoever DMS can contact in the event questions arise. Additionally, ensure that
the ‘Authorizer’ field is populated, especially for extra-budgetary submissions.
Once each field has been populated, click on the [> Next step] button.

60. STEP 7: The second stage in the wizard requires the submitter to specify the
Author Department (organ). This is a mandatory field as denoted by the asterisk.
Please check the [Show All] box and enter the organ name or acronym. If nothing
appears, you may do an advanced search by clicking on the [magnifying glass]
icon button to the right of the field. For non-parliamentary documents, the

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‘Meeting (Session) Request #’ field may be left blank. Click on the [> Next step]
button to proceed.

61. STEP 8: The third stage will be specific to the type of submission you are
creating. As this example is for a faircopy document, step 3 will be labeled as
‘FaircopyOnly Requirements’. Please enter the Symbol, Title, Sub Title (if
applicable), Mandate, Mandate URL (if applicable), and Special Instructions.
Please note that mandatory fields are those denoted with an asterisk. Once the
mandatory fields have been populated, you may click on the [> Next step] button
to proceed.

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62. STEP 9: The fourth stage will now allow you to select the draft language(s) as
well as the target or destination languages. If you have more than one original
language within a single manuscript, select [Multilingual Single Version] from
the drop-down menu. If on the other hand, you have a manuscript submitted in
two original languages, such as original English as well as original Arabic, please
select [Multiple Original Versions]. Most submissions however are generally
comprised of a single original version which is what is demonstrated in the
following screenshot. Once you have selected your original and destination
languages, please click on the [> Next step] button.

63. STEP 10: The fifth stage will allow you to specify the date and time (time to be
implemented soon) you would like to have the translations completed by. Please
note that while DMS strives to ensure all requested completion dates are met, this
is not a guarantee, especially for ad-hoc or non-forecasted requests.

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64. STEP 11: The sixth stage in the wizard, labeled ‘File(s) for processing’ will
allow you to upload all relevant files for your submission. Please click on the
[Cloud with Arrow] symbol to open the file upload dialogue box.

65. Once the dialogue box appears, click on the [Select File] hyperlink in the upper
left corner to browse for your file. Once uploaded, please select the appropriate
category label. More information on category labels can be found on page 30. If
this file constitutes multiple parts, please enter the part number. Should you wish
to add a subject note, please do so in the ‘Subject’ text box. Please note that DMS

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requires MS Word files for manuscripts. Any other file types such as PDF will
require a justification before the system allows you to save.

66. Once your file(s) have been uploaded and saved, a box will appear showing you
the file’s relevant metadata. If satisfied, click on the [> Next step] button to

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67. STEP 12: The wizard’s seventh stage will now allow you to specify Distribution
and Output types, as well as confidentiality level. Please select the most
appropriate options based on the document being submitted. More information
regarding distribution and output types can be found on page 30. Click on the [>
Next step] button to proceed to the summary.

68. STEP 13: The summary page will now display all the choices made or entered in
the Wizard. Should you need to alter anything, please click on any one of the
stage numbers at the top. If you are satisfied, you may click [Save as Draft] or
[Submit]. Should you choose to save as draft, you may return to the dashboard
where you will see the request in draft status. If your document is extra-
budgetary, then please save as draft and then enter your funding information in
the [Finance] tab (see STEP 13A). If you click [Submit], the request will be sent
to DMS and the submission process is now complete.

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gDoc submission process (forecasted)

69. Submitting a forecasted document is very similar to the process used above for
faircopy documents. Please see STEP 3A at paragraph 54. Once a forecast
number has been entered, several fields in the Wizard will become pre-populated
with the information contained in the forecast. The fields that require manual
input are:
a. Special Instructions
b. Requested issuance date
c. Document Disposition
d. File upload
e. Distribution
f. Distribution Instruction
g. Output
h. Confidentiality

Extra-budgetary submissions

70. For documents that are extra-budgetary in nature, the budget type must be
specified in stage 1 of the submission wizard. Select [Extra Budgetary] from the
‘Budget Type’ drop-down menu:

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71. After completing the 7 wizard stages and are at the ‘Summary’ stage, please save
your request as a draft. If you inadvertently click on [Submit] before entering the
funding information, an error message will appear:

72. To enter funding information, click on the [Finance] tab in the upper left side of
the screen:

Continued on next page

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73. Once within the [Finance] tab, click on the [+] icon to add funding information.
A ‘Change Funding Information’ dialogue box will appear. Enter the correct fund
certifier and approver as well as select the most appropriate options related to
your fund. Click on the [Next] button when ready to proceed.

74. The next screen will now allow you to enter the fund specifics. Click on the
[Save] button once all fields have been filled.

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75. After all funding information has been entered, you may click on the [Submit]
button to send your request to DMS for action.

This area left blank

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Duplicating existing requests

76. To duplicate an existing submission, please open the request and click on the
three vertical dots located in the upper right-hand corner. Once the drop-down
menu appears, please click on [Duplicate]:

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77. Once the request has been duplicated, you will be presented with a new [DRAFT]
document. The symbol and title will have the word Duplicate followed by a
string of numbers following it. To update any fields in the new duplicated request,
simply click on the [Pencil] icons circled in red below.

78. For example, to update Symbol 1, please click on the [Pencil] icon in the box that
says Faircopy Only. Upon doing so, a ‘Change General Info’ window will
appear. Once done, please hit the [Save] button to continue and close the window.

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Submission categories

79. There are currently 13 (TBD) document submission categories in gDoc. These are
briefly described as follows:

(a) Original submission: Used to indicate that the document being submitted
is for processing by DGACM and that there are no foreseeable corrections
or other changes pending to the document as submitted.

(b) Advance submission: Used to indicate that the document is being

submitted for advanced processing with the likelihood of changes and/or
additions being sent later. The document will be processed and held until
cleared for final processing by the submitting office (to be used sparingly).

(c) Final submission: Used to indicate that the document being submitted
was originally submitted as an advance submission. This file is now
considered final with no future corrections or alterations to come. Please
do not use the [Original Submission] category label if the document was
previously submitted as an Advance Submission.

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(d) Charts/slides/tables: Used to indicate that the document being submitted
consists only of charts, slides or tables.

(e) Departmental correction: Used to indicate that the document being

submitted is a correction from the department to a previously submitted
document. Please note that only the page(s) with the corrections clearly
marked should be uploaded as a correction. Please also use the remarks
box to indicate the affected paragraphs and/or pages, for instance, “corr on
page 17”.

(f) Instructions: Used to indicate that the document being submitted contains
instructions for DMS. This document category should be used if the
“Special Instructions” fields in the D2 or the “Comments” field in the
Filedesk dialogue are found to be inadequate for the length of instructions

(g) Reference: Used to indicate documents that are to be used as reference

material in support of standard, advance, reissue, pink ticket and echelon

(h) Reissue submission: Used to indicate that the document being submitted
constitutes a reissue for technical reasons, effectively replacing a
previously issued version of the document.

(i) Pink-ticket submission: Used to indicate that the document being

submitted should be processed with some urgency. Please do not select
this option for overnight requests (primarily for Security Council).

(j) Replacement text: Used to indicate that the document being submitted is
a full replacement for a previously submitted text.

(k) Replacement charts/slides/tables: Used to indicate that the document

being submitted is a full replacement for previously submitted charts,
slides or tables.

(l) Do not use this file: Used to indicate discontinued use of a file that was
previously uploaded. Please do not send files labelled as such to DMS.

(m)Other: Used to indicate any document category not available in the list of
current options. Please make sure you provide a short description of the
file in the comments box.

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IV. Important contact information in DMS

Documents Management Section (DMS)

Name Extension Cell Phone Room
1. DURRANCE, Deirdre (Chief) 7-5409 (917) 716-8128 S-12FWS
2. SANGEY, Dawa
3-3924 (917) 520-3659 S-12FWS
(Documents Management Officer)
3. RANA, Masud
7-2141 (917) 403-7785 S-12FWS
(Documents Management Officer)
4. RIVAS, Carlos
3-8004 (551) 243-1044 S-12FWS
(Documents Management Officer)
Senior Document Management
Assistants and Team Leads
(646) 719-5592 /
5. ABRAHAM, Manny 7-5793 S-12FWS
(917) 538-7643
6. DANYO-RIVERA, Marina 3-6591 (718) 598-5011 S-12FWS
7. SARTE, James 3-4053 (212) 844-9842 S-12FWS
(914) 310-4046 /
8. STAMBULI, Margareth 3-0896 S-12FWS
(914) 668-4621
Documents Management
9. COLACO, Tina 3-6543 TBD S-12FWS
10. DESINOR, Lesly 7-2271 (718) 637-9061 S-12FWS
11. EMBABI, Hala 3-0476 (646) 763-5280 S-12FWS
12. MCGRADE, Ilene 3-1014 (917) 582-5466 S-12FWS
13. NITTI, David 3-1817 (862) 812-3001 S-12FWS
14. PLASOTA, Monika 3-6577 (917) 539-5179 S-12FWS
15. SMITH, Wensley 3-1543 (347) 413-2331 S-12FWS
16. VORAUER, Bileena 3-0609 (917) 293-4640 S-12FWS
(917) 854-6110 / S-12FWS
17. YI, Pyone Pyone (Kay) 3-0888
(201) 766-2362
Front Desk
18. DMS Front Desk 3-6579 / 7-5895 N/A
19. DMS E-mail [email protected] N/A

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V. Annexes
I. Guidelines for circulation of letters

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II. Note verbale requesting submissions in Word

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III. Procedures for Approval/Clearance of Reports to the Secretary-

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IV. About the author

80. The present document is authored by the Documents Management Section (New
York) of the Department for General Assembly and Conference Management. To
send any suggestions or comments regarding this guide, please send an e-mail to
[email protected].

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